Hp Car Stereo System 3490A Users Manual
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o .(D s c L o P E R A T 7:' ;s, ruG AFiä3 s € R t v t # f f i M A r ug-FA l- MUITIM ETER ;;:'' tt,,,,t, 349:04 ?i'-" ';i: ' ; HEWLETT PACKARD T !-, ö . , A (o. D=.' HEWLE"WPACKARD C ER T IF IC A T O I tII The Hewlett-Paclnrd Companycertifins that this instrammt was thoroughly tested,ond.inspectedand fourd to meet its pu,blished specificationswhm it wasshippedlrom the factorU.The HewlettPaclard Com,panyfurther certifies tlmt its calibration rneo$rem,mts are traceableto the U.S. Natiornl Bureau of Standardsto tlrc ertmt allowed by the Brneau's calibrationfacility. W A R R A ] T TAYT D A S S I S T A I T C E All Hewlett-Packardproducts are warranted against defects in materialsand workrnanship."'This warranty appliesfor one year from the date of delivery, or, in'the caseof certain major components listed in the operating manual,for the specifiedperiod.We will repair or replaceproductswhich prove to be defectiveduring the warranty period providedthey are returned to HewlettPackard.No other warranty is expressedor implied. We are not liable for consequentialdamages. Servicecontractsor customerassistanceagreementsare available for Hewlett-Packardproductsthat require maintenanceand repair on-site. For any assistance, contactyour nearestHewlett-PackardSalesand ServiceOffice. Addressesare providedat the back of this manual. v OPERATING AITDSERYICEMAIIUAI ManualPartNo. 03490-90014 MicrofichePartNo. 03490-90064 M O D E3L4 9 0 A M UtTIM ETER The main body of this manualappliesto SerialPrefix 1211A !;:,' ;.t; .: :i; : -: '. !:.. " :::: Any changesmade in instrumentsmanufacturedafter this printing will be found in a "Manual Changes"supplement supplied with this manual. Be sure. to examine this supplement,if one exists for this manual, for any changes which apply to your instrument and recordthesechangesin the manual. Backdatinginformationfor instrumentsmanufactured before this printing will be found in SectionVIII. CopyrightHewlett-Pack afi Company| 972 P.O.Box 301, l,oveland,Colorado 80537 U.S.A Printed:APRIL 1974 Tableof Contents Model3490A TABLE O FCONTENTS Section GENERALINFORMATION... I. Introduction l-1. l - 5 . S p e c i f i c a t i o .n.s. . l-8. Options l-10. AccessoriesSupplied l-12. AccessoriesAvailable l-14. Instrument and Manual Identification Page ......I-1 ...1-l .'-.l-l -......1-1 ...1-l ...1-1 ......1-2 Page Section . . . . . .2-I . . A N D I N T E R F A C E INSTALLATION II. ..-2-l Introduction 2-l....2-l 2-3. Initiallnspection.. - . .2-l 2-5. PowerRequirements . . . . . ..2-l P o w e r C o r d s a n d R e c e p t a c l e s 2-8. 2 - 1 0 . G r o u n d i n g R e q u i r e m e n t s. ... . . . . - . . 2 - 1 2-14. EnvironmentalRequirements . . . . - . . . 2-l ....2-2 2-16. Installation -...2-2 2-17. BenchUse -...2-2 . . . . R a c k M o u n t i n g . . . . 2-19. .... -...2-2 2-21. Installationofoptions IsolatedData OutPut 2-23. O p t i o n0 2 1 ( - h p l l l 2 l A ) . . . . . . . . 2 - 2 Isolated Remote OPtionO22 2-25. ---..2-2 (hpllr22{). 2 - 2 7 . O p t i o n 0 5 0 a n d O p t i o n 0 6. .0 . . . . . - 2 - 3 ...'....2-3 2-29. InterfaceConnections .. . -2:2 021 OPtion Data Output 2-30. 2 - 3 2 . R e m o t e C o n t r o l O p t i o0n2 2 . . . . . - . - 2 - 3 . . .24 RearInput 2-34. GeneralPurposeInterfaceBus 2-36. ...'-..24 Connections ......2-6 2-38. InterfaceCableLength TriggerConnections, 24O .......2-8 GPIBOption030 -'-'' 242. Sample/HoldConnections, . .. . .. . .2-8 O p t i o nU O | O 4 | .....2-9 246. RepackagingforShipment Page Section .. . . ..3-I Iil. INSTRUCTIONS. OPERATING ...3-1 3-1. Introduction --...'.3-l 3-3. InstrumentCapabilities ....'...3-1 3-4Standardlnstrument 3-6. Output and RemoteControl Options .3-l 3-9. Sample/HoldOption 040 or &15 . ' . .3-1 .. .. . . . .3-l 3-ll. R a t i oO p t i o n0 8 0 . . 3-13. Front and RearPanelDescription . - . . -3-l 3 - 1 5 . M a d m u m l n p u t V o l t a g .e. s. . . . . . . . . 3 - l 3 - 1 7 . G e n e r aO l p e r a t i n g l n s t r u c t i o n. s- . . . . . 3 - 2 ......3-2 3-18. Turn-OnandWarm-Up .....3'2 3-20. Guarding . .t.s . . . . . - . 3 - 2 3 - 2 4 . F l o a t i n g M e a s u r e m .e. n 3-26. OverrangeMeasurements. . . . . . . . . - 3-3 ........3-3 3-28. Overloadlndication ...-....3-3 3 - 3 0 . R a n g e l n d i c a t i o. n . ........3-3 3-32. Functionlndication SectionIII (cont'd) Page ........3-3 3-34. Autoranging ......3-3 3-36. ManualTrigger ....3-3 3-38. Self-TestOperation . .t.s. . . . . . 3-3 3 4 0 . D C V o l t a g e M e a s u r e m .e. n DC SampleRate and 342. ....34 ResponseTime. .. .. ... .34 I n p u t R e s i s t a n c. .e . 344. 346. ACVoltageMeasurements .....34 348. AC SampleRate and ....34 ResponseTime. ...34 3-50. FrequencyRange. ........34 3 - 5 2 . I n p u t l m p e d a n c. .e ........34 3-54. HarmonicDistortion . . . . . . . . . . . .34 Measurements 3-56. Resistance ........3-5 3 - 5 8 . I n p u t C o n n e c t i o n. s 3-60. Ohms SignalVoltageand Current . . . . 3-5 3-62OhmmeterSampleRate and ....3-5 ResponseTime. 3-64. External Trigger(Option 020) . . .. . . . . 3-5 . . .3-5 3-66. Data Output (Option O2l) . . . . . . 3-5 3-68. Output Signalsand l,evels . . . . .34 3-71. Input Sigralsand hvels . .. . . . .3-6 3-73. Data Output Isolation 3-75. RemoteControl(Option 022) .. .. . . . .34 3 - 7 7 . I n p u t S i g n aRl e q u i r e m e n.t.s. . . . . . . 3 4 ......36 3-79. OutputSignals 3-81. RemoteProgrammingProcedure . . . .34 3-83. RemoteControl of Test Function . . .34 . . . .34 3-85. RemoteControl Isolation 3-81. GeneralPurposeInterfaceBus ........3-7 I / O ( O p t i o n 0 3 0.) . . . .3-7 3-90. GPIB Bus Signals 3-101. Talk Only (No Controller) . . . . . . . . . 3-8 .. . . .3-8 3 - 1 0 3 . G P I BC o n t r o lo f 3 4 9 0 A . . . 3-13 3-131. GPIB OperatingExample ': 3-136. Control by Marked Card .....-3-14 Programmer 3-139. Sample/HoldMeasurements . . . .3-15 ( O p t i o n0 4 0 o r 0 4 5 ) . . 3-140. Definition of Sample/HoldTerms . . . 3-15 3-152. SpecialS/H Operating ......3-16 C o n s i d e r a t i o. .n. s. 3-156. Guard Connectionin Sample/Hold ......3-16 M e a s u r e m e.n. t. s. . . .. .3-16 3-158. Input SignalLimitations 3-160. Sample/HoldTriggerSignal .....'3-16 R e q u i r e m e .n. t. s. . 3-165. Initiating a Sample/Hold .... -3-17 Measurement 3 - 1 7 3 . U s i n g t h eT r a c k / H o l d M o d e. . . . . . . 3 - 1 8 3-179. Using the Acquire/HoldMode . . . . .3-20 3-182. Using 50 Hz or 60 Hz Power Source . 3-21 (Option080). . . .3-21 3-184. Ratio Measurements Veo l t a g e s- - - . . . . 3 - 2 1 R e f e r e n c E x t e r n a l 3-186. .......3-21 3 - 1 8 8 . I n p u t C o n n e c t i o n. s ......3'21 3-190. RatioDisplaY .' - - -3-21 3-192. RatioMeasurementProcedure iii Table of Contents Model34904 (Gont'd) TABLE0F C0NTENTS Section page Page SectionIV (cont'd) IV. T H E O R Y O F O P E R A T I .O N ........4-I 4 - 1 3 0P . o w e r S u p p l i .e. s. ...4-15 4-1. Introduction ...4-l 4-132.Self-TestFunction ....4-16 4-3. General Theoryof Operation . . .4-l 4 - 1 3 4 . L o g i c T e s t , NIo .. ..+16 4-5. SignalConditioningCircuits . . . . . . . . 4-l + 1 3 7 . l O V R a n g e Z e r o , T e s t2N .o... . . . + 1 7 4-7. ReferenceVoltages ...4-l 4-139. TurnoverError, TestNo.3 . ....... 4-17 4-9. D CA m p l i f i e r ...... .4-l +141. f ReferenceCheck,Te4 stN . . .o. . 4 - 1 7 4-ll. Analog-to-Dgital Converter. . . . .. . . 4-l 4 - 1 4 3 . 0 . 1V R a n g e Z e r o , T e s t N 5 o. . . . . . 4 - 1 7 4 - 1 3 . L o g r c. ......4-l 4-145. x.0l Atten.,x 100Gain, 4-15. Display ......4:2 TestNo.6.... ..4-17 4-17. Rangeand FunctionControl . . . - . . . 4-2 + 1 4 7 . O h m sR e f e r e n c e , T e s t7N.o. . . . . . 4 - 1 7 4-19. DC AnalogCircuits .. - .4-2 4-149.BCDRemoteExpandOption020 4 : 2 1 . I n p u t A t t e n u a t.o. r ........4-z (FigureT-31) .....4-t7 4 - 2 3 . D CA m p l i f i e r . ..... .+3 4-150. OutguardPowerSupply - . . .4-l,l 4 - 2 5 . D CA m p l i f i eGr a i n. ... .....4-3 4-152. IsolatedTriggerandHold . . . zt-18 4-27. SwitchingCircuits ....4-3 4-154. Sample/HoldTriggerCircuits . .. .. . 4-18 4-29. BootstrapCircuit ....4-3 4-158.DataOutputOption021 .. . . .4-18 4-31. Reference Voltages . . .4-3 + 1 6 0 . D a t a M u l t i p l e x. e. r s .......4-18 4-33. OverloadProtection ........43 4-162. DataOutputSequential Logic ..... 4-18 4 - 3 5 . L e a k a gCeo n t r o l .....43 4-164. DataClock . . +lg 4-37. DC AmplifierAuto Zero . . . . .4-3 +166. Isolation Assembly . .4-18 4-39. Integrator Circuits . .. . .4-s 4 - 1 6 8 . S h i f t R e g i s t e. .r.s. .......4-19 440. Dual-Slope Integration .. .,..4-s +170. DataFlag ...+19 42. IntegratingAmplifier .......4-5 4-172.PrinterHold. ......+19 4 44. x 20 Amplifiet-.. . . .M 4-174.Remote ControlOption022 . .. . . .. .+19 446. ZeroDelectAmplifier ......M 4-176. Circuitlsolation -...+19 4-48. ElectronicSwitch ....M +178. RemoteEnable ...-.+19 4-50. Integrator Auto Zero . . - ... .44 4-180. OutguardMultiplexer ......+19 4-52. AC Converter . . .44 4-182. RemoteSequential Logrc . . - 4-19 4-54. AC Attenuators .. ...44 4 - 1 8 4 . P r o g r aF ml a g . ... -.+19 4-56. ConverterAmplifier ........44 +186. DataClock . .4-20 4-58. RectifierandFilter . . . +7 4 - 1 8 8 . S h i f tR e g i s t e r s .....4-20 440. OhmsConverter.... . ...*7 +19O. Local/RemoteMultiplexers . ......4-20 442. CunentSource ......4-7 4-192. Local/RemoteFlip-Flop ....+2O 444. Ohmmeter PowerSupply . . . .4-7 ," 4:194. DataFlag . . .4-20 4-66. OhmmeterReference .......+g 4-196.GeneralPurpose InterfaceBus 448. InputProtection... ..+9. I/O (Option030) . .. .. . . .4-20 4 : 7 0 . D s p l a yA s s e m b(lF y i g u r7e- 2 7 ) . . . . . . . 4 4 +198. GPIBSystem ......4-20 4 - 7 1 . D i s p l aUy n i t s. ......4-g 4-201. BasicTheoryof GPIBI/O Circuits . . +21 4-73. ScanGenerator.... ........+g 4-204. GPIBSystemOperation . . . .4-21 4-75. ScanDecoder .......4-8 4-212. Sample/Hold Option040 or 045 . . . . .4-22 4-77. PolarityDisplay .....4-8 +214. Track/Hold Mode. . .4-22 4-79. DecimalsandAnnunciators . . . . . . . . 4-B + 2 1 6 . A c q u i r e / H o l d M o.d e ......4-22 4 - 8 1 . I n g i c C i r c u i t. s. . . ....4-8 4-218. Sample/HoldMeasurement 442. Clock. ......43 Sequence ..+22 444. DataCounter .......+9 4-221. Sample/HoldAnalogCircuits ... ...4-23 4-86. Buffers ......+9 4-228. Sample/Hold LogicCircuits . . . . . . . +25 +88. TimingCounter . .. . . +9 4-90. AlgorithmicStateMachine. . . . . . . . +ll Section Pase 4-105. InputPolarityStorage .. . . . 4_12 V . M A I N T E N A N C. .E. ... . s]r 4-107. TransferandZeroDetect . . . 4-12 5-1. Introduction .....5-l 4-113. OverloadStorage ...+13 5-3. RecommendedTestEquipment. .. ... .. . 5-l +l15. DCSwitching Logic. . . +13 5-5. TestRecord .....5-l +117. ReferenceSupplies ...+13 5-7. PerformanceTests. ......5-l 4 - 11 8 . V o l t a gMe e a s u r e m e.n. .t .s . . . . . . . + 1 3 5-9. DCVoltmeterAccuracyTest.. ...5-l +122. RatioMeasurements 5-l l. AC VoltmeterAccuracyTests. . . . 5-l ( O p t i o n 0 8 0. ) ....+14 5 - 1 5 .O h m m e t e r A c c u r a c y T e s t s . . . . . . - 5 - 2 +118. FrontPanelSwitching . ... . . .4-15 5-16. PreferredMethod ......5-2 ir- Model3490A Table of Contents rABLEOFCONTENTS (Cont,d) Page Section SectionV (cont'd) page VII. TROUBLESHOOTING Method AND Ätemate . . ... .5-2 5-18. CIRCUITDIAGRAMS .......7-l 5 - 2 O - D 0 C o m m o n - M o d e R e j e c t i o. .n. T . . e. 5s-t2 7-1. Introduction 5 - 2 2 .A 9 C o m m o n - M o d e R e j e c t i o n . .T. .e. .s5t 4 ...7-l 7-3. Preliminary Troubleshooting Rejection Test.. ......54 ... ... . . .7-l 5-24-AC Normal-Mode 7'5. TroubleshootingTrees ........7-l 5-26.DcVoltmeterlnput 7-7- Access for Servicing Test.. Resistance .. . .7-l .... .54 7--9. PowerSupplyChecks 5-28.AcVoltmeterlnput ........7-l ImpedanceTest. ....7-2 .....S-5 7-13.DCAnalogCircuits 7-15- ,{2 Assembly Exchange 5-30. Sampli/HoldPerformance . . . . .7-2 7-17- DCAmplifierChecks (Option04OlO45) .......7-2 .....5-5 7-22. DC AmplifierSwitchingCircuits. . . . .7-3 5-32. Sample/Hold DCMeasurement 7-25. ReplacementofQCR3Ol ....7-3 AccuracyTest.. ......54 5-34. Sample/Hold CircuitChecks. .. . .7-3 Response Test 7-27. A-to-DConversion ... ..5-6 5 - 3 6 .R a t i o P e r f o r m a n c e ( O p t i o n 0.8. .0. .)..5. - 7 7 1 1 . I n t e g r a t o r T r o u b l e s h o.o. .t.i .n. g. . . . 7 4 5-38. DC/DCRatioAccuracyTests 737' OhmsConverterTroubleshootlng.....74 541. AClDCRatioAccuracyTest .....5-g 543- ExternalReferenceinput !t4z' 1 9 D i s p l a y T r o u b l e s h o o. .t.i.n. .g. . . . . . 7 - s LogicTroubleshooting ResistanceTest.. .....5-8 .. . . . 545. GPIBOperational (Option .. .7-5 Check 030) .. .5-8 -t4ö,6 _ Suggestions Data Output Troubleshooting 547. General TestProcedure . .-. . . . . 5-l I (OptionO2l) . 549. TestProcedure . . . . .7-5 Using 7-50. Remote ControlTroubleshooting Model98204Calcrilator . . . . . 5-l l ( O p t i o n O 2 2. ) 5 - 5 1 .A d j u s t m e n t P r o c e d u r e s . . . . . . . . 5 - 1 4 .....7-5 t-)2' GPIBTroubleshooting 5-53.PowerSupplyAdjustment ......5-14 ( O p t i o n 0 3 0. ) 5 - 5 5D . CZeroAdjustments.. .......5-15 .....'l-5 GeneralChecks 5 - 5 7 .R e f e r e n c e A d j u s t m e n t s . . . . . . . . S - 1 5 ......7-s !-)5' 5-59. DC AmplifierAdjustments E x t e r n a l T r i g g e i C i r c u i t C h. .e. c. .k7.4 561. ACCorrverterAdjustments .....5-15 !'t7' 563. lVRangeAdjüstments ......s-15 1-t?'sample/HoldSJrvicing ........74 544. l0VRangeAdjustments A c c e s s t o S a m p l e / H o l d C i .r.c. u. .i7t s4 !-bu' .....5-16 743' 5-65. 100V RangeAäjustments Operating the3490Awith . . . . 5-16 5-66.OhmmeterAdjustments.. ......5-16 Sample/HoldAssembliesRemoved..T6 5-69.Sample/HoldAdjustments. .....5-16 Sample/HoldTroubleshootingTrees...T4 !t2 t4'1. RatioTroubleshooting 5-71. OffsetGainAdjustment . . .. . . ..7-8 . .. .. .5-16 7495-73. OffsetAdjustment. ExternalReference Amplifier . . .5-17 5-75. Dielectric Checks. Absorption . . . .7A Adjustment. .. .5-17 5 - 7 7 . R e s p o nA se d j u s t m e .n. t. . . . . . S - i At ^ ' 7'73. 5-79. RatioReference Reference PolarityLogicChecks. . . . 7-8 Adjustments . . .5-lg r. 7-75. SchematicNores. .....7_g 7'77. LogicGateSymbols . . . .7-g Section page VI. REPLACEABLEPARTS ......6-I SCCtiON PAgE 6-1. Introduction ...6:l V l I . B A C K D A T I N .G. . . ... .8_l 6-1 Orderinglnformation ........6_l g_1. Introduction .....g_l 6 - 6 . N o n - L i s t e d p a .r t s g _ 3 . C h a n gSee q u e n c e .....6-l ........ g_l 6-8. ProprietaryParts. g-5. partsNotUsted. .....6-l ........g_l APPENDICES A. CodeList of Manufacturers B. SalesandService Offices Model34904 Table of Contents L I S TO FI L L U S T B A T I O N S Page Figure Figure Page 2-1. Line Voltage Selection . . .2-l 4-23. WaveformsIllustrating . .s .......2-l 2 - 2 . P o w e r C o r d C o n f i g u r a t i .o. n Acquire/HoldMode. ......4-22 2-3. Model3490ADimensions ......2-2 4-24. Simplified Diagramand 24. Installation of IsolatedBCD Output O p e r a t i o n oSf / H C i r c u iAt . . . . ....4-23 . . .. . .. .2-3 a n d R e m o t eO p t i o n s 4-25. SimplifiedDiagramof S/H Circuit B . . . . .. .. .4-24 2 - 5 . D a t aO u t p u t C o n n e c t i o nOsp, t i o n0 2 1 . . . . . . . . 2 4 4-26. Aebctric Absorption Compensation. . . . . . - . . 4-25 2-6. RemoteInput Connections, Option 022 ... . . . . 2-5 4-27. Sample/Hole Logic Block Diagram .. . .... . . . 4-25 2-7. RearlnputConnectorandCable .......2-6 4-28. Block Diagramof S/H Timing 2-8. InterfaceBus Cables . . . .2-6 andTriggerCircuits .......4-26 2-9. GeneralPurposeInterfaceBus Connections.. . . .2-J 4-29. Sample/HoldTriggerTiming . . .4-26 2-10. Tigger Connections,GPIB Option 030 . . .. . . . .2-8 4 - 3 0 . S a m p l e / H o l d M e a s u r e mS ee nq t u e n c e. . . . - . . . + 2 8 2-l I . TriggerConnectionsS/H Option 045 . . . - . . . . . . 2-8 4-31. Sample/HoldSimplified Diagramand 3-1. Front and RearPanel . . . . 3-0 M e a s u r e m eSn et q u e n c e ....+29 3-2. Connectingthe Guard . . .3-2 5-1. AC Voltmeter High Frequency 3 - 3 . O h m m e t e r l n p u t C o n n e c t i o. n s ........3-5 AccuracyTest.. .....5-2 (Option 020) ... . .. . 3-5 34. ExternalTriggerSequence 5 - 2 . D C C o m m o n - M o dRee j e c t i o n T e s t .....5-3 5-3. AC Common-ModeRejectionTest 3-5. Option 021 Printout . . . .3-6 . . . . .54 5 4 . A C N o r m a l - M o dRee j e c t i o n T e s. .t 3-6. RemoteProgramSequence(Option 022) . . . . . .3-7 ..... 5-5 5 - 5 . D C V o l t m e t e r l n p u tR e s i s t a n cTee s t . . . . . . . . . . 5 - 5 3-7. Position of JumperWireson Outguard 5 - 6 . A C V o l t m e t e Irn p u tI m p e d a n cTee s t. . . . . . . . . . 5 - 6 Mother Board AssemblvA31 3-8 5-7. Sample/HoldResponse - . .5-7 Test . 3-8. Timing Diagram,3490A Addressedto Listen . . 3-l I 5-8. External ReferenceInput 3-9. Timing Diagram,3490A Addressedto Talk . . . .3-12 ResistanceTest.. ....5-9 3-10. ExampleofMarked CardProgramming. . . . . .. 3-15 5-9. Location of Adjustments, 3-1l. Typical Responseto a Step ....5-14 Standard3490A InputVoltage.... ..3-18 5 - 1 0 . L o c a t i o no f S a m p l e / H o l d A d j u s t m e n.t.s . . . . . 5 - 1 7 3 - 1 2 .D i $ t i z i n g a R a m p .....3-19 5 - l l . L o c a t i o no f R a t i oA d j u s t m e n t s .......5-18 3-13. UsingDelayed-Sweep Oscilloscopein R a m p L i n e a r i t y M e a s u r e m e n. t. s ..6-30 ...3-20 6 - 1 . C h a s s i s P a r t.s 3-14. Filter Output Measurement . . . .3-2O ...6-31 G 2 . B i n d i n g P o sAts s e m b l y. . . . 3-l 5. Measurementof a Step Input . . . 3-21 ......G31 6-3. SwitchAssembly 3 - 1 6 .R a t i o l n p u t C o n n e c t i o n s . .....3-21 . .. . .7-3 7 - 1 . S w i t c h i n gI n p u t st o A 2 U 2 . 4 - 1. D u a l - S l o p e I n t e g r a t i o n ...4-1 ........1-3 7-2. SwitchingOutputsofAlU4Ol 4-2. BasicDiagramandOperation..... .....1"2 ........7-7 .:7-3. Sample/HoldAssembly 4-3. SimplifiedDiagram,DCAmplifier ......4-3 14. deneralTroubleshootingTree ....7-ll17-12 44. Measurement .. . ... - .44 iL' l-5. DC Ana1osTroubleshootins Sequence Tree .] -1317-14 4-5. Simplified Diagram,IntegratorCircuits . . . . - . . . 4-6 j 4. AC ConveiterTroubleshoolingTree . . . . . i,-1511-16 4-6. Simplified Diagram,AC Converter. . . . . . . . . . . .4-7 7-7. OhmsConverterTroubleshootingTree . . .7-17 17-18 4-1. SimplifiedDiagram,OhmsConverter..........4-8 7-9. DisplayTroubleshootingTree ....|.-1917-20 4-8. Block Diagram,Clock and Counters j-9. Loeic Test TroubleshootingTree . . . .4-9 . .7-2117-22 4-9. TypicalStateMachineBlockDiagram ...4-g 7-tO.I_ofibClockTroubleshooti"ngTree.......l-2317-24 4-10. Block Diagram,Main Logic 7-l l. Data Output TroubleshootingTree ASMFlowChart. ...4-10 ..1-2517-26 option}2l .. 4-l l. Block Diagram,Main Logic Circuits . . . .4-11 Tree, 7-12. RemoteTroubleshooting 4-12. Block Diagram,QualifierMultiplexer . .4-12 . .i-2717-28 option 022 . . 4-13. Simplified Diagram,Reference 7-13. GPIB I/O TroubleshootingTree, and Ratio Circuits . . .4-13 . .7-2917-30 Option 030 . . 4-14. SimplifiedDiagram,External 7-14. Sample/HoldGeneralTroubleshooting Reference . . 4-14 Circuits Tree . . .1-3117-32 4-15. Input BiasCompensation . . . . . .4-15 7-15. Sample/HoldLogic Troubleshooting 4 - 1 6 .R e f e r e n c e P o l a r i t y L o g i c . .....4-15 .1-3317-34 T r e e. . 4 - 1 7 .P o w e r S u p p l y B l o c k D i a g r .a. m ....7-35 .....4-16 . 7 - 1 6 .R a t i o T r o u b l e s h o o t i n g T r e e 4 1 8 . D a t a O u t p u t T i m i n g D i a g r a m ( O p t i o n 0 2. l.). 4 - 1 8 ....7-36 7 - 1 7 .L o c a t i o n o A f s s e m b l i e. s. . 4-19. RemoteControl Timing Diagram . .7-37 7-18. 3490A Block Diagram ( O p t i o n0 2 2 ) . .....7-38 .....4-19 7 - 1 9 .R e f e r e n cDee s i g r a t i o n. .s 4-20. T1'picalBus System 7-20. SchematicDiagram,DC Amplifier . . . .4-20 .7-391740 4 - 3 1 . S a m p l e i H o lC d i r c u i rP o s i t i o n C i r c u i t s ,A l , A 2 a n dS w i t c h i n g . .4-22 -1-ll. \\'aveformsIllustrating 7-21. SchematicDiagrant,Integratorand Track'Hold\{ode. ...74117-42 T r , r o D e t e c t C i r c u i t s ., .A. l ..+22 '.; Model3490A TableofContents L I S T0 F t L L U S T R A T | 0(N CS ont,d) Figure Page 7-22. SchematicDiagram, Referenceand Ratio Circuits,Al, Al3 7431:144 7-24. SchematicDiagram,Main Logic, Al . . . . .745;1746 7-23. SchematicDiagram, Clock a n d C o u n t e r s , A l. . ...7_47174g 7-25. SchematicDiagram, DC Switchins L o g i c , A l. . . . . : . ' -7-26. SchematicDiagram,power Suppli€s, 41, A8 Figure 7-i+. schematic Diagram, sample/Hold A n a l o s C i r c uAi t2s7, ' . . . . . . . 7-35. Schematiö Diagram, Sample/Hold L o g i c C i r c u i t : , 1 2 S . ... . . 7-36. BlockDagram,3490A GPIB I/O Circuits. 7-37. schem.li;;i;;;;; ii*,. p;;;;;'' Page .7_671j_6g ...7_6917_70 - . . 7-71t i -72 andROMAssy,s,A34,A36 :. .-.-.. . . .7_7317_74 7-38. Schematic Diagram, Diagram, GpIBIsolation o, :. . . . . äl',i_]l 7-?7. l+e;atic ?ror"r, A s s e m b l iAe 3s 0 . ,A35 7-28. SchematicDiagram,Function. -. . ... . .7_7517_76 7-39. Schematic Diagram,OutguardDu;; Range,and SampleRateSwitches,AS .7_5517_56 andROMAssemblies, ACConverter, A32, A33 e.S--. . .7_5717-Sg 740. 222. l*" aticDagram, 7_7717_78 Schematic 7-30. Schematic Diagram,OutluarJ' Diagram, OhmsConveri"r, --' .7_5917_60 X 7-3I. Schematic MotherBoard,fil .: Diagram, ExternalTrissei' . .7-7glt_80 8-1 . Component Ag, A2), A2g,A37:. j_6117_62 Location,41 1, SerialNo. - _Circuits, 7-32. khematic Diagram,DataOutput l2ltA0[55and.Lowr; ....... ... 8_3 8-2. Option Schematic 021, A9, A10, Diugru., Al I Assembly. Al5: -' '. '. . .7-6317_64 ^. 7-33. Schematic Diagram, Seriat Remotetnpui No. r2lr/r}fiss anJi;;er ...... . . 84 Option022, AII, AI2, Ali . . .7_651746 TISTOFTABTES Table 1 - 1 . S p e c i f i c a t i o n. .s. . . . Page Table ,^X t-2. c.n.turrnior*;!;; ... :... !-5. GainDelayRelationship 5-1. Recommendear.rt | Option050 and pari nq'uip.;;; ? QRtionOAO Ctran;;, . . . . . .2_3 5 - 2 . D C V o l t m e t e r A c c u r a c y : . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5_0 purpose Interface :-.'.. Brrä;;;täs ?-? General .....2_7 5 - 3 . A C V o l t m e t e r A c c u r a c:y: . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 _ l ................... 5_3 l-1 MaximumVoltages .....3:2 54. Ohmmeter l ea t ea n d R e s p o n Accuracy i i r .n r . . . : . . . . . . . . . 3 4 1-?. SampR 5-5. AlternateOhmmeter 3-3. DstortionError AccuracyTest . . . . 5_3 s6. sample/HoldDCeccuracyäL;": .....s_6 5 7 . D C / D C R a t i o A c c u fräar. iv- . a ln e m o n i c s . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . 3 _ 7 2 - : c f l n S i g nM 5 - 8 . A C / D C R a t i o A c c u r a " y f . r. i. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 _ 7 3-6. AddressCodes . , """"3-9 .... 5_8 s - e . p o w e r S u p p l v v o l t ü ; ; .. :... 3-7. Programü;.. : 1 . ' . .: . . . . . . . . . . . . . s _ l s .-310 5 - 1 0 .O h m m e t e r ' A d j u s t m e n t 3 -8 . Ab t i , t y ; i ö ö r 6l " rä ,o i c,i i rl ' G l . R e p l a c e a b t e p.ä. ..r ..t .s..:.. . . -: .:... . .. .. ... . . . 5 _ 1 6 a Ramp or Sine Wave . -S/H .....6_2 -,^..7-1.._.power 3-9. Initiating SupplyVoltages Measurements and byExternalTriggering CurrentLimitValues . .....3_17 ......7_1 3 - 1 0 ._ MaximumAcquisiiön P o w e r S u p p l y J l T p " r w i.r.e. .s. . . tin gj 1Sät T2 ...7_2 7-3. AC ReedRetayChäcks.-. StepIäput fiTr for Full_Range . . . . . . . : : . . . . . . . . .74 . . . .3_tg 3 - 11 . ^Ratio Polarity Disolav" c o m p o n eSnpt a c i n g .. .. .. ..... . ... . .74 "'3-21 7 1 Data + 1 . ACAdiG;;üffi'" Output.irouUierhooti"g . np, T: +2. P o r a r i r y ; R ; , t " ü ' ä ; ; . ; ; ; , 74. Alphabetical . . . . . . . . "f . . . . . 34tö; ü;rmonir, . . .7_to f r z +3. Analog Tests . J,istins 7-7. Atphabetical Listini;itrö;ä;ö' "'4-16 4. ecquiie/HoioD;i;;... I/OMnem.oni., .....-.'_ ....7_7117_72 4-22 8 - 1 . M a n u a l B a c k d a. .t.i n l i h * ; ; ; ......... ....8-l _ 1 1 o h i l " a ; ; a ; ; ; ;:i: : :.il vll Model34904 SectionI sEcTt0N I GENERATINFORMATION 1 . 1 l.N T B o D u c T l 0 N . l-2. The Model 3490A Multimeter makesac voltage,dc voltage, and resistancemeasurementswith 5-digit resolution. It is capable of overrange measurementsup to l2O% of range on all except the 1000V ac and dc ranges. Polarity selection and display are automatic. Range selection is manual or automatic over all ranges on all functions. Options are available to provide data output, remote programming, sample-and-holdmeasurements,and ratio measurements. 1-3. This manual contains installation and operating instructions as well as maintenanceinformation for the Model 34904 Multimeter. Instrument specificationsand procedures for verifying proper operation are included. Proceduresare also included for adjusting the instrument to its performarice specifications. Schematic diagrams, the theory of operation, and troubleshooting information are provided for use in maintaining the instrument. 14. This section of the manual contains the performance specificationsfor the Model 3490A and lists the available options. It also lists the accessoriessupplied with the Model 3490A and additional accessoriesthat are available.Instrumentand manual identification information is also included. 1-5.SPECTFtCATI0NS. l-6. Table l-l is a complete list of the Model 3490A critical specifications that are controlled by tolerances. Table l-2 contains generalinformation that describesthe operating characteristicsof the Model 3490A. l-7. Any change in the specifications due to manufacturing, design, or traceability to the U.S. National Bureau of Standards will be listed on a manual change sheetincluded with this manual. The manual and manual changesheetsupersedeall previousinformation concerning specificationsof rhe 3490A. Option040 or 045: Sample-and-Hold Option050: 34904 designed for operationon 50 Hz powersource Option060: 3490A desigred for operationon 60 Hz powersource Option080: Ratio I - I l l . A C C E S S O R ISEUSP P L I E D . l-ll. The following accessories are suppliedwith the Model3490Aandits option asshown. Supplied with all instruments: Rack Mount Kit PC Extender(2 x l8) 03490-84401 5060-s983 Suppliedwith Option 020: Rear input cable o349Mt612 36-pin connector (mateswith Remote connector,J7) l2sl{084 5Gpin connector (mateswith Data Output connector,J6) I 2s I -0086 RemoteJumper Assembly,A.4 03490-66504 P C E x t e n d e (r 2 x 2 2 ) 5060{630 Suppliedwith Option 030: l4-pin connector (mateswith Triggerconnector, Jl l) RemoteJumperAssembly,44 Rearinput cable PCExtender(2 x 22) Supplied with Option040: S/H AnalogJumperAssembly,A24 .-' S/H LogicJumperAssembly,A25 PCExtender(2 x l0) Supplied with Option045: S/HAnalogJumperAssembly, A24 S/HLogicJumperAssembly, A25 PCExtender(2 x l0) l4-pinconnector (mateswith Triggerconnector,Jl l) 12514142 0349U66504 0349041612 5060{630 0349046524 03490-66525 50606032 0349U66524 0349046525 50606032 12514142 r-8.0PT|0NS. l-9. The following options are availableto extend the usefulnessof the Model 3490A: Option020: BCD/RemoteExpand Option021: IsolatedData Output (BCD) Option022: IsolatedRemoteControl (Options021 and 022 require Option 020) Option030: GeneralPurposeInterfaceBus I/O (GPrB) Supplied with Option080: RatioJumperAssembly, A26 PCExtender (2 x l0) 0349046526 5060-6032 1 . 1 2A . C C E S S O RAIV EA SI T A B L E . l-13. Severalaccessories are availablefor use with the Model 3490A. A servicevideo tape,Product No. 90030C Option 705, will demonstrateuse of self-testand front panel symptoms to isolate failures. The -hp 111261^ accessoryprovides a set of IC referenceboards with 1-t SectionI Model 3490A most of the 3490A logic IC's for use with the -hp lO529A Logic Comparator.Using theseboardswith the Logic Comparator,a faulty IC can be isolatedin seconds without removingit from the circuit. A spareparts set, -hp- 11127A, is available for the 3490A. This set contains the most critical components of the 3490A such as integrated circuits, transistorsand reed relays. Three interface cables are available for the GPIB Option 030. Thesecablesareidentical except for length. l063lA Interfacecable,3ft. 10631BInterfacecable,6 ft. 10631CInterface cable,12 ft. A GPIB Repair Kit, -hp- Part No. 0349G80009, is available for troubleshooting the General Purpose lnterface Bus I/O circuits. Also availableis a cable.Product No. 562A-16C, for use with Option 021 and *rp 50508 or 50554,Printers.Field installableOptions O2l and,O22 for units with Option O2O are available by accessory numbers Ill2lA and I I l22A respectively. l - 1 . 1 4 I. N S T B U M E NATN D M A N U A LI D E N T I F I C A TION. l-1 5. Instrument identification by serial number is located on the rear panel. Hewlett-Packarduses a two-section serial number consisting of a four-digit prefix and a five-digit suffix separated by a letter designating the country in which the instrument was manufactured. (A = U.S.A.; G = West Germany; J = Japan;U = United Kingdom.) l-16. This manual appliesto instrumentswith the serial numbers indicated on the title page. If changeshave been made in the instrument since this manual was printed, a "Manual Changes"supplementsupplied with the manual will define thesechanges.Be sure to record thesechangesin your manual. Backdatinginformation in Section VIII adapts the manual to instruments with serial numbers lower than that shown on the title page. Part numbers for the manual and the microfiche copy of the manual are also shown on the title page. Model3490A SectionI Table 1-1. Specifications. DCVOLTAGE Display: . Full-Rangp :1P9P.Y r 10O.oOo v v i I;IBBBB V . rooo.öö Overrange:2O % onall rangesexcept 1000 V range Aeuracy: t l% of reading+ Toof rangel .1 V Range 24 hours {23oc ! loc) 30 days (23oc1soc) 90 days (23oc r5()c, 6 months {23ocisocf 1 year {23oc!soc) Temperature Coefficient l0o C to reading+ 0.001 % of range)F C Voltage Coefficient (1000V range): Add 0.01 ppm per Volt/ kHz to % of reading Input lmpedance: 2 Mf, t 1 %shuntedby: ( 65 pF without rear input terminal < 90 pF with rearinput terminal 1V-f00{,VRangas t (0.005+ 0.001) (0.004+ O.OOI ) I (0.01 + 0.005) (0.008+ 0.0021 ! (0.01 + 0.005) (0.01 + 0.0021 r (0.013 + 0.0051 (0.013+ 0.oo2l t (o.015+ 0.0051 (o.015+ 0.oo2l 50PCl: r (0.002 % of OHMS Full-RangsDisplay: .100000ke l.oo000 ko 10.0000ka 100.000ko 1000.00ko 10000,0ko TemperaturoCoefficient (0o C to 50o Cl: O.1 V Range: t (0.00,l% of reading + 0.0007 % of range)/oC ' Overrange: 2O % on ranges 1 V t h r o u g h 1 O O O V R a n g e s :r ( O . O O 1 -all % of reading + 0.OO03% of rangelp C Accuracy: + (% of reading+ oÄof rangel Voltage Coefficient { I 000 V range): Add 0.04 ppm/vott to % of reading. Effectlve Common{lode Rejoction (with 1 kf,l imbalance in 24 hours 0.006+ 0.001 0.005 + 0.001 0.007+ 0.001 either loadf: (23oc 1 loc) 0.025+ 0.ool 30 days 0.O12+ o.OOs AC: O.01 + 0.002 o.0t2+ 0.002 (23oc!socl 0.035+ 0.002 Option O5O (SOHz power frequency):) 0.012+ o.oo5 140 dB at 9O days 0.012+ 0.002 0.0'l5+ 0.002 0.035+ 0.002 l23oc!50c) 5 0 H 2 t 0 . 1% 6 months o.ot5 + 0.005 0.0t5 + 0.002 Option 060 (@ Hz power frequency):) 0.02 + 0.002 0.04 + 0.o02 {23oc t socl 140d8 at I year 6 O H z t 0 . 1% 0.018+ O.OO5 0,018+ 0.002 0.025+ 0.002 o.05 + 0.002 DC: ) 140dB AC Normal{VlodeRejection: TemperatureCoefficient (0o C to 50o C): Option 05O (5O Hz power frequencyf:>S0dB at 50 Hz !O.l% 0.1 ko range: ! (O.OOI% of reading +O.OO07% of Option 060 (60 Hz power frequency): > 50 range)PC dB at 60 Hz to.1 % 1 kO through t0,0OOkf,l ranges (< 70% R.H. on 1OOOkj_l Input Resistance: and 10,0O-0 kf,! ranges):r (O.OO1% ot reaaint i O.OOOSX O.1,Vthrough10 V ranges(< 70%R.H.): > of range)/"C -2 x 1010O 100 V and lü)0 V ranges:10 MO I O.1S% DATA OUTPUT(OptaonOZtl AC VOLTAGE BCD 1-2-4€, High true or Low true logic code, selectableby Full-RangeDisplay: I.OOOOO internal sl,rritch V 10.0000v 100.000v 1000.00v High Level Low Leval Overrange:2O%on all rangesexcept IOOO V range I nput + 3 . 9 V r 1 . 5 V , +0.3v t0.3V, ttTlgnt Rango: 20 Hz to 250 kHz (Guardshorted to Low), Signals 100pAmax. 10' nnximum Volt-Hertzproduct 2 mA rnax. Output + 3 . 9V r 1 . 5V , + 0 . 3 v r 0 . 3 v , Accuracy: x l%ot readingt % of range) Signals 4O0pA rnax. 15 mA max, lnput levelsabove1 % of range Guard must be connectedto Low REMOTECONTROL (Option 0221 20 Hz 50 Hz 100 kHz* 2SOkHz Remote programmingof rangeand function 24 hours 0 . 3 2 + 0 . 0 5 l O . o o + 0 . 0 2 5| 0 . 7 + 0 . 0 6 uses|rigrhtrue rogic code. (230C r 10 cl 3) days 0 . 3 5 + 0 . 0 5l o . r + 0 . 0 2 5| o . z s * o . o e (230Cr50c) 90 days High Level 0 . 3 5 + o . olso . t + o . o 2 sl o . z s * o . o o Low Level (230C150C) I nput +3.9Vt15V, 6 months +0.3v!0.3v. 0.4 +0.06 | o.r +0.03 | o.zs*o.oz (23()C15()Cl Signals 100pA max. or 2 mA rnax.,or l ye€r open circuit 0.45+0.07 o.tz+o.o3s 0.7s+o.o8 contact closure | | (230c+5()Cl to ground through< 300 o I Frequencies greater than lO0 kHz specified Output + 3 . 9 V r 1 . 5 V , + o . 3 V r 0 . 3 V , on 1 V and l 0 V r a n g e so n l y . Signals 40OpA nrax. 15 mA nnx. l-3 Model34904 SectionI (Cont'd). Table1-1. Specifications RATIO (Option 0801 / External Reference Ranges: 1 V : 1 O . 1V t o t 1 . 2 V 10V: tlVto112V {1 V range should be used for greater accuracy if the Ext- Ref' voltage is between 1 V and 1.2 V. Ratio Measurement Input Configuration: 3 wire; External Reference Low is conlmon with Input Low. External Reference High may be positive or negative with respect to Low. I nput Ratio = Ext. Ref. Input Ranges: DC: o.1 V to 1000 V AC: 1 V to 1000 V External Reference lnput Resistance: > 107O DC/DC Measurement Accuracy: Ext. Ref. Range ! (Ao/oof Reading r Bo/oof lnput Range + - xC%of Input Range) Ext. Ref . Voltage lnput Range A B 100v, 1000v 1 V ,1 0 V 1 V Ext. Ref. Range c A B c A B c 24 hours(23"C I 1"c) tov 1 V .003 .001 .oo2 .o03 .002 .002 .002 .001 .oo2 .002 .002 .002 .003 .001 .002 .005 .003 .002 3o days (23"c r 5"c) 10v 1 V .oo7 .005 .0m .008.015.003 .002 .003 .002 .o03 .012 .003 .005 .003 .002 .006 .o12 .003 9o days (23"c t s"cl 10v 1 V .o07 .oo5 .002 .008 .015 .003 .002 .003 .002 .o03 .012 .OO3 .006 .o03 .002 _007 .012 .003 6 months(23oc r s"cl 10v 1 V .007 .005 .002 .008 .015 .003 .002 .003 .oo2 .003 .012 .003 .007 .003 .002 .008 .012 .OO3 1 year 123oc t 5"c) 10v 1 V .o07 .005 .002 .008 .o15 .o04 .003 .o03 .002 .004 .012 .004 .008 .003 .o02 .o09.012.OO4 Notes: 1. On the lOOO V range, add 0.04 PPM/volt to the % of reading specification' 2. EMF's generated external to the 34904 {lay b9 cgmpensated to achieve the % of range accuracy specified by utilizing the rear panel ThermafAdjust provided' DC/DC Temperature Coeff icient: ! lo/oof Reading + % of Input Range)/-C lnput Range Ext. Ref. Range 1 V 1 V ,1 0 V '10v 1 V r {0.0003+ 0.0007} r (0.0004+ 0.0021 r (0.0001+ 0.00041 r (0.0002+ 0.0021 DC/DC Measurement Accuracy Example: l n p u t V o l t a g e = 0 . 5 V ; I n p u t R a n g e= 1 V E x t . R e f . V o l t a g e = 0 . 5 V ; E x t . R e f . R a n g e= 1 V 30 day spec. = t (0.0037o of Reading + O.O12%of lnput Range Ext. Ref. Range x 0.003% of Input Rangel Ext. Ref. Voltage R a t i o R e a d i n gs h o u l d b e 1 . 0 0 0 0 0 = 3 counts 0.003% of Reading : 12 counts O . O 1 2 %o f I n p u t R a n g e x o.oos"Ä of Input Range= 6 counts * .5V = 21 counts Total rror tolerance Displayshould be 0.99979 to 1.00021 t t t- 100v, 1000v = (0.0005+ 0.0004) t (0.0006+ 0.002) AC/DC Measurement Accuracy : 10 V Ext. Ref. Range: Same as AC Voltage aocuracy 1 V Ext. Ref. Range: ^ 24 hours 123-C t 1-C)l Same^asAC Voltage accuracv 30 davs to 1 year Q3-C x 5-C): Add o.01 to % of Rang AC Voltage accuracy { S e eT a b l e 1 - 1 o f m a i n 3 4 9 0 4 m a n u a l . l AC/DC Temperature Coeff icient: 10V Ext. Ref. Range: Same as AC Voltage temperature coefficient o/ool Range in AC Voltage 1 V Ext. Ref. Range: Add 0.001 to ication temperature coeff icient specif ( S e eT a b l e 1 - 1 o f m a i n 3 4 9 0 A m a n u a l . ) Model34904 SectionI Table1-1. Specifications (Cont,d.) SAMPLE/HOLD(OPtion040/0451 Full-rangeDisplay: r 1.00fi)v + 10.q)0v ! 100.00V r 1000.0v Sample/Hold MeasurementAccuracy (DC function, I V through 1ü)0 V ranges!: Sample/Hold measurement displar/ is 4 full digits plus overrange "1 ", Ovrrangs: 2O%on all range5exceptIOOOV range. 24 hours(23oc r 10 c) 30.days(23oc r so c) 90 days(23oc r so c) 6 months(239C r SoC) 1 year 1230c r so cl t (% of reading + oÄoI rcngel Temperature Coefficient (04 C to reading + 0.0O1 % of range/o C). r r r r I { 0 . 0 1+ 0 . 0 1 5 1 (0.01+ 0.015) (O.01 + 0.015) (0.02+ 0.0151 (o.02+ 0.015) 50oC)r t !O.OO2 % ol Table1-2. GeneralInformation. Maximum Input Voltages: GENERALPURPOSE INTERFACEBUS LOGICLEVELS Between Input High and Low: t 10O0 Vrms (1 1500 V peak) Between either Low terminal and Guard: I 200 V Between Guard and Chassis:. 4 500 V Between O Signal High and Low: t 250 Vrms Range Seleaion: Manual, autornatic, or Remote (Optionall Maximum Reading Rate (Minimum Sample periodr per Readingl: Function Option 050 Option 060 DC Volts AC Volts Ohms . 1k t o 1 0 0k 1,000k 10.oo0k 240.2ms+5ms 1.26s+ .025s 2 0 0 . 1m s + 4 m s 1.05s+ .025s 24O.2ms+5ms 3O0.2ms+6ms 66O.3ms + 12 ms 20O.1 ms+4ms 2 5 0 . 1m s + 5 m s 55O.2ms * 10 ms 'Sample Rate Control set to FAST position and instrument not in owrload. Response Time (to within rated accuracy for a step input applied coincident with encode triggerl: DC Volts: ( 200 ms ACVolts:Figure3-7. Positionof JumperWireson Outguard MotherBoardAssemblyA31. 3-105. Addressedto Listen. When the 3490A is first turned on, the GPIB programmingcircuits will conform to the front panel control settings.It must be placedin remote control before programming. 3-106. Remote Control. To place the 3490A in remote control, set MRE and REN to LOW and transmit the 3490A listen code. REN must be held LOW continuously to maintain remote control. When the instrument is first set to remote control, the GPIB circuits store the front panel rangeand function selections.Sample/Hold mode is Off (S0), Triggeris set to Internal SampleRate (TQ), and Mode of Operationis AddressedMultiple with No Output (M0). AnV chalgesin this programmingmust then be made by remote control. LMRE must be set HIGH and the remote programmingdata transmitted. The 3490A will accept only the alpha identifiers E, F, M, R, S and T, and digits 0 through 7. Table 3-7 lists the 3490A program codes.The 3490A may be unaddressed to listen by sending the character ?. Figure 3-8 is a timing diagram for data and handshakelines when the 3490A is addressed to listen. 3-107. Return to Local Control. The 3490A may be returned to local control by setting REN HIGH. How- SectionIII Model3490A Table3-6. AddressCodes. ASCIICODECHARACTER Listen Address Talk Address SP (g' :, A I # $ 7o 1 ( l I 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I ; B I N A R YC O D E Jumper -+ A5 b7 b5 b5 See note below D E F G H I J K L M N o P o R S T U W X z t I Note: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A4 b4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 OCTAL CODE A3 b3 A2 b2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 ' 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 ' 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 t 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 A1 b1 ' 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 l 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 l 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 l 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 Listen Talk 040 M1 o42 043 o44 045 046 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 u7 'to7 050 o51 o52 o53 054 055 056 057 060 061 62 063 064 065 066 067 o70 o71 o72 073 o74 o75 076 110 111 't12 113 114 115 116 117 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 '127 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 Only first five bits of binary code are given, and these bits are the same for both listen and talk addresses.Sixth and seventh bits determine whether address is listen (011 or talk (1O). ever, it cannot be returned to local during output of a reading. If REN goes HIGH then LOW again while a r'' reading output is in progress,the 3490A will stay in remote. In order to return to local, then, REN must be HIGH when no readingoutput is in progress.The 3490A may also be returned to local by turning its power off and back on again.If the 3490A is returned to local by settingREN HIGH, but is not unaddressed to talk, it will continue to output readings.If there is a listenersuch as a 9800 seriescalculator on the bus that is addressedto listen but is not able to receivedata, the 3490Awill stop sampling, since it cannot output data. This condition may appear to be a failure, since the 3490A would typically be expected to continue sampling and no longer be under programcontrol. 3-108. RemoteProgramSequence.The orderofremote programmingis not important except that it must end with the E command to execute the program. The 191-ul programming sequenceis one alpha identifier followed by one digrt. For example, the progam F2R4S1T2MlE selectsAC volts, l0V range,Sample/ Hold off, Next External Trigger, AddressedMulti with 'j Output (seeTable 3-7).lf it is necessaryto changeonly might be R3E. In other words, programdata will remain stored as long as the instrument is in remote control, unless changed by a subsequentprogramming data. if more than one alpha identifier or digit is sent, the last valid identifier or digit will be stored. For example, FRl5T20SMF3E will be accepted as R5T@F3E.Paragraph 3-l3l givesa programmingexampleusingthe -hp9820A Calculator as the controller and printer. The power line switch cannot be programmed. $109. Trigger Source Program. The following paragraphs explain the trigger source codes shown in Table 3_7. 3-110. T0, Internal SampleRate. The 3490A releases the Hold line when ready for a new measurementto be taken, and the instrument is triggeredaccordingto the internal sample rate. If the front panel Sample Rate control is set to the Hold position, it will not sample 3-9 SectionIII Model34904 Table 3-7. ProgramCodes. CHARACTER USE OCTAL CODE b1 BINARY CODE b6 b5 ba R 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RangeProgramldentifier 10,00Okf); Test 7 1,000 kQ; l OOOV; Test 6 100 kO; 1OOV; Test5 10 kQ; 10 V; Test 4 1 kS2;1 V; Test 3 .1 kO; .t V; Test 2 Autorange;Test 1 122 061 062 063 og 065 066 067 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 F Function Programldentifier DC Volts K Ohms AC Volts Test 106 060 061 62 063 0 0 0 0 Sample/Hold Program ldentifier Sample/Hold Off Sample/Hold Off Track/Hold Acquire/Hold 123 060 061 62 063 1 0 0 0 0 Trigger Source Program ldentifier Internal Samole Rate * lmmediate Internal Next External Trigger None 124 060 061 062 063 1 0 0 0 o 115 o60 061 062 063 0il 065 .i066 067 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 105 1 0 0 0 0 a 2 3 s 0 1 2 3 T o 1 2 3 M I 2 3 4 5 6 7 Mode of Operation Program ldentifier Addressed Multi with No Output Addressed Multi with Output Addressed Single with No Output Addresed Single with Output lnterrupt Multi with No Output Interrupt Multi with Output .'-' Interrupt Single with No Output Interrupt Singlewith Output E Execute Mode of Operation Program 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 o 1 ,| 1 I 0 1 l 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 1 0 o 0 0 o 0 b2 b3 b1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 o 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 o 0 1 1 1 1 0 l 0 1 0 1 0 1 ' 1 0 0 1 0 1 I 0 1 a 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 I 1 0 0 I 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 I o 1 0 1 0 a o 1 I 0 I * lf Internal Sample Rate is programmed, make sure front panel Sample Rate control is set to desired position. until the manual pushbutton is pushed, an external trigger occurs,or the front panel control is taken out of hold. 3 - 11 1 . T 1 , l m m e d i a t eI n t e r n a l .T h e 3 4 9 0 A n e v e r r e leasesthe Hold line, but insteadprovides an External Encodecommandwhen ready for a new measurementto begin. It is, therefore,samplingat its madmum rate, and the front panel SampleRate control is bypassed. 3-112. T2, Next ExternalTrigger.The 3490A keepsthe Hold line LOW and releasesthe Sample/HoldInhibit line when ready to accept the next trigger.Whenan external tngger occurs,the GPIB I/O issuesthe External Encode command. Pushing the front panel manual trigger pushbutton will alsoinitiate a reading. 3 - 1 1 3 . T 3 , N o n e . T h e 3 4 9 0 A k e e p st h e H o l d l i n e L O W and checksfor an output request.This method may be usedto store data for output at a later time. _i-l0 3-114. Mode of Operation. The following paragraphs explainthe mode of operationcodesshownin Table 3-7. d u l t i p l ew i t h N o O u t p u t . I n t h i s 3 - 1 1 5 . M 0 , A d d r e s s eM mode, operation is similar to operation when in local control and not addressedto talk. Readingsare taken according to the programmed trigger, but no output occurs. 3 - 1 1 6 .M 1 , A d d r e s s e dM u l t i p l e w i t h O u t p ü t . T h e i n strument will take a readingwhen triggeredand output the readingif addressedto talk. Ifnot addressed to talk, it will wait for its talk addressto output data or its listen addressto be programmed.After output of the data or receipt of new programmingdata, the GPIB I/O returns to the beginningof the programto determinethe trigger for the next reading. 3-117. M2, AddressedSingle with No Output. The instrument takes one reading when triggeredand does SectionIII Model3490A MRE Data Lines Programdata from controller LDAV lndicates to 34904 that data is available HRFD 349OA will accept data 349OA is busy and will not acceptdata 349OA hasaccepted and is processing data 34904 will aocept new data 3490A busy 3490A finished processing data Figure3-8. Timing Diagram,3490A Addressedto Listen. not output the reading. A new reading is initiated by reprogramming the 34904 or by going to local control. 3-118. M3, AddressedSinglewith Output. The instrument takes one readingwhen triggered and outputs the reading if addressedto talk. If not addressedto talk, it waits for its talk addres to output or its listen addres to be reprogrammed. After output of the reading data, a new readingis initiated by reprogrammingthe 34904 or by going to local control. If reprogramming occurs before output of the reading daIa, a new reading will be taken according to the new programming data. 3-119. M4, lnterrupt Multiple with No Output. Programming of No Output overrides that of Interrupt, so this mode is the sameas M0. 3-120. M5. Interrupt Multiple with Output. This mode is the same as Ml except that if the 3490A is not addressedto talk, it will pull the ServiceRequest(SRQ) line LOW after each reading is taken. This line is taken HIGH when the reading is outputted or when new progamming data is received.SeeParagraph3-l 16. 3-121. M6, Interrupt Singlewith No Output. Programming of No Output overrides that of Interrupt, so this mode is the sameasM2_ 3-122. MT,lnterrupt Singlewith Output. This mode is the same as M3 except that if the 3490A is not add;essedto talk, it will pull the ServiceRequest (SRQ) line LOW after each readingis taken. This line is taken HIGH after output of the reading data or when new programmingdata is received.SeeParagraph3-l 18. 3-123. Repeatingan Output. The 3490A can be made to output the samereadingmore than once. This can be accomplishedby programmingthe 3490A with "M3E" and outputting the reading.Then reprogramthe 3490A with "T3E". The 3490A can output the samereadingas many times as desired.Programmingwith "TlE" initiatesa new reading. 3-124. Addressed to Talk. The 3490A may be addressedto talk by setting MRE LOW and transmitting the 34904 talk address.It may be unaddressedto talk .-by addressingany other unit to talk, or by sendingthe character- . Figure 3-9 is a timing diagramfor data and handshak'elines when a printer is addressedto listen and the 3490A is addressed to talk. 3-125. Output Control. Two generalmodes of output are possible, depending on the remote programming of the 3490A. If normal output (AddressedMultiple or AddressedSingle,Table 3-7) is programmed,the 3490A will inhibit triggers after eachreadingand output data if alreadyaddressedto talk. Ifnot addressed to talk, it will wait for its talk addressbefore outputting data, or for its listen addressto be reprogrammed.If Interrupt output is programmedand the 34904 is not addressedto talk, it will issue a Service Request after each reading and await recogrition by the controller. If it is addressed to talk, it will inhibit triggers after each reading and proceed to output data. 3-126. Output Format. After the 3490A has been properly put into an ontput mode, the data will be 3-l I SectionIII Model3490A MRE Data Lines LDAV HRFD Printerand 3490A will acceptdata 390A and printer will not accept data Printer and 34904 processingdata 349OAand printerwill acceptdata 34904 and printer finished processingdata 3490A and printer will not accept data 34904 and printer processing data Printer will not accept data Printerand 34904 finished processingdata Figure3-9. Timing Diagram,3490AAddressed to Talk. outputted in the following format: (Example listing: NDCfXXXXXXE-Y). StatusCode Alpha* N OL R S RS Normal Operation Overload Ratio Mode Sample/HoldMode Ratio and Sample/HoldMode Function Code* AC DC KO T AC Volts DC Volts Kilohms Test *Status and Function are two-character codes. lf only one character is required, a blank space will be left so that the total output format will always be the same length. Polarity + - Positive Input or Positive Ratio NegativeInput or NegativeRatio Data xX)c()ü E Y CR LF J-t - Six digits, most significant digit first Exponent Identifier Polarity of Exponent Exponent (RangeDigit) CarriageReturn Line Feed 3-127. Service Request. The 3490A is capable of requesting service on the bus and responding to serial polling for identification and status. If either mode of operation which specifiesinterrupt with output (M5 or M7) is programmedand 34904 is not programmed to talk, it will pull the ServiceRequest (LSRQ) line LOW after each reading. 3-128. For serial polling, the controller must pull the Multiple ResponseEnable (MRE) line LOW and send both the Status Poll Enable (SPE) command and the 3490A talk address.The SPE command is octal code 030, binary code 00 011 000. If the 3490A has pulled SRQ LOW, when it receivesSPE and its talk addressit will transmit the ASCII characterxlxxxxxx. The seventh bit beinga "l " signifiesthat the 3490A did request service.The other bits do not convey any information concerningthe status. After it receivesthe Status Poll Dsable (SPD)command(octal code 031, binary code 00 0ll 001), the 3490A will output the readingdata,since it is still addressedto talk. After outputting the data,it will return the Service Request line to HIGH. If it is unaddressedto talk before the SPD command is sent,it will keep the SRQ line LOW and wait for its talk addres to output or its listen addressto be reprogrammed.It will set SRQ HIGH if it is reprogrammed. 3-129. lf the 34904 is in operatingmode M5 or M7 and receivesthe SPE command and its talk addressbefore a reading is completed,it will respondwith the character "0" indicates that it x0xxxxxx. The seventh bit being a did not request service, and the other bits have no significanceconceming status. This code (seventh bit "0") is also transmitted if the 3490A is in any of the other modesof operation(M0, Ut, M2,M3, M4, or M6) and it receivesthe SPEcommandand its talk address. Model3490A SectionIII 3-130. If the 3490A has requested service and is addressedto talk but not sent the SPEcommand, it will not transmit a status code but will output the reading data if programmedfor output (Ml, M3, M5, or M7). ExamPle. 3-131.GPIB0perating 3-132. The following example uses a Hewlett-Packard Model 9820A as both controller and printer. The 98204 must be equippedwith the lll44a Interface,and must have the Peripheral Control II ROM Block installed in the proper ROM block slot. An Interface Cable, -hplO63lAlBlC, is needed to connect the 3490A to the 9820A. 3-133. This program places the 3940A in remote control and programsthe following: Function Range Trigger Mode DC Volts l0 V Immediate Internal AddressedSinglewith Output In the M3 Mode and Tl Trigger Source the 3490A provides an internal trigger to take one reading, and then it outputs this data. It is then instructed by the following program steps to take another reading, and this proces is repeated until the stop button is pressed. If you do not wish to store this program in the calculator, substitute the EXECUTE key in place of STORE in the following sequence: @o@@üo ooü 0 ( f-R-\ r @üoü@ f-E\ STORE 6 = 3490A listen address; U = 9820A talk address. This sequenceprograms 3490A t o D C , 1 0 V r a n g e , Immediate Internal trigger, and AddressedSignal with Output. @o@@ üo r-'\ O13@Orrui r;l @o@o IFIXEDNI[1J EXECUTE OrPR'Nrr@[ Initializescalculator. @o@o@o @o@o STORE '5 = 9820A listen address; V = 349OAtalk address. Programs the 34904 to output data and programs 9820A to print. SetsLREN LOWon bus. r?. rfi \coMMANO/ \ sy I I \--l [ " ] { LJ\- o@@üo l e r s l STORE Addresses3490A to listen. 3490A should so to remote control. REM annunciatorshould be ON. r l oaoo@ STORE Programs3490A to take another readingand return to seqeunce2 to output new data. 3-13 SectionIII Model 3490A 3-135. Suppressionof CR and LF. When outputting programminginstructions from the 9800 seriescalculators without using the CMD statement, the Carriage Return (CR) and Line Feed (LF) normally output by the calculator must be suppressed. If not, they are seen as two programmingcharactersby the 3490A. CR and LF may be suppressed in the 9820 by transmitting,Z at the end of the instructions. In the 9830, they may be suppressed by sendinga semicolon. STORE Endscalculatorprogram. To run this program,press 9820 example: CMD "?U6";FMT "M3R7FQE",Z;WRT13 To halt program,press 9830 example: 1 0 CMD"?U6'' 20 OUTPUT(13,30) ..M3R7F@E"; I s r o Pl L-J 3Q FORMATB To list program(print out stored program),press 3-136.Controlby Marked CardProgrammer. 3-137. The 34gOA with Option 030 maj, be programmedby using a Marked Card Programmersuch as the -hp- Model 3260A or Model 9860A. An exampleof marked card programmingis shown in Figure 3-10. The binary code shown in Table 3-7 is used in marking the card. Use a soft black pencil to mark each space representinga "l" in the code. The "200" spacemust be marked whenever the 3490A is addressedto listen or clear (unaddressed).The "200" bit pulls the MRE line LOW, and shouldbe usedonly for addressing. I E N Dl l L t s r \ / 3-134. Special Trigger ProgrammingTechnique. When programming the 3490A, the E indicates the end of programming information and allows the 3490A to start operating according to the new programming instructions. The instructions are stored as they are received and do not require the E in order to be accepted. Becauseof this, one programming technique is to omit the E when the programming instructions are sent, and then transmit the E when it is desired that the 3490A make a reading. However, if the E is not sent with the programming instructions, the 34904 will take a readin!" either when MRE goes LOW or when an E is sent, whichever occursfirst. Consequently,if the 3490A was progammed with "M3Tl. . . ." initially, and then the statement CMD"?U6","E" was used, the instrument would take two readingsinsteadof one asprogrammed. Thereare two ways to preventthis: a. After sendingthe programming instructions, d.on,t changethe listen and,talk addresses until the E is sent. For example: CMD "?U6'" "F3R7M3T1'' ö M D , . . E , , ,. . ? 5 ' \ P , b. First program the 34904 for no trigger, and then reprogramit for a trigger when a readingis to be made. For example: CMD "?U6", "F3M3R7T3E', (The E is optional in this statement) c \ t D " ? u 6 " ., . T l E " , , . ? 5 V " -1-ll 3-138. The following instructions must be observedfor reliableprogramming. .j 1. The 3490A cannot receive programming data whilö it is making a reading.Therefoie,if tn. :+gOR i, allowtid to sample,programming instructions from the card reader will be ignored by the 3490A while it is making a reading.Two methods may be usedto control sampling. a. Before programming, set the 3490A Sample Rate control to the HOLD position. Do not program trigger mode. Instead, after programming is completed, change the Sample Rate control manually from the HOLD position to the desiredsamplerate. Then if a subsequentchangein the 3490A programis necessary,the SampieRate control must be set to the HOLD position again before programming. b. Set the 3490A Sample Rate control to the HOLD position and program the 3490A for trigger mode T1 , Immediate Internal Trigger.In this mode, the 3490A will continue to sample at the maximum rate, and the front panel control setting will haveno effect. In order to reprogramthe 34904 under these conditions, the 3490A Une switch should be tumed OFF and back ON again.This returnsthe instrument to local (front panel) control. Model3490A SectionIII rffi'slisli r.l.i...l*jiiä='8ffifr 349OA lrrruE SEETABLE 3.7 NO. I )tEr co0E iLEAR 2 7 - l 2C.C, B L A N KL I N E + 3 9 ,21 ],'ir z o or o o l 4 0 z o r o l + Ei! r r l f l E T I PRoonnvr E z I - r r rir alr r r E El =!n E r r EIE trf r I r c= c= C : I 06l Etrf F toG E 6 R 0,60 t22 I E r EIt:] E -rtrl i trfIfl [f E 4 o64 E E r r: E = I to M l l I t5 06t l? E to5 I - - E E 13 - l - r c:lr E . E I t l c f E:] - } E E I T : I -- - l U I U U ff I U Figure3-10. Exampleof MarkedCard programming. 2. The line on the marked card immediately following the last line in which MRE is pulled LOW (,,200space marked) should be left blank. This enables the 3490A to be in the programming routine before the first programming character is sent. If this line is not left blank, the character on that line will be ignored. 3-139.SAMPLE/H0LD (0ption MEASUREMENTS 040or 045). 3-140.Definition of Sample/Hold Terms 3-141. Track/Hold. This term describesthe mode of operation in which the "Hold" mode (see paragraph 3-14, beginswithin 400 nanosecondsafter receiptoi a Sample/HoldTrigger command. Prior to this time, the Sample/Hold amplifiers follow, or track, the output of the 34904 DC Input Amplifier. Upon receipf of a SampleiHold Trigger command, the amplifiers ..hold" for measurementthe voltage presenton the Amplifier A integrating capacitor at that time. After the 3490A completesa measurement,the .track,'mode resumes. 3-142. Acquire/Hold. This mode differs from the Track/Hold mode in that a precisedelay is addedin the Sample/Hold trigger path. This delay allows the DC lnput and Sample/Hold amplifiers to respond to a full-range step input voltage before the Äold mode begins. 3-143. Hold Mode. Following a Sample/Hold Trigger command, the Sample/Hold AmplifierJ A and B retain Ior measurementthe voltage present at Amplifier A when the Hold command was received. During this retention period. the Sample/Holdamplifiersare saidto be in the Hold mode. Theseamplifiersare also placedin the Hold mode during the run-down, or discharge, portion of the measurementcycle. 3-1u14.Track Mode. After completion of a measure_ ment, the Sample/Hold amplifiers follow, or track, the input voltageuntil they are placedin the Hold mode by a subsequentSample/HoldTrigger command.This con_ dition is referredto as the Track mode. 3-145. Aperture Time. This is defined as the period betweenreceipt of a Sample/HoldTriggercommand and the time at which the Sample/Hold switching circuits .place Amplifier A in the Hold mode. F 3-146. Maximum Acquisition Time. This is the time required for the DC Input and Sample/Holdamplifiers to respondto a full-rangestepinput voltage. 3-147. Delay. This term, as used in connection with Acquire/Hold operation, refersto the delay addedin the Sample/Hoid trigger path which extends the aperture time to include the acquisitiontime. 3-148. Sample/HoldTrigger(TTL). This is the dc coup led commandto the Sample/Holdcircuits which initiates a Hold mode. The sigral must go from HIGH to LOW for a minimum of 30 nanoseconds.It must go HIGH at least 600ps prior to going LOW. (SeeFigure 2-l l.) This commandwill initiate a 3490A measurementonly under certain conditions (see Paragraph 3-165). The term "Sample/Hold Trigger" is used as a generalterm in this manua.l,referring either to a dc coupled or ac coupled triggersignal. 3-l 5 SectionIII Model34904 3-149. Sample/Hold AC Trigger. This ac coupled command has the same effect as the Sample/Hold Trigger command (TTL). This signal must be a negative-going pulse at least 30 nanosecondswide with an amplitude between 2Y and 200 V. The signal must be static at least 2 ps prior to the negativetransition. 3-150. Hold Command. This is an intemal commandto a Sample/Holdamplifier,resultingin a Hold mode. Hold A command switches Amplifier A and Hold B switches Amplifier B. Both commands are generated in the Sample/Holdlogic circuits. 3-151. External Encode. This command initiates a 3490A measurementwhen the Sample Rate control is set to HOLD. This signalmust be from HIGH to LOW for a minimum of 240 ps. 3-152.Special S/H0perating Gonsiderations. 3-153. Display. When the 3490A is operatingin either the Track/Hold or Acquire/Hold mode, the fifth digit in the display is normally blanked, leaving a display of 4 full digits plus the overrange"1". This is done because of the uncertainty in the fifth digit due to noise. However, if the instrument is equipped with the Data Output (BCD) Option 021 or the GPIB Option 030, the output data includes the fifth digit. The fifth digit can be restored to the display if desired by changing the connection of the white/black wire from the display assembly. For a 4 - digit S/H display, this wire is connected to Test Point L on the Main Circuit Assembly, Al, and for a 5 - digit display,it shouldbe moved to Test Point M. These test points are located on the Main Circuit Assembly just to the rear of P2, which is the display cable connector. -._" 3-154. .1 V Range. Sample/Hold measurementaccuracy is not specifiedfor the .l V range.On this range,the output of the Input amplifier contains an appreciable amount of wideband noise due to the broad bandwidth of the amplifier and the amplifier gain of X100. The rapid response time of the Sample/Hold circuits allows the Hold mode to occur anywhere rvithin the envelope of the noise3-155. Autoranging. Autoranging requires successive readings (initiated internally) when changing ranges. Consequently,the final reading losesits time relation- ship to the extemal trigger and therefore is not useful Sample/Holdinformation. 3-156.Guard Connection in Sample/Hold Meaurements. 3-157. The Guard terminal should always be connected to the Low input terminal when making Sample/Hold measurements,unless the guard can be properly driven by a low-impedanceand low-noisesource. 3-158.InputSignal Limitations. 3-159.The analog-to-digitalconversionprocessrequiresa certain amount of time, and any change in the voltage input to the A-to-D conversion circuits during this time degradesthe accuracyof the measurement.The purpose of Sample/Hold is to "fresze", or hold, a changinginput voltage at a specific point in time and accurately measure the voltage. The bandwidth of the Input Amplifier and the response time of the Sample/Hold Amplifiers restrict the rate at which the voltage to be measuredcan change.The Sample/Holdcircuits are able to maintain tracking only if the rate of change of the input voltage is within the follo,wing limits: 2.5 %rangelpson the l0 V and 1000 V ranges. 5 % of rmgelps on the I V and 100 V ranges. The rate of changein input voltage (dv/dt) affects the ability of the instrument with SampleiHold to digitize a ramp or sine wave. Table 3-8 showsthe maximum dV/dt for a ramp and the maximum frequency for a full-range sine wave to be measuredwithin the accruacy given. The input signal is also limited to a maximum dV/dt during digitizationof 50 V/ss. 3-160.Sample/Hold Trigger Requirements. Signal 3-161. Either of two signal inputs may be used to initiate a Hold mode. The Sample/Hold Trigger input (TTL) is dc coupled, and the AC Trigger input, of course,is ac coupled. The term "Sample/Hold Trigger" is used as a generalterm in this manualto refer to either signal. tn some option combinations, a Sample/Hold Trigger does not initiate a 3490A measurement(see Paragraph 3-165). Table 3-8. Ability of Sample/Hotdto Digitizea Rampor SineWave. BANGE 10v Acc|Jracy* (% of Rangef Ramp .01 % 1 % 1 % *Accuracy -1-lo 30v/s 300v/s 3000v/s 1 V, 100V, 1000v Sine Wave lZero Crossing) Sine Wave (Peak Reading) 5Hz 5O Hz 5O0 Hz 75OHz 275O Hz 75OOHz Ramp 12.5 V lS 125 V/S 1250V/S specifications are to be added to (% of range) dc specification. Sine Waw (Zero Crossing) Sine Wave {Peak Reading) 2Hz 20 Hz 2OOHz 3OOHz 90O Hz 3ü)O Hz SectionIII Model3490A 3-162. Sample/HoldTrigger (TTL). Compatibility with TTL logic circuits requiresthis signalgo be from HIGH (>+ 2.4 V) to LOW ((+ 0.4 V) for a minimum of 30 nanosecondsin order to initiate a Hold mode. The signal must be HIGH for at least 600 ps prior to going LOW. The external triggering circuit must be capableof sinking I mA at (+ 0.4 V. 3-163. AC Trigger. The leadingedgeof a negative-going pulse at least 30 nanosecondswide and 2 V to 200 V in amplitude initiates a Hold mode. The sigral must be stable for at least 2 ps before the negative-goingtransition. 3-164. Termination of Unused S/H Trigger Input Connections. When operatingin a Sample/Holdmode, some to preventunwantedtriggering precautionsare necessary of the SampleiHold circuits, which can be caused by crosstalk within an external cable attached to the trigger input connector. Only one of the two triggerinputs will be used at any one time in a given situation, and spurioustriggeringat the other input may be prevented in one of two ways: l. The unusedinput may be left open; that is, with no wire in the cable connected to this pin on the connector. 2. The unusedinput may be terminatedat the other end of the cable. The TTL Sample/Hold Trigger (dc coupled) input line shouldbe connectedto a HIGH logic level ()+ 2.4V). The AC Trigger input line should be connectedto a LOW logic level (<+ 0.4 V). 3-165.Initiating a Sample/Hold Measurement. 3-166. The Sample/Hold option is available in three different configurations which employ various methods of initiating a Sample/Holdmeasurement.SampleiHold is aväilable with the BCD/Remote Expand Option 020. (Either Data Output Option 021 or Remote Control Option 022 or both may also be installed with Option 020.) Sample/Hold is also available with the General Purpose Interface Bus I/O Option 030. In the third con{iguration, Sample/Holdis availableas Option 045, without any of the other options. No data output or remote control, except Sample/HoldTrigger,is available in Option 045. The following paragraphsdiscussmethods of initiating a measurementin instruments having the various options. Table 3-9 lists the methods of externally triggeringa Sample/Holdmeasurement. 3-167. Internal SampleControl, Option 045 and Option 040 with Option 020. When the iront panel Sample Rate control is set to any position except Hold and no Sample/Hold Trigger command is applied, the instrument will automaticallyhold and read the input signalat the sample rate selected. However, this method of operation providesonly random sampling,sinceit is not possibleto s1'nchronizethe measurementto any specific point in the input signal. Table 3-9. Initiating S/H Measurements by ExternalTriggering. Sample/Hold Option Other Options in the 34904 Measurement Initiated By: o40 o20 Separate External Encode command or Stretched Pulse Output connected to External Encode input. 040 030 Sample/Hold Trigger 045 neither 020 or O30 Sample/Hold Trigger 3-168. Internal Sample Control, Option 040 with Option 030. The 3490A with the GPIB Option 030 may be programmed for internal sample control. If so, the instrument will automatically hold and read the input signal at the sample rate selected. Operating with internal samplecontrol providesonly random sampling, since the measurement is not synchronized to any specificpoint in the input signal. 3-169. External Triggering,Option 045. When Sample/ Hold is present in an instrument with neither BCD Remote Expand Option 020 or GPIB Option 030, it is designatedas Option 045. In this case,either Sample/ Hold Trigger command automatically initiates a measurement. 3-170. External Triggering, Option 040 with Option 020. With this combination of options, a Sample/Hold measurementmay be initiated by external triggeringin two ways. For either method, the 34904 measurement circuits must be in the "Hold" state.That is, the Sample Rate control must be in the Hold position, or if the instrument has Remote Control Option 022, the lnterface Hold line may be held LOW. One method of initiating a Sample/Hold measurement requires two 'separate signalinputs, a Sample/HoldTrigger command ," to initiate a Hold mode, and an External Encode command to initiate a measurement.Both commands may be appliedat the sametime, or the External Encode command may be applied up to ll2 second after the Sample/Hold Trigger. In the second method, the Stretched Pulse Output from the Sample/Hold trigger circuits (J7 pin 10) is connected externally to the External Encode input (J6 pin 46 or J7 pin 24 or 28). This connection provides an External Encode signalto initiate a measurementimmediately upon receipt of a Sample/HoldTrigger command.Neither signalwill have any effect if applied while a measurementis in progress. If a Sample/HoldTrigger command is given without an External Encode command, the Sample/Hold circuits will be locked in the Hold mode. This condition can be terminatedby applying an External Encodecommand or by settingthe Sample/Holdswitch to Off. 3-171. External Triggering,Option 040 with Option 030. When operating Sample/Hold with General Pur- 3-t7 SectionIII Model3490A pose Interface Bus controi, the 3490A should be programmed for Next External Trigger (T2). When Next External Trigger is programmed, upon completion of a measurement the GPIB circuits wait for an External Trigger command. Either of the Sample/Hold Trigger inputs at Jll providesan External Triggercommand to initiate a measurementat the sametime a Hold mode is initiated. 3-173.Using theTrack/Hold Mode. 3-174. Digitizing a Ramp. The output of the Sample/ Hold amplifier circuits lagsthe 3490|input yoltageby a delay which is approximately equal to " " I L 1 3 d B, where f: On ir the 3 dB bandwidth frequency shown in Table l-2. When measuringa stable dc input voltage,this time lag presentsno problem. However,if the input voltageis changing, as a ramp input for example, thii delay must be consideredin interpreting the 34gOA reading. In Track/Hold measurements,the voltage reading is actu_ ally the input voltage at a point previousto the time the Sample/HoldTrigger command was received.The point of measurement,then, effectively precedesthe trigger command b-y a length of time equal to the delay, shown in Figure 3-12 as the analog dähy. Digitization of a repetitive stable ramp may be done as illustrated in Figure 3-12. The delay between the start of the ramp and the Sample/HoldTriggermust be accuratelydetei_ mined by somemeans,suchas an interval timer. It is not necessarythat measurementsbe made on successive cycles as might be inferred from Figure 3-12. Measurement may be made on every 2nd, 3rd or nth cycle as convenient, if the waveform is stable. The maximum dv/dt limitations shown in paragraph3-l5g and Table 3{ must be observed. 3-172. Acquisition Time. The maximum time required by the DC Input and Sample/HoldAmplifiers to respond to an input voltage varies with the range selected. as shown in Table 3-10. The acquisitiontime-mustbe taien into consideration in Track/Hold operation. The delay incorporated into Acquire/Hold operation includes thl acquisition time. Figure 3-l I shows typical times re_ quired for the amplifiers to respond within a specified accuracyto a stepinput voltage. Table 3-10. Maximum Acquisition (Settingl Time for Full-RangeStep Input. Range Settling Time to Within 0.01 % of Final Vatue 1 V 10v 1 0 0v 1000v 512 tts 128 ps 512 ps 128 ps 3-175. Reoonstructingan Input Waveform. An input waveform may be reconstructed from a series of Track/Hold measurementsby using the secondequation NOTE .1 V rangeis not specified(seeparagraph3-1541. uJ (9 .lLl z 200 tr J J .z (r 200 100 J J f IL tt tJ- a = uJ F at, lrJ o öR = to o- LIJ F .tt Ll, (9 o F J 10 F. J 1.0 o F 1.0 F f, = = o t! UJ 100 tJ. 0.1 uJ 0 . 1 n a E J t- = 1 V RANGE 6.6t ^ u.l ,,rs 1.0ps IOps IOOps lms TYPICALTIME REOUIREDTO SETTLLTO O.OTX o- 0.o1 0.1 lrs 1.0 rrs 10,/s 100rc T Y P I C A LT I M E R E O U I R E DT O S E T T L E T O1 % Figure3-11. TypicatResponse to a StepInput Voltage. SectionIII Model3490A TNPUTVOLTAGEAT T I M EO F S / H T R I G G E R , t VOLTAGEACTUALLY MEASURED. / l / l I I I IA A T V S r = ANALOG DELAY = SAMPLE/HOLD T R I G G E R( T R A C K / H O L D MODE) = VOLTAGEMEASURED = S L O P ES , E EP A R A G R A P H 3 - 1 2F O R M A X I M U MS L O P EP E R M I S S I B L E . Figure3-12. Digitizinga Ramp. shown in Table l-2 under the "Time ResponseCharacteristics" heading. The shorter the time between measurement points, the greater the accuracy of the reconstructed waveform will be. 3-176. Digitizing a Sine Wave. The rules that apply when-digitizing a ramp @aragraph3-174) also apply to measurement of a sine wave. Keep in mind that the dV/dt and frequency limits given in Paragraph3-158 and Table 3{ must be observed. The waveform may be reconstructed from the Track/Hold measurementinformation as discussed in Paragraph3-175. 3-177. Ramp Linearity MeasurementAided by an Oscilloscope. An oscilloscope with delayed sweep and a delayed gate output can be very helpful in making Sample/Hold measurementsof a repetitive waveform. For example, linearity of a ramp can be measured accurately,as in the following procedure. a. Choosean oscilloscopewith delayedsweep,such as the {rp- Model l80C with the l82lA Time Base/ Delay Generator plug-in unit. Be sure the Delayed Gate output from the oscilloscopemeets the Sample/Hold input signal requirements given in päragraph Tdry:. 3-l 60. b. Connect the Delayed Gate output from the oscilloscopeto the S/H AC Triggerinput. lf the 3490A has Option 020 installed, connect the S/H Stretched Pulse Output to the External Encode input (see Paragraph3-170). c. Connect both the Main Gate and Delayed Gate outputs from the oscilloscope to an interval timer (such as the -hp-Model5300Al53O2A) to determinethe delay time accurately. d. Connect the ramp sigral to be measuredto both the 3490A input and the oscilloscopevertical input. The slope of the ramp must be within the limits given in Paragraph3-158 and Table 3-8. Trigger the oscilloscope main sweepat the beginningof the ramp. e. Set the SampleiHold control to TrackiHold. The measurementwill then be triggered at the point where the delayed-sweepintensified trace appears along the ramp. f. Position the delayed-sweep intensifiedtrace at any number of sampling points (at least three) along the ramp, asshown in Figure 3-13. g. The slope of the ramp betweenvariousmeasurement points can then be compared to determine linearity. ln Figure 3-13, for example,slope AB should be comparedto slopeBC as follows: 3-r9 Model3490A SectionIII b. Connect the Delayed Gate output from the oscilloscopeto the S/H AC Trigger input. If the 3490A has Option 020 installed, connect the S/H Stretched Pulse Output to the Extemal Encode input (see Paragraph3-170). vs-ve Slope AB = - Ts-Ta Vc-vs Slope BC = - Tc-Ts % Non-Linearity = SlopeBC- SlopeAB x 100 SlopeAB A A ,"1 ",1 DELAYEDSWEEP GATE OUTPUT c. Connect both the Main Gate and Delayed Gate outputs from the oscilloscopeto an interval timer, such as the -hp- Model 5300A15302ACounter, to determine the time delay accurately. d. Connect a square wave generator, such as the -hpModel 33llA Function Generator, to both the filter input and the oscilloscopeinput. Set the square wave output to l0 V at a frequency such that the duration of one half of the square wave is greaterthan the expected responsetime of the filter. For example,a frequencyof 300 Hz is satisfactory for the filter shown in Figure 3-14. e. Set the 3490A to the l0 V range,DC function and Track/Hold operation. Connect the output of the filter to the 3490A input terminals. If a dual-channel oscilloscopeis used,also connectthe hlter output to the other oscilloscopeinput. f. Position the delayed sweep intensified trace toward the right side of one half of the square wave and determine the final value of the filter output. Oscilloscopein Figure 3-13. UsingDelayed-Sweep RamPLinearitYMeasurements. &178. Filter ResponseMeasurementAided by an Oscilloscope. Measurementof filter responsemay be accomplished by the use of Sample/Hold, a delayed-sweep oscilloscope,a squarewave generator,and a time interv-al counter. The following procedure tests the responsetiniö ofa filter. g. Shift the intensified trace toward the left until the 3490A readingis reducedto within XVo or X mV of the final value noted in step f. The time interval counter displays the time required to settle to this value. The intensified trace may be positionedat the other points to observeany overshootor ringing in the filter oütput. theAcquire/Hold Mode. 3-179.Using a. Choose an oscilloscopewith delayedsweep,such as the -hp- Model l80C with the 1821A Time Base/ Delay Generator plug-in unit. The vertical plug-in may be either single- or dual-channel. However, the dualchannel feature permits display of both the filter input and output at the sametime. Be sure the DelayedGate output from the oscilloscopemeets the Sample/Hold Trigger input signal requirements given in Paragraph 3-160. 5o6mH 3-180. Measuringa Step Input Voltage. The Acquire/ Hold mode of operation is useful for measuringa step input voltage becausethe Sample/Hold Trigger command may be applied simultaneouslywith the input voltage step. The aperture time, which is the delay between receipt of a Sample/Hold Trigger and the beginning of a Hold mode, is of sufficient length to include the acquisition time, as shown in Figure 3-l 5. 5e6 mH 3490A W|TH SAMPLE /HOLD Figure3-14. Filter Output Measurement. _1-10 Model3490A SectionIII STEPINPUT - FULL SCALE SAMPLE/HOLD TRIGGER Figure3-16. Ratio Input Connections. reference voltage may be either a positive or negative voltagebetween0.1 V and 1.2Y. On the l0 V range,the referencemay be positiveor negative,I V to l2 V. A P E R T U R ET I M E > ACOUISITION TIME of a StepInput. Figure3-15. Measurement The step input voltage must remain stable for at least the duration of the Acquire/Hold aperature time shown in Table 1-2. 3181. MeasuringPulse Height. hcquire/Hold may be used to measure the height of a pulse or square wave. The width of the pulse (or one-half of the squarewave) must be greater than the aperture time shown in Table l-2. Triggering may be applied coincident with the leading edgeof eachinput pulse. 3-182.Using50Hz or 60Hz PowerSource(Options 050or 060). 3-183. The 3490A has the capability of operatingfrom a 50 Hz or 60 Hz power source.Option 050 is available for 50 Hz operation and consistsof using a 3.333 MHz crystal (Y2) in the clock and AlR207 = 100 kSr. Option 060 provides for 60 Hz operation and usesa 4 MHz crystal CYI) in the clock and AlR207 = 84.5 kQ. See Table 2-1. 3-188.lnputConnections 3-189. The dc external referenceand unknown input voltageshouldbe connectedas shownin Fizure 3-16. Extemal Reference Low and Input Low must be at the same potential; these terminals are connected intemally. Connect Guard to Input Low. 3-190.RatioDisplay. 3-191. Ifthe I V External Referencerangeis selected, the display reads the ratio directly, but if the 10 V referencerange is used,multiply the display by 0.1. In dc/dc ratio measurements,the polarity symbol is + vshsn the external reference and input voltages are the same polarity, and - if they are opposite in polarity (seeTable 3-ll). In ac/dc measurements,no polarity symbol is displayed. Any ratio measurementis limited to l2O % of the input range selected. If autoranging is selected, 'upranging occurs at l2O % of rcnge and downrangingat lO% of range. Overload indication is the same as in voltagemeasurements. Table 3-11. Ratio Polarity Display. (0ption080). $184. RATIOlf'leasurements 3185. Instructionsfor makingratio measurements with the Model 3490A, Option 080, are contained in the following paragaphs. DC-to-dc and ac-to-dc ..threewire" ratio measurementscan be made; that is, the EXT REF input Low terminal and the INPUT Low terminal are connectedintemally. Becausethe sameterminalsare used for Ohms measurementsand for Ratio measurements, these two functions are mutually exclusive. External Reference I nput + + I nput Signal Displayed Polarity + + + + ac ac + none none $186. External Beference Voltages. 3187. The front panel Ratio switch selectseither the lntemal Referenceor the I V or l0 V External Reference range. If the I V range is selected,the external 3-192. RatioMeasrement Procedure. a. Set RATIO switch to I V or l0 V EXT REF range.If the external referencevoltageis between1.0 V 3-21 tu SectionIII Model3490A and' 1.2 V, the I V range should be used for greater accuracy. sincetheseterminalsare connectedinternally. b. Connect External Reference(dc only) to EXT REF terminals. f. Read ratio display directly if I V EXT REF range is selected.If 10V EXT REFrangeisselected,multipiy displayby 0.1. c. Select DC or AC FUNCTION to correspondto input signalto be measured. NOTE d. Set RANGE switch to desired range or to AUTO. e. Connect input signal(dc or ac). Input signalLow and External ReferenceLow must be at samepotential, J-L- When operating in Autorange mode with less than full-rcale External Reference input (<1 V or 110 V), the first readingfoiowing on uprange will be incotect. Model34904 SectionIV S E C T I OI V N T H E O RO YF OPERATION 4I. INTBODUCTION. 42. This section describes the methods and circuits used in the Model 3490A Multimeter to make dc voltage, ac voltage, and resistance measurements.The circuits needed for ratio measurement,sample-and-hold remote control, and data output are also measurements, described.A generaltheory ofoperation is followed by a more detailedexplanationof the circuits used. Y FO P E R A T I O N . + 3 . G E N E R ATLH E O RO 44. The Model 34904 Multimeter uses the dual-slope integration technique for measurement(seeFigure4-1), in which an integrator chargesfor a fixed length of time to a voltageproportional to the input sigral, and then is discharged at a fixed rate determined by a known reference voltage. The measurement display is determined by the discharge time, which is proportional to the input sigral. The integrator is part of the Analog-toDigital Converter shown in the Basic Block Dagram in Figare 4-2. A description of the basic operation of the 3490A is contained in Figure 4-2 and Paragraphs4-5 through 4-l 8. 45. Signal Conditioning Gircuits. 46. The signal conditioning circuits include the DC Input Attenuator, the AC Converter, and the Ohms Convertercircuits. The output ofone ofthese circuits is applied to the DC Amplifier for the run-up portion of the measurementsequence. 47. ReferenceVoltages. 4-8. One of three referencevoltagesis applied to the DC Amplifier input for the run-down portion of the measurementsequence.The proper referenceis selected by the Logic circuits accordingto the function selected and/or the polarity of the input signal. +9. DCAmplifier. z1-10.The DC Amplifier output is l0 Vdc for a fullrange input on any range in any function. For any measurementexcept Sample/Hold,this output goes to the Analog-to-Digital Converter circuits. In Sample/Hold measurements, the DC Amplifier output is appliedto the Sample/Holdcircuits (seeFigure 421), nd the Sample/ Hold output is appliedto the A-to-D Converter. 4l 1. Analogto-DigitalConverter. 412. The Analog-to-Digital (A-to-D) conversioncircuits consist of an Integrator, followed by a x20 Amplifier and,a Zero Detect Amplifier. If the Integrator input is positive during run-up, the A-to-D output goes HIGH (near + 5 V) during run-up and retums to LOW (near 0 V) when the Integrator is dischargedto zero. If the input is negative,the A-to-D output goes LOW during run-up and HIGH at the zero detect point. Input signal polarity, as well as "end of measurement"information, is derived from this output signal. The length of time betweenthe start ofrun-down and the zero detect point determinesthe numericalvalue of the display. 413. Logic. 4-14. The timing of the measurement sequence is . .qontrolled by the logic circuits. This timing may be influencödby the rangeand function selected.The basic '"' clock is a crystal-controlledoscillator, from which a number of timing signals are derived through dividing counters. The sample rate is controlled by the logic G R E A T E RI N P U T_ S M A L L E RI N P U T - - - - - .r\? ßüy \- INTEGRATOR CHARGES FOR FIXED TIME. RO INT€GRATOR DISCHARGES AT FIXED RATE. 3490-8-3584 Figure4-1. Dual-Slopelntegration. 4-1 Model3490A Section IV +REF< .REF -{ o R E F{ MEASUBEIVIEN TOUENCE SE l r l l o T r t l l l l r r T t z l l z T r l tz tr oTr Prior ro the run{p portion ot the m@su.erent sequence, the 3490A inerts any delay requi.ed by the smple rate control sening, and any delav rhat may be required by the fundion and range selections. During lhis time. the input to the DC Amplifier is grounded and this amplifier and the Integrator arc in lhe Auto-Zero state (see Para$aphs 4-37 and 4-5O). tTz Following any delay required, the input signal is applied to the DC Amplifier and sufficient time is allowed lo. the amplitier to settle belore the run{p period begins. 2 T3 The I ntegrator charges tor a fi xed p6iod 3Ta Signal pola.iry is determined and the prop€r referen@ wltage rhe DC Amplilier in plee of the input signal. eTs The liltegrator discharge. at a tixed rate which is determined by the reference wltage. sTo ll the instrument is in autoJange, it determin6 whether the reading is on the @rrect range. It not, it upranges or downranges ooe range aod.initiat€s another reading. 5Tq This is an Auto-Zero of ti me to a rcltage proponional is plected- lo the input rignal . The relerence is applied to period of 65 ms. (See Paragfaphs 4-37 "nO q-SO.l s490 - a-55!3 Ftgure4-2. BasicDiagramand Operation. circuits, and is dependent upon the sample rate switch setting, as well as the function and range selected. In auto-rangeoperation, the logic circuits selectthe correct range. The input polarity information is utilized by the logic circuits to selectthe correct referencepolarity for run-down. 4-17.Range andFunction Control. 4-18. Rangeand function may be selectedby the front panelswitchesor remotely, if the instrument is equipped with one of the remote control options. Remote control is provided by Option 022 paragraph Ll74), or by the General Purpose Interface Bus I/O Option 030 (Para$aph4-196). 415. Display. ,1-16. The display consistsof six digits; however, the most significantdigit is either zero or an overrange"1" during normal measurements.During the logic test operation (Test No. 1), other numbersare displayedin this dist. The display also contains a polarity symbol "overload" and an annunciator light. If the instrument has a RemoteControl option, a "REM" annunciatoralso lights *tren remote operationis selected. ! . CIRCUITS. + 1 9 . D CA N A L 0 G ar20. In general,the following explanationsof both the analog and digital circuits describe the circuits outlined in the block diagramshownin Figure 7-18. 421. lnputAttenuator. 4-22. A simplified diagam of the Input Attenuator and DC Amplifier circuits is shown in Figure 4-3. The Input Model 34904 SectionIV Attenuator is switched by reed relays which are controlled by signalsfrom the DC Switching Logic circuits' No attenuation is used on the .l V, I V and 10 Vdc Ranges.Attenuation of 100 is used on the 100 V and 100ÖV ranges.No attenuation is requiredfor resistance measurements,becausethe full-rangevoltageacrossthe resistancebeing measuredis not greaterthan l0 V. In ac voltage measurements,the AC Converter output is applied to the DC Amplifier through a FET (Field Effect Transistor)switch, and the dc attenuatoris not used. 4-29.BoottrapCircuit. +23. DCAmPlifier. 4-32. lnternal reference voltages are provided for the run-down portion of the measurement sequence.In dc measurements, if the input voltageis positive,the - l0 V referenceis used; and if the input is negative,the + l0 V referenceis used. In ac measurements, the AC Converter output is positive requiring the negative reference for run-down. The Sl reference,used in resistancemeasurements, is generated by the Ohms Converter and is approximately- I V. 424. The DC Amplifier is a differential amplifier circuit using a FET input stageto provide an input resistance sreater than l0ro ohms on the .l V, I V and lOV i*g.r. Input resistanceon the 100 V and 1000 V ranges is l0MO, as determined by the attenuator. The pushpull output stage is protected by diodes which prevent excessiveoutput current. The amplifier output is f or - 10 V full range for aU rangesand functions. In normal operation, this output is applied to the Integrator circuit. If optional Sample/Hold operation is selected, the DC Amplifier output is applied to the Sample/Hold Analog circuits. Gain. +25. OCAmplifier 4-26. T\'rc gain of the DC Amplifier may be l, l0 or 100, and is determinedby the feedbackpath selected. FET switching circuits are used to select the fee{back resistanceratios, and the gain is equal to FRI-I -FR2,as FR2 shown in Figure 4-3. OUTPUT a M P L T F I E FC A ] N- - - i ARI 9.9 M FRI AR2 O.IM aTTENUaTToN, aR2 $$ GAN xr xro xroo FRI FR2 roox o 90K roK x 99K Figure4-3. SimplifiedDiagram,DC Amplifier. 4-27.Switching Circuits. 4-28. Figure 4-4 shows the 3490A measurementsequence.During the charging,or run-up period, the input sigtal is applied to the DC Amplifier input. During the discharge,or run{own period, the proper referenceis applied. Switching of thesesignalsand others such as a Feedback Attenuator and Auto Zero circuits. is accomplished by FET switching circuits. These FETs are all contahed in one microcircuit package, A2UZ, and are driven by signalsfrom the DC Switching Logic circuits. 4-30. The gate-to-sourcebias for the switching FETs is provided by a voltagewhich is bootstrappedto the DC Amplifier input voltage to provide the proper turn-on and turn-off bias. The input of the unity-gain Bootstrap Amplifrer, shown in Figure 7-20,is connectedto the DC Amplifier feedbackline. l[.31. ReferenceVoltages. 4-33. OverloadProtection. 4-34. Protecfion againstexcessiveinput voltage is provided at the DC Amplifier input. On the 10 V, 100 V and 1000V ranges,the input is limited by breakdown diodes to approximately 1 13 V. On the .1 V and I V ranges,the protection circuits are switchedto limit the input to the amplifier to approximately x 2 V. Overload protection is also provided at the amplifier output by a diode circuit in parallelwith the feedbackattenuator.If, for example,the amplifier is operatingwith a gain of l0 or 100 and the output voltage exceedsapproximately + l6 V, the diode circuit beginsto conduct, reducingthe amplifier gain, with a correspondingreduction in output voltage.If the amplifier is operatingwith a gain of l0 or 100, the gate of the xl gain FET (K in Figure 44)isar - 17 Y.If the amplifier output goesexcessivelynegative, as it approaches- 17 V, the xl gain FET beginsto turn on, reducing the amplifier gain and its output voltage. €onsequently,the amplifier output is limited to approximately1 16 V. 4-35.Leakage Gontrol. 4-36. A FET switch (B in Figure 44) is also provided which disconnectsthe three referenceFETs (F, G, H), the AC Converteroutput FET (E), and the .01 Attenuator FET (D) from the amplifier input during run-up when the xl Attenuator line is being used.This reduces the posibility of leakage from these circuits into the high impedanceDC Amplifier input circuit. 4-37.DCAmplifier AutoZero. 4-38. During certain portions of the measurementsequence,as shown in Figure44,lhe DC Amplifier circuit is automaticallyzeroed.At the completionof a measurement, the amplifier input is groundedthrough the Input Short FET switch C. The Auto Zero signalthen turns on FET switch J, placing the amplifier in a xl gain 4-3 SectionIV Model3490A l+-H-------l sEE NOTES ON FOLLOWTNG .."........PAGE. t-a -N.- B-rt-- c -++ lr r lr lt l t r l . warrrNc, DELAy serecr serrrrncl lpEgroolpenroolcartslpenrool 'l 1 | I I MEASUFEMENT SEOUENCE FOR FULL RANGE NEGATIVE tNPUT. NOT DRAWN TO TIME OR VOLTAGE SCALE. ALL TIMES SHOWN ARE FOR 60 Hz OPTION. FOR 50 Hz OPTION, INCB€ASE TIM€S BY 2O%, lt FET SWITCH ti '*'{t r i^gff*i l i'Xk rP.f' MIN '| t @!! MIN sms '| t sms l 50is | 5ms l ON OFF 11 IV,1V,10VDC A L LI I ON OFF 1m v. 1000voc ON OFF ALL BANGES & FUNCTIONS ON OFF lm v. 10m vDc ON OFF ALL AC RANG€S ON OFF ALL DC RANGES, NEG INPUT ON OFF ALL t} RANGES ON OFF oN ALL ExcEPTsAMPL€/ HOLDMEASUsEMENTSOFF ALL RANGES & FUNCTIONS ON OFF 10v, 1000vDc RANGES ON OFF r v , r v . ! 0 0v D c BANGES,ALL AC ON OFF 1 0K . 1 m 0 K 10.000Ktl ON OFF r v. rmvDc 2t H oN RANG€S,ALL AC OFF I K. lOOKQ BANG€S ON OFF r K . 1 0K , 1 m 0K , IO,OMKQ RANGES ON OFF I VOC..t KQ RANGES ^:: ALL OC RANGES. POS.INPUT, ALL AC 3490A- C-2940 ELECTRONIC swtTcH ON OFF ON '-{ INPUTSHORT """ J tt", MTB I Figure4-4(al. Measurement Sequence. l 1 ^ i-----}...'otu'' F--r-. c i rl ll ll | | | | I | | | | i itYrs i r I to I, RANGE & FUNCTION lf ,Oü MAIN TIME BITS CAA A2U2 PIN ri J---{ ---i* I srone I srrecr | lporlnttvl nEr | cr-,1--!----t i i :l;s, :y;si , , ||- .K r -----]---+---]-. 5ms 65 ms SectionIV Model34904 DC AMPLIFIER ac coNv OUTPUT J6N'AUTOZERO I.AUTO ZERO DISA6L€, USED ONLY DURING SAMPL€/ HOLD OPERAIION The following notes refer to waveforms on preceding page: J. Integrator rundown (0 - 60 ms). A . A U T O Z E R O : l f h o l d i s s e l e c t e d ,w a i t f o r t r i g g e r . l f h o l d is not selected, determine sample rate delay. Check function and range. lf range is not valid for function selected, uprange and downrange as necessary. K. Selectreferencepolarity or ohm's reference. 8. AUTO ZERO: Insert response time delay required for range and function selected. DC = 0 delay; AC = 85 ohms delay; 10 Mo = 350 ms delay; 1 MA = 50 ms delay; other ranges= 0 delay. C. Rangegain with input short (FET Cl. Gain can be either FET K, L, or M. D . I n p u t s i g n a la p p l i e d t o i n p u t a m p l i f i e r . E. Reference applied to input amplif ier. H I G HT R U EW A V E F O R MI N F O R M A T I O N AUTO ZERO=MT-B S I G N A LV O L T A G EG A I N = M T A , M T B S I G N A LV O L T A G EA P P L I E D= M T A . M T B ,M T C REFERENCV E O L T A G EG A I N = M T A , M T B REFERENCEVOLTAGEAPPLIED= ili=iÄ,TUTC INPUTSHORT= MTCMTA, B AND C ARE SAME A S M D A ,B A N D C I F T H E R E ISNOSAMPLE/HOLD. N O T E1 . F . R e f e r e n c eg e i n w i t h i n p u t s h o r t e d ( F E T K ) . G. Auto Zero (65 ms of auto zero). H . I n t e g r a t o rr u n - r u p ( 5 0 m s ) . MODE P U L S EI N T E R V A L DC AC ol M s , 1 0M 65 ms 915ms 1 1 5m s 4 1 5m s Figure4-4(b). MeasuibmentSequenceNotes. configuration. At the same time, FET switch N grounds the feedback capacitor. As a result, the capacitor is referenced to ground and the amplifier input is held at zero during the Auto Zero period. Any residualoffset in the amplifier is stored in the feedback capacitor. During the following measurement, the voltage stored in the capacitor appearsat the inverting input of the amplifier and cancelsthe amplifier offset. discharged at a fixed rate determined by a known referencevoltage. Since the dischargerate is constant, the dischargetime is proportional to the amplitude of the charge (and the input signal). The Data Counter accumulatesthe number of clock pulsesreceivedduring the dischargetime, and this number is then displayed as the measurementamplitude. Figure 4-5 is a simplilied diagramof the Integrator circuits. 4.39.INTEGRATOR CIRCUITS. 440. Dual-Slope Integration. 4-41. The 34904 usesthe dual,slopemethod of analogtodigital conversion. The integrator chargesfor a fixed period of time, as indicated in Figure 44. The charging rate and resulting amplitude of the charge are proportional to the input signal. The integrator is then Amplifier. 442. Integrating 443. Tl're output of the DC Amplifier is applied to the Integrator through the FET switch at its input only during run-up and run-down. The Integating Amplifier is inverting, so if, for example, the input voltage is positive during run-up, the integrator output ramp is negative. 4-5 SectionIV Model3490A E L E C T R O N I CI N T E G R A T I N G SWITCH AMPLIFIER XzO AMPLIFIER ZERO DETECT AMPLIFIER INPUT FROM OC AMP ANALOG Z E R O D E T E C T TO L O GI C Figure4-5. Simplified Diagram,IntegratorCircuits. L44. x 20Amplifier. 450. IntegratorAuto Zero. 445. The output of the IntegratingAmplifier is applied to an inverting amplifier having a gain of 20, whose output is limited to approximatelyt 0.6 V by a parallel complementarydiode connection betweenits input and output. This output is then applied to the Zerc Detect Amplifier. A feed-forwardconnectionis made from the Integrator input to the non-invertinginput of the x 20 Atnplifier. This reduces noise and switching transieq{s generatedat the integrator, since any noiseis appliedto both inputs of the x 20 Amplifier simultaneously. n 4-51. Any chargeremainingon the integating capacitor at the end of rundown must be removed before the beginning of the next measurement.The Auto Zero Circuit accomplishesthis by connecting one input of the Integrating Amplifier to ground and the other to the x 20 Amplifier output. Using its own invertedoutput as a reference, the Integator then dischargesthrough an RC circuit. Since the Integrating Amplifier is gounded during Auto Zero, wry residualoffset in the Integrating and x 20 Amplifiers will be stored in the Auto Zero 2 pF capacitor(seeFigure4-5). During the following measurement, this.voltage stored in the capacitor cancelsthe amplifier offset. 446. ZercDetectAmplifier. 447 . The Zero Detect Amplifier is a high-gain operational amplifier. If the Integratorinput is positiveduring run-up, the Analog Zero Detect Output goes HIGH during run-up and returns to LOW at the Zero Detect point. If the input is negative,the Analog Zero DeLect Output goes LOW during run-up and HIGH at the Zero Detect point. A frxed percentageof the referencevoltage is applied to the inverting input of the Zero Detect Amplifier to determine the level at which Zero Detect will occur. The Analog ZeroDetect output goesto the Zero Detect logic circuits. 448. ElectronicSwitch. 4-49. Two FET switchesat the input to the Integrator act as a sinele-poledouble-throwswitch. During run-up and rundown. the Integrator input is connectedto the DC .tmplit-rer output, and at all other times it is coflreu-tcd to ground. J-tt 4 . 5 2A . CC O N V E B T E B . z1-53.The AC Converterusedin the 3490A is an average responding circuit, calibrated to the rms value of a sinusoidal input. A simplified diagramis shown in Figure 4-6. 4-54.ACAttenuators. 4-55. Ranging in the AC function is accomplishedby attenuatingthe input sigral and adjustingthe amplifier gain, which is inversely proportional to the feedback voltage. Table 4-1 shows the attenuator and amplifier gainsfor eachrange.The converteroutput is + I Vdc for full-rangeinput on all ranges. Amplifier. 4-56.Converter 4-57. A dual FET is used in the input stage of the AC-to-DCConverterAmplifier to maintain a high input impedance.Two ac feedbackpathsare provided,so that SectionIV Model34904 INPUT ATTENUATOR rNeur{ CONVERTER AMP RECTIFIER ?M K? DCFEEDBACK AMP 25oK F IL T E R OUTPUT DC AMP 3490A-A-2824 50K FEEDBACK ATTENUATOR Figure4-6. Simplified Diagram,AC Conyerter. Table4-1. AC Amplifier Ranging. Range 1 V 10v 1(X)v 1000v I nput Amplifier Gain Attenuator 1 1 0.o1 0.01 1 o.1 1 0.1 Referencevoltage. A simplified diagam of the Ohms Converteris shown in Fizure 4-7. Total Gain 1 0.1 0.01 o.001 a gain of I or gain of 0.1 may be selected.DC feedback stabilization is provided through an integating amplifier. Saturation of the Converter Amplifier is prevented by a diode protection circuit which limits the output to approximately1 7 V peak. &58. Rectifierand Filter. zt-59. The output of the Converter Amplifier is rectified by a half-wave rectiher, resulting in a positive output. A complementary diode in parallel with the output rectifier diode is used to provide a full-wave ac feedback to the amplifier input. Active filtering is used so that the necessaryfiltering can be obtained with capacitors of a practical size. In ac measurements,the output of the converter is applied through a FET switch (E in Figure 44) Io the DC Amplifier during run-up. 4.60.OHMS CONVERTER. 461. The Ohms Convertersuppliesa referencecurrent through the resistancebeing measured.The resulting voltage drop, which is proportional to the resistance,is measuredin the same manner as a dc voltage input, except that the Q Referenceis used for run-down. A resistancemeasurement,then, is the ratio of the voltage developed across the unknown resistance,to the Q 4-62.Current Source. 443. One input of the operational amplifier in the current sourceis referencedto ground.The ,fl Reference voltage (approximately - I V) is applied to the other input through a referenceresistance,Rr.1, whose value is selectedaccordingto the ohmmeterrange.The nature of an operational amplifier is such that it tends to maintain both inputs at the same potential. This requirement cannot be satisified by cunent drawn from the FET input; consequently,it must be met by the feedback current, which passes through the resistance being - measured,R1. As the amplifier output goes negative becausedf the negativeinput, the transistorat its output '"' is forward biased. The resulting feedback current is automatically adjusted by the amplifier to cause a I V drop across R.e;. The value of the current, then, is inverselyproportional to the valueof R1s1. Power 464. 0hmmeter Supply. 4-65. An output from the State Clock (see Logic Circuits) is applied to a divide by six counter. The counter output is then applied to both ends'of a center-tapped transformer primary. (The signal at one end is inverted and the other is not.) The output of the transformer secondary is rectified by a full-wave rectifier, and this floating voltage is used as a supply for the Ohms Converter circuits. This permits 4-terminal resistance measurements,since the A Sipal Low is not internally connected to circuit common during run-up. The Ohmmeter Power Supply is disabled during all measurements. measurements except resistance +7 SectionIV Model3490A F E ED B A C K C U R B E N TS O U R C E 'J 6.8K O U R I N G R U N . D O W NO N L Y ,oo. I ) / rnre RRer K1 II ,I K 1 K 1 0K 1 0 0K 1.000K 10.000K V O R E FT O DC AMP I K I K I K 1 0 0K 100K 1 lvl CURRENT 1 A P P R O Xl l0 !A l0 !A Figure4-7. SimplifiedDiagram,Ohms Converter. proper combination of signals to the Scan Decoder. Three scan signals,A, B, and C, are applied to the Data +67 . An emitter follower, whose base is referenced Counter to releasethe stored BCD count information through a voltage divider to a 5.6 V zener diode. one digit at a time, beginningwith the least significant providesa stablereferenceof approximately- I V across digit, Nl. These scan signalsare also used in the Data the reference resistor Rrs6 (Figure 4-7). This reference Output and Remote circuits. voltage, applied to Rpsg, determines the amount of current supplied to R1 by the current source, as 4-75. ScanDecoder. explainedin Paragraph442. A resistancemeasuremenr, then, is the ratio of the voltageacrossR* to the voltage 4-16. The four signaloutputs from the ScanGenerator across R1s;, both voltages being determined by the are fed into a 4-to-10 line decoder.The decoder then current resultingfrom the referencevoltage. appliesan enablepulse to each display unit at the same time that unit receivesthe BCD count information from 468. InputProtection. the Data Counter. Scanningis continuous, with all six display units being scannedin approximately 1.6 ms, 4-69. Protection againstexcessivevoltagewhich may be beginningwith the leastsignificantdigit, Nl. accidentally applied to the front panel Q Signalterminals is provided by a gas dischargedevice across th:ä terminals and a resistancein series with the hieh terminal. Voltages in excessof 250 Vrms may deströy 4-78. The function signals,from either the front panel the I kfl seriesresistor. switch or remote control, are gatedso that the symbol is disabled during ac and ohms measurements.When the +70. 0ISPLAY (Figure ASSEMBLY 7-2?). symbol is enabled, the minus sign is on continuously, and the vertical bar is turned on when the reading is 471. Display Units. positive. The sample rate indicator, contained in the polarity unit, is on when Main Timing Bit A is HIGH. 4-72. Each of the six numerical displayunits containsa 4 x 7 dot matrix of light-emittingdiodes(LED$ to form 4-79.Decimals andAnnunciators. the digits. In addition, each unit contains a decoding circuit to light the proper LEDs, and a latching circuit, 4{0. Range information from the Range Counter is so that the displaycan be changedonly during an enable gated to turn on the correct decimalfor eachrange.The signal.Each unit alsocontainsa decimalpoint to the left Overload annunciator is turned on by the Overload of the number. The polarity unit also contains the signal stored in the Logic. The Remote annunciator is samplerate indicator. Each annunciatorat the right side driven by a circuit on the Remote Assembly.The other of the displayis a singleLED. annunciators (optional) are turned on by gating the Function signals.Each annunciatoris a singleLED. 466. 0hmmeter Reference. 473. ScanGenerator. +74. A relaxation oscillatoroperatingat approximately l0 kHz providesthe clock signalfor the ScanGenerator. The oscillator output drivesa 4-bit synchronouscounter. The counter outputs are gated and fed back to resetthe counter after every I 2th input cycle, thus providingthe -1-ö 4 . 8 1 .L 0 G r C C|RCU|TS. 4-82.Clock. 4-83. Figure 4-8 is a block diagram of the Clock and Counter circuits. The basic timing for the 3490A Ilgic SectionIV Model3490A CLOCK DATA COUNTER BUFFERS EMITTER FOLLOWER TIMING COUNTER L T CI HJC 2 H T C4 HTC8 HTC 16 H T C3 2 D C B A T O D I S P L A YA N D DATA OUIPUT O S C I L L A T O RF R E O U E N C Y FOR STATE CLOCK 6OHz LINE 50Hz LINE 4MHz 3.333MH2 Figure4-8. Block Diagram,Clock and Counters. is derived from a Clock Oscillator which drivesthe Data Counter, a Timing Counter, and the State Clock. The Clock Oscillator is a crystal-controlled multivibrator. The oscillator frequency is 4 MtIz in instruments designedfor 60 Hz line operation, and 3.333 MHz in units for 50 Hz operation. The oscillator output is divided by two before beingappliedto the Data Counter. 484. DataGounter. 4{5. The Data Counter is a hexdecadecounter containing six decade counters, six 4line latches, and output multiplexing. At the end of rundown, a Transfer pulse from the Transfer and Zero Detect logic transfers the count information in BCD form into the 4-line latches. Scansignalsfrom the Dsplay assemblycausethe BCD count information to be transferred to the Display digit by digit, beginning with the least significant digit. The Data Counter accumulates clock pulses continuously until a Clear Data Counter signal is received from the logic Output Decoder. 486. Buffers NEXT.STATE FUNCTION INPUTS COMBINATIONAL LOGIC (GATES,RoM, etc.I 4€7. Inputs to the buffer amplifiersare two intermediate outputs from the Data Counter, Divide by 10,000 and Divide by 100,000. The outputs of theseamplifiers are gated by the Select Hundred Thousand Counts signals,HSHC and LSHC, from Logic Storage.If HSHC is HIGH and LSHC is LOW, the Divide by 100,000 output is selected,and if HSHC is LOW and LSHC is HIGH, the Divide by 10,000 output is selected.The Buffer output is applied through an emitter follower to the Timing Counter. 4-88.TimingCounter. 4{9. The Timing Counterconsistsof a singleD flip-flop and a 4-bit binary counter. Five binary square wave sigrals are produced in addition to the Timing Counter input signal. This input signal is not a symmetrical $quarewave.but is HIGH for 9,000 (or 90,000) counts and LOW for I ,000 (or 10,000)counts.Thesesix timing signalsgö to the Qualifier Multiplexer, and are used to control run-up time, overload point, sample rate delay, and function delay. PRESENT STATE COMBINATIONAL OUTPUT LOGIC OUTPUTS Figure4-9. Typical State MachineBlock Diagram. +9 Model3490A SectionIV Y=YES N=NO RANGE SELEC. DEl€AMINE TED. IF AN INVALID BANGE CONDITION EXISTS, 34904 AUTOMATICALLY RANGES TO N E A F E S TV A L I O R A N G E r0,0m !I IACDC IS 34904 AEADY TO TAKE A R E A D IN G ' IS DELAY REOUIRED) BECHECK NANGE CON OITIONS SEFORE TAK INGMEASUREMENT. FLAG IS SET SEN 34904 WILL NOI B€SPOND TO MANUAL OR EXTERNAL TRIG 6ER. IF AUIORANC€ IS SEL€CT€O ANO REAOING IS ON WRONG RANGE,349OA BANG€S ANO TAKES ANOTHEF READING. THIS PROCESS IS REPEATED UNTIL RANGEIS CORsECT R€ADING IS COMPLET€D y9c'c-35a5 Figure4-10. Block Diagram,Main Logic ASM Flow Chart. +10 Section IV Model3490A tl-90.Algorithmic StateMachine. 4-91. T\e 3490A main logic circuits employ a logic svstem called an Algorithmic State Machine (ASM)' diagram' Fizure 4-9 shows a typical State Machine block "state" nir nSU outputs are determined by the"present of the state'" machine at a given instant, called the one or with state, along present the in Certain outputs "qualifier" inputs, determine the "next state" of more the ASIr{. For example, if the qualifier input is a certain timing signal, the Next State Function logic may wait until this qualifier reaches a predetermined level to changethe state of the ASM. Each new state provides a different combination of outputs. 492. Figore 4-10 is a block diagram of the main logic ASM flow chart. This chart illustrates the process followed by the ASM in taking a normal measurement' Note that at many points, the path taken dependson the condition of a certain signal. This signal is the qualifier input to the ASM at that particular time. 4-93. State Clock. The input to the State Clock is the 4MlIz (or 3.333 MHz) output from the Clock Oscillator (Figure 4-8). This signal is divided by a 4-bit binary counter and a D flip-flop, so that the State Clock output has a period of 8 prs(or 9.6 ps). The two State Clock outputs, labeled HSCK and LSCK, are 180" out of phase, and are used for alternate synchronous clocking of input signals to the ASM storage. The State Clock output is also used in the Data Output and Remote Control circuits. 4-94. Read Only Memory. Figure +11 is a block diagram of the Main Ingic Circuits. The 3490A logic usesa Read Only Memory. Sevenof the memory inputs in the "present" state are used,alongwith a "Qualifier', input, to determine the next state. Five other memory outputs are used to select the qualifier, as well as to initiate the other logic action. In addition, the Read Only Memory (ROM) also supplies an Output Enable sipal to the Logic Output Decoder, a Memory Output sigrralto the Logic Storageflip-flops, Transfer Enable to the Transfer utd Zero Detect gates, and a Close Electronic Switch signalto the Integrator. 4-95. Present State Storage. The Present State Storage consists of seven D flip-flops. The next state outputs from the ROM are clocked into the flip-flops by the State Clock L signal. The D flip-flop outputs are the present state. Together with the qualifier input, they determine the next state outputs of the ROM. The qualifier input is clocked into memory storage at the ROM input by the State Clock H signal 4 ps later to preventuncertainty in the ROM next state decision. 4-96. State ldentification. Each state may be identified by a three-digitoctal coded number determinedby the levelsof D flip-flop outputs YMA through YMG, shown in Figure 7-30. For example, in state 000, all seven outputs are LOW ("0"). If only YMA goesHIGH ("1"), the state is then 001. In the state where YMG= l; YMF=0; YME=l; YMD=1; YMC=l; YMB=l; YMA = I (l 0l 1 I l1), the stateidentihcation number is 131. A total decimal number of 128 statesare possible, with the higheststate identification number being 1774-97. Oualifier Multiplexer. A block diagram of the Qualifier Multiplexer is shown in Figure 4-12. Qualifier Enable signalsLMQA, LMQS, and LMQC from the ROM are inverted and used to selectone output out of eight Figure4-11. Block Diagram,Main LogicCircuits. 4-l r SectionIV Model3490A remains HIGH until after Zerc Detect on the correct range. After going LOW, End of ReadinggoesHIGH at the end of the measurementsequence.The HIGH to LOW transition signalsto the Data Output circuits that the information stored in the Data Counter is valid and allows the data to be transferredacrossguardbefore the "busy' to "ready." Data Flag goesfrom ENAELE IN P U T S ENABLE OUALIFIERINPUT TO ROM Figure4-12. Block Diagram,QualifierMultiplexer. input signalsto eachof three 3-to-8line decoders.These three outputs are applied simultaneously to the AND/ OR Invert Gate. The other two Qualifier Enablesigrals, I-il,IQD and LMQE, are inverted and both HIGH and LOW true signalsare usedat the AND/OR Invert Gateto select one of the three decoder outputs. The output from the Invert Gate is applied to a D flip-flop, which is clocked by State Clock signal HSCK, and whose output is the Qualifier Input to the ROM. This clock signal is 180" out of phasewith State Clock LSCKwhich clocks the Present State Storageflip-flops. This preventsuncertainty in the ROM next statedecision. 4-98. Logic Output Decoder. This 4-to-l6line decoder uses four inverted enablesignalsfrom ROM, HMQA-D, to select the proper output. In addition, the Output Enable signal from the ROM, and the State Clock signal LSCK must both be LOW to obtain an output from the." decoder. All outputs from this decoder are LOW true, and are used to clock the Logic Storage flip-flops, to clear certain storage flip-flops, to clear the Data and Timing Counters,to operatethe RangeCounter, and to clock the'Polarity and Overloadstorageflip-flops. 4-99. Logic Storage. The input level to the D inputs of the six Logic Storage flip-flops is determined by the inverted Memory Output signal from the ROM. Each flip-flop is clocked to changeits output at a different time (or times) during the measurementsequence. 4-100. Main Timing Flip-Flops. ThreeMain Timing Bits are producedby Logic Storageflip-flops. All of theseare used in controlling the DC Switching Logic, which determinesinputs to and gainof the DC Amplifier. Main Timing Bit A is also used to drive the sample rate indicator. When Main Timing Bit B is LOW, it activates the Auto Zero circuits in the DC Amplifier and Integrator. tl-101. End of ReadingFlip-Flop. The output of this tlip-t1op is normally HIGH, and goesLOW shortly after the Zero Detect of a measurement.If the instrument is Ln the autorange mode, the End of Reading sigral 4-1O2. Data Flag Flip-Flop. The Data Flag output from this flip-flop goes LOW at the beginning of a measurement and remains LOW until the reading cycle is completed. If autorangeis selected,Data Flag remains LOW until a readinghas beenmadeon the correct range. This signal is inverted in both the Data Output and Remotecircuits. 4-103. Select Divide by 100,000 Flip-Flop. The two outputs from this flip-flop are used to select either the divide by 100,000 or divide by 10,000 counts output from the Data Counter to the Timing Counter. 4-104. Turn-On Clear. The output of the Turn-On Clear circuit is LOW for approximately 100 ms after the instrument is tumed on. This LOW signalclearsthe Main Timing B and C flipflops and the Present State Storage flip-flops, to force the logic into the preferred state when the instrument is first turned on. 4-105.InputPolarity Storage. 4-106. The input to this D flip-flop is the inverted output of the Analog Zero Detect Amplifier in the lntegrator circuits. The flip-flop is clockedat the end of run-up. If the 34904 input is positive, the flip-flop D input will be LOW at the end of run-up, and HIGH if the input is negative.Both outputs areusedin the logic Zero Detect circuits. The output which goes to the Display and the DC Switching LoSc is HIGH for + input and LOW for - input. 4-107.Transfer andZeroDetect. 4108. The Transfer and Zerc Detectcircuits are shown in the upper right hand corner of Figure 7-30. Two outputs are derived from these circuits; a LOW true Transfer signal, and a HIGH trve Zerc Detect sigtal. These signals may be issuedat end of run-down (when Integrator output reacheszerc), at overload if reading is greater than 120 % of nnge, or when a False Transfer signal is given during Logic Test. Transfer goes to the Data Counter to transfer the count into the six quad latch circuits in the countet.Zero Detect is one input to the Qualifier Multiplexer, indicating to the ROM that a measurementhasbeencomPleted. 4-109. Overload. A Transfer Enable signal from the ROM goesHIGH at the start of run-down, and remains HIGH until after the Transfer sigral goes LOW. This enable signal is applied to one input of each of three AND gatesin the AND/OR Invert Gate. The other input to the two-input AND gate is connectedto the Time SectionIV Model3490A Count 32 line from the Timing Counter. This line goes HIGH at the overload point, 120 7oof runge.The output from this AND gate then goesHIGH to produce Transfer and Zero Detect commands. output will be LOW. If Time Count 32 is HIGH, indicating a measurementof greater thm 120% of range,the flip-flop output will be HIGH. T[ris output goesto the Data Output circuits (Option 021), and to the Display.A HIGH Overloadsigral is invertedin the Displaycircuitsto turn on the Overloadannunciator. 4-110. NegativeInput. If the 34904 input is negative, the Polarity Storage Q output to the next AND gate will be HIGH. Since Transfer Enable is already HIGH, when Analog Zerc Detecr goes HIGH at the end of run-down, Transfer andZero Detect commands are given. +il5. DCSWTTCH|NG LoGrC. 4-1 16. The DC Switching Logc uses range, function, and polarity information, together with the three main Time Bits to control all inputs to the DC Amplifier during both run-up and run-down. This includes input protection on the two lower dc Ranges,input attenuation on the two higher dc ranges,and the output ofthe AC Converter in ac measurements.The DC Amplifier gain is also selected by the DC Switching Logic. In addition, this circuit also enables the Ohms Converter during resistance measurements,and controls the reed relay at the input to the AC Converter for ac measurements. A ,Read Only Memory and three dual-input NAND gatesmake up the DC Switching Logic. +111. Positive Input. When Jhe 3490A input is positive, the Polarity Storage Q output to the other three-input AND gate is positive. Again, Transfer Enable is HIGH, so when Analog Zero Detect goesLOW at end of rundown, this signal is inverted and applied to the third input of the AND gate, resulting in Transfer and ZercDetect commands. 4-112. False Transfer. One input of a two-input AND gate is connected to f 5 V, enabling the other input to control the output. When False Transfer goes LOW during Logic Test operation, Transfer and Zero Detect commandsare issued. + I I 7 . R E F E R E NSCUEP P L I E S . 4113. Ovedoad Storage. ll.l 18. Voltage Mea$rements. +114. When a Zero Detect command is issued, the Overload Storage D flipflop is LOW, indicating the measurement is less than l2OVo of range, the flip-flop 4-119. Figure 4-13 is a simplified diagram of the Reference and Ratio circuits. An accurate and stable + l0 V Referencefrom a voltage regulatedpower supply R E F E R E N CPEO L A R I T YL O G I C E X T E R N A LR E F E R E N C E AMPLIFIER (oPTtoN 080) I N P U TP O L A R I T Y (oPTloN o80) EXT REF INPUT R A T I OP O L A R I T Y EXT INT ,rtl +REF sENsE I +REFERENCE SUPPLY a L L J U M P E R_S< * - b _ R E M o v E ot F R A T I OO P T I O N IS INSTALLEO. I 3490-8-2930 Figurez1-13.Simplified Diagram,Referenceand Ratio Circuits. +13 SectionIV Model 3490A circuit fumishes the positive reference which is used in negative dc voltage measurements.A feedback circuit which sensesthe reference voltage at the FET switch input to the DC Amplifier ensuresthe correct voltage at that point, even though there may be switch and connector contact resistancein the circuit. The input to the Inverting Amplifier, which supplies the - Reference, is alsoconnectedto the sensepoint. 4-120. Plus Reference.The differentialamplifier of this supply is referenced to a zener diode which is in the emitter circuit of a feedback amplifier transistor. The diode and transistor are in the same package, for improved temperature stability. The amplifier gain is adjustedto providean accurate+ l0 V output. 4-121. Minus Reference.The - reference,usedin ac and positive dc measurements,is supplied by an inverting amplifier whose input is the + 10 V reference.The gain of this amplifier is adjustedto providean accurate- l0 V output. (0ption080). 4-122.RatioMeasrements 4-123. A 34904 equipped with Option 080 is capable of making dc-to-dcand ac-to-dcratio measurements. The External ReferenceAmplifier has a gain of l0 when the Ratio switch is set to the I V range.This is necessaryto make the external referencecompatiblewith the reference switching logic, since in voltage measurements* and - l0 V referencesare used. Figure 4-14 is a simplified diagramof the external referenceamplifier circuits. 4-124. Extetnal Reference Amplifier. A microcircuit operational amplifier, connected in the non-inverting mode, is used as a buffer amplifier for the external referenceinput. The gain of this amplifier is selectedby adjustingthe output of the FeedbackAmplifier. A third microcircuit amplifier provides current to compensate for bias current drawn by the input amplifier. The External Reference Amplifier input is clamped to approximately ! 14 V to protect againstexcessive input voltage up to + 250 V. Greater input voltages may damage either the protection circuit or the Reference Amplifier. The amplifier output is limited to approximately t 14 V for the protection of subsequentcircuits. 4-125. FeedbackAmplifier. An amplifier is used in the feedback circuit so that the External ReferenceAmplifier gain on the 10 V Ext. Ref. range can be adjusted slightly above or below unity as required. On the I V Ext. Ref. range, the feedback is attenuated to give the Reference Amplifier a gain of 10, becausein ratio measurements, this referenceis substitutedfor the l0 V intemal reference. 4-126. Input CompensationAmplifier. Bias current at the input of the External Reference Amplifier could causean offset voltagedrop acrossthe input protection resistorif this current were not compensatedfor by the Input CompensationAmplifier. Figure 4-15 showshow this is accomplished.The External ReferenceAmplifier maintains both its inputs at approximately the same voltage, so that the voltage at the inverting (feedback) input is essentially equal to the External Reference input. This voltage is connected to the non-inverting input of the input CompensationAmplifier, U2, which has a gain of l. The output of U2, then, is essentially equal to the External Referenceinput voltage, and may be r 0.1 V to + 12 V. The amplifier offset is adjusted INPUT PROTECTION + I7V EXTERNAL REFERENCE AMPLIFIER INPUT COMPENSATION AMPLIFIER Figure4-14. Simplified Diagram,External ReferenceCircuits. SectionIV Model3490A EXTERML REFERENCE AMPLIFIER B I A S C U R R E N T+ EXT REF INPUT 976K AT VOLTAGE AMPINPUTS FEEDBACK AMPLIFIER APPROX EQUAL tI TO+REF FET A?U?F + l7v COMPENSATING CURRENT 90K toK VOLTAGE= INPUT VOLTAGE 34904- B - 3044 INPUT COMPENSATION AMPLIFIER Figure4-15. Input BiasCompensation. with the Bias Adjustment so that the compensating current is equal to the bias current at the External ReferenceAmplifier inPut. for acldc ratio measurements. Table 4-2 shows the referencepolarity required for the variouscombinations of input and referencevoltages. 4-127. ReferencePolarity Logic. In the dual-slopeintegration method of measurement,the polarity of the reference voltage used for run-down (integrator dis charge) must be opposite the polarity of the input voltage. The 3490A automatically selects the correct reference polarity whether the External Referenceinput is positive or negative. Since the external reference voltage in ratio measurements replaces the positive internal reference, the logic signal which selects the rundown reference polarity must be inverted when the extemal reference is negative. Figure 4-16 shows how this is accomplished.The External ReferenceAmplifier output is inverted and applied to one input of an Exclusive OR Gate. The other input of this gate is connected to the stored Input Polarity signal from the I"ogic circuits. The Exclusive OR Gate output is HIGH if one and only one input is HIGH. If both inputs are either HIGH or LOW, the output is LOW. Becausethe output of the AC Converter is positive, a negative reference is selected in all ac measurements.The front panel display polarity symbol is + if the input signaland extemal reference are of the samepolarity, and - if they are of opposite polarity. No polarity symbol is displayed L1VITCHING. T A N ES + 1 2 8 .F B O N P 4-129. Range, Function, and Sample Rate delay are controlled by HIGH true BCD logic signals from the front panel switches.HOLD and MAN Trigger signalsare LOW true. If the 3490A has a Remote Control option, Range and Function information are routed through the Remote Control circuits so that, if desired, these operationsmay be controlled remotely. Unless Autorangeis selected,the Rangeinformation is stored by the RangeCounter in the Logic circuits. SUPPLIES. 4130.POWER 4-131. Figure 4-17 is a block diagramof the inguard power supplies.Regulatedsuppliesof t 30 V, t 17 V, 'änd t 5 V provide power to the inguard circuits of the " 3490A. An outguard + 5 V supply is a part of Options O2O,O2l andO22. The + 17V supply is regulatedby a microcircuit regulator, and its output is accurately adjusted. All the other inguard regulator circuits depend directly or indirectly upon the + l7 V supply, as indicatedin the block diagramof Figure4-17, since+ l7 INVERTING AMPLIFIER + F O R+ E X T E R N A LR E F . . F O R . E X T E R N A LR E F . + F O R I N T E R N A LR E F . L O WF O R + E X T E R N A LR E F . H I G HF O R. E X T E R N A LR E F . L O WF O R I N T E R N A LR E F . RATIO POLARITY (SEETABLE 4-1) , I H t G H F O R+ t N p U T L O WF O R . I N P U T H I G HF O RA C I N P U T Figure4-16. ReferencePolarity Logic. +t5 Model3490A SectionIV Table4-2. Polarity in Ratio Measurements. Measurement Run-down External Reference I nput Input Signal + + + Ratio Polarity Signal Displayed Polarity HIGH LOW LOW HIGH HIGH LOW + volts is used as a reference for the + 30 V, + 5 V and - 17V regulators.The -30V regulatoruses- 17V as a reference.Ul02 in the - 17 V supplyis operatedoff raw supply thru CR123 until the -30V supply comesup after turn-on. It is then operatedoff - 30 V thru CRl22. The - 5 V supply is zener regulatedfrom the - l7V supply. All suppliesexcept the - 5 V supply are voltage regulatedand current limited for protection. The output of each supply is limited by a zenerdiode to protect the circuits it supplies. Reference Required Amplifier Output Used Invert. Amp. Ext. Ref. Amp. Ext. Ref. Amp. Invert.Amp. Invert. Amp. Ext. Ref. Amp. + none none Table4-3. Analog Tests. Run-Up T€sl No. DC Amp. Input 2 Ground + Ref/- Ref + Ref Ground Input x 0.01 o Ref J 4 5 6 7 Run-Down DC Amp. Gain x x x x x x 1 l l 10O 100 10 DC Amp. I nput + Ref/- Ref - Ref/+ Ref Input x 1 + Ref/- Ref + Ref + Ref DC Amp. Gain x x x x x x 1 l l l 1 1 + I 3 2 . S E L F . T EF SU TNCTION. 4-134.LogicTest,No.l. +133. Seven tests, which may be selectedby front panel switch settings or by optional remote control, provide internal checkson the operationof many of the 3490A circuits. Test No. I checksapproximately70% of the logic circuits, and the other six check analog circuits as explainedin the following paragraphsand in Table4-3. 4-135. A seriesof ten readings,shown below, provide visible indication as to whether the display and certain logic circuits are operating correctly. Note that the instrument autorangesone stepfor eachreading,upranging through all ranges, then downranging through all ranges.Note also that the numerical display changesfor each range. In logic test, two factors determine the FULL- WAVE R E C TFI I E R cRil9 - t 20 R E C TI F I E R REF REGULATOR Figure4-17. PowerSupply Block Diagram. +lb, Model3490A SectionIV numerical display; the length of time that the Data Counter is allowed to count, and the Data Counter output to the Timing Counter (divide by 10,000 or divide by 100,000 counts). In each range, one of six Timing Counter outputs determines the length of the count, and consequently,the most significantdigit. The position of the most significant digit is the result of the Data Counter output selected.If Main Timing Bit B is HIGH, the divideby 100,000output is selected,and if B is LOW, the divide by 10,000 output is used. If Main Timing Bit C is HIGH, the instrument upranges,and if C is LOW, it downranges.Both timing bits are set HIGH when the instrument reachesthe lowest range, and set LOW when the highest rangeis reached. + 080.024 + O4.0024 + o.2N24 +.010024 + 0.09032 + t0.oo24 + 200.024 + 4000.24 + 80002.4 + 6000.xx OL 4141.+ Reference Check, TestNo.4. 4-142.Tlnslestcompares thevoltage at the+ RefFET switch (F in Figure 44) Io a preciseinput voltage. The voltage through the + Ref FET is used for run-up, and the input voltage is used for run-down. If the instrument doesnot have the ratio option, or if the RATIO switch is set to INT REF, this checks the internal + Reference voltage. With the RATIO switch set to EXT and the EXT REF input terminals shorted, Test No. 4 can be used in adjusting the External ReferenceAmplifier zero for both the I V and l0 V referenceranges. +143.0.1V Range Zero,TestNo.b. 4-144. The 0.1 V Range is simulated for this test by setting the DC Amplifier gain at x 100 for run-up, and using the normal reference voltages for run-down. The amplifier input is grounded through the Input Short FET during run-up, and either the + or - Referenceis used for run-down as in a normal voltagemeasurement. Test No. 5 checksoperation of the auto zero circuits in the DC Amplifier. 4145.x .01Atten.,x 100Gain, TestNo.6. 4-136. During the last measurementlisted above, the Transfer signal is switched on for 8 counts and off for 8 counts during the entire counting period, which lastsfor 1,600,000 + counts. Becauseof the counting frequency, nearly all dots in the display appear to be on during this period. The I (in 1,600,000)is lost becausethe display does not provide a seventh digit. In all except the last reading, the two least significant digits are predictable becauseof known transition times during the reading. 4146. In Test No. 6, a precise- l0 V input voltage is first divided by 100 in the attenuator,then amplified by 100 in the DC Amplifier. The + Referenceis used for run-down as in a normal measurement.An incorrect readingin this test could indicate error in the attenuation, the DC Amplifier gain adjustment, or a thermal offset. Test No. 6 is used in the Adjustmentprocedures for adjustingthe x 100 gain. +137. 10V Range Zero,Test No.2. 4147. 0hmsReference, TestNo.7. 4.138. Test No. 2 selectsa DC Amplifier gain of I for both run-up and run-down, which is the l0 V range configuration. During run-up, the amplifier input 1s grounded through the Input Short FET switch (C in Figure 44). Either the + or - Reference is used for run-down just as in a normal dc measurementwith zero input. If the amplifier and its auto zero circuits are operating correctly, the display should be zero. ,l-148. In Test No. 7, the signalat the Q Ref FET switch (G in Figure44) is amplifiedby l0 and comparedto the Ref. The A Signal input terminals must be .tlOv shorted to close the feedback loop of the e cunent source amplifier, thus generating the Referencevoltage acrossthe referenceresistor(seeFigure 4-7). Becausea precise voltage is not required for the fl Reference, the tolerance for this test reading is I 7000 counts. A correct readingverifies proper operation of most of the OhmsConvertercircuits. 4139. Turnover Error,TestNo.3. 4-140. Test No. 3 checks for turnover errors, such as differences in value between the + and - Reference voltages, or amplifier offsets which result in differences between positive and negative readings with inputs of the same absolute value. For this tesi, the instrument usesthe + Ref for run-up and the - Ref for run_downin one measurement, and _ Ref for run_up and + Ref for run-down in the following measuremänt. The stored pola.rity of the run-up voltage in one measurementis used to selectthe run-up voltageof the oppositepolarity for the next measurement.ti tne RAiustmenf proce_ dures,after the + Referencehas beenadjusted,Test No. 3 is usedto adjustthe - Reference. +149.BCDREMOTE EXPAND 0PTt0N020(Figure 7-3r). 4150. 0utguard Power Supply. 4-151. A microcircuit regulator supplies a voltage of approximately + 5.3 V to the outguard Data Output, Remote, Trigger and Sample/Hold Trigger circuits. This voltage is shown on the schematic diagrams as + 5 VI, and is isolated from all inguard circuits. The outguard groundis alsoisolatedfrom the inguardcommon circuits and from chassis(earth) ground, and may be floated a maximum of 40 V abovechassissround. +17 Model34904 SectionIV 4-152. lsolatedTriggerand Hold. S E O U E N T I A LL O G I CI N P U T S ENOOF REAOING L 4-153. External Encode and Hold are both LOW true signals. They are inverted and applied through emitter followers to photo-isolators, consisting of a lightemitting diode which drives a photosensitive transistor. Consequently,there is no electricalconnectionbetween outguard and inguard circuits. SCANC H SCAN 8 H SCAN A H l l t l t t l l t r courPurslI i I i i I I It-l54. Sample/Hold Trigger Circuits. 4-155. Sample/HoldTrigger. Whenthis input goesfrom HIGH to LOW for a pulse width of at least 30 nanoseconds,it signalsthe Sample/Holdcircuits (Option "hold". This pulse is inverted twice and applied 040) to to an isolation transformer, which couples the trigger sigral to the inguard Sample/Hold circuits. The Sample/ Hold Trigger input connection is direct coupled, and if the connection(rearpanel J7 pin 9) is left open,+ 5 V is present at that pin. This trigger will not initiate a reading unless the Stretched Pulse Output is connectedexternally to External Encode. 4-156. AC Trigger. This input may be any pulse having a negative-goingleading edge of 2 to 15 volts and a width of at least 30 nanoseconds.This pulse is capacitively coupled to the isolation transformer to trigger the Sample/Holdcircuits. zt-157. StretchedPulseOut. This output changes from HIGH to LOW for at least 240 microsecondsfor each Sample/Hold or AC Trigger input. StretchedPulseOut may be connected to External Encode to initiate a measurementsimultaneouslywith the Sample/Holdtrigger. + 1 5 8 .D A T AO U T P UOTP T I O0N2 1 . 4-159. The Data Output connectionsat the rear panel are isolated from the internal circuits of the 3490^. Power for the outguard circuits is supplied by the outguard + 5 V power supply. Outguard ground is isolatedfrom inguardcircuit common and chassis(earth) ground, and may be floated up to 40 V abovechassis. Figure 7-32 is a diagramof the Data Output circuits. 4-160.DataMultiplexers. 4-161. Three multiplexers,eachhaving8 input linesand 4 output lines, are used to transfer the Data Output information across the guard to four eight-bit shift registers.An "output select" (Ss) connection to each multiplexer selectsone set of four inputs if the Ss input is HIGH. and the other set of four inputs if Se is LOW. The outputs from two multiplexers are applied to the inputs of the third, or "master" multiplexer. The outputs of the mastermultiplexer are enabledfor only the eights periods of time necessaryto transferall the Data Output information, as shown in Figure 4-18. The SequentialLogic determinesthe time and sequenceof mlolTnationtransfer. :-l ! MASTER MULTIPLEXER OUTPUT SELECT I I I OI IIULTIPL€XEROUTPUT I I ENAELE L I l l DATA MULTIPLEXE OUTPUTS OATA CLOCK IO OUTGUARO SHIFT REGISTERS l r l l lI L l -E -X 1r - t1 .9 . l l | t n l l n I I n l n | dild I F i i 1 6 i 9 ' i3 i " r i 9 8 ä i ä ;i r r i r z t n : l l a l n t n o,,oo,o outou, i.lormorion tcl.r.d oc.cr ry'd ddihq rhi. e.riod d iß n n I i Figure4-18. Data Output Timing Diagram(Option 021). Logic. 4-162.DataOutputSequential zt-163. Figure 4-18 shows the timing sequenceof the sequential Logic inputs and outputs. The Logic is enabled when the End of Reading signal goes LOW at the completion of a measurement.The three scansignals which control the outputs from the Data Counter operate the Logic to correlate the multiplexer outputs with the outputs from the Data Counter. The Sequential Logic consists basically of three JK flipflops. The scan signal inputs to the flip-flops are gated to obtain the desiredoutput pattem. 4164. OataClock. +165. A Frequency Doubler is used so that a clock pulse is issued for each transition of the Scan A signal. Thesepulses are delayed slightly before being applied to the outguard Shift Registers, to allow time for the multiplexer outputs to reachthe proper state. Asembly. 4166. lsolation arl67. Each signalis transferredacrossguard through a photoisolator, which consists of a light+mitting diode driving a photosensitivetransistor. Consequently, no electrical connection is made between the inguard and outguard circuits. +168. ShiftRegisters. 4-169. Four 8-bit Shift Registersareused,providing the capability of 32 paralleloutput lines. Each time a Data Clock pulse is received, the information in the shift registershifts one position and a new input is accepted. A dual-input Exclusive OR gate in each of the shift registerinput lines determineswhether the coded Data Output information is HIGH true or LOW true. The operation of thesegatesis suchthat if one and only one input is HIGH the output is HIGH. If both inputs are Model 34904 either HIGH or LOW, the output is LOW. The HIGH/ LOW switch on the Outguard Data Output Assembly controls one input to each gate. When the HIGH/LOW switch is set to HIGH, one input to each gate is always LOW; consequently, the output will be the same logic level as the other input. When the switch is set to LOW, one gate input is always HIGH. Consequently, if the other input is also HIGH, the output will be LOW, and if the input is LOW, the output will be HIGH. 4170. Data Flag. +171. The Data Flag output signal goes HIGH at the begiruring of a measurement and LOW after a reading sequence is completed. The HIGH to LOW transition indicates that the Data Output information is ready. This transition constitutes a Print Command to a digital recorder. If the instrument is operating in the autorange mode, Data Flag remains HIGH until a reading on the correct rangehas been completed. SectionIV gates,and a HIGH signal at one input of the other gate. The Remote Enable signal is gated so that the fwa[ Remote Flip-Flop cannot be changed while remote program information is being transferred acrossguard. 4180. 0utguard Multiplexer. 4181. This dual 4-to-1 line multiplexer acceptsg bits of range and function information. Then, when a progam Execute command is given, this information is transferred serially, two bits at a time, to the two inguard Shift Registers.The Scan A signal is used to selecl the multiplexer outputs. ftan A is applied to one output selectionline, and Scan A divided by 2 is appliedtoihe other line. Figure 4-19 shows the multiplexer output sequence. S E O U E N T I A L O G I CI N P U T S PROGRAM EXECUTE H scat{ c L172. kinter Hold. +173. A HIGH signalfrom a digital recorder,indicating that the recorder is not ready for an input, is inverted and connected to the 349OA Hold line. This prevents automatic sampling until the Printer Hold signalreturns to LOW. A slide switch on the Outguard Data Output printed circuit board permits disabling of the printer Hold line. If the switch is in the IN position and the Printer Hold line is left open, the inverting transistor output may go LOW, resulting in a ..Hold" condition. 4t74. REM0TE C0NTR0t 0PTtoN 022. +175. The Remote Control Option permits remote control of range, function, autorange selection, and Sample/Hold operation. All connections at the rear panel Remote Input connector are isolated from the 34g0{internal circuits. Power to the outguard circuits is supplied by the + 5 V outguard power supply. Outguard ,r-. ground is isolated from inguard circuit common and from chassis(earth) ground, and may be floated up to 40 V above chassis. Figure 7-33 is a diagram of the Remote Control circuits. l}176.Gircuit lsolation. 1.177. A photo-isolator, consisting of a light-emitting diode which drives a photosensitivJtransistoi, is used to carry each signalacrossguard.Consequently,there is no electrical connection bätween inguärd and outguard circuits. 4-178.Remore Enable. 4-179. When the Remote Enable input is held LOW continuously, this information is carrieä acrossthe guard to the bcal/Remote FlipFlop. Control of the flif_flop is provided by two NAND gates.A LOW Remote Enable signal results in a LOW siglral to one input of one of the SEOUENTIALLOGIC -----_-I OUTPUT PROGRAMFLAG OUTPUT I I l l MULTIPLEXER SELECT INPUTS I l scaNA(So) - | r---l t l r 2Vamplitudeand > 30 ns wide t .:l DC Null Voltmeter VoltageRange: 100 mV ro lOO V Adiustments Tlou6leshooting -hp- Model 419A DC Null Voltmeter Capacitor Capacitance: 1.0 pF Päiformance Checks +rp-Part No. 0160-261I Resistanc€s: 1 ka i 10% lokf,} 10.1 % 1 M f , , r O . 17 0 Performance Checks +rp-Part No: 0684-r02 l 06984157 0698.6369 Thermal Converters Voltages: 1 V 3V Performance Checks + r p -M o d e l1 ' l 0 5 1 A +lp- Model 11O5OA Square Wave Generator F r e q u e n c y :1 0 0 H z t o 1 k H z Output Level: 20 V p-p R i s eT i m e : ( 5 0 PerformanceChecks Adiustments Troubleshooting + p - M o d e l3 3 1 0 A Function Generator Silicon Diode (20 v piv Performance Checks Adiustments +rp-Part No. 1901{040 Resistor 1 0k n Performance Checks + | p -P a r tN o . 0 6 8 4 - 1 0 3 1 t E Voltage: 20 vdcw Resistors Adlustments C€lcu lator G P I 8 u s C o n t r o lC a p a b i l i t v Must serveas printer for 34904 output data GPIB Ooerational Check GPI B Troubleshooting -hp- 9820A Calculator with fip- 11144A ASCII Bus I nterface and Perioheral Control ll ROM Block Logic Comparator 5-C, Capable of in+ircuit check of dual in line TTL lC packages Troubleshooting - h p -1 0 5 2 9 7 LogicProbe Ä i Section V Model34904 S E C T I OVN MAINTENAN CE 5-r.T N T B0 D U CT Io N . in the table may be substituted for the recommended model. 5-2. This section contains performance tests and adjustment procedures for the Model 3490A Multimeter. The performance tests determine whether your instrument is operating within its published specifications.The adjustment proceduresare provided to help you maintain your instrument within specification limits. TESTEOUIPMENT. 5.3.RECOMMENDED 54. Test equipment required for the performance tests and adjustment procedures is listed in Table 5-l . Any equipment that satisfies the critical specifications given 5.5.TEST RECOBD. 5-6. A PerformanceTest Record is provided at the end of this section for the purpose ofrecording the results of the Performance Tests. This record lists all of the tested specifications and their acceptable limits. This record can be removed from the manual and retained as a permanentrecord of the incoming inspectionor routine maintenance performed on the instrument. This record may be reproduced for your use without specialpermission. PERFORMANCE CHECKS S7. PERFORMANCE TESTS. 5-8. Use the following test procedures to determine whether your instrument is opefating within its published specifications. The test limits given in the accuracy tests and on the performance test record compare the instrument to the 90-day specifications given in Table l-l . However, if your accuracyrequirementsare met by other specifications, such as the 30-day or Gmonth specifications,the test limits should be adjusted accordingly. The performance of the instrument should be tested upon receipt and at regular intervals determined by your accuracyrequirements.Refer also to Mil. Spec.MIL{45662A.If the 3490A fails to meet one or more of its specifications, refer to the Adjustment Procedures,Paragraph5-51. The 3490A and test equipment should be operatedät normal line voltage with the 3490A rear panel line selector switches set as instructed in Figure 2-1. Allow at least one hour warm-up time for the 3490A before beginning the following tests. $9. DCVOLTMETER ACCURACY TEST. 5-10. A dc voltagestandard(-hp- 7a0B) is required for this test. c. Select3490A rangesand dc standardpositive and negative outputs listed in Table 5-2. Display should be within limits shown in each case. $ 1 1 .A CV O L T M E T E AR CCURACYTESTS. 5-l 2. Becauseof the voltagerangeand bandwidth of the 3490A ac voltmeter circuits, more than one test setup is required to verify the accuracy specifications. The -hp Model 745A/746A AC Calibrator may be usedto check the accuracyof all rangesat frequenciesup.to I l0 kHz; however, the accuracy of this sigral sourcealone in some casesmay not be great enoughto ensurea valid test of Table 5-2. DC Voltmeter Accuracy. 3490A Range a. Set 3490A FUNCTION to DC, RANGE to .l V. b. Connect dc standardbetween INPUT HIGH and LOW terminals. Display Limits .1V r 0.010O0 V r 0.05000V r 0.10000 V t .009995to .010OO5V l .049990to .050010 V t .099985to .100015 V 1 V t o.10000 v r 0.50000V r 1.00000v I 0.09997to O.10003V I 0.49994 to 0.50006 V r 0.99990to 1.0001OV 1 1.00000 V i 10.0000 v ! 00.9997 to 01 .Oq)3 V t 09.9990to 10.0010V 1 10.0000 V r 100.000 V t 009.997to 010.003 V t 099.990to 10O.O10 V I 100.000 v i 500.000v r+ 1000.00v 10099.97to 010O.O3 V r 0499.92 to 0500.08 V + (x199.86 to 1000.14V 10v Connect Guard to Input Low or damageto the instrument may result. DC Standard Output 1 0 0v 1000v * lf -hp- 7408 DC Standard is used, do not apply negative voltage greater than - 500 V. 5-l PERFORMANCE CHECKS Section V the 3490A accuracy. In this case,a correction factor chart should be used to adjust the calibrator output. '745A1746A Such a chart for the -hpmay be derived during routine periodic calibration of the instrument, and can be used to set the 745A controls for a precise output. For example,if the 745A output is known to be 0.04% high at I V, 20H2, the 745A can be set for a precise 1 V output. by setting the 745A voltage set controls'to 1.000000V and adjustingthe error measurement control to +0.04%. The corrected voltage will then be sufficiently accurate to test the 3490A at I V, 20H2. To determine the length of time that the correction factor chart will be valid, refer to the latest 745A1746AOperatingand ServiceManuals. t . 5-13. To verify the ac voltageaccuracyof the 34904 at frequencies above I l0 kHz, the ac to dc transfer measurementtechnique may be employed. Using the test setup shown in Figure 5-1, apply an accurate dc voltage to the thermal converter and adjust the dc differential voltmeter for a null indication. Remove the dc input from the thermal converter and apply the ac signal to both the thermal converter and the 349OA input simultaneously.Adjust the test oscillator output level to return the differential voltmeter to a null indication. This results in an rms value of the ac signal equal to the rms valueof the dc standardoutput. 5-14. Table 5-3 lists the voltage and frequency points which should be checked to verify the ac voltage accuracy of the 349OA, together with the test equipment neededfor eachcheck. If the equipment required for some checks is not available,a good indication of performancecan still be obtainedby checkingthe points for which suitable equipment is available. r-.. Model3490A Connect Guard to Input Low or damage to the instrument may result. 5 . 1 5O . HMMETE AR CCURAC TE YSTS. 5-l6. Preferred Method. 5-17. A resistancedecadewith settingsfrom 100Oto 10 MO is requiredfor this test. A correctionfactor chart for the decade is necessary to achieve the accuracy required to check the performance of the 34904 'Ohmmeter function. Select the 3490A ranges and resistancedecade settings shown in Table 54. The algebraicsum of the 34904 reading and the resistance decadeerror indicated by the correction factor chart should be within the limits given for each setting listed. 5-l 8. Alternate Method. 5-19. If a suitableresistancedecadewith an appropriate correction factor chart is not available,resistorswithin the valuesshown in Table 5-5, whosevalue is known to within the tolerances given, may be used to check performance of the 3490A ohmmeter function. The 3490A display should be within the number of counts shownfrom the value of the resistorused. 5 . 2 0D . CC O M M O N - M O RD E JEE C T I O NS T . TE 5-21. Effective common-moderejection is the ratio of the peak common-modevoltageto the resultanterror in MULTIMETER hp 34904 t-,,,-----l ( O ) @ u o @\:d o-o o @ o o @ oo DC OIFFERENTIAL V O L T M E T E/R R A T I O M E T E R hp 542O8 OUTPUT CAELE Figure5-1. AC VoltmeterHigh FrequencyAccuracyTest. PERFOBMANCE CHECKS Model34904 Section V Table 5-3. AC Voltmeter AccuracY. 3490A Range Test Sisnal voltago Frequency 3490A Max DisplayError Test Signal Source AC Calibrator 1 V 1 V 1 V 1 V 1 V 1 V 2Q Hz 10kHz 100 kHz t 400 counts t 125 counts r 125 counts 10v 10v 10v 1 V 5V 10v 100 kHz 2O kHz 2Q Hz t 35 counts t 75 counts t 40Ocounts 10v 1 0 0v 100 Hz 50 kHz t 35 counts t 125 counts 1 Ok H z 1 0 0H z t 135 counts r 125 counts 1 0 0v 1 0 0v 1000v 1000v 1000v 1 m 0v 1 V 1 V 25OkHz * 810 counts Test Oscillator 1 V Thermal Converter DC Differential Voltmeter 10v 3V 25O kHz t 285 counts Test Oscillator 3 V Thernul Converter DC Differential Voltmeter Table 54. OhmmeterAccuracy. 39OA Rang .1 ko lkn 10 ks} 100 ko 1,Oq)ka 10,000ko Other Equipment Required Docade Sotting Display Limits .099983to 0.99988to 09.9988to 099.988to 0!X,9.86to 09996.3to 100 sr 1ks} 10 kn 100ka lMO 1 0M O .100017 1.00012 10.OO12 1O0.012 1000.14 10003.7 with Guard connectedto High. A dc standard(-hp7zt0B)is requiredfor this test. a. Connecta I kQ resistorbetweeninput High and Low terminals,and connectHigh to Guardas shownin Figure5-2. b. Set 3490A FUNCTIONto DC. RANGEto I V. Note 3490A display. c. Connect dc standard between Higfr terminal and the 3490A chassis. d. Set dc standard output to + 500.00 V. 3490A reading should not change more than 0.00005 V, verifying dc common-moderejection> 140 dB, where: ECMR= 20log" Peak common-modevoltage Effect on reading (volts) Table 5€. Alternate OhmmeterAccuracyTest. Resistor 3490A Range .1 ko 1k:) 1 0k o 1OOko 1,000ko 10,000ks) Value 90to110o 90Oto 1.1 ko 9koto11 ksl 90kOto110kO 90O ko to 1.1 Msl gMf}to 11MO Toleranca t r t r r r Display Tolerance o.oo25% t 0.0025% t O.OO25% t 0.0025% t 0.005% * I 0.01% 17 12 12 12 14 37 counts counts counts counts counts counts D C S T A N D A R O/ D I F F E R E N T I A L VOLTMETER hp 74OB eEo@oo 5490Ä -a - 29a! OUTPUTCAELE ho llO55B Figure5-2. DC Gommon-ModeRejeaion Test. 5-3 PEBFORMANCE CHECKS Section V 5.22.ACCOMMON.MODE REJECTION TEST. Model3490A c. Set 3490A FUNCTION to DC. RANGE to l0 V. short Input. Note 3490A reading. 5-23. An ac calibrator (hp- 7a5A) and an electronic counter (-hp- 53004) are requiredfor this test. d. Disconnect input shortandconnectcalibrator to 3490A input. Adjust calibrator amplifier to 7.07 Vrms (10 V peak). a. Connect a I kCl resistor between input High and Iow terminals, and connect High to Guard as sfiown in Figure 5-3. e. 3490A reading should not vary more than I 00.316 V from reading noted in step c. This verifies normal-moderejection of )50 dB at 60 Hz (or 50 Hz), where: b. Connect electroniccounter to ac calibratoroutput and adjust calibrator frequency to 60 Hz t O.l % if the 349OA is desigred for 60 Hz line operation, 50 Hz ! 0.1 % if it is a 50 Hz model. NMR= 20los c. Before connectingac calibrator output to 3490A, set 3490A FLJNCTION to DC. RANGE to I V. Note 3490A reading. Peakac superimposedvoltage Effect on reading(volts) 5.26.DC VOLTMETER INPUTRESISTANCE TEST. 5-27. A dc standard(hp- 7a0B) and a I MA !O.l% resistor(-hp- 0698-6369) arerequiredfor this test. d. Connect ac calibrator to 3490A as indicated in Figure 5-3 and set output voltageto 70.7 Vrms (100 V peak). e. 3490A reading should not change more than 0.00001 V from the readingnoted in step c, verifying ac common-mode rejection of 2140 dB at the frequency specified (50 Hz or 60 Hz), using the formula given in Paragraph5-21. Connect Guard to Input Low or domage to the instrument may result. a. Connect 3490A, dc standardand resistoras shown in Figure5-5. S24.ACNORMAL.MODE REJECTION TEST. 5-25. AC normal-moderejection is the ratio of the peak normal-mode voltage to the resultant error in reading. An ac calibrator (-hp- 7454) and an electronicCounter (-hp- 5300A) are requiredfor this test. ,-.. a. Connect test equipment as shown in Figure 5-4. Do not connect to 3490A input. b. Set 3490A FUNCTION to DC, RANGE to lOV. c. Connectjumper acrossI M,fl resistorasindicated. Adjust dc standardoutput to 10.0000V. Note 3490A reading. i^ b- Using an electroniccounter as a monitor, adjustac calibrator frequency for 60 Hz t 0.1 % if 3490A is designedfor 60 Hz line operation,or 50.H2! O.1%if it is a 50 Hz model. -Remove jumper from I MQ resistor.3490A readd. ing should not changemore than 00.0010 V, verifying input resistance ) l0 ro Q. e. Set 3490A RANGE to 100 V. Reduceinput to 1.00000 v. AC CALIERATOR hp 7454 l0 i D @ O @ 0 @ 0 @ 0 @ 0 00 @ ELECTRONIC COUNTER hp 53OO MULTIMETER hp 349O4 r-------l 1O CONN€CTEO C H A S S I SG R O U N O e o@ o Figure5-3. AC Common-ModeRejectionTest. < t Q I t l r +T-F++F oo U CHECKS PERFOBMANGE Model3490A Section V AC CALIBRATOR hp 7454 n r - r n O 0 0 0 0 ä ö ö ö o o-rrr-rrr--r] <) ffi L4 r-r-I-T-'l oD -T-1 a') MULTIMETER hD S49OA o o o o o ? t".f? e ELECTRONIC COUNTER hp53OO n FI \ 5490-B-y50 Figure5-4. AC Normal-ModeReiectionTest. f. Connect jumper across I MQ resistor and note 3490A reading. g. Remove jumper. 3490A reading should change between 000.908V and 000.910V. This verifies an input resistanceof 10 MQ x O-15%. INPUT IMPEDANCE TEST. 5-28.ACVOLTMETEH 5-29. A test oscillator (-hp 652A) and two precision resistors, I MO t O.l % (-hp- 06984369) and l0 kQ t 0.1 % (-hp-06984157),arc requiredfor this test. a. Connect 3490A, test oscillator,and I Mfl resistor (\) as shown in Figure 5-6. Connect jumper across resistor as indicated. b. Set 349OAFUNCTION to AC, RANGE to I V. c. Adjust test oscillator frequency to 25H2. Adjust output amplitude to obtain a 3490A reading of 1.00000v. d. Remove jumper from resistor Rs. 3490A display shouldbe not lessthan 0.65975 V if the instrument does not have the rear input connector, or not less than 0.65804 if it doeshavea rear input connectorin parallel with the front input terminals. e. Replace the l Mfl resistor (R5) with a l0k{-2 resistor.Connectjumper acrossresistor. f. Adjust test oscillator frequency to 250 kHz. Adjust output amplitude for 3490A readingof 1.00000V. g. Removejumper from lOkfl resistor.3490A display should be not less than O.492ll V if the 3490A does not have rear input connector, or not less than 0.41321V if it doeshavethe rear input. PERFORMANCE $30. SAMPLE/HOLD (0ption040/045). --5-31. The dc voltage meursurementperformance of the 3490A must be within specification before proceeding D C S T A N D A R DD/I F F E R E N T I A L VOLTMETE R ho 74OB 3490A B - 2948 M U L T IM E T E R hp 349OA O U T P U TC A B L E hp llO558 Figure5-5. DC Voltmeter Input Resistance Test. 5-5 PERFORMANCE CHECKS Section V Model3490A TEST OSCILLATOR hp 652A MU L T I M E T E R hp 349OA ( o ) @ L ' e ,,' \ \ / @'\--O l/-.----\l @ - @ oo 34904-A-?947 Figure5-6. AC Voltmeter Input lmpedanceTest. with the Sample/Hold performance tests. Refer to Paragraph5-9. $32. Sample/HoldBC Mea$rement AecuracyTest. 5-33. A dc standard (-hp- 7a0B) is required for this procedure, which checks the dc voltage accuracy of the Sample/Hold circuits to the 90-day specification in both Track/Hold and Acquire/Hold operation. Accuracy is not specifiedfor the .l V range. Connect Guard to Input Low or damage to the instrument mav result. a. Set 3490A FUNCTION to DC, RANGE to I V, SAMPLE/HOLD to TRACK/HOLD, SAMPLE RAT.A, fully clockwise. b. Connect dc standardbetweeninput High and Low terminals. c. Select 3490A rangesand dc standardpositiveand negative outputs listed in Table 5-6. Display should be within limits shown in eachcase. d. Set SAMPLE/HOLD to ACQUIRE/HOLD and repeatstep c. $34. Sample/HoldResponse Test. 5-35. A function generator (-hp- 3310A), an oscilloscopewith delayedsweepand delayedgateoutput (-hp l80C/l80lAll82lA), a silicon diode, and a l0kh resistor are required for this test, which verifiesthat the Sample/Holdcircuits will respondto a step input voltage within the stated acquisition time. The Delayed Gate Output from the oscilloscopemust be a negative-going pulse at least 30 nanosecondswide and havins an amphtudeof I to 100 V. f,. Conne''r equipmentas shown in Figure 5-7. If the -r490A ha: BCD Remote Expand Option 020, also i+ Table 5-6. Sample/HoldDC AccuracyCheck. 3490A Range DC Standard Output Display Limits 1 V r 0.10000V r 0.50000v r 1.00OO0V r 0.0998to 0.1002V ! 0.4998 to 0.5002 V t 03997 to 1.0OO3 V 10v 1 1.00000v r 5.00000 v I 10.0000V 100998 to 01 .002V + 04998 to 05.002 V ! 09.997 to 10.OO3V 1 0 0v r l0.0O0OV r 50.0000 v r 100.000v t 009.98to 010.02V t 049.98ro 05O.O2V I 099.97to 100.03V 1000v 1 1 0 0 . 0 0 0v t 500.000v ' + 1 0 0 0 . o ov t 0099"8to 0100.2 V ! 0499.8 to 0500.2 V r 0999.7to 1OO0.3 V * lf -hp- 74OB DC Standard is used, do not apply negative \roltage greater than - 5OO V. connäct StretchedPulseOutput (J7 pin l0) to External Enclode(J7 pin 28). b. SEt 3490A FUNCTION tO DC, RANGE tO IO V, SAMPLE/HOLD to TRACK/HOLD, SAMPLE RATE to HOLD. c. Set oscilloscope controls for External Trigger, negative slope, and Main sweep. Set Main sweep to .1 ms/div.,Delayedsweepto I ps/div. d. Set function generatorto squarewave, frequency to I kHz, and adjust output level for 20 V peak-to-peak signalas displayedon oscilloscope. e. Adjust oscilloscopedelay control so that intensified trace begins approximately 450 ps after negativegoing transition of squarewave. Note 34904 reading, which should be near zero. f. Adjust delay so that intensified trace begins approximately 125 ps after negative-going edgeof square wave (stated maximum acquisitiontime for l0 V range is 128 ps). Reading should be within 1 0.001 V of the readingnoted in stepe. PERFOHMANCE CHECKS Model3490A Section V O S C I L L O S C O P EPLI.JGIN PLUG IN hp lSOD hp l80lA hp l82lA FUNTION GENERATOR hp 3310A/B OELAYED GATEOUTPUI TOSAMPLE/HOLD ACTRIGGER INPUT Figure$7. Sample/HoldResponseTest. g. Set oscilloscopemain sweepto .5 ms/div. h. Adjust function generator frequency to 200H2, output level to 2 V peak-to-peak. i. Set 349OARANGE to I V. j. Adjust intensified trace to approximately I ms after the negative-going edge of square wave. Note reading, which should be near zero. k. Adjust intensified trace to approximately 500 ps after the negative-goingedge of square wave. Reading should be within t 0.001 V of readingnoted in stepj. (0ption080). 536. RATI0PEBF0BMANCE 5-37. The dc and ac voltage measurementperformance of the 3490A must be within specifications before proceeding with the ratio performance tests. Refer to Paragraphs5-9 and 5-l l. $38. DC/DCRatioAccuracy Tests. 5-39. Preferred Method. Two dc standards(-hp- 7a0B) are necessary for this method, making it possible to check performance at various levelsof EXT REF voltage and INPUT voltage. Both dc standardsmust be floating, since IMUT Low and EXT REF Low terminals are connectedinternally. If only one dc standardis available, go to Paragraph540. a. Set 3490A RATIO switch to EXT REF I V. Connect a dc standard to 3490A INPUT terminals and adjuststandardoutput to + 0.10000 V. b. Set 349OA FUNCTION to DC, RANGE to 1 V. Connect a second dc standardto 3490A IMUT termi_ nals and adjust standardoutput to + g.lgggg V. 3490A displayshouldbe + 0.99955 to + 1.00045. c. Select EXT REF and INPUT rangesand voltages listed in Table 5-7. Display should be within limits shovmin each case. 540. Alternate Method. A dc standard(-hp- 74OB)and a secondvoltagesourcehavingan output of l0 V + 5 %, stable to within I mV/hr, are required for this method. Both the dc standard and the secondvoltage source must be floating. A 9.8 V mercury battery (Mallory TN77) is .e satisfaQtorysource. The following procedure will refer " to the secgndvoltagesourceas the battery. a. Set 34904 RATIO switch to INT REF. FUNC_ TION to DC, RANGE to 10 V. Table5-7. DC/DC Ratio AccuracyTest. Ext Ref Range 1 V 1 V 1 V 1 V 1 V 1 V 1 V 10v 10v 10v 10v Ext Ref Voltage + 0.10000 v '+ 0.50000v + 1.00000v + 1.00000v - 1.00000v - 1.00000v + 1.20000v + 1.00000v + 5.00000v + 10.0000v + 12.0000v Input Range 1 V 1 V 1 V 1 V 1 V 1 V 1 V 10v 10v 1 0 0v 1 0 0v Input Voltage + 0.10000 v + 0.50000v + 1.00000v - 1.00000v - 1.00000v + 1.00000 v + 1.00000 v + 1.00000v + 5.00000v + 100.000 v + 100.000 v Display Limits + 0.99955to + 1.00045 + 0.99979to + 1.00021 + 0.99982to + 1.00018 - 0.99982to- 1.00018 + 0.99982to + 1.00otg - 0 . 9 9 9 8 2 1 o -1 . 0 0 0 1 8 + 0.83316to + 0.83350 + 09.9955to + 10.0045 + 09.9979to + 10.0021 + 099.979to + 100.021 + 083.313 to + 083.353 5-7 PERFORMANCE CHECKS Section V b. Connect the battery to IMUT terminals, * to HIGH, - to LOW. Note and record 3490A display. c. Connect dc standard to EXT REF terminals and set standard output to positive voltage equal to display noted in step b. d. SET 490A RATIO switch to EXT REF l0 V. Display should be + 09.9982 to + 10.0018. e. Reverse polarity of dc standard output. Display shouldbe -09.9982to - 10.0018. f. Set RATIO switch to INT REF. Reversepolarity ofbattery connections.Note and record display. C. Set RATIO switch to EXT REF 10V. Adjust dc standard output to negative voltage equal to display noted in step f. Dsplay should now be +O9.9982 to + 10.0018. h. Reverse polarity of dc standard output. Display should be -O9.9982to - 10.0018. i. Reduce dc standard output to 1/10 the output usedin steph. j. Set RATIO switch to EXT REF lV. shouldbe -09.9982to - 10.0018. Display S41. AC/DCRatioAccuracy Test. 5-42. A dc standard (hp- 7a0B) and an ac calibrator (hp-7a5A) are requiredfor this test. r... a. Set 3490A RATIO switch to EXT REF I V. Connect dc standard to EXT REF terminals and adiust standardoutput to + 0.10000 V. b. Set 3490A FUNCTION to AC, RANGE to I V. Connect ac calibrator to IMUT terminals and adjust calibrator output to l00mV at l00Hz. Display should b e 0 . 9 9 8 6 5t o I . 0 0 1 3 5 . c. Select EXT REF and INPUT rangesand voltages listed in Table 5-8. Display should be as indicated in eachcase. Model34904 Test. InputResistance Reference 5-43.External 544. L dc standardChp- 7a0B) and a l0k9"tO.l% resistor(-hp- 0698a157\ arerequiredfor this test. a. Set 34904 RATIO switch to EXT REF l0 V. FUNCTION to DC, RANGE to l0 V. b. Connect 3490A. dc standardand l0 k,f) resistoras shownin Figure 5-8. Connectjumper acrossresistor. c. Adjust dc standard output to + 10.0000V. Note 34904 display. d. Removejumper acrossresistor. Display should not change more than 100 counts, verifying an EXT REF input resistanceof ) l0? Q. (0ption030). CHECK 5-45.GPIB0PEBATIONAL 546. A GeneralPurposeInterfaceBus systemcontroller and a printer are required to verify the operation of the 3490A Option 030. Two proceduresare given.The first, in Paragraph547,is a generalprocedureto be usedwith any bus controller. The second, in Paragraph 5-49, is essentially the same procedure written specifically for the 9820A calculator. If the 3490A I/o circuits fail to operate correctly, refer to the GPIB troubleshooting information, Par agraph 749 . l. Initialize LEOP - Set End Output [.ow HEOP - Return End Output to iligh LREN - Set RemoteEnable LOW 2. Send addresses(see Paragraph 3-104 for 3490A addresscodes) Set Multiple ResponseEnableLOW LMRE ? (77s) - Universalunlistencommand 6 (668) - 3490A listenaddress(3490A placedin remote mode) HMRE - Set Multiple ResponseEnableHIGH 3. Sendprogramminginstructions i) rJ TestNo. I Table 5-8. AC/DC Ratio Accurary Test' Ext Ref Range i V 1 V 1 V 10v 10v 10v 10v 5€ Ext Ref Voltage 0.50000v 1.00000v 1.20000v 1.00000v 5.00000v 10.ooo0 v 12.0000 v Input Range 1 V 1 V 1 V 10v 10v 10v 10v lnput Voltage 0.50000v 1.00000v 1.00000v 1.00000v 5.00000v 10.0000 v 10.0000 v Display Limits 0.99865to 0.99865to 0.83218to 09.9865to 09.9865to 09.9865to 08.3218to 1.00135 1.00135 0.8348 10.0135 10.0135 10.0135 08.3448 Section V CHECKS PEBFORMANCE Model3490A DC STANDARD/DIFFERENTIAL VOLTMETER ho 74OB MULTIMETER hp 349OA OIJTPUT CABLE il0558 34$A-l_5045 Test. Figure5-8. External ReferenceInput Resistance rr \ t: I SingleReadingwith OutPut r I) I ImmediateInternal Trigger E - Execute 5 ) R 4 ) E 12. Sendaddresses l-l\,tRE ? Unlisten command V - 3490A talk address - Addressof listener HMRE 4. SendAddresses LMRE - Unlisten command 2 V (1268) - 34g}Atalkaddress ' Addressof listener HMRE 13. Accept 3490A reading Check for DC 5. Accept 3490AoutPut Check for logic test sequence 14. Sendaddresses LMRE ? Unlisten command 3490Alisten address 6 - Addressof talker HMRE 6. Have 10 readingsbeenmade? Yes - Go to 10 No - Continue 7. Sendaddresses LMRE ? Unlisten command 6 - 3490A listen address - Addressof talker HMRE 8. Send programminginstruction E - Execute 9. G o t o 4 lo v Ranse 15. Sendprogramminginstructions .. E l :} z t AC E 16. Sendaddresses LMRE '! Unlisten command V - 3490A talk address - Addressof listener HMRE 1 0 .Sendaddresses I l 't LMRE ? - Unlisten command 34904 listen address 6 - Addressof talker HMRE I l. Sendprogramminginstruction trl öt DC 17. Accept 3490A reading Check for AC 18. Sendaddresses LMRE 'l Unlisten comrnand 6 - 3490A listen address - Addressof talker HMRE 5-9 PERFORMANCE CHECKS Section V 19. Sendprogramminginstructions it l l Ko p l :o lI .l kQ Range E 20. Sendaddresses LMRE ? Unlistencommand V - 3490A talk address - Addressof listener HMRE 21. Accept 349}Areading Check for KO and .l kSl range 22. Sendaddresses LMRE 't Unlisten command 6 - 3490A listen address - Addressof talker HMRE Model3490A 29. Accept 3490A reading Checkfor l0 kO range 30. Sendaddresses LMRE ? - Unlistencommand 6 - 3490A listen address - Addressof talker HMRE 3l . Sendprogramminginstructions R I 100 kO Range ;' ) r t E 32. Sendaddresses LMRE ? - Unlisten command V - 3490|talk address - Addressof listener HMRE 33. Accept 3490 Lreading Checkfor 100 kQ range 23. Sendprogramminginstructions :t ) , lkQRange E 24. Sendaddresses LMRE ? Unlistencommand V - 349OAtalk address - Addressof listener HMRE 34. Sendaddresses LMRE ? - Unlisten command 6 - 3491Alisten address - Addressof talker HMRE 35. Sendprogramminginstruction , P I ;z )l 1000kO range E 25. Accept3490A reading Check for I kO range 26. Sendaddresses LMRE 2 Unlistencommand 6 3490A listen address - Addressof talker HMRE 27. Sendprogramminginstructions R I l0 kf,) range a a lI E lE. Sendaddresses L\{RE ? Unlistencommand V - 3490A talk address - Addressof listener HMRE r-10 36. Sendaddresses I.IURE '! Unlisten command V - 3490A talk address - Addressof listener HMRE 37. Accept 34g}Areading Checkfor 1000 kQ range 38. Sendaddresses LMRE ? - Unlistencommand 6 3490A listen address - Addressof talker HMRE 39. Sendprogramminginstructions R I 10,000kQ range ;' ) t ) E PERFOHMANCE CHECKS Model3490A 52. Returnto local HREN 40.Sendaddresses LMRE 2 - Unlistencommand V - 3490A talk address - Addressof listener HMRE TestProcedure. $47. General 548. This procedurechecksthe ability of the 34904 GPIB circuits to accept and processaddressingand and to output measurement remoteprogramming, data. This proceduremay be used with any bus system controller. 4 1 . Accept349D[reading Checkfor 10,000kQ range 42. Sendaddresses LMRE 2 - Unlistencommand 6 - 3490[listen address - Address of talker HMRE $49. TestProcedure UsingModel98204 Calculator. is written specihcallyfor the 5-50. this test sequence -hp Model 9820A Calculator,and performsthe same operatingchecksas the generalprocedurein Paragraph 547. Tllre9820A must havethe I I l44A Interfaceand the PeripheralControl II ROM Block installed.Referto the OperatingManualsfor theseinstrumentsfor operating instructions.The following test sequencemay be recordedon an-hp CalculatorProgramCardandusedin subsequent testsand in troubleshooting. Theprogramis presentedin this procedurein the form that it is printed by the 9820A. The first statementgivesan exampleof the 9820Akeyboardsequence required. 43. Send programming instructions IT :' SectionV Interrupt singlewith output E 44. Check for SRQ LOW after 3490[completes a reading 45. Sendaddressand command LMRE V 3490A talk address - Addressof listener - StatusPoll Enablecommand (30a) HMRE Initializethe calculatorand 3490Aby prpssing 46. Accept ASCII characterfrom 3490A Check if LDIOT is LOW 47. Sendaddresses LMRE ? Unlisten command 6 3490A listen address - Addressof talker HMRE EXECUTE (End Output, EOP, is LOW while STOP key is depressed) ,." SetLRENto LOW. f-r 48. Send programming instructions M ) Singlereadingwith outPut t I 49. Send addressand command (30a) HMRE T t't | '','r! llf.rT' | . J I d _ ! r . r . r r :I . {'-rl I.:'r The abovesequence requiresthat the following keys be pressed E I-I\,IRE V r ri.{"t' 3490Atalk address Addressof listener StatusPoll Enablecommand 50. Accept ASCII characterfrom 34gOA Check if LDIOT is HIGH @o@o@o r-T\ EUJ[I STORE Setcounterto l. 5l . Sendaddressand command - Universaluntalk address - StatusPoll Disablecommand (31e) 1 r I r 1+ tll5-l I PERFORMANCE CHECKS SectionV Address 3490A to listen, calculator to talk. 9820A talk addressis u. This puts 34904 in remote control. Program 3490A to Test No. l, Single Reading with Output, Immediate Internal Trigger. Address calculator to listen, 34go^ to talk. calculator listen addressis 5. Accept 34904 reading. I ::::! " i:j,.," H"'iiF:i,l'.l":+ir r::::f,.li:r F;:ä il Address 3490A to listen, 9820A to talk. Program Ohms function, .l ke range. j. rjj I " ''':'r:l' " " t"':i'i i't l"'i I i:::'I i.;:*' i::i' "1 '-' ] i r-' : r " " ' t:::i',ii::l ',:'r:ii".l r i::i;i [i:'::';'1 ::::ll"1[::"l"- Model 3490A , { . i , ü . i Address3490A'to talk, 9820A to listen. Accept 3490A readingcheck for Ko function' :i.:1.I " " i:::l'll:l 'lr"' rr; i Fi:l.'t[:ili:.iil , l;.::i:i[ ; i I..i,:,i1,'T',, ;i:i;; l;,i ,, ,, l. ::ir f:li". fj F:l- Instruct calculatorto print reading,trigger 3490A, print the next reading, etc., until a total of l0 readingshave been taken and printed, then go to 6. l:.r.-i i_. Instruct 9820A to check last characterof output format (seeParagraph34T).Checkfor .l kSl range. 4r 'l p':,:il"i i:i I i:i;;'-[' t:::t i F [t * 1 üji ._tf,l|;i i: l" :i;il "i',ii:i Fi:i.tfiil i. :.i:l ii i. l-:' t"..:;. i. llt ,r !::: -ur-.: ...,1 ii i ii l''lF llri* flir ._t n i':l: "',lri,i-l" :i +.[rt-,'ht i t::::l''l]:t r " " ,_ti1pt-*:l[ ii ] ['f:'"i' i F .1- '::!lii;::::1:-, " i i,:. i"- Address 34gOAto listen, 9820A to talk. Program3490A to DC function, l0 V range. t, : i-.i.{ ii r-, l l L.r "F. 'r '-' j. | | r! : l::1 l-l I I q I i:":i'lll " 'i " " " i:, l,-l r |:i:l::;i:: i- rr r i-J t..i ji t-. l- I;;.t1',:.,.1 t. r... Address3490A to talk, g82OAto listen.Accept 34g0A reading.Checkfor DCfunction. ' '::'"":::' " i ü:l-rii::r r:::i''ii:r :i:.li i Address3490A to listen, 9820A to talk. Program3490A to I kO range. ! + ,:l ii [:i:.i.i[il ]. :jti';,,::i [;::ithi :i.:;il-:'',::: i -1" ii" I t- ' ii'::::1;,;r1 li [: it t-: F. Address 3490Ato talk,9820Ato listen. .i I I l"::i'lIl : d:'i','i f; " ii 1.{'i-: i-' rast ä'"1'JJ':li3'^,rl, lg;,lt'i::r;Y?ä,:""r;l"k :i i:i,! l; 1 p: r".: ::;.i. :.i:t i',,I,[' 1.:;;t"i,.,1' i.-:li ..1 l{ Fi lil iI i +.r,::-i Address3490A to listen,98204to talk. Progam34904 to i . i r ..:1..... AC function. r.i ,, i !:, ,, dli:li:::: l; i i;::,i;:,.i.. :i. ' i: i'iii ' '1ij " " " i i , [::.;i::[: l'" Address 3490A to talk, 9820A to listen. Accept 3490A reading.Checkfor AC function. ' ':.",,,, ' i_ i: Ii i ; il;:.1) [::t ]. ::;rl * f i E:IrE: l, ,;r-:*;'I i:;,::1.:r[:ir l l : : : : i ,i i i _.;+l;ip ;;:'itrf 5 - ll i F. Address349olto listen,9g20Ato talk. prosram34904 to l0 kO range. i l:ilI " " " " r.": ii j..r 1'1,!.-i r Iii:,,:iil:: i." Address3490A to talk, 9820A to listen. l i ; rI .t:iri,,rilx"I:l,,,r:-:i-. t::f,ll.l PERFORMANCE CHECKS Model3490A Accept 3490A reading. Instruct 98204 to check last characterof output format. Checkfor l0 kSl range. ,: SectionV Accept 3490A reading.Instruct 98204 to check last of outputformat.Checkfor 10,000kO range. character r:t tr FiIlLt :l ::l't il i I [:r t-.::i;:l ;ll t-:I .-ll'lF lir1"" i 1 +'t-:..+ i':Ilhl :i,:;i'+;:tli 1'F l":::;:I ::::l t:':ii .."t |',]l-,, i:lt" I l. +.r".:1! "i'..".;{ ::: " ili 4. [ l:r,ü,"1" ]. I F " Hfi l-. "1' ,' :i, .i:f ijl .".,itjil::rI i i:rfi: g I' tj;tti:ilili':'" l'" Address3490Ato listen,9820Ato talk. Program3490Ato 100kO range. Address3490A to listen,9820A to talk. Program3490A operating modeto InterruptSinglewith Output. .._,.t , r d:.: " " " "''i:'rl,Ll r [i:::xtHl" L:t,lIt Address3490Ato talk,982OAto listen. t::f'lIt i-:t,ll.t Check ServiceRequestline. If line is LOW, go to 36. " {' r,,,r " li "! t:: lI l; ..1' .*l r .|. I .-l1,1 t"' |::i:,. [: It:::; I :;l":,1:1 td Accept 3490A reading.Instruct 9820A to check last character of outputformat.Checkfor 100kO range. cLt: ":'L r.- :i I ..:' t I II ..:' l':. .Ll Ei ! { -r r r - . ":r't_. r r-.r lrJFr i-rl t-. .-t ! I ! l'l r [.t T" ,:: .-l T T L T Address3490A to talk, 9820A to listen. Send StatusPoll Enable.Check 3490A responseto SPEon data line LDI07. r. _- !+,:t _..::, ! r F. I . . l r T t r , :I rT I " f' Address34904 to listen,9820Ato talk. Program3490Ato 1000kO range. r-, l llr .i- L it '[ t];:' I ::; ['"t-tlil " F Address3490A to listen, 9820A to talk. Program 3490A operatingmode to SingleReadingwith Output. :' |:' r-r I l.:.c. I: T .-ri r-. I't Ir :' ,,, ,-r ! I "r r.-.r' Accept 3490A reading. Instruct 9820A to check last characterof output format. Checkfor I 000 kQ range. r ["iIlEl I :il.+I I 1 ;: r::::iI ::i i 1 r"r*:+t:: rjtl". i ,.-tf,1F I F r * ' 4 r : r * ! i t ' F :"TI r ia F.l.l1 r.-. l'l Ir Address3490A to talk,9820A to listen. r:' :r rr. Ir tj U ' . , r E . .r: r1F . I ! C.|:t L: r,, ....r..- rlll r*,l llr ! l:-l l:l fr. " " " " dl rl,l...l r [,i;'H l-' !r r-i r- | | r :' (:, t-t ! r' t..{,.-r fl'|..:' r I I I." Address3490A to talk, 9820A to listen. Send StatusPoll Check 3490A responseto SPEon dataline LDIO7. E_nable. ia.: i1 tJT' l_.. l l Il .i .:. r'itH:rr,..'!rrr.'fir'i r,r ..-l i- ':' I r:. .L.l I:' .: -r !_.. t! .i. r- r-., L |:' ,:' ! "Lfii,;';''I:l; t- F. I HIr;1-1,,p Send universal untalk address and Status Poll Disable command. ütJtJl'::"F Address3490Ato listen,9820Ato talk.Program34904 to IO,OOO kQ range. t::i'1It " ';'t, l-i" I ,' t: i h",, i" Address 3490Ato talk,9820Ato listen. j-. t.{ l,i r:f,lIr " ';'i"5" i 1.+r::i.- ,. $r f1 r I Set LREN line to HIGH and end program. ,t {.1 n -t" i" T.{ r t.t I .j' l. . il r i . i r..r .i .i. i .'.:r r I i t..i -r. :r ,::..! l.t.tt.r. | { ri I .j. .: r- r F: hi tl t,.,. 5-l 3 PROCEDURES ADJUSTMENT SectionV $ 5 1 .A D J U S T M EPNRTO C E O U R E S . 5-52. Complete adjustment proceduresfor the Model 3490A Multimeter, including options, are containedin the following paragraphs.These proceduresshould be performed only after it has been determined from the PerformanceTeststhat the 3490A is out of adjustment. The adjustmentsin Paragaphs5-53 through 5-60 must be performed in the order given, and before the ac, ohm, sample/hold and ratio adjustments.If any adjustment cannot be made correctly, refer to the Troubleshooting Proceduresin Section VII. Location of adjustmentsin the standardinstrument is shownin Figure 5-9, Sample/ Hold adjustmentsin Figure 5-10, and Ratio adjustments in Figure 5-l l. All adjustmentsare shown on the top guardcover. Turn the 3490A on and allow it to warm up for at least 4 hours with the coverson before performing the adjustment procedures. The top cover must be removed to gain accessto the adjustments,which should be made with the guard(inner) cover on. Model3490A wARiltr{G The inner cover is qt Guard potential. Use caution to prevent shock when high voltages are connected to the Input. ADJUSTMENT. 5.53.POWEB SUPPLY 5-54. A dc digital voltmeter with 4digit resolution and an oscilloscopeare requiredfor this adjustment. a. Connect digital voltmeter and oscilloscopebetween the + 17 V test point on AlAl and the input Low terminal. c. Set the sample rate on HOLD and measurethe ripple present with the oscilloscope.If the voltages specifiedin Table 5-9 cannot be met, refer to Section VII, Troubleshootingand Circuit Diagrams. f,: w Al F429 THERMALADJ. 46R28 i lOVLF ADJ J fi=i"l; A7R16i 1OOKADJ Figure5-9. Location of Adjustments,Standard3490A. i ! ! AOJUSTMENT PROCEDURES Model3490A d. Check other power supply voltagesby connecting digital voltmeter and oscilloscopeto test points listed in Table 5-9. If any voltageis not correct, refer to Section vu. SectionV b. Connectdc standardto 3490A input and adjust standard outputto - 10.0000v. c. AdjustAlAlR3ll - 10.0000. (+Ref) for 3490Adisplayof Voltages. Table 5-9. PowerSUPPIY A1A1 TestPoint + 17\l + 5V +30V - 17V - 5V - 30v Ripple* Voltage + 1 6 . 9 9 t o + 1 7 . 0 1V + 4.995 to + 5.075 V + 30.10 to + 30.90 V - 16.9 to - 17.1 V - 5.00 to - 5.85 V - 30.10 to- 30.90V < 50 mV p-p < 60 mV p-p ( 25 mV p-p < 50 mV p-p (60mVpp (25mVp{ *All ripple measurements are with the SampleRate on HOLD. 5.55.DCZEROADJUSTMENTS. 5-56. A dc standard (-hp- 7a0B) and a dc voltmeter able to resolve l0 pV are required for these adjustments. a. Connect dc voltmeter betweenAlAl and input Low terminal. test point A d. Set 3490A FUNCTIONto TEST,RANGE to 3. AdjustAlA1R3l7 (- REF) so that positiveandnegative display readingsare equal within I count. Last digit must be between2 and9 (0.9999x).If not, repeatsteps a throughd. Dsconnectdc standard. 5.59.DCAMPLIFIER ADJUSTMENTS. 560. A dc standard(hp- 7a0B) is requiredfor these adjustments. a. Set 349OAFUNCTIONto DC, RANGEto .l V. Short input terminalswith a copperbar or heavysolid copperwire. b. Adjust AlR429, accessible throughhole in rear panel,for 3490Adisplayof 0 r .000002. c. Set3490ARANGEto I V. b. S€t 3490A SAMPLE RATE control fully counterclockwise to HOLD position. c. Adjust AlAlR2l0 (lntZero) for voltmeter reading of 0 r 150 gV. Disconnectvoltmeter. d. Set FUNCTION to DC. RANGE to l0 V. SAMPLE RATE to FAST. e. Connect dc standard to 3490A input and adjust standardoutput to + 0.00100 V. f. Adjust AlAlR225 (Zero DetecI kvel) for maximum reading on 3490A display. Note reading. C. Reversepolarity of input and adjust AlAlR228 (Tumover) for reading noted in step f. Continue reversinginput polarity and adjustingAlAlR228 until positive and negativereadingsare equal. h. Apply + 0.00100 V input to 3490A. Adjust AlAlR225 (Zero Detect kvel) for 3490A display of + 00.0010. $57. REFERENCE ADJUSTMENTS. 5-58.A dc standard (hp- 7a0B)is required for these adjustments. d. Removeshort from input terminalsand connect dc standard. Adjuststandard outputto - 1.000000V. e. Adjust A2Rl5 (l V Adj) for 3490A displayof - 1.00000. f. Set 3490A RANGE to 100V, and adjust dc standard outputto - 100.000V. g. Adjust A2R3 (100V Adj) for 3490A displayof - 100.000.Reducedc standardoutput and disconnect. h. Set 3490A FUNCTIONto TEST,RANGE to 6. Short input terminalsand note amountand polarity of oTfsetreading. i. Removeshortandapply- 10.0000V input. Adjust A2Rl6 (0.1V Adj) for displayof - 1000.00,minus (algebraically subtracting)the offsetnotedin steph. $6I. AC CONVERTER ADJUSTMENTS. 5-62. Adjustmentof the dc circuits,Paragraphs 5-53 through 5-60, must be completedbeforebeginningthis procedure.An ac calibrator(-hp- 745A) with a correction factor chart is requiredfor theseadjustments. Guardcoversmust be in placefor this procedure. 5-63. I V RangeAdjustments. Guqrd Terminal should be connected to Low or damageto the instrument may result. a. Set 3490A FUNCTION to DC. RANGE to t0 V. a. Set3490AFTINCTION to AC. RANGEto I V. b. Connectac calibratorto 3490Ainput.Setcalibrator output to I .000000V at 100kHz (usingcorrection factorchartasnecessary). s-l 5 PROCEDUBES ADJUSTMENT SectionV c. Adjust A6R32 (l V HF Adj) for 3490A displayof 1.00000. Model 34904 a. Set FUNCTION to TEST, RANGE to 7. Short Q Sigral terminals. Adjust A7R5 for display of - 9700.0 t 100.0 (Instruments with serial numbers below l2l1A00656 may not havethis adjustment.) d. Change ac calibrator frequency to 100 Hz and adjustA6R27 (1 V LF Adj) for displayof 1.00000. b. Set 3490A FUNCTION to O, RANGE to I k. e. Repeat steps c and d until both readings are correct. c. Connect resistancedecadeto 3490A Input and O Signal terminals. Connect 3490A Guard to Input Low, and decadeGuard terminal to Low terminal. Ajdustments. 5-64.10V Range d. Set decaderesistanceto I kfl and adjust A7Rl4 (l k Adj) for display of 1.00000 (r decaderesisrance error). a. Set34904RANGEto 10V. b. Set ac calibratoroutput to 10.00000V at 100 Hz. e. Set 349OARANGE to 100 k. c. Adjust A6R28 (10 V LF Adj) for display of 10.0000. f. Set decaderesistanceto 100 kQ and adiust A7Rl6 (100 k Adj) for display of 100.000(t decaderesistance error). d. Change ac calibrator frequency to 100 kHz and adjust A6C27 (10 V HF Adj) for display of 10.0000.If maximum limit of adjustment is less than 10.0000, remove jumper wire in serieswith A6C28.If minimum limit of adjustment is greaterthan 10.0000,jumper wire probably has been removed and should be replaced. C. Set 3490A RANGE to 10,000k. h. Set decaderesistanceto 10 M{-2and adiust A7Rl8 (10,000 k Adj) for display of 10000.0 (t decade resistanceerror). e. Repeat steps c and d until both readings are correct. 5-65.100V Range Adjustments. a. Set3490ARANGE to 100V. b. Set ac calibratoroutput to 100.0000V at 100 Hz. A6R3 (100 V LF Adj) for display of ,o;.o$|j"rt d. Change ac calibrator frequency to 100 kHz and adjust A6C6 (100 V HP Adj) for display of 100.000. If maximum limit of adjustment is less than 100.000, remove jumper wire in series with A6C4. If minimum limit of adjustmentis greaterthan 100.000,jumper wire probably has beenremovedand shouldbe replaced. e. Repeat steps c and d until both readings are correct. tL 568. If an accurateresistancedecadeis not available, adjustment of the ohms converter may be made using resistors within l0 % of Ihe full-range value of I ke, 100 kf,} or l0 MO, whose resistancesare known to within a close tolerance"Table5-10shows the resistance valuesand the tolerancesrequired for valid adjustment. The proper adjustment should be made so that the 3490A display reads the known value of the resistor. Perfcirm step a of Paragraph5-67 before making a_djustmentsin Table 5-10. 5.69.SAMPLE/HO LDADJUSTMENTS. 5-70. Adjustment of the dc circuits, Paragraphs5-53 through 560, must be completedbefore beginningthe Sample/Hold adjustments. The following adjustments must be performedin the order given.Figure 5-10 shows the location of the Sample/Holdadjustments.They are also shown on the top guard cover. 5-71.0ffsetGainAdjustment. $66. OHMMETER ADJUSTMENTS. 567. Adjustment of the dc circuits, Paragraphs5-53 through 5{0, must be completed before beginningthis procedure. A resistancedecadewith a correction factor chart (GR 1433-Z) is required for the following procedure. If a suitableresistancedecadeis not available.refer to Paragraph548. The enor indicatedby the correction factor chart should be taken into account when adiustins the ohms converter.For example,if the resistanöeof the decadeis high at I kQ, the 3490A displayshould be adiustedto 1.00000plus the resistancedecadeenor. _i-16 5-72. A dc digital voltmeter having a resolution of l0pV is required for this procedure,which adjuststhe gain of the Offset Amplifier. Table 5-10. OhmmeterAdjustment. Resistance 3490A Range Value 1ko 100 ko 0,000 ks, 9 0 0o t o 1 . 1k o 90kato110ka gMA to 11MO Tolerance L O.OO2'yo t O.OO25o/o ! O.O1oÄ 3490A Adlustment A7R14 A7R16 A7R18 Model3490A ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURES SectionV 5-73.0ffsetAdjustment. a. Remove the toP guard cover. b. Locate the white/black wire just to the rear of the "5th Digit display cable connector. This wire is labeled Blank" in Figure 5-10. Disconnect this wire from Test Point L and connect to Test Point M. This restores the display to five full digits for Sample/Hold measurements, providing greater resolution in order to make the following adjustmentsmore accurately. 5-74. This procedure adjusts the Offset Amplifier so that there is no turnover error between positive and negativeinputs. A dc standard(-hp 7a0B) is required. c. Set 3490A FTINCTIONto DC, RANGE to IO V. SAMPLE/HOLD to TRACK/HOLD, SAMPLE RATE to HOLD. Short input Higfr to Low. b. Adjust A27Rl3, Offset, for 3490A displayof zero t 0.0001v. d. Connect digital voltmeter between A27TP3 and ground test point on AlAl. Recordvoltagereading. e. Connectjumper wire betweenTestPoint LTST on A28 and ground. f. Set SAMPLE/HOLD switch to OFF. then back to TRACK/HOLD. g. Adjust A27Rl4, Gain Adjust, for digital voltmeter reading the sameas that noted in step d I 0.0005 V. a. With 3490A set to IOVDC RANGE, TRACK/ HOLD, and input shorted as in previousadjustment,set SAMPLE RATE fully clockwise. c. Dsconnect input short and connect dc standard to input terminals. Set standard output to + 10.0000 V. Note 3490A reading. d. Reverse polarity of input (to - 10.0000V) and note reading- Disregarding polarity display, adjust A27Rl3 to split the difference between the readings in I i' stepc and step d. e. Continue reversinginput polarity and adjusting A27Rl3 until there is no numerical differencebetween readingswith positive and negativeinputs. h. Dsconnect digital voltmeter and remove jumper wire between LTST and ground. $75. Dielectric Absorption Adjustment. i. Replace top guard cover and securewith only two screws. procedure, which adjusts the dielectric absorption compensation. 5:76.A dc standard(hp- 7a0B)is requiredfor this sth DtGtT BLANK A27TP3 A27R14 A27R13 Figure5-10. Location of Sample/HoldAdlustments. 5-17 Section V AOJUSTMENT PROCEDURES a. With 3490A set to l0 VDC RANGE, TRACK/ HOLD, SAMPLE RATE fully clockwise, and dc standard connected to input as in previous adjustment, set dc standardoutput to + 10.0000V. b. Adjust A27R6, DA Gain, + 10.0000 V. (Display will be noisy.) for display of S77. ResponseAdjustment. 5-78. This procedure requires a function generator(-hp3310A), a silicon drode, a l0kQ resistor and an oscilloscope having a delayed sweep and a delayed gate output (-hp l80C/DllOSlAllS2lA). The delayedgate output must be a negative-goingpulse with an amplitude of 2 to 200 V and a width of at least 30 nanoseconds. a. Connect equipment as shown in Figure 5-7. If the 3490A has BCDiRemote Expand Option 020, also connect StretchedPulseOutput (J7 pin l0) to External Encode (J7 pin 28). b. With 3490A set to l0 VDC RANGE and TRACK/ HOLD as in previous adjustment, set SAMPLE RATE to HOLD. c. Set oscilloscope controls for External Trigger, negative slope and Main sweep. Set Main sweep to .1 ms/div., Delayedsweepto I ps/div. d. Set function generator to square wave, frequency to I kHz, and adjust output level for 20 V peak-to-peak signalas displayedon oscilloscope. e. Adjust oscilloscope delay control so that intensified trace begins approximately 450 gs after negativggoing transition of square wave. Note 3490A readin$, which should be near zero. f. Adjust delay so that intensified trace begins approximately 120 ps after negative-goingedgeof square wave. C. Adjust A27R3, Response,for display noted in step e. h. Remove top guard cover and move "5th Dgit Blank" wire from Test Point M to Test Point L. i. Replaceand securetop guard cover. Model3490A öEEEEilEE t X9**ti**++QoL Or;rra -l H I ) lcÄeiel / t 1 1 | L:t-Jg .E g,lqe I I | ot3 -Rr8- [i----l u5 I TTfn0000000000 tr | 7l At3 h p P o r lN o . 0 3 4 9 0 - 6 6 5 1 3 Figure5-11. Location of Ratio Adjustments. a. Set 3490A FUNCTION to TEST, RANGE to 4. Set RATIO switch to EXT REF lV. Connect short between EXT REF Hig[ and Low terminals. b. Connect dc standard to INPUT terminals and adjust standard output to + 10.0000 V. If the display indicates Overload, reverse the polarity of the dc standardoutput. NOTE Steps c and d adjust the zero setting of the Extemal ReferenceAmplifier and the Feedback Amplifier. llith the 34904 set to Test ' 4, the integrator charges to the Extemal ' Reference Amplifier output and dischmges to the ! 10.0000 V input. If the zero adjustments are set so that the amplifier output and the 3490A input voltage are the same polaity, the dßplay indicates Overload. c. Adjust Al3Rl7 (Offset 3) for zero display.If the display goes to Overload, reversepolarity of dc standard output and slowly adjust Al3Rl7 in opposite direction for zero display. Continue adjusting A13Rl7 with positive and negative 10.0000V inputs until display readszero I 0.0001 V for either polarity input. 5.79.RATIOREFERENCE ADJUSTMENTS. 5{0. Adjustment of the dc circuits, Paragraphs5-53 through 5{0. must be completedbefore beginningthe Ratio Reference Adjustments. A dc standard (-hp74OB), a I M t l0% resistor(hp- 0698-1051)and a stablevoltage sourcebetween9.5 V and 10.5 V, suchas a mercun' battery (Mallory TRl77), are required for these adjustments.Figure 5-1I showsthe location of the Ratio adjustments. They are also shown on the top zuard cover. }l5 d. Set RATIO switch to EXT REF I V. Adjust A13R8 (Offset 1) with positive and negative10.0000V inputs for displayof zero t 0.0001 V. e. Repeat steps c and d until display is zero t 0.0001 V for both positive and negative inputs on both I V and 10 V EXT REF ranges. f. Remove short and connect I Mf2 resistorto EXT REF terminals. Model34904 ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURES s. Set RATIO switch to EXT REF I V' Adjust efgni (Bias. Atlj.) with both positive and negative 10.0000V inputsfor displayof zerot 0'0005V' h. Repeatsteps a through g until all readingsare colTect. i. DisconnectlMft resistorfrom EXT REF termi nals. Set RATIO switch to INT REF, FUNCTIONto DC, RANGEttr 10 V. i. Connect a mercury battery between9'5 V and 10.5V. or other floating voltagesourcestablewithin 1 mV/hr, to INPUT terminals,- to Higfr,+ to Low' Note 3490Areading. Section V s. Set RATIO switch to EXT REF lOV. Adjust Al3Rl4 (10 V Adj) for displayof - 10.0000. t. ReduceEXT REF voltage to l/10 the voltage selectedin step k (positive).Set RATIO switch to EXT REF I V. Adjust Al3Rl2 (lV Adj) for displayof - 10.0000. u. Set RATIO switch to INT REF, FUNCTION to TEST, RANGE to 3. This test alternatespositive and negativereadings.Ifthe readingsarenot equalt I count and between ! 0.99992 and ! 0.99999, adjust AlAlR3lT C Refl to obtain this condition. Record both readings(after adjustment). k. Connectdc standardto EXT REF terminalsand set standardoutput to positivevoltageequalto negative readingin stePj. v. Set RATIO switch to EXT REF l0V. Apply - 10.0000V to EXT REF terminals. Readingswill alternate+ and - as in previousstep. Recordpositive reading. l. SetRATIO switchto EXT REF l0 V- Note 3490A display. w. Adjust A13Rl9 (Offset301) for positivedisplay" equalto m. Reversethe polarity of the voltageat both the INPUT and the EXT REF terminals.Adjust Al3Rl7, repeatingstepsk throughm until the readinginstepI is equalto the readingin stepm. (Polarityshouldbe - for both readings.) n. ReduceEXT REF voltageto l/10 the voltage selectedin stepk. S€t RATIO switchto EXT REF I V. With mercurybatteryconnectedto INPUT,- to HIGH, + to LOW,note 3940A display. o. Reversethe polarity of the voltageat both the INPUT and the EXT REF terminals.Adjust Al3R8, repeatingstepsn and o until the readingin step o is equal to the readingin stepn. @olarity shouldbe - for both readings.) (positivereading,stepu) + (positivereading,stepv) L x. Adjust AlAlR3lT for positive display equal to positive reading in step u. y. Positive and negativedisplaysshould now be equal t I count, and equal to readingsrecorded in step n + I count, respectively. If not, repeat this adjustment procedure (stepsa through x). z. Perform DC Amplifier Adjustment, Paragraph s-59. p. Repeat stepsj through o until all readingsare correct. NOTE q. Connectmercurybatteryto IMUT terminals,- to HIGH, + to LOW. r. Connectdc standardto EXT REF terminalsand set standardoutput to positivevoltageequalto negative readingin stepj. In order to operate the 3490A with the Ratio AssemblyA I 3 removedand theRatio JumperAssemblyA26 insertedin its place, it will be necessaryto perform the Reference Adiustments,Paragraph5-57. 5-19 PERFOBMANCE TESTRECORD Model 349oA . . Hewlett,-PaQkard resrs performed by _ SerialNumber DESCRIPTION PARAGRAPH t',. TEST LIMITS DC Voltmeter Accuracy $9 ', READTNG ':;:..'', ,..: .: 10.0100ov r0.05000v .009995 .049990 tV ro.100OOV 0.09997 0.10003 o.50006 1.00010 10V 11.0oooov 110.O0OOV oo.gggz 0{1.9990 01.oo03 10.0010 r 10o.00OV 099.990 o10.o03 100.010 iloo.ooov i 50O.00OV + IOOO.OO V 0099.97 . :,-:..,:.::i::..r:..,::. ,r,,,,,.,. 1OOOV stt Max. .010005 .050010 .100015 .1 V 0999"86 0100.03 0500.08 1000.14 AC Voltmeter Accuracy . '':;; ' :'t:1 Range 1 V I nput 1 V 1 V 1 V Freq. 2O Hz 1 Ok H z 1fl) kHz 0.99600 0.99875 0.99875 1.00400 1.00125 't.00125 10v 1 V 5V 10v 10OkHz 2OkHz 2O Hz oo.9965 (X.9925 G).9600 01.oo35 05.0075 10.0400 lOV tOO V lOOHz 50 kHz o09.965 o99,875 010.035 10 kHz 1O0Hz 0998.65 0998.75 1001.35 1001.25 10OV lmo v ='t;!,' ,';,: 1000 v 1000v 1@.125 1 V 1 V 25O kHz 0.99190 1.OO810 10v 3V 25O kHz 02'9715 03.0285 Min. Max. .@9983 o99988 0{,.9s88 099.988 .1000t7 1.00012 10.0012 100.012 100o.14 100G'.7 Ohmmeter Accuracy Range Input r., t.rtj:..::..:: .. :,:i;.,:,' ,',.,,' ';'t:',:'.,,',t. tr s9.86 09996.3 DC Common-Mode Rejection 0.00005 AC Common-Mode Rejection o0.0001 AC Normal-Mode Rejection DC Voltmeter Input Resistance 1 OV R a n g e 1O0 V Rangre AC Voltmeter Input lmpedance Without Rear Terminal 25 Hz 25O kHz With Rear Terminal 25 Hz 250 kHz oo.0316 000.908 0.65975 0.49211 o.65804 o.41321 oo.0010 oo0.910 CONT'D} PERFORMAN E TB E C O R(D TC ES PARAGRAPH DESCRIPTION 5-32 READING TEST LIMITS Sample/Hold DC Accuracy Track/Hold Range 1 V 1 V 1 V Input * 0.10000v r 0.50000v r 1.0oooov 10v 10v 10v Min. Max. t 0.0998 r 0.4998 ! 0.9997 0.1002 0.5002 1.0003 r 1.00000v r 5.00000v I 10.oo00v r 00.998 r 04.998 r 09.997 01 .o02 05.002 10.o03 1 0 0v 1 0 0v 100v r 10.0000v r 50.oo00v i 100.000v r 009.98 r 049.98 r 099.97 010.02 o50.o2 100.03 1000v 1000v 1000v ! 100.000v r 500.000v 1 1000.00v r 0099.8 * 0499.8 r 0999.7 oloo.2 0500.2 1000.3 Acquire/Hold 1 V r o.10000v 1 V 1 0.50000v r 1.00000v 1 V ! 0.0998 + 0.4998 r 0.9997 o.1002 0.5002 1.0003 r l.ff)OooV I 5.00000v ! 10.oo(nv I 00.998 r 04.998 r 09.997 ol .o02 05.oo2 10.oo3 100v 100v 100v r 10.oo00v 1 50.ooo0v 1 100.ooov r oo998 r 049.98 t 09937 010.02 o50.o2 'too.03 1000v 1000v 1000v r loo_ooov I 50o.ooov r 10fi).00v r OO99"8 ! 0499-8 ! 0999.7 0100.2 0500.2 1000.3 10v 10v 10v 5-34 Pos. Neg. ' ' a ? . - : _ Sample/HoldResponse 1 0 V r a n g e , lk H z 1 V range,2OO Hz 5-38 r 0.001v r 0.oo1v DC/DC Ratio Accurary Preferred Method Ext Ref Range Ext Ref Voltage 1V 1V 1V 1V 1V 1V 1V 10V lO.V lOV 10v + 0.10000v + 0.50000v + 1.O0000v + 100000v - 1.ü)O00v - 1.00000v + 120000v + 1.0000OV + 5.0OO0O V + 1 O . O 0 0V0 + 1 2 . O O OV0 Input Range 1 V 1 V 1 V 1 V 1 V 1 V 1 V 10v 10v 1 0 0v 1 0 0v I nput Voltage Reading + 0.10000 v + 0.50000v + 1.00000 v - 1.OO000 v - 1.0qn0 v + 1.OO000 V + 1.00000v + 1.00000v + 5.00000v + 100.000 v + 100.000 v Min. +099955 + 0.99979 + 0.99982 - 0.99982 + 0.99982 -0.s9982 + 0.83316 + 099955 + 09.9979 + 099979 +083.313 Max. + 1.OO045 + 1.OO021 + 1.00018 - 1.OOO18 + 1.00018 - 1.00018 + 0.83350 + 10.0045 + 10.0021 + 100.021 +083.353 09.9982 09.9982 10.o018 10.0018 Alternate Method Ext Ref Range lov 1 V Pos. Neg. CONT'D} TC EE S TR E C O R( O PERFORMAN DESCRIPTION '^.:;^* READING TEST LlMITS AC/DC Ratio Accuracy .:. Ext Ret F"ngu 11;,', , ' : l V lv l V 1gv - 10v Ext Ref Voltage lnput Range I nput Voltage 0.50000 v t.ooooov 120000v 1 V I V 1 V 0.50000v 1.00000v 1.00000v 1.00000v 5.00000v 10.ü)oo v 12.0000 v t0v 10v 10v 10v 1.00000v 5.00000v 10.o@o v 10.0000 v External Reference Input Resistance Test Max. 099865 099865 0.83218 099865 09.9865 09.9865 08.3218 Min. 1 .O0135 1.00135 0a344{l 10.0135 10.0135 10.o135 08.3448 10O counts change Model34904 Section VI sEcTt0N vl R E P L A C E A BPLAER T S 6 - 1 .I N T B O D U C T I O N . 6 . 4 .O R D E R I NI N GF O R M A T I O N . 6-2. This section contains information for ordering replacement pafts. Table 6-l lists parts in alphamericorder of their reference designators and indicates the description, -hppart number of each part, together with any applicable notes and provides the following: 6-5. To obtain replacement parts, addressorder or inquiry to your local Hewlett-Packard Field Office. (SeeAppendix B for list of office locations.) Identify parts by their Hewlett-Packard part numbers. Include instrument model and serialnumbers. a. Total quantity used in the instrument (Qty column). The total quantity of a part is given the first time the part number appears. 6.6.NON.LISTED PARTS. 6-7. To obtain a part that is not listed, include: a. Instrumentmodel number. b. Description of the part. (See list of abbreviations below.) b. Instrument serial number. c. Descriptionof the part. c. Typical manufacturer of the part in a five-digit code. (SeeAppendix A for list of manufacturers.) d. Function and location ofthe part. 6.8.PROPRIETARY PARTS. d. Manufacturerspart number. 63. Miscellaneousparts are listed at the end of Table 6-1. Hz. 6-9. Items marked by a dagger (f) in the reference designator column are available only for repair and service of Hewlett-Packardinstrumenrs. ABBREVIATIOilS . . . hertz {cyclelsl per sond) NPO . . tD. rmpg inside diamet6 . . impregnated ..........n€g6tiw tDsitive zero lz4o temrrature 6ef f icient) -.. nan@cond{s} = lO-9 econds ...... notsp4acly repleable ..incande$ont . in$larion{edl Ta....... T C. . . . . . . @J.. c@f . @dp L........, lin,............. lo9. .., ,. ... dep.DPOT OPST el4t acap FET txd .. ...... . . - .faradld fieldeflet trilsistor .........rixed ....inductq ..linedtapü . . . l o g o r i t h m i ct a p d mA .. . .. ., . .. milliampere{s}= 1O3 amera MHz ..............megahenz= 10+6here Mll...............megohmlsl - 10+6ohms retllm ..... .........retatjilm mtr....... .,...mmuf*'tiiä ms mt9 yr NC Ne.. NO . . nanoampere{s)= 1O-9a-oer* . . . . . . . n o r m a l l yc l o s d So . ., .neon *ct n o r m a l l yo p e n S i . . . . . , ..., .elenium .......*ction(sl ......silicon ,.. . ... .,optimum value eletcd atfcbry. @rage value *tom {pm may be mined} ... ... .. no dildatd type numbc? 6i9ned $lectgd d +ecial type @ Dupont de Nemorc DECIMAL MULTIPLIERS Pr.lix Symbols Eta gr9 T rpga M or Meg kilo Kork h&to h deka da deci d M0ltipli6 to12 to9 ro6 rd t02 lo 1o-1 Pr.fix Symbok Multiplie centi c 10-2 milli m tO-3 micro nano pico lI n p to€ femto t 10-12 tO-15 afio a 19-18 l0-9 DESIGNATORS 8 . c . CR OL 6 .........asmblv rL . , . . . . . . . . . moto1 H R ..........battery ........€pertor J . . . . . . - . . . . . d a o d eK . ........&tay line L . . . ......,Emp mis eletronic part MP . . . . . . . . . . . .l u $ P . . .filter O. . . . . . . . . . . . h e a r e rO C R . . . . . . . . . i n t e g r a t e d c i r c u8i t. . , . . . . . . . . . ... .... iack RT . .. . . ..relay S . . . . . . a n d u c t o rT . , ..... ...meter TB. rechani@l parl TC. plug TP . sTD-A-2734 .....,ransi$q - üansi$ordiode ........resisor .....thermistor .........sitch .... trans{ormet . . teiminal tE*d ...therrccouple ..-...tdpornt 6-l Section VI Model 3490A T o b l e 6 - 1 . R e p l o c e q b l eP o r t s Reference HPPartNumber otv Designation AI O349O-{165Ol alcr ^tc2 ol 50-0093 ot 50-o093 ^lc3 ^tc4 alc5 alc6 alcT ot ol oI ol ol alcS Alc9 alclo' ol 50-o093 ol ao-l 7ot ^ or60-or34 lg\ ^tclol llclo2 Alclol a lc lo4 alclo5 ol80-2510 olao-251o ol 80-2 509 0 I 80-?50 I ol 80-2510 alc lol alc lo'l alcloe alclo9 alcll o ol 80-2 5t o ol 80-2 509 olao-o309 or 50-0071 o 180-o I 97 alcll I alc ll 2 alcll.z atcll4 a lcll5 ol ol 0l ol ol alc ll c alcllT Älc ll I Al c r r 9 Alcl2l I 26 50-o093 50-o093 50-oo93 50-oo93 50-oo93 I I 4 3 Mfr Code Mfr PartNumber I { A I N C I R C { I I I B O Ä R OA S S Y 28480 o349(F66501 c:FxD CFR o.0l UF +8G-2ot loovDcr c:FxD cFR O.0l uF +80-20t IooYDcf 72982 729A2 aol-Kaoool I 801-x800011 c:FXD CFR 0-Ol UF c:FXD CER O.01. uF c:FxD cFß o.0l uF c:FxD c€R o-01 uF C:FXO CER O.Ol t,F 129A2 72942 l29A2 72.r 82 t2942 aol-K8000 ll 8 0 1 - K 8 0 0 0 1I 80 t-K8000 l1 801-K80001 I 801-K8000 1l c:FxD cER O-01 uF +80-20* loovDcH C:FXD EL€CT 5.8 UF 20? 6VDC}' C:FXD IIICA ?2OPF 5t 3oOVDC|{ 72982 2A4AO t4655 80t -K800011 o180-l?o I RDilI5F22IJ3C c:FxD 250 C:FXD 250 c:Fxo 125 c:FxD I25 C:FXD 250 28480 24480 28{80 24440 28t80 olao-251 o o l 8 0 - 2 5 10 o1.80-2509 olao-z509 o 180-25IO Description UF UF UF UF UF +80-201 +80-20t +80-201 180-20t +80-20: IOOYDCT' loovocH loovDcl{ loovDct IOOVOCT{ 3oVDClt 3oVDCtl 5oVDCY 50VDClr 3OVDCT C:FXD c:Fx0 C:FXD C:FXD c:FxD 250 rrF 30VDC! 125 rrF 'ovDct ELECT4.? UF 2OI IOVDCI CER 400 PF +80-2Ot 500VDCta ELFCT2.2 UF tot 2oVOC|| 24480 28480 562 89 249 562A9 ol 80-25 I O olao-2509 Itoo4TSXOOt Ot2-OYS c0168102E4,01J627-CDH l5ü)225I9O2 r-lA2-OY S c:FxD csFxD clFxD c:FxD C:FXO F T E C Tl 5 U F l o t 2 o v D c t cER O.05 rJF +AO-20t IOOVDCT FLECT 1.0 t,F lot 3'vfr.H cER 1000 PF +80-20t looovocL ETECT It trF lot 2OvDCr 2A480 91418 *249 5C,2A9 28480 otao-1746 rA ItoD 1o5x9035A2-OYS c0678l02E l02 ZS26-COH ol80-1746 0180-0309 ol 50-o096 o 1 . 8 0 - o 2 9I ol 80-2507 or 50-0096 C : F X O E T E C T4 - ? U F 2 0 t l o v D c r C:FxD CER O.05 UF +A0-2O: IOOVDCT c:FxD ELECT 1.0 UF lO! 35VDCL c:Fxo 6000 uF CrFxD CER O.O5 UF +8O-?Ot IOOVOCt 56289 91418 56249 24 4 8 0 91418 l50D475XOO10A2-OYS TA 1500 I 05 x9035a2 -oYs o 180-250? TA Atct2 2 ol ao-l 704 c:FlD El€cr 47 UF lot.6VDClt 24480 o tao-l 704 alc20l ^1c202 ol 60-o356 ol 40-ol 94 I I C:FXOtllCA l8 PF 5t c:FxD ifca lto +i 5t 28440 72t36 ol6(F0356 RDXI5FIIIJ3C a 1c203 alc204 Alc205 alc20 6 alc207 5@0-9047 ol 60-ol I I ol60-2605 ol 50-0093 ot60-31f3 I 2 4 I C:FXO0.33 t,F." IOI (HANDSELECTED} c:FxD rtc^ 30?F 5t 300vDcr c:FXD C€R O.02 r.FD rAC-20t 25VOCta C:FXD CFR O.Ol trF +80-2Ot looVOCr C:FXD tlY 2 UF 10t IOOVDCI 28480 t4655 729A2 729A2 84411 5@0-9047 n oil15E 300J3S 5a35000-Y5u 2032 a0l-K8000 I I 663Ura a lc20 a atc209 i lc2l c 0 t 60-2605 or40-o20 I ol 50-oo5 9 I I c:FtD cER 0.02 {FD +a0-20t 25VD{r{ C:FXDHICA 12 PF 5X c:FXO CFfr 1.34-25 PF 50oVDCr. 729a2 2a4AO 7?9a2 5835000-Y5u 2032 ot40-0201 301-ooo-coJo-339c arc30l a Ic302 rlc303 Alc 304 Äl c 3 0 5 0t 50-ol2 I ol ao-0 08 | ol 70-0040 ol 60-2605 ol 60-082 0 I I 5 2 c:Fxtl clFxD C:FXD c:FXD c:FxD cFR o.t (rF +ao-201 5ovDcI €LFCT 50 ('F +20-l5i lOvDCr rY 0.047 rrF lot Zoovmx C€R O.02 t{FD+80-?0t 25VDCl cFR O.05 [,F +80-20t 25YDC|. 56249 5aa2A9 56289 729A2 729A2 5C508I S-Cl,{t09D506C 20lOC2-OYP 192P4739?-P T S 5835000-Y5u 2032 5055 Y5U 5032 atc40l Al c 4 0 3 ol60-2199 ^ ot to-ooe+ &\ 4 5 c: FXD f,tl ca 30 PF 5t 300v octa C:FXO CER 0.1 UF +80-2Ol IOOVDC9 24480 72982 ol60-2 I 99 8ltl-l00-65I-t Älc50l r lc 50? llc503 llc504 0150_m84/t\/3\ or oo-zz or /\ ol 5o-ooB4-F o rr o - n nrr$ $ I c:FxD c:FxD c:FxD C:FXD rY o.l rF 5t 200vDcr cFR 0.1 trF +80-20t 1oovDcw t{lcA 300 PF 5t CFR o.l trF +a0-2ot lO0VDCi 28480 72942 28480 729A2 or 70-ool9 8r 31-1 00-651-1042 ol60-2?u7 8t3l-loo-651-l 042 ao-l 746 50-o096 80-0291 50-oo50 ao-t t46 alc505 o, to-oo, t Ä\ llc50a ^1c507 llc50? otan-oril 44 o t e o - o z s rA l { o r z o - o o z r$ llc9l rlcF2 rlcr3 l90l-o040 1902-o041 1902-0049 r :ir-:e-:r-.Sa \':ti ? t2 l3 2 3 4 I 3 52 4 I 04z C : F X t t { Y 4 7 O O P Fl O t 4 0 0 V D C r . 84411 663Uta{7294 c:Fxo Ft EcT I .0 trF lot 35vmr C : F X D E T E C T1 . 0 U F 1 0 t 3 5 V D C I c:FxD IY 4700PF l0t 400vDCl 562A9 56?A9 84(tl l5 00to5 x90r512-DYs l5o I o5 x9035A2-DY S 663ttvr7291 DIODE:StLICnN 50 ilA -10 t{v D I O D € : B R € A K D O | ,5i '. I I V 5 I O I O D E : A R E A K D O6T. N 19V 51 o7 263 o47ta oaTl 3 Ffrcl088 sz 10939-98 sz I 0939-122 See introduction to this section for ordering information Model 34904 Section VI T o b l e 6 - 1 . R e p l o c e o b l ep o r t s l C o n t ' d l Reference HPPart Number Designation otv Mfr Code Description Mfr Part Number AICR4 AI C R 5 AICR6 llcRT 1902-o04 I l90l-oo{o t90l-oo40 leol-0040 DIOD€:AREA(OOTx 5 . t l y 5 t D I O O E : S I L I C O T 5{ 0 x f o Y V o l o o E : s t L I C O N 5 0 ilA 30 ry D I 0 D E : S t t - t C O N t o r|A 30 Lv o4r13 07263 07263 07261 alcßlol llcRl02 alcRl03 alcRl04 I 9 0l - 0 0 2 8 t90l-o02 8 190l-oo2 I l90l-o02 8 DIOD€:SILICOil O.7iA O I O D € : S lt I C o r a O . 7 i A D I O D E : SI L I C ( I N O . 7 i l r D I O o E : S I L I C O NO . Z i A ot? 13 0+713 o47t3 o{713 sRl35a-9 sRl35a-9 snl35a-9 sRl35A-9 o5 06 c7 o8 c9 1 9 0l - o 0 2 8 1 9 0l - o 0 2 I 1 9 0t - o o 2 a I90l-o02 8 1 9 0l - o o 4 0 D I O D E : S I fI c o N o . 7 t A 4 o o P I Y oloDE: Sil-ICoN o.7i 4oopIv D I o D E : SI L I C O N 0 . 7 5 A 4 O o p I v O I r | { ) E: - S I L t C O NO . ? i A 4 0 O pt V otoD€:slLtcor{ 50 t4A ,o rv or7l3 otTl:l oa?13 04713 07 263 sRl35a-9 sR1358-9 sRl3ta-9 sR1350-9 FD6l OAa D t o o F S R F A K D O U ü { : Sl A t Ln N 1 6 . 2 V DtoDE SREAXDOTN:18.2V 5t lt OIODE:SILICOil iO | |l lio ray o I o o E B R E A T ( D O t t r : 3 3 . 2 v5 t Ot{lo€ SRF^KOOLit:la.2V5t lt 24480 o4?13 07263 284eO o4713 1902-0184 sz lt 2t3-2lt FOGIO8A 1902-0654 szIl2t3-215 a lcRl alcR I alcRr AtcRl Alcnl 4OOptv 4 0 O pt y 4OOptV 4OOptV | I | | szrog,e-ee FDGIOAs FDGrOss FDGlOss alcRllo alcßl I I AlcRt 12 AlcRl l3 AlcRl 14 1902-ot 84 1 9 0 2 - 05 9 4 190 l-oo40 t902-o654 1902-O594 alcRl l5 illcRl16 AlcRttT AlcRl l8 AlcRl19 1902-o 5 I 4 1 9 0 2 - o 5 59 190 t-oo+o L902-0654 1 9 0l - 0 2 0 0 oIoD€:zFNER 5.62V 2' tu D l o o € B R E A T ( D O H i6l :. 1 9 V + 2 t DInDEISILICO}{iO x fO By O I O D € B R E A K D O T fa 3{ i. 2 V 5 t DIOOETSI :l r IOO pR.Ry 2A4AO o47tt o726t 2a480 2a4ao 1902{r514 szll2l:Fal FO€tO8A 1902{t65a l90l -o200 irlc8l20 rlcRt il llcRt22 alcßl?3 l90l -0200 190 l-oo40 rcor-@4oA leol-m4o l\ DIODE:SI3AIOOPRRY DtoDE:Sil-ICOr{ 50 ilA 30 tv DIODE:SILICON50 MA 30 Wv DIODE:SILICON50 MA 30 wv 2a4AO o7 26t 07263 07263 l90t{)200 FOGI OAA FDGl(88 FDG1O88 alcR20l l lcR202 alcR2c3 alcR204 190 l-oo40 I 901-o040 190 l-o04() 1.902-3104 DtoDE:SIttCOtt 50 lt^ 3{! T Y oloD€!sILICOlt 50 ta 30 tv otoDE:sILtco|| 50 x 30 LY DIoDE:AREAXO0Ii5 l .62V 5 l 07261 ot26r of26t 04713 llcRz ct AlcR206 | I I | FDGlOrs toeroes FDGlOss Szro939-l lO leo t-0040 190 t-q)40 DIODE:SILICON50 MA DIODE:SILICON50 MA 07263 07?s,3 | l FDG|@8 FDG1@8 AlcR30r 1902-O76t D IODE:8R€A(DO|.N I 2 a) wv 30 wv 1295a lNa2l AtcR40l AlcR{02 l tcßtc3 I 90 l-oo40 190l.-o040 t902-0o25 DloD€:sttIcoN 50 lt :x) U V DIDDE:Slt-ICoN50 nA 30 Y Y DlooE r Bt.EA|(DOft{:I O-oY 51 400 ralt o7263 o726t 28480 a lcntcl /rlcR5C2 I lcR503 1 9 0 2 - 3t 9 0 190 l-oo40 l90l-o(xo D t o o F S R E A K O O T I : 1 3 . o v5 t { ü ) D I O D € 3 S n - I C O l i5 0 ; t l 3o rY DIODE:SILICOI 50 fl f,O rV 26a80 o7263 o726t 1902-31 90 FDGI OA8 FoGloaa alcR504 alcR 505 alcRSC6 l lcR5c7 ^lcR5 08 t902-3 190 I 901-oo40 190 l-0o40 190 t-oo*o 190 l-oo40 D t o o E E R F I X D O | N :l 3 . o v 5t aoo tr o t o o E : s I L I c o N 5 0 l { a 3 D t|Y D I O D E : S I L I C O N5 O x A 3 0 I Y DIOOE3SI|"ICON to t|^ 30 tv DtoDE:Sil-tCOX tO r :ro l v 2A4AO o7 26t 07263 o1267 o7263 1902-31 90 FD6tOSA FD6l OA8 FDGI OAA FD6lOSA AICR'G9 AlcR5l0 AlcR5rl rlcR5l2 llcRSl3 t90 l-oo40 190l.-0o40 l90l-o(xo 190 l-oo40 1902-O049 D I O O E : S I L I C O I {5 0 | | A 3 0 HV D t n D E S S I L I C O N5 0 t | 3 0 t v D I O D E : S t L t C O r {t o t A 3 0 y v D I O D E : S I L t C O t {5 0 H : o I Y O t o O E : E R E A K D O $6| . 1 9 y , a o726t o7263 of26? ot263 ot7l3 FO6loaa FDGI088 FOGlOSs F06lOES sz 10939- 122 AIJI l lJ2 AIJ 3 t25t-2Lt4 l25t-?-292 t25t-2292 7t785 TLTA' 7l ?85 252-t8-3(F340 2t2-ta-to-tro 252-ta-to-t50 /rlJ5 tlJ6 lJ7 AtJ6 l25t-2tr.. I 25r-2034 r2 5l-2 I 34 l25t-2tt4 lzxl8t36 CONTACTS carilNEcroR:Pc E D G Et 2 X l o t 2 0 c o N T A C r pc coililEcroR: l2xl8t36 COI{TICTS C(x{NECTOR:PCt 2 x l a t 3 6 c o i l r f , T s 7t7A5 7t7A5 7t 785 t1785 252- le-t{F3to 252-t(F3o-300 2tlla-3{F3t{t 252-lE-30-3ro REI-AY:REEt) S IITCH: R€ED S(f,KEr: lC 28 coraTAcr DUAL-ll{tntE S O C I , F T : l C 2 E CONTICI DU L-II'LtiIE S ( t r ( E l : l C 2 4 colrlcr 2alr80 2A4aO 28480 28a80 28+60 oa9(H7to 0490-ll05 1200-0469 12(}0-0+69 1200-{)43l r l l l l lrao I lxao 2 ltPl lrP2 ltP3 RE er to &ckdating o{90-o740 o49(Fl lo 5 t20(F046 9 1200-o469 1200-o43 I Se. Vltl CONN€CTOR: PC CONNECTOR:9C C{}INECTOt:PC t2xl8t36 ll x lat tl x lat cOXTICTS la c(ltTAcT la c{tlT^cl COilNECTOR: PC I I t See introduction to this section for ordering IYPE TYPE | I | FDclosS FD6lo88 l9o2-O025 information 6-3 Section VI ModeI 3490A T q b l e 6 - 1 . R e p l o c e o b l eP o r l s ( C o n t ' d ) Reference HP Part Numbel Designation Description Mfr Code Mfr PartNumber 24a80 24480 26t60 28460 l7ll7 t2OO-O473 120(F()t74 0340-o060 o3a(Foo60 ,56-23t-5 lTll? 05820 05am 2AlAO 28+AO t'66-235-5 2O7-CB 207-CB 1400-0760 l4(xFo760 AlflPa rl||PS l liP6 tlfiP? A ITPS 1200-0473 1200-o4?4 0340-o060 0340-o050 1200-o4_t? l lltP9 altlPlo ll||pll ^l||Pl2 a lxPl 3 1200-o{!t 7 12{)5-o03:l l20Foo33 1400-o?60 l{oo-o760 AlPl ^tP2 alol L2tl-7231 t2rL-1236 l8 5i-ool o I I I9 C O N N E C T nS RI R I P : l 4 - P I t { C O N N F C T OSRT R I P : I 8 - P I i l T S r R : S t P i l P T S E L E C T EFOR o f { 2 i l 3 2 5 1 | 28480 ?alao 2A480 t25t-t2ta L25t-:Jzt6 ta53-oolo ^lo2 Alo3 1854-OO7I 1 8 5 4 - O O 7I 47 r s T R , : s t i t p t i l s E L E C T E DF R O I { ä t 3 7 0 + l T S f R : S l I P N I S E L € C r E OF R O x 2 N 1 7 O 4 l 28480 2e4AO la54-oo7l l85t-OO7 I a lolol l8q-0569 TSTR:SI NPN 2A4aO la54-0569 ^ lo rlo Alo llo a lo lo2 lo3 lo4 lo5 loe 1854-OOa7 l8 5a-ooa7 la 5t-oo5r l8 53-OOa6 la54-oo? I TSTR:SI TSTN,:ST TSTR:ST TSTN,:ST TSTß:SI NPI{ NPN PilP PNP NPNISFI.FCIED FROII 80t 3l 8013t ool 3l aol3l 2raeo 2||tltr 2lt34l7 2N40t7 2t5047 184-O07l aloloT Alotoa llo lo9 alollc aloll I la54-o569 la 53-oo86 l8 53*0086 I A5{-O03 9 l8 54-OO19 TSTR: S I TSTR:SI ISTR!SI rSTR:SI TSTR:SI IiIPN PI{P PNP NPN NPil 2E4AO 8 0 13 l aot3l 801 3l aol 3l 1.854-0569 zil5087 2r5047 2N1053 2il3053 loll2 I 854-OO7I rSTR.:SI NPilISELECTED FRol| an3?o4| 23tao 1854-OO?l a lo20 I ^to202 I I 5 3 - O Ol O 185+-O2l5 TSTR:SI TSTß.: Sl PNPISEt€CTEO tilPil ?'tt2Stl 28tAO 80t31 la5:Foolo 2N390+ I to203 Alo?o4 ll o20 5 rIo20€ llo20 7 l8 54-O2l 5 la55-o093 la55-o(xr 3 1855-OtO8 r855-O308 aoI3t 28aao 264AO 24480 2A4aO 2N3904 1655-0()93 r855-O093 1855-0308 1855-0308 l 1o208 llo209 tlo 2lo llo2lt 1855-O09t 1855-O4lO l 8 5 3 - O O lO l8 54-02 I 5 2a480 2a{ao 28480 80131 1855-OO93 la55-o+10 lo53-o0 lo 2N3904 r lo30 I A lo 302 t85+-OO7 I t8 54-OO7I ISTR:SI rSTR,:Sl NPN(S€LECTED FROI{ 2N:}?O4I xPN(SELECTFD FRox ät3704l 2AtAO 28aAO laSa-oo7 I I A5a-OO7l llo303 ta'1-0475 TSTR:SI NPN 28aao I A5.r-O47t llo40 I Alo4('2 llo403 l8 53-OOlO 1854-OOA? TSTR: SI TSTR:SI TSl8.3SI PNP PNPISEI-€CrEO llPN 8013t 28tAO aol3 1 zil4906 I 853-OOl O 2Nj,4t7 ^lo{o4 alo4()5 ^ loao6 llo{o? llo40 8 l8 5l-oo lo 1854-OOa7 185t-oolo 185+-O08? ra:r-ooae 7$ TSf R,: SI TSTR:SI TSTR:SI TSIR:Sl fSfR:Sl P}'PISEL€CTED NPT PiIPISETECfEO taPN Pl{P Fn,ot är325t l 2A4AO aol 3l 2AaOO 8 0 13 l 80131 I 853{)Ol 0 2N341? 1853-OOIO Aloao9 ll.o {l c llo{l I r lo4l 2 l lg4l 3 I 8 5 3 - O O lO l8 54-0087 1853-OOIO Ir54-OOa7 I 853-OOt O ISTR:SI fSTR:Sl TSIR:SI ISTR!Sl ISTR:ST PNPISELECTEO IP|| PilPISELECT€O tlPN PilP(SELECTED FROX 2it325l I 28t80 EOl3l 2A{80 80131 2A480 1853-OOIO 2N341? 1853-OOtO 2il!r417 t853-OO10 llo4l4 r lo{15 lloat a l lo4l 7 llo{l I la54-ooa7 I 8 5 3 - O O lO Ir 5+-OOA7 r r53-ool o Ir 54-OOA7 TSTR:SI TSTR:SI TSIR:SI NP'{ Pl{P.SELECfEo IPri tSlR:SI NPa{ ao l3l 28{80 ro l3l 2e480 a0l3l 2N34r? 1853-OOtO 2N3417 1853-OOl O 2N3417 /rlO42O llo42 I ^ lo{2 2 rlc423 r 1042. la5:t-ool o It54-OOa7 l 8 5 3 - O O lO l8 9a-ooe7 l8 53-OOl O lSTL:Sl TSIR3Sl TSTR:SI rSTR:SI fSrR:Sl PllPlS€LECIED liPN PiIPISELECTED TPX PttP{SEtECTEO 2E480 aol3l 2Atao 8{tl3l 26tAO la53-oolo 2N341? la53-ooto 2il3417 1853-OOIO : € -.! oty itt rasloora A b R+.htiql Se Vill 20 t7 20 14 2 2t 2 t7 I 5 2 9 9 5 I 1 S(f,,XET: lC l6-PlN soc(ET: lc l4-Pta{ FEEOTHRU : IilSULATEO FEEDT}NU: INSI'LATEO S'trKET: IC 8 PIN X(l.lNT IilG Tfl.|'{TING SMKFI:IC 8 PIN H€AT SI N(:SEtlICOil{XrCToR HFAT SI XK:SETICOI{ü,CTOR CLIP:I{flJilTING ASSYISE CLIP:l{(]u||rlNG ASSY(S€I OF OF FROr 3l 3l ^tttoll ISTR:SI NPII ISTR:FET N-CHANNEL ISTR:FET N{HAXilEI rSTR:SI- NPil DUAL TSTR:SI ilPil OUA[TSTR:FFT iHI{.IINEL TSTR: F€I rSTR:SI PNPIS€l-€CTED FROI rSTR:SI NPiI 2it325t I FROil at325l ) FRO|( ä{ 325t t FROil är325ll FROI| 2N3251I FROft 2X3251 I r s r R : s t P l r P t s € L E c T EFROil o 2r{3251 t See introduction FROX at325lt FROX ar3251t FROI at325l I to this s€ction for ordering information 2r|:r4r7 2N3906 Model 34904 Section Vl T o b l e 6 - 1 . R e p l o c e o b l eP o r t s ( C o n r ' d I Reference HPPartNumbet Designation atv Description Mfr Code Mfr PartNumber Alo42t Aloa26 ^to127 l8 54-O087 l8 t3-oo lo r854-O087 TSTR: SI NPl{ f S T R : S l P i t P l S € L € C T E DF R O ü ä { 3 2 i 1 t TSTR;SI NPN aol3l 28tAO aol 3l 2tt34l? 1853-OOl.O 2N34t7 A lo50 | ^to50? llo503 llo50a alo505 1853-OO:t6 l8 53-0036 ta54-o2t5 l8 54-02l 5 l8 54-02 I 5 ISTR:SI TSIR: SI TSIR:SI lSfRrSl TSTRsSI PNP P'{P NPiI NPN NPN ao13l 80l3l 80l3l 80131 aol3l ztrrt906 ?N3906 2N39()4 2N3904 2l{390a Alo506 rlo50? A 1o508 llo509 a loSt 0 tESt-o24, ta5r-o235 1854-02l 5 ta54-o221 la54-02 t 5 TSTR:SI fSfR:Sl TSTR:Sl ISTR:SI TSTR: SI PNP PilP NPN N P N ( R E P L . 8 Y2 N 4 O 4 4 I NPil 2A4AO 24480 8 0 1t l 2a480 60131 LASt-O2t5 I 853-023 5 2N3904 l8*-o2zl zilt904 ^lo5ll llo5l2 A10CR301 L85t-O2t5 1854-OO7I 5060-60d) I alßl ()6a4-l 53 I 39 AI R 2 l lR3 ^lßa Äl R 5 AlR6 06a{-l o6a4-l 0684-1 0684- I 0684-1 ltR ? llnS llß9 rte lo llRll 06A4-22t1 06a4-??31 o6a4-2211 068/.-2231 o6a4- l23l alt t2 llR l3 ^lß la rlR l5 rtR16 06a4-332 I (}6a4-3331 0684-3331 06a4-6821 06a4-333 I tlRlT a lnla llRl9 AIR20 llß21 0684-lO2 r 0684-l 531 o6aa-l 53r 0684-l 531 0684- I 5:|l AtR22 rlR23 a ln2a ltR25 AlR26 0684-l 06a4-l 06a4-l o6a4-l 06a4-l 3 I TSTR: SI P'IP TSIR:SI NPiltSELFCTEO FROI|2fl170+l REFERENCE AMPASSY:INCLUDES R306,3@, 310,313,314.315 R : F X D C O ' 4 Pl 5 K O H t { t o f l / 4 t a 2A4AO 28480 la't-ozr5 I854-OO7l 28'l8O oll2l 5060-6(D0 c8 l53l R:FXD COIP 15|( R:FXD COXPl5K R:FXD COt'tPlt|( ß:FXD COXP l5t( R:FXO CnfiP I'K OHr{lot OHt lot oHt| lot (I{t lot OHr| lot l.r4l l/4ta l/4r l/41 l/4r oll2l oll2l oll2l olt 2l oll2l c8 c8 c8 ca c8 I I I I r R:FXD COIP 22K R:FXO COI.P 22t( R:FXD COIiP 22r R:FtO COIiP 22|( R:FXD COXPl2K O t { t 1l o t OHfi lot OHfi toz OHt| LOt (}tt lot l/41 t/4t{ lt4u tt4Y t/{l ol l2l ol l2l ol l2l oll2r ol l2l CE CE CB CB ca 2?al 2231 22tl 2ztl t?3t R:FXD COXP :l3OO Olit tol l/{f R : F X O C O , . P3 : t t o H l t l o t 1 / 4 r R : F X D C O X P3 3 R O H I { t o t l / 4 t l R:FXD COnP 6.8K Olil rot l/4|a R 3 F X DC O d P 3 3 X O H r r o a l / + l oll2l oll2l or l2l oll2l oll2l ca CB ca CE c8 3t2l 3331 3331 6a2l 333t R:FXD COftP tooo otta loa R:FXD CO,|P ltt( OHt{ tor RIFXO COtlP l5K OHat LOt R : F X D C O t a Pl 5 K o H l t l o t R:FXD COiP I't( OHralot Llt*l tt4t l/{r l/41 l/4r 0rr2l ol t2r ol l2l orl2l olr2l c8 CE CB CA CB I 02l l5tt I 531 l53l I 5:rl 531 53 I 53 I 53 I 53 I R:FID COI|Ptt( R:FID COtaPI'X RsFXO COftP I'K R : F X D C O H P1 5 l ( R:FXD COXPl5K OHt lot OHtr lot OHfl IOZ O H f al o r OHX lot l/4r l/4|. tl4|/ 1/4I l/4r ot l2l oll2l ol l2l oll2r 0rl2l alß27 AIR28 AIR29 A I R3 0 llR3l 0684-l 'f, I 068+-1 53 I 0684-l t:rl 068(-l 511 o6a4-l 53 I R:FXO COrP-I5|( R : F X 0 C O , i Pt t | ( R:FXD COXPl5K R:FIO COIiP I'R R:FXD coxp rtr oltx lot OHX.lA! OH)t tot OHrl 10t olr"l lol l/4U l/41 l/41 t/4t t/tr OII2I oLI21 olI2l 0tl2r 01l2l C B I t3l C B t 531 c8 I t3l ca l 5 3 l c 8 I 531 rlR32 tlR13 IIRH tlR35 rlR36 {)6a+-1531 075?-O469 0757-Oa65 0684-6A2t 0684-6A21 R:FXD COrP I'K OHX lol l/41 R:FXO Ft-ft l50K oHfi tt l/81 R:FIO tl€T FLX loo(. Olil It l/ar RIFXO COraP6-at( ottt tot l/4r R:FXD CorlP 6.8{'O}fa lO: l/ir oll2l 2A480 28460 oll2l ol l2l c8 lt3l o757-0+69 o7r7-{J46' ca 6a2l c8 6821 AIR37 llß38 ^1R39 ^IR40 AIR'I 0684-682 r (}6a4-6A2 I 0684-6a2t 0584-682 I o6a4-682 I R:FXD R:FXD R:FXD R:FIO R:FID CO||P 6.E{ COI|P 6-8( C0rap 6.a( CO,iP 6.8( COre 6.ax Orit Ol|| o}[ Ottt oilt lo: lot lot lot lo! l/{l l/4r l/{ta l/ar l/4ra oll2l ol l2l orl2l or l2l ot t2l ca c8 c8 ca ca AIR+2 tlßa3 aln{a llr45 rlt{6 068t-682 06a{-682 o6a4-682 068+-6a2 o6a4-5A2 R:FIO R:FXD R:FXD R:FXD R:FXD COI|P 6.8( COI{P 6.8K Cotap 6.8X COttP 6.8( CO,.P 6.AK Olft Oln Olfi Ottl Olft tot lot lot lot loa ttry l/al l/41 l/tl l/at oll2l ol l2l ol l2 r. olt2l ol 121 CE 6g2l c 8 682 I c8 6 8 2 t ca 6821 rlta? ^lRa€ rtt49 tlt50 lln 5l 058a-6a2 [ 068+-6E21 06aa-6821 0684-6A21 o6a4-6821 R:FXO COiP 6.8t( R:FXD CO||P 6.8{ R:FXO COraP6.8( R3FXD COtrP 6.8( R:FXD COraP6.8X O}}t o}|l Olil Otft Oltt tot l0: lO: 10t IOt Llil l/4tt l/4t l/4t t/{l oll2l oll2r oLl2l otl2l otl2r c8 6A2l CB 6621 cs 642 I llt lo! rll to2 llnlo3 o?5?-O+3a o7t7-(l438 o75?-o:t92 28680 2g4AO 2A4EO ot57-o438 o?57-O+38 otSt-or92 531 531 53 I 53 r 53 r 9 6 tl 7 7l I5 I ll I I I I I 6 I R:FXO ilET Fl_ft5-llx Otr lt lr8ta R:FXD rFT FL,t 5.llx {Hx lt t.r8l R:FID iET FLra T3.2 olt lt t/8t See introduction to this section for ordering 531 531 531 531 t3r ca I t3l ca I 5:t1 co l S t l c 8 I 531 ci lt3t 6821 6AZl 6A2l 6A2L 6 821 C8 5A2l c8 6A2l ca 6A2l information 6-5 Section VI Model 3490A T o b l e 6 - 1 . R e p l o c e o b l eP o r t s { C o n t ' d f Reference HPPartNumber Qty Designation Description Mfr Code Mfr PartNumber alR l04 Äl t l o 5 alRlo7 alRto8 alR l09 0683-O335 069A-3264 o69A-4474 o6a4-2721 o757-O429 2 2 2 4 2 n , : F X OC O f l P 3 . 3 O H i l 5 l t l 4 y R:FXD FLll ll-aK Ot|I lt l/8t{ R:FXO FLX Aa5O OHll lt r/8r R:FID Cof{p 2700 olri lot l/4t R:FXO HEI FLir 1.82X OHil lt l/al. ol l2l 28480 284A0 ol t2l 28480 cB 0335 0698-3264 o69a-4474 c6 2721 o757-O429 alRIto a l Rl l I alRll 2 alRll3 Ä l ßl l 4 o75Z-O44t o757-0709 0 6 9 8 - 3 25 9 o757-O44? o757-0442 1 I 2 l2 RIFXD ü€r FLI 8.25t( (Hä lt l/aU R:FXO XFT FLf{ 68.I Orfi l: l/4ta R:FXO FLr't7.87K Ol*{ lt l/8r R : F X O n F T F L X L o . O ( O H l , tM / 8 t l R:FXD X€T F(H lo.OK O.tft lt l/aH 28480 284€O 28+80 28480 28480 o?57-0441 o?5?-0709 0698-3259 ottT-o+12 o?57-0{42 alßll5 rlRlle A I RI I ? alRll I alRlt9 o757 -O4+2 0 6a4-2221 06a4-191 I 0683-O335 o6a4-4ll I I5 t R:FXD ri€t FLat IO.O( (}ttl 1! l/8r R : F X D C O I { P2 2 0 0 o H f t l o t t / 4 1 R:FrD COtp !t90 0Hll lot l/4H R I F X D C O t a P3 . f O H l r 5 Z L t l | t R:FXO COrP 4?O OHtl lot l/41 28480 oll2l 0 11 2 1 ol l2l. oll2l o757-O442 cB 2221 c8 39ll cB 0335 cB 47ll llRl20 alRl2l ltr 122 alR123 A I R1 2 1 0684-4731 06a4-2221 o6a4-2721 0757-O429 0757-O441 R:FXO Cnt |P47K OHx lot I/4t{ R : F X O C O , | P2 2 0 0 o l $ t l o : t / 4 1 R:FXO COXP 2700 0tt1 lot t/4ta n:FXD rFT FLfi l.8a( (}{t.t lt t/Ar R:FXD ttET FLlt 8.21( r}tH lt l/81 oll2l oI I2l. otl2r 28480 28480 ca 4731 cg 2221 cB 2'IZl 075l-0429 0757-O.Al alR12t ^ l R 1 26 atR127 !lR 128 Al R 1 2 9 o757-07t I 069A-3259 0757-M42 06a4-2221 06 a4-l al I R:FXO XET FLX 82-5 ollt lt l/41 R:FXOFLX 7.87K OHI lt l/8r R : F X D l t € T F t _ r 1l O . O ( O H n l t l / 8 1 R : F X D C o | | P 2 2 0 0 O H r al O ! 1 / 4 1 R;f.xD coHP lao oHt{ lot l/4r 2A4AO 24180 2A4gO 0rl2l ort2l o?57-07l I 0698-32 59 0757-O412 ca 2221 c8 l8rl AIRI3C alRl3l 069A-447 1 0757-O271 R:FXD FLü 7.15K Ot{t{ ll l,/8t R:FXDXEI FLt 3.01K OHI lt r/8H 28480 24t60 0698-1471. 0757-O27t alR20I 0684-l 53I R:FXD COIP l5K OHt lot olL2l ca l53l a lR202 rlR203 r lR 204 alR 20 5 AIR20C 0184-472L o6a4-lo2 I 0684-33?I 0 6 8 4 - I O 2I 069a-3t55 25 oll?r ol l2l oll2l olt2l 28480 c8 t72l ca lo2l ca 3131 cB l02l 0698-3 I 55 Ä 1 R 2 07 toP 0601 A I R 2 0 ? (oP 0501 ^ l R2 0 8 alR209 AlR2Ll 069A-45 t O 0757-U+65 0757-O448 0757- O+48 o7t7-o442 2 R:FXO nET FLX 84.'( fX.tt lt l/8r R : F X O r , r € TF L X l o O K O H X l : l / 8 1 ß:FID rtEr Fl ü la. A( (xtr tt 1/8r, R:FXD ||ET Ft_ä la.z< ot{fi lt l/8r R:FXO N€A,"FL| lo._o( o{}l tt l/sr 24480 28480 28480 2A4AO 28480 0698-4tt. O o757-0465 o757-04.48 O757-O..1A O757-(}.42 a lR2l 2 AlR2l 3 a lR2l { A I R2 1 5 alR2l 6 o75l-u42 0598-3?79 0698-451O 0698-451 O o?57-0465 R:FXD R:FXD t R:FXO R:FXO ilET FtX 10.0( oHft lt l/8tl lilFf FtX..{t9O OHX lt lr'8l. 28480 2a4AO 0757-'J412 0698-3279 il€T FLt 84.5X OHil lt l/81 XFT FLft IOOK OHfl lt l/Et 28480 2A4EO 069A-45 I O o?57-()465 ÄlR2l7 Äl R 2 l 8 Al R 2 t 9 A l R 2 20 ^lR?2 I 075 7-0401 0698-3?OO 0698-0O77 o6a4-472L 0684-l 53 I RIFXO t{€T FLI IOO O]tr{ lt t/8r R I F X O F L t 7 1 5 .O H t (t t l / 8 1 R:FX[ fi€f FLX 93.IK OHtt l? l/8il R:FXD COf{P ITOO Ol+l lot l/.rl R : F X O C O I I Pl ' t ( O H t l o t l . / 4 X 28480 2A4AO 28+80 otl2l oll2l o?5?-o401 ()698-3700 069a-0o77 ca 4721 c8 l53t ^tR222 ^t9.221 alR224 A lR 226 ^IR22 7 0684-472 I 06a4-l 23 I o698-4474 o?57-0401 o68t-l 541 R:FXO COI{P 4700 0rS{ rot l,r4ra R i F X D C O X Pl 2 X O H t l o t l / 4 1 R:FXDFtH 8450 oHH It l/8r R:FXO tET FLfl IOO OHH lt l/8ta R:FXD COIP I50K' Ol$t toz Lt41 olL2l ol l2l 28480 28+80 oll2l cs 4721 cB l23l 0694{47( o?5?-o401 c9 l54l arR30I alR302 AlR303 Al R304 At R305 A1R36 A1R307 AI R3A A'IR3@ A' tR310 ^n3li lln3r3 ^ lR3l4 o757-02a0 069a-i457 oal l-o92 0 0Bl1-13(}5 0698-451I 2 1 28400 28t80 2A480 28480 2a4a0 o75t-o2ao 069A-f4t7 oa I l-0920 0811-1335 0@84518 0757-@39 1 RIFIO nET FLt lK (){r lt l/Or R 3 F X Dl t E T F L r 3 l 6 K O t { t { l t l / E r R:FXD ty l?OO OHll 3t 3ta R : F X D W W l l K O H I M3 % 3 W R : F X D F L M 1 3 7 KO H M 1 % l / 8 W sEE 410CR301 R: FXD iilET FLM 6.81K OHM 1% 1/8W sEE AlOCR3oI R: FXD MET FLM 8.25K OHM 1% l/8\ry sEE A10CR301 R:FXO FLä 80.6K Olil lt l/El s E EA 1 0 C R 3 0 1 sEE A10CR301 ? 5 A I 3 I 2 2 t I I l3 ? I I 0757-0441 0698-4509 I ^lP3l5 lla3lG llFSlt ^lt 3l 9 r lt 32c rlrt:l : :+t 3 i*d{nE RIFXD R:FXn R:FXD R:FXD R:FXD l/4ta CO|,IP47OO Ofrt tot l/{r C O H Pl O O 0 0 1 f f l o t l / 4 1 C O | { P1 3 K O H t l o t l / 4 | | COttP IOOO Oftt lot lltaa ftFT Ftx 4.64{ r}tfa lt l/8r{ 28480 07570439 284f,0 o757-U41 28480 069A-4tO9 2A+AO 28480 28480 28480 28{80 08 ll-3rt r oall-ttt3 069A-1279 o757-O391 of57-0316 sEE A10CR301 oSll-ar73 oStl-tl7f 698-3219 075?-039I 07 5t-o3a6 sa vlll I I 3 R : I I A T C H E DS € T W I T HA 1 R 3 1 8 R : I i A T C H E DS E T W I T HA 1 R 3 1 6 R:FXO tET FLt +990 olf,t l! t/8r RrFXD FLr 39.2 OHr{tt ttSU R : F X Df t € T F L | l l 0 ( H I l . / 0 a see introduction to this section for orderins information Model 3490Ä Section VI portslCont'df T o b l e6 - 1 .R e p l o c e o b l e Reference HPPart Number oty Designation Description Mfr Code Mfr PartNumber tlnaol ^üa1{J2 tlßao3 06s4-4721 o6a4-4721 0684-l 53 I R:Fxo Coftp 47oO Or|I lot t/.|a R:FXD COI{P 47OO O}t{ lot l/{ta R:FX0 Coäp 15(' (x{lt lot t/af ol l2l oll2l oll2l cB +?21 cg 1721 c8 t53r llRao{ rlrtoS rlß4{'c rlß/to7 alß{o8 06444721 068t-l 541 068{-l 53 I 0684-472 I 0684-l 541 R:FID R:FXD R:FXO R:FXD R:FXO COilp 47OO O}}t rot l/{l COIP 15il Orfi lot t/4r CO,|P l5K OH|| lot l.rtl Corap +?OO Otfi lot l/4t COIIP l5O( Ottl l'l ll..f oll2l oll2l ol l2l ol l2l oll2l ca c8 c8 c8 cB 1I2l l5+t l53l +721 l54l alß409 alRal o tlRall !l lRal 2 tlß41 3 068+-l 531 o6a4-{721 0684- I 541 o6a4-4721 o6a4-4721 R : F X D C O f t P t 5 K O H t at o t l r a t a R:FXO COI|P a700 olft lot Lrfl R:FXD COnP ISOX ol{t lO! l/4r R:FXD COI|P ttoo ot|t tot ttte R:FIO Cotlp 4tO0 Olti lot l/4r o l l.2l otl2r oll2l oll2r oll2t c8 ca c8 cg cs 1531 a?21 l54l 1t2l a72l tlRata rln41 5 tlnal 6 I lRal 7 l lR4l 8 o6lt4-l5a t o6a1-1?21 068{-l 54 I o6a4-153 I o6a1-4721 R:FXD Colrp lsR OH,| lot l/4tl R:FXD COfiP aTOO Orfa tOZ tttü R:FID COHP lt(x olil r0! 1/41 R:FXD COxp t5t( $tt lot l/4r R:FXD COfrP 4700 0lr| lot l/4r oll2l oll2r olr2l olt2t 0lt2l cB c8 cB c8 c6 l53l 'rt2l l54l l53l a72l llt/u g rtRa20 llta2 I att,122 tt?423 0684-1541 o68+-t 531 o6a4-1721 06a4-t 541 0684-l 51t R:FXO Cofap ItOK Oltt IOa l/4{ R:FXD COilP lt( OHl| lO: l/4r R:FXD CO,.|P47OO Otft tol tt,*a R:FXD CO|P l'(X Ot|t lot l/41 R:FXD COtiP l5x ol$t lol l/tl oll2l olt2t oll2l 0ll2t orl2l ca ca c8 ct ca lStl l53l r?zl lt41 l5tl at&{2a llR425 llRa28 06a4{721 068a-l5al o6a4-l 531 0644-4721 0686-1 541 R:Fxo CoxP t?00 Or|t lot l/{l RIFXD COI|P 150( olfa l0l l/41 R:FXO COtlPl5x oHx lot l/ar R:FXD COXP t700 ol|| lot l/{. R,:FID COa{pl'(x otft tot l/ar oll2l oll2r oll2r ott2l ol l2r c8 c8 cB c8 cB 4t2l lt4l lt3l +721 t54t irlR42 9 llR{30 llR4:t I ^ IR432 ^lR13 ! 2too-"zr7 o6i4-3e31 lil o6a4-l 53 I 0684-472 I 0684-5621 R : v ^ R 2 0 ( O H t al o t R : F X D C O | I P3 9 K O H X l o t l / t l RtFxD COr'lPl5X o}|x lot l.rar R:FXD COXP 1700 0H. lot t/4r R:FXO Cotap 5.6( O|0a lo! l/4ta 2Aaao otl2r oll2l oll2l oIL2l 2loo-t2t7 c6 3931. ca t 53l cB t7?l ca 5621 ^1R43/t rltat5 alna3 6 It*a37 rlRt3r 06a4-l 54 I o6a4- t 53 I 0684{?21 0684-l 541 0684-l 51 I R:FXD CO,IP I50f, ol|. lot l/{r R:F,XD COfaPI'f 0a{'| lO! l/4ta R:FXD CO||P iTOO Olfr lo! t/tl R:FXO COXP t50( olt{ lot l/41 R : F X D C O f t Pl 5 r o H r l o ! l / a L 0 1l 2 t or l2t oll2r ol l2l ol 121 cE c8 cB cB cB t5al l53l +t2l lSal l':tl llR439 /rlna{o llt+41 a tß44? rlR{43 o6a4-4721 0684-l 5al o6a4-l 5:t I 0684-1?21 06a{-l t{l R:FXD R:FXO R:FXO R:FXD R:FXD oll2l olr2l oll2l otl2t oll2t ca cB c8 ca ca 1721 t'al r53l t72l l54t llR444 AIR.45 alntaa 0757-0472 0757-0455 0684-l 531 2 R:FIO tEr FLx 2oo|( ot{1 l! val ß:FXD HEr Ftt loo(.aüfa lt l/sl t:FxD co['|P l5x oHfi Loa tl4[' 2A+aO 28{AO olt2t o?t?-(ta?2 olt?-ot6t c8 t53l a lt50 I a tR 502 llR 503 ltR 50a tlß 505 0698-4+9t o757-O{41 0757-O27:t o75f-04'l o?57-O453 2 R:FXD FLil R:FXD ||EY R:FXD xET R:FXD rET R:FXD rEr 35.7K OHt FLli E.2t( FLt 3.Ol( FLX 6?.t( F[x 30-tK l/sL lrSl l/al l/sr 26480 28480 28480 2e460 28180 0698-t494 o?5?-o441 o7t7-o27, o?5t-o+57 o?t?-ortt ^ lR 506 AIR'O? atR5{t9 rlRSlo ^lRSllA o?5?-0453 075?-O4t3 069H496 0698-4496 ^ 0698{4264 R:FXD rEr R:FXD flET R:FIO FLr R:FXD Ftfi R:FXO FLt FLt| 3O.lK tr{l| Lt l/Et FLr 30-l.x tltft lt l/a|. 4t.3t( Olil It l/8ll 45-3t( 0tft lt l./8r 1580 oHft lt l/al 28a80 2AaAO 28480 28tEO 2At80 0757-Or5t ofSt-o15t (b98-aa96 0698{a96 069a-a426 rlR5llB lll512 llt 5l 3 lln 5la rlR 5l 5 ()69E-3497 0698-3179 o757-Oa65 o757-0465 069A-+{9a 2 I R:FXD FLr R : F X OF t X n:FXO |.El I:FIO ||ET R:FXD FL|| 6.0.t' O}|| lt l/al ?550 oH|| lt l/81 FLt IOOI, ot{t lt l/gl FLt lOOr OHI lr lrar 3t.7( O]l| lr l/Ata 284AO 28480 284aO 28teo 2t4ao llR 5l 6 rltSl? ^ln5l E llt 5l 9 a ll 520 0698-at97 0698-31?9 0?5?-(16t o?5?-0+65 069A-449{ 0698{t99 o698{a99 o75?-0+65 ortr-ozoa l$ 075?-o38S 2 R:FID n:FxD R:FXD IIFID R:FID 5a-9t olt lr l/sr ta-9( Olil lt l/sr FLt loof, oltt It l/sl Ftt 2-OO( Olli lt l/e to.l oHft lt l/ar 2aaEo 2A{AO 2A1AO 2t180 28tEO llR52t ^tt522 lll 52 3 ru 524 lll 52 5 069A-!r99 0698-+499 OltT-Ot6J o?5?-02a3 ot5?-o3aa 0757-O388 2loo-32?O o757-Oa{6 o75?-(y|46 oere-o:zt$ 28r80 2rtEo 28aeo 2a480 2AtAO 0?5?-o388 2loo-32?o o?51-oa{6 o?t7-(x46 06te-6324 aterei aln{z? .t Rst bB*dritESaVllt 7 I 5 2 lo 2 I 2 t a I COIiP 4?O0 otfi tol Ltrd COI|P l5(X oll l0! l/4r COtrP t5t ()ttx lol t/{L CO||P +700 otft lot l/4r COXP Itfi Orfl lot l/i|a Ftt FLt| ftET ||Ef Ft-ft lt l/8Y Ot{i lt lr{'t lt O H r al t Ot'l lt R : F X D F L t 3 0 . 1 O H t al t l / 8 I R:VAI CEnl|CT loo (ltt toa lrzy R:FXD tET FLX lt.o( OtX lt l/AX (}tt lt l/6I R:FIO llET FLX lt.(x R:FID FLä la7 {}|t la lrSr See introduction to.this sction fot ordering information Model 34904 Section VI T o b l e 6 - 1 . R e p l o c e o b l eP o r t s ( C o n t ' d ) Mfr Code Mfr PartNumber 28480 28480 26480 075f-ot46 0698-4196 o?5?-0346 ol 295 28480 o47 13 01295 01295 sN?404N I 820-O798 t1c4024P st{7474N st't?493N ot2e5 ol 295 12040 28480 01295 sil7474N sN3543I Lr{71lc lAlA-2055 s$1740+N OUAL D F/F 4-AIT BINARY COUNTER INPT.AiIO OR GATE LP 4U '-2-2-' DI,AL O F/F 8-INPT T.T,LTIPLET€R 9/€NABLE o1295 ot295 l2 040 o1295 01295 sN?474N sx7493N Dtt7at54t{ sN?474N sit?4 t5lli I LT!t{ POI{ER I OF I6 DFCODFR IC:TTL IC:TTL DUAI D F/F Ic:TfL tP 41 1-2-2-t II{PT.AO OR GATE {UTTIPLEIER 9/FNA8L€ IC:TTL 8-INPI TC:TTI. DTIAL D F/F 07263 o1295 L2040 o1295 o1295 u6N93l" I I 59X sN74?1il DX7{L5{N sl{?4151N sN?4?41'l I TC:TTL IC:TTL IC:TTL IC:TIL ol?95 ol 295 12 040 ol 295 sN?4l9:!N sN74?4N Dlt74l-o4N sN?4I5l l{ Reference HPPartNumber oty Designation 1 Description R : F X D } t F T F L } t I O t}t|{ la f l : F x D F f L l . O T K o|r{ l.ol R : F X f } I { E T F L i ' I O (I{N tt t/&a l/8t l/8ta lrR52{ AIR52? alR52€ 0?57-0346 0 6 9 8 - 4 19 6 o757-O746 llut AIU2 ^ lut Äl u 4 Ät u 5 l8 20-o5t r 1820-O79 8 r820-o567 1820-oot7 la2 0-oo9 9 AIU6 AIU? ^ lu8 ^ lu9 alulo t8 20-o0 77 1 8 20 - o 7 88 t820-ol25 l8l8-2055 lB20-o I 74 AlUll AIUI2 lul3 Älul4 AIUIS I 8 2 0 - O O ?? 182()-O099 la20-059 r l8 20-o077 ta2r)-o622 A I UI 6 AIUIT AlulS rlu l9 Äl u 2 0 la2{)-o702 I 8 2 0 - O O 77 la 20-o59 l ta20-o622 la 20-oo 77 AI U 2 I Atu22 AIU23 ^tu24 1 8 2 0 - 0 2 33 1 82 0 - 0 0 7 7 I 82 0-O5 86 ta 20-062 ? alulo I ^ lulo2 nlulo3 ta2o-0196 ^ ^ 18 ao-o 22 3 lÄ14 t8 20-02 03 I t 2 I C : L I N E A R V O I . T A G F R E G { , L A T O R II N P U T } A'1PI.. I NTEGRATFD C IRCUIT:OPERATItllAL IC:OPERAIIONAL IIPt IFI FR 28480 284AO or263 I 820-O196 ta20-0224 sLg940 a lu20 I , tu20 2 ^1U203 l 8 2 6 - O O3 8 ta 20-02 ? 7 1 82 0 - o 3 2 1 I I IC:LIN OPERATIONAI AI,IPL I MTFGRATED CI RCUI I:NPERATICTTAL AIPL. INIEGRÄTFO CIRCUI T:HT-SPEEO COBPARATOR o47 It 28480 o1295 ltc 14t66 LA20-O221 SN7? TIOL a lu30 t la26-0o09 I IC:LtN€1.8. OP. 28480 I 826-0OO9 alu40l ^In402 l8l8-2056 r820-0583 I 6 fiOS ! N-CHANNt _LÄRnli IC:TTL LP OIIAD 2-INPI 2A4AO 12040 l8 l8-2056 0x74LOON AIYI AIY2 04l0-046 5 04l o-0466 CRYSIAI.:OUARTZ 4 M H Z ( 6 0H Z O P T I O N ) C R Y S T Ä LO : U A R T Z3 . 3 3 3M H Z ( 5 0H Z O P T I O N ) 28+80 2A4aO 04lo-o{65 o4lo-0466 ATAI Älalß l06 0349(F66521 2too-3261 I I I I t B O A R DA S S Y : V F R T I C A L R:VAR IK OHHIOT 2a4AO 2 8 48 0 03490-665 2l 2too-126? a la lR2lo AIAIR?25 AIAIR228 llatRlrl llalR3lT 2lo0-331 0 2too-a?-57 2too-az 57 2l.oo- 330 7 ?loo-331 5 t R:VAR CERIIET IK O}II I O ' T Y P E P 3 / 4 X R:VAR 20K OHrl l0l R:vÄR 2OK tl}rl{ l0l R:VAR CFRIET 20K (}tl,I I O I T Y P F P 3 / 4 Y R:VnR CERIET 20 oHr{ lot TYPF P 3/4ll 2A4a0 2 84 8 0 28480 28480 28180 2loo-3310 2too-1257 2too-1257 2l o0-330? 2 loo-33 I 5 H I G H I I { P F O A N C FA S S Y H I G H I M P E D A N CA E S S Y :R E B U I L T 24480 28480 0349 $-66502 03490-69502 ROr,ll5E4?0J5C 0l 60-22 I 6 tA2 1^? 03490-66502 03490-69502 I OTIAD 2-INPT AND GATF SIX DECADE OUAL vfl r^GE-CoNfRollED OUAL D F/F 4-aIf BINARY CoUNTFR IC:TTI. IC:TTL lC:TTt IC:TTL IC:Tlt 2 I 8 ttul.Tlv! DI'AL O F/F IC:TTL IiITH HEX D-TYPE FI.IPlFLOP IC:fTL lC:OUAL CO|{PARAIOR AV=7OO }tIN. (4096, IC:8IT-ROtl HFX INVERTER IC:TIL I I a 4 3 t5 I IC:TTL IC:TT|IC:TTI IC:TTL IC:TTT. CLFAR 8II{ARY COUNTER SYM'P-ON 4-AIT DUAT O F/F LP HEX INVERTER t.lENAELE A-INPI'{(ILTIPLEX€R AxPL. XANO GATE a2cI A2C2 ol 40-02 04 or60-2218 I c:Fxo rllca 47 PF 5r, NPO S0CVDCId c:Fxo rilca loo0 PF 5t 1 4 65 5 28480 A2C1 0160-3190 I c:F xD üY 5 ttF lot ^?c5 ^2C6 or+o-orsr A ot ro-ooso $ ar{.pl ^2CF2 ^2Cr3 ^ 2 C P1 I eo l -0586 lcol-0524 r90 r-0586 le0 1-0586 A2CF9 ^2CF6 l2cR? 12cra r2c!9 re0l-0586 l90r-0586 t90t -0586 1 9 0 2 - 3 19 0 1902-3190 qers'@ Sekdating Ss. Vlll 6 I 28480 o 160-3190 C:FXo IIICA 56 PF 5Z 3oOVDCH c:Fxo cER rooo PF +8G-20! looovocH 19?ol 562a9 RDfaltES60J 300v c 0 6 7 B l 0 2 E1 0 2z s 2 6 - c D H REPL DINDT ASSY(',IATCH€O PAIR I DINDF:SI RFPL DIOTJE ASSYIXATCHEO PÄIRI R E P L O I O D E A S S Y { N A T C H E OP A I R ' 24480 28480 28 480 28480 l90l- 0586 I 901-o 524 I 901- 0586 leol- 0586 RFPL DIOOF ASSY(fiATCHED PATRI R E P L O T O D E A S S Y I 1 4 A T C H E DP I I R I REPL DIOD€ ASSY(XATC.}GD PAIR ' 5l 400 llt DloD€ 8FF^KOOI{N:l3.OV 5? 40o l{l.l DI0DE EREA|(oOIN:13.0V 2 8 48 0 28480 2a4AO 24480 28480 1901- 0586 l90l- 0586 l90l-0586 l9 02-3 I 90 1 9 0 2 - 3t 9 0 See introduction SovDcrd to this section for ordering information Section VI Model 34904 T o b l e 6 - 1 . R e p l o c e o b l eP q r t s l C o n t ' d l Mfr Code Mfr Part Number afAo: sn I ELDlt{G BEAD:SHI EIDI '{G E I T R A C T O R : P C8 O A R O . S t l c f 28+00 28480 2A{80 9170-o89a 9l 70-o89a tO{)-{1740 EXTRACTOR:PC. 8OAIO. Bß,Ott S O C K E T : I CI P l } | TSTR:SI ilPN FET DIAI. ISTR3 28t80 l7l l? 28tAO 28480 40{o-o?r9 5r66-2t5-t I A5t-O3l I lESt-ot99 R: MATCHEDSETWITH A2R2AND A2R4 R: MATCHEDSETWITH A2RI AND A2R4 R:YAR CERXET 'O OI.'| lOI IYPE ? 'I4I R: MATCHEDSETWITH AzR' and A2R2 R:FXD IU 50X (I.ilt lot 5r 2W 28480 2Aa80 28480 28180 G11-258it 611-2583 2 lo0-3tl + (Blr-25€B 08l1-oo32 R:FXO tl 5o|( tl{t lo! 5l R:FID tt llt( (}tx 31 3l R:FXD yr I OHfr 3t 3r R:FXO FLlr 499( OHX l.ot l/0a R:FXD XCT FLX IO.OX artil ll lrBX 28rEO 28480 2E480 2A48(t 2A+80 081:l-o032 osll:l 33t 08t2{ol5 ,069e-32rt ofSl-oa{z Reference HPPartNumber oty Designation A A 6 Description A2LI ^2t2 l2xPl 9l 70-0894 9l 70-0894 40,40-o748 ^zl|P2 Az'|P3 ^201 ^202 4040-0749 t200-o437 l8 t5-o:|l I lat5-o399 A 2 nI A2t2 l?R3 t2F{ A 2 R5 oE I l-2583 08 I l-258 3 2too-ltr4 08 ll-258:l 08 l3-oof2 12R6 ^247 l2R I ^2ß9 l2R lo oal 3-oo32 oSll-1335 08 l2-oor 5 o69a-321 5 Ol'l-Ot 42 I I l2t ll ^21R12 lzR r3 0757-0442 069A-t?7 A 069a-4497 3 I R:FXO tEI FLft 10.(X t,lra ll l/8r i:FXD ||€l FLlt 49.9( Ol{X lt l/8t R8FXDFLr{ 46-7K Otil lt l/tL 2a+60 24t80 28aro 0757-o.}12 069e-122r 0698{t9? t2R 15 2loo-331 3 2 R:VAR CERI'ET IOO OHil IO! 28+OO 2l(xF33rt l2n l6 A2nl?. 2loo-33t 6 0757-O..42 I R:VAR CERrf€T lO Olfi lot lYPe ? tt4y f,:FXD rET FLt| lO.O( (t{H lt l/8t 28t80 28t80 2l o(F3316 0757-O+{2 AArl lE26-OOl I 2 IC:I.INEAR 28480 la26-oola t ^2u2 l8l3-ooo3 I IC:HYBRIO FFT 2aaro la l3-ooo3 l3 03/t9G-665G1 I AOARD ASSY:OI SPLAY 284€O o:t4.9{F6650t l3cl Atc2 ol 80-ol 97 ol.8(F0376 I C : F X D E L E C T 2 . 2 U F I O t 20vtf,ll c : F r D E L E C T O - a ? t t l o t 35UlCra 562a9 *2e9 r5|n225I902012!OVS ItOD'fl+I9O3512-OYS l3DSl ltDs2 130s3 t3D54 1990-o33 0 199(FO330 1990-o330 199(FO330 N I " E R T C A L O I S P L A Y : S O L I DS I A T F iauHERtcAt- Dt sptAv 3solt D srAT E NUIERICAL OISFT^Y :SO|_IO StArE N U I { F R I C A LD I S P L A Y : S O L I O S T A T E 28480 28460 2a460 2AaAO 199(FO3lO 199(Ht330 l99H3tO 199(H3tO 130s5 l3D36 130s7 l30sa 130s9 1990-o330 t99(FO330 199(F0405 199(FO{06 199(FO406 N I , { € R , T C A .LD I S P tA Y : S O L I D S T A T E N U | | E R I C A ID I S 9 L A Y : S f t r l D S r l r E ilt l€R.lC OISPL|IY:t€OI PLUS-fi tlUSl D I O D E : V I S I A T EL I 6 H ' E X I T T E R D I O D E : V I S I S L EL I E H T E I I I ' E R 28a80 2a460 2Ateo 28+80 284AO 1990{t330 1990-o3to ltxr(H).o' l99tH)406 tr9Hto6 I3TPI ^?,,'P2 t:ttp3 o349(F24301 5040-591.4 72o(Fl27l I I I tilsx: INNUNCt Atan H(ruSIilG: liltl HEAT SI TT:DISPL.AY 48a80 24460 28aAO 0369(F2+301 '{)4H91a 7200-127t l{ I I I 3 2 a 6 I 2 NP€RATI(r{AL a3lrP4 1200-o452 I SOCXET!IC COI{TACT t3R t r3n2 l3R3 06a+-221 I o6a4-lol I o68a-l 8l I I R:FXD COI|P 220 oHil lot R:FXD COXP LOO (}rt lol R:FIO COrtP 180 oHra tot r:!Ra t3t5 atn6 068Fl8l I o6a{{701 ^3Ul l3lr2 lar3 l3{ra l:Ir5 la z(FO53 7 1820-o?16 la2(FO5A6 Itz(FO5A7 ta2G{62? l3tJ6 l:lt ? rta A3J!O t820-oo5a 182(HO5a 16z'(H583 .1 Rdrb oaa+-rrtt $ reeo-sg A Büd.tiESa Vill t l? I I I t { IYPE P 3/4Y AI{PITF IER oo?79 :Fll614l-2 oll2l oll2l olt2t c8 22tl ca I 0 t l c8 I r l I R:FXD COftP 180 (}{t tol l/4Y t I F I D C O | | P4 7 o H t l o t l / t r (}t,l lot l/ar R,IFXD Coftp I't orl2l ol t21 ol t2t c8 l 8 l I C B t70l c8 l S t l IC:TTL ICaTltIC:TTL lclrfl lCtTlL 2A4AO ol29t 12040 l20ao ofz6t 1820-or37 sxll15lil dr?+L('+r| Dft?4Llot ('rt93LOl59X o1295 ol29t l20ao 12040 sl|?a00r{ slt?aoor Dr?tLootl DMT4LOON l/ar l/41 r/al DUIL .-IilPT TAI{O GATE SVIC PRES€T 4-ttl Btl|lny OOtttTER LP I.IEI I}IYERTER LP TRIPLE '-Itfr it||t 6lTE LP 0CD TO IEC- DECOIEI ICsff|. OUAD 2-It{Pl llAl'lD Gll€ lc:rll otnD z-lflPt ilrxD GllE lc:Yrl LP QIJAD2-l|{Pr illilO 6^lE lC:TTL LP OUAD 2-INPUT NAND GATE See introduction to this ection for ordering information 6-9 Section VI Model 3490A T o b l e 6 - 1 . R e p l o c e o b l eP o r t s ( C o n t ' d I Reference HPPartNumber oty Designation Mfr PartNumber C A A L EA S S Y : O I S P L A Y A O A R OA S S Y : R E H O T JEU X P E R 2a4AO 28480 03{90-6 l60l 03490-66504 EXTRACT0R:pCao^Ro. Bt-aCK 2A4AO 404{FO74a E X T R A C T O R : P8Ca A R , D .v I o I . F I 24480 4040-o755 28480 03490-66505 l/41 l/4r, l/{r tll.U orr2t 01121 oll?l olr2l C B 222L c8 2221 c 6 222L c a 222! l./4ll l/{r tlg l/41 l/4ta ol l2l ol l2l oll2l oll2l otl21 ca ca ca c8 ca a3t3 ^4 0349O-61 6r)l o3490-66 504 a4t{Pl 4040-o748 a4t4P2 4040-0755 ^5 03490-66505 ß O A R DA S S Y : R A I G € S r | I T C H ASRI ^5e2 A5R 3 a5ß4 o6a4-2221 o6a4-7?,2 | o6a4-222L o6a4-2221 R:FXD R:FXD R:FXD R:FXD A5R5 /r5ß6 5R 8 l5ß 9 0 6a4-22_21 06a4-222_l o6a4-2221 o6a4-2 22 | 0 6a4-2221 R:FXD COHP 2200 R:FXO COHP 2200 R:FXD COI{P 2200 R:FXD COtlP 2200 R ; F X D C O N P2 2 0 0 a5s4 3rol-1719 SII TCh:PUSHBUIION 28460 Slot-17 l9 ^sli2 03490-61 605 CABLFASSY:RANGF 2A480 0349(F61605 A6 03490-66 506 BOARO ASSY:CONYERTFR 284 80 03490-66506 a6c I ^6C2 orso-oeo+ $$ ot 60-3976 I I c:FxD cER O.O5 ttF 20t lOOoYDcta C:FXD lO PF 5OOVOC|a 562 69 2A4AO {lc t69t4{oH ol60-39?6 a6c3 ^6C4 A6C5 a6c6 ^6C7 o I 60-3930 oI 40-o202 o I 60-:r977 ol 2I -o436 ol6()-3622 I I I 6 C:FXD lO PF 25OO yocta C:FXDXICA 15 pF Sa 5oOVDCI c:FxD 970 pF Ol c:vAR AtR 2.1-24.5 PF c:FxD cER O-l rrF +ao-20t loovocl 24480 2A 4 8 0 28480 74970 729a2 ol60-3930 0140{!202 olöo-3977 l89_t09-l05 81 3l-l O0-65 l-l 04Z a6c8 6C9 r6clo 6Cll A6Ct2 ot60-36?2 oL60=1622 oL60-3622 oL60-3622 0l 50-ooa4 C:FXD CER 0.t c:FxD C€R O.l C : F X D C . E RO - l C:FXD CER O.l c:FxD cEB^p.l loovocr IOOVOCX lOOyDCta loovocl, loovocl t2942 72982 729a2 729A2 729A2 8l:rl -loo-651-l 8l 3l -I OO-65l-l 6 I 31.-tOO-651-l 8l 3l -l 00-65 l-r rl 3l-loo-65 l-l l6cl3 l6c 14 ^6C15 ^6C t6 l6c l7 ol 50{) oa4 ol 50-o093 ol50-o093 ot 60-2 134 o I 50-o093 clFxD CER O-l UF +ao-201 lOOvDCr, c:FxD cER O.Ol;tF +80-201 loovocH C:FXD CER O.0l UF +ao-zot loovDcta c:FID HY O-a2 UF lot 5ovDctl c:Fxo cFR o-ot uF +ao-z0t loovDcl 729A2 72942 729A2 *2A9 f2982 8l:tl -l 00-651-l oaz 801-K8000 I I 801-K8000 ll la8Pt50 rol-K8000 r I l6c la l6c l9 r6c20 Ä6C21 ^8,2.2 ot 50-o093 ol60-0lal ol 50-o093 ol 60-o22 9 ot 80-022 9 c:FXO c:Fxo c:FxD c:Fxo c:flo 129a2 14655 72942 24480 28+80 tol-|(aooo I t ROItl t€tooJts aol-xa000 ll ol80-0229 ol60{t229 A6C2? 46C24 A6C25 46c26 ^6C27 ol 80- I 835 ol ao-l 83 5 o I 60-394 5 0l 60-3 91 9 o I 2 t-0432 C:FXD TA 6A UF 2Ot l5yDcy C:FXD TA 6A UF 20t l5YOCr C:FXD pORC 39 PF lt 500vDc|. c:Fxo PoRc 346 PF lt 500vocy c:vAR ^tR 1.7-14-l PF '6269 562 A9 28480 28480 74970 1500 6&tIo0ttn2-oYs l5006E6IOOl 5R2-DYS ol50-3945 ol60-39a9 189-505-l Ot a6c?a 16c29 A6C!iO l6c3 r ^6C12 ot 60-o763 ol 60-oa59 ol60-2114 o160-3501 ol 60-oa5 9 c:Fxo c:FxD c:FxD c:FxD c:FxD 00853 56249 562 A9 844I1 56289 RDHI5CO50K5S !.48P335 Ptrl l4aP350 H€t 138 t+4P335 Prtl A6CR I l6cR 2 A6CR 3 I 90l-oo{o 190 l-o040 1 9 0t - 0 0 4 0 OIoOE:SItICOil 50 IJI 30 tav D I O O € : S I L I C O Nt O | t ^ 3 0 r Y D I O D € : S l l - I C O t {5 O f t A t O r y 07?6t 0726t 07 263 FDGI08A FDGIOSs F06t 088 A6C94 l6cR5 A6CR5 16c87 A4FA t 90l -oo40 190 t-oo47 I90 l-o047 190 l-oo47 I 90 l-oo47 olooE:sn tcoia 50 ta 30 DlooE JUr€tIoN:StLICtt{ DIOD€ Jul€TIoN:Slt-IC0ta DIODE JUlrlcTlOt{:SIt-Ic(rl oIooE JUNCTITil:SiLIC(X o7263 2 84 8 0 28480 28480 2a+80 FDGI08A t90l-oo47 l90l-004? 1901-00t7 t90l-004? ^6CR9 t6cP I C racP I I L4.Rt2 r6€e I ! 1902-OO4l 1902-O04l 190 I{)O47 I 901-o047 1 9 02 - 3 l a 2 o{713 0471, 2r480 2Et80 28480 szl o939-98 sz 1o939-98 l90l*ooa? l90l-0047 L902-tta2 r5ß7 : Mfr Code Description geier b BddatirE t I 3 2 t 2 t I ? I ? I 6 I COilP 2200 oHr{ COf'rP2200 r}Jr4 C O X P2 2 0 0 o H t i COtiP 22.OOOtl4 lot lot lot tor, 0|x4 10t 0tt t toa O|{1 lll (l}}t lot Or+{ tot trF UF UF UF uF +ao-20t +8O-2O! +8O-2Ot i80-20: +8o-2oa CER O.Ol UF ia0-201 loovDcr. nIcA 30PF 5t 300vDct cER O.Ol UF +8(F20t IOOVDCT €L€cT 33 UF lot tovoo. EL€CI 33 UF lot lovocl ItcA 5 PF lot 500vocr rY I UF lol 5oVDCy t1Y O.82 UF lot 5ovDcr PO|-Y 4 UF lot 5oYOCt. tY 1 UF lO:'oVOC| rv 20PrY 2OptV 2Oprv 20PtV o l o o E : a R € a K o o t a NS . l l v 5 t D I O O E : B R E A K D O T5I.{I l V 5 3 DIODEJUifTIOil:SILIC{}I zOPIV D I O O EJ U I { , I I O | { : S t L I C { I { 2 O P I V D l o o € 8 R E X D O Y i t : S I L I C O N1 2 . t V 5 : Se. Vlll See introduction to this section for ordering information 2221 2221 2221 2221 222L o{z O4Z Otl 04z o4z Model 3490.A Section VI T o b l e 6 - 1 . R e p l o c e o b l eP o r t s ( C o n t ' d f Mfr Code Mfr PartNumber DIODE:HITT CARRI€R DIOOE:HOT CARF,IER DIODE:SI 3O t.V IO PA L€A(A6€ DIoDC:SlLlCOt{ 50 ,aA 30 HV DIODE:SILICON 50 'IA :x) t.V 24480 2A4AO 28440 o7261 0726! l90l-o5l e l90l-o5t I l90l-o5a6 FDGIOAS FD€I 088 I 901 -0040 DIODE:SI|-ICON o7263 FOGtOaS a6( I a6(.2 0490-l I o5 o{9(Fl I 05 SHI TCH: REFD SII TCH: REED 2844O 28480 o+9(Fllo5 0490-tlo5 l6t( l t6t(4 a6t I o490-l lo6 049(FO?78 0490-l 083 28480 284EO 09026 049(Fl I 06 0490-o778 P- S. 3001-55 A6t Pl-17 A 6 X P II A6r{Pl 9 ^6AP20 t6tP2 I 0340-oo60 03ao-o93a 1200-o437 1400-o760 1400-o?60 F EFDIHRI' : IIISULAI ED IIfl'NT IN6 SPAC€R:IEFLON O.l28r DIA lt(I-E SOCK€T:IC 8 PTN CLI P:I4OUNTIXG ASSY( SE oF lt CLIP:I{OUNITNG ASSYI SEf oF 3t 2AlAO 98291 lTll? 28480 2814O 03ao-oo60 a-1451-t 5566-2tJ-5 1400-o750 l4O0-O76O ^6tP22 ^6AP2t ^6t P24 6AP?' A6't?26 1400-076 0 1400-0760 1400-o760 1400-0760 l{oo-o760 C LIP: IIOUNTING CLIP: llOUNf lilG CLTP: IIOUNTING CLIP!I{OUNTING CLI P:FOUNTIilG 2A+AO 2A4A0 264AO 2a480 28480 l4OO-Of6O lao(H)760 t400-o760 1400-ot60 1400-o760 ^6AP27 a6taP28 a6nP29 A6t4P30 a6rP3 I t400-o760 1400-o760 1600-o273 t600-0274 1600-o275 28480 28a80 2A4aO 28460 28{AO I400-o750 1400-o760 1600-02t3 1600-o27{ 1600-02?t a6)4Pt2 l6t{P33 ll6tP34 A6taP35 l6rP36 I 600-o27 5 1.60{F0275 4040-o748 4040-0750 o360-l ao3 28480 2A4AO 28a60 28480 ooooo 1600-02?t 1600-0,27t toao-o?4a 40'rO-O?5O OBD A6f,tP3? l6f{P38 A6riP39 o360-t 803 036(F1803 o36{Flao3 f ERII IN f ! SOI-DER LI,,I; IERI.tI NAL:S(LOER Lrß I fRII INAL: SOTOER LI.G ooooo ooooo o0000 (nD oio oaD 460 I ^602 r603 ^604 1605 1 85 3 - O O lO l8 55-O38 3 la54-o07r la53-o ot o I 454-O07l TSTR:SI rSTR:ü,AL TSfR:Sl lslRrsl TSTR:SI 2A4AO 28+80 2A480 2a4AO 2A4aO la53-oolo la55-o3a3 l65t-oo7l lA53-OOIO laSt-oo?t 1606 4607 160E 4609 A6Q IO la5+-oo7 I la55-o177 185:FOOIO l8 5t-0377 185:FOOIO TSTR:SI lpn(S:t-tcrtir FRox 2it37041 TSTR: F€T SI.J{{HA'ü. T pNpISELECTFD FRO|4 atf2ilt ISTR:Sl f SIR:FET SI IIH,HAN''IEL TSTR.:SI PNPISELEOTED FROII AI32'I I 28480 28480 28{aO 2a180 24180 l85a:oo7r r85t-o377 1853-OOtO 1055-03?7 r 853-OOl O A6RIA, RIB A6R3 A6R{4, R4B. R4C 0598-821 6 2too-331 I 0698-82 I 5 I ? I R : I I A T C H E OS E T R:VAR CERr;r 500 rlOt lot R:IIATCHEOSET 26+AO 28+80 28a80 0698-8216 2loo-3rl t 0698-a2 I 5 A6R5 Ä6n6 A6R7 A6RA A6R9 0684-472 I 0684-4?2 I 069a-355a 069A-355 A o75?-O4lO 2 t:Fxo R:FXD R:FXD R:FXD R:FXO coltP 4700 0l0t 10: CO|1P4?OO Otft 101 (}tft ltEr FLil {.oa( |.€t FLft +-Oa( üilt flET FLll 301 OHft tt orl2l ol l2l 2A+80 28480 24480 cr r?21 cB a72l A 6 RI O r6Rll l6n l2 l6R 13 A6R14 0757-04t O 0698-3497 069H489 0757-O430 o6a4-l 02 I R:FXD R:FXD R:FXD l3FxD R:FID ilET FLft 301 OHfi l! l/81 FLil 6.04r( OlTl lt l/8I FLlr 2A( OHfi t: l/81 [|{El FLn 2-.21K (I{}t l: l/8ta COrlP IOOO OIH lot l/afl 24480 28{80 2aa80 28{80 ol 121 0757-OrlO 0694-3497 069A-++a9 otrT-|J4ao cB lozt l6Rl5 a6ß l6 A6Rl7 A6t ta l6e 19 o6a4-l02 I 069a{467 o7t7-0{69 0698-4308 o?57-O200 lot l/4ta tZ ttAY I/8I OHil l: l/8tl (l{'| lt t/al orl?l 28480 2a480 28r80 28{SO cE lo2l 0690-*467 o?57-Ot49 0698-4308 075?-O2 00 46e20 A6n2l ^6n22 46e23 ^6e 2a o7 5?-0401 069A-a488 0757-(x5a 075f-o270 069H488 Ft f{ lO0 oHft tt l/al 26.7( 0{t tt 1/8r FL|. 30-lK O{tt ll l/Ar FLl| 249K Otft l: l/8r 26-?( Olft l: l/al 28t80 28aao 284EO 2Aa80 2aaao o?5t-(rol 0690{488 o?57-Oa53 o79l-o270 o69t{48A Reference HPPartNumber oty Designation l6c Rl 4 a 6 c RI 5 l6cRl 6 a6cRl 7 a6cR I 8 6CRl9 1 9 0I - o 5 t a l90I*o5l 8 1 9 0l - o 5 8 6 l90l-o040 t90 l-oo40 1 3 I 6 3 I I I , I l3 I 2 3 I I 2 lo I I 2 I Description 50 f{A 30 REI.AYlSUITCH. REED STTTCH3RFED TAGN€TIC. COIL ASSY:R€FD RELAY tV IlTNIATURC ASSYI SET ASSY(SEr ASSYI SET ASSVI SEI ASSYI SEI CLIP;I,IOUNTIilG ASSYI SET C , L TP ! X O U N T I N G A S S Y I S E T s T A | { PI X G : 8 t Ä S S STATP I 'IG: BRAS S SHI EI-D: POf SHI ELD: POT SHI ELO: Pof EXTP,ACTOR:PC BOARD, EXTRACTOR:PC SOAROi IER'iINAL:Sü.D€R LLß 3l 3l 3l 3t 3l oF 3l oF 3l 8f ACK RED PNPISELECTFO FROT' ä{32'II FET SI N-CHANNEL NP|ISEIECT€D FRot at3to4, pltP(sELEcTEo FROX ä{32511 NPiIISELECTED FRO'I A'3?O4I R:FXO COI|P IOOO Otet R:FXD FLra l.Ot( Ottt R:FXD FL'I 2OT OHT II R:FXO frET FL'| 16.9( R:FXO tET FLil 5.62( R:FXO n€T R:FXD FLta R:FID il€r R:FXD tEl R:FXD FLt See introduction oF oF oF oF oF to this section TtpF p 3/4ta l/4L l/41 lt l/8r l: l/8t l/8L for ordering (1698-3554 0690-3558 o?5r-orlo information 6-11 Model 34904 Section VI T o b l e 6 - 1 . R e p l o c e o b l eP o r t s l C o n t ' d l Reference HP PartNumber Designation ^6R?-t t6R26 A6R27 a6ß28 A6R29A, R298 o7 57-0453 069a-3544 2loo-3306 2 loo-330a 0698- 8214 A6R3O A 6 R 3I A6R32 46R33 A6ß:t4 069a-349 5 069A-4467 2lo o-3309 0757-M57 0751-O45t t6n 35 a6ß36 A6R37 16ß 38 A6n 39 0698-45 I 4 0757-O454 0698-122 I 0757-O4a6 059a-3540 l6R{O A6R4l 46342 46n43 ^6944 0684- I 53 I o59A-322 A o757-0436 069a-3trO 0698-4497 A6UI ^6tt2 461,3 A6TJ4 1820-O054 1820-o069 t8 26-00a9 ld 20-o20 3 A7 A7 0349(F65507 03490-69507 ATCr A7C2 A7C3 a7c4 ^7CJ 0150-@73 0150-0073 0[ao-1701 ol 70-oo2 I o 1 8 0 - o 23 0 l?c6 ^1C7 ol 60-ol 94 o I 50-o07 I ATCRI 190 l-oo40 otv Mfr PartNumber 2a+80 28480 2A480 28aao 2A480 o?t7-0453 069A-3548 2100-3306 2loo-3308 0698-62 I 4 R:FXD ftEl Ft-H 866 oHn lt l/a|| R:FXD FLX l.O5{ O}rI lt l/8I R:VAR CERI,IET2K OTTI IOI TYPE P 3I4I R:FXD XET Ft-t{ 47-5r( OHtl lt 1/8I R:FXO l|ET FLil 30-lK o.tx lt l/8r. 28440 28t80 2A4aO 28480 28{80 0698-3495 0698-+467 2loo-1309 0757-0457 0?5?-0453 2 2 R:FXDFLX R:FXO |(€T R:FXD t(ET R:FXD tfET R:FXD fiET I/8U l/Al l/6L l/ar 2A4AO 28680 28480 2a+80 2a400 o69E{514 0757-ü54 0698-3228 o?57-0436 0690-3540 I R:FXD COilP l5K OHt{ lot l/+t ()+0{ ll l/8r R:FXD rlET FL|| t9.9( R:FXO tET FLI{ 4-1ä( at{H lt lrAU R:FXO f'lFT FLr{ t5.4r( ()|rX ll t/8r R: FXD MET FLM /t8.7K OHM 1% 1/8W oll2l 284 80 2844O 28480 28480 ca l53l 069A-3228 o757-0436 069A-3t40 0698-4497 T C : T T L g U A D 2 . T T P T N A N DG A T F lC;TrL DUAL4-INPT PnS f{ll{O GtT€ IIPLIFT€R-LINFAR I C : O P E R A T T O N A IT P LT F I € R ol 295 ot295 28+80 07 263 sil7+ooN sil7a20N 1826-OOa9 sLa94{) I B O R D A S S Y : O H I {C O W E R ' E R REBUILT OHMS CONVERTERASSY 24480 28480 (1349(F66507 03490-69507 2 I Cr FXD C: FXD c:Fxo csFID CiFXD 56289 56289 24480 84+l I 5628e co288102E101 KS27-CDH co28B102E101KS27-CDH olEo-l 70 I 663Ura47294 l5m l05xoo50a2-DYs I C : F X D , r YO . O t 5 U F l o l c:Fxo cER {oo PF 5t r000vDoa 562 89 56289 l92P t 5392-PTS cot68t 02E40 I JS27-Cltil DIODg:SlLlCnN 50 r|A 1O lV o7261 F061 088 o7263 04713 07251 ot263 o?263 FO6t 088 sz 10939- I lo FD6l 088 FO6lOaS FOGIO8A 07262 0726t o726? o7263 o+7 l3 FDGIOAA FOGI OA8 FOGIOaA F06tOsA sRl358-9 TTßE:VOLTACE PROTECT(N 9OY 2OI STITCH: REED t|AellETIC! lllt{lATt RE }tI NI TTJRE S IITCH: R €€D I'AGI{ETIC. 2A4AO 28+AO 28t80 l9?o-oo52 04!n-o774 o+9()-o7?8 srI rcH: REED SHITCH:RE€O STI TCH: REEO RETAY/COIL. T,ELIY/COTL, 28t80 28480 24480 28480 28{80 o4txFo77a oa9()-0778 0490-o?78 ()490-1033 049()-1o33 28480 00026 09026 049(FtO33 P. S- 300 l-5S P- S- 3001-5S I 2 I I I I A Mfr Code R : F X O a r E TF L | t 3 0 . I K o H X l : l / 8 1 R:FXO FLf{ 732 oH}l tt l/8L R:VAR CERH€T 'OK (It}t IOI TYPE P 1/4I R:YAR CERiET 5K O|ä lot lf?t P 3t4r R:!1ATCHED S€T I 2 I I A Description lO5( OHXla l/8r FLx 31.a( tH|| lt FLll 49.9t( ottx l: F a - A4 . t X , ( } l t { I t FLtl 15.4( (}ilt lt CER 10O PF CER 10O PF EL€CT 6.6 nY 4700PF E|.€Cf l.O l0% lomVDCW 1096loooVDCW UF 20t 6YOCJa lOt 400YDCI UF 2Ot SOVOCI .-l ^7Ce2 l7cR3 A7CR4 A ? C R5 Ä7CR6 190 t-oo4() 1902-3 I 04 1 9 0l - 0 0 4 0 t90l-oo40 190 l-0040 OI0DE:StLtCON oIoDE:EREAlpOrN DIODE:SlLICOil DtoDE:SILICON DIOO€:S|LICON 50 50 50 A?CR7 l7cR8 ^7CR9 A ? C nI O aTcR I I t90 t-o04 0 1 9 0l - o o 4 0 l9()l-0040 190 t-o040 l90l -o02 a OIOD€:SILICON DIOO€:SILICOiT DrooE:sILlcoN DIODE:S lLtCOt{ oloD€:sILlcoN 50 llA 50 ltA io ria 50 ra 0.75a AT D S I A 7 XI ^7X2 197(FO05 2 0490-0774 0690-o778 l7t3 l7t4 l?r5 t?L I ^7L2 0490-o778 o490-o77A (x90-077a 0490- t o33 0490-1033 A7t 3 /l?L4 l?L 5 049(FlO13 (}49(Fl Oa3 o+9(F lo83 RFLAY/COIL. REEO COIL ASSY:REEO R.EL Y COIL ÄSSV:REED RELAY l?xP I ^7r92 ^71P3 l?t P. l7rP5 t40(Fo760 lao(F0760 l{o(Fo760 l{oo{?60 t+oo-0760 CLI P: IOUilTIilG ASSYISFT o F CLIP:|{I,TT ING ASSYIS€T o F CLI P: ||OUXTTilGASSVISEI o F Cl-IP:toul{ttt{G ASSY(SEr oF CLI P:iq,XTIilG ASSYISET o F 3t fl 3l 3l 3l 28480 28t80 2A480 284AO 28480 ItüH)?60 1400-0?60 1400-o?60 ttoo{1760 Itoo-{r760 ltrP6 ttaPT t1i|'? t l7rP9 rTxP I C It{)0-o?60 140()-o760 1400{760 l{o(Fo?60 laoo-o760 ct_lP: illut{TlL6 cLlP:xot xllttc ctt P: r{ou|,rlrG cLt P:tot if tr{G c|-lpstt)t Ntlxc 3t tl 3l :D 3l 28480 28480 20440 28480 28480 l4qt-ot60 Itoo-o760 lao(H?60 laoo{tt60 r6üt{t?60 : +qitro EdditirEst 6-U vlll I 3 see introd.uction 50 XA 30 l{Y S-62Y 5t ilA 30 t|v ft^ 30 |lV r 3C rV :10 lY 30 rV 30 rv 30 t{Y tooPIv lttßr{€Ttci nlr{tATURE IIAGN€TTCi IIINIATTNE IIAßIiETIC. II II{IATINE REEO REEO AssY( sEf AssYl sEI AssYt sEI lssvt s€I AssYls€T oF oF oF oF oF to this section for ordering information Model 34904 Section VJ T o b l e 6 - 1 . R e p l o c e o b l ep o r r s ( C o n r ' d I Reference HP PartNumbet oty Designation Description Mfr Code Mfr PartNumber tTfrPl I lTtpl 2 l7t{Pl 3 l?IPl4 a?||pl 5 0360-lao3 0360-l 803 0360-l ao3 036rl a03 036G-l 801 T C R T I i l A L : S O L D € RT U G IERTIilAL:S(LOER LIF TERXINAL:SOLO€R Lt,G T F R I { I N A L : S O L D € TL T . G TERIINAL:SOLDER I-IX; ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo o8D o8D OBD o8D OBD l?rPl 6 A?XPI 7 lltPl8 lTrPl 9 l?ftP20 O3ar(Fl803 o:t6O- l80:l 036(F1803 0360-1803 4040-o748 TERxlNll-:S0_DERrtE TERXIIIAL:SOIOER LT,G TER|II'.^T:S(LDER LI,C TEß.'III{AI :SOTDER LTß EITRACTOR:PC B.JIR0. SLAcK ooooo ooooo o0000 ooooo 28480 (160 o8D oaD OBD 4040-o?aa ^tA?21 40{o-o? 5 I EXTRACTOR:PCBO RD. (NAilGE 28aAO +o40-o751 l70l 4702 la54-ooa7 1854-OOa? ISTR: SI NPil TSTR:SI r|PI{ a ol 3 l 80L3l 2|r3{t? 2N3417 1703 1704 4705 l?o6 ^707 IA53-OOa6 ^ lstlool2 a re*-ooar lil 1855-O30A l8 53-OOA6 fSlR:St TSIR:SI ISTR: SI TSTR:SI TSIR: SI 80131 80131 80131 24480 8013t 2r{5087 2r{290ta 2ir34t7 1855-0308 2iltoa7 l7r I ^7e2 ltn3 06A+-4721 o6a4-1721 0,69A-3264 R:FXO CnilP 47OO Ot+t tDa tt4ll R:FXD COHP 4700 0|tt tot l/{l. R:FXD FLt4 ll.8( Dlfl lt 1/81 oll2l ol l2l 28{80 ct a72l c8 4721 069t-326{ R:FXD I4FT FLX IK TI{'t II L'üI R:YAR FL,| l0( OHX lot LIt{ l/2r R:FXD FLt l..glK nl|t lt l,/8t R:FXO t{€T FLr IOOK OHX lr l/8ta 28+80 28+AO 24480 28480 io757-O28O 2 t oo-l ?38 0698-4430 o7t7-ot65 R : F X DC O t P I O K O H t l o t l / 1 y R:FXD COI{PIOK (xix lot l/4f R:FXD COrP +70 oH|| lol l./4r R:fxo tEr FLH 200K OHF ll [/at i:FXO lr I.OO4O( (}t|| 0.O2t l/SrJ oll2r otl2l oll2r 2A4SO 28{80 cE LO3l cB lo3l cE +7ll o7t7-ü12 oEl.t-32 l6 I.:VAR CERIIET 2oO( OHr{ lot fypE p 3/4r R:FXD yr 98.90K Oltt 0.02t l/8r R:VAR CER}I€T 2OO THH IOt TYPE P 3,/4Y R:FXO rat 899t( OHx o.o5t I/4L R:YAR CERXET 2X Orl' IOI TYPC P 3/{T' 28480 2A4AO 28a80 2a4AO 2E480 2lüF3304 osll-32 lt 2l00-33t2 osll-321t 2loo-3109 28480 2a4ao 28480 oll2l orl 2t o757-O15t Of57-Ot ra o757-0453 c6 2721 ca 6a2t PNp PNP NPN t{PN DUAL PNP l7R4 ^?t 5 l?t6 l?R7 o698-4430 O757-0465 l7R9 7n lo A ? Rl l l7n12 l?Rl3 0644-l 03 I 06a4-lo3l o6a4-471 I b of57-o472 oaI l-:t2l 6 ^?l l4 il7R l5 l?Rl6 A7R17 l?R l8 2loo-3to4 08 I l-f2l 7 2loo-3:rl ? oSll-32r 5 2IOO-3309 A?R19 l?R20 A7R2I ^7e22 ^7e2t o757-04't ot57-0453 0757-O45t 06A4-2721 06a4-682 I l7R2a ^7125 oa I l-ooo6 0684-lO2 I I R:FXD rt SqOO 0t{x lt 5|. R:FXO COITP.iOOO Olt{.JO: l/{|J 2a4ao 0LI2l oSll-ooo6 ca lo2l l?r I 9lo(Fl{41 I TRlNsFoRx€R: srFplliP 28480 9loFla+l lTlrl ,7U2 r7u3 l7u4 1820-OOt6 l8 20-oo54 la20-oo94 1820-O478 I I I lC:TTt DIVIDE ay 12 lO ltHZ ,alltIC:TIf OI,AD 2.INPT NAND GATE IC:DTL OUIO 2-IXPUT IiATE lC:Lll{EAR OpERArlO{At-Alip!lFtER o1295 o 1295 o+713 12040 sN7492r{ sttaoota sc6903Pr Lil 'OAH le 0349(F66508 I OUTcUAROPOI'ER SUPPI.Y BOAROASSY 28480 0349(F66tO8 l8c I ^ü.2 l8c3 lSca ol 80-01 9? ol80-251 I ol 80-2 5l I ol 50-oo50 t c:FxD C:FXD C:Fxo C:FXD ,62 A9 2A480 28480 56289 r 500225x9020A2:OYS ol 80-251 I 0180-25 I I c0678lo2Elo2 zs26-cDH Ar5 rtc6 ol 50-oo5 0 562A9 %289 192Pa?392-PrS c067Bt02e lo2 zs26-coH o 7 5 7 - O 28 0 z r o o - r z a aA A I I ,2 I I I I I R:FXD nET FLX fO.lK R:F!O XEr FtH 30.1K R:FXO XFr FLX 30.1K R : F X D C O H P2 7 0 0 o | f t R:fxo co,|P 6.8K oHi A orzo-oo+oI (l{t {l{t| ftxfa l0l lot lt l/sl lt l/8t lt l/ar l/$a l.r{l ELECT 2.2 UF lot 20vm.r AL EL€CT :I?O UF zOVOCl. ll- EI-€CT 37O UF zOVOCT CER l0oo PF +8(F2O: 1OOOVDCL C:FXD ltY 0-047 UF loa ZOOVOCU c:FtD cER looo PF +ao-201 looovDcy Ircn I 190l-o363 I DIODE ISSY3SI IOO PIv PER CELL 2A+AO l90l{363 t'cr2 lacR:l 190 t{ro+o I90 l-ol5 8 I oloDE:slllcot 50 il/l to rv DIOOE:SILICOt O.754 200 pIV o7261 2A480 FD€I OA8 l90l-ol 5a u9 l2 5l- I 365 t c0ft{!Pc 7l?85 252-22-to-tOO l Rcft. b Bdd*ilE Sa Vill See introduction +1 a2x22l cor{f acTs to this section for ordering information 6-13 Model 34904 Section VI T o b l e 6 - 1 . R e p l o c e o b l eP o r t s ( C o n t ' d ) Reference HP Part Numbet Designation otv Description CONTACIS OOARD BßARO OIIARD EOARD 7t7 A5 2AlAO 29480 2a4ao 28480 252-22-t0-700 50ao-o170 5060-0t?o 5040-o170 5040-ol. ? o ARACKET : }IOUNTIIIG CONNFCTOR:SINGLE CONNECTDR:SI NGL€ CTINNFCIOR:SIN6LE C(r.INECTOR:SINGI.€ CONN€CIOR C O N T A C T } 1 T NI A T U R , E CONTACT t{IN IATI'R€ CONIACT ilITt IAIURT CONTACT TIN IATURE 28480 oo7?9 oo779 o07?9 o0779 o?49(FOl209 t42070 3tzom 3320?O ttzolo oo?79 oo779 2a+ao 28440 28480 332070 3t2070 I 854-OO?l 0757-04lO ()69a-4355 l25l-1365 5040-o170 5040-o | 70 5()40-ol 70 5040-o170 aal! P5 Ä8it P6 lr8ttP7 a8üP8 aai{P9 o349o-oi2o9 t25L-2551 t25t-2r51 t?.51-2551 t25t-255L ASlr Pl 0 a8l,tP I I 480 I l8R I laR 2 L25L-255t t25t-2551 la54-o07 I o757-O+l O 069a-4355 laR 3 l8R4 AaR5 laR6 r8R 7 06a4-4221 0684-822 t o6a4-a?21 0684-tOl I o6a4-2231 AAR 8 l8R9 A8R IO A8RII 0684- I 23 I o6a{-l 02l 0684- lO2 I 0684-422t A A UI AAU? A8W4 A8W5 l8 20-o410 la20-o586 03490-61608 03490-61604 2 1 I voLlAG€ REGULATfTR 5V lC:LINEAR. IC:TTL LP HEX INVFRT€R CABLE ASSY:REM CABLE ASSYTBCD A9 03490-66509 t TI6I'ARD A9C I AgC2 ol6(F2009 o I ao-ol9 7 2 A9C3 A9C4 ^9C5 ot 60-ol 94 ol60-ol 94 ol 60-ol 94 i9l.P I l9ilP2 A9tP3 t200-04?4 4040-o7{? 4040-0746 Ä9ß1 l9R2 Ä9R3 A9R4 A9R5 0684-332 I 0684- 332 I 06a4-332 I 0684- I 52 I I 8l O-O049 r9u1 A9U2 A9U3 A9U4 I820-0584 I 820-0595 l8 20-o 584 I 820-0594 A9U5 t9lt6 A9U7 r9u8 a9U9 l8 20-o 546 1820-o7t o la 20-o 7t o ta20-o583 t{r20-o7lo alo of49 0-66 5t O llocl Ltoc2 ol80-o197 ol 60-02e8 I lorP I ^lorP 2 0403-c 189 o403-0189 l loäP l r 1001, rlce'-33 I la C0NNECTOR:Str{Gte COXtrCf |tTNIATURf COI{NECTOR:SI N6LE CONIACT IIIIT IÄTURE NPNI SEI-€CTEo FRox ä13-to4l lSrR:Sl R:FXO }lEr FLx 301 oHt lt l/8L l/8H R:FXO Fl,il 12.4 oHta l! I Mfr PartNumber CO{N:PC 44 t2x22l PC GUIOE:PII'G.IN GUIOE:PTUG-IN P.C GUTDE:PLIIG-IN PC GUID€:PLI,'G.IN PC ^8J tO a8f.P I Agl,lP2 AAtlP3 A8|' P4 I Mfr Code R:FXO R:FXD R:FXD R:FXO R:FXO COilP COttP CO|.|P COXP COtp 8200 ot+i lot 820C n}|l.t tot 8200 olf{ lot IOO Ofil{ LOt 22|( OHt4 10t l/4U l/4ta l/4|| ll4|. l/4tl ot l2l oll2l oll2l ol l2t oll2l CA a22l ca a22l ca a22l CB IOll. c6 2 2 t L R:FXD R:FXO RIFXD R:FXD CONP CO|{P COüP COIP lzK otlll lot l/4L tOO0 ()H1 lO? l/{n l/4ll 1000 oHH lot a?OO Otrl lol l/4t oll2l ol l2l ol l2t 0 1l 2 r ca tztr CB I 02l 24480 12040 28480 28480 1820-o430 DxT4LOtN 03490-61603 03490-61604 DATA OUTPUT EOARO ASSY 2A4AO o349(>66509 C:FXD IIICA 82O PF 5l :IOOVDCI c : F x D E L E C . T2 . 2 U F l o l 2 o V D C H oo853 562 89 RDf{l5F82 r J3C I5m225X902042-DYS C:FXt) l,lYO.Ol5 ltF lO! c3Fxo tY 0.015 trF loi c : F x n f . l Yo . o l 5 . u F l o l 289 $289 552 A9 l92P t5392-PT S L 9 2 P1 5 3 9 2 - P l S ' 192Pt5392-PTS S TK€I:IC 8 L K I + C N N T A C TEXTRACIOR:PÖ.OOAROT GRAY FITRACTOR:PC E0AROr 8tÄC|( 2:t 680 24480 28480 csa2 900- laa 4040-o7t? 4040-o748 R:FXD Col{P 3300 oHM tor l/4tl R : F X D C O H P3 l O O O H I l 0 l l / 4 { R:FXD COIP 3300 Of0{ IOA llr*l R:FXD COtlP 1500 (1H|1lot l/4r R E S I S T I V EN E T T O R X : l OX 6 . 8 K or tzl olt2t ol l2r oll2l 28460 ca 332t c8 332r c8 l32l c8 l52l l8 lo-0049 12040 l2 040 12040 t2040 Dr{74L02N Dl|74L73N D||?aLo2tt o,|7{L72N IC:T'L LP HFX INVERTFR rrI+LOGIC 5v 5l tC:DIGITÄL IC:DIGITAL ITL+LOGIC 5V 'T I{AND GATE I C : T T L L P O T J A O2 - I N P T IC:DIGITAL TTL+LOGIC 5V 5: 12040 0726a 07262 l2 040 0726t oll74L()4N st_17315 sL l7:tl 5 DxT4LOOrl sLl73l 5 I NUTGUARD OATA O('TPt'T EOARD ASSY 2A4AO 0349(F665lO 2 c:Fxo ELFCT2-2 UF lor c:Fxo t1Y0.0015 uF lol 56249 56249 Itoo 225X9020A2-OYS 192Pt52924rS EXTRACIOR:PCB , LACK E X T R A C T O R : P CB. L A C X 28480 28480 0403-ol 89 0403-0189 1200-o{?4 I 65r-oo? I S(rKET:lC 8LK 14 COi{TACT T S T R : S l N P N ( S € L € C T F oF R o l l 2 N 3 7 0 4 t 23880 28440 csa2900-l4a 1854-O07 I (}68{-682 I R:FXD oll2r cB 6821 9 A A CB I 02l ca a 2 2 l ._l : i-1r ..:t'a 3:d-E Sa Vlll + 2 3 2 5 3 I t 4 IC:TTt TCITTT IC:TTI IC:TTL See introduction LP OUAO 2-INPT NOR GATE LP DIIAL J-K I4ASIER SLAVE F/f IP AUAD 2-INPT NOR GÄT€ I{ASTER SLAVF F/F J-{ Cni|P 6.AK lot 2oVDCI 2oovDcti l/4t to this section for ordering information Model 34904 Section VI T o b l e 6 - 1 . R e p l o c e o b l eP o r r s ( C o n t ' d ) Reference HP PartNumbet Designation Mfr Code Mfr PartNumber sttrcH:sLtDE SPDr O.5A l25V ACIDC SIITCH:SLIOE SPDTO.5A t25U ACTDC 79727 79f27 c-ll c-ll TC:TTL LP H€T II{VERTER IC:TIL HFX II{YERTER IC:TTI.8-6IT S€R-III PAR oUT shlFr REG IC:TT! A-BII SER.IN PAR OUT SHIFT REG I C : T T I A - 6 I T S E R - I N P Ä R o U T S H T F TR E G 12040 ot295 12040 l2 040 1204{) D,|74LO4N sx7404r{ slr9935 so9!r35 so9935 IC:TTI a-8lf SER-m pAR our SHIFI REG I C : T T L O U A Oz - I N P T E X C L . O T 6 A T E t2040 01295 srxr!135 sN7a86ll II{GUARDRE'IOIE ASSY 284aO o:t{9{F66511 C:FXD ELtCI 2.2 UF lot 2OVtEl c:FxD filca a20 PF 5! toovDcr C:FXD XY 0.027 UF lot 2OOVml 562A9 0o853 562A9 1500225X9020A2-DYS RDIll5FA2lJltC t92P271921t5 C:FXO t|Y 0.027 UF lor 2OOVm,r C:FXD xY O.O39 UF lot 2OOVmr C:FID raY O.OOlt UF lot 2OOVOCII 562A9 562 89 56249 t92P27t92-PtS 192P39392-PTS 192P15292-?lS atv llosl rlos2 3l ol-1341 3lol- l3{l rloul llou2 Alou3 tlolrt rlou5 1820-0586 1820-ol 74 l8 20-o294 1820-0291 1820-029{ atou6 llouT lazo-oz91 l8 20-0282 All 01490-6651 I allcr ^tLc2 lllc3 ol 80-o197 ol6(F2 009 ol70-o066 Al tc4 lllc5 ll lc6 ol 70-o066 o 1 6 0 - 0 16 { ot 6{r-0294 AlltaPl lIlrP2. AlltP3 tltot 1200-0424 4040-o748 40to-0755 r 854-O07 I -SOC(ET:lC AL|( 14 CONTACT EXTRACTOT:PA CO A n t L i l t a C l E I T R A C T N R : P CM I A R D T V I O L E I rstR: Sl NPli( S€l-ECTFDFßOti 2r{3?O4t 23880 2A4AO 2E480 28480 csa2900-lt6 4040-o?48 40ao-o7tt r 8't-oo? I lllFl tllR2 ll lR3 tllR4 ll lR5 0644-470 I 0684-l O:tI 0684-332 I ()684-682I 0684-332 I R:FXD COrP 47 oHX lot l/4t R:FXD COIiPIOK OHX lot r/41 R.:FXD COflP 3fO0 0t0a rot l/ata R:FXD COIIP 6.A|( O|rl lO: l,/al R:FXD COLP 3300 oHx rot l/{ta or l2l ol l2l 0 1 1 2t otr2t olt2l CE ca c8 cc CB +?ol I 03l 3321 6a2l 3t2l tllß6 ^l lR7 rl lR8 tl lR9 /rl lRlo 06a4-:t32 I 06E4-l 52 I 0684:642 I 06a4-682 I 068/r-6421 R:FXD R:FID R:F!D R:FXO R:FXO CB ca c8 c8 c8 3321 I521 6821 6821 6A2l lllRl I ()6a4-6421 2 Description + A ? A I A A COXP 3300 COI|P ItOO CO|P 6.AK COraP6.8( COilP 6.8r, R:FXD COftP 6.8( otil Oil. Olta Ot{a Otfi l-ooo4 l-ooo4 lot lot IOt lot lot l/{l l/al t/tl l/4|a l/4r ol tzl oll2l oll2l oll2l or l2t Ot+t lot l./4u oll2l 6821 l20to l? oao DrT4LOara oriTaLotll llrul ll luz l8 20-o586 l8 20-o546 IC:TTL IP HET II{VET,ER TC:TTL LP }€X IIIVERTER lllu3 Al I U/r ll lu5 Allu6 rlluT r820-o583 l8 ?o-o 58{ l8z(F058{ 1820-o59 5 182(F0599 lC:ltlIC:TTL tc:TTt lc:rll rG:TTL LP qUAo 2-Iilpr NAN0 6lTE Lp OIHO 2-t*"t NOR c^l€ LP otllD z-II{PT uor erie [P nral J-x xlsr€R st_tYE F/F 4-Btr rrttt sxtrr RE6ISIER l2 oto 120{o l2 040 l20a{t t2 0to Dt|?4t-ootl otTtL02t{ Dl|7{L021{ Dlt?+L7tfl oä7{L9til rl lu8 Al lu9 Allul 0 /l llul I rllul2 l8 20-o599 1820-O596 IlN l8 20-l loo 1620-0656 l8 20-O546 TC:TTL IC:TTI I C:fll ICsTIL IC:TTI. '-BII TT/LT SHIFT REGISTER LP DUALEDG€ TRT6, o F/F l20ao 12 040 01295 01295 12040 Dt?4L95tl Dlt/tL7tr sN7a29t sl|?4L9tt{ ot?aLo+ll tl2 0349(F66512 I ourculRo 284EO 03a9(F65tl2 llzcl ^12c2 ll2c3 ol60-0154 ol6(Fol57 olao-o197 I I C|FID lllcA ttY O-Oo22 UF tot 2OOVDCI CsFxD tY O.OOi? UF lot zOoH)CI C:FIO ELECr 2-2 uf lO! ZOy(E,ta 56249 56289 249 t92P2?2t2-?lS 192Pa?292-PrS Ito22tr90?oa2-DYs A12rp I o+o:l-ola9 EITT,ACTORSPCrBLACI( 28480 o40t-o189 A l2frP2 Al 2 r P 3 ()+o3-ola9 1200-0{2{ €XIß.ICTOR:PC' SLAC|( BLf, lt CA]i|TACI S(E(Ef:IC 284aO 23880 (rGt-olr9 csl2900- la8 I l2tl ^t2e2 la l(Foot9 068{-t521 R E S I S T I V E N E T I O R T S I OI 6 . 8 X 0 t { t l o t R:FXO CO||P ISOO Ottl lot t/ar ?B4aO oll2l l8L(H)Oa9 cc lt2l ll2n3 r1294 ll2n5 412f,6 1t287 06t4-223t 06'34-22a1 06t+-lo:tl o6a4-l 03l (16E+-lo3 I I:FID R:FIO R:FID R:FXD R:FID ol r2l 0tt2l 0l l2l 0ll2l oll2l c 8 ?2rl c5 22at. C B I 031 CB l 0 3 l ca l o 3 t l RdEbBdätiESaVill A 4 A A A 2 ll I 7 See introduction LP +-AIT 2-INPT XULTIPLEXER LP HEX INYERTER RExorE 80lRD assY COI|P 22K COüP 22t( COI|P lot( COI|P tO( COXP IOX o.tx lot OHX LOI (l|ilt lot OHX lot (}tX lot to this section l/tl l/4r l/tta t/at l/41 for ordering information 6-lä ModeI 34904 Section VI T o b l e 6 - 1 . R e p l o c e o b l eP o r t s ( C o n t ' d ) Reference HPPartNumber Designation Mfr Gode Mfr PartNumber o7 26t l2 040 t2040 04? l:i u6891-O959X Dt{7{LO2N otl?4L73til Lc837P 04?13 sN?402N 2 84 8 0 03490-66511 '6249 729A2 c067 Blo 2Elo2zs26{oH 801-|(80001 t 72942 56289 a ot - K 8 0 0 0 1 I 150D225X9020A2-DYS DIOOE BREAKDOIIN 2a4 80 1902-0671 DIODE:SI 30 t,'V IO PA LEAKAGI DIODE:SI 30 HV IO PA L€AKAGE OIODE AR€AKDOTN DIODE 8R€AKOOTN:13.0V 51 400 llll DIODE AREAKOOIiNT13.0V 51 400 fit 2A4AO 28{80 28480 28480 2a{ 60 l90l -o586 l90l -0586 I 902-06?l 1 9 0 2 - 3 19 0 1902-3190 2A480 1902-!005 23880 28480 csA290G14B 4040-o7t I 28480 l?ll7 l7l lt lTll? ?a4ao 4040-o?54 5566-2t5-5 5566-2:,5-5 5566-275-t 1200-o{74 2a4ao oll2t oll2t 284 80 o8l3-o032 co 27rl cB 2731 69A-7962 28480 284AO ?-a4ao 28480 ?8480 2l oo-3305 2 I 00-3305 0698-+202 o757-O277 06tt-122, 28480 2A4AO 2A4AO 28480 2A4AO 2too-)ll4 0698-a2? I 21 00-33 I 3 0757-O142 075?-0376 2a4AO 0 11 2 1 2A4AO 2 I OO-3305 cB 3921 2t oo-3:t05 lC!t.lN€AR oP. A+tPL. IC!I.INEAR OP. A}tPL. IC:LINEAR OP. AilPL. I I { T E G R A T € O C I R C I ' I T ! O P E R A T I ( } " I A L AT P L . I C : T T L L P O I , A O 2 - I N P T F X C I . O R GAIE 28480 28480 2844O 24480 12040 1826-Ol lO 1826-0l I O 1.826-0l I O t820-o221 Dfi?4L46il OAIA üJTP('T ISOLATION ASSY PLÄTETTI HO('NTING T STR: PHOTO 28480 2 84 8 0 28480 0349G-60306 0349(FO{l l5 1e9o-O+O2 TSIR: PHOTO TSTR: PHOTO TSTR: PHOTO T STR: PHoTo TSTR: PHOIO 2a480 2 84 8 0 24480 28480 28180 1990-oto2 1990-o402 1990-o+02 1990-0402 1990-ot0 2 otv Description I IC:TTL TC:TTI IC:TTI TC:DTf XUITIPLFX LOTI POT€R Di,AI 4-INPT fP OUAD 2-INPT NOR GATE LP DUAI JJK }IASTER SLAVE F/F HFX INVERTER RL:2X t8 20-0 32 A 2 IC:TTf OUAD 2-INPT ^13 03490-665 I 3 I RATIO REF€RFIICF SOARD ASS{ al3cl Attc2 ol 50-c 05 0 ol 50-o093 c:FxD c:Fxo CFR looo cER o-ol Al3C3 al3c4 ol 50-0093 0180-0197 c:FxD c.:FxD 100VDC.y cFR O.Ot UF +80-20t ELEC 2.2 UF 10% 2oVDCW a l3cR I l9 02-067 I a l3cR 2 Al3CR3 I l 3 C R4 al3cF6 AI3CR? I90 l-o5 86 I 90l-o5 86 1902-o6? r t902-3 190 1902-3 190 A I 3 C R8 1902-1to8 5 I DtoDE al3riP I l l3r,lP? t200-o424 4040-0748 2 SNCKEI: TNIFGRAT€D CIRCUIT €XTRACTOR:PC AOARO' BIACK l l3tlp 3 a l3ltP 4 a l3xP 5 al.3r,{P6 a l!ll.P 7 4040-o154 1 2 0 0 - o4 3 ? l2 00-043 7 1200-0437 t200-0474 2 EXIRACTOR:PC 8f|ARor S O C K E T :I C 8 P I N S O C K E T :I C 8 P I N SOCKFT:IC 8 PIN S()c(Et: lC l4-PIN l13R I AttR2 AI3R3 I l3R4 o8l3-o032 0 6a4-2f11 0684-27:Jl o698-7962 AI3R7 Al3R8 a l3ß9 ,allRlo A I 3 R II A , R 1 1 B 2100-3305 2roo- 3305 069A-4202 o751-O277 08 I t-f?23 al3Fl 2 Al3Rl3 al3Rl4 Al3Rl 5 al3Rl ( 2 r o o - f 3 14 0698-a27t 2loo-33 t 3 0757-O442 o 75 7 - 0 3 7 8 Äl 3 R l 7 ll3Rl € al3R I 9 2loo-3305 06 84-392 I 2lo(F3305 a l3Ul AI3U2 AI3U3 AI3U4 Al3U5 la26-0 I I O t826-Ol I 0 1826-0t tO LA20-O22 3 182(F0598 ll5 ll5rPl ll5ul 03490- 60306 03490-04 l.l 5 1990-o40 2 rltu2 I l5u3 I S90-0402 1990-o40 ? 199(F0402 1990-o 40 2 19 9 0 - 0 4 0 2 Al?ul ^L2u2 AI2U3 At2tt4 1 8 2 0 - o 7 08 la20-o 584 1820-o595 I 820-Or 2 I 2 ^l?u5 I l5L4 rttL: ^15!6 2- 2 I 4 I I I I I I t 2 I I 36 NOR GATE PF +8o-2ol uF +80-201 ßREAKOO||N:4.?5v 51 lOOOvDCl, toovDct{ 400X|' 14 COXIACI SLUF 5t Ol{l{ lol R:FXo lH 50( l/4L lot R I F X O C O r , r P2 t K , n H i l I/{H R:FXD COiIP 27K OHt{ l0l l/SY R:FXD.FtN 976K-gH'l l.O! 00K Oti{ lol 3ltll R.:VAR oHl lOl 3/4tl R:vAR CfRltEt('looK r/81 R:FXD Ffr{ 8.A7K nfr{ lt l/8v R:FXO ltFT Ftf4 +9.9 0}}t tl R: MATCHED SET R:VAR R:FXO R!V^R R:FXO R:FXD ruRN TURN IVPE P 3l4r CER{€T 50 Orfi l0l TiETAL 6LAZE t.l OHll 5t l/41, ( } { h TYPE P 3/+l lot CERHET lO0 0+il{ ll l/81 HET FLf{ lO.O( oHlt M/8| ltET FLI ll.O R:VAR CERf|ET l00K {lHr.t LOa )l4|t R:FXD COI{P 3900 0H,t LOr. lltl tl41 R:vAR CERIET loOK OHä lo, See introduction I/2 l/2 l/2 ruRN 1/2 rURil to this section for ordering information Model 34904 Section VI T o b l e 6 - 1 . R e p l o c e o b l eP o r t s ( C o n t ' d ) Reference HP PartNumber Designation Mfr Code Mfr PartNumber INCTIA&DBCD ISOLATTOIIBOARDASSY T S T R : S l N P i l I S E L E C I € DF R O t A , r 3 ? 0 4 1 T S T R : S l N P t i I I S E L E C T EFDR , O i ta n 3 ? O { l 28a80 28480 28480 o:tt9(F66515 1854-0071 18't-O0? I 28{80 24480 2A4AO 2a460 I I't-00?t 1654-OO7l I 85r-0071 I 854-00? I ol l2l oll2l oll2l 0 1l 2 l 01121 c8 4701 c8 t?ol c o 4701 CB 4?Ot CB 4701 otv Description AI ' A I arSl lo I al5al02 0 3 4 9 0 - 6 6 5 15 1 8 5 4 - O O 7I l 8 5 4 - O Ot I ll5alo3 alSalc4 ll5Älc5 al5alc6 l 8 5 4 - O O 7I 1 8 5 4 - O 0 7I l8 54-OOt I I 854-O07 I ISTRTSI TSIR:SI TSTR:Sl TSIR:Sl AL5!l8l tl5tlR2 elSllR3 Al5Aln4 tltalF5 06a4-47 0 I 0664-4701 0684-+70 I o6a4-4701 06a4-470 L R : F X D C O f , t P4 ? R 3 F X DC O | { P4 7 R:FXD CO|{P 47 R:FXD CnHP 47 R : F I D C O ! { P4 7 ll5alR6 0684-470r lt5at14 8120-1855 At5A2 ll512Rl ^t5^2R2 It 512ß3 A l 5 A 2R 4 0349(F66516 0698-4 l2 3 069A-4t2:, 0698-4121 069a-4123 tt:tz*s ll5r2R6 I NPNISELECTED FROT AI37O4I NPNISFLFCTED FROfi2I{3704I N P N |S E I _ E C T E F OR O i t a { 3 ? O 4 ' NPr{lS€LECTED FROil an3?O4t OHfi lot oHtt lot oHil lot oHn lot ot{a{101 l/4li l/41 l./4ta t./41 t/4H R : F X D C O ' { P4 7 o H X l o t . l / { l 0l l2l c8 4 7 0 1 CABIE:RIEAON 28440 ot 20-t 85 5 OUTGUARDBCD ISOI.ATI(rI BOARDASSY R:FID XEf FLX 499 (]Hl| lt t/8t R i F X D f { € T F L X 4 9 9 O H t al t t / 8 r R:FXD ltEr FL'l {99 oHti l! l/ar R:FXO r,tET FLft 499 oHfi lt l/8r, 2A4aO 2a/T80 2E480 284r0 2 8 48 0 (I:|+9(F66516 0698-tt 2l 0698-6t2t 0698-{l 2:l 0698-4123 0698-4123 0698-4123 R:FXO irET FLt 499 oHr{ l! R . : F X Dx E T F L l l { 9 9 O H ü l t 28480 28440 o698-4t2t 0698-{123 ll 5l2r 5 8l 20-18 55 cAEt_E:RtBB0r{ 28aao al20-l 8t5 ^17 0349(F6030A 2A4aO o3t9(F60308 Al?xPI ^l?ul AI?U2 03490-04l l6 1990-o402 199(F0402 PLATE:LI T.(UNTINc TSTR,: PHOTO T STR: 9r{oTO 28480 2a{80 24480 o:ta9(F04l16 I 990-0402 1990-0402 ll7ul Al?ua ^17u5 tl?u6 1990-o402 1990-0402 1990-o402 199(F0402 fSfR: TSTR: TSTR: TSTR! 2A4AO 2A4aO 28480 2844O 1990-0402 1990-oi02 1990-oto2 1990-oto2 Al?al llTalo I tlTtto2 AlTrloS 0349(F6651? 1854-O07 I 1854-O07 I 1854-O07l INGUARDR€i..IsoLATIoN BoARDAssY T S I R : S l N P t { lS E T E C T E DF R o i l 2 i l 3 7 o 4 1 T S I R : S l t { P N a S E L E C T EFOR c t A n 3 t 0 { t lsrR:st NPN|s€LEct€D FROi at3704l 2A4 80 284a0 286r0 24480 ot49(F5651? 1654-OO7l I 854-OOtl 1854-00? I rlTat ßl Al?al n2 lltll R3 Ä17^tß4 0698-4 I 2 3 (}6a+-4701 068+-4?O I o69a-+123 R:FXD nET FLH 8,:FXD COI{P 47 R:FxD CoitP 17 n:FXD HE.r FLH 28180 ol 121 oll2l 28480 0698-412! cB a70t c8 4701 069A-4123 al.7AlR5 alTal ß6 0698-4123 o6a{-4701 R:FXO ||Er FLr 499 oHr{ lt l/ol R : F X O C O N Pa ? O H t l l o t t / 4 l t 28480 oll2l o69a{123 cB 4701 AlTll 16 AI 7 A 2 al 20-l 855 03490-6651 I CAELE:RIAEON OT'TGIITRD REI{ ISOLATI(}I 28480 24t80 8120-1855 03a9(F66tla Al7A20t At? 4202 al71203 l8 54-OO7t 1854-OO7I l8 54-O07 I T S r n : S l N P N I S E L E C I F DF R O r 2 N 3 7 O 4 l TSTR:Sl NPN(S€LECTED FROr an37o4l TSIR:SI llpl{tSE|_ECTEOFROI| an3ZO{l 28480 28a80 24480 I 8t4-O0? I 1 854-OO?r l8*-oo7 t A l ? Ä 2 RI 0684-470 I R:FXD COrP 47 oHlr lo: l/4r ot l2l c8 4?01 At? L2R2 AL? t29t r l712n4 ll ?t2r 5 ^l ?^2nö 069a-412 3 o 6 9 A - 4 1 23 0684-4701 06a4-470 I 0698-41 2 3 R:FXD ftET FLll R:FXD ||ET FIr{ R : F X O C O r l P4 ? R:FID COtiP 47 R:FXD LET FLll lt l./sr lt t/81 l/4r l/4r lt l/8f 28480 28480 ol l2l 28{80 069A-{123 0698{123 c8 4701 cB 4tol 069A-{123 ll?rzl? al20-1a55 CABLE:RIBBON 28480 at2(F1855 t I l2 I I REilOTF See introduction ISNIATION l/8I l/Ol ASSY PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO {99 oHil tt l/81 oHft lot l/41 OHtt lot l/al{ {99 OHt{ l: l/8y 499 oHli 499 oHH OHlt lO! (l|{l{ lot a99 OHn BOARDASSY to this section for ordering 0tr2r information 6-l? Model 3490A Section VI T o b l e 6 - 1 . R e p l o c e o b l eP o r t s ( C o n t ' d ) Reference HPPartNumber Designation otv Description Mfr Code Mfr PartNumber 422 A22API ^22U1 A22U2 03490-60 302 03490-04l l4 1990-o40 2 1990-0402 SYSTEIl I SOLAT IOI{ PIATE:SYSTFX LI rSTR: PHOTO ISTR: PHOTO 2 8 48 0 28480 28480 28480 o:|49(F60302 o349(FO4t l4 1990-0402 1990-0402 ^ 2 2A l 1 2 2 Ä l RI ^22^tF2 01490-6652_2 0684-a22t o6a4-lo2 I INGUARD SYSIET ISOLATIOiI BOARD ASSY R:FXD COIP 82OO O|t{ tot l/4ta R:FXO COarP 1000 ortt lof l/4t{ 2A4AO ol l2l oll2l 0349(F66522 cB 8221 c8 lo2l a?2rlut t820-0586 IC:TTf 1 20 4 0 Dat74LO4t{ A22A2 22^2Cl ^22^242 o3+90-66524 1 8 5 + - O O ?I l 8 54 - O O l I OI,TGI'ARD SYSTE}I ISOLATION BOARDASSY f stR:sl NPNtsEl.EcrED FROt{ An3704t TSrR:SI NPNIS€I,ECTEO FROI' 2N3704l 2A4AO 28440 2A4AO 03490-66523 l8 54-OO7I I a54-O07 I ^22^2Fl 422^2F2 06a6-470 I 0684-470 I R:FXD COflP 47 R:FXD COI{P 4? oll2t oll2l ca 4701 cB 470t 424 ot490-66521 I S/H 24480 0749(J-66524 A24rP I A24|/.P2 4{r40-o748 4040-o"152 2 txTRACTOR:PC 80ARO. FXTRACTOR:PC 80ARO, 8t_AC( YELLOT 28440 28480 4{)40-o?48 1040-o752 ,24e1 0698-OOA{ I R:FXD I'ET FLil 2.I5K fHil 2A4AO 0698-OOA{ ^25 03490-6t 525 I S/H LOGIC JUI{PER ASSY 28480 0349(F66525 ^ 2 5 A PI ^254P2 4040-0744 4040-o75 3 2 EXTRACTOR:PIC8{)ARD, 8f ACx EXTRACf.b{:PC .8o^-Ro. GREFN 28480 28480 4040-o748 4040-0753 426 ot490-665?6 I RATIO JI'IIPFR ASSY 28480 03490-66526 ^ 2 6 X PI A26r4P2 A26AP1 I 200-o76 a 4040-o748 4040-07 5 /r 9I506 28480 2A4AO 3r4-aG5D-3R 404{)-o748 4040-0754 ^27 01490-66527 I SAXPLE/HOID ANALOG AOARD ASSY 284AO o1490-66527 a 27 C l 427C2 ^27C5 427C6 ^2'tc7 ot 60-2 I 98 o 160-2l9 8 0 18 0 - o l 9 ? otao-ot97 ol 80-0197 2 C:FXO ltlcA 20 PF 5l C:FXD IICA 20 PF 51 C : F X D E L E C I 2 . 2 t , F l o i 2ovDct C : F X D E L F C T2 . ? . U F I o I 2 0 v D c t C:FXD ELECT2,.2 IJF IOZ 2 0 v m r 72t36 72t46 562 89 562A9 562 89 ROfll 5C200J3C ßot1l 5c 200J3c t 5 0 D 2 25 X 9 0 2 0 A 2 - D Y S l5 o 22 5XeO20A2-OYS l 5 0 D 2 2 5X 9 0 2 0 4 2 - O Y S A2fCA 427C9 ^27CtC l27C I I ^ ? 1C t 2 olao-ot97 ol 60-0679 o t60-i85 5 ol 60-3 077 ol60-1tl 9 c:FxD c:Fxo c:Fxo c:Fxo c:Fxo ELFCI 2.2 UF lOt 2oVOCI I E F L O i l 5 6 ' J OP F 5 r l 0 0 v D C t a P0LY 5600 PF 5t 1ooVOCn HY 0.027 UF lot loovDcr o.l trF l00vDci, 56259 2a480 284A0 562 89 28480 I 5 ü)22 5 X9020A2-OY S ol60-0679 ol60-1855 225P 2739t$t-PNA ol60-341 9 l2?c l4 L27Ct5 ^ 2 7 C t6 ^ 2 7C t 1 ^27Ct€ ol60-2199 ol60-3622 ol 60-1 t 83 o160-2199 ot 60-31 83 c:FxD c:FxD c:FxD c:Fxo c:FxD Htca 30 cER O.l t{Y 0.47 Hlca 30 f,iYo.+7 28480 729a2 a44tl 2a4AO 84411 ol 60-2 I 99 8l 31 -l OO-65l-l 04Z HEI' IOI ol 60-2 199 HFH 1O1 1 2 7 CI 9 ol60-2t99 C : F X D l l C A 3 0 P F 5t 300vocr{ 28480 ol 60-2 199 r27;t I r27Ct 2 t90 1-oO40 1 9 0l - 0 0 { o o I n D E : S I L t C O t {5 0 xa 30 9v D I O D E : Sl t I C n i l 5 0 taa 30 rv o7263 07263 FDGI088 FD6l 088 LP HEX II'IVERIER oHh LOt OHF tot ANALTE JU'lPER l/4t I/tta ASSY It SOCKEI: INIEGRATED CIRCUIT EXTRACTOR:PG BOARDT ALAC( EXIRACTOR:PC 8OARD. SLUE I I 2 I See introduction PF UF UF PF trF I/8II 14 coNTAcI 5t tooyDcr +80-20! IOOVDC|' zCt 50VDC| 5t 300vDcl 20t 5ovocP to this section for ordering information Section VI Model 34904 T o b l e 6 - l . R e p l o c e o b l eP o r t s l C o n t ' d ) Reference HPPartNumber aty Designation t5 Description Mfr Code Mfr PartNumber 35V 35V 35V 35Y 50 llA 30 2A4AO 28S80 2E480 284 80 0726A l90l-o376 190l-0376 l90l-o3?6 l90l-0376 FD6l 048 284 80 2844O 28480 2|N4AO 28480 l90l-o3?6 l90l{376 l90l-o376 1902-31EO 1902-3lao DIODE:SILICON DIOD€:SILICON DIODE:SILICON oloDE:slLlcoN DIOO€:SILlco|| ^27CR3 ^27C41 A27CR5 ^27CR6 A27CR1 1901-o376 l90l -oi76 1 9 0l - o 3 7 6 l90l-0376 190 l-0040 l27CR 8 )27Ct9 a2?cR lo A27CRt2 A27CRl3 l90l -o376 190l-o176 1 9 0 1- 0 3 7 6 leo 2-3 180 1902-3I 80 a 2 7 C Rl 4 A??CRI 5 i2?ca l6 lz?cR I 7 A 2 ? C Rl 6 190 l-oo40 190 l -o376 190 t-o376 190?-3 I 9 I 1 9 0 2 - 3r 9 I DInDE:StLICON 50 lrA 30 tv DIOD€:SILICON 35V DIOOE:S ll-ICON 35V D I T J D E B R E A K O O I I N :I 3 . O V 2 I DIOO€ BREA(DOtr{: l3-OV 2t 07261 28480 2844O 28480 zA4AO FDGI088 l90l-o3?6 t90l-o376 1902-319 I 1902-31 9t A 2 ? C Rl 9 A27CR20 ^27CR22 ^27CP23 ^27CR21 l90l-037 6 1 9 0t - o 3 7 6 I 901-0376 1902-l 19 I 1 9 0 2 - 3 19 l DIOD€:STLICON:}5V DIoOE:S ILICOI 35v DIODF:SILICON l5V DIODE BREA(OOyN:13.0V 2t D I O O E A R E A K D O r . f { :l 3 - O V 2 t 2A4AO 28480 28480 264AO 2844O l90l-o376 l90l{)3?6 l90l-o376 1902-31 9l 1902-319 I ^27CA25 ^27Ce26 ^27tR27 t90 l-o 37 6 l90l-0376 1 9 0l - o 3 7 6 OIoDEss lLICOri 35v DIODE:SILICON 35V oloDE:s ILlcoN 35v 2E460 28480 28t80 I 901 -0376 r90l-0376 I 901 -o3?6 l2?ßl ^27K2 . A27l-I 427L2 l2?13 o490-o373 o490-o373 9t ?o-0894 9l 70-oa94 9l 70-0494 RELAY:RFET) R E I .A Y : R F F N E E A O : S HI E t D I N 6 B E A O 3S H I E L O I N G R€AD: SH I EL DI iIG 2A4AO 28460 28+ 80 28460 2 8480 0490-037t 0490-0373 9l?o-0894 9l ?o-o894 9170-oEgt 2 2 DIODE:SILICON 35v DIODE:S ILICON 35Y DIODE:SlLlCOt{ 35V D I O O E A R F A K D O I ' N :I I . B V olooE aREAKDO$I:ll-8V lV 2I 2l 600 Hr 400 tr ^27L4 9 t 70-o894 BEAT': SH I EI.D I ilG 28480 9t ?0-0894 A27rPI A27AP2 ^27nPt 4040-074A 4(}40-0752 1200-o4t7 E I T R A C I O R : P C A O A RD ' B L A C X EXTRÄCTOR:PC AOARD. YELLOI Sü:(ET:IC A PIN 28480 28+80 .l7l l7 404{FO748 4040-0752 5566-2t'-5 t27tP4 A27rrP5 1200-o4?4 0340-o060 soc(€T: Ic l4-Plra FEEDTHRU : INSULAT€ D Tü'NT ING 28480 28480 1200-oa76 0340-0060 ^2ZOl ^2702 1855-0093 la55-0304 rSTR: FET THHANN€I. TSTRsSI NPN DT,AL 28480 28480 1855-O093 I 855-030A 42703 ^2704 ^2705 42706 ^2707 la55-oo9 3 I I 55-O093 ra55-009:t I 455-030a 1855-O09 l TSTR:FEI N{HANN€L N-CHANiIEL ISTR:fET TSTR:FET N.CHANNEL TIPN DUAI. TSTR:SI lSf R: F€I l{-CHAI{NEl- 2A4AO 24480 2A480 2a4ao 28480 1855-OO93 la55-oo93 1855-O093 lE55-030r la55-o$r3 A2708 A2?O9 42701I l8 54-02 I 5 la55-o003 l8 55-O:!41 TSTR: SI NPTI f Sf R: FEI tl-G{tAlMt .-i rSfR:Sl FEt N-CHAM{El. 80131 24480 t1127 2N3904 1.855-0O93 2t{4338 R:FXD IET FLfr lK Oil. lt t/al R:FXD ftET Ftr 3.OtK ürrl lt t/8t R :V/lR FLfi 5( (ttft lo! L I it 1/21 n,:Fxo FLH 649 oHf{ lt 1/81 R:FXO r{ET FLt 34a OHt lt l/81 zA4AO 28480 28480 2A480 20a80 0757-()280 075t-o27t 2l o(>2449 069A.*60 069a-3445 ß.:vaR cERfrEl loK &rr lot Typf p 3/4r R:FXD Ft-l{ 20|( fl.ilt lt l/8h R:FXDFLX 20K OHtll: l/Eh R:FXD l|ET FLll :tO.lK fItX lt l/8X R:FXO r{ET FLX l0.O( O{lt lt l/al 2A480 28480 24t80 28480 28480 2loo-31 o3 o?5?-o{49 o75?-O449 o?57-0451 0757-O+12 I /.' A 2 7 RI A27N2 A2?R3 427R4 A2?R5 0 7 5 7 - O 2 80 0757-O27t 2t oo-2{a9 o698-+460 0698-3!r5 Ä27R6 l2?R8 427R9 a2?nl o l27Rl I 2loo-31o3 o?57-O{49 o757-()4+9 075?-O453 o757-0442 A27Rl 3 127Rla t2?Rl 5 A 2 ? R T? ^z'tR t I 2 loo-3306 2l oo-33 I I o?5?-0449 0757-0449 0684-4?3 I R:YAR CERXET 5OK (Hli lol rYPE p 3/4ta R:VAR C€RtEr 500 a*ilt lot TYPE p 3/tI R:FXO FLX 20X OH|| lt l/8r n:Fxo FLt 20K oHx tt l/8y R : F X D C O I { P4 7 K O H I { l o l l / { L 28480 28480 28480 24480 otl2I 2100-3306 2l oo-33 1 I 075?-0t{9 o7t7-ott9 cB 47tl Ä2?RI 9 427e20 A27P,2l ^27F,22 Ä27e,23 o6E4{?31 0698-4505 069A-4505 0698-f9.5 075?-o4t8 t:FxD colrP 4?t( oHfr lot l/al R:FXD t{ET FLll 7l-t( $tr lt l/8ta R:FXO XFT FLlr 7l.t( 0fili lt I/Ar R:FXO r|€l FLI 34a OHl| l: l/8r R : F X O l l E l F L t 5 - l l K O H l , ll t l / 8 r oll2r 28480 28480 28tAO 2At80 cB a?31 0698{505 0694-+tO5 069r-3445 o75t-0438 ^27s21 ^27t25 ^27e28 l2?F29 ^27R30 o7t?-o4:t8 o7 5?-0+65 0757-()449 o?57-O43 I o?57-()465 R:FXD tET FLX R:FXD l,lET FLll R:fxD FLfl 20( n:FxD ltET FLx R:FXO ||Et FLt 28480 28480 28480 24480 24t80 .o?t7-043 I o757-()465 0757-().49 0757-O+3E 0757-{t465 I I 2 I See introduction 5.11( tltit lt t/8ta IOOX Olfl ll l/Sa ()|il lt l/aY 5.llK ülft ll l/Ar IOOK (x{i lt l/ff to this section for ordering information 6-19 Section VI Model 3490A T o b l e 6 - 1 . R e p l o c e o b l eP o r t s l C o n t ' d ) Reference HP PartNumber Qtv Designation Ä 2 ? R 3I ^27P.a2 ^27R33 A27Rt4 ^27Rt5 o757-0149 o757-O40 I 075T-0r'r65 0698-3162 0757-ü42 427R36 427R3? 427R3 € l2?R19 127R40 Description Mfr Code Mfr Part Number OHH lt l./Ar IOO OHri tt l./8tt loo( oHa lt t/a. 46-{( Otil lt l/8r (I{lt l: lO.O( l/Al 24480 za4ao 24480 28480 24480 075r-o149 0757-OtOl o?57-Oa65 0698-3162 0757-o1/r2 R:FXO R:FXD R:PXO R:FXD R:FXD FLH ilET äFf IET |lEl o757-O401 069A-3 I 62 0698-450 5 0698-4505 068+-47:r t R:FXO ta:Fxo R:FXD RsFXD R:FXD HET l|FT t{ET ltET FLx IOO OHra t! l/gy FLfr 46.4|< OHI ll l/8r (l{H lt l/ara Ftt ?l.5K FLlt ?I.S( OHtl ll l/81 COI{P 47K 0H|| lot l/41 28480 2A4AO 28480 24480 oll2t 0757-()4Ol 0698-3162 0698{505 0698-4505 cB 4731 427R43 ^27F'44 zfe4t ^27?16 ^27R41 0757-0449 o75?-O438 0757-0449 o757-0449 06a4-473 I R:FXD RIFXD R:FXO R:FXD R:FID Ffr{ 20( ttET FLfa FLX 20|( FLX 20t( COIIP 4?( 28480 2A4AO 2A4AO 28480 oI l.2t o757-O449 075?-O438 0757-O41i 0757-04+9 ca 4731 12?uI ^27U2 27U3 I 826-OOt9 1 8 2 6 - O O lI 1826-OO59 IC:LIII. OPERATIONAI ATPItFtFR IC:LTNEAR OPERA'Io.AL AIiPL TFIER IC:f lil. NPERATI0NIL AXPLIFI€R 12()40 28480 12040 LX20lAfa 1826-OOl I L120lafi 427U4 ^27U5 ^271t6 427U7 ^27üA 1826-OO59 l8 26-0O2 I 1826-OOt 9 1826-0O59 1820-t02 I IC! LIN. OPFRATIONIL AIIPt IFIFR lc:voLTAGE FOL| OTER O TO ?O C TO-99 IC:LIil. OPFRATIoilIL A|IPL TFIER TC:LIN. OPER,ÄTIO'{AL A[PI- IFI€R IC:DI6ITAL 12()40 12040 12040 t 2040 24480 Ln20 latl Ltt3lot LX20 lArl Lt|20tAtl 1820-lo2 I ^27U9 A2?UlO t820-t()2r 1820-ot 74 IC!DIGITAL IC:TTL HEI 2A4aO ot295 I 820-lO2l sN7404N 428 0349(F6652I tssY 24480 03490-66525 ^2acl ol 60-3077 c:Fxo toovtf,y 562A9 225P2739t81-PfX a2ac2 ^24c3 ot 50-ooa4 ol60-260 5 C:FXO CFR O-t UF +aO-2O! IOOVDC|I c:Fxo cER o.o2 tFD +80-201 25YOCI 72942 72942 8l3l-loo-651-l o4z 5835000-V5U 2032 l28Cß I l2acR 2 190l-o5l 8 1902-3183 OIOI)€:HOT CARRTER DIOOF:8R,ft(DO*N IZ.IV 28+80 2A4AO l90l{5 l8 1902-31 A3 ^28lrP I ^?AAP2 ^28tP) t2araP4 4040-0748 4040-o753 t200-0F.74 1 2 0 0 - o 4 73 2844O 284AO 28480 2844O 404{FO748 {o40-0753 t200-o{7{ 1200-().?3 a 2 8 X P5 Ä 28 t P 6 1200-0469 o3ao-o8 32 s(f,KET:rC 28 CONTTCT OUAI--Il|t tNE STAilO0FF:Stl6E rypE o.5OO. t-G 23480 00000 1200-0469 OBD 28480 l85a-oo7l ol12t oll2l ot l2l oll2r 0ll2r c8 c8 cB ca c8 2 5 I 2 I I sanPLE/HOIO zOK FL|| F|.r| FLX Fl-fl 0t{x lt l/afl (}{H la 5.llK OHtt lt l/8r OHl| ll l/8r OHil lot r/4r INV€RTFR [(rtC r{Y o-o27 uF ßotRD l0t EXTRACIOR:PC'&IARDT EXTRACTOR:PC 8OARD. StrK€T: IC [{-PIN socKET: IC l6-Ptil 4 l/8u 2t {00||1 BLACK G8,EE1{ 1 2 8 0t la 5{-oo7 I TSTR,:SI A2ARI 428R2 r28R3 A26Ra 1 2 8 R5 0 6 8 4 - t O 3I 0684-332 I 0684-562 I 0684-682 I 0684-lOt I R:FXD R:FXO R:FXD R:FXO R:FXD Ä28R6 428R7 a2sis a2an9 A28Rl0 06a4-3321 0684- l03 I 068+-562 I ta lo-oo50 tSto-oo50 R:FXO COI{P 3300 or|{ lot l/4tJ R:FXD COTP IOK OHX IOI L'1Y R:FXD CO|{P 5.6K O}t4 lot l/ar R€StStM ft€TyoRt(10 r l5K oH,. lot R€StSTtVE r{€TtfiR( LO I I5K OHrl 1 0 t oll?l oll2l oll2l ?84AO 28480 c8 3321 ca lo3l co t62l lal0-0o50 lslo-oo50 l28Rl I 4 2 8 ßI 2 a28Rl 3 a28Rl 4 a28Rl t o6a4-56?,1 06a4-562 I o757-O116 o75l-O2A) 068a- lo2 I R:FIO R:FrD R:FXD R:FID IIFXO 0 1l 2 l ol12r 28480 24t80 0l t2l ca 5621 c8 5621 0757-O446 0757-OZA1 cB lo2l l2a ul ^zau2 l?6u3 Ia2(FO5a3 tE 20-o65 8 I 820-0596 I C : T T L L P O T , A D2 - I I P T x A N D 6 A T E IC!TTL LOl. POT'ERA-IIfUT I{I.I-IIPL€XER IC:TTL LP Ourl eOee TRt€. O F/F 12040 of 263 l2 040 Dlr74l_ooN sL I 7l{6 DX74L?tN A2AtrI 12ar,,. ^2 CrtS r2aJ6 ^24i7 l8 20-06 5a 1820-0656 lE 20-o6 56 1 6 2( F O 7 0 8 It 20-o47 I IC:TTt t_Ot potER a-tilput r{lrtptEt€R IC:TTT LP 4-BIT 2-INPI ,{ULTIPLEX€I TC:TTI- LP 4.8IT 2-INPI IUTTIPI-EXER l C : f T L L O t p O r a E Rq J l L { - n r p t r u l f t p l € I lC:ffl H€X INVERIERr/OPEr| CO-L.(3ovl 07 26i, o1295 o 12 9 5 0726t ol 295 sLr 7146 sN74L9Ail sN74L98N lJ6893t0959I sN7406N 3 2 See introduction NPNISELECTED FR0II äI3704I COilP CO}|P COftP COxP CO|{P IOK (}tft lot I/4t 3300 or+t lot l/4r 5.6K OHri{ lO! l/{r 6.8t( Ofil l0! l/41 IOO OHl4 tot tr..y COIP 5.6t( Orlt C O X P5 . 6 K O H l HET FLt{ t5.O( ltET FLt{ z.OOK COIIP lOO0 Orl.t lo: lot (H|| oila t}t l/41 l/4ta lt l/ar lt l/8y ttfl to this section for ordering information ro3l 3321 5621 6821 roll Model 3490A Section VI T o b l e 6 - 1 . R e p l o c e o b l eP o r l s ( C o n t ' d ) Reference HP PartNumbel oty Designation Description Mfr Code Mfr PartNumber 428U9 a2aul c A2gul I A2a$12 a2auLl I 8 20 - O 0 9 9 l8 20-o6 56 I 82 0-O9aO lB 20-o59 8 I 82 0- 0077 IC:TTI 4-AIT BINARY COUNTER IC:ITL LP 4-8IT 2-INPT li|U|.TIPI-ExER IC:DI6TTAt CXOS H€X ruFFER/TRANSLAT0R IC:TTL LP OUAO 2-INPT EXCT. oR GATF IC:TTL OUAL D F/F o1295 ol 295 2a4AO 12040 01295 sN7493N sN74L9aN 1820-o9ao Dra74L86N sNTt?4N t a28r,l4 a28Ul 5 a?8ut 6 t8 I 8-2094 1820-0656 1820-oe35 IC:N-CHANNEL RO'i IC:TTI. I.P 4-BIT 2-INPI IC:DIGITA[ CilOS I4-BII 28480 ol 295 2A4AO l8l8-2094 sli 74L98il I 820-093 5 429 ll I ln-66501 OUTGI'ARO TRIGG€R ASSY 24440 rllls-66501 ^z9cl ^2ect 429C4 ^29C5 429C6 ol 80-251 t o180-0228 ol 50-o05 0 ol 70-o040 ol 50-o05 0 C:FXD C:FXD c:F-xD C:FxO c:FxD ?8480 56249 562 89 562A9 562A9 ol80-25 I I 1 5 0 0 2 2 6 X 9 0 15 8 2 - O Y S co678 lo2 E IO2ZS26-CDH 192P4?392-PTS c067alo2 El02 zs 26-cOH a29CRt ^29C42 ^29CR) 1 9 0l - o o 2 a I 902-O04 9 190 l-oo40 DIoD€:SILICON 0.75A 4OOPIV T'IODE:BREAKDOIiN 6.I9V 5I DInDE:SIllCOil 50 t1A 30 XV o47lf 04 ?t:1 o7 263 sRl358-9 sz I c939- 122 FDGIO8A t29raP I 4290L 429o2 ^290t L25L-2551 ta54-oo22 I 8 5 4 - O 0 7I l8 54-OO7I C O N N E C T O R :S I N G L E C O N I A C T 1 4 I N I A T U R € TSTR:SI NPN TSTR:Sl NPN(SEL€CrE0 FRO|{ 2N37O4l rSTR:SI NPNISELECTEDFROI{'{37OtI 0o779 o7 261 2A4AO 284AO 332070 st 7843 I 854-OO7I I 854-O07l A29RI 429R2 429ß3 129R4 ^29R5 o6a4-l 03 I o757-O388 0684-822 I 0684-lOl I 0684-t 23 I R:FXD R:FXO &:FXD R:FXD R:FXD 0ll2l 28480 oll2L o Ll 2 l oll2l cB lo3l o757-Or I 8 cB 8221 cB lot l c8 t23r 429R6 429F7 ^29R4 429R9 .16a4-2271 06a4-l 02 I 0684- lO2 I 06a4-a2?L R:FXD COhP R:FXO COfiP R:fxD coxP R:FXD COI{P oll2l otl2l olt2l orl2l c8 CB c8 c8 a29r I A29UI 429W6 A30/A35 9too-3?.71 la20-o5a6 03490'-61617 0ß490-60it13 2 8 48 0 l2 0+o 2A4AO 28480 9loo-tz7a DH74LO4N 8490-61617 ß490-6ß13 A30/A35U1-U11 1990-04(I2 430 o3490-66530 I a30cl ^toc2 430c3 t30c4 0180-170r ol 60-ol 56 ol 50-o093 Ol 5OrOO93 I a30cR I ^3ocR 2 a30cR 3 190 t-o040 1902-3 03 0 190 l-0040 2 r30tP I a30t'rP2 A30XP3 2 AL ELFCT ELECT 22 cER 1000 ttY 0-047 cER looo CO|IP IOK FLI 30.1 COXP 8200 COriP 100 CO|4P tzK I'UI-TTPLEX€R 8IN!RY coUNTER f7O UF 2OVDCI' UF lot r5vocta pF +80-20t looovocta UF lot 2 O0VmX pF +80-201 looovocy OHt{ lot I /4}l OHt{ 1t l/8L oril,t lot l/4r ot{r{ lot l/41 OHrt tot l/{x 22K o+ttt lot IOOO Oltl lot looo oril lot 82Oo Otlll lot r,/4t trr.Y l/4t l/41 22!l I 02l I 02l a22l T RANSFORXER: PUI,SE IC:TTL LP HEX INVFRT€R CABLE ASSY:TRIG ASCII ISOLATION ASSY: INCLUDES A3O,A35AND U.I THRU U11 TSTR:PHOTO.i OUTGTTARDrSOt-ATloN ASCil ^SSY 28480 1990-0402 204 80 03490-66530 C:FXD ELECI 6-8 UF 20t 6VOCtl C:FXO l,lY 0.0039 UF lot 2oOVDCta C:FXDCERO.01 UF +8O-2Ot IOOVDCT C:FXD CER O-Ol UF iao-?O: lOoVDCl 2E+EO 562 89 72952 729A2 ol80-l?ol t92P19292-PrS 8 0 1 - K 8 0 0 0 1I 80 1-r(8000 I I oloDE:stLlcoN 50 t{a 30 rv O I O D E B R E A K O O T * { : 1 . 0 I V5 1 4 O O ü r DlOftE:SILICON50 ilA 30 lty o7263 28480 o7261 FOGIOa8 l9 02-30 30 FDGI088 l2 00-o43 L SMKET: IC 24 CNNTACT 28480 I 2 00-043 I 1 2 0 0 - 0 4 73 t2 00-0474 S O C K T Tl C : 16-PIN S(fK€r: lC l4-PIN 28480 28480 L200-047t l2 00-o474 4300t a:too2 la54-oo7 I l 8 5 4 - O 0 7I TSTR:SI rSTR:SI NPNISELECT€D FRON NPNISELECTFD FROT 28480 24480 1854-OO7l l8 54-OO7I 43003 43004 43005 ^3006 43007 la54-oo7 I I 8 5 4 - O O 7I la 54-OO?I t854-O07l l8 54-O07 1 TSTR:SI TSTR:SI TSTR:SI rSTR:SI TSTR:SI N P N I S E L E C T E D F R O I I 2t{3704 | N P N I S E L E C T E D F R O I 2N3704I N P N I S E L E C T E D F R O I 4 at 3704 | N P N I S E L E C T E O F R O I { 2r{31o4| N P N I S € L E C T E D F R O I { ?'{ 3704 I 28480 28{ 80 28480 28480 28480 I 854-OO7l I 854-OO7I I 854-0071 1854-007I I 6 5+-OO7I a 300a 13009 I 8 5 4 - O 0 7I l 8 5 4 - O O 7I TSTR:Sl rSTR:SI NPNISEL€CTCD FRot{ NPNIS€LECTEOFROX 2N1?04 I ät 3704 t 2A4AO 28480 1 8 5 4 - O O 7I t 854-00? r A 3 O RI I toR2 0684-1021 06a4-3131 R:FXO f.Ol,lP 1OOO OHlt LOI tt4ta R:FXD COilP 33K (ttx lol l/4fl ol. t 2l oll2l cB lo2l cB 3331 1 1 A See introduction 2N3704t 2r{3704| to this section for ordering information 6-21 Model 3490A Section VI T o b l e 6 - 1 . R e p l o c e o b l eP o r t s ( C o n t ' d ) Reference HPPartNumber oty Designation Description Mfr Code Mfr PartNumber R:FXD R:FXD R:FXD R:FXO R:FXD CO'{P COftP COHP COXP COIIP 6.8K OHM l0l l/4tl 33K OHl,t lot l/41 33K fHl,r 101 ll4U 560 oHN lot l/41 6.8K OHt{ lot l/41 ol t?l ol l2l ott2l 0 11 2 1 ol l2l c8 ca ca cB ca 6821 3331 3331 56ll 6821 R:FXD R:FXD R:FXO R:FXO R:Fxo C.OilP 6.aK OHll l0l l/4x CONP 6.8K OHl.r tol l/41 COIIP 6.AK OHf{ lot l/4rl COI|P 6.AK OHfi IOZ llt*l COMP 220 OHM 10961/4W oll2l oll2l ol l2l oll2l 0 11 2 1 cB cB cB c8 cB 6821 6821 6821 6821 2211 01121 01121 01121 0 11 2 1 ol l2l cB cB cs ca ca 2211 2211 2211 2211 lo31 oll2l 01121 01121 01121 01121 c8 cB cB cB cB lo3l 1521 1521 1521 1521 o't121 olt2l 01121 cB 1521 c8 6821 cB 2211 ot263 ol 295 12040 ot29, oL295 sL l731 5 st{?438N oil?4L04t{ sfi74150N sN7{04N l2 0io 01 261 l2 040 olt74l51N sL17315 Df{?4LO4N OI'TGIIARDIIOTHERSNARDASSY 2844O 0349G-66531 0t80-25t I C:FXD AL ELFCT 370 UF zOVDCII 28480 ot 80-25 I I ^ttc2 Ä 3l c a ^3tc4 a3lc5 13lc6 0 r80-251 I ol ao-ot 97 ola0-o22 9 ot 50-o050 ol80-01e7 C:FXD C:FXD C:FXD c:Fxo c:fxD 28480 562A9 28480 56249 562A9 ol 80-25 I I 1 5 0 D 2 25 X 9 0 20 A 2 - D Y S ol ao-o2 29 co678102ElO2tS26-CDH t 500 22 5 X9020A2-DYS l3lc7 t3lc8 a3lc9 a3lct c ol 50-o05 0 o 170-o040 ol 50-o050 ot 50-oo93 C:FXO CER lOr)O PF c:FxD l|Y 0.047 UF C:FlD CFR IOOOPF C:FXDCER O.0l UF 56249 562 89 56249 729a2 co67 8102 E l02zs 26-coH 1 9 2 P 4 7 39 2 - P T S c067 Bl o2 ELO2ZS26-COH 8 0 1 - K 8 0 0 0I I l 3 I C RI 13 lcß 2 r? lcF 3 l 3 l c F4 l90l-036f l90l-0363 1 9 0t - o o 4 0 1 9 0I - 0 0 4 0 DIOD€ASSY:SI IOO PIV PFR CELL O I O D EA S S Y : S I I O O P I V P E R C F L L oIooE:slt-lcot{ 50 l.a 30 Uv o I o D E : S I L I C O N5 0 I A 3 0 t V za4ao 28480 o 7? 6 1 or26l l90l-o3 63 1 9 0 1- 0 3 6 3 FOGI088 FOeloSa l3lcF: r3 l;p 6 1 90 2 - 3 1 9 0 I 901 -O()4O D I O D € E R E A X D O H N : L 3 . O5V1 4 0 0 l , l l l otooE:srLlcoN 50 La 30 Hv 2a4AO o726) t902-3 I 90 F D G I0 8 8 r_:lJl l25l-1365 coÄ,N:Pc44 l?.x221 coNTAcTs 7l 785 252-22-)O-aOO A3OR3 A3OR4 430R5 A30F6 a30Rl2 0684-6n2 I 06 84-33i I 06a4-333t 0684-56r I 0684-682 I a 3 0 RI 3 a30Rl4 a30Rl 5 a30Rl 6 a 3 0 RI 7 ooa+-oaz 06a4-68? 0684-6A2 06 84-682 684-2211 a30RI I a 3 0 RI I 430R20 4 3 0 R 2r AaoF22 06'8/.,2211 ß44-2211 ß44-2211 068/,-2211 0684-lO3 t l30R23 a 3 0 R 24 aloR2 5 1 3 0 R 26 A 3 O R 2? 0644-l o3I 0684-1 521 068,r-1521 068/t- 1521 0684-1521 ^ 3 0 R 2t 130R29 A30R30 0684- 1521 o6a4-6421 0684-2211 ^30u1 430u2 A3OU3 Atot14 A3OU' 1820-o?l o 1820-o62 t l8 20-o 5a6 la2(F0640 1820-o174 A30U6 430{r7 a30lr8 t820-0590 t8 20-o7t o I 820-0546 I IC:ITL LP DtlÄL 2r a-1.2-2 lN IC:OIGITAL TTL+I.OGIC 5V 5I IC:ITL LP HEX INVERTER afl 01490-66531 I 13lcl i I I I I A. II A /Ä ,A R:FXO COMP R:FXO coMP R:FXD COMP R:FXD COMP R:FXD COIIPIOK RIFXO R:FXD R iFxD R:FXD R:FXD ll l* A A 220 0H& 220 ot+, 220 oHr 220 oHn olü lot 10961/4W lM 1/4W lW" 1l4W 1trÄ 1/4W t/tl COf{P IOK OHr lO? 1/4H COMP 1500OHM 10% 1/4W COMP 1500 OHM 10961/4W COMP 1500oHM 10%1/4W COMP 1500 OHM 10% 1/4W R:FXD coMP 1500oHM 10% 1/4W R:FXD COXP 6.aK OH,l l0l l/41 R:FXD COMP 2200HM 1ü6114W A 7 t lC:oIGITAL TTL+LOGIC tV 5l NAI{O SUFFER I/OPEN IC:TTL OUAD 2-II{PI IC:TTT fP HEX INVERTER IC:TTL DATA SELECIOR/IiULTIOtEX€R HEX INVERTER IC:TTL See introduction C ANO-OR INv A L E I . E C T3 7 0 U F z O V D C T ELECT2.2 UF lol 2OVm.B EI€CT 33 UF lol IOVDCH cER looo PF +a0-201 looovocr EL€CI 2.2 UF lot 2oVDC|. +8G-2Ol IOOOVDCT l0l zoovD(.ll +8O-2Ol IOOOVDCI{ +8(F?Ol IOOVDCH to this section for ordering information A Re{er to B&kddir€ Sec. Vrll Section VI Model 3490,{ T q b l e 6 - 1 . R e p l o c e o b l eP o r t s ( C o n r ' d | Reference HPPartNumber Designation I 1 Mfr Code Mfr Part Number CONN:PC 44 l2X22l C0NTACTS coNN:PC 44 t2)/.22t CONTACTS HEAT DISSIPATOR:FOR TO-3 CÄSE C O N N F C T O R :I 4 - P I N r DUAL- IN-LINE S O C K E T :l C l 4 - P l I 7L7A5 7l?85 13l03 28480 2A4AO 252-22-30-300 252-22-tO-tOO 6l o4c-ToP I 251-06t 5 1200-0474 STANDOFF:STUD }IOUNT C O N N E C T O R : SI N 6 L E C O N T A C T } I T I { I A T U R € NUT:HFX SST|_ 4-4OXl/4X3l32 6UIDE:Pf U6-II{ PC BoARD o0000 0o779 80120 ?8480 OBD 332070 oaD* 5040-ol 70 28480 28480 I 6 54-OO7I I 854-O07 I otv Description ^31J2 A3IJl ^3 lr{P r a3lt1P2 ^atÄP3 L25l-1765 t25l-Lt65 L205-o?5e l2 5l-061 5 t200-o47 4 ^1lt4P 4 A3lllP t ^all1P6 ^3 lxp ? 0380-l 036 L25t-2551 22t O-OOOI 5040-0 170 a3lol A3tO2 1854-OO7I 1 8 5 4 - O O 7I TSYR:Sl TSrR:Sl Ä:t lR3 A3lR4 0684-3221 0684-lOl I R:FXD CO'{P 3300 oHr lot t/{L R:FXD COI{P lO0 oft}t lot l/4ta olr2l oll2t c8 3321 c8 loll A3IR' A3lR6 t3 lR7 A:]lR8 l3 lR9 o6b4-8?? L l8 lo-0 t?5 l8 lo-o116 l8 lo-o I 36 0684-682 I R:FXD COilP 8?00 (}l+l RESISTIV€ NETI'ORK 5 RESISTIVF NFTTORK: RFSlSTTVE NETIIORK: R:FXD CDf,tP 6.at( OHr| oLl2l 28+aO 2 8 48 0 28440 otl2l c8 8221 l8 ro-ot 35 I I r0-ol 36 lalo-ol:15 c8 6821 13lRl l3lRl 13lRl r3lßt t3lRr 06a4-2211 06a4-l 23 I 0684-l O2I 06a4-4221 0684-l02 | R:FXD R:FXO R:FXD R:FXD R:FXO I l4r tt4ll tt4ta oll2l otl2t or l2l oll2l ort2t cg c8 c8 c8 cB 13lRli o6a4-2221 R:FXO COttP 2200 ol{,t lot tl.*l oll2r ca 2221 A3trl lalul 9l 00-327? 1820-043 0 T RANSFORI,IER: PULS E IC:IINEAR, VOLTAGE REGULAT(n 5V ?8480 ?8480 9loo-3273 1820-ot30 l3lu2 A3IU3 131rr4 A3rW6 431W7 l8 20-o 174 1820-062 I 1.820-o 586 03490-61617 03490-61618 I 1 IC:TTI HEX INVERIFß. IC:TTL OI,AO 2-INPT NAI{D EIIFFFR x/oPEN IC:TTT LP HEX tI{VERTFR CABLE ASSY:TRIG CABLE ASSY:ASCIl 01295 ot295 t2 040 2Uü z8r',Ao sN740+l{ 5lr7438rl otT4LOtN 03490-61617 03490-61618 ^32 ot490-665t2 I OUTGIIARD ROT ASSY 24480 03{9(F56532 ^32Cl ^t2c2 ^?2C2 AtzC4 ol 60-0299 o I 80-l 741 ol 60-3a4 7 ol 50-o093 I I I c:FxD | tY 1800 PF lot 200vocr{ C:FXD Et.FCr o.l UF lol 35vDCt c:FxD cFR O.0l uF +too-tot 2'vocr c:FxD c€R o.ol uF laG-201 loovDcr{ 562A9 562A9 129A2 7?9A2 19 2P18292-Pr S r500 l(}4 x9035a2-oY s 8005-o lAcB-H5R -l 03P 801-Kroool I t32CR r Aa2Cß.2 190 l-0040 190 l-oo40 DIODF:SILICNN nIoDE:sIt tfh{{ 07 263 o7 261 FDGIOAA FOGI088 Ä32rP I ,32,'? 2 4040-o7l 3 1200-043 I 26+dO z8{80 40{o-07 I 3 1200-ot3 I a32XP3 ^32,4P1 a?2tc5 1200-0469 1200-04t 3 1200-04?4 SOCXEI:IC SOCKET: IC socKET: tc 28480 ? 8t 8 0 28480 1200-o469 l2 00-0473 1200-o47a A32RI 0684- t 23 I R:FXD ol l2l c8 1231 ^32R2 l32R:l A:I2R4 A3?R5 432R6 o684-2221 la lo-0050 I I I O-O055 l8 lo-0055 0684- I 03 I R:FXD COIrP 2200 oHa lot l/4L RESISTIVE NETI'ORX IO X 15T OHH IOI RESISTIVE NET$)RK:8 ALL IOK OHX 5: RFSISTIVE NETIIORI(:8 ALL IOK OHX 5I R:FXD COüP IOK OHl4 tot l/atJ oI l2l 28480 28460 2A4AO oll2l ca 2221 1 8 l O - O O 50 l8 lo-0o55 I 8lO-OO55 c8 lo3l A3?R7 A 32 R 8 l3?R9 ^32RlO A 2 ? R II 0684-l 03I 06E4-1 03 I 0684-l ot I ()684-l 03 I 0684- I 03 I R:FID R:FXD R:FXD R:FXO R:FXD l/4ra l/41 l/4r l/ir 1/4r oll2l 0ll2l ot l2l oll2l oll2r c8 CB ca c8 CB A32rt2 o6a4-t 03 I R:FXD COItP tOK OHil lot l/4r or l2l c8 l 0 3 l 3 2Ul ^42u2 1 8 2 0 - O 5 67 l8l 8-2 097 I C: Tll OUAI- vot.aAGE-C0NIRoLLEDr{rjlTI yt ROK:N{HAl{NEI 0 47 1 3 28480 xc4024P t8 l8-209? At2u! ^3Z(l4 132U5 132u5 l8 l8-2098 I 82 0- 07a8 l8 20-o 5a6 1 8 20 - o 7 a 8 RO'{:N-CHANI{EI. T C : T T I H E X D - T Y P EF L I P / F I . O Pr , I I H c t E A R IC:TTL TP HEX INVERTFR I C : T T I H F X D - T Y P EF L I P / F t o P T I T H c L F A R 28480 ol 295 12040 01295 I 8l 8-209 I sN3543 I Dil74L04N sN3543I c I 2 3 4 t I ? I 2 I I t I NPNI SEIECTED FRolt .Ztil37o4l NPNISEI-ECIED FRot a{3ZO4t COIIP CO'IP COXP COIiIP COilP I0t l/4r x lox (}rr 57 tllU Lt41 2 2 K o t r l o t L l4U l2K OHI lot ll4\l loo0 DHfi l0l 8200 olst lot looo olH lol 50 50 TA 30 TV r ..j]o tav EXTRACTOR:PC 8NARD. ORANGF SOC|(ET:lC 24 CONfiCT See introduction 28 COillml 16-PlN l4-Pll{ COI'P 12K COIIP COIIP COl,lP CO'IP COiP lOK IOK IOK IOK IOX OuAt-Il{LINE OHil lol 'rt||l OHll Ollll OHll tltl{ lol tot lot 10: loi TypF l.r{}l to this section for ordering ?ztl l23l lo2l 8221 lo2l I O3l 1031 I O3l l03t I 031 information 6-23 Model 3490A Section VI T q b l e 6 - 1 . R e p l o c e o b l eP o r t s ( C o n t ' d ) Mfr Code Mfr PartNumber OUTGT'ARO DAIA ASSY 2Aaao oa49(F66533 56289 72942 72942 co67 Blo2Elo2zs26-cDH 8 0 1 - x 8 0 0 0 1L 80 l-(8000 ll Reference HP PartNumbet oty Designation Description ^3t oa4.to-66534 a33Cl ^13C2 ^?tc, 01 50-0 05 0 ol 50-o093 ol 50-oo93 csFlD cER looo PF +a(F20f looovDct. C:FXO CFR O.Ol UF +80-2Ot lOoVOCt{ c:FxD cFR O-Ol UF .a(F20t loovocl 4 3 3 C 8I 1 9 0 2 - 3 0 30 Dloo€ 28480 1902-3030 1 3 3 L PI tlatlP 2 a33r{P3 0403-ol 86 t200-o43 r 120(F0473 EXTRACTOR:PC EOAR{L VIOL€I SOCKET:IC 24 CONTICT 5tr,K€T: I C I6_PIN 284 80 2a480 28+aO 0403-olE6 1200-ot3 I 1200-ot?3 284aO 1200-ot?4 oll2l 0lt2l ca +721 cb 2721 I aFEAKOOTN:3.OlY 5t 400 ^)IAP4 I200-o4?4 SOCKFT: IC r33RI 433R2 o6a4-472 L o6a4-27 2l R:FXO CoHP 47OO Ollr't lot R:FXD C0f{P 2700 oHt lO! A33UI ^31U2 433U3 a33tr4 433U5 la2 0-0640 LA20-O627 la20-062 7 t8 20-o 596 Ia20-0596 IC: TT L If.:TTL IC:TTL IC;TTL IC:fTI OATA 5EL€C TOfi,/I'IULIIPLEXER f P BCO TO tEC. DECOof,R t,P 8CD TO D€C. DECOD€R LP DTIAL EOG€ TRIG. D f/F LP DT'AL EOGE TT,IG. D F/F 01295 o7 26? 07261 1 2 04 0 l2 040 sN?4150N u7893L0t 59X U?893LOI59I Dl{?4L7{N Dt'{74L7+N 133U6 Ä3:tu7 Ä33U8 A33U9 l33Ul 0 1820-o 596 LA20-O59l 1 62 0 - o 8 3 9 ta20-o83 9 ta 20-o 5a3 IC:TTL lC:Trt IC:TTL IC:TIL IC:TTL IP DIIAL EDG€ TRIG. D F/F LP 4l t-2-2-3 INPT.Ar|O Ofl, GATE OIIAO D-IYP€ F/F OUAO TFTYPE F/F I.P OUAD 2-INPT IIAiIO GATE 1 2 04 0 l2 040 o 12 9 5 ol ?95 1204{) of,r74l-74N Dfl7{t5{N sr{74t75N sil?4l7ttl Dn?rLoox A 3 3 UI I Ä3tu12 a33Ul 3 t33Ul 4 1820-ol 74 l8 20-062 I la20-o59 I l8 20-o 596 IC:TTL IC:TTL fC:TTL IC:TTL HEX INVERTER OUAD 2-INPI NANO ßIJFFER I/OPEN C Lp 4u a-2-2-a ltlPT.AriD OR G^TE IP DTIAL€OG€ TRIG. O F/F olz 95 01295 12040 12040 sta7404N sN743ar ol{TaLttN Df{?tLTalt ^34 03490-66534 28480 03490-66534 729A2 aol-(aoo0 I I 2A4AO 1902-3t90 2a480 28480 28480 28480 28480 4040-0748 4040-o?47 12()0-ot69 1200-ot73 t200-ot74 otl2l ol l2r oll2l 28480 0l l2r ca 222L ca 3321 cB 1531 l8 lo-oo55 ca l83l 3 I l4-Pll{ l/41 t/41 INGUARD ROII ASSY ': l34Cl ol 50-0093 c:Fxo cEf{ o.o.L_uF r 3 4 C RI I902-3 190 DIOD€ ERF|KOOIiN:l3.OV +8(F2ol 5: toovDc|. f{l 400 i l3{tP I ^344P 2 A3+tP3 ^t4AP4 A:I4FP 5 4040-o748 4040-o747 l2 00-0469 L200-o473 1200-0474 EXIRACTOR:PC .OARO. .LACK €XIRACTOR:PC BOIRO. GRAY SMKFT:IC 2A COilTTCT DUAL-INLI}IE socKET: tc 16-PtN SmKEI: IC l4-PIta A:t4RI ^14e2 134R3 134R4 A:t4R5 o6a4-222L 0684-3 32 I 0684- I 53 I l8 I O-0O55 0684-1831 R:FXD CO||P 220C OHfa l.O2 lt.t R:FXO COIP 3300 otr{ lot l/4r RIFXD COxP r5( OHtt lot l/4r RESISTIVE N€f}tORK:6 ILI IO( R:FXD COIiP l8r ülX lot l/41 434ß6 434R7 434R8 A3{R9 aSaa I c 06 84-l 83 I 0684-I 03 I 0684-l03 I 0 6 84 - l O 3 I 06a4-l 03l R : F X D C O X Pl 8 K R:FXD COXPIOK R : F X D C O r , r PI O K R : F X O C O H Pl O | ( R : F X D C O , { PI O X OHtl lot (}tt 10t OHr(10t OHt lot OHt{ lO3 Lf4Y ll 4r I t4l It4u l r4Y 0l r2l oll2l oll2l oll2l or l2l c8 c8 c8 CB c8 I 831 I 031 1031 I O3l lo:rl A34FI I a3{R I 2 af4Rl 3 A:]4Rl4 t3{Rl 5 ()6a4-la3 I o6a4-l 03 I 06 8+-lot I 0684- I 03 I 0684-I8 I I R:FXO COIIP l8X R:FXD COIP 10( R:FXD COIIPlox R:FX0 COIIPlo( R:FXD COXP l8K OHt lO: 0Hli l0l OHlt l0l OHt. lot Ofrt 10t l/4ta I/4L l/4x l/4r l/4I 0lt2t ol r2l oll2l otl2l olt2l ca CB c8 c6 c8 I 8rl l03l I 03l l03l I Itl A]{Rl6 l34R I 7 A:LRl I r3aRl s r34R20 06a4-l 03 I 06a+-1831 0684-t O3I {J684- I O3l 0684- I O:lI R : F X D C O | { Pr O K R:FXO COXP l8K R:FXD COi{Plor R:FXO COriPIOK R : F X O C O X Pl O ( ' OHt t)}ilt OH|| OHt OHr lot lot LOt lot lot l/41 l/al{ l/41 l/(r l/tr ol l2l. ol l2l otl2l ol Izl oll2l c8 c8 ca c8 ca loSl l83l l03 I I03t 10 3 1 ^:'4F21 ^tae22 ^*a2z a*e21 0684-18f1 o6a{-l 83 I 06a4-t83 I 068a- I 01 I R:FXD CO,{P l8K R . : F X DC o x P l 8 R R:FXO CO'|P l8K R:FXO COrP IOK ot{t{ OHI (ttl OHt tota lol LOt tot tl4l l/41 Ll4l l/4t o1121 0 1t 2 l otl2l ol l2l CB CB c8 c8 I 831 l83l l83t I 03l 8 See introduction :-21 TYPE OHII 5I to this section for ordering information Model 34904 Section VI T o b l e 6 - 1 . R e p l o c e o b l eP o r t s ( C o n t ' d ) Reference HPPartNumbet Designation t8 20 -o 596 LA20-0777 1 . 8t 8 - 2 0 9 6 la20-062 0 434U3 A'4U+ I A)4ü5 434U6 j Mfr Code Mfr PartNumber 12040 2A4AO 2S4AO 01295 Dil74L74N 1820-0777 I 818-2096 sN74l53N 01295 l2 040 ol 295 0 47 1 3 sN74L53N Dt{74L74t{ sN3543l sN7402N CABLE ASSY ASC$ ISOLATION ASSY:INCLUDES A30, A35, AND U1-U1 1 TSTR:PHOTO INGTJARDISOLATION sOARD ASSY ASCII 2A4AO 28480 28,180 24480 0349(F6l619 @490-60313 1990-0402 03490-66535 729 A728480 28480 801- K8000ll 1200-0471 1200-o{?4 FRot 2il37041 FROI{ 2fi3?O4l FROtit 2N37O4l FROr,t r{37041 FROil 2N3704l 2A4AO 28480 28480 28480 24480 1854-OO7l I 854-00?l 1854-OO?I I 854-OO7l I 854-OO7I otv I 2 Description IC:TTL LP OI,AL EOGF TRIG, O F/F IC:TTL LOI. POIER 8CD TO OECODER R{}{: N-CHANNFI IC:TTL III.,LIIPLEXER DUAL 4-INPI DtlAl- 4-I lrlPT i,ltLT t pL EXER IP DUAL FOGE TRIG. D F/F HEX D-TYPE FI,IPlFI.oP TITH OUAO 2-INPT NOR GATE ^34U7 A34U8 434U9 A 3 4 UI O la20-o620 I 820-O596 t8 20-o 7aa LA20-032 A A 3 4 YI 430/435 1 A30/A35U1.1 a15 03490-61 6l 9 ß490-60313 1990-0402 03490-6653 5 a 3 5 CI a35fPI At5t1P2 0r 50-oo9 l 1200-0473 1200-o47 4 C:FXo CER 0.Ol UF +8G-20t SOCKEI: TC I6-PIN SOC|(ET: IC 14-PlN rt50t 4t502 13501 ^3504 43505 l8 54-007 t 1854-007I I 8 5 4 - O 0 7I la54-oo7 I I 854-O07 I TSTR:Sl TSTR:Sl TSrR:Sl TSIR:Sl TSTR:Sl a35RL. a?5e2 435R3 ^35R4 0684-1521 0684-152 1 ffi8't-1521 0684-1521 r35R5 a3tß6 A3'R7 A39RA 135R9 0684- 1521 o6a4-4721 0684-6a2 t o6a4-682I 06a4-682 I a35RlC a35Rl t A 1 5 R l2 t35Rt 3 a35Rl4 o684-6a2 I 06a4-682 I clj84-221'l A 06,8r',-2211 ,A 068r',-2211 l$ A 3 5 R l5 l35R I 6 l35Rl 7 @€r'.-221r 06,8/-2211 0684- 1521 A35Ur ^t5u2 ^35U3 135U4 1 82 0 - O1 7 4 l8 20-o876 1820-058ö l8 20-O 513 l35Ul 0349(F616I 436 0349(F 66536 a36C I ^36t{P I ^16ttP 2 a36rP3 a36rP4 qeJs :c g4kcair€ Se I C: TTf IC:TII IC:TTIIC:TIL 2 Ä. I NPNIS€LECTEO NPNIS€LECIED NPt{l SELECTED NPN(S€LF.Cf€D NPNIS€l-FCTFD CLEAR lOoVDCI A A, A R:FXD R:FXD R:FXD R:FXD 10% 1/4W 1 0 %l / 4 W 1 0 %1 / 4 W 1 0 %l / 4 W 01121 01121 o1121 01121 1521 1521 CB 1521 CB 1521 A R:FXO COMP 1500 oHM 10% 1/4!t/ R:FXD Ctll.rP47OO Olfl 10t l/41 R:FXO COI|P 5.aX OHt,l lot l/4t R : F X O C O I 4 P6 . a x O H H 1 0 ! l / 4 r RIFXO COI{P 6.8K O}01 IOZ ltr*a 01121 otl21 otl2l 0lt2l olt2l CB 1521 CB 1721 c8 6821 cs 6 A 2 t c 8 6A2l R : F X D C O f t P6 . 8 K O l t t l o t l / 4 r R:FXD CO|P 6.8X OHH t1t |ttü RIFXD COMP220 oHM 10961/4W R:FXD COMP220 oHM 10961/4W R:FXD COMP220 oHM 10961/4W olt2l oll2l 01121 01121 01121 c a 6A2 I c8 6821 R:FXD R:FXO R:FXD 01121 01121 01121 .A IC:TTL HEX:INVEI,TER IC:DIGtT^L."t]9 ottaD 4:8tr. TTL IC:TfL LP HEX INVERTER l c r r T L O U A Dz - I N P T Ä i D c A T E t O e E i l C o t - L t ol.295 o1295 l2 040 ot295 SN 74 O/oN sN74L 75N DftTtL04N sN?409N caELE lsst 28480 0349(F6 INGUARD PROGRAI,,IASSY 2E4 80 03490-66t36 0 I 50-009 ? clFxD cER O.Ol t'F +8(F201 loovocl 72942 801-K8000tt 4140-o74 I {o40-0? 55 1200-o+31 r200-o6? 3 E X T R A C T O R : P8 C0 A R O , E L A C K E X T R A C T O R : PE CO A R D TV I O L € I SmKFT: IC 24 CONTICT S O C K € f :l C l 6 - P I N 28480 24480 28480 24480 4040-o?48 4040-o?55 1200-043 I 1200-0471 Vil l A A 4 I I 9 I See introduction COMP 1500 OHM C O M P1 5 @ O H M C O M P1 5 m O H M C O M P1 5 m O H M C O M P2 2 0 o H M 1 & 1 / 4 W COMP220 oHM 10961/4W c o M P l s m O H M l @ t D1 l 4 W .A 2211 2211 2211 2211 2211 CB 1521 t6l9 to this section for ordering information 6-25 Model 3490A Section YI T o b l e 6 - 1 . R e p l o c e o b l eP o r t s ( C o n t ' d ) Reference HP Part Numbel Designation otv Description Mfr Code Mfr Part Number lzoo-o47+ ^?6r{P.- t200-o474 S O C X E Tl :C l 4 - P l N 28480 Ä3601 1854-O07l TSTR:SI NPNISELECTEF OR o r . ä { 3 ? 0 4 1 2a4AO r854-OO?l l36Rl o6a4-4701 R : F X D C O | { P4 7 o H t l o t ol l2l cB 4701 436R2 436R3 436R4 A36UI At6U2 06 84-l Al I 0684- I O3I o6a4- I 03 I l8 20-o600 t 8 20 - o 7 7 7 R:FXD COttP180 oHx lot l./4r R:FXO COtlP loK OHfl lO! l/4r R : F X D C O S PI O K O H ä l o l l / 4 1 I C : T T I L P O E C A D €C O U N ' € R IC:TTL LO|, POIIER 8CD TO DECOO€R ol 121 oll2l ol l2l lao40 2A480 c8 l.8ll c8 Lo3l ca 1031 Dfr85L90|| ta20-of7.7 t36U3 A36U' A36U' 436U6 436U7 1820-o5l I I 820-O83 9 t820-or?4 1820-o656 La20-o640 IC:TTI. IC:TTL IC:TTL IC:TTL IC: fTL O U A O2 - I N P T A I D G A T E O U A DD - T Y P E F / F HEX INVERTER LP 4-8IT 2-INPT |IULTIPLEXER D A T A S E L E C T O R / I U I . T I PEt X E R 01295 0t295 ot295 ot 295 ot295 sN74oAN slr?41751{ slt7404r{ sN74L9aN sfl74150N Ä36U4 436U9 a36Ul I ^36Ut2 t82 0-o656 1820-o596 la20-o596 1820-0596 IC:TTL IC:TTI IC:TTI IC:TTL LP IP LP LP ot29t 12040 12040 12040 sN74L9Ail DX74L74N Dfr74L?4r.1 Dfrt+L74N A37 11118-66502 SAMPLE/HOLDTRIGGERGATEASSY 2&AO A37MP1 A37MP2 4040-0748 4040-0755 EXTRACTOR:PC BOARD BLACK EXTRACTOR:PC BOARD V10 28480 28480 (wJ47ß 4040-0755 A37U1 1820-0583 lC: TTL LP OUAD 2-INPUT NANDGATE t20/o DMT4LOON I See introduction a-24 l/4ta 4-BIT 2.IT{PT I{UI,TIPLEXER O U A L E D G FT R I G . O F / F I X , A I -E O G € T R I G , D F / F D U A I ,E D G € T R , I G . D F / F to this section for ordering information '| 1118-66502 Section VI Model 34904 T o b l e 6 - 1 . R e p l o c e q b l eP o r t s ( C o n t ' d ) Reference HP PartNumber Designation oty Description CHASSIS Mfr Code Mfr PartNumber 6 IIISCELLANECI'S PIRTS AI A2 A3 A4 A' 034S(F66501 03490-66 502 0349 0-66503 01490-66504 o349 0-66 505 I.iAIM CIRCUIT ENARD ÄSSY HIGH I'.IPEOANCEASSY BOARD ASSY:OISPLAY BOARD ASSY;REI{II€ JT'T|PER AOARO ASSY:RÄIGF s|ITCH 28480 28480 28480 28{80 28480 0349{F66501 o3190-665o.2 ot490-665oiJ ('3490-6650+ 0349(F66505 A6 l? AA A9 ^lo o349{F66506 03490-6650? 03490-6650a 03490-66509 o3490-665t O BNARD ASSY:COIIIY€RTERAC BOARD ASSY:OHI{ COTWERTER OUTGUAROPOIER SUPPLY EOARD ASSY I'{;UARD DATA d'TPUT BOARO ASSY OUTGUARODATA OUTPI'T BOARD ASSY 284 80 28480 284E0 28480 2A480 03490-66506 03490-66507 03+9G-66508 03a9(F6650!) 0349(F665lO all ^t2 al3 at4 al5 03490-6651 I 03490-66 5l 2 0349(F66 513 INGUARD REf{OIE ASSY UUTGI.,ARO REAI]TE SOARD ASSY R A T I O R . E F E R E N C EB O A R D A S S Y NOT ASSIGNED DATA O,'|TR'T ISOI.ATION SOARD ASSY 2a480 28480 284aO 03490-665 ll 0349r66512 03490-66513 28480 0349(F603(}6 za4ao 0349160t08 Ä16 al7 al8 al9 ^20 A2l ^22 ^21 A21 ^25 01490-603 06 NOT ASSIGNEO REMOTF ISOTATION NOT ASSI GNED NOT ASSIGN€D NOT ASSIGNED of490-6030a EOARD ISSY 28480 0349(F60a02 ot490-66524 0349(F66525 NOT ASSIGNED SYSIEII ISOLATIOI ENARD ASSY N(JT ASS IGNEf) S/H ANALOG JI'I'P€R ASSY S/H LOGIC JUHPFR ASSY 24480 28480 o34e(F6652t 0349(F66525 A26 A27 ^24 429 430 Oat 9O-6652 6 oSt.9o-(a527 or490-665? A ll I l8-66501 03490- 66530 AATIO JUI.IPFR ASSY SAIlPI.E/HOLD ANALOG BOARO ASSY SAI4PL€/HOLD Lff;IC BOARD ASSY OI'TGUARD TRI6G€R ASSY ASCIL OUIGUARD ISOI-ATION ASSY 28480 284 80 284 EO 28440 2A480 0349(F66526 03{9(F6652? 0349(F66528 I I ll 8-66501 oa49(F66530 a3l 432 a) a3r 435 436 A37 cl c2 cRl FI 0349(F66531 0749(}-66532 03490-66533 03490-66534 03490-6653 5 03490-66536 111t8-66502 ol 60-r33 3 ol 60-333 3 t90 2-t2J2 2l lo-o3t2 NUTGUARD I.IOIIIER BOARD ASSY OUTGUARD ROT ASSY OUIGUARD DATA ASSY II'IGUARD ROr ASSY ASCIL INA'ARD ISOLATION OOAID ÄSSY INGUARD PROGRAM ASSY SAMPLE/HOLD TRIGGER GATE ASSY c:FxD cER 5000 PF 20t 250I,YAC C:FXO CER 5OOO PF 20: 25ory C DlOa)€ BREAXDOBI:5.6V tol 445 ta^ F1AE:CARTRIDGE I ltip 250V g-Or-8LOl 28+80 24t80 26460 28480 2a+ao 28480 28/l80 28t80 2atao 8013t Tlioo 0349r66531 ot19t665t2 03t9(F66533 03190-665:ra o:!190-66535 03490-66536 11118-66502 ol6(F3333 ol60-3333 llr:r99?R IDI_-I F2 JI J2 J3 J4 2tto-o202 I 5 I O-OOA5 l5 I O-OOA5 l5 I O-OOa6 15 lo-oo8 5 I FtrsE:o.5oA ?50v SLot-BLOr BINDTa{G Pot},assy. _-EINOI'S POST ASSY t EIlrDtrs PosTa . ssY 75915 2A4aO 28480 28480 2S4AO 3l 3. 500s I5 lO-OOa5 l5l(Foo85 l5l{Foo16 I 5 tO-OOA5 J5 J6 J? Jlo Jll I 5 I O - 0 0 85 l2 5l-o087 125t-O085 t25 l-l ?12 l25l -o143 I I I I BTiIDING POST ASSY CONNFCTOR:FEIIAL€ 5O-PIN I{INAT CONNECTOR:F€IiIE 36-PIX XINAT CONII:IIALE 4 PIN SPI. RJRPOSE CoNNECTOR:F€HILE. lt-g)atTlcT J Cr( 284r0 2a+ao 2A480 28480 28480 I 5 IO-OO85 l25l-008? t 2tl-o065 L25t-t2r2 l25l-o 143 J12 fiPl ilPIA XP IB riPlC L25l-a283 4040-0914 03490-043{) I 03490-04302 03{9(F04303 I I I I I CONNECTOR:24-PI N PANEL: FRON' DECAL :FROilT PAilEL (SIAI{OARD) D€CAI.:FRONI PANEI- S/H O€CAL:FRTI}IT PAII€T RATIO 2g4AO 284aO 2E4AO 28480 28480 l25l-32a3 {o40-o9l{ 03+90-o1301 o3a9(FOt!t02 0349(FO+t03 I,IPID tP2 tP:l üP4 ,4P5 0349(F04304 4l I4-O717 0349(F04lO2 o!490-04402 0349(F28301 I I I I DECAI:FRONT PANEL. R.AIIO./S,'H HIIooH: DISPLAY GUARH OVER-AOTTOI{ C(|vER : BOTTOI TRIII: BOTTOX 28480 28480 28480 28{80 2448(} 0349(FO430a 4lt4{71? 0349(FO{.102 03490-o+a02 ot49(F2At0l t1P6 ,4Pl tPa raP9 xPlo 03490-22001 03490-2370 r 03490-60312 ()3490-OO60t 03490-60 40 I I I I I I FRAIIF:SIDE EXTFNDER ROO ST'IICH PANEI- ASSY:REÄR SHIELD: POI€R IiIPUT cx^ssIs assY 28480 28480 28{8d 2A480 28480 0t490-22001 03{9(F23701 ot49(F60312 03+9F0060l 0:1a90-60tol ,IPI I TPI2 rPI3 iP l4 xPl 5 0349 0-O4 lO I o1490-04401 03{90-2 I lO I o3+o-o?6 2 40{o-o92 I I I I I I GUARTHOVER-TOP C OVER,:TOP HEAT SINKsTRAilSISTOR I nsul AroR,:TRAti6 I SrOR T RI T: TOP 28480 284aO 28480 24480 28t80 o3r9FO+lOl 0349rOaaol o3{90-2 I lOl o340-o782 +oto-o921 o1490-60 302 2 I I BINDTT{G POSI See introduction SSI' to this section for ordering information 6-27 Seetion VI Model 3490A T o b l e 6 - 1 . R e p l o c e o b l eP o r t s ( C o n t ' d ) Reference HP PartNumber Designation otv Description Mfr Code Mfr PartNumber 2A{80 28480 20480 28480 28480 5000-8593 5000-o050 03t9(F26302 5060-0767 1490-o030 fiPl6 tlPl z f i Pl A A f,rPl8 r{Pl9 500 0-8 593 5000-oo50 o3490-28 302 5060-o767 1 4 9 0 - O 0 30 I I I I I COV€R:SIDE 3 X l6tot-tVE TRII{:SIDES F OOT: CF'{TER For|T ASSY:F{ S T A N D : TI L T ilP20 AP2I 03 70-09 29 o3fo-2 | | 2 I I KMlA:LFV€RTJADE 6RAYIALc I Xt{fIB:ONE-fiALF POINIER 2844O 2A4AO 0370-o929 ot70-2tt2 t1P2.3 AP24 MP25 MP26 MP27 ÄP2A Ae29 r{P30 otlo-224a o!70-?_767 0510-1 165 9320-1646 9320-1647 o740-o72 4 ot40-o4a I 0360- t7 5A I I I 1 1 I I I K NoA: ON/OFF KMTB: PI'SHBUTTON üAilUAL RING: RETAINER CARD: OPERATING, 60 HZ. CARD: OPERATING, 50 HZ r ISUTATOR:EINOING POSI I NSI'L ATOR NUT: TERITINAT 28480 2A4AO 00000 2A4gJ 28r',a0 28{ 80 ooooo ooooo o370-22/t8 0370-2t67 OBD 9320-1 646 9320-1647 ot+o-o724 OBD {]80 fip3l AP12 AP33 te34 tt?35 03490-84 40 I 0349 0-90 0t 3 5060-0630 5060-59A 3 o:t490-o4 lI 8 I I I I KIT:RACK XOI,NT '1ANt'AL AOARD:€XTENDER 22 PIN {2X221 PC ASSY: EXTENDER 18 PIN (2X.I8) PLATE 2a+80 28 440 2a480 2A4SO 2A4AA ot+9(F8'1401 (849(F90013 5060-0630 5060-5943 0349(F041l8 tP36 AP17 r{P38 iP39 tP40 MP41 MP42 MP4i} MP44 P1 P6 P7 P10 P11 o1 R1 sl 4040-o9l 6 0 37 0 - 0 9 l 4 03 70- I 099 0370-l 099 5060-603 2 03490-64101 o340-o744 03461-24701 03490-012m 1251-2357 1251-0086 1251-0084 1251-1233 1251-O142 r854-0063 oal1-2771 3101-1720 3'r01-1609 3 loo- 3078 LEV€R:FUISTTON SIITCH AEZEL:PUSHEUTTON KIIOEI JADF 28480 2a480 28a80 28{ 80 20480 28480 28{'AO 28r'.ffi 28480 823@ 2A4AO 28/,80 28.180 28/,eo 80131 28480 2AßO 82389 28 480 4040-o916 03?o-o9la 03?o-1o99 o3 70-l 099 5060-6032 03490-64101 0340-7044 ß461-24101 03490-01208 EAC-301 r251-@86 1251-0084 1251-1233 1251-0142 2N3055 @11-2771 3101-1720 11E-1036 3 I OO-3078 2A480 28480 244.80 3t oG-3076 3l oo-2 735 3 lo0-2734 42t90 284a0 70903 28480 28480 28,|80 75263 28480 I 1238 9loo-328 t xH s-70r I 03490-61 610 03490-61612 03490-6161 3 3420M .1601 03490-80009 28480 28480 28480 2AßO 28480 24480 9211-16a2 9220-206.7 03490-@313 03490-66532 03490-66533 03490-66534 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 sa TI tl t2 w3 w4 XFl xo1 1 I 2 I I 4 1 1 1 I I 1 I I 1 1 1 3t oo-fo ?6 ?LOO-27t5 3too-2774 I I I 3 lo 1-oo 45 9l oo-328 L I I 20-l 348 o 3 4 e o - 6 1 61 0 03490-61612 03490-61613 14m-0085 1200-0479 03490-80009 I I I I 9211-1682 9220-20ß'7 03490-60313 03490-66532 03490-66533 03490-66534 I 1 1 1 1 I ,| I I 1 I 03490-66536 03490-80013 1540-0249 1420-0174 1820-0513 1820-0586 r820-0590 1820-0621 1820-0erc 18m-0710 18m-0876 1854-0071 I ,| I 1 1 I 1 1990-4402 8490-80031 1 154t!-0248 I 820-0 174 r82G-O430 1820-0586 1820-0621 i I 1 I I GRAYI TRIG6FN, JADE GREY KI{IO: JAOE GRAY KM}8!JADEGRAY PC EOAROEXIC['{)ER C O V E RR : E A RT E R M I N A L INSULATOR:SUPPORT SUPPORT: ElNDlNGPOST E R A C K E TF: R O N TT E R M I N A L SOCKET:3-PtN MALE POWERReCepfnCli CONNECTOR:50CONTACTR & P PLUG:36-CONTACTMALE WHOOD & CLAMP CONNECTOG B :U A R D E DC A B L EP L U G CONNECTOR: MALE 14 CONTACTS TSTR:SI NPN R: FXD WW 0.18 OHM 3% 3W SWITCH:PUSHBUTTON DPDT STNGLE STATTON SWITCH:SLIDE 2-DPDT s tl rcH: FUNCTl(},l SEE A'. SI,I TCH:ROTARY SIITCH:ROTARY SP I T C H : T A TI O -i srITcH:sLtD€ opor o.i tti tz: voc f RAr{sFORf.FR C A B L E A S S Y : P O F E R ,D E T Ä C H A E L f CAsL€ ASSY:AC C A B L E : R E A IRN P U T CABLEASSY F U S E H O LEDR SOCKET:TSTR. NYLON INSULATOR A S C I IR E P A I RK I T INCLUDES: C A R T O N : S E LLFO C K I N G B O XL I N E R ISOLATIONBOARDASSY OUTGUAROROMASSY OUTGUARODATA ASSY INGUARDROMASSY INGUARD PROGRAM ASSY 28,180 03490-66536 PARTSKIT FOR ISOLATIONASSY C O N S I S T I NOGF : PLASTICBOX I C : T T LH E X I N V E R T E R l C : DI G I T A L lC:DIGITAL I C : T T LL PD U A L 28€0 03490-80013 2A4AO 01295 01295 120/.O 12MO 1540-0249 sN7404N sN7409N DM74L04N DM74L51 N lC:TTLOUAD lC:DIGITAL l C : D l GI T A L lC:DIGITAL TSTR:SINPN 01295 01295 07263 01295 28480 sN7438N sN23623 sL1735 1 sN21957 '1854-0071 TSTR:PHOTO 244€0 1990-0402 P A R T SK I T F O RO U T G U A F D MOTHER B O A R DC O N S I S T I NOGF : PLASTICBOX l C : T T LH E X lC;LINEAR I C : T T LL PH E X I N V E R T E R lC:TTLOUAD 28480 03490-80031 24480 01295 28480 12040 01295 1540-0248 sN7404N 1820-0430 DM74L04N sN7438N See introduction to this section for ordering information I Model 34904 Section VI T o b l e 6 - l . R e p l o c e o b l eP o r t s l C o n t ' d l Reference Part Number Designation HP otv Description Mfr Code Mfr Part Number 1901-0363 D I OA S S Y : S l 28480 1901-0363 03490-80032 PARTSKIT FOR OUTGUARDROMASSY C O N S I S T I NO GF : PLASTICBOX MOSN CHAN ROM MOSN CHAN ROM l C :D l GI T A L I C ; T T LL P H E X T N V E R T E R 28480 03490-80032 24480 28ßO 2a4AO o4713 1204;0 1540-O24A r8 18-2097 1818-2098 sc l3241PK DM74L04N l C : D l GI T A L 0't295 sN35431 PARTSKIT FOR OUTGUARDDATA ASSY C O N S I S T I NO GF : PLASTICBOX I C : T T LH E X I N V E R T E R l C : T T LL PO U A D IC:TTLLP lC:DIGITAL 28480 03490-80033 28la0 01295 12040 1z0/.O 120/.O 1540-024e sN7404N DMT4LOON DM74L54N DM74L74N lC:TTLOUAD IC:TTLLP lC:DIGITAL lC:DIGITAL DIO:BKDN 3 . 0 1V 01295 07263 28480 01295 28ß0 SN7438N u7B93LOr59X 1820-0640 sN35872 1902-3030 P A R T SK I T . F O RI N G U A R DR O MA S S Y C O N S I S T I NOGF : PLASTICBOX MOSN CHAN ROM lC:TTLOUAD lC:DlclTAL lC:TTLDUAL 28480 03490-80034 24480 2AßO 0r'.713 12MO 01295 1540-O24A 1818-2096 sN7402N DM74L74N sN74l53N 1540-O248 1814-2097 1818-2098 1820-0567 1820-0586 1 1 I I 1 1820-0788 03490-80033 1 1540-0248 1820-0174 1820-0583 1820-0591 1820-0596 1 I 1 1420-0621 1420-0627 1820-0640 1820-0839 r902-3030 4 'I 1 I 03490-8@34 't540-0248 1818-2096 1820-0328 1820-0596 1820-0620 1 I 1420-0771 1820-0788 1902-3r90 1 1 I lC:OIGITAL lC:DIGITAL TTL HEX D I O : B K D N1 3 V 28480 01295 28480 1420-0777 sN35431 1902-3190 03490-80036 I 03490-80036 I 1 I I P A R T SK I T F O RI N G U A R DP R O G R A M ASSY C O N S I S T I NOGF : PLASTICBOX I C : T T LH E X I N V E R T E R lC:TTLOUAD lC;DIGITAL lC:TTL LP 2848'0 1540-0248 1820-0174 1820-0511 1820-0596 1820-0600 2A4aO 01295 01295 12040 1204.0 154O-O248 sN7404N SNT4OBN DM74L74N DM85L90N 1820-0640 1820-0656 1Am-O177 1820-0839 1 2 1 1 lC:DIGITAL IC;TTLLP lC:DIGITAL lC:DIGITAL 28480 01295 2AßO 0t295 1820-0640 sN74L98N 1e20-o177 sN35872 6-29 Model3490A SectionVI h N MP7 MP37 MP23 Designator MPl MPlA M P 1B MPlC M P 1D MP2 MP3 MP4 MP5 MP6 MP7 MP8 MPl O MPl 1 MPl 2 MPl5 MPl 6 MPl7 MP18 MPl8A MP19 MP21 MP23 MP24 MP37 MP38 MP39 MP41 MP42 Item 1 2 3 4 o 7 8 a 10 t l Description Panel: front Decal: front panel {standardl Decal: front panel (sample/holdl Decal: front panel (ratio) Decal: front panel {s/h and ratiol Window: display Guard cover: bottom Cover: bottom Trim: bottom Frame: side (2 requiredl Nut: sheet metal Extender rod: on/off switch Panel Assy: rear; includes ac power connector P1 and switch 52 ChassisAssy t^.. Guard cover: top Cover: top Trim: top Cover: side (2 required) Trim: side (2 requiredl Foot Assy Foot: center Stand: tilt Knob: 1/2 in. pointer Knob: on/off switch Knob: pushbutton, trigger Bezel: on/off switch Knob: jade gray Knob: jade gray Cover: rear terminal Insulator: support Machine Screws Description 6-32 x 114 flat head 6-32 x 114 flat head 440 x 3/16 pan head Lock Washer: helical 6-32 x 114 flat head 6-.32x 114 f lat head 6-32 x 5/1 6 flat head 8-t2 x5116 pan head Lock washer: helical 8-32 x7116 pan head Lock washer: helical Flat washer 6 3.2 x 3116 flar head 10-32 x 3/8 flat head 6-32 x 5/1 6 flat head Figure6-1. Chassis Parts. a--i,l -hp-Part No. 40400914 0349044301 o349044302 0349004303 0349044304 41144717 o3/j9044102 03/9044402 o3490-28301 034,90-22001 0510€075 03490-23701 034906031 2 03490-60401 0349004101 0349044401 40404921 5000€593 5000{050 5060{767 03490-28302 1490{030 o370-2112 0370-2248 o370-2367 03700914 0370-1099 0370-1099 034909101 ouo4744 -hp-PartNo. 23704012 23704012 22004137 21900913 2370{012 2370{012 2360{194 2510{1 01 21904087 25100105 21904087 30504228 2360{190 2680{1 16 23604194 SectionVI Model3490A MP30 T E R M I N A LN U T 0360-1758 MP2g INSULATOR 03400481 BTNDING P O S TS U P P O R T I 03461-27401 , MP28 INSULATOR 03404724 \ BINDING POST 1 51 00085 l \ L ;oo-@ \*o0 P\ / / t mft @v&'' / / \'o,%#'o'.x'^ '*i*o'"'* BRACKET:FRONTTERM \ LOCKWASHER 2190{054 H E XN U T 2950{054 Figure6-2. BindingPostAssembly. RANGE DRUM 4040{91 5 G E A RL E V E R 40400916 R E T A I N E RR I N G 0510{083 {2REOUIRED) FUNCTIONSWITCHBRACKET 034,90-21202 D R U MB E A R I N G o3r'r90-21201 F U N C T I O NL E V E RS H A F T o3490-23703 RETAINER RING o51 0-1 1 65 FUNCTIONSWITCH53 3100-3078 RANGE LEVERSHAFT 03490,_23702 RANGESWITCHLEVER 0370_21 98 R A N G ES W I T C H BRACKET 03490{1 207 FUNCTION SWITCH GEAR 03490€3601 H E XN U T 318x32 29500043 LOCKWASHER 3/8 lN. 2190{01 6 Figure63. Switch Assembly. 6-31 Model3490A SectionVII S E C T I OV NI I TBOUBTESHOOTING AND C I R C U ID TIAGRAMS 7 - 7 .A C C E SFS0 RS E R V t C t N G . 7 . T .I N T B O D U C T I O N . 7-2- This section contains information necessary for repairing the Model 3490A. Schematicdiagrams,troubleshooting trees, and other troubleshooting and repair information are included. Figure 7-17 showsthe location of assemblies within the 34904. Additional troubleshootingnotes arelocatedon schematics. 7 . 3 .P B E L I M I N A T RR YO U B L E S H O O T I N G . 74. lf the Model 3490A operatesincorrectly and the trouble cannot be correctedby the Adjustment Procedures,the following troubleshootinginformation should be used. Check for loose wires or other obvioussources of trouble, such as burned or loose components.Make sureprinted circuit boardsare seatedfirmly in connectors.Also make sure those microcircuit packagesthat mount in socketsare filmly seated. 7-6. Troubleshooting information for various circuits or operationsof the 3490A is containedin severaltroubleshooting trees and associatedinformation. The General TroubleshootingTree,Figure 7-4, may be usedto isolate the problem to a particular areaof the instrument. The following list indicates the circuits to which each tree applies: Standard3490A Circuits General DC Analog AC Converter Ohms Converter Display Logic Test hgic Clock Option 021 Data Output Option 022 Remote Option 030 cPrBr/o Option040 or 045 Sample/Hold General Sample/HoldLogic Option080 Ratio The High Impedance, AC Converter and the Ohms Converter printed circuit boards and components must be kept clean and free from fingerprints or other contamination, or performance may be degraded.Handle these assembliesby the board extractors. 7.9.POWER SUPPLY CHECKS. 7 - 5 .T R OU B L E S H O O TTI N RG EES. Troubleshooting Tree Title 7-8. Access to most areas of the instrument may be gained by removing the top cover and the top guard cover; It should not be necessaryto remoyethe bottom coversunlesscomponentson the Main Circuit Assembly, Al , must be replaced. Removethe top trim strip to gain accessto the Display Assembly.The three vertical screws which secure the Display Assembly heat sink to the guard shield must be removed in order to remove the Dsplay Assembly. Figure No. 14 n < 7-6 7.7 7-8 7-9 7-ro 7 -lr 7-12 7-10. Check the power supply voltages at the points listed in Table 7-1 using an oscilloscopeand a dc digital voltmeter with 4digit resolution. Voltage and ripple specificationsare as shown. All ripple measurementsare to be made with the samplerate in the HOLD position. Voltages are listed following the supply used as its reference.Therefore, power supply voltagesshould be checked in this order. The first supply checked wtrich fails to meet the voltage specified is the faulty supply. All supplies referenced to the faulty supply will also , indicate readings out of specification. With the faulty supply identified proceedto troubleshootas follows: a. Pull opticns and install requiredjumper boards.If problem disappears,determine which option is at fault and proceedto its troubleshootingsection. Table7-1. PowerSupplyVoltagesand GurrentLimit Values. BaseSupply A1A,I Test Point Volrage + 1 7V + 5V +30V - 17V - 5V - 30v Ripple 16.99 to + 17.0'l V 4.995 to + 5.075 V 30.10 to+3O.9OV '16.9 to- 17.1 V 5.00 to - 5.85 V 30.10 ro-30.90 V t-13 < 50 mV p-p ( 60 mV p-p < 25 mV p-p <50mVpf < 60 mV p-p < 25 mV p-p Current Limit {Applox. Voltag€sl Al Rl04 = .434 = .448 A1R'l 'l Al R11 = 1.34 A 1 R 1 1 8= . 5 4 V V v V 4 1 R 1 2 5= 1 . 3 0 V Raw S0pply 1-14 7-r5 Test Poinl 1-16 TPA TPC TPD Supply 24V 24V 38V 38V 9V Voltage 24to+28V 24to- 28V 38to+44V 38to- 44V 9to+11V Ripple {Approx. Voltag€) I vp-p t.2 v pf .5VFp .5 v p-p 1 . 5V p - p 1-l Model3490A SectionVII b. If the problem is not with an option, determineif the faulty supply is in current limit (seeParagraph7-12). If so, determinewhere the short is by use of the power supplyjumpers and troubleshootthat section. c. If the faulty supply is not in cunent limit, determineif the faulty supply has the correct raw supply voltage (see Table 7-l). ß the raw supply doesnot meet specification,troubleshootthis section. d. If the faulty supply is not in current limit and the raw supply is within specification, troubleshoot the faulty supply. 7-11. lf the + 17 V supply is out of specificationand cannot be adjusted per Paragraph5-54, troubleshoot accordingto Paragraph7-10, steps a, b, c and d. It is essentialthat the + 17 V supply be within specification since all other supplies are referencedto this supply and will be affected. If oscillation problemsare encountered o n t h e + l 1 Y s u p p l y , c h a n g eA l C l O g t o 1 0 0 0 p F , 400 pF or remove from circuit. If there are ripple problems on the + 17 Y supply or any other supply, check to assurethe line voltage selection switchesare set to correspond with available line voltage. If ripple still exists, replace the filter capacitor of faulty supply. Ripple problems on the - 17 V supply can be causedby ripple or low voltage of the - 30 V supply Qowervoltage than the -24Y raw voltagesupply). 1-12. Nl power supply regulatorsare current limited so that if an excessiveload is applied,the regulatorvoltage output goes to neat zero. If this is suspectedto be the problem, the supply in current limiting can be determined by measuringfor the current limit voltageacross the resistor which are both specified in Table 7-1. Provisionhas beenmade for isolatingcertain areasof tfue Main Circuit Assembly by removing designatedjump6r wires in order to locate the areawhereexcessive loading occurs.Table 7-2 lists the jumper wire designationsand the circuits supplied through each. Thesejumpers are located on the Main Circuit Assembly, Al and the vertical board, AlAl. All of the Logic circuits are supplied through only one jumper wire for eachvoltage. Consequently,jumper wires are provided in the ground circuits to isolated portions of the logic circuits. These ground jumpers are shown on the schematicdiagrams, Figure 7-23 andT-24. TableT-2. PowerSupply Jumper Wires. Voltag€ +17V +17V +17V Circuits Supplied Wire Location WH w2 W6 A1 A1A1 A1A1 Logic t 10 V Reference Integrator, Zero Detect wl WEE W3 A1 AI A1A1 AlAT logic DC Switching Level Translators tl0 V Reference Integrator, Zero Detect wz AI A1 A1A1 Integrator, Zero Detect DC Amplifier t 10 V Reference WFF A1 A1 A1 Integrator, Zero Detect DC Amplifier DC Switching Level Translators. A1CR403 +5 +5 WJ W1 A1 A,'41 +5 W7 A1A1 Logic, Display, Switches Al U4Ol , O\rerloadProtection, DC Switching Logic Integrator, Zero Detect -5V -5V WG W5 A1 AlA.I Logic Integrator, Zero Detect. -17V - 1 7V - 1 7V -17V +30V +30V +30V -30v -30v -30v ua WBB W4 WAA wcc facilitate repair of your 3490A when the trouble is on the A2 Assembly.Contact your nearest-hp- Salesand ServiceOffice for details. 7-17.DCAmplifier Checks. 7-18. To check the DC Amplifier zero, set the Function switch to TEST and select Range 5. This grounds the amplifier input and sets the amplifier gain to 100. The front panel display should be 000.000 1 15 counts. To check for leakagecurrent in the input circuits, compare the numericalreadingin Test 5 to the readingin Test 6 with the input terminalsshorted.lf the readingin lest 6 is sömewhathigher (igroring the decimal point), check for leakagecurrent. Rememberthat no solderingshould be done on the A2 Assembly(seeParagraph7-14). 7-15.AZAsemblyExchange. 7-19. If the DC Amplifier cannot be adjustedto zero in Paragaph 5-60 step b, it is possiblethat there may be leakage to Guard from some point in the circuits. Disconnectthe Guard shortingstrap from the input Low terminal. If the offset is removedor can then be adjusted to zero, leakage to Guard is probable. Some of the possiblecausesare: l) Breakdownof the insulation for power transistorQl or CRl. 2) Leakageto Guard in the power transformer. Disconnect the small orange wire from the transformer cable to the solder lug on the Guard shield to check this. 3) If the instrument has one of Options 020,021,022,030 or 040, there may be leakageto Guard on the isolation assembly.4) A wire clipping or other metal chip may be wedgedbetweenthe Guard shieldand the Main Circuit AssemblyAl. 7-16. Cleanlinessof the A2 High ImpedanceAssembly and the proper positioning of components on the assemblyare highly important to the performanceof the instrument. Also, A2U2 is very difficult to replace. Consequently,a rebuilt High ImpedanceAssembly,-hpPart No. 03490-69502, has been made available to 7-20. Normal operating voltageswrthin the DC Amplifier are shown on the schematicdiagram, Figure 7-30. To check the operation of various stages of the amplifier, hrst set the Sample Rate control to HOLD and disconnectthe Bootstrap Amplif-ier(white jumper "Bootstrap" on the Al Component Locawire, labeled 7 . 1 3D . CA N A L 0 cC t R C U t T S . 7-14. The DC Analog TroubleshootingTree, Figure7-5, covers the DC Amplifier, Integrator and Zeto Detect circuits, I l0 V References, the DC SwitchingLogic and kvel Translatorsand the Power Supplies. Model34904 SectionVII tion drawing). Connect the gatesof both A2QIA and B to ground. Connecta dc null meter (-hp- 419A) between AITPR and ground, and adjust AlR522 from one extreme to the other. If this point adjusts both positive and negative, the amplifier is probably operating correctly, and the Bootstrap Amplifier should be checked. If AITPR will not adjust both positive and negative, connect the dc null meter betweenthe sourceof A2Ql B and add adjust AlR522 Io both extremes.The voltage should adjust both positive and negative.Each stage of the amplifier can be checked in the same manner, connecting the dc null meter between the collectors of A1Q509A and B, the emittersof A1Q505and AlQ508, the collectorsof AlQ506 and AlQ507, or the emitters o f A l Q 5 1 0 a n dA l Q 5 1 1 . TRIGGER SCOPE AT A1TPK, + SLOPE. Alu401 6 nlii,,, 0 . 1 ,t . t 0 v 10 tt 12 TRIGGER SCOPE AT A].TPK, + SLOPE. CHECK WAVEFORMS TO SEE ONLY IF . 17 V AND. 20 V LEVELS OCCUR AT THECORRECTTIMES. DURING ALL OTHER INTERVALS, WAVEFORMS SHOULD COR RESPOND TO THE BOOT. STRAP VOLTAGE. TIME {ß1. & &2 1 & 13 17 t8 l9 20 t i l AAiGE 21 -t7v 1 AtL 0 . 1 ,t . 1 0 v 2.5 ALt 3 0.t,1,rmr 3 to,rKV a ' 4 e o a - a ' 2 s 4 6* T I M E sHowN AppLlEs ro TNSTRUMENTS DESIGNED FOR 60 Hz LINE oPERATIoN. FOR 50 Hz INSTRUMENTS, INCREASE TIME BY 2Oolo. t@,tKv Figure7-2. SwitchingOutputs of A1U401. r0 0 . 1 ,r , 1 0 v 7-21. After these checks and following repair of the DC Amplifier, the DC Amp. Zero control shouldbe adiusted usingthe following procedure: a.' Set 3490A FUNCTION to TEST, RANGE to 2, SAMPLE RATE to FAST. 16 ATL b. Connecta clip lead acrossA2C3. 't c. Adjust AlR522 for a display of +.000010 to -.000026. J 19 ATL 2I ALL 23 0_l v 'l-22. DCAmplifier Switching Gircuits. TIME SHOWN APPLIES TO INSTRU. MENTS DESIGNED FoR 60 Hz LINE OPERATION. FoR 50 Hz INsTRUMENTs, INCREASE TIME BY 2OOIO. Figure7-1. Switching Inputs to A2U2. 7-23. Figwe 7-l shows the inputs to the DC Amplifier input switching FET's. Waveformsat the connections to A2U2 should be compared to the bootstrap waveform at the white jumper on A2 (labeled "Bootstrap" on the Component L.ocationdrawing). The "OFF" voltage level of - l7 V or - 20 V must be correct. During the ..ON" time, when the waveform is more positivethan - 17 V, the waveform should correspond to the bootstrap waveform. 7-24. The switching outputs of the DC Logic ROM, shownin Figure7-2, should be as shownin eachcase. t-3 SectionVII Model3490A 7-25.Replacement of OCR30l. Table 7-3. AC Reed Relay Checks. 7-26. If it is necessary to replacethe referencetransis_ tor-diodepackageAleCR3Ol, it is also necessary to replaceresistors A1R306,309,310, 313, 314and:t5, which are matchedto eCR3Ol. Matchedresistorsare suppliedwith the replacement reference, eCR30l. Ranges Affected 7-29. types of problems,such äs amplifier offset ..Some or failure, may be f9un9 UV setting the Sampte Rate control to HOLD and making dc voliage rn.urur"rn.nt, within the circuits. For inslance, boih inputs to an operational amplifier should be equal and near zero. To check the balance of a dual FST, such u, qZOO fo. example, first remove the microciriuit ampiifrer (U201 in this.case)from its socket.Connect Uotf,'pfif gatesto ground, and measurethe source voltages,which should These voltagesmay be *"urirrä at pins 2 and !" :gyd. 3 of the open U20l socket. 7-30. Mth .the instrument sampling and with a full_ rangeinput, the x20 Amplifier ouipuishould not exceed | .2 to | .4 V becauseof the diodesi"t*..n tfr" amplifier input and-output. Also with a full_range i"p"t, tfräZt,r" detect reference voltage at pin 3 of*U203 should be approximately 1 50 mV during run_up una ,u"_Oo*n.," No^nJinearity of negative readiigs rnuy U, "uured by a defectiveamptifier,ü201. 7 . 3 I .I N T E G R A T T ORRO U B L E S H O O T I N G . 7-32. the integrator may cause noise on full scale readingsin the dc mode. If this occurs, check AlR207, Q206, Q207, tJ2Ot and u202.If theie i, noirc at low input ievels (ie., 100 mV input on l0 V dc range),check AIC2O7. AlQ209 will be very noisy if pinch_äff voltage is not correct. To check for ä noisy eäOg, increusettre supply and observenoise. The increase !7y in the + 17 V supply increasesthe bias on aZOS,li -uoriuge, the noise 9Jt:qq.i" snoud be at a higher+ 17y ,upprv e209 replaced. Readjust the + 17 V supply per Paragraph5-54. 7 . 3 3A . CC O N V E B TTER RO U B L E S H O O T I N G . NOTE The indication on all rangeswith the input shorted will not be zero but should be'less than 50 counts. 1:7 PossibleCauses 1 0 0v verload 1 V input on 100 V range 1000v l O r e s u l t si n 10 0 V d i s p l a y I ,IV I 7-21.A-to-D C0NVERSt0N CtBCUtT CHECKS. 7-28. Ttre Analogto-Dgital (A_to_D)Conversioncircuits consist of the Integrator, the x20 Amplifier, and the Zero Detect circuits. Some problern, in th"r, circuits be detected by applying a full_rangeinput voltage. Tay For example,the Integrator output *"öfo.. at AlTpl may be checkedwith a _ lOV input on the l0Vdc range. The center portion of the waveform (10 ms between _run-up and run_down) should be flat. if *ri, portion decays,this may_indicate leakagein the Integra_ tor capacitor, C2O3.If the waveform continues to rise, the input switches e20,1 and e205 may not be completely cut off during this period. Symptoms 1 0 v II DisOlay is one-half the input value K2 Shorted K2 open I I V Low input impedance,approx. 2O kS-t 10v I 1 0 0v ro00 v O v e r l o a d- I V i n p u t o n 1 0 0 V r a n g e r e s u l t si n 5 O V d i s p t a y . 1 V D i s p l a yi s l / 1 0 t h e i n p u t v a l u e too v K3 shorted K3 open K4 shorred 1 0 v Overload r000v K4 open 7-34. Operation of the AC Converter circuits may be the Troubleshooting Tree, Figure 7_6. *::k.9,using Table 7-3 lists a number of symptöms associated with reed relay failures. 7-35. Cleanliness of certain componentsand areasof the AC Converter Assembly are critical to the performance of the AC Voltmeter circuits. The assemblyshould be handled only by the board extractors, anä should be cleanedthoroughly following any repair. 7-36. Certaincomponentson the AC Converter Assem_ bly must be spacedthe correct distancefrom the printed circuit board for proper operation of the circuit. Table 74 lists these componentsand the proper spacingthat must be observedduring repair. . Table 74. ComponentSpacing. Designator A6- Spacin g_fro m corn ponäit-c"nt", ro l,rtnted Circuit Board Minimum cl c2 c3 c5 R1A R1B R44 R4B R4C 0 . 1i n O . 1i n 0 . 1i n 0 . 1i n 0.4 in 0 . 1i n 0.4 in 0 . 1i n 0 . 1i n Maximum O . 2i n u-2 tn O.2in O.2in O.5in O . 2i n 0.5 in O . 2i n O.2in 7 - 3 7O . HMS C O N V E R TTER BO U B L E S H O O T I N G . 7-38. The Ohms Converter Troubleshooting Tree, Fig_ ure 7-7, may be used to locate the trouble if tn. Onr C-onverterdoes not operatecorrectly. Make surethe DC Voltmeter operation is correct before beginnrng the OhmsConverterchecks_ 7-39. The cleanliness of some areas of the Ohms C_onverterAssembly is important to proper operation. Handle the printed circuit board only'by ihe extracton, and cleanthe repairedareathoroudily. SectionVII Model3490A TROUBTESHOOTING. 7.40.DISPLAY "Ihe Display Troubleshooting Tree, Figure 7-8, 741. mav be used io troubleshoot a defective display' The nuäerical display units and the polarity unit may be most easily checkedby substitutinga known good unit' Access to the Display Assembly is gained by removing the 3490A top trim strip and the tfuee vertical screws securingthe diiplay heat sink to the guard shield' TU I NGGG E S T I O N S . CB O U B L E S H O OS 742. LOGIT 743. Severalmicrocircuits in the logic section may be checked by observing the inputs and outputs of the "Q" output of a D flip-flop, for example, device. The "D" input if the flipflop is being should agreewith the clocked. (See AlU6, 7, 71, 14, 17,20 md 22.) The "0" to "1" transition of the output is changedby the clock input. Also, the output of an inverter (AlU8 and 10) should be the logicalinverseof its input. 744. lf incorrect readingsare observedon the logic test, pull AlU2, 3, 9 and 16 and reinstate,taking careto seat leadsproperly in their sockets.AlU2,3, 9 and 16 may be checkedby substitutinga known good device. '745. :i l ii j; :l .:' a; ,' .,1 ,J i Certain microcircuits may be associated with particular malfunctions. A1Ul9 utd 2l deal with programmingthe 3490A rangeand function. AlUl5 and24 are associated with sampling and sample rate delays. AlUl5 also dealswith function delays. 746. If decimal point or ranging problems cannot be located by using the troubleshootingtrees,the trouble may be in the display, the front panel switching, or the optional Remote Assembly. The decimal points in the display are switched during the LOW true enablesignals to the display units (seeFigure 7-8). 747. If the instrument does not sample, the logic circuits may be locked in a certain state or sequence. Turn the instrument off. While holding the manual pushbutton depressed,turn the instrument back on anil. observe the states of logic signals YMA through YMG with an oscilloscope(see Figure 7-24). Theseare found at test points O, T, P, S, Q, N and J in the logic section of ,the main circuit board. Test point O should be a steady HIGH, and all othersLOW. If theselevelsare.not correct, the Read Only Memory, AlU9, or one of the State Storage flip-flops may be defective. If all seven sigrals are correct, releasethe pushbutton and check the test points again with the oscilloscope. If all levels are the same as before (TPO HIGH and all others LOW), the normally closed contacts of the pushbutton switch may not be making contact. Check to seeif the pushbutton is binding in the center of the SampleRate knob. 7 . 4 8D . A T AO U T P UTTR O U B T E S H O O T I N G (0ption021). 749. Ceftan types of failuresin the output information may be traced to certain circuits in the Data Output Assemblies.Table 7-5 lists a number of svmptomsand Table7-5. DataOutput Troubleshooting Tips. Symptoms Measurerent Intotmatioo: No data output No dab output and no polarity, overload, or overrange odd numbers in any digit 2's,3's.6's, or 7's in any digit 4's,5's,6'!, tr 7's in any digit 8's or 9's in any digit No No No No Probablo Cau$ A9U9 A9U6 A10U1,2,3,7 A 1 0 U 1, 2 , 4 , 7 A10U1,2,5,7 A 1 0 u 1, 2 , 6 , 7 Range Intorrotion: No range data output No range and no funcion data output No odd numbered range data Ranges 2,3, and 6 do not print correctly Ranges 4,5, and 6 do not print correctly AgU7 AgU6 41OU3 AlOU4 A1OU5 Fundion lnformation: No {unction data output No tunction and no range output * not correct Functions 1, 3, 5, 7,9, -, A, and * not correct Functions 2, 3, 6. 7. +, -, O, and Functions4,5, 6,7, V. A, f|, and' not correct i not corrrct Functions 8, 9, +, -, V, A, O, and AgU7 A9U6 A1OU3 A1OU4 A1OU5 AlOU6 Polaritv, Overload, Overrange. Sample/Hold, and Remote Mode Intormtion: None of the above outputs correct None oI the abow and no range output No polarity output No overload outPJlt No overrange output No Sample/Hold Mode outPüt No Remote Mode output A9U7 AgU6 A1OUs A 1O U 6 A1OU3 AlOU6 A10U6 their probable causes.Refer also to the Data Output TroubleshootingTree, Figure7-1l. 7 . 5 0R . E M O TCEO N T R O TL ROUBLESHOOTING (0ption022). 7-51. Refer to the Remote TroubleshootingTree, Figure 7-12,for information for troubleshootinethe remote control circuits. 7-52.cPlBTROUBLESH00TtNc (0ption030). 7-53.General Ghecks 7-54. lf the 34904 with Option 030 does not operate correctly, first determine whether the trouble is in the I/O circuit or the main 3490A circuits.The performance checksin SectionV may be used to determine whether the instrument operatesproperly in standardmultimeter operation. Make sure the I/O plug-in printed circuit boardsare seatedproperly in their sockets,and that the ribbon cable connectors are inserted properly. Also make certain that all microcircuit packagesare seated firmly in the sockets. 7-55. Troubleshooting Method. 7-56. The logic circuits which make up the GPIB option are very difficult to troublestroot by the normal component method of troubleshooting.Consequently,a GPIB Repair Kit, -hp- Part No. 03490-80009,has been made availableto facilitate fast and efficient on-site and bench repair of the GPIB I/O Interface Option. The GPIB Repair Kit consists of five assemblies(*rp Part No. 0349G60613, 46532, -66533, -66534and -66536), and six parts kits (hp Part No. 03490€0013, {0031, -80032, -80033, -80034 and -80036), which are individually available. See Table 6-1 for description of assembliesand parts kits. This table also provides a 7-5 Section VII breakdown of individual components contained in the Repair Kit and their respective parts kits. The printed circuit assembliesprovided in the repair kit may be substituted for assembliesin the instrument in order to isolate the trouble. A kit of microcircuit packagesfor each assembly is provided so that once the trouble has been isolated to an assembly,the defectivemicrocircuits on that assemblymay be replaced. A system controller and a printer are required for troubleshooting the I/O circuits. These may be the controller and printer in the system in which the 3490A is used. A dc voltmeter is also required. The GPIB Troubleshooting Tree, Figure 7-13, checksmost of the 3490A I/O circuits. Trigger CircuitGheck. 7-57.External Model3490A 742. lt it becomesnecessaryto separatethe Sample/ Hold printed circuit assembliesin order to replace certain components,it is preferablenot to disassemble more than necessary.For example,if a repair is to be made to the Analog Assembly,A21,the flexible shield should not be removedfrom A28. If the unit has been disassembled, use the following procedure and Figure 7-3 for reassembly. a. Place Logic Assembly A28 (item 3 in Figure 7-3) component side down on work surface.Place4 spacers (item 4) over the four captive spacersin L28. b. Carefully put flexible shield in place, aligning holesin shieldwith the spacers. 7-58. The external trigger circuits may be checked by the following procedure. c. Secure shield to A28, using two nylon screws (item 6) in the two holes nearestthe bottom edge of A28.These screwsmust be non-metallic. a. Place 3490L in local control by setting the RemoteControl Enableline (LREN) to HIGH. d. Placetwo spacers(item 4) on top of the other two holesin flexible shield. b. Set front panel SAMPLE RATE control to HOLD. Check logic level of External Trigger Flag (LETF) at Jl I pin 4. Measureto outguardground at pin 8 or 14 of Jl l, or on Outguard Data Assembly A33. LETF should be LOW until an external trigger command is given.If not, c h e c kA 3 1 Q l . e. Place Analog Assembly,A27, component side up over the two spacersin step d and securewith the screws (item 8). c. Momentarily connect Jl l pin 7 to outguard ground. 349OA should sample each time pin 7 is grounded. If not, check A3lQ2 and associatedcomponents, including pulse transformerTl. If the instrument doesnot have the Sample/Holdoption, a jumper should be installed in place of Tl. Make sure this jumper is. seatedproperly in the correct sockets. 7 . 5 9S . A M P L E / H OSLEDR V I C I N G . Gircuits. 7-60.Accesto Sample/Hold 7-61. The Sample/Hold Analog and Logic printed circuit assemblies,A27 and A28, are fastenedtogetherand, must be removed from their socketsas a unit. Printed circuit extender boards (Part Nos. 5060-6032 and 5060-5983, supplied with the 3490A Option 040/045) may be used to mount the Sample/Holdassemblies high enough for accessto the circuits. The metal shield covering the Logic assemblymay be removed without separatingthe two assemblies.Do not separatethese assembliesunless it becomes necessaryin order to replacecomponents. The Analog Assembly,A2T,especiallythose oreas in the vicinit)' of the teflon insulators, must be kept cleon and free from ftngerprints or other contamination, or Samplef Hold performsnce m6v be degraded. 74 f. Securealuminum shield (item 2) over component sideof A28, usingfour screws(item l). g. Connect brown, red and orangewires from A28 to pins l, 2 and 3, respectively,on A27. Assemthe 3490Awith Sample/Hold 7-63.0perating hliesRemoved. 7-64. lf a problem exists in the Sample/Hold circuits which affects operationof the 3490A with Sample/Hold off, the S/H Analog and Logic Assemblies,A21 and A28, may be removed and replacedby jumper boards, which are suppliedwith the Sample/Holdoption. These boards complete the circuits necessaryto allow the 3490A to operate (see Figure 4-27). The wire disconnected from the Analog assemblymust be connectedto the pin on the Analog Jumper Board for proper operation.Five pins are also provided at the left end of the Logic Jumper Board for terminating the wires disconnectedfrom the Logic assembly.These pins are not connectedto any circuitry. I NEGE S . 7 . 6 5S . A M P T E / H OTLRDO U B L E S H O OT R l-66. Two troubleshootingtreesare provided to assistin isolating problems in instruments with Sample/Hold. The S/H GeneralTroubleshootingTree, Figure 7-14, is designedto determine if the trouble is in the Sample/ Hold circuits or in other circuits in the 3490A. If it is determined that the trouble is indeed in the Samplei Hold circuits, this tree will also help determinewhether it is in the analog or logic circuits. The Logic Troublein shooting Tree, Figure7-15, providesfurther assistance isolatingtrouble in the Sample/Holdlogic circuits. SectionVII Model3490A / ,.\ QY / / L_/ \ Item 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Description 4 - 40 X 114wn headmachinescrew Shield,aluminum LogicAssembly,428 Spacer,.156 LongX .125 lD X .250OD Shield,flexible 4 -40 X 3/8 nylon pan headmachinescrew AnalogAssembly,427 4 - 40 5lA pan headmachinescrew trp- Part No. 22000139 03490-006(M 03490€6528 03804520 o3490-27301 220047o'4 o3490€6527 2200.0149 Figure7-3. Sample/HoldAssembly. 7-1 SectionVII 7.67R . ATIO TBOUBLESHOOTING. l-68. If ratio measurementsare not correct and the trouble cannot be corrected by the Adjustment proce_ dure, or if the adjustmentscannot be made correctlv. the following troubleshooting information should be used. Check for obvious sourcesof trouble, such as burned or loose componentsor loose wires.Make sure the printed circuit board, Al3, is seatedfirmly in its connector, and that the cable, W8, and the three operationalamplifiersare seatedfirmly in their sockets. 7-69. ExternalReference Amplifier Checks 7-70. The Ratio Troubleshooting Tree, Figure 7_16, checks the External ReferenceAmplifier circuits. How_ ever, correct interpretation of the display symptomsis neededto determineif the trouble is in the ämphneror logic circuits. For example,if the displayreadsapproxi_ mately 75% of normal (l0V Input/tOV Exi. nef. = 07.5000), the trouble is probably in the amplifier circuits. If the display readsOverloadfor both positive and negativeinputs (at INPUT terminals),the trouble is probably in the amplifier circuits, but if it reads Overloadfor only one input polarity, the trouble is more likely in the logic circuits. If the displayed polarity is incorrect and the display reads Overload, check the polarity logic circuits. 7-71.AmplifierZerc0ffset. 7-12. lf the ReferenceAmplifier zero adiustmentsin steps a through h of the Ratio Adjustment procedure cannot be made correctly, the trouble may be leakagein either AI3CR2 or 3. This condition can be most easily checked by unsoldering one lead of each diode and trying the zero procedureagain.If the amplifierscan 6e zeroed with the diodes disconnected,one or both of them is defective. Model34904 b. Set FUNCTION to DC and apply full-rangeinput on either the 1 V or l0 V range.Selectthe combination of INPUT and EXT REF polarity that causesthe display to readOverload. c. Set SAMPLE RATE to HOLD. Check logic levels within ReferencePolarity Logic circuits as indicated on the schematic diagram, Figure j-22. Losic H I G H= + 2 . 4 V t o + 5 V . L O W= 0 t o + 0 . 6V . 7.75.SCHEMATIC NOTES. 7-76. tll.e following notes apply in general to all schematicdiagrams: a. Partial reference designationsare shown. prefix with asembly or subassemblydesigration(s)or both for completedesignation. b. Component values are shown as follows unless otherwisenoted: Capacitancein microfarads Resistancein ohms c. * Averagevalue shown. Optimum value selected at factory. I d. = Denotesearth ground. e. I Denoteschassisor frame ground. f. Denotesfloatablecircuit ground. f - qP V Denotesprinted circuit assemblyground. .9. Denotes assemblyoutline. Denotes subassemblyoutline. 7-73. ReferencePolarityLogic Checks 7-74. ln the 3490A measurementsystem,if the Input voltage is positive, a negativereferenceis requiredior run-down, and vice versa. In ratio measurements,the applied External Referencevoltageis invertedand these two voltagesare substitutedfor the positiveand negative intemal referencevoltages.The Referencepolarity Logic on the Ratio Assembly,A13, makes it possibleto use either polarity Externai Referenceinp,lt ,itt .itt u polarity Input voltageby selectingthe öorrectreference polarity for rundown. If a failure in the Reference Polarity Logic causesthe reference voltaqe used for run{own to be the same polarity as the Input, the display will indicate Overloäd. If the 3490A operares correctly in dc voltage measurementswith inputs of both polarities. but reads Overload with one polarity input in ratio measurements,check the Reference Polaritl' Logic as follows: Denotes main sigral path. k. Denotesfeedbackpath. l. l------l Denotesscrewdriveradjust. n.Wl Denotes wire color. Color code is the same as the resistor color code. First number identifies the base color; second identifies the wider strip; and third number identifies the narrower strip (e.g. 924 = white, red, yellow). " 3 Denotesschematicnumberon which con- Y a - S e t R { T I O s w i t c ht o E X T R E F l 0 V a n d a p p l y l0 \'to EXT REF terminals. --] Denotesfront panelmarkings. p. A nection is maije. Referto manualbackdating, SectionVIII. SectionVII Model3490A GATESYMBOLS. 7.77.LOGIC 7 -78. L humber of logic gateintegratedcircuits areused in the 3490A. Most of theseare TTL circuits, in which the HIGH logic level is 2+ 2.4 V and LOW is (r 0'5 V. The normal symbol used to indicate a 2-input NAND Gateis shown below, accompaniedby the truth table. The NAND Gate may also be used as an inverter by connectingone input permanentlyto HIGH (+ 5 V). In this case,the circuit may be shown as follows. +5V A A C NAND GATE Truth Table A B C L L H H L H L H H H H L As the truth table indicates, both inputs must be HIGH (true) to obtain a LOW output. The purposeofthe circle (invert symbol) at the gate output might then be assumed to indicate that the signal is LOW true at that point. The truth statement for this NAND Gate may be "A LOW signalat either input resultsin restatedto read, a HIGH output," and the same truth table applies.In keeping with this statement and the use of the circle to "OR" function indicate a LOW true sigtal, the following symbol may be used. Note that the same truth table applies,and that if one input is held HIGH, the output is the inverse of the other input. 7-76. Another gate circuit used is the Exclusive OR Gate,normally drawn: Truth Table ExclusiveOR Gate A B C L L L H L H L H H H H L Note from the truth table that the output is HIGH if one, and only one, input is HIGH. Whenboth inputs are either HIGH or LOW, the output is LOW. If one input is held LOW (connected to ground, for example) at all times, the output follows the other input. Whenusedin this manner,this symbol may be used. In some cases,a NAND Gate circuit may be used to invert a logic signal.This may be done by connecting the same sigral to both inputs. If this is done, the following symbol may be used, indicating that the circuit merely inverts the sienal. If one input is held HIGH (+ 5 V), an inverter symbol -, may bg used, becausethe output becomesthe inverseof the input. If the input sigral is LOW true, the circle may be placed on the input side of the symbol. +5V 7-9 SectionVII Model 3490A Table 7-6. AlphabeticalListing of 34g0A Mnemonics. Mnemonic LACI LACO HAUT HAZD LCDC HCOC LCDF lgER HCES f9!C f9yA i9yg l9yc LCOV HCRA HCRB HCRC LCSO LCTC HDCA LIR HIRA HIBB HIRC LLEC HMA HMB HMC HMD ly9A Iy?q Iy?C HME HMF HMG ryryg ly!9 LMOT llygf ly99 ly99 lIgD .:yy? :y:_a :yy: LMRF HOCB HDCC HDCD HOFL LDNR HDPP Description Source U22 or Rarioor s/H oprion H preceding mnemonic means HIGH is true; L means LOW is true. - 1i, Mnemonic AC input enabte Aru4ot lr_eOn AC conwrter output switch Al u401 | r_exe Internal autorange F r o mH F A To r A l 1U 1I grar I Analog zero detect 41U203 | rrra Clear data counter 41U16 | Hrra Clear data counter A1U23 | xrne Changedata ftag (HDFL) A l u 1 6 | nrne Changeend of reading {LEORI A1U16 | srnc Close electronic switch Alus Changehundred thousnd count select ( H S H C ) l nrsc U16 t LFTX Changemain time bit A (HMTA) u16 l r-nrvc chanse main time bit B (HMTB) u16 llrr_o Chanse main time bir C (HMTC) u 1 6 llre Ctock overtoad u 1 6 lHrre Combined range brt A 5 4o r A t l U 1 I I Hrre Combined range bit B S4orA11U11 l ltC Combined range brr C 54orAllul1 ltrnrp Clear stord outpurs Clear time @unter Y19 | r-r'vs Data Counter bit A Yl6 | r-roc ul I ilr.are Xt Atten reed u401 | xMre Internal range bit A u21 | xrvrrC I n t e r n a lr a r E e b i t g u2t I lore I n t e r n a lr a n g eb i t C u21 | lorn Leakagecontrol u4o1 | r-orurn Machine state bir A Next stareoutputsfrom I iors Machine state bit B BOM U9, presentstate I frovp Machine state bit C outpursfrom state Machine state bit D I Hovt_ storageU7, U 17. Main time bit A detayed I f_pnf From Sample/Hotd option I f_pnC Main time bit B detayed if not instailed these signats Main time bit C detayed I ffnep aresmeasHMTA,B,C. I HSn Machine state bit E (se HMAI I HSe Machine state bit F (SeeHMA) | rSC Machine state bit G (SeeHMA) | HSCK Manual button normaly ctosed contact s58 | LScx Manuat button normaily open contact ssB I 1-5nc Memory output r,!r I usnc Machine quatifier setection bir A ulo I r_spr_ Machine quatifier setectaonbit B ulo I usse Machine quatifier set&tion bir C u10 | HSSB Machine quatifier setection bit D u10 | HSSC Machine quatifier setection bit D ue I lrcr Machine quatifier setection bit E uto I Hrcz Machine quatif ier setection bit E u9 | srca - Ref select u401 Data Counter bit B ul I Hrcl6 . D a t a C o u n t e rb i t C ul Hrca2 I Data Counter bit D " ul I Hrrs Data Fte uzo LTXF I DownraÄe u16 I lroru Oisplay p-olaritv I r-Upn I nzof Description End of reading External encode Front panel autorange Front panel function bit A Front panel function bit B Front panel range bit A Front panel range bit g Front panel range bit C Fast state clock False transfer Xl0O Gain Hold (stops interwl sampting) Xl Atten Internal function bit A Internat function bit B X1 Gain Input polarity Input short X10 Gain Main time bit A Main time.bit B Main time bit C X0.01 Atten X0.01 Atten, reed Ohms ref select Output enable to decoder Overload protection O\rerload + Ref select Preset range Ratio polarity Display scan A Display scan B Oisplay scan C State clock State clock Select + 100,000 counts Select + 1OO,0OO @unts Store polarity Sample rate switch bit A Sample rate sitcfi bit B Sample rate ilitch bit C Time count 1 (+ l0,OO0 or +l@,OOOI Time count 2 Time count 4 Time count I Time count l6 Time count 32 Transfer enable Transfer Turnon, low for approx. 100 ms after turn-on Uprange Zero detect Source u14 422U1 s4A S3 s3 5 4o r A 1 1 U 1 1 54orAltUl1 54or41tU11 U3 u16 u401 S5A or A22Ul u401 F r o m5 3 o r A t t U l O F r o m5 3 o r A t l U t O u401 U2? u401 u40l ul4 ul1 ul 1 u401 u401 u401 U9 u401 u22 u401 ul6 U22 or Ratio option A3U2 A3U2 43U2 v4 U4 U6 U6 ul6 s5A s5B s5c Q1 U6 u12 u12 vl2 U9 u18 o3 ul6 u23 - 5v c-u wG +r?v6-UwH -t7v6\wr 43zt aaaa +5vcttwJ f tz2v. Set S6mple Ratö to FASTTrigg€r spe on AITPK, +.lope. Check .ll output of Alt401. Wawform $ould be ei sh@n in F'rlure 7-2. Set Sample RaE to HOLD. +1V Apply inrt, M@süre rcltage drop dos 42R7. Should b€ do rcltaqe drop, 3. The rire 6twn on wffilqBs i3 @rd lor in*rlmnrs deiigned lor @ Hz line op@tbnFq 50 Hz in*rurunr., i.s@ti[Eby2o*. ., Trcubl€Cr@t dc lewl tarclatoc asiated with inddd A2U2 GG to.c, Se Figure 7-?O. YES R€pla@ Az.wilh asfilcly, Seo 7,14. ex.tEngs P&.g6ph Trorble$@t Oäl€ ProlEtion ck@ib- Trouble.hoor FET sitchB A10204, 205, 2G, and 209 by m€suring gate-tosur@ voltages, with Sample Rate set to HOLD. Volbg6 3hould be: AlAl TPA. Repla@ A1U2O2 in ocks. Wirh Sample Rae in HOLD, monitor AiAITPA with (41C207 shortedl sp€. Adju$ AlAl R210 extrere to the othor. TPA should 6ry - 0.6 V b {fully dl + 0.6 V (fully cil). O HOLD, ith @p€ Conned A1c.207. l0 from h€ orher. -5V Db@nnet lrom A'lA1TPA and @nned TPA to Ground, o2or 0205 0208 ozx, 0v -5 V 0v ov Perfo.m DC Zero Adjustrunta, Parag6ph 555, after repair. Remove A1U2O2 from ocket. Connect AITP| to Ground. Conn@t dc null ffier betreen sure of A1O2O7A.nd sure of A1O2O7B. Volbge ihould be O t l0 mV. lf y6, adiüs AlAt R210 for rclbgp aa n€r z€ro as M6sure gate-brcsible. source voltage of A1O2OTA and g. Gate should b€ approx. - 1.5 V with r6rd to sure. Remve 41U2O1. Conned dc null wltmter b*wen eur@ of 41O206A and surce of AIO2OOB. Voltage should be 0 t 40 mV. lf y6, adjus AlAl R210 for bltage at n@f zslo as posible. M€aure gate-tosource voltage of AlOZ)GA end B. Gate shoold b€ approx. -1.5V with rspoct to $wce. Repla@ AlU2O2 with ns p6rt and pefform Dc zerc Adiusmnts, Parag6ph Redae A1O2O7 and pertorm DC Zero Adiusrcnß, ParagEph Replee AlU20l with new part and pertorm DC Zero Adiu*tunts, Pe. 565, F . 5€s. Connet dc null mt6 bdwen A'ITPR and Grourd. Volbge should be 0r30mV. Eint i 0 v tl/leere 6lbge at + Ref Bt on A2 with Fint +digit DVM. Should be + t0 v t m.oo30 v. Diiconnsct iump€r on B@ffi6o A2. Conned led from A1TPR to 6 oI A2O1 (O1A s.te). Conned anothff dip le6d (OtA trom pin 3 of A2Ol - Ret ilnffiTroubletr@t ing Ampl Figre 7-22. to Ground. Measure berw@n A1 TPR and g.ound with dc null Mer. Should be 0 1 30 mV. Adiust AlR522 from om extreme to the other. Volta!ß at AITPR rholld 6ry approximately from + 30,mV b - g) mV. asritly. ?-14. Al$ 7-16. Sa se Pa.agEph PaEgraph Troublerhoot DC Ampli. tier. S€e Paragraph 7-16. Tror6le*r@t + Ret Sutr ply. FigureT-22. Se PaE" gtzpl\ 7 -24. Troubleshoot DC Amditift. Sa PaEgräph 7-l 6. Figure7-5. DC Analog TroubleshootingTree. 7-r317-1 : ! - . : = :) l : B : . :,}:r*,,3'3:,. ,i: : .' [:üqüffi J5 1ü::ö si:st ö.:iil u40l Frequency-Related Accuracy Problems Fr.quency at which Spcifi6lion is Exc6dsd RangE od which Error Occurs Posible CauP 1OO Hz (low frequency onlyl All ran96 1 Vand IOOV 1 0 V a n d 1 O O 0V 10O V and 1000 V R4A or R4B R4B or R27 R4C or R28 R1A,8or R3 20 kHz - 30 kHz {midband only} All rangeslVand1O0V lOVand1OOOV 100 V and 1OOOV C3 or C25 C3 or C26 C2 or C5 '100kHz (high {r.equencyonly} All ranges 1 Vand1O0V 10 V and 10OOV IOOV and 1OOO V C3, R29A, B, or R32 C26,C27,or C28 C2, C4, C5,or C6 c5.c6 a Lt.L2 ARE ON BACKSIDE acoutrt a a-REF +REF hP Pott No. O349O-66502 Rev. C | | l l l['l | | -fr _ RrB___-c = : E +tr :1- l.:l---.] tJ L--l I ce | -co- R4a F-cz:- r-t l.r-1 lll .u-r-.-----U l l l l l F l l r l - =FÄl- LJ !,. x 4 ,l , fl- l l P : - E r r ) - - + Y .+, I Ec-- lczzl ,^,,:z) Irl ra'" G TN liffml''*i,l++* 'il++ | 1"6; I 'T-_l I tnt tl Q9e, r-L--. z\ -Eet+r+l l ' l"- Il l I'l+ L f T Jl l t c,6 o(o8)Föö (c V I l r r ^ , ^ V ( u 4 J ' , , . , ' , , r 1| f ol A6 h p P o r rN o .0 3 4 9 0 - 6 6 5 0 6 Rev I +_.JL SEE NOTES 14904- c - 299A 3. The time shmn on waveforms is @r(ect for instruments designd foa 4.t4,:' |ineoFration.For5oHzinstruments,incr€setimeshownby20%; a. st $wA b. Aply tsuNu I tuN ro Au, input of 10 V ar 100 Hz. 6Vto-7V , , iliii#;, ,i ;_r;;rs6tl I 'f v4 F v ivü:!:t t{ # t tl : tttta *iii,tif6l:..it@i6 tigl:,ii .14,iä, :*,rii'.i Ser FUNCTION ro AC. Apply Iull,range input at 100 H2 on each range. Monitor convener output at white wire. Should be +1V 10.002Vforfullßnge Input on each range, High lmpedane Assy. montto. pin 18 ol "-*"rti,"r" as AC Converterout+l v r0.002v for preent? ange input. NO '_: i Check conriection' wire) b€üen 46 at ä Troubleshoot A6 reed re. i ffi ##'.r,.rllt{i+WQrr,..',,:,. ; :r,,,,tjjf*-ilsss8iiii..r, . .ffi, 1 V range and apply Select input ol Monilor t,?rSlI* wire end 1 V at 100H2. iignal at connected to of A6Kl with white lower s@pe. as in- be the sme Should put signal at top end of A6K1 Apply Iull-range inpul al 10OHz on @ch range nitor A6TP2 g,#h Troubl6h@t Filter. Circuit. SeeNote 4. Troubleshoot 46Kl and driver circuil. See Note 4. NOTES: 1. DC vollmeter circuits, including logic, must be oFraling correctly betore this procedureis attempted. 2. An ac €librator, cnecKs. an oscillos@F, c. Moniroi A6TP1 r and a dc voltmeter are required for these 3. The time shown on waveforms is @rrect for instruments designed fd line operation. For 50 Hz instruments,incrEse time shown by 20%. 60 Hz 4. Afler repairing the AC Converter. check the owrload protedion circuits in the following mnner: d. lf Fw{sm A6Rt4, a. Set 34904 FUNCTION to AC, RANGE ro 1 V, SAMPLE RATE ro FAST, e. M6ue b. Apply inpur of'10 V at 100 Hz. f. ;s t5. rclEg! lf 6lbgabrcr( i Monitor A2Ol pin 3 lO l s \ E volbge t7 with scope (lnt. SYnc' t€gt? ov 1--t==-'l 6omsl.- -r7vl NO Monitor A1U401 pin 17 with s@pe (lnt. Sync. Slope). Correct Wavelorm: (white retion En A6 and 42. -* assdüly. Se Par. 7-14. 4V1 --l OomsF- Troubleshoot DC Translaror A'1O411 Apply 1 V input at 100 on range. 1V AOTPI Jumper to top Jumper 46 shield end of A6R Monitor left end ot A6C with scope (line sync) Connect right end ol to A6 shield. Monitor lower end of AGCRl 3. Correct waveform: . I kf,l to + and ,5 V. Volt. age should be > - 15 with +5V in, a >+15Vwith-5Vin- iE S b*-$r , l I - l | :a-:' dth s@F. Troublesh@t and @ch 05, that @nfirming is tomard biased by checking on 4604, 06. dc wltag6 schemlic Figwe shown 7-29. S@ Note 4. Tro ub leshoot 46U3, A602, and A603. Se Note 4. Corred Mveform: +6Vto+7V 5. lf the AC Conwrter operation is out of specitications only at certain frequencies, refer to the bble of Frequency-Related Accuaacy problems. 6. Pin 18 indi6t6 ths rewrse &velorm- '6Vto-7v t-- .'= I r,3- ! io! dipped ar prope levels, troubteshoor A6CB5-12, :: A6TP3 wirh 3@pe-Should be + 2 V to + 2.5 V. -.:: s6, F i troubleshoot A6CR16-.19,A6R4O. Figure 7-6. AC ConverterTroubleshootinsTree. 7-1s17-t6 ::a ,r'ji ta$l - o-ata ;.ä., tgtEa: l. DC dril.tütgi||tl$Fdn t. Aß ddüCoo9.., orwrrndrüd 3. fh. fm d..Grttt, r 0 lr.fda,|3 hCc. |ür b tlrt;lt wath anD{r r.d3re. ItdadEdc. d ilrdo.E - ffi lü üD Jwr Fd 50 tlr iü|rmB, iEe op-rtion. ogmiig ffity o, tolootn,.r i.il.ufErt! O|i$d ünr bv 2O*. b.tor. I lq d, Hr Ficlinud@D G $dr.@{t ..td Ld llar b S.r FiI{CTION + 5F. Elm tlup a F? TEST lr-s Fhtgo of ]i6 14 rd 15 ot Alt}|{rt. JFu'ldbo+5V. Ar. Raln' 7'l Figut. d T.ble in whiS targ[ öort dotd throügh 4 & A7K5 k do..d o dl .x' €pr tO,ülO X rüaa. X. Y. rnd Z 6 .hould bar ü6 kn LdloX=1 LqtoY-tmtO | lÄl LqbZI 0.699 Tdtilc Tn lm llo t||u r.tt .-E c D ::a ,r'ji ta$l - o-ata ;.ä., tgtEa: l. DC dril.tütgi||tl$Fdn t. Aß ddüCoo9.., orwrrndrüd 3. fh. fm d..Grttt, r 0 lr.fda,|3 hCc. |ür b tlrt;lt wath anD{r r.d3re. ItdadEdc. d ilrdo.E - ffi lü üD Jwr Fd 50 tlr iü|rmB, iEe op-rtion. ogmiig ffity o, tolootn,.r i.il.ufErt! O|i$d ünr bv 2O*. b.tor. I lq d, Hr Troubl..hot & ü5rhoß AIO{19 4tO. S... Flgm ,-2O. Tm I Ul 1 t$ 3a9OA o. rrgr f,rd r.ris b lß8ü. Dp qrb wlESr bdFs of A7R22ryd 23. Troubl..hoor A?CRIOüa ll. A7Ot. Figure7-7. OhmsConverterTroubleshootingTre€. 7-r7l7-r8 - 5v (ti! 4 ! 2 | aaaa r-a;---l t i I v wc + t7v (t-u w H -r?vd-uwr +5V6-UWJ J 8 ---7:-t-a--a-ä6 | | rI-rr ._ _ !)-) obwx f --i-a-\ l l --?a-r t_iub_s!!h " " jl < o o o ' ä ; - = ; ] i l l ä| ä il5 | r i a a a a a a a a a a a o a a a a (, e*-ä *i ä,ii ru*nir+lU ,-..E :E*.E{E,"E "TT Tt" lt ; ll l-l t :.:.. ,:..,: $i'iäleffi G,E;ff#::ri. l .K aJ rrrr r'l--T 3 ; x 3 3 l-l c E c E t fi I i l " , t r l - l :i #l'[s]ri:ieo,e*l ß*i l . l !|.J- ül . '.i .' . ?. . ar , lt 5 ll T-r I l a t lil o" t-l N' ' l o 9 oa "fT lt 5 ll P' "[J'+**e* aa "';:lilE'ä'ä'ä"a's,*,,** tt=*-*.-.---: = D t r s \) 1-1" t l tryl t-l :L,l- ++f++++++++ "rö "n ,,,,uf,.,,;8,0:;HE H ffii1****i*id {u8) V -L ii!*'J woo ffiii "rT 'rl' I iiJt* lEl+*tJI'l rrrrsl_l r||r .LJ I t'l rtl, AI tp ä Port No. O349O,6650r Rev E l"'lffio"lPl = l I 1I ,. L-+lJ:..lJ!"1#.1J,.. l#1l# | ,,,lHlf ^ A3 hp Port No.0349O-66503 REV, B t NOTES: 1. ll rhe 34904 has the speial annunciator display, the a$embly dBignation is A20. All A3 @mponent dBignators alp apply to the A20 6semt lv. 2. An Gcillospe is required for rh6e checks. Figure7-8. DisplayTroubleshootingTree 7-t9lt-: 3 H jd ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi g a a a a a a a a a a a a o a a a ' n ^ r T _ l ^ .-. Il t l ',Lj,lll l s l i l'L--l =LJ. --- ' ' __- - j - l i ti; r.r""..........{ r.'.''......1 n l3 ,lJ Tll'R ßt i :l .lJ ,lil n i t:l Il Tl' trl :.ü [El* !#W.' ü::iliiff" oa P' oa ä - it tl'-'_ _,,_- lil9**effi!+@@@@@ ::= -t--ln fr-.ti f*#i**$Sr@@ee€6e* iiif itiFtiils i$##l@@@@@o@sso omo 9 l i I I t -L,r_!-*!i " t- Na ä -- -;-----i'Ta--- AI tlp Port No. 03490,66501 Rev E ?lfo-l ::.-Joc :r 1llsalqnora ? ,.-,lg a :: ::: oulpeai ]carloJu! salFlpur Morrvr_ .t:t :,ta _t : . - -- , 0 + .l ::: uälqord aql alelosl 'l oN ls31 or slsrl bulMolloJ aL]r asn ^llerued u! slaqunu lJa,oc lo af,uänG aqr e s^eldsrp luaunrlsL' etqeleadar ll t t: ! ::: r0 l , ; 0t'20004 0,. + J I I va ooov + bzoooz + tz000l + 2t060 0 + tZ00 l0 + vzoozo + ?Zo0r0 + tzo oB0+ t L o\ rsal rot s6urpPaurrarro:) rorB €as L aloN )r6o-t qlrM 9lnlv '^eM slql ur palJaqc aq ol plarqs orE_: :-: :rr:::-: rolerduol are gpue'g'tn!v ool psluno0 pa)3aqr aq ]ouuF '\abplrhlri6oloMl pue slrun iaMod Mol are ea. l: ad^r duP\aulrollJ.ar.:,_:-,' :ur slql v06tt f,t6ol eqlssreduocluaunrrsur ol Fsr oq ^PU urPrral lldqr ' aroN aas I J160l qllM , rtereduoJ pus 9tnlv )3aqc :itv v6z9or dq io:c - _ : -: : , -':-!: : : ' | aloN aas qlrM rr60_l pue oznLV )iraq:) 'rolerdu03 tznlv 'aldus auo arell!ul pus ! a6ueu ]calas uaq] aldu6 't auo elerlrur 36ueu rrälas auo alerrlul Pue I . du6 :aJPU rf,stas 0aqr'alouB :-,o alcrlrur't 36ueU lcälaS -aldues 3uo ale!l!ul pue L a6ueu tralas uaqt 'ra66tra NVW ql!M 3ldu6 €uo alelllrrl z ol a6ueu' asfl ol uollcunl 'c_l oH or aleu aldues ras -parsll sburpeäJ lo las ^ue ol l6q -uap! are peurelqo s6u!peeJ Molaq ua^!6 6urtooqsalqnoi] ol'Mol aq] ]r aurulelap -€q uMor]s s6ulpeal snoau -orr€ alqrssod ]o slsll qlrM 'lcal aieduoc sbulpear suo!rsa66ns Mollol roc are s6ulpear lle rou ll lsll o:;r--:l :!.. iNVri t o-1ots.:; F ru*rffifc_ : f*tEv: Select TEST No. L Set Sample Rate to HOLD. Iniriare readingswith MAN trigger and compare to list ot @rrect readings sh@n ll not recl, with neous all readings are corcompare readings lists of possible erroreadings low, to tiel shown determine readings obtained il bethe are iden- to any set ol readingE listed. Ser Sample Rare to HOLD, Function to TEST. Flange to 2. Iniriate one smple with MAN Trigger, rhen elect Range 1 and initiate one $mple, -hp- 105294, roy be used to check certain loqic units in rhe 34904. This instrument@mparesthe logic Two logic Fckages, Fckage 1o a reterence unit of the same tvf. AlU18and A1U23are low power units and €nnotbe checked with the Logic ComFrator.A1U4,5,and6 are mounted ioo close to rhe guard shield ro be checked in this way. A Logic ComFrator, !490A-0-2999 Y E S Select Range 3, ir gmple then sele and initiate one s S€lect Range 6, initiate one smple. then *lect Range I and aniriare one €mple. smple, then select Range 'l and initiate one smpte. ls Display + .oo01 68? Check AlU15 and A1U6 with Logic ComFrator. See Note 1 - Check A1U15 and A1U12 with Logic ComFrator. See Note 1 - CheckAlUl5 and AtUt2 gs {or Test No. 1 ).o24 oo24 @24 oo24 9032 oo24 t.o24 n.24 n2.4 I x x O L It the inslrument displays a repeabble equene of partially correct numbers in T6t No. 1, use .the following lists to rclate the problem. + Arrow indi€tes incorect reading. o80.024 04.oo24 o.20024 .010024 + 0.00200 10.oo24 200.o24 4000.24 80002.4 6o00.xxOL Troubleshoot AlUl5 Logic ComFrator- 080.024 04.oo24 o.20024 +.000168 0.09032 + 00.0184 200.o24 4000.24 80002.4 6000.xxOL wirh + + li'r'lt'?lt;''.."it 3"t,1-\*rutor. o80.024 M.OO24 o20024 .o10024 0.09032 ot .0024 o20.o24 040024 08002.4 @oo.xxOL + 800.024 + 40.0024 + 2.OOO24 +.100024 0.09032 10.0024 20/).o24 4000.24 8m02.4 T:! Arur5 a Iut 1 J t'"oresh@r A I U6 wilh Logic Corcralor 080.024 04.oo24 0.00168 .0't0024 0.09032 10.0024 + 000.184 4000.24 80002.4 @ 0 0 . x xO L r 040.024 04.0024 o.20024 .010024 0.09032 10.oo24 200.o24 4000.24 80002.4 + 0002.08/9 - o o .c 0 li z + 0 & Initiate 6 mre smples. Disploy should read: + 0.09032 + 10.0024 + 200.024 + 400024 + 80002.4 + 6O0O.xxOL CheckA1U15 and A with Logic Se€ Note 1 . 41U15 andAlUl ComFralor, See Note 1. Also check A1U16 pin 15 ComFrator. Displ cotre Check AlU21 ComFrator. S tor Uprange or + 000.168 04.oo24 o20024 .o10024 0.09032 10.0024 200.024 4000.24 + 00018,4 6000.xxOL r l 080.024 + 0.40024 + .6OO0xx OL +.0.80.024 + 04002.4 600o.xxot | | I I | I \--Troubl6h@ting + f-l .2ooo24 0.09032 r0.0o24 t 2cf,0.24 + 00903.2 - | | | | | I f-_l + o.2oo24 +.010024 + .o.2oo24 + 01002.4 + 6o0.0xxOL + 60.0oxxOL | | | I I I n + ooe.032 4OOO.24 80002 4 + 4o.oo.2.4 - 80oo24 - 00.s032 | I I I | | AlU19 and A1U2l with Logic Comparator.-------J t: :rFrätor Figure7-9. Lop sai Initiare 6 mre smples. Displaysho(ldread: + 0.09032 + 10.oo24 + 200.024 + 4000.24 + 80002.4 + 60O0.xxOL Range Al U21 with Logic check AlU16 pin 15 r l 2OoO24 0.0s032 10.oo24 + 2cf,[24 + 00903.2 + | | | I I + | + 020024 r.010024 + .0.20024 + 01002.4 - 600.0xxOL - @.00xxOL f-_l + 00:).032 4ooo.24 80002.4 + + 800024 + oo.9o32 Proceed lo Displa Troubleshootang suq- Check 41U21 with Logic ComFrator. See Note l. Also check AlU16 pin 14 Ior Uprange ourput signal. | | | | | | t-r65@ting A1 Ulg and 41U21 with Logic Comparator.----J Figure7-9. Logic Test TroubleshootingTree. ? a l I-t _ r r ,+ { - 5v (t-Xr w6 +r7v(i-l)sn -l7v 6\wr 4 l z I aaaa +svd\,rf iE :.. - ; a-. l - - - - - - :''|: a '.€ D t l a S"' IRI .i trl !U- $ ii'! +* -- J l :.1: ---- a 8 a a a a a a a E+ "n' 'n 1-1" if-l' I r l rI l r l l r l ,L-l l'l sl.l 13 !'J- cnr wx -i a:-\ ' , :lJ l r l ,L l_ .r---1. || l{l € l - l .'LJ- il" lsl .LJ_ .K aJ -tt s,-.' ?:a !a , l rr r1"l-l 3;s39t-t iTrTTl5l ,L--i 1-t t"l l5l ,! :L--.1 ? T--l' I I a r lil r" t-l : l, b l r s 3 lp l 3 ll P' t !u- oa {ua I 'n" it! l o l :: lt - ll | "f-I Tl=l =LJ l,p Porr No.0349O-66501 Rev E | .Ll 'LJ .U .:iili;i*iii .n" D i oa . 'ä-'äfu "HH-n"fu----=t,' .,; ";t'E r11 g*.,ffl#,'ffi gn*,#il ;'1 ,,+,;1 f..fi,il;11,;,'.6) ' s.r:iiiir oooi Tl fin,,rr.n fl ;,.':.fli.r".ll ,U,,.Ll ,ll tl i ., ,.: . .EJgrr$i9{qgJ: .+lrtfiltiji!::t : !i,itldi##ig'Ll ,6es6@o9, iilti!iFii!r: €@CI6@@e#ffi Connect oscillosope to AlTPU and monitor State Clock output. Set scopeto Inr. Sync +Slope. Correct waveform: SEE NOTE t. Monitor 1 1o l A l U l 2 . M( Sct po YES + i Monitor pin 11 ol A1U4. SE€ NOTE 1. Monitor pins and 7 of A1 U2. :;[-r l+5nsl t'! .o." 1- _,;ljlYES Monitor pin 14 oI A'lUs Correct waveform: E NOTE 1. Monitor pin YES 1U4. Both pins should NOTES: 1. To monitor waveform or voltage, first turn 34904 OFF, then while holding MANUAL TRIGGER button detressed, turn instrument ON and m@sure the necesgry waveform or voltage. The pushbutton must be held in while the measurementis bken- This procedureapplies oßly to those tests which refer to Note 1 . 2. The time shown on waveforms is correct for instruments designedlor 60 Hz line operation. For 50 Hz instruments,increasetime by 20%. 3- An oscilloscopeis required {or these checks. Voltages ruv be m@suredwith sufJicientaccuracvwiih an oscilloscope. Refer to Loqic Troubleshooting suggestions in Paragraph 7-39. 34904-0 - 2$7 SEENOTE 1. Monitor 11ofAlUl2. pin 1 of Alt-J7. traggerto +5 V lest on A1A1. Exr Sync, + Slope. Turn 3490A OFF back ON. Voltage at I should remain low approx. 10oms, then A1U19 and A1 U21 Figure 7€, Note 1. so Hish(+ 5 v). S E E N O T E 1 . M o n i t o rp i n s and 7 of A1 U2 ';1;:-*"*-'' A ' t 0 2 ,A 1 0 3 . l+5 ms-l ltrlt'tj ,o." 1* :lll-tlYES ot uu' U.T:'"",'J"',l,:,t-:t -+iO.254s SEE NOTE '1. Monitor 3 of Al U6. Correcl wave{orm: -lu-lJI F :1"/\/-\ soms l.rI E NOTE 1. Monitor YES : NOTE 1. M€sure agesat pins 1 and 4 oI 41 U4. Both pins should be >+2.7V. Measurevoltage at pin 5 of 4 1 U 2 . S h o u l db e ' 1 1 V r to%. Re{er to Logic Troubleshooting suggestionsin PaL agraph 7 39. Troublesh@t ,11 V ply, AlCR3. :or waveform or voltage, tirst turn 3490A OFF, then while holdinq - TRIGGER tlutton depressed,turn instrument ON and measureth! wavetorm or volrage. The pushbution must be held in while the €nl is taken. This procedure appliesonly to those testswhich refer to shown on Mveforms is corred tor instrumentsdesignedfor 60 Hz rtion. For 50 Hz instruments,incr@setime by 2O%. oscop€ is required for these checks. Voltages mV be mesurecl with accuracv with an oscillosco@. sur Replace AI U'16 wirh known good Frt. Switch cnges and lunctions, observang decimal poinl. Should correspond to Enge. Return to GeneralTroubleshooting Tree, Figure 7-4. SEE NOTE 1. Monitor Din SEE NOTE 1. M@sure rcttage ar pin 2 ot A'U12. Should b€ < + 0.5 V. SEE NOTE '1. Monitor iignal at baseof A101. Corect wave{orm: SEE NOTE 1. Measur€ rcltage ar pin 1 of A1u6. Shquld be > + 2.7 V. Reter to Logic Troubleshooting suggestionsin Paragraph 7-39. SEE NOTE 1. N/leasure rcltage at pin 2 of 41u8. Shouldbe>+3V. Measure voltagB at pins 5 l0 of A1U8. Pin 5 s h o u l db e . 5 . 7 V , p i n l 0 be + 12 V. Toler- n.fer to Logic Troubleeooting suggestions in Par 4.a3h 7-3g. and 7 o{ A1U8. Both pi throuqh A1CR2, 3, R e p l a c e4 1 C R 1 . Figure 7-10. Logic Clock TroubleshootingTree. 7-2317-)1 ,j ltr *1 g S+ft$b!t}"oo. € -&Ug E.E?*;f--"..--l ,r".r.l'" F -^o- - sl \f- -Jt l+ 1 +**o; € ffi - Ä, hp eut No.0349O-565O2 Rev. C ä ,l i*l l l l I 1 I I I *8o5Tr ts* *++1,,{l-., o o o , ? T r I u al r . t T fl ; l ) :--* t , \ -r / r---+ TT r u v tHttttffi- +EEE8+Hr, llJtlfr.Il,l r__s_t@@@@ ' ' ' ' " lTIT-Ifi'rTf cllell:ll'll! - l $||' EB Ii----E 'r r r r r r r l ' ?tr'|+1HHHL ++föi'ö+": r@++@+f*****io t-;l ' ' 1 ,i "- 4 E r 4 8 r |--ur--l ft wlf t 7 4 8 r 4 tt u4-l f-C-l 7 t 0 7 l 1 : o c H f\--------. f i - ,t------' - r { {| *I *| -| *| |l| ' 4 9 hp Port No.O349O-66509 f t l u f 6 8 l K 8 t - Rt8- R26-R30- u 6 t- us-l t l 4 T 4 i l 4 1 n n l v 8 i- url B l T l 1 4 I- u,-l 4 8 1 4 -cr- /:\ _RZ7_ -R22-R2l-R28- _R'_ -R6-Rr3-R5- _RJZ_ \q, / -R3r-Rzl-RrO-Rr2-R33- -R2-R24-Rr7- -xzg- -K5- -X4- -Xv- -nZ5- Tl-ll't- l ' , .l'. l.'l l' l l---.l" _Rt5_ _C2_ -R7-R8-Rl4- 0000000000000000000 Alo hp Port No. O349O-66510 COLLECTOR U1.U6 ,/t, --ft- FLAT SIDE OR coLoR ooT rf-----lr. t t t l lw4 | t l rL_____l 8 -Rt-R2 -R3-R4 -R5- AI5AI h p P o r tN o . 0 3 4 9 O - 6 6 5 t 5 3490A-6-5000 - AI5A2 AICi Ftv hp Port No.O349O-60306 h p e o r t N o .0 3 4 9 0 - 6 6 5 t 6 s@pe q to lnt Sample sync, R. AlOL and 11. C for all r2c .:Jt r At(fl.St@idbe+5V1. :',' t 5.S v. sh( for LC oin 13 of AlOUl tesl ar in previous sme except High lewl is + 4 V Troub leshoo A I 5U5. Monitor pin 3 of A9U3. Correcl wave{orm: _-] | b_ o.2 ms | ;.,,\AA& .#F Sampte Rate to FAST niror AIOUT pins 3; and 11. Coiled wa for all pins I .llj-*#ll l._ zooms-+l pulses ,m should for LOW be in rrue out pin 13 of Aloul pin 12 of Aloul pin I ot A10U2. Correcr Monitor pin'l ol AgU3 Ground scope to Inpul except High lewl is + 4 V Troubleshoot A15A ;:,\^ÄÄ Set Sample Rate to FAST f+- zoomsl +4V i-J Troubleshoot Doubler, A9U3 Frequency and AgU5 .l[-:r ti'1::i.'::":: i ,, .1.1.1-:t.1 .; t-.,'' pin 3 of I r-- ';=c ::i:,i.i't or Inguard gro .l[=- -,.*-- ,:i. ;;i . '. .l-,"t i-, ea .f,',." ReplaceAlOU .,: H':-. :'J.'l YES F.:; t.:. :_'. Replee AgU3 !490-0-2995 - tor pin 3 of A9UB { s@pe to Inpul ). Inguard ground. . f= b3mtl ,[J-lr Figure 7-11. Data Output TroubleshootingTree, Option 021. 7-2s17-26 _ i.r . l aa ! ,X i, A Arl 7 z hp Port No.o349o-665t1 Rev.C I tn i-,F---+r |_-]|-;q I, i. J? -l t'it' ::i. r ; ? .,ä ci€ a 8 ß a [--r-u3--l l-- u4 I :--------j i------i i-------g-----+ *l + t* I i!-u;i t l l r l H t # ffi q .l .: a1 # @ ffi U1.U6 + g gig fq K !4$- B - !597 i . : ,ä re** t,E: ä fl w E AITAI h p P o r tN o . 0 3 4 9 0 - 6 6 5 1 7 \_ At7A2 At7 hp Port No.O349O-60308 hp PortNo. 03490-66518 Exec. input ) 5 psl. LOW pin ll NOI€S : 1. Fron! pansl rang€ and function selection mu{ @rectly before thir f@dure is attefifd 2. An osillo*or !4901- o . 2s! is rquired for th6e chcks. of A1 op€rate t l u 2 , A ' t 1 u 3 ,A r l undionAendBHIGH) lvbnitor Dab a ProFm Exec. )55). inprr No.2 {R.nge 8 LOW, A HIGH} Flag 5igEl pins 2.and Er 1zL l2U1 while apglvang LOW pin 6l to ground. RE + 5vr-r *1o.4ßF_ ovl +5V- -1 =r^F t'"'h."'-l .:;LfLr pin 11 of A *r@ld be 0V when k LOW and +3 Rem Enable Logic circuils, At I 1U2, At1U3, Atl bmtely progmm TEST Fuodion 6r A and I No. 2 {Range IIGH.8 LOW,A HIGHI. lonito. pini 2 and 14 ol Rep€at prwious ch4k, monitorlng pin 7 of Al lUT sd 8. Correcr '12U1 while applying Em Ex@te. ddEwfoam: PIN 7 +{o.c'"F rtN 2 *16t1- OVl-r PIN I5 l+ 0o6 msI .::LfLr P I NI 4 |.0o6 ms{'l -:JL|LT L6Vrn9 gog€h fevioua ch€ck. aS rcltagG et inNts A'llUlO .nd AllUlt Logic l4l3 should be A11Ul0pin7=Ld ßin 9 = Low pln 4 - Hlgh pin 3 = High 411Ul1 pin 12 - bw ßtn 5 = High pin3!L@ pin 2 - High Trcubl€ih@t At 1U7 and A1IU8 +s-Y'mlovl "'t '&.a.r'1 -ilLJ_LT Troubleshoor Al Figare7-12. RemoteTroubleshooting Tree,Option022. 7-2717-28 START FEMOVE A4 ANO REPLACE Ag AND 436. MESURE + 12 V. + 5 V, ild -2 V OUTGUAND VOLTAGES. +I2V AND .2V AEST POINTS ARE ON A32 AND +5V TEST POINT IS ON A33. VOLT. AGES MUST BE MESURED TO OUT. GUAAD GFOUND TEST POINT ON 433 OR A3O. ALLOW +/,1ü TOLLEflANCE. BEMOVE ASCII INGUAFD A$EMALIES A g A N D 4 3 6 . I N S T A L L R E M O A EJ U M P , E F B O A F D 4 4 I S U P P L I E DW t T B O P T I O N OSI IN CONNECIOR A1J7 IN PLACE OF AS. SET 34SA RANGE ANO FUNCTION TO TEST i TO VEFIFY COFFECT O P E R A T I O NO F M A I N L O G I C . ARE VOLTAGES CORRE TFOUBLESHOOT OUTGUART + AGE SUPLIES. +12V .d PLIES ARE LOCAT€D ON OU MOTHEF EOAFO A3I. .2 V SI FROM SYSTEM trVELOPED MULTIVIBAATOF ON A32, CHECK OPEAATION OF ISOLATING PHOTO.TFANSISTOAS U1 THAOUGH UII WIIH A LOGIC PROAE OR AY CONNECTING A KNOWN GOOD UNIT IN PARALLEL WITH THE SUSPECTED PHOTO.TRANSISTOB IN THE g9OA. A60 CHECK DFIVE TRANSISTOFS AM4 THROUGH @ AND A35OI THBOUGH 04. * Note l. MENURE + 12V ANO .2V SUPPLiES q IilGUARO ROM SEMBLY A34. THESE AR€ ON TEST POINTS ON A34. MENURE TO INGUAFO GROUNO AT EST POINTON AS, ffi TROUBLESHOOT SUMLIES GUARD FOM A$EMBLY AA. 6E CAFE IN HANOLItrG ISOLATION NEMBLIES, PHOTO,TRANSISTOAS U 1 DROUGH !II AAE VERY S€NSITIVE TO MECHAtrICAL STRE$. ilotEs: 1. THE ISOLATING PHOTO-TRANSISTOBS U1_II MAY BE CHECKED BY CONNECTINC A NEW PABT IN PAFAL. L€L (ALL FOUR CONNECTIONS) WITH THE SUSPECTEO PAAT. THE NORMAL VOLTAGE OROP ACFO$ THE DIOOE POATION OF THE PHOTO.TßANSISTOF UNIT SHOULD BE APPAOXIMATELY I-75 V WHEN THE UNIT IS BIASED ON, ASL4_9 AND A35L1 5 ARE FERRIT€ 8EAN. 2, EACH TIME AN SSEMALY OR PAFT ISSUBSTITUTEO O R A R E P A I F I S M A O E , T H E O P E B A T T O NO F T H E G P I S C I A C U I T SS H O U L O 8 E C H E C K E D U S I N G T H E P E A F O F MANCE CHECK IN PARAGRAPH 545, THE COMPLETE CHECK MAY BE BUN, OA ONLY THAT PORTION W H I C H T H E I N S T R U M E N TF A I L E O P R E V I O U S L Y . 3 4 9 0 - D- 3 3 8 1 F E P U C E D E F E C T I V EC O M P O N E N T . THI THIS CHECK A$UMES ONE GPIBPRINTED CIFCUT ALY IS DEFECTIVE. USINC ELIES IN GPIB REPAIR OAS8m. SUBSTITUTE A$ ONE AT A TIME IN THE FO OROEB: A32, AS. A36, A34, LATION NS€MELIES A3O, TOGETHER. AFTER SUS' EACH ASSEMBLY, PERFO OPEFATING CH€CK GIVEN GNAPH 5.7 OA '9 IO DETE PROBLEM lS CLEARED,Se No BEMOVE 44 ANO NEPLACE Ag ANO A36. MEASURE + 12 V. + 5 V. sd .2 V OUTGUARO VOLTAGES. +12V AND .2V TEST POINTS AAE ON A32 AND +5V TEST POINT IS ON A33. VOLT. AGES MUST AE MEASURED TO OUT. GUABO GAOUND T€ST POINT ON A33 OF A3O. ALLOW +/. 16 TOLLEAANCE, IROUELESHOOT OUTGUARD VOLT. AGE SUPPLIES.+lzv .nd +5V sUPPLI€S ABE LOCATEO ON OUTGUAFD MOTHEF EOAAO A3I. ,2 V SUPPLY IS OEVELOPEO FROM SYST€M CIOCK MULTTVIAAATOF ON A32. CHECK OPERATION OF ISOLAIING PHOTO.TRANSISTORS UI THFOUGH UTI WITH A LOGIC PROBE OF BY CONNECTItrG A KNdN GOOD UNIT IN PABALLEL WITH THE SUSPECTED PHOTO.TNANSISTOR IN THE 3$A. A5O CHECK ORIVE TRANSISTOFS A@ AHFOUGH @ ANO A35O1 THBOUGH 04.Se Note l. Hffi3 CAAE II HAXOLING ISOLATION 6E SEüBIIES. PHOTO.TAAilSISTOAS U1 üBOUGH Ul' ARE VEFY SENTIVE TOTEqAXICAL STßES. ANE ISOLATION CIRCUIE TING CORFECTLY? OPERA- THIS CHECK SUMES THAI ONLY ONE GPIBPRINTEO CIRCUIT AS€UaLY 15 OEFEqIVE.6rNG A$€M. BLIES IN GPIB REPAIR KIT NO. OSS.A(rc, SUSSTITUIE A$EMALIES ON€ AT A TIME IN THE FOLLOWING OROEF: A32, A3, A36. A34. AND ISOLATION SEMBLIES AS ANO A35 TOGETHEA. AFTER SUBSTITUTING EACH ASSEMBLY, PERFORM THE OPERATING CHECK GIVEN IN PARA. G A A P H 5 . 7 O R ' 9 T O O E T E R M T N EI F PROBLEMIS CLEAAED.Se Note 2, USE APPROPAIATE R NOTEO IN THE FOLLO REPAIR OEFECTiVES PROELEM MAY AE ON OUTGUAAD MOTHER BOAFO A3i OR IN A$It AUS. SUBSTITUTE NEW 'AFE {KIT NO. ogw@31) FoB a3ru2 aND 3. TH|S CHECKS OATA ANO CdTNOL LINE BUFFERS ANO GATES. Se Note 2. rcES iE L. sF B IE o a tE N 3490-D - 338r ASCII OPERATE COFRECTLY? r'AT€ REPAIF KIT AS E FOLLOWINGSTEß TO - VE ASEMELY, 8 U N C O M P L E T EO P E F A T I N G C H E C K I N PAFAGFAPH 5.45 TO VERIFY PERFOF. IF ISOLATION S€MALY AS ANO A35 15 DEFECTIVE, GE NEPAIR KIT NO. OSS@I3 TO NEPAIB 8Y R€PLAC. ING DEFECTIVECOMPONENT{SI. IF INGUAFO PFOGRAM ASEMSLY AS IS OEFECTIVE, USE REPAIR KtT NO. @96@5 IO FEPAIR AY BEPLACI N G D E F E C T I V EC O M P O N E N T { S I . CONNECT LEOP LINE AT REAR PANEL @NNECIOR TO GFOUNO U12 PIN 9 TO PIN 24I ANO MONIIOR LFST AT COLLECTOF OF A3M1. LRST SHOULO B E L O W W H € N L E O PI S L O W . CHECK INVEATEF AWg PINS 8 ANO 9, AND INGUAFD INVEATER 435U3 P I N SA A N O 9 . IFOUALESHOOT RESET CIBCUIT, AMl 3 AND ASU4 PINS 3 AND 4. IF OUTGUABO OATA ASEMELY A33 IS D€FECTIVE, SE REPAIR KIT NO. OS9OAMS TO AEPAIR AY REPLAC I N G D E F E C T I V EC O M P O N E N T I S } . IF INGUAFD FOM A$EMALY Ag IS OEFECTIVE, USE AEPAIA KIT NO0349O,AOO34 AN D F€PLACE ALL M I C B O C I B C U I T SE X C E P T F O M - A 3 4 U 5 , I S P R O B L E MC O R S E C T E O ? IF OUTGUARD ROM A$EMBLY A32 I5 OEFECTIVE. US€ REPAIß KIT NO. 03490.80032 AN D REPLACE ALL MICROCIRCUIre EXCEPT TWO AOMS 432U2 ANO 3. RUN COMPLEIE OPERATINGCHECK IN P A R A G R A P H 5 { 5 T O V E R T F YP E F F O F . MANCE. FEPLACE FOMA32U2.fu F U N C O M P L € T EO P E F A T I N G C H € C K I N PANAGRAPB '45 TO VENIFY PERFdR,, MANCE. N O t €2 , crYYYYrrrFr l cauil oN.l ROM AßD MOS DEVICES AR€ EASILY DESTBOYED BY SIATIC CHARGE. KEEP PINS SHORTEO WITH CONDUC. TIVE FOAM OA METAL fOIL WHEN PART IS NOT IN If,STAUMENT. REPLACE A32U3. IF THIS CORBECTS PNOBLEM, BEPLACE A32U2 WITH OFI. GINAL PAßT. IF OPEFATION IS CORR E C T ,S E E N O T E 2 . Figure7-13. GPIBI/O Troubleshooting Tree,Option030. 7-2917-30 .-.;l @ä +tr++o +w*+il [l+@ r ö 't'*, T (6äl +fr;+tqT llllllllll *üü**ä TTTTTT hp Porl No. 0349O-66527 Rev. B l6|-------19 | ,,c | "" ----d 16 ut4 lllillill A28 Port No. 03490-66528 Rev.C I 16 9 I f-------t ,l s 'öl--.le ,. l" [t - o ]l l u . ' I .r______ä,"1,,"_1" SET SVH SYVITCH TO IRACK/HOLO. FUNCTION TO OC. RANGE TO lOV, A27KI SHOULO 8€ CLOSED.SET SAM. PLE FATE FULLY CLOCKWISE.APPLY 10 Vdc INPt T. II'ITH SAMPLE/HOLD SWITCH SET TO OFF, VERIFY PFOPEROC VOLTH€TER OPCRATIOITIOF 34SOA. FULLf,AI{( YES APPLY RANGES IN BOTH ACOUIRE/HOLDOP CHECK VOLTAGE AT PIN .I NEAR TOP CENTER OF A27, SHOULO BE NEAR ZERO. CHECK WAVEFORMSAT PINS 2 ANO 3 II{ SAME LOCATIOI{. EXTER. NALLY TRIGGER SCOPE ON TEST FOTNTK IN LOGIC S€CTIONOF 3ISOA MAIN CIRCUIT BOARD.SHOULDB€: PtN2 HHDA I U AnE VOLTAGE / CORRECN +45 V L-OV nf-l- üi'" s€T s/H siltTcH 70 tRAcK/HoLo oR ACOUIAE/HOLD.SELECTTOV RANGE. AP?LY lovdc INFUT. SET SATPLE RATE FULLY CLOCKYVISE.AZ'K1 SH(ruLD BE CLOSEO. TROUALESHOOT/ ctRcutß tN A2tut REMOVE A27 AND A28. REPLACEWIB I'MP€R EOAROS A24 ANO A25. SET S/H SWITCHTO OFF. CH€CK DC OPER. ATION. NOTE ALL IIMES SHOITT{APPLY TO OPTION 0d) INSTRUMENTS(6OHz LlilE). FOR OPTIONO5O,INCREASETIMES BY 20 i. It{G @R- SET S/H SAYITCH TO TFACK/HOLD, FUNCTION TO DC, RAilGE ?O lOV. A2'K1 SHOTJLO8E CLOSEO.SET SAMPLE RATE FULLY CLOCKS'ISE.APPLY 10 v& tNruT- FULLAANGE INR T Ot'l ALL MLY RANGES IN SOTH TRACK/HOLD ANO ACOUIRE/HOLOOPERATION' CHECK VOLTAGE AT PIN ' NEAN TOP CENTER OF A2'. SHOULO SE NEAR ZERO. CH€CK WAVEFORiilI AT PINS 2 AND 3 IN SATE U)CA?ION. EXTER. NALLY TRIGGEB SCOF€ Oil T€ST ?otNT x tN Loctc sEcTtoN oF 3!90A MAIN CIRC-I'IT8OAFO. SHOULOAE: .l U Lov PtN3 HHoE J ll +45 V L_ 0V PUTSOF r V.3V,6 V,7 V A SET S/H S:II,ITCHOFF, SAMPLE RA?E FULLY CLOCKWISE, RANGE IO 1 V. SHORT II{PUT TERMINAI.s. Cor{ilECT TEST POINT LTST ON A28 TO INGUARD GROUND. THEN SET 6VH S1INTCHTO TRACK/HOLD OR ACOUIRE/HOI'. ffECK VOLTAGEAT A27TPI. +45 V PtN2 HHoA IOV RANGE. TF Y E S SELECT CHECK IINEARIW 8Y A' IS VOLTAGE OßIFTING T( lOmV/.? VOLTAGE LESS TH/ i 12 V ANO DRIFTII{G I TROUBLESHOOTAIPUFI€ rn,@t. SET S/H SIVITCH TO TRACK.IHOLO OR ACOUIRE/HOLD. S€L€CT l0 V RAtrlGE. APPLY tovdc lNPUt. S€T SAPLE RATE FULLY CLOCKITIS€. A27KI sltoulD 8€ cLosEo. TROUEL€sHOOT A27X2 ANO ORIVE ctRcutTs tN A27Ut0. SET S/H SiWIYCH TO ol tvavEFonMs aTP|l{s t,2 l EXTERNALLY TRIGGER TEST POINT K IN LOGIC S 3,l9OAMAIN CIRCUIT BOAR SHOULOgE: PIN 2 HMOA PIN I HMDS REMOVE A27 ANO A2A. REPLACEIVIIH JUMP€R AOARDS A24 AND A25. SET S/H SI\'ITCHTO OFF. CHECKOC OPERATION. PIN 3 HMOC .F;t F;;L Jha^ F*;l__ IF WAVEFORMS ARE NOT A28UT4IS PROSASLYDEFE T A27, A?a. MAKC SURETO CABLESCORRECTLY.GO TO 'E AFPLY TO OPNOß (@Hz UN€l. FOR ASE nilES BY m *" M YGE CHECK FErS azot, 02 Aito o:t FoR LEAKAGE. ATSO CHECK A27C9 ANO CIO FOR LEAKAGE. THAN Iiü I 'NG LESS THAN CHECKVOLTAGEAT A27TP2, NO CHECK FETS A2706, 07 ANO 09 FOR LEAKAGE.ALSO CHECK A27CI2 AND C18FOR LEASG€. . oft-".*l tr 2uo30FJ5, l EB SCe€ ON I EC S€frtOil OF I f mO, + SLOPE. I 12 V ANO ORIFTING L€SS THAN REMOVEGROU]IDOONIITECTIOI{ FROM LTST. WITH INPUT SHORTEO. SELCCT IO V RMGE, SET SAi'PLE RATE TO HOLD. M€ASURE VOLTAGE AT N7P3. IS VOLTAG€ T{EARZERO? I I r _ lI L _ l TROUALESHOOT AMPLIFI€R B u6, 06, o?t. : rrOT CORRECT,I o€FEnrvE. I ISVOLTAGE TIEARZERO? TROUELESHOOTOFFS€T AMPLIFIER ^no AssocrarEo @MPG i:l*o 5490- D-3437 Figure7-14. Sample/HoldGeneralTroubleshooting Tree. 't3t17-32 -- ti TO A2 LEXE hp Fort No. 03490-66527 Rev.B l€f---19 l " l H ,. i---i,l t6 [l-] ut4 Itlllllilt iltf il I A28 Port No. O349O-66528 Rev. C | ]-ä t6 L 9,öl--19 1 , , ' rIe | rr lsr-le e I t ul6 | t 8Ap|-crt{ot sET s/H slriilH to acoutRE/lrolD Ar{D toa{ron a IE PotftT a5 aw|rcH To rR^cx/ HOLO, TAXPLE RATE TO IOI.D. O?€FATE FhOX A1{ EXIERI{AL TRIG. aE rH€ iar|E €xcE7t Fon oELAy ADDEO AT BEGIIIilI]IG OF TRAC€ IE. IORE SIGI{AL G()€S HIGH. gtt FcE. t|(tt|Toa wAv€Foau IHHOA' AT RED ffRE, ?II{ 2, '{EAR IOP C€I{TER OF A27, EXTEFNATLY TRIGGCR 8CO?€ Oil TEOATIVEGdMT EOGE OF .AIPLI'HOU) TRIGGCR !G. : l lO V Rilc - t28a r t.v Rilc -El2,6f -l VRlfG-2oaaF tilru?. xrav.EFoau 810uu) aE: ;,t:r.1i 'i+ :l:?ll 'lf TOilITOR WAVEFORI AT AztIJi' NiI I l. SlrOUr-O 0€ 26atkH: glr^hE yyAVE r1{ oPttolt t 60 tI8TRUCCt{ß263 klL tll (t?tot{ co lrot{tToi lojltot TROUELE IS 'ROSAALY IT{Ä'8I,9, 8UT aNY c|RCt IT USll{G H8t{C @UU' rE IOADIilG THIS SIGilAL UNE. TOTE ALL flrES SI|oü,'{ Ar?lY TO O?TtOl{ OdD INEIRUilEIITS Iü) Ht UXEI. FOfi oPTtoit 60, ncnEAsE nil€ 8Y 20t TYAVEFORI At A28Ura Pill u) 8c sA[E AS |N PnEvlous TRq'8LE |8 PNOEAELY IT A28UI2,I,l. on ut3 iltcHT 8E tOAOtilc THIS9c. NAL LIl{E. SgT S'H I|S'ITICH TO OFF, RAI{GE TO IO V. SAIT?LE RATE FULLY CL@X. TVI8E. OISOONI{ECT EX'ERilAL TRIG. GER. I{OI{ITOR ü'AVEFONil3 AT NilS I, 2 AiIO 3 OF J5. €XIERNALLV TFIG GER SCOP€Oil TEST FOINI K It{ LOGIC S€CTION OF 3'l9OA llAll{ CnCUIT EOARD, + SLO'E. S}|o{,LO AE: üET .srH tuttrcH io AcoulRE/HoLD ailo xoilrToa 8Af,E FolilT As lN A}('(,LO ?REVIOI,'3T€8T.WAVEFORT .!E:?HE tAIE'EXCEP? FORD€LAY Itro€D At.gEGr{für{G oF TRACEgEFgiEsrg{ LGOCSHIGH. rävnG.ii;r I YFIG-6!2.0r ,t vFl{G:20a8f FECHECKSYTPTOT nnE OF l,lALFUl{C l,ffi.f-L_ TRouaLEsltoorA28ufi. ur3AilD ut6 '{EIVPART. 6Y SUISTITUTING 'JüJ, F 4FEm _ #s F,;E_ GROI'TO PIN 13 OF A28U3. TEASJRE VOLTAG€ AT PINS 1I, 12 ANO 13 OF A28U2. ALL 3 P|NS SI|OULO g€ LO|Y t<+ 0, v), ARE LOGIC IEV REPLAC€ A26U3 O uFo?t wt{lct{ stcia, TONITOfi ITAVEFORI' AT A28U8 PIiI 9. SHOULOB€: t(iüToH MVEFORI| AT A2Arr4Ail to;tllolraD rE sArE as n tnEvDrrt t!-3I; Fr3fra_ TFOi Bt.E ls PROEAaLY lt{ A28Ut2. t il OR UI3 |,IGXT BE LOAO|I'G THIS 3G. l|AL Ut{€. uot{tToR yYAvEFol 3 AND t3- AOTH Sr TO: i.P65ü< AR€ WAVEFOq uoillToR wAvEF P|NS t3 A1{O 17, E TO THOSE O88ER! 130F Ar8U6. ^FLV ro iztnifl. aolts ur{Et;Foa fi*''r* ' : , , ; ' ) : 1 1" ' . : ' YTFTOTISAilD VERIFY NA. ALFUNCTION. MONITOR VOLTAGE AT A2ATN PIN 15 U'HIL€ CI{ANGING S/H STIITCH FROil OFF TO TRACK/HOLD. \24U3 OR tjl|, OEPENDII{G >r srcral ts r{@RREcT. OO€S VOLTAGE CHATGE WHEX S{UITCHFOSITIOTIS CHAiIGED? A28U2 IS PROBABLYDEFECTIVE. A28U:l PtN r3 GFOUT{D€D.mot{tTOR VOLTAGEAT A2ATß PIiI 16 WHILE S/H SIYITCH FROT OFF TO DO€s VOLTAGE CHANG€ WHEf{ SIVITCHPOSITION CHANGES? iTOI{ITOR VOLTAGCS AT PINS II AND I3 OF A28UTOWHILE REPEAT|TGIHE TUTOPREVIOTJSTESTS. IAVEFORMSAT A28U6 PIilS FTH SHOULO BE SIMILAR a28t 8 ls PnoEaaLY o€FEcTtvE. ;AVEFORMS AT A28UI4 F I7. SHOULD BE SIiIILAR o€s€RvEo AT P|NS 3 AltO Ä REPLACE A28UIO OR UI6 AS INDI. CAT€D BY IN@RRECT YYAV€FORI'AI A'BIJ6. 3490- 0- 3456 Tree. Figure7-15. Sample/Hold LogicTroubleshooting 73317-34 hp Pott No. O349O- 66513 Remow A13U3, Set RATIO $itch to EXT REF 10 V. Ois@nnect dc standard from INPUT and connet to EXT REF lermMonitor wltag€ at A13 test poinr C whil€ applying EXT REF wltages below: Select Test 4. Set RATIO switch-- to INT REF. Conn4t dc shndard to INPUT terminali and apply - 10.0000 V. Display sbould b€ + (x).9995 I {'lO counts + dc atandard qrorl. EXT REF TPC +20V +13.6ro+14.3V ,20V - 13.6to- t4.3V With @nditions sme as previous test, ch4k logic lewls 6 follows: T6t Point Lowl D LOW U5 pin 12 HlcH U5 pin 11 HtcH lNote 2l NOTES l. A dc standard and a dc wltreter are required for these check;. 2. Logic HIGH=+2.4V ro 15V Logic Low = 0 to + 0.6 V 3. Perform Ratio Adiustment Procedure after @mpleting repairs. 54904-D-loaa Replace A13l Dis@nned from EXT R net ro lNPt Apply - 10.00 TEST 4. Shc tqmimls. Wil rO EXT REF should be 0O. Refer to Gdffal Trouble*r@ling Tree, Fig.7.4, min 34904 man@1. Ch*k Input Prot@tion Circuit A13cRt-4, A13Fl1-3. Afrer rep6ir, go to next step. Remov€ 413U3. Set FIATIO sitch to EXT REF l0V. Disconnect dc atandard from INPUT and @6net to EXT REF t6m. Monitor voltage 4 Al3 t6t point C whils applying EXT REF bltäges below: Replace A13U3 in $cker, Disconned dc sbndard from EXT REF and connEt to INPUT terminals. Apply - 10.0000 V. Select TEST 4. Short EXT REF tfrmiEls. With RATIO set to EXT REF 10 V, display should be 00.0000 t. EXT REF TPC + 20 V + '13.6to + 14.3 V - 2 0 V - 1 3 . 6t o - 1 4 . 3 V Refer to G6eäl Troubles*rooting Tree, Fig.7.4, min 34904 man@l- Chrck Inpur Prottrtion Circuit Al3CRl-4, A13Fl1-3. Aft* rep6ir, go to nexl step. Perform Ratio Adjustren$, Parag.aph 5-79. Disonnect front penel 6ble W8 fJom Ratio Asembly 413. Ground pin 2 of l E @nnector on A'13. Remve 413U2. Connect dc sbndard to A13TPC and monitor voltage at @thode ol Al3CR6 while applying |to v: TPC A13CR6 +10V +l2.9to+14.3V - 10 V - 12.9 to - '14.3V YES Wirh €ble W8 dis@nnected, pin 2 of c grourded, and U2 removed, set FUNCTIO FANGE to 1o V. Apply any INPUT vol polaritv lhown b€low, and apply t 10! c'heckinglogic lewls as sh@n: (Note 2, I N P U T TPC + f t0v + 1 0v - 1 0v -10v + Check A13CR6,7 and replace if deffttiw- lf diodes a.e good, replace Al3U1 with new Frt. After reparr, go to next step. TPD LOW LOW HIGH HIGH u5{121 HIGH LOW LOW HIGH Ralio Adjustr4rap6 5-79. lc W8 disconnected, pin 2 oi connetor , ard U2 removed.set FUNCTION ro DC, to 10 V. Apply any INPUT voltag€ with h*n below, and apply I l0 V to TPC. bgaclevelsa! sh@n: lNote 2l TPC . 1 0v +l0v 1 0v -10v TPD LOW LOW HIGH HIGH U5(12) HIGH LOW LOW HIGH Monitor rcltage at W8 conn*tor pin 5 while-spplying+and-loV at'TPA. Voltage at pin 5 should be+l0V and-10V respectiwly, HIGH LOW HIGH LOW Replace A13u4 or 5 as prwious indicated by checka. Atter reFir, go to next step. nedq pin 13 while applying + ahd - 10 v .l TPA. Volhge il pin 13 should be+1V and-1V r6p4tiwlv. Check 413U3 by subsrituting a ntu p6n. Ale cl€ck A13R9,tO arld feedback cirdit A13R13 thru 16. Check Al3Bl 1A,8 dd Al3R12, Monitor rclbga at W8 @nnedor pin 13 while applying + .nd - 10 V at TPA. Voltage d pin 13 .hould be+1V and-l V r6pctiwly. Replac€ Al3U2 in socker. Monitor wltage at pin 1 of W8 @nectff whi[6 applying+and- 10V at pin 2. pin Voltage at 1 should b€ + 10 V arü- l0 V respoctiwly- Chsk BATIO ilitch laqts and wiring, @n- A13U3 by substipan. Als r 'e 1 389,10 ard feedoh A'l3B13 thru Figure7-16. Ratio TroubleshootingTree. 't-35 A8 A12 A10 A17 A22 A15 A9 A 11 A13 or 426 A3 A36 A34 A35 U1 A30 A33 AS2 A31 Rearof Instrument Figure7-17. Location of Assemblies. 7-36 :? r€ d ral r:ä # .:..4 ']ri* i3 ä #l 1:.i11 .111 n Assembly Description A1 Main Circuit Assembly A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 All A12 A13 415 A17 A22 A24 425 A26 427 428 A29 A30 A31 A32 A33 A34 A35 A36 A37 H i g h l m p e d a n c eA s s e m b l y Display Assembly Remote Jumper Board Range Switch Assembly AC Converter Assembly Ohms Converter Assembly Outguard Power Supply Inguard Data Output Assembly Outguard Data Output AssemblY Inguard Remote Assembly outguard Remote Assembly R a t i o R e fe r e n c eA s s e m b l y Data Output lsolation Assemblv Remote I solation Assembly Trigger lsolation Assembly Sample/HoldAnalog Jumper Board Sample/Hold Logic JumPer Board Ratio Jumper Board Sample/HoldAnalog Assembly Sample/Hold Logic Assembly OutguardSample/Hold Power Supply GPIB Outguard lsolation AssemblY GPlE Outguard Mother Board Outguard ROM AssemblY Outguard Data Assembly Inguard ROM Assembly GPIB Inguard lsolation Assembly Inguard Program Assembly Sample/Hold Trigger Gate Assembly t J }3 Fg rä ':€ 1l 1 .-] ,J F i g u r eN o . 7-20 7 -21 7-22 7-23 7-24 7-25 7-26 7-20 7-27 none 7-28 7-29 7-30 7-26 7-32 7-32 7 -33 7-33 7-22 7-32 7-33 7 -31 none none none 7-g 7-35 7-3'1 7-38 740 7-39 7-39 7-31 7-38 7-37 7 -31 | ö | l:liüÄ a i q ; + + + F +, rl ,@ l; I' i;E E r-----\ ' | | I cro5 ll cr@ ll croT I I r-:l \--l\--l\_-/ \ o e l l :@ i: äfrEBo / :: 2' rö*et FT$Tfr.^ FFtügäg:: -r7v 6.\)*t +5v(r!wJ\? t' >, \'------qc!) i t ; i l-l'ooao- !-:((_6_6____:______.i_i _iili_ "@.oooooo gääsEFaF ä ä*än o o i : f o A Eä*$F$ifi Hää3$$g ; :i:eeiyi q trr: I I D I 1 5 ls | :ll:l:ttt F 3 !. *rouFt, q4?FE$F$ qg*$Ht I,!^ -..uüS @@@@@E j \7 I - i-"---;--qq=l f:- f i m Pi ? I $ { $ i i +Pf g s üä,ierispgglg*@ @(D@@@@@ ++++++++f++Evvvvvvvvvvvv eeag tl* ll AI lrp Port No. 0349O.66501 Rev F I g wEE _.:;R INPUT H|GH>Low> GUARO >-- -.l V O SIGNAL EXI REF H|GH >--\ rowh V tR429 | L-__l r9 l5 ö l,i fa 6a 5a 4a ra za E ii- --:--äii .i-J -::ff- "@.oooooo ö G .IVC--oWAA #tFtägn$fe +i+t drE+Ff?F+P+ lA t;4+qggqg q$*$$t Ii^ aoooE wa8 +5ovd-U - 3ov 6\ m ; i +i i { f +rrl pfs sf@ *EfE U* 11 : _,,.t: Figure 7-18. 3490A Block Diagram. 737 R E F EBETTCE DESIöTATIOtIS ASSEMALY REFERENCE OESIGNArION ÄSSEA,'BLY ÄSS€MALY PART NUMBER NAME UNCLUDES A2AI SUBASSEMELY) DENOTES SIGNAL --i<<+---< SUEASSEMALY OF A2 DESTGNArOR tS A2At) ///(CoMPLETE ? INDICATES XAz AND PI AI oscIexoro:cxoeeen l qlR_E9OLOR:COLOR COOEtS fHE SAME As rHE REstsroacoLoRcoDE. FtRSr - L"^f,T Ff, 3^i,',fP?fä, 3:'^'l 3 WüE:,Ä',li T_AEIH.IRDtNDtcarEstne uaanöwea srRt p. (e?3, D€Nor es wurt aeot vtl wine) re2 DEST6NATOR lS A2R4 ,.v.cOMPLEfE \ -- R437 |5 0 K R439 4.7K K t2. il raF c 2 sPAcE t ,zl-----_l: ,ä, }7 "tär;; 'Y 'Y, | /'BLANK l o zt r ^ z ^l .r 4 < ö t AMPLIFIER OUTPUT TO INTEGRATOR R207 4 N O T ES , I. JUMPER IS REMOVEDIF SAMPLE/HOLD OPTION IS INSTALLED. 2.R429 LOCATED NEAR REAR OF INSTRUIVENT A N D A C C E S S I B L E T H R O U G HR E A R P A N E L . " 3 . W I L O C A T E DO N A I A I 4 . V O L I A G E S w l T H l N A l \ , l P L l F l E RM E A S U R E D WITH INPUT SHORTED,IOV DC RANGE, SAMPLE RATE TO HOLD. 5. IF SAMPLE/HOLD IS INSTALLED, R5II IS BY A 6. IF THE U2 DATE CODE IS PRECEDED L5N NUMEER S Y M B O L( * ) , A N E X T E R N A 7 PART NO.0698-3380 lS REQUIRED RESTSToR, I N S E R I E SW I T H U 2 P I N 2 9 . $E? O.lV yt)"" Z ON A2 PC LAYOUT TH|S PAGE, lF THE SAI\,IPLE,/ HOLD OPTION IS INSTALLED, JUMPERW9 IS REI\,IOVED.THE SHIELDED CABLE FROM SAMPLE/ HoLDBoaRo(A27)coNNEcrsro rHEsE TERMINALS; BLACK LEAD TO LEFT TERMINAL' WHITE LEAD TO RIGHT TERMINAL. X CO GAIN L 4A? 16) S. EOOTSTRAP CONNECTION IS WHITE WIRE FROM A2U2 PIN I3. $ CONNECTIONTO O REF AND AC OUT IS AS FOLLOWS.O REF.WHITE HEAT SHRINK LEAD. AC OUT.BLACKHEAT SHRINK LEAD. I O . I F R E A D I N GI N O H M S I S L O W . C H E C K K 4 O 2 FOR SHORTING. il. oEFECTTVE0505-8, lO A ll MAY CAUSE OVERLOADSIGNALOR POLARIIY TURNOV€R READINGS. I 2 . I F O . I V R A N G E I S N O I S Y C H E C KR 5 1 6 . R 5 1 7 . Q 5 O 9 a cR5r9. .,OFF.' MUS1BE AT -zOV IN IHE CONDITION IA FET,.T'' OR POLARITY IURNOVER A T F U L L S C A L EA N O Z E R OV O L T SW t L L E X I S T . 3 Figure 7-20. SchematicDiagram, DC Amplifier and SwitchingCircuits, Al , y'^2. 7-391740 $rs*$roffia C I -A ry@ü@ #srynsfriW äafr il:$^onibD "H" t"'v,i *,i,r,+*nu f+fry$ry++ F: p"@ ..(ä# c?o7 c?0f f- AI ,lp Port No. 0349O-66501 Rev E ät:äsa^FÄ l^s H e$$8+fE+ t Ff qff" HF+qSe4 '.Y 6ö Y *@$@ .ö ,ä{. i , * , *F-8q/"i.,@E ..pp'z: i iq * , i n Ot @I r 9 f s\€9y @ ":9"i **H++ ,{9.+*+pc+++ czo1 AI ,tp Port No. 0349O-66501 Rev. F I-R-r lr 5. F -llr r B l l - l ldl l"l L_J a P t D P l 9 w5 \r,€ a D O T I N D I C A T E S P O W E RS U P P L Y END OF JUMPER A IA I h p P o r tN o . 0 3 4 9 O - 6 6 5 2 1 a r f 5 \ ) w7 w8 o ( oY3 4 s o - 6 6 5 0 r ) M A r Nc r R c u rars s E M B L lp/0 Al I l | I | I W w z ----a-r-r| +:ov +rov | -3ov -3ov A A ----d+-b- W5 NorEr FRoM | -sv---<*-l---5v SueeLv | +rzV ----d-tr-Ew7 +5V -----d-r-b-w8 _tZV ___-<--b_ POTVER < INTEGRATOR W6 +tzv c203 o.33 +5v _tZV 3,t7 FROM DC AMP OR SAMPLE/IOLO 7 (HCES)SERIESSW H FROMAI U9 (I2) c2to 3.3oF NOTE: I . A I R 2 I O , A I R 2 2 5 , A I R 2 2 8 . T E S T P O I N T SA , 8 . A N D J U M P E R S I V 5 - W 8 L O C A T E DO N A I A I . 2.R2O7 IS 84O5K iN OPTION 060 INSTRUMENTS: looK tN oPltot{ o50. 3.IF NOISYON FULLSCAI-ER€ADINGSITI DC MODE. CHECK R207, 0206, rj20r,0207, AND U202. 4.O2O9 IS VERY NOISY IF PINCH.OFF VOLTAGE IS NOT CORRECT. SEE PARAGRAPIT 7.3I. s.IFTHERE rS NOISEAT LOW INPUT LEVELS (i.,lOOmV INPUT ON IOV OC RANGE} CHECK FOR OEFECTIVEC2O7. ?' (HMT8) AUTO ZERO L F R O MU i l { 5 ) t l I I I =-- .t ZERODETECT NOTE I ffi l, JSTE I \,*," ,A?fli -t7v R2l7 too ffi -t7v cR202 T U RN O V ER p 4 Figure7-21. SchematicDiagram,Integrator and Zero Detect Circuits.Al . 1411742 rtr l ; l t-T" l r\ l ; l t"l *r ."-DE6rr-----l r.rblhb-l"- - -:-,1 . ; : t AI äp Porr No.0349o-66501 Rev E a -5V t-F@ lLJF l a +5V a +r7V a -r7V a +30V B. a a D w2 w3 h-,,dn - .3 o vI Faq l_l l"l B E ] . GNO a o P P P s b b ? a A w4 - P t P t Pt b \ W5 a D \ f \ u/6 W7 a Pt ' wB a . D O T I N O I C A T E S P O W E RS U P P L Y END OF JUMPER A IA I 3490A-B- 29A! h p P o r t N o .0 3 4 9 0 - 6 6 5 2 1 öEEEE1iEE I xPf*trt*r+9e' -R4- t-Tf,rl t--1 I | l c a B L EI t H l Lll-JjJ glw I I .E ood | -Rr8- TTfn0000000000 hp PortNo.03490- 665t3 M A r N C T R C U TATS S E T V B (L0y3 4 9 0 - 6 6 5 0 r ) RATIO REFERENCE ASSEMBLY OPTION O8O (O349O.66513) I N O T EI wr I +sv---------. wl notl FR.M I -l7v ------d b---l7V 9 PowER i SUPPLY w 4 N o r EI I | +sov ---=J*-b-+Jov L tt t2 l Ltf 2 ""Z?-Jl ( F 8\4{ 7 B 6 ' (LDFC) RATIO L TO DATA OUTPUT To u3ol (4) t5 lo c30l o.l R3o7 NOTESI I . R 3 I I . R 3 2 O .A N DJ U M P E RW S I-W4 LOCATED ON AIAI. 2 . J U M P E RW I R E S W N - W O A R E R E M O V E D IF R A T I OO P T I O NI S I N S T A L L E D .P R I N T E D C I R C U I TB O A R D , - h p -P A R TN O .O 3 4 9 O - 6 6 5 2 6 S U P P L I E DW I T H R A T I OO P T I O NM . U S TB E INSERTED I N J 6 T O M A K E T H E S EC O N N E C T I O N S I N O R D E RT O O P E R A T EI N S T R U M E NW T ITH R A T I OA S S E M S L YR E M O V E D . 3 . + R E F . + R E F S E N S E .A N D I N P U TT O I N V E R T I N G A M P A L L C O N N E CTTO S A M EP O I N TO N A 2 ( A 2 U 2 P I N z O L 4. tF rT ts NECESSARY TO REPLACEOCR3OI,R3O6,30S,3rO, 3 I 3 , 3 I 4 , A N D 3 I 5 M U S T A L S O B E R E P L A C E DT . HESE MATCHEDRESISTORS ARE SUPPLIEDWITH THE REPLACEMENT REFERENCE OCR3OI. 5. I F U I I S N O I S YR , EADINGS W I L L 8 E O U TO F TOL€RANCEAT THE LOW END. 6. I F R A T I O B O A R DI S P U T T I N GR E A D I N GI N T O REPLACEU5. OVERLOAD, copy R ,GHT | 97 2 By H EwL ETT - pa-cxm-oTrplnv- +R I + | / v ro R3Or, u3ot(7) + t7v R E F E R E N CP E O L A R I T YL O G I C : D AMPLIFIER + REF INPUI INPU'T /^"'i;;' \y \y +REFERENCE SUPPLY wo NOTE R3t6 to.oK INVERTING AMPLIFIER F R3r7 20 NOTEI a I -REF - REF R 3t 3 2.662K R3t4* 200 INPUTT FROIVJ +REFS FROI\4 JI R3t5+ 50 Figr R E F E R E N CP EO L A R I T YL O C I C : FOR INT LOW FOR + REF INPUT -t (HRAP) R A T | OP O L T O A t U 4 0 t( 2 7 ) 8 T H R US , / HO P T I O NI 8 J6 I cR8 4.75V I w8 WN NOTE2 ( HI NP ) INPUT POL FROM AIU22(8J 7 HIGH FOR + INPUT LOW FOR - INPUT | - l l ---------r6 AI U30 a t 3 u t -4 a ,'^'. -.\-/.- { T O PV r E W ) \Z \Y K - 9 INVERTING AMPLIFIER , I u3o! ->---t- io':l-.1*1' R *5#3 - R E Fr o J r ( L ) l I N P U T T O I I I V E R T I N GA M P I FROM Jr(9) I la I ^--s E rN o r E 3 + REFSENSE r c o r vJ r l a l + R E F r 0 J t( J ) I ) 5 Figure7-22. SchematicDagram, Referenceand Ratio C i r c u i t sA , 1, A13. 7431744 -5V g-l)wc + 17VC-t) Wx -17v6-DwI 4az | aaaa +sv(t-!rwJ o--trwx f -- a--;l t \-!:-- --l-f r s t l _---:)-J a-'^iDa-DZ 2 Jt | (((t,{r | r-u------J99 3 ; ; - t ' -T ---- r-\ I ß t-' :;.: r i: ,iä:r .;ä:, ( * 9sö$! ?ääij'O *1 ':';ß?;;i-:,*$1,sE1i;V ----,, F.---*-a ,."8.E*.E+E,.E l l " n " | | l:l lt - l l " L - r "fT l'l .L_t a fil . l l =l- l ,l T-T l-l N' T_l' I l a L lil r* l -l l :t:''i,t"",. l FffiilHffiffi:tr r. r -.1 ;'l .X ..;e!i - ._ _ , - i i . ' .'o,ffi ';";! .ll l:lt ri.ä-i.i::. i:: ;:j lli |@S*E oirrr:r:*l*o r',u,E '[ E':- I[---.'* -rrr -ä*,ä nil;;;'ilji ---1;_lr, i:sri:iii;:f.l'iir.:i;i... O t i3 ritsiirifrs? 5!::!i: .L o e o,= 5 _ @@O@O i i i } i i i i i Si : ! r Tl fi .::.r .n fl .'i.älf ..i !.U., [ ü ü **r6*tsWi#i@o@o@€mo,om d 'n' , . 1 i oa l'l P' oa [u8, v "r1" l l G R O U N D C I A C U I T J U M P E RW I B € S O N M A I N C I R C U I T A S S E M B L YA 1 It ' ll !|J- AI tlp Port No.0349O'66501 Rev E L E T T E A S A O W NB E S I D E GFOUNDSYMBOLON S C H E M A T I CI N O I C A T E S J U M P E FW IF E O E S I G N A T I O N J U M P E R SM A Y 8 E A E M O V E D D U R I N GT B O U B L E S H O O T I N G T O I S O L A T E I N O I C A T E DP O B T l O N S O F T H E C I B C U IT 3 , / o A l I M A r Nc t R c u r Ta s s E M B L y( o 3 4 9 o - 6 6 5 o t ) DATA COUNTER CLOCK +5V 7 o.ol (LTXF) TRANSFER L FROM UI8(6) (HCDC)CLEARDATACOUNTER F R O MU 2 3 ( 8 ) ?r ( L T X F )T R A N S F E R F R O MU t 8 ( 6 ) NOTE I 4Mi;Q 3.333[iz FoR /\/ 5OHzOPERATTON +5V (LCDC) CLEAR OATA C O U N T E RL F R O MU I 6 ( 4 ) 7 l-r.o*. " BH n i!g!"?if'iJj scaN FROM POWER+5V SUPPLY U8 aH LscaN Rtl tzK LSHC F R O MU 6 ( STATE CLOCK FROM POWER SUPPLY -5v---dä-!-- -" IP*33|]3 c R r, 7 -1 8/s l- * ou T-.] | l L l o v U8 (H S H C ) F R O MU 6 ( 7 ( H S C X )S T A T E C L O C KH T O U 1 7 ( 3 ) , AJ r3 ( 4 ) ,A rJ 7 i l 3 ) ,A rJ 8 0 O ) 7 1 3 1 6 t 5 ( L S C K )S T A T EC L O C KL a T O U 7 ( 9 ) ,U 1 6 i l 8 ) U , 1 7 ( i l )r NOTES, t . r F GRYSTAL MAY CAIJSENOrsE IN .NO|SY, L I F IN TO INSTFUMENTCOUNTSCONTINIJOUSLY TEST 'I, U8 MAY NOT 8E s,I/ITCHING LOW STATE. FROMPOWERSUPP I I I coLFf üa;ir6?tdiffffi FicaRDöo-iim-i- 3 UF F E R S DATABIT O H O A T AB I T C H . \. 'r./ , > - DATA BIT B H . F- I >.L/ T I M I N GC O U N T E R TO OISPLAYAND , DATAOUTPUT J I l._ :ATA BIT A H to,@oF --i rm,@ c@{rs $@OR eo,ooo --l couNrs I--\------lJ | \ I I I | 7 T I M E C O U N T2 (HTC2) TOUt5(t3) ( H r c 4 )T r M EC O U N4T T O' , a , O ' I ( H r c s ). M E c o u N r 8 r o u r 5 a 4 ) \ 7 T I M E C O U N TI (LTCr) T OU t 5 i l ) ( H r c r 6T ) ' M Ec o u N T1 6 T o u r 5 r s ) | ? | ( H r c 3 z )T I M Ec o u N r 3 2 r o u r s t r z tI, u r 8 i l 3 ) u. 2 2( 2 ) ) t H - r 7I (L C r C ) C L E A RT I M EC O U N T E LR F R O MU t 6( t ) T I M I N GC O U N T E R OUTPUTS COUNTS sior'rar + I7V FROM POWERSUPPLY H T CI Hr.c2 HTC4 HTCS H T CI 6 HTC32 PERIOD 6OHz LINE sOHzLINE + r o , o o o +roo.ooo * t o , o o o + roo,ooo+ro,ooo+ roo,ooo ro,ooo roo,ooo 5mS 6OnS 20,ooo 200,ooo l 0 m S IOOmS l2mS l20mS 40,ooo 400,ooo 2OmS 2OOmS 24mS 24OmS 80,ooo 800,ooo 4 0 m S 4OOmS 48 mS 480mS r60,ooo r , 6 0 0 , o o o EOhS SOOmS 9 6m S 95OmS 320.OOO 3 , 2 0 0 , o o o l 6 O m S r . 6s 1 9 2m S t.92S + r 2 v T o u 9 ( 2 8 ) ,7 u40t(28) g -6V TORil,R44I I Figure 7-23. SchematicDiagram,Clock and Counters, 7451- - 5v c.lJ wc 4 f , 2 +t7v(t-\)wH -t7v 6\wr | aaaa +5v 6!wJ $ o YELO ti\.- BLUO c l rrHTo I OBRN t 2 t 4 5 6 ? 8 9 r O i l 1 2 1 3 1 4 a a a a a a a o a o a o o a -aö ---. t| |T | : r l i i r t i--a i| Tr ;! r !---tö; i ; r i l : i l i i i l l I iTT | r r l l l l i i A5 hp Port No. 0349O-66505 C I R C U I TS I D E OREO .O8LK i ++++ r ' ! ! I I | I r l I I i'---1 | i i i i *"-r.t tE-oro-u*oi M A | N C T R C U TATS S E M E L Y( 0 3 4 9 0 - 6 6 5 0 t ) ffiJ-*orie-r*E a H(HFFA) [-rurucrroru .1 Z rslrqr'l 6o R A, rt t t - 'i\-X-!-l i'ii oG ]-- l l_rur.r,o*rr,rro,_$;11*|3 t - n q N a e ^ r , *I .l ,* ' il ,, I H'**'iL ,E;:ll:;'l RANGE [-.o*0..",r*.,j# ^".^.r" 'ä;glYr ---$P RArE a HtHssar l-saucr-e 7 r o o , u . o ]s a M p LREA T E B( H s s B ) i I l * | - cH,rrr., ''t''fl*l* l-ro"r..RArE J {-#'-d.ir'l .i ,.*.ol"o.o. I i'! r -, R9 --)}f l-r*atl Honuallv cuoseotr-r'rr'rct 7roatu241 | ll oeer.r(LMNO) tuuHot--)-!l l- r,raHNoRMALLY +5V i i.-l,. I r7t i s5B I IMANI I | | o*c SAMPLERATE S5A |.qdFl 2 6 7 g l?adil :: L qhi l l" - .. 1i r" < \) " *1 -l fJ r,,, I I o r *-1 ! - . l | . l "f l I - \ 9 FR.M REAR) tvreweo r -:r A S S E M B L (YO 3 4 9 O - 6 6 5 0 5 ) ,l lFUNcroNl ;UNCTIONBIT FUNCTION 8 A L H AC H L 0c L L TEST H H I =HIGH.+4.OV OR GREATER O = L O w . OT O + O . 5 V l- fl lFaN6E-l s4 Ft tcTtoN s3 (SHOWNWITHAUTO SELECTEO) /A /-\' RANGE o . rv ( K o ) . tv (Ko) r o v( K o ) roov(Ko) rooov(Ko) r 0 . 0 0 0K n f -\1, o4 RANGEBII C B A H H L H L H H L L L H H L H L L L H l I (VIEWEOFROMLEFT) l=HIGH= +4.OV ORGREATER o=Low=o To +o.5v S A M P L ER A T EB I T C B A I HOLD 6 7 I 9 FAST H H H H H L L L L H H H L L H H L L H H L H L H L H L DELAY (STD) i H d H H H H H NOTES. I. I F TROUELEIS ISOLATEDTO THE 45 . BOARD.CHECK HIGH AND LOW LEVELS. ' .o s t . 2s ts SOOhS 6OOmS 40OmS 2OOhS o O . L O W = OT O + O . 5 V R6 2.2K r.r - err - plc-xlno aOMpÄNt- 34904- D-28t4 11 Figure7-28. SchematicDiagram,Function, Range,and Sample Rate Switches.A5. 7-ss17-s6 eJ e : t ll l : llpl al a +F ? ? lUl l t-t f FHI K J t l t t , = t"l T-T l I l c l - l l | t l | R41_l---c25-- tjfi , I F -.; | - a__=!83-r '*' '' -J lul ,F__- =sÄl-[--lt-i-] '/ | Y:ff' ,- @-: ! lRl rc?zI i t'l | [J ^9 l ' l * B|--- . 1P2 $ütE@ü$$ ftf$l$lr?q +iElEl+ il++ | lu6D r t t ' M ,\ @@ -'.." l l l toTl l-_l;l-l Y3 g I ( o s )| I Y I t-t | - lfl- |t l ***re4***l l,lu t " l ;l6t -ct- Qj,J rPt r r t o r o r f - l , , , . +' I t 3 l f+f + I A6 ,rp Pofl No. 03490-66506 Rev B l-t-=""+t, + | r--l ./ | | | rpt rPa r o r o r l--'1, n*nlul+++ l'l tffl-.; # 6-r;=-1--:.'hl.u ..Jl$#;lul I U rilitFt+ =8Et-l-l l-sJ I-I-: 'E++ : r . - - '- t- -t -i * l l " l t' ? Y t |ll | T_T I l l ö l ' - ! l r l I x r l ; l tt t -R,B-----lTtl--R4a-n : +E : ':Yl-\ r S E l nl | eJ ' k_-i l l - . 1 --1 -ctl l [ rilf ? I-;-l \--z | | i-_-----t -@- I I Rra f- | 1"6") @@ .'-.'- *+++++++++++@ $$ F+F+++F+F @"9.' "+*ge****l Ä' -;;l@l a l . - 2 1 - , l.l K2I lTq ,tp PorfNo.03490-66506 Rev C NOTE 1: Rev.B requiresA6R44 in the cableassembly;Rev. C has AOR44 mounted on the board. lf the 46 boardis replaced,exercise careto assureA6R44 is not in the cableassemblyif Rev.C is used to replaceRev.B. l,lr +T [A6T* .*""; tI ;r*.*' *;-..u*, ,T ",,-[- ATTENUATOR NOTE 3 lOpF llNPUil HIGH (LAC I ) I Rtl 6.O4K AIJz Ac lN ENABLE t- ---|(h 2.4-24.5 pF I ( toov ?' ( H I R C I R A N G E C X 1 , , | \'TO At U2il F ADJ toov xo.ol r*_T_ V, ^cK+ "'"1 -t7v - HF ADJ TEN +tzv ---f(re (r l +5v --+ 1 €t €t Z>1 zr zv No ofso-]3 9X.l s310N 1 uyooo'ol ' l - Hl o y oool ' l H nxool olol üyl ült.o H H H ' l - i H o3so't3 ^v't3a 39NVUu8 f9NVA 39NVU :tr'-Ei --- -{."1 \_ra -r _ H 3 3 9 N V U -rF.4 ---l s^t L" mJ. =''^F ""Q4" .\y', no*J F H 8 3ONVU (ffll^ dof ) rsnxo-) H V NOITONNJ lr e 3eNvu-J Hv Norr.cNn.r + ", ,oro, ,arart r).|-- -t snHo(unor) (gt)tornrv or it t l t'. I i l_ , v norlrr,rn: {v:rx)[li,i.,,JBl flt *co",c'ifl3?;5fö )ertv l lo 001 [rO ( 10999-06t90) l.18n3SSv 0vLl6s-L 'rV 'relJo^uoJ .gE-1arn8rg surq6'urur8erq crlerueqcs 8t .9Ntw'1d3u lndNt ot ^ l- AO ^l ^ol ^l I | J I l-------11 lmdNt 39N I ssoucv ),,* l3unos l'N3UUnC 3 3 N 3 U 3 J 3 UU 3 t 3 N l t H O l;U r--r GNO a @ o @@ I a oI -l g 14 l-u' l 7 I t . l I I s l r l i J ü ? ; ? T I T T T T T ? 9f| I E = E , t F N o l l @ f| I| t c r a o a a a o t4 lt I 429 hp porf N o . l l l l S - 2 6 5 0 1 Rev. A Ul,U2 A22Al A22Al hp PortNo.o349o-66522 3490A-A-5002 422A2 42242 hp pott No.03490-66523 422 hp PortNo.0349O-60302 1M1 aSSEMBLY 3äY'ä'^i äT?"lTl'-?'.1.'.i" (LEXE)4EITERNALENCOoE 7 Z'"'+.gntl,"*LS-* ! .sv--<+{lk,l rsv < !ri I Il A N vr--{*g+ ä y5rxrrat FUNcroN er J 13,15 (HFRA)RANGE l;j-rrc*or or-Xi l l iffü' J '.,i.it.".'.)(HFRB)RANGE''--t-.i-t'.*'rRANGEBH}roa'uzr/ l;1-rt".ct tr.*.r RANGE cH-i ]-tL tu "f .! "l ,r, I , u ,! t ro#1a1 | .#,.,-J ,,,".'" .,"l,." l,i ,^'" I (35) ( 3 3 )I I (3r) ) I (2e)I TOPVIEW = t r ll ur-uz = Ttl_J% f F +5VI HOLDL i': P R I N T E RH O L D O F +F .T ! t t i DAra FLAG - ( 4 7) I i l l.. i t27) ) rour(r3) I | | I i -\: l I l t22) (48) I &Y g h I G "]--*^--.'en' * A N E i s E R v I j:-E M A N ( o 3 4 9 0- 6 0 3 0 6 ) GUARO ar5A2 | O U T G U A R O: (o3490-665r6)l HIGH LOW S H I F TR E G I S T E R S a^ Qc ac oe 0_ +5vr---1i1+;4 QG ,-gj-l I R5Fl 6.aK> r--< v COMMAN D *sv ---jI *5V -{rq +5V I l l O U T G U A R DP O W E R S U P P L Y A S S ' Y (o3490 - 6650S) +' 5- '\ / r. F R O T VO U T G T J A R D POWERSUPPLY +svrt'2 ,:)+. I fr2' V. | ,,r,.r, .,, ur, 4 2 , 4 3 ,5 0 ) I | (t6) zfu*-rrot I .o>i---qo .l *;| ,rr I "l 1 5 1f z J ,r, J 83 ,o+(4)l . >f--- a TO REARPANEL DATA OUTPUT CONNECTOR J6 ,' ^' -r { 3I ö , RANGE C - \ V" OUT \ \ ' 7--r48t DATA FLAG I 15 Figure 742. SchematicDagram, Data Output Option 021, 49. Al0. A15. 74317-64 A t l H t l hp Pott No.O349O-665t1 R e v .C 1 6 r 6 9 1 4 8 r- ,x--l * f--,t-l * 1 1 r,il t 1 , 7 4 8 7 l { 6 F;] t 7 ä----------jr-----q * ++JJ iu;i t r r t l - l I Al2 ,o.oo-"1.""" hp port tJo,03490-66512 FLAT SIDE OR coLoR 007 6r \ - / l t t rr rr. l l | | | N ro** l ; ; E o t l g q @ Tr'' \ - . / ,[:]" | 6 | /'\5 (:?' l*"1 i{ (o3) | | t ' ' a AITAI hp Port No. 03490-665t7 5490A-A- 5001 - At7A2 At7 hp Port No.O349O-60308 h p P o r t N o o0 3 4 9 O - 6 6 5 1 8 | T N G U A RRDE M o T Ea s s E M B L yo p l o N o z 2 ( o 3 4 9 o - 6 6 5 t r ) A| | I l a I I A J7 J l t . r-T<. w +5V < w -A \ 'r v^ ,^ tu | I I l K / -( ff+sv I. Tr,, t-J r (HSC) SCAN C H __12 rO AtpZ (rZ) |\ I I (HSA)SCANAH ,,I ___\ s p 2 { t o ) ro At V (- scar,rn H i l c2 82OpF (HSCK)STATECLOCK___L/ r A e Toatu4(9) r\P LOCAL/ REMOTE FLIP- FLOP DTSPLAY AssEMBLy i I -f( . nruruur'rcraron lO REMoTE a5V TO AI P2 (I8) (LRLD} LOCAL/REMOTE 5 MULTIPLEXERS t5 ( L R M T ) R E M O T ES E L E C T T 0 a r J S ( 5 ) . A r J 5t O ) +5V SCAN A H --ri r l l l ____J-/ t2 \N t l -{; -k,u -r,' I , --+( o t / t \ v | / -' --T-\ RANGE A F t l i; l l i RANGE 8 N l RANGE C I. i l -T\' \- <- i l l l i. l --la" 9 U r t-- l- n ornv tt"-'ttl,t3 |rc:euvu -r'iöui x 1 LH v lgNvu ';- t l ; i : l A'r-__*5; l l ;- -'--Tilil'r^'. / ) , \-----l z t >_jj' r r=: lii I su31sr93u tl rHs )'.'t l ^g+ > 421 :- ^v'130 )13013 I c t 9 0 ' 1t v t l N l n o S s ;c: ri_ Q.rg99-06,90) ^,ssv ouvngNl l=_?fi,ii!E!g Bä ' ä- ,TY *-1-"v tfl* -.i _,,:H r i h l q Asffi *1--s'- sE,Rvt_- I AJtlil;o-'*il1".i'I ;;;;, GUARD rruouano ass'i'l oürnrono oss'.,I (o349o-66517) | (o349o-665t8) | U5 -FLOP AR 5V r500 LOCKDELAY 0.039 SHIFT EGISTERS \^o l/ +5VI I (HMDB) +5V -] r5v Lov {nrolat ?l7K To Dc swtrcHtNcI l']-,,",., itII I HOLDBH ".>- ?6'^Tr%r,.. r__+ i I5 I.r, I r Hsauplezrolo n"oel E/ HOLD M uoor O D EL I I I ,l..,lyl , | 'l lrru lto srr aruar-ocl/ *'^ " - " )-J .[?.,f t o Mu 4'6-iee( t s t | --,*J 1g Figure 7-35. SchematicDiagam, Sample/HoldLogic Circuits,A2g. 74917-70 fI jil ;l r'" : i _ ä t" j TableT-7. AlphabeticalListingof 349OAGplB l/O Mnemonics. :l ".., .:a. :::;: AAA AAB AAC AAD AAE ADT AOH ATR AUT CDS CLK CRA CRB cRc cRs ;ä *,'$ ".ä _;3 1ä ,..r1 -J DAC DAV DCA DCB DCC DCD DFC DFL Drol Dto2 Dl03 Dl04 Dto5 Dt06 DloT DroS DMA DMB DMC DMD DOA DOB DOC DOD DPP EOP ETF ETR EXE FAT FFA FFB FRA FR8 FRC GTI GTR HLD IDS IFA IFB Assigned Address Bit A Assigned Address Bit B Assigned Address Bit C Assigned Address Bit D Assigned Address Bit E Addressed to Talk ASCII Output Bit H Autorange Programmed I nternal Autorange Clear Designator Counter System Clock C o m b i n e d R a n g eB i t A C o m b i n e d R a n g eB i t B Combined Range Bit C Clear Remote Storage Data Acceoted Data Valid Data Counter Bit A Data Counter Bit B Data Counter Bit C Data Counter Bit D Data Function C (Ratio) Data Flag Data Input/Outpur Bit 1 Data Input/Output Bit 2 Data Input/Output Bit 3 Data lnput/Output Bit 4 Data Input/Output Bit 5 Data Input/Output Bit 6 Data Input/Output Bit 7 Data Input/Output Bit 8 Decoder Bit A Decoder Bit B Decoder Bit C Decoder Bit D Data Output Bit A Data Output Bit B Data Output Bir C Data Output 8it D Displayed Polarity End Output External Trigger Flag Externäl Trigger External Encode Front Panel Autorange Front PanelFunction Bit A Front PanelFunction Bit B F r o n t P a n e l R a n g eB i t A F r o n t P a n e l R a n g eB i t B F r o n t P a n e lR a n g eB i t C Guard Transfer I nitiate Guard Transfer Receive Hold I ncrement Designator Counter Internal Function Bit A H p r e c e d i n gm n e m o n i c m e a n s H I G H i s t r u e ; toA toB toc toD IRA IRB rRc lsH ITK MRE MRO MXA MXB MXC MXD MXE NPD ODE ODS OEN oEo orA orB orc oro otM OVL PSA PSB PSC PSD PSE PSF PSG PSH oF1 OLF REN RFD RLD RMT RST SA SB SC SCK sDo SHD SHM SHP SPD SRO SSD TKO L meansLOW is true. Internal Function Bit B lnguard to Outguard Data Bit Inguard to Outguard Data Bit lnguard to Outguard Data Bit Inguard to Out$rard Data Bit I n t e r n a l R a n g eB i t A I n t e r n a l R a n g eB i t B lnternal RangeBit C Inhibit Sample/Hold lnhibit Talk Only M u l t i p l e R e s p o n s eE n a b l e Multiple ResponseOverride Multiplexer Select Bit A Multiplexer Select Bit B Multiplexer Select Bit C Multiplexer Select Bit D Multiplexer Select Bit E New Programming Data Output Data Enable A B C D Output Data Select Output Enable Output Enable Override Outguard to Inguard Data Bit A Outguard to lnguard Data Bit B Outguard to Inguard Data Bit C Outguard to Inguard Data Bit D Outguard to lnguard Multiplexer Select Bit Overload Present State Bit A Present State Bit B Present State Bit C Present State Bit D Present State Bit E Present State Bit F Present State Bit G P r e s e n tS t a t e B i t H Oualifier Bit 1 Oualifier Bit Remote Enable Ready For Data Remote LE D Remote Ooeration Reset Scan A Scan B Scan C State Clock Store Data for Output Sample/Hold Delay Sample/Hold Mode Sample/Hold Program Store Programming Data Service Request Set Stored Data Flip-Ftop Talk Only OUTGUARD TO INGUARO DATA STATE CLOCK LOCAL/REMOTE SELECTION I6 LINE TO I LINE MULTIPLEXEF REMOTE ANNUNCIATOA DRIVE AEMOTE SELECT TO SAMPLE/HOLO EXTEBNAL TRIGGEF ENABLETOg9O LOGIC + INHIBITSAMPLE/HOLO, TO S/H LOGIC '.. ' OUTGUANO TO INGUAAO DATA STATE CL@K RESET LOCAL/REMOTE $ECTION SLECTtOil GUARO TRANSFER RECEIVE I ouo"o r"^n"., I REcErw I I6 LINE TO 1 LINE MULTIPLEXEF 'AAGE CLOCKS 5 LINES' MENUFEMENT OUNUT DATA FnoM gs DISLAY AND LOGICCIRCUIE C O P Y R I G H Tt 9 7 3 B Y H E W L E T T - P A C K A RC OO M P A N COUNTER oEcooERS 434U4 ASUI, u2 EXIERNAL TFIGGEA ENABLE TO g9O LOGIC INHIAIT SAMPLE/HOLD TOS/H LOGIC CONTROL LINES G P I EA U S @NTROL LINES L. TD IRANSFE R f=w SY$EM CL@K LISTEN,TALK ADDRE$ SELECTION FC COMPANY Figure7-36. BlockDiagram ,3490A GPIBVO Circuits. 7-7117-72 O+5 FI E OGND I ililililililnil11 434 hp Port N o . O 3 4 9 O - 6 6 5 3 4 R e v .A l24-----r3-l I l, ut I L l' ,rl kt trlE 436 hp Porr N 0 . 0 3 4 9 0 - 6 6 5 3 6 Rev A [---l' ' or5 I ;>- li rol98rfii'lV 9io"rr(orurr Ol Br sl ' (9)8flv o1 \ i o r ) g n t vo r n)---t(IftU'l) 1 I3313S 31Oft3U 'l lv"llo H/s (oHsx I I 'r frvueoud xzs tansrt8l A9+ A9+ - {}}9ror x v norrclnrtvrul fet'ot le2 (SJHU { € NOU.]NnJ -(J)8r Or s NorroNnr rerrnrlH-.3J.rl!f5 v NorroNnr rvrrxrJrfillj il o > - i - H v 3 e N v(uv 8 c H ) l '. I lrznrvor i>its3eNvuteucx)fZ .+ H c : c r . r v{uc u c x } J t. i (er) 6rnrvor H ornv (rnvH)z i-t l r i r>t- r ornv trv:Hl'l '\+- , c teNvutcu:xrI tt11;193 t X- r s 3eNvu rsurxrI rffil ^"'tn*ro(ttn?3oo%lo%ttono* I i sosr I s ^ o t, z v 83x3'ldlr'ln$l s 9l 0 3 23 ll39Q € L t --)r,H f .,---2 n!-f nn* zf - --) slinur- - -) I ,rzr* ertv l'rstl3ssv (9C! tt F^%ä!sJ.o!$"u"' I o,raI ',tuf,r 3+r7v -tzv--L{e -rzv f .uu i-<," f +sv T--<"e-l ü t ü F- lrsK 7v+sv : ' l -' l l - FIf",, - lI r ,) u7 MULTIPLEXER l***" }PSE HPSD FROil U8,9 @UNTER A FROMAIUI V [ +5v +5v +5V +5V l, .nn f TO ROM INPUTS(U5) ,o '',. -!s]!r;. _tgts) ";_|_ r_oro | HArR >,o>'i- narn ] iqs)'>JHorc I rota >z ;{- ro't I L_!ela)., >_l__xora 20 [?,il9Bäloo'o* us READ oNLY MS,|ORY .*Jil e rcrn f )-.1-+5v 7 0 I I I I 2 I iC HPSB ro f HPSA xooo I I I )!xooc AIJS ExrERtrlaL ;" \IJLEXE) , TRIGGERENABLEL i I INHIBIT ,' -" \ L ( L I S H ) / SAMPLE/HOLD L __J13 7 t8 )_l_r_soo ,-^st--)l ;-l--.r.t >-l- HDoE HDCB +5V R8 toK TO INGUARD ^^ 4tJ G P I SI S O L A T I O N HIR8, H IFA g F-nooa HOCA HIRA | 0,,. f !E+;Fo'l "rne r ^. | | --------" /1-o) | szxuooe 18 ,o J %:f " ^ fnarce/ lff?"f:i''' u | -----^ /-1-^l _... I xrra >r)j-u-ftutttroN IiE],$nrucc1 ü o ' J* u ' > , f o r L FR.M a36 lt HoPPr > >--r--eor-J 3490/O30- E-32r7 19 Figure 7-37. SchematicDiagram, Inguard program and ROM Assy's, A34, A36. 1-1317-74 $i$ F@+p+F%o ' E E l l tu' ro'_ro*++++++++ _l l l t " ' I ur-l 430 hp Port No. 03490-66530 lf an optical isolatoris to be replaced,see Section Vlll, Backdating,ChangeNo. 9 table to determine correct part number. ul -u11 CATHOOE ;3f? 'S?o 'ti. 'lä?fr?ox?E'i6q*1Eefi'&x?ot'tr'n .? +++lr++ ++ +++ ++ ++ ++ ocND [:J @ @@@ @ + 435 hp Port No.03490-66535 Rev.A | ^ "ETGpr I -rl?ul'F5-ß-olqrroil Ä's-- (03490-66535, I r l rt *uu +sv ..r'-l ^l I i t I +5V R8 6.8K + R9 6.8K A + 5 VI n r zA HIOA +5vr HGTR a ä33 +5V ::: ^\ +5V 4.7K R2 ,A. tsoo 6 Rl7 ^\ R2r Ä\ zzo o R 5 , A t500 a I C O P Y R , G I ' 9 7 3 8 Y i € W L E T T - P A C X A R DC O M P A N Y R28 /A, 1500 B Ht o c A '$'"' +5Vl Rl3 Ä\ 220 4 HIOA R25 tsoo "Ä\ HODE T OJ t ( 9 ) HOEN FROM JI (16) t-oEo FROMJI(I3) lre A !ä3a HOIM F R O MJ I ( T ) ,gLA HPSH FROM JI (P) t3 H DI O 2 R I 9 A 22O a Rt4 6.8X 3 H O | OI II HRMT H ET R rROM JI (F) R r 8a 220 4 Rr7 /d 220 ö HRsr o R3O,6. RI7 A t500 i3 R2r Ä. 220 4 R 5 A . l5OO a Hr.lP0 FROM JI (I5) |? TO OUTGUARO M O T H E RE O A R D 4 Z L0to2 9 LDIOI I ?l fllff^",'Jg*" E5 A B C O E7 2 lnnF +iö-ritsr Ez g1 EO E4 R23 + svi u4 MULTIPLEXER W I .o or.nroro orrl assv f Etz Erl L RF O 2l E9 _-?'u :iaM Jr(T) ,: *xN _ ECM JI(P) ' 3 -:r03 7 t7 = 1 . , J 1( F ) z -..ri r : : M J r0 5 ) . + 5Vl RI I X l + t t T k r + 5 VI R2 K )-i R3 6 . 4K I " fbÄiÄÄ;;;"- 2| xaorJ I I I HETRI !HL c , orR F R O M o U T G U A R o üöllin" eölÄo" \! - I H O E N\ H O t Mi I.,PSH. ---.-:-7 )--L ( l 2 | -l xoeru q:ra;ano .^,., H o t M l-rnoua - s s i - " ,2 | lnoü i>--1- HPSH J + L E O P F R O MO U - G U A R D M O T H E RB O A R O I 2? 11 c2 pF 39OO tr^ zv Figure 7-38. SchematicDiagram,GPIB IsolationAssemblies,A30. A35. 7-7517-76 l t 1l ll I - zvo l--------r-s-l l-ll | " l' - :l i 3 l J l l u 3 t4 - Ri------l 432 @ ;3 i' l l ,' ' l |+ T| t +o öFo"F lt -lf T"T l i j { ffi ffi iäl z l u 4 'zl r_". J P E r - lt I o.!----l3_-_Jr]It | | | t_L^r.sl-------l -ä 'Tl l O+rzv hp porr No. 03490-66532 RevA r.l LJ n l u eI LJ ililtf ililtf ill No. 03490-66533 RevA | ASSEMELY -Ässi. U T G U A- R D Ö^ TO GPIB O ZU rsor-ÄrröH HAor r.1TO GPIB OUTGUARD 4vtsoLATtoN AssY. HRFD 1X 'LG 'TO OUIGUARO MOTI.I€REOARO HRFD J t Ii I lrrx HMRO T OJ 2 i('<--= r-oos---L{rs(-: 20A%ll?i8*o1lg9lRo r-oosl xreo rnou I <-- HAoHJ J L xrpo -.4{,. <-- -l - ^voH 08vo8 u3H10n 08vn9rno or zz €vvH< e (-- cvvH< r<-- zz : 0 8 v o s u 3 H 1 0 w ovvH< <-- 08vn0Lno iloul fvvH+<; -- oz \-' / \_ '/ / onoH - .-lzl)€n or ossH - - l1O1 :- l. (zss9-o6t90) ^r8!,llssv no8 ouvne.rnoj_ll t lr:v :J ' g ) g nl o u l-t3zr8ft ftor: :-.lCs 8L-LILL-L . tty, Zty .selquressy 1,qgg pupetr?C pren31n6,urur8erq rrtr?uoqcs.6E_1ern8rg l 7 > v T v s d H- - < t^^ oz.,J,irYJg il'r-%"] ::': - I " " -\ - - odvos ,rr-,0^ l-tao" 6O c 8 v n 9 - r noor 5 . ^ . . -{i 1 'so" , -i{ I osar ' J>dF----\ I v OZ.Ä..31.J?il!.oosl-',sa" ]1-.., ,,l o I I I ( ' r )z f r € v _ , . . (-( e) Z fl g v_ a z z i_ r rroH t.röH HsdH I 9n esdHI rsdH. i € r r Iu :SdH. r/'{our asdH. ] lsdH_ ] I esar-rI L vsdH- #m+äüü* \_____________v= S J - n d N lZ n O r I c^norff I 08vne1n0L_/ ZZ.9'"I3?'ü'?'591] I L ,x j E 5 : +':_ ; 0 r^E+_i1 rnzr*_( 3 - 5 ; : , n z*r ea t\ I I : '1. ,f 6 !5) 4 Wtl I oL] o -cR3- o -cR5- ''' ,Jl o E -c8 -CR4-R3 -" -c4-c6-R13- -c3 -co- J2 J3 tT----l f--.-f ä= | " I I'o | :plr:*i'l;il* -A;.:'li il 3:LrKo @ t- o : ' i l 14 - Rlo-Rll-cR6- @ J A3I hp Port No.oi49o-6653t RevA I | FF? ; : .< 549O/O3O-B-re AOORESS JUMPERS ^Nvdr/'tof, ouvvcvd-Il3"lr\3H^€ €16t r I I 0^ o to.o4P z . z orq* I ,,^,0,."o,, ^ -i- . l rAq+ ""* ^9?'+ wou' b + | s€ ,) €-r- rvvr-l 0 s 3 t - r d d n su 3 / v \ 0 d0 3 r v - l o s l (--+-ovvx I ^ s s vv r v o tz F +lvvH louvn9rnool s , I 5--1-'oo' ' v (r---r- vvvH J I l/r U3dY{nf \9rs u399r8f ot, sfsnJ3u ^'rrvNU3.l_x3 J3Wn81SN lrt I ,s3roN ^ssv Notlv'lost t\2 UI3l{ Ouvngam gtao Ot -. eI t99rur)v H/s tf r9v )9rul- -111 o3-'l.tv.tsNt No[do H/s ll O30OV U3WUOJSNVUI oNV 03AOI{3UUSdtlnf H/S l roo.o L) u:l99luI ^ssv 3t90'l oroxz:ranvs$ | or u399lulH/s I 2.8 9U ool bU ^ssv vlvo ._ ouvngrno wou.l I d >42.2 9lu 9Vll 1 V N U 3 1 X 3l I 3 ' l r8.9 68 l A9 + I r € s s s - 0 6 r ' 0- l ouvo€urHrov{ouvnsrnoI IEV oraI GUAROMOTHERBOARD . 90 - 6 5 5 3 | L E T F E X T E R N A L T R I G G E RF L A G GP I B CONNECTOR VIEWED FROM OUTSIDE REAR PANEL SAMPLE/HOLD TRIGGER +5Vr ä' TRIGGER CONNECTOR Jtl VIEWED FROMOUTSIDE REARPANEL NOrE I JUMPERREMOVEDANO TRANSFORMER ADDEO IF S/H OPTION INSTALLED S/H TTL TRIGGER tr 4iaa:' a ,:1 ' :.1t..:. S/H AC TRIGGER TN ü +5Vl tr NOTES' L IF INSTRUMENT IS BEINGPROGRAMMED EXTERNALLYRY GPIB SYSTEM ANO REFUSESTO SAMPLEVIA EXTERNAL TRIGGERSIGNAL.CHECKTO SEE IF J U M P E RW II I S I N P L A C E . s 8 , - I S O L A T E D P O $ / E RS U P P L I E S A0DRESSABLE --*-rAi'-xo4LY +lzvl AqtJ3 z (-i-- +rzv1 TOOUTGUARO ROMASSEMELY 2l I AY HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY 08-Ll6L-L ' I ' V 'prBog reqlot{ pr?n8lno'rue€e1qcrleruoqcs'671 arn8rg zz srze-r-oeozosre 0uvn91nostdg or Ortr OZ ^ssv Nou.vlost f ffi ,42.9 8U l l n oz^ssv No'v"losrouvnerno.,.0 o.,.{ :ott-l_ cvon-j) e ''''to) a r ,oo, lZ ^ssv vtv0 ouvncrnonorr{ orrrf , ouvnernoeracor orur ztisv>^ OZ ^ssv Norrv'rosr ouvn9rno nouJAvoH-+.J I lZ lssv wOU ouvngrnosrdg y{ourrooHI--} e OZ^ssv Nou.vrosr f^ssv vLvo ouvngrnoor nvor_Joz E4 i lrssv vrvo ouvngtno01 N3uH-1) I N stdg or rotdH-+J n OZ ^ssv Nolfvloslouvn9].no ., I Z ^ssv vrvo ouvnernoor r.oror;jt' ouvn9rnostdg WouJ roto'l --r_) z oz ^ssv Norrv"rost y{OUlHOVH ) A lZ ^ssv vtvoOuvngJ'no :-lzfp! ouvngrnosrdg ^ou*o,o-, n oz ^ssvNorw"losr ---J v I Z ^ssv $rououvnelnowou.l JsdH OZ ^ssv Notrviostouvn9lnosldg l^loulzoto"l-_-=) t lZ lssv l,iouo8vn9lnowosj 3sdH--r-t I oqvnelnosrde or rorol:-15 n OZ^ssv Norrv"losr Inlev I r IsoroH-r-) _€i . vI LsoroH lz ^ssv vrvo ouvncrnoorl r s s 9 9- 0 6 t € o 0 8 v o 8u 3 8 r o n 0 8 v n 9 l n o I-8 I0zo0z8Iol Inzv eSuBqJ A\8/r ob I ö)t 0I UIUpxJid.'zttuLsLo '8Iuzv ppv ^\ 8/I %|ö urupxJ:u '€ltürsro 'tldzv ppY z6€, gd pxJ:J'zztyosto'rJzyppv oooz I-9 sIqBI pu? 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OIn 77-2 antug eu11.p LrZ - o1 Äpcarp '771X3 eieyeq Z0In Jo 7 urd lceuuocpue tZI 97-7 emtug 0IJIV elaloC p7-7 atntug z-t't-tzY pu?gJzv elolec 15l{0SI ol gttgly a8ueq3 CrtI'0 ol r0S'90SCIVe8ueq3 gA 01 e8ueq3 Ln'O ISSJIV e0tJIV elolec puno$ pveLZTOIy 'Cd 'Z1t)Iv Jo rolcelloc ueoaleq 00t ppv oz-LernBrg 0lr00zgl ql I InI Iv oSwqJ gtg911gt ol gInI1y e8uuq3 t8S0{Z8I ol 6nt 1y a8ueq3 9L6V0Zgtol 8nI1y e8uuq3 'rnl 6L6OAZUot ZIn IV a8ueq3 IIdIIV alelac ö{ 8'9 ot eEueq3 {ro^\leurotsrseg'6t0g"0lgl .EPOIC .0'0}106I tUI1y . 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YnoYlYllN .rll ü!trxns ::tq.a tt0099€ r:r:t tztag tgtcs 9z9ot :t.l [d !l .^V atCI rnrS atuls r!)i'/tn voll {!r^Io0r r,rn t tnqo.ts vt^tlol :.lq.a llv llvdt:N 600t.210:rrt.t rre0.9c'/e$.gc 9ar0-90,r.r tar[ r.o.ia a ' Illt .|.^.1 t.-cYs ?urt!.trV piqr!d1latr.t vNltN39lY vcluSl rv HJ.nosoNv lvulNlc '.4ell .utq ur .plt (.p! -u.1, PrqraJllatra| trqsol :ollsrl gOI SEüY f,VIOYf,€ IOf, 0r18-889 {trt) :l.l tgt xt9 talals 1..4s r!!^tP! 9t[z 'Bt (!Eülc) prttr.dal.tes{ 10902{0:r.t.l aaoe-azt.ol9:tar aear'/69 {ttt) ,l.r agl 16fl D!.€ .rut ,r?^.tnog rn0^H 9/z 'plt (.p.o.tt p,.tr.dlt.tarH J3t30ö grzt ,xrl z6t-0l9 lls_llg (9lt):l'1 q.n.l -p^t8 rr!t!5 09 'pll (!p.u.3J 9r!trld1t.ta.ft s96i'299.019,rMl 0 c 9 9l a a 0 t t 9 g q z ' t l 9 ) r . 1 6d0 3zr ..!tro ',0 pr?ftooa lral ',u (rP.!!' 9)ctr.dll.ta.H otüYlto 6 ( Z t Z 9 Z1 e 0 t ) : r . l l*tt a t08 elt.s 'a .^v ql8 - sa0 'pl] (.ps!.c, sprctr?dtl.r|.N a8tt.Ita 0t9 IAt ri90.g9r.a06J t.t ENFI ' p u 3 r . l r ' ^ 0 t z . ql !t tnzs !rln0 plt t€Frr?, prltrrJJlsta.H vrtocs Y^ox pI Itse.u9'0t9:tal rt!1 901 tozr :r.l t.!!c!!r 1S Ijnlu.l etE r r?u?3 0/er)ra n.ta.H YAOlrNtn tll Iego.t9z {m9) .r.t 9 rsn.*l 15 ?^opjo3.t tf0 r.0ru.t, pr.tt?d11.t,.fl Yrtfnlof xsrlta pI tatz.Iet.0I9:rru 0t9t-z9t ([0t) 't.t sxo 9sl üu.utt .^v a.aitury Stttr pirtrldllatr.t .plultl vltlglt vovNvc ls6r'66.0l:nr 0@9.t92 {l0Z) :t.r 299{0 rrurnJ '9t rrnlu.! 0zl ff IluO.1ürS. zttarla lto6l 't t '.^0q. p.lsrt are 5:l3rrp 3!t.ual .p. .tetdu0r ,ra!l sroürilt f3ss3ttr!r^ -.rtols &!r.r ,at .snurrld - !ruroltr?t 'poorllroHquoN €tst tae.ol/ 'ttl '' '!rtro.9 '.tu.[V :nol 99IZ lZ,0tS .x{l S€S!.rCrrt0r):l.l rs. rEo .rut0 t!uort., eql lr?tuoc @ c 0 . l a 6! 9 l l ) : ! a l ,t{.!!.04 tl6a0 'a^vurui.ltr l..l {5{r I lqir :otlstl t(l tsaa trld t{.rlsorl I oNvrsr looBü loN sEtv 's'n üol ztro tt!.0!t tal 09S0 1'9 {tlr) :t.l 0t9z-099.0r9:xrl 9lrz tlt 19lt) trt (gtz):r.t lzaeg üntrt!{ 000(.s94 Itztl .tnats aIl.Iis $t6I qrrnrd ta lült prot rolotr tltt g8s t.oü l'0ta8t l[06 lr?d t.rFnpur.!3sirdro turt ..o.^v ql8 lz0l ttsNofstI 1 8 6 5t C a 0 l ! : I M l w6.[{t l9lt, t.t 0t9t-9rt(roc):t.r 0s9[.t61.0t(;rr1 tzgtI rnr{..| rqrwqt tzto.rtz |.rr) t l a ^ r r 0r t ! 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S 6 t YtNtst^ lstt. ,nlrri$f, 9tl9l prtr.rnog.Pts srof, @st ar00 8ta-0G ,xMr tmzttr.ol6:tar 0€ft.tsr Itl6, ,t.l lt6a.t9r{902),t.l Yrw^t^strxtd l09al.!.d.qttn.d ro085nr{tr! t..rts uolr!rqrtM z8 ttts-tgr.oI6,xüt !s qlilr'tQzt '& .rllo (t09):r.r pt.u.tag 6€[{29 m€0-Iz6 (9lE):t.t xot!f,tHSYA 2926 rtrtFl .)uro r{ IrnqPoon lr?luoc ploü lr.l rauoo8Ms 068{r .!Itroor€ PUouqr'u sü..n0 asr0996.0L:tel f,@tro Ittt-982(m8),trt @6_99 (l0Z) :r'r .rtrc tx lno.rtd l.?luoJ o€zezFd{1t 29t9.0e8.0I6:Itr prot r.rr.ds ilra ruorS ul4u€w 00z0lzt ,90t :rrt Iu3 ryor r.il{ il19 ro8 .0.a zclaa rtli dsts vtNt9ütA roa 8ma€ 0 d o600.zta 0r9 :rat t895.926.0t6:tAl vnoHnto olm-tsr {{09) :r.l 9llo-ttt (rü) 1.1 091€l prtrrt 5Itt8 rtlt at.t lttl p a o ua [ r ^ d u r t S t z l @[1.9t8(tI9) it.l t.r4s llrtr {lnos 06aa 6ZZIt.rWnp] 'p^t8 0{?lrrt.oll:tru qrsngs999 HVln 69I-89t (819).trl 0t[.Iat.o16ital sz6l.09r-0rE:Iml 90,2t rulq[ Iatt-trt {aI9) :t.t Z0z865l {tl9) 'l.l tt?d j.tndoo3 gzztl qrtrY f,s !.ttao .ur1 uorl!{0t.v 9 'pü6119, Fq n.{nti rrtg l0z ica/to! oaa ttol ütN sr9e.rr 0t6 :IAt 6Zt5tat.olt :ttl (fI/) :t.t 09s0-4860t6'rüt ffina (9rz}:t.l 00r0{tt SltZ_949 (909) 'l'I laoal illr..l qtlr tcataraß tmSE r.rntt ri wl rlrns prou.lpr{ r.tu.C gasez a^ro nrlt 9st {!0 tr.qs.fl 6€9 otHo 50ttz14-0'd t99r-6t6.0t6 xMr ixffl tao-ts 0l6 ,rar 9t5I 9Z6-0IS tl(['s9a (909):t.1 I0I9 ICZ(ilZl :t.l rolS.sm(616)1.1 rcl/8 rtr$lnllt q$l ffitf,{3!ü r . m t z9zta lut.a {r!H t ' N 9 r . i . t n o t I099 .!t oq6.ry .l te l..ils u,rt q!0[ ra6l I uorFls 0 ( z rr o 8 0 a t8t9 ro8 0 / 99tt ro8 0 d svttt YNtlovt XIüON o3txiil nll ta99-996.0t8:XAl l0?9 IZ' it09) 't'l zsot ia[.t pr.^.tnog surilr[ 6gt[ 0r8 ro8 0 d vNvtgnol 56t.Z6t'0tt:IAl d0t.t99,6091,t.t 't010 nlx r4{l ir:{trft srury { 090I r?sütr fllx @z-9ea.0t6:tru az[ 6tz rrt{) :r.r tzrz6.l.!! q taaaaroa 0t t9zt tre 0n Iflr t63r.9r9 itle) i,.r 9A9r rF0!!!Il l^Do rrop..t 6gta Yivtoxl t(ts-zgt tzot) 12t ntal nl wv tf,. oeN.tgt.0t6:tM1 99t!r$ {rlar :r.1 $otl .ltt!{ ,r.tlrl r!r!Jra uopt.a 8tl z60a.t9t 0t5 ,Ifll [9tI Zlt I9l6' 'l'l 92196 .lrü.rq '.^! nr{ ozaz rr9c.tza.0t6,tür o0t0-lt9 (alt, trl 9Im9 allals prlrofl 0s5 stoxrfll oazt.ar€-0r6:rnr 0 0 9 9 - ( z €1 9 t r ) , t . l [09!6 axt alla pto! or.pllr.qul t0tI l..rts aloz Ilt 016 rat m8.E9l {910 1.1 tglt9 q€ rrf,t '.^v qtrotot t€llI tünossti l9tt_9t6 trc8r :lal ,1t96 ntnpuax le.4s tu'r'oS qarz nvttH rt/t.e99.0l6,tfl l9[.9!9 iZr9) ,r.t iltgs tn.d ls .n!r^V ttr!r..'!n 65tZ YlosSxxri 68r.99{ 0r :x[1 rtl9-9er {mr):trl gtot .unt qrot.trlrr.lot 0st tfzSz rE o d Ytso30 006z.zrz.0l8:rrl mt9.9tt lttf) :l.t tz09t ratl!!0rrj .^rr0 qrr.c.t 998[z f,YgtHttn 4il0.09a 0t8 tflr 0052.691 r90ti t.l 6082a .r[t{ 10iou.Il.trt {at9 0t6at r0g 0d 1069-9Zt.0lr:t4l 0 9 6 81 9 1 r l l 9 ) : l a l tdz0 rurrr.l '.^v il.r!.F zt sEsnHcvssvn ttI9.8Z[-0I6 XAl llSe'6t9 (tla):lrl lol !ru6 tattlll .t.tJ luorov 90€9 04lz.56t 0t5 ,ttl ztzl.ttT lelal :t.t 10916 paaranal {pat @r{raturt 646€ ,r.^.tnq rszl.z5s 0I6 ,ttl o@l ot8 {tIl' :l'l l[95 o.rr.ilr, .^v adroqtalu.ro tral octl YINÜOJIlY! I99t 688 (209) :i'r 90(91 s.sl 'p! uolcry tsst Datz 'r.0 .^Ir.lBl er6t gr 660r.s96.019,tn 0t0' I€( (90t) 'r:1 loe$ lqr.tiq tt ,^r8 t/.d 9!?q!o fl $ta .0d 0lzrz r€ YOttdJ tt96.rzt-0L xar 0l€9.tr6 [0t) :t.l 0s302 .l!!ror 0.0u ^rr$ .toqt a 8r9r rq od z9il zs6.0l5,xal altz t6z (209r t.t lltst ucr.nl r.r9.ort tr!3 /taq 0tat.ß6 015 xal r 9 a l t t u ( 2 0 9 ), t . l x6t trq .ts.rtoü.n I sez vxozttY 6402.59r'0t( ttl 1 s 9 9 . 6 3 [r C O Z],t . r 9Z9S QIX rat .^r0 rau.t zl rnf[ffNtoJ 00l0.tat {tf) r.l (9(02 !r.u0r.! 'p^t8^r.l!.1 0t@z ,ru Ea-$r!ti 169r{r (g) ,t.1 zo8!t .[r{3ri toar ro0 0 a jS )otrnF.lr\A6Zt YmnY 90/0.9€6-016 tal gsr[.ta((toei:trr 0ll0l toar.tlll .rtu./dF.lS96t 6VIO103 1 9 t 6 . 2 9 80 u x [ r 00t9tt5 (ls):l.l {0ala.r.slFg 9?oü:oot3.N[ t0(9 of,nltYi srlvls otrriln s3crJjo tct^uts ? st'tvs 3r[ourc313 tl,ll Zfl l t6t8 t[0 00t9.][0 rälal o | v D t P dy t v d i l l H a l q ? l .92l ate-0t6 xür rt09i.€6t r{ q3l) 0 0 0 t . 9 2 ei s t t rä1 $ e v 6 P r u r 0 , r t e to l t ! 0 t ? d 'a^v M . r ^ tlr*00zf ^u?duol ep€rr tr0drl pretr?dlletaat 'otlsrl :tcvlNoc loN svtüY usHto ,19t9 rata t .wo8 ltltvdMlN .tq?l 6Z 0t 65 (9) t.l ItsI rnt .uoU tttOO.l g z r u o r r e t r? r z e r a s u o r t s r . d 0l s E l a l p p r wp l e r € e u e D . l r p . w ror .1r0 u0rteurpio 0l pretrPdtlata0N :ICYINOJ lsvfld NAoHs loN s3rütNnotr tsE 3100tn oNY NV3trYüülltO!h :.tqel ?let.l'lllllllv l6t€a:ral .rrtv le4uot trquPz ttrrtrl z6tz ros 0 J D l r i E r q ü P 7 )I r n q r r l I I YIAtrY? ztz No!lvs vltNtd :arqea 8 6 e t 6 9 0 80 2 ' r a l lrl!$ S u o n ^! . ! [ 9 I Z IHrot 0J )ut rurprrl r.tnru!u3a nvNtlt^ r.tqrl elecoet 0llol 6tats t.I at.dut 6t" ro8 0'd of, 1rtr.ll.al.l epr?tn voNY0n 'pI tottu.g vslfrttn rtq.a 0tqta .10€l[ 00il[ 9!5te r.r lollo'a peou .stuoruns 9s turplrng..urotSuoql 'pll o! vslwrN0 otrntYHt r.d'.1 ,SVJtlH .tqtl x?vJülH tzSdr jr.r.l 6tz 0rz lrl zr09l6te:r.l 'tat9tE !{!1 iooü qtl tpte .dJoa srutrntut stalra^o I r.s prol li.f o.rqs tu.q3 6a u ? N ' . 1 D r ? l r e dn . t f . H !YtrYl 9S te z :r.lel ?^aua! vsytlddtH .tq.l 00 tt It {alo) ,ral 9u.lr.rlrrs tr.!.! a urrl3fl llzl-ff1 qsro8 0d I u0t.np.sroo.p.nu 't s prrtr?d{rta.H :lcvtf,ot s3Blf,noc NvfaoSnt ü!Hro tlY I llda.q €269! :t.t.1 r.rq.] eu!.r^ lSvdals 60 0l s 99 €e (?zz0) qd tuar^ qozl v I r08 0a t/?! r?tst.pue{ I q u s.9 pr.lr.J tr.taeg :l?lrtrof tsvtrld s]üttrnot lstlvtcos 461069:oN pai.lslt.u '!!!uor xslvzSl luaur^!d tunqrurl 0t :IIUo s.rodrnd tv^ rot ssarPp? parilsrt.r s,pn prst)sditata.H 890899 r.lat t 2 0 6 . 8 2 6{ t 9 0 ' r t a t arqsa!3 uqrür4tv 89 p.08 rrl trotuels ..s!ouP)9aql. 'ptr p/etred I3t{.N aIt8t8 r.r3l qlnols lldalH ,.rqel I t € a [ ( € 9 l O rq t n 0 l S ] l . l stln8 isc t lts qtrois 09 pPo! qt?€ rzz 'plt pr.tr.d lltta.r ollin nootxrx i.lq.l lnq!.lsl N0lllSllll '0t_0t 6t r.1 tnqo.t!t ür ntto^.8 l€r ro8 0 d nlt0I.8 6.d!eIr L !I o! t6 lrlt?s n.r,ng tu i..0't!l do!:t)l llrunl atqea ,f,v3illa ,96a9q ratel z 0 l 98 8 l a l L P t e N! 0 r r . ^ 0 66r08 0d u € q r n o p e o Sa t p r S l 1 9 pI . ^tJ urrilv qtnosp)srrrd llalr.H ll 9000 rtlrl , ldor ao.l ylvdfi]H atqel tla/1n69-z:tal ürot .dtJ tsarls rrrS a s n o Ha I t ? ] r a / 8 'plt I rlnr e ) ! t v q t n o sp r e t r e d n a r a . H (s.url a^q) lt9l0r it.l I00z ls2^su.rl lrlt!rs 'pooa^p!.il 1aä4s .uqdeo . s . o H p r e t r P dn a t r a N 'plr lrru) €)ulv !tn0s 9r.trcJ n.tr.t Y'üJV HInOS t|od!9Nis lavaalH arq?l zzoet9 tal a ./odtlots a)r|0 Fod rrpu?r.lv a8ros 0d errlt0 ?rr! lrrt r.J trPtreJllat4rH a r o d e l u ' S8 W o f , l n ; a l q P l ( s . uI t ) I t l t 1 9 : r a t C'.rodtto'S ä l ? t s l r P r { s n p u tl r N p . 8 tü?|y u?tet Zt 0t 'pD ' .ld luedüoa t!raa!r8ul uo'ls.auoc t t.riu.qrah tlodY9Nls rilq?l ? l r u e wI l n l l l zl.zt [8 zr tS ao 'lt l6 88 9t 8I.t8 0r'98.a8 'It 't8 9t t8 8t 98 ir.l lerrl tr'l'l S Z o t r o s0 d 3 a r.?rl rt?tew anua^v.r.rv tp I drot ruirdot.^ao p.l?u?treuv ro0tj ql9 rol r.@otrarl slNtdatltHd 't!Ldr?ael snnlt :.tq!l tz6It rrl !!u!aFr.ü urol 3tr|.tts s8t ^usduot I o{qrnl p| rqJ?r.x tolvutdool ltqrl rzSzlt lz0nt:r.r t t{rrjat p ? o d! 0 0 i t H q ! | n p q v sr.q04l !!ü5o0 lu?duot ! o{snt rvlsttvd rotel 11llßl .lqrl r.&l 9199 ro8 0 d urqs.w pt rotofr .r.t! til '(llllr pll suorl '?tuaü.4sut s)ru0{r.E .ql vrct9tx p!.tirnt rtvJalß.ta?3 t99 69S r.r "!?hl''J 2 6 0 1 9r 0 8 lerqirH ?tuernt.! t9Z a{u.c t.!orssrlord etu.rnted on ( r tl p,r!r?J lt.t|.H uott!rilaü yldMtH arqel €68t raral 69969 er u.lluil.t '.)rrd ^eu.t/n0l ,rt6 !o8 0 a taa)tsüoil0 96 t6 plt z N) pr.tr.d uatorß ONYIY]Z AfN N09lN i.rqea 0n !ot.N toz 9 r.t.l ilil4'160/? lel 3.nhr!tr o.u.rn0l aor ros 0 d sint 0 ^r zql 'PD s.^Flo09 NV !oÖranYzotr ,0turt.s .{?t Sul.lrd et u0rlr.s v9,tt tuorot z pll ?ri^.1!tr gn0!1tr Yts^vlYtr :.tq?l 1.r.3 üvltlnNoülllll 9t80za tal u/rag tu ilat ro8 0 ! t utru.FUof, NONYIIl ,o^ dffl ,02[ ztt .ret.t ,0sI-ztt.5D0,t.l zzz rut{0t0r ßt.nt0q0! e I t - ? r P q o u l q sz . ' a ' 3 P 1 8o l l r N ptI pr?ir?dilata.H eiletotol lllg tt9 lzg0) ral ^tr3 .l.trx nt-l)n0.{.N oqr'?uQ€s€$@!, 'z 0N t u . 9 t r n g0 u € t e N IrlaaH.Pr?lotoA 'plt p/ttlrd 'pn vrvso dNl 58f za09 rrtat rt9l ezr9zt0).tir !tti0 rQs.rt.reqt e t n s . y g - Z? tPrs rtsrrqr r.srN 9rrtJ?dJlrtaaH €r?loto^ izt ez y0l ltxlvndHl:rrq.l dllDz0z zIa 'r:la1 a5lr8?a.0rt.t0 tar olryl 'nt ?tnqr{s rtolol 1.6!.1 t u r p t r n Sr q s ? q O Ptl D/.tr.df l.lr3x,?,rtq0l NYdYI 69lac:trl.l ^ r ^ v1 . 1 l l l s v 8 : . l q ? ! 6.o!t c) lt69t 1.1 ^t^t1.r laa{s ^rpculuv A p l t t e ? r r t e l 0 r 0 t o wt 0 . H 0 ! türa.urtuj ? ir,uo{r.tl llYtsl Nl nn t68z rrr.l uer{.1 d!0ltltnn aLqet 6 C 9 C0 r t 8 ; r ä 1 r?r.q.l-üi ztzt ros 0 ! 0 e l s ^ s r o S3 n 0 . ^ v 9ll lc!oleü,al!r drol rltnW NVUt 608_80.rrt.l nnll:.lqel 095I9 j9I6' 't.l tuntu.S 6Z.t.praw {?t?'0 ^ f, ^o9 turte,l uoroSqeo vts!NooNl 3rpr..w Ino.5 0lvülwt.rrq?l l.tz68.tt (s.!rt r) trl iro.s.t.ortuoql ' o ü tuor.s r0l ioot, qtS tptg tunrt aeo tortro0 0al '€.1o, otz:rrl.l .rqPl u!lslnle to 8t t.I 100 l[8 rnat{rs.f r.d.ts18 roo! plz s u o r s u e nl a r q t e N pll rels .qt Iu?d0ot rurpal uerr.u! Ytt0y l0l0üJ:alq.l gLtts.t.\ ?Iurr'!q.r!tN lt[9r ro€ 0a srr.urt rlu.t YIN]X '0n u?oaqrtllllHl,arqP3 9ZtZZ:t.L u.Dlat z0$ ond ts.or ?or0l rm{J qtgr (lBtJ pll suo4 .?l!run45utst'!o{raB.qt q 3 e s d q€ a e l z : x . l . l c^4u.9 vslf,vdalH :.lqe! 0t5' It (u20, tal rr.rt! rarurrl tIzt Hl l . l ) r a . s r n 0 10 r e a t 6 9V lr.aq)sJ tr?tr.a trata3H qr trdq ca6€9 r.t.r ff? 9VaH 'äl!?l r, Iz 8l t6 rl0r ,t.I {.!trt !.i3rq)s z!68-fl! t9ro8 0d 0?.s5.4!raqrrhu 9V rr'a{q)s) pr?tt.d n.traH oNnü!lrrMs :uuoi8 ?rl iralal I0 00 89 Ia rlt0) :r1l rr9rt!ü rr ler-s c6 u.t.riralPtPa EV .rD.^S prqrld1r.tr.8 IZa0l:r.l.t ülo{t)ots sI{3nr8osvlr'.rqcl 09 zt 86 80) r.r 0z ls[.rt 0z tgl s l1.J [-t u.t?^sta{ttu] 8V .tr/.^s pr?tJrdll.tMa8 N3q3AS . a q d q e 0 9 ? 9r t a r . l 00 z9 toz er lal ll to!l.l,l€ l tz.tz op.sau?rrn v s P r o g € 0 r lp r e l r e ! l t a t { a | . d q S I E E Zi r ä r . 1 00 9z8lt:l.l 9t r!rr?n.l I oN :araa NIYdS 86ll iralar :alqe! uoqt,l YBllllll z t 0 9 8 9 L 6 t ri t a l I u . q 3 r ta [92 ro8 0 d tci err.uol P0 o.rpot ?n8 I r ? s s.rLrlrrB totüa0edrntl a 9 s ) ' u ) . 1 P s a , d u tP r t r ä t ä l rY9nltoa tvlstntS .rqel 6lt:r'rar t56ta ilet t00 009 rrill| qre.o aür] puor.s tz ta plt ,.ls 3nt8 0rrl9a.a6a0:ta\ ott .t!t 0H3 lwnzl ä0oqcz '€ a09 ür tpto onql plt pi.trpJ1t.la.f,.?aeiot0l 69t:fla1 rtq?l lSoUtnts [6 €t I 16 [9 I :t.l e00 009 tasr.t$r.s p?08 r^.0 ruilorEs I t i l I t 'Pn rqs..r8 tvlstnlS 3lqel 0et:ralal 89959 t.l EZO099 .rot!tu4 p?ouql?rslet !il, il asnorrrts 3.8 'pn r?ts änt8 uvlslnl9 .rq.l ' egtz ral,r ,9t aaz9 t.L rz0 0ll !{rrd r.N rttt{ Itdr€l p?o! tlru tt 'ilroN rPts.ntE 'pn r?ls .nl€ 9Z 90 9q iIIEo ral Dt.t.a[-rildurt 000c 0 a a s s ? ) t sr a ! o p ! . i l a { i a ^ o u u r Ho r n q r q . r l , . l Hqu9 prPtr?dttatMat P cldqzto t9 tz,r.r.l ,r.aruoH!SttvdAtH :atqea t6 tr tz 0f0, r.l t trrqo.x 0ooz o ti 4suapu.ü iinqq?H oriqsqlr).^ H q u 9 p J e t r c al t a t d a R stHt0NvJ sf,tN0udlr,atq.l 6Zl?Z9St f.\ r!r.r!N tc z9ll ro8 0 d p ? o us o t e d o ! r x ? s o ! 0 1 . r 9 6 l sruordlt snüatJ oquotol lNt0Jt0H .tqel s99Z:ter z o!00t!4. ls lrsd 09 t89r4.0 d 'pu qoltr.B pelrun NOtltS sltslnü'.rqPa ttsl 6a ;t:l .plqrruarno .ilrq4t qq9:rrr'l 000r r e t 0 . c z : r a r m?!al lrorarg 6t ,ooB puz 'plt tta r00 00t !trnlr! e , t ? r t s n vp r . l r . d l t . r r r H 905 r08 0 d lr.{s.r.B I pll rcls.nrg rlt lrqll IrISlnls zt st 9 iFl 100 aoz ,.tütt s.u'l lsrl 0t tl pll r.ts a.t8 r!1slnt8'.rq.3 q9re:tal.1 I0 tt sr,jal 920 00t raQuoe r^.pPqqera rsnoH ro8 pue€ plt ,els ..t8 tntsls0ül'.tqel t60t:rtr'I t8 8t st:t.t !20 00ü Ir{0.0 r^apPqq.rd t r . W r s t , P ^ ? Sr ^ Z t t t reqes pn r.ts.nls lsoul0l8:.lcel I9la ir.t.l 1,09 5z:t.l 0?0 mt raqDoa pu €t01 rlp.qsü?, sru'ptrn6,rt5!r pn iets.ntg Ytoxl tuox tuoH 0Cl0tnNf,S :.tq?a 99ltIl:r.lar seazez 89I0tz l.l lüu t{oa lqtneuuol t.4!.3'Fot rooB {t6a a/lual lqtlleuuol t6z ros D J plt rtuoy ruoff, oa ? lDruqrs 9|ox 9Nox € q r q . s r P P v0 3 ! s v : e l q . l 58aZI lt1 tlDtl !t.ll l5 ü?!turu(nl 69/85 8u ror'0 a o! pll .F^lrd ?,.rods.rrs utrrrlv YtdorHtl Iru.l! i.lq!l t'aqu€]. owdtlF r6la-6t:r.l ,l.l,l !.3trt! z09z t6l ro8 0'! l..rls l.Iooa 0l '9lt ru e'te4snvprPtnJ n.ti3a ql)ad 0lvdMlH :alqrl 0089 s2 ,t.1 ooog {a siia a n r . l ä p r P l a 0 v9 6 1 s t u r p r r n gP r 0 . t q s s . ! 'pll ru erre4rnv pretrcJll.rN.t . p r e l a p v0 ü v d t t N 3 t q . J l9I8 tt'l.l P r t e r l s . vq l n o s 290! lr.drord pcot llq)rnqt t6 ptl ^ta e't.rtsnv pi?tFd llatd.N &uP(S 0UVdtlN,alqel t99tz rat.1 9 9 9 96 t t i r . t etoz satrr qt.os a.N 'nqu& l..rls.tpu€ Ie .pn .rld .rr.4snv preltrdll.tN.N tzo l€ r.t.I ruJ.oqta{ 0uvdrlff :{qlJ {s.!rt 9) lt[t.02:t.1 rrolt!^ ltt !.t! 9il[ IDtS r!.A ga.ZZ '9ll ^tJ ert.{3n! pr!tt?d1latr.ff YIlYüISOY epü.nl v8lclttI:1qe! Itwnl ttrg r00 0 d t0 I - uD s..t'rpot'.rqr.8 .p ?nü lUVS rorr{r.8 rolü.u?drn5l it firur.I rsrrdut c4r.t.l Y]@TY vr-lvulsnv 'vtsv'vclulv s$a99'rolal tz06.tz6 lIs, l3t 'ot{r!!nt .r!s.tt p.oü d.r p/orurls suox.r9 3ql 'pll trrlr?dJt.tr.ff P pDoqe€s 9Bl98 :r.r.I aclla 0s €9 (IIz0) :1.1 u t.uoq Iz99t :räl.l attlm:r3l.l @t0 qtnolS lldtlH,.lq.l ts4l.lrlo 09 c8 e9 IZ0):l.t 8C t.M 'atu.st.tol 0ntrr| ttet N I t € [ C ( e S t O ,q t n o t S i t r l !opt.s340 ornqsq.D!.^ st3ns s0 r tts .{lDots.8r 6tI ro8 {qu9 tr?taPdJl.tral proü {l?8 taz tt u.r.^raN pn pjPt5.Jlt.ta.H s v.tr0N pr.tr?!1l:la.H lqq 6c/ 99 zl:r.le1 lYtüoN oNYlltl u:trrrqoo rvdlH i.lq!f, t8 zt 99 {l€010):ral u.daq9lz aI ir.lal /l rqr a9 69 rZ ir.l.t tEqu.[).t url!rtqoa 0t0t O 0e!.lsuv tlgolvd :arael su.qtv uvxvS rtq?l olt .rr.4sr.3)rqu.ir.N 99 6a tn ar LL ar oao 't.! 90[.0tza a0a-0azt r.l ü.1!!tq-os or.qsqar!.^ ll0l rttr.ltut-lN 9Zl ro.ut.8! Nqü9 prrt)4fl.traff 9a8t loe 0 d laarls nour3 tl .rl 6t ae Ir rai.1 sru!?1ils, tetrot aII !r.lsapr..M ^ N/rnrau.8 0r€lr€dll.rr.H unllu?/J vslSvaala :.lqrc 3f!lü5 soNntlBrfN I t0 09 (I190, ,rrr p u l q d qs 0 ! a 0 t : r . l e l 9E l'ilo.rJ 0009-0 gtoa[tt lmr :t.I t6, ez:r:l?1 otl 099 qtensod t r a s s d r gl l g o l v a r . r q e ! ,I A u{r.o 0001.0 llI.ss?4sr.!r.8 0t zz al tao t01 tet Dll lll .sierls r.!opsr.utrr !.ilu.iJ .tenu.rsqrr4r.^ ltrirrrt u!u.8 orrqsqartr.^ 01il g ffqu9 pr?trPd1l.ta.N ru.?tteejr!30r5/ Hqug prqr?dJt.taaN atfand3a I lr.^.rot .9 .nuar! {ur!a8 lr.fll 1 t l 3 0 3 j NVnü19 ^ N V S uaqr.n vstlvlülH ratqe3 arq€a I n r a u a Sp r P t r € dl l . l M . H 98tls tlvdMlH s8 6t zs,raral Irt68.r.trl 9ünan3xn1 I 1 9 0 C 1 0 91 6 8 0 r t . l l z l 0 z a z 9 0 ( 9 8 )i r 3 l l l n r q o u 0 2 1 0 00 ti.ots?rts 0@19 l ratu.f, uvsl nAlaqot et .p a9ilv tl te.s5.rts raturqr?qralun 3trüort.! aruat! u.qluntr 0rnqsq3r4ial ar!e,l p)?!r?d1l.ln.N tqu! prqredllstraN u ? t t w? r ^ 9 r 0 e a i ä t a l 19z0tq ![, r3l ürr.t 6at0l.l t? r|01 Pr^ pr.rr?d ila aaH v d s,corlel 099 €29 r.r3I 990t l9 L(60r:Lar ttaqu.rnN 0OEg.O zt ass.rFratrnrqsr.H t/äqurrnN ornqsq.rtra^ Nqu9 pretred lts a.N uetrn 0r^9t0zt r.t.t a9 0t 99 ,6t) rär .^ot.d 0019t i t üolt?d 0t01^ ! d s e u e r l e l lp r ? I r e d . I a t a a a ,1519 r.r.1 .uot IytvdttH atq?J lr6sl6q q tr9?l6E 19, r.l rnt .[!t til00.1 qz rlorretr PrrerJ v d s e u e r t . l tt r ? t l . d l l a i { a H 9f0z! rär.1 uetrn ltllvdalt .lq?a r.!rr 0t I9z9 , rar u.r!N tat0z.l z r 1 ) n d s a ^o t ' r . u v o ^ ! o s .u.rtrt pr.t1f3 I'it,r,N ^tYll I Zt6rt r.lal IZ et 9e r66) r.t s.!u.ü 000st.l rats.{r0u a9 .nur^v t9 .tcuort?t l)!alv r)!e,l pr.l)ed-natMaH 0tal!:ral.I 99 oo tz t19' '1tt !.!tq 00t€r r Ir 0t .relsod,!og cilrue9-0l.ril prP^atno8 .lsuort?u.ru.t! er!e)l Dietrrd{ataaH lE6I9 irar.l eS l8 98 rl9r rar sr.t{.t.t 0rlte-J rap! tuäuarl anua^v : n D ! t n e u o r . va u 0 z eruPrt prs!)9d.ll.thaH a!gle:x.l.l uo{t rgydtlf, ,.tS3 $ a9 zr (80 :t.1 ltt I r{a! lze69l n'04t r.P '.nD t t.uorl.u .ro.tY pr!trrdll.tr.ff .lolrJ 8t@9:r.l.r lr3,o yivdttR .tq.l !z 8t t06lt),t.t 1610 I0'I6-J 9 oN .lllioJ rtot .P r:rlanD t..oq.!nol .tu?rJ prt!l:d1t.lraH f?NYüJ l.( l9tsl zl :raitr :.lq!3 rturtt.H ^orsdtlfl 0ttIr (051:t.1 al !ryFtil 0zr00.ls 98tzr ros 0d 9e 'pr!^4tfi8 Ä0 pr.lt!d1l.ta.r o{nNrr sv !f,vdMlff :.lqea se dq 0t 991 ir.l.I 991t.28 {90r:1.1 rr.q.{ts 009s-yo 6 le^iol s/v pretrldltat{4fl sr dq ot 99I {.t.1 sv xJvdatN .tq?l 0t 99 I8 iloi ,r.r per.lr!l 09t[-r0 8€ r.^et?0 s v pre!redll.lrea xüvtrN!o . r q u a q o t ? dt o t t a r r a l a l lt.rt^/g NlSolvd ::lql! 0n zz at tzot :t1l .til!tua 0all.8 ,u€€lt€e/t!ä0r9J I ! 1 ^ r o f ,. p r i u . ^ v '^N1V S rnr.u.€ pretr.dllatx.H nnr9t3E r t?oa.q tz69l ratrl .rue,AtvJttH atqef, 60 0l 90 99 tt rz,z0r r.l rrr.rt qozt-v I ro€ 0a a a9.rst.p!0H H q u s., 0'q)!d llr'räH ttusnf 3doün3 's'n Ntc3rNrud il006-06rt0 Et JlgTlvlgH oüvxgvd -- . ;'; !,; +.-F--.i-=.',..-.-*!l
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.4 Linearized : No Creator : Canon Create Date : 2004:06:10 11:07:39+01:00 Modify Date : 2004:06:16 21:13:35+03:00 Page Count : 298 Creation Date : 2004:06:10 11:07:39+01:00 Producer : Mod Date : 2004:06:16 21:13:35+03:00 Metadata Date : 2004:06:16 21:13:35+03:00 Has XFA : NoEXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools