Huawei Technologies PRU11WIFI pico Remote Radio Unit User Manual Installation Guide

Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd pico Remote Radio Unit Installation Guide


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Date Submitted2016-06-28 00:00:00
Date Available2016-08-12 00:00:00
Creation Date2017-12-09 03:10:28
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Document Lastmod2017-12-09 03:10:28
Document TitleInstallation Guide
Document CreatorMicrosoft® Office Word 2007
Document Author: Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd.

DBS3900 LampSite
Installation Guide
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2016. All rights reserved.
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Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
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Issue 08 (2016-05-30)
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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
DBS3900 LampSite
Installation Guide
About This Document
About This Document
This document describes how to install the modules and cables for the BBU, DCU3900,
RHUB3908, pRRU3901, pRRU3902, pRRU3907, pRRU3911, and pRRU3911+WIFI. It also
provides checklists for hardware installation.
Unless otherwise specified, BBU in this document refers to BBU3900 and BBU3910.
DCU3900 in this document refers to DCU.
RHUB3908 in this document refers to RHUB.
Unless otherwise specified, pRRU in this document refers to pRRU3901, pRRU3902, pRRU3907,
pRRU3911, and pRRU3911+WIFI.
Product Version
The following table lists the product version related to this document.
Product Name
Solution Version
DBS3900 LampSite
SRAN10.1 and later
RAN17.1 and later versions
eRAN8.1 and later versions
eRAN TDD 8.1 and later
Product Version
V100R010C10 and later
Intended Audience
This document is intended for:
Issue 08 (2016-05-30)
BTS installation personnel
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DBS3900 LampSite
Installation Guide
About This Document .................................................................................................................... ii
1 Changes in DBS3900 LampSite Installation Guide ............................................................... 1
2 Installation Preparations ............................................................................................................. 5
2.1 Reference Documents ................................................................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Preparing Tools and Instruments................................................................................................................................... 5
2.3 Requirements for Installation Personnel ....................................................................................................................... 7
3 Unpacking and Checking ............................................................................................................ 8
4 Installing a BBU .......................................................................................................................... 10
5 Installing a DCU.......................................................................................................................... 11
6 Installing an RHUB .................................................................................................................... 12
6.1 Information About the Installation .............................................................................................................................. 12
6.1.1 Installation Scenarios ............................................................................................................................................... 13
6.1.2 Installation Clearance Requirements ....................................................................................................................... 18
6.1.3 Installation Environment .......................................................................................................................................... 21
6.2 Installation Process ..................................................................................................................................................... 23
6.3 Installing an RHUB .................................................................................................................................................... 24
6.3.1 Installing an RHUB in a 19-Inch Cabinet or Rack .................................................................................................. 24
6.3.2 Installing an RHUB in a 19-Inch Shelf .................................................................................................................... 27
6.3.3 Installing an RHUB on a Wall ................................................................................................................................. 30
6.4 Installing RHUB Cables ............................................................................................................................................. 34
6.4.1 Requirements for Cable Layout ............................................................................................................................... 34
6.4.2 Cable List ................................................................................................................................................................. 37
6.4.3 Cable Connections ................................................................................................................................................... 43
6.4.4 Cable Installation Process ........................................................................................................................................ 44
6.4.5 Installing PGND Cable ............................................................................................................................................ 45
6.4.6 Installing Ethernet Cable ......................................................................................................................................... 47
6.4.7 Installing CRPI Optical Cables ................................................................................................................................ 50
6.4.8 Installing Alarm Cable (Optional) ........................................................................................................................... 53
6.4.9 Installing Power Cable ............................................................................................................................................. 53
6.5 Checking the RHUB Hardware Installation................................................................................................................ 55
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DBS3900 LampSite
Installation Guide
6.6 Power-on Check on an RHUB .................................................................................................................................... 56
7 Installing a pRRU3901................................................................................................................ 59
7.1 Information About the Installation .............................................................................................................................. 60
7.1.1 Product Family......................................................................................................................................................... 60
7.1.2 Installation Scenario ................................................................................................................................................ 60
7.1.3 Space Requirements ................................................................................................................................................. 64
7.1.4 Installation Environment Requirements................................................................................................................... 65
7.2 Obtaining the MAC Address (Optional) ..................................................................................................................... 66
7.3 Installation Process ..................................................................................................................................................... 67
7.4 Installing a pRRU3901 ............................................................................................................................................... 68
7.4.1 pRRU3901 Mounting Kits ....................................................................................................................................... 69
7.4.2 Installing a pRRU3901 on a Wall ............................................................................................................................ 70
7.4.3 Installing a pRRU3901 on a Ceiling ........................................................................................................................ 74
7.4.4 Installing a pRRU3901 on a Pole............................................................................................................................. 77
7.4.5 Installing a pRRU3901 on a Plate ............................................................................................................................ 80
7.4.6 Installing a pRRU3901 on a Keel ............................................................................................................................ 83
7.4.7 Installing the Cabinet ............................................................................................................................................... 86
7.5 Installing pRRU3901 Cables ...................................................................................................................................... 93
7.5.1 Requirements for Cable Layout ............................................................................................................................... 93
7.5.2 pRRU3901 Cable List .............................................................................................................................................. 94
7.5.3 Cable Connections (Indoor) ..................................................................................................................................... 95
7.5.4 Cable Connections (Outdoor) .................................................................................................................................. 98
7.5.5 Cable Connections (LTE TDD) ............................................................................................................................... 99
7.5.6 pRRU3901 cable installation process .................................................................................................................... 101
7.5.7 Installing an Ethernet Cable ................................................................................................................................... 101
7.5.8 Installing an RF jumpers (Optional) ...................................................................................................................... 104
7.6 Checking the pRRU3901 Hardware Installation....................................................................................................... 106
7.7 Powering on the pRRU3901 ..................................................................................................................................... 107
8 Installing a pRRU3902 or pRRU3911 or pRRU3911+WIFI................................................ 109
8.1 Information About the Installation ............................................................................................................................ 110
8.1.1 Product Family....................................................................................................................................................... 110
8.1.2 Installation Scenario .............................................................................................................................................. 112
8.1.3 Space Requirements ............................................................................................................................................... 116
8.1.4 Installation Environment Requirements................................................................................................................. 117
8.2 Installation Process ................................................................................................................................................... 118
8.3 Installing a pRRU ..................................................................................................................................................... 119
8.3.1 Mounting Kits ........................................................................................................................................................ 119
8.3.2 Installing a pRRU on a Wall .................................................................................................................................. 120
8.3.3 Installing a pRRU on a Ceiling .............................................................................................................................. 124
8.3.4 Installing a pRRU on a Pole .................................................................................................................................. 127
8.3.5 Installing a pRRU on a Plate .................................................................................................................................. 129
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DBS3900 LampSite
Installation Guide
8.3.6 Installing a pRRUon a Keel ................................................................................................................................... 136
8.3.7 Installing a pRRU on Steel Hangers ...................................................................................................................... 140
8.3.8 Installing the Cabinet ............................................................................................................................................. 144
8.4 Installing pRRU Cables ............................................................................................................................................ 148
8.4.1 Requirements for Cable Layout ............................................................................................................................. 148
8.4.2 Cable List ............................................................................................................................................................... 149
8.4.3 Cable Connections ................................................................................................................................................. 150
8.4.4 Cable Installation Process ...................................................................................................................................... 154
8.4.5 Installing a pRRU3902 Ethernet Cable .................................................................................................................. 154
8.4.6 Installing a pRRU3911/pRRU3911+WIFI Ethernet Cable .................................................................................... 159
8.4.7 Installing a pRRU3902 RF Jumper (Optional) ...................................................................................................... 163
8.4.8 Installing a pRRU3911 RF Jumper (Optional) ...................................................................................................... 165
8.5 (Optional) Installing a Combiner .............................................................................................................................. 167
8.6 Checking the pRRU Hardware Installation .............................................................................................................. 169
8.7 Powering on the pRRU ............................................................................................................................................. 170
9 Installing a pRRU3907 or pRRU3916 .................................................................................... 172
9.1 Information About the Installation ............................................................................................................................ 172
9.1.1 pRRU Product Family ........................................................................................................................................... 173
9.1.2 Constraints and Limitations ................................................................................................................................... 173
9.1.3 Installation Clearance and Space Requirements .................................................................................................... 176
9.1.4 Installation Environment Requirements................................................................................................................. 179
9.2 Installation Process ................................................................................................................................................... 180
9.3 Installing a pRRU ..................................................................................................................................................... 180
9.3.1 pRRU Mounting Kits ............................................................................................................................................. 180
9.3.2 Installing a pRRU on a Wall .................................................................................................................................. 182
9.3.3 Installing a pRRU on a Pole .................................................................................................................................. 185
9.4 Installing pRRU Cables ............................................................................................................................................ 187
9.4.1 Cabling Requirements............................................................................................................................................ 187
9.4.2 pRRU Cable List.................................................................................................................................................... 189
9.4.3 pRRU3907 Cable Connections .............................................................................................................................. 190
9.4.4 pRRU3916 Cable Connections .............................................................................................................................. 190
9.4.5 pRRU cable installation process ............................................................................................................................ 191
9.4.6 Installing a PGND Cable ....................................................................................................................................... 192
9.4.7 Installing a pRRU3907 RF Jumper ........................................................................................................................ 193
9.4.8 Installing a pRRU3916 RF Jumper ........................................................................................................................ 197
9.4.9 Opening the Cover Plate of a pRRU Cabling Cavity ............................................................................................. 199
9.4.10 Installing an Ethernet Cable ................................................................................................................................. 200
9.4.11 Closing the Cover Plate of a pRRU Cabling Cavity ............................................................................................ 202
9.5 Checking the pRRU Hardware Installation .............................................................................................................. 204
9.6 Powering on the pRRU ............................................................................................................................................. 205
10 (Optional) Installing the Extender-PoE90 .......................................................................... 207
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DBS3900 LampSite
Installation Guide
11 (Optional) Installing the EXD3902 and Cables ................................................................. 211
11.1 Installation Scenario................................................................................................................................................ 212
11.2 Installation Clearance and Space Requirements ..................................................................................................... 215
11.3 Installation Process ................................................................................................................................................. 218
11.4 Installing an EXD3902 ........................................................................................................................................... 218
11.4.1 EXD3902 Mounting Kits ..................................................................................................................................... 218
11.4.2 Installing an EXD3902 on a Wall ........................................................................................................................ 220
11.4.3 Installing an EXD3902 on a Pole ......................................................................................................................... 223
11.5 Installing EXD3902 Cables .................................................................................................................................... 225
11.5.1 Cabling Requirements .......................................................................................................................................... 225
11.5.2 EXD3902 Cable Connections .............................................................................................................................. 226
11.5.3 Installling a PGND cable ..................................................................................................................................... 227
11.5.4 Opening the Cover Plate of an EXD3902 Cabling Cavity ................................................................................... 229
11.5.5 Installing an Ethernet Cable ................................................................................................................................. 230
11.5.6 Closing the Cover Plate of an EXD3902 Cabling Cavity .................................................................................... 231
11.6 Checking the EXD3902 Hardware Installation ....................................................................................................... 232
11.7 Powering on the EXD3902 ..................................................................................................................................... 233
12 (Optional) Installing the PoE Surge Protector and Cables ............................................. 235
13 (Optional) Installing the RF Surge Protector and Cables ............................................... 237
14 (Optional) Installing the Cabinet and Cabinet Cables .................................................... 239
14.1 Installation Clearance Requirements ...................................................................................................................... 239
14.2 Mounting Bracket and Attachment Plate ................................................................................................................ 240
14.2.1 Mounting Bracket ................................................................................................................................................ 240
14.2.2 Attachment Plate .................................................................................................................................................. 242
14.3 Installing a Cabinet ................................................................................................................................................. 242
14.3.1 Installing the Cabinet on a Wall ........................................................................................................................... 242
14.3.2 Installing the Cabinet on a Pole ........................................................................................................................... 247
14.3.3 Installing the Cabinet on U-steel.......................................................................................................................... 250
14.3.4 Installing the Cabinet on Angle Steel ................................................................................................................... 254
14.3.5 Installing the Cabinet on Metal Grid.................................................................................................................... 257
14.3.6 Installing the Cabinet on the Floor ....................................................................................................................... 262
14.4 Installing Cabinet Cables ........................................................................................................................................ 266
14.4.1 Cable Connections ............................................................................................................................................... 266
14.4.2 Installing a PGND Cable for the Cabinet............................................................................................................. 269
15 Appendix .................................................................................................................................. 271
15.1 MAC Collection Template ...................................................................................................................................... 271
15.2 Assembling a Shielded RJ45 Connector and an Ethernet Cable ............................................................................. 272
15.3 DBS3900 LampSite Engineering Label .................................................................................................................. 276
15.4 Attaching an L-Shaped Label ................................................................................................................................. 278
15.5 Attaching a Sign Plate Label ................................................................................................................................... 280
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DBS3900 LampSite
Installation Guide
1 Changes in DBS3900 LampSite Installation Guide
Changes in DBS3900 LampSite
Installation Guide
This chapter describes the changes in the DBS3900 LampSite Installation Guide.
08 (2016-05-30)
This is the eighth commercial release.
Compared with 07 (2015-12-30), this issue incorporates the following new topics:
8.3.4 Installing a pRRU on a Pole
10 (Optional) Installing the Extender-PoE90
11 (Optional) Installing the EXD3902 and Cables
Compared with 07 (2015-12-30), this issue incorporates the following changes:
Change Description
8.4.5 Installing a pRRU3902 Ethernet Cable
Renamed the outdoor Extender to
8.4.6 Installing a
pRRU3911/pRRU3911+WIFI Ethernet
Compared with 07 (2015-12-30), no information is deleted.
07 (2015-12-30)
This is the seventh commercial release.
Compared with 06 (2015-10-30), this issue incorporates the following new topics:
8.4.6 Installing a pRRU3911/pRRU3911+WIFI Ethernet Cable
12 (Optional) Installing the PoE Surge Protector and Cables
13 (Optional) Installing the RF Surge Protector and Cables
14 (Optional) Installing the Cabinet and Cabinet Cables
Compared with 06 (2015-10-30), this issue incorporates the following changes:
Issue 08 (2016-05-30)
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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
DBS3900 LampSite
Installation Guide
1 Changes in DBS3900 LampSite Installation Guide
Change Description
Entire document
Added the information about pRRU3911
and the cabinet used in the outside scenario.
Compared with 06 (2015-10-30), no information is deleted.
06 (2015-10-30)
This is the sixth commercial release.
Compared with 05 (2015-08-30), this issue includes the following new topics:
9 Installing a pRRU3907 or pRRU3916
Compared with 05 (2015-08-30), no information is changed.
Compared with 05 (2015-08-30), no information is deleted.
05 (2015-08-30)
This is the fifth commercial release.
Compared with 04 (2015-07-30), no information is added.
Compared with 04 (2015-07-30), this issue incorporates the following changes
Change Description
6.4.7 Installing CRPI Optical Cables
Added the descriptions about the CPRI
optical fiber connection in sharing BBUs
with Macro Networks scenario.
Compared with 04 (2015-07-30), no information is deleted.
04 (2015-07-30)
This is the fourth commercial release.
Compared with 03 (2015-06-30), no information is added.
Compared with 03 (2015-06-30), this issue incorporates the following changes.
Change Description
Entire document
Added the RHUB that has no electrical
transmission port.
Compared with 03 (2015-06-30), no information is deleted.
Issue 08 (2016-05-30)
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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
DBS3900 LampSite
Installation Guide
1 Changes in DBS3900 LampSite Installation Guide
03 (2015-06-30)
This is the third commercial release.
Compared with 02 (2015-05-08), this issue includes the following new topics:
5 Installing a DCU
Compared with 02 (2015-05-08), this issue incorporates the following changes:
Change Description
Entire document
Added the descriptions about the DCU.
Compared with 02 (2015-05-08), no information is deleted.
02 (2015-05-08)
This is the second commercial release.
Compared with 01 (2015-03-23), no information is added.
Compared with 01 (2015-03-23), this issue incorporates the following changes:
Change Description
6.4.9 Installing Power Cable
Modified the RHUB configurations of
upper-level circuit breakers.
8.1.2 Installation Scenario
Deleted the minimum space requirements of
the pRRU3901.
8.1.3 Space Requirements
Deleted the minimum space requirements of
the pRRU3902.
8.3.2 Installing a pRRU on a Wall
Added the step about locking the protection
screw of pRRU3902.
8.3.3 Installing a pRRU on a Ceiling
8.3.5 Installing a pRRU on a Plate
8.3.6 Installing a pRRUon a Keel
Compared with 01 (2015-03-23), no information is deleted.
01 (2015-03-23)
This is the first commercial release.
Compared with draft B (2015-02-10), this issue includes the following new topics:
8 Installing a pRRU3902 or pRRU3911
Compared with draft B (2015-02-10), this issue incorporates the following changes:
Issue 08 (2016-05-30)
Change Description
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
DBS3900 LampSite
Installation Guide
1 Changes in DBS3900 LampSite Installation Guide
Change Description
Entire document
Added the descriptions about the
Compared with draft B (2015-02-10), no information is deleted.
Draft B (2015-02-10)
This is a draft release.
Compared with draft A (2015-01-15), no information is added.
Compared with draft A (2015-01-15), this issue incorporates the following change:
Change Description
6.1.1 Installation Scenarios
Added the descriptions about the RHUB
panel must not face upwards.
Compared with draft A (2015-01-15), no information is deleted.
Draft A (2015-01-15)
This is a draft release.
Compared with Issue 08 (2014-12-30) of V100R009C00, no information is added.
Compared with Issue 08 (2014-12-30) of V100R009C00, this issue incorporates the following
Change Description
Entire document
The base station in the LampSite solution is
renamed DBS3900 LampSite.
Compared with Issue 08 (2014-12-30) of V100R009C00, no information is deleted.
Issue 08 (2016-05-30)
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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
DBS3900 LampSite
Installation Guide
2 Installation Preparations
Installation Preparations
About This Chapter
Before starting the installation, you must obtain the required reference documents, tools, and
instruments, and familiarize yourself with the skills required.
2.1 Reference Documents
Before the installation, you must read the following documents:
2.2 Preparing Tools and Instruments
This section describes the tools and instruments that must be prepared before the installation.
2.3 Requirements for Installation Personnel
This section describes requirements for installation engineers. They must be qualified and
trained, and familiar with correct operation methods and safety precautions before performing
any operations.
2.1 Reference Documents
Before the installation, you must read the following documents:
DBS3900 LampSite Hardware Description
Installation Reference
2.2 Preparing Tools and Instruments
This section describes the tools and instruments that must be prepared before the installation.
Torque screwdriver
Diagonal pliers
(M4 to M6)
Power cable crimping tool
Issue 08 (2016-05-30)
RJ11 crimping tool
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Cable cutter
DBS3900 LampSite
Installation Guide
2 Installation Preparations
Rubber mallet
Crown saw (Ø60)
Wire stripper
Hammer drill (Ø6, Ø8 and
Torque wrench (Ø10 mm)
Protective gloves
Guarded blade utility knife
ESD gloves
Long measuring tape
Network cable tester
Vacuum cleaner
Torque wrench for SMA
Socket wrench (M6)
Hole screwdriver (T20)
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DBS3900 LampSite
Installation Guide
2 Installation Preparations
2.3 Requirements for Installation Personnel
This section describes requirements for installation engineers. They must be qualified and
trained, and familiar with correct operation methods and safety precautions before performing
any operations.
Before the installation, pay attention to the following items:
Technical engineers must take Huawei training and be familiar with proper installation
and operation methods.
The number of installation personnel depends on the engineering schedule and
installation environment. Generally, three to five persons are required. Generally, only
three to five onsite personnel are necessary.
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DBS3900 LampSite
Installation Guide
3 Unpacking and Checking
Unpacking and Checking
This section describes how to unpack and check the delivered equipment to ensure that the
materials are complete and intact.
The following lists important notes when you are transporting, lifting, or installing the equipment or
Protect them from colliding with doors, walls, shelves, or other objects.
Wear clean gloves and do not touch them with bare hands, sweat-soaked gloves, or dirty gloves.
You must power on the RHUB or pRRU within 7 days after it is unpacked.
Step 1 Count the total number of the shipments.
The total number of the components is
consistent with that recorded in the
packing lists on all packing boxes
Go to Step 2.
The total number of the components is
inconsistent with that recorded in the
packing lists on all packing boxes
Report the problems and causes to the local
Huawei office.
Step 2 Check the exterior of each packing box.
The exterior of each packing box is
Go to Step 3.
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DBS3900 LampSite
Installation Guide
3 Unpacking and Checking
It is damaged or soaked
Report the problems and causes to the local
Huawei office.
The collision label is red
Do not unpack the packing box and claim
for compensation from the transportation
Step 3 Check the type and quantity of the equipment in the boxes according to the packing list.
The type and number are consistent
with the packing list on each packing
Sign the Packing List with the operator.
There is any shortage, wrong delivery,
or damaged equipment
Report the problems and causes to the local
Huawei office.
Perform the following operations to protect the components from any damages and help find
out the cause of any damage in future: 1. Store the unpacked equipment and packing materials
indoors. 2. Take photos of the storeroom, rusted or eroded equipment, packing box, and
packing materials. 3. File the photos.
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DBS3900 LampSite
Installation Guide
4 Installing a BBU
Installing a BBU
This chapter describes the process of installing a BBU.
For details about the installation of the BBU, see DBS3900 Installation Guide.
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DBS3900 LampSite
Installation Guide
5 Installing a DCU
Installing a DCU
This chapter describes the process of installing a DCU.
For details about the installation of the DCU, see DCU3900 Installation Guide.
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DBS3900 LampSite
Installation Guide
6 Installing an RHUB
Installing an RHUB
About This Chapter
This chapter describes the process of installing an RHUB. RHUBs are classified into those
with electrical transmission ports and those with no electrical transmission ports. Unless
otherwise specified, this document uses the RHUBs with no electrical transmission ports as an
6.1 Information About the Installation
This section describes the information to be learnt before RHUB installation, including the
RHUB installation scenarios, clearance, and installation environment.
6.2 Installation Process
The RHUB installation involves installing an RHUB module, installing RHUB cables,
checking the RHUB hardware installation, and powering on the RHUB.
6.3 Installing an RHUB
An RHUB can be installed in a cabinet, rack, shelf, or on a wall.
6.4 Installing RHUB Cables
This section describes how to install cables for an RHUB.
6.5 Checking the RHUB Hardware Installation
After an RHUB is installed, check the installation of hardware including the devices and
related cables.
6.6 Power-on Check on an RHUB
This section describes the power-on check on the RHUB after the RHUB hardware is
installed and checked.
6.1 Information About the Installation
This section describes the information to be learnt before RHUB installation, including the
RHUB installation scenarios, clearance, and installation environment.
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DBS3900 LampSite
Installation Guide
6 Installing an RHUB
6.1.1 Installation Scenarios
An RHUB can be installed in a 19-inch cabinet, rack, shelf, or on a wall.
To prevent the RHUB from water drops, the RHUB panel must not face upwards (shown in
Figure 6-1) in any installation scenarios.
Figure 6-1 Improper installation mode
The RHUB mounting ears are installed in standard mode or reverse mode. The reverse mode
is used by default. The two installation modes are defined as follows:
Issue 08 (2016-05-30)
In standard mode, the front of the mounting ear is aligned with the RHUB panel, as
shown in Figure 6-2.
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DBS3900 LampSite
Installation Guide
6 Installing an RHUB
Figure 6-2 Installing mounting ears in standard mode
In reverse mode, the front of the mounting ear is 31 mm away from the RHUB panel, as
shown in Figure 6-3.
Figure 6-3 Installing mounting ears in reverse mode
Installing an RHUB in a 19-Inch Cabinet or Rack
Installing an RHUB in a 19-inch cabinet or rack: Secure the mounting ear to the mounting
bracket by using M6 screws.
If there are no other modules installed in the 1 U space near the RHUB, install the
RHUB directly. Otherwise, remove the modules before installing the RHUB.
Before installation, you need to check the installation mode supported by the rack and
adjust the position of the mounting ear.
Figure 6-4 and Figure 6-5 show RHUBs installed in a cabinet or rack, respectively.
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Figure 6-4 Installing an RHUB in a 19-inch cabinet or rack in standard mode
Figure 6-5 Installing an RHUB in a 19-inch cabinet in reverse mode
Installing an RHUB in a 19-Inch Shelf
When an RHUB is installed in a 19-inch shelf, the shelf must be installed on a wall. One shelf
can house multiple RHUBs with 1 U space between two RHUBs.
Figure 6-6 and Figure 6-7 show RHUBs installed in a 19-inch shelf.
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Figure 6-6 RHUB installed in a 19-inch shelf in standard mode
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Figure 6-7 RHUB installed in a 19-inch shelf in reverse mode
Installing an RHUB on a Wall
An RHUB can be installed on a wall.
The wall on which an RHUB is installed must meet the following requirements:
When a single RHUB is installed, the wall must have a capacity of bearing at least four
times the weight of the RHUB.
Expansion bolts must be tightened to 10 N·m (88.507 bf·in.) to ensure the bolts work
properly and the wall remains intact without cracks in it.
Figure 6-8 shows an RHUB installed on a wall.
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Figure 6-8 RHUB installed on a wall
6.1.2 Installation Clearance Requirements
When an RHUB is installed in a 19-inch cabinet, rack, shelf, or on a wall, a minimum
clearance is required for easy cabling and operation and maintenance. A recommended
installation clearance is provided based on experience.
Do not install or place inflammable materials above or under an RHUB.
A clearance of 350 mm must be reserved in front of the air intake vent of the fan of the
power supply unit (PSU) for maintenance.
Figure 6-9 shows the installation clearance for the RHUB installed in a 19-inch cabinet, rack,
or shelf.
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6 Installing an RHUB
Figure 6-9 Installation clearance for an RHUB installed in a 19-inch cabinet, rack, or shelf
Figure 6-10 and Figure 6-11 shows the recommended and minimum installation clearance
respectively when the RHUB is installed on a wall.
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Figure 6-10 Recommended installation clearance for a wall-mounted RHUB (unit: mm)
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Figure 6-11 Minimum installation clearance for a wall-mounted RHUB (unit: mm)
6.1.3 Installation Environment
The installation environment of an RHUB involves the running environment specifications for
the RHUB and other specifications.
RHUB Running Environment Specifications
Table 6-1 shows the environment specifications for the RHUB installed indoors.
The temperature and humidity of the installation position must ensure normal operation.
A cool and ventilated place is recommended.
The heat dissipation holes on the RHUB cannot be blocked.
Table 6-1 RHUB environment specifications
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6 Installing an RHUB
Installed on a
wall or in a
19-inch rack.
-5°C to
Installed in a
-5°C to
-5°C to
-5°C to
Installed in all
5% RH to
95% RH
-60 m to
+1800 m
Works properly.
1800 m to
4000 m
Above the 1800 m altitude,
the maximum operating
temperature decreases by
1°C each time the altitude
increases by 220 m.
Installing more than one RHUB, 1 U space is required between two RHUBs.
Other Running Environment Specifications
The RHUB cannot be installed at an air outlet of the heat dissipation box of an air
conditioner or other heat-generating appliances.
The RHUB cannot be installed near a strong heat source.
The RHUB cannot be installed in a position with water dripping, such as outdoor
equipment of air conditioners, pipe, and leaking or dripping roofs.
The installation position must be far from rains. If the RHUB is installed on a wall, there
must be no window on either side of the wall.
The installation position must be far away from high voltage, highly corrosive devices,
flammable or explosive substances, and electromagnetic interference such as power
stations, high-voltage substations, and wired TV towers.
The RHUB must be installed in a dry, ventilating, and dust-proof place.
If the RHUB is installed in parking areas or basements, the installation position must be
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6 Installing an RHUB
Requirements for the Upper-level Circuit Breaker
Type C upper-level AC circuit breakers or slow-blow fuses must be used for power cables.
The maximum current must not exceed 16 A. Table 6-2 describes the recommended
Table 6-2 Circuit breaker specifications for power cables
Power Supply
Upper-level AC Circuit
Breaker (For a single
Cross-Sectional Area of
the Input Power Cable
220 V AC single-phase
1.5 mm2
110 V AC dual-live-wire
110 V AC single-phase
≥ 12 A
6.2 Installation Process
The RHUB installation involves installing an RHUB module, installing RHUB cables,
checking the RHUB hardware installation, and powering on the RHUB.
Figure 6-12 shows the RHUB installation process.
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Figure 6-12 RHUB installation process
6.3 Installing an RHUB
An RHUB can be installed in a cabinet, rack, shelf, or on a wall.
6.3.1 Installing an RHUB in a 19-Inch Cabinet or Rack
This section describes how to install an RHUB in a 19-inch cabinet.
The following describes how to install an RHUB with mounting ears in reverse mode:
If necessary, request one more person for assistance.
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With one hand holding it, align the mounting holes with the installation holes,
slowly push the RHUB into the required position in the cabinet, as shown in Figure
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Figure 6-13 Pushing an RHUB into a cabinet
Use a torque screwdriver or Phillips screwdriver to tighten the four M6×16 screws
with a torque of 2 N•m, as shown in Figure 6-14.
Figure 6-14 Tightening screws
The following describes how to install an RHUB with mounting ears aligned with the
RHUB panel:
If necessary, request one more person for assistance.
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Remove the mounting ears on both sides of the RHUB by removing the four M4×8
screws, as shown in Figure 6-15.
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Figure 6-15 Removing mounting ears and screws
Use a torque screwdriver or Phillips screwdriver to tighten the four M4×8 screws
with a torque of 1.4 N•m to install the removed mounting ears again, as shown in
Figure 6-16. The mounting ears must be aligned with the RHUB panel.
Figure 6-16 Installing mounting ears in standard mode
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With one hand holding it, align the mounting holes with the installation holes,
slowly push the RHUB into the required position in the cabinet, as shown in Figure
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Figure 6-17 Pushing an RHUB into a cabinet
Use a torque screwdriver or Phillips screwdriver to tighten the four M6×16 screws
with a torque of 2 N•m, as shown in Figure 6-18.
Figure 6-18 Tightening screws
6.3.2 Installing an RHUB in a 19-Inch Shelf
If a shelf houses more than one RHUB, 1 U space is required between two RHUBs. The PSU
must be installed at the bottom of the cabinet.
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6 Installing an RHUB
The following describes how to install an RHUB with mounting ears installed in reverse
If necessary, request one more person for assistance.
With one hand holding it, align the mounting holes with the installation holes,
slowly push the RHUB into the required position in the shelf.
Use a torque screwdriver or Phillips screwdriver to tighten the four M6×16 screws
with a torque of 2 N•m, as shown in Figure 6-19.
Figure 6-19 Tightening screws
The following describes how to install an RHUB with mounting ears installed in
standard mode:
If necessary, request one more person for assistance.
Issue 08 (2016-05-30)
Remove the mounting ears on both sides of the RHUB by removing the four M4×8
screws, as shown in Figure 6-20.
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Figure 6-20 Removing mounting ears and screws
Use a torque screwdriver or Phillips screwdriver to tighten the four M4×8 screws
with a torque of 1.4 N•m to install the removed mounting ears again, as shown in
Figure 6-21. The mounting ears must be aligned with the RHUB panel.
Figure 6-21 Installing mounting ears in standard mode
Issue 08 (2016-05-30)
With one hand holding it, align the mounting holes with the installation holes,
slowly push the RHUB into the required position in the cabinet, as shown in .
Use a torque screwdriver or Phillips screwdriver to tighten the four M6×16 screws
with a torque of 2 N•m, as shown in Figure 6-22.
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Figure 6-22 Tightening screws
6.3.3 Installing an RHUB on a Wall
An RHUB can be installed on a wall.
Suitable for mounting on concrete or other non-combustible surface only.
Step 1
The mounting ears are installed in reverse mode by default. Before installing an RHUB on a
wall, modify the installation mode of the mounting ears on the RHUB.
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Use a torque screwdriver or Phillips screwdriver to remove the mounting ears on both
sides of the RHUB by removing the four M4×8 screws, as shown in Figure 6-23.
Figure 6-23 Removing screws and mounting ears
Rotate the mounting ears 90 degrees clockwise, and use a torque screwdriver or Phillips
screwdriver to secure the mounting ear with a torque of 1.4 N•m, as shown in Figure
Figure 6-24 Installing mounting ears and screws
Step 2
Determine the position on the wall for installing the RHUB based on the requirements in the
engineering blueprint and 6.1.2 Installation Clearance Requirements. Place the RHUB to the
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position to be installed against the wall, and then mark the four anchor points where the
mounting ear screws are fastened using a marker, as shown in Figure 6-25.
Figure 6-25 Anchor points for installing an RHUB on a wall
(1) Level
(2) RHUB
(3) Wall
To prevent inhalation or eye contact with dust, take adequate preventive measures when
drilling holes.
Step 3 Drill holes at the anchor point and install expansion bolts, as shown in Figure 6-26.
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Figure 6-26 Drilling holes and installing expansion bolts
(1) M6×60
expansion bolt
(2) Nut
(3) Spring
(4) Flat washer
(5) Extension
Use a hammer drill with bit 8 to drill holes with a diameter of 8 mm and a depth of 45
mm to 50 mm at the marked anchor points. All the holes have the same depth.
Use a vacuum cleaner to clear the dust inside and around each hole. If the distance
between two holes is incorrect, mark and drill holes again.
Partially tighten an expansion bolt and place it vertically into each hole.
Use a rubber mallet to hit the expansion bolt until the entire expansion sleeve is in the
Remove the M6×60 bolt, nut, spring washer, and flat washer from each expansion bolt in
After removing an expansion bolt, ensure that the top of the expansion sleeve is level with the
wall. If it is not level, the RHUB cannot be installed on the concrete floor evenly and securely.
Step 4 Align the mounting holes with the four M6×60 expansion bolts. Install spring washer 6 and
flat washer 6 in sequence on each M6×60 expansion bolt, insert the bolts to each expansion
tub, and then use a torque wrench or socket wrench to tighten the four M6×60 bolts with a
torque of 5 N•m to secure the RHUB to the wall, as shown in Figure 6-27.
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Figure 6-27 Installing an RHUB on a wall
As shown in the preceding figure, when the RHUB is placed against the wall, ensure that the RHUB
panel is vertical to the ground and the PSU is on the lower part of the RHUB panel.
6.4 Installing RHUB Cables
This section describes how to install cables for an RHUB.
6.4.1 Requirements for Cable Layout
Cables must be routed according to the specified cabling requirements to prevent signal
If a cable listed below is not required, skip the requirements for routing the cable.
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General Requirements for Cable Layout
National Standards
Code for Engineering Design of Generic Cabling System for Building and Campus (GB
Code for Engineering Acceptance of Generic Cabling System for Building and Campus
Security Protection Engineering Technology Specifications (GB 50348-2004)
Code for Construction and Acceptance of the Electronic Information System Room (GB
Code for Quality Acceptance of the Intelligent Building Engineering (GB 50339-2003)
Code for Quality Acceptance of Electric Engineering Construction in Building (GB
Technical Specification for Construction and Acceptance of Telecommunication Conduit
Engineering (GB 50374-2006)
International Standards
Generic Cabling for Customer Premises (ISO/IEC 11801)
Commercial Building Telecommunications Cabling Standard (EIA/TIA 568)
Commercial Building Standard for Telecommunication Pathways and Spaces (EIA/TIA
Administration Standard for Commercial Telecommunications Infrastructure (EIA/TIA
Grounding and Bonding Requirements for Telecommunications in Commercial
Buildings (EIA/TIA 607)
Generic Cabling Systems for Information Technology (EN 50173)
Cabling Installation for Information Technology (EN 50174)
Bending radius
The bending radius of a power cable or a protection ground (PGND) cable is at least five
times the diameter of the cable.
The bending radius of an optical cable is at least 20 times the diameter of the optical
cable, and the minimum bending radius of the branch at each end of the optical cable is
30 mm.
The bending radius of the signal cable must be at least five times the diameter of the
Cable Binding
Cables of the same type are bound together.
Different types of cables must be separately routed with a minimum spacing of 30 mm
and cannot be entangled or crossed.
The cables are bound tightly and neatly and the cable sheath is intact.
The cable ties face the same direction and all cable ties bound at similar positions must
be in a straight line.
The extra length of each indoor cable tie must be cut off. A slack of 5 mm is reserved for
each outdoor cable tie. All cut surfaces have no sharp edges.
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Labels or nameplates are attached to both ends, joints, or turns of cables after they are
The steel pipe or fire-resistant rigid polyvinyl chloride pipe should be used for the cable
duct or for routing cables. The cross-sectional usage of the cable duct should be 30% to
50% and that of the pipe for routing cables should be 25% to 30%.
Cables are placed away from sharp objects or wall burrs. If these positions are inevitable,
protection pipes are required for the cables.
Cables are routed away from heat sources, or heat-insulation materials are added
between cables and heat sources.
Cables are routed away the cooling vents of the RHUB.
A clearance is reserved at turns of a cable or the position close to a device, facilitating
cable and device maintenance. The recommended clearance is about 0.1 m.
Requirements for Special Cables
Ethernet Cable
A maximum of 100 Ethernet cables can be bundled if no PVC pipes are used. If pipes are
used, a maximum of 24 Ethernet cables can be led through a pipe. In this case, ensure
that 1/3 space inside the pipes must be vacant.
The point at which an Ethernet cable is bundled must be spaced 400 mm or less from the
Ethernet port on an RHUB.
For the RHUB used in the elevator engine room on the rooftop, generator set for the
subway engine, and equipment room with central air conditioning, Ethernet cables must
be led through metallic conduits that are reliably grounded at both ends.
Power cable
Positions for routing power cables meet requirements of the engineering design.
Cables are routed only by qualified and trained personnel before all preparations are
Cables are routed in an untangled and orderly fashion.
PGND cable
PGND cables are buried in the ground or routed indoors. They cannot be routed
overhead before they are routed into the equipment room.
Outer conductors of coaxial cables and both ends of the shield layers on shielded cables
are in proper electrical contact with the metal surface of the equipment to which they are
PGND cables and signal cables are installed in an untangled and orderly fashion. A
certain distance is reserved between them to prevent interference from each other.
Fuses or switches are not allowed on PGND cables.
Other devices cannot be used for electrical connections of PGND cables.
All the metal parts in the equipment are reliably connected to the ground terminal.
Optical cable
Cables are routed in an untangled and orderly fashion.
Optical fibers cannot be bound at turns.
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Optical fibers cannot be stretched with too much force or stepped on, and they are far
away from sharp objects. Heavy objects cannot be placed on optical cables.
When optical cables are routed, the extra length of the cables is coiled around special
devices, such as a fiber coiler.
Even strength is applied when optical cables are coiled and optical cables cannot be bent
in a forcible manner.
Vacant optical connectors are covered with dust-proof caps.
Fiber optic cables cannot be squeezed by the cabinet door when routed through the
If optical cables need to be routed on the tower platform, the optical cables are routed
along the inner side of the guard rail and the distance between the guard rail and the
cable is the shortest one.
If optical cables need to be routed close to a device on the tower, the optical cables are
secured to the guard rail or pole with cable clips and the device cannot be far away from
the position for securing the optical cables.
If the optical cable close to a device on the tower is too long, the optical cables are
wrapped and secured to the tower.
6.4.2 Cable List
The DBS3900 LampSite cable list includes BBU cable list, DCU cable list, RHUB cable list,
pRRU cable list.
BBU Cable List
The following table lists BBU3900 cables and BBU3910 cables.
Except the CPRI fiber optic cable, for details about the cables exterior and related description in Table
6-3 and Table 6-4, see 3900 Series Base Station Cables.
Table 6-3 BBU3900&BBU3910 cable list
One End
The Other End
OT terminal
(M4, 6 mm2 or
0.009 in.2)
terminal on the
OT terminal
(M8, 6 mm2 or
0.009 in.2)
ground bar
BBU Power
3V3 connector
-48V port on
Depending on
the power
Depending on
the power
E1/T1 Cable
DB26 male
E1/T1 port on
the UMPT,
WMPT, or
UTRP in the
Depending on
E1/T1 Surge
DB26 male
E1/T1 port on
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One End
The Other End
Transfer Cable
the UMPT,
WMPT, or
UTRP in the
on the UELP in
the SLPU
FE/GE Ethernet
RJ45 connector
FE0 port
on the
UFLP in the
RJ45 connector
FE0 port on
the UMPT,
GTMU, or
the BBU
FE/GE port
on the
the BBU
FE/GE port
on the
the BBU
RJ45 connector
FE0 port near
INSIDE on the
UFLP in the
FE/GE Surge
Transfer Cable
RJ45 connector
FE0 port on the
GTMU, or
WMPT in the
FE/GE port on
the UTRP in
the BBU
Cable Between
FE/GE Electrical
RJ45 connector
FE0 port on the
WMPT in the
RJ45 connector
FE0 port on the
GTMU in the
Cable Between
FE/GE Optical
LC connector
FE1 port on the
WMPT in the
LC connector
FE1 port on the
GTMU in the
FE/GE Fiber
Optic Cable
LC connector
FE1 port on the
LMPT, or
UMPT in the
FC, SC, or LC
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One End
The Other End
CPRI Optical
DLC connector
CPRI port on
the GTMU,
or UBRI in the
DLC connector
CPRI_W port
on an RRU
Monitoring Signal
RJ45 connector
MON1 port on
the UPEU or
UEIU in the
Twisted pair
TX+, TX-,
RX+, or RXport on the
Monitoring Signal
RJ45 connector
M0N1 port on
the UPEU or
UEIU in the
RJ45 connector
COM_IN port
on the HEUA
Monitoring Signal
RJ45 connector
M0N1 port on
the UPEU or
UEIU in the
RJ45 connector
COM_IN port
on the CMUA
Monitoring Signal
RJ45 connector
M0N1 port on
the UPEU or
UEIU in the
RJ45 connector
COM_IN port
on the CMUE
Monitoring Signal
RJ45 connector
M0N1 port on
the UPEU or
UEIU in the
RJ45 connector
COM_IN port
on the
Monitoring Signal
RJ45 connector
M0N1 port on
the UPEU or
UEIU in the
DB9 male
RS-485 port on
the EMUA
) Monitoring
Signal Cable
RJ45 connector
port on the
UEIU in the
Cord end
ALM terminal
on the PSU
) In-Position
Signal Cable
RJ45 connector
port on the
UEIU in the
RJ45 connector
on the PSU
BBU Alarm
RJ45 connector
port on the
RJ45 connector
External alarm
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One End
The Other End
UEIU in the
GPS Clock Signal
SMA male
GPS port on
or UMPTa6 in
the BBU
Type N female
GPS surge
Signal Cables
DLC connector
M0 to M4 ports
on the UCIU in
the BBU
DLC connector
CI port on the
UMPT in the
Cable Between
Two Combined
Base Stations
DB15 male
GCK port on
the UCIU in
the BBU
MD36 or
DB15 male
Adapter Used for
USBa port on
the UMPT in
the BBU
Ethernet cable
a: The security of the USB port is ensured by encryption, and the USB port can be shut down using
commands. The USB commission port is used for commissioning the base station rather than
configuring and exporting information of the base station.
The following table lists BBU3910A cables.
Table 6-4 BBU3910A cable list
One End
The Other End
PGND cable for
the BBU3910A
OT terminal
(M6, 16 mm2 or
0.025 in.2)
terminal on the
OT terminal
(M8, 16 mm2 or
0.025 in.2)
terminal on the
ground bar
Power cable for
the BBU3910A
EPC4 connector
NEG(-) and
RTN(+) ports
on the
Depending on
the power
Depending on
the power
Dry contact
alarm cable for
the BBU3910A
male connector
(waterproof on
the connector's
both sides)
EXT_ALM port
on the
Cord end
Equipment to
be monitored
RS485 alarm
cable for the
EXT_ALM port
on the
RJ45 connector
COM_IN port
on the
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One End
The Other End
male connector
(waterproof on
the connector's
both sides)
CPRI Optical
DLC connector
CPRI port on
the BBU3910A
DLC connector
CPRI_W port
on an RRU
FE/GE fiber
optic cable
LC connector
GE1 port on the
LC, FC, or SC
FE/GE Ethernet
RJ45 connector
GE0 port on the
RJ45 connector
E1/T1 cable
male connector
E1/T1 port on
the BBU3910A
Depending on
DCU Cable List
For details about the DCU cables, see DCU3900 Cables in DCU3900 Hardware Description.
RHUB Cable List
Table 6-5 lists RHUB cables.
Table 6-5 RHUB cable list
One End
The Other End
Connected to...
PGND cable
OT terminal
(M4, 6 mm2
[0.009 in.2])
Ground screws
on the RHUB
OT terminal
(M6, 6 mm2
[0.009 in.2])
Ground terminal
on the external
ground bar
Supply Cable
C13 female
AC power
input socket on
the RHUB
3-pin connector
External power
input socket
CPRI Optical
DLC connector
CPRI port on
the LBBP,
UBBP in the
DLC connector
port on the
CPRI port on
DLC connector
CPRI port on the
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One End
The Other End
Connected to...
the LBBP,
UBBP in the
CPRI port on
the DCU
port on the
CPRI0 or
CPRI1 port on
the RHUB
DLC connector
port on the
CPRI port on
the LBBP,
UBBP in the
FC connector,
SC connector, or
LC connector
CPRI port on
the DCU
CPRI0 or
CPRI1 port on
the RHUB
RJ45 connector
RI_E7 port on
the RHUB
RJ45 connector
E1 port on the
Alarm Cable
RJ45 connector
port on the
Bare end
Alarm signal port
of the monitored
If one end of the CPRI cable is connected to the DLC connector, the other end connects the BBU,
DCU or RHUB through the DLC connector. If one end of the CPRI cable is connected to the ODF
adapter, the other end connects the BBU or RHUB through a connector corresponding to the adapter.
The connectors include the FC connector, SC connector, and LC connector.
The Extender can be used to lengthen the distance between the RHUB and the pRRU connected
using the Ethernet cable. If the Extender is used, the Ethernet cable is divided into two parts, one
between the RHUB and the Extender and the other between the Extender and the pRRU.
pRRU Cable List
Table 6-6 lists pRRU cables.
Table 6-6 List of pRRU3901 cables
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One End
The Other End
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6 Installing an RHUB
RF Jumper
to ...
Connected to ...
RJ45 connector
RI_E7 port on
RJ45 connector
E1 port on pRRU
RJ45 connector
port on Access
RJ45 connector
GE port on
CPRI_E1 port
port on pRRU
Based on the
port model of
the antenna
SMA straight
N male
Antenna system
When the RHUB and the pRRU connected using the Ethernet cable. If the Extender is used,
In the indoor scenario, the Ethernet cable is divided into two parts, one between the RHUB and the
Extender and the other between the Extender and the pRRU.
In the outdoor scenario (only pRRU3901 and pRRU3902), the Ethernet cable is divided into two
parts, one among RHUB-PoE surge protector 2- PoE surge protector 3-Extender and the other
among the Extender- PoE surge protector 4- PoE surge protector 1-pRRU.
6.4.3 Cable Connections
This section describes the cable connections for an RHUB.
Figure 6-28, Figure 6-29 shows the cable connections for an RHUB. The port of ETH are
Figure 6-28 Cable connections for an RHUB (indoor)
(1) CPRI optical cable
(2) Alarm cable
(3) Ethernet cable
(4) Power cable
(5) PGND cable
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6 Installing an RHUB
The Extender can be used to lengthen the distance between the RHUB and the pRRU connected using
the Ethernet cable. If the Extender is used, the Ethernet cable is divided into two parts, one between the
RHUB and the Extender and the other between the Extender and the pRRU.
Figure 6-29 Cable connections for an RHUB (outdoor)
(1) CPRI optical cable
(2) Alarm cable
(3) Ethernet cable
(4) Power cable
(5) PGND cable
The Extender can be used to lengthen the distance between the RHUB and the pRRU connected using
the Ethernet cable. If the Extender is used, the Ethernet cable is divided into two parts, one between the
RHUB and the Extender and the other between the Extender and the pRRU.
6.4.4 Cable Installation Process
This section describes the process of installing RHUB cables.
Figure 6-30 shows the RHUB cable installation process.
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Figure 6-30 RHUB cable installation process
6.4.5 Installing PGND Cable
An RHUB PGND cable ensures proper grounding of an RHUB.
The OT terminals at both ends of the PGND cable are prepared.
The yellow and green or green PGND cable is a single cable. The cross-sectional area of the
PGND cable is 6 mm2 (0.009 in.2). Both ends of the cable are OT terminals, as shown in
Figure 1.
Figure 6-31 Exterior of a PGND cable
(1) OT terminal (6 mm2 [0.009 in.2], M4)
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(2) OT terminal (6 mm2 [0.009 in.2], M6)
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If the PGND cable is provided by the customer, a copper-core cable with a minimum cross-sectional
area of 6 mm2 (0.009 in.2) or 10 AWG is recommended.
The OT terminals at both ends of the PGND cable are assembled at the site.
The M6 OT terminal has the default size. You can replace it with another OT terminal of the
expected size based on the site requirement.
Ensure proper grounding of the RHUB using a PGND cable.
When installing the PGND cable, tightly press the OT terminal in the correct direction, as
shown in Figure 6-32.
Figure 6-32 Correct direction of an OT terminal for the PGND cable
Step 1 Route the PGND cable by referring to 6.4.1 Requirements for Cable Layout.
Step 2 Use a torque screwdriver or Phillips screwdriver to secure the M4 OT terminal at one end of
the PGND cable to the ground screw on the RHUB panel with a torque of 1.4 N•m. If the OT
terminal is a one-hole OT terminal, connect it to the ground screw on the lower part of the
RHUB panel, as shown in Figure 6-33.
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Figure 6-33 Installing an RHUB PGND cable
Step 3 Use a torque screwdriver or Phillips screwdriver to secure the M8 OT terminal at one end of
the PGND cable to the wiring terminal on the ground bar at the site with a torque of 1.4 N•m.
Follow-up Procedure
Route the cable, and then use a cable tie to bind the cable. For details, see 6.4.1
Requirements for Cable Layout.
Label the installed cable. For details, see section 15.4 Attaching an L-Shaped Label.
6.4.6 Installing Ethernet Cable
This section describes how to install an Ethernet cable.
The Ethernet cable must be of Category 5e (enhanced) or higher. In addition, its
cross-sectional area must be 24 AWG or larger and frame spread rating must be CM or
The Ethernet cables can be straight-through cables or crossover cables.
With the internal PoE module providing power, the maximum length of an Ethernet
cable is 100 m. With the Extender, the distance of the pRRU and RHUB can be extended
by the Extender up to a total distance of 200 m.
Ethernet cables are not delivered, and they must be prepared onsite. You need to use a
network cable tester to test the Ethernet cable connection.
The Ethernet cable has the following functions:
Provides power supply for the pRRU when connected to the CPRI_E0 port on the
Transmits CPRI signals between an RHUB and a pRRU.
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6 Installing an RHUB
For details about the cable connections in the different scenarios, see 6.4.3 Cable Connections.
The Ethernet cable connections between RHUB and pRRUs are the same. The following
section describes the connections between RHUB-Extender-pRRU3901 as an example.
In the outdoor scenario, PoE surge protector is needed to provide surge protection for the
Ethernet ports. For details about the installation of PoE surge protector, see 12 (Optional)
Installing the PoE Surge Protector and Cables.
Step 1 Make the Ethernet cables.
Assemble an RJ45 connector and an Ethernet cable by following instructions in
Assembling the Unshielded RJ45 Connector and the Ethernet Cable of Installation
Follow pin assignment instructions described in section Ethernet Cable in DBS3900 LampSite Hardware
Description to assemble the unshielded RJ45 connector and the Ethernet cable. Otherwise, the
transmission signal quality deteriorates and CPRI links may be disconnected.
Check whether the made RJ45 connector is qualified by following instructions in
Checking the Appearance of Metal Contact Strips.
To complete the assembly of the other end, repeat Step 1.1 and Step 1.2.
Check whether the touch points on the connectors at both ends are normally conducted
and well contacted and whether the connections are correct by following instructions in
Testing the Connection of Assembled Cables of Installation Reference.
Step 2 Connect the RJ45 connector at the other end of the Ethernet cable to any port ranging from
CPRI_E0 to CPRI_E7 on the RHUB panel based on the engineering design.
Step 3 Optional: Connect the RJ45 connector at the other end of the Ethernet cable to the output
port of the Extender. Then, connect the RJ45 connector at one end of another Ethernet cable
to the input port of the Extender.
If the Extender is used, the Ethernet cable is divided into two parts, one between the RHUB
and the Extender and the other between the Extender and the pRRU.
Step 4 Remove the dustproof cap of the CPRI_E0 port on the pRRU.
Step 5 Connect the RJ45 connector at one end of the Ethernet cable to the CPRI_E0 port on the
pRRU panel, as shown in Figure 6-34, Figure 6-35.
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6 Installing an RHUB
Figure 6-34 Install an Ethernet cable between an RHUB and a pRRU3901
(1) Ethernet cable
(2) CPRI_E0 port on the pRRU3901
Figure 6-35 Install an Ethernet cable between an RHUB and a pRRU3902 or pRRU3911/
(1) Ethernet cable
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(2) CPRI_E0 port on the pRRU3902
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Figure 6-36 Install an Ethernet cable between an RHUB and a pRRU3907
(1) Ethernet cable
(2) CPRI_E0 port on the pRRU
Follow-up Procedure
Route the cable, and then use a cable tie to bind the cable. For details, see 6.4.1
Requirements for Cable Layout.
Label the installed cable. For details, see section 15.4 Attaching an L-Shaped Label.
6.4.7 Installing CRPI Optical Cables
Optical fibers can be used to interconnect BBU and RHUBs, or cascade RHUBs.
Multi-mode optical modules for CPRI ports are labeled MM and each has a black or gray
Single-mode optical modules are labeled SM and each has a blue puller.
For details about the connection of CPRI optical cables, see CPRI Topology in
DBS3900 LampSite Technical Description.
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6 Installing an RHUB
An optical module to be installed must match the rate of its corresponding port.
The performance of an optical module that is exposed to the air for more than 20 minutes may be
abnormal. Therefore, you must insert a fiber optic cable into an unpacked optical module within 20
Step 1 Install an optical module, as shown in Figure 6-37 and Figure 6-38.
Remove the dust-proof cap from the CPRI port on the RHUB panel.
Remove the dust-proof cap on the optical module.
Lower the puller of the optical module.
Insert the optical module into the CPRI port on the RHUB, DCU, BBU or ODF.
Raise the puller of the optical module.
Figure 6-37 Removing the dust-proof cap from a port
Figure 6-38 Installing an optical module
Step 2 Install a CPRI optical cable, as shown in Figure 6-39.
Remove the dust-proof cap from the optical cable connector.
Install the optical cables by referring to Table 6-7.
Table 6-7 CPRI optical cable connections
One End
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The Other End
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Connected to
Connected to
DLC connector
CPRI0 or CPRI1 port on
the RHUB
DLC connector
CPRI port on the DCU
CPRI0 or CPRI1 port on
the RHUB
CPRI port on the DCU
CPRI0 or CPRI1 port on the
DLC connector
CPRI0 or CPRI1 port on
the RHUB
FC, SC, or LC
CPRI port on the DCU
CPRI0 or CPRI1 port on the
In sharing BBUs with Macro Networks scenario, RHUBs share only main control boards with with
RF modules on macro base stations, not baseband processing units.
If one end of the CPRI cable is connected to the DLC connector, the other end connects the BBU or
RHUB through the DLC connector. If one end of the CPRI cable is connected to the ODF adapter,
the other end connects the BBU/DCU or RHUB through a connector corresponding to the adapter.
The connectors include the FC connector, SC connector, and LC connector.
When connecting the CPRI cable to the TX and RX ports of the optical module through connectors
in a cross manner, ensure that one end of a core of the CPRI cable is connected to the TX port and
the other end is connected to the RX port. Figure 6-39 shows how to install a CPRI optical cable for
connecting the BBU and RHUBs.
Figure 6-39 Installing an CRPI optical cable
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6 Installing an RHUB
Follow-up Procedure
Route the cable, and then use a cable tie to bind the cable. For details, see 6.4.1
Requirements for Cable Layout.
Label the installed cable. For details, see section 15.4 Attaching an L-Shaped Label.
6.4.8 Installing Alarm Cable (Optional)
An RHUB alarm cable transmits dry node alarm signals.
Connectors for an alarm cable are prepared.
Figure 6-40 shows the exterior of an RHUB alarm cable. 6.4.2 Cable List shows the
installation position on both ends of the RHUB cable.
Figure 6-40 RHUB alarm cable
Step 1 Connect the RJ45 connector on one end of the alarm cable to the EXT_ALM port on the
Step 2 Connect the other end of the alarm cable to the alarm cable port on the device to be
Follow-up Procedure
Route the cable, and then use a cable tie to bind the cable. For details, see 6.4.1
Requirements for Cable Layout.
Label the installed cable. For details, see section 15.4 Attaching an L-Shaped Label.
6.4.9 Installing Power Cable
The RHUB power cable provides 110 V AC/220 V AC power supply for the RHUB.
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6 Installing an RHUB
Table 6-8 lists the recommended configurations of upper-level circuit breakers and power
cables for a RHUB.
Table 6-8 Configurations of upper-level circuit breakers and power cables
Power Supply
Upper-level AC Circuit
Breaker (For a single
Cross-Sectional Area of
the Input Power Cable
220 V AC single-phase
1 mm2
110 V AC single-phase
≥ 10 A
1.25 mm2
Step 1 Route the power cable by referring to 6.4.1 Requirements for Cable Layout.
Step 2 Connect the power connector on the X1 end to the AC power input port on the RHUB panel,
as shown in Figure 6-41.
Step 3 Connect the power connector on the X2 end to the external power supply port, as shown in
Figure 6-41.
Figure 6-41 Installing an RHUB power cable
Follow-up Procedure
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Route the cable, and then use a cable tie to bind the cable. For details, see 6.4.1
Requirements for Cable Layout.
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6 Installing an RHUB
Label the installed cable. For details, see section 15.4 Attaching an L-Shaped Label.
6.5 Checking the RHUB Hardware Installation
After an RHUB is installed, check the installation of hardware including the devices and
related cables.
Table 6-9 lists the hardware installation checking items.
Table 6-9 Hardware installation checking list
The position for each device conforms to the engineering design and meets the
space requirement.
Ensure that the RHUB is properly installed.
The surface of the RHUB is neat and clean. The external paint is intact. The
labels, tags, and nameplates are correct, legible, and complete.
Table 6-10 lists the checking list of the power cable and PGND cable connections.
Table 6-10 Checklist for power cable and PGND cable connections
The power cables and PGND cables comply with the requirements of local
The power cables or the PGND cables are not inversely connected or
The power cables and PGND cables are bound separately from other cables.
Labels are attached to both ends of the power cables, PGND cables, optical
fibers, and Ethernet cables.
The power cables and PGND cables are intact.
The power cables and PGND cables have no weld nugget.
No breaking device such as a switch or fuse lies in the electric connection of
the grounding system.
The redundant part of PGND cable is stripped off.
The lugs at both ends of the power cable or PGND cable are securely soldered
or crimped.
The flat washers and spring washers are fixed securely and closely at all the
wiring terminals.
The work GND cable and PGND cable of the BTS share a group of grounding
conductors with the lightning and GND cables of the building.
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6 Installing an RHUB
Table 6-11 lists the check items of the signal cable connection.
Table 6-11 Checklist for the signal cable connection
The connectors of the signal cables must securely connected.
The connectors of the signal cables are intact.
The signal cables are intact.
The cable ties are evenly spaced. The signal cables are bound neatly with cable
ties to proper tightness, and arranged at even intervals in the same direction.
The extra length of the cable ties is cut and removed. The cut surfaces of the
indoor cables are smooth and have no sharp edges.
The cable layout facilitates maintenance and expansion.
Correct and clear labels are attached to both ends of the signal cables.
The distance between the bundled fiber tails and the RHUB panel is less than
70 mm.
Table 6-12 lists the checking items for other cable connections.
Table 6-12 Checklist for other cable connections
The connectors of the other cables must securely connected.
Labels on the cables are legible and bound based on the engineering
requirements. The cables must be bound tightly and neatly. The sheaths of the
cables must not be damaged.
Positions for routing the cables must meet requirements of the engineering
6.6 Power-on Check on an RHUB
This section describes the power-on check on the RHUB after the RHUB hardware is
installed and checked.
After the RHUB and pRRUs are installed and connected to each other, power on them no
matter whether the BBU is installed.
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6 Installing an RHUB
Power-on check involves high-voltage operation. Be cautious when conducting the power-on
check. Any direct contact with the input voltage or indirect contact through damp objects
might endanger your life.
Step 1 Measure the RHUB earth resistance.
The RHUB earth resistance is less than
10 ohms
Go to Step 2.
The RHUB earth resistance is equal to
or larger than 10 ohms
Find out the cause and ensure that the resistance
meets requirement. Then, go to Step 2.
Step 2 Measure the voltage of the RHUB.
The external power supply ranges from
100 V AC to 240 V AC
Go to Step 3.
The external power supply does not
range from 100 V AC to 240 V AC
Find out the cause and ensure that the resistance
meets requirement. Then, go to Step 3.
Step 3 Power on the RHUB. Wait 3 to 5 minutes, check the status of the RUN indicator of the
RHUB after the RHUB runs properly.
If the Status of
the RUN
It Indicates that...
Steady on
The power supply is
normal while the board
is faulty.
Power off the RHUB, and power on it
again after rectifying the board fault.
Steady off
There is no power input
or the board is faulty.
Power off the RHUB, and check the power
input again. Rectify the board faulty and
power on the RHUB again if the power
input is normal.
On for 1s and off
for 1s
The devices work
End the operation.
On for 0.125s
and off for
The board software is
being uploaded.
Power off the RHUB if the uploading is not
finished in 5 minutes, and check whether
the configuration file is correct. Power on
the RHUB again after the fault is rectified.
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If an RHUB is not connected to any BBU, the RHUB is considered normally powered on when any
indicator on the RHUB is on.
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7 Installing a pRRU3901
Installing a pRRU3901
About This Chapter
This chapter describes the pRRU3901 installation process. The pRRU3901 can have two
transmission ports (plus PWR port) or three transmission ports (plus PWR port or no PWR
port). Unless otherwise specified, this document uses the pRRU3901 with three transmission
ports plus no PWR port as an example.
7.1 Information About the Installation
This section describes the information that you must be familiar with before installing a
pRRU3901, including the pRRU3901 product family, installation scenarios, installation space
and environment requirements.
7.2 Obtaining the MAC Address (Optional)
Before installing a pRRU3901, record the media access control (MAC) address, which will be
used during pRRU3901 commissioning. This section applies only when a pRRU3901 with
three transmission ports is configured with a Wi-Fi daughter board.
7.3 Installation Process
This section describes the pRRU3901 installation process, which involves installing a
pRRU3901, and cables, checking the pRRU3901 hardware installation, and powering on the
7.4 Installing a pRRU3901
This section describes the pRRU3901 installation process. A pRRU3901 can be installed on a
wall, ceiling, indoor metal pole, or standard keel, but not on an aluminum panel or a
non-standard keel.
7.5 Installing pRRU3901 Cables
This section describes the procedure of installing the pRRU3901 cables.
7.6 Checking the pRRU3901 Hardware Installation
pRRU3901 hardware installation checking includes hardware and cable installation checking.
7.7 Powering on the pRRU3901
This section describes the power-on check on the pRRU3901 after the pRRU3901 hardware is
installed and checked.
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7 Installing a pRRU3901
7.1 Information About the Installation
This section describes the information that you must be familiar with before installing a
pRRU3901, including the pRRU3901 product family, installation scenarios, installation space
and environment requirements.
7.1.1 Product Family
This chapter describes the configurations and functions of the pRRU3901 components.
Table 7-1 lists the pRRU3901 product family.
Table 7-1 pRRU3901 product family
Optional or
Processes the radio
frequency signals.
Provides external
antennas for the
ng kits
None and one
Extender is
Yes and two
Extenders are
Configure two external
antennas for each RF
daughter board.
Supports the pRRU3901
installation on a wall,
pole, ceiling, or keel.
The mounting kits vary
with the pRRU3901
installation mode.
1 or 2
The quantity depends
on the number of
Ethernet cables in use.
Install the pRRU3901
and Extender in the
outdoor scenario.
Extends the distance
between the pRRU3901
and RHUB.
7.1.2 Installation Scenario
The pRRU3901 can be installed on a wall, ceiling, pole, or keel. The following table describes
the installation in different scenarios.
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7 Installing a pRRU3901
Installing a pRRU3901 on a wall
The pRRU3901 must keep a minimum of 0.5 m away from the power equipment with interference,
and keep a minimum of 2 m away from the source with radiation.
The pRRU3901 must keep away from a metal wall to avoid the impact on the antenna performance.
When a pRRU3901 is installed on a wall, installation modes vary with the quality of wall, as
shown in Table 7-2.
Table 7-2 Wall-mounted suggestion
Installing the
pRRU3901 on
a wall by
drilling holes
The wall can
bear a load at
least four times
the weight of a
The screws must
be tightened with
a torque of 10
N·m. This
ensures the
screws work
properly and the
wall remains
intact without
cracks in it.
The wall can
bear a load at
least four times
the weight of a
The thickness of
the wall is less
than 80 mm.
For details, see
7.4.2 Installing
a pRRU3901
on a Wall.
Installing the
pRRU on a
wall using a V
clamp through
an attachment
For details, see
7.4.5 Installing
a pRRU3901
on a Plate.
Installing the
pRRU3901 on
a wall using a
plate on a
metal wall
Issue 08 (2016-05-30)
The wall cannot bear
a load at least four
times the weight of
the pRRU. For
example, EPS walls,
MDF walls, or walls
cannot be drilled.
Mounting Brackets
1. Plate
2. Screw (M6X50)
3. Plastic expansion
4. Flat washer
1. Plate
2. V clamp
3. Bolt (M6X80)
The plate is prepared by
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7 Installing a pRRU3901
Installing a pRRU3901 on a ceiling
When a pRRU3901 is installed on a ceiling, installation modes vary with the quality of the
ceiling, as shown in Table 7-3.
Table 7-3 Ceiling-mounted suggestion
Installing the
pRRU3901 on
a ceiling by
drilling holes
The ceiling, such
as a concrete
ceiling, can bear
a load at least
four times the
weight of the
The screws must
be tightened with
a torque of 10
N·m. This
ensures the
screws work
properly and the
ceiling remains
intact without
cracks in it.
Installing the
pRRU3901 on
a ceiling using
a V clamp
through an
The ceiling, such
as a concrete
ceiling, can bear
a load at least
four times the
weight of the
For details, see
7.4.5 Installing
a pRRU3901
on a Plate.
The thickness of
the ceiling is less
than 80 mm.
Installing the
pRRU3901 on
a pole
A pole under the
ceiling can bear a
load at least four
times the weight of
the pRRU3901.
For details, see Table
For details, see Table
A keel under the
ceiling can bear a
load at least four
times the weight of
the pRRU3901.
For details, see Table
For details, see Table
For details, see
7.4.3 Installing
a pRRU3901
on a Ceiling.
For details, see
7.4.4 Installing
a pRRU3901
on a Pole.
Installing the
pRRU3901 on
a keel
For details, see
7.4.6 Installing
a pRRU3901
Issue 08 (2016-05-30)
Mounting Brackets
1. Plate
2. Screw (M6X50)
3. Plastic expansion
4. Flat washer
1. Plate
2. V clamp
3. Bolt (M6X80)
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7 Installing a pRRU3901
Mounting Brackets
on a Keel.
Installing the pRRU3901 on a pole
When a pRRU3901 is installed on a pole, installation modes vary with the diameter of the
pole, as shown in Table 7-4.
Table 7-4 Pole-mounted suggestion
Mounting Brackets
Installing the
pRRU3901 on
a pole
The diameter of the
pole ranges from 30
mm to 70 mm.
1. Plate
2. V clamp
3. Bolt (M6X80)
The diameter of the
pole ranges from 70
mm to 110 mm.
1. Plate
2. Hose clamp, which is
prepared by the
For details, see
7.4.4 Installing
a pRRU3901
on a Pole.
Installing the pRRU3901 on a keel
The pRRU3901 can be installed on a keel of U-shape, T-shape, or H-shape. For the keels of
other shapes, they are determined based on the onsite requirements.
Table 7-5 Keel-mounted installation suggestion
Mounting Brackets
Installing the
pRRU3901 on
a keel
The keel is in
U-shape, T-shape,
H-shape, or other
1. Plate
2. V clamp
3. Bolt (M6X80)
For details, see
7.4.6 Installing
a pRRU3901
on a Keel.
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shows the pRRU
installed on a
U-shaped keel.
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7 Installing a pRRU3901
pRRU3901 cabinet
In the outdoor scenario, pRRU3901 should be installed in the cabinet.
Table 7-6 Cabinet installation suggestion
Mounting Brackets
Installing the
Remove the
housing before
installing a
pRRU3901 in
the cabinet.
1. Plate
For details,
Installing the
Installation Diagram
7.1.3 Space Requirements
This chapter describes the space requirements of the pRRU3901.
When the pRRU3901 is installed on a wall, ceiling, pole or keel, the minimum space is
required for easy cabling and O&M. Based on the engineering practice, the recommendation
for the installation space is provided.
During installation, a minimum clearance of 2 m must be reserved between the pRRU3901 working on
the 2.6 GHz band and the Wi-Fi module if they need to process services concurrently.
Figure 7-1 shows the recommended space requirements of the pRRU3901.
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Figure 7-1 Recommended space requirements of the pRRU3901
The recommended space for installing a single pRRU3901 is described as follows:
At least 300 mm above the pRRU3901 is reserved for maintenance.
At least 300 mm under the pRRU3901 is reserved for cabling.
At least 300 mm on the left of the pRRU3901 is reserved for maintenance.
At least 300 mm on the right of the pRRU3901 is reserved for maintenance.
At least 400 mm in front of the pRRU3901 is reserved for maintenance
At least 40 mm on the back of the pRRU3901 is reserved for ventilation.
In the outdoor scenario, there is no space requirement for the pRRU3901 installing in the
7.1.4 Installation Environment Requirements
The installation environment of a pRRU3901 involves the running environment specifications
for the pRRU3901 and other specifications.
Running Environment Specifications
Table 7-7 shows the environment specifications for the pRRU3901 installed indoors.
Table 7-7 pRRU3901 environment specifications
Indoor: - 5 °C to + 40 °C
Outdoor: - 20 °C to + 40 °C
5% RH to 95% RH
- 60 m to + 1800 m
Works properly.
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1800 m to 4000 m
Above the 1800 m altitude, the
maximum operating temperature
decreases by 1 °C each time the
altitude increases by 220 m.
Other Running Environment Specifications
The pRRU3901 cannot be installed at an air outlet of the heat dissipation box of an air
conditioner or other heat-generating appliances.
The pRRU3901 cannot be installed near a strong heat source.
The pRRU3901 cannot be installed in a position with water dripping, such as outdoor
equipment of air conditioners, pipe, and leaking or dripping roofs.
The installation position must be far from rains. If the pRRU3901 is installed on a wall,
there must be no window on either side of the wall.
The installation position must be far away from high voltage, highly corrosive devices,
flammable or explosive substances, and electromagnetic interference such as power
stations, high-voltage substations, and wired TV towers.
The pRRU3901 must be installed in a dry, ventilating, and dust-proof place.
If the pRRU3901 is installed in parking areas or basements, the installation position must
be well-ventilated.
7.2 Obtaining the MAC Address (Optional)
Before installing a pRRU3901, record the media access control (MAC) address, which will be
used during pRRU3901 commissioning. This section applies only when a pRRU3901 with
three transmission ports is configured with a Wi-Fi daughter board.
The MAC address indicates the IP address through which a device can be reached.
Step 1 Remove the backup WIFI MAC label from the front housing of the pRRU3901 and keep them
secure, as shown in Figure 7-2.
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Do not remove the WIFI MAC label on the side of the pRRU3901 housing.
Before removing the backup WIFI MAC label, photograph it.
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Figure 7-2 Removing backup WIFI MAC label
Step 2 Save the MAC according to 15.1 MAC Collection Template, and report it to the pRRU3901
commissioning personnel.
7.3 Installation Process
This section describes the pRRU3901 installation process, which involves installing a
pRRU3901, and cables, checking the pRRU3901 hardware installation, and powering on the
Figure 7-3 shows the pRRU3901 installation process.
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Figure 7-3 pRRU3901 installation process
7.4 Installing a pRRU3901
This section describes the pRRU3901 installation process. A pRRU3901 can be installed on a
wall, ceiling, indoor metal pole, or standard keel, but not on an aluminum panel or a
non-standard keel.
Note the following when installing the pRRU3901:
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The pRRU3901 cannot be grounded. If the pRRU3901 is grounded but the RHUB connected to this
pRRU3901 is not, the pRRU3901 may fail to be powered on.
A minimum distance of 50 cm must be reserved between the pRRU3901 and the incandescent lamp.
The installation spacing between the pRRU3901 and the temperature sensor must be greater than 50
It is good practice to install the pRRU3901 on materials that can tolerate a temperature higher than
65°C and have an ignition point higher than 70°C.
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7.4.1 pRRU3901 Mounting Kits
This section describes the pRRU3901 mounting kits.
Figure 7-4 shows the exterior of the pRRU3901 mounting kits.
Figure 7-4 pRRU3901 mounting kits
(1) V clamp
(2) Mounting bracket
(3) Screw (M6x50)
(4) Plastic expansion sleeve
(5) Bolt (M6x80)
(6) Flat washer
The following figure shows the specifications of the mounting bracket.
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Figure 7-5 Mounting bracket specifications
7.4.2 Installing a pRRU3901 on a Wall
This section describes how to install a pRRU3901 on an indoor wall. If a wall indoors has
adequate load bearing capacity and installation space, it is good practice to install the
pRRU3901 on the wall. If the wall does not have adequate load bearing capacity, choose an
installation mode based on site requirements.
This section describes only the wall-mounted installation in which mounting kits are directly
installed on the wall without auxiliary devices. The procedure for other wall-mounted
installation modes is similar.
Step 1 Determine the position for installing the pRRU3901 based on the construction blueprint and
the clearance requirements.
For details about the clearance requirements, see 7.1.3 Space Requirements.
Step 2 Place the mounting bracket in the installation position against the wall. Then, level the
mounting bracket and use a marker to mark two anchor points. See Figure 7-6.
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Figure 7-6 Anchor points on the pRRU3901 mounting bracket (unit: mm)
(1) Wall
(2) Mounting bracket
(3) Anchor point
To prevent inhalation or eye contact with dust, take adequate preventive measures when
drilling holes.
Step 3 Use a hammer drill with φ8 bore to drill holes at the marked anchor points, as shown in
Figure 7-7. Use a vacuum cleaner to clean the dust inside and around the holes and measure
the distance between them. If they are inaccurately positioned, re-measure and re-drill the
holes. Then, use a rubber mallet to hit a plastic expansion sleeve into each hole.
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Figure 7-7 Drilling holes and installing expansion bolts
Step 4 Lead the M6x50 screws through the washers, and then through the drilling holes on the
mounting bracket to the plastic expansion sleeves, and torque the screws to 5 N•m, as shown
in Figure 7-8.
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Figure 7-8 Installing the mounting bracket
If the screws cannot be tightened using a Phillips screwdriver, use a hex key or an electric screwdriver to
assist the installation.
Step 5 Fit the four hooks of the pRRU3901 into the mounting holes on the mounting bracket and
then press the pRRU3901 downwards until a click is heard. See Figure 7-9.
It is good practice to perform the installation from the side view to promptly align the hooks with the
mounting holes.
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Figure 7-9 Installing the pRRU3901 on a wall
7.4.3 Installing a pRRU3901 on a Ceiling
This section describes how to install a pRRU3901 on the ceiling, such as the concrete ceiling,
when the ceiling has adequate load bearing capacity and installation space.
If the pRRU3901 is installed on a ceiling, the temperature of the ceiling may increase by a
maximum of 30 degrees. Therefore, whether a pRRU3901 can be installed on a ceiling
depends on the ceiling material.
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Step 1 Determine the position for installing the pRRU3901 based on the construction blueprint and
the clearance requirements.
For details about the clearance requirements, see 7.1.3 Space Requirements.
Step 2 Place the mounting bracket in the installation position against the ceiling. Then, level the
mounting bracket and use a marker to mark two anchor points. See Figure 7-10.
Figure 7-10 Anchor points on the pRRU3901 mounting bracket (unit: mm)
(1) Ceiling
(2) Mounting bracket
(3) Anchor point
To prevent inhalation or eye contact with dust, take adequate preventive measures when
drilling holes.
Step 3 Use a hammer drill with φ8 bore to drill holes at the marked anchor points, as shown in
Figure 7-11. Use a vacuum cleaner to clean the dust inside and around the holes and measure
the distance between them. If they are inaccurately positioned, re-measure and re-drill the
holes. Then, use a rubber mallet to hit a plastic expansion sleeve into each hole.
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Figure 7-11 Drilling holes and installing expansion bolts
Step 4 Lead the M6x50 screws through the washers, and then through the drilling holes on the
mounting bracket to the plastic expansion sleeves, and use a torque screwdriver to torque the
screws to 5 N•m, as shown in Figure 7-12.
Figure 7-12 Installing the mounting bracket
If the screws cannot be tightened using a Phillips screwdriver, use a hex key or an electric screwdriver to
assist the installation.
Step 5 Fit the four hooks of the pRRU3901 into the mounting holes on the mounting bracket and
then press the pRRU3901 downwards until a click is heard. See Figure 7-13.
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It is good practice to perform the installation from the side view to promptly align the hooks with the
mounting holes.
Figure 7-13 Installing a pRRU3901 on a ceiling
7.4.4 Installing a pRRU3901 on a Pole
This section describes how to install a pRRU3901 on a metal pole indoors.
Step 1 Determine the position for installing the pRRU3901 based on the construction blueprint and
the clearance requirements.
For details about the clearance requirements, see 7.1.3 Space Requirements.
Step 2 If the diameter of the pole ranges from 30 mm to 70 mm, use the delivered V clamp,
mounting bracket, and bolts to install the pRRU3901 on the pole. Lead the M6x80 bolts
through the mounting bracket, and torque the bolts to 5 N•m, as shown in Figure 7-14.
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Figure 7-14 Securing the pRRU3901 mounting bracket on the metal pole
If the diameter of the pole is greater than 70 mm, use the hose clamp to install the mounting
bracket on the pole. The hose clamp is prepared by customers. Torque the bolts to 5 N•m, as
shown in Figure 7-15.
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Figure 7-15 Securing the pRRU3901 mounting bracket on the metal pole
Step 3 Fit the four hooks of the pRRU3901 into the mounting holes on the mounting bracket and
then press the pRRU3901 downwards until a click is heard. See Figure 7-16.
It is good practice to perform the installation from the side view to promptly align the hooks with the
mounting holes.
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Figure 7-16 Installing a pRRU3901 on a pole
7.4.5 Installing a pRRU3901 on a Plate
This section describes how to install a pRRU3901 on a plate. If a suspended ceiling plate has
adequate load bearing capacity and installation space, the pRRU3901 can be installed on the
plate. However, it is good practice not to install a pRRU3901 on an aluminum plate.
Step 1 Determine the position for installing the pRRU3901 based on the construction blueprint and
the clearance requirements.
For details about the clearance requirements, see 7.1.3 Space Requirements.
Step 2 Place the mounting bracket in the installation position against the wall. Then, level the
mounting bracket and use a marker to mark two anchor points. See Figure 7-17.
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Figure 7-17 Anchor points on the pRRU3901 mounting bracket (unit: mm)
(1) Plate
(2) Mounting bracket
(3) Anchor point
To prevent inhalation or eye contact with dust, take adequate preventive measures when
drilling holes.
Step 3 Use a hammer drill with φ8 bore to drill holes at the anchor points.
Step 4 Lead the M6x80 bolts through the mounting bracket and the ceiling plate, and use a torque
screwdriver to torque the bolts to 5 N•m, as shown in Figure 7-18.
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Figure 7-18 Installing the pRRU3901 mounting bracket
Step 5 Fit the four hooks of the pRRU3901 into the mounting holes on the mounting bracket and
then press the pRRU3901 downwards until a click is heard. See Figure 7-19.
It is good practice to perform the installation from the side view to promptly align the hooks with the
mounting holes.
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Figure 7-19 Installing a pRRU3901 on a plate
7.4.6 Installing a pRRU3901 on a Keel
This section describes how to install a pRRU3901 on a keel. If a suspended ceiling plate
cannot bear the pRRU3901, the pRRU3901 can be installed on the keel on the ceiling.
Before installing the pRRU3901 on a keel, ensure that the keel is strong enough to bear the
The mounting bracket of the pRRU3901 can be installed on the keel of the following
specifications: GBT 11981-2008, JIS A6517-2002, and ASTM C635 C635M-2007. The
installation mode depends on onsite requirements because there are various keels.
This section describes the procedure of installing a pRRU3901 on the keel of JIS
standard used in Japan. The procedure of installing a pRRU3901 on other keels is the
same as that of installing a pRRU3901 on the keel of JIS standard.
Step 1 Determine the position for installing the pRRU3901 based on the construction blueprint and
the clearance requirements.
For details about the clearance requirements, see 7.1.3 Space Requirements.
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Step 2 Place the V clamp across the keel, and use a marker to mark the projective positions of the
mounting holes on the suspended ceiling plate, as shown in Figure 7-20.
Figure 7-20 Anchor points on the suspended ceiling plate (unit: mm)
To prevent inhalation or eye contact with dust, take adequate preventive measures when
drilling holes.
Step 3 Use a hammer drill to drill holes at the anchor points. You are advised to use the hammer drill
with Ф12 bore.
Step 4 Lead the M6x80 bolts through the mounting bracket and the suspended ceiling plate. Use a
torque screwdriver to torque the bolts to 5 N•m, as shown in Figure 7-21.
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Figure 7-21 Installing the pRRU3901 mounting bracket
Step 5 Fit the four hooks of the pRRU3901 into the mounting holes on the mounting bracket and
then press the pRRU3901 downwards until a click is heard. See Figure 7-22.
It is good practice to perform the installation from the side view to promptly align the hooks with the
mounting holes.
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Figure 7-22 Installing a pRRU3901 on a keel
7.4.7 Installing the Cabinet
In the outdoor scenario, the pRRU3901 should be installed in the cabinet firstly.
When installed in the cabinet, the housing of pRRU3901 should be removed.
An RF surge protector provides surge protection for the RF ports on pRRU3902, and a
PoE surge protector provides surge protection for the CPRI ports.
One pRRU3901 with internal antenna need to be configured with one or two PoE surge
One pRRU3901 with external antenna need to be configured with one PoE surge
protector, or two RF surge protectors when one RF daughter board is configured, or four
RF surge protectors when two RF daughter boards are configured.
Step 1 Remove the housing on the top and at the bottom of pRRU3901, as shown in Figure 7-23.
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Figure 7-23 Removing the housing of pRRU3901
Use the M4 Phillips screwdriver to loosen the Phillips screw on the pRRU housing.
Wrench and remove the housing from the installation position of the Phillips screw hole,
as shown in Figure 7-24.
Figure 7-24 Removing the pRRU housing
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The pRRU housing and the RF daughter board can be secured using either Phillips screws or
protection screws, requiring the same installation operations. This section uses Phillips screws as an
example to describe the installation operations.
Keep the Phillips screw secure for future use.
Use the M4 Phillips screwdriver to loosen the Phillips screws on the RF daughter board,
as shown in Figure 7-25.
Figure 7-25 Loosen the Phillips screws
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Use the left hand to hold the RF daughter board and the right hand to hold the right
handle of the RF daughter board to remove the RF daughter board and put it into an ESD
box or bag, as shown in Figure 7-26.
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Figure 7-26 Removing the RF daughter board in slot1
Use an M3 Phillips screwdriver to loosen the two fastening screws of the light pipe, and
remove the light pipe, as shown in Figure 7-27.
Figure 7-27 Removing the light pipe
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Use the M3 Phillips screwdriver to loosen the four fastening screws of the pDock mother
board, and remove the pDock mother board, as shown in Figure 7-28.
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Figure 7-28 Removing the pDock mother board
Install the RF daughter boards in slots S1, and use the M4 Phillips screwdriver to tighten
the two fastening screws always carried on each daughter board to 1.4 N•m, as shown in
Figure 7-29.
Figure 7-29 Installing the RF daughter boards
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The installation positions of the RF daughter boards must be consistent before and after the
Step 2 Install the plate onto the cabinet, as shown in Figure 7-30.
Figure 7-30 Installing the plate onto the cabinet
Make sure all the cables are installed before installing the plate. For details about installing
the cables of pRRU3901, see Figure 7-31.
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Figure 7-31 Installing the pRRU3901 cables
(1) RF Jumper
(2) CPRI_E0 port
(3) Ethernet Cable
Step 3 Fit the four hooks on pRRU3901 into the hooks on the mounting bracket, and then push
pRRU3901 down against the mounting bracket until a click is heard, as shown in Figure 7-32.
Figure 7-32 Installing a pRRU3901 into the cabinet
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7.5 Installing pRRU3901 Cables
This section describes the procedure of installing the pRRU3901 cables.
7.5.1 Requirements for Cable Layout
Cables must be routed according to the specified cabling requirements to prevent signal
If certain cables listed below are not required, skip the requirements for routing these cables.
General Requirements for Cable Layout
National Standards
Code for Engineering Design of Generic Cabling System for Building and Campus (GB
Code for Engineering Acceptance of Generic Cabling System for Building and Campus
Security Protection Engineering Technology Specifications (GB 50348-2004)
Code for Construction and Acceptance of the Electronic Information System Room (GB
Code for Quality Acceptance of the Intelligent Building Engineering (GB 50339-2003)
Code for Quality Acceptance of Electric Engineering Construction in Building (GB
Technical Specification for Construction and Acceptance of Telecommunication Conduit
Engineering (GB 50374-2006)
International Standards
Generic Cabling for Customer Premises (ISO/IEC 11801)
Commercial Building Telecommunications Cabling Standard (EIA/TIA 568)
Commercial Building Standard for Telecommunication Pathways and Spaces (EIA/TIA
Administration Standard for Commercial Telecommunications Infrastructure (EIA/TIA
Grounding and Bonding Requirements for Telecommunications in Commercial
Buildings (EIA/TIA 607)
Generic Cabling Systems for Information Technology (EN 50173)
Cabling Installation for Information Technology (EN 50174)
Bending radius
The bending radius of a 1/4'' jumper, a 1/2'' softer jumper, and a 1/2'' common jumper
must be longer than 35 mm, 50 mm, and 127 mm, respectively.
The bending radius of a power cable is at least three times the diameter of the cable.
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The bending radius of a signal cable must be at least five times of the diameter of the
Cable binding
Cables of the same type are bound together.
Different types of cables must be separately routed with a minimum spacing of 30 mm
and cannot be entangled.
The cables are bound tightly and neatly and the sheaths of the cables is intact.
The cable ties face the same direction and all cable ties bound at similar positions must
be in a straight line.
The extra length of each indoor cable tie must be cut off. A slack of 5 mm is reserved for
each outdoor cable tie before the extra length is cut off. All cut surfaces are without sharp
Labels or nameplates are attached to both ends, joints, or turns of cables after they are
The steel pipe or fire-resistant rigid polyvinyl chloride pipe should be used for the cable
duct or for routing cables. The cross-sectional usage of the cable duct should be 30% to
50% and that of the pipe for routing cables should be 25% to 30%.
Cables are placed away from sharp objects or wall burrs. If these positions are inevitable,
protection pipes are required for the cables.
Cables are routed away from heat sources, or heat-insulation materials are added
between cables and heat sources.
A clearance is reserved at turns of a cable or the position close to a device, facilitating
cable and device maintenance. The recommended clearance is about 0.1 m.
Requirements for Special Cables
Ethernet Cable
A maximum of 100 Ethernet cables can be bundled if no PVC pipes are used. If pipes are
used, a maximum of 24 Ethernet cables can be led through a pipe. In this case, ensure
that 1/3 space inside the pipes must be vacant.
The point at which an Ethernet cable is bundled must be spaced 400 mm or less from the
Ethernet port on a pRRU.
For the pRRU3901 used in the elevator engine room on the rooftop, generator set for the
subway engine, and equipment room with central air conditioning, Ethernet cables must
be led through metallic conduits that are reliably grounded at both ends.
7.5.2 pRRU3901 Cable List
This section describes pRRU3901 cable connections.
Table 7-8 List of pRRU3901 cables
One End
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The Other End
to ...
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Connected to ...
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RF Jumper
One End
The Other End
to ...
Connected to ...
RJ45 connector
RI_E7 port on
RJ45 connector
E1 port on pRRU
RJ45 connector
port on Access
RJ45 connector
GE port on
CPRI_E1 port
port on pRRU
Based on the
port model of
the antenna
SMA straight
N male
Antenna system
When the RHUB and the pRRU3901 connected using the Ethernet cable. If the Extender is used,
In the indoor scenario, the Ethernet cable is divided into two parts, one between the RHUB and the
Extender and the other between the Extender and the pRRU3901.
In the outdoor scenario, the Ethernet cable is divided into two parts, one among RHUB-PoE surge
protector 2- PoE surge protector 3-Extender and the other among the Extender- PoE surge protector
4- PoE surge protector 1-pRRU3901.
7.5.3 Cable Connections (Indoor)
This section describes the cable connections for a single pRRU3901 and multiple pRRU3901s
Before installing the pRRU3901 cables, you must be aware of the following information:
The pRRU3901 can obtain power supply through the power over Ethernet (PoE).
For external antennas corresponding to RF daughter board 1, the TX port and RX port
are ANT0 and ANT1, respectively. For external antennas corresponding to RF daughter
board 2, the TX port and RX port are ANT2 and ANT3, respectively. For external
antennas corresponding to RF daughter board 3, the TX port and RX port are ANT4 and
ANT5, respectively.
The external antenna system is optional, and the pRRU3901 jumpers are not delivered.
By default, the pRRU3901s are configured with built-in antennas. If the external antenna
system is connected, the antenna system automatically switches to the external one. One
end of the pRRU3901 RF jumper is the SMA male connector, which is connected to the
external antenna TX/RX RF port on the pRRU3901. The other end of the pRRU3901 RF
jumper is the type N male connector, which is connected to the antenna system. For the
standard of the pRRU3901 RF jumper, see (Optional) RF Jumper of the DBS3900
LampSite Hardware Description.
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7 Installing a pRRU3901
Figure 7-33 shows the cable connection when the pRRU3901 is configured with only one RF
Daughter Board.
Figure 7-33 pRRU3901 cable connection (1)
(1) Ethernet cable
(2) RF jumper
The Extender can be used to lengthen the distance between the RHUB and the pRRU3901 connected
using the Ethernet cable. If the Extender is used, the Ethernet cable is divided into two parts, one
between the RHUB and the Extender and the other between the Extender and the pRRU3901.
When two Ethernet cables are used to transmit CPRI signals, connect one end of the cables to the
CPRI_E0 and CPRI_E1 ports on the pRRU panel and the other end to any two ports of CPRI_E0 to
CPRI_E7 on the RHUB panel. On the RHUB panel, CPRI_E0 and CPRI_E1, CPRI_E2 and
CPRI_E3, CPRI_E4 and CPRI_E5, and CPRI_E6 and CPRI_E7 are used in pairs. CPRI_E0 on the
pRRU panel connects to the even-numbered CPRI port (for example, CPRI_E0, CPRI_E2, CPRI_E4,
or CPRI_E6) on the RHUB panel, and CPRI_E1 on the pRRU panel connects to the odd-numbered
CPRI port (for example, CPRI_E1, CPRI_E3, CPRI_E5, or CPRI_E7). This document describes
signal transmission using one Ethernet cable as an example.
Figure 7-34 shows the cable connection when the pRRU3901 is configured with two RF
Daughter Boards.
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7 Installing a pRRU3901
Figure 7-34 pRRU3901 cable connection (2)
(1) Ethernet cable
(2) RF jumper
The Extender can be used to lengthen the distance between the RHUB and the pRRU3901 connected
using the Ethernet cable. If the Extender is used, the Ethernet cable is divided into two parts, one
between the RHUB and the Extender and the other between the Extender and the pRRU3901.
When two Ethernet cables are used to transmit CPRI signals, connect one end of the cables to the
CPRI_E0 and CPRI_E1 ports on the pRRU panel and the other end to any two ports of CPRI_E0 to
CPRI_E7 on the RHUB panel. On the RHUB panel, CPRI_E0 and CPRI_E1, CPRI_E2 and
CPRI_E3, CPRI_E4 and CPRI_E5, and CPRI_E6 and CPRI_E7 are used in pairs. CPRI_E0 on the
pRRU panel connects to the even-numbered CPRI port (for example, CPRI_E0, CPRI_E2, CPRI_E4,
or CPRI_E6) on the RHUB panel, and CPRI_E1 on the pRRU panel connects to the odd-numbered
CPRI port (for example, CPRI_E1, CPRI_E3, CPRI_E5, or CPRI_E7). This document describes
signal transmission using one Ethernet cable as an example.
Figure 7-34 shows the cable connection when the pRRU3901 is configured with two RF
Daughter Boards and one Wi-Fi daughter board.
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7 Installing a pRRU3901
Figure 7-35 pRRU3901 cable connection (3)
(1) Ethernet cable
(2) RF jumper
The Extender can be used to lengthen the distance between the RHUB and the pRRU3901 connected
using the Ethernet cable. If the Extender is used, the Ethernet cable is divided into two parts, one
between the RHUB and the Extender and the other between the Extender and the pRRU3901.
When two Ethernet cables are used to transmit CPRI signals, connect one end of the cables to the
CPRI_E0 and CPRI_E1 ports on the pRRU panel and the other end to any two ports of CPRI_E0 to
CPRI_E7 on the RHUB panel. On the RHUB panel, CPRI_E0 and CPRI_E1, CPRI_E2 and
CPRI_E3, CPRI_E4 and CPRI_E5, and CPRI_E6 and CPRI_E7 are used in pairs. CPRI_E0 on the
pRRU panel connects to the even-numbered CPRI port (for example, CPRI_E0, CPRI_E2, CPRI_E4,
or CPRI_E6) on the RHUB panel, and CPRI_E1 on the pRRU panel connects to the odd-numbered
CPRI port (for example, CPRI_E1, CPRI_E3, CPRI_E5, or CPRI_E7). This document describes
signal transmission using one Ethernet cable as an example.
7.5.4 Cable Connections (Outdoor)
This section describes the cable connections for a pRRU3901 installed outside.
Before installing the pRRU3901 cables, you must be aware of the following information:
The pRRU3901 can obtain power supply through the power over Ethernet (PoE).
For external antennas corresponding to RF daughter board 1, the TX port and RX port
are ANT0 and ANT1, respectively. For external antennas corresponding to RF daughter
board 2, the TX port and RX port are ANT2 and ANT3, respectively. For external
antennas corresponding to RF daughter board 3, the TX port and RX port are ANT4 and
ANT5, respectively.
The external antenna system is optional, and the pRRU3901 jumpers are not delivered.
By default, the pRRU3901s are configured with built-in antennas. If the external antenna
system is connected, the antenna system automatically switches to the external one. One
end of the pRRU3901 RF jumper is the SMA male connector, which is connected to the
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7 Installing a pRRU3901
external antenna TX/RX RF port on the pRRU3901. The other end of the pRRU3901 RF
jumper is the type N male connector, which is connected to the antenna system. For the
standard of the pRRU3901 RF jumper, see (Optional) RF Jumper of the DBS3900
LampSite Hardware Description.
pRRU3901 can be configured with one RF daughter board, or two RF daughter boards, or two
RF daughter boards and one WiFi daughter board. Figure 7-36 shows the cable connection
when the pRRU3901 is configured with only one RF Daughter Board in the outside scenario.
Figure 7-36 pRRU3901 cable connection
(1) PoE surge protector 1
(2) pRRU3901
(3) RF surge protector
When two Ethernet cables are used to transmit CPRI signals, connect one end of the cables to the
CPRI_E0 and CPRI_E1 ports on the pRRU panel and the other end to any two ports of CPRI_E0 to
CPRI_E7 on the RHUB panel. On the RHUB panel, CPRI_E0 and CPRI_E1, CPRI_E2 and
CPRI_E3, CPRI_E4 and CPRI_E5, and CPRI_E6 and CPRI_E7 are used in pairs. CPRI_E0 on the
pRRU panel connects to the even-numbered CPRI port (for example, CPRI_E0, CPRI_E2, CPRI_E4,
or CPRI_E6) on the RHUB panel, and CPRI_E1 on the pRRU panel connects to the odd-numbered
CPRI port (for example, CPRI_E1, CPRI_E3, CPRI_E5, or CPRI_E7). This document describes
signal transmission using one Ethernet cable as an example.
The Extender can be used to lengthen the distance between the RHUB and the pRRU3901 connected
using the Ethernet cable. If the Extender is used, the Ethernet cable is divided into two parts, one
among the RHUB, PoE surge protector 2, PoE surge protector 3, Extender and the other among
Extender, PoE surge protector 4, PoE surge protector 1, pRRU3901.
For details about installation of the PoE surge protector and cables, see 12 (Optional) Installing the
PoE Surge Protector and Cables.
For details about installation of the RF surge protector and cables, see 13 (Optional) Installing the
RF Surge Protector and Cables.
7.5.5 Cable Connections (LTE TDD)
This section describes the cable connections for a single pRRU3901 and multiple pRRU3901s
in LTE TDD mode.
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7 Installing a pRRU3901
Before installing the pRRU3901 cables, you must be aware of the following information:
The pRRU3901 can obtain power supply through the power over Ethernet (PoE).
For external antennas corresponding to RF daughter board 1, the TX port and RX port
are ANT0 and ANT1, respectively. For external antennas corresponding to RF daughter
board 2, the TX port and RX port are ANT2 and ANT3, respectively. For external
antennas corresponding to RF daughter board 3, the TX port and RX port are ANT4 and
ANT5, respectively.
The external antenna system is optional, and the pRRU3901 jumpers are not delivered.
By default, the pRRU3901s are configured with built-in antennas. If the external antenna
system is connected, the antenna system automatically switches to the external one. One
end of the pRRU3901 RF jumper is the SMA male connector, which is connected to the
external antenna TX/RX RF port on the pRRU3901. The other end of the pRRU3901 RF
jumper is the type N male connector, which is connected to the antenna system. For the
standard of the pRRU3901 RF jumper, please see (Optional) RF Jumper of the DBS3900
LampSite Hardware Description.
Figure 7-37 shows the cable connection when the pRRU3901 is configured with only one RF
Daughter Board.
Figure 7-37 pRRU3901 cable connection (1)
(1) Ethernet cable
(2) RF jumper
Figure 7-38 shows the cable connection when the pRRU3901 is configured with one RF
Daughter Boards and one Wi-Fi daughter board.
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7 Installing a pRRU3901
Figure 7-38 pRRU3901 cable connection (2)
(1) Ethernet cable
(2) RF jumper
7.5.6 pRRU3901 cable installation process
This section describes the process of installing pRRU3901 cables.
Figure 7-39 shows the process of installing pRRU3901 cables.
Figure 7-39 pRRU3901 cable installation process
7.5.7 Installing an Ethernet Cable
This section describes how to install an Ethernet cable.
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7 Installing a pRRU3901
The Ethernet cable must be of Category 5e (enhanced) or higher. In addition, its
cross-sectional area must be 24 AWG or larger and frame spread rating must be CM or
The Ethernet cables can be straight-through cables or crossover cables.
With the internal PoE module providing power, the maximum length of an Ethernet
cable is 100 m. With the Extender, the distance of the pRRU3901 and RHUB can be
extended by the Extender up to a total distance of 200 m.
Ethernet cables are not delivered, and they must be prepared onsite. You need to use a
network cable tester to test the Ethernet cable connection.
The Ethernet cable has the following functions:
Provides power supply for the pRRU3901 when the cable connects the CPRI_E0 port on
the pRRU3901 to the RHUB.
Transmits CPRI signals between an RHUB and a pRRU3901.
Provides Wi-Fi services for the pRRU3901 when the cable connects the GE port on the
pRRU3901 with three transmission ports to the AC.
Using the CPRI_E1 port on the pRRU3901 has the same Ethernet cable connection to the
RHUB as using the CPRI_E0 port. The following section describes the connection using the
CPRI_E0 port.
For details about the cable connections in the different scenarios, see 7.5.3 Cable Connections
(Indoor) and 7.5.4 Cable Connections (Outdoor). The Ethernet cable connections between
RHUB and pRRUs are the same. The following section describes the connections between
RHUB-Extender-pRRU3901 as an example.
In the outdoor scenario, PoE surge protector is needed to provide surge protection for the
Ethernet ports. For details about the installation of PoE surge protector, see 12 (Optional)
Installing the PoE Surge Protector and Cables.
Step 1 Make the Ethernet cables.
Assemble an RJ45 connector and an Ethernet cable by following instructions in
Assembling the Unshielded RJ45 Connector and the Ethernet Cable of Installation
Follow pin assignment instructions described in section Ethernet Cable in DBS3900 LampSite Hardware
Description to assemble the unshielded RJ45 connector and the Ethernet cable. Otherwise, the
transmission signal quality deteriorates and CPRI links may be disconnected.
Check whether the made RJ45 connector is qualified by following instructions in
Checking the Appearance of Metal Contact Strips.
To complete the assembly of the other end, repeat Step 1.1 and Step 1.2.
Check whether the touch points on the connectors at both ends are normally conducted
and well contacted and whether the connections are correct by following instructions in
Testing the Connection of Assembled Cables of Installation Reference.
Step 2 Install an Ethernet cable between an RHUB and a pRRU3901.
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7 Installing a pRRU3901
Remove the dustproof cap of the CPRI_E0 port on the pRRU3901.
Connect the RJ45 connector at one end of the Ethernet cable to the CPRI_E0 port on the
pRRU3901 panel.
Optional: Connect the RJ45 connector at the other end of the Ethernet cable to the
output port of the Extender. Then, connect the RJ45 connector at one end of another
Ethernet cable to the input port of the Extender.
Connect the RJ45 connector at the other end of the Ethernet cable to any port ranging
from CPRI_E0 to CPRI_E7 on the RHUB panel based on the engineering design, as
shown in Figure 7-40.
Figure 7-40 Installing an Ethernet cable
(1) Ethernet cable
(2) GE port on the pRRU3901
(3) CPRI_E0 port on the pRRU3901
The pRRU3901 can have two transmission ports plus one PWR port or three transmission ports (plus
one PWR port or no PWR port), requiring the same installation operations. This section uses the
pRRU3901 with three transmission ports no PWR port as an example.
Step 3 Optional: Install the Ethernet cable between the pRRU3901 and the AC. This operation is
required when the pRRU3901 with three transmission ports is configured with a Wi-Fi
daughter board.
Remove the dustproof cap of the GE port on the pRRU3901.
Connect the RJ45 connector at one end of the Ethernet cable to the GE port on the
pRRU3901 panel.
Connect the RJ45 connector at the other end of the Ethernet cable to the transmission
port of the AC based on the engineering design, as shown in Figure 7-40.
Follow-up Procedure
Route the cable, and then use a cable tie to bind the cable. For details, see 7.5.1
Requirements for Cable Layout.
Label the installed cable. For details, see section 15.4 Attaching an L-Shaped Label.
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7 Installing a pRRU3901
7.5.8 Installing an RF jumpers (Optional)
The RF jumpers transmit radio frequency signals. One end of the RF jumpers is the SMA
straight male connector, and the other end is the type N connector.
If the RF jumper is provided by the customer, the jumper must not be lower than the
RG316 specifications. In addition, the jumpers can be used after they are checked by
Huawei engineers.
pRRU3901s can be connected to external whip antennas or external remote antennas
(through pRRU3901 RF jumpers). Whip antennas are delivered optionally. RF jumpers
are not delivered.
For details about the cable connections in the different scenarios, see 7.5.3 Cable
Connections (Indoor)and 7.5.4 Cable Connections (Outdoor). The installation of RF
jumper cables are the same. The following section describes the connections between
antenna and pRRU3901 in the indoor scenario as an example.
In the outdoor scenario, RF surge protector is needed to provide surge protection for the
RF ports. For details about the installation of RF surge protector, see 13 (Optional)
Installing the RF Surge Protector and Cables.
Step 1 Expose the SMA female connector by removing the pRRU3901 antenna housing, as shown in
Figure 7-41.
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7 Installing a pRRU3901
Figure 7-41 Removing the pRRU3901 antenna housing
Step 2 Use a torque wrench with a torque of 0.6 N•m to connect the SMA straight male connector on
a jumper to the ANT port on the pRRU3901 panel.
Tighten it with hands, and then use a torque wrench to tighten it with a rotational speed of less
than or equal to 2.4 rpm to tighten it.
Step 3 Connect the type N female connector of the jumper to the type N male connector of the RF
feeder connected to the built-in antenna.
Tighten the feeder close to the type N connector to ensure that the jumper is not tightened. In
this way, the connectors on both ends of a jumper are not affected by the external force.
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7 Installing a pRRU3901
Figure 7-42 Installing jumpers between the pRRU3901 and external antennas
Follow-up Procedure
Route the cable, and then use a cable tie to bind the cable. For details, see 7.5.1
Requirements for Cable Layout.
Label the installed cable. For details, see section 15.4 Attaching an L-Shaped Label.
7.6 Checking the pRRU3901 Hardware Installation
pRRU3901 hardware installation checking includes hardware and cable installation checking.
Table 7-9 lists the hardware installation checking items.
Table 7-9 Hardware installation checking list
Ensure that the pRRU3901 is not grouned.
The position for each device conforms to the engineering design and meets the
space requirement.
Ensure that the pRRU3901 is properly installed.
The surface of the pRRU3901 is neat and clean. The external paint is intact.
The labels, tags, and nameplates are correct, legible, and complete.
Table 7-10 lists the check items of the signal cable connection.
Table 7-10 Checklist for the signal cable connection
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7 Installing a pRRU3901
The connectors of the signal cables must securely connected.
The connectors of the signal cables are intact.
The signal cables are intact.
The cable ties are evenly spaced. The signal cables are bound neatly with cable
ties to proper tightness, and arranged at even intervals in the same direction.
The extra length of the cable ties is cut and removed. The cut surfaces of the
indoor cables are smooth and have no sharp edges.
The cable layout facilitates maintenance and expansion.
Correct and clear labels are attached to both ends of the signal cables.
Table 7-11 lists the checking items for other cable connections.
Table 7-11 Checklist for other cable connections
The connectors of the other cables must securely connected.
Labels on the cables are legible and bound based on the engineering
requirements. The cables must be bound tightly and neatly. The sheaths of the
cables must not be damaged.
Positions for routing the cables must meet requirements of the engineering
7.7 Powering on the pRRU3901
This section describes the power-on check on the pRRU3901 after the pRRU3901 hardware is
installed and checked.
After the RHUB and pRRUs are installed and connected to each other, power on them no
matter whether the BBU is installed.
Step 1 Power on the pRRU3901. Wait 3 to 5 minutes, check the status of the RUN indicator on the
If the RUN Indicator...
Steady on
There is power input, but the
Power off the power supply,
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7 Installing a pRRU3901
If the RUN Indicator...
board is faulty.
rectify the fault, and power on
the pRRU3901.
Steady off
There is no power input, or an
alarm is reported on the
Power off the power supply
and check the power input. If
no fault is found after the
pRRU3901 is powered off,
clear the fault on the board,
and power on the pRRU3901.
On for 1s and off for 1s
The device works properly.
End this operation.
On for 0.125s and off for
The software of the board is
Wait five minutes for the
software to be successfully
loaded. If the software is
loading five minutes later,
shut off the power supply.
Check whether the data
configuration file is correct.
After the fault is rectify,
power on the pRRU3901
Check the indicator status 30 minutes after the power-on if a pRRU is not connected to any BBU. The
pRRU is considered normally powered on when any indicator on the pRRU is on.
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8 Installing a pRRU3902 or pRRU3911 or
Installing a pRRU3902 or pRRU3911 or
About This Chapter
This chapter describes the pRRU3902/pRRU3911/pRRU3911+WIFI installation process. The
pRRU3902 and pRRU3911/pRRU3911+WIFI are installed in similar way, and this chapter
uses the pRRU3902 as an example.
8.1 Information About the Installation
This section describes the information that you must be familiar with before installing a
pRRU, including product family, installation scenarios, installation space and environment
8.2 Installation Process
This section describes the pRRU installation process, which involves installing a pRRU, and
cables, checking the pRRU hardware installation, and powering on the pRRU.
8.3 Installing a pRRU
This section describes the pRRU installation process. A pRRU can be installed on a wall,
ceiling, indoor metal pole, or keel, but not on an aluminum panel or a non-standard keel.
8.4 Installing pRRU Cables
This section describes the procedure of installing the pRRU cables.
(Optional) Installing a Combiner
This section describes how to install a combiner. The pRRU3902 using external antennas
must be configured with a combiner.
8.6 Checking the pRRU Hardware Installation
pRRU hardware installation checking includes hardware and cable installation checking.
8.7 Powering on the pRRU
This section describes the power-on check on the pRRU after the pRRU hardware is installed
and checked.
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8 Installing a pRRU3902 or pRRU3911 or
8.1 Information About the Installation
This section describes the information that you must be familiar with before installing a
pRRU, including product family, installation scenarios, installation space and environment
8.1.1 Product Family
This chapter describes the configurations and functions of the pRRU components.
Table 8-1 lists the pRRU product family.
Table 8-1 pRRU product family
Optional or
with internal
Functions as
a remote
radio unit
RF signals.
Functions as
a remote
radio unit
RF signals.
It has no
and must
connect to
signals of
RF units
operating in
Mounting kits
Supports the
on a wall,
keel, or
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8 Installing a pRRU3902 or pRRU3911 or
Optional or
kits vary
with the
None and
is needed
Yes and
are needed
1 or 2
The quantity
depends on
the number of
cables in use.
Issue 08 (2016-05-30)
Install the
Extender in
the outdoor
Extends the
between the
and RHUB.
Functions as
a remote
radio unit
RF signals.
Functions as
a remote
radio unit
RF signals.
Mounting kits
Supports the
on a wall,
keel, or
kits vary
with the
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8 Installing a pRRU3902 or pRRU3911 or
Optional or
1 or 2
Extends the
between the
+WIFI and
The quantity
depends on
the number of
cables in use.
8.1.2 Installation Scenario
The pRRU can be installed on a wall, ceiling, keel, or steel hangers. The following table
describes the installation in different scenarios.
Installing on a wall
The pRRU must keep a minimum of 0.5 m away from the power equipment with interference, and
keep a minimum of 2 m away from the source with radiation.
The pRRU must keep away from a metal wall to avoid the impact on the antenna performance.
When a pRRU is installed on a wall, installation modes vary with the quality of wall, as
shown in Table 8-2.
Table 8-2 Wall-mounted suggestion
Installing the
pRRU on a
wall by
drilling holes
The wall can bear
a load at least four
times the weight
of a pRRU.
For details,
see 8.3.2
Installing a
pRRU on a
The screws must
be tightened with
a torque of 1.5
N·m. This ensures
the screws work
properly and the
wall remains
intact without
cracks in it.
Issue 08 (2016-05-30)
Mounting Brackets
1. Plate
2. Screw (M3.5x35)
3. Plastic expansion
4. Flat washer
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8 Installing a pRRU3902 or pRRU3911 or
Installing the
pRRU on a
wall using a
through an
The wall can bear
a load at least four
times the weight
of a pRRU.
The thickness of
the wall is less
than 45 mm.
Mounting Brackets
Bolt (M4x35)
Bolt (M4x60)
For details,
see 8.3.5
Installing a
pRRU on a
Installing the
pRRU on a
wall using a
plate on a
metal wall
The wall cannot bear
a load at least four
times the weight of
the pRRU. For
example, EPS walls,
MDF walls, or walls
cannot be drilled.
The plate is prepared by
Installing on a ceiling
When a pRRU is installed on a ceiling, installation modes vary with the quality of the ceiling,
as shown in Table 8-3.
Table 8-3 Ceiling-mounted suggestion
Installing the
pRRU on a
ceiling by
drilling holes
The ceiling, such
as a concrete
ceiling, can bear a
load at least four
times the weight
of the pRRU.
The screws must
be tightened with
a torque of 1.5
N·m. This ensures
the screws work
properly and the
ceiling remains
For details,
see 8.3.3
Installing a
pRRU on a
Issue 08 (2016-05-30)
Mounting Brackets
1. Plate
2. Screw (M3.5 x 35)
3. Plastic expansion
4. Flat washer
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8 Installing a pRRU3902 or pRRU3911 or
Mounting Brackets
intact without
cracks in it.
Installing the
pRRU on a
ceiling using
a clamp
through an
For details,
see 8.3.5
Installing a
pRRU on a
Installing the
pRRU on a
For details,
see 8.3.6
Installing a
pRRUon a
The ceiling, such
as a concrete
ceiling, can bear a
load at least four
times the weight
of the pRRU.
The thickness of
the ceiling is less
than 45 mm.
A keel under the
ceiling can bear a
load at least four
times the weight of
the pRRU.
U-shaped metal plate
Bolt (M4 x 35)
Bolt (M4 x 60)
For details, see Table
For details, see Table
Installation on a pole
To install a pRRU on a pole, use small hose clamps with a diameter ranging from 60 mm to
114 mm or larger hose clamps with a diameter ranging from 114 mm to 381 mm.
Table 8-4 Pole-mounted installation suggestion
Mounting Brackets
Installing the
pRRU on a
The pole
diameter ranges
from 60 mm to
114 mm or
from 114 mm
to 381 mm
1. Plate
2. Hose clamp (prepared
by customer)
For details,
see 8.3.4
Installing a
pRRU on a
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Installation Diagram
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8 Installing a pRRU3902 or pRRU3911 or
Installing on a keel
The pRRU can be installed on a keel of U-shape, T-shape, or H-shape. For the keels of other
shapes, they are determined based on the onsite requirements.
Table 8-5 Keel-mounted installation suggestion
Mounting Brackets
Installing the
pRRU on a
The keel is in
U-shape, T-shape,
H-shape, or other
For details,
see 8.3.6
Installing a
pRRUon a
U-shaped metal plate
Bolt (M4 x 35)
Bolt (M4 x 60)
shows the pRRU
installed on a
U-shaped keel.
Installing on a on steel hangers
Either M6 or M8 steel hangers can be used for installation.
Table 8-6 Steel hangers installation suggestion
Mounting Brackets
Installing the
pRRU on a
steel hangers
Either M6 or M8
steel hangers can be
used for installation.
For details,
see 8.3.7
Installing a
pRRU on
U-shaped metal plate
Bolt (M4 x 35)
Bolt (M4 x 60)
In the outside scenario, pRRU3902 should be installed in the cabinet.
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8 Installing a pRRU3902 or pRRU3911 or
Table 8-7 Cabinet installation suggestion
Mounting Brackets
Installing the
cabinet For
details, see
Installing the
1. Plate
Installation Diagram
8.1.3 Space Requirements
This chapter describes the space requirements of the pRRU.
When the pRRU is installed on a wall, ceiling, pole or keel, the minimum space is required
for easy cabling and O&M. Based on the engineering practice, the recommendation for the
installation space is provided.
Figure 8-1 shows the recommended space requirements of the pRRU when the external
antenna is required.
Figure 8-1 Recommended space requirements
When the external antenna is required, the recommended space for installing a single pRRU is
described as follows:
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At least 300 mm above the pRRU is reserved for maintenance.
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8 Installing a pRRU3902 or pRRU3911 or
At least 300 mm under the pRRU is reserved for cabling.
At least 300 mm on the left of the pRRU is reserved for maintenance.
At least 300 mm on the right of the pRRU is reserved for maintenance.
At least 400 mm in front of the pRRU is reserved for maintenance
At least 40 mm on the back of the pRRU is reserved for ventilation.
In the outdoor scenario, there is no space requirement for the pRRU3902 installing in the
8.1.4 Installation Environment Requirements
The installation environment of a pRRU involves the running environment specifications for
the pRRU and other specifications.
Running Environment Specifications
Table 8-8 shows the environment specifications for the pRRU installed indoors.
Table 8-8 environment specifications
Indoor: - 5 °C to + 40 °C
Outside: - 20 °C to + 40 °C
5% RH to 95% RH
- 60 m to + 1800 m
Works properly.
1800 m to 4000 m
Above the 1800 m altitude, the
maximum operating temperature
decreases by 1°C each time the
altitude increases by 220 m.
Other Running Environment Specifications
The pRRU cannot be installed at an air outlet of the heat dissipation box of an air
conditioner or other heat-generating appliances.
The pRRU cannot be installed near a strong heat source.
The pRRU cannot be installed in a position with water dripping, such as outdoor
equipment of air conditioners, pipe, and leaking or dripping roofs.
The installation position must be far from rains. If the pRRU is installed on a wall, there
must be no window on either side of the wall.
The installation position must be far away from high voltage, highly corrosive devices,
flammable or explosive substances, and electromagnetic interference such as power
stations, high-voltage substations, and wired TV towers.
The pRRU must be installed in a dry, ventilating, and dust-proof place.
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8 Installing a pRRU3902 or pRRU3911 or
If the pRRU is installed in parking areas or basements, the installation position must be
8.2 Installation Process
This section describes the pRRU installation process, which involves installing a pRRU, and
cables, checking the pRRU hardware installation, and powering on the pRRU.
Figure 8-2 shows the pRRU installation process.
Figure 8-2 Installation process
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8 Installing a pRRU3902 or pRRU3911 or
8.3 Installing a pRRU
This section describes the pRRU installation process. A pRRU can be installed on a wall,
ceiling, indoor metal pole, or keel, but not on an aluminum panel or a non-standard keel.
Note the following when installing the pRRU:
The pRRU cannot be grounded. If the pRRU is grounded but the RHUB connected to this pRRU is
not, the pRRU may fail to be powered on.
A minimum distance of 50 cm must be reserved between the pRRU and the incandescent lamp.
The installation spacing between the pRRU and the temperature sensor must be greater than 50 cm.
It is good practice to install the pRRU on materials that can tolerate a temperature higher than 65°C
and have an ignition point higher than 70°C.
8.3.1 Mounting Kits
This section describes the pRRU mounting kits.
Figure 8-3 shows the exterior of the pRRU mounting kits.
Figure 8-3 Mounting kits
(1) Mounting bracket
(2) U-shaped metal plate
(3) Screw (3.5X35)
(4) Plastic expansion sleeve
(5) Bolt (M4X35)
(6) Bolt (M4X60)
(7) Flat washer
Figure 8-4, Figure 8-5 show the specifications of the mounting bracket.
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8 Installing a pRRU3902 or pRRU3911 or
Figure 8-4 Mounting bracket specifications
Figure 8-5 U-shaped metal plate specifications
8.3.2 Installing a pRRU on a Wall
This section describes how to install a pRRU on an indoor wall. If a wall indoors has adequate
load bearing capacity and installation space, it is good practice to install the pRRU on the wall.
If the wall does not have adequate load bearing capacity, choose an installation mode based
on site requirements.
This section describes only the wall-mounted installation in which mounting kits are directly installed on
the wall without auxiliary devices. The procedure for other wall-mounted installation modes is similar.
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8 Installing a pRRU3902 or pRRU3911 or
Step 1 Determine the position for installing the pRRU based on the construction blueprint and the
clearance requirements.
For details about the clearance requirements, see 8.1.3 Space Requirements.
Step 2 Place the mounting bracket in the installation position against the wall. Then, level the
mounting bracket and use a marker to mark four anchor points. See Figure 8-6.
Figure 8-6 Anchor points on the pRRU mounting bracket
(1) Wall
(2) Mounting bracket
(3) Anchor point
To prevent inhalation or eye contact with dust, take adequate preventive measures when drilling holes.
Step 3 Use a hammer drill with φ6 bore to drill holes at the marked anchor points, as shown in
Figure 8-7. Use a vacuum cleaner to clean the dust inside and around the holes and measure
the distance between them. If they are inaccurately positioned, re-measure and re-drill the
holes. Then, use a rubber mallet to hit a plastic expansion sleeve into each hole.
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8 Installing a pRRU3902 or pRRU3911 or
Figure 8-7 Drilling holes and installing expansion bolts
Step 4 Lead the M3.5x35 screws through the washers, and then through the drilling holes on the
mounting bracket to the plastic expansion sleeves, and torque the screws to 1.2 N•m, as
shown in Figure 8-8.
Figure 8-8 Installing the mounting bracket
If the screws cannot be tightened using a Phillips screwdriver, use a hex key or an electric screwdriver to
assist the installation.
Step 5 Fit the rotation axis on the pRRU into the hooks on the mounting bracket, and then push the
pRRU against the mounting bracket until a click is heard. See Figure 8-9.
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8 Installing a pRRU3902 or pRRU3911 or
Figure 8-9 Installing a pRRU on a wall
Before installing the pRRU, connect one end of the Ethernet cable to the CPRI_E0 port on pRRU.
It is good practice to perform the installation from the side view to promptly align the hooks with the
rotation axis.
Step 6 Optional: Use T20 with hole screwdriver to lock the protection screw on the attachment plate.
See Figure 8-10.
The protection screw protects the pRRU from being removed and must be locked if required.
Figure 8-10 Locking the protection screw
(1) M4 threaded hole
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(2) Hole for self-tapping screws
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(3) Quincunx screw
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8 Installing a pRRU3902 or pRRU3911 or
8.3.3 Installing a pRRU on a Ceiling
This section describes how to install a pRRU on the ceiling, such as the concrete ceiling,
when the ceiling has adequate load bearing capacity and installation space.
If the pRRU is installed on a ceiling, the temperature of the ceiling may increase by a maximum of 30
degrees. Therefore, whether a pRRU can be installed on a ceiling depends on the ceiling material.
Step 1 Determine the position for installing the pRRU based on the construction blueprint and the
clearance requirements.
For details about the clearance requirements, see 8.1.3 Space Requirements.
Step 2 Place the mounting bracket in the installation position against the ceiling. Then, level the
mounting bracket and use a marker to mark four anchor points. See Figure 8-11.
Figure 8-11 Anchor points on the pRRU mounting bracket
(1) Ceiling
(2) Mounting bracket
(3) Anchor point
To prevent inhalation or eye contact with dust, take adequate preventive measures when drilling holes.
Step 3 Use a hammer drill with φ6 bore to drill holes at the marked anchor points, as shown in
Figure 8-12. Use a vacuum cleaner to clean the dust inside and around the holes and measure
the distance between them. If they are inaccurately positioned, re-measure and re-drill the
holes. Then, use a rubber mallet to hit a plastic expansion sleeve into each hole.
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Figure 8-12 Drilling holes and installing expansion bolts
Step 4 Lead the M3.5x35 screws through the washers, and then through the drilling holes on the
mounting bracket to the plastic expansion sleeves, and use a torque screwdriver to torque the
screws to 1.2 N•m, as shown in Figure 8-13.
Figure 8-13 Installing the mounting bracket
If the screws cannot be tightened using a Phillips screwdriver, use a hex key or an electric screwdriver to
assist the installation.
Step 5 Fit the rotation axis on the pRRU into the hooks on the mounting bracket, and then push the
pRRU against the mounting bracket until a click is heard. See Figure 8-14.
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8 Installing a pRRU3902 or pRRU3911 or
Figure 8-14 Installing a pRRU on a ceiling
Before installing the pRRU, connect one end of the Ethernet cable to the CPRI_E0 port on pRRU.
It is good practice to perform the installation from the side view to promptly align the hooks with the
rotation axis.
Step 6 Optional: Use T20 with hole screwdriver to lock the protection screw on the attachment plate.
See Figure 8-15.
The protection screw protects the pRRU from being removed and must be locked if required.
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8 Installing a pRRU3902 or pRRU3911 or
Figure 8-15 Locking the protection screw
(1) M4 threaded hole
(2) Hole for self-tapping screws
(3) Quincunx screw
8.3.4 Installing a pRRU on a Pole
This section describes how to install a pRRU on a metal pole indoors.
Step 1 Determine the position for installing the pRRU based on the construction blueprint and the
pRRU installation clearance requirements.
For details about the clearance requirements, see 8.1.3 Space Requirements.
Step 2 Secure the pRRU mounting bracket on the metal pole, as shown in Figure 8-16.
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8 Installing a pRRU3902 or pRRU3911 or
Figure 8-16 Securing the pRRU mounting bracket on the metal pole
Determine a position for installing the pRRU. Then, place the separate mounting kit onto
the pole, thread the hose clamp through the mounting kit, and encircle the pole with the
hose clamp, as shown by illustrations a, b, and c in Figure 8-16.
Use an M6 inner hexagon screwdriver to tighten the bolt on each hose clamp to 5 N·m to
secure the mounting kit, as shown by illustration d in Figure 8-16.
Step 3 Fit the four hooks of the pRRU into the mounting holes on the mounting bracket and then
press the pRRU downwards until a click is heard. See Figure 8-17.
It is good practice to connect one end of an Ethernet cable to the CPRI_E0 port on the pRRU before
the pRRU is installed.
It is good practice to perform the installation from the side view to promptly align the hooks with the
mounting holes.
Figure 8-17 Installing the pRRU on a pole
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8 Installing a pRRU3902 or pRRU3911 or
8.3.5 Installing a pRRU on a Plate
This section describes how to install a pRRU on a plate. If a suspended ceiling plate has
adequate load bearing capacity and installation space, the pRRU can be installed on the plate.
However, it is good practice not to install a pRRU on an aluminum plate. The installation
modes are classified into installation on a removable suspended ceiling plate and installation
on an overall suspended ceiling.
Installation on a removable suspended ceiling plate
This installation mode applies when the suspended ceiling plate (for example, a metal
plate) is removable.
Determine the position for installing the pRRU based on the construction blueprint
and the clearance requirements.
For details about the clearance requirements, see 8.1.3 Space Requirements.
Place the mounting bracket in the installation position against the wall. Then, level
the mounting bracket and use a marker to mark two anchor points. See Figure 8-18.
Figure 8-18 Anchor points on the pRRU mounting bracket
(1) Suspended ceiling plate
(2) Mounting bracket
(3) Anchor point
To prevent inhalation or eye contact with dust, take adequate preventive measures when drilling holes.
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Use a hammer drill with φ6 bore to drill holes at the anchor points.
Lead two bolts (M4) through the mounting bracket and the suspended ceiling plate,
and use a torque screwdriver to torque the bolts to 1.4 N•m, as shown in Figure
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8 Installing a pRRU3902 or pRRU3911 or
Figure 8-19 Installing the pRRU mounting bracket
The bolt used for installing the pRRU on a suspended ceiling plate depends on the plate thickness:
The delivered bolt (M4x35) is used if the plate thickness is less than 25 mm.
The delivered bolt (M4X60) is used if the plate thickness ranges from 25 mm to 45 mm.
If the screws cannot be tightened using a Phillips screwdriver, use a hex key or an electric
screwdriver to assist the installation.
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Fit the rotation axis on the pRRU into the hooks on the mounting bracket, and then
push the pRRU against the mounting bracket until a click is heard. See Figure 8-20.
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8 Installing a pRRU3902 or pRRU3911 or
Figure 8-20 Installing a pRRU on a plate
If the screws cannot be tightened using a Phillips screwdriver, use a hex key or an electric screwdriver to
assist the installation.
Use T20 with hole screwdriver to lock the protection screw on the attachment plate.
See Figure 8-21.
The protection screw protects the pRRU from being removed and must be locked if
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8 Installing a pRRU3902 or pRRU3911 or
Figure 8-21 Locking the protection screw
(1) M4 threaded hole
(2) Hole for self-tapping screws
(3) Quincunx screw
Installation on an overall suspended ceiling
This installation mode applies when the suspended ceiling (for example, made of plaster
board) cannot be removed.
Determine the position for installing the pRRU based on the construction blueprint
and the clearance requirements.
For details about the clearance requirements, see 8.1.3 Space Requirements.
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Use a crown saw to drill a hole with a diameter of 60 mm to 65 mm at the
installation position for the pRRU, as shown in Figure 8-22.
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8 Installing a pRRU3902 or pRRU3911 or
Figure 8-22 Drilling holes by using a crown saw
To prevent inhalation or eye contact with dust, take adequate preventive measures when drilling holes.
Use a bolt (M4) to partially connect the mounting bracket and the U-shaped metal
plate, as shown in Figure 8-23.
Figure 8-23 Partially connecting the mounting bracket and the U-shaped metal plate
The bolt used for installing the pRRU on a suspended ceiling plate depends on the plate thickness:
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The delivered bolt (M4x35) is used if the plate thickness is less than 25 mm.
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8 Installing a pRRU3902 or pRRU3911 or
The delivered bolt (M4X60) is used if the plate thickness ranges from 25 mm to 45 mm.
Lead the U-shaped metal plate through the hole on the ceiling, as shown in Figure
Figure 8-24 Routing the U-shaped metal plate through the hole on the ceiling
Install another bolt with the same length and use a torque screwdriver to torque the
bolts to 1.4 N·m, as shown in Figure 8-25.
Figure 8-25 Assembling the mounting bracket and the U-shaped metal plate
If the screws cannot be tightened using a Phillips screwdriver, use a hex key or an electric screwdriver to
assist the installation.
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Fit the rotation axis on the pRRU into the hooks on the mounting bracket, and then
push the pRRU against the mounting bracket until a click is heard. See Figure 8-26.
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Figure 8-26 Installing a pRRU on a plate
Before installing the pRRU, connect one end of the Ethernet cable to the CPRI_E0 port on pRRU.
It is good practice to perform the installation from the side view to promptly align the hooks with the
rotation axis.
Use T20 with hole screwdriver to lock the protection screw on the attachment plate.
See Figure 8-27.
The protection screw protects the pRRU from being removed and must be locked if
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8 Installing a pRRU3902 or pRRU3911 or
Figure 8-27 Locking the protection screw
(1) M4 threaded hole
(2) Hole for self-tapping screws
(3) Quincunx screw
8.3.6 Installing a pRRUon a Keel
This section describes how to install a pRRU3901 on a keel. If a suspended ceiling plate
cannot bear the pRRU, the pRRU can be installed on the keel on the ceiling. The standard
keel with a width less than 45 mm, instead of the non-standard keel, is recommended.
Before installing the pRRU on a keel, ensure that the keel is strong enough to bear the pRRU.
The mounting bracket of the pRRU can be installed on the keel of the following
specifications: GBT 11981-2008, JIS A6517-2002, and ASTM C635 C635M-2007. The
installation mode depends on onsite requirements because there are various keels.
This section describes the procedure of installing a pRRU on the keel of JIS standard
used in Japan. The procedure of installing a pRRU on other keels is the same as that of
installing a pRRU on the keel of JIS standard.
The keel used on the ceiling is thin. During installation, fix the mounting kits onto the large
surface instead of the small surface of the keel to prevent distorting the keel.
Step 1 Determine the position for installing the pRRU based on the construction blueprint and the
clearance requirements.
For details about the clearance requirements, see 8.1.3 Space Requirements.
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8 Installing a pRRU3902 or pRRU3911 or
Step 2 Place the U-shaped metal plate across the keel. Use a marker to mark the projective positions
of the mounting holes on the suspended ceiling plate, as shown in Figure 8-28.
Figure 8-28 Anchor points on the suspended ceiling plate
To prevent inhalation or eye contact with dust, take adequate preventive measures when drilling holes.
Step 3 Use a hammer drill to drill holes at the anchor points. You are advised to use the hammer drill
with Ф12 bore.
Step 4 Lead two bolts (M4) through the mounting bracket and the ceiling plate. Use a torque
screwdriver to torque the bolts to 1.4 N•m, as shown in Figure 8-29.
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8 Installing a pRRU3902 or pRRU3911 or
Figure 8-29 Installing the mounting bracket
The bolt used for installing the pRRU on a suspended ceiling plate depends on the plate thickness:
The delivered bolt (M4 x 35) is used if the plate thickness is less than 25 mm.
The delivered bolt (M4 x 60) is used if the plate thickness ranges from 25 mm to 45 mm.
If the screws cannot be tightened using a Phillips screwdriver, use a hex key or an electric
screwdriver to assist the installation.
Step 5 Fit the rotation axis on the pRRU into the hooks on the mounting bracket, and then push the
pRRU against the mounting bracket until a click is heard. See Figure 8-30.
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Figure 8-30 Installing a pRRU on a keel
Before installing the pRRU, connect one end of the Ethernet cable to the CPRI_E0 port on pRRU.
It is good practice to perform the installation from the side view to promptly align the hooks with the
rotation axis.
Step 6 Optional: Use T20 with hole screwdriver to lock the protection screw on the attachment plate.
See Figure 8-31.
The protection screw protects the pRRU from being removed and must be locked if required.
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8 Installing a pRRU3902 or pRRU3911 or
Figure 8-31 Locking the protection screw
(1) M4 threaded hole
(2) Hole for self-tapping screws
(3) Quincunx screw
8.3.7 Installing a pRRU on Steel Hangers
This section describes how to install a pRRU on steel hangers.
Either M6 or M8 steel hangers can be used for installation.
Step 1 Determine the position for installing the pRRU based on the construction blueprint and the
clearance requirements.
For details about the clearance requirements, see 8.1.3 Space Requirements.
Step 2 Install two steel hangers onto the ceiling. A distance of 90 mm must be retained between the
two hangers, as shown in Figure 8-32.
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8 Installing a pRRU3902 or pRRU3911 or
Figure 8-32 Installing steel hangers
Step 3 Install the nuts, spring washers, flat washers, and a U-shaped metal plate onto the steel
hangers, and use a torque wrench to torque the U-shaped metal plate to 5 N•m (on M6 steel
hangers) or 12 N•m (on M8 steel hangers). See Figure 8-33.
The edge side of the U-shaped metal plate must face upwards.
The nuts on the underside of the U-shaped metal plate must be completely fixed into the steel
hangers, and the lower surface of a nut cannot be exposed on the end side of steel hangers, as shown
in Figure 8-33.
Figure 8-33 Installing the U-shaped metal plate onto the steel hangers
(1) Nuts
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(2) Spring washers
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(3) Flat washers
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8 Installing a pRRU3902 or pRRU3911 or
(4) Steel hangers
(5) U-shaped metal plate
Step 4 Lead two bolts (M4x35) through the mounting bracket and the ceiling plate. Use a torque
screwdriver to torque the bolts to 1.4 N•m, as shown in Figure 8-34.
Figure 8-34 Installing the mounting bracket
If the screws cannot be tightened using a Phillips screwdriver, use a hex key or an electric screwdriver to
assist the installation.
Step 5 Fit the rotation axis on the pRRU into the hooks on the mounting bracket, and then push the
pRRU against the mounting bracket until a click is heard. See Figure 8-35.
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8 Installing a pRRU3902 or pRRU3911 or
Figure 8-35 Installing a pRRU on a keel
Before installing the pRRU, connect one end of the Ethernet cable to the CPRI_E0 port on pRRU.
It is good practice to perform the installation from the side view to promptly align the hooks with the
rotation axis.
Step 6 Optional: Use T20 with hole screwdriver to lock the protection screw on the attachment plate.
See Figure 8-36.
The protection screw protects the pRRU from being removed and must be locked if required.
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8 Installing a pRRU3902 or pRRU3911 or
Figure 8-36 Locking the protection screw
(1) M4 threaded hole
(2) Hole for self-tapping screws
(3) Quincunx screw
8.3.8 Installing the Cabinet
In the outdoor scenario, the pRRU3902 should be installed in the cabinet firstly.
An RF surge protector provides surge protection for the RF ports on pRRU3902, and a PoE
surge protector provides surge protection for the CPRI ports.
One pRRU3902 with internal antenna need to be configured with one PoE surge protector.
One pRRU3902 with external antenna need to be configured with one PoE surge protector
and four RF surge protectors at the same time.
Step 1 Install the plate onto the cabinet, as shown in Figure 8-37.
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8 Installing a pRRU3902 or pRRU3911 or
Figure 8-37 Installing the plate onto the cabinet
Make sure all the cables are installed before installing the plate. For details about installing the cables of
pRRU3902, see Figure 8-38.
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8 Installing a pRRU3902 or pRRU3911 or
Figure 8-38 Installing the pRRU3902 cables
(1) RF Jumper
(2) CPRI_E0 port
(3) Ethernet Cable
Step 2 Fit the rotation axis on pRRU3902 into the hooks on the mounting bracket, and then push
pRRU3902 against the mounting bracket until a click is heard, as shown in Figure 8-39.
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8 Installing a pRRU3902 or pRRU3911 or
Figure 8-39 Installing a pRRU3902 into the cabinet
Step 3 Optional: Use T20 with hole screwdriver to lock the protection screw on the attachment plate.
See Figure 8-40.
The protection screw protects the pRRU3902 from being removed and must be locked if
Figure 8-40 Locking the protection screw
(1) M4 threaded hole
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(2) Hole for self-tapping screws
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(3) Quincunx screw
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8 Installing a pRRU3902 or pRRU3911 or
8.4 Installing pRRU Cables
This section describes the procedure of installing the pRRU cables.
8.4.1 Requirements for Cable Layout
Cables must be routed according to the specified cabling requirements to prevent signal
If certain cables listed below are not required, skip the requirements for routing these cables.
General Requirements for Cable Layout
National Standards
Code for Engineering Design of Generic Cabling System for Building and Campus (GB
Code for Engineering Acceptance of Generic Cabling System for Building and Campus
Security Protection Engineering Technology Specifications (GB 50348-2004)
Code for Construction and Acceptance of the Electronic Information System Room (GB
Code for Quality Acceptance of the Intelligent Building Engineering (GB 50339-2003)
Code for Quality Acceptance of Electric Engineering Construction in Building (GB
Technical Specification for Construction and Acceptance of Telecommunication Conduit
Engineering (GB 50374-2006)
International Standards
Generic Cabling for Customer Premises (ISO/IEC 11801)
Commercial Building Telecommunications Cabling Standard (EIA/TIA 568)
Commercial Building Standard for Telecommunication Pathways and Spaces (EIA/TIA
Administration Standard for Commercial Telecommunications Infrastructure (EIA/TIA
Grounding and Bonding Requirements for Telecommunications in Commercial
Buildings (EIA/TIA 607)
Generic Cabling Systems for Information Technology (EN 50173)
Cabling Installation for Information Technology (EN 50174)
Bending radius
The bending radius of a 1/4'' jumper, a 1/2'' softer jumper, and a 1/2'' common jumper
must be longer than 35 mm, 50 mm, and 127 mm, respectively.
The bending radius of a power cable is at least five times the diameter of the cable.
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8 Installing a pRRU3902 or pRRU3911 or
The bending radius of a signal cable must be at least five times the diameter of the cable.
Cable binding
Cables of the same type are bound together.
Different types of cables must be separately routed with a minimum spacing of 30 mm
and cannot be entangled.
The cables are bound tightly and neatly and the sheaths of the cables is intact.
The cable ties face the same direction and all cable ties bound at similar positions must
be in a straight line.
The extra length of each indoor cable tie must be cut off. A slack of 5 mm is reserved for
each outdoor cable tie before the extra length is cut off. All cut surfaces are without sharp
Labels or nameplates are attached to both ends, joints, or turns of cables after they are
The steel pipe or fire-resistant rigid polyvinyl chloride pipe should be used for the cable
duct or for routing cables. The cross-sectional usage of the cable duct should be 30% to
50% and that of the pipe for routing cables should be 25% to 30%.
Cables are placed away from sharp objects or wall burrs. If these positions are inevitable,
protection pipes are required for the cables.
Cables are routed away from heat sources, or heat-insulation materials are added
between cables and heat sources.
A clearance is reserved at turns of a cable or the position close to a device, facilitating
cable and device maintenance. The recommended clearance is about 0.1 m.
Requirements for Special Cables
Ethernet Cable
A maximum of 100 Ethernet cables can be bundled if no PVC pipes are used. If pipes are
used, a maximum of 24 Ethernet cables can be led through a pipe. In this case, ensure
that 1/3 space inside the pipes must be vacant.
The point at which an Ethernet cable is bundled must be spaced 400 mm or less from the
Ethernet port on a pRRU.
For the pRRU used in the elevator engine room on the rooftop, generator set for the
subway engine, and equipment room with central air conditioning, Ethernet cables must
be led through metallic conduits that are reliably grounded at both ends.
8.4.2 Cable List
This section describes pRRUcable connections.
pRRU3902 Cables
Table 8-9 List of pRRU3901 cables
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One End
The Other End
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RF Jumper
8 Installing a pRRU3902 or pRRU3911 or
to ...
Connected to ...
RJ45 connector
RI_E7 port on
RJ45 connector
E1 port on pRRU
RJ45 connector
port on Access
RJ45 connector
GE port on
CPRI_E1 port
port on pRRU
Based on the
port model of
the antenna
SMA straight
N male
Antenna system
8.4.3 Cable Connections
This section describes the cable connections for a single pRRU.
pRRU3902 (Indoor)
Figure 8-41 shows the cable connection of pRRU3902 with internal antenna.
Figure 8-41 pRRU3902 cable connection (1)
(1) Ethernet cable
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8 Installing a pRRU3902 or pRRU3911 or
The Extender can be used to lengthen the distance between the RHUB and the pRRU3902 connected
using the Ethernet cable. If the Extender is used, the Ethernet cable is divided into two parts, one
between the RHUB and the Extender and the other between the Extender and the pRRU3902.
Figure 8-42 shows the cable connection when the pRRU3902 supporting external antennas.
Figure 8-42 pRRU3902 cable connection (2)
(1) Ethernet cable
(2) RF jumper
The Extender can be used to lengthen the distance between the RHUB and the pRRU3902 connected
using the Ethernet cable. If the Extender is used, the Ethernet cable is divided into two parts, one
between the RHUB and the Extender and the other between the Extender and the pRRU3902.
pRRU3902 (Outdoor)
Figure 8-43 shows the cable connection of pRRU3902 intalled outside.
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Figure 8-43 pRRU3902 cable connection
(1) PoE surge protector 1
(2) pRRU3902
(3) RF surge protector
The Extender can be used to lengthen the distance between the RHUB and the pRRU3902 connected
using the Ethernet cable. If the Extender is used, the Ethernet cable is divided into two parts, one
among the RHUB, PoE surge protector 2, PoE surge protector 3, Extender and the other among
Extender, PoE surge protector 4, PoE surge protector 1, pRRU3902.
For details about installation of the PoE surge protector and cables, see 12 (Optional) Installing the
PoE Surge Protector and Cables.
For details about installation of the RF surge protector and cables, see 13 (Optional) Installing the
RF Surge Protector and Cables.
Figure 8-44 shows the cable connections of pRRU3911+WIFI.
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8 Installing a pRRU3902 or pRRU3911 or
Figure 8-44 pRRU cable connection (1)
(1) Ethernet cable
The Extender can be used to lengthen the distance between the RHUB and the pRRU connected using
the Ethernet cable. If the Extender is used, the Ethernet cable is divided into two parts, one between the
RHUB and the Extender and the other between the Extender and the pRRU3911.
Figure 8-45 shows the cable connections of pRRU with external antenna.
Figure 8-45 pRRU3911+WIFI cable connection (2)
(1) Ethernet cable
The Extender can be used to lengthen the distance between the RHUB and the pRRU connected using
the Ethernet cable. If the Extender is used, the Ethernet cable is divided into two parts, one between the
RHUB and the Extender and the other between the Extender and the pRRU.
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8 Installing a pRRU3902 or pRRU3911 or
8.4.4 Cable Installation Process
This section describes the process of installing pRRU cables.
Figure 8-46 shows the process of installing pRRU cables.
Figure 8-46 cable installation process
Only the pRRU3902 using external antennas requires RF jumpers, and the
pRRU3911/pRRU3911+WIFI requires no RF jumpers.
8.4.5 Installing a pRRU3902 Ethernet Cable
This section describes how to install an Ethernet cable.
The Ethernet cable must be of Category 5e (enhanced) or higher. In addition, its
cross-sectional area must be 24 AWG or larger and frame spread rating must be CM or
The Ethernet cables can be straight-through cables.
With the internal PoE module providing power, the maximum length of an Ethernet
cable is 100 m. With the Extender, the distance of the pRRU3901 and RHUB can be
extended by the Extender up to a total distance of 200 m.
Ethernet cables are not delivered, and they must be prepared onsite. You need to use a
network cable tester to test the Ethernet cable connection.
The Ethernet cable has the following functions:
Provides power supply for the pRRU3902 when the cable connects the CPRI_E0 port on
the pRRU3902 to the RHUB.
Transmits CPRI signals between an RHUB and a pRRU3902.
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8 Installing a pRRU3902 or pRRU3911 or
For details about the cable connections in the different scenarios, see 8.4.3 Cable Connections.
The Ethernet cable connections between RHUB and pRRUs are the same. The following
section describes the connections between RHUB-Extender-pRRU3902 as an example.
In the outdoor scenario, PoE surge protector is needed to provide surge protection for the
Ethernet ports. For details about the installation of PoE surge protector, see 12 (Optional)
Installing the PoE Surge Protector and Cables.
Step 1 Make the Ethernet cables.
Assemble an RJ45 connector and an Ethernet cable by following instructions in
Assembling the Unshielded RJ45 Connector and the Ethernet Cable, Assembling the
Shielded RJ45 Connector and the Ethernet Cable.
Follow pin assignment instructions described in section Ethernet Cable in DBS3900 LampSite
Hardware Description to assemble the RJ45 connector and the Ethernet cable. Otherwise, the
transmission signal quality deteriorates and CPRI links may be disconnected.
The pRRU3902 supports both unshielded and shielded Ethernet cables. It is good practice to use
unshielded Ethernet cables.
Check whether the made RJ45 connector is qualified by following instructions in
Checking the Appearance of Metal Contact Strips.
To complete the assembly of the other end, repeat Step 1.1 and Step 1.2.
Check whether the touch points on the connectors at both ends are normally conducted
and well contacted and whether the connections are correct by following instructions in
Testing the Connection of Assembled Cables of Installation Reference.
Step 2 Install an Ethernet cable between an RHUB and a pRRU3902.
Step 3 Connect the RJ45 connector at one end of the Ethernet cable to the CPRI_E0 port on the
pRRU3902 panel.
Step 4 Optional: Connect the RJ45 connector at the other end of the Ethernet cable to the output
port of the Extender. Then, connect the RJ45 connector at one end of another Ethernet cable
to the input port of the Extender.
In this scene, the Ethernet cable is divided into two parts, one between the RHUB and the
Extender and the other between the Extender and the pRRU3902.
Step 5 Connect the RJ45 connector at the other end of the Ethernet cable to any port ranging from
CPRI_E0 to CPRI_E7 on the RHUB panel based on the engineering design, as shown in
Figure 8-47.
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8 Installing a pRRU3902 or pRRU3911 or
Figure 8-47 Installing an Ethernet cable
(1) Ethernet cable
(2) CPRI_E0 port on the pRRU3902
Step 6 Optional: If the pRRU3902 is installed in a place with water dripping risks, seal its Ethernet
ports with mastic cement.
Take about 40 g mastic cement, as shown in Figure 8-48.
Figure 8-48 Mastic cement cube
Flatten the mastic cement into a 20 cm strip, as shown in Figure 8-49.
Figure 8-49 Flattening the mastic cement into a strip
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8 Installing a pRRU3902 or pRRU3911 or
Shape the mastic cement strip around the Ethernet ports from outside the connector clips.
Ensure the external sides of the connectors are fully sealed, as shown in Figure 8-50.
Figure 8-50 Sealing the connector external side
Compress the mastic cement downwards along the connector external side. Do not press the mastic
cement towards the connector. This operation may damage the connector clip and make it unable to hold
the connector, causing cable disconnection, as shown in Figure 8-51.
Figure 8-51 Correct and incorrect ways for sealing the connector
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Shape the mastic cement around the cables in a repeating 8 manner, as shown in Figure
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8 Installing a pRRU3902 or pRRU3911 or
Figure 8-52 Shaping the mastic cement between cables
Compress and flatten the mastic cement until the Ethernet ports are fully covered and
sealed. Nip the mastic cement from the connector side upwards along the cables until 10
mm high, as shown in Figure 8-53. This ensures that the mastic cement envelop does not
crack in case the cable is bent.
Figure 8-53 Fully sealed Ethernet ports
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8 Installing a pRRU3902 or pRRU3911 or
Follow-up Procedure
Route the cable, and then use a cable tie to bind the cable. For details, see 8.4.1
Requirements for Cable Layout.
Label the installed cable. For details, see section 15.4 Attaching an L-Shaped Label.
8.4.6 Installing a pRRU3911/pRRU3911+WIFI Ethernet Cable
This section describes how to install a pRRU3911/pRRU3911+WIFI Ethernet cable.
The Ethernet cable must be of Category 5e (enhanced) or higher. In addition, its
cross-sectional area must be 24 AWG or larger and frame spread rating must be CM or
The Ethernet cables can be straight-through cables.
With the internal PoE module providing power, the maximum length of an Ethernet
cable is 100 m. With the Extender, the distance of the pRRU3911/pRRU3911+WIFI and
RHUB can be extended by the Extender up to a total distance of 200 m.
Ethernet cables are not delivered, and they must be prepared onsite. You need to use a
network cable tester to test the Ethernet cable connection.
The Ethernet cable has the following functions:
Provides power supply for the pRRU3911/pRRU3911+WIFI when the cable connects
the CPRI_E0 port on the /pRRU3911+WIFI to the RHUB.
Transmits CPRI signals between an RHUB and a pRRU3911/pRRU3911+WIFI.
Step 1 Make the Ethernet cables.
Assemble an RJ45 connector and an Ethernet cable by following instructions in
Assembling the Unshielded RJ45 Connector and the Ethernet Cable, Assembling the
Shielded RJ45 Connector and the Ethernet Cable.
Follow pin assignment instructions described in section Ethernet Cable in DBS3900 LampSite Hardware
Description to assemble the RJ45 connector and the Ethernet cable. Otherwise, the transmission signal
quality deteriorates and CPRI links may be disconnected.
Check whether the made RJ45 connector is qualified by following instructions in
Checking the Appearance of Metal Contact Strips.
To complete the assembly of the other end, repeat Step 1.1 and Step 1.2.
Check whether the touch points on the connectors at both ends are normally conducted
and well contacted and whether the connections are correct by following instructions in
Testing the Connection of Assembled Cables of Installation Reference.
Step 2 Install an Ethernet cable between an RHUB and a pRRU3911/pRRU3911+WIFI.
Step 3 Connect the RJ45 connector at one end of the Ethernet cable to the CPRI_E0 port on the
pRRU3911/pRRU3911+WIFI panel.
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8 Installing a pRRU3902 or pRRU3911 or
Step 4 Optional: Connect the RJ45 connector at the other end of the Ethernet cable to the output
port of the Extender. Then, connect the RJ45 connector at one end of another Ethernet cable
to the input port of the Extender.
In this scene, the Ethernet cable is divided into two parts, one between the RHUB and the
Extender and the other between the Extender and the pRRU3911/pRRU3911+WIFI.
Step 5 Connect the RJ45 connector at the other end of the Ethernet cable to any port ranging from
CPRI_E0 to CPRI_E7 on the RHUB panel based on the engineering design, as shown in
Figure 8-54.
Figure 8-54 Installing an Ethernet cable
(1) Ethernet cable
(2) CPRI_E0 port
(3) CPRI_E1 port
Step 6 Optional: If the Wi-Fi daughter board is used, install the Ethernet cable to connect the AC
and the pRRU3911/pRRU3911+WIFI.
Remove the dustproof cap from the CPRI_E1 port.
Connect an RJ45 connector of the Ethernet cable to the CPRI_E1 port on the
Connect the other RJ45 connector of the Ethernet cable to the transmission port on the
AC based on the engineering design requirements. See Figure 8-54.
Step 7 Optional: If the pRRU3902 is installed in a place with water dripping risks, seal its Ethernet
ports with mastic cement.
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Take about 40 g mastic cement, as shown in Figure 8-55.
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Figure 8-55 Mastic cement cube
Flatten the mastic cement into a 20 cm strip, as shown in Figure 8-56.
Figure 8-56 Flattening the mastic cement into a strip
Shape the mastic cement strip around the Ethernet ports from outside the connector clips.
Ensure the external sides of the connectors are fully sealed, as shown in Figure 8-57.
Figure 8-57 Sealing the connector external side
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8 Installing a pRRU3902 or pRRU3911 or
Compress the mastic cement downwards along the connector external side. Do not press the mastic
cement towards the connector. This operation may damage the connector clip and make it unable to hold
the connector, causing cable disconnection, as shown in Figure 8-58.
Figure 8-58 Correct and incorrect ways for sealing the connector
Shape the mastic cement around the cables in a repeating 8 manner, as shown in Figure
Figure 8-59 Shaping the mastic cement between cables
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Compress and flatten the mastic cement until the Ethernet ports are fully covered and
sealed. Nip the mastic cement from the connector side upwards along the cables until 10
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8 Installing a pRRU3902 or pRRU3911 or
mm high, as shown in Figure 8-60. This ensures that the mastic cement envelop does not
crack in case the cable is bent.
Figure 8-60 Fully sealed Ethernet ports
8.4.7 Installing a pRRU3902 RF Jumper (Optional)
The RF Jumpers transmit radio frequency signals between pRRU3902 with external antennas
and the combiners. Only the pRRU3902 using external antennas can be configured with an
RF Jumper.
An RF jumpers delivered is 50 cm at most.
If the RF jumper is provided by the customer, the jumper must not be lower than the
RG316 specifications. In addition, the jumpers can be used after they are checked by
Huawei engineers.
pRRU3902s can be connected to external whip antennas or external remote antennas
(through pRRU3902 RF jumpers). Whip antennas are delivered optionally. RF jumpers
are not delivered.
For details about the cable connections in the different scenarios, see 8.4.3 Cable
Connections. The installation of RF jumper cables are the same. The following section
describes the connections between antenna and pRRU3902 in the indoor scenario as an
In the outdoor scenario, RF surge protector is needed to provide surge protection for the
RF ports. For details about the installation of RF surge protector, see 13 (Optional)
Installing the RF Surge Protector and Cables.
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8 Installing a pRRU3902 or pRRU3911 or
Step 1 Use a torque wrench with a torque of 0.6 N•m to connect the SMA straight male connector on
a jumper to the ANT port on the pRRU3902 panel.
Tighten it with hands, and then use a torque wrench to tighten it with a rotational speed of less
than or equal to 2.4 rpm to tighten it.
Step 2 Connect the type N female connector of the jumper to the type N male connector of the RF
feeder connected to the PORT port of the combiner, as shown as Table 8-10.
Table 8-10 Connections of the RF jumper between pRRU3902 and combiners
One End
The Other End
Connected to...
Connected to...
SMA straight
male connector
pRRU3902/ANT0 RF
Type N male
Combiner1/PORT1 or
PORT2 prot
Issue 08 (2016-05-30)
pRRU3902/ANT1 RF
Combiner2/PORT1 or
PORT2 prot
pRRU3902/ANT2 RF
Combiner1/PORT2 or
PORT2 prot
pRRU3902/ANT3 RF
Combiner2/PORT2 or
PORT1 prot
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8 Installing a pRRU3902 or pRRU3911 or
Figure 8-61 Installing jumpers between the pRRU3902 and Combiners
Follow-up Procedure
Route the cable, and then use a cable tie to bind the cable. For details, see 7.5.1
Requirements for Cable Layout.
Label the installed cable. For details, see section 15.4 Attaching an L-Shaped Label.
8.4.8 Installing a pRRU3911 RF Jumper (Optional)
The RF Jumpers transmit radio frequency signals between pRRU3911 and the external
antennas. Only the pRRU3911 using external antennas can be configured with an RF Jumper.
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8 Installing a pRRU3902 or pRRU3911 or
An RF jumpers delivered is 50 cm at most.
If the RF jumper is provided by the customer, the jumper must not be lower than the
RG316 specifications. In addition, the jumpers can be used after they are checked by
Huawei engineers.
pRRU3911s can be connected to external whip antennas or external remote antennas
(through pRRU3911 RF jumpers). Whip antennas are delivered optionally. RF jumpers
are not delivered.
Step 1 Use a torque wrench with a torque of 0.6 N•m to connect the SMA straight male connector on
a jumper to the ANT port on the pRRU3902 panel.
Tighten it with hands, and then use a torque wrench to tighten it with a rotational speed of less
than or equal to 2.4 rpm to tighten it.
Step 2 Connect the type N female connector of the jumper to the type N male connector of the RF
feeder connected to the built-in antenna.
Tighten the feeder close to the type N connector to ensure that the jumper is not tightened. In
this way, the connectors on both ends of a jumper are not affected by the external force.
Figure 8-62 Installing jumpers between the pRRU3911 and external antennas
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8 Installing a pRRU3902 or pRRU3911 or
Follow-up Procedure
Route the cable, and then use a cable tie to bind the cable. For details, see 7.5.1
Requirements for Cable Layout.
Label the installed cable. For details, see section 15.4 Attaching an L-Shaped Label.
8.5 (Optional) Installing a Combiner
This section describes how to install a combiner. The pRRU3902 using external antennas
must be configured with a combiner.
This section describes how to mount a combiner on a wall as an example. The actual
installation mode depends on actual requirements.
Step 1 Use a marker to mark two anchor points according to inter-hole spacing, as shown in Figure
Figure 8-63 Marking anchor points
Step 2 Use a hammer drill with φ6 bore to drill holes at the marked anchor points, as shown in
Figure 8-64. Use a vacuum cleaner to clean the dust inside and around the holes and measure
the distance between them. If they are inaccurately positioned, re-measure and re-drill the
holes. Then, use a rubber mallet to hit a plastic expansion sleeve into each hole.
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8 Installing a pRRU3902 or pRRU3911 or
Figure 8-64 Drilling holes and installing expansion bolts
Step 3 Place the Extender in the corresponding position and use an M3 Phillips screwdriver to torque
the screws to 1 N•m, as shown in Figure 8-65.
Figure 8-65 Installing the Extender
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8 Installing a pRRU3902 or pRRU3911 or
8.6 Checking the pRRU Hardware Installation
pRRU hardware installation checking includes hardware and cable installation checking.
Table 8-11 lists the hardware installation checking items.
Table 8-11 Hardware installation checking list
Ensure that the pRRU is not grouned.
The position for each device conforms to the engineering design and meets the
space requirement.
Ensure that the pRRU is properly installed.
The surface of the pRRUis neat and clean. The external paint is intact. The
labels, tags, and nameplates are correct, legible, and complete.
Table 8-12 lists the check items of the signal cable connection.
Table 8-12 Checklist for the signal cable connection
The connectors of the signal cables must securely connected.
The connectors of the signal cables are intact.
The signal cables are intact.
The cable ties are evenly spaced. The signal cables are bound neatly with cable
ties to proper tightness, and arranged at even intervals in the same direction.
The extra length of the cable ties is cut and removed. The cut surfaces of the
indoor cables are smooth and have no sharp edges.
The cable layout facilitates maintenance and expansion.
Correct and clear labels are attached to both ends of the signal cables.
Table 8-13 lists the checking items for other cable connections.
Table 8-13 Checklist for other cable connections
The connectors of the other cables must securely connected.
Labels on the cables are legible and bound based on the engineering
requirements. The cables must be bound tightly and neatly. The sheaths of the
cables must not be damaged.
Positions for routing the cables must meet requirements of the engineering
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8 Installing a pRRU3902 or pRRU3911 or
8.7 Powering on the pRRU
This section describes the power-on check on the pRRU after the pRRU hardware is installed
and checked.
After the RHUB and pRRUs are installed and connected to each other, power on them no
matter whether the BBU is installed.
Step 1 Power on the pRRU.
The pRRU supports PoE. The RHUB supplies power to the pRRU in PoE mode through the
CPRI_E0 port on the pRRU.
Step 2 Power on the pRRU. Wait 3 to 5 minutes, check the status of the 3GPP indicator on the
If the 3GPP Indicator...
Blinks white at 4 Hz
The pRRU is loading
software, configuring data, or
it is not running.
Wait until the software is
loaded. If the loading is not
completed in five minutes,
power off the pRRU and
check whether the data
configuration file is correct.
After the fault is rectified,
power on the pRRU again.
Blinks white at 0.5 Hz
(on for 1s and off for 1s)
The pRRU is working
properly and does not
transmit power.
Check whether the services
have been configured and
power amplification have
been enabled on the pRRU.
Is steady white
The cell is set up and
transmits power properly.
No further action is required.
Is steady orange.
There is power input, but the
hardware is faulty.
Power off the pRRU, rectify
the hardware fault, and then
power it on again.
Blinks orange at 0.5 Hz
(on for 1s and off for 1s)
A minor alarm (indicating an
HDLC link disconnection, for
example) is generated.
Troubleshoot based on the
alarm information.
Is off
The board is not powered on.
Turn off the power supply
switch and check whether the
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8 Installing a pRRU3902 or pRRU3911 or
If the 3GPP Indicator...
power input is normal. If the
power input is normal, check
for and rectify board faults,
and turn on the power supply
switch again.
Check the indicator status 30 minutes after the power-on if a pRRU is not connected to any BBU. The
pRRU is considered normally powered on when any indicator on the pRRU is on.
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9 Installing a pRRU3907 or pRRU3916
Installing a pRRU3907 or pRRU3916
About This Chapter
This chapter describes the pRRU3907or pRRU3916 installation process. The pRRU3907 and
pRRU3916 are installed in similar way, and this chapter uses the pRRU3907 as an example.
9.1 Information About the Installation
This section describes the information that you must be familiar with before installing a
pRRU, including the pRRU product family, installation scenarios, installation space and
environment requirements.
9.2 Installation Process
This section describes the pRRU installation process, which involves installing a pRRU, and
cables, checking the pRRU hardware installation, and powering on the pRRU.
9.3 Installing a pRRU
This section describes the pRRU installation process.
9.4 Installing pRRU Cables
This chapter describes the procedures for installing pRRU cables.
9.5 Checking the pRRU Hardware Installation
pRRU hardware installation checking includes hardware and cable installation checking.
9.6 Powering on the pRRU
This section describes the power-on check on the pRRU after the pRRU hardware is installed
and checked.
9.1 Information About the Installation
This section describes the information that you must be familiar with before installing a
pRRU, including the pRRU product family, installation scenarios, installation space and
environment requirements.
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9 Installing a pRRU3907 or pRRU3916
9.1.1 pRRU Product Family
This chapter describes the configurations and functions of the pRRU components.
Table 9-1 lists the pRRU product family.
Table 9-1 pRRU product family
Functions as a remote radio
unit that processes RF
Mounting kits
Supports the pRRU
installation on a wall or pole.
The mounting kits vary with
the pRRU installation mode.
Extends the distance between
the pRRU and RHUB.
depends on
the number
of Ethernet
cables in
9.1.2 Constraints and Limitations
The pRRU can be installed on a wall or pole.Installation scenarios must meet heat-dissipation
and waterproofing requirements of the RRU.
Requirements for the Installation Scenarios
Application scenarios:
To ensure proper heat dissipation of the pRRU, the following requirements must be met:
The pRRU cannot be installed in an enclosed cabinet without a cooling system.
The pRRU cannot be installed in an enclosed camouflage box.
The pRRU cannot be installed in an enclosed equipment room without a cooling system.
When multiple pRRUs are installed in centralized mode, the minimum clearance
requirements must be met. For details, see 9.1.3 Installation Clearance and Space
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If the pRRU is inappropriately installed, heat dissipation of the pRRU deteriorates and the
pRRU may not work properly, as shown in Figure 9-1.
Figure 9-1 Inappropriately installed pRRU
Correct installation methods:
To ensure the heat dissipation of the pRRU and waterproofing of the ports at the bottom of the
RRU, the vertical deviation angle of a pRRU must be less than or equal to 10°, as shown in
Figure 9-2.
Figure 9-2 Requirements for the vertical deviation angle of a pRRU
(1) pRRU
(2) Installation support (pole or wall)
Table 9-2 lists the mounted suggestions of different installation scenarios.
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9 Installing a pRRU3907 or pRRU3916
Table 9-2 mounted suggestion
Installing the
pRRU on a
The wall
can bear a
load at least
four times
the weight
of a pRRU.
The screws
must be
with a
torque of 30
N·m. This
ensures the
and the wall
cracks in it.
diameter of
a pole for
installing a
ranges from
60 mm
(2.36 in.) to
114 mm
(4.49 in.).
ed diameter
is 80 mm
(3.15 in.).
ed thickness
of the pole
wall is 3.5
mm (0.14
in.) or
For details,
Installing a
pRRU on a
Installing the
pRRU on a
For details,
see 9.3.3
Installing a
pRRU on a
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Mounting Brackets
Installation Diagram
M6x60 bolt
Spring washer
Flat washer
Expansion sleeve
1. Mounting kit
2. Hose clamp
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9 Installing a pRRU3907 or pRRU3916
9.1.3 Installation Clearance and Space Requirements
This section describes the recommended and minimum clearances for a pRRU.
Clearance for a pRRU
When the pRRU is installed on a wall or pole, the minimum clearance is required for easy
cabling and operation and maintenance (O&M). Based on the engineering practice, the
recommendation for the installation clearance is provided.
The recommended clearances are for customers, ensuring normal running and providing appropriate
space for O&M. If installation space is sufficient, leave the recommended clearances after installing
The minimum clearance ensures normal operation and heat dissipation, but O&M activities such as
checking indicator status and opening the cover plate of a cabling cavity cannot be properly
conducted. If installation space is restricted, leave the minimum clearance after installing equipment.
Figure 9-3 show the clearances for installing a pRRU.
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9 Installing a pRRU3907 or pRRU3916
Figure 9-3 Clearances for installing a pRRU
Installation Spacing Between pRRUs
Figure 9-4 lists the horizonta spacing between pRRUs.
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9 Installing a pRRU3907 or pRRU3916
Figure 9-4 Clearances for installing a pRRU
Figure 9-5 lists the vertical spacing between pRRUs.
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9 Installing a pRRU3907 or pRRU3916
Figure 9-5 Clearances for installing a pRRU
9.1.4 Installation Environment Requirements
The installation environment of a pRRU involves the running environment specifications for
the pRRU.
Running Environment Specifications
Table 9-3 shows the environment specifications for the pRRU installed outdoors.
Table 9-3 pRRU environment specifications
- 40 °C to + 50 °C
5% RH to 95% RH
- 60 m to + 1800 m
Works properly.
1800 m to 4000 m
Above the 1800 m altitude, the
maximum operating temperature
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9 Installing a pRRU3907 or pRRU3916
decreases by 1 °C each time the
altitude increases by 220 m.
9.2 Installation Process
This section describes the pRRU installation process, which involves installing a pRRU, and
cables, checking the pRRU hardware installation, and powering on the pRRU.
Figure 9-6 shows the pRRU installation process.
Figure 9-6 pRRU installation process
9.3 Installing a pRRU
This section describes the pRRU installation process.
9.3.1 pRRU Mounting Kits
This section describes mounting kits and attachment plates for installing pRRUs.
Figure 9-7 shows the exterior of the pRRU.
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9 Installing a pRRU3907 or pRRU3916
Figure 9-7 Front and side of a pRRU
(1) Attachment plate
Figure 9-8 shows a mounting bracket and a attachment plate.
Figure 9-8 Mounting bracket and common attachment plate for installing a pRRU
(1) Attachment plate
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(2) Mounting bracket
(3) Hose clamp
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(4) Expansion bolt
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9 Installing a pRRU3907 or pRRU3916
9.3.2 Installing a pRRU on a Wall
This section describes the procedure and precautions for installing a pRRU on a wall.
The wall for installing pRRUs must meet the following requirements:
The wall must be able to bear a weight four times heavier than the pRRU's weight.
Expansion bolts must be tightened to 30 N·m (265.52 lbf·in.) to ensure that the bolt
assemblies work properly and the wall remains intact.
Do not stand a pRRU upright because the RF ports cannot support the weight of the
Place a foam pad or cardboard under a pRRU to protect the pRRU housing from damage
during the installation.
Step 1 Determine a position for installing the pRRU on a wall, use a level to verify that the
marking-off template is placed horizontally, and then use a marker to mark anchor points, as
shown in Figure 9-9.
Figure 9-9 Marking anchor points
(1) Level
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(2) Tapped hole
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(3) Marker
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It is recommended that the separate mounting kit be 1200 mm (47.24 in.) to 1600 mm (62.99 in.) above
the ground.
Step 2 Drill holes at the anchor points and install expansion bolts in the holes, as shown in Figure
Figure 9-10 Drilling a hole and inserting an expansion bolt assembly
(1) M6x60 bolt
(2) Nut
(3) Spring washer
(4) Flat washer
(5) Expansion tube
Use a hammer drill with a φ8 bit to drill holes vertically at the marked anchor points.
Ensure that the depth of each hole ranges from 45 mm (1.77 in.) to 50 mm (1.97 in.).
Take proper safety measures to protect your eyes and respiratory tract against the dust before
drilling holes.
Use a vacuum cleaner to clear the dust out from inside and around the holes, and
measure the distances between holes. If any of the holes is beyond the acceptable range,
mark a new anchor point and drill a new hole.
Tighten the expansion bolts slightly, and place each expansion bolt vertically into each
Use a rubber mallet to pound each expansion bolt until the corresponding expansion tube
completely enters the hole. Leave 20 mm (0.79 in.) of the expansion bolt outside the
Remove the M6x60 bolt, nut, spring washer, and flat washer in sequence.
Step 3 Place the mounting kit onto the wall, insert four M6x60 bolts into the tapped holes on the
mounting kit, and tighten each bolt to 5 N·m (44.25 lbf·in.) to secure the mounting kit, as
shown in Figure 9-11.
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9 Installing a pRRU3907 or pRRU3916
Figure 9-11 Securing the separate mounting kit
(1) Nut
(2) Spring washer
(3) Flat washer
Step 4 Hold the pRRU, hang the two dowels on the top of the pRRU attachment plate onto the
separate mounting kit, and push the pRRU until it snaps into place, as shown by illustrations a
and b in Figure 9-12.
Step 5 Use the M6 inner hexagon screwdriver to tighten the screw on the top of the separate
attachment plate to 7 N·m (61.96 lbf·in.), as shown by illustration c in Figure 9-12.
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9 Installing a pRRU3907 or pRRU3916
Figure 9-12 Securing the pRRU onto the mounting kit
9.3.3 Installing a pRRU on a Pole
This section describes the procedure and precautions for installing a pRRU on a pole.
Do not stand a pRRU upright because the RF ports cannot support the weight of the
Place a foam pad or cardboard under a pRRU to protect the pRRU housing from damage
during the installation.
Step 1 Determine a position for installing the separate mounting kit, as shown in Figure 9-13.
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9 Installing a pRRU3907 or pRRU3916
Figure 9-13 Distance between the separate mounting kit and the ground
It is recommended that the separate mounting kit be 1200 mm (47.24 in.) to 1600 mm (62.99 in.) above
the ground.
Step 2 Install the mounting kit, as shown in Figure 9-14.
Figure 9-14 Installing a pRRU mounting kit
Determine a position for installing the pRRU. Then, place the separate mounting kit onto
the pole, thread the hose clamp through the mounting kit, and encircle the pole with the
hose clamp, as shown by illustrations a, b, and c in Figure 9-14.
Use an M6 inner hexagon screwdriver to tighten the bolt on each hose clamp to 5 N·m
(44.25 lbf·in.) to secure the mounting kit, as shown by illustration d in Figure 9-14.
Step 3 Secure the pRRU onto the separate mounting kit, as shown in Figure 9-15.
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9 Installing a pRRU3907 or pRRU3916
Figure 9-15 Securing the pRRU onto the mounting kit
Hang the two dowels on the top of the pRRU attachment plate onto the mounting kit, and
push the pRRU until it snaps into place, as shown by illustrations a and b in Figure 9-15.
Use the M6 inner hexagon screwdriver to tighten the screw on the top of the attachment
plate to 7 N·m (61.96 lbf·in.), as shown by illustration c in Figure 9-15.
9.4 Installing pRRU Cables
This chapter describes the procedures for installing pRRU cables.
9.4.1 Cabling Requirements
Cables must be laid out according to the specified cabling requirements to prevent signal
If a cable listed below is not required, skip the cabling requirements of the cable.
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9 Installing a pRRU3907 or pRRU3916
General Cabling Requirements
Bending radius requirements
The bending radius of a 7/8'' feeder must be greater than 250 mm (9.84 in.), and the
bending radius of a 5/4'' feeder must be greater than 380 mm (14.96 in.).
The bending radius of a 1/4'' jumper must be greater than 35 mm (1.38 in.). The bending
radius of a super-flexible 1/2'' jumper must be greater than 50 mm (1.97 in.), and the
bending radius of an ordinary 1/2'' jumper must be greater than 127 mm (5.00 in.).
The bending radius of a PGND cable must be at least three times its diameter.
The bending radius of a signal cable must be at least five times its diameter.
Cable binding requirements
Cables of the same type must be bound together.
Different types of cables must be separately laid out and bound, with a minimum
distance of 30 mm (1.18 in.) from each other.
Cables must be bound tightly and neatly. The sheaths of cables must not be damaged.
Cable ties must face the same direction, and those at the same horizontal line must be in
a straight line.
The excess of indoor cable ties must be cut off. The excess of 5 mm (0.197 in.) of
outdoor cable ties should be reserved, and the cut surfaces must be smooth without sharp
After cables are installed, labels or nameplates must be attached to the cables at their
ends, curves, and interconnection positions.
Security requirements
When laying out cables, avoid sharp objects, for example sharp edges on the wall. If
necessary, use tubes to protect the cables.
When laying out cables, keep cables away from heat sources, or use heat insulation
materials to insulate the cables from the heat sources.
Reserve a proper distance (0.1 m [3.937 in.] is recommended) between equipment and
cables especially at the cable curves to protect the cables and equipment.
Indoor cabling requirements
Route each cable into the room through the feeder window.
Reserve drip loops for all cables outside the feeder window before routing them into the
room. Ensure that the radiuses of the drip loops are greater than or equal to the minimum
bending radiuses of the cables.
When routing a cable into the room, ensure that a person is assisting you in the room.
Apply waterproof treatment to the feeder window.
Outdoor Cabling Requirements
Protect outdoor cables against potential damage. For example, thread the cables through
Cables to be protected include AC power cables, transmission cables, and cables laid out
Use cable clips to secure cables outdoors.
Arrange cables neatly along the routing direction and use cable clips to secure the cables.
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Determine the positions where the clips are installed according to the actual situation.
For example, 7/8" feeders are secured with clips at an interval of 1.5 m (4.92 ft) to 2 m
(6.56 ft), and CPRI fiber optic cables and power cables are secured with clips at an
interval of 1 m (3.28 ft) to 1.5 m (4.92 ft). Ensure that the clips are evenly spaced and in
the same direction.
When fastening cables with a clip, ensure that the cables are aligned neatly and are
routed through the holes in the clip. Do not stretch the cables too tightly.
When using clips to secure cables, tighten the screws on the clips after all cables are
arranged and laid out.
Special Cabling Requirements
Cabling of PGND cables
PGND cables for a base station must be connected to the same ground bar.
PGND cables must be buried in the ground or routed indoors.
The external conductor of the coaxial wire and the shield layer of the shielded cable must
have proper electrical contact with the metal surface of the equipment which they are
connected to.
PGND cables and signal cables must be installed separately. A certain distance must be
reserved between them to prevent interference from each other.
Switches or fuses must not be installed on the PGND cables.
Other devices must not be used for electrical connections of the PGND cables.
All the metal parts in the housing of the equipment must be reliably connected to the
ground terminal.
9.4.2 pRRU Cable List
This section describes pRRU cables, connectors added to the pRRU cables, and installation
positions for both ends of each cable.
Table 9-4 List of pRRU3901 cables
RF Jumper
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One End
The Other End
to ...
Connected to ...
RJ45 connector
RI_E7 port on
RJ45 connector
E1 port on pRRU
RJ45 connector
port on Access
RJ45 connector
GE port on
CPRI_E1 port
Based on the
port model of
the antenna
SMA straight
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Antenna system
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9 Installing a pRRU3907 or pRRU3916
One End
The Other End
to ...
N male
port on pRRU
Connected to ...
9.4.3 pRRU3907 Cable Connections
This section describes pRRU3907 cable connections.
Figure 9-16 shows the cable connections when a pRRU3907 is installed.
Figure 9-16 Cable connections when a pRRU3907 is installed
(1) pRRU3907
PGND cable
(2) pRRU3907 RF
(3) pRRU3907
Ethernet cable
(4) pRRU3907
Ethernet cable
9.4.4 pRRU3916 Cable Connections
This section describes pRRU3916 cable connections.
Figure 9-17 shows the cable connections when a pRRU3916 is installed.
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9 Installing a pRRU3907 or pRRU3916
Figure 9-17 Cable connections when a pRRU3916 is installed
(1) pRRU3916
PGND cable
(2) pRRU3916 RF
(3) pRRU3916
Ethernet cable
(4) pRRU3916
Ethernet cable
9.4.5 pRRU cable installation process
This section describes the process of installing pRRU cables.
Figure 9-18 shows the process of installing pRRU cables.
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9 Installing a pRRU3907 or pRRU3916
Figure 9-18 pRRU cable installation process
9.4.6 Installing a PGND Cable
This section describes the procedure for installing a PGND cable.
Step 1 Prepare a pRRU PGND cable.
Cut the cable to a length suitable for the actual cable route.
Add OT terminals to both ends of the cable by following the instructions in Assembling
the OT Terminal and the Power Cable.
Step 2 Install the pRRU PGND cable.
Connect one end of the PGND cable with an M6 OT terminal to the ground terminal at the
RRU bottom and the other end of the cable with an M8 OT terminal to the external ground bar,
as shown in Figure 9-19.
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9 Installing a pRRU3907 or pRRU3916
Figure 9-19 Installing a pRRU PGND cable
Crimp OT terminals in correct directions, as shown in Figure 9-20.
Figure 9-20 Correct direction for crimping an OT terminal
Step 3 Label the installed cable by following the instructions in 15.5 Attaching a Sign Plate Label.
9.4.7 Installing a pRRU3907 RF Jumper
This section describes the procedure for installing an RF jumper.
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9 Installing a pRRU3907 or pRRU3916
Step 1 Remove the dustproof cap from the ANT port to be used on the pRRU3907.
Step 2 Connect the type N male connector at one end of the pRRU3907 RF jumper to the ANT port
at the bottom of the pRRU3907 in sequence, and use a torque wrench to tighten the connector
to 1 N·m (8.85 lbf·in.), as shown in Figure 9-21.
Figure 9-21 Installing an RF jumper
Step 3 Connect the other end of the pRRU3907 RF jumper to the external antenna system.
Step 4 Waterproof the connector of the RF jumper by cold shrink sleeve, as shown in Figure 9-22.
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Figure 9-22 Waterproofing the connector of the RF jumper
Wrap cold shrink sleeves around the RF jumpers before installing the connectors.
Do not rotate the adjacent connectors of a connector that has been wrapped with a cold
shrink sleeve. Otherwise, the cold shrink sleeve may be damaged.
During installation, ensure that no foreign substance, including sand, enters the sleeve.
Wrap a PVC insulation tape around the exposed area of the connector. The wrapped area
is 15 mm away from the end of the connector, with a total length of 40 mm.
Ensure that dimensions (L x W) of the waterproof tape is 50 mm x 50 mm. Stretch the
tape horizontally until it is twice of the original length and wrap it around the upper area
of the connector.
Ensure that the upper end of the waterproof tape overlays that of the PVC insulation
Push the cold shrink sleeve to the end of the pRRU3907 connector while gently pulling
out the support strip along the jumper until the sleeve shrinks and secures the connector.
Pull out the support strip along the direction indicated by the arrow.
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Ensure that the sleeve shrinks around the end of the pRRU3907 connector and that the upper
end of the sleeve and the connector end is 6 mm apart or less.
Step 5 Check the dustproof caps on antenna connectors. In outdoor scenarios, dustproof caps must be
waterproofed, as shown in Figure 9-23.
Do not remove dustproof caps from vacant antenna connectors.
Figure 9-23 Waterproofing a dustproof cap
(1) Dustproof cap
(2) PVC insulation tape
(3) Waterproof tape
Verify that dustproof caps are not removed.
Wrap one layer of PVC insulation tape on each connector from bottom up.
Wrap three layers of waterproof tape on each connector, first from bottom up, then from
top down, and finally from bottom up. Wrap each layer of the tape around the connector
Wrap three layers of PVC insulation tape on each connector, first from bottom up, then
from top down, and finally from bottom up. Wrap each layer of the tape around the
connector tightly.
When wrapping waterproof tape, stretch the tape evenly until it is twice of the original length. When
wrapping PVC insulation tape, do not stretch it.
Wrap each layer of tape around each connector tightly and neatly, and ensure that the adhesive
surface of each layer of tape overlaps more than 50% of the lower layer.
When cutting off a cable tie, reserve a surplus length of 3 mm (0.12 in.) to 5 mm (0.20 in.).
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9 Installing a pRRU3907 or pRRU3916
Follow-up Procedure
Route the cable by following the instructions in section 9.4.1 Cabling Requirements and
use cable ties to bind the cable.
Label the installed cable. For details, see section
Attaching the Color Ring.
15.5 Attaching a Sign Plate Label and
9.4.8 Installing a pRRU3916 RF Jumper
This section describes the procedure for installing a pRRU3916 RF jumper.
Step 1 Remove the dustproof cap from the RF port to be used on the an pRRU3916.
Step 2 Connect the type N male connector at one end of each pRRU3916 RF jumper to the ANT port
at the bottom of the pRRU3916 in sequence, and use a torque wrench to tighten the connector
to 1 N·m (8.85 lbf·in.), as shown in Figure 9-24.
Figure 9-24 Installing a pRRU3916 RF jumper
Step 3 Connect the other end of the pRRU3916 RF jumper to the external antenna system.
Step 4 Waterproof the ANT port on each pRRU3916 and the BTS and ANT ports on the external
auxiliary filter (AUF), as shown in Figure 9-25.
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9 Installing a pRRU3907 or pRRU3916
Figure 9-25 Waterproofing a connector of an RF jumper
(1) PVC insulation tape
(2) Waterproof tape
Ensure that dustproof caps are not removed.
Wrap one layer of PVC insulation tape on each connector from bottom up.
Wrap three layers of waterproof tape on each connector, first from bottom up, then from
top down, and finally from bottom up. Wrap each layer of the tape around the connector
Wrap three layers of PVC insulation tape on each connector, first from bottom up, then
from top down, and finally from bottom up. Wrap each layer of the tape around the
connector tightly.
When wrapping waterproof tape, stretch the tape evenly until it is twice of the original length. When
wrapping PVC insulation tape, do not stretch it.
Wrap each layer of tape around each connector tightly and neatly, and ensure that the adhesive
surface of each layer of tape overlaps more than 50% of the lower layer.
When cutting off a cable tie, reserve a surplus length of 3 mm (0.12 in.) to 5 mm (0.20 in.).
Step 5 If a pRRU3916 with an external antenna is to be installed, do not remove the dustproof cap
from an unused RF port. Waterproof this RF port, as shown in Figure 9-26.
Figure 9-26 Waterproofing an RF port with a dustproof cap
(1) Dustproof cap
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(2) PVC insulation tape
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(3) Waterproof tape
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9 Installing a pRRU3907 or pRRU3916
Ensure that dustproof caps are not removed.
Wrap one layer of PVC insulation tape on each connector from bottom up.
Wrap three layers of waterproof tape on each connector, first from bottom up, then from
top down, and finally from bottom up. Wrap each layer of the tape around the connector
Wrap three layers of PVC insulation tape on each connector, first from bottom up, then
from top down, and finally from bottom up. Wrap each layer of the tape around the
connector tightly.
When wrapping waterproof tape, stretch the tape evenly until it is twice of the original length. When
wrapping PVC insulation tape, do not stretch it.
Wrap each layer of tape around each connector tightly and neatly, and ensure that the adhesive
surface of each layer of tape overlaps more than 50% of the lower layer.
When cutting off a cable tie, reserve a surplus length of 3 mm (0.12 in.) to 5 mm (0.20 in.).
Step 6 Route the cable by following the instructions in section "Cabling Requirements" and use cable
ties to bind the cable.
Step 7 Label the installed cable. For details, see section
Attaching the Color Ring.
15.5 Attaching a Sign Plate Label and
9.4.9 Opening the Cover Plate of a pRRU Cabling Cavity
This section describes the procedure for opening the cover plate of a pRRU cabling cavity.
Step 1 Wear ESD gloves.
Take proper ESD protection measures, for example, wear ESD gloves, to prevent electrostatic
damage to boards, modules, or electronic components.
Step 2 Use an M6 inner hexagon screwdriver to loosen the screw on the cover plate of the pRRU
cabling cavity, and open the cover plate, as shown in Figure 9-27.
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9 Installing a pRRU3907 or pRRU3916
Figure 9-27 Opening the cover plate of the pRRU cabling cavity
(1) Cover plate
(2) Cabling cavity
(3) Cable clip for Ethernet
(4) Cable clip for Ethernet
(5) Cable trough for Ethernet
(6) Cable trough for Ethernet
(7) Waterproof block
Step 3 Remove the waterproof block.
Remove only the waterproof blocks for cables to be installed.
9.4.10 Installing an Ethernet Cable
This section describes how to install an Ethernet cable.
The Ethernet cable must be of Category 5e (enhanced) or higher.
With the internal PoE module providing power, the maximum length of an Ethernet
cable is 100 m. With the Extender, the distance of the pRRU and RHUB can be extended
by the Extender up to a total distance of 200 m.
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9 Installing a pRRU3907 or pRRU3916
Ethernet cables are not delivered, and they must be prepared onsite. You need to use a
network cable tester to test the Ethernet cable connection.
The Ethernet cable has the following functions:
Provides power supply for the pRRU when the cable connects the CPRI_E0
port on the pRRU to the RHUB.
Transmits CPRI signals between an RHUB and a pRRU.
Step 1 Connect the RJ45 connector at one end of the Ethernet cable to the PoE port on the pRRU
panel, and push the cables into the cable clips.
Step 2 Optional: Connect the RJ45 connector at the other end of the Ethernet cable to the output
port of the Extender. Then, connect the RJ45 connector at one end of another Ethernet cable
to the input port of the Extender.
In this scenario, the Ethernet cable is divided into two parts, one between the RHUB and the
Extender and the other between the Extender and the pRRU.
Step 3 Connect the RJ45 connector at the other end of the Ethernet cable to any port ranging from
CPRI_E0 to CPRI_E7 on the RHUB panel based on the engineering design, as shown in
Figure 9-28.
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9 Installing a pRRU3907 or pRRU3916
Figure 9-28 Installing an Ethernet cable
(1) Ethernet cable
(2) CPRI_E0 port on the pRRU
The connection mode of CPRI_E0 port is the same to that of CPRI_E1 port on pRRU, and this chapter
uses CPRI_E0 as an example.
Follow-up Procedure
Route the cable by following the instructions in section 9.4.1 Cabling Requirements and
use cable ties to bind the cable.
Label the installed cable. For details, see section 15.5 Attaching a Sign Plate Label.
9.4.11 Closing the Cover Plate of a pRRU Cabling Cavity
This section describes the procedure for closing the cover plate of a pRRU cabling cavity.
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9 Installing a pRRU3907 or pRRU3916
Step 1 Insert waterproof blocks into vacant cable troughs in the cabling cavity, as shown in Figure
9-29. Figure 9-29 is for reference only and vacant cable troughs must be blocked based on
onsite requirements.
Ensure that cables and waterproof blocks are properly inserted into troughs.
Figure 9-29 Correct placement of waterproof blocks
Step 2 Close the cover plate of the pRRU cabling cavity, and use an M6 inner hexagon screwdriver
to tighten the screw on the cover plate to 4.8 N·m (42.48 lbf·in.), as shown in Figure 9-30.
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9 Installing a pRRU3907 or pRRU3916
Figure 9-30 Closing the cover plate of a pRRU cabling cavity
Step 3 Take off the ESD gloves, and pack up all tools.
9.5 Checking the pRRU Hardware Installation
pRRU hardware installation checking includes hardware and cable installation checking.
Table 9-5 lists the hardware installation checking items.
Table 9-5 Hardware installation checking list
The installation position of each device strictly complies with the engineering
design and meets clearance requirements. Sufficient space is reserved for
equipment maintenance.
The pRRU is securely installed.
The cover plate is securely installed on the RRU cabling cavity.
Waterproof blocks are securely installed in vacant cable troughs of the pRRU
cabling cavity, and the cover plate of the cabling cavity is securely installed. In
addition, vacant RF ports are covered with dustproof caps and the caps are
Labels are correct, legible, and complete at both ends of each cable, feeder, and
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9 Installing a pRRU3907 or pRRU3916
Table 9-6 lists the check items of the signal cable connection.
Table 9-6 Checklist for the signal cable connection
The connectors of the signal cables must securely connected.
The connectors of the signal cables are intact.
The signal cables are intact.
The cable ties are evenly spaced. The signal cables are bound neatly with cable
ties to proper tightness, and arranged at even intervals in the same direction.
The extra length of the cable ties is cut and removed. The cut surfaces of the
indoor cables are smooth and have no sharp edges.
The cable layout facilitates maintenance and expansion.
Correct and clear labels are attached to both ends of the signal cables.
Table 9-7 lists the checking items for other cable connections.
Table 9-7 Checklist for other cable connections
The connectors of the other cables must securely connected.
Labels on the cables are legible and bound based on the engineering
requirements. The cables must be bound tightly and neatly. The sheaths of the
cables must not be damaged.
Positions for routing the cables must meet requirements of the engineering
There are no connectors or joints on each PGND cable. None of PGND cables
can be short-circuited or reversely connected. In addition, these cables are not
damaged or broken.
PGND cables are separately bound from other cables.
The protection grounding of the pRRU and the surge protection grounding of
the building share one group of ground conductors.
9.6 Powering on the pRRU
This section describes the power-on check on the pRRU after the pRRU hardware is installed
and checked.
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9 Installing a pRRU3907 or pRRU3916
After the RHUB and pRRUs are installed and connected to each other, power on them no
matter whether the BBU is installed.
Step 1 Power on the pRRU. Wait 3 to 5 minutes, check the status of the 3GPP indicator on the
If the 3GPP Indicator...
Blinks white at 4 Hz
The pRRU is loading
software, configuring data, or
it is not running.
Wait until the software is
loaded. If the loading is not
completed in five minutes,
power off the pRRU and
check whether the data
configuration file is correct.
After the fault is rectified,
power on the pRRU again.
Blinks white at 0.5 Hz
(on for 1s and off for 1s)
The pRRU is working
properly and does not
transmit power.
Check whether the services
have been configured and
power amplification have
been enabled on the pRRU.
Is steady white
The cell is set up and
transmits power properly.
No further action is required.
Is steady orange.
There is power input, but the
hardware is faulty.
Power off the pRRU, rectify
the hardware fault, and then
power it on again.
Blinks orange at 0.5 Hz
(on for 1s and off for 1s)
A minor alarm (indicating an
HDLC link disconnection, for
example) is generated.
Troubleshoot based on the
alarm information.
Is off
The board is not powered on.
Turn off the power supply
switch and check whether the
power input is normal. If the
power input is normal, check
for and rectify board faults,
and turn on the power supply
switch again.
Check the indicator status 30 minutes after the power-on if a pRRU is not connected to any BBU. The
pRRU is considered normally powered on when any indicator on the pRRU is on.
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10 (Optional) Installing the Extender-PoE90
(Optional) Installing the
This section describes the Extender-PoE90 installation process.
When an RHUB and a pRRU need extended install, use Extender-PoE90. With the
Extender-PoE90, the distance of the pRRU and RHUB can be extended by the
Extender-PoE90 up to a total distance of 200 m.
The Extender-PoE90 can be installed on a wall or ceiling in the same mode. This section
describes wall-mounted installation as an example.
Only space above and under the Extender-PoE90 is required to be reserved when installing
the Extender-PoE90. The recommended space for installing the Extender-PoE90 is described
as follows:
At least 150 mm above the Extender-PoE90 is reserved for cabling.
At least 150 mm under the Extender-PoE90 is reserved for cabling.
Indoor scenario:
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Use a marker to mark the two anchor points according to inter-hole spacing, as
shown in Figure 10-1.
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10 (Optional) Installing the Extender-PoE90
Figure 10-1 Marking anchor points
Drill holes at the anchor points, and install expansion bolt assemblies, as shown in
Figure 10-2. The diameter of the hole is 6 mm, and the depth is 25 mm to 30 mm.
Figure 10-2 Drilling holes and installing expansion bolts
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Place the Extender-PoE90 in the corresponding position and use an M4 Phillips
screwdriver to tighten the screws to 1.4 N•m, as shown in Figure 10-3.
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10 (Optional) Installing the Extender-PoE90
Figure 10-3 Installing Extender-PoE90
Installing the Ethernet cables at the two ends of Extender-PoE90, as shown in
Figure 10-4.
Figure 10-4 Installing the Ethernet cables (1)
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10 (Optional) Installing the Extender-PoE90
Installing the Ethernet cables at the two ends of Extender-PoE90, as shown in
Figure 10-5.
Figure 10-5 Installing the Ethernet cables (2)
Install the Extender-PoE90 to the cabinet, and keep the OUTPUT interface on top,
as shown in Figure 10-6.
Figure 10-6 Installing the Extender-PoE90 to the cabinet
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11 (Optional) Installing the EXD3902 and Cables
(Optional) Installing the EXD3902 and
About This Chapter
This chapter describes how to install an EXD3902 and its cables. EXD3902 is applied in
outdoor scenarios.
11.1 Installation Scenario
The EXD3902 can be installed on a pole or wall. Installation scenarios must meet
heat-dissipation and waterproofing requirements of the EXD3902.
11.2 Installation Clearance and Space Requirements
This section describes the recommended and minimum clearances for an EXD3902.
11.3 Installation Process
This section describes the EXD3902 installation process, which involves installing an
EXD3902 and cables, checking the EXD3902 hardware installation, and powering on the
11.4 Installing an EXD3902
This section describes the EXD3902 installation process. The EXD3902 can be mounted on a
pole or wall depending on the surrounding environment.
11.5 Installing EXD3902 Cables
This section describes the procedure for installing EXD3902 cables.
11.6 Checking the EXD3902 Hardware Installation
EXD3902 hardware installation checking includes hardware and cable installation checking.
11.7 Powering on the EXD3902
This section describes the power-on check on the EXD3902 after the EXD3902 hardware is
installed and checked.
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11 (Optional) Installing the EXD3902 and Cables
11.1 Installation Scenario
The EXD3902 can be installed on a pole or wall. Installation scenarios must meet
heat-dissipation and waterproofing requirements of the EXD3902.
Constraints and Limitations
Application scenarios:
To ensure proper heat dissipation of the EXD3902, the following requirements must be met:
The EXD3902 cannot be installed in an enclosed cabinet without a cooling system.
The EXD3902 cannot be installed in an enclosed camouflage box.
The EXD3902 cannot be installed in an enclosed equipment room without a cooling
When multiple EXD3902s are installed in centralized mode, the minimum clearance
requirements must be met. For details, see 11.2 Installation Clearance and Space
If the EXD3902 is inappropriately installed, as shown in Figure 11-1, heat dissipation of the
EXD3902 deteriorates and the EXD3902 may not work properly.
Figure 11-1 Inappropriately installed EXD3902
Correct installation methods:
To ensure heat dissipation of the EXD3902 and waterproofing of the ports at the bottom of the
EXD3902, the vertical deviation angle of an EXD3902 must be less than or equal to 10°, as
shown in Figure 11-2.
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11 (Optional) Installing the EXD3902 and Cables
Figure 11-2 Requirements for the vertical deviation angle of an EXD3902
(1) EXD3902
(2) Installation support (pole or wall)
Pole-mounted Scenario
Figure 11-3 shows the recommended pole diameters in different installation scenarios.
Figure 11-3 Diameter of a pole
The diameter of the pole ranges from 60 mm to 114 mm (80 mm recommended).
The pole thickness must be greater than or equal to 3.5 mm.
Figure 11-4 shows an EXD3902 installed on a pole.
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11 (Optional) Installing the EXD3902 and Cables
Figure 11-4 EXD3902 installed on a pole
(1) EXD3902
(2) Attachment plate
(3) Mounting kit
Wall-mounted Scenario
The wall for installing EXD3902s must meet the following requirements:
The wall must be able to bear a weight four times heavier than the EXD3902's weight.
Expansion bolts must be tightened to 30 N·m to ensure that the bolt assemblies work
properly and the wall remains intact.
Figure 11-5 shows an EXD3902 installed on a wall.
Figure 11-5 EXD3902 installed on a wall
(1) EXD3902
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(2) Attachment plate
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(3) Mounting kit
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11 (Optional) Installing the EXD3902 and Cables
11.2 Installation Clearance and Space Requirements
This section describes the recommended and minimum clearances for an EXD3902.
The recommended clearances are for customers, ensuring normal running and providing appropriate
space for O&M. If installation space is sufficient, leave the recommended clearances after installing
The minimum clearance ensures normal operation and heat dissipation, but O&M activities such as
checking indicator status and opening the cover plate of a cabling cavity cannot be properly
conducted. If installation space is sufficient, leave the minimum clearance after installing equipment.
Clearance for an EXD3902
Figure 11-6 shows the clearances for installing an EXD3902.
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11 (Optional) Installing the EXD3902 and Cables
Figure 11-6 Clearances for installing an EXD3902
Installation Spacing Between EXD3902s
Installation spacing between EXD3902s includes horizontal and vertical spacing.
Figure 11-7 shows the horizontal spacing between EXD3902s.
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11 (Optional) Installing the EXD3902 and Cables
Figure 11-7 Horizontal spacing
Figure 11-8 shows the vertical spacing between EXD3902s.
Figure 11-8 Vertical spacing
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11 (Optional) Installing the EXD3902 and Cables
11.3 Installation Process
This section describes the EXD3902 installation process, which involves installing an
EXD3902 and cables, checking the EXD3902 hardware installation, and powering on the
Figure 11-9 shows the EXD3902 installation process.
Figure 11-9 EXD3902 installation process
11.4 Installing an EXD3902
This section describes the EXD3902 installation process. The EXD3902 can be mounted on a
pole or wall depending on the surrounding environment.
11.4.1 EXD3902 Mounting Kits
This section describes mounting kits and attachment plates for installing EXD3902s.
Figure 11-10 shows the exterior of an EXD3902.
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11 (Optional) Installing the EXD3902 and Cables
Figure 11-10 Front and side of an EXD3902
(1) Attachment plate
Figure 11-11 shows the mounting kits for installing an EXD3902.
Figure 11-11 Mounting kits for installing an EXD3902
(1) Attachment plate
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(2) Mounting bracket
(3) Hose clamp
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(4) Expansion bolt
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11 (Optional) Installing the EXD3902 and Cables
11.4.2 Installing an EXD3902 on a Wall
This section describes the procedure and precautions for installing an EXD3902 on a wall.
Place a foam pad or cardboard under an EXD3902 to protect the EXD3902 housing from
damage during the installation.
The wall for installing EXD3902s must meet the following requirements:
The wall must be able to bear a weight four times heavier than the EXD3902's weight.
Expansion bolts must be tightened to 30 N·m to ensure that the bolt assemblies work
properly and the wall remains intact.
Step 1 Determine a position for installing the EXD3902 on a wall, use a level to verify that the
marking-off template is placed horizontally, and then use a marker to mark anchor points, as
shown in Figure 11-12.
Figure 11-12 Marking anchor points
(1) Level
(2) Tapped hole
(3) Marker
It is recommended that the separate mounting kit be 1200 mm to 1600 mm above the ground
Step 2 Drill holes at the anchor points and install expansion bolts in the holes, as shown in Figure
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11 (Optional) Installing the EXD3902 and Cables
Figure 11-13 Drilling a hole and inserting an expansion bolt assembly
(1) M6x60 bolt
(2) Nut
(3) Spring washer
(4) Flat washer
(5) Expansion tube
Use a hammer drill with a φ8 bit to drill holes vertically at the marked anchor points.
Ensure that the depth of each hole ranges from 45 mm to 50 mm.
Take proper safety measures to protect your eyes and respiratory tract against the dust before
drilling holes.
Use a vacuum cleaner to clear the dust out from inside and around the holes, and
measure the distances between holes. If any of the hole is beyond the acceptable range,
mark a new anchor point and drill a new hole.
Tighten the expansion bolts slightly, and place each expansion bolt vertically into each
Use a rubber mallet to pound each expansion bolt until the corresponding expansion tube
completely enters the hole. Leave 20 mm of the expansion bolt outside the wall.
Remove the M6×60 bolt, nut, spring washer, and flat washer in sequence.
Step 3 Place the mounting kit onto the wall, insert four M6x60 bolts into the tapped holes on the
mounting kit, and tighten each bolt to 5 N·m (44.25 lbf·in.) to secure the mounting kit, as
shown in Figure 11-14.
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11 (Optional) Installing the EXD3902 and Cables
Figure 11-14 Securing the separate mounting kit
(1) Nut
(2) Spring washer
(3) Flat washer
Step 4 Secure the EXD3902 onto the mounting kit, as shown in Figure 11-15.
Figure 11-15 Securing the EXD3902 onto the mounting kit
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11 (Optional) Installing the EXD3902 and Cables
Hold the EXD3902, hang the two dowels on the top of the EXD3902 attachment plate
onto the separate mounting kit, and push the EXD3902 until it snaps into place, as shown
by illustrations a and b in Figure 11-15.
Use the M6 inner hexagon screwdriver to tighten the screw on the top of the separate
attachment plate to 7 N·m, as shown by illustration c in Figure 11-15.
11.4.3 Installing an EXD3902 on a Pole
This section describes the procedure and precautions for installing an EXD3902 on a pole.
Place a foam pad or cardboard under an EXD3902 to protect the EXD3902 housing from
damage during the installation.
Step 1 Determine a position for installing the separate mounting kit, as shown in Figure 11-16.
Figure 11-16 Distance between the separate mounting kit and the ground
It is recommended that the separate mounting kit be 1200 mm (47.24 in.) to 1600 mm (62.99 in.) above
the ground.
Step 2 Install the EXD3902 mounting kit, as shown in Figure 11-17.
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11 (Optional) Installing the EXD3902 and Cables
Figure 11-17 Installing the EXD3902 mounting kit
Determine a position for installing the EXD3902. Then, place the separate mounting kit
onto the pole, thread the hose clamp through the mounting kit, and encircle the pole with
the hose clamp, as shown by illustrations a, b, and c in Figure 11-17.
Use an M6 inner hexagon screwdriver to tighten the bolt on each hose clamp to 5 N·m to
secure the mounting kit, as shown by illustration d in Figure 11-17.
Step 3 Secure the EXD3902 onto the mounting kit, as shown in Figure 11-18.
Figure 11-18 Securing the EXD3902 onto the mounting kit
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11 (Optional) Installing the EXD3902 and Cables
Hold the EXD3902, hang the two dowels on the top of the EXD3902 attachment plate
onto the separate mounting kit, and push the EXD3902 until it snaps into place, as shown
by illustrations a and b in Figure 11-18.
Use the M6 inner hexagon screwdriver to tighten the screw on the top of the separate
attachment plate to 7 N·m, as shown by illustration c in Figure 11-18.
11.5 Installing EXD3902 Cables
This section describes the procedure for installing EXD3902 cables.
11.5.1 Cabling Requirements
Cables must be laid out according to the specified cabling requirements to prevent signal
If a cable listed below is not required, skip the cabling requirements of the cable.
General Cabling Requirements
Bending radius requirements
The bending radius of a 7/8'' feeder must be greater than 250 mm (9.84 in.), and the
bending radius of a 5/4'' feeder must be greater than 380 mm (14.96 in.).
The bending radius of a 1/4'' jumper must be greater than 35 mm (1.38 in.). The bending
radius of a super-flexible 1/2'' jumper must be greater than 50 mm (1.97 in.), and the
bending radius of an ordinary 1/2'' jumper must be greater than 127 mm (5.00 in.).
The bending radius of a PGND cable must be at least three times its diameter.
The bending radius of a signal cable must be at least five times its diameter.
Cable binding requirements
Cables of the same type must be bound together.
Different types of cables must be separately laid out and bound, with a minimum
distance of 30 mm (1.18 in.) from each other.
Cables must be bound tightly and neatly. The sheaths of cables must not be damaged.
Cable ties must face the same direction, and those at the same horizontal line must be in
a straight line.
The excess of indoor cable ties must be cut off. The excess of 5 mm (0.197 in.) of
outdoor cable ties should be reserved, and the cut surfaces must be smooth without sharp
After cables are installed, labels or nameplates must be attached to the cables at their
ends, curves, and interconnection positions.
Security requirements
When laying out cables, avoid sharp objects, for example sharp edges on the wall. If
necessary, use tubes to protect the cables.
When laying out cables, keep cables away from heat sources, or use heat insulation
materials to insulate the cables from the heat sources.
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11 (Optional) Installing the EXD3902 and Cables
Reserve a proper distance (0.1 m [3.937 in.] is recommended) between equipment and
cables especially at the cable curves to protect the cables and equipment.
Indoor cabling requirements
Route each cable into the room through the feeder window.
Reserve drip loops for all cables outside the feeder window before routing them into the
room. Ensure that the radiuses of the drip loops are greater than or equal to the minimum
bending radiuses of the cables.
When routing a cable into the room, ensure that a person is assisting you in the room.
Apply waterproof treatment to the feeder window.
Outdoor Cabling Requirements
Protect outdoor cables against potential damage. For example, thread the cables through
Cables to be protected include AC power cables, transmission cables, and cables laid out
Use cable clips to secure cables outdoors.
Arrange cables neatly along the routing direction and use cable clips to secure the cables.
Determine the positions where the clips are installed according to the actual situation.
For example, 7/8" feeders are secured with clips at an interval of 1.5 m (4.92 ft) to 2 m
(6.56 ft), and CPRI fiber optic cables and power cables are secured with clips at an
interval of 1 m (3.28 ft) to 1.5 m (4.92 ft). Ensure that the clips are evenly spaced and in
the same direction.
When fastening cables with a clip, ensure that the cables are aligned neatly and are
routed through the holes in the clip. Do not stretch the cables too tightly.
When using clips to secure cables, tighten the screws on the clips after all cables are
arranged and laid out.
Special Cabling Requirements
Cabling of PGND cables
PGND cables for a base station must be connected to the same ground bar.
PGND cables must be buried in the ground or routed indoors.
The external conductor of the coaxial wire and the shield layer of the shielded cable must
have proper electrical contact with the metal surface of the equipment which they are
connected to.
PGND cables and signal cables must be installed separately. A certain distance must be
reserved between them to prevent interference from each other.
Switches or fuses must not be installed on the PGND cables.
Other devices must not be used for electrical connections of the PGND cables.
All the metal parts in the housing of the equipment must be reliably connected to the
ground terminal.
11.5.2 EXD3902 Cable Connections
This section describes EXD3902 cable connections.
Figure 11-19 shows the cable connections when an EXD3902 is installed.
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11 (Optional) Installing the EXD3902 and Cables
Figure 11-19 Cable connections when an EXD3902 is installed
(1) EXD3902 PGND cable
(2) pRRU Ethernet cable
(3) RHUB Ethernet cable
11.5.3 Installling a PGND cable
This section describes the procedure for installing a PGND cable.
The cross-sectional area of an EXD3902 PGND cable is 16 mm2. The OT terminals at two
ends of the cable are M6 and M8 terminals respectively.
Step 1 Prepare an EXD3902 PGND cable.
Cut the cable to a length suitable for the actual cable route.
Add OT terminals to both ends of the cable by following the instructions in Assembling
the OT Terminal and the Power Cable.
Step 2 Installling the EXD3902 PGND cable.
Connect one end of the PGND cable with an M6 OT terminal to the ground terminal at the
EXD3902 bottom and the other end of the cable with an M8 OT terminal to the external
ground bar, as shown in Figure 11-20.
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11 (Optional) Installing the EXD3902 and Cables
Figure 11-20 Installling an EXD3902 PGND cable
Crimp OT terminals in correct directions, as shown in Figure 11-21.
Figure 11-21 Correct direction for crimping an OT terminal
Follow-up Procedure
Route the cable by following the instructions in section 11.5.1 Cabling Requirements and
use cable ties to bind the cable.
Label the installed cable. For details, see section 15.5 Attaching a Sign Plate Label.
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11 (Optional) Installing the EXD3902 and Cables
11.5.4 Opening the Cover Plate of an EXD3902 Cabling Cavity
This section describes the procedure for opening the cover plate of an EXD3902 cabling
Step 1 Wear ESD gloves.
Take proper ESD protection measures, for example, wear ESD gloves, to prevent electrostatic
damage to the boards, modules, or electronic components.
Step 2 Use an M6 inner hexagon screwdriver to loosen the screws on the cover plate of the
EXD3902 cabling cavity, and open the cover plate, as shown in Figure 11-22.
Figure 11-22 Opening the cover plate of an EXD3902 cabling cavity
(1) Cover plate
(2) Cabling cavity
(3) Cable clip for Ethernet
(4) Cable clip for Ethernet
(5) Cable trough for Ethernet
(6) Cable trough for Ethernet
Step 3 Remove the waterproof block.
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Remove only the waterproof blocks for cables to be installed.
11.5.5 Installing an Ethernet Cable
This section describes how to install an Ethernet cable.
The Ethernet cable must be of Category 5e (enhanced) or higher.
Ethernet cables are not delivered, and they must be prepared onsite. You need to use a
network cable tester to test the Ethernet cable connection.
The INPUT port is for connecting to the RHUB, and the OUTPUT port is for connecting to the pRRU.
Step 1 Make the Ethernet cables.
Assemble an RJ45 connector and an Ethernet cable by following instructions in
Assembling the Unshielded RJ45 Connector and the Ethernet Cable, Assembling the
Shielded RJ45 Connector and the Ethernet Cable.
Follow pin assignment instructions described in section Ethernet Cable in DBS3900 LampSite Hardware
Description to assemble the RJ45 connector and the Ethernet cable. Otherwise, the transmission signal
quality deteriorates and CPRI links may be disconnected.
Check whether the made RJ45 connector is qualified by following instructions in
Checking the Appearance of Metal Contact Strips.
To complete the assembly of the other end, repeat Step 1.1 and Step 1.2.
Check whether the touch points on the connectors at both ends are normally conducted
and well contacted and whether the connections are correct by following instructions in
Testing the Connection of Assembled Cables of Installation Reference.
Step 2 Connect the RJ45 connector of the cable connecting the RHUB to the INPUT port on the
EXD3902 and the RJ45 connector of the cable connecting the pRRU to the OUTPUT port on
the EXD3902. Press the cables into the clips, as shown in Figure 11-23.
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Figure 11-23 Installing Ethernet cables
Follow-up Procedure
Route the cable by following the instructions in section 11.5.1 Cabling Requirements and
use cable ties to bind the cable.
Label the installed cable. For details, see section 15.5 Attaching a Sign Plate Label.
11.5.6 Closing the Cover Plate of an EXD3902 Cabling Cavity
This section describes the procedure for closing the cover plate of an EXD3902 cabling
Step 1 Close the cover plate of the EXD3902 cabling cavity. Use an M6 inner hexagon screwdriver
to tighten the screws on the cover plate to 4.8 N·m, as shown in Figure 11-24.
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Figure 11-24 Closing the cover plate of an EXD3902 cabling cavity
Step 2 Take off the ESD gloves, and pack up all tools.
11.6 Checking the EXD3902 Hardware Installation
EXD3902 hardware installation checking includes hardware and cable installation checking.
Table 11-1 lists the hardware installation checking items.
Table 11-1 Hardware installation checking list
The installation position of each device strictly complies with the engineering
design and meets clearance requirements. Sufficient space is reserved for
equipment maintenance.
The EXD3902 is securely installed.
The cover plate is securely installed on the EXD3902 cabling cavity.
Waterproof blocks are securely installed in vacant cable troughs of the
EXD3902 cabling cavity, and the cover plate for the cabling cavity is securely
installed. In addition, vacant RF ports are covered with dustproof caps.
Labels are correct, legible, and complete at both ends of each cable, feeder, and
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Table 11-2 lists the check items of the signal cable connection.
Table 11-2 Checklist for the signal cable connection
The signal cable connectors are securely connected.
The signal cable connectors are intact.
The signal cables are intact.
The signal cables are bound neatly with cable ties to proper tightness, and
arranged at even intervals in the same direction.
The excess of cable ties is trimmed off without remaining rough edges.
The signal cable layout facilitates future maintenance and capacity expansion.
Labels at two ends of the signal cables are correct and legible.
Table 11-3 lists the checking items for other cable connections.
Table 11-3 Checklist for other cable connections
The connectors of the other cables are securely connected.
All labels on the cables are legible and are bound according to the engineering
requirements. The cables are bound tightly and neatly. The sheaths of the
cables are intact.
The cable layout complies with the engineering design.
There are no connectors or joints on each PGND cable. None of PGND cables
can be short-circuited or reversely connected. In addition, these cables are not
damaged or broken.
PGND cables are separately bound from other cables.
The protection grounding of the EXD3902 and the surge protection grounding
of the building share one group of ground conductors.
11.7 Powering on the EXD3902
This section describes the power-on check on the EXD3902 after the EXD3902 hardware is
installed and checked.
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An EXD3902 must be powered on within 24 hours after it is unpacked. If the EXD3902 is
powered off for maintenance, you must restore its power within 24 hours.
Figure 11-25 shows the EXD3902 power-on check procedure.
Figure 11-25 EXD3902 power-on check procedure
Step 1 Check that the cables are correctly connected.
Step 2 Check the EXD3902 indicator status three to five minutes after it is powered on. The
EXD3902 is working normally if the OUTPUT and INPUT indicators blink green and the
POWER indicator is steady orange.
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12 (Optional) Installing the PoE Surge Protector and
(Optional) Installing the PoE Surge
Protector and Cables
This section describes how to install a PoE surge protector and its cables in the cabinet. When
the RHUB, pRRU, and extender are installed outdoors, a PoE surge protector is required to
provide surge protection for the PoE power supply port.
Step 1 Connect a PGND cable to the PE ground terminal and an Ethernet cable (about 0.4 m long) to
the Protect port. See Figure 12-1.
Figure 12-1 Installing the PGND Cable and Ethernet Cable (1)
Step 2 Install the PoE surge protector in the cabinet. See Figure 12-2.
The Surge port must be installed toward the outside.
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12 (Optional) Installing the PoE Surge Protector and
Figure 12-2 Installing the PoE surge protector
Step 3 Connect an Ethernet cable to the Surge port, and the other end of the PGND cable to the
ground terminal on the cabinet. See Figure 12-3.
During the installation, bind the Ethernet cables to the side cable bridge on the cabinet.
Figure 12-3 Installing the PGND Cable and Ethernet Cable (2)
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13 (Optional) Installing the RF Surge Protector and
(Optional) Installing the RF Surge
Protector and Cables
This section describes how to install an RF surge protector and its cables in the cabinet. When
the pRRU is installed outdoors, an RF surge protector is required to provide surge protection
for the RF port.
Step 1 Install the PGND cable and the RF jumper connected to the Protect port. See Figure 13-1.
Figure 13-1 Installing the PGND Cable and RF Jumper (1)
Step 2 Install the RF surge protector in the cabinet. See Figure 13-2.
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13 (Optional) Installing the RF Surge Protector and
Figure 13-2 Installing the RF surge protector
Alternatively, you can remove the fastener on the cabinet, install the RF surge protector and its cables on
the fastener, and then install the combination onto the cabinet.
Step 3 Connect an RF jumper to the Surge port, and the other end of the PGND cable to the ground
terminal on the cabinet. See Figure 13-3.
Figure 13-3 Installing the PGND Cable and RF Jumper (2)
The cable hole on the cabinet for the RF jumper must be vertical to the Surge port.
Before routing all cables through the cable outlet modules at the bottom of the cabinet, wrap the
naked RF jumper by using PVC insulation tape and then apply petroleum jelly.
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14 (Optional) Installing the Cabinet and Cabinet Cables
(Optional) Installing the Cabinet and
Cabinet Cables
About This Chapter
This section describes the procedure and precautions for installing a cabinet and cables
connected to it. The cabinet can be installed on the wall, pole, channel steel, angle steel, steel
mesh, or ground by using mounting kits. Vertical and horizontal installation modes are
supported when the cabinet is installed on the steel mesh.
14.1 Installation Clearance Requirements
This section describes the recommended and minimum clearances for a cabinet.
14.2 Mounting Bracket and Attachment Plate
This section describes mounting brackets and attachment plates for installing a cabinet.
14.3 Installing a Cabinet
This section describes the procedure and precautions for installing a cabinet.
14.4 Installing Cabinet Cables
This chapter describes the procedure for installing cabinet cables.
14.1 Installation Clearance Requirements
This section describes the recommended and minimum clearances for a cabinet.
When installing a cabinet, the following clearance requirements should be met.
Figure 14-1 show the recommended clearances for installing a cabinet.
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14 (Optional) Installing the Cabinet and Cabinet Cables
Figure 14-1 Clearances for installing a cabinet
The recommended clearance for installing a cabinet is described as follows:
At least 100 mm above the cabinet is reserved for maintenance.
At least 150 mm on the left of the cabinet is reserved for maintenance.
At least 150 mm on the right of the cabinet is reserved for maintenance.
At least 250 mm in front of the cabinet is reserved for maintenance.
14.2 Mounting Bracket and Attachment Plate
This section describes mounting brackets and attachment plates for installing a cabinet.
14.2.1 Mounting Bracket
This section describes mounting brackets for installing a cabinet.
Mounting Bracket for the Cabinet
Figure 14-2 shows the mounting bracket for the cabinet.
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14 (Optional) Installing the Cabinet and Cabinet Cables
Figure 14-2 Mounting bracket for the cabinet
(1) Plastic cap
(2) Standard
M10 nut
(3) Spring
(4) Thick flat
(5) Square-neck
(6) Hoist clamp
on the main
(7) Main
(8) Inner
(9) Pole
(10) Auxiliary
Mounting Bracket for the Metal Grid
Figure 14-3 shows the mounting bracket for the metal grid.
Figure 14-3 Mounting bracket for the metal grid
(1) Clamping jaw
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(2) Horizontal bar
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14.2.2 Attachment Plate
This section describes attachment plates for installing a cabinet.
Attachment Plate on the Cabinet Side
Figure 14-4 shows the attachment plate on the cabinet side.
Figure 14-4 Attachment plate on the cabinet side
Attachment Plate at the Cabinet Bottom
Figure 14-5
shows the attachment plate at the cabinet bottom.
Figure 14-5 Attachment plate at the cabinet bottom
14.3 Installing a Cabinet
This section describes the procedure and precautions for installing a cabinet.
14.3.1 Installing the Cabinet on a Wall
This section describes the procedure and precautions for installing the cabinet on a wall.
Step 1 Disassemble the cabinet mounting brackets, as shown in Figure 14-6.
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14 (Optional) Installing the Cabinet and Cabinet Cables
Figure 14-6 Disassembling the mounting brackets
(1) Main
(2) Square-neck
(3) Pole installation
(4) Auxiliary
(5) Flat washer
(6) Spring washer
(7) Nut
(8) Plastic cap
Use an M6 inner hexagon torque screwdriver to remove the four inner hexagon screws
on the pole installation bracket, and remove the main bracket from the pole installation
Use an M10 torque wrench to loosen the nuts on the two square-neck bolts, and remove
the plastic cap, nuts, spring washers, flat washers, square-neck bolts, and pole
installation bracket from the auxiliary bracket.
Step 2 Drill holes at the anchor points, and then insert expansion anchor bolt assemblies, as shown
inFigure 14-7.
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Figure 14-7 Drilling a hole and inserting expansion anchor bolt assemblies
(1) M10x80 bolt
(2) Nut
(3) Spring washer
(4) Flat washer
(5) Expansion tube
Use a hammer drill with a φ8 bit to drill holes vertically at the marked anchor points.
Ensure that the depth of each hole ranges from 45 mm (1.77 in.) to 50 mm (1.97 in.).
Take proper safety measures to protect your eyes and respiratory tract against the dust before
drilling holes.
Use a vacuum cleaner to clear the dust out from inside and around the holes, and
measure the distances between holes. If any of the holes is beyond the acceptable range,
mark a new anchor point and drill a new hole.
Tighten the expansion bolts slightly, and place each expansion bolt vertically into each
Use a rubber mallet to pound the expansion anchor bolt until it goes all the way into the
Tighten and then loosen the expansion bolt, and remove the M10 bolt, spring washer,
and flat washer in sequence.
After dismantling an expansion anchor bolt, ensure that the top of the expansion tube is on the
same level as the wall. Otherwise, the device cannot be installed on the wall evenly and
Step 3 Install the pole installation bracket on the expansion anchor bolts, place the flat washers,
spring washers, and nuts through the expansion anchor bolts in sequence, and then use a 16
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mm (0.63 in.) torque socket to tighten the nuts to 30 N·m (265.52 lbf·in.), as shown in Figure
Figure 14-8 Installing the pole installation bracket on the expansion anchor bolts
Verify that the arrows on the pole installation bracket are pointing up.
Step 4 Install the main bracket onto the pole installation bracket, and use an inner hexagon
screwdriver to tighten four M6x16 inner hexagon screws to 5 N·m (44.25 lbf·in.) so that the
main bracket and pole installation bracket are firmly secured, as shown in Figure 14-9.
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14 (Optional) Installing the Cabinet and Cabinet Cables
Figure 14-9 Installing the main bracket
(1) Installing the main bracket
(2) Installing the main bracket
Step 5 Install the attachment plate on the cabinet side onto the rear of the cabinet, and use a torque
screwdriver to tighten the stainless steel screws on the attachment plate to 5 N·m (44.25
lbf·in.), as shown in Figure 14-10.
Figure 14-10 Installing the attachment plate onto the rear of the cabinet
Step 6 Install the cabinet onto the main bracket, as shown in Figure 14-11.
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14 (Optional) Installing the Cabinet and Cabinet Cables
Figure 14-11 Installing the cabinet onto the main bracket
Step 7 Use an inner hexagon screwdriver to tighten the captive screw into the hole of the attachment
plate and main mounting bracket to 5 N·m (44.25 lbf·in.) so that the attachment plate and
main mounting bracket are firmly secured, as shown in Figure 14-12.
Figure 14-12 Securing the captive screw into the connection hole
14.3.2 Installing the Cabinet on a Pole
This section describes the procedure and precautions for installing a cabinet on a pole.
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14 (Optional) Installing the Cabinet and Cabinet Cables
Step 1 Install the cabinet mounting brackets, as shown in Figure 14-13.
Figure 14-13 Installing the cabinet mounting brackets
Verify that the arrows on the mounting brackets are pointing up.
Adjust the position of the nut and remove one end of the square-neck bolt from the slot
on the auxiliary bracket.
Slide the mounting brackets onto the pole horizontally and insert the square-neck bolt
into the slot.
Step 2 Use a 16 mm (0.63 in.) M10 torque wrench to tighten the nuts to 40 N·m (354.03 lbf·in.) so
that the mounting brackets are secured onto the pole, as shown in Figure 14-14.
Tighten the nuts on the two square-neck bolts alternatively. After the main and auxiliary brackets are
secured properly, measure the spacing between the brackets on both sides and ensure that the spacing is
the same on the two sides.
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14 (Optional) Installing the Cabinet and Cabinet Cables
Figure 14-14 Securing the cabinet mounting brackets
Step 3 Install the cabinet onto the main bracket, as shown in Figure 14-15.
Figure 14-15 Installing the cabinet onto the main bracket
Step 4 Use an inner hexagon torque screwdriver to tighten the captive screw into the holes on the top
of the attachment plate and main bracket to 5 N·m (44.25 lbf·in.) so that the attachment plate
and main bracket are firmly secured, as shown in Figure 14-16.
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Figure 14-16 Securing the captive screw into the connection hole
14.3.3 Installing the Cabinet on U-steel
This section describes the procedure and precautions for installing the cabinet on U-steel.
Figure 14-17 shows the top view of the cabinet installed on U-steel.
When the width of the narrower edges of the U-steel is less than 40 mm (1.57 in.), only the a
and b modes are supported.
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14 (Optional) Installing the Cabinet and Cabinet Cables
Figure 14-17 Top view of the cabinet
(1) U-steel
Step 1 Install the cabinet mounting brackets, as shown in Figure 14-18.
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Figure 14-18 Installing the cabinet mounting brackets
Verify that the arrows on the mounting brackets are pointing up.
Adjust the position of the nut and remove one end of the square-neck bolt from the slot
on the auxiliary bracket.
Slide the mounting brackets onto the U-steel horizontally and insert the square-neck bolt
into the slot.
Step 2 Use a 16 mm (0.67 in.) M10 torque wrench to tighten the nuts to 40 N·m (354.03 lbf·in.) so
that the mounting brackets are secured onto the U-steel, as shown in Figure 14-19.
Tighten the nuts on the two square-neck bolts alternatively. After the main and auxiliary
brackets are secured properly, measure the spacing between the brackets on both sides and
ensure that the spacing is the same on the two sides.
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14 (Optional) Installing the Cabinet and Cabinet Cables
Figure 14-19 Securing the cabinet mounting brackets
Step 3 Install the cabinet onto the main bracket, as shown in Figure 14-20.
Figure 14-20 Installing the cabinet onto the main bracket
Step 4 Use an inner hexagon screwdriver to tighten the captive screw into the holes on the top of the
attachment plate and main bracket to 5 N·m (44.25 lbf·in.) so that the attachment plate and
main bracket are firmly secured, as shown in Figure 14-21.
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Figure 14-21 Securing the captive screw into the connection hole
14.3.4 Installing the Cabinet on Angle Steel
This section describes the procedure and precautions for installing the cabinet on angle steel.
Figure 14-22 shows the top view of the cabinet installed on angle steel.
Figure 14-22 Top view of the cabinet
(1) Angle steel
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14 (Optional) Installing the Cabinet and Cabinet Cables
Step 1 Install the cabinet mounting brackets, as shown in Figure 14-23.
Figure 14-23 Installing the cabinet mounting brackets
Verify that the arrows on the mounting brackets are pointing up.
Adjust the position of the nut and remove one end of the square-neck bolt from the slot
on the auxiliary bracket.
Slide the mounting brackets onto the angle steel horizontally and insert the square-neck
bolt into the slot.
Step 2 Use a 16 mm (0.67 in.) M10 torque wrench to tighten the nuts to 40 N·m (354.03 lbf·in.) so
that the mounting brackets are secured onto the angle steel, as shown in Figure 14-24.
Tighten the nuts on the two square-neck bolts alternatively. After the main and auxiliary
brackets are secured properly, measure the spacing between the brackets on both sides and
ensure that the spacing is the same on the two sides.
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14 (Optional) Installing the Cabinet and Cabinet Cables
Figure 14-24 Securing the cabinet mounting brackets
Step 3 Install the cabinet onto the main bracket, as shown in Figure 14-25.
Figure 14-25 Installing the cabinet onto the main bracket
Step 4 Use an inner hexagon screwdriver to tighten the captive screw into the holes on the top of the
attachment plate and main bracket to 5 N·m (44.25 lbf·in.) so that the attachment plate and
main bracket are firmly secured, as shown in Figure 14-26.
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14 (Optional) Installing the Cabinet and Cabinet Cables
Figure 14-26 Securing the captive screw into the connection hole
14.3.5 Installing the Cabinet on Metal Grid
This section describes the procedure and precautions for installing the cabinet on metal grid.
The cabinet can be vertically or horizontally installed on the metal grid.
Installing the cabinet vertically
Install the mounting bracket onto the metal grid, as shown in Figure 14-27.
The mounting bracket is recommended to install onto the metal grid close to the round hole.
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14 (Optional) Installing the Cabinet and Cabinet Cables
Figure 14-27 Installing the mounting bracket onto the metal grid
(1) Metal grid A
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(2) Round hole
(3) Oblong hole
Install the cabinet onto the metal grid, as shown in Figure 14-28.
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14 (Optional) Installing the Cabinet and Cabinet Cables
Figure 14-28 Installing the cabinet onto the metal grid
Installing the cabinet horizontally
Install the mounting bracket onto the metal grid, as shown in Figure 14-29.
The mounting bracket is recommended to install onto the metal grid close to the round hole.
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14 (Optional) Installing the Cabinet and Cabinet Cables
Figure 14-29 Installing the mounting bracket onto the metal grid
(1) Metal grid A
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(2) Round hole
(3) Oblong hole
Use an hexagon screwdriver to remove the attachment plate from the bottom of the
cabinet, reinstall the attachment plate onto the side of the cabinet, and tighten the four
stainless screws to 5 N·m (44.25 lbf·in.), as shown in Figure 14-30.
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14 (Optional) Installing the Cabinet and Cabinet Cables
Figure 14-30 Installing the attachment plate onto the side of the cabinet
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Install the cabinet onto the mounting bracket, as shown in Figure 14-31.
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14 (Optional) Installing the Cabinet and Cabinet Cables
Figure 14-31 Installing the cabinet onto the mounting bracket
14.3.6 Installing the Cabinet on the Floor
This section describes the procedure and precautions for installing the cabinet on the floor.
Step 1 Keep the horizontal bar of the steel mesh mounting kit clinging to the floor, use a level to
verify that the marking-off template is placed horizontally, and then use a marker to mark
anchor points, as shown in Figure 14-32.
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14 (Optional) Installing the Cabinet and Cabinet Cables
Figure 14-32 Marking anchor points
(1) Level
(2) Mounting bracket for the metal grid
Step 2 Drill holes at the anchor points, and then insert expansion anchor bolt assemblies, as shown in
Figure 14-33.
Figure 14-33 Drilling a hole and inserting expansion anchor bolt assemblies
(1) M10x80 bolt
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(2) Nut
(3) Spring washer
(4) Flat washer
(5) Expansion tube
Use a hammer drill with a Ф12 bit to drill holes vertically at the marked anchor points
with the depth ranging from 55 mm (2.17 in.) to 60 mm (2.36 in.), use a vacuum cleaner
to clear the dust out from inside and around the holes, and measure the distances between
holes. If any of the holes is beyond the acceptable range, mark a new anchor point and
drill a new hole.
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14 (Optional) Installing the Cabinet and Cabinet Cables
Take proper safety measures to protect your eyes and respiratory tract against the dust before
drilling holes.
Tighten the expansion anchor bolts slightly and place one vertically into each hole.
Use a rubber mallet to pound the expansion anchor bolt until it goes all the way into the
Tighten and then loosen the expansion bolt, and remove the M10 bolt, spring washer,
and flat washer in sequence.
After dismantling an expansion anchor bolt, ensure that the top of the expansion tube is on the
same level as the wall. Otherwise, the device cannot be installed on the wall evenly and
Step 3 Fit the horizontal bar of the steel mesh mounting kit on the expansion anchor bolts, place the
flat washers, spring washers, and nuts through the expansion anchor bolts in sequence, and
then use a 16 mm (0.63 in.) torque socket to tighten the nuts to 30 N·m (265.52 lbf·in.), as
shown in Figure 14-34.
Figure 14-34 Installing mounting bracket on the expansion anchor bolts
Step 4 Use a hexagon screwdriver to remove the attachment plate from the bottom of the cabinet,
reinstall the attachment plate onto the side of the cabinet, and tighten the four stainless screws
to 5 N·m (44.25 lbf·in.), as shown in Figure 14-35.
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14 (Optional) Installing the Cabinet and Cabinet Cables
Figure 14-35 Installing the attachment plate onto the side of the cabinet
Step 5 Install the cabinet onto the mounting bracket, as shown in Figure 14-36.
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14 (Optional) Installing the Cabinet and Cabinet Cables
Figure 14-36 Installing the cabinet onto the mounting bracket
14.4 Installing Cabinet Cables
This chapter describes the procedure for installing cabinet cables.
14.4.1 Cable Connections
This section describes the cable connections for the cabinet.
At horizontal installation, ensure that all cable outlets can be protected against the rain.
After cable connections are complete, apply firestop putty to all cable outlets on the
cabinet for waterproofing.
Figure 14-37 shows the cable connections for the cabinet.
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14 (Optional) Installing the Cabinet and Cabinet Cables
Figure 14-37 Cable connections when a pRRU3901 is installed
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14 (Optional) Installing the Cabinet and Cabinet Cables
Figure 14-38 Cable connections when a pRRU3902 is installed
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For details about installation of RHUB Ethernet cables in the cabinet, see 6.4.6 Installing Ethernet
Cable. For details about installation of pRRU3901 Ethernet cables in the cabinet, see 7.5.7 Installing
an Ethernet Cable. For details about installation of pRRU3902 Ethernet cables in the cabinet, see
8.4.5 Installing a pRRU3902 Ethernet Cable.
For details about installation of pRRU3901 RF jumpers in the cabinet, see 7.5.8 Installing an RF
jumpers (Optional). For details about installation of pRRU3902 RF jumpers in the cabinet, see 8.4.7
Installing a pRRU3902 RF Jumper (Optional).
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14 (Optional) Installing the Cabinet and Cabinet Cables
For details about installation of PoE surge protector PGND cables, see 12 (Optional) Installing the
PoE Surge Protector and Cables. For details about installation of RF surge protector PGND cables,
see 13 (Optional) Installing the RF Surge Protector and Cables.
14.4.2 Installing a PGND Cable for the Cabinet
This section describes the procedure for installing a PGND cable for the cabinet.
The OT terminals at both ends of the PGND cable are prepared.
The yellow and green or green PGND cable is a single cable. The cross-sectional area of the
PGND cable is 6 mm2 (0.009 in.2). Both ends of the cable are OT terminals, as shown in
Figure 14-39.
Figure 14-39 Exterior of a PGND cable
(1) OT terminal (6mm2, M5)
(2) OT terminal (6mm2, M6)
If the PGND cable is provided by the customer, a copper-core cable with a minimum cross-sectional
area of 6 mm2 (0.009 in.2) or 10 AWG is recommended.
The OT terminals at both ends of the PGND cable are assembled at the site.
The M6 OT terminal has the default size. You can replace it with another OT terminal of the
expected size based on the site requirement.
Ensure proper grounding of the cabinet using a PGND cable.
When installing the PGND cable, tightly press the OT terminal in the correct direction, as shown in
Figure 14-40.
Figure 14-40 Correct direction of an OT terminal for the PGND cable
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14 (Optional) Installing the Cabinet and Cabinet Cables
Step 1 Use a torque screwdriver or Phillips screwdriver to secure the M4 OT terminal at one end of
the PGND cable to the ground screw on the cabinet panel with a torque of 1.4 N•m. If the OT
terminal is a one-hole OT terminal, connect it to the ground screw on the lower part of the
cabinet panel, as shown in Figure 14-41.
Figure 14-41 Installing the PGND cable for the cabinet
Step 2 Use a torque screwdriver or Phillips screwdriver to secure the M6 OT terminal at one end of
the PGND cable to the wiring terminal on the ground bar at the site with a torque of 1.4 N•m.
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15 Appendix
About This Chapter
This chapter describes reference information during installation.
15.1 MAC Collection Template
This section describes the MAC collection template for a pRRU3901 with three transmission
15.2 Assembling a Shielded RJ45 Connector and an Ethernet Cable
This section describes how to assemble a shielded RJ45 connector and an Ethernet cable. A
straight-through cable is used as an example.
15.3 DBS3900 LampSite Engineering Label
This section describes the content and presents the exterior of DBS3900 LampSite
engineering labels.
15.4 Attaching an L-Shaped Label
This section describes the procedure and precautions to be taken for attaching an L-shaped
15.5 Attaching a Sign Plate Label
This section describes the procedures and precautions for attaching a sign plate label.
15.1 MAC Collection Template
This section describes the MAC collection template for a pRRU3901 with three transmission
The MAC collection template is used to record the installation position, MAC address of the
site at the initial installation stage to facilitate subsequent commissioning and maintenance.
Table 15-1 shows the MAC collection template.
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Table 15-1 MAC collection template
Site Name
Location Information
xx floor, xx building, xx
Note: The MAC collection template is essential to the engineering stage and
subsequent maintenance, especially when multiple devices are installed at a short
distance. This is because the template defines the radio network to access. Maintain
this template with caution.
15.2 Assembling a Shielded RJ45 Connector and an
Ethernet Cable
This section describes how to assemble a shielded RJ45 connector and an Ethernet cable. A
straight-through cable is used as an example.
Figure 15-1 shows the components of an RJ45 connector and an Ethernet cable.
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Figure 15-1 Components of an RJ45 connector and an Ethernet cable
(1) Core
(2) Aluminum
(3) Braided
(4) Outer
(5) RJ45
Step 1 Remove the outer jacket (25 mm) of the Ethernet cable, tip the braided layer outwards evenly,
and cut off the aluminum foil and guard space. See Figure 15-2.
Do not damage the shield layer when removing the jacket.
Do not damage the insulation layer of the Ethernet cable when removing the shield layer.
Figure 15-2 Removing the jacket of an Ethernet cable
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Step 2 Sequence the twisted pair wires neatly by color, and cut the wire end evenly, with a remaining
length of 16 mm. See Figure 15-3.
Figure 15-3 Arranging twisted pair wires
Table 15-2 Pin assignment
Pin SN
Wire Color
White and orange
White and green
White and blue
White and brown
Step 3 Insert the sequenced twisted pair wires into the RJ45 connector. See Figure 15-4.
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Figure 15-4 Inserting wires into the RJ45 connector
When inserting the wires, ensure that the braided layer that was tipped outwards has
inserted inside the connector.
Observe the side or front of the RJ45 connector to ensure that the core wires are inserted to
the bottom of the RJ45 connector.
Step 4 Use a crimping tool to crimp the connector. See Figure 15-5.
Figure 15-5 Crimping the connector
Step 5 Use a cable cutter to evenly cut off the protruding braided layer of the connector along the
wire holder. See Figure 15-6.
Figure 15-6 Cutting off the excess braided layer
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15.3 DBS3900 LampSite Engineering Label
This section describes the content and presents the exterior of DBS3900 LampSite
engineering labels.
Label Content
The DBS3900 LampSite engineering labels include the RHUB power label, RHUB ground
label, RHUB alarm or monitoring label, RHUB optical transmission label, and RHUB
network transmission label, the pRRU power label, pRRU network transmission label, pRRU
antenna label. The engineering labels are used for DBS3900 LampSite units RHUB and
pRRU for indoor scenarios.
By default, blank labels are delivered for DBS3900 LampSite and must be filled in onsite.
Table 15-3 describes the content of engineering labels.
Table 15-3 DBS3900 LampSite Engineering Label Content
Label Content
port on the base
Label for the RHUBx
power cable.
x specifies the number of
RHUBs and cannot exceed
the maximum RHUB
number supported by the
Label for the RHUBx
ground cable.
x specifies the number of
RHUBs and cannot exceed
the maximum RHUB
number supported by the
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Alarm or
g label
on label
Label for the RHUBx
alarm cable.
x specifies the number of
RHUBs and cannot exceed
the maximum RHUB
number supported by the
Label for the RHUBx
CPRI cable.
x specifies the number
of RHUBs and cannot
exceed the maximum
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Label Content
port on the base
RHUB number
supported by the
on label
a can be set to 0 or 1. 0
and 1 respectively
correspond to CPRI0
port and CPRI1 port of
the upper-level RHUB.
b can be set to 0 or 1. 0
and 1 respectively
correspond to CPRI0
port and CPRI1 port of
the lower-level RHUB.
Label for the RHUBx
Ethernet cable.
x specifies the number
of RHUBs and cannot
exceed the maximum
RHUB number
supported by the
a can be set to 0 or 1. 0
and 1 respectively
correspond to CPRI_E0
port and CPRI_E1 port
of the pRRU.
Label for the pRRUy
power cable.
CPRI_E0 to
y specifies the number of
pRRUs and cannot exceed
the maximum pRRU
number supported by the
on label
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Label for the pRRUy
Ethernet cable.
y specifies the number
of pRRUs and cannot
exceed the maximum
pRRU number
supported by the
a can be set to 0 to 7,
which respectively
correspond to CPRI_E0
port to CPRI_E7 port of
the RHUB.
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CPRI_E0 or
DBS3900 LampSite
Installation Guide
15 Appendix
Label Content
port on the base
Label for the pRRUy RF
ANT0 to ANT5
y specifies the number
of pRRUs and cannot
exceed the maximum
pRRU number
supported by the
a can be set to 0 to 5,
which respectively
correspond to ANT0
port and ANT5 port of
the pRRU.
In the label, RHUB and pRRU identify the specific DBS3900 LampSite NEs.
If only one RHUB is deployed, mark it as RHUB0 on the label. If multiple RHUBs are deployed,
mark them in ascending sequence, beginning with RHUB0.
If only one pRRU is deployed, mark it as pRRU0 on the label. If multiple pRRUs are deployed,
mark them in ascending sequence, beginning with pRRU0.
For details about the maximum number of RHUBs and pRRUs in the DBS3900 LampSite solution,
see Typical Configurations in DBS3900 LampSite Technical Description.
Label Structure
Using the RHUB power label as an example, Figure 15-7 shows the structure of a DBS3900
LampSite engineering label.
Figure 15-7 Label structure
15.4 Attaching an L-Shaped Label
This section describes the procedure and precautions to be taken for attaching an L-shaped
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This section applies to Huawei sign plate labels. If other engineering labels in
accordance with local standards are used on site, follow the local standards for attaching
sign plate labels.
In the DBS3900 LampSite solution, blank L-Shaped engineering labels are delivered by
The L-shaped label is usually used for the signal cable, E1/T1 cable, optical cable, and
power cable. The description in this section takes the Ethernet cable in a base station as
an example.
Step 1 Obtain the engineering label to be attached from the whole set of the L-shaped engineering
labels, as shown in Figure 15-8.
Figure 15-8 Engineering label to be attached
Step 2 Attach the long end of the engineering label to the cable in the position 20 mm away from the
connector, and then turn over the long end along the adhesive face. Ensure that the edges of
the turned-over engineering label are in a line, as shown in Figure 15-9.
By default, the label is attached in the position 20 mm away from the connector. If required, you can
change the position to make installation faster and more efficient. Consistency and neatness, however,
must be maintained.
Step 3 Adhere the long end to the labeling area. Ensure that the spacing between the cable and the
labeling area is 2 mm to 3 mm.
Figure 15-9 Adhering the long end to the labeling area
Step 4 Turn over the labeling area along the adhesive face from the bottom, and then finish attaching
the engineering label, as shown in Figure 15-10 and Figure 15-11. Ensure that the edges of the
turned-over labeling area are in a line.
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Figure 15-10 Turning over the labeling area along the adhesive face
Figure 15-11 Attached engineering label
Step 5 Fill in the attached blank label by referring to 15.3 DBS3900 LampSite Engineering Label.
15.5 Attaching a Sign Plate Label
This section describes the procedures and precautions for attaching a sign plate label.
This section applies to Huawei sign plate labels. If other engineering labels in
accordance with local standards are used on site, follow the local standards for attaching
sign plate labels.
A sign plate label is usually used for a power cable, ground label, signal cable, and
antenna. This section uses 15.3 DBS3900 LampSite Engineering Label as an example.
Step 1 Lead the cable ties through the holes of a label, and then bind the label to the cable, as shown
in Figure 15-12. Ensure that the cable ties are led through the holes of the label in the same
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Figure 15-12 Binding the label
(1): Cable tie
(2): Label
(3): Cable
You should use an outdoor cable tie with a appropriate width in outdoor scenarios (the default is black
cable tie with 3.6 mm or 0.14 in. width).
The position for banding the label is recommended from 20 mm to 100 mm (0.79 in. to
3.94 in.) away from the cable connector. Ensure the front of the label facing you and not
be covered.
In case of both ports of the cable connected have different silkscreen, both ends of the
cable should bind the port label on the two ends of cable. For example, in dual BTSs
cascading scenarios, one end of the cascading FE/GE cable is connected to LAN1 port
on BTS0, and the other end connected to WAN port on BTS1. At this point, both ends of
the cable should band two labels Micro BTS0 LAN1 and Micro BTS1 WAN. As shown
in Figure 15-13, the distance between the two labels is recommended from 10 mm to 20
mm (0.39 in. to 0.79 in.).
Figure 15-13 Positions for banding labels
You may change the positions for attaching labels in actual situations. For example, you can bind a label
where the cable is bent.
Step 2 Tighten the cable tie, securing the label on the cable, and then cut off the extra part of the
cable tie, as shown in Figure 15-14.
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Figure 15-14 Securing the label on the cable
(1): Cable tie
(2): Cable
(3): Label
When you bind a label, ensure that the side with characters faces outwards.
Ensure that the labels are attached in an orderly and neat manner. When you cut a cable tie, keep a
surplus length of 5 mm to 10 mm (0.20 in. to 0.39 in.).
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Safety Information
1 Safety Information .......................................................................................................................... 2
1.1 General Safety Precautions ........................................................................................................................................... 2
1.2 Installation Environment Requirements ....................................................................................................................... 5
1.2.1 Indoor Installation ...................................................................................................................................................... 6
1.3 Electrical Safety ............................................................................................................................................................ 6
1.4 Radiation Safety............................................................................................................................................................ 7
1.4.1 Electromagnetic Field Exposure ................................................................................................................................ 7
1.5 Mechanical Safety ........................................................................................................................................................ 9
1.6 Maintenance Safety .................................................................................................................................................... 11
Safety Information
Safety Information
1.1 General Safety Precautions
Read all safety information before installing, operating and maintaining Huawei
To ensure personal and equipment safety during installation, operation and maintenance,
follow all safety precautions marked on equipment and described in manuals.
Items marked Caution, Warning and Danger in the manual do not indicate all safety
precautions to be obeyed, but only serve as a supplement to all safety precautions.
The equipment should be used in the environment that meets design specifications.
Otherwise, equipment failure may occur, and equipment malfunctions, parts damage,
personal safety accidents, property loss and other exceptions resulting from such
equipment failure are not within the scope of quality warranty.
Skilled person:
Skilled person is a term applied to persons who have training or experience in the
equipment technology, particularly in knowing the various energies and energy
magnitudes used in the equipment.
Instructed person:
Person who have been instructed and trained by a skilled person, or who are supervised
by a skilled person, to identify energy sources that may cause pain and to take
precautions to avoid unintentional contact with or exposure to those energy sources.
Under normal operating conditions, abnormal operating conditions or single fault
conditions, instructed persons should not be exposed to parts comprising energy sources
capable of causing injury. Understand potential dangers in operations, and can take
proper measures to minimize the dangers.
User or operator:
Ordinary person is the term applied to all persons other than instructed persons and
skilled persons. Ordinary persons include not only users of the equipment, but also all
persons who may have access to the equipment or who may be in the vicinity of the
Safety Information
: Caution Symbol, prompts users to be cautious. "Caution" items
provide helpful suggestions or reference materials not covered in the document.
: Warning Symbol, prompts users to be careful. In this situation, users
might perform an action that may result in an equipment damage or loss of data.
: Danger Symbol, indicates critical safety instructions. This warning
symbol means a danger. Users are in a situation that could cause bodily injury. Before
performing any operation on the equipment, involving electric circuits and understand
the standard practices for preventing accidents.
: High Voltage Symbol, indicates a part exposed to a high voltage. This symbol
warns operators that direct contact with the power grid voltage, or indirect contact with
the power grid voltage through damp stuff or moisture is fatal. The symbol is attached
next to a hazardous voltage point or a protective power supply cover that may be
removed during maintenance.
: Overheating Symbol, indicates overheating. This symbol is attached to
equipment surface that may cause scalds due to a high temperature. The symbol warns
users not to touch the equipment during operation or maintenance. Heat insulation gloves
should be used to prevent scalds.
: Microwave Symbol, indicates that a device emits microwaves. This symbol
warns operators not to unfasten the transmitter output feeder or antenna feeder connector
when the transmitter is working. If you need to unfasten the feeder connector or work
next to the transmit antenna, turn off the transmitter. The symbol is attached next to the
output socket of the transmitter power amplifier or antenna socket of the transmitter
combiner to indicate RF radiation.
: Protective Earthing Symbol, indicates protection earthing. This
symbol is attached next to a protection ground terminal, and used next to a terminal
connecting equipment and an external ground system. An equipment ground cable is
connected to an external ground bar through the protection ground terminal.
: Protective bonding Symbol, indicates equipotential bonding. This symbol is used
next to equipotential terminals inside equipment.
: Electrostatic symbol: This symbol is used in all electrostatic sensitive areas.
Before operating equipment attached with this symbol, wear ESD gloves or an ESD
wrist strap.
: Altitude description symbol: This symbol indicates that equipment is safe to use
only below the altitude of 2000 m.
Safety Information
: Non-tropical climate symbol: This symbol indicates that equipment is safe to use
only in non-tropical climates.
: Symbol on/near a fan box/moving part. This symbol is silkscreened on or
attached to a fan box panel to warn operators not to touch the fan with fingers. "Do not
touch the blades when the fan is rotating!"
: Instruction reading symbol. This symbol is attached to remind
instruction reading next to an equipment port to notify a user to read the manual for the
usage of the port. Application scenarios of this symbol include but are not limited to:
1. For equipment with multiple power supplies, this symbol is used to replace the multipower symbol next to power supplies, which indicates that the equipment has multiple
power supplies and all the power supplies must be cut off to power off the equipment.
2. For equipment with multiple input ports, this symbol is used next to the output ports.
Read the manual before connection to understand the rated value and configuration
information of power output.
3. For equipment with multiple slots, this symbol is used next to the slots. Read the
manual to understand the slot information, board restriction and usage conditions.
Basic Safety Precautions
Instructed person must obtain related certificates after strict training, understand all the
required safety regulations, and master correct operation methods before installing,
operating and maintaining Huawei equipment.
Equipment installation, operation, and maintenance must comply with local laws and
regulations. Safety information in the manual only serves as a supplement to local laws
and regulations, and:
Only skilled person and instructed person can install, operate, and maintain
Only skilled person and instructed person can remove safety facilities and
maintenance equipment.
Operators should promptly report faults or errors that may cause safety issues.
Equipment operators, including operators, instructed person and skilled person,
should have special operation qualifications required by the local country, such as
high-voltage operation, climbing, and special equipment operation qualifications.
If personal injury or equipment damage may occur during installation, equipment
operators should stop operation immediately, report the situation to the project owner,
and take effective protective measures.
Installation, operation, and maintenance of outdoor equipment are strictly forbidden in
lightning, rainy, snowy, windy and other adverse weather conditions. This includes but
not limited to outdoor equipment transportation, cabinet installation, power cable
installation, and outdoor cable connection.
Do not wear watches, bracelets, bangles, rings, necklaces or other conductive objects
during equipment installation, operation and maintenance.
Dedicated insulation tools, such as insulation gloves, safety clothing, safety helmet, and
safety shoes, must be used during equipment installation, operation, and maintenance, as
shown in Figure 1-1.
Safety Information
Figure 1-1 Safety personal protective equipment (PPE)
Equipment installation, operation, and maintenance must follow procedures in the
Hardware Installation and Maintenance Guide, Configuration Guide, and Operation and
Maintenance Guide.
Use a voltmeter to measure the voltage at the contact point to prevent electric shocks
before touching any metal surface or terminal.
Ensure all slots are inserted with boards or filler panels. Prevent exposure of board
hazardous voltage and energy, ensure normal working of ventilation channels, control
electromagnetic interference, and prevent dusts or foreign matters from the backplane,
mother board, and boards.
After equipment installation, users should conduct routine checks and maintenance, and
promptly replace faulty parts to ensure equipment safe running as required by the
Hardware Installation and Maintenance Guide and Operation and Maintenance Guide.
After equipment installation, clear equipment area and remove empty packaging
materials, such as the carton box, foam, plastics, and cable ties.
In case of fire, evacuate from the building or equipment area and press the fire alarm bell,
or call the fire emergency number. Do not enter the burning building again in any cases.
1.2 Installation Environment Requirements
Ensure the installation environment comply with equipment specifications, including the
voltage, temperature, humidity, altitude, pollution degree, overvoltage category , and
waterproof and dustproof classification.
Do not place the equipment in a flammable, explosive gas or smog environment, or
perform any operation in such environment.
Keep acidic, alkaline or other corrosive gases away from the installation site.
Keep the equipment away from sources of heat or fire, such as the electric heater,
microwave oven, oven, water heater, fireplace fire, candle or other places that may
Safety Information
generate high temperatures. Otherwise, equipment housing will melt or the equipment
will be heated and cause a fire.
When the equipment is running, do not obscure or cover it with flammables, such as
paper and cotton fabrics. Otherwise, heat dissipation of the equipment fails, which will
cause housing deformation and a fire.
The equipment (or system) must be installed and used in specified areas.
Do not block air vents when the equipment is running. Keep air vents at a distance from
the wall or other objects that block the air vents as required in the Hardware Installation
and Maintenance Guide. The minimum distance is generally 5 cm if it is not specified.
The equipment that cannot meet IP54 waterproof and dustproof standard cannot be used
in outdoor environments.
1.2.1 Indoor Installation
Ensure there is no water penetration, leakage or condensation (in case of air conditioner
failure in the equipment room) on the equipment top. Otherwise, water may flow into the
equipment, causing equipment failure.
If fixed equipment has a large hole at the bottom, the equipment must be installed on
concrete, tile or non- combustible surface.
Prevent rats and pests from the installation site.
Wall Installation
Before drilling holes on the wall, ensure there is no circuit, water conduit or gas pipeline
in the wall area to be drilled to avoid body injury.
Do not place any flammables or explosive objects above or under the equipment, and do
not obscure the equipment with foreign objects within 1 m scope.
In wall installation mode, ensure no hole facing upwards to prevent water ingress and
equipment damage.
Ensure screws are securely installed. Otherwise, the equipment may fall due to tension
after cable connection, causing equipment damage or even personnel injury.
1.3 Electrical Safety
Before grounding, ensure the protection ground is reliably grounded in accordance with
local building distribution specifications.
For the equipment requiring grounding, connect the protective earthing cable essential
before equipment installation, and disconnect the protective earthing cable after the
equipment is removed.
For the equipment using a socket with earthing terminal, ensure the earthing terminal is
connected to the protective earthing essential.
Safety Information
AC/DC Operation Requirements
The supply voltage of the power system is hazardous, and direct contact or indirect contact
through damp stuff with the voltage may cause electric shocks.
Irregular and incorrect operations may cause accidents, such as a fire and electric shocks.
Before equipment electrical connection, disconnect the related external-equipment
Before connecting the load (electrical equipment) or battery cable, verify that the input
voltage is within the rated voltage range of the equipment.
Before power-on, verify that equipment electrical connections are correct.
Cabling Requirements
If the power cable is prepared at the site, only the insulation layer at the wiring part can
be cut. Otherwise, it may cause short circuit and accidents such as body injury and a fire.
Insulation layer aging or damage may occur when the cable is used in a high-temperature
environment. Leave enough distances between the cable and power busbar, current shunt,
fuse, heat sink and other heating devices.
The signal cable and the strong current cable or high-voltage cable must be bound
Cables provided by the customer must comply with local cable regulations.
Do not route any cable through the air exhaust vent in the cabinet.
If cables are stored in an ambient temperature below 0°C, move the cables to a room
temperature environment and store the cables for more than 24 hours before installation
ESD Requirements
To avoid component damage caused by electrostatic on human body, wear ESD gloves
or an ESD wrist strap and properly ground the other end of the ESD wrist strap before
touching a circuit board.
Hold the board edge where no components are installed, and do not touch chips with
Put removed boards in ESD packing for storage or transportation.
1.4 Radiation Safety
1.4.1 Electromagnetic Field Exposure
This section describes safety precautions related to electromagnetic field exposure.
Strong electromagnetic signals harm human health.
Safety Information
If the equipment is a radio transmitter or product supporting radio transmission, exposure
of radio electromagnetic field (electromagnetic radiation) should be considered.
For the high-voltage equipment or facility, exposure of power frequency electromagnetic
field should be considered.
When professional equipment or facility (such as wireless base station transceiver) is
deployed, the user (such as radio service carrier) must comply with local laws and
Before the equipment structure or antenna is modified, re-evaluation of electromagnetic
field exposure should be considered.
Before the radio frequency (RF) output specifications or parameters are modified, reevaluation of electromagnetic field exposure should be considered.
Before the site environment of professional equipment or facility is changed, reevaluation of electromagnetic field exposure should be considered.
Restricted Area of Electromagnetic Field Exposure
An area with excessive electromagnetic field exposure (restricted area) is a hazardous area at
a certain distance from the equipment or facility as required by exposure control limits of
related regulations, so as to control public or operator exposure to electromagnetic field. Take
proper measures to ensure the safe distance from electromagnetic field exposure, including
but not limited to:
Plan the professional equipment or facility site in an inaccessible area to the public, and
do not publicize the location.
Allow only authorized and instructed person to access the professional equipment or
facility site.
Before entering the area with excessive electromagnetic field exposure, professional
personnel should know the location of the restricted area and shut down the transmitter.
Set clear signs at the site to remind professional personnel that the current location is in
or may be in the area with excessive electromagnetic field exposure.
After site installation, conduct regular monitoring and checks.
Set effective physical shields and apparent warning signs in all areas with excessive
electromagnetic field exposure.
Install an isolating device outside the equipment structure.
Comply with local regulations in operations.
Installation and Use of a Wireless Base Station Transceiver
A base transceiver station (BTS) is properly designed so that its RF electromagnetic radiation
is under the related standard limits of RF radiation hazard. Therefore, a normal working BTS
does no harm to the public and working personnel. However, a BTS with defective antenna
cables or other defects may result in excessive RF electromagnetic radiation.
Professional personnel should abide by the following rules in BTS installation and operation:
Before installing and operating a BTS and its antenna, read safety recommendations and
comply with local regulations.
Before installing or maintaining an antenna close to the tower or mast with a BTS and its
antenna, contact related personnel to shut down the antenna transmitter.
If necessary, working personnel at the site should carry radiation monitoring and alarm
Safety Information
To ensure safety of public electromagnetic field exposure, abide by the following guiding
principles in BTS antenna site installation:
In rooftop installation, install antennas at a height over the height of personnel who may
work or live on the rooftop.
In rooftop installation, install transmit antennas far away from most visited areas, such as
the rooftop access point, telephony service point, and HVAC equipment.
In rooftop installation, install directional antennas peripherally and do not make them
face towards buildings.
Properly choose from large antennas (better signal coverage) and small antennas (less
visual impact).
Install antennas at a far site, although it may be mutually exclusive to local area
When constructing a common installation site, pay special attention to antennas from
different manufacturers, especially high-power broadcasting (FM/TV) antennas.
Antennas are generally installed in one common site locally, which may increase safety
Take special preventive measures at antenna sites next to hospitals or schools.
Use of Other Wireless Equipment
If any related equipment manual specifies the safe distance of electromagnetic field
exposure, this distance requirement should be applied.
No application distance is specified for the equipment with low RF transmit power that
meets electromagnetic field exposure requirements.
No application distance is specified for the equipment with special design that meets
electromagnetic field exposure requirements in close use.
Use of High-voltage Equipment or Facility
Only the power frequency electromagnetic field generated by high-voltage (for example,
over 100 kV) equipment or facility are harmful to human. Therefore, the electromagnetic
field needs to be evaluated according to related requirements.
1.5 Mechanical Safety
Hoisting Safety
Do not walk under the crane arm or hoisted objects when heavy objects are being hoisted.
Hoisting operators must be trained and qualified before starting to work.
Hoisting tools must be check to ensure tool completeness.
Before hoisting, ensure that hoisting tools are securely fastened to fixed load-bearing
objects or wall.
During hoisting, ensure angles between lifting slings are not larger than 90°, as shown in
Figure 1-2.
Safety Information
Figure 1-2 Hoisting heavy objects
Ladder Use Safety
Before using a ladder, check whether the ladder is intact and confirm its load bearing
capacity. Do not use it with overload.
The recommended angle between the ladder and the ground is 75°. You can use a right
angle to measure the angle, as shown in Figure 1-3. Place the wider ladder legs at the
bottom or take protective measures at the bottom to avoid skid. Place the ladder on a
stable surface.
Figure 1-3 Ladder tilt angle
Pay attention to the following points when climbing a ladder:
Prevent your center of gravity from deviating from the ladder edge.
Keep your body stable before climbing to ensure safety.
Do not climb over the fourth beam from the ladder top.
Safety Information
To climb up to a rooftop, the vertical height of the ladder above the rooftop must be more than
1 m, as shown in Figure 1-4.
Figure 1-4 1 m vertical height of the ladder above the rooftop
Drilling Safety
Pay attention to the following safety precautions when drilling holes on the wall or ground.
Do not drill holes on cabinets. Incorrectly drilled holes will damage cabinet electromagnetic
shielding performance and internal cables. Metal scraps generated in drilling will cause short
circuit on circuit boards in a cabinet.
Wear goggles and protective gloves in drilling.
Cover equipment before drilling to prevent metal scraps from entering equipment interior.
Timely clear and eliminate metal scraps after drilling.
Heavy Object Transport Safety
Prepare for load bearing in heavy object transport to avoid injury or sprain. When
transporting a cabinet, keep your back straight and move steadily to avoid sprain.
When transporting equipment with hands, wear protective gloves to avoid cut by edges.
When moving or lifting a shelf, hold shelf handles or bottom edge, instead of handles of
installed models in the cabinet, such as power modules, fan modules and boards.
1.6 Maintenance Safety
Before replacing accessories or parts, wear an ESD wrist strap, and ensure the other end
of the ESD wrist strap is grounded and the other end is properly contacted with skin.
When replacing parts, take care of parts, bolts, and tools to prevent them from dropping
into fans can damaging fans or equipment.
When replacing shelves or parts in the cabinet, carefully pull the shelves or parts out
from the cabinet to prevent unstable or heavy devices on the cabinet from causing injury
or strain.
Safety Information
Replaceable Fuse
Use fuses of the same type and same rating to replace old ones.
Before replacing the fuse on the panel, disconnect the equipment power supply. Otherwise, an
energy hazard or electric shock may occur, causing body injury.
Replaceable fuses are installed on the panel next to the AC/DC power input port or
output port.
Reference the specifications of backup fuses or fuses on the panel to select the fuse type
for replacement. Using different fuses of different specifications may cause equipment
damage, body injury, and financial loss.
If the fuse rated value is silkscreened on the board, Huawei authorized personnel replace
fuses according the silkscreened specifications.
If the fuse rated value is not silkscreened on the board, do not maintain board fuses at
site. Return them for depot repair. To replace fuses, Huawei authorized personnel replace
the fuses according to the supplier model and rated value in the bill of materials (BOM).
Fuse Welding
pico Remote Radio Unit
Compliance and Safety Manual
Regulatory Compliance Information
1. USA Regulatory Compliance
1.1 FCC Part 15
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two
This device does not cause harmful interference.
This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause
undesired operation.
If this device is modified without authorization from Huawei, the device may no longer
comply with FCC requirements for Class B digital devices. In that a case, your right to use the
device may be limited by FCC regulations. Moreover, you may be required to correct any
interference to radio or television communications at your own expense.
This device has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,
pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable
protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.
This device generates, uses and radiates radio frequency energy. If it is not installed and used
in accordance with the instructions, it may cause harmful interference to radio
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If
this device does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be
determined by turning the device off and on, the user may take one or more of the following
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Reinforce the separation between the device and receiver.
Connect the device into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio or TV technician for assistance.
1.2. Warning
This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled
environment .This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 35cm
between the radiator& your body.
This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
pico Remote Radio Unit
Compliance and Safety Manual
Regulatory Compliance Information
2. Canada Regulatory Compliance
2.1 RSS-Gen statement
This device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s).
Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause
interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may
cause undesired operation of the device.
Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio
exempts de licence. L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) l'appareil
ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage
radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre le
2.2 RSS statement:
This device complies with Industry Canada RSS . Operation is subject to the following
two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and(2) this device must accept any
interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.
Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio
RSS. L'exploitation est autoris ée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) l'appareil ne doit pas
produire de brouillage, et (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioé
lectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre le fonctionnement.
2.3. Warning
This equipment complies with IC RF radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment.
This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.
This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 3 5cm between the radiator& your
Cet appareil est
conforme aux limitesd'exposition de rayonnement RF IC établiespour un environnement non contrôlé.
Cetémetteur ne doit pas être co-implanté oufonctionner en conjonction avec toute autreantenne ou trans
Cet équipement doit être installé et utiliséavec une distance minimale de 35cm entre leradiateur
& votre corps.
3. Other Markets
For relevant compliance information/documentation for markets not mentioned above, please
contact Huawei representative.
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

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