Huawei W1 U00 Smartphone FAQ V1
User Manual: Huawei
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Page Count: 50
- 1 Basic Functions
- 1.1 Your phone at a glance
- 1.2 In what colors is the W1 available?
- 1.3 How can I install the SIM card, microSD card, and battery?
- 1.4 Start screen
- 1.5 Microsoft account
- 1.6 People
- 1.6.1 How can I create a contact?
- 1.6.2 How can I pin a contact to the Start screen?
- 1.6.3 How can I import contacts from a SIM card?
- 1.6.4 How can I export contacts in my phone to a SIM card?
- 1.6.5 Can I set any song as the ringtone? Can I set a ringtone for a contact group?
- 1.6.6 How many contacts can I save to my phone?
- 1.6.7 How can I create a contact group?
- 1.7 Messaging
- 1.7.1 How do I switch to the handwriting input method?
- 1.7.2 How do I delete a message?
- 1.7.3 How do I forward a message, send a message to a group of contacts, or save a message as a draft?
- 1.7.4 How do I set the message ringtone and vibration?
- 1.7.5 How many English and Chinese characters can be contained in a long text message?
- 1.7.6 How many text messages can be saved on my phone?
- 1.8 Multimedia Messages
- 1.9 Music
- 1.10 Camera
- 1.10.1 If my phone has no microSD card installed, can I use it to take photos or record videos?
- 1.10.2 My phone cannot open some photos or videos. Why?
- 1.10.3 Where are my photos and videos saved? Can I change the save path?
- 1.10.4 How can I edit photos and videos?
- 1.10.5 Can my phone play HD videos?
- 1.10.6 Can I delete multiple videos simultaneously?
- 1.10.7 Can I take a photo with a tap on the screen?
- 1.11 Streaming media
- 1.12 Bluetooth
- 1.13 Email
- 1.14 How can I synchronize contacts and appointments?
- 1.15 I cannot open People. Why? What can I do?
- 1.16 GPS navigation
- 1.17 Basic function summary
- 2 Common settings
- 2.1 My phone cannot surf the Internet. What can I do?
- 2.2 How can I configure network parameters?
- 2.3 How can I turn on and off data connection?
- 2.4 WLAN
- 2.4.1 How do I connect my phone to a Wi-Fi hotspot and access the Internet?
- 2.4.2 What Wi-Fi protocols does my phone support?
- 2.4.3 My phone has connected to a WLAN but cannot open web pages. Why?
- 2.4.4 I have turn on WLAN on my phone, but it cannot detect signals from Wi-Fi hotspots like other devices. What can I do?
- 2.4.5 How do I know whether my phone is using its data connection or a Wi-Fi connection to access the Internet?
- 2.4.6 I cannot connect to a Wi-Fi hotspot. Why?
- 2.4.7 My phone's Wi-Fi connection automatically disconnects after the screen times out. What can I do?
- 2.5 Can I use my phone as a mobile Wi-Fi hotspot and access the Internet from another device using my phone's data connection?
- 2.6 Can I access the Internet via Wi-Fi using a static IP address?
- 2.7 Tone settings
- 2.8 Language and keyboard
- 2.9 Internet access
- 2.9.1 How do I clear my browser's cache and web history?
- 2.9.2 How do I add a web page as my favorite?
- 2.9.3 Can I log in to my email account using the browser on my phone?
- 2.9.4 Can I log in to my online bank account from my phone?
- 2.9.5 How can I save an image from a web page?
- 2.9.6 I fail to watch online videos using IE and my phone displays a message that the Adobe Flash Player plug-in is required. Why?
- 2.10 Can I surf the Internet while making calls?
- 2.11 What if I left the Wi-Fi network coverage when I use Wi-Fi to access the Internet?
- 2.12 I switch from Wi-Fi to data connection while downloading a map. Will the download stop?
- 2.13 Screen lock
- 2.14 How do I add and remove an alarm?
- 2.15 Can I use my phone as a modem to provide Internet access for computers?
- 2.16 I turned on screen brightness automatic adjustment, but when I bring my phone to a dark place, the screen brightness does not decrease. Why?
- 2.17 My phone automatically powers off because its battery power is too low. After I connect it to a power adapter, it automatically powers on. Why?
- 3 Applications
- 3.1 What application formats does my phone support? Can I install applications stored in my microSD card?
- 3.2 Where can I obtain third-party applications? Can I change the default installation location for applications?
- 3.3 How do I install and uninstall applications?
- 3.4 Backup and recovery
- 3.5 Task manager
- 4 Hardware
- 4.1 After I open Bing search, Local Scout is unavailable. What can I do?
- 4.2 After I open Bing search, voice search is unavailable. What can I do?
- 4.3 What functions does the front camera support?
- 4.4 What wire sequence does the provided headset use? Does it support wire control?
- 4.5 Does my phone support HDMI, TV-OUT, and OTG?
- 4.6 Is my phone in ROM-UIM mode? Does my phone support hot swapping of a microSD card or SIM card?
- 4.7 My phone breaks down after I insert a microSD card into it. Why? What can I do?
- 4.8 What does the status indicator tell?
- 4.9 What is the back cover made of?
- 4.10 Can I synchronize my phone's date and time with the network?
- 4.11 Can I use other power adapters than the included one to charge my phone?
- 4.12 Can I use other batteries other than the included one?
- 4.13 How can I turn on data roaming?
- 4.14 When the screen is locked, can I wake up my phone by pressing and holding the camera button?
- 4.15 I selected the Press and hold camera button to wake up the phone option and camera is accidentally launched sometimes. What can I do?
- 5 Phone features
- 6 Others
- 6.1 What do the status icons on the status bar mean?
- 6.2 My phone cannot power on. Why?
- 6.3 My phone cannot identify my microSD card. Why?
- 6.4 How do I view files on my microSD card?
- 6.5 What can I do during a call?
- 6.6 How can check the storage in your phone memory and the microSD card?
- 6.7 Can I use my phone as a USB flash drive? Are there any conditions?
- 6.8 How do I save battery power?
- 6.9 I turn on battery saver but it does not take effect. Why?
- 6.10 I did not surf the Internet but my data usage is high. Why?
- 6.11 How can I reduce my data traffic?
- 6.12 Can I uninstall applications built-in by my service provider and native applications?
- 6.13 How can I restore my phone to its factory settings?
- 6.14 I turned on Set automatically in Settings, but my phone does not synchronize time and date from the network. Why?
- 6.15 How do I disable the key press sound?
- 6.16 How can I adjust the screen brightness?
- 6.17 Does my phone support the key backlight power saver?
- 6.18 How can I turn on airplane mode?
- 6.19 What is my phone's CPU frequency?
- 6.20 Does my phone support FM radio?
- 6.21 Does my phone support video calls?
- 6.22 Does my phone support Adobe Flash Player?
- 6.23 Does my phone support screen calibration?
- 6.24 Can I take a screenshot? If yes, how?
- 6.25 Can I scan a 2-dimensional barcode with my phone?
- 6.26 If I remove the battery, do the date and time on my phone return to their default values? Will setting my phone to automatically set the date and time generate data traffic?
- 7 Additional questions

HUAWEI W1 Smartphone FAQs
HUAWEI W1 Smartphone FAQs
Huawei Device

HUAWEI W1 Smartphone FAQs
Issue 01 (2013-2-4) Huawei
Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd..
1 Basic Functions .................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Your phone at a glance ..................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 In what colors is the W1 available? .................................................................................................................. 2
1.3 How can I install the SIM card, microSD card, and battery? ........................................................................... 2
1.4 Start screen ....................................................................................................................................................... 3
1.4.1 What's on the Start screen? ..................................................................................................................... 3
1.4.2 How can I pin a tile? ............................................................................................................................... 4
1.4.3 How can I resize a tile? ........................................................................................................................... 4
1.4.4 Some tiles can be resized to as wide as the screen, but some others can be only half of that at most.
Why? ................................................................................................................................................................ 4
1.5 Microsoft account ............................................................................................................................................. 5
1.6 People ............................................................................................................................................................... 5
1.6.1 How can I create a contact? .................................................................................................................... 5
1.6.2 How can I pin a contact to the Start screen? ........................................................................................... 5
1.6.3 How can I import contacts from a SIM card? ......................................................................................... 5
1.6.4 How can I export contacts in my phone to a SIM card? ......................................................................... 5
1.6.5 Can I set any song as the ringtone? Can I set a ringtone for a contact group? ........................................ 5
1.6.6 How many contacts can I save to my phone? ......................................................................................... 6
1.6.7 How can I create a contact group? .......................................................................................................... 6
1.7 Messaging ........................................................................................................................................................ 6
1.7.1 How do I switch to the handwriting input method? ................................................................................ 6
1.7.2 How do I delete a message? .................................................................................................................... 6
1.7.3 How do I forward a message, send a message to a group of contacts, or save a message as a draft? ..... 6
1.7.4 How do I set the message ringtone and vibration? .................................................................................. 6
1.7.5 How many English and Chinese characters can be contained in a long text message? .......................... 7
1.7.6 How many text messages can be saved on my phone? ........................................................................... 7
1.8 Multimedia Messages ....................................................................................................................................... 7
1.8.1 How can I send a multimedia message?.................................................................................................. 7
1.8.2 I cannot send or receive multimedia messages, why? How can I solve this problem? ........................... 7
1.8.3 Is there any restriction on the size, format, or resolution of the file to be attached to a multimedia
message? .......................................................................................................................................................... 8
1.9 Music ................................................................................................................................................................ 8
1.9.1 What is the difference between artists, albums, song, and playlists? ...................................................... 8

HUAWEI W1 Smartphone FAQs
Issue 01 (2013-2-4) Huawei
Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd..
1.9.2 What playing modes does your phone support? ...................................................................................... 8
1.9.3 How can I play songs in the background, exit music, and view the lyric when the song is playing? ..... 8
1.9.4 How can I delete songs from music? ...................................................................................................... 8
1.10 Camera ........................................................................................................................................................... 9
1.10.1 If my phone has no microSD card installed, can I use it to take photos or record videos? ................... 9
1.10.2 My phone cannot open some photos or videos. Why? .......................................................................... 9
1.10.3 Where are my photos and videos saved? Can I change the save path? ................................................. 9
1.10.4 How can I edit photos and videos? ....................................................................................................... 9
1.10.5 Can my phone play HD videos? ............................................................................................................ 9
1.10.6 Can I delete multiple videos simultaneously? ....................................................................................... 9
1.10.7 Can I take a photo with a tap on the screen? ......................................................................................... 9
1.11 Streaming media ........................................................................................................................................... 10
1.11.1 My phone cannot play some streaming media. Why? ......................................................................... 10
1.12 Bluetooth ...................................................................................................................................................... 10
1.12.1 What can I send via Bluetooth?........................................................................................................... 10
1.12.2 How do I send a file via Bluetooth? .................................................................................................... 10
1.12.3 My phone cannot be detected by other Bluetooth devices. Why? ....................................................... 10
1.12.4 What is Bluetooth's working range?.................................................................................................... 11
1.12.5 I cannot pair my phone with other Bluetooth devices. Why? ............................................................. 11
1.12.6 What is my phone's Bluetooth name? ................................................................................................. 11
1.13 Email ............................................................................................................................................................ 12
1.13.1 Basic functions .................................................................................................................................... 12
1.13.2 Can I view emails when I do not have Internet connection? ............................................................... 12
1.13.3 I cannot log in to my Sina mailbox using my phone. Why? ............................................................... 12
1.14 How can I synchronize contacts and appointments? .................................................................................... 12
1.15 I cannot open People. Why? What can I do? ................................................................................................ 12
1.16 GPS navigation ............................................................................................................................................. 13
1.16.1 The navigation application on my phone cannot receive signals from GPS satellites. What can I do?
....................................................................................................................................................................... 13
1.16.2 How can I enable GPS? ...................................................................................................................... 13
1.17 Basic function summary ............................................................................................................................... 13
2 Common settings .............................................................................................................. 14
2.1 My phone cannot surf the Internet. What can I do? ....................................................................................... 14
2.2 How can I configure network parameters? ..................................................................................................... 14
2.3 How can I turn on and off data connection? ................................................................................................... 15
2.4 WLAN ............................................................................................................................................................ 15
2.4.1 How do I connect my phone to a Wi-Fi hotspot and access the Internet? ............................................. 15
2.4.2 What Wi-Fi protocols does my phone support? .................................................................................... 15
2.4.3 My phone has connected to a WLAN but cannot open web pages. Why? ............................................ 16
2.4.4 I have turn on WLAN on my phone, but it cannot detect signals from Wi-Fi hotspots like other
devices. What can I do? ................................................................................................................................. 16

HUAWEI W1 Smartphone FAQs
Issue 01 (2013-2-4) Huawei
Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd..
2.4.5 How do I know whether my phone is using its data connection or a Wi-Fi connection to access the
Internet? ......................................................................................................................................................... 16
2.4.6 I cannot connect to a Wi-Fi hotspot. Why? ........................................................................................... 16
2.4.7 My phone's Wi-Fi connection automatically disconnects after the screen times out. What can I do? .. 16
2.5 Can I use my phone as a mobile Wi-Fi hotspot and access the Internet from another device using my
phone's data connection? ...................................................................................................................................... 17
2.6 Can I access the Internet via Wi-Fi using a static IP address? ........................................................................ 17
2.7 Tone settings ................................................................................................................................................... 17
2.7.1 How can I set the ringtone and message tone? ...................................................................................... 17
2.8 Language and keyboard ................................................................................................................................. 18
2.8.1 How can I change the system language? ............................................................................................... 18
2.8.2 Can I change the system language to one not in the list? ...................................................................... 18
2.8.3 Can I change the font and font size? ..................................................................................................... 18
2.8.4 What if my phone does not support the language of a selected input method? ..................................... 19
2.8.5 How can I change the input method? .................................................................................................... 19
2.9 Internet access ................................................................................................................................................ 19
2.9.1 How do I clear my browser's cache and web history? .......................................................................... 19
2.9.2 How do I add a web page as my favorite? ............................................................................................ 20
2.9.3 Can I log in to my email account using the browser on my phone?...................................................... 20
2.9.4 Can I log in to my online bank account from my phone? ..................................................................... 20
2.9.5 How can I save an image from a web page? ......................................................................................... 20
2.9.6 I fail to watch online videos using IE and my phone displays a message that the Adobe Flash Player
plug-in is required. Why? ............................................................................................................................... 21
2.10 Can I surf the Internet while making calls? .................................................................................................. 21
2.11 What if I left the Wi-Fi network coverage when I use Wi-Fi to access the Internet? ................................... 21
2.12 I switch from Wi-Fi to data connection while downloading a map. Will the download stop? ..................... 21
2.13 Screen lock ................................................................................................................................................... 21
2.13.1 How can I set a screen lock? ............................................................................................................... 21
2.13.2 I forgot the screen lock password. What can I do? .............................................................................. 22
2.13.3 How can I lock and unlock the screen? ............................................................................................... 22
2.14 How do I add and remove an alarm? ............................................................................................................ 22
2.15 Can I use my phone as a modem to provide Internet access for computers? ............................................... 23
2.16 I turned on screen brightness automatic adjustment, but when I bring my phone to a dark place, the
screen brightness does not decrease. Why? .......................................................................................................... 23
2.17 My phone automatically powers off because its battery power is too low. After I connect it to a power
adapter, it automatically powers on. Why? .......................................................................................................... 23
3 Applications ....................................................................................................................... 24
3.1 What application formats does my phone support? Can I install applications stored in my microSD card? . 24
3.2 Where can I obtain third-party applications? Can I change the default installation location for applications?
.............................................................................................................................................................................. 24
3.3 How do I install and uninstall applications? ................................................................................................... 24
3.4 Backup and recovery ...................................................................................................................................... 24
3.4.1 How can I enable the backup function? ................................................................................................ 24

HUAWEI W1 Smartphone FAQs
Issue 01 (2013-2-4) Huawei
Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd..
3.4.2 What data can be backed up on my phone? .......................................................................................... 24
3.4.3 How can I reduce my data traffic when backing up data using my phone's data connection? .............. 25
3.5 Task manager .................................................................................................................................................. 25
3.5.1 How can I access the task manager? ..................................................................................................... 25
4 Hardware ............................................................................................................................ 26
4.1 After I open Bing search, Local Scout is unavailable. What can I do?........................................................... 26
4.2 After I open Bing search, voice search is unavailable. What can I do? .......................................................... 26
4.3 What functions does the front camera support? ............................................................................................. 27
4.4 What wire sequence does the provided headset use? Does it support wire control? ...................................... 27
4.5 Does my phone support HDMI, TV-OUT, and OTG?.................................................................................... 27
4.6 Is my phone in ROM-UIM mode? Does my phone support hot swapping of a microSD card or SIM card? 27
4.7 My phone breaks down after I insert a microSD card into it. Why? What can I do? ..................................... 27
4.8 What does the status indicator tell? ................................................................................................................ 28
4.9 What is the back cover made of? .................................................................................................................... 28
4.10 Can I synchronize my phone's date and time with the network? .................................................................. 28
4.11 Can I use other power adapters than the included one to charge my phone? ............................................... 28
4.12 Can I use other batteries other than the included one? ................................................................................. 29
4.13 How can I turn on data roaming? ................................................................................................................. 29
4.14 When the screen is locked, can I wake up my phone by pressing and holding the camera button? ............. 29
4.15 I selected the Press and hold camera button to wake up the phone option and camera is accidentally
launched sometimes. What can I do? ................................................................................................................... 30
5 Phone features ................................................................................................................... 31
5.1 What featured functions does my phone have? .............................................................................................. 31
5.2 What are rooms and groups? What is the difference between them? ............................................................. 31
5.3 Why do I need a Microsoft account? How can I apply for a Microsoft account? .......................................... 31
6 Others .................................................................................................................................. 33
6.1 What do the status icons on the status bar mean? ........................................................................................... 33
6.2 My phone cannot power on. Why?................................................................................................................. 33
6.3 My phone cannot identify my microSD card. Why? ...................................................................................... 33
6.4 How do I view files on my microSD card? .................................................................................................... 33
6.5 What can I do during a call? ........................................................................................................................... 34
6.6 How can check the storage in your phone memory and the microSD card? .................................................. 34
6.7 Can I use my phone as a USB flash drive? Are there any conditions? ........................................................... 34
6.8 How do I save battery power? ........................................................................................................................ 34
6.9 I turn on battery saver but it does not take effect. Why? ................................................................................ 37
6.10 I did not surf the Internet but my data usage is high. Why? ......................................................................... 37
6.11 How can I reduce my data traffic? ................................................................................................................ 38
6.12 Can I uninstall applications built-in by my service provider and native applications? ................................ 38
6.13 How can I restore my phone to its factory settings? ..................................................................................... 38
6.14 I turned on Set automatically in Settings, but my phone does not synchronize time and date from the
network. Why? ..................................................................................................................................................... 39

HUAWEI W1 Smartphone FAQs
Issue 01 (2013-2-4) Huawei
Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd..
6.15 How do I disable the key press sound? ........................................................................................................ 39
6.16 How can I adjust the screen brightness? ....................................................................................................... 39
6.17 Does my phone support the key backlight power saver? ............................................................................. 40
6.18 How can I turn on airplane mode? ............................................................................................................... 40
6.19 What is my phone's CPU frequency? ........................................................................................................... 41
6.20 Does my phone support FM radio? .............................................................................................................. 41
6.21 Does my phone support video calls? ............................................................................................................ 41
6.22 Does my phone support Adobe Flash Player? .............................................................................................. 41
6.23 Does my phone support screen calibration? ................................................................................................. 41
6.24 Can I take a screenshot? If yes, how?........................................................................................................... 41
6.25 Can I scan a 2-dimensional barcode with my phone? .................................................................................. 42
6.26 If I remove the battery, do the date and time on my phone return to their default values? Will setting my
phone to automatically set the date and time generate data traffic? ..................................................................... 42
7 Additional questions ....................................................................................................... 44
7.1 Will the alarms go off when my phone is powered off? ................................................................................. 44
7.2 Can I use my phone for recording? ................................................................................................................ 44
7.3 Can I edit Word, Excel, PPT, and PDF files? ................................................................................................. 44
7.4 Can I save attachments from multimedia messages? ..................................................................................... 44

HUAWEI W1 Smartphone FAQs
1 0BBasic Functions
Issue 01 (2013-2-4) Huawei
Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd..
1 Basic Functions
1.1 Your phone at a glance

HUAWEI W1 Smartphone FAQs
1 0BBasic Functions
Issue 01 (2013-2-4) Huawei
Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd..
Back button Tap to return to the previous screen.
Tap and hold to display recently used applications.
Start screen
Tap to display the Start screen.
Tap and hold to open the voice controller. You can then give voice commands to
your phone. For example, to call a number, simply tell the phone which digits to dial.
Search button Tap to open Bing search.
1.2 In what colors is the W1 available?
The W1 is available in blue, black, white, and red.
1.3 How can I install the SIM card, microSD card, and

HUAWEI W1 Smartphone FAQs
1 0BBasic Functions
Issue 01 (2013-2-4) Huawei
Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd..
1. Open the battery cover.
2. Install the SIM card. Insert the SIM card into the SIM card slot with its metal contacts facing down.
3. Install the battery. Align the battery's metal contacts with those at the top of the battery compartment
(refer to position a in the preceding figure). Then press the other end of the battery (position b in the
preceding figure) to fix it to the battery compartment.
4. Close the battery cover.
1.4 Start screen
1.4.1 What's on the Start screen?
1 Status bar: displays information such as the time, network connection status, signal
strength, and battery level.
• Flick down to view more status icons.
2 Main display area: displays application icons and their updates.
• Tap a tile to open the application.
• Tap and hold a tile to resize or delete it.

HUAWEI W1 Smartphone FAQs
1 0BBasic Functions
Issue 01 (2013-2-4) Huawei
Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd..
1.4.2 How can I pin a tile?
In the application list, tap and hold the application you wish to pin. From the displayed option menu, tap
pin to start.
1.4.3 How can I resize a tile?
1. Tap and hold the tile you wish to resize until it enlargers.
2. Tap the arrow icon in the lower left corner of the tile to resize the tiles.
1.4.4 Some tiles can be resized to as wide as the screen, but
some others can be only half of that at most. Why?
The application does not support.

HUAWEI W1 Smartphone FAQs
1 0BBasic Functions
Issue 01 (2013-2-4) Huawei
Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd..
1.5 Microsoft account
Log in to your Microsoft account using your phone to:
Download games and other applications from the Windows Phone store.
- Back up your phone configuration file to recover your phone.
- Call, lock, clear, or locate your phone if it is lost using find my phone.
- Have your phone automatically synchronize photos to SkyDrive.
A Microsoft account consists of an email address and password used to log in to, Hotmail,
Xbox, Windows, Messenger, SkyDrive, and more.
If you are not sure whether you already have a Microsoft account, or if you have multiple Microsoft
accounts and need to select one from them, visit for more information.
1.6 People
1.6.1 How can I create a contact?
When you create a contact, you must specify the account to which you wish to save the contact.
Therefore, before you create a contact, add at least one account to your phone. Account types you can
add include Hotmail, Google, and Exchange.
1. Open the People hub. Flick left or right to go to all.
2. Tap new.
3. If you have signed in to multiple accounts, tap the account to which you wish to save the contact.
4. Follow the onscreen instructions to enter the contact information. Then tap save.
1.6.2 How can I pin a contact to the Start screen?
Open the People hub, choose a contact, and tap [icon].
1.6.3 How can I import contacts from a SIM card?
Open the People hub, and drag up. On the displayed screen, tap settings > import SIM contacts.
1.6.4 How can I export contacts in my phone to a SIM card?
Insert the SIM card into your phone. Open the People hub, and drag up. On the displayed screen,
tap settings > export contacts to SIM.
1.6.5 Can I set any song as the ringtone? Can I set a ringtone for
a contact group?
Only songs saved in your phone memory can be set as the ringtone. You cannot set a ringtone for a
contact group.

HUAWEI W1 Smartphone FAQs
1 0BBasic Functions
Issue 01 (2013-2-4) Huawei
Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd..
1.6.6 How many contacts can I save to my phone?
You can save 2000 or more contacts in your internal storage. How many contacts can the SIM card save
depends on the SIM card.
1.6.7 How can I create a contact group?
1. Open the People hub. Flick left or right to go to together.
2. Tap new > Room.
3. Name the group and tap save.
4. Tap add to choose a contact.
5. Tap add to add more contacts to the group.
6. When you are done, tap done.
1.7 Messaging
1.7.1 How do I switch to the handwriting input method?
Make sure that you have added the handwriting input method. In the application list, tap Settings >
keyboard > add keyboards, select a handwriting input method, and tap add.
Create a message, tap the text input field to bring up the onscreen keyboard, tap and hold the [ENG]
icon and choose the handwriting input method.
1.7.2 How do I delete a message?
You can delete a thread from the message list or open a thread to delete individual messages.
1. In the application list, tap
2. Flick left or right to go to threads.
3. In the message list, find the thread you wish to delete or open a thread to find the unwanted message.
4. Tap and hold the thread or message. Then tap delete from the displayed option menu.
You can also tap select from the message list, select multiple threads, and tap delete to delete them
1.7.3 How do I forward a message, send a message to a group
of contacts, or save a message as a draft?
- To forward a message, tap and hold it, and choose forward from the displayed option menu.
- To send a message to a group of contacts, open the People hub, flick left or right to go to
together, and tap a group then text.
- Unsent messages are automatically saved as drafts.
1.7.4 How do I set the message ringtone and vibration?
In the application list, tap Settings > ringtones+sounds. Follow the onscreen instructions to set the
message ringtone and vibration.

HUAWEI W1 Smartphone FAQs
1 0BBasic Functions
Issue 01 (2013-2-4) Huawei
Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd..
1.7.5 How many English and Chinese characters can be
contained in a long text message?
English: 39,015 characters; Chinese: 17,085 characters
1.7.6 How many text messages can be saved on my phone?
How many messages can be saved on your phone depends on your phone's available memory space
1.8 Multimedia Messages
1.8.1 How can I send a multimedia message?
1. In the application list, tap .
2. Flick left or right to go to threads.
3. Tap new.
4. Enter the recipient' phone number, or tap to select a recipient from your contact list.
5. Tap the type a message field to enter your message.
6. Tap attach to attach a photo or video.
7. When you are done, tap send to send the message.
1.8.2 I cannot send or receive multimedia messages, why? How
can I solve this problem?
- The network condition or signal reception is poor.
Solution: Try again later.
- The message is denied by the network (MMS center).
-Cause 1: The network is busy.
-Solution: Try again later.
-Cause 2: The recipient number is invalid.
-Solution: Check that the recipient number is correct and try again.
-Cause 3: The multimedia message exceeds 300 KB.
-Solution: Delete some content from the multimedia message to make sure that it is within
300 KB, and try again.
- The balance is insufficient.
Solution: Top up your account and try again.
- Your phone's available storage is insufficient.
Solution: Delete some files from your phone to free up at least 300 KB memory.

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1.8.3 Is there any restriction on the size, format, or resolution of
the file to be attached to a multimedia message?
If the file is too large, it will be automatically compressed before it is attached to the message.
For the maximum size of the file to be attached to a multimedia message, contact your service provider.
1.9 Music
1.9.1 What is the difference between artists, albums, song, and
- albums: Songs are sorted by album.
- artists: Songs are sorted by artist.
- songs: Songs are sorted by name.
- genres: Songs are sorted by genre.
- playlists: Songs are sorted by playlist. You can create playlists and add songs to them.
1.9.2 What playing modes does your phone support?
- Shuffle is off (by default): play all songs in a playlist in sequence and stop playing after all the
songs have been played.
- Shuffle is on: play all songs in the playlist in a random order and stop playing after all the
songs have been played.
- Repeat all songs: play all songs in a playlist in sequence and repeat the playlist in sequence
after all the songs have been played.
- Repeat the current song: play the current song repeatedly.
- Shuffle is on+Repeat all songs: play all songs in the playlist in a random order and repeat the
playlist in a random order after all the songs have been played.
1.9.3 How can I play songs in the background, exit music, and
view the lyric when the song is playing?
To play songs in the backend, tap the back or start button when playing a song using music.
To exit music, pause the song playback, and tap the back button.
1.9.4 How can I delete songs from music?
Tap Music+Videos > music > songs, tap and hold a song, and tap delete.

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1.10 Camera
1.10.1 If my phone has no microSD card installed, can I use it
to take photos or record videos?
1.10.2 My phone cannot open some photos or videos. Why?
- Your phone does not support the file format.
- The file has corrupted.
- The file is copyright-protected.
- Your phone's RAM is insufficient. Close some running applications and try again.
- Unknown errors occurred in the phone's OS or applications. Restart your phone and try again.
1.10.3 Where are my photos and videos saved? Can I change
the save path?
By default, your photos are saved to windows phone/pictures and videos are saved to windows
You can change the default save location to a microSD card. To do so, in the application list, tap
Settings > phone storage, and follow the onscreen instructions.
1.10.4 How can I edit photos and videos?
- To edit a photo, open it, and drag… up. On the displayed screen, tap edit… then crop, rotate,
or auto-fix.
- Videos cannot be edited.
- You cannot add frames to photos.
1.10.5 Can my phone play HD videos?
Yes. Your phone supports 720p HD videos at 30 fps.
1.10.6 Can I delete multiple videos simultaneously?
No. You can delete one video at a time. To do so, tap Photos > Camera Roll, tap and hold the video,
and choose delete from the displayed option menu.
1.10.7 Can I take a photo with a tap on the screen?
Yes, to do so, tap Settings > applications > photos+camera, and select the Tap screen to take
pictures and videos check box.

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1.11 Streaming media
1.11.1 My phone cannot play some streaming media. Why?
Your phone does not support streaming media of the standard RTSP format.
1.12 Bluetooth
1.12.1 What can I send via Bluetooth?
Photos, audio clips, videos, and contacts.
1.12.2 How do I send a file via Bluetooth?
Before you send a file, make sure that your phone supports its format. To send a file via Bluetooth:
1. Tap and hold the file.
2. From the displayed option menu, choose Settings > Bluetooth.
3. Tap the receiving device to start sending the file.
1.12.3 My phone cannot be detected by other Bluetooth devices.
Possible causes are as follows:
- Bluetooth has been turned off on your phone.
- Your phone is not in the Bluetooth screen.
To solve this problem, in the application list, tap Settings > Bluetooth, switch Bluetooth to On, and do
not exit the screen.

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1.12.4 What is Bluetooth's working range?
The working range is approximately 10 meters.
1.12.5 I cannot pair my phone with other Bluetooth devices.
Your phone supports profiles, such as A2DP, HSP, HFP, PAN, HIDH, OPP, and PBAP. If the pairing
device also supports these profiles but fails to be paired with, see the following solutions:
- Your phone cannot find other phones.
Solution: Check that Bluetooth on the other phone is turned on and the phone is discoverable.
- Your phone cannot detect a Bluetooth headset.
Solution: Check that the headset is set to discoverable. For details about how to set the
headset, see the user guide of the headset.
- Your phone cannot send files to other phones.
Solution: Check that the phone to be connected to is able to receive files and support the
format of the sent file.
1.12.6 What is my phone's Bluetooth name?
Connect your phone to a computer. You can then view and change your phone's Bluetooth name on the

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1.13 Email
1.13.1 Basic functions
- Adding an email account
In the application list, tap Settings > email+accounts > add an account, and follow the
onscreen instructions.
- Sending an email
In the inbox, tap new to create a new email, enter the recipient, email subject, and content, and
tap send.
- Viewing and deleting an email
In the inbox, tap an email to view it, and tap to delete it.
- Removing an email account
In the application list, tap Settings > email+accounts, tap and hold an account, and tap delete.
1.13.2 Can I view emails when I do not have Internet
You can view downloaded emails without Internet connection.
1.13.3 I cannot log in to my Sina mailbox using my phone.
It may because that your Sina mailbox is configured automatically. Re-configure it according the
parameters provided by Sina.
1.14 How can I synchronize contacts and appointments?
You can synchronize accounts, such as Microsoft and Google. Before the synchronization, add the
account to your phone.
1. In the application list, tap Settings > email+accounts, tap an account, select the content you want to
synchronize, and tap done.
2. Tap and hold the account, and tap sync.
You may fail to synchronize your Gmail account, because Google's open policy has changed.
If you fail to synchronize contacts, check that your phone's data connection is turned on and that the
account server supports contact synchronization.
1.15 I cannot open People. Why? What can I do?
This may because that your phone memory is full. Delete some photos, songs, or videos or install some
applications to free up some space, and then try again.

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1.16 GPS navigation
1.16.1 The navigation application on my phone cannot receive
signals from GPS satellites. What can I do?
- If you are using the phone indoors, bring the phone to an outdoor area.
- If you are using the phone outdoors, make sure that you are not in a built-up area because high
buildings block the satellite signals.
1.16.2 How can I enable GPS?
Tap settings > location, and switch GPS to On.
1.17 Basic function summary
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2 Common settings
2.1 My phone cannot surf the Internet. What can I do?
You can try the following:
1. Make sure that you have subscribed to data services.
2. Tap Settings > cellular > add internet apn to set a correct APN.
3. Tap Settings > cellular > Data connection to turn on data connection.
4. When you need to roam, tap Settings > cellular > Data roaming options to turn on data roaming.
2.2 How can I configure network parameters?
Insert a SIM card into your phone. The phone automatically configures APN settings.
To create an APN, tap Settings > cellular > add internet apn.

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2.3 How can I turn on and off data connection?
In the application list, tap Settings > cellular, and switch Data connection to On or Off.
2.4 WLAN
2.4.1 How do I connect my phone to a Wi-Fi hotspot and access
the Internet?
1. In the application list, tap Settings > WLAN, and switch WLAN to On.
2. Tap a Wi-Fi hotspot, enter the password if prompted, and tap done.
You can then access the Internet using your phone.
2.4.2 What Wi-Fi protocols does my phone support?
Your phone supports 802.11b/g/n.

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2.4.3 My phone has connected to a WLAN but cannot open web
pages. Why?
Possible causes are as follows:
- The Wi-Fi hotspot is not connected to the Internet.
- The digital subscriber line (DSL) connection failed.
- A domain name system (DNS) problem occurred.
- The websites that the Wi-Fi hotspot can access are restricted.
- Your phone is faulty.
2.4.4 I have turn on WLAN on my phone, but it cannot detect
signals from Wi-Fi hotspots like other devices. What can I do?
- Check that the Wi-Fi hotspot's service set identifier (SSID) is not hidden.
- Turn on your phone's Wi-Fi again.
- Restart your phone.
2.4.5 How do I know whether my phone is using its data
connection or a Wi-Fi connection to access the Internet?
Once connected to a Wi-Fi network, your phone preferentially uses the Wi-Fi network to access the
Internet. The Wi-Fi icon in the notification bar indicates that your phone is using Wi-Fi to access the
2.4.6 I cannot connect to a Wi-Fi hotspot. Why?
Possible causes are as follows:
- The password you entered is incorrect. Note: The password is case-sensitive.
- The Wi-Fi reception is poor.
2.4.7 My phone's Wi-Fi connection automatically disconnects
after the screen times out. What can I do?
By default, if no data is being transmitted when the screen locks, your phone's Wi-Fi connection will
automatically disconnect. If you do not want your Wi-Fi connection to be disconnected, tap Settings >
WLAN > advanced, and select the Keep WLAN on when the screen times out check box.

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2.5 Can I use my phone as a mobile Wi-Fi hotspot and
access the Internet from another device using my
phone's data connection?
2.6 Can I access the Internet via Wi-Fi using a static IP
2.7 Tone settings
2.7.1 How can I set the ringtone and message tone?
In the application list, tap Settings > ringtones+sounds, tap Ringtone or New text or IM, and select a
To set a custom song as the ringtone or message tone, tap get more.

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2.8 Language and keyboard
2.8.1 How can I change the system language?
Tap Settings > language +region > Phone language, and choose a language from the list.
2.8.2 Can I change the system language to one not in the list?
2.8.3 Can I change the font and font size?
The font cannot be changed. To change the font size, tap Settings > ease of access, and drag the slider
under Text size.

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2.8.4 What if my phone does not support the language of a
selected input method?
Your phone automatically downloads the corresponding language package online.
2.8.5 How can I change the input method?
Tap Settings > keyboard > add keyboards, and add the desired input methods.
Tap a text field to bring up the onscreen keyboard. Tap and hold [ENG], and choose an input method
from the displayed option menu.
2.9 Internet access
2.9.1 How do I clear my browser's cache and web history?
Launch the browser, and drag up. On the displayed screen, tap settings > delete history.

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2.9.2 How do I add a web page as my favorite?
Launch the browser, and drag up. On the displayed screen, tap add to favorites > done.
2.9.3 Can I log in to my email account using the browser on my
Yes. Launch the browser and enter the email account website in the address bar.
2.9.4 Can I log in to my online bank account from my phone?
Yes. It it recommended that you install the online bank client to your phone. Using a browser to log in to
your online bank account may fail.
2.9.5 How can I save an image from a web page?
Tap and hold the image, and choose save picture from the displayed option menu.

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2.9.6 I fail to watch online videos using IE and my phone
displays a message that the Adobe Flash Player plug-in is
required. Why?
The IE on your phone supports HTML5 but not Adobe Flash Player.
2.10 Can I surf the Internet while making calls?
In 3G networks, you can surf the Internet while making calls. While in 2G networks, you cannot.
2.11 What if I left the Wi-Fi network coverage when I
use Wi-Fi to access the Internet?
If data connection is on, your phone automatically switches to the mobile data connection.
2.12 I switch from Wi-Fi to data connection while
downloading a map. Will the download stop?
No matter you are downloading the map using Wi-Fi or data connection, stay on the download screen. Otherwise the
download pauses. After you return to the screen, you can resume the download.
2.13 Screen lock
2.13.1 How can I set a screen lock?
1. In the application list, tap Settings > lock screen.
2. Switch Password to On.
3. Follow the onscreen instructions to set the password.

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2.13.2 I forgot the screen lock password. What can I do?
If you forgot the screen lock password, restore your phone to its factory settings as follows:
1. With the phone powered off, press and hold the power button to power it on.
2. Quickly press and hold the volume down button until an exclamation mark appears on the
screen, which indicates that the restoration is about to begin.
3. Press the volume up, volume down, power, and volume down buttons in sequence.
Your phone then restores its factory settings and restarts.
2.13.3 How can I lock and unlock the screen?
To lock the screen, press the power button.
To unlock the screen, press the power button to wake the screen, flick up, and enter the PIN if prompted.
2.14 How do I add and remove an alarm?
To add an alarm, in the application list, tap Alarms > add, follow the onscreen instructions to enter the
alarm information, and tap save.
To remove an alarm, in the alarm list, switch the alarm to Off.

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2.15 Can I use my phone as a modem to provide
Internet access for computers?
2.16 I turned on screen brightness automatic adjustment,
but when I bring my phone to a dark place, the screen
brightness does not decrease. Why?
With automatic adjustment turned on, your phone only increases the screen brightness along with
ambient light but does not reduce it. To have the screen brightness decrease when you are in a dark place,
turn off the screen and turn it back on.
2.17 My phone automatically powers off because its
battery power is too low. After I connect it to a power
adapter, it automatically powers on. Why?
Your phone does not support power-off charging.

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3 Applications
3.1 What application formats does my phone support?
Can I install applications stored in my microSD card?
Your phone can run applications in WP format but not JAVA or APK.
3.2 Where can I obtain third-party applications? Can I
change the default installation location for
You can obtain applications from the Windows Store.
You cannot change the default installation location for applications.
3.3 How do I install and uninstall applications?
To install an application, find it in the Windows Store, and tap install.
To uninstall an application, tap and hold it, and tap uninstall.
3.4 Backup and recovery
3.4.1 How can I enable the backup function?
In the application list, tap Settings > backup, choose the data you want to back up, and turn on the
corresponding switches.
3.4.2 What data can be backed up on my phone?
Messages, photos, application list, and phone settings.

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3.4.3 How can I reduce my data traffic when backing up data
using my phone's data connection?
Disable automatic backup of photos.
3.5 Task manager
3.5.1 How can I access the task manager?
- Tap and hold the back button to display the list of running applications.
- To close an application, tap it to open it, and tap the back button until you exit the application.

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4 Hardware
4.1 After I open Bing search, Local Scout is unavailable.
What can I do?
Open Bing search, and drag up. On the displayed screen, tap settings and switch Use my location
to On.
Note: Local Scout may not be available depending on your country or region.
4.2 After I open Bing search, voice search is unavailable.
What can I do?
In the application list, tap Settings > speech, and select the Enable Speech Recognition Service check

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4.3 What functions does the front camera support?
You can use it for self-portrait and online video chats, but not video calls over cellular networks.
4.4 What wire sequence does the provided headset use?
Does it support wire control?
The provided headset uses the industry mainstream American wire sequence.
It does not come with a hook button for wire control, but you can use headsets supporting wire
control with your phone.
4.5 Does my phone support HDMI, TV-OUT, and OTG?
4.6 Is my phone in ROM-UIM mode? Does my phone
support hot swapping of a microSD card or SIM card?
4.7 My phone breaks down after I insert a microSD card
into it. Why? What can I do?
The microSD card may be damaged or formats of files in the microSD card may be invalid. To solve the
problem, find out corrupted files and delete them, or format your microSD card.

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4.8 What does the status indicator tell?
The status indicator shows your phone's battery level:
- Steady red: Your phone is charging, and the battery level is lower 100%.
- Steady green: Your phone is charging, and the battery level has reached 100%.
4.9 What is the back cover made of?
The back cover is made up of black, white, blue, or red high gloss plastic.
4.10 Can I synchronize my phone's date and time with
the network?
It depends on your region and service provider.
To have your phone synchronize its date and time with the network, in the application list, tap
Settings > date + time, and switch Set automatically to On.
4.11 Can I use other power adapters than the included
one to charge my phone?
Yes, but it is recommended that you use the included power adapter, because non-standard power
adapters may generate excessive current that shortens your battery's life span or lower current that
prolongs the charging time.

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4.12 Can I use other batteries other than the included
Yes, but you may fail to charge the battery or the battery may be damaged when used with the included
power adapter.
4.13 How can I turn on data roaming?
In the application list, tap Settings > cellular, and set Data roaming options to roam.
4.14 When the screen is locked, can I wake up my phone
by pressing and holding the camera button?
Yes. To do so, in the application list, tap Settings > applications > photos+camera, and select the
Press and hold camera button to wake up the phone check box.

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4.15 I selected the Press and hold camera button to wake
up the phone option and camera is accidentally
launched sometimes. What can I do?
In the application list, tap Settings > applications > photos+camera, and select the Prevent accidental
camera launch when phone is locked check box.

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5 Phone features
5.1 What featured functions does my phone have?
Your phone features Microsoft functions, such as Kid's Corner and rooms. For more information, see the
online help on your phone or visit
5.2 What are rooms and groups? What is the difference
between them?
A room is a place on your and other members' phones where only invited members can access. You can
chat and share appointments, photos, videos, notes, and more. When you invite someone to a room, the
invitee will receive a message containing a link. The invitee can join the room after tapping the link and
accepting the invitation.
You can view the SNS updates of contacts in the room, or send messages, emails, or IMs to the whole
Groups are only displayed on your phone and Microsoft account. You can directly add contacts to a
group without sending invitation messages to them.
5.3 Why do I need a Microsoft account? How can I
apply for a Microsoft account?
Microsoft account is the new name for what used to be called "Windows Live ID." It is the combination
of an email address and password used to log in to:
- Xbox
- or Hotmail
- Windows 8
- Messenger
- SkyDrive

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When you use the same Microsoft account to access different Microsoft services, you can access content
of the services on different devices. For example, if you switch to a computer while having a chat using
Messenger on your phone, you can continue the chat on the computer. You can also create an application
shopping list on your computer, and access the list when you enter the Windows Store on your phone. In
addition, you can synchronize your emails, contacts, and appointments to and from your phone.
Wherever you are, your Microsoft account always keeps you connected.
After you create a Microsoft account, you can use it to purchase applications from the Windows Store,
play Xbox games with your friends, back up content from your phone, use Messenger to chat with your
contacts, and a lot more.
When you access certain applications, such as Windows Store, your phone will prompt you to create a
Microsoft account. Follow the onscreen instructions to create a Microsoft account.

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6 Others
6.1 What do the status icons on the status bar mean?
See the following attachment for details.
Status icons.doc
6.2 My phone cannot power on. Why?
The battery level is too low. If so, the status indicator blinks in red. Charge your phone for a while and
try again.
6.3 My phone cannot identify my microSD card. Why?
Your phone does not support the following microSD cards:
- Adata 4 GB class 6
- Adata 8 GB class 6
- Adata 16 GB class 6
- Pretec 8 GB class 6
- Transcend 4 GB class 6
- Transcend class 4
- Transcend class 6
6.4 How do I view files on my microSD card?
You cannot view the file list on your phone, but some applications, such as music, on your phone
automatically scans for supported content, so that you can view this content in corresponding

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You can connect your phone to a computer using a USB cable and view content on the microSD card in
My Computer.
6.5 What can I do during a call?
See the buttons in the following figure.
You can also tap the Start button to return to the Start screen and use other applications.
6.6 How can check the storage in your phone memory
and the microSD card?
In the application list, tap Settings > phone storage.
6.7 Can I use my phone as a USB flash drive? Are there
any conditions?
Yes. Connect your phone to a computer using a USB cable to view content in the microSD card and
phone memory.
Make sure that your computer supports MTP. A computer running Windows 7 can directly identify your
phone. For computers running other OSs, install MediaPlayer 11.
6.8 How do I save battery power?
- Enable power saver.
Tap Settings > battery saver, and switch Battery Saver to On.

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- Set the screen timeout period to a small value.
Tap Settings > lock screen, and set the screen timeout period to a small value.
- Set the screen brightness to a small value.
Tap Settings > brightness, and switch Automatically adjust to Off.
- Set the phone volume to a small value.
Press the volume button to decrease the volume.
Tap Settings > ringtones + sounds, and follow the onscreen instructions to disable
unwanted sounds, such as the key press sound.
To conserve battery power, use a headset to make calls or listen to music.

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- Turn off Bluetooth.
Tap Settings > Bluetooth, and switch Status to Off.
- Turn off WLAN.
Tap Settings > WLAN, and switch WLAN networking to Off.
- Turn off location services.
Tap Settings > location, and switch Location services to Off.

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6.9 I turn on battery saver but it does not take effect.
Tap Settings > battery saver > advanced, and set Conserve battery. By default, battery saver comes
into effect when the battery level is lower than 20%.
6.10 I did not surf the Internet but my data usage is high.
Tap Settings > backup > photos, and check if Photos is set to Upload (may use data plan). If yes,
photos you take will be uploaded to SkyDrive no matter you are accessing the Internet using Wi-Fi or
data connection.

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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd..
6.11 How can I reduce my data traffic?
- When you are not accessing the Internet, turn off your data connection as follows:
Tap Settings > cellular, and switch Data connection to Off.
- When a WLAN is available, connect to the WLAN to access the Internet.
- Set your email accounts to refresh less often.
On the mailbox screen, drag up. On the displayed screen, tap settings > sync settings
and set the refresh frequency to a smaller value.
- Turn off backup
Tap Settings > backup, and turn off backup for corresponding data.
6.12 Can I uninstall applications built-in by my service
provider and native applications?
Yes. To do so, in the application list, tap and hold the application, and choose uninstall from the
displayed option menu.
6.13 How can I restore my phone to its factory settings?
- If your phone powers on correctly:
In the application list, tap Settings > about > reset your phone.
- If your phone cannot power on correctly:
1. Press and hold the power button to power on your phone.
2. Quickly press and hold the volume down button until an exclamation mark appears on the
screen, which indicates that the restoration is about to begin.
3. Press the volume up, volume down, power, and volume down buttons in sequence.

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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd..
Your phone then restarts and restores its factory settings.
6.14 I turned on Set automatically in Settings, but my
phone does not synchronize time and date from the
network. Why?
This may because your service provider's network does not support this function. Contact your service
provider for details.
6.15 How do I disable the key press sound?
In the application list, tap Settings > ringtones +sounds, and flick down to Play a sound for. Then
clear the Key press check box.
6.16 How can I adjust the screen brightness?
To have your phone automatically adjust its screen brightness:
In the application list, tap Settings > brightness, and switch Automatically adjust to On.
Your phone then automatically adjusts its screen brightness according to the ambient light.

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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd..
To manually adjust the screen brightness, switch Automatically adjust to Off, and choose a brightness
level from the level drop-down list box.
6.17 Does my phone support the key backlight power
6.18 How can I turn on airplane mode?
In the application list, tap Settings > airplane mode, and switch Status to On.
When airplane mode is on, your wireless connection will be disabled.

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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd..
6.19 What is my phone's CPU frequency?
I.2 GHz.
6.20 Does my phone support FM radio?
6.21 Does my phone support video calls?
No, but your phone comes with a front camera, and you can install third-party applications for online
video chats.
6.22 Does my phone support Adobe Flash Player?
6.23 Does my phone support screen calibration?
6.24 Can I take a screenshot? If yes, how?
When your phone powered on, press the power button and tap the start button simultaneously.

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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd..
6.25 Can I scan a 2-dimensional barcode with my
Yes. To scan a 2-dimensional barcode, tap Camera > lenses >Bing Vision.
Alternatively, tap the search button then .
6.26 If I remove the battery, do the date and time on my
phone return to their default values? Will setting my
phone to automatically set the date and time generate
data traffic?
No, the date and time will not return to their default values.

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Issue 01 (2013-2-4) Huawei
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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd..
If your phone obtains the date and time from your service provider's network when it powers on and
registers with the network, it will not synchronize the date and time and does not generate data traffic.
If your phone fails to obtain the date and time from your service provider's network when it powers on
and registers with the network, it will synchronize the date and time and generates minor data traffic.

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Issue 01 (2013-2-4) Huawei
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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd..
7 Additional questions
7.1 Will the alarms go off when my phone is powered
7.2 Can I use my phone for recording?
Your phone does not come with the recorder function, but you can make recordings using OneNote.
7.3 Can I edit Word, Excel, PPT, and PDF files?
You can create and edit Word and Excel files.
You can edit PPT files, but not create new ones. To play a PPT file, open it, and tap edit > slide show.
PDF files are not supported.
7.4 Can I save attachments from multimedia messages?