Hunter Douglas Window Fashions DTRX1 Window Curtain with 2.4GHz User Manual
Hunter Douglas Window Fashions Window Curtain with 2.4GHz
User Manual
Hunternouglas Instructions for PV1 Assembly STANDARD SEQU ENTIAL Connect the Power Source I Refs! «0 We appropvlate seem new based on your order, > Fara battery wand, see “N You Have a Banuy wm: below > Fora» upfiunai DC power supp‘y, see“! You Have a DC Power Suppw If Yau Have a Battery Wand“. M313“ Bananas Inlome Battery Wand NOTE: Hume! Douglas remmmends AA alkahne batielies for use wuh our battery-powered assemh‘ies.1hesswiH [NIT/ids mom than one yea! oi opelahon. dependmg on usage‘ Will!“ and vechavgeable bananas ave not recommended, I Squeeze (he can latch to re‘ease and remwe [he cap‘ I lns|al| me balleries according to the insuucfians on the bahely wand \ahe‘. I Rep‘ace the cap, > Ahgn the fab with the end of the wand, > Press the cap an unfil it latches Plug the Power Came into «he aanary Wand . Canned ma powev cm [smug (rum lha and 01 ms motor) mm the socket an the hanery wand. 3% ‘ / *“f mi“, ' u "You Have a DC PcwerSupm .V ounnemme Puwsr Supply I Plug lhe power came (mm (he motolinln the wenslon cabie. I Plug lha mm and DI we extansiun came inlo Ihe DC power sunvly. I Hug me no war suvmy in|a a standard ouuelv WARNING: Kaepcards and ma“ pans uulanhe ream a! chixuramnmanwrap cards around my necks and STRANGLE.Theycan alsa pm small pans m msirmnuths and CHOKE. ' WARNING: Exam: shad: andlur a file hazard may occur Me Do pm! supply and cables are not pmpeny mscanea. Operate the Assembly Check the Power Card I Check In ensuve Ihe power card ‘5 nol pinched. Test! e 5e bl |e a ualCo We Bu cl Tesflng me shade with me manual camm‘ huuan WIN SHOW you to ansule (hat Ins mom“ and DWEV some arewofldrw wnecfly Manual mntvu‘ hymn Press the manual control mum. lo 1m opevaflan > Pvess lhe mum to auemamry tome melon mm and mate the olhevway. Test the Assembly Uslng the Remote Reielinlhei’wterihorti” Permits Guldeiurmieinfilmaihfl To "UK a shade in a remote: ‘i 3, 4. Press and hold Islop ror six seconds to pul remote ln program mode, The lighE on remote will pulsate to indicate it is ln program motto. Press amt hold the manual cantroi button on the assembly. While oohanuirlg to press the manual hutlon. press I step on the remote. The motorwill rotate sllghtly to lholcate h has been iirlksd lo the network. Press and hold I Slap ior slx seconds to exrl program made. Tojoin a shadu m a GROUP; 1, .0 5. Pmss and hole I Stop tor six seconds is put remote in program mode. The llghts on remote will pulsate to indicate lt ls ln program rnooo. Press desirsd group number (1 ‘6) on the remote. The light for the group numbersolocteo wlil pulsate to show it is selected. Press and hold the manual conimi button on the assembly. While continuing to press the manual button, Press A open on the remote. The molorwlil rotate slightly lo indicate it has joined the group. Press and hold I step inrsbt seconds to 9in program mode. To remove a shade (turn a group: 1. Press and hold I Stop tor six seconds to put remote in program mode. The llghts on remote will pulsale lo Indicate rt is in program mode. Press desired group number (1 — 6) an lire remote. The lighl {or Ihe group number seiectad will puisaia (0 show it is selected. Press and hold the manual oentrel button on the assembly Whlls eontinulng to press the manual button. Press V olose en the remote. The shoes will jog to indicate it has been removed from the group. Radio Control Operation Once the essemoly has been romeo ta s group. radio control ls used to operate the meter There ls no need to aim the remote toward the assembly being operated. Multiple assemblies can be operated al the same tlme, Remotl: Funcilons: 1. 2. To wake up remotel press I Stop. The iasi groupis) selected wlii be highlighted and actlve. Press “All" or Groups 176 to select soeoillc shade(s) to move. Selected groups will light lo show they are selected. a. Multiple Group number may be selected at a time. h. To cteseleote Group, press the Group number egelrl. The iigm lorthal group will go out. Salem the A OPEN button to move ihu motor in one direciioyl. Salem the V CLOSE button to move (ha motor ‘lrl Ihs other dlreutiorl. While a motor is lrl motion, press A OPEN or V CLOSE, the opposite or motor motion to reverse direction.
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