Hunter Douglas Window Fashions RC4U4 This is a remote control for blinds and shades User Manual
Hunter Douglas Window Fashions This is a remote control for blinds and shades
User Manual
PowerView Motorization ® © 2017 Hunter Douglas. All rights reserved. All trademarks used herein are the property of Hunter Douglas or their respective ow ners. 5110540123 5/17 REM OTE CONTROL GUIDE Table of Contents Key Com ponent s . . . . . . . 3 Gett ing St art ed. . . . . . . . 9 Program m ing . . . . . . . . 1 3 Basic Operat ion . . . . . . 2 3 Batt ery Replacem ent . . . 2 7 Troubleshoot ing . . . . . . 3 3 Skyline® Gliding Window Panels 3 POW ERVIEW PEBBLE REM OTE POW ERVIEW SURFACE REM OTE Ergonomically designed, the Pow erView ® Pebble® hand-held remote is available in ten on-trend colors to complement your home décor. The sleek Pow erView ® Surface is w all-mounted so you know your remote is alw ays right w here you left it. ® ® KEY COM PONENTS KEY COM PONENTS ® GROU P 3 REM OTE M ODULE BACK KEY COM PONENTS KEY COM PONENTS REM OTE M ODULE FRONT GROU P 4 GROU P 2 GROU P 5 OPEN GROU P 1 GROU P 6 STOP Press and hold for program mode. FAVORITE Shade position LEFT A RROW RIGHT A RROW Function varies w ith shade t ype. Function varies w ith shade t ype. PROGRA M M IN G A CCESS CLOSE KEY COM PONENTS REM OTE M ODULE (BACK COVER REM OVED) PROGRA M M IN G BATTERY COM PA RTM EN T 3V CR 2032 BATTERY COM PA RTM EN T 3V CR 2032 GETTING STARTED GETTING STARTED IM PORTANT: The Pow erView ® Remote w ill not operate a w indow covering until the w indow covering has been added to a GROUP. Inserting the remote module into the PowerView ® Pebble® (hand-held): Get t in g st art ed First, activate the remote by pulling both plastic tabs from the back battery compartment. NOTE: If placing the remote module into a Pew ter or Clear Frost Pebble® , ensure the provided color insert is seated at the bottom of the Pebble cutout. 1 . Center the Hunter Douglas logo on the remote module above the indentation on the bottom rim of the Pebble. 2 . Align the ribs on the remote module w ith the grooves on the Pebble. 3 . Gently push the remote module into the Pebble until it is snug. Ribs on remote to be aligned w ith the grooves on the Pebble. Center logo 10 11 GETTING STARTED M ounting the Pow erView ® Surface: 1 . Choose a location to mount the Surface. 2 . Orient the Surface mounting plate so that the Hunter Douglas logo is horizontal and level. M ark screw holes. 3 . If you are mounting the Surface onto dryw all, use a /32" drill bit to drill pilot holes. Tap dryw all anchors into the pilot holes until the ange of the anchor is ush w ith the dryw all. 4 . If you are mounting the Surface onto w ood, use a /32" drill bit to drill the screw holes. 5 . Attach the Surface mounting plate using the screw s provided. 6 . Align the Surface ring w ith its mounting plate and tw ist the Surface ring clockw ise to lock it in place. Inserting the remote module in the Surface: 1 . Align the ribs on the remote module w ith the grooves on the Surface. 2 . Gently push the remote module into the Surface until it is snug. Ribs on remote to be aligned w ith the grooves on the Pebble. Center logo 12 13 Pa i r i n g Po w e r V i e w ® R e p e a t e r s t o a r e m o t e c r e a t e d Po w e r V i e w Sh ad e N et w o rk Pa i r i n g a d d i t i o n a l r e m o t e (s ) t o t h e Po w e r V i e w ® S h a d e N e t w o r k Repeaters extend the range of the radio frequency (RF) signal emitted by the Pow erView ® Pebble® Remote, the Pow erView Surface, or the PowerView Hub w hen used with the PowerView App. Follow these steps to pair remotes to the same Pow erView Shade Netw ork. All rem ot es in a home should be paired to the same netw ork. This allow s for easy installation of additional control options, such as the Pow erView Hub and Pow erView Repeaters. Remotes paired to the same netw ork w ill be able to operate the speci c w indow coverings they are assigned to. 1 . Locate the programming access on the back cover of the remote module. 2 . Using a paper clip, press and hold the recessed P button for 6 seconds. NOTE: The Group Numbers (1– 6) w ill ash tw ice on the PRESS of the reset button followed by three times at 6 seconds. PROGRAM M ING PROGRAM M ING IM PORTANT: If you have multiple remotes, please follow the steps below to pair all remotes to the same Pow erView ® Netw ork. If you only have one remote, please refer to page 19 for additional programming steps. 1 . PLUG the Repeat er Kit into an elect rical out let . 2 . Press and hold STOP on the Pow erView Pebble Remote, until the indicator lights blink. The remote is now in program mode. Hold the remote w ithin 3 feet of the Repeater to complete Step 3. 3 . Press STOP on the remote. The Repeater is now paired to the Pow erView Shade Netw ork. 4 . Press and hold STOP on the remote, until the indicator lights stop blinking to exit program mode. 3 . Press and hold STOP on the remote, until the indicator buttons blink. The remote is now in program mode. 4 . Press and hold the STOP button on the new remote w hile pressing and releasing STOP on the original remote. 5 . The backlit GROUP buttons on the new remote w ill ash tw ice to indicate the remote has been paired to the Pow erView Shade Netw ork. 6 . Press and hold STOP on the remote, until the indicator lights stop blinking to exit program mode. 14 15 A Hub previously paired to an existing remote created Pow erView ® Shade Netw ork or that had created its ow n netw ork during setup, can have additional Pebble® or Surface remotes paired to it, even if the remotes are introduced after the initial Hub setup. The repeater’s green light w ill ash, w henever it repeats a command sent by a device on the same Pow erView Shade Netw ork. 1 . Locate the programming access on the back cover of the remote module. 2 . Using a paper clip, press and hold the recessed P button for 6 seconds. NOTE: The Group Numbers (1–6) w ill ash tw ice on the PRESS of the reset button follow ed by three times at 6 seconds. 3 . Hold the rem ot e m odule w ithin approximately 12 inches of the Hub. Com plet e St eps 4 and 5 at t he sam e t im e. 4 . Press and hold the 5 . Press and hold the STOP button on the remote module. Creat in g a D u p lic at e Rem o t e A duplicate remote w ill operate the same set of w indow coverings and GROUPS as the original remote. 1 . Locate the programming access on the back cover of the remote module. 2 . Using a paper clip, press and hold the recessed P button for 6 seconds. NOTE: The Group Numbers (1–6) w ill ash tw ice on the PRESS of the reset button follow ed by three times at 6 seconds. 3 . Press and hold STOP on the original remote, until the indicator lights blink. The remote is now in program mode. 4 . While pressing and holding ALL on the new remote, press and release STOP on the original remote. 5 . The backlit GROUP buttons on the duplicat e remote w ill ash tw ice to indicate all of the information from the original remote has been copied. 6 . Press and hold STOP on the original remote, until the indicator lights stop blinking to exit program mode. P button on the back of the Hub for approximately three seconds. NOTE: The Group Numbers (1–6) w ill ash to indicate that the remote module has been paired to the Pow erView Shade Netw ork. 16 17 PROGRAM M ING PROGRAM M ING Pa i r i n g r e m o t e (s ) t o a Po w e r V i e w ® H u b c r e a t e d Po w e r V ie w Sh a d e N e t w o r k The auto-wake feature activates the backlights on the remote, w henever the remote is handled. This feature is useful for immediately seeing w hich shade GROUP buttons were activated last, but deactivating this feature w ill help to conserve battery life. When the auto-wake feature is deactivated, press STOP to wake the remote and see w hich group buttons are active. 1 . Press and hold the GROUP 6 button on the remote for approximately 6 seconds. 2 . The GROUP numbers (1– 6) w ill blink once to indicate the auto-w ake feature has been disabled. R e a c t i v a t i n g a r e m o t e ’s a u t o - w a k e f eat u re NOTE: It is recommended that only similar w indow coverings be included in a GROUP because of differences in product features and operation. When a w indow covering is added to a GROUP for the rst time, it is also added to the Pow erView ® Shade Network that links w indow coverings and devices together. A GROUP can be a single w indow covering or multiple w indow coverings. There are six unique assignable GROUPS to use on each remote. A w indow covering may be assigned to more than one GROUP. J o in a w in d o w c o v erin g t o a GRO U P 1 . Press and hold STOP on the remote, until the indicator lights blink. The remote is now in program mode. 2 . Press the desired GROUP number (1– 6) on the remote. The backlit GROUP number w ill ash to show it is selected. 1 . Press and hold the GROUP 6 button on the remote for 3 . Press and hold the manual control button on the 2 . The GROUP numbers (1– 6) w ill blink tw ice to indicate 4 . While continuing to press the manual button, press approximately 6 seconds. the auto-w ake feature has been enabled. w indow covering. OPEN on the remote. The w indow covering w ill move slightly to indicate it has been joined to the GROUP. Release the manual control button. 5 . Press and hold STOP on the remote, until the indicator lights stop blinking to exit program mode. 18 19 PROGRAM M ING PROGRAM M ING D e a c t i v a t i n g t h e r e m o t e ’s a u t o - w a k e f eat u re 1 . Press and hold STOP on the remote, until the indicator lights blink. The remote is now in program mode. 2 . Press the desired GROUP number (1– 6) on the remote.The backlit GROUP number w ill ash to show it is selected. 3 . Press and hold the manual control button on the w indow covering. 4 . While continuing to press the manual button, press CLOSE on the remote. The w indow covering w ill move slightly to indicate it has been removed from the GROUP. Release the manual control button. 5 . Press and hold STOP on the remote, until the indicator lights stop blinking to exit program mode. 20 S e t a FA V O R IT E p o s i t i o n PROGRAM M ING PROGRAM M ING Rem o v e a w in d o w c o v erin g f ro m a GROU P Each w indow covering has one FAVORITE position, w hich is set at 50% open by default. Setting a new FAVORITE position overw rites any previous setting. 1 . Open or close the w indow covering to the desired position. 2 . Press and hold STOP on the remote, until the indicator lights blink. The remote is now in program mode. 3 . Press and hold the manual control button on the w indow covering. 4 . While continuing to press the manual control button, press ♥ FAVORITE on the remote. The w indow covering w ill move slightly to indicate it has set this w indow covering position as your FAVORITE. Release the manual control button. 5 . Press and hold STOP on the remote, until the indicator lights stop blinking to exit program mode. 21 PROGRAM M ING Reset t in g w in d o w c o v erin g p ro g ra m m in g This reset erases Network information stored in the w indow covering, including GROUP assignments, preventing any input device from operating the w indow covering. Its primary use is during installation to correct GROUP and Network assignments. This reset does not affect travel limits. 1 . Press and hold the manual control button for 12 seconds. The w indow covering w ill move slightly once after 6 seconds, then again after 12 seconds. Release the button. 2 . Refer to “ Join a w indow covering to a GROUP” on page 19 to program the w indow covering to a group. W h a t ’s t h e D i f f e r e n c e ? 22 Paired rem ote Cloned rem ote Same PowerView ® Shade Network I.D. as original remote. Same PowerView Shade Network I.D. as original remote. Can be programmed differently from original remote. An exact duplicate of original remote. Can control a different set of w indow coverings and/or different GROUPS. M ust control the same set of w indow coverings and/or GROUPS. 23 5 . For w indow covering(s) w ith vanes or a middle rail*, NOTE: Some PowerView ® w indow treatments offer variable operation from the basic operation listed here. For full instructions on how to operate your PowerView w indow treatment, please consult the IOC that came w ith your w indow treatment. 6 . For w indow covering(s) w ith vanes or a middle rail, B asic Op erat io n 7 . Press 1 . To w ake up the remote, simply pick it up or press STOP. The last GROUP(S) selected w ill be highlighted and active. 2 . Press ALL or GROUP 1– 6 button(s) to select speci c w indow covering(s) to operate. Selected GROUP button(s) w ill light to show they are selected. a . M ultiple GROUP buttons may be selected at the same time. b . To deselect a GROUP, press the GROUP button again. The backlit GROUP button w ill go out. 3 . Press OPEN to open the selected w indow covering(s). 4 . Press CLOSE to close the selected w indow covering(s). BASIC OPERATION BASIC OPERATION Once the w indow coverings have been joined to a GROUP or multiple GROUPS, the remote is ready to operate the w indow covering(s). M ultiple w indow coverings can be operated at the same time. press the RIGHT ARROW to close the w indow covering and open the vanes, rotate the vanes to the right, or fully raise the middle rail. press the LEFT ARROW to close the vanes, rotate the vanes to the left, or fully low er the middle rail. a . NOTE: Single-function w indow coverings w ill not operate by pressing the ARROW buttons. STOP to stop w indow covering/vane movement anyw here along its travel. 8 . While a w indow covering is in motion, press the opposite of its motion ( OPEN or CLOSE) to reverse direction. 9 . Press ♥ FAVORITE to send selected w indow covering(s) to your preset FAVORITE position. * Applies to Top-Dow n/Bottom-Up and Duolite™ w indow coverings only. The bottom rail on Top-Dow n/Bottom-Up w indow coverings operates using the OPEN and CLOSE commands. 24 25 27 2 . Rotate the back cover of the remote module Replacing the batteries in the remote module w ill not cause the loss of any w indow covering programming, including GROUPS and FAVORITE. The remote uses two CR 2032 batteries. 3 . Remove the back cover from the remote BATTERY REPLACEM ENT BATTERY REPLACEM ENT Rep lac in g b at t eries in t h e rem o t e clockw ise to unlock. module. 1 . For the Pebble® Remote, slide your thumb in the indentation, gently lift and remove the remote module from the Pebble. For the Surface Remote, remove the Surface from its mounting plate by tw isting the Surface counter-clockw ise. Push the remote module out from the back of the Surface. 28 29 screw driver, gently lift and remove the old batteries. 6 . Align and replace the back cover onto the BATTERY REPLACEM ENT BATTERY REPLACEM ENT 4 . Using a nger or small backside of the remote module. 7 . Rotate the back cover counter-clockw ise to lock the back cover in place. NOTE: Once the back cover is in place, ensure the programming access point is aligned w ith the recessed P button. 8 . Align the ribs on the remote module w ith the grooves on the Pebble® or the Surface. 9 . Gently push the remote module into the Pebble or the Surface until it is snug. 5 . Insert new batteries, making sure each is snug. 30 31 33 ® Sh ad e N et w o rk ? 3 . M y w indow covering does not respond w hen I press OPEN or The PowerView ® Shade Network is a unique radio frequency that allow s PowerView M otorization devices to communicate w ith each other w ithin a home. All PowerView devices w ithin a home should be added to the same PowerView Shade Network. This allow s for easy installation of additional control options, such as the PowerView Hub, PowerView Repeaters and PowerView Scene Controllers. Additionally, Remotes joined to the same PowerView Shade Network w ill be able to operate all w indow coverings in the PowerView Shade Network as desired. Tr o u b le s h o o t i n g 1 . None of the backlit buttons illuminate on my remote w hen I press the buttons. • Check to make sure the batteries are inserted properly and are new. • Join an existing PowerView Shade Network w ith the remote. 2 . I programmed my w indow covering to work from two different remotes. The w indow covering works well w ith the second remote, but w ill no longer respond to the rst remote. • Check to make sure the batteries in both remotes are inserted properly and are new. 34 • All PowerView remotes w ithin a home need to be included in the same PowerView Shade Netw ork. Refer to “ Pairing additional remote(s) to the Pow erView Shade Network” on page 14. TROUBLESHOOTING TROUBLESHOOTING W h a t is a Po w e r V i e w CLOSE. • M ake sure that there is power to the w indow covering and that the w indow covering functions properly by pressing the manual control button on the w indow covering. • M ake sure the correct GROUP number or ALL has been selected before pressing OPEN or CLOSE. Active GROUP buttons w ill be backlit. • Add the w indow covering(s) to a GROUP on the remote. Refer to “ Join a w indow covering to a GROUP” on page 19. 4 . M y w indow covering operates w hen I press OPEN or CLOSE, but not w hen I press either of the arrow buttons. • The arrow buttons are for operating Top-Dow n/Bottom-Up shades, Duolite™ shades, and shadings or sheers w ith operable vanes only. Refer to the product’s Installation, Operation, and Care instructions for proper operation. • If the w indow covering is a Top-Dow n/Bottom-Up shade, a Duolite shade, or a shading or sheer w ith operable vanes, reset the travel limits on the w indow covering. Press and hold the manual button on the w indow covering for 6 seconds, until it jogs. The w indow covering w ill then run an auto-calibration sequence. 35 U.S. Radio Frequency FCC Compliance This device complies with Part 15 of the FCCRules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCCRules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. • Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. Any changes or modi cations not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. Industry Canada Under Industry Canada regulations, this radio transmitter may only operate using an antenna of a type and maximum (or lesser) gain approved for the transmitter by Industry Canada. To reduce potential radio interference to other users, the antenna type and its gain should be so chosen that the equivalent isotropically radiated power (e.i.r.p.) is not more than that necessary for successful communication. This device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device. Class B Digital Device Notice This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003, RSS-Gen and RSS-210. Industrie Canada Conformément à la réglementation d’Industrie Canada, le présent émetteur radio peut fonctionner avec une antenne d’un type et d’un gain maximal (ou inférieur) approuvé pour l’émetteur par Industrie Canada. Dans le but de réduire les risques de brouillage radioélectrique à l’intention des autres utilisateurs, il faut choisir le type d’antenne et son gain de sorte que la puissance isotrope rayonnée équivalente (p.i.r.e.) ne dépasse pas l’intensité nécessaire à l’établissement d’une communication satisfaisante. Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNRd’Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L’exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) l’appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l’utilisateur de l’appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d’en compromettre le fonctionnement. Appareil Numérique de Classe B – Avis Cet appareil numérique de classe B est conforme à la norme NMB-003, CNR-Gen et CNR-210 du Canada. CAN ICES-3 (B)/NMB-3(B) European Conformity We, the undersigned, Hunter Douglas Window Fashions One Duette Way, Broom eld, CO80020, USA Hunter Douglas Europe B.V. Piekstraat 2, 3071 EL Rotterdam, The Netherlands certify and declare under our sole responsibility that the PowerView® Remote Control conforms with the essential requirements of the EMCdirective 2004/108/ECand R&TTEdirective 1999/5/EC. A copy of the original declaration of conformity may be found at cations. 37
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