Hytera Communications AR482GI Digital Portable Radio User Manual User Guide

Hytera Communications Corporation Limited Digital Portable Radio User Guide


User Manual

Welcome to the world of Hytera and thank you for purchasing this product. This manualincludes a description of the functions and step-by-step procedures for use. It also includesa troubleshooting guide. To avoid bodily injury or property loss caused by incorrectoperation, please carefully read the Safety Information Booklet before use.This manual is applicable to the following product:AR482Gi Digital Portable Radio (X may represent 2, 5, 6 or 8)
Copyright InformationHytera is the trademark or registered trademark of Hytera CommunicationsCorporation Limited (the Company) in the People's Republic of China (PRC)and/or other countries or areas. The Company retains the ownership of itstrademarks and product names. All other trademarks and/or product namesthat may be used in this manual are properties of their respective owners.The product described in this manual may include the Company's computerprograms stored in memory or other media. Laws in PRC and/or othercountries or areas protect the exclusive rights of the Company with respectto its computer programs. The purchase of this product shall not be deemedto grant, either directly or by implication, any rights to the purchaserregarding the Company's computer programs. The Company's computerprograms may not be copied, modified, distributed, decompiled, or reverse-engineered in any manner without the prior written consent of the Company.DisclaimerThe Company endeavors to achieve the accuracy and completeness of thismanual, but no warranty of accuracy or reliability is given. All thespecifications and designs are subject to change without notice due tocontinuous technological development. No part of this manual may becopied, modified, translated, or distributed in any manner without the priorwritten consent of the Company.We do not guarantee, for any particular purpose, the accuracy, validity,timeliness, legitimacy or completeness of the third-party products andcontents involved in this manual.If you have any suggestions or would like to receive more information,please visit our website at: http://www.hytera.com.FCC StatementThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for aClass B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of FCC Rules. These limits aredesigned to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in aresidential installation. This equipment generates and can radiate radiofrequency energy. If not installed and used in accordance with theinstructions, it may cause harmful interference to radio communications.However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in aparticular installation. Verification of harmful interference by thisequipment to radio or television reception can be determined by turning itoff and then on. The user is encouraged to try to correct the interference byone or more of the following measures:lReorient or relocate the receiving antenna. Increase the separationbetween the equipment and receiver.2
lConnect the equipment into an outlet on a different circuit to that of thereceiver's outlet.lConsult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.Operation is subject to the following two conditions:lThis device may not cause harmful interference.lThis device must accept any interference received, includinginterference that may cause undesired operation.Note: Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by theparty responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operatethe equipment.Compliance with RF Exposure StandardsThe radio complies with the following RF energy exposure standards andguidelines:lUnited States Federal Communications Commission, Code of FederalRegulations; 47 CFR § 1.1307, 1.1310 and 2.1093lAmerican National Standards Institute (ANSI) / Institute of Electricaland Electronic Engineers (IEEE) C95. 1:2005; Canada RSS102 Issue 5March 2015lInstitute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) C95.1:2005EditionRF Exposure Compliance and ControlGuidelines and Operating InstructionsTo control your exposure and ensure compliance with theoccupational/controlled environmental exposure limits, always adhere to thefollowing procedures.Guidelines:lDo not remove the RF Exposure Label from the device.lUser awareness instructions should accompany device whentransferred to other users.lDo not use this device if the operational requirements described hereinare not met.Operating Instructions:lTransmit no more than the rated duty factor of 50% of the time. Totransmit (talk), press the Push-to-Talk (PTT) key. To receive calls,release the PTT key. Transmitting 50% of the time, or less, is importantbecause the radio generates measurable RF energy only whentransmitting (in terms of measuring for standards compliance).lKeep the radio unit at least 2.5 cm away from the face. Keeping theradio at the proper distance is important as RF exposure decreases withdistance from the antenna. The antenna should be kept away from theface and eyes.3
lWhen worn on the body, always place the radio in an approved holder,holster, case, or body harness or by use of the correct clip for thisproduct. Use of non-approved accessories may result in exposure levelswhich exceed the FCC's occupational/controlled environmental RFexposure limits.lUse of non-approved antennas, batteries, and accessories causes theradio to exceed the FCC RF exposure guidelines.lContact your local dealer for the product's optional accessories.The device has been tested and complies with SAR limits, users can obtainCanadian information on RF exposure and compliance.Après examen de ce matériel aux conformité aux limites DAS et/ou auxlimites d’intensité de champ RF, les utilisateurs peuvent sur l’exposition auxradiofréquences et la conformité and compliance d’acquérir lesinformations correspondantesThis device complies with Industry Canada license-exempt RSS standard(s).Operation is subject to the following two conditions:lThis device may not cause harmful interference.lThis device must accept any interference received, includinginterference that may cause undesired operation.Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicablesaux appareils radio exempts de licence. L'exploitation est autorisée auxdeux conditions suivantes: (1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage,et (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectriquesubi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre lefonctionnementEU Regulatory ConformanceAs certified by the qualified laboratory, the product is in compliance withthe essential requirements and other relevant provisions of 2014/53/EU.Please note that the above information is applicable to EU countries only.4ISEDC Statement
ContentsPacking List 3Product Controls 4Before Use 5Charging the Battery 5Attaching the Battery 5Attaching the Antenna 6Attaching the Belt Clip 6Attaching the Audio Accessory 6Basic Operations 7Turning On or Off the Radio 7Adjusting the Volume 7Locking or Unlocking Keypad 7Inputting via Keypad 8Selecting a Zone 8Selecting a Channel 8Status Indications 8LCD Icons 8LED Indications 9Call Services 10Call on Digital Channel 10Call on Analog Channel 11Message Services 11Viewing a Message 11Sending a Message 11Deleting a Message 12Supplementary Features 13Basic Settings 13Contact Management 13Scan 14Time-out Timer 14Busy Channel Lockout 14Real-time Clock 15Voice Operated Transmit 15BT Services 151
Digital Services 16Analog Services 16Troubleshooting 18Care and Cleaning 20Product Care 20Product Cleaning 20Optional Accessories 20Abbreviations 202
Packing ListPlease unpack carefully and check that you have received the following items. If any item is missing or damaged, please contact your dealer.Item Quantity (PCS) Item Quantity (PCS)Radio 1 Antenna 1Battery 1 Belt Clip 1Charger 1 Strap 1Power Adapter 1 Documentation Kit 1Check whether the frequency band on the antenna label matches that on the radio label. If not, please contact your dealer.3
Product ControlsYou can request your dealer to program the following keys as shortcuts to radio features: TK key, SK1 key, and SK2 key. Please consult your dealer forassignable radio features.4
Before UseCharging the BatterylUse the approved charger to charge the battery.lRead the Safety Information Booklet before charging.Before initial use, fully charge the battery to ensure optimum performance.To charge the battery, do as follows:1. Insert the output connector of the power adapter into the port on theback of the charger.2. Plug the power adapter into a power outlet.3. Place the battery into the charger, and then switch the power outlet on.To determine the charging status, check the light-emitting diode (LED)indicator on the charger according to the following table:LED Indicator Charging StatusFlashes red slowly The battery fails to make proper contact with thecharger.Glows red The battery is charging.LED Indicator Charging StatusGlows orange The battery is charged to 90% or above.Glows green The battery is fully charged.Flashes red rapidly The battery fails to be charged.You can also charge the radio with battery attached. It isrecommended that your radio remain turned off during charging.Attaching the BatteryTo remove the battery, make sure that the radio is turned off, and thenslide the battery latch upwards.5
Attaching the AntennaDo not hold the radio by the antenna, because it may reduce the radioperformance and life span of the antenna.Attaching the Belt Clip1. Use a Phillips screwdriver to turn the screws counter-clockwise on theback of the radio and remove them.2. Align the screw holes on the belt clip with those on the back of theradio.3. Put the screws back in place as shown below, and use the Phillipsscrewdriver to turn them clockwise until hand tight.Attaching the Audio AccessoryFor optimal waterproof and dustproof performance, close theaccessory connector cover and fasten the screw when no accessory isattached.1. Open the accessory connector cover.2. Plug the accessory into the accessory connector.6
3. Rotate the screw on the accessory plug clockwise until hand tight.Basic OperationsTurning On or Off the RadioAdjusting the VolumeLocking or Unlocking KeypadWhen the keypad is not in use, it is recommended that you lock it to avoidaccidental operations.To lock or unlock the keypad manually, do one of the following from thehome screen:lPress the preprogrammed Keypad Lock key.lPress the OK/Menu key and then press .To allow the keypad to be locked automatically, enable the Keypad Lockfeature as follows:1. Go to Menu >Settings >Radio Set >Keypad Lock.2. Select Enable, and set Delay Time by pressing the Up or Down key.To disable this feature, select Disable under the Keypad Lock menu.7
In addition, you can go to Menu >Settings >Radio Set >OptionalKey to set whether the corresponding keys and knobs still work whenthe keypad is locked.Inputting via KeypadYou can input alias, contact numbers or messages via the keypad of theradio. Here are some useful tips:lTo switch the input method between alphabetic mode and numericmode, press .lTo enter special characters, press in alphabetic mode or innumeric mode.lTo enter a space, press in alphabetic mode.Selecting a ZoneA zone is a group of channels with the same property. The radio supports upto 16 zones, with a maximum of 16 channels per zone. To select a zone, doone of the following:lGo to Menu >Zone, press Up or Down key to select a zone, and thenpress OK/Menu key to switch to the selected zone.lPress the preprogrammed Zone Up or Zone Down key to switch to theselected zone.Selecting a ChannelData and voices are received and transmitted on a channel. You can rotatethe Channel Selector knob to select the channel.Status IndicationsLCD IconsIcon Radio StatusDM Direct Mode: The radio transmits and receives directly.RM Repeater Mode: The radio transmits and receivesthrough a repeater.The number of bars indicates the charge left in thebattery.There is no signal.The number of bars indicates the signal strength.The radio is set at low power.The radio is set at high power.An accessory is connected.8
Icon Radio StatusThe radio is roaming.The radio is scanning.The radio stays on a non-priority channel.The radio stays on priority channel 1.The radio stays on priority channel 2.The Monitor feature is enabled.The speaker is turned on.There is/are missed call(s).There is/are unread short message(s).The InBox is full.A private call is in progress or a private contact is on thecontact list.A group call is in progress or a group contact is on thecontact list.An all call is in progress or an all call contact is on thecontact list.LED IndicationsLED Indicator Radio StatusFlashes green Being turned on.Glows green Receiving.Glows red Transmitting.Flashes orange slowly Scanning or roaming.Glows orangeCall hang time: No voice is being transmitted orreceived on the channel during a call. Within sucha period, you can press and hold the PTT key andspeak.9
Call ServicesWhen you are speaking during a call, keep the microphone about 2.5 to 5cm away from your mouth. This ensures optimal voice quality on thereceiving radio.Call on Digital ChannelYou can initiate or receive the following types of calls on a digital channel:lPrivate call: a call from an individual user to another individual user.lGroup call: a call from an individual user in a group to all the othermembers in the group.lAll call: a call from an individual user to all the other users on thecurrent channel.You can request your dealer to enable all call feature.Making a CallYou can make a call in any of the following ways:lPreset Contact1. Rotate the Channel Selector knob to select the required channel.2. Press and hold the PTT key to call the private contact, group contact, orall call contact preset for the selected channel.lContact List or Call Log1. Press the OK/Menu key.2. Go to Contact >Contact List /Favorite Contact or Call Logs >Outgoing/Incoming/Missed >Outgoing List/Incoming List/MissedList.3. Press the Up or Down key to select the required contact.4. Press and hold the PTT key to call the selected contact.lManual Dial1. Go to Menu >Contact >Manual Dial.2. Press to switch the display between the private contact or the groupcontact.3. Input a contact number and press and hold the PTT key to make a call.lOne Touch Call1. Press the preprogrammed One Touch Call Key.2. Press and hold the PTT key to call the contact.10
The radio displays , , and for an outgoing private call,group call, and all call respectively.Receiving and Responding to a CallWhen receiving a call, you can listen to it without any operation.The radio displays , , and for an incoming private call,group call, and all call respectively.You can press and hold the PTT key and speak within call hang time.Ending a CallThe radio will end a call when the call hang time expires.Call on Analog ChannelYou can initiate or receive a call on an analog channel with or withoutsignaling.Call Without SignalingA call without signaling is a call made to all the other users on an analogchannel without signaling.To initiate a call without signaling, do as follows:1. Rotate the Channel Selector knob to select the required channel.2. Press and hold the PTT key, and speak into the microphone.Call With SignalingOn an analog channel with signaling, you can make a call to a specificcontact on the channel. Do as follows:1. Rotate the Channel Selector knob to select the required channel.2. Press the OK/Menu key, and go to Contact >Contact List.3. Select the target contact.4. Press and hold the PTT key, and speak into the microphone.Message ServicesThe Message feature allows you to view, send, and delete messages.Viewing a MessageTo view received messages or sent messages, do as follows:1. Press the OK/Menu key, and then go to Message >InBox/OutBox >Inbox List/Outbox List.2. Select the required message.Sending a MessageYou can send a message or a quick text message, forward a message fromthe InBox or OutBox, and resend a message from the OutBox.11
Sending a New Message1. Go to Menu >Message >New Msg, and then type the text using thekeypad.2. Press the OK/Menu key, and then select Send.3. Select the target contact, and then press the OK/Menu key.Sending a Quick Text MessageA quick text message is a frequently used message predefined by yourdealer. To send a quick text message, do as follows:1. Press the OK/Menu key, and then go to Message >Quick Text.2. Select the required quick text, and then press the OK/Menu key.3. Select Send, and then select the target contact.4. Press the OK/Menu key.Deleting a MessageTo delete a message from the InBox or OutBox, do as follows:1. Go to Menu >Message >InBox/OutBox >Inbox List/Outbox List.2. Select the required message, and then press the OK/Menu key.3. Select Delete, and then press the OK/Menu key.To delete all messages from the InBox or OutBox, do as follows:1. Go to Menu >Message >InBox/OutBox.2. Select Delete All, and then press the OK/Menu key.12
Supplementary FeaturesBasic SettingsYou can press the OK/Menu key, go to Settings >Radio Set, and thenperform the following operations:If you want to... Then...Switch to or fromdirect modeSelect Talk Around, and then select Enable orDisable.Adjust the powerlevelSelect Power Level, and then select one of thefollowing as required:lHight Power: Enables communication withdistant radios but consumes more battery power.lLow Power: Enables communication with closeradios and saves battery power.Set the backlightSelect Backlight, and select one of the following asrequired:lOff: The backlight remains off.lOn: The backlight remains on.lTimed: The backlight automatically goes out if nooperation or activity is performed within theIf you want to... Then...preset period.Turn on or off theLED indication Select LED, and then select Enable or Disable.Turn on or off aspecific tone1. Select Tone, and then select the required tone.2. Select On/Off, and then select Enable or Disable.Turn off all visibleand audibleindicationsSelect Covert Mode, and then select On.Contact ManagementYou can manage the Favorites list and Contact List.Adding a ContactTo add a contact to the Contact List, do as follows:1. Go to Menu >Contact >New Contact >Input ID/Edit ID.2. Enter the ID using the keypad, and then press the OK/Menu key.3. Select Input Alias/Edit Alias, and enter the alias using the keypad.4. Press the OK/Menu key, and then select Save.To add a frequently used contact to the Favorites list, do as follows:1. Go to Menu >Contact >Favorites >Add Contact.2. Select the required contact, and press the OK/Menu Key.13
The ID and alias of a new contact must be unique.Deleting a ContactTo delete a contact from one of the above lists, do as follows:1. Select the required contact from the corresponding list.2. Select Delete Contact, and then press the OK/Menu key.ScanThe Scan feature allows you to listen to activities on a channel, keepingtrack of your team members. With this feature enabled, the radio searchesthe scan list preset for the current channel and stays on a channel withactivities.Turning On or Off the Scan FeatureTo turn on or off the Scan feature, go to Menu >Scan >Scan On/Off, andthen select On or Off.With the Scan feature enabled, the radio displays , and the LEDindicator slowly flashes orange. When detecting activities on a channel, theradio stays on it, and the LED indicator glows green. When the radio stayson a non-priority channel, it displays . When the radio stays on a prioritychannel 1 or 2, it displays or .Selecting a Scan ListTo select a scan list, do as follows:1. Go to Menu >Scan >Scan List.2. Select the required scan list, and then press the OK/Menu key.Time-out TimerThe Time-out Timer (ToT) feature allows the radio to stop transmissionautomatically and keep beeping when the period preset by your dealerexpires. To stop beeping, release the PTT key. You need to wait for acertain period (also preset by your dealer) to start transmission again.This feature aims to prevent a radio user from occupying a channel for anextended period and to avoid radio damage due to overheating.Busy Channel LockoutThe Busy Channel Lockout feature allows the radio to keep beeping whenyou press and hold PPT key when the current channel is occupied by otherradios. When the current channel is idle, you can transmit by pressing andholding PPT key.14
The Busy Channel Lockout feature aims to prevent interference from otherradio on the same channel during transmission.Real-time ClockReal-time Clock allows you to view and set time on the radio. With Real-time Clock enabled, the home screen displays time in the format of HH:MM;with Real-time Clock disabled, it displays --:--.lTo enable or disable time display, go to Date and Time >Time Display;lTo view time, date, and week, go to Date and Time >Time View;lTo set time and date, go to Date and Time >Time Settings;lTo change time format, go to Date and Time >Time Format;lTo change time zone, go to Date and Time >Time Zone.Voice Operated TransmitThe Voice Operated Transmit (VOX) feature allows you to transmit voicewithout pressing and holding the PTT key. The radio automatically transmitsvoice when the volume reaches the preset level. A higher gain levelindicates lower sensitivity, which requires higher volume for triggeringtransmission.To turn on or off this feature, press the OK/Menu key, go to Settings >Radio Set >VOX >On/Off, and then select On or Off.To set the sensitivity of the external or internal microphone, press theOK/Menu key, go to Settings >Radio Set >VOX, and then select theappropriate level.BT ServiceslTo derive optimal communication quality, use the wireless devicesspecified by the Company. For detailed functions and operations of thedevices, refer to the corresponding user manuals.lAny wireless earpiece manufactured by a third-party companymust be used with the wireless ring PTT supplied by the Company;otherwise, the radio cannot transmit audio signals via the earpiece.The BT feature allows the radio to exchange data with another BT-enabledevice over short distances (generally within 10 meters).To perform the pairing and connection, do as follows.1. Enable the BT feature of the radio through either of the following ways:»GotoAccessory > Bluetooth > BT Switch, and select On.» Press the programmed BT key.2. Make the wireless device enter the pairing mode.For the detailed operations, refer to the corresponding user manual.15
3. Go to Accessory -> Bluetooth -> Device Search, and select SearchPTT or Search Earphone.4. On the Devices List, select the wireless device found and then selectConnect.When the radio displays the prompt “Connect Success”, the wirelessconnection has been established.For a better audio clarity, put the radio at most two meters away from thewireless devices, with the radio’s front panel towards the devices.Digital ServicesOne Touch CallThe One Touch Call feature allows you to press the preprogrammed OneTouch Call key to quickly access a service assigned by your dealer. Theavailable services are as follows:Service Type DescriptionVoice Service To initiate a group or private call.Data Service To send a quick text message.RoamThe Roam feature allows you to enjoy seamless communication across sitesor networks.To turn on or off this feature, press the OK/Menu key, go to Roam >RoamOn/Off, and then select On or Off.To select a roam list, press the OK/Menu key, go to Roam >Roam List,and then select the required list.Analog ServicesTurning On or Off the Squelch Off FeatureThe Squelch Off feature allows the radio's speaker to keep turned on nomatter whether the squelch condition is satisfied.To turn on this feature, press the preprogrammed Squelch Off key or pressand hold the preprogrammed Squelch Off Momentary key.To turn off this feature, press the preprogrammed Squelch Off key again orrelease the preprogrammed Squelch Off Momentary key.Setting the Squelch LevelThe squelch level refers to the squelch threshold required for the radio'sspeaker to be turned on.To set the squelch level, do one of the following:16
lPress the OK/Menu key, go to Settings >Radio Set >Squelch, and thenselect Open,Normal, or Tight (from low to high) as required.lPress the programmed Setting the Squelch Level Key.Generally, a higher squelch level requires higher signal strength. If thesquelch level is set to Open, the speaker will always keep turned on.Turning On or Off the Monitor FeatureThe Monitor feature allows the radio to receive weak signals.To turn on or off this feature, press the preprogrammed Monitor key.Setting the CTCSS/CDCSS FeatureThe Continuous Tone-Coded Squelch System (CTCSS)/Continuous Digital-Coded Squelch System (CDCSS) feature allows the radio to filter outunwanted voice on the current channel.You can request your dealer to enable this feature.17
TroubleshootingPhenomena Analysis SolutionYou cannot turn on the radio.The battery may be installed improperly. Remove and reattach the battery.The battery power may run out. Recharge or replace the battery.The battery may suffer from poor contact caused by dirty ordamaged battery contacts. Clean the battery contacts or replace the battery.During receiving, the voice isweak or intermittent.The battery voltage may be low. Recharge or replace the battery.The volume level may be low. Increase the volume.The antenna may be loose or may be installed incorrectly. Turn off the radio, and then remove and reattach the antenna.The speaker may be blocked. Clean the surface of the speaker.You cannot communicate withother group members.The frequency or signaling type may be inconsistent with thatof other members.Verify that your TX/RX frequency and signaling type arecorrect.The channel type (digital or analog) may be set incorrectly. Verify that you are on the correct digital or analog channel.You may be too far away from other members. Move towards other members.You hear unknown voices ornoise.You may be interrupted by radios using the same frequency. Change the frequency, or adjust the squelch level.The radio in analog mode may be set with no signaling. Request your dealer to set signaling for the current channel toavoid interference.18
Phenomena Analysis SolutionYou are unable to hear anyonebecause of too much noise andhiss.You may be too far away from other members. Move towards other members.You may be in an unfavourable position. For example, yourcommunication may be blocked by high buildings or blockedin an underground area.Move to an open and flat area, restart the radio, and tryagain.It may be the result of external disturbance (such aselectromagnetic interference). Stay away from equipment that may cause interference.The radio keeps transmitting. The PPT/VOX key of the earpiece is toggled from PPT toVOX.Plug earpiece again or switch channel.The OLED does not display anyinformation. The OLED may not work temporarily. Restart the radio.You cannot use the keys. The keypad may not work temporarily. Restart the radio.If the above solutions cannot fix your problems, or you may have some other queries, please contact your dealer for more technical support.19
Care and CleaningTo guarantee optimal performance as well as a long service life of theproduct, please follow these tips.Product CarelDo not pierce or scrape the product.lKeep the product far away from substances that can corrode thecircuitry.lDo not hold the product by the antenna or earpiece cable.lClose the accessory connector cover when no accessory is in use.Product CleaningTurn off the product and remove the battery before cleaning.lClean up the dust and fine particles on the product surface and chargingpiece with a clean and dry lint-free cloth or a brush regularly.lUse neutral cleanser and a non-woven fabric to clean the keys, knobs,and front case after long-time use. Do not use chemical preparationssuch as stain removers, alcohol, sprays or oil preparations, so as toavoid surface case damage.lMake sure the product is completely dry before use.Optional AccessoriesContact your local dealer for the optional accessories used with the product.Use the approved accessories only; otherwise, we will not be liable forany loss or damage arising out of the use of any unauthorisedaccessories.AbbreviationsAbbreviation Full NameCDCSS Continuous Digital-Coded Squelch SystemCTCSS Continuous Tone-Coded Squelch SystemDM Direct ModeLED Light-emitting DiodeOLED Organic Light-emitting DiodePTT Push-to-TalkRM Repeater ModeSK Side KeyTK Top Key20
Abbreviation Full NameTOT Time-out TimerVOX Voice Operated Transmit21
is the trademark or registered trademark of Hytera Communications Corporation Limited.  2017 Hytera Communications Corporation Limited. All Rights Reserved.Address: Hytera Tower, Hi-Tech Industrial Park North, 9108# Beihuan Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, People's Republic of ChinaPostcode: 518057http:// www.hytera.com Z18512 Y271095202010000870A

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