Hyun Won >
Test Report No.: GETEC-E3-03-027 FCC Class B Certification APPENDIX H : USER’S MANUAL EUT Type: MP3 Player FCC ID : PCMDAH1000 Digital Audio Player @@@6X? ?I'@)X V'@)X? ?N@@1? 3@@L N@@1 ?@@@ ?@@@ ?@@@ ?@@@L? ?@@@1? ?3@@@? ?N@@@? ?W2@@@@@hW2@@@@6Xf?W2@@@@@g@@@@@@@??J@@@?he?@@@@?he?@@@@? ?@@@@@h?@@@@@hW2@@@? ?@@@@? ?7@@@@@@h7@@@@@@1f?7@@@@@@L?f@@@@@@@??7@@@?he?@@@@?he?@@@@? ?3@@@@hJ@@@@@h7@@@@? ?@@@@? ?@@@@@@5h@@@@@@@@f?@@@@@@@1?f@@@@@@5??@@@@?he?@@@@?he?@@@@? ?N@@@@L?g7@@@@@L?g@@@@@? ?@@@@? ?@@@@@@Hh@@@@@@@@f?@@@@@@@@?e?J@@@@@@H??@@@@?he?@@@@?he?@@@@? @@@@1?g@@@@@@1?g@@@@@? ?@@@@? J@@@@@@?g?J@@@@@@@@L?eJ@@@@@@@@?e?7@@@@@@e?@@@5?he?@@@@?he?@@@@? @@@@@?f?J@@@@@@@?g@@@@5? ?@@@@? 7@@@@@@?g?7@@@@@@@@1?e7@@@@@@@@Le?@@@@@@@e?@@@H?he?@@@@?he?@@@@? 3@@@@?f?7@@@@@@@?f?J@@@@H? ?@@@@? @@@@@@5?g?@@@@@@@@@@?e@@@@@@@@@1e?@@@@@@5e?@@@hf?@@@@?he?@@@@? 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Do not leave batteries in pockets with any metallic substance such as coins or keys.(Doing so may cause fire from the batteries contacts) Throwing or dropping the product can cause shock damage. Avoid sudden shock Any data lost due to careless use is not our responsibility. (Any valuable data should be stored on your PC) Caution when using headset Auditory sense may be damaged when listening to the music at a high volume for extended time periods. Using a headset while driving a car or riding bicycle/motorcycle is not recommended. Use caution when walking or jogging with device. Ear-in type headset should have a long wire to be located at the back of the neck. Do not ever disassemble to repair or rebuild the product as it may cause permanent damage. Table of Contents 10 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 42 43 44 45 46 Welcome to the World of Player What is a Digital Audio Player? The Product Specifications PC System Requirements and Accessories Hardware Descriptions About Power Supply Remaining Battery Indicator Software Installation Connecting the Player to a PC using a USB Cable File Download/Upload USB cable Separating Formatting OS Update LCD DISPLAY Illustration Power On/Play Power Off/Stop Setting Volume/Lock Functions Mode Changing Voice Recording Searching a Music/Voice File FM Mode FM Recording EQ Setting / Setting Range Repeat Selecting Menu Setting Display(Screen Setting) Timer Setting PLAY MODE Setting USER EQ Setting SRS SRS setup Deleting Files About Menu Catalog Remote Control Instructions User’s Guide It May Not be a Trouble In the following cases Warranty Services Warranty policy Product Certificate Welcome to the World of Player Thank you for purchasing our portable digital audio player, DAH-1000. This player is multi-functional-portable digital audio player, playing MP3 & WMA files, FM Radio and Digital Voice Record. The player is equipped with internal flash memories, 128/256/512MB. You can now enjoy various contents ranging from digital music to conversations using the most advanced digital audio player on market. Note: The copyright of this product belongs to Hyun Won Inc. anyone who wishes to utilize illustrations, pictures, software, and other documents related to this product shall have a prior approval by Hyun-Won Inc. Anyone violating this regulation will be subject to legal charges. The content of this manual may change without prior notification. What is a Digital Audio Player? Product Specifications What is the MP3 file? Product Specifications MP3 stands for MPEG1-Layer3 and it uses a compression technology that converts conventional CD music data into an MP3 file format that is used on a PC, at 1/12 compression ratio. It provides CD-quality music. 1/12 CD Data MP3 Data 1/2 MP3(MPEG 1/2-Layer 2/3, 8~320Kbps & VBR files), WMA(Microsoft Windows Media Audio, 32 ~ 160Kbps & VBR files), ADPCM for Voice Recording and new formats by Firmware upgrade - Built-in Flash Memory 128MB / 256MB / 512MB - Music Play time 8 hours with WMA(64Kbps) & 4 hours with MP3(128Kbps) per 256MB - Voice Recording Time Upto 18 hours per 256MB - FM Radio Recording Time Upto 18 hours per 256MB - FM Output Frequency 87.50MHz ~ 108.00MHz - FM Signal to Noise Ratio 50dB - FM Output Power 16 / 7mW(Right & Left) - Audio Output Frequency 20Hz ~ 20KHz - Audio Signal to Noise Ratio 90dB - Audio Output Power 16 / 7mW(Right & Left) - PC Interface USB 1.1 - Download Speed Max. 4Mbps - Power Supply 1 x 1.5V AAA Alkaline Battery - Battery Life Lasts about 12 hours - Dimensions (W x H x D) 40mm x 80mm x 15mm - Weight 37g (1.30 Ounces) without battery WMA Data What is the WMA file? It is a multimedia compression method from Microsoft. The technology specifically compresses music data from the “ indow Media Technologies”. As it provides sound quality equivalent to 128Kbps using only 64Kbps format, it takes only half as much space as MP3 file format for compressing music data. What is a Portable Digital Audio Player? It is a portable device that stores and plays digital audio files, which once were only playable on a PC. Digital Audio File - Audio Format Digital Audio File Internat PC Communication Digital Audio Player Hardware OverView PC System Requirements and Accessories Front PC system requirements Power On/Play/ pause/EQ - Microsoft Windows 98, ME, 2000, or XP - Pentium(or Compatible) 200MHz or Higher - 32MB (64MB for Windows ME or 2000) Main Memory or Higher - 30MB free hard drive space or Higher - CD-Rom Drive and USB Port - Internet Connection for content downloading Volume Up/Down Accessories LCD window A. Program CD B. Stereo Earphones C. User Manual D. USB Cable F. Carrying Case Right E. 2 x AAA Alkaline Battery UP I. Remote Control (Optional Item) MODE button included accessories may vary depending on the market. Connection port for USB cable Connection port for earphones/remote control About Power Supply Remaining Battery Indicator Using cylindrical AAA type batteries Remaining Battery Indicator At its initial start-up, remaining battery indicator may fluctuate. After 5 or 6 seconds, the display will show the actual reading. (based on battery usage) Open the battery cover on the back by pushing it in the direction (full) (medium) (Low) Due to the characteristics of regular batteries, there can be situations when the product dose not operate even when the battery level indicator shows above medium level. When this happens, please exchange the batteries with new ones. (alkaline batteries last longer than manganese batteries) * Exchange to new batteries when the following happens: The indicator displays “how battery” sign. The player stops or does not respond to pushing buttons. LCD light does not turn on when buttons on the main body are pushed. of arrow. Insert AAA batteries with correct polarity positions as shown in the picture. Inserting batteries in wrong polarity positions may cause damage to the product Type One 1.5V AAA-type batteries are needed Alkaline battery MP3 play 12 hours 1. Continuous play time After fitting the cover to the groove, push it in the direction of arrow to close it. Using 1EA : 12hours 2. Conditions for usage time output: 7mV(L)+7mV(R) MP3 128kbps At Vol 20 Above values were measured using commercially available alkaline batteries, and actual usage time depends on the type of batteries, manufacturer, and usage conditions. Software Installation Software Installation 1. When you insert the installation CD in the CD-ROM drive, the following screen appears. 3. Click [Finish] button to complete installation. Finish! Click! 2. When the following screen appears, select the folder you wish the program to be installed in and click [next] button. 4. When the following screen appears, click [OK] in order to reboot the system. OK! Click! Connecting the Player to a PC using a USB Cable Connecting the Player to a PC using a USB Cable Note The digital audio turns on when connect USB USB port. 1. Connect one end of a USB cable to one of the USB ports on the back of the PC, and connect the other end to the player. Player -Down- note: The LCD displays USB Connected Ready” Click! Click! 3. After installation is completed, the device information shows as follows. Please refer to “start -> setting -> control panel -> system -> device manager” DATA In/Out port (USB PORT) Be careful with the direction of insertion USB PORT USB cable 2. The system will automatically install the required driver with a message saying it is searching for new device. In Windows XP, click as shown in the following picture. Click! Note In order to assure smooth operation of the product, connect the USB cable directly to the USB port behind the PC. Connecting the USB cable to the frond-side USB port or through USB hub may cause connection problems. Using Player simultaneously with other USB peripheral devices such as a digital camera or a scanner may cause communication errors with its software, so please try not to use them together. Click! 10 11 File Download/Upload USB cable separation 1. Connect Player to the PC. 2. Execute Windows Explorer. 3. Select the file you wish to download/upload, then store the file in the folder selected using “Copy -> Paste” or Drag & Drop. Separating the USB cable from the Player After completing file transfer, please remove the USB cable using the following method: Note LCD display shows “WRITING” during file downloading. Unplugging the cable while still downloading/uploading may cause malfunction of the product. 1. Before separating the USB cable from the PC, double click on the “Unplug or Eject Hardware” icon on the toolbar located at the bottom right of the Windows screen. Dubble Click! Caution At one s discretion, don t amend or delete the file settings.dat from the memory as it is a system file. Maximum display file size is 256 characters. 2. Select the USB device to be separated, then select the [Stop] button. Click! 12 Click! 13 Formatting OS Update 1. To format using Player program: After connecting the player to the PC using a USB cable, select and exeute “Hyunwon inc DAH900 Mp3 Player -> DAH900 Format” from “Start -> Programs”. Push the Start button to proceed. Be cautious as all files will be deleted and cannot be restored after the formatting. Download the OS for the player that is stored in the PC by default. OS (Operating System) is the integral operating system that controls the operations of the product. 1. Recovery Mode: The system will enter into the Recovery Mode 5 seconds after connecting the USB cable to the player while pressing and holding the Play button on the player. When running the Recovery Mode for the first in XP, the screen for layer Recovery Device Installation appears. Select the [Next] then [Finish] button. 2. To format using the Windows Explorer: After connecting the player to the PC using a USB cable, select the removable disk from the Explorer, then select the “Format” option by right-clicking. Click! 2. “Player Recovery Device” will appear in Device Manager from “Settings -> Control Panel -> System” 14 Click! 15 OS Update LCD DISPLAY 3. Execute “Hyunwon DAH900 MP3 Player -> DAH900 Update” from windows desktop “Start -> Programs”. When the following message appears after 10 seconds, select [OK]. MUSIC MODE b c d e k l Click! 4. Execute once again “HyunWonInc., DAH-900 Mp3 Player -> DAH-900 Update” from windows desktop “Start -> Programs”. a. Proceed by selecting the [Start] button. b. When update is completed, finish by selecting [Close] button. FM MODE a. Displays the current frequency tuned b. Displays the remaining battery life c. Displays MUTE (FM On: antenna shown, FM Mute: no antenna shown) d. Displays FM mode e. Displays the current volume level f. Displays the Stereo / mono status g. Displays the HOLD status Note If you proceed to update without selecting “ uick download”, every file on the player will be deleted. 16 a. Displays music order and music title. b. Displays the current music status( ),( c. Displays the current play time of the music d. Displays the file format e. Displays the total number of music f. Displays the remaining battery life g. Displays the file compression rate (Bit rate) h. Displays the play mode Radio mode i. Displays the current volume level j. ( )Normal, ( )Intro, ( )Repeat 1, ( )Repeat All, ( )Random 1, ( )Random All k. Displays the current equalizer/WOW l. Displays the HOLD status c d 17 Power On / Play Power Off / Stop 1. Power ON : When you push the PLAY button ( ) on the product, its power turns on and it goes to the stop mode, after displaying the product logo. 2. Play: Press the PLAY button ( 1. Stop: When you push the PLAY button ( ) on the product shortly while playing music, it will stop the music. If you push the PLAY button long enough from either play or stop mode, the power will turn off after displaying the product logo. 2. If there is no key entry while in pause/stop mode, power turns off automatically according to the configuration of Auto Power Off or Sleep Mode feature. ) to play music from the stop mode. 3. Pause: When you push the PLAY button( music, it will pause the music. ) shortly while playing 18 19 Setting Volume/Lock Functions Mode Changing 1. Volume Control You can control the volume level by using VOL - / VOL + buttons on the product while playing music. Volume level can be set within the range from MIN (00) to MAX (30). You can adjust the volume level step by step by pushing shortly, or adjust successively by pushing long. 1. Push the MENU button for 2 seconds or longer. 2. Push the MENU button again after moving to the desired mode using the FF/REW Button. Music Mode 2. Lock Function When you move the hold switch on the back part of the player to left direction, it displays When you move the hold switch on the back part of the player to right direction, No other key inputs from the product body will work, displaying the HOLD( ) screen to indicate the lock status. If the MENU/HOLD button is pushed and held long enough from lock mode, the lock icon ( ) will disappear and lock mode will be released. Voice Mode FM Mode Note When the power is turned off using the PLAY button( the most recent mode set is stored 20 ), 21 Voice Recoding Searching a Music/Voice File 1. Voice recording starts when the REC/A-B button is pushed for 2 seconds or longer. 1. Searching a certain part in the file while playing. A certain part can be searched by pushing and holding the FF/REW buttons while playing. Releasing the buttons will start playing from the searched position. 2. Searching a certain file during while playing. The next/previous track is played if the FF/REW buttons is pushed shortly while playing. If the REW button is pushed within 5 seconds after a track started to play, it will move to the previous track and start to play. If the REW button is pushed 5 seconds or longer after a track started to play, it will move to the beginning of the current track and start to play. 3. Searching a certain file in STOP mode In STOP mode, you can move to previous/next tracks and search a certain file, by pushing the FF/REW buttons shortly. 2. When you push the STOP button( ), the recording process stops and a new voice file is created. The recorded file is stored in ADPCM file format and will have an extension of ADP. Adjusting the volume level while recording would not affect the recording volume. The recording volume is maintained at a constant level. Voice recording stops automatically when memory is full ( ), and the file recorded up to the stop point will be stored. The sensitivity may vary depending on the distance from the sound source. Be cautious that separating batteries while recording may cause malfunction. The file created after batteries have been separated while recoding cannot be played. 22 Note VBR (Variable Bit Rate) file: MP3 file, which has different compression rates depending on the progress of music. In case of VBR files, pushing the REW button within 5 seconds the track started to play, may not move it to the previous track and play. 23 FM Mode FM Mode Choose FM mode using the MODE button. 1. Searching a frequency manually You can manually search for a desired frequency by pushing the FF/REW buttons shortly. 4. Storing frequencies automatically Pushing and holding the PLAY button( ) in FM mode scans frequencies from 87.5 MHz to 108. MHz automatically and stores the frequencies picked up automatically. When storing frequencies automatically, it stores from number 1 again (PO1). 5. Searching/Releasing frequencies stored Pushing the REC/A-B button shortly in FM mode searches frequencies stored in an ascending order. Pushing the REC/A-B button shortly in FM mode searches frequencies stored in an descending order. While at the stored frequency, pushing the MENU/HOLD button shortly releases it. 2. Store/Release of a frequency manually The frequency searched manually can be stored by pushing the MENU button shortly. Pushing the MENU button shortly once a frequency is stored, will release the frequency. 6. MUTE Function Push the PLAYbutton shortly in FM mode. The antenna icon( ) will disappear in the screen and there will be no sound. Push the PLAY button shortly in order to release the MUTE function. 3. Searching a frequency automatically If you push and hold the FF/REW buttons, it searches for a frequency automatically and stops at the searched frequency. 24 Mono/Stereo is selected automatically. Up to 20 frequencies can be stored. 25 FM Recoding EQ Setting 1. Push and hold the REC/A-B button while listening to FM. It will start recording the FM broadcasting being received currently in an ADP file format. The recording volume is automatically adjusted to proper level while recording. 2. Push the PLAY button A file is created in the voice folder and the recoding stops After recording, the volume level returns to the pre-recoding level. EQ Setting EQ mode will be changed while playing a music by pushing Menu button. Normal Rock Jazz Classic Pop EQ 1 EQ 2 TB SRS WOW It may cause deterioration in sound quality depending on the source of music. You can enjoy with better sound quality by setting the EQ as desired. Also, you may not sense the effect of EQ when the volume level is 25 or over. Setting Range Repeat The files are stored in the order of V001, V002, ...…, and recoding stops automatically at Memory full status. Memory Full Be cautious that separating batteries while recording may cause malfunction. The file created after batteries have been separated while recoding cannot be played. 26 REPEAT MODE (Range repeat within the currently playing music. ) 1) ‘ ’ is displayed when you push the REC/A-B button shortly while music is being played. 2) After 3 seconds or longer, push the REC/A-B button again. The Display shows ‘ ’ and the player repeats the ‘A B’ section. When you push the REC/A-B button shortly once more after 3 seconds, range repeat between A and B positions is set with a display as in the figure. If the B position is not set, the range repeat functionality will not be configured. 3) Pushing the REC/A-B button shortly will release the REPEAT MODE. 27 Selecting MENU Setting Pushing the MENU/HOLD button shortly in music/voice mode changes it to MENU mode. Button specifications in MENU mode After moving to the desired function using the FF/REW buttons in Setting, select it using the MENU/HOLD button. Select Setting on MENU MENU mode status Button PLAY STOP FF REW VOL+ VOLMENU REC/A-B Duration Short Long Short Long Short Long Short Long Short Long Short Long Short Long Short Long Short Long Short Long Left Right Current status Menu Mode Menu Mode Menu Mode Sub Menu Mode Menu Mode Sub Menu Mode Next status No changes 1. Resume With the restore functionality, it provides the convenience of reuse. It completely restores all the setting states such as Volume, EQ, Play list, etc. of the last music played, when you play music again after a normal stop. You can select one of ON/OFF. Power Off MENU mode released Power Off Next item selected Next items selected successively Set value changed (increased) Set value changed successively (increased) Previous item selected Previous items selected successively Set value changed (decreased) 2. Backup Delete This function initializes all the stored set functions and one of ON/OFF can be selected. When this function is ON, all set values are initialized to the default values when played again after a normal stop. Set value changed successively (decreased) Menu Mode No changes Menu Mode No changes Sub Menu Mode Saving & Exit Menu Mode No changes Lock Unlock 28 What is the normal stop? It refers to the stop by pushing the STOP button for longer than 2 seconds or the automatic stop by the TIMER functionalities, not due to removal of batteries by force. 29 Setting Display (Screen Setting) 3. Search Speed Select Display on MENU Search speed controls the speed of Fast Search and it may be selected to one of 4 / 8 / 16 / 32. After moving to the desired function using the FF/REW buttons in Display, select the function using the MENU/A-B button. 1. Contrast Contract that sets the brightness of the screen can be set from 1 to 11. 4. Intro Play Time Intro Play Time: For listening to only the intro parts of all the stored music, one of 2” / 4” / 6” / 8” / 10” can be selected. 2. Scroll Speed Scroll Speed: the scroll speed for the music title can be set to between 1 and 5. 5. Recording Mode When Voice/Radio Recording, you can select one of 32 / 44 /64 / 88 / 128 / 176 / 192 kbps Bit Rates. 3. Back Light Time 30 31 Setting Play Mode Timer Auto Power Off (automatic power saving mode): At “MENU/A-B button -> Timer Select -> Auto Power Off”, push the MENU/HOLD button to select the auto power save time. (Disable/1min/2min/5min/10min) Play Mode (repeat MODE setting per music) Select the Play Mode by pushing the MENU/HOLD button shortly from play or stop status. After changing the Set Play Mode using the FF/REW buttons, push the MENU/HOLD button to set the play mode. Normal Intro Repeat 1 Repeat All Random 1 Rancom All Sleep Mode: At “MENU/HOLD button -> Timer Select -> Sleep Mode”, push the MENU/HOLD button to select the auto power save OFF time. (Disable/10min/20min/30min/60min) Normal : plays music files in order, for only once. Intro : plays only the intros of all the music files in order. Disable Repeat 1 : repeats the music selected indefinitely. Play Back Position: When the power is turned off automatically as above, becomes PLAY LIST or frequency channel (in FM mode) status. Repeat All : plays and repeats all the stored music continuously in order. Random 1 : plays all the stored music once in random fashion regardless of the music order, and stops automatically. Random All : Is the same as Random 1 except it repeats indefinitely. 32 33 Setting USER EQ Setting SRS Setting USER EQ What is SRS? SRS is one of the most representative 3D sound technologies, that was developed by SRS labs. Player supports two USER EQs (USER EQ_1 USER EQ_2) 1) Select USER EQ on MENU 2) Select User EQ from User_EQ1 and User_EQ2 3) You can control when the display shows 5 BARs (supports 5 Bands) 4) You can select Band using the FF/REW buttons. 5) You can adjust the value of selected Band using the VOL+/VOLbuttons. 6) The set values can be stored by pushing the MENU/HOLD button shortly and long. But if you push the REC/A-B or STOP button, the set values will not be stored and it will be released from the previous selected item or MENU. Setting SRS 1. Select WOW using FF/REW buttons after pushing the MENU/HOLD button shortly in play or stop mode. Push the MENU/HOLD button shortly again. 2. Select SRS by pushing the MENU/HOLD button. Then set the Level using the FF/REW buttons. (total of 10 levels) What is TruBass? It delivers the same effect as having larger speakers, by improving the response of bass sound and low frequencies. Setting TruBass 1. Select WOW using FF/REW buttons after pushing the MENU/HOLD button shortly in play mode. Push the MENU/HOLD button shortly again. 2. Select TruBass by pushing the MENU/HOLD button. Then set the Level using FF/REW button. (total of 10 levels) What is WOW? It consists of FOCUS function that enables the detection of even the very small sound in addition to SRS and Trubass functionalities. You can enjoy the 3D sound and rich bass altogether. 34 35 SRS Setup Deleting Files 1. When you push the MENU/HOLD button in PLAY/STOP mode, the Setting Mode is displayed. Select “ERASE” using the FF/REW buttons. Headphone select feature you can experience better SRS effects by setting the headphones and speakers in use. 2. When you push the MENU/HOLD button shortly, a warning message “Are you sure you want to delete this file?” shows on the LCD screen. Choose “Yes” or “NO” using the FF/REW buttons. Headphone Select setup 1. Push the MENU button shortly while in play or stop mode. After selecting the WOW using the FF/REW buttons, push the MENU/HOLD button shortly once again. 2. Push the MENU/HOLD button after selecting Headphone Select. Set the Headphone or Speaker using the FF/REW buttons. (experience more enhanced SRS feature when using Headphones or Speakers) 3. The file gets deleted when you select “YES” using the FF/REW buttons and push the MENU/HOLD button (canceling is not allowed while deleting). is a registered trademark of SRS Labs Inc. WOW Technology is licensed under SRS Labs inc. - When SRS mode is selected, the previously selected EQ mode switches to NORMAL mode automatically. - Select a proper volume level, as setting the SRS will increase the overall sound - Files with sampling frequencies of 32KHz, 44.1KHz and 48KHz are supported. - SRS functionality is available only in music mode. 36 Deleting files is done from the current music in a sequential order only. What is the Erase function? It is a function to delete files without connecting the device. File deletion functionality is not supported while playing. 37 About MENU Catalog Select About on MENU Product information such as OS version, total memory capacity and available memory amount, etc. is displayed. 38 39 Remote Control Instructions Remote Control Instructions Mode Change functionality (Music Modes Voice Mode FM Mode) – Pushing and holding the EQ/MODE button from stop mode or FM ON mode, switches the mode in sequence as “music modevoice mode-FM mode” in order. Play Mode switch function Pushing the EQ/MODE button shortly in stop mode changes the ‘Normal- Intro-….’ 4. Operating the player when the player or remote control is in HOLD mode (an icon displayed on the LCD) - The buttons on the remote control are still recognized even if the player is in HOLD status. - The buttons on the player are not recognized if the remote control is in HOLD status. Earphone Jack VOL+/ VOL- FF PLAY/PAUSE REW STOP HOLD EQ / MODE 1. The remote control is consisted of 7 buttons and a HOLD button (PLAY/STOP/VOL+/VOL-/FF/REW/EQ/HOLD) 2. All buttons except the EQ/MODE button have the same functions as in the player. 3. EQ/MODE has the following functionalities Range Repeat Mode (REPEAT MODE) - The Repeat Mode changes to ‘REPEAT A’ when you push the EQ/MODE button and to ‘REPEAT B’ when you push the button again in play mode. The REPEAT MODE is released using the STOP button. Equalizer (EQ) Change Functionality - Equalizer setting changes when you push the EQ/MODE button in play status. 40 41 User Guide It may not be a trouble in the following cases. The instructions for using the Player are as follows: 1. Insert batteries after verifying the polarity. 2. Connect PC to Player using a USB cable via USB port. 3. Purchase or download music files via internet or PC communications, then store them on player. 4. Detach the USB cable from Player, then turn on the power. 5. Now please enjoy the digital music with Player using earphones. Caution: Case Check Action Does not respond to pushing buttons Batteries or rechargeable batteries are put properly? Put batteries properly with correct polarity Battery or rechargeable batteries are exhausted? Replace the batteries or recharge the rechargeable batteries Lock is in the HOLD position? Release the lock Loose contact of the earphones to Player Make sure the contact is tight Battery contact is loose? Insert the battery properly, then close the cover completely Abuse the buttons when pushing? Press only the necessary buttons accurately The digital audio player Be sure to make tight connection when connecting the earphones to player. If malfunction occurs when playing the product after separating the USB cable, remove the batteries and reinsert them after a moment. Using Player simultaneously with other USB peripheral devices such as a digital camera or a scanner may cause communication errors with its software, so please try not to use them together malfunctions The batteries are exhausted? There is a music file on the memory? Download music files to Enough battery life remaining? Replace the batteries or recharge the rechargeable batteries It does not download MP3 USB cable is connected properly? Make sure the connection is properly made the player does not connect to the PC Is the USB cable connected properly? Inspect the cable connection status again and connect it properly Install the CD program to It does not play MP3 Please refer to our website for more detail (http://www.mobiBLU.com) Is the driver installed on the PC? 42 Replace the batteries or recharge the rechargeable batteries the memory the PC 43 FCC RF INTERFERENCE STATEMENT WARRANTY SERVICE Customers are entitled to warranty service for a period of one year from the date of purchase. Warranty service does not apply to defects resulting from customer fault or acts of God. Note Non-warranty service shall apply to defects resulting from: 1. Infiltration of foreign matter, such as water, liquid, or sand. 2. Breakage due to dropping or severe impact. 3. Damage to or deformation of the outer case caused by organic solvents, such as benzene. 4. Use of parts other than those certified by the manufacturer. 5. Loss or breakage of any parts or components caused by unauthorized disassembly. 6. Repair or modification done by any persons other than manufacturer authorized personnel. 7. Acts of God, such as lightning, storm or flood. 8. Purchase from unauthorized retailers. For more warranty information and service options in your place, please visit the Hyun Won Inc. web site at http//:www.mobiBLU.com This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio ommunications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures. - Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. - Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. - Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. - Consult the dealer or an experienced radio, TV technical for help. - Only shielded interface cable should be used. Finally, any changes or modifications to the equipment by the user not expressly approved by the grantee or manufacturer could void the users authority to operate such equipment. CAUTION Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. THIS DEVICE COMPLIES WITH PART 15 OF THE FCC RULES. OPERATION IS SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING TWO CONDITIONS: (1) THIS DEVICE MAY NOT CAUSE HARMFUL INTERFERENCE, AND (2) THIS DEVICE MUST ACCEPT ANY INTERFERENCE RECEIVED INCLUDING INTERFERENCE THAT MAY CAUSE UNDESIRED OPERATION. 44 51 MEMO SRS is a registered trademark of SRS Labs. WOW Technology is an intellectual property of SRSLabs. MEMO
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