Hyundai Electronics Co HGC-900 Single-Mode Cellular CDMA Phone User Manual

Hyundai Electronics Industries Co Ltd Single-Mode Cellular CDMA Phone Users Manual

Users Manual

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Document ID56121
Application ID79wd6srpwHswvkNpDbSS1A==
Document DescriptionUsers Manual
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize478.58kB (5982225 bits)
Date Submitted1999-08-24 00:00:00
Date Available2000-01-12 00:00:00
Creation Date1999-08-19 12:08:50
Producing SoftwareAcrobat 3.0 Scan Plug-in
Document Lastmod1999-08-23 17:48:18
Document TitleUsers Manual
Document CreatorAcrobat 3.0 Scan Plug-in

. u
Features of the Product _
chapter! Before Using .
Prenitinns __ 9
Checklhecnnlm': 1°
Name una Fundinn nlbci Plrl |I
- purr Name of Body
. Functinns dung Dia ,
- Function Bunions ..
Screen Slalur thl-y und Functiml
Ihllery lmtrlhlinn rnd nernuvul
- Buttery installation
- Emery Removal
Bauery Charging
~ Charging Progress Stllus
~ Emery FuII»Chuging Time _.
. Bauery Run Tinlc(B-11cd rm u New Ballnryi in
uneienr llsenrliunuy _l 19
bunny nun Time Acmdlng In Smite Environmml. zn
.» Slul Mode. 20
- Service Sun-s Ind Ballery Standby Time _
Chapter 2 Basic operation _
Basic Operntinn unberbuue
‘ To mm on "it phone
- To turn ollmephone
~ To nukeaull
- To receive mil
Chapter 3 Memory Function 4 23
Tom-phmenumberprelmfilllyu 27
Toslonamrrleptelmlhlly .u
Kmdllnflzhputmingthehoflbmn 19
mm rbmnerlupuwlngibunbmlburm 31
snedulsymbdliupurusluglnelsymbonbnwn _ ~ 42
rum-e purine numbm rulolmtkzlly In thetekphonebook ..1|
rdmibmmd number! Mel
. One~|ou¢h Diuling Funaion
. Two-touch Dilling Function
~ Call alter checking me eunienl ofnnenmbnwo-mu'cn)
. Call using a nam up one mlm
. Call using the call history
- Call using u hidden phone number
To semb rbe stored plum numbers
~ To semb using a pan nr num
‘ To use the tune nuchim: lumlion
T0 erase In: stored pin»: number: .
~ Tu erase a phone number ..
~ To erase 1 hidden plume number
To nudity the stored plum: numbers
- To modin u plume number ..
To mudiry rbe stored mm
~ Tunindiry a liar"
Tu nmnlge niermmd plume number; by grnupn
~ Tu rcglslcr (ninrliry) plume numbers by gmups _
~ Tu uullullnllcnlly mgislcr plume numbers m u gimp _
- Tu rchslcr u nnred plume number in 1 ynup
- Tu erase a group oratored plum: numbers
- Tu change a group rumc .,
To set : rlmd phone numbr: lb onNouth
To bide u mind pbune number .
To protect a rlored pnnne number
Taller! u slmd pbnne number I4) vnlczdkl
Chapler4 Convenient Functions __
How lonserrmlnr -
Menu Structure
To ermmrl screen smug
~ Bunon sum lig rng ncnon .
. Cnrnge greetings _
. Menu display ninaion
. LCD brightness oonlml.
~ World rime fimcliorl .
- Am code lllmmlfic insmioll
Receive Mode Selling
~ Raceive mode
~ Rlnger rype selealon
- Ringer volume contrvl
~ Aulmn-tic answering function
~ Key lone vnlnme connnl frmellon
One-touch Enrlun Leek Fllncllon (Jog)
Emergency Cell Dhl rnnennn
~ Emergency call .
Call Recordhlg Ftlmflon
~ Previous cull time cheat
- Roaming all time check
~ Air time check .....
Alarm Function
- Service ehlnge allrm
. One minute |.llnn ,
~ Qll mmfion alarm
THIIIIII‘ lnforlmfinn Pun—flop
~ May phone number check
‘- Version check ,,
Fum‘fiom Anlhble during 1 Cal
. My number sending tuncl .
. Mule number storing funcliun
' Sending lone block flullclion
- My number check function
~ Recent: lone control fun: .
~ Electronic nnllng (mien .
Vokr mum [lumen
. voice dialing fnnttinn
~ Erase ull
~ Autolnl c
Chapter 5 Supplementary Funclluns
Mdody Em A.
~ Melody enny rnnerlurr
- Listening to melody
~ Tunpocntry
. Bimhylhm
Resend Cd!
Slaw-15h ,
Calculator .
Elnruene hrnrnn
~ Efiqudle l‘unclion
Chapter 5 Secret Functions .....
lmk hunttlon
- Anlomm u on
- To change rne lock code
Use Rmrlction Ennellon .
- Use restriction lunclln
‘ Selling are reeelye rejeeno
~ Lnelr rlre outgoing cull
~ lack lire memory use
~ [Mk rue inlenrannnnl all use
Mernnry Emernnerlnn 4;
~ Buselhe slomd number
- Erase call history
~ Eflse line can lime
. Erase the roaming:
Rtseulng Ennerien l
. Rescuing function .
Chapter 7 SMS Functions
Renelvlng Korenn/Engllsll Mixed Mange
- wnen receiving mess-gee
. To check me received mare .
Sending Korean/English Mixed Menage
- To send u mesrrge
Chapter 8 premfix.
Opfionl Ant-swig
- Compomls ormnds-free cur kit
a onen..
mun. Fliluru
881582553 22‘33282
was of the Product
This prodnfl Is a WWW lermlml deslqmd Ior dlqllnl communication
nsllw lhe up-h—dflle mmmnlmilm ledlnoloqy CDMA {code Division
Mulllphlmtsb to Mill Me! communlcuolon services (of users.
Pleuomdewihls user: manual print I0 uslnq (his mduet
‘ bite fi ‘ ~ j'fTiZu')’ ~ Three Four
Karean Menu, , Support of Korean] , More clear cu" quality Long~run battery with
7 Korean LCD ‘ English mixed SMS. by adopting EVCR power save function '
um 17 Roman (mm m a m pm. on mew: “mm A m votodar fiuhmlagy 5ch ms mm...“ m. bumry and super e
displayed on on: ma. you on {rm 1; mam 4 w mm- mm m assure the ma power-saving daugn Hyper"
' \ disflnwished ml! qmlily mm: min-m 5a bun-1 numb/and;
e m mvirwumnu. min-4m “On-innu my
, callfinu.
e. ; xFii’é“ z.,
The wephmne hook me: me first superfompad my type human-
um first In tn: nation that functions engineering design in the nation
a mm at: 20500an Van'ux awkmemw mmm chr-compnc' flip type cf mm m and m: jug dull m
“mflmgmwf mmmm “WMMMM
wmmmutmmw’ WWFWM'W"
Chapter 1 “m“
Full-charge flu
‘ bnflcry when you
‘ firs'us: me
Do m use a: a high
umpumm and humid pm;
Rzpqirlng may be mmsible .f
it 9m m m m min or with
aim-lung want,
Do not dnmsunbiz
ar modxfy m
Lower Ma
("new or do '
M. much" mm vibmmnm imputfund
during n (all kup m phone a! u sci: place
ya avoid domes
whm you do in! nu i'.
be run (1mm: pine with on m use at n ylnu win.
mm: liquids snchos solm'ur Mcxplosivc mnur'ralsur
”Mun mmmaqm
ck the contents
Thank [or Durthnslnq Ihls product. Flrsl, Menu check "the cement: M
the prodtxl came wllh the parts gNefl In the "on" below.
”W 4 MahIeCnflger
4 mm Manual
4 mun.” nnuwm
, no 4 mung.” 4 gym-mm
e and Function of Each Part
o nnwerlm lump
sum during (Allan: at
0 main!
"ml lo Imcn to IM
ulhfl pm, dun-n; .
4 a“
4 Jan DIM
M 101 mm»;
mmnunsws’h n my»,
mum, Mum m
“m. val-um
and mum.
0 III! Smell
m. uph- 27 Knuau
flumknm .
finlemm o
um mg mum-l an.“
mu [w m. tall
inel Butlnn o
m .‘ lummy N nu
m» "w
«an hm"
Dialnullon » a [arl‘nlmc
um“. m . ‘ ; llllltmnnane]
uumlx ‘ . Ihd nuuaull
‘ . mm» mm...»
lflitmphone . ‘ , unantl mun
lYLrllh>[-(J mix , dual-animal
Mlle! puny Juvml z ‘ by «has [Mex
““ M hulk)“ is mad mg
arm 15 In: hum (Se-vi
Cum 0 mummy“: m
A unso- vmm m n. and 1, ,, Ihr body!
mum t “u a! n ma
MM rm,
e and Function of Each Part
Jog Mal PM
You can us: "135 to Sn L] fwcfim menu or On call a phone
109 DIM lln
You can search we (wilful menus of m Velephom bank or
euus according 90 me all lu'slury, Also, you can se« me
dlsplny syn/1 ha one or two steps (le, fast).
My Mal nown
Us“ In scurth mm and numbers 06 lhe ”JapMn: book and
in mm. the fmeriou menus Alsa. you eun 5“ me d-spluy
spud 1a ane or ma s'eps (slow, my)
You can eel/release me lumm lock by pushlng me you dud
long when the em is dosed.
fine and Function of Each Part
Used m enter a submm or sum me setting vulund
gt lu make a cull or reeewe a cell.
; - Used |n urmmuu'h: milmd m em from'he
iv mum mm or mm mm me pawn. .
e y Used lu eheek cht and voice messages‘und to
: sel/mleuse 1M euquem mode by pressing this Mun
~ ' , ‘ Used la ”use ehuruems or numbers displayed on the
{g screen or to but from m: current mew.
u v , Used laf thulme mluue iumfianww Is usedn
¥wg ungr or zdivspmnl (hammers.
, A I Used In enter or edu various chamcnrsv
‘v ‘k Uszd to sale" flu mum; on fine LCD walk "I: scroll
w kw mum
lluusedlmwumlmpddlalupudm llama“
nolumhmm‘vgwm _ ~
Status Display and Function
(Signal Slicnglll)
The strength a! me signal mum is indiutcd mm ma
ma of beams)
Indicates "mm art in other scrvl'u nun beyond 7M
service urea.
[Smite/I1» Sen/Ice)
Indvcoled us a m a sum avwlable am arid us fix m A:
sum unavailable arm
Xmficnled during cell allempl or mum
(Slwrl message 3mm]
sum when mm on an or me messages reach/ed.
[Digital lilode]
Indimud during calling or standby in digital mod:
[Mugtr/UIhfalinn Seledlnn]
Indium! as ‘ mm vhc ringer mod: is sclzcled and as x
whzn m vlbmfim mad: 1: wand.
[Biliary Power]
Indian-s m curtail bcmry mu mlh (M numbn- of bar
ery Installation and Removal
Adjust the hungry in m
bumry mslalling mark as
shown incl) nnd men pms it
ngmly in drrulich) mm it
Balm-y lm'un Mark
vamnmbanurympmpwmmm-sm mmmlynflmw
m blllfly maybcujmad museillltmllnshlbd ligmiy. , /
Pull m bonny removal lob
of me plum wi'h on: hand m
dnmfian (Dead than mum
n m dmmn (a
ery Charging
J ngmna upm waging-Se mmmqllmly.
Power [annenl'an
ouncl flu jack of m ponoble
charger inh m: conm'or on
the rear side of m holdzrmd
mu. mm the ma- unmade
imn mg plug
ommrm muffin-
[nursing battery only
mm m battery ima m
thargmg m m urdcr to charge
M: m; hungry
tnargmg phone with
battery Installed
Inslall llu hungry to the
plum and than "um ll m'o
nu chargmg $10!
ery Charging
Charging during traveling
Connect rm jock of por'nblz
(Purga- lo Nu connector of
m bonom of m; phone
0 Bmumm-kuallmlclwu
m: pm: wuh me pumhk May
Charging tomuletion
m m: lamp films on durlng
charging and flu 9m" my u
llgmd arm charging .;
a cum (in may m «am a! (hung mam, my be deluded ll me
ylnme u mum ll. mm. m a m m, rut-Me china
. hlenhmlnm‘mmwpmumevmkblenwulllhemlmp
- Pluxdwplhehzmrylflhtlhflmwnfihmhphweuvfllmfilfl
m", m Pawn hdhphyad u lbs LCD.
. A: mmmymyhtdumld unmamuuwumwm
ollbyhmuflwpwwkdiryllyedmmm dnnnxlunonlupombul
lmmcdlndy Rplibe men-my or ml. the bunny
ll me lamp am not lum on al pll at In: m lamp blinks. chock ma
mucl pad M lm balm ‘
ll i: am no! mm wally am 10le ma mm 4-5 llum.
comm. mu swim comer.
ery Charging
;:5§s‘.._41“‘w“ v a
(mums Slat Mode 1 23 ~ 24 Hours
5m Mod: 2 29 - 58 Hours
- Alpowerumsumwwn m win all ml: 1x um mm m standby slam. m: standby
lime haw-m am ii men" um: hum-ex
o Bukvy run lung mm; on environ-maul madman m z; lempcnlum um chargmg
shu.hlbilofluing m: pawn.“ mm“... .| . mm pm mu key [ad Ilghlmg
mm “imam
a 0mm mnlinnoux xundby um: my dxfiemcpendm‘ f... me flu mmlc ulna! sew/Ice
W mm mm cnmmnmtllion wan or 1 mice um".
0 sum mode means we mam-"mm cm: mm". m mug communiulm system
ma myhnnc m di‘ilalmlmuuus x-Mby m 1mm: xlm mod: u. um mm:
{mm m commnmuliou km we shone: Ihe mm», mu 1: as me pawn
bouxumpmxl imam
ient Use of Battery
Do not plan m; war, near (In and do run disassemble iv and
gamma pinsv 0
hm my be a flan“! afzxplmkm
Do rm gnu u strung "an“ to Mt pm nur drop w.
m, mum as (in mum mud: m: mm pack may he advmely mm»: m:
us Menu» may he slimmed ,
a: sure we use m spzuiled baiury and the deducted chnrqzr
Be m m use lb: xpml'ml am as the body mi m: balmy may he damaged u
As (he mm, 15 n cansu’mblt, the run um: decrmses swy
according m rcpt-1nd mummy/4mm”
mun-M : m. » n In
“my pmvnled umn mum",
“durum; hchlw u hflluvuqmgd mu. m
The phone or ballzry has a 9m chorgug (”fluency uv 11 normal
Do m marge In: balmy m a plate wllh aim lay; “r nm 01 um mac! «1 hm
[mm a hem-rm m: r“ Immlwmlllmr
can”... eirmrmy wvll dn‘uau a n u u» no. or will and chuglnl mu mun ..
1 mm ltmpemlth
Keep uh; bonny m a normal nmpzm'urz.
cam", nflhe mm, flaunts ma nx Helm: becomfl shun mm bunny u an
m m. wllh me wmhwsclmed m swam-nor u . pm: ma ma mud m a 1m.
ery Run Time According to
Ser 'ce Environment
Mam a: mum mu, m we... sends information rewired for th:
pm. with m specified cycle In mix m, n it called mu yin plm we;
in an made and m mu is cailod xlnv cycle Ava'lnbh slot cyclz lypes m o - 7
Wig it is m mkn'ing with me system
Pmmmlng mm mum.
swl cycl: lype 0. my“
mum bunny pom cmmptiqn]
smyuuype l, um
r,“ Sim cycle Iype 7' mum
(lam-54 busy pm. mummy
o Bauer, run lime depmds nn slol cycle types which are used diversdy
cum-ding tn servinc command service am
Depends on Si“ cycle rypee
> Ave/fly: pow elm-1mm.-
Amng: we:
0 when you are in a no service um for a long mm. the power comma
is us much as me pom consumpfiovl in slot cytlz we 0.
Chapter 2
» »;A;l.l;l.;,,l.,
ic Operation of the Phone
Press [v] lumen uniil the lamp
lurns on
0 Ann mm Mmphwt. all Mum (mm
lmflumrx) wil| lppnv 00 me LCD in! I whil: Ind
dluppul IM men (In: "mug: Hylmdtl Eleclmm
“60m and you: plan» numhu will be maphyed in
mmlnunlme naive rm mum mummy vollue
lndkmx will b< dixphycd in um. I! you It: in I no
service ml. 7: wlll Minimum,
O lime Danny Val)“ is unenkly hr. the pm: wlll
“scrim-anal, and. “way law. may law ma
will he displlynd on 1h: mg; ml llk dell m wlll
mm puhd‘mlly.
0 mm m ml 1mm]: iuliyphya on line [50,11
“It plume flak unmet-u: A [NI-di‘il Wk M: In
mm 0 (Kaler m M; m
o A. mm mum“: luphyfll an H» K'I) mam-m A
mm all me plm. mm mnlm . mu mm: «nlel
"um-gynllrlllm 111, ll], llnlun
b: termed evtvl m bck mm.) 1h
e i”
Press [vlbufiun mull llulamp %
turns ml 09an w
i l
call lime, plum an and railway are: am mly ml 5. com
normally it you mm mm mm by naming Inn mly.
»|..ul.vm. Lb». Mum
ulumn flu: »
n.lm.l-; Il\lfl1!lhl3|‘wlll(ulr.w4tl mule,
mun" u all l. ml mu. n all ll.» "ml-l
. I'uhmllll llKIu'lI-llll'Iumunlllrplwuu 1J|w40||¢wulvli~llflx1
mm. ml
sic Operation of the Portable
If 311 is "glued on the Lab. pluse
may: from me mum ma as you or:
m a na sum om.
Enur flu nun code and thul A: phone
0 Yolanrmuvpmn ' ‘ fall: null)“.
Press [7] button
a K unluwmmwnudmplm
“Muhammad-tin um "mean
In conneclgd. call limit will be «mama,
, Mn scum ma minim be
L 45‘le m, \
@ mm callul party -s busy, press [7 Human and than puss
[v 1 mm.
sic Operation of the Portable
in: mm lamp blmks and the ringer
n his m p06 m than“ ll»: receive m
(Ringer/Vi iw Vlhmwn ' ill-get)
a Deb-ll! mm med: upon plinth-slug .x
TM call will be comm-Jed automatically
® when ynu open the com.
o Vweaommcl Illcullhypruxing [my
lv llv ll A llmumsevenlhe
new! u mm
o I! you an m: Aulnmllic mmin,
mm. m min all! Inwmlliully. w
law will ring by new amt-ml Ind
Ihrn me all will, he tun-sum
mmmuimlly (“gimp pm.)
Wm m: call is cnwud, fl and
@ me still time will be dlsplayzd an m
scrzul Press m: [v 1 burn». or
elm w my u VumiMu a call.
Chapter 3
tore a phone number
ulllaslund Mlemlywmvudw: as“ "Ms. he phom numbevssumaon
Press 0 dzsired phone number and
men press [Character] mm
. A menu: Mm... . um enuy mu be
displays-1 n- we LCD
II 500 numbers have fiready been
slam m" [ ‘] bullet! k pressed.
All mmmm mu und will b.
«payee mm mm m mm a:
mo lu‘rfil LCD. ‘~ \
EMU‘ mm
. nxmmhmm fun tum rum-d
me nu am hum. ry- m mun. mm,
a n w.- med um um: me mg. pm: um
um mu... m not: u dimlly
o u y... ma xmvdil‘xfl'wu “r 1h: nllmhe!
mu mum: |n|>ul aim lune 1mm. rm
[Chanda] hum. 17!th ween will
nnlmmnlly mum to u» phat! number
aw mo.
0 Reltrlow 19mmxwunch-mm
and page n lawman-mum
min when
Puss m [Jog] bnnun ,
numrmm nun hdhqllyed
o Selm - Mind gnu-p nu ump um",
chewing. um Nonp
@ mun-e uogl hullnfim men
tore a name preferentially ean character input using
the [Jog] button
Comm! the [139] bunon awn on me
ch askmg a mm:
o A mm. m mm me in‘mn and or 1
whim! Km name mu mm
Szluv vhz imrial sound of M: mm.
o Cmml ll): (1an human Up In move IM
- mm min." bum pm no mm m
cum in ma ma on mama
o Pm! 1031 human to (luv t npzcinl
. Mmmculwl
Rape-at the nbcvt until all a! flu!
dtsired thamciu‘s an. unwed
- m: m p... n mm mncu: inn
“In, durum bailout to aim mum
1025 —(‘1
o Puss mg [a Jbunon in mm- the loflnwmq (mm;
a new lhnuon menhunwwmhfiwimaelthmnhammmm
@ Puss m (1091 human uftzr all of
ihc dmud characters are amend on; 9 mm. mm "mum-ml!!! rim.
. cm“ mu, mum“ ,'"'" | B l a mm mm: lumalimlly mm! m nu m. w m mum um selecliu 1
0 Gama on m 5m (0 lw
, V g Repui mg abovz mm m at m: demred damn": an wand.
0 yumm-puxxmmmmupnuwmaum,
o Currn'mg thamctzrs whgn wrvm; characters on mend.“ an
cial symbol input using the
[symbol] button
Special Number Input
0 Press [Symbol] Milan during chamcnr lapal. Then, m: semen ro
mm spulal symbols mu appear.
qulxymhol lnpul m ... spam. made
.Lamlz flu cursor on a dwred symbol and press the [lag] button.
0 Repm' llu abm umll all of me down! spacial symbols m
o Mmmuurw
”plum lea/em
will-m (Wm
tore phone numbers automatically
in the telephone book
Cull hlsvory in! maximum 500 numbers ls nulomallcelly shred ln
Ihe lglephone book. The hlswry Is flared hated on outgoing calls
and Ike ldenllcal Inlormallon B shared lull uvdallnq lhe cull data
The tall hlslorv ls nllqned In Me order of (all lime In (M “(when
opus; [vjordase lhzcnurnflercallls u a u-
flrllsllled. ' 00 : 10 1 50
. Call «ml; m nulumllicllly plum: and llu mu 0?
zullmmiulkyrelumslnllnln‘uhlscmn. l‘Jgg—n
. ll all JIM sou memonn m mp IMoldle on: al
(he numhen lo! orolcslefl will he deleltd o
anlmmliully-ndrhzmwnumha Milkmen. u . lu-
. In lh’n am, ma lallwia; um mnu‘c will up i Hymn C-Il-ivu
MM luuszlna
H I CA H i Ila I 1:45 AM
Allngnnlia o'ummmlaplm ,
vaginal hook.
\___...._ a»...
. Ax il a unpuuibk lo am wiping lumbar: llall al
Ins marital-pad n an. new phone lumber will
m be ma ln Atrium. Ill: lawn»; aha-mum
will bf mphyaa.
la ‘ c - AB
All nun-Wis
we» ma
se the stored numbers
This section describes various mlhods Io dkll maximum
500 phone numbfl‘s stored In me ulevhont book.
You can flulvn Ihe lrequmlly used phone numbers In mommy a locallon
number 00419006 dhdy did m. lei! Mb": delmaud wllfiwt pinning
[vlbunm Mmmmoolsmlormwmwflmulwumnwm)
Puss mg nn=4nmh mmhu longer
Manon: szctmd or dial the nM~Iwch
mm and pm; m w) um“. n,
«mm a all to the phone number
carrmndmg yo flu «munch nwnbzr.
» m di‘played Ale-l aid! m ont-lmch
o u H mm. n and In me many
um. ,
a w» m any” in mm
number it man will M numb! hm
mm (M, mm m M number
wi“ nu be dixphyed nun Inland n
0 Ila: m wk Inn—7c Mm llmclkm
“(an m was) 1: an fix an code will
mmly he nomad we the number
v Mandi-nu, V , ~ , f
® Press "in "m digit of a manor, m" (1049) short and m
second di
se the stored numbers
You can display the MOM shone numbers Includllw one-

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Modify Date                     : 1999:08:23 17:48:18
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