Hyundai Electronics Co HWT-120 Single-Mode Cellular CDMA WLL Terminal User Manual

Hyundai Electronics Industries Co Ltd Single-Mode Cellular CDMA WLL Terminal Users Manual

Users Manual

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Document ID101903
Application IDSm3AurH6xkuO/c17BIsk9g==
Document DescriptionUsers Manual
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Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize97.37kB (1217087 bits)
Date Submitted2000-05-24 00:00:00
Date Available2000-06-27 00:00:00
Creation Date2000-05-24 15:46:07
Producing SoftwareAcrobat 3.0 Scan Plug-in
Document Lastmod2000-05-24 15:54:08
Document TitleUsers Manual
Document CreatorAcrobat 3.0 Scan Plug-in

"H Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.
Puma-ail“ Amman, But w.- x“ cm r.Kg
SW W. G. Park C! G, B. Kim H J l(26)
(ma-a by um“, by Dan: mm.
FWT Team G] D H. 100 FEB 28, 2000 I
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HWT»! 20 User Manual
Fixed Wireless Terminal
User’s Manual
Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.
m | Icam
‘fl Hwndat Elcctmntcs tmtusmcs Cu . Ltd
hat: or. \-.. m cm m-
Feb 28, 2000 LI 2 (26)
--- Table of Contents --~
1. Before the Use
1 . I Components.
I] Name and function ufeaclt part.
1.3 Cautions
II. Installation
2.1 Genera nstallation
2.2 wall bmckel installation.
2.3 Installation of external panel antenna (option) ..
2.4 Installation for data service
Ill. Basic Operation ..
3.I Power on IS
3.2 Power on" . I5
3.3 To make a call .....
3.4 To answer a call
35 Analog 03 fax servtce
3.6 Data service.
IV. Additional Functions
4.I Speed dial. . .. ..... ......
4.2 Emergency call hold
4 3 Hot Itne .....
4.4 Alarm rclnlndur
4.5 Lock
4.6 Eztrptccc urltttttc umtml
1.7 Rein-l lo dclnttll utlucs
| 5mm...) or Ana-......n I tttlcttons (Summary Table)
z fcclttttcztl\‘|\~.'ufictt||nn
w “run iwl t...m
in August 1996 the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) of the United States
with is action in Report and Order FCC 96-326 adopted an updated safety standard for
human exposure to radio frequency (RF) electromagnetic energy emitted by FCC
regulated transmitters Those guidelines are consistent with the safety standard
previously set by both us. and intemational standards bodies. The design of this
phone complies with the FCC guidelines and these international smndardst
This device was tested for RF exposure compliance with the back of the phone kept 2.5
cm (1.0 inches) from the body. To comply with FCC RF exposure requirements, a
minimum separation distance of 2,5 cm (1,0 inches) must be maintained between the
user/bystander and the back of the phone, including the antenna.
For more information about RF exposure, please visit the FCC website at W. fcc. gov
“H munda-lzieumminausmcsCo. mu m M w n» (W
5 (26)
Feb no 2000 LI
I. Before the Use
The product is WLL terminal (Wireless Local Loop Terminal) designed based on CDMA. one oflhe
most advanced communication technologies to fully satisfy your demands for improved
communicarion services. Please, make sure no read lhroughoul the manual before the use
* Notes, Before the use, please link the terminal IO (he backup battery. as (hey are nor connected at
the lime oflhe delivery. You can refer to "2.l General installation“ oflhe manual.
1.1 Components
Thank you (or purchasing this product Please check wherhcr your purchase includes each of (he
l'ollowmg cements,
- Antenna -
, use»: us mm
,' ' l
b l
urwvum l
- I‘mwr Snpph {SN/IFS) - - l'xer Mallrml- - Scmw - (Options!
l n l.‘..l.m..v..s\ mi “highlsuxu ..i in mm
"H llmndm lilculnm-c» Imllhlrnrx’ (0.1 m (in:
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1.2 Name and function of each part
powers. LED
j SE
. I’mer 1 I)
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, Il|c|fl|num|un h..-uxcdmllnuucxwumlImuul) u ||u-|...m..\rm|m h NHL-ml
A“ .- m4 m mm“: m am An Wm
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"H llynnthtEIcclromcs inauttnctc‘otta n... Dix sin le- cm a.“
Feb 28. 2000 l l 5 (26)
0 Battery LED
It displays the status ofthe backup battery
- It is on ifthe backup battery is connected,
- The temtinal uses external power il‘tt is avatlable and the backup battery will be set to charging
- The LED blinks when the backup battery level falls to a certain level and ifthat happens the user
should charge il using cxiernal power or SMPS
- The terminal can still be operable within ten minutes alter the battery starts blinking.
o Service LED
it displays whether a call can be made or not
- LED off: It means service is not available as the receiving field strength is weak
- LED blinking: it means service is available even though the receiving field strength is weak.
- LED on: It means the receiving field strength is high and the service is available
DC jack
The part is a receiving point critic SMPS or power supply device for (he WLL terminal.
- AC input power between 90 and z7ov can be used for the SMPS.
. Serial porl
The pen is for maintenance and data cunniltlnicatlon orthe WLL lcrminzlc
RJ-II jack
lite pan is Io connect a Subscrlbct \ |c|upl|tlllv
- As N0 |acks are provided. tut: |Ci\![\i|l|||\.‘\ ulll be connected at the saute little One can"!
xubflllulc the other,
, You can use any orthe lWDJilLLx Ill ulllllCLl tl plume
- lip (0 livt: Iclcpltones can he CUIHIs'tJtJi ti- Illu |< I- ll iack
. l’owcrsuilch
[I it n» cunncct putter [0 the WI | tum-nu
nu mi- tn t. n \\l it.“
”M Hyundai l lwrmnm iminsnm u» Lid
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I | 6 (26)
Feb 28. 2000
ll Please do not dissemble or modify the WLL ier nal on your own
2) Please do no! hold me antenna during xhe call or lei ii comaci any or your body pans.
3) Please do no: use ii in high iemperamre and humid place lx can be non-repairable ii“ ii gels we! by
rain or by soil drinks.
Jl Keep it safe from vibrations and shocks and place ii in safe place when you don'r use it
5) Do not use it where explosives and inflammable liquid is
6) Do not clean Ihe WLL terminal wilh chemicals like solvent.
7) Remove lhe SMPS and backup baiiery from the WLL lcrmmal i“! is left unused for long period of
l\\l n”.
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01” HyundaiEIcctmnwslntlustr-tzs('n.thl um a“ 5.»
Feb 28‘ 2000
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II. Installation
2.1 General installation
”Tum otrthe battery switch on the bollom ofrhe terminal.
2) Open the cover by pushing the fixing lermmal on the back of the terminal toward the direuion of
the arrow.
3) If the cover us “pent you can see the cmtnccltvr ctmnected (0 the backup hanery. As slmnn m the
following figure. hold the connector “uh uh (ratlllpihaped part being placed m the flbtwc icn,
pmh n w the (hrcumn ol‘thc arrow ztml CullllL‘Ch ll m connector on the circuit board
Backup Batterv r?“
anc n the Lt'nllt‘tjlvl u urnncclctl m npposllc \\r|}\ from the milrucuun. n ttm huh.» um
mpaunhlc tin-mgr m lhc Icvnmmfi ”mum tllctk “mm H n "mum-u unreal) but.“ H.“ mm» u-
w “J.“ W. m nu rt m
"J" Hymn“:l'lcclmmcslndustncs Gotta hm hm xt.
Feb 28. 2000
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L] 8 (26)
the next step.
4) Place the cover baek afler connecting the battery connector to the one in the circuit board And fix
it with screws.
it I hrnw tn lhc antenna as shown In lhc following
guru and connect II by turning II III CluCL-Wlst‘
1M nlttvul Ilh: tclcplttmc lxldfldxllk‘) in thc I(I—|1 mil 4“ Ittllmn You can II“: an} M |I|c tut» IU- ll
M. Mr ”mun-“Hull \Ht.;ln,.n, a mi it..."
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7) Connect the SMPS (0 ihe DC-jack in the Iefi slde ofthe terminal
in any more.
Push [he power jack gcnlly umil It does not go
L». Nu; In
(In \VII'\ W.“
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"H mum. hlcctmmcs tndmtm c.» t m
Feb 28. 2000
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9) Turn on the battery switch on the bottom of the terminal.
A her that, it operates as followings:
o The LED ofihe currently used one will be on alter all orthe three LEDs turn an.
0 The servlcc LED turns on ifthe servwe is available
t minim.“ uh.” n m, "M.“
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Hyundai 4 lcnmmc; luduwm (1s . l m (mg l).- xu In (Me
Feb 23. 2000 LI
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2.2 Wall bracket installation
I) If [he wall is made of concrete, place (In- insmllmion sheet on ma wall and drill down [he
fundamental holes
lnslullfillon Sheen/
ll Place screws on the holes as followmgs
_, 1! funm
‘ ll |l|.: “All lx uhnlv nl “owl, mu llnn l lmu h» AIHII All-“ll Imlm l’lJu Illc mwlllllllllml xlvccl .||Nl ll\
\LI|.'\\\ on u
“h.“ nllsmntc leuccn Illc “all Iu llm \\lt.'\\ Imul xlmuhl In: kcpl ax dumn m Illt.‘ Ilgulu El
mud.» .; .< m kw
‘H manna.manmmhuman-wu- 1m um m. M.
Feb 28, 2000 1 | l: (26)
3) Put A] and A2 pans Ol‘lhe lerminal on the screw head and press (hem down lo hold.
J) ll ml] be seen as followings afier (he inslallallonl
sac“ .cq....u|
m m (llc
bruckcl {N [ha
Im licllu Lllll qualln uvu mu ulxlall cucllull I‘4IIIL'l llnlcnlm (I’ll \ ”mud llln: \L'I|llUI vl mu
Mm m grl lllc [mud “mm.”
m. 1mm» hum-u n mm m um wu lummul m |l|;|| u h... (“huh mllmul “on“. r... w"
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‘W llwndai Eleclmmes Industries Co. ua
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FebZS‘ 2000 LI I4(26)
2.4 Installation for data service
1) PC connection 10 WLL terminal
WLL Terminal
(PC (‘unnc
‘\s shown ||| Ihc nhmu figure mnnccl flcrml pen of WLL wrmmal Io COMMCOMZl ul’ I‘(‘ wllh
RSZSZ cable
km [0 WM. 'I'crmina| for Dzna Scrvicc>
\ .-u.m.un..y...‘ \‘\ucm "mm“ u.... w "gunman-Y IWI m."
“H lhulldalElectlamtzfilnduilntzx’t'u Ltd on: tat x.» 1 Ka cm rm
Feb 28, 2000 H 15 (26)
Basic Operation
3.1 Power on
3.1.1 Using external power
Connect power supply (SMPS) to DC-jack on the lefi ofthe terminal and then insert a power plug of
SMPS in the outlet At this time. push powerjack with adequate force until it is no longer pushed in
When power is applied to the terminal. all of the three LEDs are turned on and then the external
power LED on the top is turned on. Ifcall is available. service LED on the bottom is turned on.
3.1.2 Using built-in battery
When you apply power. using the battery built in the terminal. select the battery switch on the bottom
oftlte terminal as on. Then. charge the battery fully. lfextemal power is applied to the battery. it will
be automatically charged. ll‘power is fed into the terminal, aII oftlte three LEDs are turned on and
then the LED in the middle of them is turned on. lfcall is available. service LED on the bottom is
turned on.
3.2 Power off
In case the external power is applied. just pull out the plug of SM PS and. in case power is applied by
built-tn batteryi switch orrthe battery on the bottom ofthe terminal
3.3 To make a call
3 3 1 General
I! YOItCt’m itcttttt dial tone Ii ymt pick up tut-mm lll otlrhmyk >ttttc tn'tt t. tn. “3&ch yottcim hear
warning tone» every 0 Srbccmltll
3) You cannot "nuke any call |I'|i ix in no SCHILL‘ stun: or when the \Cl\ILt,' i ll) |lllll\ nil
:t I’tess the Ilttllll‘lct oi }0I|t’ ttttttttct-tntt and utIII mt rout t-tgttt tuttttttt. Ilic tni “I” he connected
ti talk to each other nltcn tllu Ctlll Ix wt up
it Pin the IL'CUIVCI tlnutt tn lllllxlt lllc call
3 3 2 Redtal
nit- rtttttttutt ti tut-ti to |||ttku .. t.t|| n tn titt- ttttntim llltll ttttt llll\t’ hint-ti lllc int-n
II Vim tint Ct'lHIt‘Ll It! lltL‘ ttttttttm titttt tt-tt init- c.tnt~t| lllt’ littttt In t-tttttt; tp titt- lL‘CCIVct Ellltl
tin-Mtg tltt’ hunk ~\\|ICl\ n ll t\ w" Iltxl tnl tlllct lllc mum sl.tll\ hang xtlppllctl Ilih ltll|Cll0|l
“tn not tttttt
w l'lL’k tttt Illv: tct -ttt-t Jittlcllck titt- llotlk mutt. Rele- ttttitt- deem“... m 1 < tat. lllt.‘ tint “hit:
it lttlk lt! cttclt tililcl ttltcn the null is set up
ll I'tlt tlontt thc ttxcnm lt‘ Iltnslt the uttll
' t t.t.t.~.ttt.< MAI in."
"H HyundaiiluctltuttcsIndustncbi'oJld lhte M \n
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1.1 I6 (26)
Feb 28, 2000
3 3.4
End of dtgit
You can send the dial by clicking hook switch within the sending stand-by time (4~8 seconds) afier
l) Pick up the receiver and dial the number.
2) The dinl is sentjust after clicking the hook switch. Refer to the description! in 3 S for the click time.
3) Talk to each other when the can is set up,
4) Put down the receiver to finish the call.
Speed dial
To use this function, speed dial function should be set up. See Section 4.I for setup
I) In case of I digit
In case OI~09 is used as speed dial, pick up the phone and press the last number (0~9) and hook
switch or hold the appropriate number.
Ifcall is connected, have a conversation with each other. To terminate the call. hang up the phone.
2) In case of! digits
In case IO~99 are used as speed dials, pick up the phone and press the number I0~99 and hook
switch. or press the firs! digit shortly and hold the second digit.
It’call is connected, have a conversatton with each othen To terminate the call. hang up the phone.
To answer a call
II the standard telephone is tn on-hook status,
mutt nn the plume when it rings tn xltlltdtttti telephone
3 I.t|k n- tint. other when thccnll n «t up
¥| t‘ttt tlmttt the receiver to finish the will
It the standard telephone IS in off-hook status.
it intuit |I|t: phottt: b) presslttg tin- Itottk much nhcn nng signals nn» inn-ti I” the tut-char or
‘ltttitltntl tclcphtmc
1. int tn wnit other when the La“ |\ wt up
it I‘m t|tI\\tl the tccctvcr to finish thu LJ"
t. , nu min-tn no ,,.. twt tn."-
“H HyundaiEictllumcsInflllsltlcat'u Ivld lhtr ow xv a“ tan, in.
Feb 28. 2000 LI l7 (29)
Analog G3 fax service
To transmit and receive documents by using analog 03 tax service of the terminal equipped with
analog 03 fax board, follow the procedures
To transmit documents
Press “00" before entering the number Dime called party After that, follow the ordinary procedures.
To receive documents
To receive documents in analog 05 the set the analog termination mode.
Pick up the transceiver of fat and press ""‘*|5"‘. This will set the termination mode ofthe analog
GS ("ax (operated in this mode until the power is off).
You cannot receive the v0tce data it" you do not release the termination mode, To release the mode.
pick up the transceiver ofthe fax and press "“‘ I0“.
Data service
This service allows the Internet access. PC communication and data transmit/receive via fat by
connecting PC to WLL terminal
A few service providers ma} not support the wireless data communication Please check il before
using the service
It is necessary to purchase the czthlc tor Li‘dlil communication from service provider
for the compntcr preferences tutti “the: il||0ll||illl0n. picttse refer to the user manual tllldChL'd ttt titt-
purchased cable for data cttttttttttttttutttttt
Set the data sewtce terminating mode
it llasctl Oil IIIc standard ltll‘lflulllt'
stt mttthttttot mt \lvlt,|tl tottttt
titts t‘ttttctttttt ts ti) s’ct ttp tettttttttttttg IIItltic tlcculdltlg to the type tti dint! same imxcti tttt tttt»
slittuiilrd Itlcphflnc cottttcttt-tt ttt \\t I lclllltlltli
Put up the stattdttttt Iclcpltmtc s IctL'HCl prcsx ****Ifl*‘ titts ttttt ttttttt» l||\' tt-ttttttttttttt;
tttttdt» ot’ttttttt xcrt tt-t- state-ti
that up t|lt.‘ Nltllldllltl ltiui‘ililllc s text-nut: press ****||* |||I\ \\||| ttttttc tilt tt|\
- l||ttdt.‘ wt itttlrltllui |l|\l t-ttL- Illllc ttt Iittx tttttdct Artct IU illllltllcs, this tttttttt- “I” i».-
tctctsctt itlllttttlullcilih
Put up |||\' sttttttittttt tt-tt-tttttttttu mutt-t, ptcss -**>l<*i1* ”its tttii» tilt tttt
ltlllllllxlll .tt ttt this tttt.ttt- tII|lI| IiIL' ptntct Ix "in
tact up ||tc Hilltt'tlld It‘iupltttitx’ s tttcttut ptt-ss >I<>k>k>tt<‘ ”llx “I” tttttttv [in "unit.”
tttttttt- wt ttttmt
lcllllllltlllllg ttttttic wt ttttwttttttt lllxl um ltltlt,‘ ttt tttts Illttdc) After it! i|lll|ti|c~ titts tttt-ttt ttttt t-t
ll"\:d\\.'k| tillll‘llldllLillll
"H tttttttttttt Flccttlmtcx lndtMncSCtn I,ld tnta
Feb 28, 2000
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H I8(26)
5) Pick up the standard telephone's reoetver. press ‘****I4*‘. This will make the modem
terminating mode set (operated in this mode until the powtr ts om.
49 The default IS '****I0*‘
2) Based on AT command
Thts function is to set up the ternttnattng mode according to the type of data service by using
communication emulator program of PC connected to WLL terminal.
1) Enter "AT+HDVAD=0' in emtttator program and press Enter key.
“OK‘ thI be displayed when the setting ts completed. This will make the terminating mode of
data service released.
Q) Enter ‘AT+HDVAD=l‘ tn emulator program and press Enter key. 'OK’ will be displayed when
the setting is completed. This will make the fax terminating mode set (operated just one time in
this model Afier IO minutes, this mode will be released automatically.
37 Enter ‘AT+HDVAD=2' in emulator program and press Enter key.
‘OK' will be displayed when the setting ts completed. This will make the fax terminating mode
set (operated in this mode until the power is all),
4; Enter 'AT+HDVAD=3‘ in emulator program and press Enter key.
“OK' will be displayed when the setting is completed. This will make the modem terminating
mode set (operated just one time tn this mode). Afler I0 minutes, this mode Will be released
Fttter 'AT*HDVAD=4‘ in emutator program and press Enter key.
OK" thI be displayed when the selling ts compteted Thls will make thc tttodetn terminating
mode sot topcratea itt thts l||()dl.' ttttttt the power IS om
lltc default is 'AT‘HDV.‘\[) ll"
\ll t-slrl- at |\\ I lmm
“H Hwntht hlectromcs tndnstnes CD . Lttl
Feb 28. 2000
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1,1 I9 (26)
Additional Functions
Speed dial
Speed dial function enables you to register frequently used telephone numbers as addresses in advance
and make a call last by invoking the numbers. Up to 99 telephone numbers can be entered and initial
state is set as OFF.
Registering telephone number
Press WJZJJ-HAL enter the address to save as 2 gils and enter the desired telephone numbers
consecutively and lhen press ‘ button (save).
KM3233~I~ [fladdress (2 digits)—~telephone numberq' entering lelephone number
Deleting telephone number
Press ~K3233~l-2. enter the address to delete and press ' button. To delete all or the registered
numbers‘ press “323-443 and press ' bullon.
”3233—4 fiZfladdress (2 dimlsia ‘ ' deleting individual address ( I l
15:13“ | 7.34: deleting all the addresses
Selllng (On) and clearing (off) speed dial function
Press 13234! <4 andvprcss ‘ bulltin (Om chn ll'a telephone number ts saved in mentor) (ttldtess.
speed dial mode can operalc mil) |I Spot'd mat t'trncrttnt ts WI m ON
luclcar the funcl|on_ press u. r. u 4l ~< nun prcsx - billion tom
setting speed dull lituctttm (0M
clearing spectl nun function tt ll l l
Speed dialing (making a call)
II .| lt'lcpllonc number Is lcghlclutl Ill lllc llpplnpllttlcAtkins“ nnn xpccll tlrnl ltnntnnr n sci l(l\> n ix
ptMllilv (0 make a call nun tn cult-ling tin» nppllvprmlc ztddrcw in um- lllc lufllxlcrctl inure“ n I
drgtt ml 00). yen curt utztkc .t \1I|| lust ht Ittrldtng lllc ill»! rltgtl. tn plcxfl"; tltt- tltgtt xilullh tutti
pn-mng lilc hook mtrrtr
In tnw Ihc reglslclcd name‘s n tnrnlt» \||\ nt Int) tilglh t to mm, pt. trtn nuke .t tnn rust tn pit,“
\ slmnlt tllltl t.'lll\l
Ilh run tllgll shortly 2I|li|l|t||tl|tl~1 |l|t.- mnnt tllgll tn tit-Mug htitll tin- |\\tv
tlit' Iltvt-k \\VllC|'|
New «Dawninn “lug-tut Ju‘tl I\\l Imm
“H ttyttntiit ElcCImmcS |ndt|§m¢$C0.le inn Im.‘ wt. I tt. taut
Feb 28. 2000 It!
20 (26)
42 2
Ifyou attempt speed dialing when speed dial function is OFF, you hear rejection tone and call is not
Emergency call hold
Emergency call hold function enables you to register up to three telephone numbers (Oi-03 addresses)
in preparation for urgent situations and to make calls fast With the abbreviated dialing. Calls remain
connected unless the called party hangs up the phone, and the initial slate is set as OFF.
Setting (ON) and clearing (OFF) emergency call hold
Press ”3233AI—6 and press ‘ button (On). Emergency call hold function can operate only if the
telephone number is registered and emergency call function is set as ON. The method to enter the
telephone number in the 0I—03 addresses is the same as 4. l . It
To clear the function (OFF), press kfl3233~ [47 and press ‘ button.
MSZSEAI —~6—~‘ : setting emergency call function (ON)
: senennnnennngencycau fnnnnn ton,
Emergency calling (making a call)
It'a telephone number is registered Ir| til—03 address and emergency call function is set (ON). you can
make a call JnSl by holding the last digit ofthe address. or presstng the two digits shortly and entering
lgs tip the phone.
the hook much Calls remain connected unless the called part} I
it you allettlpt abbl‘cvtaled dlzllng when emergent) call hold tllld speed dial are set ill the same lllllc
(ON). 0! 4): addresses operate in the emergency Cu” ttnttt moth»
it you allclnpt ahbl‘uvlalctl dldltilg when clllcrgunc} Lt!“ htntt “ttnttt... ts cleared (OFF) and speed dlttl
Function is so! (ON). (ll 0} tttkiress operates in the speed dial ltttnlc
Ref Warning ttntt- ”onlcr nuts
I!“ you pick up the phone (nlfiltook) ttttd dt- nul |7II.'\\ tut} l‘lllltbll for I0 seconds. dial tone I)
than - ‘(l ml“ the warning tnne At lhli ttntc tun cttn rccettc Cil||\'. but cannot enter numbers in
tttakccnth tt.tntttt Is. pmsthc hook sttttttt tttttt clllcl “ttnttt.“ nunlbcrsagzin.
it“ ytllt tit. ttt.t t-ntt-t tn.) numbers in. Ii “ttnttt. ttt'tt-t tttt tttntttng [tine IS heard the ttnn- t.
Changed ttttt. tttt- htnttt-t mm (In tum- tt ttttmt-t t. ttnttttttntt .t n activated) Al this time wt.
t-nnntn tttttttn tn tot-ant» tttus ttnttt ttnt gt. ttnttt-ht
Rt-I' ("tutlirtttutwtt Itmt: Ktnucl lulu:
when ttnt WI tn. tttt flit: «Idlillltltlill |t|l|LIIt~le In pthxmg ttt..ttntt Let, ttnttttnth tlIMl Int-ts =
htnttm (Misc) tit-nth. tIIt.‘ ttnttlt- til lilt: tulqtttttttt rclltltlx It! ”It.“ tut-gum! slim: and you um ||cttl Ihc
ttntt'ttnttttnnt ttnttt- tttnt ttnttt-tutu ttll hllulitllls .ttt sul xllltt‘sfllllh tt )t|\l cntcr wrong ken )l)ll
t-tttt inn.» I|lt.' tt-tnt-t lttllc tttttt nttttcttttx tutttntt tt-t. tnc \\tt\||§_'|) tut-Nu tttutct’tnt- jvll Ctlll
lt:~lt’lrl ttnttt the punt-tint:
n... “tn... I)u\tllt~\ it...
i n I not...
"H Htuttdat tmutmtc, htttustnetch. Ltd Dan tt. w Ka me my
Feb 28.2000 l.I ll (26)
4 3.2
Hot line
thh the hot line function, you can make a call automattcally tvttltottt entering any telephone numbers.
That is. if you register one frequently used number (09 address) in advance and remain off-hook for
4~8 seconds (dial lime), a call is connected to the registered number automatically, The initial state is
set as OFF.
Setting (On) and cleartng (off) hot line
Press ~~3233~
saved in the no address and hot line function is SCI as ON
To clear the function, press ”3234 ~9 and press . button,
”8 and press ' button (On). Hot line mode can operate only if telephone number is
kd3233~|H8—‘ .setting hot line function (ON)
“3233—449" ‘ clearing hol line function (OFF)
Hot line calling (making a call)
ht case a telephone number IS registered in the 99 address and hot llnc function is set (ON), if you pick
up the phone and wait mm (4 «8 seconds) passes, can is alllolllallcau} tnztde to the telephone number
saved in llle 99 address
Alarm reminder
‘\|tl|ll\ tctttittdt-t l’uncttrtn datum-t Ihl: dltll‘lll ring ttltctt IllL' Icfllxlclctl tttttc «(mt-s. amd stops thc nut:-
ttheh tut. pick up lhc plltlllc tht» thtttat state tt icl 3h ( n I
Setttng (On) and clearth (off) alarm remtnder
at: - »t and chm lllc trutttett thttt- dx 4 tttgtt. tzt hhth Mutt) ilml the" mt . butttth
Pm“ '
(U!!! In you clllur 1! tlcxtrctl ttttte rllzlrlll t'ttttctttttt Ix «Illltlllltllltdlh xul thtt- lllllt.‘ and when lhc llllll.‘
hum .l|tlrlll tlltg |\ ilLIlhllL‘tl and flu: illill’lll t‘ttttuthtt t~ Llcnlctl ll u | t It )(|l| ttttttt lo llcllh’llt.‘ lllc
.t|.ttttt tt .l| zt llcxlglltllcd lllllt.’ clcl’}k|t|'\. L'IIIL'l -‘ '1 ~‘ and [u alt-at II we»
; ‘ -: ~| nuttvuthgtu illlllllrnxlullll ,, J wlllll;JLIIllllclllllldcl(lillcllllll'l
} wclllll‘: .l|.ttttt lclllllldk‘l'hll\\ll)~l
t \\ t lcntn
tn.- hunt.“
"H “Mlmiil"(trtllttlllfilltdllxltltxtu ttu tint m t. an «m
Feb 28. 2000 H 33 36)
4.5 Lock
It ts n funcuon of setting password in tenntnal so that it is impossible to make a call Without n
password. in call IS attempted unit the lock function set. a naming tone will be heard and the call
attempt will fail (recent/mg u call ts still possible.) Howevert ifthe emergency call function is set. only
emergency calls can be matte (the calls with the area code or01~03) and the initial state is set to OFF
4.5.1 Setting (On) and clearing (of!) lock
Press “3233-6 and enter a 4 digit password. When you enter a wrong password, you hear a rejection
tone. Then. you can re-entcr th‘ password. Ifthe entered password is correct, press I followed by '
button (Lock On). To clear lock function, press WSZBS-rj fipnsswordfll—f
M3233~37>Bassword—~I .,- : selling lock funcrion
zclearing lock function
“3233 -'3 aoassword-w ‘
4 5 2 Changing a password
To change a password. press ' 33—6 and enter the password Afier pressing J. enter a "C“
password and press ' button It }t>t| re-cnter the new password and press ‘ button. the old password
will be replaced With the "C“ tutu
333 »t 'pi|>w\tt>t(| ~: W“ password ,. mewpttsttttuu
4.6 Earpiece Volume control
It Is the ltmuttm “uh, It) LIIII -: tho tall piece volume Iltt; Illllltll xt'tlttc t.» set In ‘It'wl 5’
4 6 l How to use the earpiece volume control function
‘I ~I (ml nt Hit |‘lll|0|\\ Itlcxcl ll. Illcvcl It itlcml it. -lllt~vcl ll illcvcl t'). pic“
I l "I\’\\ ': -
Illc tut.- ttittcspmttitnu ttt tttt tt. Wt Htltllnc prmx - |\ll||tlll
scllll mum-cc tttttttttt- ultllltiHllh’llHitl t,
It Put up tltt- lltttltlxcl tttttt pit-u that mu ttt'ttttntlwn tvt lH |)I|.'\\ |||\' ttttt- Lilllcflllllltllllg tt-
tltt-ttwtt-n \l'ltllllt || Llllum: tltt lltllllhcl Is (ltllxltutl .tt|t..1ttvn. \\I|| tn» lit-tut
”I gt- wits tttt- tmtm tuttmtt ||lt:l\l" t-t lltt.‘ lllllttl‘ct ls lltC |Il1¢||t.'l the \tt|l||ll\
( -t|| n; wtlttL l||\|\;Cl' \U|ll|l|l.’ tttntttn tittt-tlttttt J,
\Iltt “Mm..-
‘q" ll_\nndavI'lccltommImluilntsCo.Md Dune m- x" all («k
Feb 23. 2000 IA |
23 (26)
4.7 Reset to default values
I: is [he funclion ofrexurning [0 the defaull values The current values will be returned lo lhe original
values as speed diaKofl), emergency call hold(ofl)_ ho! lint calllolf), alarm mode(ofl), lock made (all),
earpiece volumem, II is not desirable that users operale reset mcnu frequently.
Rem menus Defaull values
§peed dial off
Emgrgfly call hold OlT
H0! line call 0"
Alarm Off
Lock Off
Earpiece volume Level 3
4] 1 How to use the reset function
I) Press M4323} “l"Ov Then enler the password and press ‘ bulwn
17,1523} -~ 4 4 0 >password - ‘ met to [he defaull valuzs
w “A", mum
m 1 Ll".
rhn‘ v» are (ode rise
"H Hyundzl fleclrollls lnllnurm ClL lid le
1 . I 24 (26)
Feb 28, 2000
1. Summary of Additional Functions (Summary Table)
Sav a memory
lair-emery addressarelepnone numbers-J
Dcleflg mory j] —'2-mcmory address—‘
‘f'fph‘m' "Mb” Deleli gall nadresses ~l437~° 7
- r
v $575" ”f”, Clearing funcl 7 __ M3233; l4§—°
l Emergency call hold Selling function mzssal —»e-»~
’ '*’le3233- la7~t '
V 7 A; a -4’ 7 ‘
Hol line ”3233 1, 8
ll 3233311?“
I Enlering (i
usz33~z~l flime (4 digits, 24 hour syslern)» ‘
v one urns) ,, ,. 7, —
Alarm reminder Always mode 7 ‘ glans-Qty” l
Alanrl_off 3233?2,-'4*‘
W}Z}$~3-password~l *‘
r ll~3233~3~passlrord~z~t
Selling funclion, 7
Clearin runcli n
k ,
"°° Changmg password ~~323343~password~3~newpassword~v~new
' 7 7 7 , passwora—'
Earpiece volume comrol usmw—q -»lfz 57“ >
(isizges) ausaqu/ozlpglqyo; 77 ( lzminimum 17 5 medium -> 5: axinlum)
Resel lo defaull values 4x3233~4~so~passwordm
Receiving analog 03 Fax Selling funclion (rgceiving fax) "“l 3'
Clearing funclion m' IO”
(receiving voice mode)
Rclum lo VOVCC nlodc Usmg genera, lclcphone m. m.
from fax (rewlvc vulcel , , ,
(Twig Commumcmian cmlllamr M‘HDVM) 0 > 1 Incl kc)
Selling PC h“ mum's Hun" general lelephone "w l ‘
mode (0m: luucl , . .
“Mug conlmunlcallon cmulamr Al “HIWAD ' > I'nlcrkey
Selling Pt m rwvwmg [mug general releplmne ““ll'
mode (ulllll punt! om ‘
Hung communlcallon emulnmr ANIDVM’ - . Enter kc)
Selling llnulcm lurng general relepllone "" I ‘»*
l-nnl lrll l ll nmd' —. , s» , . r.
L ' I. L llxlllg commummllonelllulnllrr M ”I” “Y |""' k‘r‘
(lmc lune)
Sill-"14 HHNICIH lxlng general lelepllone ' ' N l J -
IL'I’IHIIhllMili nllldc M .|||,\/ \|) l e “m, Km
; lulu; colmnunlcauoll Emulsillbl'
(lrnlll “(incl 0!”
c nllullnllinfllrvn
“M Hyundai Eleumnies Imlusllifi Cm, le Bar No
Feb .s 2000
m ("ode r.“
I. I 25 (26)
Air interface
- Common air interface standard: lS-95A
- Frequency : TX: x24 - 849MHz
RX: 869 - 894MHZ
- TX Dutpul power: 200mW
- RX sensitivity : - lDddBm
- Vocoder : 8KII3K QCELP
- Channel bandwidth : CDMA IAZSMhz
- Spurious : TX: -6IdBm below
: RX: -8 I dBrn below
- Frequency accuracy : F0 iJOOHz
Bunery back-up
Connectors for various
service support
‘ Power supply
_ gounmgever Dc mew
- Type : Ni-Cd
- Capacily : RAV @ L7A
- Talk time: 2 hours
L » Slandy lime: 20 hours
- RH 11 standard wire-line telephone
1 : Analog GI fax (Optional)
, - Serial pan : Maintenance purpose
, _:Dam seryice purpose (Imemet PC {199
r - Dimension (DxWxH) 266x166><65mm
4 ~ Weight (i_"°"."flf‘§ 139€ku2.‘7?1‘512i _' loos. fl.
, m, -‘ - _mg35192eramf=z-'0 °C_;_+5°L,_
‘ - Input power ”0 ~ 240W ’20V), 50/60Hz
‘ » Imemal antenna‘ D|~I’ole amenna
‘ ~ Power supply
(ununwllcnlunl Am... “16qu (mil
an upon» resend
mu m...

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