ICOM orporated 269700 VHF Marine Transceiver User Manual

ICOM Incorporated VHF Marine Transceiver Users Manual

Users Manual

FOREWORDThank you for purchasing this Icom product. The IC-M502A VHF MARINE TRANSCEIVERis designed and builtwith Icom’s state of the art technology and craftsman-ship. With proper care, this product should provide youwith years of trouble-free operation.We want to take a couple of moments of your time tothank you for making the IC-M502A your radio ofchoice, and hope you agree with Icom’s philosophy of“technology first.” Many hours of research and devel-opment went into the design of your IC-M502A.DFEATURES❍Standard 4″×6″flush mount design❍Built-in DSC meets RTCM SC101 require-ment❍Rugged waterproof construction❍NMEA Input/Output❍Optional COMMANDMIC®is connectableIcom, Icom Inc. and the  logo are registered trademarksof Icom Incorporated (Japan) in the United states, the UnitedKingdom, Germany, France, Spain, Russia and/or other coun-tries. COMMANDMIC is a registered trademark of IcomIncorporated (Japan) in the United states.IMPORTANTREAD THIS INSTRUCTION MANUALCAREFULLY before attempting to operate the trans-ceiver.SAVE THIS INSTRUCTION MANUAL. Thismanual contains important safety and operating in-structions for the IC-M502A.CLEAN THE TRANSCEIVER AND MICROPHONETHOROUGHLY WITH FRESH WATER after exposure towater including salt water, otherwise, the keys andswitches may become inoperable due to salt crystallization.i
iiIN CASE OF EMERGENCYIf your vessel requires assistance, contact other vessels andthe Coast Guard by sending a distress call on Ch 16.Or, transmit your distress call using digital selective calling onCh 70.USING CHANNEL 16DISTRESS CALL PROCEDURE1. “MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY.”2. “THIS IS ...............” (name of vessel)3. Your call sign or other indication of the vessel (AND 9-digit DSC ID if you have one).4. “LOCATED AT ...............” (your position)5. The nature of the distress and assistance required.6. Any other information which might facilitate the rescue.USING DIGITAL SELECTIVE CALLING (Ch 70)DISTRESS CALL PROCEDURE1. While lifting up the switch cover, push and hold[[DISTRESSDISTRESS]]for 5 sec. until you hear 5 short beepschange to one long beep.2. Wait for an acknowledgment from a coast station.• Channel 16 is automatically selected.3. Push and hold [[PTTPTT]], then transmit the appropriateinformation as at above.NOTEA WARNING STICKER is supplied with the transceiver.To comply with FCC regulations, this sticker must be affixed insuch a location as to be readily seen from the operating con-trols of the radio as in the diagram below. Make sure the cho-sen location is clean and dry before applying the sticker. (p. 42)EXAMPLE
iiiIcom requires the radio operator to meet theFCC Requirements for Radio Frequency Expo-sure. An omnidirectional antenna with gain notgreater than 9 dBi must be mounted a minimumof 5 meters (measured from the lowest point ofthe antenna) vertically above the main deck and all possiblepersonnel. This is the minimum safe separation distance esti-mated to meet all RF exposure compliance requirements. This5 meter distance is based on the FCC Safe Maximum Per-missible Exposure (MPE) distance of 3 meters added to theheight of an adult (2 meters) and is appropriate for all vessels.For watercraft without suitable structures, the antenna mustbe mounted so as to maintain a minimum of 1 meter verticallybetween the antenna, (measured from the lowest point of theantenna), to the heads of all persons AND all persons muststay outside of the 3 meter MPE radius.Do not transmit with radio and antenna when persons arewithin the MPE radius of the antenna, unless such persons(such as driver or radio operator) are shielded from antennafield by a grounded metallic barrier. The MPE Radius is theminimum distance from the antenna axis that person shouldmaintain in order to avoid RF exposure higher than the allow-able MPE level set by FCC.FAILURE TO OBSERVE THESE LIMITS MAY ALLOWTHOSE WITHIN THE MPE RADIUS TO EXPERIENCE RFRADIATION ABSORPTION WHICH EXCEEDS THE FCCMAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE EXPOSURE (MPE) LIMIT.IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE RADIO OPERATORTO ENSURE THAT THE MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE EXPO-SURE LIMITS ARE OBSERVED AT ALL TIMES DURINGRADIO TRANSMISSION. THE RADIO OPERATOR IS TOENSURE THAT NO BYSTANDERS COME WITHIN THERADIUS OF THE MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE EXPOSURELIMITS.Determining MPE RadiusTHE MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE EXPOSURE (MPE) RA-DIUS HAS BEEN ESTIMATED TO BE A RADIUS OFABOUT 3M PER OET BULLETIN 65 OF THE FCC.THIS ESTIMATE IS MADE ASSUMING THE MAXIMUMPOWER OF THE RADIO AND ANTENNAS WITH A MAXI-MUM GAIN OF 9dBi ARE USED FOR A SHIP MOUNTEDSYSTEM.RADIO OPERATOR WARNINGWARNING
FOREWORD ............................................. iIMPORTANT .............................................. iIN CASE OF EMERGENCY ...................... iiNOTE ........................................................ iiRADIO OPERATOR WARNING ............... iiiTABLE OF CONTENTS  ........................... ivPRECAUTION .......................................... vEXPLICIT DEFINITIONS .......................... v1 OPERATING RULES .................. 12 PANEL DESCRIPTION........... 2 – 5■Front panel  ..................................... 2■Function display .............................. 4■Microphone...................................... 53 BASIC OPERATION ............ 6 – 10■Channel selection ........................... 6■Receiving and transmitting  ............. 8■Call channel programming .............. 9■Channel comments ......................... 9■Optional Voice scrambler operation  .. 104DUALWATCH/TRI-WATCH......... 11■Description .................................... 11■Operation ...................................... 115 SCAN OPERATION ........... 12 – 13■Scan types .................................... 12■Setting tag channels ..................... 13■Starting a scan .............................. 136 DSC OPERATION .............. 14 – 35■MMSI code programming  ............. 14■DSC individual ID  ......................... 14■Position and Time programming ... 16■Position/Time indication ................ 17■Distress call  .................................. 18■Transmitting DSC calls  ................. 21■Receiving DSC calls ..................... 29■Received messages  ..................... 32■DSC Set mode .............................. 347 OTHER FUNCTIONS .......... 36–37■Intercom operation ........................ 36■Microphone lock function .............. 378 SET MODE  ........................ 38– 41■Set mode programming ................ 38■Set mode items ............................. 399 CONNECTIONS ANDMAINTENANCE ................. 42 – 47■Supplied accessories .................... 42■Antenna ........................................ 42■Fuse replacement ......................... 42■Cleaning ....................................... 42■Connections .................................. 43■Mounting the transceiver  .............. 44■Optional unit installation  ............... 46■Dimensions ................................... 4710 TROUBLESHOOTING .............. 4811 CHANNEL LIST ........................ 4912 SPECIFICATIONS AND OPTIONS ........................... 50 – 51■Specifications ............................... 50■Options ......................................... 5113 HM-127 REMOTE-CONTROLMICROPHONE ................... 52 – 66■Panel description .......................... 52■Function display ............................ 54■Channel selection ......................... 56■Receiving and transmitting  ........... 57■Lock functions ............................... 58■Display backlighting ...................... 58■Monitor function ............................ 59■RF attenuator function .................. 59■Call channel programming ............ 59■Optional Voice scrambler operation  .. 60■Dualwatch/Tri-watch operation  ..... 60■Starting a scan .............................. 61■Setting tag channels ..................... 61■Set mode programming ................ 62■Intercom operation ........................ 63■Channel comments ....................... 63■HM-127 supplied accessories  ...... 64■Installation .................................... 65TEMPLATEivTABLE OF CONTENTS 12345678910111213
vRWARNING! NEVER connect the transceiver to an ACoutlet. This may pose a fire hazard or result in an electricshock.CAUTION: Changes or modifications to this device, not ex-pressly approved by Icom Inc., could void your authority tooperate this device under FCC regulations.NEVER connect the transceiver to a power source of morethan 16 V DC or use reverse polarity. This will ruin the trans-ceiver.NEVER cut the DC power cable between the DC plug andfuse holder. If an incorrect connection is made after cutting,the transceiver may be damaged.NEVER place the transceiver where normal operation of thevessel may be hindered or where it could cause bodily injury.KEEP the transceiver at least 3.3 ft (1 m) away from theship’s navigation compass.DO NOT use or place the transceiver in areas with temper-atures below –4°F (–20°C) or above +140°F (+60°C) or, inareas subject to direct sunlight, such as the dashboard.AVOID the use of chemical agents such as benzine or al-cohol when cleaning, as they may damage the transceiversurfaces.BE CAREFUL! The transceiver rear panel will becomehot when operating continuously for long periods.Place the transceiver in a secure place to avoid inadvertentuse by children.BE CAREFUL! The transceiver and optional HM-127 em-ploy waterproof construction, which corresponds to JIS wa-terproof specification, Grade 7 (1 m/30 min.). However, oncethe transceiver or microphone has been dropped, water-proofing cannot be guaranteed due to the fact that the casemay be cracked, or the waterproof seal damaged, etc.EXPLICIT DEFINITIONSWORD DEFINITIONRRWARNING Personal injury, fire hazard or electricshock may occur.CAUTION Equipment damage may occur.NOTEIf disregarded, inconvenience only. Norisk or personal injury, fire or electricshock.PRECAUTION
11OPERATING RULESDDPRIORITIES•Read all rules and regulations pertaining to priorities andkeep an up-to-date copy handy. Safety and distress callstake priority over all others.•You must monitor Channel 16 when you are not operatingon another channel.• False or fraudulent distress signals are prohibited and pun-ishable by law.DDPRIVACY• Information overheard but not intended for you cannot law-fully be used in any way.• Indecent or profane language is prohibited.DDRADIO LICENSES(1) SHIP STATION LICENSEYou must have a current radio station license before using thetransceiver. It is unlawful to operate a ship station which is notlicensed.Inquire through your dealer or the appropriate governmentagency for a Ship-Radiotelephone license application. Thisgovernment-issued license states the call sign which is yourcraft’s identification for radio purposes.(2) OPERATOR’S LICENSEA Restricted Radiotelephone Operator Permit is the licensemost often held by small vessel radio operators when a radiois not required for safety purposes.The Restricted Radiotelephone Operator Permit must beposted or kept with the operator. Only a licensed radio opera-tor may operate a transceiver.However, non-licensed individuals may talk over a transceiverif a licensed operator starts, supervises, ends the call andmakes the necessary log entries.Keep a copy of the current government rules and regulationshandy.Radio license for boaters (U.S.A. only)The Telecommunications Act of 1996 permits recreationalboaters to have and use a VHF marine radio, EPIRB, andmarine radar without having an FCC ship station license.Boaters traveling on international voyages, having an HFsingle sideband radiotelephone or marine satellite terminal,or required to carry a marine radio under any other regula-tion must still carry an FCC ship station license. For furtherinformation, see the FCC Ship Radio Stations Fact Sheet.1
PANEL DESCRIPTION22■Front panelWATERPROOFSCANTAGDSC/ENTPOSHI/LOPOWERVOLiM502VHF MARINESQLLO/DXIC SCRCH/WXDW U/I/C 916DISTRESSSpeakerFunctiondisplayqwe r t y uio!0!1qVOLUME CONTROL [[VOLVOL]](p. 8)Adjusts the audio level.wPOWER KEY [[POWERPOWER]]Push to turn the transceiver power ON or OFF.eSQUELCH CONTROL [[SQLSQL]](p. 8)Sets the squelch threshold level.rTRANSMIT POWER KEY [[HI/LOHI/LO]]➥Toggles power high or low when pushed. (p. 8)• Some channels are set to low power only.➥While pushing this key, some keys perform secondaryfunctions.tCHANNEL SELECTOR [[CHANNELCHANNEL]]➥Rotate [[CHANNELCHANNEL]]to select the operating channels,Set mode settings, etc. (pgs. 8, 38)➥While pushing [[HI/LOHI/LO]], rotate [[CHANNELCHANNEL]]to adjustthe brightness of the LCD and key backlight. (p. 37)
yATTENUATOR/INTERCOM/SCRAMBLER KEY[[LO/DXLO/DX]]((SCR)SCR)➥Toggles the Attenuator function ON or OFF whenpushed momentarily. (p. 8)•“LOCAL” appears when the Attenuator is in use. The order ofindication precedence is “SP OFF,” “LOCAL” and “CALL.”➥Activates an optional Intercom function when pushed for1 sec. (p. 36)➥Calls optional HM-127 REMOTE-CONTROL MICROPHONEwhen pushed and held while in Intercom mode. (p. 36)➥While pushing [[HI/LOHI/LO]], activates an optional Voicescrambler function. (p. 10)•The optional Voice scrambler function cannot be used onChannel 16 and 70.uCHANNEL 16/CALL CHANNEL KEY [[99]]➥Selects Channel 16 when pushed. (p. 6)➥Selects call channel when pushed for 1 sec. (p. 6)•“CALL” appears when call channel is selected. “SP OFF”and “LOCAL” indications have priority.➥Push for 3 sec. to enter call channel programming con-dition when call channel is selected. (p. 9)➥While pushing [[HI/LOHI/LO]], enters channel comments pro-gramming condition. (p. 9)➥Enters Set mode when pushed while turning power ON.(p. 38)iDISTRESS KEY [[DISTRESSDISTRESS]]Transmits Distress call when pushed for 5 sec. (p. 18)oCHANNEL/DUALWATCH/TRI-WATCH KEY[[CH/WXCH/WX]]((U/I/C)U/I/C)➥Selects and toggles the regular channels and weatherchannel when pushed momentarily. (p. 7)➥While pushing [[HI/LOHI/LO]], selects one of 3 regular chan-nels in sequence when pushed. (p. 7)•International, U.S.A. and Canadian channels are available forregular channels.➥Starts Dualwatch or Tri-watch when pushed for 1 sec. (p. 11)➥Stops Dualwatch or Tri-watch when either is activated.!0 SCAN KEY [[SCANSCAN]](())(p. 13)➥Starts and stops Normal or Priority scan when tag(scanned) channels are programmed.➥Push [[SCANSCAN]](())for 1 sec. to set or cancel the dis-played channel as a tag (scanned) channel. ➥While pushing [[HI/LOHI/LO]], push for 3 sec. to clear or setall tag channels.!1 DSC/POSITION KEY [[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]](())➥Selects the DSC menu when pushed. (p. 14)➥Shows current position and time from a GPS receiver,etc. when pushed for 1 sec. (p. 17)POSTAGTAGDW1616ICPANEL DESCRIPTION322
■Function displayqBUSY/TRANSMIT INDICATOR (p. 8)➥“BUSY” appears when receiving a signal or when thesquelch opens.➥“TX” appears while transmitting.wPOWER INDICATOR (p. 8)➥“25W” appears when high power is selected.➥“1W” appears when low power is selected.eTAG CHANNEL INDICATOR (p. 13)Appears when a tag channel is selected.rCHANNEL COMMENT INDICATOR➥Channel comment appears if programmed. (p. 9)➥“Low  Battery” blinks when the battery voltagedrops to approx. 10 V DC or below.➥“DUAL” appears during Dualwatch; “TRI” appears dur-ing Tri-watch. (p. 11)tSCRAMBLER INDICATOR (p. 10)Appears when an optional Voice scrambler is activated.INTCALLBUSY25WTAG SC DUPCALLINGwqertuyioPANEL DESCRIPTION42
52PANEL DESCRIPTIONyDUPLEX INDICATOR (p. 7)Appears when a duplex channel is selected.• Duplex channel has a different TX and RX frequency.uCHANNEL NUMBER READOUT➥Indicates the selected operating channel number. “A” appears when a simplex channel is selected. “b” ap-pears when a receive only channel for a Canadian chan-nel group is selected. (p. 7)➥In Set mode, indicates the selected condition. (p. 38)iCHANNEL GROUP INDICATOR (p. 7)Indicates whether an International “INT,” U.S.A. “USA,”Canadian “CAN” or weather “WEATHER” channel is se-lected.oCALL CHANNEL INDICATOR➥“CALL” appears when call channel is selected. (p. 6)➥“SP OFF” appears when the internal speaker is turnedOFF in Set mode. (p. 40)➥“LOCAL” appears when the Attenuator is in use. (p. 8)•The order of indication precedence is “SP  OFF,” “LOCAL”and “CALL.”■MicrophoneqPTT SWITCH [[PTTPTT]](p. 8)Push and hold to transmit; release to receive.wCHANNEL UP/DOWN KEYS [[YYYY]]/[[ZZZZ]](pgs. 8, 38)Push either key to change the operating channel, Setmode settings, etc.eCHANNEL 16/CALL CHANNEL KEY [[16/916/9]]➥Push to select Channel 16; push for 1 sec. to select callchannel (default is Channel 9). (p. 6)➥While pushing [[16/916/9]], turn power ON to toggle the Lockfunction ON or OFF. (p. 37)SpeakerMicrophonewqe2
63BASIC OPERATION■Channel selectionDDChannel 16Channel 16 is the distress and safety channel. It is used forestablishing initial contact with another station and for emer-gency communications. Channel 16 is monitored during bothDualwatch and Tri-watch. While standing by, you must moni-tor Channel 16.➥Push [[99]]momentarily to select Channel 16.➥Push [[CH/WXCH/WX]]to return to the condition before selectingChannel 16, or rotate [[CHANNELCHANNEL]]to select an operatingchannel.DDChannel 9 (Call channel)Each regular channel group has a separate leisure-use callchannel. Call channel is monitored during Tri-watch. Callchannels can be programmed (p. 9) and are used to storeyour most often used channels in each channel group forquick recall.➥Push [[99]]for 1 sec. to select call channel of the selectedchannel group.•“CALL” and call channel number appear. • Each channel group may have an independent call channel afterprogramming a call channel.➥Push [[CH/WXCH/WX]]to return to the condition before selectingcall channel,or rotate [[CHANNELCHANNEL]]to select an operatingchannel.Convenient: Using microphone➥Push [[16/916/9]]momentarily to select Channel 16.➥Push [[16/916/9]]for 1 sec. to select call channel.➥Push [[YYYY]]/[[ZZZZ]]to select any other operating channel.Push for1 sec.INT25W CALLTAGCALLING9161616INT25WTAGCALLINGPush 9161616
3BASIC OPERATION7DDU.S.A., Canadian and International channelsThere are 57 U.S.A., 61 Canadian and 57 International chan-nels. These channel groups may be specified for the operat-ing area.qPush [[CH/WXCH/WX]]((U/I/C)U/I/C) to select a regular channel.• If a weather channel appears, push [[CH/WXCH/WX]]((U/I/C)U/I/C) again.wWhile pushing [[HI/LOHI/LO]], push [[CH/WXCH/WX]]((U/I/C)U/I/C) tochange the channel group, if necessary.•U.S.A., International (INT) and Canadian channels can be se-lected in sequence.eRotate [[CHANNELCHANNEL]]to select a channel.•“DUP” appears for duplex channels.•“A” appears when a simplex channel is selected. “b” appearswhen a receive only channel for a Canadian channel group is se-lected.DDWeather channelsThere are 10 weather channels. Used for monitoring weatherchannels from the NOAA (National Oceanographic and At-mospheric Administration) broadcasts.The transceiver can detect a Weather alert tone on the se-lected weather channel while receiving that channel, duringstandby on a regular channel or while scanning. See“Weather alert” on p. 39.qPush [[CH/WXCH/WX]]once or twice to select a weather channel.•“WEATHER” appears when a weather channel is selected.• “WX  ALT” appears when the Weather alert function is in use.(p. 39)wRotate [[CHANNELCHANNEL]]to select a channel.Push onceor twice When Weather alert is OFF.WEATHERWhen Weather alert is ON.WXALTCH/WXDW U/I/CPush +U.S.A. channelsHI/LO CH/WXDW U/I/CCanadian channelsCANInternational channelsINTDUPUSADWDWDW3
■Receiving and transmittingCAUTION: Transmitting without an antenna may dam-age the transceiver.qPush [[POWERPOWER]]to turn power ON.wSet the audio and squelch levels.➥Rotate [[SQLSQL]]fully counterclockwise in advance.➥Rotate [[VOLVOL]]to adjust the audio output level.➥Rotate [[SQLSQL]]clockwise until the noise disappears.eTo change the channel group, push [[CH/WXCH/WX]]((U/I/C)U/I/C)while pushing [[HI/LOHI/LO]]. (p. 7)rRotate [[CHANNELCHANNEL]]or push [[YYYY]]/[[ZZZZ]]on the microphoneto select the desired channel.• When receiving a signal, “BUSY” appears and audio is emittedfrom the speaker.• Further adjustment of [[VOLVOL]]may be necessary.• Use the optional Voice scrambler function for privacy. (p. 10)tPush [[LO/DXLO/DX]]to turn the receive Attenuator function ONor OFF, if necessary.•“LOCAL” appears when the receive Attenuator is in use.yPush [[HI/LOHI/LO]]to select the output power, if necessary.•“25W” or “1W” appears when high or low power is selected, re-spectively.• Choose low power for short range communications, choose highpower for longer distance communications.• Some channels are for selecting low power only.uPush and hold [[PTTPTT]]to transmit, then speak into ∗(Mi-crophone).•“TX” appears.• Channel 70 cannot be used for transmission other than DSC.Simplex channels, 3, 21, 23, 61, 64, 81, 82 and 83CANNOT be lawfully used by the general public inU.S.A. waters.iRelease [[PTTPTT]]to receive.IMPORTANT: To maximize the readability of your trans-mitted signal, pause a few sec. after pushing [[PTTPTT]], holdthe microphone 2 to 4 inches (5 to 10 cm) from your mouthand speak into ∗(Microphone) at a normal voice level.WATERPROOFSCANTAGDSC/ENTPOSHI/LOPOWERVOLiM502VHF MARINESQLLO/DXIC SCRCH/WXDW U/I/C 916DISTRESS∗(Microphone)qwerrtyuiDW3BASIC OPERATION8
3BASIC OPERATION9■Call channel programmingCall channel is used to select Channel 9 (default), however,you can program the call channel with your most often-usedchannels in each channel group for quick recall.qWhile pushing [[HI/LOHI/LO]], push [[CH/WXCH/WX]]((U/I/C)U/I/C) one ormore times to select the desired channel group (U.S.A., In-ternational, Canada) to be programmed.wPush [[99]]for 1 sec. to select call channel of the se-lected channel group.•“CALL” and call channel number appear.• The order of indication precedence is “SP OFF,” “LOCAL” and“CALL.”ePush [[99]]again for 3 sec.(until a long beep changesto 2 short beeps) to entercall channel programmingcondition.• Channel number starts blinking.rRotate [[CHANNELCHANNEL]]to se-lect the desired channel.tPush [[99]]to program thedisplayed channel as callchannel.• Push [[CH/WXCH/WX]]((U/I/C)U/I/C) to cancel.• The channel number stops blinking.■Channel commentsMemory channels can be labeled with alphanumeric com-ments of up to 10 characters each. Capital letters, small letters, numerals, some symbols (! " #$ % & ' ( ) * + , - ./ =) and space can be used.qSelect the desired channel.• Cancel dualwatch, Tri-watch or scan in advance.wWhile pushing [[HI/LOHI/LO]], push [[99]]to edit the channelcomment.• A cursor appears and blinks.eSelect the desired character by rotating [[CHANNELCHANNEL]]orby pushing [[YYYY]]/[[ZZZZ]]on the microphone.• Push [[CH/WXCH/WX]]or [[SCANSCAN]]to move the cursor forward or back-ward, respectively.rPush [[99]]to input and set the comment.• Push [[HI/LOHI/LO]]to cancel.• The cursor disappears.tRepeat steps qto rto program the other channels, if de-sired.1616INT25WTAGäLEASURE1616DW161616161616DWINT25W CALLTAGCALLINGINT25W CALLDUPTAGINTL3
103BASIC OPERATION■Optional Voice scrambler operationDDActivating the ScramblerThe optional Voice scrambler provides private communica-tions. In order to receive or send scrambled transmissionsyou must first activate the Scrambler function. To activate thefunction, an optional UT-98 or UT-112 is necessary. See p. 41for setting the scrambler unit. Ask your dealer for details.The Scrambler function automatically turns OFF whenChannel 16 or 70 is selected.qSelect an operating channel other than Channel 16 or 70.wWhile pushing [[HI/LOHI/LO]], push [[LO/DXLO/DX]]((SCR)SCR) to turnthe optional Scrambler function ON.•“SC” appears.eTo turn the Scrambler function OFF, repeat step w.•“SC” disappears.DDProgramming scrambler codesThere are 128 or 32 codes (0 to 127 or 1 to 32) available forprogramming when the optional UT-98 or UT-112 is installed.In order to understand one another, all transceivers in yourgroup must have the same scramble code. This function maynot be available depending on dealer setting.qTurn power OFF.wWhile pushing [[99]], turn power ON to enter Set mode.eAfter the display appears, release [[99]].rPush [[99]]one or more times to select the scramblercode.•“Scrambler Code” appears.tRotate [[CHANNELCHANNEL]]to select the desired scrambler code.yTurn power OFF, then ON again to exit Set mode.161616161616ICSetModeBeepSetModeScramblerCodeSetModeScramblerCodeEnter Set mode Turn OFFPOWER POWER+916 916Select codePush one ormore times.Set mode Scrambler code item[Example]: Programming scrambler code 8.
114DUALWATCH/TRI-WATCH■DescriptionDualwatch monitors Channel 16 while you are receiving an-other channel; Tri-watch monitors Channel 16 and call chan-nel while receiving another channel.■OperationqSelect Dualwatch or Tri-watch in Set mode. (p. 39)wSelect the desired operating channel.ePush [[CH/WXCH/WX]]((U/I/C)U/I/C) for 1 sec. to start Dualwatch orTri-watch.•“DUAL” appears during Dualwatch; “TRI” appears during Tri-watch.• A beep tone sounds when a signal is received on Channel 16.rTo cancel Dualwatch or Tri-watch, push [[CH/WXCH/WX]]((U/I/C)U/I/C)again.DWDW[Example]: Operating Tri-watch on INT Channel 25.DUALWATCH/TRI-WATCH SIMULATION•If a signal is received on Channel 16, Dualwatch/Tri-watchpauses on Channel 16 until the signal disappears.•If a signal is received on call channel during Tri-watch, Tri-watchbecomes Dualwatch until the signal disappears.•To transmit on the selected channel during Dualwatch/Tri-watch,push and hold [[PTTPTT]].Dualwatch Tri-watchCall channelINT25WDUP16TAGTRIINT25WDUP16TAGTRIBUSY INT25W CALL16TAGTRIBUSY INT25WDUP16TAGTRITri-watch starts.Signal is received on call channel.Signal received on Channel 16 takes priority.Tri-watch resumes after the signal disappears.43
5SCAN OPERATION12■Scan typesScanning is an efficient way to locate signals quickly over awide frequency range. The transceiver has Priority scan andNormal scan.When the Weather alert function is in use, the selectedweather channel is checked while scanning. (p. 39)Set the tag channels (scanned channel) before scanning.Clear the tag channels which inconveniently stop scanning,such as those for digital communication use.Choose Priority or Normal scan in Set mode. (p. 39)NORMAL SCANNormal scan, like Priority scan, searches through all tagchannels in sequence. However, unlike Priority scan,Channel 16 is not checked unless Channel 16 is set as atag channel.CH 01 CH 02CH 06CH 05 CH 04CH 03PRIORITY SCANPriority scan searches through all tag channels in se-quence while monitoring Channel 16. When a signal is de-tected on Channel 16, scan pauses until the signal disap-pears; when a signal is detected on a channel other thanChannel 16, scan becomes Dualwatch until the signal dis-appears.CH 06CH 01CH 16CH 02CH 05 CH 04CH 03
5SCAN OPERATION13INT25WDUPTAGINTLINT25WDUPTAGNormalscanBUSY INT25WDUPTAGNormalscanSCANTAGPushScan starts. When a signal is received[Example]: Starting a Normal scan.■Setting tag channelsFor more efficient scanning, add desired channels as tagchannels or clear tag channels for unwanted channels. Chan-nels not tagged will be skipped during scanning. Tag chan-nels can be assigned to each channel group (U.S.A., Interna-tional, Canada) independently.qWhile pushing [[HI/LOHI/LO]], push [[CH/WXCH/WX]]((U/I/C)U/I/C) one ormore times to select the desired channel group.wSelect the desired channel to be set as a tag channel.ePush [[SCANSCAN]](())for 1 sec. to set the displayed channelas a tag channel.•“TAG” appears in the display.rTo cancel the tag channel setting, repeat step e.•“TAG” disappears.Convenient: Clearing (setting) all tagged channels➥While pushing [[HI/LOHI/LO]], push [[SCANSCAN]](())for 3 sec. (untila long beep changes to 2 short beeps) to clear all tagchannels setting in the channel group.• Repeat above procedure to set all tag channels.■Starting a scanSet scan type (Priority or Normal scan) and scan resumetimer in advance using Set mode. (p. 39)qSet tag channels as described at left.wMake sure the squelch is closed to start a scan.eWhile pushing [[HI/LOHI/LO]], push [[CH/WXCH/WX]]((U/I/C)U/I/C) one ormore times to select the channel group, if desired.rPush [[SCANSCAN]]to start Priority or Normal scan.•“Pri Scan 16” or “Normal Scan” appears in the functiondisplay.•When a signal is detected, scan pauses until the signal disap-pears or resumes after pausing 5 sec. according to Set modesetting. (Channel 16 is still monitored during Priority scan.)•Rotate [[CHANNELCHANNEL]]to check the scanning tag channels, tochange the scanning direction or resume the scan manually.•“16” blinks and a beep tone sounds when a signal is receivedon Channel 16 during Priority scan.tTo stop the scan, push [[SCANSCAN]].DWTAGTAGDW5
146DSC OPERATION■MMSI code programmingThe 9-digit MMSI (Maritime Mobile Service Identity: DSC selfID) code can be programmed at power ON.This function is not available when the MMSI code hasbeen programmed by the dealer. This code programmingcan be performed only twice.qTurn power OFF.wWhile pushing [[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]], turn power ON to enter MMSIcode programming condition.eAfter the display appears, release [[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]].rEdit the specific MMSI code by rotating [[CHANNELCHANNEL]].• Push [[CH/WXCH/WX]]or [[SCANSCAN]]to move the cursor forward or back-ward, respectively.tInput the 9 digit codes, then push [[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]]to set thecode.• Returns to the normal operation.■DSC individual IDA total of 40 DSC address IDs can be programmed andnamed with up to 10 characters.DDProgramming Address ID/Group IDqPush [[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]]to enter the DSC menu.wRotate  [[CHANNELCHANNEL]]to select “Set  up,” push[[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]].eRotate [[CHANNELCHANNEL]]to select “Add  ID,” push[[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]].Setup˘AddIDDeleteIDOffsetTimeSelItemPOSReportDTRSSet˘SetupSetMMSIä23456789
156DSC OPERATIONrSet the individual ID and ID name.• Edit the 9 digits of the appropriate distress ID by using [[CHANCHAN--NELNEL]].-Push  [[CH/WXCH/WX]]or  [[SCANSCAN]]to move the cursor forward orbackward, respectively.1st digit ‘0’ is fixed for a group ID. Thus an address ID inputcannot start with ‘0.’ When you input 1st digit ‘0’ and other 8digits, the ID is automatically registered as a group ID.tPush [[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]]to program and exit the condition to thenormal operation.DDDeleting Address ID/Group IDqPush [[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]]to enter the DSC menu.wRotate  [[CHANNELCHANNEL]]to select “Set  up,” push[[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]].eRotate  [[CHANNELCHANNEL]]to select “Delete  ID,” push[[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]].•When no address ID is programmed, the transceiver exits theDSC menu automatically.rRotate [[CHANNELCHANNEL]]to select the desired ID name fordeleting.tThe delete confirmation display will appear when[[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]]is pushed.• Push [[HI/LOHI/LO]]to delete ID and exit the DSC Menu.• Push [[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]]to cancel deleting and exit the DSC Menu.DeleteIDRicky˘BillTomSetupAddID˘DeleteIDOffsetTimeAddIDID:NAME:6
166DSC OPERATION■Position and Time programmingA distress call should include the ship’s position and time. Ifno GPS is connected, your position and UTC (Universal TimeCoordinated) time should be input manually. They are in-cluded automatically when a GPS receiver (NMEA0183 ver.2.0 or 3.01) is connected.This manual programming is not available when a GPS re-ceiver (NMEA0183 ver. 2.0 or 3.01) is connected.qPush [[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]]to enter the DSC menu.w“POS Input” is selected automatically, push [[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]].eEdit the digit of your latitude data by using [[CHANNELCHANNEL]].• Push [[CH/WXCH/WX]]or [[SCANSCAN]]to move the cursor forward or back-ward, respectively.• After editing latitude data, select “N”; North latitude or “S”; Southlatitude.• Push [[HI/LOHI/LO]]to clear the position data.rEdit the digit of your longitude data by using [[CHANNELCHANNEL]].• Push [[CH/WXCH/WX]]or [[SCANSCAN]]for cursor movement.•After editing longitude data, select “E”; East longitude or “W”;West longitude.• Push [[HI/LOHI/LO]]to clear the position data.tPush [[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]]to set the position and advance to thetime setting condition.•Push [[99]]or [[LO/DXLO/DX]]to abandon the setting and exit theDSC menu.yEdit the digit of the current UTC time by using [[CHANCHAN--NELNEL]].• Push [[CH/WXCH/WX]]or [[SCANSCAN]]for cursor movement.• Push [[HI/LOHI/LO]]to clear the time data.uPush [[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]]to set the time, and exit the DSC menu.•Push [[99]]or [[LO/DXLO/DX]]to abandon the setting and exit theDSC menu.1616InputtimeUTC:Null˘[H/L]1616InputPOS°.-°.Null˘[H/L]
176DSC OPERATION■Position/Time indicationWhen a GPS receiver (NMEA0183 ver. 2.0 or 3.01) is con-nected, the transceiver displays the current position and time.When no GPS receiver is connected, the transceiver displaysthe manually entered position and time.A GPS receiver appropriate for the IC-M502A is not suppliedfrom Icom. A GPS receiver with NMEA0183 ver. 2.0 or 3.01format is required for position indication. Ask your dealerabout suitable GPS receivers.➥Push [[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]](())for 1 sec. to display the current po-sition and time.•“MNL” (manual) appears instead of the “GPS” indication whenno GPS is connected and the position/time data is entered man-ually.➥When connecting GPS receiver is compatible severalsentence formatteres, the order of input precedence is‘RMC,’ ‘GGA,’ ‘GNS’ and ‘GLL.’➥When sentence formatter ‘RMC’ is received, time indi-cation includes a date, and UTC time only. ➥“??” may blink instead of position and time indicationswhen the GPS data is invalid, or has not been manuallyupdated after 4 hours.34°34.123N135°34.123EJUL1711:47CALLING34°34.123N135°34.123EGPSUTC11:47CALLING34°34.123N135°34.123EGPSLOC01:47CALLING• Sentence formatter ‘RMC’• Sentence formatteres ‘GGA,’ ‘GNS,’ ‘GLL’No offset time Offset time is–10 hours. (p.34)34°34.123N135°34.123EGPSUTC12:34CALLINGPOS6
186DSC OPERATION■Distress callA Distress call should be transmitted, if in the opinion of theMaster, the ship or a person is in distress and requires imme-diate assistance.NEVER USE THE DISTRESS CALL WHENYOUR SHIP IS NOT IN AN EMERGENCY. ADISTRESS CALL CAN BE USED ONLY WHENIMMEDIATE HELP IS NEEDED.DDSimple callqConfirm no Distress call is being received.wWhile lifting up the switch cover, push [[DISTRESSDISTRESS]]for 5sec. to transmit the Distress call.•Emergency channel (Ch 70) is automatically selected and theDistress call is transmitted.• When no GPS is connected, input your position and UTC time, ifpossible.eAfter transmitting the call, the transceiver waits for an ac-knowledgment call on Ch 70.•The Distress call is automatically transmitted every 3.5 to 4.5minutes.rAfter receiving the acknowledgment, reply using the mi-crophone.➥A distress alert contains (default);• Kind of distress : Undesignated distress• Position data : GPS or manual input position data held for23.5 hrs or until the power is turned OFF.➥The Distress call is repeated every 3.5–4.5 min., until re-ceiving an ‘acknowledgement.’➥Push [[DISTRESSDISTRESS]]to transmit a renewed Distress call,if required.➥Push any key (except [[DISTRESSDISTRESS]]) to cancel the ‘Callrepeat’ mode.➥“??” may blink instead of position and time indicationswhen the GPS data is invalid, or has not been manuallyupdated after 4 hours.<TokyoCGDistressACKReceivedDistressCompletedWaitforACKDistressTX35°23.123N135°35.123EGPSUTC12:34
196DSC OPERATIONDDNormal callThe nature of the Distress call should be included in the Dis-tress call.qPush [[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]]to enter the DSC menu.wRotate  [[CHANNELCHANNEL]]to select “DTRS  Set,” push[[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]].eRotate [[CHANNELCHANNEL]]to select the nature of the distress,push [[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]].•‘Undesignated,’ ‘Explosion,’ ‘Flooding,’ ‘Collision,’ ‘Grounding,’‘Capsizing,’ ‘Sinking,’ ‘Adrift (Disable adrift),’ ‘Abandoning (Aban-doning ship),’ ‘Piracy (Piracy attack)’ and ‘MOB (Man overboard)’are available.• The selected nature of the distress is stored for 10 minutes afterprogramming is finished.When a GPS receiver (NMEA0183 ver. 2.0 or 3.01) is con-nected, next steps r, t(Current position/time program-ming) do not appear. Go to step y. (next page)SelNature˘ExplosionUndesignFloodingSelItemPOSReportRCVCalls˘DTRSSet6rThe position information appears. Set the current posi-tion, push [[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]].• Edit the digit of your position data by using [[CHANNELCHANNEL]].-Push [[CH/WXCH/WX]]or [[SCANSCAN]]for cursor movement.-After editing latitude data, select “N”; North latitude or “S”;South latitude.-After editing longitude data, select “E”; East longitude or “W”;West longitude.- Push [[HI/LOHI/LO]]to clear the position data.tThe time information appears. Set the current UTC time,push [[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]].• Edit the digit of the current UTC time by using [[CHANNELCHANNEL]].-Push [[CH/WXCH/WX]]or [[SCANSCAN]]for cursor movement.- Push [[HI/LOHI/LO]]to clear the time data.InputtimeUTC:Null˘[H/L]InputPOS°.-°.Null˘[H/L]
206DSC OPERATIONyPush [[DISTRESSDISTRESS]]for 5 sec. to transmit the Distress call.uAfter transmitting the call, the transceiver waits for an ac-knowledgment call on Ch 70.•The Distress call is automatically transmitted every 3.5 to 4.5minutes.iAfter receiving the acknowledgment, reply using the mi-crophone.➥A distress alert contains;• Kind of distress : Selected nature of the distress.• Position data: GPS or manual input position data held for 23.5hrs or until the power is turned OFF.➥The Distress call is repeated every 3.5–4.5 min., until re-ceiving an ‘acknowledgement.’➥Push [[DISTRESSDISTRESS]]to transmit a renewed Distress call,if required.➥Push any key (except [[DISTRESSDISTRESS]]) to cancel the ‘Callrepeat’ mode.➥“??” may blink instead of position and time indicationswhen the GPS data is invalid, or has not been manuallyupdated after 4 hours.<TokyoCGDistressACKReceivedDistressCompletedWaitforACKSetisOKPush[DTRS]for5sec
216DSC OPERATION6■Transmitting DSC callsDDTransmitting Individual callThe Individual call function allows you to transmit a DSC sig-nal to a specific ship only.qPush [[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]]to enter the DSC menu.wRotate [[CHANNELCHANNEL]]to select “Individual,” push[[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]].eRotate [[CHANNELCHANNEL]]to select the desired pre-programmedindividual address or “Manual  Input,” push[[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]].• The ID code for the Individual call can be set in advance. (p. 14)•When “Manual  Input” is selected, set the 9-digit ID code(1st digit must not be ‘0’) for the individual you wish to call byusing [[CHANNELCHANNEL]].-Push [[CH/WXCH/WX]]or [[SCANSCAN]]for cursor movement.- After 9-digit is input, push [[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]]to set the ID code.rRotate [[CHANNELCHANNEL]]to select a desired intership channelor “Manual Input,” push [[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]].•When “Manual Input” is selected, rotate [[CHANNELCHANNEL]]toselect the desired channel other than Channel 70, push[[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]].tPush [[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]]to transmit the Individual call.• If Channel 70 is busy, the transceiver stands by until the channelbecomes clear.ToCall,ToCancel[other][DSC/ENT]IndividualToCancel[other]Ch70isBUSYPush [DSC/ENT] to transmit DSC call.When Ch 70 is busy.SelChannel69˘0877SelAddressRickyManualSet˘Tom˘IndividualPOSInputGroupSelItem
226DSC OPERATIONyAfter transmitting the Individual call, standby on Channel70 until an acknowledgement is received.uWhen the acknowledgement is received, the displaychanges to the previously selected channel with beeps.iPush and hold [[PTTPTT]]to communicate your message tothe responding ship.DDTransmitting Individual acknowledgementTransmit an acknowledgement (‘able to comply’ or ‘unable tocomply’) when an Individual call for you is received.qPush [[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]]to enter the DSC menu.wRotate  [[CHANNELCHANNEL]]to select “INDV  ACK,” push[[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]].•“INDV ACK” item appears after an Individual call is received.eRotate [[CHANNELCHANNEL]]to select the desired individual ad-dress or ID code, push [[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]].SelAddressTom˘RickySelItemPOS InputIndividual˘INDVACKReceived<TomAbleACKRoutineIndividualWaitforACKCompleted
236DSC OPERATION6rRotate  [[CHANNELCHANNEL]]to select an acknowledgement“Able” or “Unable,” push [[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]].tIf you select “Unable,” select the reason by rotating[[CHANNELCHANNEL]], push [[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]].• ‘No reason given,’ ‘Congestion,’ ‘Busy,’ ‘Queue indication,’ ‘Sta-tion Barred,’ ‘No operator,’ ‘Operator Unavailable,’ ‘EquipmentDisable,’ ‘Channel Unable’ and ‘Mode Unable’ are available.yPush [[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]]to transmit the acknowledgement to theselected station.uAfter the Individual acknowledgement has been transmit-ted, the display changes to the channel specified by thecalling station, automatically.INDVACKCompletedToCall,ToCancel[other][DSC/ENT]SelReasonCongestionBusy˘NoReasonComplyUnable˘Able
246DSC OPERATIONDDTransmitting Group callThe Group call function allows you to transmit a DSC signalto a specific group only.qPush [[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]]to enter the DSC menu.wRotate  [[CHANNELCHANNEL]]to select “Group,” push[[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]].eRotate  [[CHANNELCHANNEL]]to select the desired pre-pro-grammed group address or “Manual Input,” push[[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]].• The ID code for the Group call can be set in advance. (p. 14)•When “Manual  Input” is selected, set the 9-digit ID code(must be set to ‘0’) for the group you wish to call by using[[CHANNELCHANNEL]].-Push [[CH/WXCH/WX]]or [[SCANSCAN]]for cursor movement.- After 9-digit is input, push [[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]]to set the ID code.rRotate [[CHANNELCHANNEL]]to select a desired intership channelor “Manual Input,” push [[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]].• When “Manual Input” is selected, rotate [[CHANNELCHANNEL]]to se-lect the desired channel other than Channel 70, push [[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]].tPush [[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]]to transmit the Group call.• If Channel 70 is busy, the transceiver stands by until the channelbecomes clear.yAfter the Group call has been transmitted, the displaychanges to the previously selected channel.uPush and hold [[PTTPTT]]to communicate your message to theresponding ship or push [[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]]to exit the condition.GroupCompletedToCall,ToCancel[other][DSC/ENT]SelChannel6713˘72SelAddressSmith GrpManualSet˘Osaka GrpSelItemIndividualINDVACK˘Group
256DSC OPERATION6DDTransmitting All Ships callLarge ships use Channel 70 as their ‘listening channel.’ Whenyou want to announce a message to these ships, use the ‘AllShips Call’ function.qPush [[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]]to enter the DSC menu.wRotate  [[CHANNELCHANNEL]]to select “All  Ships,” push[[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]].ePush [[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]]to transmit the All Ships call.• Channel 70 is selected and the All Ships call is transmitted.• Routine category only is available.rAfter the All Ships call has been transmitted, the displaychanges to Channel 16 automatically.tPush any key to exit the condition and the display returnsto the normal operation.AllShipsCompletedToCall,ToCancel[other][DSC/ENT]SelItemINDVACKGroup˘AllShips
266DSC OPERATIONDDTransmitting Position Request callTransmit a Position Request call when you want to know aspecific ship’s current position, etc.qPush [[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]]to enter the DSC menu.wRotate [[CHANNELCHANNEL]]to select “POS Request,” push[[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]].eRotate  [[CHANNELCHANNEL]]to select the desired pre-pro-grammed individual address or “Manual Input,” push[[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]].• The ID code for the Position Request call can be set in advance.(p. 14)•When “Manual  Input” is selected, set the 9-digit ID code(1st digit must not be ‘0’) for the individual you wish to call byusing [[CHANNELCHANNEL]].-Push [[CH/WXCH/WX]]or [[SCANSCAN]]for cursor movement.- After 9-digit is input, push [[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]]to set the ID code.rPush [[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]]to transmit the Position Request call.tAfter the Position Request call has been transmitted, thefollowing indication is displayed.yPush any key to exit the condition and return to the normaloperation.POSREQWaitforACKCompletedToCall,ToCancel[other][DSC/ENT]SelAddressRickyManualSet˘TomSelItemGroupAllships˘POSRequest
276DSC OPERATION6DDTransmitting Position Report callTransmit a Position Report call when you want to announceyour own position to a specific ship and to get answer, etc.qPush [[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]]to enter the DSC menu.wRotate [[CHANNELCHANNEL]]to select “POS  Report,” push[[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]].eRotate  [[CHANNELCHANNEL]]to select the desired pre-pro-grammed individual address or “Manual Input,” push[[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]].• The ID code for the Position Report call can be set in advance.(p. 14)•When “Manual  Input” is selected, set the 9-digit ID code(1st digit must not be ‘0’) for the individual you wish to call byusing [[CHANNELCHANNEL]].-Push [[CH/WXCH/WX]]or [[SCANSCAN]]for cursor movement.- After 9-digit is input, push [[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]]to set the ID code.When a GPS receiver (NMEA0183 ver. 2.0 or 3.01) is con-nected, next steps r, t(Current position/time program-ming) do not appear. Go to step y. (next page)SelAddressRickyManualSet˘TomSelItemAllshipsPOSRequest˘POSReportrThe position information appears. Set the current posi-tion, push [[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]].• Edit the digit of your position data by using [[CHANNELCHANNEL]].-Push [[CH/WXCH/WX]]or [[SCANSCAN]]for cursor movement.-After editing latitude data, select “N”; North latitude or “S”;South latitude.-After editing longitude data, select “E”; East longitude or “W”;West longitude.- Push [[HI/LOHI/LO]]to clear the position data.tThe time information appears. Set the current UTC time,push [[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]].• Edit the digit of the current UTC time by using [[CHANNELCHANNEL]].-Push [[CH/WXCH/WX]]or [[SCANSCAN]]for cursor movement.- Push [[HI/LOHI/LO]]to clear the time data.InputtimeUTC:Null˘[H/L]InputPOS°.-°.Null˘[H/L]
286DSC OPERATIONyPush [[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]]to transmit the Position Report call.uAfter the Position Report call has been transmitted, the fol-lowing indication is displayediPush any key to exit the condition and return to the normaloperation.DDTransmitting Position Reply callTransmit a Position Reply call when a Position Request call isreceived.qWhen a Position Request call is received, the following in-dication is displayed.wPush [[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]]to reply to the Position Request call;push other key to ignore the Position Request call.DDTransmitting Position Report Reply callTransmit a Position Report Reply call when a Position Reportcall is received.qWhen a Position Report call is received, the following in-dication is displayed.wPush  [[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]]to reply to the Position Report call; push any key to ignore the Position Report call.ReceivedAns[DSC/ENT]POSReportReceivedAns[DSC/ENT]<RickyPOSRequestPOSReportWaitforACKCompletedToCall,ToCancel[other][DSC/ENT]
296DSC OPERATION6■Receiving DSC callsDDReceiving a Distress callWhile monitoring Channel 70 and a Distress call is received:➥The emergency alarm sounds for 2 minutes.• Push any key to stop the alarm.➥“Received Distress” appears in the display; thenChannel 16 is automatically selected.➥Continue monitoring Channel 16 as a coast station may re-quire assistance.DDReceiving a Distress acknowledgementWhile monitoring Channel 70 and a Distress acknowledge-ment to other ship is received:➥The emergency alarm sounds for 2 minutes.• Push any key to stop the alarm.➥“Received Distress ACK” appears in the display;then Channel 16 is automatically selected.DDReceiving an Individual callWhile monitoring Channel 70 and an Individual call is re-ceived:➥The emergency alarm or beeps sound depending on thereceived category.➥“Received Individual” appears in the display.➥Push [[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]]to change to the channel specified bythe calling station for voice communication; push other keyto ignore the Individual call.DDReceiving a Group callWhile monitoring Channel 70 and a Group call is received:➥The emergency alarm or beeps sound depending on thereceived category.➥“Received Group” appears in the display.➥Push [[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]]to change to the channel specified bythe calling station for voice communication; push other keyto ignore the Group call.RoutineGroup< Smiths GrpReceivedRoutineIndividual< TomReceived<TokyoCG>111222345DistressACKReceived<111222345DistressReceived
306DSC OPERATIONDDReceiving an All Ships callWhile monitoring Channel 70 and an All Ships call is received:➥Emergency alarm sounds when the category is ‘Distress’or ‘Urgency’; 3 beeps sound for other categories.➥“Received All ships” appears in the display.➥Push [[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]]to change to the channel specified bythe calling station for voice communication; push other keyto ignore the All Ships call.➥Monitor the channel for an announcement from the callingvessel.DDReceiving a Distress Relay callWhile monitoring Channel 70 and a Distress Relay call is re-ceived:➥Emergency alarm sounds for 2 minutes.• Push any key to stop the alarm.➥“Received Distress RLY” appears in the display;then, Channel 16 is automatically selected.➥Monitor Channel 16 until the emergency communicationhas been completed.DDReceiving a Distress Relay acknowledgementWhile monitoring Channel 70 and a Distress Relay acknowl-edgement is received:➥Emergency alarm sounds for 2 minutes.• Push any key to stop the alarm.➥“Received DTRS RLY ACK” appears in the display;then, Channel 16 is automatically selected.DDReceiving a Geographical Area callWhile monitoring Channel 70 and a Geographical Area call(for the area you are in) is received:➥Emergency alarm or beeps sound depending on the re-ceived category.➥“Received Geographic” appears in the display.➥Push [[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]]to change to the channel specified bythe calling station for voice communication; push other keyto ignore the Geographical Area call.➥Monitor the selected channel for an announcement fromthe calling station.When no GPS receiver is connected or if there is a prob-lem with the connected receiver, all Geographical Areacalls are received, regardless of your position.RoutineGeographic<TokyoCGReceived<Osaka BayRoutineAllShipsReceived
316DSC OPERATION6DDReceiving a Position Request callWhile monitoring Channel 70 and a Position Request call isreceived:➥“Received POS Request” appears in the display.➥Push [[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]]to reply to the Position Request call;push other key to ignore the Position Request call.DDReceiving a Position Reply callWhile monitoring Channel 70 and a Position Reply call is re-ceived:➥“Received POS” appears in the display.DDReceiving a Position Report callWhile monitoring Channel 70 and a Position Report call is re-ceived:➥“Received POS Report” appears in the display.➥Push [[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]]to reply to the call; push other key to ig-nore the Position Report call.DDReceiving a Position Report Reply callWhile monitoring Channel 70 and a Position Report Reply callis received:➥“Received POS” appears in the display.30°30.123N<RickyReceivedPOS130°30.123EPOSReportReceivedAns[DSC/ENT]34°34.123N<TomReceivedPOS135°34.123E<RickyPOSRequestReceivedAns[DSC/ENT]
326DSC OPERATION■Received messagesThe transceiver automatically stores up to 20 distress mes-sages and 20 other messages. The messages can be usedas an assistance to the logbook.qPush [[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]]to select the DSC menu.wRotate  [[CHANNELCHANNEL]]to select “RCV  Calls,” push[[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]].DDDistress messageqRotate  [[CHANNELCHANNEL]]to select “Distress,” push[[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]].wRotate [[CHANNELCHANNEL]]to scroll to the desired message,push [[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]].•When some messages are blinking, the messages have notbeen read.eRotate [[CHANNELCHANNEL]]to scroll the message.rPush [[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]]to exit the DSC menu or push [[HI/LOHI/LO]]to clear the displayed message and returns to the normaloperation.ToClearThisDataNo[DSC/ENT]Yes[H/L]Distress<123123123ExplosionUTC:12:4832°43.212N123°45.221WToClearThisDataNo[DSC/ENT]Yes[H/L]SelDTRSMSG˘123123123111222345Chuck 3SelMessege˘DistressOtherSelItem˘RCVCallsDTRSSetSetup
336DSC OPERATION6DDOther messagesqRotate  [[CHANNELCHANNEL]]to select “Other,” push[[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]].wRotate [[CHANNELCHANNEL]]to scroll to the desired message,push [[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]].•When some messages are blinking, the messages have notbeen read.eRotate [[CHANNELCHANNEL]]to scroll the message.• The stored message has various information and depending onthe type of distress calls.rPush [[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]]to exit the DSC menu or push [[HI/LOHI/LO]]to clear the displayed message and returns to the normaloperation.ToClearThisDataNo[DSC/ENT]Yes[H/L]AllShips<TomRoutineF3ESimplexCH08ToClearThisDataNo[DSC/ENT]Yes[H/L]SelMessegeAllShipsPOS Request˘IndividualSelMessegeDistress˘Other
346DSC OPERATION■DSC Set modeDDAdd Address ID (See p.14 for detail)DDDelete Address ID (See p.15 for detail)DDOffset timeThis item sets the offset time from the UTC (Universal TimeCoordinated) time.qPush [[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]]to enter the DSC menu.wRotate  [[CHANNELCHANNEL]]to select “Set  up,” push[[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]].eRotate [[CHANNELCHANNEL]]to select “Offset time,” push[[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]].rSet the offset time from the UTC (Universal Time Coordi-nated) time.• Edit the digit of offset time by using [[CHANNELCHANNEL]].-Push [[CH/WXCH/WX]]or [[SCANSCAN]]for cursor movement.- Push [[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]]to set the offset time.• Rotate [[CHANNELCHANNEL]]to edit or delete “-,” when the cursor is onthe first digit.tPush [[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]]to program and to exit the DSC menu.The local time indication is not available when a GPS re-ceiver (sentence formatter ‘RMC’) is input, the trans-ceiver’s display indicates UTC time only.OffsetTime00:00OffsetTime-12:00No offset time (default) —12 hoursSetupAddIDDeleteID˘OffsetTimeSelItemRCVCallsDTRSSet˘Setup
356DSC OPERATION6DDMMSI code checkThe programmed 9-digit MMSI (DSC self ID) code can bechecked in DSC Set mode.qPush [[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]]to enter the DSC menu.wRotate  [[CHANNELCHANNEL]]to select “Set  up,” push[[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]].eRotate [[CHANNELCHANNEL]]to select “MMSI  Check,” push[[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]].rCheck the 9-digit MMSI (DSC self ID) code.tPush [[DSC/ENTDSC/ENT]]to exit the DSC menu.MMSI Check123456789SetupDeleteIDOffsetTime˘MMSICheckSelItemRCVCallsDTRSSet˘Setup
367OTHER FUNCTIONS■Intercom operationThe optional Intercom function allows you to talk to the deckfrom the cabin. The optional HM-127 REMOTE-CONTROL MI-CROPHONE is required for Intercom operation.Connect an optional HM-127 as described on pgs. 43, 65.• Transmitting is impossible during Intercom operation.• The received signal is muted during Intercom operation.qPush [[LO/DXLO/DX]]((SCR)SCR) for 1 sec. to enter Intercom mode.• The HM-127 power is automatically turned ON, even if the poweris OFF.wPush and hold [[LO/DXLO/DX]]((SCR)SCR) again to call up.• The transceiver and microphone emit call beeps.ePush and hold the PTT switch and speak at a normal voicelevel into the microphone.•“TALK” or “LSTN” appears on the caller or listener function dis-play, respectively.• To adjust the IC-M502A’s speaker output level, rotate [[VOLVOL]].• To adjust the HM-127’s speaker output level, push after [[VOLVOL]]pushing [[YYYY]]/[[ZZZZ]].rAfter releasing the PTT switch you can hear the responsethrough the speaker.tTo return to the normal operation, push [[LO/DXLO/DX]]((SCR)SCR)momentarily.• Other keys also turn the function OFF, however, the correspond-ing function is then activated (e.g. pushing [[99]]selects Chan-nel 16).•While in the Intercom mode, the transceiver functions(transmit and receive) are interrupted. If the transceiver isin transmit condition, the Intercom function is not avail-able.•When a DSC call is received, “DSC  received” ap-pears and the last received DSC message is displayedafter the Intercom use is finished.•When a WX alert is received, “WX ALT” blinks and abeep sounds. The WX alert sounds after the Intercom useis finished.1616ICIntercomINTINTTALKIC-M502A (caller) HM-127 (listener)ICIntercomINTINTIC-M502A HM-127IC
377OTHER FUNCTIONS7■Microphone lock functionThe Microphone lock function electrically locks the [[YYYY]]/[[ZZZZ]]and [[16/916/9]]keys on the supplied microphone. This preventsaccidental channel changes and accidental function access.➥While pushing [[16/916/9]]on supplied microphone, turn powerON to toggle the Lock function ON or OFF.■Display backlightingThe function display and keys can be backlit for better visibil-ity under low light conditions.➥While pushing [[HI/LOHI/LO]], rotate [[CHANNELCHANNEL]]to adjust thebrightness of the LCD and key backlight.• The backlight level is adjustable in 7 levels.• No backlight level indication is available.[Y]/[Z][16/9]
8SET MODE38Beep toneBeepScan modeScan ModeWeather alertWX AlertScan resume timerScan TimerAttenuation levelAttenuationLevelInternal speakerInternalSpeakerScrambler code*ScramblerCodeScrambler type*ScramblerTypeDual/tri watchDUAL/TRIDSC watchDSCWatchLCD contrastLCDContrastAutomatic acknowledgementAUTO ACKPush 916* The scrambler set items are only available when a scrambler unit is installed.Push when using HM-127DSC  Watch, Internal  Speaker and AUTO ACK items are not selectable when using HM-127.■Set mode programmingSet mode is used to change the conditions of the trans-ceiver’s functions: scan mode (Normal or Priority), scan re-sume timer, weather alert, Dualwatch/Tri-watch selection,DSC watch, transceiver’s beep tone (transceiver or HM-127),internal speaker, LCD contrast (transceiver or HM-127), RFattenuation level, scrambler code, scrambler type and auto-matic acknowledgement.•Available functions may differ depending on dealer set-ting.•The optional HM-127 has it’s own settings for the beeptone and LCD contrast.qTurn power OFF.wWhile pushing [[99]], turn power ON to enter Set mode.eAfter the display appears, release [[99]].rPush [[99]]to select the desired item.Or push [[]]((99))on the HM-127 to select the item whenusing an optional HM-127.tRotate [[CHANNELCHANNEL]]to select the desired condition of theitem. Use [[YYYY]]/[[ZZZZ]]when using an optional HM-127.yTurn power OFF, then turn ON again to exit Set mode. 1616161616161616•SET MODE CONSTRUCTION
8SET MODE39■Set mode itemsDDScan modeThe transceiver has 2 scan modes: Normal scan and Priorityscan. Normal scan searches all tag channels in the selectedchannel group. Priority scan searches all tag channels in se-quence while monitoring Channel 16.DDScan resume timerThe scan resume timer can be selected as a pause (OFF) ortimer scan (ON). When OFF is selected, the scan pausesuntil the signal disappears. When ON is selected, the scanpauses 5 sec. and resumes even if a signal has been re-ceived on any other channel than Channel 16.DDWeather alertA NOAA broadcast station transmits a Weather alert tone be-fore important weather information. When the Weather alertfunction is turned ON, the transceiver detects the alert tone,then blinks the “WX ALT” indicator and sounds beep tonesuntil the transceiver is operated. The previously selected(used) weather channel is checked any time during standbyor while scanning.•“WX  ALT” appears instead of “WEATHER” indication when thefunction is set ON.DDDual/Tri-watchThis item sets the [[CH/WXCH/WX]]((U/I/C)U/I/C) key function as Dual-watch or Tri-watch.SetModeDUAL/TRIDualwatch (default) Tri-watchDWSetModeWXAlertWeather alert OFF (default) Weather alert ONSetModeScanTimerScan timer OFF (default) Scan timer ONSetModeScanModeNormal scan (default) Priority scan8
408SET MODEDDDSC watchDSC watch monitors Channel 70 while you are receiving an-other channel.If a distress signal is received on Channel 70, the transceivermonitors Channel 16 and 70 alternately until the distress sig-nal disappears. If a signal is received on another channel,DSC watch pauses until the signal disappears.This function may not be available for some channelgroups depending on dealer setting.DDBeep toneYou can select silent operation by turning beep tones OFF, oryou can have confirmation beeps sound at the push of a keyby turning beep tones ON.The optional HM-127 has its own setting for the beep tone.DDInternal speakerWhen an external speaker is connected and the transceiver’sinternal speaker is not required, the speaker on the trans-ceiver and microphone can be deactivated.“SP OFF” appears on the function display when the internalspeaker is turned OFF.•The order of indication precedence is “SP  OFF,” “LOCAL” and“CALL.”DDLCD contrastThis item adjusts the contrast of the LCD in 8 steps.The optional HM-127 has its own setting for the LCD con-trast.SetModeLCDContrastLCD contrast 4 (default)SetModeInternalSpeakerInternal speaker ON (default) Internal speaker OFFSetModeBeepBeep tone ON (default) Beep tone OFFSetModeDSCwatchDSC watch OFF (default) DSC watch ON
418SET MODEDDAttenuation levelThis item sets the receive attenuation level for the Attenuatorfunction from 3 levels.DDScrambler code (Appears when a scrambler unit is installed)When an optional scrambler unit is installed, the scramblercode can be set depending on dealer setting.When the UT-98 or UT-112 is installed, 128 or 32 codes (0 to127 or 1 to 32) can be selected.DDScrambler type (Appears when a scrambler unit is installed)When an optional scrambler unit is installed, the scramblertype can be selected in Set mode depending on dealer set-ting.DDAutomatic acknowledgementThis item sets the Automatic acknowledgement function ONor OFF. When Position Request or Position Report call is received,transceiver automatically transmits Position Reply or PositionReport Reply, respectively.SetModeAUTOACKAuto ACK OFF (default) Auto ACK ONSetModeScramblerTypeUT-112 scrambler unit UT-98 scrambler unitSetModeScramblerCodeScrambler code 1 (UT-112 default) Scrambler code 32SetModeAttenuationLevelAttenuation level 1 (default)8
■Supplied accessoriesThe following accessories are supplied:  Qty.qMounting bracket ............................................................ 1wMicrophone hanger ......................................................... 1eMic hanger screws (3 ×16) ............................................ 2rMounting screws (5 ×20) ............................................... 4tFlat washers (M5) ........................................................... 4ySpring washers (M5)  ...................................................... 4uKnob bolts for mounting bracket...................................... 2iDC power cable (OPC-891)  ........................................... 1oWarning sticker ............................................................... 1!0 RCA connector cable Red (OPC-1278) .......................... 1!1 RCA connector cable White (OPC-1279) ....................... 1■AntennaA key element in the performance of any communication sys-tem is an antenna. Ask your dealer about antennas and thebest place to mount them.■Fuse replacementOne fuse is installed in the supplied DC power cable. If a fuseblows or the transceiver stops functioning, track down thesource of the problem, if possible, and replace the damagedfuse with a new, rated one.■CleaningIf the transceiver becomes dusty or dirty, wipe it clean with asoft, dry cloth.AVOID the use of solvents such as benzene or al-cohol, as they may damage transceiver surfaces.Fuse rating: 10 Aqw ertyuiWARNINGo!0!1429CONNECTIONS AND MAINTENANCE
439CONNECTIONS AND MAINTENANCE■ConnectionsqDC POWER CONNECTORConnects the supplied DC power cable from this connectorto an external 13.8 V DC power source.wEXTERNAL MICROPHONE JACKSConnects to optional HM-127 REMOTE-CONTROL MICRO-PHONE.CAUTION: NEVERconnect other microphones, suchas the HM-134, as this may cause damage to the transceiver.eANTENNA CONNECTORConnects a marine VHF antenna with a PL-259 connector.CAUTION: Transmitting without an antenna may dam-age the transceiver.rNMEA IN (Red)/NMEA OUT (White) JACKSConnects to a GPS receiver for position and time indica-tions.•An NMEA0183 ver. 2.0 or 3.01 (sentence formatters RMC,GGA, GNS, GLL) compatible GPS receiver is required. Ask yourdealer about suitable GPS receivers.Connects to a PC or navigation equipment  (NMEA0183ver. 3.01 sentence formatters DSC, DSE compatible) forplotting received other ships position data.tEXTERNAL SPEAKER JACK➥Connects to an external speaker.CAUTION: After connecting the DC power cable, NMEAIN/OUT jacks and external speaker jack cover the connec-tor and jacks with a rubber vulcanising tape as shownbelow, to prevent water seeping into the transceiver.Rubber vulcanizingtapeNMEA OUT (+)RCANMEA OUT  (–)NMEA IN (+)RCANMEA IN  (–)qwetr9
449CONNECTIONS AND MAINTENANCE■Mounting the transceiverDDUsing the supplied mounting bracketThe universal mounting bracket supplied with your transceiverallows overhead or onboard mounting.•Mount the transceiver securely with the 4 supplied screws(M5 ×20) to a surface which is more than 10 mm thick andcan support more than 5 kg.• Mount the transceiver so that the face of the transceiver is at90° to your line of sight when operating it.CAUTION: KEEP the transceiver and microphone atleast 1 meter away from your vessel’s magnetic navigationcompass.NOTE: Check the installation angle; the function displaymay not be easy-to-read at some angles.These screws are shown as mounting example only. Not supplied with accessories.• OVERHEAD MOUNTING• MOUNTING ON THE BOARD
459CONNECTIONS AND MAINTENANCEDDUsing the optional MB-75An optional MB-75 FLUSH MOUNT is available for mountingthe transceiver to a flat surface such as an instrument panel.CAUTION: KEEP the transceiver and microphone atleast 1 meter away from your vessel’s magnetic navigationcompass.qUsing the template on the last page, carefully cut a holeinto the instrument panel (or wherever you plan to mountthe transceiver).wSlide the transceiver through the hole as shown below.eAttach the 2 supplied bolts (M5 ×8 mm) on either side ofthe IC-M502A.rAttach the clamps on either side of the IC-M502A.• Make sure that the clamps align parallel to the IC-M502A’s body.tTighten the end bolts on the clamps (rotate clockwise) sothat the clamps press firmly against the inside of the in-strument control panel.yTighten the locking nuts (rotate counterclockwise) so thatthe IC-M502A is securely mounted in position as below.uConnect the antenna and power cable, then return the in-strument control panel to its original place.9
469CONNECTIONS AND MAINTENANCE■Optional unit installationCAUTION: DISCONNECT the DC power cable from thetransceiver before performing any work on the transceiver.Otherwise, there is danger of electric shock and/or equip-ment damage.Follow the case opening procedure shown here when youwant to install an optional unit.qRemove the 6 screws as shown below and open the trans-ceiver.wRemove the 4 screws from the shielding plate, then lift upthe shielding plate.ePlug an optional unit (UT-98 or UT-112) to J3 on the MAINunit as shown below.rReturn the shielding plate and assemble the units to theiroriginal positions.CAUTION:• When re-assembling the case and tightening the screws,you must keep the specified torque (0.7±0.1 N.m). Oth-erwise the transceiver may be damaged (torque too high)or lose waterproof efficiency (torque too low).• When uninstalling the optional unit, remove it vertically.Wiggling the unit from side to side may damage the op-tional unit's connector.Optional unit
479CONNECTIONS AND MAINTENANCE■Dimensions145.0 (5 23⁄32)165.0 (6 1⁄2)31.4(1 1⁄4)53.0(2 3⁄32)Unit: mm (inch)110.0 (4 11⁄32) 109.4 (4 5⁄16)9
10 TROUBLESHOOTING48PROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSE SOLUTION REF.No power comes ON. •Bad connection to the power supply. •Check the connection to the transceiver. p. 43No sound comes fromthe speaker.•Squelch level is too high.•Volume level is too low.•Speaker has been exposed to water.•Internal speaker is turned OFF.•Set squelch to the threshold point.•Set [VOL] to a suitable level.•Drain water from the speaker.•Turn the internal speaker ON in Set mode.p. 8p. 8—p. 40Transmitting is impossi-ble, or high power caner can-not be selected.•Some channels are for low power or re-ceive only.•The output power is set to low.•Change channels.•Push [HI/LO] to select high power.pgs.6, 49p. 8Scan does not start. •‘TAG’ channel is not prog rammed. •Set the desired channels as ‘TAG’ chan-nels.p. 13No beep sounds. •Beep tone is turned OFF.•The squelch is open.•Turn the beep tone ON in Set mode.•Set squelch to the threshold point.p. 40p. 8Receive signal cannotbe understood.•Optional voice scrambler is turned OFF.•Scramble code is not set correctly.•Turn the optional voice scrambler ON.•Reset the scramble code.p. 10p. 41Sensitivity is low. •The attenuator is activated. •Push [LO/DX] to turn the function OFF. p. 8Distress call cannot betransmitted.•MMSI (DSC self ID) code is not pro-grammed.•Program the MMSI (DSC self ID) code. p. 14
11CHANNEL LIST49Channel numberUSA CANTransmitReceive01 156.050 160.65001A 156.050 156.05002 156.100 160.70003 156.150 160.75003A 156.150 156.150156.200 160.80004A 156.200 156.200156.250 160.85005A 05A 156.250 156.25006 06 156.300 156.300156.350 160.95007A 07A 156.350 156.35008 08 156.400 156.40009 09 156.450 156.45010 10 156.500 156.50011 11 156.550 156.55012 12 156.600 156.60013†13†156.650 156.65014 14 156.700 156.70015†15†156.750 156.75016 16 156.800 156.80017†17†156.850 156.850156.900 161.50018A 18A 156.900 156.900Frequency (MHz)INT010203040506070809101112131415†161718Channel number Frequency (MHz)USA CANTransmitReceive19A 19A 156.950 156.95020 20†157.000 161.60021 157.050 161.65021A 21A 157.050 157.050157.100 161.70022A 22A 157.100 157.10023 157.150 161.75023A 157.150 157.15024 24 157.200 161.80025 25 157.250 161.85026 26 157.300 161.90027 27 157.350 161.95028 28 157.400 162.00060 156.025 160.625156.075 160.67561A 61A 156.075 156.075156.125 160.72562A 156.125 156.125156.175 160.77563A 156.175 156.17564 156.225 160.825INT202122232425262728606162636420A 157.000 157.000Channel number66AFrequency (MHz)66A†USA CANTransmitReceive64A 64A 156.225 156.22565A 65A 156.275 156.275156.325 160.92567†67 156.375 156.37568 68 156.425 156.42569 69 156.475 156.47570‡70‡156.525 156.52571 71 156.575 156.57572 72 156.625 156.62573 73 156.675 156.67574 74 156.725 156.72577†77†156.875 156.875156.925 161.52578A 78A 156.925 156.925156.975 161.57579A 79A 156.975 156.975157.025 161.62580A 80A 157.025 157.025157.075 161.67581A 81A 157.075 157.075157.125 161.72582A 82A 157.125 157.125INT65A6667686970‡71727374777879808182156.325 156.32566AChannel number84AFrequency (MHz)USA CANTransmitReceive83A 83A 157.175 157.17584 84 157.225 161.82585 85 157.275 161.87585A 157.275 157.27586 86 157.325 161.92586A 157.325 157.32587 87 157.375 161.97587A 157.375 157.37588 88 157.425 162.02588A 157.425 157.425INT8485868788157.225 157.225WX channel4Frequency (MHz)Transmit Receive1 RX only 162.5502 RX only 162.4003 RX only 162.4755 RX only 162.4506 RX only 162.5007 RX only 162.5258 RX only 161.6509 RX only 161.77510 RX only 163.275RX only 162.425†Low power only. ‡DSC operation only.156.950 161.5501921b Rx only 161.65025b Rx only 161.850156.275 160.8756528b Rx only 162.00083 157.175 161.7758383b Rx only 161.775NOTE: Simplex channels, 3, 21, 23, 61, 64, 81, 82 and 83 CANNOTbe lawfully used by the general public in U.S.A. waters.1011
5012 SPECIFICATIONS AND OPTIONS■SpecificationsDDGeneral• Frequency coverage  :Transmit 156.025–157.425 MHzReceive 156.050–163.275 MHz• Mode : FM (16K0G3E)DSC (16K0G2B)• Channel spacing : 25 kHz• Current drain (at 13.8 V) : TX high 5.5 A max.Max. audio 1.5 A max.• Power supply requirement: 13.8 V DC ±15%• Frequency stability  : ±10 ppm(–20°C to +60°C; –4°F to +140°F)• Dimensions : 165(W) ×110(H) ×109.4(D) mm(Projection not included) 6 1⁄2(W) ×411⁄32(H) ×45⁄16(D) in• Weight (approx.) : 1130 g; 2 lb 8 ozDDTransmitter• Output power : 25 W / 1 W• Modulation system : Variable reactance phase modulation• Max. frequency deviation  : ±5.0 kHz• Spurious emissions : –70 dBcDDReceiver• Receive system :Double conversion superheterodyne• Sensitivity (12 dB SINAD) : 0.22 µV (typical)• Squelch sensitivity : 0.22 µV (typical)•Intermodulation rejection ratio: More than 75 dB• Spurious response  : More than 75 dBrejection ratio•Adjacent channel selectivity: More than 75 dB• Audio output power : 4.5 W (typical) at 10% distortionwith a 4 ΩloadAll stated specifications are subject to change withoutnotice or obligation.
5112SPECIFICATIONS AND OPTIONS■Options•MB-75 FLUSH MOUNTFor mounting the transceiver to a panel.•SP-5 EXTERNAL SPEAKERA large, external speaker for superior audio output.•SP-10 EXTERNAL SPEAKERA compact, external speaker. Features easy installation.•UT-98/ UT-112 VOICE SCRAMBLER UNIT (pgs. 10, 41)Ensures private communications. 128 (for UT-98) or 32 (forUT-112) codes are available. Not available in some countries.•HM-127 REMOTE-CONTROL MICROPHONE (p. 52)External microphone-type controller. Provides optional Inter-com operation. 6 m (20 feet) microphone cable and mount-ing base included. Black and white colors are available.•OPC-999 MICROPHONE EXTENSION CABLE6 m (20 feet) microphone extension cable for optionalHM-127. Up to 2 OPC-999 can be connected. (18 m; 60 feetmaximum)12
5213 HM-127 REMOTE-CONTROL MICROPHONE OPTION■Panel descriptionThe optional HM-127 remotely controls the IC-M502A andprovides an optional Intercom function.DDFront and side keysqPTT SWITCH [[PTTPTT]](pgs. 8, 57)Push and hold to transmit; release to receive.wCHANNEL UP/DOWN KEYS [[YYYY]]/[[ZZZZ]]➥Push either key to change the operating channel, Setmode settings, etc. (pgs. 8, 57)➥Push either key to adjust audio level or noise squelchlevel after [[VOLVOL]]or  [[SQLSQL]]is pushed, respectively.(pgs. 8, 57)➥Push either key to adjust the brightness of the LCD andkey backlight after [[VOLVOL]]is pushed for 1 sec. (p. 58)➥In Set mode, changes setting of the selected item. (pgs.38, 62)➥Checks tag channels or changes scanning direction dur-ing scan. (pgs. 13, 61)eCHANNEL 16/CALL CHANNEL KEY [[]]((99))➥Selects Channel 16 when pushed. (pgs. 6, 56)➥Selects call channel when pushed for 1 sec. (pgs. 6, 56)•“CALL” appears when call channel is selected.➥Push for 3 sec. to enter call channel programming con-dition when call channel is selected. (pgs. 9, 59)➥While pushing [[H/LH/L]], enters channel comments pro-gramming condition. (pgs. 9, 63)➥Enters Set mode when pushed while turning power ON.(pgs. 38, 62)1616Top keysqewytru
5313HM-127 REMOTE-CONTROL MICROPHONErCHANNEL/DUALWATCH/TRI-WATCH KEY[[CH/WXCH/WX]]((U/I/C)U/I/C)➥Selects and toggles the regular channels and weatherchannel when pushed momentarily. (pgs. 6, 7, 56)➥While pushing [[H/LH/L]], selects one of 3 regular channelsin sequence when pushed. (pgs. 7, 56)•International, U.S.A. and Canadian channels are available forregular channels.➥Starts Dualwatch or Tri-watch when pushed for 1 sec. (pgs. 11, 60)➥Stops Dualwatch or Tri-watch when either is activated.tATTENUATOR/INTERCOM/SCRAMBLER KEY[[LO/DXLO/DX]]((SCR)SCR)➥Toggles the Attenuator function ON or OFF whenpushed momentarily. (pgs. 8, 57)•“LOCAL” appears when the Attenuator is in use.➥Activates the Intercom function when pushed for 1 sec.(pgs. 36, 63)➥Calls the IC-M502A when pushed and held while in In-tercom mode. (pgs. 36, 63)➥While pushing [[H/LH/L]], activates an optional Voice scram-bler function. (pgs. 10, 60)•The optional Voice scrambler function cannot be used onChannel 16 and 70.ySQUELCH/MONITOR/LOCK KEY [[SQLSQL]]((L)L)➥[[YYYY]]/[[ZZZZ]]sets the squelch threshold level after pushing[[SQLSQL]]. (p. 57)➥Push [[SQLSQL]]((L)L) for 1 sec. to turn the monitor func-tion ON. (p. 59)➥While pushing [[H/LH/L]], push [[SQLSQL]]((L)L) to toggle the(microphone) Key lock function ON or OFF. (p. 58)•“ T” appears while Key lock function is in use.•[[PWRPWR]], [[PTTPTT]], [[VOLVOL]], [[SQLSQL]]and [[H/LH/L]]still function whenthe (microphone) Key lock function is turned ON.➥Advance the cursor while in channel comment program-ming condition. (pgs. 9, 63)uVOLUME/DIMMER KEY [[VOLVOL]](())➥[[YYYY]]/[[ZZZZ]]adjusts the audio level after pushing [[VOLVOL]](p. 57) ➥Push [[VOLVOL]](())for 1 sec. to adjust the brightness ofthe LCD and key backlight. (p. 58)➥Move the cursor backward while in channel commentprogramming condition. (pgs. 9, 63)DIMDIMMONIMONIMONIICDW13
5413 HM-127 REMOTE-CONTROL MICROPHONEDDTop keysqPOWER KEY [PWR] (pgs. 8, 57)Push for 2 sec. to turn the HM-127 power ON or OFFwhen the IC-M502A power is turned ON.wSCAN KEY [[SCANSCAN]](())(pgs. 13, 61)➥Starts and stops Normal or Priority scan when tag chan-nels are programmed.➥Push [[SCANSCAN]](())for 1 sec. to set the displayed chan-nel as a tag (scanned) channel. ➥While pushing [[H/LH/L]], push for 3 sec. to clear or set alltag channels.eTRANSMIT POWER KEY [[H/LH/L]]➥Toggles high or low power when pushed. (pgs. 8, 57)• Some Channels are set to low power only.➥While pushing this key, other keys perform secondaryfunctions.➥Toggles the All key lock function ON or OFF whenpushed while turning power ON. (p. 58)•“ T” blinks while the All key lock function is in use.•Only [[PWRPWR]]and [[PTTPTT]]function when the All key lock func-tion is in use.■Function displayqCHANNEL GROUP INDICATOR (pgs. 7, 56)Indicates whether an International (INT), U.S.A. (USA) orCanadian (CAN) channel is selected.wKEY LOCK INDICATOR (p. 58)➥Appears while the Key lock function is in use.➥Blinks while the All key lock function is in use.CALLWX ALTDUPP SCANSCRMLOCALTRIDUALLOWTAGCANUSAINTLTX BUSYVOLSQLqwrte!8 !7 !4!5 !3!2!1!0oiuy!6TAGTAGPWR SCAN H/LTAGqew
5513HM-127 REMOTE-CONTROL MICROPHONEeCHANNEL NUMBER READOUT➥Indicates the selected operating channel number.“A” appears when a simplex channel is selected. “b” ap-pears when a receive only channel for a Canadian chan-nel group is selected. (pgs. 6, 56)➥In Set mode, indicates the selected condition. (pgs. 38,62)rVOLUME INDICATOR (p. 57)Appears while audio output level is adjusted.tSQUELCH INDICATOR (p. 57)Appears while noise squelch level is adjusted.yCHANNEL COMMENT INDICATOR➥Channel comment appears (and scrolls) if programmed.(pgs. 9, 63)➥In Set mode, indicates or scrolls the selected Set modeitem. (pgs. 38, 62)uATTENUATOR INDICATOR (pgs. 8, 57)Appears when the RF Attenuator is in use.iSCRAMBLER INDICATOR (pgs. 10, 60)Appears when an optional Voice scrambler is activated.oSCAN INDICATOR (pgs. 13, 61)➥“SCAN” appears during Normal scan.➥“P SCAN” appears during Priority scan.!0 PRIORITY CHANNEL INDICATOR➥Indicates a priority channel during Priority scan orDual/Tri-watch. (pgs. 11, 13, 60, 61)➥“IC” appears during Intercom mode. (pgs. 36, 63)!1 DUAL/TRI WATCH INDICATOR (pgs. 11, 60)“DUAL” appears during Dualwatch; “TRI” during Tri-watch.!2 WEATHER CHANNEL INDICATOR (pgs. 7, 56)➥“WX” appears when a weather channel is selected.➥“WX ALT” appears when the Weather alert function is inuse; blinks when an alert tone is received.!3 LOW POWER INDICATOR (pgs. 8, 57)Appears when low power is selected.!4 CALL CHANNEL INDICATOR (pgs. 6, 56)Appears when call channel is selected.!5 DUPLEX INDICATOR (pgs. 7, 56)Appears when a duplex channel is selected.!6 TAG CHANNEL INDICATOR (pgs. 13, 61)Appears when a tag channel is selected.!7 BUSY INDICATOR (pgs. 8, 57, 59)Appears when receiving a signal or when the squelchopens.!8 TRANSMIT INDICATOR (pgs. 8, 57)Appears while transmitting.13
5613 HM-127 REMOTE-CONTROL MICROPHONE■Channel selectionDDChannel 16qPush [[]]to select Channel 16.wPush [[CH/WXCH/WX]]to return to thecondition before selecting Chan-nel 16, or push [[YYYY]]or [[ZZZZ]]to se-lect an operating channel.DDCall channelqPush [[]]((99))for 1 sec. to selectcall channel.wPush [[CH/WXCH/WX]]to return to thecondition before selecting callchannel, or push [[YYYY]]or [[ZZZZ]]toselect an operating channel.DDWeather channelsqPush [[CH/WXCH/WX]]once or twice toselect the weather channel group.wPush  [[YYYY]]or  [[ZZZZ]]to select aweather channel.ePush  [[CH/WXCH/WX]]to return to thecondition before selecting theweather channel group.DDU.S.A., International and Canadian channelsqPush [[CH/WXCH/WX]]((U/I/C)U/I/C) to select a regular channel.• Push [[CH/WXCH/WX]]((U/I/C)U/I/C) again, if a weather channel appears.wWhile pushing [[H/LH/L]], push [[CH/WXCH/WX]]((U/I/C)U/I/C) to select achannel group.• U.S.A., International and Canadian channels can be selected insequence.DWDWDW16161616PushPush  for 1 sec.PushPush while pushingU.S.A. channelsCanadian channelsInternational channels++
5713HM-127 REMOTE-CONTROL MICROPHONE13■Receiving and transmittingqPush [[PWRPWR]]to turn power ON.wPush [[VOLVOL]], then [[YYYY]]/[[ZZZZ]]to adjust audio output level.• Push [[SQLSQL]], then push [[YYYY]]/[[ZZZZ]]to mute any audio noise, if nec-essary.ePush [[YYYY]]/[[ZZZZ]]to select the desired channel.•When receiving a signal, “ ” appears and audio is emittedfrom the speaker.• Further adjustment of the audio level may be necessary at thispoint.• Use the optional Voice scrambler function for privacy. (pgs. 10, 60)rPush [[H/LH/L]]to select the output power, if necessary.• “LOW” appears when low power is selected.• Choose low power for short range communications, choose highpower for longer distance communications.• Some channels are for selecting low power only.tPush and hold [[PTTPTT]]to transmit, then speak into the mi-crophone.• “ ” appears.• Channel 70 cannot be used for transmission other than DSC.Simplex channels, 3, 21, 23, 61, 64, 81, 82 and 83CANNOT be lawfully used by the general public inU.S.A. waters.yRelease [[PTTPTT]]to receive.IMPORTANT: To maximize the readability of your trans-mitted signal (voice), pause a few sec. after pushing[[PTTPTT]], hold the microphone 2 to 4 inches (5 to 10 cm)from your mouth and speak at a normal voice level.w Set volumew Set squelch,     if requiredr Set output powert Speak into     microphoneq Turn power ONe Set channelt Push to    transmity Release    to receive
5813 HM-127 REMOTE-CONTROL MICROPHONE■Lock functionsThe Lock function electronically locks keys and switches toprevent accidental changes and function access from the mi-crophone.• All keys, switches and controllers on the transceiver are functional.DDActivating the Lock function➥While pushing [[H/LH/L]], push[[SQLSQL]]((L)L) to turn the Lockfunction ON or OFF.• “ ” appears.•Only  [[PWRPWR]],  [[PTTPTT]],  [[H/LH/L]],[[SQLSQL]]((L)L),  [[VOLVOL]]+[[YYYY]]/[[ZZZZ]]and  [[SQLSQL]]+[[YYYY]]/[[ZZZZ]]are func-tional.DDActivating the All key lock function➥While pushing [[H/LH/L]], turn thepower ON by pushing [[PWRPWR]]to turn the All key lock functionON or OFF.• “ ” blinks.•Only  [[PWRPWR]]and  [[PTTPTT]]arefunctional.■Display backlightingThe function display and keys can be backlit for better visibil-ity under low light conditions. The backlighting condition canalso be adjusted independently from the transceiver.qPush [[VOLVOL]](())for 1 sec.to enter Backlight adjustingmode.•“ ” with the number of thebacklight level appears in thechannel comment indicator.wPush [[YYYY]]/[[ZZZZ]]to adjust thebacklight level.• The backlight level is adjustablebetween 0 (light OFF) and 7(brightest).For your reference:Pushing [[YYYY]]/[[ZZZZ]], while [H/L][H/L] is pushed, also adjusts back-light level.• No backlight level indication is available.DIMMONIMONIAppears when the lockfunction is in use. Appears while in the Backlight adjustment mode. Blinks when the all lockfunction is in use.
5913HM-127 REMOTE-CONTROL MICROPHONE■Monitor functionThe monitor function releases the noise squelch mute of themicrophone only. (An independent noise squelch system isemployed.)■RF attenuator function➥Push [[LO/DXLO/DX]]to turn the RFattenuator function ON andOFF.■Call channel programmingqPush [[CH/WXCH/WX]]((U/I/C)U/I/C) severaltimes while pushing [[H/LH/L]]to selectthe desired channel group (USA,INT, CAN) to be programmed.wPush [[]]((99))for 1 sec. to selectcall channel of the selected chan-nel group.•“CALL” and call channel number ap-pear.ePush [[]]((99))again for 3 sec. (untila long beep changes to 2 shortbeeps) to enter call channel pro-gramming condition.•The channel number and channelgroup to be programmed blinks.rPush [[YYYY]]/[[ZZZZ]]to select the desiredchannel.tPush [[]]((99))to program the dis-played channel as call channel.•The channel number and channelgroup stop flashing.161616161616DW13Appears when the RF attenuator function is in use. Blinks when the Monitorfunction is in use. ➥Push [[SQLSQL]]((L)L) for 1 sec.to activate the Monitor func-tion.• “ ” blinks and audio is emit-ted.•Any key cancels the Monitorfunction.MONI
6013 HM-127 REMOTE-CONTROL MICROPHONE■Optional Voice scrambleroperationDDActivating the ScramblerqSelect an operating channel,except for Channel 16, Chan-nel 70 or weather channels.wWhile pushing [[H/LH/L]], push[[LO/DXLO/DX]]((SCR)SCR)to turn theVoice scrambler function ON.• “SCRM” appears.eTo turn the Scrambler func-tion OFF, repeat step w.• “SCRM” disappears.DDProgramming scramble codesThere are 128 codes available  with UT-98 or 32 codes (01to 32) available with the UT-112 for programming. In order tounderstand one another, all transceivers in your group musthave the same scrambler code as well as the same scram-bler unit. The scrambler code is programmed in Set mode.See pgs. 10, 41 for details.■Dualwatch/Tri-watchoperationqPush [[YYYY]]/[[ZZZZ]]to select the desired channel.• Push  [[CH/WXCH/WX]]((U/I/C)U/I/C) several times while pushing [[H/LH/L]]toselect the channel group (USA, INT, CAN), if desired.wPush [[CH/WXCH/WX]]((U/I/C)U/I/C) for 1 sec. to start Dualwatch orTri-watch.•“DUAL” appears during Dual-watch; “TRI” appears during Tri-watch.• A beep tone sounds when a sig-nal is received on Channel 16.•Tri-watch becomes Dualwatchwhen receiving a signal on callchannel.•Dualwatch or Tri-watch can beselected in the transceiver’s Setmode.eTo cancel Dualwatch/Tri-watch, push [[CH/WXCH/WX]]((U/I/C)U/I/C)again.DWDWDWICAppears when the Voicescrambler function is in useAppears when the Dual orTri-watch function is in use.
6113HM-127 REMOTE-CONTROL MICROPHONE■Starting a scanqWhile pushing [[H/LH/L]], push [[CH/WXCH/WX]]((U/I/C)U/I/C) severaltimes to select the channel group (USA, INT, CAN), if de-sired.•When the Weather alert function is in use, select the desiredweather channel with [[CH/WXCH/WX]]and [[YYYY]]/[[ZZZZ]].wPush [[SCANSCAN]]to start Priority or Normal scan.• “SCAN” appears during Normal scan.• The priority channel readout indicates “16”, and “P” and “SCAN”indicators appear during Priority scan.•When a signal is received, scan pauses until the signal disap-pears or resumes after pausing 5 sec. according to the Set modesetting (Channel 16 is still monitored during Priority scan).• Push [[YYYY]]/[[ZZZZ]]to check the scanning tag channels, to change thescanning direction or resume the scan manually.eTo stop the scan, push [[SCANSCAN]](()).• “SCAN” disappears.• Pushing [[PTTPTT]], [[]]((99))or [[CH/WXCH/WX]]also stops the scan.■Setting tag channelsqWhile pushing [[H/LH/L]], push [[CH/WXCH/WX]]((U/I/C)U/I/C) severaltimes to select the channel group (USA, INT, CAN), if de-sired.wPush [[YYYY]]/[[ZZZZ]]to select the desired channel to set as a tagchannel.ePush [[SCANSCAN]](())for 1 sec. to set the displayed channelas a tag channel.• “ ” appears.rTo cancel the tag channel setting, push [[SCANSCAN]](())for1 sec.• “ ” disappears.Convenient: Clearing (setting) all tagged channels➥While pushing [[H/LH/L]], push [[SCANSCAN]](())for 3 sec. (until along beep changes to 2 short beeps) to clear all tagchannels setting in the channel group.• Repeat above procedure to set all tag channels.TAGTAGTAGDW1616TAGDW13
6213 HM-127 REMOTE-CONTROL MICROPHONE■Set mode programmingSet mode is used to change the condition of the transceiver’sfunctions and the microphone’s own functions:Transceiver’s functions— scan mode (Normal or Priority), scan resume timer, weatheralert, Dualwatch/Tri-watch, DSC watch, transceiver’s beeptone, internal speaker (transceiver), LCD contrast (trans-ceiver), RF attenuation level, scrambler code, scrambler typeand automatic acknowledgement.Microphone’s own functions— beep tone function (microphone) and LCD contrast (micro-phone).In this section, instructions are for the microphone’s own func-tions only. Refer to pgs. 38–41 for the setting of the otherfunctions. (Some functions cannot be selected from the HM-127.)DDEntering Set modeqTurn power OFF.wWhile pushing [[]]((99)), turn power ON.•After a beep emission, a Set mode item (in the channel comment in-dicator and the condition in the channel number readout) is displayed.ePush [[]]((99))to select the desired item, if necessary.rPush [[YYYY]]/[[ZZZZ]]to select the desired condition of the item.tTurn power OFF, then ON to exit Set mode.•Beep tone “BEEP”➥Push [[YYYY]]to turn ON, [[ZZZZ]]to turn OFF the beep output. •LCD contrast “LCD CONTRAST”➥Push [[YYYY]]/[[ZZZZ]]to adjust to a suitable LCD contrast.PushPush16161616
6313HM-127 REMOTE-CONTROL MICROPHONE13■Intercom operationqPush [[LO/DXLO/DX]]((SCR)SCR)for 1 sec.to activate the Intercom function.•“IC” appears in the priority channelreadout.• The channel comment disappears.wPush [[PTTPTT]]to talk.• “ ” appears in the channel com-ment indicator.eRelease [[PTTPTT]]to listen.•“ ” appears in the channel comment indicator when thetransceiver is in talking mode.rPush [[LO/DXLO/DX]]((SCR)SCR) to cancel the Intercom function.• Pushing [[]]also cancels the Intercom function.For your reference:In case the Intercom mode is selected with the transceiverwhile the microphone power is OFF, the microphone power isautomatically turned ON and the Intercom mode is selected.DDIntercom beep function➥Push [[LO/DXLO/DX]]((SCR)SCR) for more than 1 sec.• Emits the Intercom beep while holding.■Channel commentsqPush [[YYYY]]/[[ZZZZ]]to select a channel to program a channelcomment.• Push  [[CH/WXCH/WX]]((U/I/C)U/I/C) several times while pushing [[H/LH/L]]toselect the channel group (USA, INT, CAN), if desired.wWhile pushing [[H/LH/L]], push [[]]((99)).• The 1st character of the currently programmed comment blinks.ePush [[YYYY]]/[[ZZZZ]]to select a character.rPush [[SQLSQL]]to move to forward; then push [[YYYY]]/[[ZZZZ]]to se-lect a character.• Push [[VOLVOL]]to move to backward.tContinue until the desired characters have been selected,then push [[]]((99))to return to normal operation.•Available characters16161616DWIC1616ICIC(r)(s) (t) (u) (v) (w) (x) (y) (z)(q)(3)(D)(N)(X)(h)(+)(4)(E)(O)(Y)(i)(–)(5)(F)(P)(Z)(j)(✱)(6)(G)(Q)(a)(k)(/)(7)(H)(R)(b)(l)(,)(8)(I)(S)(c)(m)(space)(9)(T)(d)(n)(0)(A)(U)(e)(o)(1)(B)(V)(f)(p)(2)(C)(J) (K) (L)(M)(W)(g)(.)( ))(( )(’)(&)(%)($)(#)(")(!)Appears when the inter-com function is in use.
6413 HM-127 REMOTE-CONTROL MICROPHONE■HM-127 supplied accessoriesAccessories included with the HM-127:  Qty.qConnection cable (OPC-1000: 6 m; 20 ft)  ...................... 1wMounting base ................................................................ 1eMicrophone hanger  ........................................................ 1rScrews (M3 ×16; tapping)  ............................................. 5qwer
6513HM-127 REMOTE-CONTROL MICROPHONE■InstallationThe optional HM-127 can be connected to the transceiver di-rectly, as well as via the supplied connection cable for longerdistance remote operation. The connector of the connectioncable can be installed into a cabinet, wall, etc., as a built-inplug.For longer distance remote operation, the optional extensioncable, OPC-999 (6 m; 20 ft/connecting between transceiverand the connection cable), is available, and up to 2 OPC-999can be added.qInsert the supplied cable into the external microphone jackand tighten the cable nut as shown below.wTo use the supplied cable as a wall socket, follow thebelow steps.eUsing the mounting base, carefully mark off the 2 spotswhere the cable and screws will be fastened.rDrill holes at these marks.tInstall the mounting base using the supplied screws asshown below.yThe completed installation should look like this.GasketCapMounting base NutScrew holes(approx. 2 (d) mm; 3⁄32″)13
6613 HM-127 REMOTE-CONTROL MICROPHONE50 (d) mm; 131⁄32˝23 (d) mm; 29⁄32˝24 to 27 (d) mm (15⁄16 to 11⁄16˝)5 mm; 3⁄16˝GasketMounting baseCapNut2 mm; 3⁄32˝
TEMPLATE149 mm (57⁄8 in)165 mm (61⁄2 in)92 mm (35⁄8 in)110 mm (411⁄32 in)4–R1124 to 27 (d) mm (15⁄16 to 11⁄16 in)2 mm; 3⁄32 inMB-75HM-127Cut here
1-1-32 Kamiminami, Hirano-ku, Osaka 547-0003, JapanA-6301H-1EXPrinted in Japan© 2003 Icom Inc.

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