ICOM orporated 272103 UHF Transceiver User Manual IC F43GT GS

ICOM Incorporated UHF Transceiver IC F43GT GS


Users Manual

INSTRUCTION MANUALThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operationis subject to the condition that this device does not causeharmful interference.iF43GT/GSUHF TRANSCEIVERIC-F43GT_GS.qxd  04.4.9 1:10 PM  Page a (1,1)
iEXPLICIT DEFINITIONSRCAUTION! NEVER hold the transceiver so that theantenna is very close to, or touching exposed parts of thebody, especially the face or eyes, while transmitting. Thetransceiver will perform best if the microphone is 2 to 4 in. (5to 10 cm) away from the lips and the transceiver is vertical.RCAUTION! NEVER operate the transceiver with aheadset or other audio accessories at high volume levels. RCAUTION! NEVER short the terminals of the bat-tery pack.DO NOT push PTT when not actually desiring to transmit.AVOID using or placing the transceiver in direct sunlight orin areas with temperatures below +22°F (–30°C) or above+140°F (+60°C).The basic operations, transmission and reception of the trans-ceiver are guaranteed within the specified operating temper-ature range. However, the LCD display may not be operatecorrectly, or show an indication in the case of long hours ofoperation, or after being placed in extremely cold areas. PRECAUTIONWORD DEFINITIONRWARNING Personal injury, fire hazard or electric shockmay occur.CAUTION Equipment damage may occur.NOTE If disregarded, inconvenience only. No riskof personal injury, fire or electric shock.READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS carefully and com-pletely before using the transceiver.SAVE THIS INSTRUCTION MANUAL— Thisinstruction manual contains important operating instructionsfor the IC-F43GT/GS UHF TRANSCEIVER.IMPORTANTIcom, Icom Inc. and the  logo are registered trademarks of IcomIncorporated (Japan) in the United states, the United Kingdom, Germany,France, Spain, Russia and/or other countries.SmarTrunk II™ is a Trademark of SmarTrunk Systems, Inc.IC-F43GT_GS.qxd  04.4.9 1:10 PM  Page i (1,1)
iiDO NOT modify the transceiver for any reason.KEEP the transceiver from the heavy rain, and Neverimmerse it in the water. The transceiver construction is waterresistant, not waterproof.The use of non-Icom battery packs/chargers may impairtransceiver performance and invalidate the warranty.For U.S.A. onlyCAUTION: Changes or modifications to this transceiver, notexpressly approved by Icom Inc., could void your authority tooperate this transceiver under FCC regulations.IC-F43GT_GS.qxd  04.4.9 1:10 PM  Page ii (1,1)
iiiIMPORTANT ........................................................................ iEXPLICIT DEFINITIONS ..................................................... iPRECAUTION ..................................................................... iTABLE OF CONTENTS ...................................................... iii1 ACCESSORIES ......................................................... 1–3■Supplied accessories  ................................................. 1■Accessory attachments  .............................................. 12 PANEL DESCRIPTION ........................................... 4–10■Front panel ................................................................. 4■Function display  ......................................................... 6■Programmable function keys  ..................................... 73 BASIC OPERATION .............................................. 11–15■Turning power ON  .................................................... 11■Channel selection ..................................................... 11■Call procedure........................................................... 12■Receiving and transmitting........................................ 12■User Set mode .......................................................... 15■Scrambler function .................................................... 154 BIIS OPERATION .................................................. 16–27■Default setting  .......................................................... 16■Receiving a call ........................................................ 16■Transmitting a call  .................................................... 18■Receiving a message ............................................... 20■Transmitting a status ................................................ 22■Transmitting an SDM  ............................................... 23■Position data transmission  ....................................... 25■Printer connection  .................................................... 25■Digital ANI  ................................................................ 25■Auto emergency transmission .................................. 26■Stun function  ............................................................ 26■BIIS indication  .......................................................... 26■Priority A channel selection  ...................................... 26■Man Down Emergency Call  ..................................... 275 OPTIONAL SmarTrunk OPERATION  .................. 28–29■SmarTrunk IITM/SmarTrunk 3Gand conventional modes ........................................... 28■ SmarTrunk IITM/SmarTrunk 3G operation ................. 286 OPTIONAL UNIT INSTALLATION ........................ 30–31■Optional unit installation ........................................... 30■Scrambler unit installation ........................................ 317 BATTERY CHARGING .......................................... 32–35■Battery charging ....................................................... 32■Battery caution  ......................................................... 32■Optional battery chargers ......................................... 338 SWIVEL BELT CLIP .............................................. 36–37■MB-93 contents ........................................................ 36■To attach  .................................................................. 36■To detach  ................................................................. 379 OPTIONS ............................................................... 38–3910 SAFETY TRAINING INFORMATION  .................... 40–41TABLE OF CONTENTSIC-F43GT_GS.qxd  04.4.9 1:10 PM  Page iii (1,1)
11ACCESSORIES■Supplied accessoriesThe following accessories are supplied: Qty.qFlexible antenna ……………………………………………1wBattery pack …………………………………………………1eBelt clip ………………………………………………………1rJack cover (with screws) ………………………………1 set■Accessory attachmentsDFlexible antennaConnect the supplied flexible anten-na to the antenna connector.CAUTION!• NEVER HOLD by the antennawhen carrying the transceiver.• Transmitting without an antennamay damage the transceiver.qwerIC-F43GT_GS.qxd  04.4.9 1:10 PM  Page 1 (1,1)
21ACCESSORIESïBattery packTo attach the battery pack:Slide the battery pack in the direction of the arrow (q), thenlock it with the battery release button.• Slide the battery pack until the battery release button makes a ‘click’sound.To release the battery pack:Push the battery release button in the direction of the arrow(w) as shown below. The battery pack is then released.NEVER release or attach the battery pack when the trans-ceiver is wet or soiled. This may result water or dust get-ting into the transceiver/battery pack and may result in thetransceiver being damaged.DBelt clipTo attach the belt clip:qRelease the battery pack if it is attached.wSlide the belt clip in the direction of the arrow until the beltclip is locked and makes a ‘click’ sound.To detach the belt clip:qRelease the battery pack if it is attached.wLift the clip (q), and slide the belt clip in the direction ofthe arrow (w).qwqwIC-F43GT_GS.qxd  04.4.9 1:10 PM  Page 2 (1,1)
31ACCESSORIESïJack coverAttach the jack cover when the optional speaker-microphoneis not used.qwqwTo attach the jack cover:qAttach the jack cover onthe [SP]/[MIC] jack.wTighten the screws.To detach the jack cover:qUnscrew the screws witha Phillips screwdriver.wDetach the jack cover forthe speaker-microphoneconnection.IC-F43GT_GS.qxd  04.4.9 1:10 PM  Page 3 (1,1)
42PANEL DESCRIPTION■Front panelqROTARY SELECTORRotate to select the pre-programmed memory channels orthe operating bank.(Depending on the pre-setting)wVOLUME CONTROL [VOL]Rotate to turn the power ON and adjusts the audio level.eDEALER-PROGRAMMABLE KEY [RED]Desired function can be programmed independently byyour dealer. (p. 7)r[SP]/[MIC] JACKConnect the optional speaker-microphone. tFUNCTION DISPLAYDisplays a variety of information such as an operatingchannel number/name, 2/5-tone code, DTMF numbers,selected function, etc.yDEALER-PROGRAMMABLE KEYS [P0] to [P3]Desired functions can be programmed independently byyour dealer. (p. 7)[SP]/[MIC] jack coverNOTE: Attach the [SP]/[MIC] jack cover when the optional speaker-microphone is not used. (See p. 3 for details)itrqeuywo!0!110-keypad versionIC-F43GT_GS.qxd  04.4.9 1:10 PM  Page 4 (1,1)
52PANEL DESCRIPTIONu10-KEYPAD (Depending on version)The keypad allows you to enter digits to:• Select memory channels• Select tone channels• Select DTMF codes (during transmit)• Set TX codes• Set SmarTrunk II™/SmarTrunk 3G codes• Set BIIS status number• Input text message for SDM operation• Start up with the passcodeiUP/DOWN KEYS➥Push to select an operating channel.➥Push to select a TX code channel after pushing [TX CODE CH SELECT].➥Push to select a DTMF channel after pushing [DTMF].➥Push to select a scan group after pushing and holding[SCAN].➥Push to select a BIIS code, status number or SDM afterpushing [DIGITAL].*Desired functions can be programmed independently by yourdealer. (p. 7)oPTT SWITCH [PTT]➥Push and hold to transmit; release to receive.➥Push to transmit the call during MSK operation, depend-ing on the setting.!0 MONITOR KEY➥ Mute and release the CTCSS (DTCS) or 2-tone squelchmute. Open any squelch/deactivate any mute whilepushing this key. (LMR operation only)➥ Activates one of (or two of) the following functions oneach channel independently.(PMR or BIIS PMR operation only)• Push and hold the key to unmute the channel (audio isemitted; ‘audible’condition).• Push the key to toggle the mute and unmute conditions(toggles ‘audible’and ‘inaudible’).• Push the key to mute the channel (sets to ‘inaudible’only).• Push the key to unmute the channel (sets to ‘audible’only).• Push the key after communication is finished to send a ‘resetcode.’• Push the key after communication is finished to send a ‘cleardown code’during BIIS operation on an MSK channelNOTE: The unmute condition (‘audible’conditions)may automatically return to the mute condition(‘inaudible’condition) after a specified period.*Desired function can be programmed independently by yourdealer. (p. 7)!1 ANTENNA CONNECTORConnects the supplied antenna.IC-F43GT_GS.qxd  04.4.9 1:10 PM  Page 5 (1,1)
62PANEL DESCRIPTION■Function displayqTRANSMIT INDICATORAppears while transmitting.wBUSY INDICATORAppears while the channel is busy.eSCROLL INDICATORAppears when a received SDM including more than 8characters is displayed.rSIGNAL STRENGTH INDICATORIndicates relative signal strength level.tLOW POWER INDICATORAppears when low output power is selected.• When the battery power decreases to a specified level, lowpower is selected automatically.yAUDIBLE INDICATOR➥Appears when the channel is in the ‘audible’(unmute)condition.➥Appears when the specified 2/5-tone/BIIS code isreceived.uCOMPANDER INDICATORAppears when the compander function is activated.iSCRAMBLER INDICATORAppears when the voice scrambler function is activated.oBELL INDICATORAppears/blinks when the specific 2/5-tone/BIIS code isreceived, according to the pre-programming.!0 CALL CODE MEMORY INDICATORAppears when the call code memory is selected.!1 KEY LOCK INDICATORAppears during the key lock function is ON.!2 BATTERY INDICATORAppears or blinks when the battery power decreases to aspecified level.!3 ALPHANUMERIC DISPLAYDisplays an operating channel number, channel name, Setmode contents, DTMF code, etc.q !1!0oiuytrew!2!3IC-F43GT_GS.qxd  04.4.9 1:10 PM  Page 6 (1,1)
72PANEL DESCRIPTION■Programmable function keysThe following functions can be assigned to [UP], [DOWN],[P0], [P1], [P2], [P3], [RED] and [MONITOR] programmablefunction keys. Consult your Icom dealer or system operator for details con-cerning your transceivers programming.If the programmable function names are bracketed in the fol-lowing explanations, the specific key is used to activate thefunction depends on the programming.CH UP AND DOWN KEYS➥Push to select an operating channel.➥Push to select a transmit code channel after pushing [TXCode CH Select].➥Push to select a DTMF channel after pushing [DTMFAutodial].➥Push to select a scan group after pushing and holding[Scan A Start/Stop]/[Scan B Start/Stop].➥Push to select a BIIS code, status number or SDM afterpushing [Digital].BANK SELECT KEYPush this key, then push [CH Up] or [CH Down] to select thedesired bank.SCAN A KEY➥This key’s operation depends on the Power ON Scan set-ting.When the power ON scan function is turned OFF;Push to start and cancel scanning operation. In case oftransmission during scan, cancels scanning.When the power ON scan function is turned ON;Push to pause scanning. Scanning resumes after passinga specified time period. In case of transmission duringscan, pauses scanning. Scanning resumes after passinga specified time period specified.➥Push and hold this key for 1 sec. to indicate the scangroup, then push [CH Up] or [CH Down] to select thedesired group.SCAN B KEY➥Push to start and cancel scanning operation. In case oftransmission during scan, pauses scanning. Scanningresumes after passing a specified time period. ➥Push and hold this key for 1 sec. to indicate the scangroup, then push [CH Up] or [CH Down] to select thedesired group.IC-F43GT_GS.qxd  04.4.9 1:10 PM  Page 7 (1,1)
82PANEL DESCRIPTIONSCAN TAG KEYPush to add or delete the selected channel to the scan group.PRIORITY CHANNEL KEYS➥Push to select Priority A or Priority B channel.➥Push and hold [Prio A (Rewrite)] to rewrite the Prio A chan-nel.MR-CH 1/2/3/4 KEYSPush to select an operating channel directly.MONITOR KEY➥Mute and release the CTCSS (DTCS) or 2-tone squelchmute. Open any squelch/deactivate any mute while push-ing this key. (LMR operation only)➥Activates one of (or two of) the following functions on eachchannel independently: (PMR or BIIS PMR operation only)• Push and hold to un-mute the channel (audio is emitted;‘Audible’condition).• Push to mute the channel (sets to ‘Inaudible’only).• Push to un-mute the channel (sets to ‘Audible’only).• Push after the communication is finished to send a ‘resetcode’.NOTE: The un-mute condition (‘Audible’condition) mayautomatically return to the mute condition (‘Inaudible‘condition) after a specified period.LOCK KEYPush and hold to electronically lock all programmable keysexcept the following:[Call] (incl. Call A and Call B), [Moni(Audi)] and [Emergency].OUTPUT POWER SELECTION KEYPush to select the transmit output power temporarily or per-manently, depending on the pre-setting.•Ask your dealer for the output power level for each selection.C.TONE CHANNEL ENTER KEYPush to select the continuous tone channel using [CH Up]/[CH Down] to change the tone frequency/code set-ting after pushing this key for permanent operation.TALK AROUND KEYTurn the talk around function ON and OFF.•The talk around function equalizes the transmit frequency to thereceive frequency for transceiver-to-transceiver communication.WIDE/NARROW KEYPush to toggle the IF bandwidth between wide and narrow.• The wide passband width can be selected from 25.0 or 20.0 kHzusing the CS-F33G CLONING SOFTWARE. (PMR or BIIS PMR opera-tion only) Ask your Dealer for details.IC-F43GT_GS.qxd  04.4.9 1:10 PM  Page 8 (1,1)
92PANEL DESCRIPTIONDTMF AUTODIAL KEY➥Push to enter the DTMF channel selection mode. Thenselect the desired DTMF channel using [CH Up]/[CH Down]keys.➥After selecting the desired DTMF channel, push this key totransmit the DTMF code.DTMF RE-DIAL KEYPush to transmit the last-transmitted DTMF code.CALL KEYSPush to transmit a 2/5-tone/BIIS ID code.•Call transmission is necessary before you call another stationdepending on your signalling system.•[Call A] and/or [Call B] may be available when your system employsselective ‘Individual/Group’calls. Ask your dealer which call isassigned to each key.EMERGENCY KEYS➥Push and hold to transmit an emergency call.➥When [Emergency Single (Silent)] or [Emergency Repeat(Silent)] is pushed, an emergency call is transmitted withouta beep emission and LCD indication change.• If you want to cancel the emergency call, push (or push andhold) the key again before transmitting the call.• The emergency call is transmitted one time only or repeatedlyuntil receiving a control code depending on the pre-setting.TX CODE ENTER KEY (PMR or BIIS PMR operation only)Push to enter the direct ID code edit mode, for both 5-toneand MSK. Then set the desired digit using [CH Up]/[CHDown]/[TX Code CH Up]/[TX Code CH Down] or 10-keypad.*(p. 14)*Depending on versionTX CODE CHANNEL SELECT KEY➥Push to enter the direct ID code channel selection mode.Then set the desired channel using [CH Up]/[CHDown]/[TX Code CH Up] or [TX Code CH Down]. (p. 13)➥While in ID code channel selection mode, push for 1 sec. toenter the ID code edit mode for 5-tone and MSK. Then setthe desired digit using [CH Up]/[CH Down]/[TX Code CHUp]/[TX Code CH Down] or 10-keypad.* (p. 14)*Depending on versionTX CODE CHANNEL UP/DOWN KEYSPush to select a TX code channel directly.ID MEMORY READ KEY (PMR or BIIS PMR operation only)➥Recalls detected ID codes.•Push this key, then push [CH Up]/[CH Down] for selection.•Up to 5 ID’s are memorized.➥Push and hold to erase the selected memorized ID’s.VOICE SCRAMBLER FUNCTIONPush to toggle the voice scrambler function ON and OFF.IC-F43GT_GS.qxd  04.4.9 1:10 PM  Page 9 (1,1)
102PANEL DESCRIPTIONCOMPANDER KEYPush to toggle the compander function ON and OFF. The compander function reduces noise components from thetransmitting audio to provide clear communication.USER SET MODE KEY➥Push and hold to enter user set mode.• During user set mode, push this key to select an item, and push[CH Up]/[CH Down] to change the value or condition.➥Push and hold this key again to exit user set mode.OPT OUT KEYSPush to control the optional unit connector output signal level.DIGITAL KEY (BIIS operation only)➥Push to select the call ID list, transmit message and stand-by condition. Toggles between queue channel andreceived message record indication after queue channel isselected.➥Push and hold to select queue channel indication.STATUS UP/DOWN KEYS (BIIS operation only)➥While in the standby condition, push to display the trans-mit status indication and select a status number.➥When a received SDM is displayed, push to cancel theautomatic scroll and scroll the message manually.➥When an SDM that contains more than 8 characters is dis-played, push to scroll the message manually.DFor SmarTrunk operation onlyTRUNKING GROUP KEYPush to select the Trunking group.TURBO SPEEDIAL A/B/C/D KEYSPush to automatically dial a commonly used number with onepush.CALL/CLEAR-DOWN KEYSFunctions as [M] and [#] keys on the 10-keypad.• Push [M] for call, push [#] for clear-down.TRUNKING CALLER ID KEYPush [Trunking Caller ID SW] to display the received IDrecord in sequence (while in SmarTrunk 3G operation).IC-F43GT_GS.qxd  04.4.9 1:10 PM  Page 10 (1,1)
113BASIC OPERATION■Turning power ONqRotate [VOL] to turn the power ON.wIf the transceiver is programmed for a start up passcode,input the digit codes as directed by your dealer.• 10-keypad can be used for password input depending on ver-sion:• The keys in the table below can be used for password input:• The transceiver detects numbers in the same block as identical.Therefore “01234” and “56789” are the same.eWhen the “PASSWORD” indication does not clear afterinputting 4 digits, the input code number may be incorrect.Turn the power off and start over in this case.■Channel selectionSeveral types of channel selections are available. Methodsmay differ according to your system set up.NON-BANK TYPE:Push [UP] or [DOWN], or rotate [ROTARY SELECTOR]* toselect the desired operating channel, in sequence; or, pushone of [MR-CH 1] to [MR-CH 4] keys to select a channeldirectly.• Up to 16 pre-programmed channels can be selected via [ROTARYSELECTOR].*BANK TYPE:Push [BANK], then push [UP] or [DOWN] or rotate [ROTARYSELECTOR]* to select the desired bank.AUTOMATIC SCAN TYPE:Channel setting is not necessary for this type. When turningpower ON, the transceiver automatically starts scanning.Scanning stops when receiving a call.*Depending on the pre-setting.KEYNUMBER 0549382716DOWNIC-F43GT_GS.qxd  04.4.9 1:10 PM  Page 11 (1,1)
123BASIC OPERATION■Call procedureWhen your system employs tone signaling (excluding CTCSSand DTCS), the call procedure may be necessary prior to voicetransmission. The tone signalling employed may be a selec-tive calling system which allows you to call specific station(s)only and prevent unwanted stations from contacting you.qSelect the desired TX code channel or 2/5-tone codeaccording to your System Operator’s instructions.• This may not be necessary depending on programming.• Refer to pgs. 13 or 14 for selection.wPush the call key (assigned to one of the dealer program-mable keys: [Up], [Down], [P0], [P1], [P2], [P3],[Emergency] and [Monitor]) or [PTT].eAfter transmitting a 2/5-tone code, the remainder of yourcommunication can be carried out in the normal fashion.■Receiving and transmittingNOTE: Transmitting without an antenna may damage thetransceiver. See p. 1 for antenna attachment.Receiving:qRotate [VOL] to turn the power ON.wPush [UP] or [DOWN], or rotate [ROTARY SELECTOR]*to select a channel, in sequence.*Depending on the pre-setting.eWhen receiving a call, adjust the audio output level to acomfortable listening level.Transmitting:Wait for the channel to become clear to avoid interference.qWhile pushing and holding [PTT], speak into the micro-phone at a normal voice level.wRelease [PTT] to return to receive.IMPORTANT: To maximize the readability of your signal;1. Pause briefly after pushing [PTT].2. Hold the microphone 5 to 10 cm (2 to 4 inches) fromyour mouth, then speak into the microphone at a normalvoice level.Selective calling Non-selective callingIC-F43GT_GS.qxd  04.4.9 1:10 PM  Page 12 (1,1)
133BASIC OPERATIONDTransmitting notes• Transmit inhibit functionThe transceiver has several inhibit functions which restricttransmission under the following conditions:- The channel is in mute condition (‘Inaudible’condition; “” does not appear.)- The channel is busy.- Un-matched (or matched) CTCSS is received.- The selected channel is a ‘receive only’channel.• Time-out timerAfter continuous transmission for the pre-programmed timeperiod, the time-out timer is activated, causing the transceiv-er to stop transmitting.• Penalty timerOnce the time-out timer is activated, transmission is furtherinhibited for a period determined by the penalty timer.DTX code channel selectionIf the transceiver has [TX Code CH Select] assigned to it,indication can be toggled between the operating channelnumber (or name) and TX code channel number (or name).When the TX code channel number (or name) is displayed,[UP]/[DOWN] selects the TX code channel.TO SELECT A TX CHANNEL:qPush [TX Code CH Select]— a TX code channel appears.wPush [UP] or [DOWN] to select the desired TX code chan-nel.ePush [Call] (or [PTT] during MSK operation) to transmit theselected TX code.rPush [TX Code CH Select] again to return to the operat-ing channel number indication.FOR TX CODE CHANNEL TYPE:If the transceiver has a [TX Code CH Up] or [TX Code CHDown] key assignment, the programmed TX code channelcan be selected directly.IC-F43GT_GS.qxd  04.4.9 1:10 PM  Page 13 (1,1)
143BASIC OPERATIONDTX code number edit(PMR or BIIS PMR operation only)If the transceiver has [TX Code CH Select] or [TX CodeEnter] assigned to it, TX code contents can be edited withinthe allowable digits.TO EDIT A TX CODE VIA [TX CODE CH SELECT] KEY:qPush [TX Code CH Select] to enter the TX code channelselection mode.• Select the desired channel using [UP] or [DOWN] if necessary.wPush [TX Code CH Select] for 1 sec. to enter the TX codeedit mode.ePush [TX Code CH Select] to select the desired digit to beedited.rSet the desired digit using [UP], [DOWN], [TX Code CHUp], [TX Code CH Down] or 10-keypad.**Depending on version.tPush [TX Code CH Select] to set the digit. The editabledigit will move to the right automatically.• When the 10-keypad is used to set, the editable digit will move tothe right automatically without pushing [TX Code CH Select].yRepeat rand tto input all allowable digits.uPush [Call] or [PTT] to transmit the edited TX code.TO EDIT A TX CODE VIA [TX CODE ENTER] KEY:qSelect the desired TX code channel via [TX Code CH Up]or [TX Code CH Down].wPush [TX Code Enter] to enter the TX code edit mode.ePush [TX Code Enter] to select the desired digit to be edit-ed.rSet the desired digit using [UP], [DOWN], [TX Code CHUp] or [TX Code CH Down] or 10-keypad*.*Depending on version.tPush [TX Code Enter] to set the digit. The editable digit willmove to the right automatically.• When the 10-keypad is used to set, the editable digit will move tothe right automatically without pushing [TX Code CH Select].yRepeat rand tto input all allowable digits.uPush [Call] or [PTT] to transmit the edited TX code.IC-F43GT_GS.qxd  04.4.9 1:10 PM  Page 14 (1,1)
153BASIC OPERATIONDDTMF transmissionIf the transceiver has [DTMF Autodial] assigned to it, the auto-matic DTMF transmission function is available. Up to 8 DTMFchannels are available.TO SELECT A TX CODE:qPush [DTMF Autodial]— a DTMF channel appears.wPush [UP] or [DOWN] to select the desired DTMF chan-nel.ePush [DTMF Autodial] to transmit the DTMF code in theselected DTMF channel.■User set modeUser set mode is accessed with [User Set Mode] and allowsyou to set seldom-changed settings. In this case you can“customize” the transceiver operation to suit your preferencesand operating style.Entering the user set mode:qPush and hold [User Set Mode] to enter user set mode.Push [User Set Mode] momentarily to select the item. Then push [UP] or [DOWN] to set the desired level/condi-tion.• Available set mode functions are Backlight, Beep, SQL Level,Mic Gain and Battery Voltage.wPush and hold [User Set Mode] to exit user set mode.■Scrambler functionThe voice scrambler function provides private communicationbetween stations. The frequency inversion type is equippedto all versions, moreover, the optional Rolling or Non-rollingtype can be available.qPush [Scrambler] to turn the scrambler function ON.• “” appears.wPush [Scrambler] again to turn the scrambler functionOFF.• “” disappears.IC-F43GT_GS.qxd  04.4.9 1:10 PM  Page 15 (1,1)
164BIIS OPERATION■Default settingThe following functions are assigned to each programmablekey as the default. However, the assigned function can bechanged by your dealer. Ask your dealer for details.NOTE: [TX Code Enter] must be assigned to any key.[P0]; Call : Push to transmit a 5-tone/BIIS callwhen the selected channel is a 5-tone or MSK channel, respectively.[P1]; Digital : Push to select the call list ID/trans-mit message, or to display thereceive message record for selec-tion.[P3]; TX Code Enter : Push to enter the direct ID code editmode for both 5-tone and MSK.[UP]/[DOWN]; CH Up/Down: While in the standby condition,selects the operating channel.After pushing [Digital] or [TX CodeCH Select], selects call list or TXcode channel, respectively.[MONITOR]; Moni(Audi): Push this key after the communica-tion to send a ‘Clear down’signalduring MSK channel operation.[P2]/[RED]; Null : No function is assigned.■Receiving a callDDIndividual callqWhen an individual call is received;•Beeps sound.•“ ” appears and the mute is released.•The programmed text message (e.g.“”) and the callingstation ID (or text) is displayed alternately, depending on the set-ting.•“ ” appears or blinks depending on the setting.wPush and hold [PTT], then speak into the microphone at anormal voice level.•“ ” indicator appears.eRelease [PTT] to return to receive.•“ ” appears while receiving a signal.rTo  finish the conversation, push [MONITOR] (Moni(Audi))to send the ‘Clear down’signal. •Either station can send a ‘Clear down’signal.•“ ” is displayed for 2 sec. (approx.).•“ ” disappears and the transceiver returns to the standby condi-tion.Appears or blinksAppearsIC-F43GT_GS.qxd  04.4.9 1:10 PM  Page 16 (1,1)
174BIIS OPERATIONDDGroup callqWhen a group call is received;•Beeps sound.•“ ” appears and the mute is released.•The programmed text message (e.g.“”) and the callingstation ID (or text) is displayed alternately, depending on the set-ting.•“ ” appears or blinks depending on the setting.wPush and hold [PTT], then speak into the microphone at anormal voice level.NOTE: Only one station is permitted to speak.•“ ” appears.eRelease [PTT] to return to receive.•“ ” appears while receiving a signal.rTo  finish the conversation, push [MONITOR] (Moni(Audi))to send the ‘Clear down’signal.•Either station can send a ‘Clear down’signal.•“ ” is displayed for 2 sec. (approx.)•“ ” disappears and the transceiver returns to the standby condi-tion.DDDisplaying the received call record— Queue indicationThe transceiver memorizes the calling station IDs for record.Up to 3 calls can be memorized, and the oldest call record iserased when a 4th call is received. However, once the trans-ceiver is powered OFF, the all records are cleared.qPush [P1] (Digital) for 1 sec.•Displays following indication.When a record is availableWhen no record is availablewPush [UP] or [DOWN] to select the desired call.ePush [P1] (Digital) for 1 sec. again to return to the standbycondition.•When no operation is performed for 30 sec., the transceiverreturns to the standby condition automatically.Appears or blinksAppearsIC-F43GT_GS.qxd  04.4.9 1:10 PM  Page 17 (1,1)
184BIIS OPERATION■Transmitting a callTotal of a 3 ways for code selection are available—selectingthe call code from memory, entering the call code from thekeypad and calling back from the queue channel record.DDUsing call memoryqWhile in the standby condition, push [P1] (Digital) to enterthe call code memory channel selection mode.•“ ” appears.wPush [UP] or [DOWN] to select the desired call code.ePush [P0] (Call) or [PTT]* to call.*PTT call can be made only when PTT call capability is permitted.NOTE: When no answer back is received, the trans-ceiver repeats the call 3 times (default) automatically,and “”is displayed during each call. However, anerror beep sounds and “”is displayed when noanswer back is received after the calls.rPush [PTT] to transmit; release to receive.tPush [MONITOR] (Moni(Audi)) to send the ‘Clear down’signal.DDCalling back from the queue channelqWhile in the standby condition, push [P1] (Digital) for1 sec. to enter the queue memory channel selection mode.wPush [UP] or [DOWN] to select the desired record.ePush [P0] (Call) or [PTT]* to call.*PTT call can be made only when PTT call capability is permitted.NOTE: When no answer back is received, the trans-ceiver repeats the call 3 times (default) automatically,and “”is displayed during each call. However, anerror beep sounds and “”is displayed when noanswer back is received after the calls.rPush [PTT] to transmit; release to receive.tPush [MONITOR] (Moni(Audi)) to send the ‘Clear down’signal.Call code text is displayed.AppearsIC-F43GT_GS.qxd  04.4.9 1:10 PM  Page 18 (1,1)
194BIIS OPERATIONDDDirect code entryqWhile in the standby condition, push [P3] (TX Code Enter)to enter the TX code edit mode.•Editable code digit blinks.wPush [P3] (TX Code Enter) to select the desired digit to beedited.•Editable digit differs according to the setting.eSet the desired digit using [CH Up]/[CH Down]/[TX CodeCH Up]/[TX Code CH Down] or 10-keypad.**Depending on versionrPush [P3] (TX Code Enter) to set the digit, then theeditable digit will move to the right automatically.• When the 10-keypad is used to set, the editable digit will move tothe right automatically without pushing [P3] (TX Code Enter).tRepeat eand rto input all allowable digits.yPush [P0] (Call) or [PTT]* to call.*PTT call can be made only when PTT call capability is permitted.NOTE: When no answer back is received, the trans-ceiver repeats the call 3 times (default) automatically,and “”is displayed during each call. However, anerror beep sounds and “”is displayed when noanswer back is received after the calls.uPush [PTT] to transmit; release to receive.iPush [MONITOR] (Moni(Audi)) to send the ‘Clear down’signal.For your informationWhen the “UpDate” setting for the call code is enabled, theset code is overwritten into the call code memory.IC-F43GT_GS.qxd  04.4.9 1:10 PM  Page 19 (1,1)
204BIIS OPERATION■Receiving a messageDDReceiving a status messageqWhen a status message is received;• Beeps sound.• The calling station ID (or text) and the status message is dis-played alternately, depending on the setting.wPush [MONITOR] (Moni(Audi)) to return to the standbycondition.NOTE: Only the calling station ID (or text) is displayed (nomessage is displayed alternately) when the scroll timer isset to ‘OFF.’In this case, push [Status Up]/[Status Down]to display the status message manually.DDReceiving an SDMqWhen an SDM is received;• Beeps sound.• The calling station ID (or text) and the SDM is displayed alter-nately, depending on the setting.wWhen the received SDM includes more than 8 characters,“” appears and the message scrolls automatically, whenthe automatic scroll function is activated.• Push [Status Up]/[Status Down] to scroll the message manually.ePush [MONITOR] (Moni(Audi)) to return to the standbycondition.IC-F43GT_GS.qxd  04.4.9 1:10 PM  Page 20 (1,1)
214BIIS OPERATIONDDReceived message selectionThe transceiver memorizes the received messages forrecord. Up to 6 messages for status and SDM, or 95 charac-ter SDM’s can be memorized. The oldest message is erasedwhen the 7th message is received. However, once the trans-ceiver is powered OFF, all messages are cleared.qPush [P1] (Digital) for 1 sec.•Displays queue memory.wPush [P1] (Digital) momentarily.•Displays message memory.When a message is availableWhen no message is availableePush [UP] or [DOWN] to select the desired message.•When selecting the SDM that includes more than 8 characters,“” appears and the message scrolls automatically, when theautomatic scroll function is activated.• Push [Status Up]/[Status Down] to scroll the message manually.rPush [P1] (Digital) for 1 sec. again to return to the standbycondition.•When no operation is performed for 30 sec., the transceiverreturns to the standby condition automatically.IC-F43GT_GS.qxd  04.4.9 1:10 PM  Page 21 (1,1)
224BIIS OPERATION■Transmitting a statusDDGeneralThe status message can be selected with the programmedtext, and the message text is also displayed on the functiondisplay of the called station.Up to 24 status types (1 to 24) are available, and the statusmessages 22 and 24 have designated meanings.Status 22: Emergency*Status 24: GPS request*The status 22 can also be used as a normal status message bydisabling the designated meaning. However, the status 24 is fixed.The status call can be sent with both individual and groupcalls.DDTransmitting a statusqWhile in the standby condition, push [P1] (Digital), thenpush [UP] or [DOWN] to select the desired station/groupcode.wPush [P1] (Digital) again, then push [UP] or [DOWN] toselect the desired status message.Or, you can select the desired status message using[Status Up]/[Status Down] key directly.ePush [P0] (Call) or [PTT]* to transmit the status messageto the selected station/group.*PTT call can be made only when PTT call capability is permitted.•2 beeps will sound and the transceiver returns to the standbycondition automatically when the transmission is successful.Status message is displayed.IC-F43GT_GS.qxd  04.4.9 1:10 PM  Page 22 (1,1)
234BIIS OPERATION■Transmitting an SDMDDGeneralThe short data message, SDM, can be sent to an individualstation or group stations. Also, 8 SDM memory channels areavailable and the messages can be edited via PC program-ming.DDTransmitting an SDMqWhile in the standby condition, push [P1] (Digital), thenpush [UP] or [DOWN] to select the desired station/groupcode.wPush [P1] (Digital) again, then push [UP] or [DOWN] toselect the desired SDM.Or, you can select the desired SDM using [StatusUp]/[Status Down] key directly.ePush [P0] (Call) or [PTT]* to transmit the SDM to theselected station/group.*PTT call can be made only when PTT call capability is permitted.•2 beeps will sound and the transceiver returns to the standbycondition automatically when the transmission is successful.SDM is displayed.IC-F43GT_GS.qxd  04.4.9 1:10 PM  Page 23 (1,1)
244BIIS OPERATIONDDProgramming an SDM memory(10-keypad version is required)qDuring standby condition, push [P1] (Digital) twice, thenpush [UP] or [DOWN] to select the desired SDM to be edit-ed.wPush [M] or [#] to enter the message editing condition.•The first character blinks when [#] is pushed, the last characterblinks when [M] is pushed as below.ePush the appropriate digit key, [0] to [9], to enter thedesired character.•See the table at right for the available characters.•Pushing [UP] also enters space, pushing [DOWN] deletes theselected character.rPush [#] to move the cursor to the right, push [M] to movethe cursor to the left.tRepeat steps eand rto set the desired text message.yPush [P1] (Digital) for 1 sec. to overwrite the set contentinto the memory.•Push [P1] (Digital) momentarily to cancel the editing and return tothe original message indication.•Available charactersNOTE: Once the pre-programmed character including adecimal point is rewrote with the 10-keypad, the decimalpoint cannot be displayed again.Key[0][1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9]Characters(0)(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(.)(Space)(A)(D)(G)(J)(M)(P)(T)(W)(!)(#)(B)(E)(H)(K)(N)(Q)(U)(X)(?)(✱)(C)(F)(I)(L)(O)(R)(V)(Y)(’)(/)(a)(d)(g)(j)(m)(S)(t)(Z)(")(+)(b)(e)(h)(k)(n)(p)(u)(w)(,)(—)(c)(f)(i)(l)(o)(q)(v)(x)(;)(=)(r)(y)(:)(_) (() ()) (<) (>) ([) (])(/)(&) (%) ($) (@) (^)(s)(z)IC-F43GT_GS.qxd  04.4.9 1:10 PM  Page 24 (1,1)
254BIIS OPERATION■Position data transmissionWhen the optional cable and a GPS receiver is connected tothe transceiver, the position (longitude and latitude) data canbe transmitted automatically.Ask your dealer or system operator for connection details.The position data is transmitted when;•Status 24 message is received*When the status 24 message, GPS request, is received.•Fully automaticWhen automatic position transmission is enabled, sendthe position data according to ‘Time Marker’and ‘IntervalTimer’settings.•PTT is releasedWhen ‘Send with Logoff’is enabled.-Set the ‘Log-In/Off’item as ‘L-OFF.’•After sending a status messageWhen ‘Send with Status’is enabled.•After sending an SDMWhen ‘Send with SDM’is enabled.•After sending status 22 (Emergency)When ‘Send with Emergency’is enabled.■Printer connectionWhen the optional cable is connected to the transceiver, aprinter can be connected to print out the received SDM con-tent and the ID of the station who sent the message.Ask your dealer or system operator for connection details.■Digital ANIThe own ID can be transmitted each time the PTT is pushed(log-in) or released (log-off) during individual or group callcommunications.By receiving the ANI, the communication log can be recordedwhen using a PC dispatch application.In addition, when using the ANI with log-in, the PTT side tonefunction can be used to inform you that the ID is sent andvoice communication can be performed.IC-F43GT_GS.qxd  04.4.9 1:10 PM  Page 25 (1,1)
264BIIS OPERATION■Auto emergency transmissionWhen [Emergency Single (Silent)] or [Emergency Repeat(Silent)] is pushed, an emergency signal is automaticallytransmitted for the specified time period.The status 22 (Emergency) is sent to the selected ID station,and the position data is transmitted after the emergency sig-nal when a GPS receiver is connected to the transceiver.The emergency transmission is performed on the emergencychannel, however, when no emergency channel is specified,the signal is transmitted on the previously selected channel.There is no change in the function display or beep emissionduring automatic emergency transmission.■Stun functionWhen the specified ID, set as a killer ID, is received, the stunfunction is activated.When the killer ID is received, the transceiver switches to thepasscode required condition. Entering of the passcode via thekeypad is necessary to operate the transceiver again in thiscase.■BIIS indicationThe following indications are available for the BIIS operationon an MSK channel.: Individual/group call is successful.: Message (status or SDM) transmission is suc-cessful.: No answer back is received.: Appears during retry of the call (2nd call).: End the communication.: Operating channel is in the busy condition.■Priority A channel selectionWhen one of the following operations is performed, the trans-ceiver selects the Priority A channel automatically.Priority A is selected when;•Clear down signal is received/transmitted-Set the ‘Move to PrioA CH’item as ‘Clear down.’•Turning the power ONThe Priority A channel is selected each time the trans-ceiver power is turned ON.•Status callThe Priority A channel is selected when transmitting a sta-tus call.-Enable the ‘Send Status on PrioA CH’item in the MSKconfiguration.IC-F43GT_GS.qxd  04.4.9 1:10 PM  Page 26 (1,1)
274BIIS OPERATION■Man Down Emergency CallThe optional UT-113 MAN DOWN UNITis required for this func-tion.The man down emergency call function transmits an emer-gency call automatically, when the transceiver has been left ina horizontal position.This function can be performed for both 5-tone and MSKchannels.After the emergency call, the transceiver performs transmis-sion and reception alternately with the following conditions:- Transmits the microphone signals.- Receives the signal and emits audio.When the emergency reset signal is received, the function iscancelled.IMPORTANT: Set an emergency channel individually, toprovide certain emergency call operation is recommended.IC-F43GT_GS.qxd  04.4.9 1:10 PM  Page 27 (1,1)
285OPTIONAL SmarTrunk OPERATION■SmarTrunk II™/SmarTrunk 3Gand conventional modesThis transceiver is capable of SmarTrunk II™/SmarTrunk 3Gfunctions.The optional UT-105/UT-117 allow communications in con-ventional channels, SmarTrunk II™/SmarTrunk 3G channels.Select a channel bank for SmarTrunk II™/SmarTrunk 3Gbefore trunking operation.•Push [BANK] several times to select a channel bank for con-ventional channels or SmarTrunk II™/SmarTrunk 3G chan-nels.- Scanning starts when a channel bank for SmarTrunk II™/SmarTrunk 3G operation is selected.- Contact your Dealer for channel bank details.■SmarTrunk II™/SmarTrunk 3GoperationThese features are enabled by a Dealer and may not beavailable in your system. Contact your Dealer for details.DReceiving a call*1When you hear ringing, push [M] to answer.• For a group call, you hear a short ring followed by two short beeps.You do not have to answer a group call to hear it over the air.DTerminating a call*1After completing a call, push [#] to disconnect (hang up).IMPORTANT: If one person in the conversation terminatesa call, all participants will be cut off.DLast number re-dial*1Push [M] 2times to automatically re-dial the last called num-ber.• A high-pitched beep indicates that the number is accepted.DClear channel alerting*1If all channels are busy, the transceiver automatically beginssearching for an open channel and beeps every ten seconds.When two short beeps (low-pitched, then high-pitched) areheard, a channel is available. Push [M], [M] immediately to re-dial the last number.IC-F43GT_GS.qxd  04.4.9 1:10 PM  Page 28 (1,1)
295OPTIONAL SmarTrunk OPERATIONDPTT dispatch operation*1qPush [PTT] once (without dialling) to initiate a dispatch call.wBegin talking after you hear three beeps (one short, high-pitched, two very-short, low-pitched).eReceiving a dispatch call is indicated by the same three-beep sequence.• It is not necessary to push [M] to answer a dispatch call.DPlacing a telephone call*2Enter the phone number followed by [1], [M].• A high-pitched beep indicates that the number is accepted.• When the called party answers, push the [PTT] switch to talk, andrelease it to listen.DCalling another local system subscriber*2Enter the subscriber number followed by [3], [M].• A high-pitched beep indicates that the number is accepted.• You hear ringing, then two short beeps when the subscriberanswers.• If the other subscriber is on another call or out of range, you hear afast busy signal and the call terminates automatically.DMemory speed-dialling*2To automatically dial a commonly used number from memory:•Push [M] followed by the memory location (0–9).DEmergency call*2Push [0], [M] to initiate an emergency call.• Contact your dealer for details.DTurbo SpeeDialTo automatically dial a commonly used number with onepush:•Push one of the turbo SpeeDials ([A], [B], [C] or [D]).DProgramming memory speed dialqPush and hold [M] until you hear a high-pitched beep.wEnter the memory location (0–9, A, B, C, D), the telephoneor subscriber number, then [1], [M] (or [3], [M] if for anothersystem subscriber).• A high-pitched beep indicates successful programming.• Memories [A]–[D] are used for the Turbo SpeeDial.DSystem busy indicationIf all channels are busy, three low beeps sound after you initi-ate a call. Try the call again later.DDisplaying the received ID record(Available for SmarTrunk 3G only)Push [Trunking Caller ID SW] to display the received IDrecord in sequence.•The latest received ID is displayed at first.•The record is cleared when the transceiver is turned OFF.*1 Available for 4-key version when the [M] or [#] key function isassigned to any programmable key.*2 Available for 10-keypad version only. Use the Turbo SpeeDial func-tion instead.NOTE: For additional operating instructions, contact yourDealer.IC-F43GT_GS.qxd  04.4.9 1:10 PM  Page 29 (1,1)
306OPTIONAL UNIT INSTALLATION■Optional unit installationInstall the optional unit as follows:qRotate [VOL] to turn the power OFF, and remove the bat-tery pack. (p. 2)wRemove the unit cover.NOTE: Use a flat head screw driver or a similar flat instrument,and insert into the hollow of the chassis, then lift and take awaythe unit cover. (The removed cover cannot be used again.)eInstall the unit as shown below.rReplace the unit cover and the battery pack, then rotate[VOL] to turn the power ON.NOTE: The optional UT-109/UT-110 SCRAMBLER UNITSorUT-117 (scrambler version) requires some PC board mod-ifications. Please refer to the additional installation as atright.IC-F43GT_GS.qxd  04.4.9 1:10 PM  Page 30 (1,1)
316OPTIONAL UNIT INSTALLATION■Scrambler unit installationThe following PC board modification is required wheninstalling the optional UT-109, UT-110 or UT-117 (scramblerversion):qRotate [VOL] to turn the power OFF, and remove the bat-tery pack. (p. 2)wRemove the unit cover as shown on p. 30 (optional unitinstallation).eCut the pattern on the PCB at the TX mic circuit (MIC) andRX AF circuit (DISC) as shown below.rInstall the scrambler unit as described in the optional unitinstallation (p. 30).tReplace the unit cover and the battery pack, then rotate[VOL] to turn the power ON.NOTE: Be sure to re-solder the disconnected points at left,otherwise no TX modulation or AF output is available whenyou remove the scrambler unit.IC-F43GT_GS.qxd  04.4.9 1:10 PM  Page 31 (1,1)
327BATTERY CHARGING■Battery chargingPrior to using the transceiver for the first time, the batterypack must be fully charged for optimum life and operation.CAUTION: To avoid damage to the transceiver, turn thepower OFF while charging.• Recommended temperature range for charging: +10°C to +40°C (+50°F to +104°F)• Use the specified chargers (BC-119N, BC-121N and BC-160). NEVER use another manufacture’s charger.• Use the specified AC adapter. NEVER use another manu-facture’s adapter.■Battery cautionCAUTION! NEVER insert battery pack/transceiver(with the battery pack attached) in a wet or soiled conditioninto the charger. This may result in corrosion of the chargerterminals or damage to the charger. The charger is not wa-terproof and water can easily get into it.NEVER incinerate used battery packs. Internal battery gasmay cause an explosion.NEVER immerse the battery pack in water. If the batterypack becomes wet, be sure to wipe it dry BEFORE attachingit to the transceiver.NEVER short the terminals of the battery pack. Also, cur-rent may flow into nearby metal objects, such as a necklace,etc. Therefore, be careful when carrying with, or placing nearmetal objects, carrying in handbags, etc.AVOID leaving the battery pack in a fully charged, or com-pletely discharged condition for long time. It causes shorterbattery life. In case of leaving the battery pack unused for along time, it must be kept safely after discharge, or use thebattery until the battery indicator appears, then remove it fromthe transceiver.If your battery pack seems to have no capacity even afterbeing charged, fully charge the battery pack again. If the bat-teries still do not retain a charge (or very little), new batterypack must be purchased.Recommendation:Charge the supplied battery pack for a maximum ofup to 10 hours. Li-Ion batteries are different from Ni-Cd batteries in that it is not necessary to completelycharge and discharge them to prolong the battery life.Therefore, charging the battery in intervals, and notfor extended periods is recommended.IC-F43GT_GS.qxd  04.4.9 1:10 PM  Page 32 (1,1)
337BATTERY CHARGING■Optional battery chargersïAD-106 installationqInstall the AD-106 desktop charger adapter into the holderspace of the BC-119N/BC-121N.wConnect the plugs of the BC-119N/BC-121N to the AD-106desktop charger adapter with the connector, then installthe adapter into the charger with the supplied screws.Screws supplied with the charger adapterDesktop charger adapterConnectorsPlugsIC-F43GT_GS.qxd  04.4.9 1:10 PM  Page 33 (1,1)
347BATTERY CHARGINGïRapid charging with the BC-119N+AD-106The optional BC-119N provides rapid charging of batterypacks. The following are additionally required.• AD-106 charger adapter• An AC adapter (may be supplied with BC-119N dependingon version).ïRapid charging with the BC-121N+AD-106The optional BC-121N allows up to 6 battery packs to becharged simultaneously. The following are additionallyrequired.• Six AD-106 charger adapters• An AC adapter (BC-124)AD-106 chargeradapters are installedin each slot.DC power cable (OPC-656)(Connect with the DC power supply;  13.8 V/at least 7 A)AC adapter(Purchase separately)IC-F43GT/GSBP-231AD-106 charger adapter is installed in BC-119N.AC adapter(Not supplied with some versions.)Optional OPC-515L (for 13.8 V power source) or CP-17L (for 12 V cigarette lighter socket) can be used instead of the AC adapter.IC-F43GT/GSBP-231IC-F43GT_GS.qxd  04.4.9 1:10 PM  Page 34 (1,1)
357BATTERY CHARGINGIMPORTANT: Ensure the sides of the battery pack are cor-rectly aligned with the charger groves.IC-F43GT_GS.qxd  04.4.9 1:10 PM  Page 35 (1,1)
368SWIVEL BELT CLIP■MB-93 contentsQty.qBelt clip ……………………………………………………… 1wBase clip …………………………………………………… 1■To attachqRelease the battery pack if it is attached. (p. 2)wSlide the base clip in the direction of the arrow.eClip the belt clip to a part of your belt. And insert the trans-ceiver into the belt clip until the base clip inserted fully intothe groove.rOnce the transceiver is locked in place, it swivels as illus-trated below.q wIC-F43GT_GS.qxd  04.4.9 1:10 PM  Page 36 (1,1)
378SWIVEL BELT CLIP■To detachqTurn the transceiver upside down in the direction of thearrow and pull out from the belt clip.wRelease the battery pack if it is attached. (p. 2)ePinch the clip (q), and slide the base clip in the directionof the arrow (w).RRCAUTION!HOLD THE TRANSCEIVER TIGHTLY, WHEN HANGINGOR DETACHING THE TRANSCEIVER FROM THE BELTCLIP.Otherwise the transceiver may not be attached to the hold-er or swivel properly if the transceiver is accidentallydropped and the base clip is scratched or damaged.qwIC-F43GT_GS.qxd  04.4.9 1:10 PM  Page 37 (1,1)
389OPTIONSDBATTERY PACK•BP-230 Li-IonBATTERY PACK7.4 V/800 mAh Li-Ion battery pack, allows more than 6 hoursoperation.•BP-231 Li-IonBATTERY PACK7.4 V/1150 mAh Li-Ion battery pack, allows more than 8hours operation. The same as supplied with the transceiver.•BP-232 Li-IonBATTERY PACK7.4 V/2000 mAh Li-Ion battery pack, allows more than 16hours operation.DCHARGERS•BC-119N DESKTOP CHARGER+ AD-106 CHARGER ADAPTER+ BC-145 AC ADAPTERFor rapid charging of battery packs. An AC adapter is sup-plied with the charger depending on versions. Chargingtime: approx. 2 hours when BP-231 is attached.•BC-121N MULTI-CHARGER+ AD-106 CHARGER ADAPTER(6 pcs.)+ BC-124 AC ADAPTERFor rapid charging of up to 6 battery packs (six AD-106’s arerequired) simultaneously. An AC adapter should be pur-chased separately. Charging time: approx. 2 hours whenBP-231 is attached.•BC-160 DESKTOP CHARGER+ BC-145 AC ADAPTERFor rapid charging of battery packs. An AC adapter is sup-plied with the charger depending on versions. Chargingtime: approx. 2 hours when BP-231 is attached. (Available in the near future)DBELT CLIPS•MB-93 SWIVEL BELT CLIP•MB-94 BELT CLIPExclusive alligator-type belt clip. The same as supplied withthe transceiver.•MB-96*/96F LEATHER BELT HANGER*MB-93’s base clip is required.DOPTIONAL UNITS•UT-108 DTMF DECODER UNITProvides pager and code squelch capabilities.• UT-109 (#02)/UT-110 (#02) SCRAMBLER UNITSNon-rolling type (UT-109)/Rolling type (UT-110) voicescrambler unit provides higher communication security.• UT-113MAN DOWN UNITProvides a measure of safety when working in a hazardousenvironment, etc.• UT-105 SmarTrunk IITMLOGIC BOARDProvides SmarTrunk IITM capabilities.• UT-117 SmarTrunk 3GLOGIC BOARDProvides SmarTrunk 3G capabilities. In addition to SmarTrunk 3G capabilities, scrambler supportversion is available.(Available in the near future)IC-F43GT_GS.qxd  04.4.9 1:10 PM  Page 38 (1,1)
399OPTIONSDDC CABLES•CP-17LCIGARETTE LIGHTER CABLEAllows charging of the battery pack through a 12 V cigarettelighter socket. (For BC-119N)•OPC-515L/OPC-656 DC POWER CABLESAllows charging of the battery pack using a 13.8 V powersource instead of the AC adapter.OPC-515L: For BC-119NOPC-656 : For BC-121NDOTHER OPTIONS•SP-13 EARPHONEProvides clear receive audio in noisy environment.•HM-131LSPEAKER-MICROPHONECombination speaker-microphone that provides convenientoperation while hanging the transceiver from your belt.•HS-94/HS-95/HS-97 HEADSET+ VS-1LVOX/PTT CASEHS-94: Ear-piece typeHS-95: Neck-arm typeHS-97: Throat microphoneVS-1L: VOX/PTT switch box for hands-free operation, etc.•FA-SC73US STUBBY ANTENNAShorter UHF antenna. Frequency range: 450–490 MHzIC-F43GT_GS.qxd  04.4.9 1:10 PM  Page 39 (1,1)
4010 SAFETY TRAINING INFORMATIONYour Icom radio generates RF electromagneticenergy during transmit mode. This radio isdesigned for and classified as “Occupational UseOnly”, meaning it must be used only during thecourse of employment by individuals aware of thehazards, and the ways to minimize such hazards.This radio is NOT intended for use by the “General Population” inan uncontrolled environment.This radio has been tested and complies with the FCC RF expo-sure limits for “Occupational Use Only”. In addition, your Icomradio complies with the following Standards and Guidelines withregard to RF energy and electromagnetic energy levels and eval-uation of such levels for exposure to humans:• FCC OET Bulletin 65 Edition 97-01 Supplement C,Evaluating Compliance with FCC Guidelines for HumanExposure to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields.• American National Standards Institute (C95.1-1992), IEEEStandard for Safety Levels with Respect to Human Exposureto Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields, 3 kHz to 300GHz.• American National Standards Institute (C95.3-1992), IEEERecommended Practice for the Measurement of PotentiallyHazardous Electromagnetic Fields– RF and Microwave.• The following accessories are authorized for use with thisproduct. Use of accessories other than those specified mayresult in RF exposure levels exceeding the FCC require-ments for wireless RF exposure.; Belt Clip (MB-94),Rechargeable Li-Ion Battery Pack (BP-231) and Speaker-microphone (HM-131L).To ensure that your expose to RF electromag-netic energy is within the FCC allowable limitsfor occupational use, always adhere to the fol-lowing guidelines:• DO NOT operate the radio without a proper antennaattached, as this may damaged the radio and may alsocause you to exceed FCC RF exposure limits. A properantenna is the antenna supplied with this radio by the manu-facturer or antenna specifically authorized by the manufac-turer for use with this radio.• DO NOT transmit for more than 50% of total radio use time(“50% duty cycle”). Transmitting more than 50% of the timecan cause FCC RF exposure compliance requirements to beexceeded. The radio is transmitting when the “” (TX indi-cator) lights. You can cause the radio to transmit by pressingthe “PTT” switch.• ALWAYS keep the antenna at least 2.5 cm (1 inch) awayfrom the body when transmitting and only use the Icom belt-clips listed on page 25 when attaching the radio to your belt,etc., to ensure FCC RF exposure compliance requirementsare not exceeded. To provide the recipients of your transmis-sion the best sound quality, hold the antenna at least 5 cm(2 inches) from your mouth, and slightly off to one side.The information listed above provides the user with the informa-tion needed to make him or her aware of RF exposure, and whatto do to assure that this radio operates with the FCC RF expo-sure limits of this radio.CAUTIONWARNINGIC-F43GT_GS.qxd  04.4.9 1:10 PM  Page 40 (1,1)
4110SAFETY TRAINING INFORMATIONElectromagnetic Interference/CompatibilityDuring transmissions, your Icom radio generates RF energy thatcan possibly cause interference with other devices or systems.To avoid such interference, turn off the radio in areas where signsare posted to do so. DO NOT operate the transmitter in areasthat are sensitive to electromagnetic radiation such as hospitals,aircraft, and blasting sites.Occupational/Controlled UseThe radio transmitter is used in situations in which persons areexposed as consequence of their employment provided thosepersons are fully aware of the potential for exposure and canexercise control over their exposure.IC-F43GT_GS.qxd  04.4.9 1:10 PM  Page 41 (1,1)
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1-1-32 Kamiminami, Hirano-ku, Osaka 547-0003, JapanA-6360H-1EXPrinted in Japan© 2004 Icom Inc.IC-F43GT_GS.qxd  04.4.9 1:10 PM  Page Z (1,1)

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