ICOM orporated 279501 IC-M90 VHF Marine Transceiver User Manual IC M90 instruction manual

ICOM Incorporated IC-M90 VHF Marine Transceiver IC M90 instruction manual

User Manual

INSTRUCTION MANUALiM90VHF MARINE TRANSCEIVERThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCCRules. Operation is subject to the condition thatthis device does not cause harmful interference.IC-M90.qxd  04.8.23  3:53 PM  Page A
iSAFETY TRAINING INFORMATIONYour Icom radio generates RF electromagnetic energy duringtransmit mode. This radio is designed for and classified as“Occupational Use Only”, meaning it must be used only dur-ing the course of employment by individuals aware of the haz-ards, and the ways to minimize such hazards. This radio isNOT intended for use by the “General Population” in an un-controlled environment.This radio has been evaluated for compliance at the distance of 2.5 cm withthe FCC RF exposure limits for “Occupational Use Only”. In addition, your Icomradio complies with the following Standards and Guidelines with regard to RFenergy and electromagnetic energy levels and evaluation of such levels for ex-posure to humans:• FCC OET Bulletin 65 Edition 97-01 Supplement C, Evaluating Compliancewith FCC Guidelines for Human Exposure to Radio Frequency Electro-magnetic Fields.• American National Standards Institute (C95.1-1992), IEEE Standard forSafety Levels with Respect to Human Exposure to Radio Frequency Elec-tromagnetic Fields, 3 kHz to 300 GHz.• American National Standards Institute (C95.3-1992), IEEE RecommendedPractice for the Measurement of Potentially Hazardous ElectromagneticFields– RF and Microwave.• The following accessories are authorized for use with this product. Use ofaccessories other than those specified may result in RF exposure levelsexceeding the FCC requirements for wireless RF exposure.; Belt Clip (MB-86/103), Rechargeable Ni-Cd Battery Pack (BP-225) and Alkaline BatteryCase (BP-223).To ensure that your expose to RF electromagnetic en-ergy is within the FCC allowable limits for occupationaluse, always adhere to the following guidelines:CAUTIONWARNING• DO NOT operate the radio without a proper antenna attached, as this maydamaged the radio and may also cause you to exceed FCC RF exposurelimits. A proper antenna is the antenna supplied with this radio by the man-ufacturer or antenna specifically authorized by the manufacturer for usewith this radio.• DO NOT transmit for more than 50% of total radio use time (“50% dutycycle”). Transmitting more than 50% of the time can cause FCC RF expo-sure compliance requirements to be exceeded. The radio is transmittingwhen the “TX indicator” lights red. You can cause the radio to transmit bypressing the “PTT” switch.• ALWAYS keep the antenna at least 2.5 cm (1 inch) away from the bodywhen transmitting and only use the Icom belt-clips which are listed onpage 33 when attaching the radio to your belt, etc., to ensure FCC RF ex-posure compliance requirements are not exceeded. To provide the recipi-ents of your transmission the best sound quality, hold the antenna at least5 cm (2 inches) from your mouth, and slightly off to one side.The information listed above provides the user with the information needed tomake him or her aware of RF exposure, and what to do to assure that this radiooperates with the FCC RF exposure limits of this radio.Electromagnetic Interference/CompatibilityDuring transmissions, your Icom radio generates RF energy that can possiblycause interference with other devices or systems. To avoid such interference,turn off the radio in areas where signs are posted to do so. DO NOT operatethe transmitter in areas that are sensitive to electromagnetic radiation such ashospitals, aircraft, and blasting sites.Occupational/Controlled UseThe radio transmitter is used in situations in which persons are exposed asconsequence of their employment provided those persons are fully aware ofthe potential for exposure and can exercise control over their exposure.IC-M90.qxd  04.8.23  3:53 PM  Page i
iiIN CASE OF EMERGENCYIf your vessel requires assistance, contact other vessels andthe Coast Guard by sending a distress call on Channel 16.❍USING CHANNEL 16DISTRESS CALL PROCEDURE1. “MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY.”2. “THIS IS ...........................” (name of vessel)3. Your call sign or other indication of the ves-sel.4. “LOCATED AT .....................” (your position)5. The nature of the distress and assistance re-quired.6. Any other information which might facilitatethe rescue.RECOMMENDATIONCLEAN THE TRANSCEIVER THOROUGHLY WITH FRESHWATER after exposure to saltwater, and dry it before opera-tion. Otherwise, the transceiver’s keys, switches and con-trollers may become inoperable due to salt crystallization.MIC  /SPIC-M90.qxd  04.8.23  3:53 PM  Page ii
FOREWORDThank you for purchasing this Icom product. The IC-M90 VHFMARINE TRANSCEIVER is designed and built with Icom’s stateof the art technology and craftsmanship. With proper care thisproduct should provide you with years of trouble-free operation.IMPORTANTREAD ALL INSTRUCTIONS carefully and com-pletely before using the transceiver.SAVE THIS INSTRUCTION MANUAL—This in-struction manual contains important operating instructions forthe IC-M90.EXPLICIT DEFINITIONSFEATURES☞Waterproof constructionBuilt tough to withstand the punishing marine environ-ment, the IC-M90 meets JIS waterproof specificationgrade 7 while using BP-223 (option) or BP-225.☞Dualwatch and tri-watch functionsConvenient functions which allow you to monitor the dis-tress channel (Ch 16) while receiving a channel of yourchoice—dualwatch; or monitor the distress channel andanother channel while receiving a channel of yourchoice—tri-watch.☞Large, easy-to-read LCDWith dimensions of 19(H) ×35(W) mm; 3⁄4(H) ×13⁄8(W) inch,the IC-M90’s function display is easy to read and shows op-erating conditions at a glance. Backlighting and contrastcan be adjusted to suit your preferences.☞Simple operation6 large buttons on the front panel provide user-friendly op-eration. The independent volume and channel buttons arelocated on the front panel for convenient one-hand opera-tion.iiiWORD DEFINITIONRWARNINGCAUTIONNOTEPersonal injury, fire hazard or electric shock may occur.If disregarded, inconvenience only. No risk of personal injury, fire or electric shock.Equipment damage may occur.IC-M90.qxd  04.8.23  3:53 PM  Page iii
ivPRECAUTIONRWARNING! NEVER connect the transceiver to anAC outlet. This may pose a fire hazard or result in an electricshock.RWARNING! NEVER hold the transceiver so that theantenna is closer than 2.5 cm (1 inch) from exposed parts ofthe body, especially the face or eyes, while transmitting. Thetransceiver will perform best if the microphone is 5 to 10 cm(2 to 4 inches) away from the lips and the transceiver is verti-cal.NEVER connect the transceiver to a power source otherthan the BP-225 or BP-223. Such a connection will ruin thetransceiver.AVOID using or placing the transceiver in direct sunlight orin areas with temperatures below –20°C (–4°F) or above+60°C (+140°F): MARINE, –30°C (–22°F) or above +60°C(+140°F): LMR.KEEP the transceiver out of the reach of children.KEEP the transceiver at least 0.9 meters (3.0 ft) away fromyour vessel’s magnetic navigation compass.MAKE SURE the flexible antenna and battery pack aresecurely attached to the transceiver, and that the antenna andbattery pack are dry before attachment. Exposing the insideof the transceiver to water will result in serious damage to thetransceiver.BE CAREFUL! The IC-M90 employs waterproof con-struction, which corresponds to JIS waterproof specification,Grade 7 (1 m; 3 ft depth for 30 min.). However, once thetransceiver has been dropped, waterproofing cannot be guar-anteed due to the fact that the transceiver may be cracked,or the waterproof seal damaged, etc.For U.S.A. onlyCAUTION: Changes or modifications to this device, notexpressly approved by Icom Inc., could void your authority tooperate this device under FCC regulations.Icom, Icom Inc. and the  logo are registered trademarks of Icom Incor-porated (Japan) in the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, France,Spain, Russia and/or other countries.IC-M90.qxd  04.8.23  3:53 PM  Page iv
vSAFETY TRAINING INFORMATION ............................................... iIN CASE OF EMERGENCY ........................................................... iiRECOMMENDATION ...................................................................... iiFOREWORD .................................................................................. iiiIMPORTANT ................................................................................... iiiEXPLICIT DEFINITIONS ................................................................ iiiFEATURES ..................................................................................... iiiPRECAUTION ................................................................................ ivTABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................. v1 OPERATING RULES ................................................................. 12 SUPPLIED ACCESSORIES AND ATTACHMENTS ............... 2–3■Supplied accessories............................................................... 2■Attachments............................................................................. 23 PANEL DESCRIPTION .......................................................... 4–6■Front, top and side panels ....................................................... 4■Function display ...................................................................... 54 BASIC OPERATION ............................................................. 7–11■Channel selection ................................................................... 7■Receiving and transmitting ...................................................... 9■Call channel programming .................................................... 10■Lock function ......................................................................... 10■Signal strength indicator function .......................................... 10■Monitor function .................................................................... 10■Adjusting the squelch level .................................................... 11■Automatic backlighting .......................................................... 11■Voice scrambler operation ..................................................... 115 SCAN OPERATION ........................................................... 12–13■Scan types ............................................................................ 12■Setting tag channels ............................................................. 13■Starting a scan ...................................................................... 136 DUALWATCH/TRI-WATCH ...................................................... 14■Description ............................................................................ 14■Operation .............................................................................. 147 LAND CHANNEL OPERATION ............................................... 15■LAND channel group ............................................................. 15■CTCSS and DTCS display .................................................... 15■VOX function ......................................................................... 158 SET MODE ......................................................................... 16–21■SET mode programming ....................................................... 16■SET mode items ................................................................... 179 BATTERY CHARGING ....................................................... 22–25■Battery charging .................................................................... 22■Battery cautions .................................................................... 22■Optional battery case ............................................................ 23■Optional battery chargers ...................................................... 2410 OPTIONAL SWIVEL BELT CLIP ............................................. 26■MB-86 contents ..................................................................... 26■Attachment ............................................................................ 26■Detachment ........................................................................... 2611 OPTIONAL SPEAKER-MICROPHONE .................................. 27■Descriptions .......................................................................... 27■Attachment ............................................................................ 2712 TROUBLESHOOTING ............................................................. 2813 VHF MARINE CHANNEL LIST ............................................... 2914 SPECIFICATIONS  ................................................................... 3015 QUICK REFERENCE  .............................................................. 3116 OPTIONS ................................................................................. 33TABLE OF CONTENTSIC-M90.qxd  04.8.23  3:53 PM  Page v
11OPERATING RULESDPriorities• Read all rules and regulations pertaining to priorities andkeep an up-to-date copy handy. Safety and distress callstake priority over all others.• You must monitor Channel 16 when you are not operatingon another channel.• False or fraudulent distress calls are prohibited under law.DPrivacy• Information overheard but not intended for you cannot law-fully be used in any way.• Indecent or profane language is prohibited.DRadio licenses(1) SHIP STATION LICENSEWhen your craft is equipped with a VHF FM transceiver, youmust have a current radio station license before using thetransceiver. It is unlawful to operate a ship station which is notlicensed.Inquire through your dealer or the appropriate governmentagency for a Ship-Radiotelephone license. This license in-cludes the call sign which is your craft’s identification for radiopurposes.(2) OPERATOR’S LICENSEA restricted Radiotelephone Operator Permit is the licensemost often held by small vessel radio operators when a radiois not required for safety purposes.The Restricted Radiotelephone Operator Permit must beposted near the transceiver or be kept with the operator. Onlya licensed radio operator may operate a transceiver.However, non-licensed individuals may talk over a transceiverif a licensed operator starts, supervises, ends the call andmakes the necessary log entries.A current copy of the applicable government rules and regu-lations is only required to be on hand for vessels in which aradio telephone is compulsory. However, even if you are notrequired to have these on hand it is your responsibility to bethoroughly acquainted with all pertinent rules and regulations.NOTE: Even though the IC-M90 is capable of operationon VHF marine channels 3, 21, 23, 61, 64, 81, 82 and 83,according to FCC regulations these simplex channels can-not be lawfully used by the general occupational in USAwaters.1IC-M90.qxd  04.8.23  3:53 PM  Page 1
2SUPPLIED ACCESSORIES AND ATTACHMENTS2■Supplied accessoriesThe following accessories are supplied: Qty.• Handstrap  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1• Belt clip (MB-103)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1• Ni-Cd battery pack (BP-225)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1• Battery charger (BC-158)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1• Screws for the BC-158 (M3.5 ×20)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2• AC adapter (BC-147A)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1• Flexible antenna (FA-S59V)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1■AttachmentsDFlexible antennaConnect the supplied flexible an-tenna to the antenna connector.CAUTION: Transmitting withoutan antenna may damage thetransceiver.NEVER HOLD by the antennawhen carrying the transceiver.DHandstrapPass the handstrap through theloop on the top of the transceiveras illustrated at right. Facilitatescarrying.DBelt clipAttach the belt clip to the transceiver as illustrated below.Supplied screwsMIC  /SPIC-M90.qxd  04.8.23  3:53 PM  Page 2
32SUPPLIED ACCESSORIES AND ATTACHMENTSïBattery packTo remove the battery pack:Turn the screw counterclockwise, then pull the battery packin the direction of the arrow as shown below.To attach the battery pack:Insert the battery pack in the IC-M90 completely, then turn thescrew clockwise.NEVER remove or insert the battery pack when the trans-ceiver is wet or soiled. This may result water or dust get-ting into the transceiver/battery pack and may result in thetransceiver being damaged.NOTE: When removing or attaching the battery pack, usea coin or flat-blade screwdriver to loosen or tighten the bot-tom screw.CAUTION!:When attaching or removing a battery pack, make sure therubber seal is set in the groove of the battery pack cor-rectly. If the seal is not neatly in the groove it may be dam-aged when attaching the battery pack.If the seal is damaged, waterproofing is not guaranteed.OPENLOCKScrew position when removing battery Screw position when attaching battery OPENLOCKMake sure both the rubber seal (purple) is set to the groovecorrectly and dust or else does not adhere to it.Battery pack Battery packRubber sealGrooveCorrect position Incorrect positionNOTE:When attaching a battery pack, make sure dust or else does not adhere to the rubber seal. If dust or else is on the seal when attaching a battery pack, the water resistant may be reduced.2NOTE: When the lock screw does not easily (feels tight),check to ensure the battery pack is sufficiently inserted tothe transceiver. DO NOT bang or cause high impact tothe battery pack, as this may damage the battery pack/orthe transceiver.IC-M90.qxd  04.8.23  3:53 PM  Page 3
4PANEL DESCRIPTION3■Front, top and side panelsqVOLUME CONTROL [VOL]Turns power ON and adjusts the audio level.wMICROPHONE CONNECTOR [SP MIC]Connects the optional external microphone.NOTE: Attach the [SP MIC] cap when the optionalspeaker-microphone is not used.eANTENNA CONNECTORConnects the supplied antenna.rTRANSMIT/RECEIVE INDICATORLights green while receiving a signal or when the squelchis open; lights red while transmitting.tCHANNEL/WEATHER CHANNEL SWITCH[CH/WX•U/I/C/L]•Selects and toggles the regular channels and weatherchannel when pushed. (p. 8)•Selects one of 4 regular channels in sequence whenpushed for 1 sec. (pgs. 8, 15)- U.S.A., International, Canadian and Land channels areavailable.•Push to return to the condition before selecting the chan-nel when the priority channel or the call channel is se-lected.ySCAN SWITCH [SCAN•DUAL]•Starts and stops normal or priority scan when pushed.(pgs. 12, 13)•Enters watch mode when pushed for 1 sec. (p. 14)MIC  /SPqerytwiuo!1!0IC-M90.qxd  04.8.23  3:53 PM  Page 4
53PANEL DESCRIPTIONuTRANSMIT POWER/LOCK SWITCH [Hi/Lo•]•Selects high, middle or low power when pushed. (p. 9)•Toggles the lock function ON/OFF when pushed for1 sec. (p. 10)iCHANNEL 16 SWITCH [16•9]•Selects Channel 16 when pushed. (p. 7)• Selects call channel when pushed for 1 sec. (p. 7)• Enters call channel write mode when the call channel isselected and this switch is pushed for 3 sec. (p. 10)oCHANNEL UP/DOWN SWITCHES [YY]/[ZZ]•Selects an operating channel. (pgs. 7–9)•Selects the SET mode condition of the item. (p. 16)•Selects the SET mode item when pushed with [SQL].(p. 16)• Checks tag channels or changes scanning direction dur-ing scan. (p. 13)!0 SQUELCH SWITCH [SQL•MONI]•Push this switch, then adjust the squelch level with[YY]/[ZZ]. (p. 11)• Manually opens the squelch for monitoring the channelwhile pushed and held. (p. 10)•While pushing this switch, turn power ON to enter the setmode. (p. 16)!1 PTT SWITCH [PTT]Push and hold to transmit; release to receive.■Function displayqSIGNAL STRENGTH INDICATOR (pgs. 10, 20)Shows the relative signal strength while receiving signals.wTRANSMIT POWER INDICATOR• “LOW” appears when low power is selected.• “MID” appears when middle power is selected.• No indication appears when high power is selected.eTAG CHANNEL INDICATOR (p. 13)Appears when tag channel is selected.rSQUELCH LEVEL INDICATOR (p. 11)Show the squelch level.q r t yw e!4!6!5uio!0!1!2!3!8!73IC-M90.qxd  04.8.23  3:53 PM  Page 5
63PANEL DESCRIPTIONtMONITOR INDICATOR (p. 10)Appears when the monitor function is activated.yBATTERY INDICATORIndicates remaining battery power.uWEATHER CHANNEL/WEATHER ALERT INDICATORS(p. 8)• “WX” appears when the weather channel group isselected.• “WX ALT” appears while the weather alert function isactivated.iBELL INDICATORBlinks when an alert tone is received.oSCAN INDICATOR (p. 13)“SCAN” blinks during scan.!0 VOX INDICATOR (p. 15)“VOX” appears during the VOX function is used.!1 DUALWATCH/TRI-WATCH INDICATORS (p. 14)“DUAL” blinks during dualwatch; “TRI” blinks during tri-watch.!2 SCRAMBLER INDICATORAppears when the optional voice scrambler is activated.(pgs. 11, 20)!3 DUPLEX INDICATORAppears when a duplex channel is selected.!4 SUB CHANNEL READOUT• Indicates Channel 16 during priority scan or dualwatch.(p. 14)• Indicates the SET mode item while on the SET mode.(p. 16)!5 CHANNEL NUMBER READOUT• Indicates the selected operating channel number.• In SET mode, indicates the selected condition.!6 LOCK INDICATORAppears while the lock function is activated.!7 CALL CHANNEL INDICATORAppears when the call channel is selected.!8 CHANNEL GROUP INDICATOR“U” appears when U.S.A.; “I” appears when Interna-tional; “C” appears when Canadian; “” appears whenLAND channel group is selected.IndicationFull Middle Chargingrequired No batteryBattery levelblinks when the battery is exhaustion.blinks when the battery over charged.IC-M90.qxd  04.8.23  3:53 PM  Page 6
74BASIC OPERATION34■Channel selectionIMPORTANT!: Prior to using the transceiver for the firsttime, the battery pack must be fully charged for optimumlife and operation. To avoid damage to the transceiver, turnthe power OFF while charging.DChannel 16Channel 16 (Distress channel) is used for establishing initialcontact with another station and for emergency communica-tions. Channel 16 is automatically monitored during bothdualwatch and tri-watch. While standing by, you must monitorChannel 16.qPush [16•9] to select Channel 16.wPush [CH/WX•U/I/C/L] to return to the condition before se-lecting Channel 16, or push [Y]/[Z] to select the operatingchannel.DChannel 9 (Call channel)Channel 9 is the leisure-use call channel. Each regularchannel group has separate call channels. In addition, the callchannel is monitored during tri-watch. The call channels canbe re-programmed (p. 10) and are used to store your mostoften used channels in each channel group for quick recall.qPush [16•9] to select the call channel.•“CALL” and the call channel number appear.•Call channel can be re-programmed. See the “Call channelprogramming” on p. 10 for details.wPush [CH/WX•U/I/C/L] to return to the condition before se-lecting Channel 9 (call channel), or push [Y]/[Z] to selectthe operating channel.PushPushIC-M90.qxd  04.8.23  3:53 PM  Page 7
Push for 1 sec.U.S.A. channelsInternational channels Canadian channels*84BASIC OPERATIONDU.S.A., International and Canadian channelsThe IC-M90 has 57 U.S.A., 57 International and 61 Canadianchannels. These channel groups may be specified for the op-erating area.qPush [CH/WX•U/I/C/L] to select the regular channel.•If the weather channel appears, push [CH/WX•U/I/C/L] again.wPush [Y]/[Z] to select a channel.•“DUP” appears for duplex channels.eTo change the channel group, push [CH/WX•U/I/C/L] for 1sec.•U.S.A., International and Canadian channels can be selected insequence. Depending on the setting, LAND channel can be se-lected. See the “LAND CHANNEL OPERATION” on p. 15 for de-tails.DWeather channelsThe IC-M90 are 10 weather channels. They are used formonitoring weather channels from the NOAA (NationalOceanographic and Atmospheric Administration) broadcasts(reception of weather channels possible in U.S.A. only).qPush [CH/WX•U/I/C/L] to select the weather channel group.wPush [Y]/[Z] to select a weather channel.ePush [CH/WX•U/I/C/L] to return to the condition before se-lecting the weather channel group.✔CONVENIENT!The IC-M90 can detect a weather alert tone on theselected weather channel while in another channel (when thepower save function is turned ON) or during scanning. Seethe “SET mode items” on p. 17 for details.PushIC-M90.qxd  04.8.23  3:53 PM  Page 8
94BASIC OPERATION4■Receiving and transmittingqRotate [VOL] clockwise to turn power ON.wUseSet the volume and squelch level.➥Push [SQL•MONI], and push [√] to open the squelch.➥Push [SQL•MONI] to stop “SQL” indicator blinking, thenrotate [VOL] to set the volume level.➥Push [SQL•MONI], and push [∫]/[√] to set the squelchlevel.ePush [Y]/[Z] to select the desired channel.- When receiving a signal, the [TRANSMIT/RECEIVE] indicatorlights green while audio is emitted from the speaker.- Further adjustment of [VOL] may be necessary at this point.rPush [Hi/Lo•] to select the output power if necessary.- “LOW” appears when low power is selected; “MID” appearswhen middle power is selected; no indication when high power isselected.- Choose low power to conserve battery power, choose highpower for longer distance communications.- Some channels are for low power only.tPush and hold [PTT] to transmit, then speak into themicrophone.- The [TRANSMIT/RECEIVE] indicator lights red whiletransmitting.- Channel 70 cannot be used for transmission.yRelease [PTT] to receive.IMPORTANT: To maximize the readability of your trans-mitted signal, pause a few sec. after pushing [PTT], holdthe microphone 5 to 10 cm (2 to 4 inches) from your mouthand speak into the microphone at a normal voice level.NOTE: The transceiver has a power save function to con-serve the battery power. The power save function activatesautomatically when no signal is received for 5 sec.To prevent accidental prolonged transmission, etc., the IC-M90 has a time-out timer function. This timer cuts a trans-mission OFF after 5 min. of continuous transmission.CAUTION: Transmitting without an antenna maydamage the transceiver.MIC  /SPq Power ONe Set volumeSpeakery Push to transmitu Release to receiver Set channelw Set the squelch levelw Set the squelch levele Set volumeMicrophonet Set output powerIC-M90.qxd  04.8.23  3:53 PM  Page 9
104BASIC OPERATION■Call channel programmingThe call channel switch is used to select Channel 9 by de-fault, however, you can program your most often-used chan-nel in each channel group for quick recall.qPush [CH/WX•U/I/C/L] for 1 sec. toseveral times to select the desiredchannel group (USA, INT, CAN) tobe programmed.wPush [16•9] for 1 sec. to select thecall channel.•“CALL” and call channel numberappear.ePush [16•9] again for 3 sec. (until along beep changes to 2 short beeps)to enter call channel programmingcondition.•Call channel number to be programmedflashes.rPush [Y]/[Z] to select the desiredchannel.tPush [16•9] to program the displayedchannel as the call channel.•The call channel number stopflashing.■Lock functionThis function electronically locks all switches (except for[PTT], [SQL•MONI] and [Hi/Lo•]) to prevent accidentalchannel changes and function access.➥Push [Hi/Lo•] for 1 sec. to turn the lock function ONand OFF.■Signal strength indicatorfunctionThe received signal strength level is indicated by number ofbars as below.This indicator can be hided in set mode (p. 20) if desired.■Monitor functionThe monitor function releases the noise squelch mute tocheck the volume level. See p. 18 for details of the monitorswitch action.➥Push [SQL•MONI] for 1 sec. to activate the monitor function.•“ ” appears and audio is emitted.IndicationStrong Middle Weak No signal or very weakSignalstrengthAppears while the lock function is used.IC-M90.qxd  04.8.23  3:53 PM  Page 10
114BASIC OPERATION4■Adjusting the squelch levelThe IC-M90 has a squelch level adjustment, even though thereis no control knob for it. In order to receive signals properly, aswell as for the scan to function effectively, the squelch must beadjusted to the proper level.qPush [SQL•MONI], then adjust the squelch level with [Y]/[Z].- “SQL” indicator starts blinking.- There are 11 squelch levels to choose from: OP is completelyopen; 10 is tight squelch; 1 is loose squelch level.- When no switch is pushed for 5 sec., the transceiver returns tonormal condition.wPush [SQL•MONI] again to return to normal condition.■Backlighting functionThis function is convenient for nighttime operation. The back-lighting brightness can be adjusted in the SET mode. (p. 18)➥Push any switch except for [PTT] to turn the backlightingON.•The backlighting is automatically turned OFF after 5 sec. ofinactivity.■Voice scrambler operation DActivating the scramblerThe voice scrambler provides private communications. Inorder to receive or send scrambled transmissions, you mustactivate the scrambler function first.qSelect an operatingchannel except Channel16, 70 or weather chan-nels.wWhile pushing andholding [SQL•MONI],push [SCAN•DUAL].•“SCRM” appears.eTo turn the scramblerfunction OFF, repeatstep w.•“SCRM” disappears.DProgramming scramble codesThere are 32 codes (1 to 32) available for programming. Setthe code on the SET mode. In order to understand each other,all transceivers in your group must have the same scramblecode, as well as the same scrambler unit. See p. 20for “Scram-bler code” setting details.Appears when the voice scrambler function is in use.Blinks during the squelch level adjutment.Indicates the squelch level.PushIC-M90.qxd  04.8.23  3:53 PM  Page 11
12SCAN OPERATION5■Scan typesScanning is an efficient way to locate signals quickly over awide frequency range. The transceiver has priority scan andnormal scan.In addition, the “Weather alert” and “Auto scan” functions areavailable for standby convenience. These functions can beactivated simultaneously, depending on the settings on theSET mode. (pgs. 17, 18)Set the tag channels (scanned channel) before scanning.Clear the tag channels which inconveniently stop scanning,such as digital communications.Choose priority or normal scan on the SET mode. (p. 17)PRIORITY SCANPriority scan searches through all tag channels in sequencewhile monitoring Channel 16. When a signal is detected onChannel 16, scan pauses until the signal disappears; whena signal is detected on a channel other than Channel 16,scan becomes dualwatch until the signal disappears.WX*CH 01CH 16CH 02CH 05 CH 04CH 03* Previously selected weather channel   when weather alert function is ONNORMAL SCANNormal scan, like priority scan, searches through all tagchannels in sequence. However, unlike priority scan, Chan-nel 16 is not checked unless Channel 16 is set as a tagchannel.CH 01 CH 02WX*CH 05 CH 04CH 03* Previously selected weather channel   when weather alert function is ON.IC-M90.qxd  04.8.23  3:53 PM  Page 12
135SCAN OPERATION5■Setting tag channelsFor more efficient scanning, add desired channels as tagchannels or clear the tag for unwanted channels.Non-tag channels will be skipped during scanning.qSelect the desired channel to set as a tag channel.wPush both [Y] and [Z] for 1 sec. to set the displayed chan-nel as a tag channel.•“ ” appears in the function display.eTo cancel the tag channel setting, push both [Y] and [Z]for 1 sec.•“ ” disappears.✔Clearing all tag channels in the selected channel groupWhile pushing and holding both [Y] and [Z], turn power ONto clear all tag channels in the channel group.■Starting a scanSet the weather alert function, priority scan function, scan re-sume timer and auto scan function in advance, using the SETmode. (pgs. 17, 18)qSelect the desired channel group (USA, CAN, INT) bypushing [CH/WX•U/I/C/L] for 1 sec., if desired.•When the weather alert function is in use, select the desiredweather channel with [CH/WX•U/I/C/L] and [Y]/[Z].wPush [SCAN•DUAL]to start priority or normal scan.•“SCAN” blinks in the function display.•“16” appears on the sub channel readout during priority scan.•When a signal is received, scan pauses until the signal disap-pears or resumes after pausing 5 sec. according to scan resumetimer setting. (Channel 16 is still monitored during priority scan.)•Push [Y]/[Z] to check the scanning tag channels, change thescanning direction or resume the scan manually.eTo stop the scan, push [SCAN•DUAL].•“SCAN” disappears.•Pushing [PTT], [16•9] or [CH/WX•U/I/C/L] also stops the scan.[Example]: Starting a normal scan.Scan starts.Pushto stop the scanReceiving a signal and audio is emitted.for 1 sec.PushIC-M90.qxd  04.8.23  3:53 PM  Page 13
14DUALWATCH/TRI-WATCH6■DescriptionDualwatch monitors Channel 16 while you are receiving another channel; tri-watch monitors Channel 16 and the callchannel while receiving another channel.■OperationqSelect the desired operating channel.wPush [SCAN•DUAL]for 1 sec. to start dualwatch or tri-watch(depending on the SET mode setting).•“DUAL” blinks during dualwatch; “TRI” blinks during tri-watch.•A beep tone sounds when a signal is received on Channel 16.•Tri-watch becomes dualwatch when receiving a signal on the callchannel.eTo cancel dualwatch/tri-watch, push [SCAN•DUAL]again.DUALWATCH/TRI-WATCH SIMULATION•If a signal is received on Channel 16, dualwatch/tri-watchpauses on Channel 16 until the signal disappears.•If a signal is received on the call channel during tri-watch,tri-watch becomes dualwatch until the signal disappears.•To transmit on the selected channel during dualwatch/tri-watch, push and hold [PTT].Dualwatch Tri-watchCall channel[Example]: Operating tri-watch on INT channel 07.Pushfor 1 sec.Signal is received on the call channel.Signal ireceived on Channel 16 takes priority.Tri-watch resumes after the signal disappears.Tri-watch starts.IC-M90.qxd  04.8.23  3:53 PM  Page 14
157LAND CHANNEL OPERATION67■LAND channel groupA max. of 100 programmable LAND mobile channels (allo-cated 146.000 to 174.000 MHz) can be programmed into theLAND channel group for simple communication with LMRtransceivers in the VHF band.Moreover, any of the marine channels in the USA, INT andCAN channel groups can be programmed.The default setting of the LAND channel group is the sameas that of the INT channel group. Ask your local Icom dealerfor the LAND channel group setting and LMR frequency pro-gramming details.qPush [CH/WX•U/I/C/L] to select a regular channel.•If weather channel appears, push [CH/WX•U/I/C/L] again.wTo change the channel group, push [CH/WX•U/I/C/L] for1 sec. several times.•“ ” appears when LAND channel group is selected.ePush [Y]/[Z] to select a channel.•“DUP” appears for duplex channels.NOTE: The default settings (e.g. call channel program-ming) of the LAND channel group are same as the U.S.A.,International and Canadian channels. Refer to the appro-priate pages for details.■CTCSS and DTCS displayWhen DTCS or CTCSS is set, the display shows the indica-tions as below.■VOX functionThe VOX function (voice operated transmission) starts trans-mission without pushing [PTT] when you speak into micro-phone; then automatically returns to receive when you stopspeaking (hands-free operation becomes possible).NOTE: An optional headset and optional headset adapteris required for the VOX operation.➥Push and hold [SQL•MONI], then push [Hi/Lo•] to turnthe VOX function ON/OFF while connecting the headsetand optional headset adapter to [SP MIC] connector.• “VOX” appears on the LCD while the VOX function turns ON.• The “VOX gain” and “VOX delay” can be set on the SET mode.(p. 21)Push for 1 sec.Appears when DTCS is set.Appears when CTCSS is set.IC-M90.qxd  04.8.23  3:53 PM  Page 15
16SET MODE8■SET mode programmingSET mode is used to change the condition of 17 transceiverfunctions: beep tone function, weather alert function, priorityscan function, scan resume timer, auto scan function, dual/tri-watch function, monitor switch action, automatic backlighting,LCD contrast selection, auto power save function, self checkfunction, battery voltage indicator, signal strength indicator,squelch sensitivity, scrambler code, VOX gain and VOXdelay.DSET mode operationqTurn power OFF.wWhile pushing [SQL•MONI], turn power ON to enter theSET mode.• “bp” (Beep tone function setting) appears.ePush [SQL•MONI] or [SQL•MONI] and [Y]/[Z] to select thedesired item, if necessary.rPush [Y]/[Z] to select the desired condition of the item.tTo exit the SET mode, push [16•9].DSET MODE ITEMS  The displays show the default settings, and the selected item is displayed in the dotted circle.  VOX delay  VOX gain: Push: Push andStarting item Push and  Scrambler code  Squelch sensitivity  Signal strength  meter   Battery voltage   Self check   Power save   LCD contrast   Backlighting  Dual/Tri-watch  Monitor switch  Auto scan  Scan resume timer  Priority scan  Weather alert  Beep toneIC-M90.qxd  04.8.23  3:53 PM  Page 16
178SET MODE8■SET mode itemsDBeep tone function “bP”You can select silent operation by turning the beep tonesOFF, or you can have 2 types of confirmation beeps sound atthe push of a switch. When “ON” is selected, a fixed beep (Pi)sounds, and when “US” is selected, the preset beeps (e.g.do, re, mi) sound.• Beep tone synchronises with the volume level.• The beeps sound during call channel programming and a weatheralert tone indication even if this function is turned OFF.DWeather alert function “AL”An NOAA broadcast station transmits a weather alert tone be-fore any important weather announcements. When theweather alert function is turned ON, the transceiver detectsthe alert, the alert indicator (“”) blinks and sounds a beeptone until the transceiver is operated. The previously selected(used) weather channel is checked any time during standby,or while scanning, when the power save function is activated.•“ALT” appears when the function is set ON.DPriority scan function “Pr”The transceiver has 2 scan types—normal (OFF) and priority(ON) scans. Normal scan searches all tag channels in the se-lected channel group. Priority scan searches all tag channelsin sequence while monitoring Channel 16.DScan resume timer “St”The scan resume timer can be set as a pause (OFF) or timerscan (ON). When OFF is selected, the scan pauses until areceived signal disappears. When ON is selected, the scanpauses for 5 sec. after receiving a signal and then resumeseven if the signal has been received.Scan resume timerOFF (default)Scan resume timer ONPushPushBeep tone ON (default) Beep tone OFFPushNormal scan (default) Priority scanPushWeather alert function OFF (default)Weather alert function ONIC-M90.qxd  04.8.23  3:53 PM  Page 17
188SET MODEDAuto scan function “AS”The Auto scan function starts the desired scan automaticallywhen no signal is received, and no operation is performed for30 sec.DDual/Tri-watch function “dt”This item selects dual or tri-watch as desired. See p. 14 fordetails.DMonitor switch action “Sq”The monitor switch action cuts off the squelch function tem-porarily. This switch action contains PUSH (Pu) or HOLD (Ho)settings as shown below.• Pu (PUSH): After pushing [SQL•MONI] for 1 sec., the squelch opensand emits audio. The squelch is held open while con-tinuously pushing and holding [SQL]. (default)• Ho (HOLD): After pushing [SQL•MONI] for 1 sec., the squelch opensand emits audio even [SQL•MONI] is released. To closethe squelch, push any switch.DBacklighting function “bL”This function is convenient for nighttime operation. The back-lighting brightness can be adjusted from OFF, 1 (dark)–3(bright); 3 (default). Select 1–3 to turn this function ON.• The automatic backlighting turns the backlighting ON when anyswitch except for [PTT] is pushed.• The backlighting is automatically turned OFF after 5 sec. of inactivity.PushAuto scan OFF (default) Auto scan ONPushDualwatch function (default) Tri-watch functionPushPush setting (default) Hold settingPushBacklighting ON (default) Backlighting OFFIC-M90.qxd  04.8.23  3:53 PM  Page 18
198SET MODE8DLCD contrast selection “LC”The contrast of the LCD can be adjusted from 4 levels.• 1 (bright)–4 (dark); 3 (default)DAuto power save function “PS”The auto power save function reduces current drain by deac-tivating the receiver circuit for preset intervals. • ON : The power save function is turned ON. The power save func-tion will activate when no signal is received, and no operationis performed for 5 sec.• OFF: The power save function is turned OFF.DSelf check function “SC”The self check function checks transceiver conditions by it-self, and informs you in case a problem is found. The follow-ing items are checked after the power is turned ON, then itswitches to operation mode.• Temperature : Outside of –35°C to +73°C; –31°F to +163°F(approx.)• Connected battery voltageWhen error messages as shown below are displayed, seetroubleshooting for advice. (p. 28)Push default brightPushPower save ON (default) Power save OFFPushSelf check OFF (default) Self check ONTemperature error Battery voltage errorIC-M90.qxd  04.8.23  3:53 PM  Page 19
208SET MODEDBattery voltage indicator “bt”This function contains display or non-display settings of thevoltage of the connected battery pack when the power is ON.• The voltage of the connected battery pack is displayed for 2 sec.after power is turned ON.DSignal strength indicator “Sl”The signal strength indicator displays received signal strengthas “S-meter”. This function is convenient to check the signalstrength visually.• The strength is displayed at 4 steps. • The antenna mark and 3 bars appear when receiving strong signals.• The antenna mark only appears when receiving no signal.DSquelch sensitivity function “SS”When this function is turned ON, blocking against noise is im-proved. Therefore the squelch is not easily affected by noise.DScrambler code “cd”There are 32 codes (1 to 32) available for programming. Inorder to understand each other, all transceivers in your groupmust have the same scrambler code.PushBattery voltageindication OFF (default)Battery voltage indication ONPushSignal strength indication OFF(default)Signal strength indication ONPushSquelch sensitivity OFF (default) Squelch sensitivity ONPushScrambler code 1 (default) Scrambler code 32IC-M90.qxd  04.8.23  3:53 PM  Page 20
218SET MODE8DVOX gain “ga”Adjusts the VOX gain (from 1 to 6) to turn transmitting auto-matically when speaking with the optional headset.• In case of setting to 1, the VOX gain sets to dulling.• In case of setting to 6, the VOX gain sets to sharpening.DVOX delay “dL”Sets the VOX delay timer (0.5 to 3.0 sec. in 0.5 sec. steps)that keeps on transmitting after you stop speaking.• In case of setting to 0.5 (0.5 sec.), the VOX delay sets to short.• In case of setting to 3.0 (3.0 sec.), the VOX delay sets to long.SET MODE LIST*default settingPushVOX gain 3 (default) VOX gain 6PushVOX delay 1.0 (default) VOX delay 3.0Function Indication SwitchBeep tone function “bP”OFF/ON*/USWeather alert function “AL”OFF*/ONPriority scan function “Pr”OFF*/ONScan resume timer “St”OFF*/ONAuto scan function “AS”OFF*/ONDual/Tri-watch function “dt”Dual*/TriMonitor switch action “Sq”Push*/HoldBacklighting function “bL”OFF/1/2/3*LCD contrast selection “LC”1/2/3*/4Auto power save function “PS”OFF/ON*Self check function “SC”OFF*/ONBattery voltage indicator “bt”OFF*/ONSignal strength indicator “SI”OFF*/ONSquelch sensitivity “SS”OFF*/ONScrambler code “cd”1*/2/· · ·/31/32VOX gain “ga”1/2/3*/4/5/6VOX delay “dL”0.5/1.0*/1.5/2.0/2.5/3.0IC-M90.qxd  04.8.23  3:53 PM  Page 21
22BATTERY CHARGING9■Battery chargingPrior to using the transceiver for the first time, the batterypack must be fully charged for optimum life and operation.CAUTION: To avoid damage to the transceiver, turn thepower OFF while charging.• Recommended temperature range for charging: +10°C to +40°C (+50°F to +104°F)• Use the specified chargers (BC-158, BC-119N andBC-121N). NEVER use another manufacture’s charger.• Use the supplied AC adapter for the BC-158. NEVER useanother manufacture’s adapters.NEVER connect DC power to the battery case when in-stalling Alkaline batteries. Such a connection will damagethe transceiver.DRecycling informationThe product that you have purchased contains arechargeable battery. The battery is recyclable.At the end of its life, under various state andlocal laws, it may be illegal to dispose of this bat-tery into the municipal waste stream. Call 1-800-822-8837 for battery recycling options in yourarea or contact your dealer.■Battery cautionsCAUTION! NEVER insert battery pack/transceiver(with the battery pack attached) with wet or soiled into thecharger. This may result in corrosion of the charger terminalsor damage to the charger. The charger is not waterproof andwater can easily get into it.NEVER incinerate used battery packs. Internal battery gasmay cause an explosion.NEVER immerse battery pack in water. If the battery packbecomes wet, be sure to wipe it dry immediately (particularlythe battery terminals BEFORE attaching it to the transceiver. NEVER short the terminals of the battery pack. Also, cur-rent may flow into nearby metal objects, such as a necklace,etc. Therefore, be careful when carrying with, or placing nearmetal objects, carrying in handbags, etc.If your battery pack seem to have no capacity even afterbeing charged, completely discharge them by leaving thepower ON overnight. Then, fully charge the battery packagain. If the batteries still do not retain a charge (or very little),new battery pack must be purchased.Turn power OFF the transceiver when charging the batterypack with the transceiver. Otherwise, the battery pack maynot become full-charging or may not charge properly.IC-M90.qxd  04.8.23  3:53 PM  Page 22
239BATTERY CHARGING9ïCharging connectionsqAttach the BC-158 to a flat surface, such as a desk orcabin, etc., if desired.wConnect the AC adapter as shown below.eInsert the battery pack with/without the transceiver into thecharger.• The charge indicator lights green.rCharge the battery pack approx. 12 hours, depending onthe remaining power condition.DO NOT charge BP-225 more than 18 hours. Other-wise, BP-225 will be damaged. BP-225 must becharged for 12–18 hours only.■Optional battery caseWhen using a battery case attached to the transceiver, install6 ×AA(R6) size Alkaline batteries as illustrated below.qRemove the battery case from the transceiver.wInstall 6 ×AA(R6) size Alkaline batteries.•Be sure to observe the correct polarity.CAUTION:•When installing batteries, make sure they are all thesame brand, type and capacity. Also, do not mix new andold batteries together.•Keep battery contacts clean. It’s a good idea to clean bat-tery terminals once a week.AC adapterIC-M90Turn power OFFBP-225BC-158SuppliedscrewsCharge indicatorLights green when the BP-225 (with/without IC-M90) is inserted.MIC  /SPIC-M90.qxd  04.8.23  3:53 PM  Page 23
249BATTERY CHARGING■Optional battery chargersïAD-109 installationqConnect the 10-pins connector of the charger to theAD-109 desktop charger adapter’s plug.NOTE: The 3-pins connector is not used.wInstall the adapter into the charger in the direction of thearrow, then screw supplied 2 screws to fix the chargeradapter with the charger.NOTE: BE CAREFUL not to catch the unused 3-pinsplug between the charger and the chargeradapter.Supplied screwsDesktop charger adapter10-pins connectorPlugNot used(3-pins connector)IC-M90.qxd  04.8.23  3:53 PM  Page 24
259BATTERY CHARGING9ïRapid charging with the BC-119N+AD-109The optional BC-119N provides rapid charging of batterypacks. The following are additionally required.• AD-109 charger adapter• An AC adapter (BC-147A) or the DC power cable (OPC-515L/CP-17L).ïRapid charging with the BC-121N+AD-109The optional BC-121N allows up to 6 battery packs to becharged simultaneously. The following are additionally re-quired.• Six AD-109 charger adapters• An AC adapter (BC-124) or the DC power cable (OPC-656)MIC  /SPIC-M90BP-225 AC adapter (Purchase separately)AD-109 charger adapters are installed in each slot.DC power cable (OPC-656)(Connect with the DC power supply;  13.8 V/at least 7 A)Turn power OFFAD-109 charger adapter is installed in BC-119N.AC adapter(Not supplied with some versions.)Optional OPC-515L (for 13.8 V power source) or CP-17L (for 12 V cigarette lighter socket) can be used instead of the AC adapter.IC-M90BP-225MIC  /SPTurn power OFFIC-M90.qxd  04.8.23  3:53 PM  Page 25
26OPTIONAL SWIVEL BELT CLIP10■MB-86 contentsQty.Belt clip ………………………………………………………… 1Base clip ……………………………………………………… 1Supplied screws ……………………………………………… 2■AttachmentqScrew the supplied 2 screws to fix the base clip with theback of the transceiver as illustrated below.wClip the belt clip to a part of your belt and insert the trans-ceiver into the belt clip until the base clip fitting into thegroove.eOnce the transceiver is locked in place, it swivels as illus-trated below.■Detachment➥Turn the transceiver upside down in the direction of thearrow and pull out from the belt clip.Supplied screwsPTTSQLMONIRRCAUTION!HOLD THE TRANSCEIVER TIGHTLY, WHEN HANGINGOR DETACHING THE TRANSCEIVER FROM THE BELTCLIP.Otherwise the transceiver may not be attached to the beltclip or swivelled properly if the transceiver is accidentallydropped and the base clip is scratched or damaged.IC-M90.qxd  04.8.23  3:54 PM  Page 26
2711OPTIONAL SPEAKER-MICROPHONE1011■HM-125 DescriptionsNEVER immerse the connector in water. If the connector be-comes wet, be sure to dry BEFORE attaching it to the trans-ceiver.NOTE: The microphone is located at the top of thespeaker-microphone, as shown in the diagram above. Tomaximize the readability of your transmitted signal (voice),hold the microphone approx. 2.5 cm (1 inch) from yourmouth, and speak in a normal voice level.■AttachmentInsert the connector of the speaker-microphone into [SP MIC]connector on the transceiver and rotate (screw) the connectorcover as shown in the diagram below. IMPORTANT: KEEP [SP MIC] connector cap attached(transceiver) when the speaker-microphone is not in use.Water will not get into the transceiver even if the cover isnot attached, however, the terminals (pins) will becomerusty, or the transceiver will function abnormally if the con-nector has become wet.Alligator type clipTo attach the speaker-mic.to your shirt or collar, etc.PTT switchTransmits during push.Receives during release.MicrophoneSpeakerSet the triangle mark to the front side.CAUTION: Attach the speaker-microphone’sconnector securely to prevent accidentaldropping, or water intrusion in the connector.Detaching:Pull up the capin the directionof the arrow todetach it.Attaching:Attach the capin the directionof the arrowcompletely.IC-M90.qxd  04.8.23  3:54 PM  Page 27
28TROUBLESHOOTING12The transceiver doesnot turn ON.No sound from thespeaker.Transmitting is impos-sible, or high powercan not be selected.The displayed channelcannot be changed.Scan does not start.No beeps.Self check error.(Temperature)Self check error.(Battery voltage)•The battery is exhausted.•Bad connection to the battery pack.•Squelch level is too deep.•Volume level is too low.•Speaker has been exposed to water.• Water has entered to [SP MIC] connector.•Some channels are for low power or re-ceive only.•The battery is exhausted.•The battery over charged.•The output power is set to low.•Lock function is activated.•“TAG” channels are not programmed.•Beep tones are turned OFF.•The temperature is outside of –35°C to+73°C; –31°F to +163°F (approx)•The connected battery pack’s voltage ismore than 11 V.•Recharge the battery pack.•Check the connection to the transceiver.•Set squelch to the threshold point.•Rotate [VOL] to set a suitable level.•Drain water from the speaker.• Dry [SP MIC] connector.•Change channels.•Recharge the battery pack.•Verify the battery voltage is correct.•Push [Hi/Lo•] to select high power.•Push [Hi/Lo•] for 1 sec. to cancel thefunction.•Set the desired channels as “TAG” channels.•Set the beep tones to ON (Fix Beep/UserBeep) on the SET mode.•Leave the transceiver at room temperaturefor a while. Turn the power ON to check if theinternal temperature has returned to normal.•Verify the battery voltage is correct.p. 22p. 3p. 9p. 9——pgs. 8,9, 29p. 23—p. 9p. 10p. 13p. 17——PROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSE SOLUTION REF.IC-M90.qxd  04.8.23  3:54 PM  Page 28
2913VHF MARINE CHANNEL LIST1213Channel numberUSA CANTransmitReceiveFrequency (MHz)INTChannel number Frequency (MHz)USA CANTransmitReceiveINTChannel number Frequency (MHz)USA CANTransmitReceiveINTChannel number Frequency (MHz)USA CANTransmitReceiveINTWX channel Frequency (MHz)Transmit Receive01 156.050 160.65001A 156.050 156.05002 156.100 160.70003 156.150 160.75003A 156.150 156.150156.200 160.80004A 156.200 156.200156.250 160.85005A 05A 156.250 156.25006 06 156.300 156.300156.350 160.95007A 07A 156.350 156.35008 08 156.400 156.40009 09 156.450 156.45010 10 156.500 156.50011 11 156.550 156.55012 12 156.600 156.60013*13*156.650 156.65014 14 156.700 156.70015*15*156.750 156.75016 16 156.800 156.80017*17*156.850 156.850156.900 161.50018A 18A 156.900 156.900010203040506070809101112131415*161718156.950 161.55019A 19A 156.950 156.95020 20*157.000 161.60021 157.050 161.65021A 21A 157.050 157.050157.100 161.70022A 22A 157.100 157.10023 157.150 161.75023A 157.150 157.15024 24 157.200 161.80025 25 157.250 161.85026 26 157.300 161.90027 27 157.350 161.95028 28 157.400 162.00060 156.025 160.625156.075 160.67561A 61A 156.075 156.075156.125 160.72562A 156.125 156.125156.175 160.77563A 156.175 156.17564 156.225 160.82564A 64A 156.225 156.22519202122232425262728606162636420A 157.000 157.00066A 66A*156.325 160.92567*67 156.375 156.37568 68 156.425 156.42569 69 156.475 156.47570 70 156.52571 71 156.575 156.57572 72 156.625 156.62573 73 156.675 156.67574 74 156.725 156.72577*77*156.875 156.875156.925 161.52578A 78A 156.925 156.925156.975 161.57579A 79A 156.975 156.975157.025 161.62580A 80A 157.025 157.025157.075 161.67581A 81A 157.075 157.075157.125 161.72582A 82A 157.125 157.125666768697071727374777879808182156.325 156.32566A85 85 157.275 161.87585A 157.275 157.27586 86 157.325 161.92586A 157.325 157.32587 87 157.375 161.97587A 157.375 157.37588 88 157.425 162.02588A 157.425 157.4258586878821b Rx onlyRx only161.65025b Rx only 161.85028b Rx only 162.00083b Rx only 161.77541 RX only 162.5502 RX only 162.4003 RX only 162.4755 RX only 162.4506 RX only 162.5007 RX only 162.5258 RX only 161.6509 RX only 161.77510 RX only 163.275RX only 162.425156.275 160.87565A 65A 156.275 156.2756565A 84A83 157.175 161.77583A 83A 157.175 157.17584 84 157.225 161.8258384157.225 157.225*Low power only.NOTE: Simplex channels 3, 21, 23, 61, 64, 81, 82 and 83 CANNOTbe lawfully used by the general occupational in USA waters.IC-M90.qxd  04.8.23  3:54 PM  Page 29
30SPECIFICATIONS14GENERAL• Frequency coverage[Marine] TX : 156.025–157.425 MHzRX 156.050–163.275 MHz[LMR] TX/RX 146.000–174.000 MHz• Mode[Marine] : 16K0G3E (Wide)[LMR] : 16K0F3E (Wide)/8K50F3E (Narrow)• Channel spacing : 25 kHz (Wide)12.5 kHz (Narrow; LMR only)• Number of programmable ch. : 100 channels• Power supply requirement : BP-223, BP-224 or BP-225 only• Current drain (at 7.5 V DC) : TX High (5 W) 1.6 A typicalTX Mid. (3 W) 1.2 A typicalTX Low (1 W) 0.7 A typicalPower save 20 mA typical• Useable temperature range[Marine] : –20°C to +60°C; –4°F to +140°F[LMR] : –30°C to +60°C; –22°F to +140°F• Frequency stability : ±5 ppm(–30°C to +60°C;–22°F to +140°F)• Antenna impedance : 50 Ω• Dimensions : 65(W) ×145(H) ×44(D) mm(Projections not included) 29⁄16(W) ×523⁄32(H) ×13⁄4(D) inch• Weight (with BP-225) : Approx. 410 g (14.46 oz)TRANSMITTER• Output power (at 7.5 V DC) : 5  W  (Hi), 3 W (Middle) and 1 W (Low)• Modulation system : Variable reactance frequencymodulation• Microphone impedance : 2 kΩ• Max. frequency deviation[Marine] : ±5 kHz[LMR] : ±5 kHz (Wide), ±2.5 kHz (Narrow)• Adjacent channel power[Marine] : 70 dB[LMR] : 70 dB (Wide), 60 dB (Narrow)• Spurious emissions : Less than –70 dBc typicalRECEIVER• Receive system : Double-conversion superheterodyne• Sensitivity (12 dB SINAD) : 0.25 µV typical• Squelch sensitivity : Less than 0.35 µV typical(at threshold)• Intermodulation rejection ratio : 70 dB typical• Spurious response rejection ratio : 70 dB typical• Adjacent channel selectivity (Typical)[Marine] : 70 dB[LMR] : 70 dB (Wide), 60 dB (Narrow)• Audio output power : 0.35 W typical at 10% distor-tion with an 8 ΩloadAll stated specifications are subject to change without notice orobligation.IC-M90.qxd  04.8.23  3:54 PM  Page 30
  Channel 16 (p. 7) CHANNEL SELECTION (pgs. 7, 8, 10)  Weather channel (p. 8)OPERATION GUIDEiM90 IN CASE OF EMERGENCYDISTRESS CALL PROCEDURE USING CHANNEL MAYDAY MAYDAY.THIS IS (name of vessel)Your call sign or other indi-cation of the vessel.LOCATED AT (your position)The nature of the distress and assistance required.Any other information which might facilitate the rescue.  Channel 9/Call channel (p. 7)  Call channel programming (p. 10)Push [16 9] to select the call chan-nel.Push [16 9] for 3 sec. (until long beep changes to 2 short beeps)Push [Y]/[Z] to select the desired channel.Push [16 9] to program the dis-played channel as the call channel.qwer  USA/International/Canadian/LAND  channels (p. 8)Push PushPushPushfor 1 sec.for 1 sec.3115QUICK REFERENCEImportant operating instructions are summed up in this and the following pagefor your simple reference.By cutting along the line and folding on the dotted line, it will become a cardsized operating guide which can easily be carried in a card case or wallet,etc.q Cut w Fold e Complete<CUT HERE>IC-M90.qxd  04.8.23  3:54 PM  Page 31
 TAG CHANNELS (p. 13)q wPush [Y]/[Z] to select the desired channel.Push [Y]/[Z] for 1 sec. to change the TAG setting ON and OFF. WEATHER ALERT (pgs. 8, 17)q wTurn the weather alert item in the SET mode ON (p. 17).Select WX channel; or start scan-ning. SET MODE (pgs. 16  21)q werWhile pushing [SQL  MONI], turn power ON.Push [SQL MONI] again to select an item.Push [Y]/[Z] to select the desired condition.Push [16  9] to return to regular op-erating mode.Refer to pgs. 15  20 for setmode item. DUALWATCH/TRI-WATCH (p. 14)Select dual or tri-watch in the SET mode (p. 18).Push [Y]/[Z] to select the desired channel.Push [SCAN  D/T] for 1 sec. to start dualwatch or tri-watch (depending on SET mode).To cancel dualwatch/tri-watch, push [SCAN  D/T] again.qwer LOCK FUNCTION (p. 10)Push [Hi/Lo     ] for 1 sec. to turn the lock function ON and OFF. SQUELCH LEVEL (p. 11)Push [SQL MONI], then adjust the squelch level with  [Y]/[Z].Select monitor switch action in SET mode (p. 18).Push [SQL MONI] for 1sec. to ac-tive the monitor function.qw MONITOR FUNCTION (p. 10) SCAN (pgs. 12, 13)Push [SCAN DIAL] to start/stop scanning.32IC-M90.qxd  04.8.23  3:54 PM  Page 32
3316OPTIONS16DBATTERY CASE AND PACK•BP-225 Ni-CdBATTERY PACK7.2 V/1100 mAh Ni-Cd battery pack.•BP-224 Ni-CdBATTERY PACK7.2 V/750 mAh Ni-Cd battery pack.•BP-223 BATTERY CASEBattery case for 6 ×AA (R6) Alkaline cells.DCHARGERS•BC-119N DESKTOP CHARGER+ AD-109 CHARGER ADAPTER+ BC-145AAC ADAPTERFor rapid charging of battery packs. An AC adapter is supplied withthe charger depending on versions. Charging time: approx. 2.2 to2.8 hours•BC-121N MULTI-CHARGER+ AD-109 CHARGER ADAPTER(6 pcs.)+ BC-124 AC ADAPTERFor rapid charging of up to 6 battery packs (six AD-109’s are re-quired) simultaneously. An AC adapter should be purchased sepa-rately. Charging time: approx. 2.2 to 2.8 hours.•BC-158 DESKTOP CHARGER+ BC-147AAC ADAPTERUsed for regular charging of battery pack. The same as suppliedwith the transceiver. Charging time: approx. 12 hoursDBELT CLIPS•MB-103 BELT CLIPThe same as supplied with the transceiver.•MB-86 SWIVEL BELT CLIPBelt clip for swivel type. •MB-96F/96NBELT HANGER➥MB-96F: Attaches with the supplied belt clip (Not swivel type).➥MB-96N: Belt hanger for swivel type.DDC CABLES•CP-17LCIGARETTE LIGHTER CABLEAllows to charge the battery pack through a 12 V cigarette lightersocket. (For BC-119N)•OPC-515L/OPC-656 DC POWER CABLESAllows to charge the battery pack using 13.8 V power source in-stead of the AC adapter.OPC-515L: For BC-119NOPC-656 : For BC-121NDOTHER OPTIONS•HM-125 SPEAKER-MICROPHONEFull sized waterproof (JIS grade 7; 1m/30 min.) speaker-microphoneincluding alligator clip to attach to your shirt or collar. etc.•HS-94/HS-95/HS-97 HEADSET+ OPC-1392 HEADSET CABLEHS-94: Ear-piece typeHS-95: Neck-arm typeHS-97: Throat microphoneUsable options are depended on versions. Ask your conve-nient dealers or distributors for details.IC-M90.qxd  04.8.23  3:54 PM  Page 33
1-1-32 Kamiminami, Hirano-ku, Osaka 547-0003, JapanA-6383H-1EXPrinted in Japan©2004 Icom Inc.IC-M90.qxd  04.8.23  3:54 PM  Page 34

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