ICOM orporated 357600 IP COMMUNICATION TERMINAL User Manual IP100H UserMan


(IP100H) UserMan

INSTRUCTIONSIP COMMUNICATION TERMINALIP100HThank you for purchasing the IP100H ip c o m m u n i c a -t i o n  t e r m i n a l .Please read these instructions carefully before oper-ating the communication terminal.EXPLICIT DEFINITIONSWORD DEFINITIONRDANGER! Personal  death,  serious injury or  an  explo-sion may occur.RWARNING! Personal injury, fire hazard or electric shock may occur.CAUTION Equipment damage may occur.NOTE If  disregarded,  inconvenience  only.  No  risk of personal injury, fire or electric shock.SUPPLIED ACCESSORIESBattery packAntenna connector capAntennaBelt clipHand strap1-1-32 Kamiminami, Hirano-ku, Osaka 547-0003, Japan A-7120H-2EX  Printed in Japan© 2014  Icom Inc.PRECAUTIONSPRECAUTIONS (Continued)R DANGER! NEVER incinerate a used battery pack since inter-nal battery gas may cause it to rupture, or may cause an explosion.R DANGER! NEVER solder the battery terminals, or NEVER modify the battery pack. This may cause heat generation, and the battery may burst, emit smoke or catch fire.R DANGER!  Use the battery  only with  the  communication  ter-minal for which it is specified. Never use a battery with any other equipment, or for any purpose that is not specified in this instruc-tion manual.R DANGER!  If  fluid  from  inside  the  battery  gets  in  your  eyes, blindness can result. Rinse your eyes with clean water, without rub-bing them, and see a doctor immediately.R WARNING! Immediately stop using the  battery if it emits an abnormal  odor,  heats  up,  or  is  discolored  or  deformed.  If  any  of these conditions occur, contact your Icom dealer or distributor.R WARNING! Immediately wash, using clean water, any part of the body that comes into contact with fluid from inside the battery.R WARNING!  NEVER  put  the  battery  in  a  microwave  oven, high-pressure  container,  or  in  an  induction  heating  cooker.  This could cause a fire, overheating, or cause the battery to rupture.CAUTION: Always use the battery within the specified tempera-ture range, –10°C to +60°C (+14°F to +140°F). Using the battery out of its specified temperature range will reduce the battery’s perfor-mance and battery life.CAUTION:  Shorter  battery  life  could  occur  if  the  battery  is  left fully charged, completely discharged, or in an excessive tempera-ture environment (above +50°C; +122°F) for an extended period of time. If the battery must be left unused for a long time, it must be detached from the radio after discharging. You may use the battery until the battery indicator shows halfcapacity, then keep it safely in a cool dry place at the following temperature range:–20°C (–4°F) to +50°C (+122°F) (within a month)–20°C (–4°F) to +35°C (+95°F) (within three months)–20°C (–4°F) to +20°C (+68°F) (within a year)Charging caution•R DANGER! NEVER charge the battery pack in areas with ex-tremely  high temperatures,  such  as  near  fires or stoves, inside a sun-heated vehicle, or in direct sunlight. In such environments, the safety/protection circuit in the battery will activate, causing the bat-tery to stop charging.R WARNING! DO NOT charge or leave the battery in the bat-tery charger beyond the specified time for charging. If the battery is not completely charged by the specified time, stop charging and re-move the battery from the battery charger. Continuing to charge the battery beyond the specified time limit may cause a fire, overheat-ing, or the battery may rupture.R WARNING! NEVER insert the communication terminal (bat-tery attached to the communication terminal) into the charger if it is wet or soiled. This could corrode the battery charger terminals or damage the charger. The charger is not waterproof.CAUTION: NEVER  charge the battery outside of the specified temperature range: 0°C to +40°C (+32°F to +104°F). Icom recom-mends charging the battery at +25°C (+77°F). The battery may heat up or rupture if charged out of the specified temperature range. Ad-ditionally, battery performance or battery life may be reduced.Charging time•BP-271 (Supplied):  Approximately 2 hoursBP-272 (Optional):  Approximately 3.5 hours*Charged with the optional BC-202 or BC-211.FCC INFORMATIONThis device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject  to  the  following  two  conditions:  (1)  This  device  may  not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any in-terference  received, including  interference that may cause unde-sired operation.Changes  or  modifications  to  this  device,  not  expressly  approved by Icom Inc., could void your authority to operate this device under FCC regulations.FOR CLASS B UNINTENTIONAL RADIATORS:•NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equip-ment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause  harmful  interference  to  radio  communications.  However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to ra-dio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.•Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from•that to which the receiver is connected. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for•help.FOR CANADAThis  device  complies  with  Industry  Canada  licence-exempt  RSS standard(s).  Operation  is subject to  the  following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause un-desired operation of the device.i.  the device for operation in the band 5150–5250 MHz is only forindoor use to reduce the potential for harmful interference to co-channel mobile satellite systems.ii   the maximum antenna gain permitted for devices in the bands RECOMMENDATIONCLEAN  THE  COMMUNICATION  TERMINAL THOROUGHLY  WITH  FRESH  WATER  after exposure to saltwater. Otherwise, the commu-nication terminal's keys, switches and control-lers may become inoperable due to salt crys-tallization.SAFETY TRAINING INFORMATIONThis device was tested and approved with original accessories to ensure FCC Compliance. The use of third-party accessories may not comply with FCC RF exposure compliance requirements, and should be avoided.IP100H and Bluetooth® InterferenceBluetooth® uses the 2.4 GHz band. When using the IP100H in the 2.4  GHz  band near a  Bluetooth®  device,  interference may  occur. This may cause a decrease in communication speed, and an un-stable connection.In  such  case,  use  the  IP100H  away  from  the  Bluetooth®  device communication area, or stop using the Bluetooth® device.R DANGER! NEVER short the terminals (or charging terminals) of the battery pack.  Also, current may flow into nearby metal  ob-jects such as a key, so be careful when placing battery packs (or the communication terminal) in bags, etc.Simply carrying with or placing near metal objects such as a neck-lace, etc. may cause shorting. This may damage not only the bat-tery pack, but also the communication terminal.R DANGER! Use and charge only specified Icom battery packs with  Icom  radios  or  Icom  chargers.  Only  Icom  battery  packs  are tested and approved for use with Icom radios or charged with Icom chargers. Using third-party or counterfeit battery packs or chargers may cause smoke, fire, or cause the battery to burst.R WARNING RF EXPOSURE! This device emits Radio Fre-quency  (RF)  energy.  Caution  should  be  observed  when  operat-ing this device. If you have any questions regarding RF exposure and safety standards, please refer to the Federal Communications Commission  Office  of  Engineering  and  Technology’s  report  on Evaluating Compliance with FCC Guidelines for Human Radio Fre-quency Electromagnetic Fields (OET Bulletin 65).R WARNING! NEVER hold the communication terminal so that the antenna is very close to, or touching exposed parts of the body, especially  the  face  or  eyes,  while  transmitting.  The  communica-tion terminal  will perform best if  the microphone is  5 to  10 cm (2 to 4 inches) away from the lips and the communication terminal is vertical.R WARNING! NEVER operate the communication terminal with an earphone, headphones or other audio accessories at high vol-ume  levels.  Hearing  experts  advise  against  continuous  high  vol-ume operation. If you experience a ringing in your ears, reduce the volume level or discontinue use.CAUTION: MAKE SURE the flexible antenna and battery pack are securely attached to the communication terminal, and that the antenna and battery pack are dry before attachment. Exposing the inside of the communication terminal to water will result in serious damage  to  the  communication  terminal.  After  exposure  to  water, clean the battery contacts thoroughly with fresh water and dry them completely to remove any water or salt residue.CAUTION: DO NOT use harsh solvents such as benzine or al-cohol to clean the communication terminal, because they can dam-age the communication terminal’s surfaces.DO  NOT  operate  the  communication  terminal  near  unshielded electrical blasting caps or in an explosive atmosphere.DO NOT use or place the communication terminal in direct sun-light or in areas with temperatures below –10°C (+14°F) or above +60°C (+140°F).DO NOT push the PTT unless you actually intend to transmit.BE  CAREFUL!  The  communication  terminal  meets  IPX7*  re-quirements for waterproof protection. However, once the communi-cation terminal has been dropped, waterproof protection cannot be guaranteed because of possible damage to the communication ter-minal’s case or waterproof seal.* Only when the BP-271 or BP-272 (option), flexible antenna or antenna cap and [ / ] cap are attached.The  optional  BP-273  and  HM-186LS  meet  IPX4  requirements  for splash resistance. When it is attached, the communication termi-nal corresponds to IPX4.Battery caution•R DANGER! DO NOT hammer or otherwise impact the battery. Do not use the battery if it has been severely impacted or dropped, or  if  the  battery  has  been  subjected  to  heavy  pressure.  Battery damage may not be visible on the outside of the case. Even if the surface of the battery does not show cracks or any other damage, the cells inside the battery may rupture or catch fire.R DANGER!  NEVER  use or  leave battery  pack  in  areas  with temperatures above +60°C (+140°F). High temperature buildup in the battery, such as could occur near fires or stoves, inside a sun heated car, or in direct sunlight may cause the battery to rupture or catch fire. Excessive temperatures may also degrade battery per-formance or shorten battery life.R DANGER! DO NOT expose the battery to rain, snow, seawa-ter, or any other liquids. Do not charge or use a wet battery. If the battery gets wet, be sure to wipe it dry before using.
Icom, Icom Inc. and the Icom logo are registered trademarks of Icom Incor-porated (Japan) in Japan, the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Spain, Russia and/or other countries.All other products or brands are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders.Morisawa font is used in this product.PANEL DESCRIPTIONSFront and side panels D[PWR/VOL] knobTurns  ON  and  OFF  the  communication terminal  power  and  adjust  audio  output level.Function display[ / ] jack(External microphone/speaker jack) Connects  an  optional  speaker-micro-phone or headset for hands-free, full-du-plex operation.CAUTION: Attach the jack cover when the optional equipment is not used.Be  sure to  turn  power OFF before  con-necting or disconnecting optional equip-ment to or from the [ / ] jack.Function keysSee "D Function keys" for details.Internal speakerWhen  an  optional  speaker-microphone or  headset  is  connected,  the  internal speaker cannot be used.[ ] (Address) keyPush  each  time  to  select  an  address-book  from  All,  Group,  Individual  and Telephone. Selectable addressbook may differ accord-•ing to the IP1000C settings. Push [• J]/[K] to select a desired address.[ ] (Call History) keyPush each time to select call history from TX  log,  RX  log,  TX  MSG  log, RX  MSG log, TX TEL log and RX TEL log.Push [• J]/[K] to select a desired log.[J] (Up)/[K] (Down) keysPush  to  select  a  desired  address  (ID), log, message, presence (status) or area call function.[FUNC] keyAfter a  desired  address  selection, push each time to select a message, presence (status)  or  the  area  call  function  select status. Selectable function may differ according to •the IP1000C settings. Push  [• J]/[K]  to select a  desired message, status or the function setting.[CLR• ](Clear•Lock)key Push momentarily to select a stand-by •screen. Hold  down  for  1  second  each  time  to •turns ON or OFF the key lock function.Function keys DExternal antenna connectorAttach the supplied antenna.Or, attach the supplied antenna connec-tor cap, if the internal antenna is used.CAUTION: NEVER HOLD just the at-tached  antenna  when  carrying  the communication terminal.[Option] buttonPush to hangup a telephone call.Or, selects one of often used message or ID, depending on the programming.*Internal microphoneWhen  VOX  (Voice  Operated  transmis-sion) function is used, the internal micro-phone cannot be used.[PTT] buttonDuring  half-duplex  mode,  hold  down  to transmit, and release to receive.During full-duplex mode, push to make a call.Using the BC-202 DThe BC-202 rapidly charges of the Li-ion battery pack.Charging time for the BP-271: Approximately 2 hoursCharging time for the BP-272: Approximately 3.5 hoursThe following item is required.•AnACadapter(notsuppliedwithsomeversions).Desktop chargerOptional: BC-202AC outletCharginglampBattery packTransceiver+ Battery packTapping screws3.5×30 mmTurn OFF the power.AC adapter(Optional)Using the BC-211 DThe BC-211 rapidly charges up to 6 battery packs.Charging time for the BP-271: Approximately 2 hoursCharging time for the BP-272: Approximately 3.5 hoursThe following item is required.•AnACadapterortheDCpowercable(OPC-656)AC outletAC adapter(BC-157S)Multi-ChargerBC-211Battery packTransceiver + Battery packTurn OFF the powerBATTERY CHARGINGCALLING PROCEDURESVoice communication DPush [ q] several times to select a desired addressbook. Select • All for all stations call, Group for group call, Individual for individual station call or Telephone for extension call. Selectable adressbook may differ according to the IP1000C's •setting. P u s h   [ wJ]/[K] several  times to  select a desired  ID or ex-tension number. Selectable ID or extension number may differ according to the •IP1000C's setting. You can select a desired ID or extension number from call his-•tory by pushing [ ] for easy recalling.Push [PTT], then speak into the microphone. eRelease [PTT] to listen. rRepeat the steps  t e and r.When full-duplex mode is selected at the IP1000C, the steps r and t are not necessary. Just speak into the microphone of the connected headset, the received audio is heard from the headset speaker at the same time.When  hanging up the extension call communication, push [Option].Text communication DPush [ q] several times to select a desired addressbook. Select • All for all stations call, Group for group call, Individual for individual station call or Telephone for extension call. Selectable adressbook may differ according to the IP1000C's •setting. P u s h   [ wJ]/[K] several  times to  select a desired  ID or ex-tension number. Selectable ID or extension number may differ according to the •IP1000C's setting. You can select a desired ID or extension number from call his-•tory by pushing [ ] for easy recalling.Push [FUNC] several times to select a desired item. e Select • Message for message transmission, Presence for sta-tus transmission, or Area for a limited area call.Push [PTT] to make a call. rMessage or status is transmitted.•If • Area is selected in the step e, go to the next step. While  holding  [PTT]  speak  into  the  microphone  to  an- tnounce a message.
1) FCCcaution: (SARvalueisunderprocess)RFExposureInformation(SAR)Thisdevicemeetsthegovernment’srequirementsforexposuretoradiowaves.Thisdeviceisdesignedandmanufacturednottoexceedtheemissionlimitsforexposuretoradiofrequency(RF)energysetbytheFederalCommunicationsCommissionoftheU.S.Government.TheexposurestandardemploysaunitofmeasurementknownastheSpecificAbsorptionRate,orSAR.TheSARlimitsetbytheFCCis1.6W/kg.TestsforSARareconductedusingstandardoperatingpositionsacceptedbytheFCCwiththeEUTtransmittingatthespecifiedpowerlevelindifferentchannels.ThehighestSARvalueforthedeviceasreportedtotheFCCis1.313W/kgwhenplacednexttothebody.  ThisradiotransmitterFCCID:AFJ357600hasbeenapprovedbyFCCtooperatewiththeantennatypeslistedbelowwiththemaximumpermissiblegainandrequiredantennaimpedanceforeachantennatypeindicated.Antennatypesnotincludedinthislist,havingagaingreaterthanthemaximumgainindicatedforthattype,arestrictlyprohibitedforusewiththisdevice.AntennaList No. Manufacturer  Part No.  Antenna Type Peak Gain  Remark 1  Exceltek N/A  Dipole 2.0 dBi for 2.4GHz 2.0 dBi for 5.15~5.25GHz External Antenna 2  TAIYO YUDEN  AH 104N2450D1  Monopole  2.1 dBi for 2.4GHz 2.4 dBi for 5.15~5.25GHz Internal Antenna  Note:TheantennaconnectorisReverseSMAtype.   Canadian caution should be included French version, as below:     Canada,avisd'IndustryCanada(IC)CetappareilnumériquedeclasseBestconformeauxnormescanadiennesICES‐003etRSS‐210.Sonfonctionnementestsoumisauxdeuxconditionssuivantes:(1)cetappareilnedoitpascauserd'interférenceet(2)cetappareildoitacceptertouteinterférence,notammentlesinterférencesquipeuventaffectersonfonctionnement.
AntennaList No. Manufacturer  Part No.  Antenna Type Peak Gain  Remark 1  Exceltek N/A  Dipole 2.0 dBi for 2.4GHz 2.0 dBi for 5.15~5.25GHz External Antenna 2  TAIYO YUDEN  AH 104N2450D1  Monopole  2.1 dBi for 2.4GHz 2.4 dBi for 5.15~5.25GHz Internal Antenna Note:TheantennaconnectorisReverseSMAtype.

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