ICOM orporated IC-R3 Scanning Receiver User Manual

ICOM Incorporated Scanning Receiver IC R3 2

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INSTRUCTION MANUALThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is sub-ject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not causeharmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interferencereceived, including interference that may cause undesired operation.iR3COMMUNICATIONS RECEIVER
iFOREWORDREAD ALL INSTRUCTIONS carefully and completelybefore using the receiver.SAVE THIS INSTRUCTION MANUAL —This in-struction manual contains important operating instructions forthe IC-R3.EXPLICIT DEFINITIONSThe explicit definitions below apply to this instruction manual.CAUTIONSRWARNING! NEVER operate the receiver with a head-set or other audio accessories at high volume levels. Hearingexperts advise against continuous high volume operation. Ifyou experience a ringing in your ears, reduce the volume levelor discontinue use.AVOID using or placing the receiver in direct sunlight or inareas with temperatures below –10°C (+14°F) or above+60°C (+140°F).Even when the receiver power is OFF, a slight current stillflows in the circuits. Remove batteries from the receiver whennot using it for a long time, otherwise, the installed batterieswill become exhausted.REMOVE any cables from the [DC 6V] jack after operation orcharging a battery pack.LCDs are produced using high-density manufacturing tech-nology resulting in 99.98% active dots, however, up to 0.02%of the dots may be non-active and/or continuously active. Thisis normal and does not indicate LCD malfunction.For U.S.A. onlyCAUTION: Changes or modifications to this device, not ex-pressly approved by Icom Inc., could void your authority tooperate this device under FCC regulations.WORDR WARNINGCAUTIONNOTEDEFINITIONPersonal injury, fire hazard or electric shock may occur.If disregarded, inconvenience only. No risk of personal injury, fire or electric shock.Equipment damage may occur.Versions of the IC-R3 which display the “CE”symbol on the serialnumber seal, comply with the essential requirements of the Euro-pean Radio and Telecommunication Terminal Directive 1999/5/EC.
iiSUPPLIED ACCESSORIESAccessories included with the receiver: Qty.qAntenna (FA-B03RE) ...................................................... 1wBelt clip ........................................................................... 1eBattery spacer ................................................................ 1rBattery pack* (BP-206)  .................................................. 1tWall charger* (BC-136A/D)  ............................................ 1*Not supplied with some versions.OPERATING THEORYElectromagnetic radiation which has frequencies of 20,000Hz (20 kHz*) and above is called radio frequency (RF) energybecause it is useful in radio transmissions. The IC-R3 re-ceives RF energy from 0.495 MHz* to 2450.00 MHz and con-verts it into audio frequency (AF) energy which in turnactuates a loudspeaker to create sound waves. AF energy isin the range of 20 to 20,000 Hz.*kHz is an abbreviation of kilohertz or 1000 hertz, MHz is abbrevia-tion of megahertz or 1,000,000 hertz, where hertz is a unit of fre-quency.OPERATING NOTESThe IC-R3 may receive its own oscillated frequency, resultingin no reception or only noise reception, on some frequencies.The IC-R3 may receive interference from extremely strongsignals on different frequencies or when using an externalhigh-gain antenna.qw etr
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Document ID118953
Application IDkjkuyxv8rzFFdLeHt+2eog==
Document DescriptionManual
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize79.71kB (996331 bits)
Date Submitted2000-09-27 00:00:00
Date Available2000-09-26 00:00:00
Creation Date2000-08-03 19:02:25
Producing SoftwareAcrobat Distiller 4.05 for Macintosh
Document Lastmod2000-08-04 08:46:52
Document TitleIC-R3_2.qxd
Document Author: Icom Inc.

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