ICP Package Units(both Units Combined) Manual L0522792

HPFM48K000A HPFM48K000A ICP HEAT PUMP - AC - Manuals and Guides L0522792 View the owners manual for your ICP HEAT PUMP - AC #HPFM48K000A. Home:Heating & Cooling Parts:Icp Parts:Icp HEAT PUMP - AC Manual

User Manual: ICP ICP Package Units(both units combined) Manual ICP Package Units(both units combined) Owner's Manual, ICP Package Units(both units combined) installation guides

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Installation InstructionsSINGLEPACKAGEHEATPUMPSPHF & HPFM Series -2 to 5 TON518 01 1102 O0 10-25-01Printed in U.S.A.
Safety Labeling and Signal WordsDanger, Warning and CautionThe signal words DANGER, WARNING and CAUTION areused to identify levels of hazard seriousness. The signalword DANGER is only used on product labels to signify animmediate hazard. The signal words WARNING andCAUTION will be used on product labels and throughoutthis manual and other manuals that may apply to theproduct.Signal WordsDANGER - Immediate hazards which WILL result insevere personal injury or death.WARNING - Hazards or unsafe practices which COULDresult in severe personal injury or death.CAUTION - Hazards or unsafe practices which COULDresult in minor personal injury or product or propertydamage.Signal Words in ManualsThe signal word WARNING is used throughout this manualin the following manner:The signal word CAUTION is used throughout this manualin the following manner:CAUTIONProduct LabelingSignal words are used in combination with colors and/orpictures on product labels. Following are examples ofproduct labels with explanations of the colors used.Danger LabelWhite lettering on a black background except the wordDANGER which is white with a red background,Warning LabelWhite lettering on a black background except the wordWARNING which is black with an orange background,Caution LabelWhite lettering on a black background except the wordCAUTION which is black with a yellow background,L_J 51801 110200

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