ID TECH VP3600 VP3600 User Manual

ID TECH VP3600 Users Manual

Users Manual

 ID TECH. 10721 Walker St., Cypress, CA 90630 Email:  URL:  Confidential            NEO Interface Developers Guide       80139403-001 Rev.116 8 Sep 2017
NEO Interface Developers Guide           ii Copyright  Copyright © 2017, ID TECH. All rights reserved.   ID TECH  10721 Walker St. Cypress, CA 90630  This document, as well as the software and hardware described in it, is furnished under license and may be used or copied online in accordance with the terms of such license. The content of this document  is  furnished for  information use  only, is  subject  to  change  without  notice,  and should  not  be  construed  as  a  commitment  by  ID  TECH.  Reasonable  effort  has  been  made  to ensure the accuracy of information provided herein. However, ID TECH assumes no responsibility or liability for any unintentional errors or inaccuracies that may appear in this document.  Except  as  permitted  by  such  license,  no  part  of  this  publication  may  be  reproduced  or transmitted by electronic, mechanical, recording, or otherwise, or translated into any language form without the express written consent of ID TECH. ID TECH and ViVOpay are trademarks or registered trademarks of ID TECH.   Warranty Disclaimer: The services and hardware are provided "as is" and "as-available" and the use of the services and hardware is at its own risk. ID TECH does not make, and hereby disclaims, any  and  all  other  express  or  implied  warranties,  including,  but  not  limited  to,  warranties  of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title, and any warranties arising from a course of dealing, usage, or trade practice. ID TECH does not warrant that the services or hardware will be uninterrupted, error-free, or completely secure.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           iii   Table of Contents  1.0 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 1 HISTORICAL BACKGROUND .................................................................................................................. 1 MasterCard Contactless (PayPass) Capability ........................................................................................ 1 Protocol 1 Deprecated ............................................................................................................................ 1 ORGANIZATION OF THIS GUIDE ............................................................................................................................ 1 NOTATIONAL CONVENTIONS ............................................................................................................................... 2 READER INTERFACE CAPABILITIES ......................................................................................................................... 2 2.0 QUICK REFERENCE ...................................................................................................................... 4 COMMAND TABLES ........................................................................................................................................... 4 Commands Sorted by Command Name .................................................................................................. 4 Commands Sorted by Command Number ............................................................................................... 7 Pass-Through Command Table ............................................................................................................. 11 EMV Key Manager Command Tables.................................................................................................... 12 STATUS CODES ............................................................................................................................................... 13 Status Codes for Protocol 1 ................................................................................................................... 13 Status Codes for Protocol 2 ................................................................................................................... 13 ERROR CODES ................................................................................................................................................ 15 RF STATE CODES ............................................................................................................................................ 18 3.0 SERIAL COMMUNICATION INTERFACES ....................................................................................... 20 RS232 SERIAL INTERFACE ................................................................................................................................ 20 Port Settings .......................................................................................................................................... 20 Basic Communication ............................................................................................................................ 20 Timeouts ............................................................................................................................................... 20 USB HID INTERFACE ....................................................................................................................................... 21 HID Report Format ................................................................................................................................ 21 Sample Single Report Command and Response .................................................................................... 22 Data Frames .......................................................................................................................................... 23 Sample Single Report Command with Multiple Report Response ......................................................... 23 Error Handling at Report Level .............................................................................................................. 24 Error Handling at Command Level ........................................................................................................ 25 4.0 VIVOPAY COMMUNICATION PROTOCOLS ................................................................................... 26 PROTOCOL 1 (DEPRECATED) ............................................................................................................................. 26 Command Frames ................................................................................................................................. 26 ACK Frames ........................................................................................................................................... 26 NACK Frames ........................................................................................................................................ 27 Special Frames ...................................................................................................................................... 27 PROTOCOL 2.................................................................................................................................................. 27 Command Frames ................................................................................................................................. 27 Response Frames .................................................................................................................................. 28 PASS-THROUGH MODE (PROTOCOL 2) ............................................................................................................... 28
NEO Interface Developers Guide           iv Basic Pass-Through Operation .............................................................................................................. 28 Pass-Through Command Frame ............................................................................................................ 29 Pass-Through Response Frame ............................................................................................................. 29 Suggested Sequence for Pass-Through Commands .............................................................................. 29 Auto-Switch to Pass-Through Mode ..................................................................................................... 30 RF On/Off States for Pass-through Commands ..................................................................................... 33 BURST MODE ................................................................................................................................................ 33 ViVOpay Burst Mode Frames ................................................................................................................ 34 CRC CALCULATION ......................................................................................................................................... 42 5.0 TAG AND DATA SET CONFIGURATION ......................................................................................... 45 CONFIGURABLE AIDS AND GROUPS.................................................................................................................... 46 System AIDs .......................................................................................................................................... 48 User AIDs ............................................................................................................................................... 48 Reader Default TLV Group .................................................................................................................... 49 PayPass Default Group ......................................................................................................................... 49 User-defined TLV Groups ...................................................................................................................... 49 Configurable AID Reader Memory Requirement................................................................................... 50 ViVOpay Proprietary TLVs ..................................................................................................................... 51 CARD APPLICATION PROPRIETARY TAG LIST (FF69) .............................................................................................. 51 CONFIGURATION TAG TABLES ........................................................................................................................... 52 Global Configuration Tags .................................................................................................................... 52 Group Configuration Tags ..................................................................................................................... 56 PayPass Group Configuration TLVs ....................................................................................................... 64 PayPass Group Configuration TLVs with Hard-Coded Values in Kernel ................................................ 70 American Express Group Configuration TLVs ........................................................................................ 75 AID Configuration Tags ......................................................................................................................... 78 6.0 CARD APPLICATION SELECTION .................................................................................................. 85 COMBINED SELECTION ..................................................................................................................................... 85 Selection Features (FFE3) ...................................................................................................................... 85 PARTIAL SELECTION (FFE1) .............................................................................................................................. 86 AID PARTICIPATION IN SELECTION PROCESSES (FFE8) ........................................................................................... 86 TERMINAL AID LIST (DFEF2C) ......................................................................................................................... 87 7.0 CARD APPLICATION SPECIFIC BEHAVIOR ..................................................................................... 88 MASTERCARD PAYPASS M/CHIP ....................................................................................................................... 88 PayPass Default Group ......................................................................................................................... 88 Balance Read Function .......................................................................................................................... 88 Torn Transaction Recovery.................................................................................................................... 89 EMV Certificate Revocation List ............................................................................................................ 89 Stop Transaction Command .................................................................................................................. 89 Proprietary Tag List ............................................................................................................................... 89 PayPass Personalization Limits ............................................................................................................. 89 8.0 PROTOCOL COMMAND REFERENCE: PROTOCOL 1 ....................................................................... 91 TRANSACTION RELATED COMMANDS .................................................................................................................. 91 Flush Track Data (17-02) ....................................................................................................................... 91 Get Full Track Data (17-CD) .................................................................................................................. 91 Get ViVOpay Firmware Version (29-00) ................................................................................................ 94 KEY MANAGER COMMANDS PROTOCOL 1 ........................................................................................................... 95 Set CA Public Key (24-01) Protocol 1 ..................................................................................................... 96 Delete CA Public Key (24-02) Protocol 1 .............................................................................................. 100
NEO Interface Developers Guide           v Delete All CA Public Keys (24-03) Protocol 1 ....................................................................................... 102 MISCELLANEOUS PROTOCOL 1 COMMANDS ....................................................................................................... 103 Set RF Error Reporting (17-03) ............................................................................................................ 103 RTC (REAL TIME CLOCK) SET UP COMMANDS ................................................................................................... 103 RTC Set Time (25-01) ........................................................................................................................... 104 RTC Get Time (25-02) .......................................................................................................................... 105 RTC Set Date (25-03) ........................................................................................................................... 105 RTC Get Date (25-04) .......................................................................................................................... 107 9.0 PROTOCOL COMMAND REFERENCE: PROTOCOL 2 ..................................................................... 109 GENERAL COMMANDS ................................................................................................................................... 109 Ping (18-01)......................................................................................................................................... 109 Set Poll Mode (01-01) ......................................................................................................................... 109 Control User Interface (01-02) ............................................................................................................ 110 Set/Get Source for RTC/LCD/Buzzer/LED (01-05) ................................................................................ 112 Set Configuration Defaults Command (04-09) .................................................................................... 114 Set Configuration Defaults and Keep Encrypt Key Command (04-0A) ................................................ 116 Set Configuration (04-00) .................................................................................................................... 116 Get Configuration (03-02) ................................................................................................................... 117 Get Version Protocol 2 (29-00) ............................................................................................................ 118 Get USB Boot Loader Version (29-04) ................................................................................................. 119 Get Contact EMV L2 Kernel Version (29-06) ....................................................................................... 119 Get Contact EMV L2 Kernel Version Detail (29-07) ............................................................................. 120 Get Contact EMV L2 Kernel Checksum (29-08) ................................................................................... 120 Get Contact EMV L2 Terminal Configuration Checksum (29-09) ........................................................ 121 Get UID of MCU (29-17) ...................................................................................................................... 122 Set Baud Rate (30-01) ......................................................................................................................... 122 Set Temporary Baud Rate (30-02) ....................................................................................................... 123 Set Baud Rate and Audio Level (30-03) – UniPay 1.5 & UniPay III ...................................................... 124 Set Cable Type (32-02) ........................................................................................................................ 125 Get Cable Type (32-01) ....................................................................................................................... 125 Set Serial Number (12-02) ................................................................................................................... 126 Get Serial Number (12-01) .................................................................................................................. 126 Bootup Notification Command (14-01) ............................................................................................... 127 CONFIGURABLE AID AND GROUP COMMANDS ................................................................................................... 128 Set Configurable AID (04-02) .............................................................................................................. 128 Set Configurable Group (04-03) .......................................................................................................... 130 Get Configurable AID (03-04) .............................................................................................................. 131 Get Configurable Group (03-06) ......................................................................................................... 131 Delete Configurable AID (04-04) ......................................................................................................... 132 Delete Configurable Group (04-05) ..................................................................................................... 133 Get All AIDs (03-05) ............................................................................................................................. 134 Get All Groups (03-07) ........................................................................................................................ 135 TRANSACTION RELATED COMMANDS: CONTACT ................................................................................................. 135 Setting transaction parameters .......................................................................................................... 136 Contact EMV L2 Transaction Flow ...................................................................................................... 137 Contact Retrieve Application Data (60-01) ......................................................................................... 138 Contact Remove Application Data (60-02) ......................................................................................... 138 Contact Set Application Data (60-03) ................................................................................................. 139 Contact Retrieve Terminal Data (60-04) ............................................................................................. 140 Contact Remove Terminal Data (60-05) ............................................................................................. 141 Contact Set Terminal Data (60-06) ..................................................................................................... 142 Contact Retrieve AID List (60-07) ........................................................................................................ 148
NEO Interface Developers Guide           vi Contact Retrieve CA Public Key (60-08) ............................................................................................... 149 Contact Remove CA Public Key (60-09) ............................................................................................... 150 Contact Set CA Public Key (60-0A) ...................................................................................................... 151 Contact Retrieve CA Public Key List (60-0B) ........................................................................................ 152 Contact Retrieve Certification Revocation List (60-0C) ....................................................................... 152 Contact Remove Certification Revocation List (60-0D) ....................................................................... 153 Contact Set Certification Revocation List (60-0E)................................................................................ 154 Contact Remove Transaction Amount Log (60-0F) ............................................................................. 155 Contact Start Transaction (60-10) ...................................................................................................... 155 Contact Authenticate Transaction (60-11).......................................................................................... 161 Contact Apply Host Response (60-12) ................................................................................................. 164 Contact Retrieve Transaction Result (60-13) ...................................................................................... 167 Contact Get Reader Status (60-14) ..................................................................................................... 169 Contact Get ICS Identification (60-15) ................................................................................................ 169 Contact Set ICS Identification (60-16) ................................................................................................. 170 Contact LCD Display Control (61-01) (Reader send to Host) ............................................................... 171 Contact Get PIN Control (61-02) (Reader send to Host) ...................................................................... 173 Contact Get MSR Data Control (Reader send to Host)(61-03) ............................................................ 176 TRANSACTION RELATED COMMANDS: CONTACTLESS ........................................................................................... 178 Activate Transaction Command, Contactless (02-01 and 02-40) ........................................................ 178 Get Transaction Result (03-00 and 03-40) .......................................................................................... 202 Update Balance Command (03-03) ..................................................................................................... 207 Cancel Transaction Command (05-01) ................................................................................................ 208 MASTERCARD M/CHIP 3.0 TRANSACTION COMMANDS ...................................................................................... 209 Stop Transaction (05-02) ..................................................................................................................... 209 Reset Torn Transaction Log (84-0E) .................................................................................................... 210 Clean Torn Transaction Log (84-0F) Command ................................................................................... 211 VISA VCPS TRANSACTION COMMANDS ............................................................................................................ 212 Set Cash Transaction Reader Risk Parameters (04-0C) ....................................................................... 212 Get Cash Transaction Reader Risk Parameters (03-0C) ...................................................................... 213 Set Cashback Transaction Reader Risk Parameters (04-0D) ............................................................... 214 Get Cashback Transaction Reader Risk Parameters (03-0D) .............................................................. 215 Set DRL Reader Risk Parameters (04-0E) ............................................................................................ 216 Get DRL Reader Risk Parameters (03-0E) ............................................................................................ 217 KEY MANAGEMENT COMMANDS ..................................................................................................................... 218 Get CA Public Key (D0-01) ................................................................................................................... 219 Get CA Public Key Hash (D0-02) .......................................................................................................... 220 Set CA Public Key (D0-03) .................................................................................................................... 221 Delete CA Public Key (D0-04) .............................................................................................................. 221 Delete All CA Public Keys (D0-05) ........................................................................................................ 222 Get All CA Public RIDs (D0-06) ............................................................................................................. 222 List CA Public Key IDs or RID (D0-07) ................................................................................................... 223 MODULE VERSIONING ................................................................................................................................... 223 Get Product Type (09-01) .................................................................................................................... 225 Get Processor Type (09-02) ................................................................................................................. 226 Get Main Firmware Version (09-03) ................................................................................................... 227 Get Hardware Information (09-14) ..................................................................................................... 228 Get Module Version Information (09-20) ............................................................................................ 229 INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE SUPPORT............................................................................................................... 230 Other Language .................................................................................................................................. 231 Bitmap Conversion Completed by POS ................................................................................................ 231 ILM Header Format ............................................................................................................................. 231 Language Version Information ........................................................................................................... 232
NEO Interface Developers Guide           vii EMV CERTIFICATE REVOCATION LIST COMMANDS .............................................................................................. 233 Get EMV Revocation Log Status (84-03) ............................................................................................. 234 Add Entry to EMV Revocation List (84-04) .......................................................................................... 234 Delete All Entries for Single Index in EMV Revocation List (84-05) ..................................................... 235 Delete All Entries from EMV Revocation List (84-06) .......................................................................... 235 Get EMV Revocation List (84-07) ........................................................................................................ 236 Delete an Entry from EMV Revocation List (84-0D) ............................................................................ 237 EMV EXCEPTION LOG LIST COMMANDS ........................................................................................................... 238 Get EMV Exception Log Status (84-08) ............................................................................................... 238 Add Entry to EMV Exception List (84-09) ............................................................................................ 238 Delete Entry from EMV Exception List (84-0A) .................................................................................... 239 Delete All Entries from EMV Exception List (84-0B) ............................................................................ 240 Get EMV Exception List (84-0C)........................................................................................................... 240 GENERIC PASS-THROUGH COMMANDS ............................................................................................................. 241 Pass-Through Mode Start/Stop (2C-01) .............................................................................................. 241 Get PCD and PICC Parameters (2C-05) ................................................................................................ 242 Poll for Token (2C-02) ......................................................................................................................... 243 Enhanced Poll for Token (2C-0C) ......................................................................................................... 245 Get ATR (2C-12)................................................................................................................................... 248 Antenna Control (28-01) ..................................................................................................................... 250 PASS-THROUGH UI CONTROL .......................................................................................................................... 250 LED Control (0A-02) ............................................................................................................................. 250 Buzzer Control (0B-xx) ......................................................................................................................... 251 PASS-THROUGH DATA EXCHANGE .................................................................................................................... 252 Exchange Contactless Data (2C-03) .................................................................................................... 252 PCD Single Command Exchange (2C-04) Protocol 2 ............................................................................ 253 High Level Halt Command (2C-09) ...................................................................................................... 257 Enhanced Pass-Through Command (2C-0B) ....................................................................................... 257 Single Shot Commands........................................................................................................................ 261 Exchange APDU Data (2C-13) ............................................................................................................. 265 Contact Card Power Off (2C-18) .......................................................................................................... 266 HIGH LEVEL PASS-THROUGH COMMANDS FOR MIFARE CARDS .............................................................................. 267 Mifare Authenticate Block (2C-06) ...................................................................................................... 267 Mifare Read Blocks (2C-07) ................................................................................................................. 268 Mifare Write Blocks (2C-08) ................................................................................................................ 270 Mifare ePurse Command (2C-0A) ....................................................................................................... 271 HIGH LEVEL PASS-THROUGH COMMANDS FOR NFC CARDS .................................................................................. 277 NFC Commands (2C-40) ...................................................................................................................... 277 SECURE PASS-THROUGH FUNCTION ................................................................................................................. 280 10.0 SECURE COMMUNICATION .................................................................................................. 288 Burst mode .......................................................................................................................................... 288 Data Output ........................................................................................................................................ 288 Encryption Algorithms......................................................................................................................... 288 Secure Data Exchange ........................................................................................................................ 289 Padding of Data Fields ........................................................................................................................ 289 Set Data Encryption Key Variant Type (C7-2F) .................................................................................... 290 Get Data Encryption Key Variant Type (C7-30) ................................................................................... 290 Set DUKPT Key Encryption Type (C7-32) ............................................................................................. 291 Get DUKPT Key Encryption Type (C7-33) ............................................................................................. 291 Set Data Encryption Enable Flag (C7-36) ............................................................................................ 292 Get Data Encryption Enable Flag (C7-37)............................................................................................ 294 Set MSR Secure Parameters (C7-38) ................................................................................................... 294
NEO Interface Developers Guide           viii Get MSR Secure Parameters (C7-39) .................................................................................................. 295 KEY INJECTION AND RELATED COMMANDS ........................................................................................................ 296 Set Remote Key Injection Timeout (C7-2D) ......................................................................................... 296 Get Remote Key Injection Timeout (C7-2E) ......................................................................................... 296 Check DUKPT Keys (81-02) .................................................................................................................. 297 Check DUKPT Key (81-04) .................................................................................................................... 298 Get DUKPT Key Serial Number (KSN) (81-0A)...................................................................................... 299 11.0 IMPROVED COLLISION DETECTION ....................................................................................... 301 Issues with Standard Collision Detection ............................................................................................ 301 Collision Detection Modes................................................................................................................... 302 12.0 KIOSK III BOOT LOADER ....................................................................................................... 305 DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................................................... 305 BOOT PROCEDURE ........................................................................................................................................ 305 COMMUNICATION PROTOCOL ......................................................................................................................... 306 FIRMWARE DOWNLOADER FILE NAME FORMAT ................................................................................................. 306 FIRMWARE DOWNLOADER DATA FORMAT ........................................................................................................ 307 DOWNLOAD FIRMWARE STEPS ........................................................................................................................ 308 FIRMWARE DOWNLOADER COMMANDS ............................................................................................................ 308 Enter Boot Loader Process from Main Application (C7-41) ................................................................. 308 Get Boot Loader Version (C7-10) ........................................................................................................ 308 Start Update Process (C7-11) .............................................................................................................. 309 Erase Boot/Application Space(C7-12) ................................................................................................. 309 Send Encrypted Firmware Check Value(C7-13) ................................................................................... 310 Send Firmware Data (C7-14) ............................................................................................................... 311 End Update Process (C7-15) ................................................................................................................ 311 Start Application (C7-16) ..................................................................................................................... 312 Firmware Downloader Command Processing Flow ............................................................................ 312 13.0 UNIPAY 1.5 & UNIPAY III COMMANDS .................................................................................. 314 Set PMC Status (F0-00) ....................................................................................................................... 314 Get PMC Status (F0-01) ....................................................................................................................... 315 Get Battery Level (F0-02) .................................................................................................................... 315 Shut Off the Power (F0-0F) .................................................................................................................. 316 14.0 VIVOPAY VENDI READER COMMANDS .................................................................................. 318 Configure Buttons (F0-F4) ................................................................................................................... 318 Get Button Configuration (F0-F5) ....................................................................................................... 318 Disable Blue LED Sequence (F0-F6) ..................................................................................................... 319 Enable Blue LED Sequence (F0-F7) ...................................................................................................... 320 LCD Display Clear (F0-F9) .................................................................................................................... 321 Turn Off Yellow LED (F0-FA) ................................................................................................................ 321 Turn On Yellow LED (F0-FB)................................................................................................................. 322 Buzzer On/Off (F0-FE) ......................................................................................................................... 322 LCD Display Line 1 Message (F0-FC) .................................................................................................... 323 LCD Display Line 2 Message (F0-FD) ................................................................................................... 323 15.0 APPLEPAY VAS AND OTHER SPECIAL FUNCTIONS .................................................................. 325 APPLEPAY VAS FUNCTIONALITY ...................................................................................................................... 325 Set Merchant Record (04-11) .............................................................................................................. 331 Get Merchant Record (03-11) ............................................................................................................. 332 PEER TO PEER FUNCTIONALITY ........................................................................................................................ 333
NEO Interface Developers Guide           ix Peer To Peer Send A Message (C7-9A) ................................................................................................ 333 Peer To Peer Receive A Message (C7-9B) ............................................................................................ 333 ASYNCHRONOUS MEDIA TRACKING (ONLY FOR KIOSK III) ..................................................................................... 334 DETERMINE CARD PRESENCE (ONLY FOR KIOSK III) ............................................................................................. 335 Detect Card Presence Command (02-05) ............................................................................................ 335 MSR EQUIVALENT DATA FUNCTION ................................................................................................................. 336 Tag DFEF4B ......................................................................................................................................... 336 Tag DFEF4C ......................................................................................................................................... 338 Tag DFEF4D ........................................................................................................................................ 338 16.0 SAMPLE SCENARIOS AND FRAME FLOW ............................................................................... 344 CONTACTLESS MAGSTRIPE TRANSACTIONS IN AUTO POLL MODE .......................................................................... 344 CONTACTLESS MAGSTRIPE TRANSACTIONS IN POLL ON DEMAND MODE ................................................................. 346 EMV (M/CHIP) TRANSACTION IN POLL ON DEMAND MODE ................................................................................ 348 APPENDIX A.1: USER EXPERIENCE ILLUSTRATION ............................................................................... 351 APPENDIX A.2: AUDIBLE USER INTERFACE ......................................................................................... 353 APPENDIX A.3: CONFIGURABLE AID USE EXAMPLES ........................................................................... 354 APPENDIX A.4: DEMO UTILITIES AND SAMPLE CODE .......................................................................... 358 APPENDIX A.5: FIRMWARE FAQ ........................................................................................................ 359 APPENDIX A.6: TDES DATA ENCRYPTION EXAMPLES........................................................................... 363 APPENDIX A.7: AES DATA ENCRYPTION EXAMPLES ............................................................................ 374 APPENDIX A.8: TRANSACTION RESULTS FOR MSD2.0.2 AC3.0 CRYPTOGRAM17 ................................... 386 APPENDIX A.9: PREPARING BITMAPS FOR USE WITH ILM ................................................................... 387 APPENDIX A.10: DEFAULT CONFIGURATION ...................................................................................... 393 APPENDIX A.11: ENHANCED ENCRYPTED MSR DATA OUTPUT FORMAT............................................... 401 APPENDIX A.12: ENCRYPTED DATA FORMAT, TLV-BASED ................................................................... 405 Using Length Byte to Flag Mask and Encryption (IDTech Enhanced TLV): .......................................... 405 ENCRYPTED/MASKED TAG NOTE .................................................................................................................... 406 TRACK 1 (TAG 56) & 2 (TAG 9F6B) MASK CONFIGURATION NOTE ....................................................................... 408 OTHER TAG VALUE MASK CONFIGURATION NOTE .............................................................................................. 408 DETAILED – TLV ENCRYPTED RESPONSE FORMAT ............................................................................................... 409 Example of Encrypting a TLV ............................................................................................................... 409 Command Format ............................................................................................................................... 411 Response Formats ............................................................................................................................... 411 APPENDIX A.13: ENHANCED ENCRYPTED MSR DATA OUTPUT WHEN ENCRYPTION IS TURNED ON WITH C7-38 COMMAND ............................................................................................................................. 413 APPENDIX A.14: GLOSSARY ............................................................................................................... 415 APPENDIX A.15: REVISION HISTORY .................................................................................................. 417
NEO Interface Developers Guide           x
NEO Interface Developers Guide           xi List of Tables  Table 1: Hardware Cross Reference .................................................................................... 3 Table 2: Commands Sorted by Command Name ................................................................ 4 Table 3: Commands Sorted by Command Number ............................................................. 7 Table 4: Pass-Through Command Table ............................................................................ 11 Table 5: EMV Key Management – Protocol 2 .................................................................... 12 Table 6: EMV Key Management - Protocol 1 ..................................................................... 12 Table 7: Protocol 1 Status Codes ....................................................................................... 13 Table 8: Protocol 2 Status Codes ....................................................................................... 13 Table 9: Error Codes .......................................................................................................... 15 Table 10: RF State Codes ................................................................................................... 19 Table 11: Serial Port Settings ............................................................................................. 20 Table 12: Poll for Token Data Field for Response Frame (Status Code is OK) ................... 32 Table 13: Burst Mode Frames............................................................................................ 34 Table 14: Payload Frame with Cryptogram Data Format and Content When Status OK . 35 Table 15: Asynchronous UI Message Event ....................................................................... 40 Table 16: Asynchronous UI Message Event Status ............................................................ 40 Table 17: Asynchronous UI message Event Application Type ........................................... 41 Table 18: System AIDs ....................................................................................................... 48 Table 19: Global Configuration TLVs ................................................................................. 52 Table 20: Group Configuration TLVs .................................................................................. 56 Table 21: PayPass Default Group Configuration TLVs ....................................................... 64 Table 22: PayPass Group Configuration TLVs with Hard-Coded Default Values in Kernel 71 Table 23: Phone Message Table – Hard-Coded Default Value in Kernel .......................... 74 Table 24: American Express Default Group 2 Configuration TLVs .................................... 75 Table 25: AID Configuration TLVs ...................................................................................... 79 Table 26: System AID Default Configuration TLVs ............................................................. 81 Table 27: Get Full Track Data Error Codes ......................................................................... 92 Table 28: EMV Key Management Commands Error Codes – Protocol 1 ........................... 96 Table 29: Set CA Public Key Data Field .............................................................................. 99 Table 30: Error Codes for RTC Management Commands ................................................ 104 Table 31: Control User Interface Data ............................................................................. 111 Table 32: Activate Transaction Command Frame Data Format ...................................... 179 Table 33: Activate Command TLVs .................................................................................. 179 Table 34: Activate Transaction Response Frame Data Format ....................................... 181 Table 35: Activate Response TLVs ................................................................................... 182 Table 36: Activate Transaction Clearing Record TLVs ..................................................... 186 Table 37: Activate Transaction Cause of Failure When Not Request Online Authorization ................................................................................................................................. 188 Table 38: Activate Transaction Cause of Failure When Request Online Authorization .. 188 Table 39: Activate Transaction Response Frame Format, Failed Transaction ................ 189
NEO Interface Developers Guide           xii Activate Transaction Response Frame Encrypted Data Format ...................................... 194 Table 40: Get Transaction Result Format and Content ................................................... 203 Table 41: Update Balance Format and Contents............................................................. 207 Table 42: Update Balance Format and Contents When Status OK ................................. 208 Table 43: Update Balance Format and Contents When Status Not OK .......................... 208 Table 44: Cash Transaction TLVs ..................................................................................... 212 Table 45: DRL TLVs ........................................................................................................... 216 Table 46: EMV Key Manager Status Codes – Protocol 2 ................................................. 219 Table 47: Language Version Information ........................................................................ 232 Table 48: Exception List Record Format .......................................................................... 241 Table 49: Get PCD and PICC Parameters Data Field ........................................................ 243 Table 50: Poll for Token Data Field for Command Frame ............................................... 244 Table 51: Poll for Token Timeout .................................................................................... 244 Table 52: Poll for Token Data Field for Response Frame (Status Code is OK) ................. 245 Table 53: Enhanced Poll for Token Data Field for Command Frame .............................. 246 Table 54: Enhanced Poll for Token Timeout .................................................................... 247 Table 55: Enhanced Poll for Token Data Field for Response Frame ............................... 247 Table 56: LED Control Data Field ..................................................................................... 251 Table 57: Buzzer Control Data Field ................................................................................ 252 Table 58: PCD Single Command Exchange Data Field Protocol 2.................................... 253 Table 59: PCD Commands Protocol 2 .............................................................................. 254 Table 60: PCD Channel Redundancy Register Protocol 2 ................................................ 255 Table 61: PCD Single Command Exchange Data Field for Response ............................... 256 Table 62: Halt a Command Exchange Between Terminal/PC and Reader ...................... 257 Table 63: Enhanced Pass-Through Data Field ................................................................. 259 Table 64: Mifare Authentication Block Data Field........................................................... 267 Table 65: Mifare Read Block Data Field ........................................................................... 269 Table 66: Mifare Write Block Data Field .......................................................................... 271 Table 67: ePurse Value Block Format .............................................................................. 272 Table 68: Mifare ePurse Command Data Field ................................................................ 273 Table 69: Mifare ePurse Data Field for Debit/Credit Function Block .............................. 273 Table 70: Mifare ePurse Data Field for Backup Function Block ...................................... 274 Table 71: NFC Command Set List ..................................................................................... 277 Table 72: NFC Command Set Response Data List ............................................................ 279 Set White List Data Field .................................................................................................. 282 Table 73: Summary of LCD Messages .............................................................................. 351
NEO Interface Developers Guide           1 1.0 Introduction This document is intended to provide application developers and integrators with the detailed information necessary to integrate ViVOpay readers with point of sale terminals (POS).  It specifies the interfaces that terminals can use to communicate with a ViVOpay reader to carry out contactless EMV transactions.  Historical Background Before the introduction of contactless EMV, the ViVOpay reader usually worked in standalone mode, which did not require a terminal to initiate a transaction. In this mode, the reader reads cards and sends transaction data independently.  This mode is commonly referred to as “Auto Poll Mode”. ViVOpay readers can also function in an intelligent mode to provide EMV functionality and fast processing of contactless EMV cards. This approach minimizes the time a cardholder needs to hold a contactless EMV card in front of a reader. However, support for contactless EMV cards requires that terminals set certain parameters and perform intelligent processing to complete a transaction.  While contactless EMV transactions require control commands from a terminal, it is sometimes desirable for the ViVOpay reader to function in standalone mode. This is especially useful for test environments where a terminal may not be available or where all transactions are going to be with contactless MagStripe cards. The EMV serial interface specified in this document addresses the requirements of contactless EMV support, while maintaining backward compatibility to standalone operation. MasterCard Contactless (PayPass) Capability ViVOpay readers support MasterCard Contactless technology (PayPass 3.02). You will see numerous references to “PayPass” throughout this guide. MasterCard has officially deprecated the name “PayPass” (although not the technology). This version of the guide continues to use “PayPass” to refer to MasterCard Contactless technology. Future versions of this guide will likely drop the name “PayPass” altogether. Protocol 1 Deprecated Historically, ID TECH readers have used two serial protocols (Protocol 1 and Protocol 2). Protocol 1 is no longer supported. For historical reasons, you may see references to Protocol 1 in this guide. They will eventually be removed.  Organization of this Guide This document provides the details of how to communicate with ViVOpay readers, including the physical connections, the ViVOpay command protocols, and the actual serial commands.  The document is organized into major sections that contain increasing levels of detail:  The Quick Reference section includes tables of commands, error and status codes.  It is intended to be a quick index into the Protocol Command Reference sections (Protocol 1 and Protocol 2), or a quick reference for decoding serial commands and responses.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           2  The Serial Communication Interfaces section discusses the serial interfaces available.    The ViVOpay Communication Protocols section provides information on the various protocols and modes of communication.  It describes the frame formats used by each of the protocols.  The Tag and Data Set Configuration discusses the method for configuring AIDs and groups (parameter/data sets).    The Card Application Selection section discusses the method for selecting a particular card application and how selection of a particular AID may be controlled.  The section on Card Application Specific Behavior discusses information specific to particular card applications and the ViVOpay implementation.  The Protocol Command Reference sections (Protocol 1 and Protocol 2) describe each of the commands available, their frame formats, and the response formats  The Special Reader Features section discusses additional features that may optionally be used in conjunction with ViVOpay readers.  Some of these are specific to a particular ViVOpay reader hardware platform.  Many useful examples of serial communication flows can be found in the various Appendices at the back of this guide. Also, the Appendices contain examples of how to parse data payloads received during transactions. In future editions of this guide, we will continue to add examples. Notational Conventions Many of the tables used in this document describe data objects as TLV (tag, length, value) elements.  The details of how TLVs are encoded and explained in the BER-TLV rules.  These rules may be found in EMV 4.2 Book 3, Annex B (available from The format of the value fields are described in EMV 4.2, Book 3, “Data Element Format Conventions”. Hexadecimal numbers are expressed in one of two ways:  With an “h” after the number, e.g. 2Ah  With a “0x” preceding the number, e.g. 0x2A Reader Interface Capabilities ViVOpay readers can be generally categorized by their capabilities to interact with the host terminal. ViVOpay readers fall into one of the following categories according to the available transaction interfaces:  Contactless Only
NEO Interface Developers Guide           3  Contactless and MSR  Contactless and LCD Display  Contactless, MSR, and LCD Display  Contactless, MSR and Line Display The following table categorizes ViVOpay readers by available interfaces. Table 1: Hardware Cross Reference Reader  Contactless MSR  LCD Display  Line Display Kiosk III ●    Vendi ● ●  ● Generally, the commands and parameters related to the LCD display only work on the ViVOpay readers with a display.  However, there is an option to use an external display.  Refer to the Set/Get Source for RTC/LCD/Buzzer/LED command.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           4 2.0 Quick Reference This section contains tables for looking up commands, status codes and error codes.   Command Tables The tables in this section organize the commands by their names and by their command number. Commands Sorted by Command Name Table 2: Commands Sorted by Command Name Command  C’less or C’less + MSR LCD Line US EMV Protocol CMD SUB CMD Notes Activate Transaction Command√ √ √ √ √ 2 02 01  Activate Transaction Command√ √ √ √ √ 2 02 40  Add Entry to EMV Exception List√ √ √ √ √ 2 84 09  Add Entry to EMV Revocation List√ √ √ √ √ 2 84 04  Antenna Control√ √ √ √ √ 2 28 01  Boot up Notification√ √ √ √ √ 2 14 01  Buzzer Control Long√ √ √ √ √ 2 0B 02  Buzzer Control Short√ √ √ √ √ 2 0B 01  Buzzer On/Off Command  √ n/a √ 2 F0 FE a Cancel Transaction Command√ √ √ √ √ 2 05 01  Check DUKPT Key√ √ √ √ √ 2 81 04  Check DUKPT Keys √ √ √ √ √ 2 81 02  Clean Torn Transaction Log√ √ √ √ √ 2 84 0F  Clear White List√ √ √ √ √ 2 2C 52  Configure Buttons Command  √ √ √ 2 F0 F4 a Contact Apply Host Response   √ √ √ 2 60 12  Contact Authenticate Transaction   √ √ √ 2 60 11  Contact Get MSR Data Control (Reader send to Host)    √  √  √  2  61  03   Contact Get PIN Control (Reader send to Host)     √  √  √  2  61  02   Contact Get Reader Status     √  √  √  2  60  14   Contact LCD Display Control (Reader send to Host)    √  √  √  2  61  01   Contact Remove Application Data   √ √ √ 2 60 02 b  Contact Remove CA Public Key   √ √ √ 2 60 09 b  Contact Remove Certification Revocation List   √ √ √ 2 60 0D b  Contact Remove Terminal Data   √ √ √ 2 60 05 b  Contact Retrieve AID List   √ √ √ 2 60 07 b  Contact Retrieve Application Data   √ √ √ 2 60 01 b  Contact Retrieve CA Public Key   √ √ √ 2 60 0A b  Contact Retrieve CA Public Key List   √ √ √ 2 60 0B b   Contact Retrieve Certification Revocation List   √ √ √ 2 60 0C b
NEO Interface Developers Guide           5 Command  C’less or C’less + MSR LCD Line US EMV Protocol CMD SUB CMD Notes Contact Retrieve Terminal Data   √ √ √ 2 60 04 b Contact Retrieve Transaction Result   √ √ √ 2 60 13 b Contact Set Application Data   √ √ √ 2 60 03 b Contact Set CA Public Key   √ √ √ 2 60 0A b Contact Set Certification Revocation List   √ √ √ 2 60 0E b Contact Set Terminal Data   √ √ √ 2 60 06 b Contact Start Transaction   √ √ √ 2 60 10 b Contact Get ICS Identification   √ √ √ 2 60 15 b Contact Remove Transaction Amount Log   √ √ √ 2 60 0F b Contact Set ICS Identification   √ √ √ 2 60 16 b Control User Interface √  √ √ 2 01 02  Delete All CA Public Keys Protocol 1√  √  √    √  1  24  03   Delete All CA Public Keys Protocol 2√  √  √    √  2  D0  05   Delete All Entries for Single Index in EMV Revocation List√  √  √    √  2  84  05   Delete All Entries from EMV Exception List√  √  √    √  2  84  0B   Delete All Entries from EMV Revocation List√  √  √    √  2  84  06   Delete CA Public Key Protocol 1√  √  √    √  1  24  02   Delete CA Public Key Protocol 2√  √  √    √  2  D0  04   Delete Configurable AID√ √ √ √ √ 2 04 04 c Delete Configurable Group (DCG)√ √ √ √ √ 2 04 05 c Delete Entry from EMV Exception List√ √ √ √ √ 2 84 0A  Disable Blue LED Sequence √ √ √ √ 2 F0 F6  Enable Blue LED Sequence Command  √ √ √ 2 F0 F7 a Enhanced Pass-Through Command√  √  √  √  √  2  2C  0B   Enhanced Poll for Token√ √ √ √ √ 2 2C 0C  Exchange APDU Data√      2C 13  Exchange Contactless Data √ √ √ √ √ 2 2C 03  Flush Track Data√ √ √ √ √ 1 17 02   Get Data encryption Key Encryption Type√ √ √ √ √ 2 C7 33  Get All AIDs√ √ √ √ √ 2 03 05 c Get All CA Public RIDs Protocol 2√ √ √ √ √ 2 D0 06  Get All Groups (GAG)√ √ √ √ √ 2 03 07 c Get ALL Reader Variables  √ √ √ √ √ 2 09 00  Get ATR√      2C 12  Get Button Configuration Command  √ √ √ 2 F0 F5 c Get Cable Type√ √ √ √ √ 2 32 01  Get CA Public Key Hash Protocol 2√ √ √ √ √ 2 D0 02  Get CA Public Key Protocol 2√ √ √ √ √ 2 D0 01  Get Cash Transaction Reader Risk Parameters√ √ √ √ √ 2 03 0C  Get Cashback Transaction Reader Risk Parameters√  √  √  √  √  2  03  0D   Get Configurable AID√ √ √ √ √ 2 03 04 c Get Configurable Group√ √ √ √ √ 2 03 06 c Get Configuration√ √ √ √ √ 2 03 02  Get Contact EMV L2 Kernel Checksum √ √ √ √ √ 2 29 08  Get Contact EMV L2 Kernel Version√ √ √ √ √ 2 29 06  Get Contact EMV L2 Kernel Version Detail√ √ √ √ √ 2 29 07
NEO Interface Developers Guide           6 Command  C’less or C’less + MSR LCD Line US EMV Protocol CMD SUB CMD Notes Get Contact EMV L2 Terminal Configuration Checksum√  √  √  √  √  2  29  09   Get DRL Reader Risk Parameters√ √ √ √ √ 2 03 0E  Get EMV Exception List√ √ √ √ √ 2 84 0C  Get EMV Exception Log Status√ √ √ √ √ 2 84 08  Get EMV Revocation List√ √ √ √ √ 2 84 07  Get EMV Revocation Log Status√ √ √ √ √ 2 84 03  Get Firmware Full Version√ √ √ √ √ 1 29 00  Get Full Track Data√ √ √ √ √ 1 17 CD   Get Hardware Information√ √ √ √ √ 2 09 14  Get Data Encryption Enable Flag √ √ √ √ 2 C7 37  Get Data Encryption Key Variant Type  √ √ √ √ 2 C7 30  Get DUKPT Key Serial Number (KSN)√ √ √ √ √ 2 81 0A  Get Merchant Record √ √ √ √ √ 2 03 11  Get Module Version Information√ √ √ √ √ 2 09 20  Get Main Firmware Version  √  √  √  √  √  2  09  03  a Get MSR Secure Parameters  √          2  C7  39  a Get PCD and PICC Parameters√ √ √ √ √ 2 2C 05  Get Processor Type √  √  √  √  √  2  09  02   Get Product Type √  √  √  √  √  2  09  01  a Get Remote Key Injection Timeout √  √  √  √  √  2  C7  2E   Get Serial Number√ √ √   2 12 01  Get Transaction Result√ √ √ √ √ 2 03 00  Get Transaction Result√ √ √ √ √ 2 03 40  Get UID of MCU√ √ √ √ √ 2 29 17  Get USB Boot Loader Version√ √ √ √ √ 2 29 04 e Get White List√ √ √ √ √ 2 2C 51  High Level Halt Command√ √ √ √ √ 2 2C 09  LCD Display Clear Command  √ n/a √ 2 F0 F9 a LCD Display Line 1 Message Command  √ n/a √ 2 F0 FC a LCD Display Line 2 Message Command  √ n/a √ 2 F0 FD a LED Control√ √ √ √ √ 2 0A 02  List CA Public Key IDs or RID Protocol 2√ √ √ √ √ 2 D0 07  Mifare Authenticate Block√ √ √ √ √ 2 2C 06  Mifare ePurse Command√ √ √ √ √ 2 2C 0A  Mifare Read Blocks√ √ √ √ √ 2 2C 07  Mifare Write Blocks√ √ √ √ √ 2 2C 08  NFC Commands√ √ √ √ √ 2 2C 40  Pass-through Mode Start/Stop√ √ √ √ √ 2 2C 01  PCD Single Command Exchange√ √ √ √ √ 2 2C 04  Peer To Peer Send A Message√ √ √ √ √ 2 C7 9A  Peer To Peer Receive A Message√ √ √ √ √ 2 C7 9B  Reset Torn Transaction Log√  √  √  √  √  2  84  0E   RTC Get Date√  √  √    √  1  25  04  d RTC Get Time√  √  √    √  1  25  02  d RTC Set Date√  √  √    √  1  25  03  d RTC Set Time√  √  √    √  1  25  01  d Set Data encryption Key Encryption Type√ √ √ √ √ 2 C7 32
NEO Interface Developers Guide           7 Command  C’less or C’less + MSR LCD Line US EMV Protocol CMD SUB CMD Notes Set Baud Rate√ √ √ √ √ 2 30 01  Set CA Public Key Protocol 1√  √  √    √  1  24  01   Set CA Public key Protocol 2√  √  √    √  2  D0  03   Set Cash Transaction Reader Risk Parameters√  √  √  √  √  2  04  0C   Set Cashback Transaction Reader Risk Parameters√  √  √  √  √  2  04  0D   Set Cable Type√ √ √ √ √ 2 32 02  Set Configurable AID√ √ √ √ √ 2 04 02 c Set Configurable Group√ √ √ √ √ 2 04 03 c Set Configuration√ √ √ √ √ 2 04 00  Set Configuration Defaults and Keep Encryption Key √  √  √  √  √  2  04  0A   Set DRL Reader Risk Parameters√ √ √ √ √ 2 04 0E  Set Data Encryption Enable Flag√ √ √ √ √ 2 C7 36  Set Data Encryption Key Variant Type √ √ √ √ √ 2 C7 2F  Set Merchant Record √ √ √ √ √ 2 04 11  Set MSR Secure Parameters√          2 C7 38 a Set Parameter Defaults     2 04 09  Set Poll Mode√ √ √ √ √ 2 01 01  Set Remote Key Injection Timeout√ √ √ √ √ 2 C7 2D  Set RF Error Reporting√ √ √ √ √ 1 17 03  Set Serial Number√ √ √   2 12 02  Set/Get Source for RTC/LCD/Buzzer/LED√ √ √ √ √ 2 01 05  Set Temporary Baud Rate√ √ √ √ √ 2 30 02  Set White List√ √ √ √ √ 2 2C 50  Stop Transaction√ √ √ √ √ 2 05 02  Turn Off Yellow LED Command  √ n/a √ 2 F0 FA a Turn On Yellow LED Command  √ n/a √ 2 F0 FB a Update Balance Command√ √ √  √ 2 03 03   a ViVOpay Vendi reader only b Contact EMV products only c Not in Global Reader Lite (GRL) d Real Time Clock only e Only applies to devices with USB  Commands Sorted by Command Number All commands in the following table use Protocol 2 formats (see Protocol 2 Formats) except for Get Full Track Data, Set RF Error Reporting, and Get ViVOpay Firmware Version.  Table 3: Commands Sorted by Command Number CMDSUB CMDCommandC’less or C’less + MSRLCDLineUSEMVProtocolNotes01 01 Set Poll Mode√ √ √ √ √ 2  01 02 Control User Interface √  √ √ 2
NEO Interface Developers Guide           8 CMDSUB CMDCommandC’less or C’less + MSRLCDLineUSEMVProtocolNotes01 05  Set/Get Source for RTC/LCD/Buzzer/LED√ √ √ √ √ 2  02 01 Activate Transaction Command√ √ √ √ √ 2  02 40 Activate Transaction Command√ √ √ √ √ 2  03 00 Get Transaction Result√ √ √ √ √ 2  03 40 Get Transaction Result√ √ √ √ √ 2  03 02 Get Configuration√ √ √ √ √ 2  03 03 Update Balance Command√ √ √  √ 2  03 04 Get Configurable AID√ √ √ √ √ 2 c 03 05 Get All AIDs√ √ √ √ √ 2 c 03 06 Get Configurable Group√ √ √ √ √ 2 c 03 07 Get All Groups√ √ √ √ √ 2 c 03 0C  Get Cash Transaction Reader Risk Parameters√ √ √ √ √ 2  03 0D  Get Cashback Transaction Reader Risk Parameters√ √ √ √ √ 2  03 0E Get DRL Reader Risk Parameters√ √ √ √ √ 2  03 11 Get Merchant Record√ √ √ √ √ 2  03 40 Get Transaction Result √ √ √ √ √ 2  04 00 Set Configuration√ √ √ √ √ 2  04 02 Set Configurable AID√ √ √ √ √ 2 c 04 03 Set Configurable Group√ √ √ √ √ 2 c 04 04 Delete Configurable AID√ √ √ √ √ 2 c 04 05 Delete Configurable Group√ √ √ √ √ 2 c 04 09 Set Parameter Defaults     2  04 0A  Set Configuration Defaults and Keep Encryption Key√ √ √ √ √ 2  04 0C  Set Cash Transaction Reader Risk Parameters√ √ √ √ √ 2  04 0D  Set Cashback Transaction Reader Risk Parameters√ √ √ √ √ 2  04 0E Set DRL Reader Risk Parameters√ √ √ √ √ 2  04 11  Set Merchant Record√ √ √ √ √ 2  05 01 Cancel Transaction Command√ √ √ √ √ 2  05 02 Stop Transaction√ √ √ √ √ 2  09 00 Get ALL Reader Variables  √ √ √ √ √ 2  09 01 Get Product Type √ √ √ √ √ 2  09 02 Get Processor Type√ √ √ √ √ 2  09 03 Get Main Firmware Version √ √ √ √ √ 2  09 14 Get Hardware Information√ √ √ √ √ 2  09 20 Get Module Version Information√ √ √ √ √ 2  0A 02 LED Control√ √ √ √ √ 2  0B 01 Buzzer Control Short√ √ √ √ √ 2  0B 02 Buzzer Control Long√ √ √ √ √ 2  12 01 Get Serial Number√ √ √ √ √ 2  12 02 Set Serial Number√ √ √ √ √ 2  14 01 Boot up Notification√ √ √ √ √ 2  17 02 Flush Track Data√ √ √ √ √ 1   17 03 Set RF Error Reporting√ √ √ √ √ 1  17 CD Get Full Track Data√ √ √ √ √ 1   18 01 Ping√ √ √ √ √ 2  24 01  Set CA Public Key√ √ √  √ 1  24 02  Delete CA Public Key√ √ √  √ 1
NEO Interface Developers Guide           9 CMDSUB CMDCommandC’less or C’less + MSRLCDLineUSEMVProtocolNotes24 03 Delete All CA Public Keys√ √ √  √ 1  25 01 RTC Set Time√ √ √  √ 1 d 25 02  RTC Get Time√ √ √  √ 1 d 25 03  RTC Set Date√ √ √  √ 1 d 25 04  RTC Get Date√ √ √  √ 1 d 28 01 Antenna Control√ √ √ √ √ 2  29 00 Get Version Protocol 2√ √ √ √ √ 2  29 00 Get Firmware Full Version√ √ √ √ √ 1  29 04 Get USB Boot Loader Version√ √ √ √ √ 2 e 29 06 Get Contact EMV L2 Kernel Version √    √ 2  29 07  Get Contact EMV L2 Kernel Version Detail√    √ 2  29 08 Get Contact EMV L2 Kernel Checksum √    √ 2  29 09  Get Contact EMV L2 Terminal Configuration Checksum √    √ 2  29 17 Get UID of MCU √    √ 2  32 01 Get Cable Type √ √ √ √ √ 2  32 02 Set Cable Type √ √ √ √ √ 2  2C 01 Pass-Through Mode Start/Stop√ √ √ √ √ 2  2C 02 Poll for Token√ √ √ √ √ 2  2C 03 Exchange Contactless Data√ √ √ √ √ 2  2C 04 PCD Single Command Exchange√ √ √ √ √ 2  2C 05 Get PCD and PICC Parameters√ √ √ √ √ 2  2C 06 Mifare Authenticate Block√ √ √ √ √ 2  2C 07 Mifare Read Blocks√ √ √ √ √ 2  2C 08 Mifare Write Blocks√ √ √ √ √ 2  2C 09 High Level Halt Command√ √ √ √ √ 2  2C 0A Mifare ePurse Command√ √ √ √ √ 2  2C 0B Enhanced Pass-Through Command√ √ √ √ √ 2  2C 0C Enhanced Poll for Token√ √ √ √ √ 2  2C 12 Get ATR√     2  2C 13 Exchange APDU Data√     2  2C 40 NFC Commands√     2  2C 50 Set White List√ √ √ √ √ 2  2C 51 Get White List√ √ √ √ √ 2  2C 52 Clear White List√ √ √ √ √ 2  30 01 Set Baud Rate√ √ √ √ √ 2  30 02 Set Temporary Baud Rate√ √ √ √ √ 2  60 01 Contact Retrieve Application Data   √ √ √ 2  60 02 Contact Remove Application Data   √ √ √ 2  60 03 Contact Set Application Data   √ √ √ 2  60 04 Contact Retrieve Terminal Data   √ √ √ 2  60 05 Contact Remove Terminal Data   √ √ √ 2  60 06 Contact Set Terminal Data   √ √ √ 2  60 07 Contact Retrieve AID List   √ √ √ 2  60 08 Contact Retrieve CA Public Key   √ √ √ 2  60 09 Contact Remove CA Public Key   √ √ √ 2  60 0A Contact Set CA Public Key   √ √ √ 2  60 0B Contact Retrieve CA Public Key List   √ √ √ 2  60 0C  Contact Retrieve Certification Revocation List   √ √ √ 2
NEO Interface Developers Guide           10 CMDSUB CMDCommandC’less or C’less + MSRLCDLineUSEMVProtocolNotes60 0D  Contact Remove Certification Revocation List   √ √ √ 2  60 0E Contact Set Certification Revocation List   √ √ √ 2  60 0F  Contact Remove Transaction Amount Log   √ √ √ 2  60 10 Contact Start Transaction   √ √ √ 2  60 11 Contact Authenticate Transaction   √ √ √ 2  60 12 Contact Apply Host Response   √ √ √ 2  60 13 Contact Retrieve Transaction Result   √ √ √ 2  60 14 Get Contact Reader Status   √ √ √ 2  60 15 Contact Get ICS Identification   √ √ √ 2  60 16 Contact Set ICS Identification   √ √ √ 2  61 01  Contact LCD Display Control (Reader send to Host)  √ √ √ 2  61 02  Contact Get PIN Control (Reader send to Host)   √ √ √ 2  61 03  Contact Get MSR Data Control (Reader send to Host)  √ √ √ 2  81 02 Check DUKPT Keys √ √ √ √ √ 2  81 04 Check DUKPT Key √ √ √ √ √ 2  81 0A Get DUKPT Key Serial Number (KSN) √ √ √ √ √ 2  84 03 Get EMV Revocation Log Status√ √ √ √ √ 2  84 04 Add Entry to EMV Revocation List√ √ √ √ √ 2  84 05  Delete All Entries for Single Index in EMV Revocation List√ √ √ √ √ 2  84 06  Delete All Entries from EMV Revocation List√ √ √ √ √ 2  84 07 Get EMV Revocation List√ √ √ √ √ 2  84 08 Get EMV Exception Log Status√ √ √ √ √ 2  84 09 Add Entry to EMV Exception List√ √ √ √ √ 2  84 0A Delete Entry from EMV Exception List√ √ √ √ √ 2  84 0B Delete All Entries from EMV Exception List√ √ √ √ √ 2  84 0C Get EMV Exception List√ √ √ √ √ 2  84 0D  Delete an Entry from EMV Revocation List√ √ √ √ √ 2  84 0E Reset Torn Transaction Log√ √ √ √ √ 2  84 0F Clean Torn Transaction Log√ √ √ √ √ 2  C7 2D Set Remote Key Injection Timeout√ √ √ √ √ 2  C7 2E Get Remote Key Injection Timeout√ √ √ √ √ 2  C7 2F Set Data Encryption Key Variant Type √ √ √ √ √ 2  C7 30 Get Data Encryption Key Variant Type √ √ √ √ √ 2  C7 32  Set Data encryption Key Encryption Type√ √ √ √ √ 2  C7 33  Get Data encryption Key Encryption Type√ √ √ √ √ 2  C7 36 Set Data Encryption Enable Flag√ √ √ √ √ 2  C7 37 Get Data Encryption Enable Flag√ √ √ √ √ 2  C7 38 Set MSR Secure Parameters √     2  C7 39 Get MSR Secure Parameters √     2  C7 9A Peer To Peer Send A Message√ √ √ √ √ 2  C7 9B Peer To Peer Receive A Message√ √ √ √ √ 2  D0 01 Get CA Public Key Protocol 2 √ √ √ √ √ 2
NEO Interface Developers Guide           11 CMDSUB CMDCommandC’less or C’less + MSRLCDLineUSEMVProtocolNotesD0 02 Get CA Public Key Hash Protocol 2√ √ √ √ √ 2  D0 03 Set CA Public Key Protocol 2√ √ √ √ √ 2  D0 04 Delete CA Public Key Protocol 2√ √ √ √ √ 2  D0 05 Delete All CA Public Keys Protocol 2√ √ √ √ √ 2  D0 06 Get All CA Public RIDs Protocol 2√ √ √ √ √ 2  D0 07  List CA Public Key IDs or RID Protocol 2√ √ √ √ √ 2  F0 00  Set PMC Status √ √ √ √ √ 2  F0 01 Get PMC Status √ √ √ √ √ 2  F0 02 Get Battery Level √ √ √ √ √ 2  F0 0F Shut Off the Power √ √ √ √ √ 2  F0 F4 Configure Buttons Command  √ √ √ 2 a F0 F5 Get Button Configuration Command  √ √ √ 2 a F0 F6 Disable Blue LED Sequence  √ n/a √ 2 a F0 F7 Enable Blue LED Sequence Command  √ n/a √ 2 a F0 F9 LCD Display Clear Command  √ n/a √ 2 a F0 FA Turn Off Yellow LED Command  √ n/a √ 2 a F0 FB Turn On Yellow LED Command  √ n/a √ 2 a F0 FC LCD Display Line 1 Message Command  √ n/a √ 2 a F0 FD LCD Display Line 2 Message Command  √ n/a √ 2 a F0 FE Buzzer On/Off Command  √ n/a √ 2 a  a ViVOpay Vendi reader only c Not in Global Reader Lite (GRL) d Real Time Clock only e Only applies to devices with USB  Pass-Through Command Table All commands in the following table use Protocol 2 formats (see Protocol 2 Formats). Table 4: Pass-Through Command Table Command  C’less or C’less + MSR LCD Line US EMV Protocol CMD SUB CMD Antenna Control√ √ √ √ √ 2 28 01 Buzzer Control Long√ √ √ √ √ 2 0B 02 Buzzer Control Short√ √ √ √ √ 2 0B 01 Enhanced Pass-Through Command√ √ √ √ √ 2 2C 0B Enhanced Poll for Token√ √ √ √ √ 2 2C 0C Exchange Contactless Data√ √ √ √ √ 2 2C 03 Get PCD and PICC Parameters√ √ √ √ √ 2 2C 05 High Level Halt Command√ √ √ √ √ 2 2C 09 LED Control√ √ √ √ √ 2 0A 02 Mifare Authenticate Block√ √ √ √ √ 2 2C 06 Mifare ePurse Command√ √ √ √ √ 2 2C 0A Mifare Read Blocks√ √ √ √ √ 2 2C 07 Mifare Write Blocks√ √ √ √ √ 2 2C 08
NEO Interface Developers Guide           12 Pass-Through Mode Start/Stop√ √ √ √ √ 2 2C 01 PCD Single Command Exchange√ √ √ √ √ 2 2C 04 Poll for Token√ √ √ √ √ 2 2C 02 Set White List√ √ √ √ √ 2 2C 50 Get White List√ √ √ √ √ 2 2C 51 Clear White List√ √ √ √ √ 2 2C 52  EMV Key Manager Command Tables The preferred method of accessing the Certificate Authority public keys is to use the following commands in the Protocol 2 format: (see Protocol 2) Table 5: EMV Key Management – Protocol 2 Command  C’less or C’less + MSR LCD  Line  US EMV Protocol CMD  SUB CMD Notes Get CA Public Key √ √ √  √ 2 D0 01  Get CA Public Key Hash √ √ √  √ 2 D0 02  Set CA Public Key √ √ √  √ 2 D0 03  Delete CA Public Key √ √ √  √ 2 D0 04  Delete All CA Public Keys √ √ √  √ 2 D0 05  Get All CA Public RIDs √ √ √  √ 2 D0 06  List CA Public Key IDs for RID √ √ √  √ 2 D0 07   All commands in the following table use Protocol 1 formats (see Protocol 1).  These commands are included for backward compatibility. New development should use Protocol 2 commands listed above. Table 6: EMV Key Management - Protocol 1 CommandC’less or C’less + MSRLCDLineUSEMVProtocolCMDSUB CMDNotesDelete All CA Public Keys√ √ √  √ 1 24 03  Delete CA Public Key√ √ √  √ 1 24 02  Set CA Public Key√ √ √  √ 1 24 01
NEO Interface Developers Guide           13 Status Codes  The tables in this section define status codes for Protocol 1 and Protocol 2. Note that Protocol 1 is deprecated.  Status Codes for Protocol 1 Table 7: Protocol 1 Status Codes Status Code  Status 00h OK 01h Incorrect Frame Tag 02h Incorrect Frame Type 03h Unknown Frame Type 04h Unknown Command 05h Unknown Sub-Command 06h CRC Error 07h Failed 08h Timeout 0Ah Incorrect Parameter 0Bh Command Not Supported 0Ch Sub-Command Not Supported 0Dh Parameter Not Supported / Status Abort Command 0Eh Command not Allowed 0Fh Sub-Command Not Allowed  Status Codes for Protocol 2 Table 8: Protocol 2 Status Codes Status Code  Status 00h OK 01h Incorrect Header Tag 02h Unknown Command 03h Unknown Sub-Command 04h CRC Error in Frame 05h Incorrect Parameter 06h Parameter Not Supported 07h Mal-formatted Data 08h Timeout 0Ah Failed / NACK 0Bh Command not Allowed 0Ch Sub-Command not Allowed
NEO Interface Developers Guide           14 Status Code  Status 0Dh Buffer Overflow (Data Length too large for reader buffer) 0Eh User Interface Event 10h Need clear firmware(apply in boot loader only) 11h Communication type not supported, VT-1, burst, etc. Need encrypted firmware (apply in boot loader only) 12h Secure interface is not functional or is in an intermediate state. 13h Data field is not mod 8 14h Pad 0x80 not found where expected 15h Specified key type is invalid 16h Could not retrieve key from the SAM (InitSecureComm) 17h Hash code problem 18h Could not store the key into the SAM (InstallKey) 19h Frame is too large 1Ah Unit powered up in authentication state but POS must resend the InitSecureComm command 1Bh The EEPROM may not be initialized because SecCommInterface does not make sense 1CH Problem encoding APDU Module-Specific Status Codes1 20h Unsupported Index (ILM) SAM Transceiver error – problem communicating with the SAM (Key Mgr) 21h Unexpected Sequence Counter in multiple frames for single bitmap (ILM) Length error in data returned from the SAM (Key Mgr) 22h Improper bit map (ILM) 23h Request Online Authorization 24h ViVOCard3 raw data read successful 25h Message index not available (ILM) ViVOcomm activate transaction card type (ViVOcomm) 26h Version Information Mismatch (ILM) 27h Not sending commands in correct index message index (ILM) 28h Time out or next expected message not received (ILM) 29h ILM languages not available for viewing (ILM) 2Ah Other language not supported (ILM) 31h Request Online PIN 41h – 4Fh Module-specific errors for Key Manager 50h Auto-Switch OK 51h Auto-Switch failed 60h Data not exist 61h Data Full 62h Write Flash Error 63h Ok and have next command 70h Antenna Error                                          1 Status codes in this range are “module-specific” so that their values can be re-used by different modules.  The meaning of these codes may depend on which command is being issued.  An exception is 23h, which is used generally.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           15 Status Code  Status Note for Kiosk III: If antenna is disconnected when Activate Transaction(02-01) command is not received, reader will keep beeping until the antenna is connected correctly. If Activate Transaction(02-01) command is received, and  during the polling time, antenna is disconnected, reader will waiting to the end of polling time, and return status code 08h(Time Out), then keep beeping until the antenna is connected correctly. Reader will response 70h as status code once Activate Transaction(02-01) command is received when antenna is disconnected.   80h Use another card 81h Insert or swipe card 90h Data encryption Key does not exist 91h Data encryption Key KSN exhausted  Error Codes Table 9: Error Codes Error Code  Description  Reason for Error and Suggested Error Handling 00h No Error None. 01h Out of Sequence Command Reader did not receive commands in the correct order. Correct the Terminal application to send serial commands in the correct sequence.  02h  Go to Contact  Interface The contactless transaction failed.   If the reader supports a contact interface, advise the user to complete the transaction on the contact interface. Previously, this error code was used if the reader supported another interface (beside the contact interface).  Integrators should use error code 04h Go to Other Interface instead.  The previous use has been deprecated. 03h  Transaction Amount is Zero If the transaction amount is zero and the terminal is “an offline only terminal” then reader needs to terminate the transaction. 04h  Go To Other Interface The transaction has failed.  If the reader supports another interface, advise the user to complete the transaction on the other interface.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           16 Error Code  Description  Reason for Error and Suggested Error Handling 05h  Go To Nearby Interface The transaction has failed. If there is another nearby contact interface, advise the user to complete the transaction on the nearby contact interface.  This situation might be a case where there are multiple pay stations, but only one of them has a contact interface. 06h  Go To MagStripe Interface The transaction has failed. If the reader has a MagStripe interface, advise the user to complete the transaction using the MagStripe interface. 20h  Card returned Error Status Card returned SW1SW2 not equal to 9000 hex. Value of the SW1SW2 bytes from the Card is returned in the Data portion of the Response Frame. Details of what the SW1SW2 codes mean for each RF State are Card dependent and are out of the scope of this document.  How the terminal handles this error depends on when the error occurs in the transaction flow. The RF State Code (see section on RF State Codes) indicates the transaction state when the error occurred. Suggested error handling for individual RF State Codes is given below:  RF State Code = PPSE:  If RF State Code = SELECT:  If RF State Code = GPO: If RF State Code = READ RECORD: If RF State Code = GET DATA (Ticket): If RF State Code = GET DATA (Ticketing Profile): If RF State Code = GET DATA (Balance): If RF State Code = PUT DATA (Ticket): The terminal can retry the transaction or abandon it.  If RF State Code = GEN AC: For Credit transactions: The terminal can retry the transaction or abandon it. 21h Collision Error There was more than one contactless card in the reader’s range. 22h Amount Over Maximum Limit The Transaction Amount is greater than Terminal Contactless Transaction Limit (FFF1). 23h  Request Online Authorization If the Transaction Amount is greater than the Balance on the card but is less than the Terminal Contactless Transaction Limit (FFF1), the reader sends this error code back to the terminal along with other information needed by the acquirer to format an online authorization request. 24h Card Communication Error A communication error occurred while interacting with the card.  An example might be the card was removed from the field. 25h  Card Blocked If the card is not supported by the reader according to the value of parameter Application Capability (FFF3) this error code is sent to the terminal. 26h  Card Expired This error code is sent to the terminal if the current date of the reader is greater than the expiration date of the card. This status code is only valid for qVSDC cards. 27h  Unsupported Card Card presented to the reader is of a type that is not supported by the reader. This could be due to presenting a card with an AID that is not recognized by the reader.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           17 Error Code  Description  Reason for Error and Suggested Error Handling 30h  Card did not respond Card was removed from the field or there was a Communication Error preventing the card response from reaching the reader. How the terminal handles this error depends on when in the transaction the error occurred. The RF State Code (see section on RF State Codes) indicates the transaction state when the error occurred. Suggested error handling for each RF State Code is given below:  RF State Code = PPSE:  The terminal can retry the transaction or abandon it.  If RF State Code = SELECT:  The terminal can retry the transaction or abandon it.  If RF State Code = GPO: The terminal can retry the transaction or abandon it.  If RF State Code = READ RECORD: The terminal can retry the transaction or abandon it.  If RF State Code = GEN AC: For Credit transactions: The terminal can retry the transaction or abandon it. If RF State Code = GET DATA (Ticket): If RF State Code = GET DATA (Ticketing Profile): If RF State Code = GET DATA (Balance):  If RF State Code = PUT DATA (Ticket): 41h Data Element Missing A mandatory/required data element was missing from the card. 42h Card Generated AAC The card declined the transaction by sending an AAC instead of a TC.  43h  Card Generated ARQC This error code would be returned if the card generated an ARQC and the terminal/reader was configured as “Offline Only”; therefore the card was DECLINED. 44h SDA/DDA Failed (Not Supported by Card) Card did not indicate support for the correct authentication method and date authentication failed. For Visa, when DDA is required, the card must indicate support for DDA in AIP. If this support is not indicated then the transaction fails and this error code is returned.  50h SDA/DDA/CDDA Failed (CA Public Key) Data Authentication failed due to missing CA Public Key.  Retrying the transaction does not correct the error until the missing CA Public Key problem is corrected via Key Management commands.  51h SDA/DDA/CDDA Failed (Issuer Public Key) Data Authentication failed due to a problem in recovering the Issuer Public Key from the card data. Data on the card may be incorrect or the reader has the wrong CA Public Key.  The transaction continues to fail until the Issuer Public Key and the CA Public Key are correct.  52h SDA Failed (SSAD) Data Authentication failed during SSAD. Retrying the transaction does not correct the error.  53h DDA/CDDA Failed (ICC Public Key) Data Authentication failed during attempted recovery of ICC Public Key. Retrying the transaction does not correct the error.  54h DDA/CDDA Failed (Dynamic Signature Verification) Data Authentication failed during Dynamic Signature Verification. Retrying the transaction does not correct the error:  At this point, the amount has been deducted from the Card Balance. 55h Processing Restrictions Failed The Processing Restrictions step as defined in EMV Specifications failed. This could be due to incorrectly set configuration. Retrying the transaction does not correct the error until the EMV configuration is corrected.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           18 Error Code  Description  Reason for Error and Suggested Error Handling 56h Terminal Risk Management (TRM) Failed The Terminal Risk Management step as defined in EMV Specifications failed. This could be due to incorrectly set configuration. Retrying the transaction does not correct the error until the EMV configuration is corrected. 57h Cardholder Verification Failed The Cardholder Verification step as defined in EMV Specifications failed. This could be due to incorrectly set configuration. Retrying the transaction does not correct the error until the EMV configuration is corrected. 58h Terminal Action Analysis (TAA) Failed The Terminal Action Analysis step as defined in EMV Specifications failed. This could be due to incorrectly set configuration. Retrying the transaction does not correct the error until the EMV configuration is corrected. 61h SD Memory Error This error is reported only when trying to retrieve Transaction Logs. This error is never reported during a transaction. 62h  Generic Error This is a generic / general error that is reported when a more specific reason for the error is not known. 73h Torn Transaction Log Error An error occurred while attempting to clean the torn transaction log.  This might occur if the reader could not read the time and date from the real time clock. 80h No Merchants have been configured This error usually occurred while MerchantID is empty. 81h TLV Parse Failure This error usually occurred while fail to TLV parsing card response data. 82h Merchant Data Error This error usually occurred while no merchant data returned from card. 83h System Memory Error This error usually occurred while fail to read or write system memory. 84h Application Skip Error This error usually occurred while configuration isn’t consistent on whether or not to skip payment application 85h Application Version Error This error usually occurred while application version number is incorrect.   If an error occurs during a transaction and the terminal determines that the reader must perform exception processing, then the terminal must retry the transaction until the transaction has been completed successfully or the terminal decides to abort it. The retries must be continued even if successive transactions fail with conditions that do not require exception processing. This must be done to allow the reader to complete exception processing (even if there are failures during exception processing). Under certain conditions, such as when a customer walks away or there is a problem with the card, the terminal may want to abort the retries even if the reader has not been able to complete exception processing. How and when the terminal stops retrying is out of the scope of this document.  RF State Codes For some Error Codes, the RF State Code indicates the exact Reader-Card command that failed. This helps determine the exact place where the failure occurred.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           19 Table 10:  RF State Codes State Code   RF State  Description 00h None RF State Code not available 01h PPSE Error occurred during PPSE command 02h SELECT Error occurred during SELECT command 03h GPO Error occurred during GET PROCESSING OPTIONS command 04h READ RECORD Error occurred during READ RECORD command 05h GEN AC Error occurred during GEN AC command 06h CCC Error occurred during CCC command 07h IA Error occurred during IA command 08h SDA Error occurred during SDA processing 09h DDA Error occurred during DDA processing 0ah CDA Error occurred during CDA processing 0bh TAA Error occurred during TAA processing 0ch UPDATE RECORD Error occurred during UPDATE RECORD command 10h  GET DATA (Ticket) Error occurred during GET DATA command to retrieve the Ticket 11h  GET DATA (Ticketing Prof) Error occurred during GET DATA command to retrieve the Ticketing Profile 12h  GET DATA (Balance) Error occurred during GET DATA command to retrieve the Balance 13h GET DATA (All) Error occurred during GET DATA command to retrieve all data 20h  PUT DATA (Ticket) Error occurred during PUT DATA command to retrieve the Ticket
NEO Interface Developers Guide           20 3.0 Serial Communication Interfaces This section discusses the physical interfaces through which the terminal communicates with the ViVOpay reader.  All of the readers have an RS232/ USB Serial Interface.   Note: Please don't plug in/out serial communication interfaces during the device power on, that might cause unstable behavior, The reader is not certified to work properly. RS232 Serial Interface Port Settings To communicate with the ViVOpay reader, set the terminal’s serial communication parameters to the values listed below. Table 11: Serial Port Settings Parameter  Value Baud Rate 19200 bps (default value for all but Vendi) 9600 bps (default value for Vendi)  Data Bits 8 Stop Bits 1 Parity None Out CTS Flow Disabled Out DSR Flow Disabled DTR Control Disabled RTS Control Disabled XON/XOFF Disabled Flow Control None  Basic Communication The ViVOpay reader and the POS terminal communicate by exchanging Command-Response Frames. The terminal always initiates communication by sending a Command Frame and ViVOpay responds by sending a Response Frame. What frames are exchanged depends on the command and the protocol used. There are two command/response protocols. Protocol 1 uses separate Data Frames and ACK/NACK responses. Protocol 2 is simplified by including data within the Command/Response Frames. Timeouts The ViVOpay reader does not timeout while trying to receive a command.  There is no maximum inter-character delay.  As a result, command frames with length errors may appear to “hang”.  A subsequent command that does not contain a length error can be received successfully.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           21 Once the ViVOpay reader has received a command, the time required to respond to the terminal varies from command to command, depending on what processing is required. During a transaction, the Activate (02-01) command may specify a timeout value.  The reader will continue to poll until it starts to process a transaction, or the specified timeout period has elapsed. The transaction may not complete within the timeout period.   USB HID Interface ViVOpay readers can communicate with the terminal using a RS232 Serial link and/or a USB HID link. All ViVOpay commands sent over the USB HID interface are encapsulated in the following protocol. Note: The maximum length for any command or response is 1500 bytes since this is the size of the command FIFO. HID Report Format All HID reports sent to or received from the ViVOpay are 64 bytes long. The first byte of the frame is a single byte Report ID number. The remaining 63 bytes carry the report payload. Any reports with less than 63 bytes of command or response data are padded with NULL bytes (00h) to make them 63 bytes long.  ViVOpay commands and responses are sent over the USB bus in 63-byte frames. Byte ordering in the USB frame is the same as if the command were sent over the serial port. In other words, the “ViVOtech2” command tag always starts in the second byte of the first report containing the command, just after the Report ID. There are four defined report IDs used in this protocol: 1, 2, 3, and 4. Undefined report IDs are silently ignored. Report ID 1 ID 1 frames are used when a complete command or response is 63 bytes or less. As soon as the host or device receives a Report ID 1 frame, it should parse the report data to extract the command or response. Report ID 2 ID 2 frames are used when a complete command or response is more than 63 bytes long and cannot fit in a single report. The Report ID 2 frame contains the first 63 bytes of the command. So the “ViVOtech2” command tag is only present in Report IDs 1 or 2. The Report ID 2 frames always contain 63 bytes of valid data with no padding bytes since the command is more than 63 bytes long.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           22 Report ID 3 ID 3 frames are continuation frames. For any command or response that is more than 126 bytes long, the middle frames of the response are sent with a report ID of 3. Any frame received with a report ID 3 is ignored unless it is preceded by a report with an ID of 2 or 3. The Report ID 3 frames should always contain 63 bytes of valid data with no padding bytes. Report ID 4 ID 4 frames mark the end of multi-report commands. Any padding needed to make the command a multiple of 63 bytes should be placed in this report. Any frame received with a report ID 4 is ignored unless it is preceded by a report with an ID of 2 or 3. As soon as the host or device receives a valid Report ID 4 frame, it should parse the report data to extract the command or response. The exception to the rule of only adding pad bytes to reports with ID of 1 or 4 is debug test frames. Surrounding a command with pad bytes to make the command span multiple reports is valid for testing the multi-report handling of the host and device software. This must be avoided in deployed code since it slows command processing times. Sample Single Report Command and Response Ping Command Report 01 “V” “i” “V” “O” “t” “e” “c” “h” “2” 00 18 01 00 00 B3 CD 00  00 00  00  00 00  00  00  00  00 00  00 00  00 00 00  00  00 00  00  00 00  00  00  00  00 00  00 00  00 00 00  00  00 00  00  00 00  00  00  00  00 00  00 00  00 00 The pad bytes are marked with blue text in this example. Ping Response Report 01 “V” “i” “V” “O” “t” “e” “c” “h” “2” 00 18 00 00 00 FA 83 00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00 00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00 00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00 The pad bytes are marked with blue text in this example. The serial port version of this command and response would be: (Data bytes in Hex format) Command:  56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 18 01 00 00 B3 CD Response:  56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 18 00 00 00 FA 83
NEO Interface Developers Guide           23 Data Frames Byte 0-8 Byte 9 Byte 10 Byte 11 … Byte n+10 Byte n+11 Byte n+12 Frame Tag Frame Type  Data 0  Data 1  …  Data n CRC MSB if from ViVOpay. LSB if from Terminal. CRC LSB if from ViVOpay. MSB if from Terminal. ViVOtech\0 ‘D’   …    Direction: Both Ways (depending on Command). Variable Length (n = 1 … 244). Sample Single Report Command with Multiple Report Response  Get Configuration Command Report 01 “V” “i” “V” “O” “t” “e” “c” “h” “2” 00 03 02 00 00 5B 91 00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00 00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00 00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  The pad bytes are marked with blue text in this example. Get Configuration response reports 1st Response Report 02 “V” “i” “V” “O” “t” “e” “c” “h” “2” 00 03 00 00 C2 FF E4 01 00 9F 02 06 00 00 00 00 00 01 9F 03 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 DF 63 01 00 DF 64 01 01 DF 65 01 00 DF 66 01 00 FF F0 03 00 00 00 FF F2 08 30 30  2nd Response Report 03 30 30 30 30 30 30 FF F3 02 03 FF FF F7 01 02 FF F9 01 03 FF FA 02 03 E8 9A 03 00 01 04 9F 21 03 05 13 54 9C 01 00 5F 2A 02 08 40 9F 09 02 00 02 9F 1A 02 08 40 9F 1B 04 00 00 17 70 9F 33 03  3rd Response Report 03 00 08 E8 9F 35 01 22 9F 40 05 60 00 00 30 00 9F 66 04 A0 00 00 00 FF F1 06 00 00 00 01 00 00 FF F4 03 01 00 01 FF F5 06 00 00 00 00 80 00 FF F8 01 00 FF FB 01 00 FF FC 01 00 FF FD 05 F8 50  4th and Final Response Report
NEO Interface Developers Guide           24 04 AC F8 00 FF FE 05 F8 50 AC A0 00 FF FF 05 00 00 00 00 00 72 56 00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00 00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00 00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  The pad bytes are marked with blue text in this example. Note: The response to this command changes each time the command is sent since it includes the current time and date. The serial port version of this command and response would be: (Data bytes in Hex format) Command:  56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 03 02 00 00 5B 91 Response:  56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 03 00 00 C2 FF E4 01 00 9F 02 06 00 00 00 00 00 01 9F 03 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 DF 63 01 00 DF 64 01 01 DF 65 01 00 DF 66 01 00 FF F0 03 00 00 00 FF F2 08 30 30    30 30 30 30 30 30 FF F3 02 03 FF FF F7 01 02 FF F9 01 03 FF FA 02 03 E8 9A 03 00 01 04 9F 21 03 05 13 54 9C 01 00 5F 2A 02 08 40 9F 09 02 00 02 9F 1A 02 08 40 9F 1B 04 00 00 17 70 9F 33 03    00 08 E8 9F 35 01 22 9F 40 05 60 00 00 30 00 9F 66 04 A0 00 00 00 FF F1 06 00 00 00 01 00 00 FF F4 03 01 00 01 FF F5 06 00 00 00 00 80 00 FF F8 01 00 FF FB 01 00 FF FC 01 00 FF FD 05 F8 50    AC F8 00 FF FE 05 F8 50 AC A0 00 FF FF 05 00 00 00 00 00 72 56 Error Handling at Report Level 1. Any report with ID of 1 is processed as soon as it is received. All other unprocessed reports are discarded. 2. Any report with an ID of 2 causes all other unprocessed reports to be discarded. 3. Any report with an ID of 3 is discarded unless the previous report had an ID of 2 or 3. If the previous report ID 3 was discarded then this report also is discarded. 4. Any report with an ID of 4 is discarded unless the previous report had an ID of 2 or 3. If the previous report had an ID of 3 and was discarded then this report also is discarded. If the report ID 4 frame is retained, then all retained reports are processed. Processing of reports means passing the concatenated Data Frames contained in the reports to the command handler. The report ID bytes must be discarded when concatenating the report Data Frames. An alternate way to handle the rules for report IDs 3 and 4 is to set a flag when a report with an ID of 2 is received and reset the flag when a report with an ID of 1 is received or an ID of 4 is finished processing. Reports with IDs of 3 or 4 are only kept when the flag is set.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           25 Error Handling at Command Level The error handling at the command level remains as it is currently implemented for serial port commands.  Incomplete commands are silently ignored when the reception times out. This does not occur for commands received over the USB HID interface unless a complete report is dropped, resulting in missing data for the command. The normal USB handshaking is expected to prevent this.  A bad CRC value for the encapsulated command returns a bad CRC response to the command. An unknown command or subcommand code results in an unknown command or unknown subcommand Response Frame. If the host does not receive any response to a command it should retry the command. If the host receives a bad CRC response to a command it should retry the command. This is not expected to occur when using USB since it includes a layer of error handling.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           26 4.0 ViVOpay Communication Protocols There are two main types of protocols: Protocol 1 and Protocol 2.  Protocol 2 is the preferred method of communicating between the terminal/POS and a ViVOpay reader.  Protocol 1 is retained for backward compatibility with older terminal/POS applications. In addition to the two main protocols, there are modes of communication that are extensions of the protocols.  These modes provide flexibility in the control of the ViVOpay reader:  Pass-through mode allows the terminal/POS application to interact directly with the contactless ISO 7816 cards.  Burst Mode is a legacy mode intended for use with MagStripe cards. Protocol 1 (Deprecated) Protocol 1 is retained for backwards compatibility with existing terminal applications.  Whenever possible, Protocol 2 should be used. Protocol 1 is not supported by Kiosk III/ Vendi. Communication between ViVOpay and the terminal uses command-response pairs. The terminal sends one or more Command Frames to the reader and waits for one or more response frames. A simple command requires a single Command Frame with a single Response Frame. More complex commands may involve a number of Command/Response Frames being exchanged. This sub-section defines the different types of frames and their format. Details of specific commands and the order in which different frames are exchanged are documented in a later sub-section.  There are five types of frames – Command, Data, ACK, NACK and Special Frames. The format of each type of frame is given below. Command Frames Byte 0-8  Byte 9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12  Byte 13  Byte 14  Byte 15 Frame Tag Frame Type  Command Sub-Command Data1  Data2  CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech\0 ‘C’ See Individual Commands See Individual Commands See Individual Commands See Individual Commands    Direction: From terminal to ViVOpay ACK Frames Byte 0-8  Byte 9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12  Byte 13  Byte 14  Byte 15 Frame Tag Frame Type Command Status  Data1  Data2  CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB)
NEO Interface Developers Guide           27 ViVOtech\0 ‘A’ See Individual Commands See Status Code See Individual Commands See Individual Commands    Direction: ViVOpay to terminal  NACK Frames Byte 0-8  Byte 9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12  Byte 13  Byte 14  Byte 15 Frame Tag Frame Type Command Status  Data1  Data2  CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) ViVOtech\0 ‘N’ See Individual Commands See Status Code See Individual Commands See Individual Commands    Direction: ViVOpay to terminal.  A NACK Frame has the same fields as an ACK Frame unless specified differently for a specific command. The only difference between a NACK and ACK Frame is that the NACK Frame always contains an Error Status. When ViVOpay returns a NACK Frame, the terminal must consider the command terminated. The Data1 and Data2 fields are not used with a NACK, unless specified differently by a command. Special Frames Byte 0-8 Byte 9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Frame Tag Frame Type  Data1  Data2  Data3  Data4 CRC MSB if from ViVOpay. LSB if from Terminal. CRC LSB if from ViVOpay. MSB if from Terminal. ViVOtech\0 ‘S’ See Individual Commands See Individual Commands See Individual Commands See Individual Commands    Direction: Both ways (depending on command). Protocol 2 There are two types of frames for Protocol 2: Command Frames and Response Frames. The general format of these frames is given below.  Command Frames Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1 Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0
NEO Interface Developers Guide           28  Response Frames Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …   Byte 14+n-1  Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC   (MSB) CRC   (LSB) ViVOtech2\0         Pass-Through Mode (Protocol 2) Some versions of ViVOpay firmware provide a Pass-Through mode which can be used by a terminal to communicate directly with an RF card. This feature allows a terminal to add support for RF cards that are not directly supported by the ViVOpay firmware.  Pass-through is actually a special mode of the ViVOPay Protocol 2. This section describes the Pass-Through protocol and frames for the ViVOpay Serial Interface Protocol.  Note: Pass-Through commands could only be executed in Pass-Through Mode. Other commands (non-pass-through) will return an error in Pass-Through Mode with the exception of Ping, Get Version, and Get Serial Number commands, which will work in both modes.  Basic Pass-Through Operation  Pass-Through mode allows a terminal to communicate directly with an ISO 14443 Type A or Type B Proximity Integrated Circuit Card (PICC) without the ViVOpay firmware knowing the specifics of the application or data present on the PICC. The Pass-Through mode supports a set of basic commands that allow polling and selection of a PICC and sending/receiving low level information to/from the PICC. This allows a terminal to communicate with (and support) cards with applications and data that are not supported by a System AID. Individual Pass-Through commands are described in the sections that follow. The Pass-Through Mode subcommands are grouped into three categories  General Pass-Through Set Up Commands  These commands have to be used whether you are using high level communication with the PICC or low level communication. These commands include:   Pass-Through Mode Start/Stop  Poll for Token  High Level PICC Communication Commands If a PICC supports ISO 14443-4 Protocol, then these high level commands can be used to send application level APDUs to the PICC and receive the PICC responses. The Send / Receive commands must always be used in pairs, unless the send command returns an error. The high level commands include: Exchange Contactless Data and commands to interact with Mifare cards.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           29  Low Level PICC Communication Commands These low level commands can be used to send raw ISO 14443-3 data to the PICC and receive the PICC responses. The Send/Receive commands must always be used in pairs, unless the send command returns an error. In addition to this, these commands can also be used to get and set some PCD and PICC parameters. The low level commands include.  PCD Single Command Exchange  Get PCD and PICC Parameters The terminal must periodically instruct the ViVOpay reader to poll for cards. Whenever the ViVOpay reader detects a card in the RF field, it tries to carry out ISO 14443 Layer 3 and Layer 4 negotiations and report the card type found. In the Pass-Through mode, ViVOpay does not attempt to check whether the card application is one that it supports.  Once a card is detected, the terminal may use one of the Pass-Through commands to communicate with the card at the application level and read the data.  Additional Pass-Through commands allow a terminal to use low-level features provided by the ViVOpay reader, such as controlling the RF antenna (field).  Pass-Through Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12  Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1 Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0 See Individual Commands See Individual Commands See Individual Commands See Individual Commands See Individual Commands    Note: The Byte 14+n and Byte 15+n CRCs are the reverse of standard Protocol 1 Format and Protocol 2 Format Command Frames.  Within each Pass-Through Frame Type, the CRC is stored as big-endian number i.e. higher byte (MSB) first.  Pass-Through Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12  Byte 13 Byte 14 …   Byte 14+n-1 Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0 See Individual Commands See Individual Commands See Individual Commands See Individual Commands See Individual Commands      Suggested Sequence for Pass-Through Commands Put the ViVOpay reader in Pass-Through Mode by sending a Start Pass-Through Mode command.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           30 Periodically request ViVOpay to poll for cards by sending the Poll for Token command. If no card is found within the time specified, the reader ViVOpay indicates this with a timeout error. If a card is found, it returns the card type and serial number.  At this point ViVOpay already has gone through the anti-collision, selection and activation (if required) sequence as per ISO 14443 A/B, and the card is ready for communication. Depending on the Card Type, use the appropriate Pass-Through commands to communicate with the card. Card Types and the applicable commands are given below.  For ISO 14443-4 Compliant Type A or Type B Cards Use the Exchange Contactless Data command to communicate with the Card at the application level. For ISO I4443 Type A or Type B Cards that are not ISO 14443-4 Compliant (i.e. ISO 14443-3 Compliant Cards), Mifare Type A, and Mifare Ultralight Type A Low Level Commands: Use the PCD Single Command Exchange command to communicate with the Card. If required, use the Get PCD and PICC Parameters command for greater control. High Level Commands (For Mifare Cards Only): Or use the Mifare Authenticate Block, Mifare Read Blocks, and Mifare Write Blocks commands to communicate with a Mifare Standard (1K) or Mifare Ultralight Card. For Card Type None The Card has either been removed from the Field, or there was an error in trying to connect to the card, or the card is not ISO 14443-3 or 14443-4 compliant. No need to communicate with the card. When done communicating with the card, the terminal is responsible for handling the termination sequence. The terminal may use the Antenna Disable/Antenna Enable commands to turn the RF field off and then on again. The terminal can instruct the ViVOpay reader to terminate the Pass-Through Mode and start normal polling for cards by sending a Stop Pass-Through Mode command. Note: If the terminal communicates with the card in the Pass-Through mode and finds that it does not support the card, then the terminal is responsible for handling the termination sequence with the card. The terminal may keep sending Poll for Token commands to the ViVOpay reader until the card has been removed from the field, replaced by another card (different serial number), or a timeout has occurred before it terminates the Pass-Through mode. The terminal may choose to terminate the Pass-Through mode as soon as it is reading is complete.  Care should be taken to ensure that the ViVOpay reader is operating in the correct mode (Auto-Poll or Poll on Demand) when returning from Pass-Through mode.  If the card is not removed from the field fast enough, and the reader is in Auto Poll mode, the terminal may end up doing multiple reads of the same card. Auto-Switch to Pass-Through Mode The reader can be set to switch automatically out of polling (either Poll on Demand or Auto-Poll) and enter Pass-Through Mode. This allows the POS application to send Pass-Through Mode commands directly to the card APDU without explicitly setting the reader in Pass-Through Mode.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           31 Auto-Switch can be enabled globally and for configurable User AIDs. This feature is not supported for System AIDs. If the Auto-Switch feature is enabled, the reader switches to Pass-Through Mode under the following conditions:  Card application is not recognized – Global Auto-Switch is enabled  Card AID is not recognized – Global Auto-Switch is enabled  Mifare card is recognized but fails – Global Auto-Switch is enabled  DesFire card is recognized but fails – Global Auto-Switch is enabled  Card AID is recognized – User AID Auto-Switch is enabled  There are two ways to use the auto-switch feature: Global Auto-Switch or User AID Auto-Switch. The DF7C TLV sets the feature globally using the Set Configuration command (Global Auto-Switch) and the Set Configurable AID sets the feature for user AIDs (User AID Auto-Switch). You can use both at the same time if you wish, but they do different things so do not confuse the two. In general, one is used for MiFare, DesFire or unrecognized cards. The second is ONLY used for a specific User AID. The Auto-Switch setting in a User AID overrides the Global Auto-Switch setting. Once the Auto-Switch feature is activated, the POS application must handle error recovery and exit Pass-Through Mode with the Pass-Through Mode Start/Stop command (2C-01) when done. The reader returns to previous polling mode or idle state. For example, if you were exiting Pass-Through mode and resuming Auto Poll mode, the POS must make sure the PICC has left the field before terminating Pass-Through mode. Otherwise Auto Poll will start and the PICC will be read by the reader again as a brand new transaction! Global Auto-Switch You can use Global Auto-Switch to process:   an unrecognized MiFare PICC  an unrecognized DesFire PICC  a completely unrecognized PICC (failed MiFare, DesFire, PPSE, Trial & Error) Auto-Switch is invoked if Global Auto-Switch is enabled AND one of the above cards is tapped on the reader during a transaction. If successful, the reader returns a Response Frame containing some of the following items:  Error or Status condition  UID  PICC card type detected   Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1  Byte 14+n Byte 15+n
NEO Interface Developers Guide           32 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC (MSB) CRC  (LSB) ViVOtech2\0 50h or 51h See Status Code Table           Table 12: Poll for Token Data Field for Response Frame (Status Code is OK) Data Field  Length (bytes) Description Card 1 Type of Card Found (or No Card Found).       00h    None   (Card Not Detected or Could not Activate)       01h    ISO 14443 Type A  (Supports ISO 14443-4 Protocol)       02h    ISO 14443 Type B  (Supports ISO 14443-4 Protocol)       03h    Mifare Type A (Standard)       04h    Mifare Type A (Ultralight)       05h    ISO 14443 Type A  (Does not support ISO 14443-4 Protocol)       06h    ISO 14443 Type B  (Does not support ISO 14443-4 Protocol)       07h    ISO 14443 Type A and Mifare (NFC phone) Serial Number 0 or  Variable Serial Number (or the UID) of the PICC. Length depends on the Card Detected. If no card was detected, then a Serial Number is not returned.      The Response Frame is returned asynchronously if the reader is in Auto Poll.  Once Auto-Switch is invoked the reader remains in Pass-Through Mode with the RF antenna on. The POS application must handle error recovery and exit Pass-Through Mode when done with the Pass-Through Mode Start/Stop command (2C-01). The reader returns to previous polling mode or idle state. To enable Global Auto-Switch, send the Set Configuration command (04-00) with a 01h value for the DF7C TLV. User AID Auto-Switch You can use User AID Auto-Switch to process:   a recognized User AID that is selected during PPSE  a recognized User AID that is selected during Trial & Error Auto-Switch is invoked if User AID Auto Switch is enabled for an AID and a PICC is initiating a transaction with this AID selected. If successful, the reader returns a response frame containing some of the following items:  Error or Status condition  AID  PICC card type detected The response frame is returned asynchronously if the reader is in Auto Poll.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           33 Once Auto-Switch is invoked the reader remains in Pass-Through Mode with the RF antenna on. The POS application must handle error recovery and exit Pass-Through Mode when done with the Pass-Through Mode Start/Stop command (2C-01). The reader returns to previous polling mode or idle state. To enable Global Auto-Switch, send the Set Configurable AID command (04-02) with a 01h value for the DF7C TLV. RF On/Off States for Pass-through Commands Sending a Stop Pass-through command will turn off the RF Antenna.  Otherwise, the antenna is under the direct control of the POS/Terminal in Pass-through mode. Burst Mode In Burst Mode, a Data Frame is sent from the ViVOpay reader to the terminal each time a card is read successfully. The ViVOpay keeps polling for the supported RF Cards. Whenever the ViVOpay reader detects a card in the RF Field, it tries to read the card data. If the read operation is successful, the ViVOpay reader sends a “Card Payload” frame that contains the Status, Application Type, Card Data and CRC to the terminal through its serial port. Detailed information on the frame format is given in the sections ahead. The terminal does not have to send any command or data to the ViVOpay reader.  Note: The reader must be in Auto Poll mode for Burst Mode to be used successfully. Setting Burst Mode on for other configurations can lead to unexpected results. Burst mode is intended to be used with magnetic stripe card data only. Burst Mode is enabled using the Set Configuration command and the FFF7 tag. There are two options for Burst Mode: Always On (FFF7 = 01) and Auto Exit (FFF7 = 02). When the reader is in Burst Mode Always On, it ignores Activate Transaction and Get Full Track Data commands and remains in Burst Mode. When Burst Mode Auto Exit is enabled, the reader ends Burst Mode (FFF7 = 00) and processes these command. Burst Mode then remains off until it is reactivated with a new Set Configuration command with tag FFF7 set to 01 or 02. When the Burst Mode is enabled, the standard ViVOpay Serial Interface is not disabled entirely. Commands not related to transactions, such as Ping, can still be sent to the ViVOpay reader. In the Command-Response Mode, the terminal sends a command to the ViVOpay reader and the ViVOpay reader responds in a pre-defined manner. These commands allow a terminal to use features provided by the ViVOpay reader, such as checking for the presence of the ViVOpay reader by pinging it, retrieving the firmware version number, etc. Burst mode is not allowed when MSR/MSD or EMV encryption is enabled and Data encryption Key exists. When MSR/MSD or EMV encryption is enabled and Data encryption Key exists, burst mode is always OFF. In this condition, reader will turn the burst mode to be OFF automatically. If user wants to make burst mode to be ON/AUTO EXIT through “Set Configuration (04-00)” command, reader will keep burst mode to be OFF. Note: Burst mode is disabled for SRED devices.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           34 ViVOpay Burst Mode Frames The table below describes the Burst Mode frame types.  The frame type appears in Byte 0 of a Burst Mode packet. Table 13: Burst Mode Frames Frame type  Description 01h Payload Frame  02h Status Frame  03h Payload Frame for VISA MSD 202 CVN17 type transaction 55h NACK 0Eh Asynchronous Event Frame Payload Frame (On Successful Read) On successful read ViVOpay sends a Card Payload frame to the terminal that always contains Frame Type, Status and Application Type. The Status always shows Success (=00). The Application Type can have any of the values defined in the “Data Definitions” section. This is followed by the track data. Only those tracks the reader was able to read from the Card are sent. Each Track begins and ends with its Start and End Sentinel. After the Track Data, the reader sends two CRC bytes. The details of the CRC algorithm used are given in the “CRC Calculation” section.  Byte 0 Byte 1 Byte 2   Byte n-1 Byte n Frame Type =01h Status =00h Application Type Track 1 Field (if found) Track 2 Field (if found) CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB)  Example 1: Payload, Card Read Successfully, Application Type Visa, Both Track 1 and Track 2 Present       [01] [00] [02] %B123456789^ABCDEF^12345678?;123456=12345?<CRC1><CRC2> Example 2: Payload, Card Read Successfully, Application Type MasterCard, Only Track 2 Present       [01] [00] [01] ;123456=12345?<CRC1><CRC2> Example 3: Payload, Card Read Successfully, Application Type AmEx, Only Track 1 Present       [01] [00] [03] %B1234567^ABCDEF^12345678? <CRC1><CRC2> Example 4: Payload, Card Read Successfully, Application Type Unknown, Both Track 1 and Track 2 Present       [01] [00] [00] %B123456789^ABCDEF^12345678?;123456=12345? <CRC1><CRC2>
NEO Interface Developers Guide           35  Payload Frame for CVN17 Enabled Readers For MSD-only readers that require an online cryptogram (i.e. TTQ = ‘80 80 00 00’) MSD v1.4.2 and v2.0.2 transactions return the burst mode payload frame is described as follows (please refer to Visa Contactless Payment V. 2.0.2 Including Additions and Clarifications 3.0 – August 2007): Byte 0  Byte 1  Byte 2  Byte 3  Byte 4 Byte5 …   Byte 5+n-1  Byte 5+n  Byte6+n Frame Type Status Code Application Type Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC   (MSB) CRC   (LSB) 03h See table below  See Application Type     See Data Tables     If Status Code is OK then the format and contents of the data field in the Response Frame are given in the following table. All TLV lengths in the TLV include the Tag and Length bytes. Table 14: Payload Frame with Cryptogram Data Format and Content When Status OK Data Item  Length (bytes) Description Track 1 Length 1 If Track 1 is available, then this field gives the length of the Track 1 data that follows. If Track 1 is not available, then a Length of 00h is returned. Format: Binary Track 1 Data (MagStripe card) Variable Track 1 Data (if available).  Format: ASCII (no null terminator) Track 2 Length 1 If Track 2 is available, then this field gives the length of the Track 2 data that follows. If Track 2 is not available, then a Length of 00h is returned.  Format: Binary Track 2 Data (MagStripe card) Variable Track 2 Data (if available).  Format: ASCII (no null terminator) DE055 (Clearing Record) Present 1 If a Clearing Record (DE 055) field is available, then this field is 01h. If there is no Clearing Record (DE 055) field, then this field is 00h. TLV DE 055 (Clearing Record) Variable up to 128 DE 055 data (if available) as a TLV data object encoded with Tag ‘E1’. The DE 055 data is the same data as is included in the Clearing Record.  Tag: E1     Format: b1...126 variable. TLV App  PAN  Variable, up to 12 Application Primary Account Number (PAN) as a TLV object. This field is present only if the DE 055 object is present. Tag: 5A         Format: cn variable length up to 19 (10 bytes)  TLV PAN Seq Number  4 PAN Sequence Number as a TLV object. This field is present only if the DE 055 object is present. Tag:     Format: n2, BCD encoded on 1 bytes TLV Application Expiration Date  6 Application Expiration Date as a TLV object. This field is present only if the DE 055 object is present. Tag: 5F24     Format: n6, BCD encoded on 3 bytes (YYMMDD) TLV Application Label  Variable, up to 18 Application Label as a TLV object.  This field is present only if the DE 055 object is present. Tag: 50         Format: an variable length up to 16 bytes
NEO Interface Developers Guide           36 Data Item  Length (bytes) Description TLV CVM Results 6 Cardholder Verification Method (CVM) Results as a TLV object. This field is present only if the DE 055 object is present. Tag: 9F34     Format: b3 TLV Data Authentication Code 5 Data Authentication Code as a TLV object. This field is present only if the DE 055 object is present. Tag: 9F45     Format: b2 TLV ICC Dynamic Number 11 ICC Dynamic Number as a TLV object. This field is present only if the DE 055 object is present. Tag: 9F4C     Format: b8 TLV Track 1 Equivalent Data (M/Chip card) 81 Track 1 Equivalent Data as a TLV object. This field is present only if the DE 055 object is present. Tag: 56     Format: b79 TLV Transaction Status Information 4 Transaction Status Information as a TLV object. This field is present only if the DE 055 object is present. Tag: 9B     Format: b2 Cardholder Name 29 Cardholder Name as a TLV object. This field is present only if the DE 055 object is present. Tag: 5F20 Format: b26 Application Usage Control 5 Application Usage Control as a TLV object. This field is present only if the DE 055 object is present. Tag: 9F07 Format: b2 Issuer Action Code(Default) 8 Issuer Action Code (Online) as a TLV object. This field is present only if the DE 055 object is present. Tag: 9F0D Format: b5 Issuer Action Code(Denial) 8 Issuer Action Code (Denial) as a TLV object. This field is present only if the DE 055 object is present. Tag: 9F0E Format: b5 Issuer Action Code(Online) 8 Issuer Action Code (Default) as a TLV object. This field is present only if the DE 055 object is present. Tag: 9F0F Format: b5 TLV Auth Code 9 Authorization Code as a TLV object Tag: E300 Format: b8 TLV Track 2 Equivalent Data 21 Track 2 Equivalent Data as a TLV object. This field is present only if the DE 055 object is present or Authorization Code is present. Tag: 57     Format: b19 VLP Issuer Auth Code 9 VLP Issuer Authorization Code as a TLV object Tag: 9F74 Format: b6 Application Identifier Variable up to 19 AID as a TLV object Tag: 9F06   Format: variable b5...16 Available Offline Spending Amount (Balance) 9 Available Offline Spending Amount as a TLV object Tag: 9F5D   Format: variable b6 TLV Application Effective Date 6 Application Effective Date as a TLV object. Tag: 5F25     Format: n6, BCD encoded on 3 bytes (YYMMDD)
NEO Interface Developers Guide           37 Data Item  Length (bytes) Description Form Factor Indicator           PayPass Third Party Data F: b 32 T: ‘9F6E’ L: 4-bytes       F: b  T ‘9F6E’ L: 5-32 bytes Indicates the form factor of the consumer payment device and the type of contactless interface over which the transaction was conducted. The Form Factor Indicator is both an implementation and Issuer option.  Inclusion of the Form Factor Indicator in online messages (and clearing records for offline capable readers) is an option for qVSDC and MSD readers.  Priority information from a third party in the following format: Country Code according to ISO 3166-1 n3, 2 bytes Unique ID assigned by MasterCard b, 2 bytes Proprietary Data b 1 to 28 bytes Customer Exclusive Data (CED) F: b T: ‘9F7C’ L: Var. up to 32-bytes Contains data for transmission to the Issuer in MSD transactions with a cryptogram. Customer Exclusive Data is both an implementation and Issuer option.  Inclusion of the Customer Exclusive Data in online messages is an option for MSD readers compliant to this specification. Customer Exclusive Data shall be updateable via an Issuer script command. NACK Frame If the terminal fails to receive the card payload data, it can send a NACK frame and request the ViVOpay reader to resend the card payload data. To ensure that the reader resends the card payload data, the NACK frame must be received by the reader within 500ms after it sends the original card payload. If the reader receives the NACK frame within this time period, it resends the card payload data to the terminal. If the reader receives the NACK Frame after 500ms of sending the original card payload, or if a new card has been detected, the reader ignores the NACK frame and does not resend the payload data. Each payload data is only resent once. The NACK frame is a 1-Byte code with value of 0x55. Byte 0 Frame Type =0x55h
NEO Interface Developers Guide           38 Example 1:  ViVOpay receives NACK frame from terminal within 500ms after sending the original payload data, ViVOpay resends the card payload data.        Terminal                         ViVOpay Reader   Original Payload         ---------------------------------------------------------------------     | Time: 0           |       NACK sent at 400ms (within 500ms)       |          --------------------------------------------------------------------     | Time: 400ms                      |         Resend   Payload         |         ---------------------------------------------------------------------     |                    ▼  Original Payload: Payload, Card Read Successfully, Application Type Master Card, Both Track 1 and Track 2 Present [01][00][01]%B5325350000623567^840SMITH/JOHN^05085011492563892473?;5325350000623567=05081019492993892483? <CRC1><CRC2>  Resent payload: Payload, Card Read Successfully, Application Type Master Card, Both Track 1 and Track 2 Present [01][00][01]%B5325350000623567^840SMITH/JOHN^05085011492563892473?;5325350000623567=05081019492993892483? <CRC1><CRC2>
NEO Interface Developers Guide           39 Example 2:  Reader receives NACK frame from terminal after 500ms of sending the original payload data, the reader does not resend the card payload data.       Terminal                         ViVOpay Reader Original Payload         ---------------------------------------------------------------------     | Time: 0           |           |           |                      |     NACK sent at 700ms (after 500ms)       |          --------------------------------------------------------------------     | Time: 700ms                      |                       |         No Resend  Payload         | ▼  Original card payload data (no resent payload data):  Payload, Card Read Successfully, Application Type American Express, Both Track 1 and Track 2 Present [01][00][03]%B379013539021002^TEST/CARD001^0604718000877840?;379013539021002=060471800087784000102? <CRC1><CRC2> Asynchronous UI Message Event Asynchronous message event is used by the reader to indicate specific events to the terminal. These frames are only sent when LCD and LED are sent to external source.  In synchronizing with the transaction, the reader can send asynchronous user interface (UI) message event to the terminal to specify the required user experience on the terminal. Following is the format definition of Asynchronous UI Message Event: Byte 0 Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3  Byte 4  Byte 5 & 6  …  Bn-3  Bn-2  Bn-1 Bn Frame Type 45h, E Status =00h Event Type 55h,  UI Scheme, defined on tag ‘FF F8’ Length Byte  2 Byte UI Event Additional 2 Byte UI Events Null Character Null Character CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB)
NEO Interface Developers Guide           40  Byte 3 is the UI Scheme # that allows the user to have different user interfaces (LCD display message table, and buzzer/LED profiles).  Byte 4 is the length of the remainder of the frame, less CRC.  Bytes 5 & 6 are the UI Event consisting of component (LCD, LED, or Buzzer) and acts as defined below.  Table 15: Asynchronous UI Message Event Component   UI Type  UI Status Definition LED 01h Higher nibble: LED # 00: LED0 01: LED1 02: LED2 03: LED3 FF: all  Lower nibble:  00: Off 01: On 11: No change Buzzer 02h Higher nibble: 1: short beeps 2: long beeps  Lower nibble, short beep: 0: No change 1: Single beep 2: Double beep 3: Triple beep  Lower nibble, long beep: 0: 200ms 1: 400ms 2: 600ms LCD 03h  LCD message index  List of messages and the message flow for one user experience are given in Appendix A.1. Data Definitions Status The Status is a 1-Byte code that indicates the Success or contains an Error Code. This can have any value from 0 – 255. A list of valid Status codes is given below. Table 16: Asynchronous UI Message Event Status Status    Value  Description STATUS_OK 00h Card Read completed successfully.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           41 STATUS_EC_CARD_REMOVED 01h A timeout occurred, card no longer present STATUS_EC_COMM_ERROR 02h Some communication error occurred STATUS_EC_PROTOCOL_ERROR 03h Protocol not respected STATUS_EC_MULTIPLE_CARDS 04h Collisions were detected STATUS_EC_CARD_NOT_ACCEPTED 05h Errors found in card information STATUS_EC_BAD_DATA 06h Errors found in card information format STATUS_EC_UNKNOWN_ERROR FFh Internal error  The Status never has a value that matches the Track 1 and Track 2 Start/End Sentinels. Application Type The Application Type is a 1 byte code that indicates the Application Type detected. This can have any value from 0 – 255. A list of currently defined Application Types is given below. Table 17: Asynchronous UI message Event Application Type Application Type  Value Unknown 00h MasterCard 01h Visa 02h American Express 03h Discover 04h SpeedPass 05h Gift Card 06h Diners Club 07h EnRoute 08h JCB 09h ViVOcard Diagnostic 0Ah HID card 0Bh MSR – Physical MSR, Application type unknown 0Ch Reserved for future use 0Dh DesFire (ViVOCard3) Track Data 0Eh DesFire (ViVOCard3) Raw Data 0Fh RBS 11h ViVOcomm 14h  The Application Type never has a value that matches the Track 1 and Track 2 Start/End Sentinels. Track 1 Field This is a variable length field consisting of Track 1 data as ASCII characters. This field starts with the Track 1 Start Sentinel ‘%’ and ends with the Track 1 End Sentinel ‘?’. If any Track 1 data is available, it is present between the Start and End Sentinel. For example
NEO Interface Developers Guide           42 %B123456789^ABCDEF^12345678? Track 2 Field This is a variable length field consisting of Track 2 data as ASCII characters. This field starts with the Track 2 Start Sentinel ‘;’ and ends with the Track 2 End Sentinel ‘?’. If any Track 2 data is available, it is present between the Start and End Sentinel. For example  ;12345678=12345? Sample Output  45 00 55 00 04 03 03 00 00 E8 DD  <-- LCD Event 45 00 55 00 04 01 11 00 00 28 B6  <-- LED Event 45 00 55 00 04 01 10 00 00 1F 86  <-- LED Event 45 00 55 00 04 02 20 00 00 41 FF  <-- Buzzer Event 45 00 55 00 04 01 11 00 00 28 B6  <-- LED Event   45 00 55 00 04 01 21 00 00 ED 13  <-- LED Event 45 00 55 00 04 01 31 00 00 AE 70  <-- LED Event  01 00 0A 25 42 36 32 37 39 32 35 37 37 34 39 31 33 32 33 34 33 5E 54 45 53 54 20 43 41 52 44 2F  56 49 56 4F 54 45 43 48 5E 31 30 31 32 38 31 33  30 30 37 32 31 30 34 33 35 30 30 30 30 3F 3B 36  32 37 39 32 35 37 37 34 39 31 33 32 33 34 33 3D  31 30 31 32 38 31 33 30 30 37 32 31 30 34 33 35  30 30 30 30 3F B5 DC              <-- Burst Mode Payload Frame   45 00 55 00 04 03 04 00 00 6D 4D  <-- LCD Event 45 00 55 00 0C 01 30 00 00 01 20 00 00 01 10 00 00 53 78        <-- Three LED Events 45 00 55 00 04 03 01 00 00 86 BD  <-- LCD Event  CRC Calculation The 16-bit CRC value is based on CRC-16/CCITT and calculated based on the following parameter set.  Width:      16-bits Polynomial:      x16 + x12 + x5 + 1     Truncated Polynomial:  1021 hex Initial Value:     FFFF hex Input Data:      Not Reflected Output CRC:     Not Reflected XOR of Output CRC:   Not Done  The CRC-16 is calculated for the entire frame inclusive of Frame Tags, unused bytes, etc.  For Protocol 1 and Protocol 2:  The CRC of the Command Frames is little-endian, i.e. lower byte first (LSB). The CRC of the Response Frames is big-endian i.e. higher byte first (MSB).
NEO Interface Developers Guide           43 For Pass-through Frames, both Command and response frames have the CRC stored in big-endian order (MSB first).  For Pass-through frames, the CRC is stored as big-endian number i.e. higher byte first. Some test values that can be used to test an implementation of this algorithm are given below. Data String (ASCII Text): 123456789 CRC: 29B1h Data (Hex): [01h] [02h] [03h] [04h] [05h] CRC: 9304h Data (Hex): [56] [69] [56] [4F] [74] [65] [63] [68] [00] [43] [18] [00] [00] [00] CRC: A1F5h  The following code snippet is an example of the CRC Calculation. The returned CRC would be stored in big-endian or little-endian form, depending on whether the Protocol 1, Protocol 2 or Pass-through Mode was being used. This code has been written in Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           44 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ID TECH // ID TECH reserves the right to make changes without notice at any time. ID TECH makes no  // warranty, expressed, implied or statutory, including but not limited to any implied  // warranty of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose, or that the use will  // not infringe any third party patent, copyright or trademark. ID TECH must not be liable // for any loss or damage arising from its use. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  static const unsigned short CrcTable[ 256 ] = {         0x0000, 0x1021, 0x2042, 0x3063, 0x4084, 0x50A5, 0x60C6, 0x70E7, 0x8108, 0x9129, 0xA14A, 0xB16B, 0xC18C, 0xD1AD, 0xE1CE, 0xF1EF, 0x1231, 0x0210, 0x3273, 0x2252, 0x52B5, 0x4294, 0x72F7, 0x62D6, 0x9339, 0x8318, 0xB37B, 0xA35A, 0xD3BD, 0xC39C, 0xF3FF, 0xE3DE, 0x2462, 0x3443, 0x0420, 0x1401, 0x64E6, 0x74C7, 0x44A4, 0x5485, 0xA56A, 0xB54B, 0x8528, 0x9509, 0xE5EE, 0xF5CF, 0xC5AC, 0xD58D, 0x3653, 0x2672, 0x1611, 0x0630, 0x76D7, 0x66F6, 0x5695, 0x46B4, 0xB75B, 0xA77A, 0x9719, 0x8738, 0xF7DF, 0xE7FE, 0xD79D, 0xC7BC, 0x48C4, 0x58E5, 0x6886, 0x78A7, 0x0840, 0x1861, 0x2802, 0x3823, 0xC9CC, 0xD9ED, 0xE98E, 0xF9AF, 0x8948, 0x9969, 0xA90A, 0xB92B, 0x5AF5, 0x4AD4, 0x7AB7, 0x6A96, 0x1A71, 0x0A50, 0x3A33, 0x2A12, 0xDBFD, 0xCBDC, 0xFBBF, 0xEB9E, 0x9B79, 0x8B58, 0xBB3B, 0xAB1A, 0x6CA6, 0x7C87, 0x4CE4, 0x5CC5, 0x2C22, 0x3C03, 0x0C60, 0x1C41, 0xEDAE, 0xFD8F, 0xCDEC, 0xDDCD, 0xAD2A, 0xBD0B, 0x8D68, 0x9D49, 0x7E97, 0x6EB6, 0x5ED5, 0x4EF4, 0x3E13, 0x2E32, 0x1E51, 0x0E70, 0xFF9F, 0xEFBE, 0xDFDD, 0xCFFC, 0xBF1B, 0xAF3A, 0x9F59, 0x8F78, 0x9188, 0x81A9, 0xB1CA, 0xA1EB, 0xD10C, 0xC12D, 0xF14E, 0xE16F, 0x1080, 0x00A1, 0x30C2, 0x20E3, 0x5004, 0x4025, 0x7046, 0x6067, 0x83B9, 0x9398, 0xA3FB, 0xB3DA, 0xC33D, 0xD31C, 0xE37F, 0xF35E, 0x02B1, 0x1290, 0x22F3, 0x32D2, 0x4235, 0x5214, 0x6277, 0x7256, 0xB5EA, 0xA5CB, 0x95A8, 0x8589, 0xF56E, 0xE54F, 0xD52C, 0xC50D, 0x34E2, 0x24C3, 0x14A0, 0x0481, 0x7466, 0x6447, 0x5424, 0x4405, 0xA7DB, 0xB7FA, 0x8799, 0x97B8, 0xE75F, 0xF77E, 0xC71D, 0xD73C, 0x26D3, 0x36F2, 0x0691, 0x16B0, 0x6657, 0x7676, 0x4615, 0x5634, 0xD94C, 0xC96D, 0xF90E, 0xE92F, 0x99C8, 0x89E9, 0xB98A, 0xA9AB, 0x5844, 0x4865, 0x7806, 0x6827, 0x18C0, 0x08E1, 0x3882, 0x28A3, 0xCB7D, 0xDB5C, 0xEB3F, 0xFB1E, 0x8BF9, 0x9BD8, 0xABBB, 0xBB9A, 0x4A75, 0x5A54, 0x6A37, 0x7A16, 0x0AF1, 0x1AD0, 0x2AB3, 0x3A92, 0xFD2E, 0xED0F, 0xDD6C, 0xCD4D, 0xBDAA, 0xAD8B, 0x9DE8, 0x8DC9, 0x7C26, 0x6C07, 0x5C64, 0x4C45, 0x3CA2, 0x2C83, 0x1CE0, 0x0CC1, 0xEF1F, 0xFF3E, 0xCF5D, 0xDF7C, 0xAF9B, 0xBFBA, 0x8FD9, 0x9FF8, 0x6E17, 0x7E36, 0x4E55, 0x5E74, 0x2E93, 0x3EB2, 0x0ED1, 0x1EF0 };   unsigned short CalculateCRC ( unsigned char *Buffer, unsigned int Len ) { unsigned short Crc = 0xffff;          while (Len--) {  Crc = CrcTable[ ((Crc >> 8) ^ *Buffer++) ] ^ (Crc << 8);            }      return(Crc); }
NEO Interface Developers Guide           45 5.0 Tag and Data Set Configuration Tags are configured in the ViVOpay reader ahead of time so that when a card is selected, a “data set” (group) may be instantiated for use in a transaction.  The following illustration shows the basic approach to instantiating the tag database for a transaction. Global variables (configured through the Set Configuration command) are instantiated when the reader is reset or powered up.  When a card is in the field, an AID is selected and its tags are added to the database.  The selection of the AID will cause a “data set” (group) to be selected and its tags are added to the database.  As the transaction proceeds, card tags will be added to the database, possibly overwriting or updating some tags that were already in the database.    The specification of MasterCard PayPass M/Chip 3.0 required some additional features in the Tag Database, including:  The ability to have tags that were “not present” in the database.    The ability to handle 3-byte tags. The specific details of changes for M/Chip 3.0 are covered in the following sections.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           46 Configurable AIDs and Groups This section explains how you can create and modify Application Identifiers (AIDs) and associate them with TLV Groups in the reader’s memory for specific transaction handling. Detailed descriptions of the Configurable Application Identifier commands are also included. Each AID uniquely identifies a payment application. The reader has default AIDs that are preconfigured to support common payment applications such as VISA and MasterCard. These AIDs are called the System AIDs and they can be modified or disabled but not deleted. The reader also supports up to eight user-defined AIDs called User AIDs. Each AID must be associated with a TLV Group that defines transaction processing for that payment application. The System AIDs are initially associated with a default TLV Group, which can be modified but not deleted. User AIDs can be associated to the default TLV Group or any of seven other user-defined TLV Groups. With the implementation of M/Chip 3.0, an additional default TLV Group (Group 1) has been added.  M/Chip 3.0 does not use the Reader Default Group (Group 0).  All AIDs must be unique. The reader’s default configuration is System AIDs and two default groups. All of the System AIDs (except PayPass AIDs, as noted above) initially refer to the default TLV Group 0. The diagram below shows the default reader AID configuration.  The Configurable Application Identifiers feature of the ViVOpay readers allows you to create and customize AIDs and the TLV Groups associated with them. Each AID may have characteristics that are unique and different from the reader’s default System AIDs and TLV Group configuration.  To create a new configurable AID you need to send the AID and the TLV Group you wish to use to the reader. If the AID already exists in the reader’s memory, it will modify the AID accordingly. If you send a new AID, the reader creates and saves the new AID. Multiple AIDs can be associated with the same TLV Group or they may refer to unique TLV Groups. You may also redefine the functionality for an existing AID by linking it to a new configuration Group or you
NEO Interface Developers Guide           47 may disable an AID if you do not want the reader to process transactions from that payment application. You may delete an AID by communicating to the reader the AID number with no parameters.  As you add or modify AIDs and TLV Groups, the reader remembers all changes on subsequent boot up.  The diagram below shows an example of a reader’s AID configuration after it has been modified with Configurable AID commands.   In this example, ten System AIDs have been disabled and four User AIDs and three new TLV Groups have been configured. The new AID User AID – 1 has been linked to the Reader Default Configuration (TLV Group 0) so that it functions as the other System AID 1 functions. The Maestro AID has been linked to the user-defined TLV Group – 2. User AID – 2 functions as defined in the new TLV Group – 3. Both User AID – 3 and User AID – 4 point to the new TLV Group – 4 and function accordingly. Also notice that the other System AIDs have been disabled by removing their link to a configuration group.  Use the Configurable AID Commands to create new AIDs or change configuration values for an AID.  Use the Configurable Group commands to create new groups or configuration values for a group.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           48 System AIDs A System AID is an AID preloaded for a specific application using a known AID value. Examples include MasterCard, American Express, and Visa. The table below shows all the System AIDs. Table 18: System AIDs Application Name  Application Identifier American Express A0 00 00 00 25 01 MasterCard A0 00 00 00 04 10 10 QUICPay A0 00 00 00 65 90 01 Maestro A0 00 00 00 04 30 60 Visa A0 00 00 00 03 10 10 Visa Electron A0 00 00 00 03 20 10 Visa Interlink A0 00 00 00 03 30 10 Visa Plus A0 00 00 00 03 80 10 J/Speedy A0 00 00 00 65 10 10 MXI A0 00 00 00 02 30 60 D1 58 00 Discover A0 00 00 03 24 10 10 Discover A0 00 00 01 52 30 10 STAR A0 00 00 04 17 01 01 Interac A0 00 00 02 77 10 10 CUP Debit (Kiosk III only) A0 00 00 03 33 01 01 01 CUP Credit(Kiosk III only) A0 00 00 03 33 01 01 02 CUP Semi Credit(Kiosk III only) A0 00 00 03 33 01 01 03 CUP Electronic Cash(Kiosk III only) A0 00 00 03 33 01 01 06 SmartTap2.1 A0 00 00 04 76 D0 00  The terminal:  May disable a System AID  May ONLY modify some of the System AID properties  May NOT delete a System AID User AIDs A User AID is an optional AID that is added and/or configured by the user. These AIDs are used for servicing transactions that are not defined by one of the System AIDs. This determination needs to be made by the integrator. The terminal:  May modify ANY User AID property  May delete a User AID There is no equivalent to the System AID disable; the User AID either exists, and it is used for its associated transactions, or the User AID is not present.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           49 Reader Default TLV Group The reader is provided with a default TLV Group (Group 0) that defines all the properties (with TLVs) required for a basic transaction. By default, all of the System AIDs except PayPass System AIDs (MasterCard and Maestro) use TLV Group 0 to define their transaction processing. By default, MasterCard PayPass System AIDs will use Group 1. The user:  MUST ALWAYS include the Group Number TLV as the FIRST TLV in the Set Configurable Group message.  MUST define AT LEAST ONE TLV in addition to the Group Number TLV (in a Set Configurable Group command)  May modify ANY TLVs in TLV Group 0   May NEVER delete TLV Group 0 Unlike all other groups, the TLVs in the Default TLV Group (TLV Group 0) are constant. The reader ALWAYS uses the latest copy of the TLV. If you issue a Set Configurable Group command that only updates some TLVs in TLV Group 0, the reader continues to use older versions of the TLVs that were not updated. After each transaction, the reader reloads the default values from TLV Group 0, prior to the next transaction. For this reason, TLV Group 0 maintains a copy of ALL TLVs that can be entered into a TLV Group structure2. Warning: Changing values in TLV Group 0 should be done with EXTREME CAUTION, since this affects the default configuration that most (not PayPass) transactions use.  PayPass Default Group  The PayPass default group is Group 1.  PayPass M/Chip 3.0 does not use Group 0 tag definitions (not even for default values).  The process of instantiating a PayPass database is slightly different from other applications:  Group 0 tags are not loaded.  28 default tags defined in the EMV Contactless Book C-2 Kernel 2 Spec v2.3 are initialized with their specified default values. See PayPass Group Configuration TLVs with Hard-Coded Values in Kernel.  PayPass Group tags are loaded.  (Group 1 is the default group for PayPass applications).  Tags sent in the Activate Command are loaded into the database.  User-defined TLV Groups There are seven undefined TLV Groups in the reader at startup. These groups can be used for any purpose.                                          2 PayPass specific tags are an exception to this rule.  Those are maintained in Group 1.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           50 The user:  MUST ALWAYS include the Group Number TLV as the FIRST TLV in the message.  MUST include AT LEAST ONE TLV other than the Group Number TLV (in a Set Configurable Group command)  May modify ANY TLV in the TLV Group  May ALWAYS delete a TLV Group 1 through 7  SHOULD NEVER include the TDOL TLV if its length = zero (i.e., only include the TDOL if it has a value) User-defined TLV Groups differ from the default TLV Group 0 in two important ways. First, these groups only need to contain TLVs that are different than the TLVs in the default TLV Group 0. Thus they are normally a sub-set of the TLVs in the default group. For American Express Transaction limit(FFF1), CVM limit(FFF5), Floor limit(9F1B):  For Discover Transaction limit(FFF1), CVM limit(FFF5), Floor limit(9F1B), Risk flags(FFF4):  if user-defined TLV Group is used, user should set these above TLVs in the user-defined Group. If not set, these above TLVs will be regard as not exist.   For American Express, Terminal Capabilities (9F33) and Enhanced Expresspay Terminal Capabilities (9F6E) are expected to be set consistently. For example, if Byte 2 bit 7 of ‘9F6E’ is set to 1(b) to indicate ‘Online PIN Supported’ then ‘9F33’ byte 2 bit 7 should also be set to 1(b). For American Express,  Kiosk III reader is always capable of CVM processing, and CVM items in terminal capabilities are supported (9F33 byte2 bit5-8 =1, 9F6E byte2 bit5-8 =1). Secondly, the TLVs in TLV Groups 1 through 7 are not permanent. If you configure a TLV Group and then issue a second Set Configurable Group command on the same TLV Group, the second Set Configurable Group command overwrites EVERY change to the TLV Group made by the first command.  Warning: Changing values in TLV Groups 1 through 7 overwrites all content in the TLV Group, including deleting TLVs not in the update. Except for MasterCard PayPass transactions, when one of these user-defined TLV Groups is selected during a transaction, the reader uses the TLVs included in the group AND any other TLVs required for the transaction are taken from the default Group 0. Once the reader has finished transaction processing, it reloads TLV Group 0 values for all TLVs. It is now ready to commence the next transaction. There are some guidelines for setting and deleting TLV Groups listed below.  Most of these guidelines are intuitive (i.e., you may not delete a TLV Group if an AID exists that currently uses it). Configurable AID Reader Memory Requirement The Configurable AIDs feature requires memory to store TLV groups and User AIDs. ViVOpay readers use 64K flash memory to support the Configurable AID feature. Refer to the reader’s user documentation for more information on reader memory.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           51 ViVOpay Proprietary TLVs TLVs may be either standard TLVs or proprietary TLVs. Standard TLVs are defined by EMV and the Payment Association Requirements and recognized by everyone. Proprietary TLVs are created by individual payment associations and reader manufacturers for specific functions. Proprietary TLVs must be handled in a manner that isolates them from other proprietary TLVs. ViVOpay proprietary TLVs can be present with standard TLVs without encapsulation when the command is processed exclusively by ViVOpay firmware or software. If the TLVs will be processed by other devices, ViVOpay proprietary TLVs must be encapsulated to prevent conflicts with proprietary TLVs from other organizations. ViVOPay TLV Group Tag FFEE01 is used to encapsulate ViVOpay proprietary TLVs.   EXAMPLE The following example is for an encapsulated Terminal Capabilities – CVM Required TLV. The TLV string “FFEE0106DF29030101” is broken down as follows: FFEE01              ViVOpay TLV Group Tag  06                      Length of all encapsulated TLVs DF29                Tag Terminal Capabilities – CVM Required – ViVOpay Proprietary  03                     Length of Transaction CVM 00 01 00           Value:  Actual Transaction CVM  Card Application Proprietary Tag List (FF69) For some applications, there may be a requirement to define a list of proprietary tags that may be returned in Data Object Lists (DOLs). To accomplish this, the reader allows each user-defined group (except Group 0) to define a list of proprietary tags that can be inserted into the tag database.  The maximum size of this list is 32 bytes.  The new tag that is used for encapsulating the proprietary tag list is FF69.  A tag in this list may be configured in one of two ways:  Constant Value – the TLV contains a non-zero length and a value.  The reader will not modify this value, but it can be provided when requested (as in a DOL).  Updateable – the TLV contains a length of zero and no value.  The tag is then “defined” but has no value, so it may be updated during the
NEO Interface Developers Guide           52 transaction.  At the end of a transaction, the reader will send any updated proprietary tags back in the Activate Response frame. Configuration Tag Tables Global Configuration Tags The following table contains TLVs that are configurable using the Set Configuration (04-00) command.  These TLVs are global within in the reader.   Table 19: Global Configuration TLVs Tag  Data Object Name and Description  Format Length (Bytes) Default Value 9A Transaction Date (YYMMDD)  This value is used to set the Real Time Clock.  Note: The terminal/POS application should perform range checking on this value to ensure it is within acceptable limits. n6  3  Reader Date 9F21 Transaction Time (HHMMSS) This value is used to set the Real Time Clock. Note: The terminal/POS application should perform range checking on this value to ensure it is within acceptable limits. n6    3  Reader Time DF65[1] Require Heartbeat frame to stay in Idle mode (EMEA User Experience only). If this feature is enabled, then to stay in the Idle mode, a valid frame must be received by the reader every 15 seconds or it returns to Not Working state. 00: Heartbeat frame not required 01: Heartbeat frame required  b  1  00 DF66[1] Unsupported cards display option (EMEA User Experience only). If an unsupported card is detected, then display a message based on this setting.  00: Display a “Fail” message 01: Display an “Insert/ Swipe” message if the reader is configured to indicate support for Contact cards, otherwise display a “Fail” message.  b  1  00 DF68 Enable/Disable Stop Command processing 0 = Disable (default) 1 = Enable b  1  00 DF6A Enable Communication Error Recovery Enables the reader to poll again and return to discovery after a communication error (e.g. tear or “no tag” error) 00: Disabled 01: Enabled (default) b  1  01
NEO Interface Developers Guide           53 Tag  Data Object Name and Description  Format Length (Bytes) Default Value DF75 Communication Error Delay time Delay between the time a communication error first occurs and the time when the reader will issue an indication of an error to the reader.   If a tear occurs, but the card comes back into the field during this time, then no error indication is issued.  Time is expressed in milliseconds (default is 3000ms, or 3 seconds) n (BCD) 3  00 30 00 DF7C Auto-Switch to Pass-Through Mode.  Refer to Auto-Switch to Pass-Through Mode 00: Disable (default) 01: Enable  b  1  00 DF7D Track 1 and Track 2 Data Format Sets the format of data returned from Activate Transaction and Get Transaction Results commands. 00: No start/end sentinels or LRC (default) 01: Add start/end sentinel and LRC b  1  00 DF7F Improved Collision Detection (see special features Improved Collision Detection.) RF signal locked to a specified card only after a specified number of polling attempts without an EMV collision. 00h = Improved Collision Detection Disabled. 02h-FFh = Number of successful polling attempts required. b  1  00 FFF3[1] Application Capability(1:Support,0:Not Support): Byte 1: (Leftmost) b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning (0 = disable, 1 = enable)               X Normal J/Speedy support             X   ViVOpay Mifare for NFC           X     Interac support         X       CUP support       X         SmartTap support X X X           RFU Byte 2:  b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning  (0 = disable, 1 = enable) - - - - - - - X MasterCard Credit support - - - - - - X - American Express support - - - - - X - - Visa support - - - - X - - - Mobile J/Speedy support - - - X - - - - ViVOwallet support - - X - - - - - RBS support - X - - - - - - MasterCard Cash support X - - - - - - - Discover support  Example: 0009 means reader support both MasterCard and Mobile J/Speedy applications b  2 07 FF (0F FF for Kiosk III)
NEO Interface Developers Guide           54 Tag  Data Object Name and Description  Format Length (Bytes) Default Value FFF7[1] Enable/Disable Burst Mode: Value = 00: Disable Burst Mode Value = 01: Enable Burst Mode Value = 02: Burst Mode Auto Exit. Burst mode is turned off as soon as a transaction command is received (Sections 6 and 14 of this document) b  1  02 FFF9[1] [2] [3] LCD Font Size: Value = 02: Large Value = 03: Extra Large (default) b  1  03 FFFA[1] [2] LCD delay time (ms) – default is 1000ms.   If the device has no LCD, then the value will be 0.  b  2 03 E8 or 00 00 FFFB[1] Language Option for LCD display: Value = 00: English only display (default) Value = 01: Chinese only display[2] Value = 02: English & Chinese display[2] Value = 03: French only display Value = 04: Other Language (if ILM present)[2] Value = 05: English & French display [4] b  1  00 DF891B Poll Mode Value = 00 : Auto-Poll Value = 01 : Poll on Demand Note: Only used for Vendi. b 1 00 9F15 Merchant Category Code  Classifies the type of business being done by the merchant, see ISO 8583:1993.  n4 2 00 00 9F16 Merchant Identifier   ans 15 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 9F1C Terminal Identification  an 8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 9F40 Additional Terminal Capabilities  Indicates the data input and output capabilities of the terminal. b 5 60 00 00 10 01 9F4E Merchant Name and Location  Allows the reader to be configured with the Merchants Name and Location (VCPS 2.1.1 and M/Chip 3.0)  ASCII <=30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 9F7C Merchant Custom Data   b <=20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FFF2 Interface Device Serial Number  This is equivalent to tag 9F1E. They refer to the same parameter.  an 8 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
NEO Interface Developers Guide           55 Tag  Data Object Name and Description  Format Length (Bytes) Default Value FFF8 UI Scheme:  Value = 00:ViVOpay User Interface (default)  Value = 02:Visa Wave User Interface  Value = 03:EMEA User Interface  Note: LCD Messages need to be configured separately.  Warning: EMEA UI is intended for use in the EMV or European environment, where the reader Vend is not allowed to poll continuously (e.g., operate in Auto Poll Mode). The reader Vend does NOT support Auto Poll while in EMEA UI mode. The reader is not certified to work properly in this situation.  The reader Vendi supports Auto Poll while in EMEA UI mode. b 1 00 9F53   Transaction Category Code  Indicate type of transaction being performed, defined by MasterCard and Interac. an  1 00  DFEF36 MTAS(Media Tracking And Status) Byte 1: (Leftmost) b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning (0 = disable, 1 = enable)               X CL Media Arrival Reproting             X   CL Media Removal Reproting X X X X X X     RFU Byte 2:  b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Notes - - - - - - - X 0 - RF Antenna Off 1 - RF Antenna On - - - - - - X - 0 - RF Field Deactiated 1 - RF Field Activated - - - - - X - - 0 - No event 1 - RF Field Activated - - - - X - - - 0 - No event 1 - CL Midia Arrival Detected - - - X - - - - 0 - No event 1 - CL Media Removal Detected. -X X- X - - - - - RFU Byte 3: RFU  Byte 2: RFU  b  4  00 00 00 00 FFEE1C  UN range b 4 Not present FFEE1D  Masked Output Data Parameter  b 5 04 04 2A 0C 31
NEO Interface Developers Guide           56 Tag  Data Object Name and Description  Format Length (Bytes) Default Value FFEE1E Group 0 Initialize Flag: Value = 00: not initialized.(If the tag is not found or Value is not 1, reader will initialize group 0 with default setting automatically when the power cycle is on) Value = 01: Initialized    b 1 01 [1] These objects use proprietary tags. The use of these tags should be restricted to the serial interface. Once the Reader has returned an OK Response Frame, the Terminal application should dispose of the tags to avoid conflicts with other proprietary TLVs.  [2] These objects only work on the ViVOpay graphic reader. [3] Only applies to non-index messages. The default size for the LCD Font is 3. The Lookup table for all the messages are hard coded with the Font Size 3. The Font Size = 2 is treated only when the three messages are displayed on the screen. When the user wants to use the LCD Font size = 2, A store LCD message command can be used to configure the string by prefixing the %F2. [4] These objects only work on the Vendi.  Group Configuration Tags The following table contains tags that may be configured within a Configurable Group.  For Group 0, default values exist.  Except for groups associated with a PayPass AID, if a group does not define some of these TLVs, then the values in Group 0 will be used.  The Set Configurable Group command should be used to set the TLVs in this section.  The PayPass configuration tags are documented separately.  To configure a group that will be associated with a PayPass AID, refer to PayPass Group Configuration TLVs. Table 20: Group Configuration TLVs Tag  Description  Format Length Default Value in Group 0 9F58 Merchant Type Indicator Provides Merchant Type Indicator used by the card for risk management. Five values are valid: 01, 02, 03, 04 and 05. (Interac) n1  1  03 9F59 Terminal Transaction Information (TTI) Provides Terminal Transaction Information for the current transaction. (Interac) Note: Vendi default values are B4 07 00.  b  3  DC 80 00 9F5D Terminal Contactless Receipt Required Limit Limit Amount used to compare against Transaction amount to automatically print a transaction record. (Interac) n12  6  00 00 00 00 50 00 Only used for Kiosk III.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           57 Tag  Description  Format Length Default Value in Group 0 9F5E Terminal Option Status Options supported by the terminal. (Interac) Note: Vendi default values are 00 00.  b  2  E0 00 9F5F Terminal (Reader) Contactless Floor Limit Floor limit amount used to compare against Transaction amount. (Interac) n12  6  00 00 00 00 80 00 DF26 Enable/Disable Certificate Revocation list 0 = disable 1 = enable (default) M/Chip 3.02 can make use of the Certificate Revocation list.  Note:  Vendi default value is not present. b  1  01 DF2A Threshold Value for Biased Random Selection Value used in terminal risk management for random transaction selection. (Interac) n12  6  00 00 00 00 50 00 DF2B Maximum Target Percentage for Biased Random Selection Value used in terminal risk management for random transaction selection. (Interac)  b  1  32 DF2C Target Percentage for Random Selection Value used in terminal risk management for random transaction selection. (Interac) b  1  0A DF51[1] ExpressPay Terminal Capabilities Used to create the ExpressPay Terminal Capabilities TLV, 9F6D for Amex ExpressPay applications.  Note:  Vendi default value is not present. b  1  80 DF64[1] Enable/Disable Visa Wave cards Enables the use of Visa Wave cards (not the Visa Wave protocol).   00: Reject Visa Wave cards 01: Accept Visa Wave cards b  1  00 97 Default Transaction Certificate Data Object List (TDOL) List of TLV data objects to be used by the terminal to generate the TC Hash Value in case the TDOL is not returned by the card.  Note:  Vendi default value is not present. In Group 0, this tag must be encapsulated in another tag, FF67.  FF67 encapsulates all “variable length” tags in group 0.   b  <=64  Zero length 9C Transaction Type Indicates the type of financial transaction, represented by the first two digits of ISO 8583:1987 Processing Code.  (default = purchase goods or services) n2  1  00
NEO Interface Developers Guide           58 Tag  Description  Format Length Default Value in Group 0 5F2A Transaction Currency Code Indicates the currency code of the transaction according to ISO 4217. Note: make sure you use the same Transaction Currency Code for all configurable AIDs. (default = US Dollars) n3  2  08 40 5F36 Transaction Currency Exponent Indicates the implied position of the decimal point from the right of the transaction amount represented according to ISO 4217. (decimal is two places from right of the transaction amount) n1  1  02 9F01 Acquirer ID n 6 Not present 9F02 Amount Authorized (Numeric) n12 6 00 00 00 00 00 01 9F03 Amount Other (Numeric) n12 6 00 00 00 00 00 00 9F09 Application Version Number  PayPass M/Chip (Value = 00 02) D-PAS (Value = 00 02) Interac (Value = 00 02) Amex (Value = 00 01) b  2  00 02 9F1A Terminal Country Code Indicates the country code of the terminal, represented according to ISO 3166. Default = US n3  2  08 40 9F1B Terminal Floor Limit Indicates the floor limit in the terminal for the AID(s) associated with this group. Note: The value is the decimal limit amount given in binary represented in Hex in the command/response. (100 limit = 10000 decimal = 2710h). Default = $60.00 b  4  00 00 17 70 9F1C Terminal Identification  Note:  Vendi default value is not present. an  8  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 9F33 Terminal Capabilities Indicates the card data input, CVM, and security capabilities of the terminal Default =   No CVM required  SDA supported  DDA supported  Card Capture   CDA supported b  3  00 08 E8 9F35 Terminal Type Indicates the environment of the terminal, its communications capability, and its operational control Note: Vendi default value is 25. n2  1  22 9F66 Terminal Transaction Qualifier (TTQ) Determine the type of transaction (MSD, qVSDC, and Contactless VSDC) and whether online processing is supported.  b  4 80 00 40 00 (27 00 40 80 for CUP)
NEO Interface Developers Guide           59 Tag  Description  Format Length Default Value in Group 0 9F6D Application Version Number (MagStripe) PayPass MagStripe (Value = 00 01)  Note:  Vendi default value is not present. b  2  00 01 DF28 Terminal Capabilities – No CVM Required M/Chip v2.0 element indicating the Terminal Capabilities to be used when Amount, Authorized < CVM Required Limit. Formatted as Terminal Capabilities (tag ‘9F 33’) Only byte 2 of this tag is actually used.  The other terminal capabilities are configured using tag 9F33.  Note:  Vendi default value is not present.  DF28 Byte PayPass Tag Equivalent 2 DF8119  b  3  00 08 E8 DF29 Terminal Capabilities – CVM Required M/Chip v2.0 element indicating the Terminal Capabilities to be used when Amount, Authorized >= CVM Required Limit. Formatted as Terminal Capabilities (tag ‘9F 33’) Only byte 2 of this tag is actually used.  The other terminal capabilities are configured using tag 9F33.  Note:  Vendi default value is not present.  DF29 Byte PayPass Tag Equivalent 2 DF8118  b  3  00 68 E8 FFE4[1] Group Number The group number assigned to this group of parameters.  AIDs may be associated with the group number. This tag is mandatory when getting or setting group parameters and it must be the 1st TLV in Data Field.  It is used as the “key” for the group parameter set. n2  1  -- FFF1[1] Terminal Contactless Transaction Limit Indicates the terminal limit for this AID for Contactless transactions. n12  6  00 00 00 01 00 00
NEO Interface Developers Guide           60 Tag  Description  Format Length Default Value in Group 0 FFF4[1] Visa Reader Risk Flags Byte 1 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning  (0 = disable, 1 = enable) - - - - - - - X Status Check  X X X X X X X - RFU  Byte 2:  b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning  (0 = disable, 1 = enable) - - - - - - - X Transaction Limit Check - - - - - - X - CVM Required Limit Test - - - - - X - - Terminal Floor Limit Check - - - - X - - - Cash Transaction Reader Risk  (RR) - - - X - - - - Cashback Reader Risk (RR) - - X - - - - - DRL (Dynamic Reader Limits)  RR X X - - - - - - RFU  Byte 3 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning  (0 = disable, 1 = enable) - - - - - - - X 1 = online cryptogram required for zero amount (only used with zero amount check enabled) - - - - - - X - 1 = perform zero amount check X X X X X X - - RFU For example: 0x00 = Zero Amount check disabled. 0x01 = Zero Amount check is disabled and online               cryptogram required bit will not be checked.             (default) 0x02 = Zero Amount check enabled. 0x03 = Zero Amount check enabled and Option 1,            online Cryptogram Required  Note: Vendi default values are 01 00 01. b  3  00 06 01
NEO Interface Developers Guide           61 Tag  Description  Format Length Default Value in Group 0 D-PAS Reader Risk Flags: Byte 1 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning  (0 = disable, 1 = enable) - - - - - - - X RFU       X  1=Status Check Support X X X X X X  - RFU  Byte 2:  b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning  (0 = disable, 1 = enable) X X X X X X X X RFU  Byte 3 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning  (0 = disable, 1 = enable) - - - - - - - X 1 = online cryptogram required for zero amount  X X X X X X X - RFU  b  3 FFF5[1] CVM Required Limit Indicates the CVM required limit in the terminal for the associated AIDs.  n12  6  00 00 00 00 80 00 FFFC[1] PayPass Profile (also used for Amex) Information in this tag is equivalent to PayPass tag DF811B, although it is formatted slightly differently: 87654321 Bit Meaning   Value -------X MagStripe Only   0 = normal transaction 1 = MagStripe only transaction allowed ------X- M/Chip Only  0 = normal transaction 1 = M/Chip only transaction allowed -----X-- On Device CVM  0 = not supported 1 = supported XXXXX--- RFU   The default value is 0x01 – support MagStripe only.  Note:  Vendi default value is not present.  b  1  01 FFFD[1] Terminal Action Code (Online) Reflect the acquirer-selected action to be taken upon analysis of the TVR. b  5  F8 50 AC F8 00 FFFE[1] Terminal Action Code (Default) Reflect the acquirer-selected action to be taken upon analysis of the TVR. b  5  F8 50 AC A0 00 FFFF[1] Terminal Action Code (Denial) Reflect the acquirer-selected action to be taken upon analysis of the TVR. b  5  00 00 00 00 00
NEO Interface Developers Guide           62 Tag  Description  Format Length Default Value in Group 0 FFF0[1] Specific Feature Switch Used with Visa VCPS 2.1.1/2.1.2. It controls Visa CVN17 support and Track 1 & 2 data in the transaction response. Byte 1  b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1  - - - - - - - X RFU (Deprecated) - - - - - - X - 1 = Visa CVN17 supported 0 = Visa CVN17 disabled - - - - - X - - 1 = Remove Track 1 data in Visa response - - - - X - - - 1 = Remove Track 2 data in Visa response X X X X - - - - RFU Byte 2: RFU Byte 3: RFU b 3 02 00 00 9F5A   Terminal Transaction Type (Interac)  • 0x00 = Purchase  • 0x01 = Refund  b   1 00 FFEE1D Masked Output Data Parameter When there is a PAN to be output in masked format, this parameter gives the key points of the format.  Byte 1: PrePAN, value scope is [0, 6],  Byte 2: PosPAN, value scope is [0, 4],  Byte 3: MaskAscii, value scope is [20h, 7Eh],  Byte 4: MaskHex, value scope is [0Ah, 0Fh] Byte 5: Expire date output option,  0x30=Mask, 0x31=NotMask, default 0x31 For detailed rules, please refer to "ID-Tech Encypt Data Format In Command / Response Specification for ICC Communication". b  5 04 04 2A 0C 31 9F41 Counter maintained by the terminal that is incremented by one for each transaction  Note:  Vendi default value is not present. n 4  4  Not Present DF891C “Interac Retry Limit” Configured value for the total number of tap attempts during an Interac Mobile Debit (NFC) application transaction. Note:  Vendi default value is not present. n1  1  Not Present
NEO Interface Developers Guide           63 Tag  Description  Format Length Default Value in Group 0 DFEF2F CUP Risk and Configuration Flag Byte 1  b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1  - - - - - - - X Status Check - - - - - - X - Transaction Limit Check - - - - - X - - CVM required Limit Check - - - - X - - - Terminal Floor Limit Check - - - X - - - - Zero Amount Check X X X - - - - - RFU  Byte 2:  b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1  - - - - - - - X RFU - - - - - - X - Exception File Support - - - - X X - - RFU - - - X - - - - Online Authentication Support - - X - - - - - RFU - X - - - - - - UPI Support X - - - - - - - Cardholder Credential Support  Byte 3:  b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1  - - - - - - - X Encrypt Keyboard Support - - - - - - X - Reversal Support - - - - - X - - qUICS Online ODA Fail Decision: 1 = Go Online 0 = Decline X X X X X - - - RFU  Byte 4: RFU b  4  Not Present DFEE3F Default TDOL  b  var  Not Present [1] These objects use proprietary tags. The use of these tags should be restricted to the serial interface. Once the Reader has returned an OK Response Frame, the Terminal application should dispose of the tags to avoid conflicts with other proprietary TLVs.  [2] Not used by M/Chip 3.0 because M/Chip 3.0 redefines this as a card tag that passes Application Capability Information. [3] These objects only work on the Vendi. [4] These objects only work on the ViVOpay graphic reader.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           64 PayPass Group Configuration TLVs  If a PayPass AID will be assigned to a group, then the table in this section should be used to configure the group.  The Set Configurable Group command should be used to set the TLVs in this section.  The following PayPass Group TLVs should not be configured for Group 0.  The default PayPass group is Group 1.  That is, when the reader is configured from the factory, the PayPass System AIDs will be associated with Group 1.  If there are tags in a PayPass group that should be set, they must all be set explicitly, since the absent values are not filled in with Group 0 or Group 1 defaults. PayPass Group tags are instantiated a little differently than other groups.  Group 0 is never used as a default. Refer to the section on PayPass Default Group for an explanation of how the tag database is instantiated for PayPass.  Table 21: PayPass Default Group Configuration TLVs Tag  Description  Format Length  Default Value in Group 1 97 Default Transaction Certificate Data Object List (TDOL) List of TLV data objects to be used by the terminal to generate the TC Hash Value in case the TDOL is not returned by the card b  <=64  Not present 9A Transaction Date (YYMMDD)  Indicates local date that the transaction was authorized.  Note: The reader does not perform range checking on this value. The POS application should perform range checking on this value to ensure it is within acceptable limits.  Default value = FF FF FF (use the RTC for date and time.) When this value is set in a PayPass group, it should generally be set to FF FF FF (use the RTC).  Setting this value to something other than FF FF FF may have unexpected results.  The transaction date and time may be overridden by the terminal if the 9A and 9F21 TLVS are supplied in an Activate command. n6  3  FF FF FF 9C Transaction Type Indicates the type of financial transaction, represented by the first two digits of ISO 8583:1987 Processing Code (default = purchase goods or services) n2  1  00 5F2A Transaction Currency Code Indicates the currency code of the transaction according to ISO 4217. Note: make sure you use the same Transaction Currency Code for all configurable AIDs.  Default = US Dollars(08 40) n3  2  08 40
NEO Interface Developers Guide           65 Tag  Description  Format Length  Default Value in Group 1 5F36 Transaction Currency Exponent Indicates the implied position of the decimal point from the right of the transaction amount represented according to ISO 4217. Default = decimal is two places to the right of the last digit of the transaction amount. n1  1  02 9F01  Acquirer ID  n  6  Not present 9F02 Amount Authorized (Numeric)  Note:  Vendi default value is not present. n12  6  00 00 00 00 00 01 9F03  Amount Other (Numeric)  n12  6  00 00 00 00 00 00 9F09 Application Version Number (M/Chip) PayPass M/Chip 3.0(Value = 00 02) Amex (Value = 00 01) b  2  00 02 9F15 Merchant Category Code Classifies the type of business being done by the merchant, see ISO 8583:1993. n4  2  11 11 9F16 Merchant Identifier ans 15 Not present 9F1A Terminal Country Code Indicates the country code of the terminal, represented according to ISO 3166. n3  2  08 40 9F1B Terminal Floor Limit Indicates the floor limit in the terminal in conjunction with the AID (hex). This tag is equivalent to MasterCard tag DF8123 Reader Contactless Floor Limit. b  4  00 00 17 70 9F1C Terminal Identification Note: Vendi default values are 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00. an  8  zero length 9F1E Interface Device Serial Number This is intended to be the serial number of the terminal/POS.  It is configured by the POS and is unique to the terminal.  Note:  KioskIII/Vendi default value is not present. an  8  30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 9F21 Transaction Time (HHMMSS) Indicates local time that the transaction was authorized.  Default = use RTC. n6  3  FF FF FF 9F33 Terminal Capabilities Indicates the card data input, CVM, and security capabilities of the terminal.   This tag (9F33) only configures bytes 1 and 3 of the terminal capabilities. Byte 2 of the terminal capabilities actually comes from DF28 or DF29 during the transaction. Refer to tags DF28 and DF29 for details. Note: Byte 1 of 9F33 is the same as DF8117 Card Data Inpput Capability defined in PayPass 3.0.2 and Byte 3 of 9F33 is the same as DF811F Security Capability. b  3  00 08 E8
NEO Interface Developers Guide           66 Tag  Description  Format Length  Default Value in Group 1 9F35 Terminal Type Indicates the environment of the terminal, its communications capability, and its operational control Note: Vendi default value is 25.  n2  1  22 9F40 Additional Terminal Capabilities Indicates the data input and output capabilities of the terminal Note: Vendi default values are 60 00 00 10 01. b  5  60 00 00 30 00 9F4E Merchant Name and Location Allows the reader to be configured with the Merchants Name and Location (VCPS 2.1.1 and M/Chip 3.0) ASCII  30  Not present 9F53 Transaction Category Code This is a data object defined by MasterCard which indicates the type of transaction being performed, and which may be used in card risk management. Note: Vendi default value is 00.  an  1  01 9F66 Terminal Transaction Qualifier (TTQ) Determine the type of transaction (MSD, qVSDC, and Contactless VSDC) and whether online processing is supported. b  4  Not present 9F6D Application Version Number (MagStripe) PayPass MagStripe (Value = 00 01) b  2  00 01 9F6E Third Party Data   Not present 9F7C  Merchant Custom Data b  <=20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 9F7E Mobile Support Indication. (PayPass only)  Note: Vendi default value is 00.  b  1  Zero length DF28 Terminal Capabilities – No CVM Required M/Chip v2.0 element indicating the Terminal Capabilities to be used when Amount, Authorized < CVM Required Limit. Formatted as Terminal Capabilities (tag ‘9F 33’) Only byte 2 of this tag is actually used.  The other terminal capabilities are configured using tag 9F33. DF28 Byte PayPass Tag Equivalent 2 DF8119  b  3  00 08 E8
NEO Interface Developers Guide           67 Tag  Description  Format Length  Default Value in Group 1 DF29 Terminal Capabilities – CVM Required M/Chip v2.0 element indicating the Terminal Capabilities to be used when Amount, Authorized >= CVM Required Limit. Formatted as Terminal Capabilities (tag ‘9F 33’) Only byte 2 of this tag is actually used.  The other terminal capabilities are configured using tag 9F33. DF29 Byte PayPass Tag Equivalent 2 DF8118  b  3  00 68 E8 DF8104 Pre Gen-AC Balance Read If this tag is defined, a transaction will read the balance before Gen-AC.  This tag may also be sent in the Activate to indicate that the balance should be read prior to Gen-AC. n12  6  Not present DF8105 Post Gen-AC Balance Read If this tag is defined, a transaction will read the balance after Gen-AC.  This tag may also be sent in the Activate to indicate that the balance should be read after Gen-AC. n12  6  Not present DF811A Default UDOL Used for calculating the CCC if no UDOL is present in the card.  The default is the tag and length of the “Unpredictable Number”. b  3  9F 6A 04 DF811C Maximum Lifetime of Torn Transaction Record This is the maximum time a torn record can exist in the log before it expires.  It is expressed in seconds. While the transaction log is global to the reader, the MasterCard application is the only application that supports it. b  2  Not Present DF811D Maximum Number of Torn Transaction Records Due to storage limitations, the maximum number of records that may be configured is 2.  There may be 0, 1, or 2 torn transaction records configured.  If 0 records are configured, the torn transaction recovery facility is effectively disabled. While the transaction log is global to the reader, the MasterCard application is the only application that supports it. b  1  Not Present DF811E MagStripe CVM Required Capability Indicates the CVM capability of the Terminal/Reader in the case of a mag-stripe mode transaction when the Amount, Authorized (Numeric) is greater than the Reader CVM Required Limit. b  1  10 DF8124 Reader Contactless Transaction Limit, No On-Device CVM When there is no On-Device CVM available (e.g. with a phone), then this is the transaction limit that will be used.  Default = $300.00 n12  6  00 00 00 03 00 00
NEO Interface Developers Guide           68 Tag  Description  Format Length  Default Value in Group 1 DF8125 Reader Contactless Transaction Limit, On-Device CVM When On-Device CVM is available (e.g. with a phone) then this is the transaction limit that will be used. Note: Vendi default values are 00 00 00 03 00 00. KioskIII default values are 00 00 00 05 00 00. n12  6  Not Present DF812C MagStripe No CVM Required Capability Indicates the CVM capability of the Terminal/Reader in the case of a mag-stripe mode transaction when the Amount, Authorized (Numeric) is less than or equal to the Reader CVM Required Limit. b  1  00 DF812D Message Hold Time Indicates the default delay for the processing of the next MSG signal. The Message Hold Time is an integer in units of 100ms. While this value is configurable, it is not used in practice in the reader.  It is a MasterCard requirement. n6  3  Not Present DF8130 RF Hold Time Value Indicates the time that the field is to be turned off after the transaction is completed if requested to do so by the cardholder device. The Hold Time Value is in units of 100ms. While this value is configurable, it is not used in practice in the reader.  It is a MasterCard requirement. b  1  Not Present DF8131 Phone Message Table Defines for the selected AID the message and status identifiers as a function of the POS Cardholder Interaction Information. The Phone Message Table is a variable length list with 8-byte entries. Each entry in the Phone Message Table contains the following fields:      PCII Mask (3 bytes, binary)      PCII Value (3 bytes, binary)      Message Identifier (1 byte, binary)      Status (1 byte, binary) The last entry in the phone message table must always have the PCII Mask and PCII Value set to ‘000000’. B  Var  No Present FF69 Proprietary Tag List Proprietary tags that are not otherwise configured may be configured by encapsulating them in this tag list. b  <=32  Not present FFE4[1] Group Number The group number that contains the characteristics for this AID This tag is mandatory when getting or setting group parameters and it must be the 1st TLV in Data Field. n2  1  --
NEO Interface Developers Guide           69 Tag  Description  Format Length  Default Value in Group 1 FFF1[1] Terminal Contactless Transaction Limit Indicates the terminal limit for this AID for Contactless transactions. n12  6  00 00 00 01 00 00 FFF5[1] CVM Required Limit Indicates the CVM required limit in the terminal for the associated AIDs. Default = $80.00 This is equivalent to MasterCard tag DF8126. n12  6  00 00 00 00 80 00 FFF8[1] UI Scheme: Value = 00:ViVOpay User Interface (default) Value = 02:Visa Wave User Interface Value = 03:EMEA User Interface  Note: LCD Messages need to be configured separately. Warning: EMEA UI is intended for use in the EMV or European environment, where the reader is not allowed to poll continuously (e.g., operate in Auto Poll Mode). The reader does NOT support Auto Poll while in EMEA UI mode. The reader is not certified to work properly in this situation.  Note:  Vendi default value is not present. For PayPass M/Chip, this value should be set to 03 (EMEA).  It defaults to ViVOpay for backward compatibility with MagStripe applications. b  1  00 FFFB[1] Language Option for LCD display: Value = 00: English only display (default) Value = 01: Chinese only display[2] Value = 02: English & Chinese display[2] Value = 03: French only display Value = 04: Other Language (if ILM present)[2] Value = 05: English & French display [3]  Note:  Vendi default value is not present. b  1  00 FFFC[1] PayPass Profile Information in this tag is equivalent to PayPass tag DF811B, although it is formatted slightly differently: 87654321  Bit Meaning  Values -------X MagStripe Only   0 = normal transaction 1 = MagStripe only       transactions allowed ------X-  M/Chip Only  0 = normal transaction 1 = M/Chip only       Transactions allowed -----X--  On Device CVM 0 = not supported 1 = supported XXXXX---  RFU   The default value is 0x01 – support MagStripe only. b  1  01
NEO Interface Developers Guide           70 Tag  Description  Format Length  Default Value in Group 1 FFFD[1] Terminal Action Code (Online) Reflect the acquirer-selected action to be taken upon analysis of the TVR.   This is equivalent to MasterCard tag DF8122. b  5  F8 50 AC F8 00 FFFE[1] Terminal Action Code (Default) Reflect the acquirer-selected action to be taken upon analysis of the TVR. This is equivalent to MasterCard tag DF8120. b  5  F8 50 AC A0 00 FFFF[1] Terminal Action Code (Denial) Reflect the acquirer-selected action to be taken upon analysis of the TVR. This is equivalent to MasterCard tag DF8121. b  5  00 00 00 00 00 FFF2 Interface Device Serial Number  This is equivalent to tag 9F1E. They refer to the same parameter.  an 8 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 [1] These objects use proprietary tags. The use of these tags should be restricted to the serial interface. Once the Reader has returned an OK Response Frame, the Terminal application should dispose of the tags to avoid conflicts with other proprietary TLVs.  [2] These objects only work on the ViVOpay graphic reader. [3] These objects only work on the Vendi  PayPass Group Configuration TLVs with Hard-Coded Values in Kernel PayPass transactions do not use Group 0 at all. If a TLV data item has not been defined in a PayPass group (Group 1 or higher), then the default value is not picked up from Group 0 as for other card types.   There is a minimal sub-set of TLV data items that must be present for a PayPass transaction to be performed. If any of the data items from this sub-set are not present, a PayPass transaction cannot be performed.   To allow PayPass transactions to be performed even if these critical data items are missing from the PayPass group, The PayPass Kernel keeps a set of hard-coded default values for these data items. If any of these data items are not present in the PayPass Group then the kernel uses the hard-coded value for the missing data item.   A list of data items that have a hard-coded value and the default value are given in the following table.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           71 If any of these data items is “not present” in the PayPass group, then a Get Group command will not return the values for these data items even though the PayPass kernel will use the hard-coded default values for these data items.  Table 22: PayPass Group Configuration TLVs with Hard-Coded Default Values in Kernel Tag  Description  Format Length Hard-Coded Default Value in PayPass Kernel 9C Transaction Type Indicates the type of financial transaction, represented by the first two digits of ISO 8583:1987 Processing Code (default = purchase goods or services) n2  1  00 9F09 Application Version Number (Reader) PayPass M/Chip 3.0 b  2  00 02 9F1A Terminal Country Code Indicates the country code of the terminal, represented according to ISO 3166. n3  2  00 00 9F1B Terminal Floor Limit Indicates the floor limit in the terminal in conjunction with the AID (hex). This tag is equivalent to MasterCard tag DF8123 Reader Contactless Floor Limit. b  4  00 00 17 70 9F33 Terminal Capabilities Indicates the card data input, CVM, and security capabilities of the terminal.   This tag (9F33) only configures bytes 1 and 3 of the terminal capabilities. Byte 2 of the terminal capabilities actually comes from DF28 or DF29 during the transaction. Refer to tags DF28 and DF29 for details. Note: Byte 1 of 9F33 is the same as DF8117 Card Data Input Capability defined in PayPass 3.0.2 and Byte 3 of 9F33 is the same as DF811F Security Capability. b  3  00 00 00 9F35 Terminal Type Indicates the environment of the terminal, its communications capability, and its operational control n2  1  00 9F40 Additional Terminal Capabilities Indicates the data input and output capabilities of the terminal b  5  00 00 00 00 00 9F6D Application Version Number (MagStripe) PayPass MagStripe (Value = 00 01)  b  2  00 01
NEO Interface Developers Guide           72 Tag  Description  Format Length Hard-Coded Default Value in PayPass Kernel DF28 Terminal Capabilities – No CVM Required M/Chip v2.0 element indicating the Terminal Capabilities to be used when Amount, Authorized < CVM Required Limit. Formatted as Terminal Capabilities (tag ‘9F 33’) Only byte 2 of this tag is actually used.  The other terminal capabilities are configured using tag 9F33. DF28 Byte PayPass Tag Equivalent 2 DF8119  b  3  00 00 E8 DF29 Terminal Capabilities – CVM Required M/Chip v2.0 element indicating the Terminal Capabilities to be used when Amount, Authorized >= CVM Required Limit. Formatted as Terminal Capabilities (tag ‘9F 33’) Only byte 2 of this tag is actually used.  The other terminal capabilities are configured using tag 9F33. DF29 Byte PayPass Tag Equivalent 2 DF8118  b  3  00 00 E8 DF811A Default UDOL Used for calculating the CCC if no UDOL is present in the card.  The default is the tag and length of the “Unpredictable Number”. b  3  9F 6A 04 DF811C Maximum Lifetime of Torn Transaction Record This is the maximum time a torn record can exist in the log before it expires.  It is expressed in seconds. While the transaction log is global to the reader, the MasterCard application is the only application that supports it. b  2  01 2C DF811D Maximum Number of Torn Transaction Records Due to storage limitations, the maximum number of records that may be configured is 2.  There may be 0, 1, or 2 torn transaction records configured.  If 0 records are configured, the torn transaction recovery facility is effectively disabled. While the transaction log is global to the reader, the MasterCard application is the only application that supports it. b  1  00 DF811E MagStripe CVM Required Capability Indicates the CVM capability of the Terminal/Reader in the case of a mag-stripe mode transaction when the Amount, Authorized (Numeric) is greater than the Reader CVM Required Limit. b  1  F0 DF8124 Reader Contactless Transaction Limit, No On-Device CVM When there is no On-Device CVM available (e.g. with a phone), then this is the transaction limit that will be used.   n12  6  00 00 00 00 00 00
NEO Interface Developers Guide           73 Tag  Description  Format Length Hard-Coded Default Value in PayPass Kernel DF8125 Reader Contactless Transaction Limit, On-Device CVM When On-Device CVM is available (e.g. with a phone) then this is the transaction limit that will be used. n12  6  00 00 00 00 00 00 DF812C MagStripe No CVM Required Capability Indicates the CVM capability of the Terminal/Reader in the case of a mag-stripe mode transaction when the Amount, Authorized (Numeric) is less than or equal to the Reader CVM Required Limit. b  1  F0 DF812D Message Hold Time Indicates the default delay for the processing of the next MSG signal. The Message Hold Time is an integer in units of 100ms. While this value is configurable, it is not used in practice in the reader.  It is a MasterCard requirement. n6  3  00 00 13 DF8130 RF Hold Time Value Indicates the time that the field is to be turned off after the transaction is completed if requested to do so by the cardholder device. The Hold Time Value is in units of 100ms. While this value is configurable, it is not used in practice in the reader.  It is a MasterCard requirement. b  1  0D DF8131 Phone Message Table Defines for the selected AID the message and status identifiers as a function of the POS Cardholder Interaction Information. The Phone Message Table is a variable length list with 8-byte entries. Each entry in the Phone Message Table contains the following fields:      PCII Mask (3 bytes, binary)      PCII Value (3 bytes, binary)      Message Identifier (1 byte, binary)      Status (1 byte, binary) The last entry in the phone message table must always have the PCII Mask and PCII Value set to ‘000000’. b  Var. See next table ‘Phone Message Table Hard-Coded Default Value in Kernel’. FFF5[1] CVM Required Limit Indicates the CVM required limit in the terminal for the associated AIDs.  This is equivalent to MasterCard tag DF8126. n12  6  00 00 00 00 00 00
NEO Interface Developers Guide           74 Tag  Description  Format Length Hard-Coded Default Value in PayPass Kernel FFFC[1] PayPass Profile Information in this tag is equivalent to PayPass tag DF811B, although it is formatted slightly differently: 87654321  Bit Meaning  Values -------X MagStripe Only   0 = normal transaction 1 = MagStripe only       transactions allowed ------X-  M/Chip Only  0 = normal transaction 1 = M/Chip only       Transactions allowed -----X--  On Device CVM 0 = not supported 1 = supported XXXXX---  RFU    b  1  00 FFFD[1] Terminal Action Code (Online) Reflect the acquirer-selected action to be taken upon analysis of the TVR.   This is equivalent to MasterCard tag DF8122. b  5  CC 00 00 00 00 FFFE[1] Terminal Action Code (Default) Reflect the acquirer-selected action to be taken upon analysis of the TVR. This is equivalent to MasterCard tag DF8120. b  5  CC 00 00 00 00 FFFF[1] Terminal Action Code (Denial) Reflect the acquirer-selected action to be taken upon analysis of the TVR. This is equivalent to MasterCard tag DF8121. b  5  00 00 00 00 00 [1] These objects use proprietary tags. The use of these tags should be restricted to the serial interface. Once the Reader has returned an OK Response Frame, the Terminal application should dispose of the tags to avoid conflicts with other proprietary TLVs.  Table 23: Phone Message Table – Hard-Coded Default Value in Kernel PCI Mask  PCII Value  Message Identifier  Status 000800  000800  20 (SEE PHONE)  00 (NOT READY) 000400  000400  20 (SEE PHONE)  00 (NOT READY) 000100  000100  20 (SEE PHONE)  00 (NOT READY) 000200  000200  20 (SEE PHONE)  00 (NOT READY) 000000  000000  20 (SEE PHONE)  00 (NOT READY)
NEO Interface Developers Guide           75 American Express Group Configuration TLVs American Express use Group 2 as default Group. The Set Configurable Group command should be used to set the TLVs in this section. The following table in this section shows TLVs in American Express Configuration Group.  Kiosk III rule for American Express Configuration Group:  If a TLV value is absent in American Express Group, reader will use the value in Group 0, except 3 TLVs below: For Transaction limit(FFF1), CVM limit(FFF5), Floor limit(9F1B): if user-defined TLV Group is used, user should set these above TLVs in the user-defined Group. If not set, these above TLVs will be regard as not present.   Vendi rule for American Express Configuration Group:  The following American Express Group TLVs should not be configured for Group 0.  The default American Express group is Group 2.  That is, when the reader is configured from the factory, the American Express System AIDs will be associated with Group 2.  If there are tags in a American Express group that should be set, they must all be set explicitly, since the absent values are not filled in with Group 0 or Group 1 defaults. American Express Group tags are instantiated a little differently than other groups.  Group 0 is never used as a default. Refer to the section on  American Express Default Group for an explanation of how the tag database is instantiated for American Express.  Table 24: American Express Default Group 2 Configuration TLVs Tag  Description  Format Length  Default Value in Group 2 5F2A Transaction Currency Code  Indicates the currency code of the transaction according to ISO 4217.  Note: make sure you use the same Transaction Currency Code for all configurable AIDs. (default = US Dollars)   Note: Kiosk III default value is “09 01” n3  2  08 40
NEO Interface Developers Guide           76 Tag  Description  Format Length  Default Value in Group 2 9A Transaction Date (YYMMDD)  This value is used to set the Real Time Clock. Note: The terminal/POS application should perform range checking on this value to ensure it is within acceptable limits.  Note: Kiosk III default value is “not present” n6  3 FF FF FF 9C Transaction Type  Indicates the type of financial transaction, represented by the first two digits of ISO 8583:1987 Processing Code. (default = purchase goods or services)  n2  1  00 9F03  Amount Other (Numeric) n12 6 00 00 00 00 00 00  9F09 Application Version Number  PayPass M/Chip (Value = 00 02)  Amex (Value = 00 01) Note: Kiosk III default value is 00 02 b 2 00 01 9F1A Terminal Country Code  Indicates the country code of the terminal, represented according to ISO 3166. Default = US  Note: Kiosk III default value is “01 58” n3 2 08 40 9F1B Terminal Floor Limit ndicates the floor limit in the terminal for the AID(s) associated with this group.  Note: The value is the decimal limit amount given in binary represented in Hex in the command/response. (60 limit = 6000 decimal = 1770h). b 4 00 00 17 70 9F21 Transaction Time (HHMMSS)  This value is used to set the Real Time Clock.  Note: The terminal/POS application should perform range checking on this value to ensure it is within acceptable limits.  Note: Kiosk III default value is not present” n6 3 FF FF FF
NEO Interface Developers Guide           77 Tag  Description  Format Length  Default Value in Group 2 9F33 Terminal Capabilities  Indicates the card data input, CVM, and security capabilities of the terminal  Default =  • No CVM required  • SDA supported  • DDA supported  • Card Capture  • CDA supported Note: Kiosk III default value is “00 00 A8” b 3 00 08 E8 9F35 Terminal Type  Indicates the environment of the terminal, its communications capability, and its operational control  Environment Operational Control  Provided By: Financial Institution Merchant Cardholder Attended  Online only  Offline with online capability  Offline only   11  12    13  21  22    23  Unattended  Online only  Offline with online capability  Offline only   14  15    16   24  25    26   34  35    36  Note: Kiosk III default value is 22 n2 1 25  9F6E Terminal Transaction Capabilities Note: Kiosk III default value is “not present” b 4 D8 E0 00 00 DF51 ExpressPay Terminal Capabilities  Used to create the ExpressPay Terminal Capabilities TLV, 9F6D for Amex ExpressPay applications. Note: Kiosk III default value is 80 b  1  C0 FFEE1C UN range Note: Kiosk III default value is “not present” b  4  00 00 00 3C
NEO Interface Developers Guide           78 Tag  Description  Format Length  Default Value in Group 2 FFF1[1] Terminal Contactless Transaction Limit  Indicates the terminal limit for this AID for Contactless transactions. Note: Kiosk III default value is 00 00 00 01 00 00 n12 6 00 00 00 01 50 00 FFF5[1] CVM Required Limit  Indicates the CVM required limit in the terminal for the associated AIDs. Note: Kiosk III default value is 00 00 00 00 80 00 n12 6 00 00 00 00 50 00 FFFD[1] Terminal Action Code (Online) Reflect the acquirer-selected action to be taken upon analysis of the TVR.   Note: Kiosk III default value is F8 50 AC F8 00 b 5 00 00 00 00 00 FFFE[1] Terminal Action Code (Default) Reflect the acquirer-selected action to be taken upon analysis of the TVR. Note: KioskIII default value is F8 50 AC A0 00 b 5 00 00 00 00 00 FFFF[1] Terminal Action Code (Denial) Reflect the acquirer-selected action to be taken upon analysis of the TVR. b 5 00 00 00 00 00 [1] These objects use proprietary tags. The use of these tags should be restricted to the serial interface. Once the Reader has returned an OK Response Frame, the Terminal application should dispose of the tags to avoid conflicts with other proprietary TLVs.  [2] These objects only work on the ViVOpay graphic reader. [3] These objects only work on the Vendi  AID Configuration Tags In this table, the “Usage” column indicates when the tag is used.  In some cases, the use may depend on whether a system AID or a user AID is being configured.  The possible usages are:  MAND – this is a mandatory tag when configuring an AID  OPT – this is an optional tag when configuring an AID  NEVER – this tag should never be used for configuring this type of AID (e.g. “System”)  DEP – this tag is Mandatory depending on how another tag is configured.  For default values of the AID configuration TLVs for each System AID, refer to the System AID Default Configuration TLVs table in the appendix.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           79 Table 25: AID Configuration TLVs Tag Data Object Name Usage Description  Format  Length 9F06 Application Identifier (AID)  MAND Identifies the application as described in ISO/IEC 7816-5.  This must be the 2nd TLV in the data field. b  5 – 16 DF7C  Auto-Switch  OPT Automatically switch to Pass-Through Mode when PICC is unknown. 00h = disabled (default) 01h = enabled b  1 FFE0[1] Registered Application Provider Identifier (RID) Sys = NEVER User = OPT Identifies the payment system to which the Certification Authority Public Key is associated. If this Tag is not provided the first five bytes from the AID are used.  b  5 FFE1[1] Partial Selection Allowed OPT (Visa MAND) Tells the reader to allow partial selection during the initial select process. 01 = Allowed, 00 = Disabled Note: Required for Visa application flow, this value is set to 01 Allowed and cannot be changed. b  1 FFE2[1] Application Flow Sys = NEVER  User = MAND  1 (01h) – MasterCard MagStripe Application 2 (02h) – American Express Application 3 (03h) – MasterCard PayPass Application 6 (06h) - Visa Application. 13 (0Dh)  - Discover Application 14 (0Eh) – JCB QuicPay Application 15 (0Fh) – STAR Application 21 (15h) –Interac Application 23 (17h) –SmartTap b  1 FFE3  Selection Features  OPT Enables or disables selection features.  For M/Chip 3.0, this value will default to 74h.  Please refer to the Selection Features section for a detailed description of this tag.   87654321 Selection Feature -------x Deprecated / RFU ------x- Extended Selection  Supported -----x-- Cardholder Confirmation Not Supported ----x--- API (application priority indicator) required ---x---- Invalid AID Allowed --x----- Duplicate AID Allowed -x------ Enable Kernel ID x------- RFU  b  1
NEO Interface Developers Guide           80 FFE4[1] TLV Group Number  MAND The TLV Group number that contains the characteristics for this AID This must be the 1st TLV in Data Field. For MasterCard PayPass and any applications that use the Combined Selection Feature, this tag represents the fallback group if the TLV FFE9 transaction type list is empty, or the kernel ID is disabled (see tag FFE3).   For MasterCard PayPass, this tag may NOT be Group 0. n2  1 FFE5[1] Maximum AID Length  DEP This value must be <= 16. For Visa application flow, this value is set to 16 and cannot be changed. Note: This tag must be included if the FFE1 Partial Select TLV is included. b  1 FFE6[1]  AID Disabled  OPT Used to disable a System AID (has no effect on a User AID). 80h = disabled and 00h = enabled b  1 FFE8  Exclude from Processing  OPT This byte is formatted as follows: 87654321 Meaning (0 = disable, 1 = enable)  -------x Exclude from PPSE processing.  1 = This AID will not be added to the candidate list during PPSE.   ------x- Exclude from Trial and Error processing.  1 = This AID may not be added to the candidate list during Trial and Error (sometime referred to as “List of AIDs” processing.  xxxxxx-- RFU  b  1 FFE9  Transaction Type List  OPT This list defines 3-byte triplets, where the Kernel ID and transaction type may be used to identify the group that will be used to instantiate the dataset for the transaction. A maximum of 8 entries may appear in this list.  The format of each triplet entry is as follows: Byte Description 1- Kernel ID Kernel ID as defined by EMV first byte only. 2- Transaction Type Supported transaction types may be: Payment(00), Cash(01), Cashback(09) or Refund(20) 3- Group Number The group that should be used for this transaction and Kernel ID. Group 0 may not be used in this list.    b  Variable <= 24
NEO Interface Developers Guide           81 FFEA Configurable Kernel Identifier OPT This Kernel Identifier will be used if the card does not supply a valid Kernel ID (9F2A).  If this tag is not provided, then default kernel identifiers will be used depending on the application: Card Application Default KID MasterCard 2 Visa 3 American Express 4 JCB Quickpay 5 All others 0   This tag is equivalent to MasterCard tag DF810C. b  1 DFEF2C Terminal AID List  OPT Tells the reader to allow Terminal AID List support during the initial select process. 01 = Allowed, 00 = Disabled  b  1   Setting the FFE6 tag may disable an AID.  However, the preferred method to disable an AID is to issue a “Delete Configurable AID” command (04-04).  For a system AID, the command will set the disable bit in FFE6.  The following table lists the System AIDs and the default values for their TLVs Table 26: System AID Default Configuration TLVs Name  Tag  Length (Hex) Value (Hex)  Card Application Group  AID Partial Selection Application Flow Max AID Length FF E4 9F 06 FF E1 FF E2 FF E5 01 06 01 01 01 02 A0 00 00 00 25 01 01 02 10 American Express Group  AID Partial Selection Application Flow Max AID Length Selection Features Transaction Type List   Kernel ID FF E4 9F 06 FF E1 FF E2 FF E5 FF E3 FF E9    FF EA 01 07 01 01 01 01 0C    01 01 A0 00 00 00 04 10 10 01 03 10 74 02 00 01  02 20 01  02 01 01  02 09 01 02 MasterCard PayPass Application
NEO Interface Developers Guide           82 Name  Tag  Length (Hex) Value (Hex)  Card Application Group  AID Partial Selection Application Flow Max AID Length Selection Features FF E4 9F 06 FF E1 FF E2 FF E5 FF E3 01 07 01 01 01 01 00 A0 00 00 00 65 90 01 01 0E 08 14 Note: Vendi default value, FF E6 = 80 JCB (QUICPay) Application Group  AID Partial Selection Application Flow Max AID Length Selection Features Transaction Type List   Kernel ID FF E4 9F 06 FF E1 FF E2 FF E5 FF E3 FF E9    FF EA 01 07 01 01 01 01 0C    01 01 A0 00 00 00 04 30 60  01 03 10 74 02 00 01  02 20 01  02 01 01  02 09 01 02 MasterCard PayPass Application Group  AID Application Flow Partial Selection  Max AID Length Selection Features FF E4 9F 06 FF E2 FF E1 FF E5 FF E3 01 07 01 01 01 01 00 A0 00 00 00 03 10 10  06 01 10 14 Visa Application Group  AID Application Flow Partial Selection  Max AID Length Selection Features FF E4 9F 06 FF E2 FF E1 FF E5 FF E3 01 07 01 01 01 01 00  A0 00 00 00 03 20 10  06 01 10  14 Visa Application (Visa Electron) Group  AID Application Flow Partial Selection  Max AID Length Selection Features FF E4 9F 06 FF E2 FF E1 FF E5 FF E3 01 07 01 01 01 01 00 A0 00 00 00 03 30 10 06 01 10 14 Visa Application (Visa Interlink)
NEO Interface Developers Guide           83 Name  Tag  Length (Hex) Value (Hex)  Card Application Group  AID Application Flow Partial Selection  Max AID Length Selection Features FF E4 9F 06 FF E2 FF E1 FF E5 FF E3 01 07 01 01 01 01 00 A0 00 00 00 03 80 10  06 01 10 14 Visa Application (Visa Plus) Group  AID Application Flow Partial Selection  Max AID Length Selection Features FF E4 9F 06 FF E2 FF E1 FF E5 FF E3 01 07 01 01 01 01 00 A0 00 00 00 65 10 10  06 01 10 14 Note: Vendi default value,  FF E2 = FF Visa Application  (J/Speedy) Group AID Application Flow Partial Selection  Max AID Length Selection Features FF E4 9F 06 FF E2 FF E1 FF E5 FF E3 01 0A 01 01 01 01 00 A0 00 00 00 02 30 60 D1 58 00 10 01 10 74  Note: Vendi default value, FF E2 = FF  MXI Application Group AID Application Flow Partial Selection  Max AID Length FF E4 9F 06 FF E2 FF E1 FF E5 01 07 01 01 01 00  A0 00 00 03 24 10 10  0D 01 10 Discover (ZIP)Application Group AID Application Flow Partial Selection  Max AID Length FF E4 9F 06 FF E2 FF E1 FF E5 01 07 01 01 01 00 A0 00 00 01 52 30 10 0D 01 10 Discover (D-PAS) Application Group AID Partial selection Application Flow Max AID Length Selection Features FF E4 9F 06 FF E1 FF E2 FF E5 FF E3 01 07 01 01 01 01 00 A0 00 00 04 17 01 01 01 0F 08 08 STAR Application
NEO Interface Developers Guide           84 Name  Tag  Length (Hex) Value (Hex)  Card Application Group AID Partial selection Application Flow Max AID Length FF E4 9F 06 FF E1 FF E2 FF E5 01 07 01 01 01 00 A0 00 00 02 77 10 10 01 15 10 Note: Vendi default value, FF E2 = 15 Interac Application Group AID Partial selection Application Flow Max AID Length FF E4 9F 06 FF E1 FF E2 FF E5 01 07 01 01 01 00 A0 00 00 04 76 D0 00 01 17 10 SmartTap
NEO Interface Developers Guide           85 6.0 Card Application Selection Combined Selection  The selection of a card application may be based on a Kernel ID, transaction type and other requirements.  The Selection Features tag directs the flow through the selection logic in the firmware. In addition, the selection of an AID may be based on a list of transaction types that it supports.  Depending on the transaction type, the AID may be mapped to a different Configurable Group.   This entire process is referred to as “Combined Selection”.    Selection Features (FFE3) The following table defines each of the bits in the Selection Features tag (FFE3) and describes how they control the logic flow:  87654321 Feature Name Description -------x Deprecated/RFU Reserved for Future use. ------x- Extended Selection Supported Allow the Extended Selection value optionally provided by the card in PPSE to be added to the AID for final selection. The resulting AID must be less than or equal to 16 bytes or the candidate will not be added to the candidate list.  0 = the Extended Selection value, if provided by the card, will not be appended to the AID value for final select. 1 = the Extended Selection value, if provided by the card, will be appended to the AID value, if it fits (AID + ES <= 16), for use in final select.  -----x-- Cardholder Confirmation Not Supported 0 = Cardholder Confirmation is allowed for this AID and if API bit 8 (Cardholder Confirmation) is true, the application will not be added to the candidate list.      1 = Customer Cardholder Confirmation is not allowed for this AID, API bit 8 (Cardholder Confirmation) will be ignored.    ----x--- API Required 0 = the API is not required for this AID and the application may be added to the candidate list if the API is missing. 1 = the API is required for this AID; the application will not be added to the candidate list if the API is missing. ---x---- Invalid AID Allowed 0 = any invalid AID will cause this AID to terminate the transaction. 1 = any invalid AID will be ignored as related to this AID.    --x----- Duplicate AID Allowed  0 = a duplicate AID, whether extended or not, is not allowed and will not be added to the candidate list. 1 = a duplicate AID, whether extended or not, is allowed and may be added to the candidate list. -x------ Enable Kernel ID 1 = allow the evaluation of the Kernel ID. 0 = if a Kernel ID is provided by the card it is ignored.  x------- RFU Reserved for Future Use.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           86 Refer to the System AID Defaults for the configuration of Selection features for each of the AIDs.  If no Selection Features tag (FFE3) is specified, then no selection features are specified.  Partial Selection (FFE1) For some applications, an AID on the card may be longer than an AID configured in the reader.  If partial selection is allowed, the AID will be considered a match if all of the AID configured in the reader matches the first portion of an AID in the card.  Table 1: Partial Selection (FFE1) 87654321 Value Description -------x Partial selection is allowed 0 = This AID does not participate in partial selection 1 = This AID will participate in partial selection (default) For M/Chip 3.0, this value should be set to “allowed” xxxxxxx- RFU  Reserved for Future Use  Historically, Partial Selection has been a separate tag.  However, it is an integral part of the selection process, and may be used in conjunction with combined selection features. AID Participation in Selection Processes (FFE8) In some cases, applications/AIDs may not be able to participate in some of the selection processes.  For example, some cards/applications do not support PPSE.  The following table describes the bits in tag FFE8 that may be used to exclude an AID from selection processes.  Table 2: Exclude from Processing (FFE8) 87654321 Process to be Excluded Description -------x Exclude from PPSE Processing 0 = This AID may be added to the candidate list during PPSE. 1 = This AID will not be added to the candidate list during PPSE. ------x- Exclude from Trial & Error Processing 0 = This AID may be added to the candidate list during T&E.  1 = This AID will not be added to the candidate list during T&E. xxxxxx-- RFU  Reserved for Future Use  “Trial & Error” is sometimes referred to as “List of AIDs”.  It is a process by which the reader will attempt to select an AID by going through its list, hoping for a successful selection.  For M/Chip 3.0, tag FFE8 should be set to 0x00.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           87 Terminal AID List (DFEF2C) The Terminal AID List Tag DFEF2C is associated with each Terminal AID which set by the 04-02 (Load AID) command. This tag can control which Terminal AID should be sent to the card, if the Select AID Command (with PPSE) get “Select AID Failed”(response SW1/SW2 not 9000 or format error), or the AID list returned by the card cannot matched by any Terminal AID. One by one, the terminal will check each Tag DFEF2C associated with the Terminal AID, if the Tag DFEF2C value is ‘01’, the terminal will send out that Terminal AID data to the card, contactless transaction can be continued if any Terminal AID matched by the card; if the Tag DFEF2C value is ‘00’, that terminal AID data will not be sent.  Table 3: Terminal AID List (DFEF2C) 87654321 Value Description -------x Terminal AID List is allowed 0 = Terminal will not send out terminal AID data 1 = Terminal will send out terminal AID data  Note: The Terminal AIDs can be modified by 04-02 Load AID command. xxxxxxx- RFU  Reserved for Future Use
NEO Interface Developers Guide           88 7.0 Card Application Specific Behavior This section contains information specific to a particular card application. MasterCard PayPass M/Chip  The implementation of MasterCard M/Chip 3.0 is the EMV mode transaction flow.  This includes support for Mag Stripe, but does not include Data Exchange functionality. The M/Chip 3.0 implementation incorporates new functionality for:  Balance reading before and after GenAC  Recovery of torn transactions  Support for Certificate Revocation List functions  STOP command processing  Support for defining proprietary tags that are not otherwise handled or defined in the tag database. PayPass Default Group The PayPass implementation required a new data model in which data objects could be “not present” or “not defined”.  As a result, the historical method of using Group 0 to define default tags could not be used.  Group 0 is no longer used by the PayPass application.  The default group for PayPass applications is Group 1.  In addition to the PayPass default group, the PayPass Kernel also keeps hard-coded values for a sub-set of the group parameters that are essential for a transaction. If one of these data items is not available via Activate Transaction or via Get Configurable Group, then the kernel uses its own hard-coded value for the ‘Not Present’ data item. Balance Read Function The balance may be read from cards that support balance reading.  The balance may be read before or after the Generate AC process.  In order to enable balance reading, the tags for balance read must be defined in the tag database.  This may be accomplished through the Set Configurable Group command or by including the balance TLVs (DF8104, DF8105) in the Activate command.  For example, if DF8104 is included in the Activate Command, and the card supports balance reading, then the balance read prior to Generate AC will be returned in the DF8104 TLV in the Activate response.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           89 Torn Transaction Recovery A method exists for saving data from a torn transaction and matching up that transaction with a card that re-appears in the field to complete the transaction.  Due to space limitations in the reader, the maximum number of torn transaction records that can be retained is two.  New tags (configurable in a PayPass Group) control the size and use of the torn transaction log:  Tag Name Description DF811C Max Lifetime of Torn Transaction Record Controls how long a torn transaction record can exist in the log before it expires.  It is expressed in seconds. DF811D Maximum Number of Torn Transaction Records The only possible values are 0, 1 or 2.  If this tag is set to 0, then the torn transaction recovery is effectively disabled.  These tags are configurable for PayPass groups.  It they are configured for other groups, they will not be used.  EMV Certificate Revocation List The MasterCard application can make use of the EMV Certificate Revocation List features if they are enabled.  The DF26 tag is used to enable or disable the Certificate Revocation List function.  The default value for this tag is “enabled” (1). Stop Transaction Command M/Chip 3.02 includes a Stop Transaction Command that is similar to a Cancel Command.  The DF68 tag is used to enable or disable the Stop Command.  The default value for this tag is “disabled” (0). Proprietary Tag List The proprietary tag list feature is not specific to MasterCard.  Please refer to the Card Application Proprietary Tag List feature. PayPass Personalization Limits To guarantee the successful completion of PayPass transactions using CDA or SDA, size restrictions noted in this section apply. CDA Transactions The combined length of the following data objects personalized to the card cannot exceed 2400 bytes. ICC Public Key Certificate
NEO Interface Developers Guide           90  ICC Public Key Exponent  ICC Public Key Remainder  Static data used in data authentication (2048 bytes maximum) SDA Transactions The combined length of the following data objects personalized to the card cannot be greater than 2400 bytes.  Signed Static Application Data  Static data used in data authentication  (2048 bytes maximum)
NEO Interface Developers Guide           91 8.0 Protocol Command Reference: Protocol 1 Transaction Related Commands Flush Track Data (17-02) This command allows the POS application to instruct ViVOpay to flush any Track Data that was read from a card previously but has not been transferred to the POS yet. On receiving this command ViVOpay clears any pending card data. Command Frame from PC to ViVOpay Byte 0-8 Byte 9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Frame Tag Frame Type Command Sub-Command Data1  Data2 CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech\0 ‘C’ 17h 02h 00 00    ACK Frame from ViVOpay (or NACK) Byte 0-8 Byte 9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Frame Tag Frame Type Command Status  Data1  Data2 CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) ViVOtech\0 ‘A’ 17h Status=OK Unused XX    Get Full Track Data (17-CD) Use this command to return full track data from the ViVOpay reader. If a card has been swiped at the magnetic stripe reader or presented to a reader in Auto Poll mode, ViVOpay sends back an ACK Frame followed by a Data Frame containing track data. If no card has been swiped or presented, ViVOpay just returns an ACK Frame and no Data Frame. If both Track 1 and Track 2 data is being returned, then the Data Frame contains the Track 1 Data, followed by a NULL character (00h) marking the end of Track 1 Data, followed by Track 2 data.  If a card has been swiped, but an error occurred, then ViVOpay just sends an ACK Frame with Status Failed. Command Frame from PC to ViVOpay Byte 0-8 Byte 9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Frame Tag Frame Type  Command Sub-Command Data1  Data2 CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech\0 ‘C’ 17h CDh 00 00
NEO Interface Developers Guide           92 Response Frame (ACK) Byte 0-8 Byte 9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Frame Tag Frame Type Command Status  Data1  Data2 CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) ViVOtech\0 ‘A’  17h  Status Tracks/ Error Code DataLen      Byte 12 is used for Tracks or Error Code, depending on the value of the Status in Byte 11 (see Status Code Protocol 1). When Status is OK, Byte 12 is used to store Tracks. When Status is Failed, Byte 12 is used to store the Error Codes from ViVOpay.  Note: These Error Codes are valid only when the RF Error Code Reporting is enabled through Set RF Error Reporting command, see Set RF Error Reporting.  Table 27: Get Full Track Data Error Codes Status Tracks/Error Code   OK Examples: Bit 0 = Track 1  Track = 00h => No Track Data Bit 1 = Track 2  Track = 01h => Track 1 Data Only Bit 3 = Track 3  Track = 02h => Track 2 Data Only   Track = 03h => Track 1 & Track 2 Data etc.  Bit 7 = Card Type  Card Type = 0 => Contactless Card   Card Type = 1 => Swiped Magnetic Stripe   Failed Error Code = 01h      Card Removed        Error Code = 02h      Communication Error Error Code = 03h      Protocol Error Error Code = 04h      Multiple Cards Detected Error Code = 05h      Card Not Accepted Error Code = 06h      Bad Data Error Code = FFh      Unknown Error Other  (See Status Code) N/A  DataLen Number of Data Bytes in the Data Frame to Follow. This does not include the Frame Tag, Frame Type and Checksum bytes. Data Frame from the Reader to PC (If the Reader sent an ACK and Track Data available) Byte 0-8 Byte 9 Byte 10 Byte 11 … Byte n+10 Byte n+11 Byte n+12 Frame Tag Frame Type Data 0  Data 1  …  Data n CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) ViVOtech\0 ‘D’ Data Data … Data    If the host fails to receive the track data, it can send a NACK Frame to request the reader to resend the track data. To ensure that the reader resends the track data, the NACK Frame must be received within 500ms after it sends the original track data. If the reader receives the NACK
NEO Interface Developers Guide           93 Frame within that time period, it first resends the ACK Frame followed by the Data Frame to PC.  If the reader receives the NACK Frame after 500ms of sending out the original track data, or if a new card has been detected, the reader sends an ACK/NACK Frame to the host and does not resend the track data. Each payload data is only resent once.  Response Frame NACK Frame from PC to the Reader Byte 0-8 Byte 9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Frame Tag Frame Type  Command  Status  Data1  Data2 CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) ViVOtech\0 ‘N’ 17h  00h 00 00    ACK Frame from the Reader  Byte 0-8 Byte 9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Frame Tag Frame Type  Command Status  Data1  Data2 CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) ViVOtech\0 ‘A’ 17h Status Tracks DataLen    Status   OK (see Status Code Protocol 1) Tracks        Example Bit 0 = Track 1    Track = 00h => No Track Data Bit 1 = Track 2    Track = 01h => Track 1 Data Only Bit 3 = Track 3    Track = 02h => Track 2 Data Only Track = 03h => Track 1 & Track 2 Data etc. DataLen Number of Data Bytes in the Data Frame to Follow. This does not include the Frame Tag, Frame Type and Checksum bytes. Data Frame from the Reader to PC (If ViVOpay sent an ACK and Track Data available) Byte 0-8 Byte 9 Byte 10 Byte 11 … Byte n+10 Byte n+11 Byte n+12 Frame Tag Frame Type Data 0  Data 1  …  Data n CRC (MSB). CRC (LSB). ViVOtech\0 ‘D’ Data Data … Data    An example of the Data Frame sent in response to the Get Full Track data command is as follows:. 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 00 44 42 35 33 32 35 33  35 30 30 30 30 36 32 33 35 36 37 5E 53 4D 49 54  48 2F 4A 4F 48 4E 5E 30 35 30 38 35 30 31 31 30
NEO Interface Developers Guide           94 30 36 32 36 30 30 34 34 35 30 30 30 30 30 37 38  36 32 30 39 33 33 00 35 33 32 35 33 35 30 30 30  30 36 32 33 35 36 37 3D 30 35 30 38 31 30 31 39  34 34 35 39 39 37 38 36 30 36 32 33 DF 03 Annotated 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 00 – FRAME TAG  44 – FRAME TYPE ‘D’ TRACK 1 DATA 42 35 33 32 35 33 35 30 30 30 30 36 32 33 35 36  37 5E 53 4D 49 54 48 2F 4A 4F 48 4E 5E 30 35 30  38 35 30 31 31 30 30 36 32 36 30 30 34 34 35 30  30 30 30 30 37 38 36 32 30 39 33 33  00 – END OF TRACK 1 START OF TRACK 2 TRACK 2 DATA  35 33 32 35 33 35 30 30 30 30 36 32 33 35 36 37  3D 30 35 30 38 31 30 31 39 34 34 35 39 39 37 38  36 30 36 32 33  DF 03 – CRC  Get ViVOpay Firmware Version (29-00) Use this command to return the ViVOpay reader’s Firmware Version Number. This is the Protocol 1 version of the command given in Get Version Protocol 2 (29-00). The ViVOpay reader returns an ACK Frame containing the length of the Version Data. This is followed by a Data Frame containing the firmware version information.  Command Frame from PC to the Reader Byte 0-8 Byte 9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Frame Tag Frame Type Command Sub-Command Data1  Data2 CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech\0 ‘C’ 29h 00h 00 00    Response Frame from the Reader (ACK or NACK) Byte 0-8 Byte 9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Frame Tag Frame Type Command Status  Data1  Data2 CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) ViVOtech\0 ‘A’ 29h Status=OK Unused DataLen    Status = OK (see Status Code Protocol 1) DataLen = Number of Data Bytes in the Data Frame to Follow. This does not include the Frame Tag, Frame Type and Checksum bytes.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           95 Data Frame from the Reader to PC (If ViVOpay sent an ACK) Byte 0-8 Byte 9 Byte 10 … Byte n+10 Byte n+11 Byte n+12 Frame Tag Frame Type Data 0 … Data n CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) ViVOtech\0 ‘D’ ViVOpay Version (Null Terminated ASCII String)     Key Manager Commands Protocol 1  Note: The following commands use Protocol 1 frame formats.  Whenever possible, you should use the Key Manager commands in Protocol 2.   The Key Management Protocol 1 commands are retained for compatibility purposes and are not to be used when doing secure communication. Some ViVOpay firmware versions that support EMV security features provide an EMV Key Management Interface that can be used by a terminal to Add/Delete CA Public Keys and related data. These firmware versions also provide a Real Time Clock set up interface and an EMV ViVOpay Terminal set up interface. This document describes the ViVOpay Serial Interface, specifically the EMV Key Management commands, the Real Time Clock set up commands and the EMV ViVOpay Terminal set up commands. It describes the communication parameters, the ViVOpay Serial Interface Protocol and the command-specific details.   Warning: DO NOT mix the two Key Management formats. Manage the keys using Protocol 1 or Protocol 2 but not both. ViVOpay provides a secure storage environment on its Crypto Chip for storing the Certification Authority Public Keys. It allows for storage of up to a maximum of 30 keys which are uniquely identified as a key index in each payment scheme (RID). The basic Key management functions provided are setting of a new Public Key based on a Unique <RID, Key Index> Pair, and deletion of a key. Once a key has been stored in the Crypto Chip, it does not allow retrieval of the key. All authentication/decryption functions that require the key take place inside the Crypto Chip. The ViVOpay reader periodically checks for Command Frames. Once it starts receiving a Command Frame, it expects each successive byte to arrive within the inter-byte timeout. If the ViVOpay reader is receiving multiple Data Frames it expects each successive byte to arrive within the inter-frame timeout (see table below). If the data is not received within the timeout period listed, the ViVOpay reader times out and a timeout failure response is sent.  Serial Commands  Inter-Byte Inter-Frame Delete CA Public Key 200ms 5 sec Set CA Public Key 200ms 5 sec Set RTC Date 200ms 5 sec Set RTC Time 200ms 5 sec Pass-Through APDU Exchange 200ms 5 sec
NEO Interface Developers Guide           96 (multiple Data Frames) Pass-Through PCD Single Command (multiple Data Frames) 200ms 5 sec All other Commands 200ms 200ms  Once the ViVOpay reader has received a command, the time in which it starts sending a response back to the terminal varies from command to command, depending on what kind of processing is required before a response can be sent back to the terminal.  Table 28: EMV Key Management Commands Error Codes – Protocol 1 Error Code  Description 00h No Error 01h Unknown Error 02h Invalid Data 03h Incomplete Data 04h Invalid Key Index 05h Invalid CA Hash Algorithm Indicator 06h Invalid CA Public Key Algorithm Indicator 07h Invalid CA Public Key Modulus Length 08h Invalid CA Public Key Exponent 09h Key already Exists  (Try to Set Key after deleting existing Key) 0Ah No space for New RID 0Bh Key not Found 0Ch Crypto Chip not responding 0Dh Crypto Chip Communication Error 0Eh RID Key Slots Full 0Fh No Free Key Slots Available   Set CA Public Key (24-01) Protocol 1 Use this command to send data related to a CA Public Key to the ViVOpay reader for storing in a secure environment (Crypto Chip Memory). The Public Key is uniquely identified by the <RID, Key Index> pair. If the total length of the key related data being sent is more than 244 bytes, then it can be broken down into two Data Frames.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           97                         Flow of Frames between ViVOpay Reader and an External Device  Command Frame from Terminal to ViVOpay Byte 0-8 Byte 9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Final ACK/NACK Frame  ViVOpay   PC / Peripheral Device  Set Key in Crypto  Data Frame 1  ACK Frame  Set CA Public Key Cmd  Data Frame 2  ACK Frame
NEO Interface Developers Guide           98 Frame Tag Frame Type  Command Sub-Command Data1  Data2 CRC  (LSB) CRC   (MSB) ViVOtech\0 ‘C’ 24h 01h DataLen2 DataLen    DataLen, DataLen2  If the key data is being sent in a single Data Frame, then DataLen contains the length of the one and only Data Frame to follow and DataLen2 is 0.   If the key data is being sent in two Data Frames, then DataLen contains the length of the first Data Frame and DataLen2 contain the length of the second Data Frame. The length of either Data Frame must not exceed 244 (0xF4) bytes.  DataLen > 0, DataLen2 >= 0  ACK Frame from Reader  Byte 0-8 Byte 9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Frame Tag Frame Type  Command Status  Data1  Data2 CRC  (MSB) CRC   (LSB) ViVOtech\0 ‘A’ 24h Status 00 00    Status:  OK (or see Status Code Protocol 1)  NACK from Reader Byte 0-8 Byte 9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Frame Tag Frame Type Command Status  Data1  Data2 CRC  (MSB) CRC   (LSB) ViVOtech\0 ‘N’ 24h FAILED Error Code Unused    Error Code: See EMV Key Management Error Codes Table If at any time ViVOpay sends back a NACK Frame with Status set to Failed, then the Error code field indicates the reason for failure.  First Data Frame from terminal to Reader (If reader sent an ACK) Byte 0-8  Byte 9  Byte 10-13 Byte 14  …  Byte 10+(n-1) Byte 10+n Byte 10+(n+1) Frame Tag Frame Type Data 0  Data 1  …  Data (n-1) CRC  (LSB) CRC   (MSB) ViVOtech\0 ‘D’ Data Data … Data    Where n = length of the data field.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           99 The data field in the first Data Frame contains the complete or partial CA Public Key related Data. The complete contents and format of the Key Data are given in the following Table. The data portion of Data Frame 1 and Data Frame 2 (if present) when stripped of the Frame overhead and concatenated, provides the data as given in the following table.  Table 29: Set CA Public Key Data Field Data Byte  Name  Length (bytes)  Format Notes 0-4  RID  5   Binary Registered Identifier.  Necessary for Unique Identification 5  CaPublicKey Index1  1  Binary Index of the CA Public Key for this RID. Necessary for Unique Identification 6  CaHashAlgoIndicator1  1  Binary CA Hash Algorithm to produce Hash-Result in digital signature scheme. Valid Values: 01h: SHA-1 7  CaPublicKeyAlgoIndicator1  1  Binary Digital Signature Algorithm to be used with CA Public Key. Valid Values: 01h: RSA 8-27 CaPublicKeyChecksum1 20 Binary CA Public Key Checksum 28-31  CaPublicKeyExponent1 4 (PICC-based Length may be 1 or 3) Binary CA Public Key Exponent.  Value can be 3 (Len=1 Byte) or 216+1=65537=010001h (Len=3 Bytes). We consider it as a 32-bit (4-Byte) Big-Endian number for the Serial Interface and Crypto Storage. The PICC may consider it as a 1-Byte or 3-byte number. 32,33  CaPublicKeyModulusLen  2  Binary CA Public Key (Modulus) Length stored as a Big-Endian number. Aka NCA 34  CaPublicKeyModulus1 Variable (max 256) Binary CA Public Key (Modulus) with Length=NCA  [1]: Fields specified by EMV that need to be stored in Terminal Memory (See EMV2000, Book 2, Section 11.2.2 Table 23)  ACK Frame from Reader  Byte 0-8 Byte 9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Frame Tag Frame Type  Command Status  Data1  Data2 CRC  (MSB) CRC   (LSB) ViVOtech\0 ‘A’ 24h Status=OK 00 00    Status:  OK (or see Status Code Protocol 1) NACK from Reader Byte 0-8 Byte 9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Frame Tag Frame Type Command Status  Data1  Data2 CRC  (MSB) CRC   (LSB) ViVOtech\0 ‘N’ 24h FAILED Error Code Unused    Error Code: See EMV Key Management Error Codes Table
NEO Interface Developers Guide           100 Second Data Frame from terminal to ViVOpay (If the reader sent an ACK, and Data remains to be sent). Byte 0-8  Byte 9  Byte 10-13 Byte 14  …  Byte 10+(p-1) Byte 10+p Byte 10+(p+1) Frame Tag Frame Type Data 0  Data 1  …  Data (p-1) CRC  (LSB) CRC   (MSB) ViVOtech\0 ‘D’ Data Data … Data    Where p = DataLen2 > 0 If the second Data Frame is sent, then the data field in this frame contains the remaining CA Public Key related Data.  On receiving valid data, the reader sends it to the Crypto Chip for secure storage. The Crypto Chip checks the data and stores it in its memory. If the CA Public Key is stored successfully in the Crypto Chip memory, the reader returns an ACK frame. If for any reason the CA Public Key is not stored, the reader returns a NACK frame.  Final ACK Frame from Reader   Byte 0-8 Byte 9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Frame Tag Frame Type  Command Status  Data1  Data2 CRC  (MSB) CRC   (LSB) ViVOtech\0 ‘A’ 24h Status=OK 00 00    Status:  OK (or see Status Code Protocol 1) Final Nack Frame from Reader  Byte 0-8 Byte 9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Frame Tag Frame Type Command Status  Data1  Data2 CRC  (MSB) CRC   (LSB) ViVOtech\0 ‘N’ 24h FAILED Error Code Unused   Error Code: See EMV Key Management Error Codes Table Delete CA Public Key (24-02) Protocol 1 Use this command to instruct the ViVOpay reader to delete a previously set CA Public Key from within secure storage in the Crypto Chip. The Key is uniquely identified by the <RID, Key Index> pair. When this command is received, ViVOpay waits for a Data Frame containing the RID and Key Index. It then instructs the Crypto Chip to delete the specified CA Public Key. Depending on the result of this operation, the reader returns an ACK or NACK Frame. Command Frame from Terminal to Reader Byte 0-8 Byte 9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15
NEO Interface Developers Guide           101 Frame Tag Frame Type  Command Sub-Command Data1  Data2 CRC  (LSB) CRC   (MSB) ViVOtech\0 ‘C’ 24h 02h 00 DataLen=6    ACK Frame from Reader (or NACK) ACK Frame Byte 0-8 Byte 9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Frame Tag Frame Type  Command Status  Data1  Data2 CRC  (MSB) CRC   (LSB) ViVOtech\0 ‘A’ 24h Status=OK 00 00    Status:  OK (or see Status Code Protocol 1) NACK Frame Byte 0-8 Byte 9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Frame Tag Frame Type Command Status  Data1  Data2 CRC  (MSB) CRC   (LSB) ViVOtech\0 ‘N’ 24h FAILED Error Code Unused    Error Code: See EMV Key Management Error Codes Table Data Frame from Terminal to Reader (If reader sent an ACK) Byte 0-8 Byte 9 Byte 10 … Byte 14 Byte 15 Byte 16 Byte 17 Frame Tag Frame Type Data 0  …  Data 4  Data 5 CRC  (LSB) CRC   (MSB) ViVOtech\0 ‘D’ RID [0] … RID [4] Key Index    RID:     Registered Identifier (5 Bytes) Key Index:   Key Index (1 Byte) The RID, together with the Key Index specifies a unique Key stored in ViVOpay Secure Memory.  Final ACK Frame from Reader  Byte 0-8 Byte 9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Frame Tag Frame Type Command Status  Data1  Data2 CRC  (MSB) CRC   (LSB) ViVOtech\0 ‘A’ 24h Status=OK 00 00    Status:  OK (or see Status Code Protocol 1)
NEO Interface Developers Guide           102 Final NACK Frame from Reader Byte 0-8 Byte 9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Frame Tag Frame Type  Command Status  Data1  Data2 CRC  (MSB) CRC   (LSB) ViVOtech\0 ‘N’ 24h FAILED Error Code Unused   Error Code: See EMV Key Management Error Codes  Delete All CA Public Keys (24-03) Protocol 1 Use this command to instruct the ViVOpay reader to delete all previously set CA Public Keys from within secure storage in the Crypto Chip. The Keys is deleted regardless of the <RID, Key Index> pair. When this command is received, the reader instructs the Crypto Chip to delete all CA Public Keys. Depending on the result of this operation, the reader returns an ACK or NACK Frame. Command Frame from Terminal to Reader Byte 0-8 Byte 9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Frame Tag Frame Type  Command Sub-Command Data1  Data2 CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech\0 ‘C’ 24h 03h 00 00    ACK Frame from Reader  Byte 0-8 Byte 9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Frame Tag Frame Type  Command Status  Data1  Data2 CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) ViVOtech\0 ‘A’ 24h Status=OK 00 00    Status:  OK (or see Status Code Protocol 1) NACK Frame from Reader Byte 0-8 Byte 9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Frame Tag Frame Type Command Status  Data1  Data2 CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) ViVOtech\0 ‘N’ 24h FAILED Error Code Unused    Error Code: See EMV Key Management Error Codes Table
NEO Interface Developers Guide           103 Miscellaneous Protocol 1 Commands Set RF Error Reporting (17-03) This command allows the POS application to Enable/Disable RF Error Code Reporting for the Get Full Track Data command. When RF Error Code Reporting is enabled, if there is any RF error code, it is reported to the POS application through the ACK Frame for Get Full Track Data command (see Get Full Track Data). Command Frame from PC to the Reader Byte 0-8 Byte 9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Frame Tag Frame Type  Command Sub-Command Data1  Data2 CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech\0 ‘C’  17h  03h Operation Code  XX      Operation Code:   00h:  Disable RF Error Code Reporting   01h:  Enable RF Error Code Reporting   02h or others:  No change ACK Frame from the Reader  Byte 0-8 Byte 9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Frame Tag Frame Type  Command Status  Data1  Data2 CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) ViVOtech\0 ‘A’  17h  Status=OK RF Error Code Reporting Status XX      RF Error Code Reporting Status (only for ACK frame):   00h:  RF Error Code Reporting disabled   01h:  RF Error Code Reporting enabled  RTC (Real Time Clock) Set Up Commands On ViVOpay readers that support EMV, the Real Time Clock must be configured with the correct local date and time for the region in which it is used. The RTC commands allow a terminal to check the date and time on a ViVOpay reader and change it if required.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           104 Table 30: Error Codes for RTC Management Commands Error Code  Description 00h No Error 01h Unknown Error 02h Invalid Data 03h RTC not found or not responding  RTC Set Time (25-01) Use this command to instruct the ViVOpay reader to set a specific time in the Real Time Clock. Command Frame from Terminal to Reader Byte 0-8 Byte 9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Frame Tag Frame Type Command Sub-Command Data1  Data2 CRC  (LSB) CRC   (MSB) ViVOtech\0 ‘C’ 25h 01h HH MM    HH:  Hour    (2-digit, BCD, Range 00-23) MM:  Minutes (2-digit, BCD, Range 00-59)  ACK Frame from Reader  Byte 0-8 Byte 9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Frame Tag Frame Type  Command Status  Data1  Data2 CRC  (MSB) CRC   (LSB) ViVOtech\0 ‘A’ 25h Status=OK 00 00    Status:  OK (or see Status Code Protocol 1)  NACK Frame from Reader Byte 0-8 Byte 9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Frame Tag Frame Type Command Status  Data1  Data2 CRC  (MSB) CRC   (LSB) ViVOtech\0 ‘N’ 25h FAILED Error Code Unused   Error Code: See RTC Management Error Codes Table
NEO Interface Developers Guide           105 RTC Get Time (25-02) Use this command to instruct the ViVOpay reader to return the current time from the Real Time Clock. Command Frame from Terminal to Reader Byte 0-8 Byte 9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Frame Tag Frame Type Command Sub-Command Data1  Data2 CRC  (LSB) CRC   (MSB) ViVOtech\0 ‘C’ 25h 02h 00 00     ACK Frame from Reader  Byte 0-8 Byte 9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Frame Tag Frame Type Command Status  Data1  Data2 CRC  (MSB) CRC   (LSB) ViVOtech\0 ‘A’ 25h Status=OK HH MM    Status:  OK (or see Status Code Protocol 1) HH:  Hour    (2-digit, BCD, Range 00-23) MM:  Minutes (2-digit, BCD, Range 00-59) NACK Frame from Reader Byte 0-8 Byte 9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Frame Tag Frame Type Command Status  Data1  Data2 CRC  (MSB) CRC   (LSB) ViVOtech\0 ‘N’ 25h FAILED Error Code Unused    Error Code: See RTC Management Error Codes Table  RTC Set Date (25-03) Use this command to instruct the ViVOpay reader to set a specific Date in the Real Time Clock. Command Frame from Terminal to Reader Byte 0-8 Byte 9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Frame Tag Frame Type Command Sub-Command Data1  Data2 CRC  (LSB) CRC   (MSB) ViVOtech\0 ‘C’ 25h 03h 00 DataLen=4
NEO Interface Developers Guide           106 DataLen  If the key data is being sent in a single Data Frame, then DataLen contains the length of the one and only Data Frame to follow and DataLen2 is 0.   If the key data is being sent in two Data Frames, then DataLen contains the length of the first Data Frame and DataLen2 contain the length of the second Data Frame. The length of either Data Frame must not exceed 244 (0xF4) bytes.  DataLen > 0, DataLen2 >= 0 ACK Frame from Reader  Byte 0-8 Byte 9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Frame Tag Frame Type Command Status  Data1  Data2 CRC  (MSB) CRC   (LSB) ViVOtech\0 ‘A’ 25h Status=OK 00 00   Status:  OK (or see Status Code Protocol 1)  NACK Frame from Reader Byte 0-8 Byte 9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Frame Tag Frame Type Command Status  Data1  Data2 CRC  (MSB) CRC   (LSB) ViVOtech\0 ‘N’ 25h FAILED Error Code Unused   Error Code: See RTC Management Error Codes Table  Data Frame from Terminal to Reader (If the reader sent an ACK) Byte 0-8 Byte 9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Frame Tag Frame Type Data 0  Data 1  Data 2  Data 3 CRC  (LSB) CRC   (MSB) ViVOtech\0 ‘D’ YY1 YY2 MM DD    YY1:   Year (Higher Century Byte)  (2-Digit, BCD, Range 00-99) YY2:   Year (Lower Byte)    (2-Digit, BCD, Range 00-99) MM:  Month        (2-Digit, BCD, Range 01-12) DD:  Date        (2-Digit, BCD, Range 01-31)  Final ACK Frame from Reader  Byte 0-8 Byte 9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Frame Tag Frame Type  Command Status  Data1  Data2 CRC  (MSB) CRC   (LSB) ViVOtech\0 ‘A’ 25h Status=OK 00 00    Status:  OK (or see Status Code Protocol 1)
NEO Interface Developers Guide           107  Final NACK Frame from Reader Byte 0-8 Byte 9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Frame Tag Frame Type  Command Status  Data1  Data2 CRC  (MSB) CRC   (LSB) ViVOtech\0 ‘N’ 25h FAILED Error Code Unused    Error Code: See RTC Management Error Codes Table RTC Get Date (25-04) This command returns the reader’s the current Date from the Real Time Clock. Command Frame from Terminal to Reader Byte 0-8 Byte 9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Frame Tag Frame Type  Command Sub-Command Data1  Data2 CRC  (LSB) CRC   (MSB) ViVOtech\0 ‘C’ 25h 04h 00 00    ACK Frame from Reader  Byte 0-8 Byte 9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Frame Tag Frame Type  Command Status  Data1  Data2 CRC  (MSB) CRC   (LSB) ViVOtech\0 ‘A’ 25h Status=OK Unused DataLen    Status:  OK (or see Status Code Protocol 1) DataLen Number of Data Bytes in the Data Frame to Follow. This does not include the Frame Tag, Frame Type and Checksum bytes. This is either 0 (if Date is not being returned) or 4. NACK Frame from Reader Byte 0-8 Byte 9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Frame Tag Frame Type  Command Status  Data1  Data2 CRC  (MSB) CRC   (LSB) ViVOtech\0 ‘N’ 25h FAILED Error Code Unused   Error Code: See RTC Management Error Codes Table  Data Frame from ViVOpay to terminal (If ViVOpay sent an ACK) Byte 0-8  Byte 9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12  Byte 13  Byte 14 Byte 15 Frame Tag Frame Type Data 0 Data 1 Data 2 Data n CRC  CRC
NEO Interface Developers Guide           108 (MSB) (LSB) ViVOtech\0 ‘D’ YY1 YY2 MM DD    YY1:     Year (Higher Century Byte)  (2-Digit, BCD, Range 00-99) YY2:     Year (Lower Byte)    (2-Digit, BCD, Range 00-99) MM:    Month        (2-Digit, BCD, Range 01-12) DD:    Date        (2-Digit, BCD, Range 01-31)
NEO Interface Developers Guide           109 9.0 Protocol Command Reference: Protocol 2 General Commands Ping (18-01) Use the Ping command to check if the ViVOpay reader is connected to the terminal. If the ViVOpay reader is connected, it responds with a valid Response Frame, otherwise there is no response. Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12  Byte 13  Byte 14  Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC (LSB)  CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 18h 01h 00h 00h B3 CD  Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12  Byte 13  Byte 14  Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC (MSB)  CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0 18h 00h 00h 00h FA 83 Set Poll Mode (01-01) The Set Poll Mode command allows the terminal to set the ViVOpay reader polling mode. The ViVOpay reader functions in one of two polling modes: “Auto Poll” or “Poll on Demand”. The value is saved in nonvolatile memory so you only need to send this command when you want to change the mode. The ViVOpay reader operates in Poll on Demand mode by default.  Use the Poll on Demand mode when you want the reader to poll for cards only when requested to by the terminal. In this mode the ViVOpay reader remains in the idle state with the RF field off until it receives an Activate Transaction command. Once the transaction is completed (or the reader times out while polling) the reader returns to the idle state. This mode allows the terminal to send data to the reader before the card data is read, as required for EMV transactions. Note: KioskIII operates in AutoPoll mode by default. In Auto Poll mode, the RF field is always active and the reader continuously polls for the presence of a contactless card. There is no requirement for the terminal to initiate a transaction. When a supported contactless MagStripe card is detected, the Track data can be sent out on the MagStripe interface (if the ViVOpay unit supports it) or retrieved using the Get
NEO Interface Developers Guide           110 Transaction Result command. The Auto Poll mode is required in environments where the ViVOpay reader is connected to a POS terminal via the terminal’s MagStripe interface. Warning: EMEA UI is intended for use in the EMV or European environment, where the reader is not allowed to poll continuously (e.g., operate in Auto Poll Mode). The reader does NOT support Auto Poll while in EMEA UI mode and has the potential for aberrant or unstable behavior. The reader is not certified to work properly in this situation. Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14  Byte 14+n  Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC (LSB)  CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 01h 01h 00h 01h Poll Mode   Poll Mode 00h = Auto Poll 01h = Poll on Demand Response Frame  Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12  Byte 13  Byte 14  Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code  Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB)  CRC (MSB)  CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  01h See Status Code Table 00h  00h      The Poll Mode has been set to the requested mode only if the Response Frame contains an OK Status Code. No data is returned in the response. Control User Interface (01-02) Use the Control User Interface command to instruct the reader to display a message, change LED behavior, and beep. Each action is controlled independently by values in the data field of the command. This allows you to instruct the reader to beep when it displays a message. To display messages, the reader must be in Poll on Demand mode. Readers without a display can use this command to control the buzzer and LEDs. There are three cases depending on the LCD Message index number: Indexes 00h to 07h correspond to messages that are automatically displayed by the reader. In most cases, you do not use the terminal to trigger these messages. Indexes 08h to 0Bh are messages that are triggered by the terminal. Index FFh indicates that the command is only setting the buzzer and/or LEDs. No message is displayed.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           111 After completion of a successful transaction, the "Thank You" message remains on the LCD until the terminal sends a new Control User Interface command. Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1  Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 01h 02h 00h 04h See Data Table    The format and contents of the data field in the Command Frame are given in the following table. Table 31: Control User Interface Data Data Item Length (bytes) Description LCD Message Index 1 Messages 00-07 are normally controlled by the reader. 00: Idle Message (Welcome) 01: Present card (Please Present Card) 02: Time Out or Transaction cancel (No Card) 03: Transaction between reader and card is in the middle (Processing…) 04: Transaction Pass (Thank You) 05: Transaction Fail (Fail) 06: Amount (Amount  $ 0.00 Tap Card) 07: Balance or Offline Available funds (Balance $ 0.00) Messages 08-0B are controlled by the terminal 08: Insert or Swipe card (Use Chip & PIN) 09: Try Again(Tap Again) 0A: Tells the customer to present only one card (Present 1 card only) 0B: Tells the customer to wait for authentication/authorization (Wait) FF indicates the command is setting the LED/Buzzer only. Beep Indicator  1 00h: No beep 01h: Single beep 02h: Double beep 03h: Three short beeps 04h: Four short beeps 05h: One long beep of 200 ms 06h: One long beep of 400 ms 07h: One long beep of 600 ms  08h: One long beep of 800 ms LED Number  1 00h: LED 0 (Power LED) 01h: LED 1  02h: LED 2 03h: LED 3 FFh: All LEDs Where the LEDs are numbered 0, 1, 2, 3 counting from the left. Note: You can attempt to control the Power LED (LED 0) but other UI behavior takes control, so attempting to manipulate the Power LED in non-pass-through mode has no effect. LED Status  1 00h: LED Off 01h: LED On
NEO Interface Developers Guide           112 Response Frame  Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC (MSB)  CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  01h See Status Code Table 00h  00h      If the Status Code does not return OK, the command failed. Set/Get Source for RTC/LCD/Buzzer/LED (01-05) Use this command to set up or get the source for RTC/LCD/Buzzer/LED on the ViVOpay reader. The reader can be configured to use internal source or external source for RTC/Buzzer/LED control. If necessary, the reader can be configured to use both internal and external source except for the RTC. Note: ViVOpay reader may not support all these options. Careful attention must be given to these details. When the data length is 02h, the command is used to set up the source configuration for RTC/LCD/Buzzer/LED; when the data length is 0, the current source configuration shall be returned in the Response Frame. Command Frame (Set Source) Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13   Byte 14 Byte 15 Byte 16 Byte 17 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data Byte1    Data Byte2  CRC     (LSB) CRC    (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 01h  05h  00h  02h Bitmap for RTC/LCD/Buzzer/ LED     Response Frame (Set Source) Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC (MSB)  CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  01h See Status Code Table 00h  00h      Command Frame (Get Source) Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15
NEO Interface Developers Guide           113 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC (LSB)  CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 01h 05h 00h 00h    Response Frame (Get Source) Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Byte 16 Byte 17 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data Byte1 Data Byte2  CRC   (MSB) CRC   (LSB) ViVOtech2\0 01h See Status Code Table 00h  02h Bitmap for RTC/LCD/Buzzer/LED     Data Byte1 Definition: Bit7 Bit6 Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 Bit0 Reserved Reserved RTC LCD Buzzer  Bit1 Bit0  Description  00 Don’t use Buzzer 01 Use Buzzer from ViVOpay reader 10 Use Buzzer from external source 11 Use Buzzer from both reader and external source  Bit3 Bit2  Description  00 Don’t use LCD 01 Use LCD from ViVOpay reader 10 Use LCD from external source 11 Use LCD from both reader and external source  Bit5 Bit4  Description  00 Don’t use RTC 01 Use RTC from ViVOpay reader 10 Not allowed 11 Not allowed  Data Byte2 Definition: Bit7 Bit6 Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 Bit0 Reserved Reserved Power LED Transaction LED
NEO Interface Developers Guide           114 Bit1 Bit0 Description  00 Don’t use transaction LED 01 Use transaction LED from ViVOpay reader 10 Use transaction LED from external source 11 Use transaction LED from both reader and external source  Bit3 Bit2 Description  00 Don’t use power LED 01 Use power LED from ViVOpay reader 10 Use power LED from external source 11 Use power LED from both reader and external source  The Date/Time can be configured to use internal or external Date/Time, depending on the reader configuration. When the reader is configured to use internal time, the RTC (Real Time Clock) chip is needed on the ViVOpay reader and the date and time from the RTC chip is used. When the reader is configured to use external time, the terminal needs to set up the RTC inside the ARM processor of the ViVOpay reader (using the Set Configuration command). If configured to use the internal buzzer, the ViVOpay reader’s buzzer is used to indicate the transaction progress. If configured to use external buzzer, an external buzzer is used and the ViVOpay reader’s buzzer is not used. If configured to use internal transaction LEDs, the ViVOpay reader’s transaction LEDs are used to indicate the transaction progress. If configured to use external transaction LEDs, the transaction LEDs on the terminal are used, and the reader’s transaction LEDs are not used. If configured to use internal power LED, the ViVOpay reader’s power LED are used to indicate the reader’s power state. If configured to use external power LED, the power LED on the terminal are used. Note: You can attempt to control the Power LED, but other UI behavior takes control, so attempting to manipulate the Power LED in non-pass-through mode has no effect. This means “Don’t use power LED” and “Use power LED from external source” won’t turn off the Power LED.  Set Configuration Defaults Command (04-09) This command provides an external method for resetting parameters in non-volatile memory (NVM) to their default values.  When this serial command is received an NVM Initialization function is called and the display is changed to show the message.   Initializing ….    Please Wait Once initialization is complete the display is returned to the ready state message.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           115 Command Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC (MSB)  CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0 04h 09h 00h 00h 87h 30h  Response Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC (MSB)  CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0 04 00h 00h 00h AEh 16h  This command does not modify the following data objects:   Merchant Name and Location (tag 9F 4E)  Transaction Category code (tag 9F 53)  Terminal IFD Serial Number (tag FF F2)  Application Capability (tag FF F3)  Enable/Disable burst mode (tag FF F7)  LCD font size (tag FF F9)  LCD delay time (tag FF FA)  Poll mode (tag DF 89 1B)  Baud rate ( tag FE 02)  Boot up Message Enable (tag FE 03)  Serial Number (tag DF 89 1A)  UI Source Config (tag FE 05)  Analog parameters (tag FE FE)
NEO Interface Developers Guide           116 Set Configuration Defaults and Keep Encryption Key Command (04-0A) This command provides an external method for resetting parameters in non-volatile memory (NVM) to their default values.  When this serial command is received, the reader will erase eeporm and keep encryption keys. When reader initialation is completed, the reader is rebooted. Command Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC (MSB)  CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0 04h 0Ah 00h 00h F7h 46h  Response Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC (MSB)  CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0 04 00h 00h 00h AEh 16h  This command does not modify the following data objects:   RKI-KEK  Data encryption Key  Encrypt type  Encrypt Status  Serial Number (tag DF 89 1A)  UI Source Config (tag FE 05)  Analog parameters (tag FE FE) Baud rate ( tag FE 02)   Set Configuration (04-00) Use this command to set or change the values of the specified Tag Length Value (TLV) data objects in the reader. It can be used to set parameters for Auto Poll as well as Poll on Demand Mode.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           117 When the reader receives this command, it extracts the TLV encoded parameters from the data portion of the command and saves them to the default TLV Group in non-volatile memory. If a TLV data object is incorrectly formatted, the reader stops processing the object. A single command may contain more than one TLV data object. The Set Configuration command is the only mechanism for setting the values of global configuration parameters. Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1  Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC     (LSB) CRC    (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 04h  00h     TLV Data Objects     The TLV data objects that can be set using this command are defined in the Global Configuration Tags table.  Response Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC (MSB)  CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  04h See Status Code Table 00h  00h      Get Configuration (03-02) Use this command to return the values of the TLV global data objects and default group data objects (TLV Group 0) in the reader from the reader’s nonvolatile memory. Note: If your reader supports Configurable Application Identifier (AIDs), the following applies: 1. The Get Configuration command may be used to retrieve global configuration tags and Group 0 configuration tags. 2. The Get Configuration command produces the same result as a Get Configurable Group command for group 0 (default). Get Configuration cannot return TLVs from other TLV Groups. 3.  The Get Configuration command cannot return PayPass Group tags (because PayPass does not use group 0).
NEO Interface Developers Guide           118 When the reader receives this command, it returns the current values for all the parameters that can be set using the Set Configuration command. Each parameter is returned as a TLV data object. Floor Limits for different AIDs are preceded by the TLV of the specific AID associated with that object. Command Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC (LSB)  CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 03h 02h 00h 00h    Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1  Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0 03h See Status Code Table    TLV Data Objects    Refer to the Global Configuration Tags and Group Configuration Tags for definitions of tags that can be returned in this command.  Get Version Protocol 2 (29-00) Get the ViVOpay Firmware Version Number from the ViVOpay reader. The reader returns a Response Frame containing the ViVOpay firmware version information. Command Frame  Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC (LSB)  CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 29h 00h 00h 00h    Response Frame  Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …   Byte 14+n-1 Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC   (MSB) CRC   (LSB) ViVOtech2\0 29h See Status Code Table 00h String length  Version string
NEO Interface Developers Guide           119 Get USB Boot Loader Version (29-04) Get the version of the USB Boot Loader.  Command Frame  Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC (LSB)  CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 29h 04h 00h 00h    Response Frame  Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …   Byte 14+n-1  Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC   (MSB) CRC   (LSB) ViVOtech2\0 29h See Status Code Table 00h String length Version string     Get Contact EMV L2 Kernel Version (29-06) This function can get contact EMV L2 kernel library major version. Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1 Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC     (LSB) CRC    (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 29h  06h  00h  00h        Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1  Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC   (MSB) CRC   (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  29h See Status Code Table     See Response Frame       Response Frame Example: “EMV Common L2 V1.10”
NEO Interface Developers Guide           120 Note:VP4880C not supported.  Get Contact EMV L2 Kernel Version Detail (29-07) This function can get contact EMV L2 kernel library major and minor version. Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1 Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC     (LSB) CRC    (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 29h  07h  00h  00h        Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1  Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC   (MSB) CRC   (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  29h  See Status Code Table     See Response Frame       Response Frame Example: “EMV Common L2 V1.10.037” Note:VP4880C not supported.    Get Contact EMV L2 Kernel Checksum (29-08) This function can get contact EMV L2 kernel library checksum. The checksum uses SHA-1.  Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1 Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC     (LSB) CRC    (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 29h  08h  00h  00h
NEO Interface Developers Guide           121 Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1  Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC   (MSB) CRC   (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  29h See Status Code Table     See Response Frame       Response Frame Example: “8D 93 95 C5 88 F2 DE C9 AE 9D C8 BB 7B 98 41 A3 52 57 11 C6” Note:VP4880C not supported.  Get Contact EMV L2 Terminal Configuration Checksum (29-09) This function can get contact EMV L2 terminal data checksum. (Calculate tags 9F33, 9F35, 9F40, DF11, DF26, DF27, DFEE1E). The checksum uses SHA-1.   Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1 Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC     (LSB) CRC    (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 29h  09h  00h  00h        Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1  Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC   (MSB) CRC   (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  29h See Status Code Table     See Response Frame       Response Frame Example: “B4 30 CE B9 FE 85 8B 00 B8 B2 7D 6F 56 EF 40 D4 2F 0E AF 8A” Note:VP4880C not supported.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           122  Get UID of MCU (29-17) This function can get the 16 byte UID of MCU.  Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1 Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC     (LSB) CRC    (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 29h  17h  00h  00h        Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1  Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC   (MSB) CRC   (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  29h See Status Code Table     See Response Frame       Response Frame Data Example: “00 00 1D 00 61 26 1C 6B 75 31 45 4E 05 00 01 10” Set Baud Rate (30-01) This command instructs the reader to change its baud rate to the specified value. If the Command Frame is valid and the ViVOpay reader supports the specified baud rate, it returns an OK response and then switches to the specified baud rate. If the Command Frame is not valid, or an invalid baud rate parameter is specified then the reader returns an error Response Frame. The new baud rate is retained over power cycles. Command Frame  Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 30h  01h  00h  01h Baud Rate Code      Baud Rate Code  Baud Rate 01h 9600 baud
NEO Interface Developers Guide           123 02h 19200 baud 03h 38400 baud 04h 57600 baud 05h 115200 baud  Important: All other values for Baud Rate Code are invalid and should not be accepted by reader. Response Frame  Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code  Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB)  CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0 30h See Status Code Table 00h  00h      The reader switches baud rate only if the Response Frame contains an OK Status Code. No data is returned in the response.  Set Temporary Baud Rate (30-02) This command instructs the reader to change its baud rate to the specified value temporarily. After power up, the baud rate will return to the previous value. If the Command Frame is valid and the ViVOpay reader supports the specified baud rate, it returns an OK response and then switches to the specified baud rate. If the Command Frame is not valid, or an invalid baud rate parameter is specified then the reader returns an error Response Frame. Note: If the new baud rate is set by sending 30-02 command, then after power up, the baud rate will return to the previous value. If the new baud rate is set by sending 30-01 command, then after power up, the baud rate will still be the new value. Command Frame  Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 30h  02h  00h  01h Baud Rate Code      Baud Rate Code Baud Rate 01h 9600 baud 02h 19200 baud 03h 38400 baud 04h 57600 baud 05h 115200 baud
NEO Interface Developers Guide           124 Important: All other values for Baud Rate Code are invalid and should not be accepted by reader. Response Frame  Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code  Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB)  CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0 30h See Status Code Table 00h  00h      The reader switches baud rate only if the Response Frame contains an OK Status Code. No data is returned in the response.  Set Baud Rate and Audio Level (30-03) – UniPay 1.5 & UniPay III  This command instructs the reader to change its baud rate to the specified value. If the Command Frame is valid and the ViVOpay reader supports the specified baud rate, it returns an OK response and then switches to the specified baud rate. If the Command Frame is not valid, or an invalid baud rate parameter is specified then the reader returns an error Response Frame. The new baud rate is retained over power cycles. Command Frame  Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 30h  03h  00h  01h Baud Rate Code      Baud Rate Code  Baud Rate  Note 01h 9600 baud Send data 0x55 …. 0x55 0x66 before response 02h  9600 baud Do not send data 0x55 …. 0x55 0x66 before response 03h 2400 baud and Level minimum This value is used for android SDK only 04h 4800 baud and Level minimum This value is used for android SDK only 05h 9600 baud and Level minimum This value is used for android SDK only 33h 2400 baud and Level 1 This value is used for android SDK only 34h 4800 baud and Level 1 This value is used for android SDK only 35h 9600 baud and Level 1 This value is used for android SDK only  The baud rate code 03h, 04h, 05h, 33h, 34h and 35h only adjust baud rate and audio level when reader sends response to Terminal, and sets baud rate and level to 9600 and L1 after transmission is finished.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           125 Important: All other values for Baud Rate Code are invalid and should not be accepted by reader. Response Frame  Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code  Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB)  CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0 30h See Status Code Table 00h  00h     The reader switches baud rate only if the Response Frame contains an OK Status Code. No data is returned in the response. Set Cable Type (32-02) Kiosk III has two type of cable, so called "long cable" and "short cable". Kiosk III is calibrated for long cable and short cable, and saves both set of parameters for antenna checking. User can set the cable type accordingly.   If the cable type is not set, reader will consider the cable type as long cable by default.  Command Frame  Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Byte 16 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 32h 02h 00h 01h Cable Type    Cable Type Value Long cable (default) 0 Short cable 1  Response Frame  Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code  Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB)  CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0 32h See Status Code Table 00h  00h      Get Cable Type (32-01) This command is used to get the cable type which is set. If the cable type is not set, reader will consider the cable type as long cab le by default.  Command Frame  Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 32h 01h 00h 00h
NEO Interface Developers Guide           126  Response Frame  Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Byte 16 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 32h 00h 00h 01h Cable Type    Set Serial Number (12-02) This command instructs the ViVOpay to store the 15-digit serial number in its non-volatile memory. If a serial number has already been set in the reader then this command fails with a Command Not Allowed error status. If the Command Frame is not valid, or the length is not 15 bytes then ViVOpay returns an error Response Frame. Note: The reader serial number can only be set once. For Kiosk III, the coding of serial number must follow ID Tech Product Serial Number Requirement. If the input serial number does not satisfied by ID Tech Product Serial Number Requirement, reader will reject this command and respond error. For detailed information, refer to "WI 7.5.1-8 ID TECH Product Serial Number Requirements" Command Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC  (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 12h  02h  00h  0Fh 15 digit Serial Number    Note: For the 15 digit Serial Number in Kiosk III, only the first 10 bytes are valid. Response Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC (MSB)  CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  12h See Status Code Table 00h  00h      Get Serial Number (12-01) Note: This command can only be used after the reader has received a Set Serial Number command. This command instructs the ViVOpay to return the 15-digit serial number stored in its non-volatile memory. If a serial number has not been set in the reader then this command fails with
NEO Interface Developers Guide           127 a Command Not Allowed error status. If the Command Frame is not valid then ViVOpay returns an error Response Frame. Command Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC (LSB)  CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 12h 01h 00h 00h    Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …   Byte 14+n-1  Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC (MSB) CRC  (LSB) ViVOtech2\0 12h See Status Code Table 00h  0Fh 15-digit Serial Number     Note: For the 15 digit Serial Number in Kiosk III, only the first 10 bytes are valid. Bootup Notification Command (14-01) The ViVOpay firmware has the ability to spontaneously transmit its version information over the serial line during bootup. In this way the reader can notify the POS that it is ready to communicate when the bootup process has finished. This feature can be toggled on or off using of the Bootup Notification command. Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12  Byte 13  Byte 14-Byte 18  Byte 19  Byte 20 Header Tag & Protocol  Command  Sub Command Length MSB Length LSB Data 1 Bytes CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2/0  14h  01h  00h  01h  See below  Varies  Varies  This command contains a single 1-byte argument. Byte  Description 00h Bootup Notification is disabled. 01h Bootup Notification is enabled.  If Bootup Notification is enabled, the firmware transmits its Firmware Version string one time at the end of bootup.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           128 For example, if a Vendi reader were enabled, it would begin to transmit its string, in this case, “Vendi V1.00” each time it was restarted. Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14- Byte 14+n-1 Byte 14+n Byte 14+n+1 Header Tag & Protocol Command Status  Length MSB Length LSB Data 1 Bytes CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2/0 14h Varies 00h 00h NA Varies Varies   Configurable AID and Group Commands  Set Configurable AID (04-02) This command creates or selects an AID for configuration or deletion. There are eight TLVs that can be included in this command, some of which are mandatory. TLV Group Number – This number refers to the group that has been created containing all of the characteristics desired for this AID. Setting and configuring the TLV Group Number is explained below. The TLV Group Number must be configured first. If an AID is communicated referring to a non-existing group, that AID is rejected.  Registered Application Provider Identifier (RID) – The parameter is optional. If it is provided, this number is used to reference the CA Public Key payment system. If it is not provided the first five bytes of the AID are used. For System AIDs:  Must always include the TLV Group Number TLV as the FIRST TLV in the message.  Must always include the AID TLV as the SECOND TLV in the message.  Must never include the Application Flow TLV in the message  Must never include the RID TLV in the message  The FOUR remaining TLVs are all optional. There are System AIDs in the reader. These can be disabled but cannot be deleted. For User AIDs:  Must always include the TLV Group Number TLV as the FIRST TLV in the message.  Must always include the AID TLV as the SECOND TLV in the message.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           129  Must always include the Application Flow TLV in the message  The FIVE remaining TLVs are all optional.  The DISABLE AID tag is ignored if included in a USER AID. There are eight User AIDs in the system. These can be added (set) or deleted at the user’s discretion.  No User AID can have the same exact AID as a System AID. In addition to the above requirements:  All AIDs must reference a TLV Group (in the TLV Group Number TLV) that already exists  Any AID with a Partial Select TLV must also include the Max AID Length TLV  Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1  Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 04h  02h     TLV Data Objects    The TLV Data Objects that can be set using this command are defined in the AID Configuration Tags.   To set Configurable AID tags, the Application Identifier (9F06) and Group Number (FFE4) are mandatory tags. Note: At present, the preferred means of disabling a System AID is NOT to include the FFE6 TLV. Instead, just issue a Delete AID command to for particular AID. This deletes a User AID OR disables a System AID. If a Set Configurable AID command is sent without an FFE6 TLV, the reader enables the AID if it is not already enabled.  Finally, a Set AID command used for a User AID can include a FFE6 Disable AID Tag, but it is ignored. This tag is only used to set System AID. Response Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC (MSB)  CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  04h See Status Code Table 00h  00h
NEO Interface Developers Guide           130 Set Configurable Group (04-03) This command creates or modifies a TLV Group. You configure a specific TLV Group by passing the TLVs with the desired functionality and a unique TLV Group Number to the reader. The TLVs that can be associated with a TLV Group are listed below. A TLV Group Number and at least one other TLV is required. The reader uses TLVs in the default TLV Group 0 for any TLVs not defined in the user-defined TLV Group. For M/Chip 3.0, Group 0 is not used.  If you are configuring a group for M/Chip PayPass, then you should refer to the PayPass Group Tags.  Otherwise, refer to the Group Configuration Tags. Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1  Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 04h  03h     TLV Data Objects     If you are changing TLVs in Group 0 (the Default Group) the reader retains and uses the old values of any TLVs not included in the Set Configurable Group command. If you are changing any other Group, the reader discards existing TLVs not in the current Set Configurable Group command. The implication of the statement above is that if you are configuring a group for PayPass, you must configure all of the necessary tags, as they will not default to Group 0 tags. To set the TDOL TLV, simply pass on the desired values in the TLV. To disable the default TDOL, send a TDOL TLV with Length set to zero and no Value field included. This instructs the reader to delete any existing TDOL list for this group. The TLV Data Objects that can be set using this command are given in the Configurable Group Tags Table (for non- PayPass applications) or the PayPass Group Tags.    Response Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC (MSB)  CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  04h See Status Code Table 00h  00h
NEO Interface Developers Guide           131 Get Configurable AID (03-04) This command returns the configurable (User) AID parameters. The user MUST send an AID TLV in the command, as the first TLV in the command. The reader then returns all tags associated with that User AID in the response. Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1  Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 03h  04h     TLV Data Objects     The command MUST include the TLV below. The command should NOT include any other TLV. 9F06  Application Identifier (AID) – terminal  MANDATORY Identifies the application as described in ISO/IEC 7816-5.   Note: This is the ONLY TLV in this command. b  5 – 16  Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1 Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0 03h See Status Code Table    TLV Data Objects     The optional Data Objects encoded as TLV that is returned in the data section of the Response Frame are the same as those listed in the AID Configuration Tags. The reader returns ALL TLV associated with this AID in its response. If an AID is requested and the reader fails to find it in its database, the reader returns the AID TLV itself and NO additional arguments. This indicates that the command was correct with the proper argument, but there was no match in the reader’s database. The reader does NOT indicate an error situation. If the user requests a System AID that is currently disabled, the reader returns the AID TLVs, but appends the FFE6 TLV, showing that the AID is currently disabled. Get Configurable Group (03-06) Use this command to return all TLVs associated the specified Configurable Group. A configurable Group Tag must be included as the ONLY TLV in this command. The response should contain all of the Tags associated with this configurable Group.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           132 Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1 Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 03h  06h     TLV Data Objects     The following TLV MUST be encoded in the command, it is the ONLY tag included in the command. FFE4[1] Group Number  MAND The group that contains the properties for this AID  Note: This must be the ONLY TLV in Data Field. n2 1 [1] These objects use proprietary tags. The use of these tags should be restricted to the serial interface. Once the reader has received these values and saved them in memory, it should dispose of the tags (and not keep them associated with these two values). Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1 Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0 03h See Status Code Table    TLV Data Objects     The Data Objects encoded as TLV that is returned in the data section of the Response Frame are given in the Group TLV Objects Table. If the user requests a Group that is illegal, an error response is sent back. If the user requests a valid Group number but the Group does NOT exist, then the reader returns the regular response but only includes the Group Number TLV (no other TLV is included). This signifies that the user has requested a valid number but no Group has been assigned to it. Note: For a PayPass group, if a TLV data item is not present in the Group then it will not be present in the data returned by this command. However, this does not mean that there is no value for this particular TLV in order to perform a transaction. It is possible that the PayPass Kernel may have a hard-coded value for this TLV which will be used in a transaction if the TLV is not present in the Group or in Activate Transaction data. The data items for which the PayPass kernel has hard-coded default values are given in in the section on PayPass Group Configuration TLVs with Hard-Coded Values in Kernel. Delete Configurable AID (04-04)     This command deletes a configurable AID. It is MANDATORY to include the AID TLV of the AID to be removed. No other TLVs should be included.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           133 Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1 Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 04h  04h     TLV Data Objects     The Data Object encoded as TLV that can be set using this command is below. 9F06  Application Identifier (AID) – terminal  MANDATORY Identifies the application as described in ISO/IEC 7816-5.   Note: This is the ONLY TLV in this command. b  5 – 16  Response Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC (MSB)  CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  03h See Status Code Table 00h  00h      The user may NOT delete a System AID. If this command is used on a System AID, the reader disables that System AID but does not delete it. That System AID can be restored at any point by using the Set AID command on it. Until that point it does not function (but it continues to reside in the reader’s database). When deleting an AID, the reader returns an OK response if the operation was successful. If it failed to find a matching AID, it returns an invalid parameter error response. If there was a problem with the command, the error response indicates malformed data. Delete Configurable Group (04-05) Use this command to delete a configurable Group. This means that this Group can no longer be used to load the parameters for a transaction. Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1  Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC     (LSB) CRC    (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 04h  05h     TLV Data Objects
NEO Interface Developers Guide           134  It is MANDATORY to include the Group Number TLV of the Group the user wishes to delete. No other TLVs should be included. FFE4[1] Group Number  MAND The group that contains the properties for AID  Note: This must be the ONLY TLV in Data Field. n2  1 [1] These objects use proprietary tags. The use of these tags should be restricted to the serial interface. Once the reader has received these values and saved them in memory, the Terminal should dispose of the tags. Response Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC (MSB)  CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  04h See Status Code Table 00h  00h      Do NOT delete the Default Group 0. The reader does not allow this command, and does NOT disable Group 0; instead it returns an error. If the Group is not a valid Group Number this returns an error. Finally, if the reader has ANY AID that references this Group, it does NOT delete the Group. It returns an error. That is, ONLY Groups that are NOT referenced by existing AID can be deleted. In this situation, the user must first delete or modify these AIDs, and then delete the Group. Get All AIDs (03-05)   Use this command to return all AIDs in the reader. This command may be used to verify configured AIDs or to determine what System AIDs are in the reader. Command Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC (LSB)  CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 03h 05h 00h 00h    Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1 Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC (MSB) CRC  (LSB) ViVOtech2\0 03h See Status Code Table    TLV Data Objects
NEO Interface Developers Guide           135  The only Data Objects that should be returned from the GAA command are AID Tags. The reader sends out ALL TLV associated with each AID.  The reader sends one or more frames with all the AID TLVs in it. Each AID grouping begins with the Group Number TLV that this AID uses. The user can use this fact to parse between the AID groups passed back to the POS. Get All Groups (03-07) This command returns all Groups in the reader. This command may be used to verify all configured Groups in the reader. Command Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC (LSB)  CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 03h 07h 00h 00h    Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1  Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC   (MSB) CRC   (LSB) ViVOtech2\0 03h See Status Code Table    TLV Data Objects      The only Data Objects that should be returned from the GAG command are Group Tags. These are the same as those itemized in the Group Configuration Tags table. The reader sends one or more frames with all the Group TLVs in it. Each Group begins with the Group Number TLV for the Group in question. The user can use this fact to parse between the Groups passed back to the POS.  Transaction Related Commands: Contact This section describes contact EMV commands applicable to UniPay 1.5, UniPay III, and applicable VP4880-series products that support contact EMV. For contactless transactions, see the chapter following this one.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           136 Setting transaction parameters  1. Send Contact Set Application Data Command (60-03); 2. Send Contact Set Terminal Data Command (60-06); 3. Send Contact Set CA Public Key Command (60-08); 4. Send Contact Set Certification Revocation List Command  (60-0E)
NEO Interface Developers Guide           137 Contact EMV L2 Transaction Flow   1. Send Start Transaction Command. 2. Send Authenticate Transaction Command. 3. If received online request from terminal, send Apply Host Response command. 4. When a transaction is completed, interface will output a TLV format data list, and transaction result (approve, or decline, or…) will display on the LCD. 5. If you want to review the transaction result, you can send Retrieve Transaction Result Command. It will output the TLV format data; refer to the Option Data list. offline Offline Host Reader Start contact transaction command (60-10) Example:72 46 05 01…… Start contact transaction response If MSR operation , response MSR data, and transaction is finished Contact Authentication transaction command (60-11) Example:72 46 05 02…… Contact Authentication response  Example :06 00 03 00 <TLVs> Contact Apply host command (60-12) Example :72 46 05 03…… Contact Apply host response Example : 06 00 02 00 <TLVs> Online Online If command is OK, first response 0x63 Display or Select Manu Command (61-01) If need select menu, response command (61-01)  If command is OK, first response 0x63 Display or PIN Entry command (61-01, 61-02) If need PIN entry response (61-02) If command is ok, first response 0x63
NEO Interface Developers Guide           138 Retrieve EMV Level Two Version Number command can be sent at any time. Cancel Transaction command can be sent at any time if you want to terminate a transaction.   Contact Retrieve Application Data (60-01) This command returns the User AID parameters. The host must send AID in the command. The reader then returns all tags associated with that User AID in response.  Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1 Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC     (LSB) CRC    (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 60h  01h      Data Objects      Data Objects: <5~16 bytes AID>  Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1  Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC   (MSB) CRC   (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  60h See Status Code Table    See Response Frame Data Format     Response Frame Data Format: <TagCounterL> <TagCounterH> <TLV1> <TLV2>…<TLVn> Where: <TagCounterL> <TagCounterH> is the number of <TLV> tags. Note: If AID List / Application Data does not exist, status code is 0x60.    Contact Remove Application Data (60-02) This command deletes a configurable AID. It is mandatory to include the AID TLV of the AID to be removed.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           139 Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1 Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC     (LSB) CRC    (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 60h  02h      Data Objects      Data Objects: <5~16 bytes AID>  If length is 00 then remove all Application Data.  Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1  Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC   (MSB) CRC   (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  60h See Status Code Table    See Response Frame Data Format     Note: If AID List / Application Data not exist, status code is 0x60. If format was error, status code is 0x05.   Contact Set Application Data (60-03) This command creates a new AID configuration.  Maximum is 16 sets  Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1 Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC     (LSB) CRC    (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 60h  03h      Data Objects      Data Objects:  <AID_LenL><AID_LenH><5~16 bytes AID> <TagCounterL> <TagCounterH> <TLV1> <TLV2>…<TLVn>. Where:
NEO Interface Developers Guide           140 <TagCounterL> <TagCounterH>is the Number of <TLV>.   Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1  Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC   (MSB) CRC   (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  60h See Status Code Table    See Response Frame Data Format     Note: If a <TLV> format was error, status code is 0x05. If AID List has full (MAX is 16), status code is 0x61.  Application Data List Example Data ID Tag  Value name  Length (Byte) Data 1  9F01  Acquirer Identifier  6  56 49 53 41 30 30 2  5F57  Account Type  1  00 3  5F2A  Transaction Currency  2  08 40 4  9F09  Terminal application version number  2  00 96 5  5F36  Transaction Currency Exponent  1  02 6  9F1B  Terminal Floor Limit  4  00 00 3A 98 7  DF25  Default DDOL  Var  9F 37 04 8  DF28  Default TDOL  Var  9F 08 02 9  DFEE15  ASI  1  01 10  DF13  TAC-Default  5  00 00 00 00 00 11  DF14  TAC-Denial  5  00 00 00 00 00 12  DF15  TAC-Online  5  00 00 00 00 00 13  DF18  Target Percentage For Random Transaction Selection 1  00 14  DF17  Threshold Value for Biased Random Selection  4  00 00 27 10 15  DF19  Maximum Target Percentage For Random Transaction Selection 1  00    Contact Retrieve Terminal Data (60-04) Use this command to return all TLV associated the terminal data.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           141 Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1 Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC     (LSB) CRC    (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 60h  04h  00h  00h        Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1  Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC   (MSB) CRC   (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  60h See Status Code Table    See Response Frame Data Format     Response Frame Data Format:  <TagCounterL> <TagCounterH> <TLV1> <TLV2>…<TLVn> Note: <TagCounterL> <TagCounterH> is the number of <TLV> tags. If Terminal Data does not exist, status code is 0x60.   Contact Remove Terminal Data (60-05) Use this command to delete terminal data. Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1 Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC     (LSB) CRC    (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 60h  05h  00h  00h        Response Frame
NEO Interface Developers Guide           142 Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1  Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC   (MSB) CRC   (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  60h See Status Code Table    See Response Frame Data Format     If Terminal Data does not exist, status code is 0x60.    Contact Set Terminal Data (60-06) This command creates a new terminal data. The terminal data is mandatory and seldom change data. Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1 Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC     (LSB) CRC    (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 60h  06h      Data Objects      Data Objects:  <TagCounterL> <TagCounterH> <TLV1> <TLV2>…<TLVn>. Where: <TagCounterL> <TagCounterH>: the Number of <TLV> tags.   Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1  Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC   (MSB) CRC   (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  60h See Status Code Table    See Response Frame Data Format     Note: If a <TLV> format was error, status code is 0x05.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           143 If flash was error, status code is 0x62.  Terminal Data List Example Data ID Tag  Value name  Length (Byte) Data 1  5F36  Transaction Currency Exponent  1  02 2  9F1A  Terminal County Code  2  08 40 3  9F35  Terminal Type  1  21 4  9F33  Terminal Capability  3  60 28 C8 5  9F40  Additional Terminal Capability  5  F0 00 F0 A0 01 6  9F1E  IFD Serial Number  8  54 65 72 6D 69 6E 61 6C 7  9F15  Merchant Category Code  2  12 34 8  9F16  Merchant Identifier  15  30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 9  9F1C  Terminal Identification  8  38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 10  9F4E  Merchant Name and Location  <=64  31 30 37 32 31 20 57 61 6C 6B 65 72 20 53 74 2E 20 43 79 70 72 65 73 73 2C 20 43 41 20 2C 55 53 41 2E 11  DF26  Terminal Supports CRL  1  01 12  DF10  Language  Var. up to 128 65 6E 66 72 65 73 7A 68 13  DF11  Support Transaction Log  1  00 14  DF27  support Exception File  1  00 15  DFEE15  Terminal Support ASI  1  01 16  DFEE16  Terminal Encrypt Mode  1  00 17  DFEE17  Terminal Entry Mode for ICC  1  07 18  DFEE18  Terminal Encrypt Mode for MSR  1  80 19  DFEE1E  Contact Terminal Configuration  8  D0 DC 20 D0 C4 1E 16 00 20  DFEE1F  Issuer Script Limit  1  80 21  DFEE1B  ARC Define  8  30 30 30 31 35 31 30 30 22  DFEE20  ICC Power on detect waiting time  1  3C 23  DFEE21  ICC L1 waiting time  1  0A 24  DFEE22  Driver waiting time. byte 1 -> Menu. byte 2 -> Get PIn. byte 3 -> MSR 3  32 3C 3C   Contact Common EMV L2 comes with approved 4 configurations of certification. Parameters marked as Major cannot, in general, be changed, although certain flag bits (see tables below) can be changed.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           144     Terminal configuration Identification Tag  1C  2C  3C  4C Major parameters 9F33 60 F8 C8 60 28 C8 60 D8 C8 60 08 C8 9F35 22 21 25 25 9F40 F0 00 F0 A0 01 F0 00 F0 A0 01 60 00 F0 50 01 60 00 F0 50 01 DF11 01 00 01 01 DF26 01 01 01 01 DF27 00 00 00 00 DFEE1E F0 DC 3C F0 C2 9E 96 00 D0 DC 20 D0 C4 1E 16 00 F0 DC 24 F0 C2 0E 16 00 D0 9C 20 F0 C2 0E 16 00      Tag  Description  Length 9F33 Terminal Capabilities  Byte 1 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning Change 1 x x x x x x x Manual key entry  x 1 x x x x x x Magnetic stripe  x x 1 x x x x x IC with contacts Major x x x 0 x x x x RFU  x x x x 0 x x x RFU  x x x x x 0 x x RFU  x x x x x x 0 x RFU  x x x x x x x 0 RFU   Byte 2 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning Change 1 x x x x x x x Plaintext PIN for IC verification Major x 1 x x x x X x Enciphered PIN for online verification Major x x 1 x x x X x Signature(paper) Major x x x 1 x x X x Enciphered PIN for offline verification Major x x x x 1 x X x No CVM Required Major x x x x x 0 x x RFU  x x x x x x 0 x RFU  x x x x x x X 0 RFU   Byte 3 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning Change 1 x x x x x x x SDA Major X 1 x x x x x x DDA Major X x 1 x x x x x Card capture  x x x 0 x x x x RFU  x x x x 1 x x X CDA Major x x x x x 0 x x RFU  x x x x x x 0 x RFU  3
NEO Interface Developers Guide           145 x x x x X X x 0 RFU   9F35 Terminal Type  Environment Financial Institution Merchant Cardholder Change Attended Online only Offline with online capability Offline only  11 12 13  21 22 23  -- -- -- Major Unattended Online only Offline with online capability Offline only  14 15 16  24 25 26  34 35 36 Major   1 9F40 Additional Terminal Capabilities  Byte 1 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8 Meaning Change 1 x x x x x x x Cash Major x 1 x x x x x x Goods Major x x 1 x x x x x Services Major x x x 1 x x x x Cashback Major x x x x 1 x x x Inquiry  x x x x x 1 x x Transfer  x x x x x x 1 x Payment  x x x x x x x 1 Administrative     Byte 2 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning Change 1 x x x x x x x Cash Deposit  x 0 x x x x x x RFU  x x 0 x x x x x RFU  x x x 0 x x x x RFU  x x x x 0 x x x RFU  x x x x x 0 x x RFU  x x x x x x 0 x RFU  x x x x x x x 0 RFU   Byte 3 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning Change 1 x x x x x x x Numeric keys  x 1 x x x x x x Alphabetic and special characters keys   x x 1 x x x x x Command keys  x x x 1 x x x x Function Keys  x x x x 0 x x x RFU  x x x x x 0 x x RFU  x x x x x x 0 x RFU  x x x x x x x 0 RFU   Byte 4 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning Change 1 x x x x x x x Print, attendant  x 1 x x x x x x Print, cardholder  x x 1 x x x x x Display, attendant  x x x 1 x x x x Display, cardholder  x x x x 0 x x x RFU  x x x x x 0 x x RFU  x x x x x x 1 x Code table 10 Major 5
NEO Interface Developers Guide           146 x x x x x x x 1 Code table 9 Major  Byte 5 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning Change 1 x x x x x x x Code table 8 Major x 1 x x x x x x Code table 7 Major x x 1 x x x x x Code table 6 Major x x x 1 x x x x Code table 5 Major x x x x 1 x x x Code table 4 Major x x x x x 1 x x Code table 3 Major x x x x x x 1 x Code table 2 Major x x x x x x x 1 Code table 1 Major   DF11 Transaction Log Support (Default: Enable) (Major) 0  Disable 1  Enable 1 DF26 Revocation List Support (Default: Enable) (Major) 0  Disable 1  Enable 1 DF27 Exception File Support (Default: Disable) (Major) 0  Disable 1  Enable 1 DFEE1E Contact Terminal Configuration (Default: F0 DC 3C F0 C2 9E 94 00)  Byte 1 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning Change 1 x x x x x x x Key Pad support  x 1 x x x x x x LCD support  x x 1 x x x x x PIN Pad support  x x x 1 x x x x Print Support  x x x x 0 x x x RFU  x x x x x 0 x x RFU  x x x x x x 0 x RFU  x x x x x x X 0 RFU   Byte 2 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning Change 1 x x x x x x x PSE support Major x 1 x x x x x x Cardholder confirmation Major x x 1 x x x x x Preferred display order  x x x 1 x x x x Multi language   x x x x 1 x x x EMV language selection method  x x x x x 1 x x Default DDOL  Major x x x x x x 0 x RFU   x x x x x x x 0 RFU   Byte 3 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning Change 0 x x x x x x x RFU  (Revocation of Issuer Public Key Certificate (DF26)) Major x 1 x x x x x x Manual action when CA PK loading fails  Major x x 1 x x x x x CA PK verified with check sum  Major x x x 1 x x x x Bypass PIN Entry  Major
NEO Interface Developers Guide           147 x x x x 1 x x x Subsequent bypass PIN Entry  Major x x x x x 1 x x Get data for pin try counter  Major x x x x x x 0 x RFU   x x x x x x x 0 RFU    Byte 4 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning Change 1 x x x x x x x Amount before CVM processing  Major x 1 x x x x x x Floor limit checking  Major x x 1 x x x x x Random transaction selection  Major x x x 1 x x x x Velocity checking  Major x x x x 0 x x x RFU (Transaction Log (DF11)) Major  x x x x x 0 x x RFU (Exception File (DF27)) Major  x x x x x x 0 x RFU  x x x x x x x 0 RFU   Byte 5 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning Change 1 x x x x x x X Terminal action code support  Major x 1 x x x x x x Terminal action code can be change  Major x x 1 x x x x x Terminal action code can be deleted  or disable  Major x x x 1 x x x x Default Action code processing before 1st GAC  Major x x x x 1 x x x Default Action code processing after 1st GAC  Major x x x x x 1 x x TAC/IAC default process when unable to go online (Skipped)  Major x x x x x x 1 x TAC/IAC default process when unable to go online (Normal)  Major x x x x x x x 0 RFU   Byte 6 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning Change 1 x x x x x x x Forced Online support Major x 1 x x x x x x Forced acceptance support Major x x 1 x x x x x Advices support  Major x x x 1 x x x x Issuer referrals support  Major X x x x 1 x x x Batch data capture   Major x x x x x 1 x x Online data capture  Major X x x x x x 1 x Default TDOL   Major X x x x x x x 0 RFU    Byte 7 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning Change 1 x x x x x x x amount and pin entered on the same keypad  x 1 x x x x x x ICC/Magstripe reader combined
NEO Interface Developers Guide           148 x x 1 x x x x x Magstripe read first  x x x 1 x x x x Support account type selection  x x x x 1 x x x On fly script processing  x x x x x 1 x x Internal date management  x x x x x x 1 x Reversal Mode (1)Unable go online (2) ARC Error 0: (3) Online Approved but reader not approved. 1: (3) Online Approved but card response AAC.   x x x x x x x 0 RFU   Byte 8 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning Change x x x x x x x x RFU           Contact Retrieve AID List (60-07) Use this command to return all AIDs list in the reader. This command may be used to verify configured AIDs in the reader. Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1 Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC     (LSB) CRC    (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 60h  07h  00h  00h        Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1  Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC   (MSB) CRC   (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  60h See Status Code Table    See Response Frame Data Format     Response Frame Data Format:  <NumberL><NumberH> <AID Block 1> <AID Block 2> … <AID Block N>.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           149 Where: <NumberL><NumberH> is Number of AID Blocks. <AID Block> format is <LenL> <LenH> <Several bytes AID>. Note: If AID List does not exist, status code is 0x60.   Contact Retrieve CA Public Key (60-08) This command can get assign CA Public key form reader. Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1 Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC     (LSB) CRC    (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 60h  08h      Data Objects      Data Objects: <5 bytes RID> <1 byte Index>.  Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1  Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC   (MSB) CRC   (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  60h See Status Code Table    See Response Frame Data Format     Response Frame Data Format:  <5 bytes RID> <1 byte Index> <1 byte Hash Algorithm> <1 byte Encryption Algorithm> <20 bytes HashValue> <4 bytes Public Key Exponent> <2 bytes Modulus Length> <Variable bytes Modulus> Where: <Hash Algorithm>: The only algorithm supported is SHA-1.The value is set to 0x01. <Encryption Algorithm>: The encryption algorithm in which this key is used. Currently support only one type: RSA. The value is set to 0x01.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           150 <HashValue>: Which is calculated using SHA-1 over the following fields: RID & Index & Modulus & Exponent <Public Key Exponent>: Actually, the real length of the exponent is either one byte or 3 bytes. It can have two values: 3, or  65537 <Modulus Length>: <LenH> <LenL> Indicated the length of the next field. <Modulus>: This is the modulus field of the public key. Its length is specified in the field above. Note: If CA Key RID does not exist, status code is 0x60. If CA Key Index does not exist, status code is 0x60.    Contact Remove CA Public Key (60-09) This command allows the host to delete a specific key. Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1 Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC     (LSB) CRC    (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 60h  09h      Data Objects      Data Objects: <5 bytes RID> <1 byte Index>. If length is 00 then remove all CA Public Key.  Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1  Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC   (MSB) CRC   (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  60h See Status Code Table 00h  00h        Note: If CA Key RID does not exist, status code is 0x60.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           151 If CA Key Index does not exist, status code is 0x60.   Contact Set CA Public Key (60-0A) This command adds a new key to reader. Maximum is 16 sets.  Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1 Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC     (LSB) CRC    (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 60h  0Ah      Data Objects      Data Objects: <5 bytes RID> <1 byte Index> <1 byte Hash Algorithm> <1 byte Encryption Algorithm> <20 bytes HashValue> <4 bytes Public Key Exponent> <2 bytes Modulus Length> <Variable bytes Modulus> Where: <Hash Algorithm>: The only algorithm supported is SHA-1.The value is set to 0x01 <Encryption Algorithm>: The encryption algorithm in which this key is used. Currently support only one type: RSA. The value is set to 0x01. <HashValue>: Which is calculated using SHA-1 over the following fields: RID & Index & Modulus & Exponent <Public Key Exponent>: Actually, the real length of the exponent is either one byte or 3 bytes. It can have two values: 3, or  65537 <Modulus Length>: <LenH> <LenL> Indicated the length of the next field. <Modulus>: This is the modulus field of the public key. Its length is specified in the field above.  Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1  Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC   (MSB) CRC   (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  60h See Status Code Table 00h  00h        Note:
NEO Interface Developers Guide           152 If key slots are full, status code is 0x61. If CA Key Hash Data is an error, status code is 0x17.   Contact Retrieve CA Public Key List (60-0B) This command can get all RID and key index for CA public key.  Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1 Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC     (LSB) CRC    (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 60h  0Bh  00h  00h        Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1  Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC   (MSB) CRC   (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  60h See Status Code Table     Data Objects      Data Objects : <5Bytes RID1> <1 byte RID1 Index><5Bytes RID2> <1 byte RID2 Index>….. <5Bytes RIDN> <1 byte RIDN Index>. Note: If any CA Key does not exist, status code is 0x60.   Contact Retrieve Certification Revocation List (60-0C) This command retrieves a sequence of consecutive records from the EMV revocation list. Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1 Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC     (LSB) CRC    (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 60h  0Ch  00h  00h
NEO Interface Developers Guide           153  Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1  Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC   (MSB) CRC   (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  60h See Status Code Table     Data Objects      Data Objects : <CRL Length L><CRL Length H><CRL1><CRL2>…<CRLn>. <CRL>format is <5Bytes RID><1Byte CA public key Index><3Bytes Certificate Serial Number>. Note: If have no CRL exist, status code is 0x60.  Contact Remove Certification Revocation List (60-0D) This command deletes a specific entry from the EMV revocation list. Unlike the commands described previously, this command deletes the specific entry that matches the RID, the key index, and the certificate serial number. Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1 Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC     (LSB) CRC    (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 60h  0Dh      Data Objects      Data Objects : <CRL1><CRL2>…<CRLn>. <CRL>format is <5Bytes RID><1Byte CA public key Index><3Bytes Certificate Serial Number>.  If Length is 00 then remove all Certification Revocation List.  Response Frame
NEO Interface Developers Guide           154 Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1  Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC   (MSB) CRC   (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  60h See Status Code Table 00h  00h         Contact Set Certification Revocation List (60-0E) This command adds a new entry to the revocation list. The new entry is added at the end of the revocation list. Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1 Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC     (LSB) CRC    (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 60h  0Eh      Data Objects      Data Objects: <CRL Total Length L><CRL Total Length H> <CRL1><CRL2>…<CRLn><2 Bytes MAC Length>. <CRL>format is <5Bytes RID><1Byte CA public key Index><3Bytes Certificate Serial Number> <2Byte Length of CRL> (Option):  <Low byte of length> <High byte of length>    Fix is 0x00 0x00.  Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1  Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC   (MSB) CRC   (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  60h See Status Code Table 00h  00h        Note:
NEO Interface Developers Guide           155 Supported max CRL number is 90. If exceed max number, status code is 0x61.   Contact Remove Transaction Amount Log (60-0F) This command can delete transaction amount log in reader. (When EMV transaction is offline approved, or online, transaction amount log saves to reader.) Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1 Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC     (LSB) CRC    (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 60h  0Fh  00h  00h        Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1  Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC   (MSB) CRC   (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  60h See Status Code Table 00h  00h          Contact Start Transaction (60-10) Start a new contact EMV L2 transaction (ICC + MSR) or start MSR only transaction.  This function will go through below processes at the EMV card inserted at the reader: Card power on Card activation Application Selection Initiate Application Processing Get Process Options Read Records
NEO Interface Developers Guide           156  Note: VP4880C not supported. Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1 Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC     (LSB) CRC    (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 60h  10h      Data Objects      Data Objects - <FallBack><TimeOut1> <TimeOut2> <App Data>. Where: <FallBack> (1byte). 0x01 indicate it support FallBack to MSR, 0x00 indicate it not support FallBack. <TimeOut1> (2 bytes, unit is Second). Timeout for Card is seated. <TimeOut2> (2 bytes, unit is Second). Waiting time till “Authenticate Transaction” command. <App Data> format is <TLV1> <TLV2> … <TLVn>. Refer to Transaction Data. Transaction Data List (start command parameters) Data ID Tag  Value name  Length (Byte) 1  9F02  Amount, Authorized(Numeric)  6 2  9C  Transaction Type  1 3  5F2A  Transaction Currency Code  2 4  9A  Transaction Date  3 5  9F21  Transaction Time  3 6  9F03  Amount, Other(Numeric)  6 7  DFEE1A  Output Tag List (Options)  N 8  DFEE27  MSR Control.  (Options) MSR only transaction need set this tag. 1  MSR Only Enable 0  MSR Only Disable 1 9  DFEF1F  Auto Authenticate (Options) If auto authenticate set to 1, the reader will do command 60-11 automatic. Byte 1:  Auto Authenticate enable    1: enable, 0 disable Byte 2: Force Online    1: enable, 0 disable  2  If command parse is successful and ICC transaction starts, response contains first command and status code is 0x63.  If command parse fails, response is other status code and end transaction.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           157 Note: After transaction start, terminal only can receive “Start Transaction”, “Authenticate Transaction”, “Cancel Transaction,” and “Retrieve Transaction Data” commands. If any other command is sent, it gets a response of 0x0C. No Terminal data response 0x60.  First Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1  Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC   (MSB) CRC   (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  60h See Status Code Table 00h  00h        Because reader doesn’t support LCD and key pad, so need external host to display messages and allow key-in. When transaction needs display or key-in, it sends command 61-01 to host. If host response is needed, host will response command 61-01 and result to reader.  On Start Transaction success, send second response and result to host.   Second Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1  Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC   (MSB) CRC   (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  60h  00h      Data Objects       Contact EMV L2 Data Objects:
NEO Interface Developers Guide           158 Data Item  Length (bytes)  Description Attribution  1  Bit 4/3/0: Captured Data Type 0 0 0 = Contact Card 0 0 1 = Contactless Card / EMV 1 0 1 = Contactless Card / MSD 0 1 x = MSR Card Bit 2/1: Encryption Mode 0 0 = TDES 0 1 = AES 1 x = Reserved Bit 5: Reserved for Attribution Byte Extension. Bit 6/7: Encryption Status 0 0 = MSR/MSD off, EMV off 0 1 = MSR/MSD off, EMV on 1 0 = MSR/MSD on, EMV off 1 1 = MSR/MSD on, EMV on  TLV KSN (FFEE12) Variable  If encrypt disable, this tag is not present. Contact Response Code (DFEE25) Variable  See Contact Response Code TLV Data  Variable  Output default Start Transaction Output TLV data list. If set tag DFEE1A, The TLV data will be follow list. TLV POS Entry Mode (9F39) Variable   90h = Magnetic Stripe Reader Swipe 91h = Contactless MSD 05h = Contact EMV 07h = Contactless EMV 80h = Contact Fallback to Magnetic Stripe TLV (DF30) (ViVOpay proprietary) Variable  Track Data Source. This tag is embedded in the ViVOpay Group tag. It specifies whether the track data came from a swipe or contactless transaction.  0Ch for swiped MagStripe 00h for a contactless card. 01h for a contact card.  This tag is included in  ViVOpay proprietary (FFEE01) Ex: FFEE0104DF30010C
NEO Interface Developers Guide           159 Data Item  Length (bytes)  Description TLV Encrypt Information (DFEE26) Variable  Encrypt Information. Length: 1 byte Values: Same as “Attribution” byte definition  Bit 4/3/0: Captured Data Type 0 0 0 = Contact Card 0 0 1 = Contactless Card / EMV 1 0 1 = Contactless Card / MSD 0 1 x = MSR Card Bit 2/1: Encryption Mode 0 0 = TDES 0 1 = AES 1 x = Reserved Bit 5: Reserved for Attribution Byte Extension. Bit 6/7: Encryption Status 0 0 = MSR/MSD off, EMV off 0 1 = MSR/MSD off, EMV on 1 0 = MSR/MSD on, EMV off 1 1 = MSR/MSD on, EMV on   MSR Data Objects: Data Item  Length (bytes)  Description Attribution  1  Bit 4/3/0: Captured Data Type 0 0 0 = Contact Card 0 0 1 = Contactless Card / EMV 1 0 1 = Contactless Card / MSD 0 1 x = MSR Card Bit 2/1: Encryption Mode 0 0 = TDES 0 1 = AES 1 x = Reserved Bit 5: Reserved for Attribution Byte Extension. Bit 6/7: Encryption Status 0 0 = MSR/MSD off, EMV off 0 1 = MSR/MSD off, EMV on 1 0 = MSR/MSD on, EMV off 1 1 = MSR/MSD on, EMV on  Contact Response Code (DFEE25) Variable See Contact Response Code. (00h 11h). TLV Data  Variable TLV data list MSR Tag (DFEE23) Variable Data follow Enhanced Encrypted MSR FIELD DATA. Refer NEO spec to Appendix A.11: Enhanced Encrypted MSR Data Output Format
NEO Interface Developers Guide           160 Data Item  Length (bytes)  Description TLV POS Entry Mode (9F39) Variable  90h = Magnetic Stripe Reader Swipe 91h = Contactless MSD 05h = Contact EMV 07h = Contactless EMV 80h = Contact Fallback to Magnetic Stripe TLV (DF30) (ViVOpay proprietary) Variable Track Data Source. This tag is embedded in the ViVOpay Group tag. It specifies whether the track data came from a swipe or RFID transaction.  0Ch for swiped MagStripe 00h for a contactless card. 01h for a contact card.  This tag include in  ViVOpay proprietary (FFEE01) Ex: FFEE0104DF30010C TLV Encrypt Information (DFEE26) Variable Encrypt Information. Length: 1 byte Values: Same as “Attribution” byte definition  Bit 4/3/0: Captured Data Type 0 0 0 = Contact Card 0 0 1 = Contactless Card / EMV 1 0 1 = Contactless Card / MSD 0 1 x = MSR Card Bit 2/1: Encryption Mode 0 0 = TDES 0 1 = AES 1 x = Reserved Bit 5: Reserved for Attribution Byte Extension. Bit 6/7: Encryption Status 0 0 = MSR/MSD off, EMV off 0 1 = MSR/MSD off, EMV on 1 0 = MSR/MSD on, EMV off 1 1 = MSR/MSD on, EMV on   1. For MSR <Response Code> is 00 11. 2. MSR data in tag DFEE23, format is following “Enhanced Encrypted MSR Data Output Format”.    Default Start Transaction Output TLV Data List Data ID Tag  Value name  Length (Byte) 1  57  Track2 Equivalent Data  <=19 2  5A  PAN  <=10 3  5F34  PAN Sequence Number  1 4  5F20  Cardholder Name  2~26 5  5F24  Application Expire Date  3 6  9F20  Track2 Discretionary Data  Var.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           161 7  5F25  Application Effective Date  3 8  5F2D  Language Preference  2~8 9  50  Application Label  1~16 10  84/4F  DF Name or ADF Name  5~16 11  DFEE23  MSR Data  N 12  9F39  POS Entry Mode  1 13  DF30  Track Data Source.  1 14  DFEE26  Encrypt Information  1    Contact Authenticate Transaction (60-11) This function must after Start Transaction function. The function will continue to perform the EMV transaction flow: (1) Offline data auth (2) Processing restrictions (3) Cardholder Verification (4) Terminal risk management (5) TAA/CAA/1st Gen AC If response code is 00 04, then need go online process and send Apply Host Response command. Note: VP4880C does not support this.  Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1 Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC     (LSB) CRC    (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 60h  11h      Data Objects      Data Objects : <ForeOnline><TimeOut> <Output Data List>-. <ForeOnline>(1byte). 0x01 indicate it support ForeOnline, 0x00 indicate not support. <TimeOut> (2 byte, unit is Second).means terminal waiting time for host response when online.- <Output Tag List DFEE1A> format is <TLV> (V is output tag list.) Ex: DEFF1A 06 95 5A 84 9F39 50 If command parse is successful and ICC transactions continue, response is first command and status code is 0x63.  If command parse fails, response is some other status code and end of transaction.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           162 First Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1  Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC   (MSB) CRC   (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  60h See Status Code Table 00h  00h        When transaction needs display or Get PIN, reader sends command 61-01, 61-02 to host. If host response is needed, host should respond with command 61-01, 61-02 and send result to reader.  Authenticate Transaction success: send second response and result to host.  Second Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1  Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC   (MSB) CRC   (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  60h  00h      Data Objects      Data Objects:
NEO Interface Developers Guide           163 Data Item  Length (bytes)  Description Attribution  1  Bit 4/3/0: Captured Data Type 0 0 0 = Contact Card 0 0 1 = Contactless Card / EMV 1 0 1 = Contactless Card / MSD 0 1 x = MSR Card Bit 2/1: Encryption Mode 0 0 = TDES 0 1 = AES 1 x = Reserved Bit 5: Reserved for Attribution Byte Extension. Bit 6/7: Encryption Status 0 0 = MSR/MSD off, EMV off 0 1 = MSR/MSD off, EMV on 1 0 = MSR/MSD on, EMV off 1 1 = MSR/MSD on, EMV on  TLV KSN (FFEE12) Variable If encrypt disable, this tag is not present. Contact Response Code (DFEE25) Variable See Contact Response Code. If response code is 00 04, then need go online process and send Apply Host Response command. TLV Data  Variable Output default Authenticate Transaction Output TLV data list. If set tag DFEE1A, The TLV data will be follow list.  Default Authenticate Transaction Output TLV Data List Data ID Tag  Value name  Length (Byte) 1  9F10  Issuer Application Data  Var. up to 32 2  9F26  Application Cryptogram  8 3  9F27  Cryptogram Information Data  1 4  9F36  Application Transaction Counter(ATC)  2 5  9F37  Unpredictable Number  4 6  9F02  Amount, Authorized (Numeric)  6 7  9F4D  Log Entry  2 8  9F4F  Log Format  Var. 9  9F13  Last Online Application Transaction Counter(ATC) Register 2 10  95  Terminal Verification Results  5 11  9B  Transaction Status Information  2 12  9F03  Amount, Other (Numeric)  6 13  9F34  Cardholder Verification Method(CVM) Results  3 14  9F39  POS Entry Mode  1 15  DF30  Track Data Source.  1 16  DFEE26  Encrypt Information  1
NEO Interface Developers Guide           164 Contact Apply Host Response (60-12) This function is the last step in EMV transaction flow.  The function will send acquirer data (if online) to the card and notify that the transaction is complete. This function will do the following process upon the transaction type (may or may not perform each step, depending upon acquirer’s requirement and response): (1) External Authenticate (2) Script Processing (3) 2nd Gen AC (4) Completion Note: VP4880C does not support this command.  Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1 Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC     (LSB) CRC    (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 60h  12h      Data Objects      Data Objects : <1Byte ComFlag> [<Authorization Response Code (TLV,Tag 8A)>< Issuer Authentication Data (TLV, Tag 91)>< <Scripts (TLV, Tag 71/72)>] <Output Data List>  Where: <1Byte ComFlag>:0x01 indicate online with host,0x00 indicate unable online. Data in [ ] indicate these data is optional: If ComFlag is 0x01, the Data exist. If ComFlag is 0x00, the Data does not exist.  <Output Tag List DFEE1A> format is <TLV> (V is output tag list.) Ex: DEFF1A 06 95 5A 84 9F39 50 If command parse is success and ICC transactions continue, response first command and status code is 0x63.  If command parse is failed, response other status code and end transaction.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           165 First Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1  Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC   (MSB) CRC   (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  60h See Status Code Table 00h  00h        When transaction needs display or key in, it sends command 61-01 to host. If need host response, host will response command 61-01 and result to reader.   Second Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1  Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC   (MSB) CRC   (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  60h  00h      Data Objects
NEO Interface Developers Guide           166 Data Objects: Data Item  Length (bytes)  Description Attribution  1  Bit 4/3/0: Captured Data Type 0 0 0 = Contact Card 0 0 1 = Contactless Card / EMV 1 0 1 = Contactless Card / MSD 0 1 x = MSR Card Bit 2/1: Encryption Mode 0 0 = TDES 0 1 = AES 1 x = Reserved Bit 5: Reserved for Attribution Byte Extension. Bit 6/7: Encryption Status 0 0 = MSR/MSD off, EMV off 0 1 = MSR/MSD off, EMV on 1 0 = MSR/MSD on, EMV off 1 1 = MSR/MSD on, EMV on  TLV KSN (FFEE12) Variable If encrypt disable, this tag is not present. Contact Response Code (DFEE25) Variable See Contact Response Code.  TLV Data  Variable Output default Apply Host Response Output TLV data list. If set tag DFEE1A, The TLV data will be follow list.  Default Apply Host Response Output TLV Data List Data ID Tag  Value name  Length (Byte) 1  9F10  Issuer Application Data  Var. up to 32 2  9F26  Application Cryptogram  8 3  9F27  Cryptogram Information Data  1 4  9F36  Application Transaction Counter(ATC)  2 5  9F37  Unpredictable Number  4 6  9F02  Amount, Authorized (Numeric)  6 7  9F4D  Log Entry  2 8  9F4F  Log Format  Var. 9  9F13  Last Online Application Transaction Counter(ATC) Register 2 10  95  Terminal Verification Results  5 11  9B  Transaction Status Information  2 12  9F03  Amount, Other (Numeric)  6 13  9F34  Cardholder Verification Method(CVM) Results  3 14  99  PIN Block  Var. 15  9F5B  Issuer Script Results  Var. up to 128 16  9F39  POS Entry Mode  1 17  DF30  Track Data Source.  1 18  DFEE26  Encrypt Information  1
NEO Interface Developers Guide           167  Contact Retrieve Transaction Result (60-13) After EMV transaction is completed, you can use this command to get other TLVs. Note: VP4880C does not support this command.  Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1 Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC     (LSB) CRC    (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 60h  13h      Data Objects      Data Objects : <Tags>. <Tags> these tags will return TLV format. Supported tags refer to “Option Data List” Table in Section “Reference Data List”. Tags Example: 9F029F36959F37 means total 4 tags (9F02, 9F36, 95, 9F37) requested to in response. Length is 7 bytes.  Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1  Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC   (MSB) CRC   (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  60h See Status Code Table     Data Objects      Data Objects:
NEO Interface Developers Guide           168 Data Item  Length (bytes)  Description Attribution  1  Bit 4/3/0: Captured Data Type 0 0 0 = Contact Card 0 0 1 = Contactless Card / EMV 1 0 1 = Contactless Card / MSD 0 1 x = MSR Card Bit 2/1: Encryption Mode 0 0 = TDES 0 1 = AES 1 x = Reserved Bit 5: Reserved for Attribution Byte Extension. Bit 6/7: Encryption Status 0 0 = MSR/MSD off, EMV off 0 1 = MSR/MSD off, EMV on 1 0 = MSR/MSD on, EMV off 1 1 = MSR/MSD on, EMV on  TLV KSN (FFEE12) Variable If encrypt disable, this tag is not present. TLV Data  Variable Output TLV data list.  Reference Data List     Tag  Tag  Tag  Tag  Tag  Tag  Tag 5F2A  98  9F02  9F16  9F21  9F39  4F 5F36  99  9F03  9F1A  9F22  9F3A  50 81  9A  9F04  9F1B  9F33  9F3C  57 8A  9B  9F06  9F1C  9F34  9F3D  58 95  9C  9F09  9F1D  9F35  9F40  5A 5F57  9F01  9F15  9F1E  9F37  9F41  5F20 5F24  5F25  5F28  5F2D  5F30  5F34  5F36 6F  71  72  73  82  84  87 88  8C  8D  8E  8F  90  91 92  93  94  97  9F05  9F07  9F08 9F0D  9F0E  9F0F  9F10  9F11  9F12  9F13 9F14  9F17  9F1F  9F20  9F23  9F26  9F27 9F2D  9F2E  9F2F  9F32  9F36  9F38  9F3B 9F42  9F43  9F44  9F45  9F46  9F47  9F48 9F49  9F4A  9F4B  9F4C  9F4D  BF0C  DF62 9F4E  9F5B  DFEE15  DFEE16  DFEE17  DFEE18  DFEE19 DFEE1A  DFEE1B  DF11  DF14  DF15  DF17  DF18 DF19  DF20  DF21  DF22  DF25  DF26  DF27 DF28  DF10  DF40  DF41  DF42  DF43  DFEE1E DFEE1F  DFEE20  DFEE21  DFEE22  DFEE23  DFEE24  89 DF13
NEO Interface Developers Guide           169 Contact Get Reader Status (60-14) This command can get ICC card power and card seat status. Note: VP4880C does not support this command.  Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1 Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC     (LSB) CRC    (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 60h  14h      Command Data       Command Data  Data Item  Length (bytes)  Description/Example Interface  1  20h = ICC    Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1  Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC   (MSB) CRC   (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  60h See Status Code Table     Data Objects      Data Objects (1 byte) Bit Position  Meaning if ‘0’  Meaning if ‘1’ 0  ICC Power not ready  ICC Powered 1  Card not seated  Card seated 2~7  RFU  RFU    Contact Get ICS Identification (60-15) Contact Common EMV L2 approved configurations of certification are 1C, 2C, 3C, and 4C. This command can get identification of ICS terminal configuration in reader.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           170  Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1 Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC     (LSB) CRC    (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 60h  15h  00h  00h        Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1  Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC   (MSB) CRC   (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  60h See Status Code Table     Response Data     Response Data: 0x01  Identification 1C 0x02  Identification 2C (Default) 0x03  Identification 3C 0x04  Identification 4C    Contact Set ICS Identification (60-16) Contact Command EMV L2 includes 4 approved configurations of certification. This command can set identification of ICS terminal configuration to reader. This command affects command Contact Set Terminal Data (60-06). Generally, you will use 60-16 first, then 60-06.  Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1 Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC     (LSB) CRC    (MSB)
NEO Interface Developers Guide           171 ViVOtech2\0 60h  16h  00h  01h  ICS Identification     ICS Identification: 0x01  Identification 1C 0x02  Identification 2C (Default) 0x03  Identification 3C 0x04  Identification 4C  Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1  Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC   (MSB) CRC   (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  60h See Status Code Table 00  00          Contact LCD Display Control (61-01) (Reader send to Host) Some readers do not incorporate LCD and keypad, so this command is sent to host. The command requests display or key-in by host. If reader requests key-in, host response should be 61-01 command and result sent to reader. This command is used in “60-10, 60-11, 60-12” commands. When in those commands, command “61-01” sent to host automatically.   Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1 Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC     (LSB) CRC    (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 61h  01h      Data Objects      Data Objects:
NEO Interface Developers Guide           172 Data Item  Length (bytes)  Description Display Mode  1  0x01: Menu Display 0x02: Normal Display get function key 0x03: Display without key input(Do not receive input data) 0x08: Language Menu Display 0x10: Clear Screen(Do not receive input data) (If Clear Screen, don’t need rod end below filed) Timeout Length  2  Format: <Length L><Length H> (Little-endian) If Display without key input. The value is 00 00.  Timeout Value  Variable Format: <Value L><Value H> (Little-endian) If Normal Display or Menu Display, Total timeout for keypad entry, in second. Default is 30 seconds. Note: Total timeout will cancel keypad entry and return error. Display Message Language Length 2  Format: <Length L><Length H> (Little-endian)  Display Message Language Variable Display Message Language, 2 byte “EN” – English (default) “ES” – Spanish “ZH” – Chinese “FR” – French    … Display Message Control Length 2  Format: <Length L><Length H> (Little-endian)  Display Message Control Variable repeatable combination of <Line><Message><0x1C> <Line> - Display line number (1-First Line, n-nth Line), Maximum 16 lines. The lower 7 bits is for line number. •The MSB is to indicate following message is a Message String or Message ID.  •MSB – 0: Message String. (It is valid for “Menu Display” and “Language Menu Display”)  •MSB – 1: Message ID. (It is only valid for “Menu Display”)  <Message> - Message String or Message ID. Message String:  •“Menu Display” : character in the range of 0x20 – 0x7f, Maximum 16 characters • “Language Menu Display” : 2 bytes Language ID “EN” – English (default) “ES” – Spanish “ZH” – Chinese “FR” – French … Message ID: 1 byte, check LCD Foreign Language Mapping Table  <0x1C> - separator
NEO Interface Developers Guide           173 Data Item  Length (bytes)  Description Back Light Timer Length 2  Format: <Length L><Length H> (Little-endian) Back Light Timer Value Variable Format: <Value L><Value H> (Little-endian) Back Light On Timer Value in second. (all 0-Back Light Off, all 0xff-Back Light always On)    Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1  Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC   (MSB) CRC   (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  61h  01h      Data Objects      Data Objects: Data Item  Length (bytes)  Description Display Mode  1  0x00- Cancel (user presses cancel key on the key pad for mode 1) 0x01 – Menu Display 0x02- Normal Display get function key 0x08- Language Menu Display  If Mode byte is “Cancel” or “Display without key input”, don’t need to send below field. Display Menu Length 2  Format: <Length L><Length H> (Little-endian) (If Normal Display, Length of Key (Get Function)) Display Menu  Variable Menu value, sequence number of selected line, hex format (If Normal Display, ASCII format (‘E’ is Enter, ‘C’ is Cancel))    Contact Get PIN Control (61-02) (Reader send to Host) Some readers do not incorporate a PIN Pad, so need to send this command to host. The command requests Get PIN on PIN Pad. If the reader is requesting to “Get PIN”, the host
NEO Interface Developers Guide           174 responds with 61-02 command to reader and PIN Block. This command used in “60-11” command only. When in the command, command “61-02” sent to host automatically.  Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1 Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC     (LSB) CRC    (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 61h  02h      Data Objects      Data Objects: Data Item  Length (bytes)  Description Mode  1  - 0x00 – Cancel (cancel through command) - 0x01 – Online PIN DUKPT - 0x02 – Online PIN MKSK - 0x03 – Offline PIN If Mode byte is “Cancel”, don’t need to send below field.  DATA PAIRING DUKPT KSN Length   2  Format: <Length L><Length H> (Little-endian) (If Mode is Online PIN have this filed) If the value is 00 00, Device do not implement Pairing Function. DATA PAIRING DUKPT KSN Value Variable  (If Mode is Online PIN have this filed) If Length of DATA_PAIRING_DUKPT KSN is 00 00, the block does not exist Encrypted Truncated PAN Length 2  Format: <Length L><Length H> (Little-endian) (If Mode is Online PIN have this filed) If Length of DATA_PAIRING_DUKPT KSN is 00 00, PAN in Plaintext. Encrypted Truncated PAN  Variable  (If Mode is Online PIN have this filed) If Length of DATA_PAIRING_DUKPT KSN is 00 00, PAN in Plaintext. Start PIN Input Timeout Length 2  Format: <Length L><Length H> (Little-endian)
NEO Interface Developers Guide           175 Data Item  Length (bytes)  Description Start PIN Input Timeout Value Variable  Format: <Value L><Value H> (Little-endian) Unit: Second PIN Entry Interval Length  2  Format: <Length L><Length H> (Little-endian) PIN Entry Interval Value  Variable  Format: <Value L><Value H> (Little-endian) Unit: Second Display Message Language Length 2  Format: <Length L><Length H> (Little-endian) Display Message Language Variable  “EN” – English (default) “ES” – Spanish “ZH” – Chinese “FR” – French …      Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1  Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC   (MSB) CRC   (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  61h  02h      Data Objects      Data Objects: Data Item  Length (bytes)  Description Mode  1  - 0x00 – Cancel (Can be cancel through command or user presses cancel key on the key pad) - 0x01 – Online PIN DUKPT. (PIN_KEY is PIN_DUKPT_KEY) - 0x02 – Online PIN MKSK. (PIN_KEY is PIN_SESSION_KEY) - 0x03 – Offline PIN. (PIN_KEY is PIN_PAIRING_DUKPT_KEY)        (If device do not implement Pairing function, Offline PIN is Plaintext)  If Mode byte is “Cancel”, don’t need to send below field.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           176 Data Item  Length (bytes)  Description KSN Length  2  Format: <Length L><Length H> (Little-endian) If Online PIN DUKPT, Length of PIN_DUKPT_KEY KSN If Offline PIN, Length of PIN_PAIRING_DUKPT_KEY KSN.  (If device do not implement Pairing function, Offline PIN is Plaintext. The Length Value is 00 00) KSN  Variable If Online PIN DUKPT, PIN_DUKPT_KEY KSN – 10 bytes If Offline PIN, PIN_PAIRING_DUKPT_KEY KSN.  (If device do not implement Pairing function, Offline PIN is Plaintext. The Block does not exist.) PIN Length  2  Format: <Length L><Length H> (Little-endian)  PIN  Variable If Online PIN DUKPT or Online PIN MKSK, Enciphered PIN If Offline PIN, Enciphered PIN.  (If device do not implement Pairing function, Offline PIN is Plaintext)    Contact Get MSR Data Control (Reader send to Host)(61-03) If reader is not MSR device, it can use this command to connect with external MSR device.   Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1 Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC     (LSB) CRC    (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 61h  03h      Data Objects       Data Objects: Data Item  Length (bytes)  Description Timeout Length  2  Format: <Length L><Length H> (Little-endian) Length of Total timeout for Swipe MSR Card.   Timeout Value  Variable Format: <Value L><Value H> (Little-endian).  Unit:Second Total timeout for Swipe MSR Card, in second, default is 60 seconds. Display Message Language Length 2  Format: <Length L><Length H> (Little-endian) Length of Display Message Language.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           177 Data Item  Length (bytes)  Description Display Message Language Variable Display Message Language, 2 byte “EN” – English (default) “ES” – Spanish “ZH” – Chinese “FR” – French …  Display Message Control Length 2  Format: <Length L><Length H> (Little-endian) Length Display Message Control – 2 bytes Display Message Control Variable repeatable combination of <Line><Message><0x1C> <Line> - Display line number (1-First Line, n-nth Line), Maximum 16 lines. The lower 7 bits is for line number. •The MSB is to indicate following message is a Message String or Message ID.  •MSB – 0: Message String. (It is valid for “Menu Display” and “Language Menu Display”)  •MSB – 1: Message ID. (It is only valid for “Menu Display”)  <Message> - Message String or Message ID. Message String:  •“Menu Display” : character in the range of 0x20 – 0x7f, Maximum 16 characters • “Language Menu Display” : 2 bytes Language ID “EN” – English (default) “ES” – Spanish “ZH” – Chinese “FR” – French … Message ID: 1 byte, check LCD Foreign Language Mapping Table  <0x1C> - separator   Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1  Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC   (MSB) CRC   (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  61h  00h      MSR Data     Note: MSR Data for external MSR device max is 640 bytes. Tag DFEE23 data format will follow external MSR format (see ID TECH document 80000502-001 for information on the Enhanced Encrypted MSR Format).
NEO Interface Developers Guide           178   Transaction Related Commands: Contactless Activate Transaction Command, Contactless (02-01 and 02-40) NOTE: 02-01 is a legacy command, applicable to non-encrypted transactions only.When EMV mode encryption is ON or MSR/MSD encryption is ON, if Data encryption Key is loaded, 02-01 will be disabled. Use 02-40 for production; 02-40 is a unified command for both non-encrypted and encrypted transactions, but if a key is present (unit is injected), encryption will occur. Use the Activate Transaction command when the ViVOpay reader is in “Poll on Demand” mode to begin a contactless EMV or contactless MagStripe Card transaction. When the reader is in “Poll on Demand” mode, the RF is turned on only after receiving an Activate Transaction command. When a valid Activate Transaction command is sent to the ViVOpay reader, it starts polling for cards.  If the ViVOpay reader does not find a supported card (an AID that matches one of the configured AIDs in the reader) for the specified time duration, it times out and ends the transaction. If the ViVOpay reader finds a card within the specified time interval, it attempts to carry out the transaction. The transaction flow between the reader and the card depends on the type of card detected.  If the transaction is successful, the reader returns the data in the response data. If the transaction is not successful, yet it proceeded into the transaction state machine, the reader returns a Failed Transaction Record in the response data. The presence and format of the Clearing Record, Track Data and Failed Transaction record depends on the type of card that was detected. Note: While an Activate command is in progress, only a Cancel or a Stop command may be sent.  Do not send other commands until Activate Transaction has completed, because the reader will interpret these as a Cancel Transaction command. Note: For Non-SRED version device, response format for Activate Transaction Command is according to “Set Data Encryption Enable Flag (C7-36)” setting and Data encryption Key. When Data Encryption is disabled, device responds with plaintext data format. When Data Encryption is enabled: (1) When Data encryption Key exists and is valid, device responds with  encrypted data format. (2) When Data encryption Key does not exist, device responds with plaintext data format (3) When Data encryption Key exhausts, device responds status code 0x91 and no data. For SRED version device, response format for Activate Transaction Command is according to Data encryption Key. When Data encryption Key exists and is valid, device responds with  encrypted data format. When Data encryption Key exhausts or does not exist, device responds status code 0x91/0x90 and no data. Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1  Byte 14+n Byte 15+n
NEO Interface Developers Guide           179 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC     (LSB) CRC    (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 02h  01h     See Data Format below    The format and contents of the data field in the Command Frame are given in the following table. All length values include the Tag and Length bytes. Table 32: Activate Transaction Command Frame Data Format Data Item  Length (bytes)  Description Timeout 1 Time in seconds that the reader waits for a card to be presented before timing out and returning an Error response.  The reader will continue to poll for this amount of time if no card is found.  Note that if a card is found, the transaction may not complete within the timeout period. This field must be present in the Activate Command. Format: Binary TLV Data varies See Activate Command TLVs below. Table 33: Activate Command TLVs Tag  Description  Format  Length (in bytes) 9A Transaction Date. EMV data element.  Local date that the transaction was authorized. If TLV 9A and 9F21 are not provided, then the reader’s current date and time will be used. Both date (9A) and time (9F21) tags must be present if either one is specified. The terminal/POS is responsible for ensuring that the date is valid:  Year <=99  Month <=12  Day <=31 If the date value is set to 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, then the date and time stamp will be taken from the reader’s date and time will be used. n6 (YYMMDD) 3 9C Transaction Type. Indicates the type of financial transaction, represented by the first two digits of ISO 8583:1993 Processing Code:  0x00 – Purchase Goods/Services  0x20 – Refund n2  1 5F2A Transaction Currency Code. Indicates the currency code of the transaction, in accordance with ISO 4217. n3  2 5F36 Transaction Currency Exponent Indicates the implied position of the decimal point from the right of the transaction amount, according to ISO 4217. n1  1 9F02 Amount, Authorized n12 6 9F03 Amount Other n12 6
NEO Interface Developers Guide           180 Tag  Description  Format  Length (in bytes) 9F1A Terminal Country Code. (Typically, this has been configured in the reader – refer to Group Configuration Tags.) n3  2 9F21 Transaction Time. Local time that the transaction was authorized. If TLV 9A and 9F21 are not provided, then the reader’s current date and time will be used. Both date (9A) and time (9F21) tags must be present if either one is specified. The terminal/POS is responsible for ensuring that the time is valid. n6 (HHMMSS)  3 9F5A Terminal Transaction Type (Interac)  0x00 = Purchase  0x01 = Refund b  1 FFEE01 ViVOtech TLV Group Tag b variable DFEF7A Determine ApplePay or AndroidPay transactions (Vendi Used only.)  If vaule set to 1, After reading the card, the output data will show tag DFEF7B to indicate whether it is apple pay or android pay. b  1  For EMV transactions, if the terminal has already set up one or more of these data items using the Set Configuration or Set Configurable Group command, then the terminal need not include those data items in the Command Frame. If the terminal includes one or more values in the Command Frame, the reader uses the included values. If it does not, the reader just uses the default or previously set values.  The ViVOpay reader starts polling for cards when it receives this command. If it finds a card, it tries to complete a transaction with the card. If the card is a supported contactless EMV Card the reader uses the TLV fields in the Command Frame for the transactions. If the card is a contactless MagStripe Card, the reader does not use the TLV objects for the transaction.  If the transaction is completed successfully, and the card supported contactless EMV, then the reader returns the Clearing Record in the response data, otherwise, if the card does not support contactless EMV i.e. it is a contactless MagStripe Card, the reader returns Track information in the response data. If the transaction cannot be completed successfully, the response contains an appropriate status code. The Response Frame contains more error information in the data field, for certain status codes.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           181 Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1  Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC   (MSB) CRC   (LSB) ViVOtech2\0 02h  See Status Code Table    See Response Frame Data Format     Note: Specific TLV data may or may not be returned based on what was recovered from the card. Also, there is no implied sequence for returning the TLVs; the TLVs may or may not be returned in the order listed in the table based on what was recovered from the card. Note: ViVOcomm and DesFire cards return raw track data only. Note: Kiosk III/ Vendi don't support ViVOcomm and DesFire cards.  If the Status Code is OK or “Request Online Authorization” then the format and contents of the data field in the Response Frame are given in the following table.  Some data objects may not be present depending on the card involved in the transaction and the presence or absence of a Clearing Record object (DE 055). All TLV lengths include the Tag and Length bytes.  Table 34: Activate Transaction Response Frame Data Format: 02-01 Command (for 02-40, see further below). Data Item  Length (bytes)  Description Track 1 Length 1 If Track 1 is available, then this field gives the length of the Track 1 data that follows. If Track 1 is not available, then a Length of 00h is returned. Format: Binary For MasterCard transactions, this field is always 0.  If track data is present, it is contained in the MasterCard TLVs. Track 1 Data  (MagStripe Card) Variable Track 1 Data (if available).  Format: ASCII (no null terminator) Track 2 Length 1 If Track 2 is available, then this field gives the length of the Track 2 data that follows. If Track 2 is not available, then a Length of 00h is returned.  Format: Binary For MasterCard transactions, this field is always 0.  If track data is present, it is contained in the MasterCard TLVs. Track 2 Data (MagStripe Card) Variable Track 2 Data (if available).  Format: ASCII (no null terminator)
NEO Interface Developers Guide           182 Data Item  Length (bytes)  Description DE055 (Clearing Record) Present.) 1 If a Clearing Record (DE 055) field is available, then this field is 01h. If there is no Clearing Record (DE 055) field, then this field is 00h. For MasterCard transactions, this field is always 0.   TLV DE 055 (Clearing Record) Variable up to 128 DE 055 data (if available) as a TLV data object encoded with Tag ‘E1’. The DE 055 data is the same data as is included in the Clearing Record. Refer to the Activate Transaction Clearing Record table. Tag: E1         Format: b1...126 variables. TLV Data Variable See Activate Response TLVs below.   Not all of the tags will be present.  MasterCard transactions do not return a Clearing Record or the track data fields.  Tags are returned in a format specified by M/Chip 3.0.  Track 1 and Track2 data are encapsulated in tags according to the MasterCard specification. Table 35: Activate Transaction Response TLVs Tag  Description  Format  Length (in bytes) 50  Application Label.  Name associated with the AID, in accordance with ISO/IEC 7816-5. an  <= 16 56 Track 1 Equivalent Data. Contains the data objects of the track 1 according to [ISO/IEC 7813] Structure B, excluding start sentinel, end sentinel and LRC. The Track 1 Data may be present in the file read using the READ RECORD command during a mag-stripe mode transaction. ans  <=79 57 Track 2 Equivalent Data. Contains the data objects of the track 2, in accordance with ISO/IEC 7813, excluding start sentinel, end sentinel, and LRC. b  <=19 5A Application Primary Account Number (PAN). The cardholder account number.   cn <=19 (10 bytes) 82 Application Interchange Profile. Indicates the capabilities of the Card to support specific functions in the application. b  2 84  DF Name. Identifies the name of the DF as described in ISO/IEC 7816-4.  b  5..16 95 Terminal Verification Results. Status of various functions from the terminal perspective. b  5 99 Online PIN Block n 16 9A Transaction Date. Local date that the transaction was performed. n6 (YYMMDD)  3 9B Transaction Status Information. b 2
NEO Interface Developers Guide           183 Tag  Description  Format  Length (in bytes) 9C Transaction Type. Indicates the type of financial transaction, represented by the first two digits of ISO 8583:1993 Processing Code. n2  1 5F20 Cardholder Name. b <=26 5F24 Application Expiration Date. The date after which the card application has expired. n6 (YYMMDD) 3 5F25 Application Effective Date. Date from which the card application may be used. n6 (YYMMDD)  3 5F2A Transaction Currency Code. Indicates the currency code of the transaction, in accordance with ISO 4217. n3  2 5F2D  Language Preference. 1-4 languages stored in order of preference, each represented by 2 alphabetical characters according to ISO 639.  an  2..8 5F34 PAN Sequence Number. Identifies and differentiates cards with the same Application PAN. n2 (BCD)  1 9F02 Amount, Authorized n12 6 9F03 Amount Other n12 6 9F06 Application Identifier (AID).  b 5..16 9F07 Application Usage Control. b 2 9F09 Application Version Number (Reader) Version number assigned by the payment system for the Kernel application. b  2 9F0D Issuer Action Code (Default). b 5 9F0E Issuer Action Code (Denial). b 5 9F0F Issuer Action Code (Online). b 5 9F10 Issuer Application Data. Contains proprietary application data for transmission to the issuer in an online transaction. b  <=32 9F11 Issuer Code Table Index. Indicates the code table according to ISO/IEC 8859 for displaying the Application Preferred Name.  n2  1 9F12 Application Preferred Name. The preferred mnemonic associated with the AID.   ans  <=16 9F1A Terminal Country Code. (Typically, this has been configured in the reader – refer to Group Configuration Tags.) n3  2 9F1E Interface Device Serial Number. Unique and permanent serial number assigned to the IFD by the manufacturer. (Typically, this has been configured in the reader – refer to Group Configuration Tags.) an  8 9F21 Transaction Time. Local time that the transaction was performed.  n6 (HHMMSS)  3 9F26 Application Cryptogram. This is returned in the response to GenAC or RecoverAC.  b  8
NEO Interface Developers Guide           184 Tag  Description  Format  Length (in bytes) 9F27 Cryptogram Information Data Indicates the type of cryptogram and the actions to be performed. b  1 9F33 Terminal Capabilities. Indicates the card data input, CVM, and security capabilities of the Terminal and Reader. b  3 9F34 Cardholder Verification Method (CVM) Results. Indicates result of last CVM performed.  b  3 9F35 Terminal Type. (Typically, this has been configured in the reader – refer to Group Configuration Tags.) n2  1 9F36 Application Transaction Counter. Counter maintained by the application in the card.  b  2 9F37 Unpredictable Number. A challenge number used by the card to ensure uniqueness of the generated cryptogram. b  4 9F39 Point of Service (POS) Entry Mode. Indicates the method by which the PAN was entered. Values: 90h = Magnetic Stripe Reader Swipe 91h = Contactless MSD 05h = Contact EMV 07h = Contactless EMV 80h = Contact Fallback to Magnetic Stripe n2  1 9F42 Application Currency Code. Indicates the currency in which the account is managed in accordance with ISO 4217. n3  2 9F45 Data Authentication Code. b 2 9F4C ICC Dynamic Number. b 8 9F53 Transaction Category Code. Indicates the type of transaction being performed, and which may be used in card risk management. an  1 9F5A  Membership Scheme - Account Number (Amex) Or Terminal Transaction Type (Interac) an           b <=5  1 9F5B Membership Scheme Number of Points (Amex). an <=29 Issuer Script Result(UICS) b <=128 9F5D Available Offline Spending Amount (Balance). b 6 9F6B Track 2 Data. Contains the data objects of the track 2 according to ISO/IEC 7813, excluding start sentinel, end sentinel and LRC.  b  <=19 9F6C Card Transaction Qualifiers (Visa transactions only). If card does not return this tag then a length of zero is returned. b  16 9F6D Mag-Stripe Application Version Number (Reader). Version number assigned by the payment system for the specific mag-stripe mode functionality of the Kernel. b  2
NEO Interface Developers Guide           185 Tag  Description  Format  Length (in bytes) 9F6E Third Party Data. Contains various information, possibly including information from a third party. b  5..32 9F74 VLP Issuer Authorization  b 6 E300 Authorization Code. b 8 DF8104 Balance Read Before GenAC. (MasterCard) Balance read from the card before the GenAC.  n12  6 DF8105 Balance Read After GenAC. (MasterCard) Balance read from the card after the GenAC. n12  6 DF8115 Error Indication. (MasterCard) Flags defining the error conditions from the transaction.  Refer to the M/Chip PayPass specification. b  6 DF8129 Outcome Parameter Set (MasterCard). Contains the result of the transaction.  Refer to the M/Chip PayPass specification. b  8 FF8105 Data Record (MasterCard, container). Contains the data from the transaction.  Refer to the M/Chip PayPass specification. b  varies FF8106 Discretionary Data (MasterCard, container). Contains the discretionary data from the transaction. Refer to the M/Chip PayPass specification. b  varies FFEE01  ViVOPay Group Tag. (container) This three-byte Group Tag was created to contain ViVOpay proprietary Tags. See tags below. b  <=76 DF30 (ViVOpay proprietary)  Track Data Source. This tag is embedded in the ViVOpay Group tag. It specifies whether the track data came from a swipe or RFID transaction.  0Ch for swiped MagStripe 00h for a contactless card.  b  1 DF31 (ViVOpay proprietary) DD Card Track 1 (MagStripe Card) This tag is embedded in the ViVOpay Group tag. If Track 1 Data is present, then DD CARD TRACK1 contains a copy of the discretionary data field of Track 1 Data as returned by the card. b  <= 56 DF32 (ViVOpay proprietary) DD Card Track 2 (MagStripe Card) This tag is embedded in the ViVOpay Group tag. If Track 2 Data is present, then DD CARD TRACK2 contains a copy of the discretionary data field of Track 2 Data as returned by the card. b  <=8 DF33 (ViVOpay proprietary) Receipt Requirement (Interac) This tag is embedded in the ViVOpay Group tag for Interac transaction responses. 00 = No receipt required 01 = Receipt required b  1 DF5B (ViVOpay proprietary Terminal Entry Capability (Visa). For Visa Transactions, defines reader support for VSDC contact chip. Values: 05h = Reader supports VSDC contact chip 08h = Reader does not support VSDC contact chip n2  1
NEO Interface Developers Guide           186 Tag  Description  Format  Length (in bytes) DFEE26 Encrypt Information Length: 1 bytes Values (same as Attribution): Bit  4/3/0: Captured Data Type 0 0 0 = Contact Card 0 0 1 = Contactless Card / EMV 1 0 1 = Contactless Card / MSD 0 1 x = MSR Card Bit  2/1: Encryption Mode 0 0 = TDES 0 1 = AES Bit  6/5: Reserved Bit  7: Encryption Status       0 = Encryption OFF       1 = Encryption ON b  1 DFEF73 CUP Output Message Info (CUP) Byte 1  b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1  - - - - - - - X Authorisation Message - - - - - - X - Confirm Message - - - - - X - - Reversal Message - X X X X - - - Terminal Floor Limit Check X - - - - - - - Date Exprired  b  1 DFEF7B (Vendi Used Only) If tag DFEF7A vaule set to 1, After reading the card, the output data will show tag DFEF7B to indicate whether it is apple pay or android pay.  If tag DFEF7A not set, output data will not output the tag. 0 = Not Apple Pay/ Apple VAS or Android Pay/ Android VAS 1 = Apple Pay or Apple VAS 2 = Android Pay or Android VAS b  1  If a Clearing Record is returned, its potential TLVs are described in the following table.   Different card applications may have a slightly different format, or different TLVs, for the Clearing Record.  MasterCard M/Chip 3.0 does not return a clearing record. Table 36: Activate Transaction Clearing Record TLVs Tag Data Element Name Format Origin E1 DE 055 b1...126 var  50 Application Label ans1…16 var Card 82 Application Interchange Profile b2 Card 84 DF name b Card 95 Terminal Verification Results: Indicates results of various transaction processes. b 5 Reader
NEO Interface Developers Guide           187 Tag Data Element Name Format Origin 9A Transaction Date n6 Terminal 9B Transaction Status Information b2 Terminal 9C Transaction Type  0x00 = Purchase Goods/Services  0x20 = refund n2 Reader 5F2A Transaction Currency Code n3 Terminal 5F2D Language Preference an2-8 var Card 5F34 Application Primary Account Number Sequence Number n2 Card 9F02 Amount, Authorized (Numeric) n12 Terminal 9F03 Amount, Other (Numeric, Visa only) n12 Terminal 9F08 Application Version Number b2 Card 9F09 Application Version Number b2 Card 9F10 Issuer Application Data b1-32 var Card 9F11 Issuer Code Table Index n2 Card 9F12 Application Preferred Name ans1-16 var Card 9F1A Terminal Country Code n3 Terminal 9F21 Transaction Time n6 Terminal 9F26 Application Cryptogram b8 Card 9F27 Cryptogram Information Data b1 Card 9F33 Terminal Capabilities b3 Terminal 9F34 Cardholder Verification Method (CVM) Results b3 Terminal 9F35 Terminal Type (Interac) b1 Terminal 9F36 Application Transaction Counter b2 Card 9F37 Unpredictable Number b4 Reader 9F39 POS Entry Mode  b1 Reader 9F45 Data Authentication Code b2 Card 9F4C ICC Dynamic Number b2-8 var Card 9F59 Terminal Transaction Information (Interac) b3 Terminal 9F5A Terminal Transaction Type (Interac) b1 Terminal 9F66 Visa TTQ b4 Reader 9F6C Card Transaction Qualifiers (Visa only) b2 Card 9F6E Form Factor Indicator  or PayPass Third Party Data b4  b5-32 var Reader  Reader 9F74 VLP Issuer Authentication Code b Terminal 9F7C Customer Exclusive Data b1-32 var Reader DF30 Track Data Source   0x0C – swiped mag-stripe card  0x00 – contactless card b1 Reader DF33 Receipt Required (Interac) – calculated by checking the Interac Terminal Receipt Required Limit (9F5F). b1 Reader DF52 Transaction CVM:  00 = for No CVM  01 = for Signature  02 = for Online PIN  03 = for Mobile CVM / Consumer Device CVM b1 Reader DF76 TVR Backup – value of TVR prior to GenAC b5 Reader
NEO Interface Developers Guide           188 Tag Data Element Name Format Origin FFEE01 ViVOpay Proprietary Group Tag b variable Terminal   If the Status Code being returned in the Response Frame is “Failed” and the Error Code is not “Request Online Authorization”, then the contents of the Data field contains further information on the cause of the failure and does not contain the Track or Clearing Record information. In this case the Data field in the Response Frame has the following format. Table 37: Activate Transaction Cause of Failure When Not Requesting Online Authorization Data Field Length (bytes) Description Error Code 1 Error Code giving the reason for the failure. See sub-section on Error Codes SW1 1  Value of SW1 returned by the Card (SW1SW2 is 0000 if SW1 SW2 not available) SW2 1 Value of SW2 returned by the Card (SW1SW2 is 0000 if SW1 SW2 not available) RF State Code 1 RF State Code indicating exactly where the error occurred in the Reader-Card transaction flow. See sub-section on RF State Codes.  If the Status Code being returned in the Response Frame is “Failed” and the Error Code is “Request Online Authorization”, then the contents of the Data field contains further information on the cause of the failure and does not contain the Track or Clearing Record information. In this case the Data field in the Response Frame has the following format. Table 38: Activate Transaction Cause of Failure When Requesting Online Authorization Data Field  Length (bytes)  Description Error Code 1 Error Code giving the reason for the failure. See sub-section on Error Codes SW1 1 Value of SW1 returned by the Card (SW1SW2 is 0000 if SW1 SW2 not available) SW2 1 Value of SW2 returned by the Card (SW1SW2 is 0000 if SW1 SW2 not available) RF State Code 1 RF State Code indicating exactly where the error occurred in the Reader-Card transaction flow. See sub-section on RF State Codes.  TLV Track 2 Equivalent Data 21 (including Tag & Length) Track 2 Equivalent Data as a TLV object. Tag: 57     Format: b19 Amount Requested  6  Difference between the Terminal Contactless Transaction Limit (FFF1) and Balance.   Format: n12 If the Status Code is “User Interface Event” then the format and contents of the data field in the Response Frame are given in the following table: Data Item  Length (bytes)  Description Transaction status 1 01: The reader detects the card and initiates the transaction.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           189 For any other Status Code the data field is empty. If the transaction failed, the Response Frame may have the following format. Invalid or inappropriate cards may result in no Response Frame.  Table 39: Activate Transaction Response Frame Format, Failed Transaction: 02-01 Command (for 02-40, see further below) Data Item  Length (bytes)  Description Error Code 1 Error Code giving the reason for the failure. See sub-section on Error Codes SW1 1 Value of SW1 returned by the Card (SW1SW2 is 0000 if SW1 SW2 not available) SW2 1 Value of SW2 returned by the Card (SW1SW2 is 0000 if SW1 SW2 not available) RF State Code 1 RF State Code indicating exactly where the error occurred in the Reader-Card transaction flow. See RF State Codes.  TLV data Varies Refer to the Activate Response TLVs.  If the Status Code being returned in the Response Frame is "Request Online PIN", the reponse data has the following format. Data Item  Length (bytes)  Description TLV Application PAN Variable up to 12 Application Primary Account Number (PAN) as a TLV object. Tag: 5A Format: cn variable length up to 19(10 bytes)  Special TLV for Discover D-PAS and SmartTap  A new ViVOtech proprietary tag “TLV Special Flow” will be added to the Activate Transaction command data as shown below.  Command Data Data Item Length  (Bytes) Description : : :
NEO Interface Developers Guide           190 ViVOtech TLV Group Tag FFEE01 Variable  TLV  Special  Flow 2 Byte Tag +  1 Byte Length  +  Variable data (max 40 bytes) This TLV defines one or more special transaction flows for specific non-payment process.  Tag: DF50 Format:  The TLV value contains one or more 4-byte “Special Flow Record” entries. The format of a Special Flow Record is given in the next table. A Special Flow TLV cannot have more than 10 record entries. TLV Issuer Script 2 Byte Tag +  n-Byte Length  +  Variable Data This TLV is for Discover D-PAS only. This TLV contains the Issuer Script that is to be sent to the card. The Issuer Script is defined by the Discover D-PAS specification. Tag: DF51 Format: Raw data
NEO Interface Developers Guide           191 Special Flow Record Format Byte # Field 1 Application Flow Code This is the card application for which this special flow entry is being defined. This can be any of the Application Flows defined for the ViVOtech2 “Set Configurable AID” such as Discover D-PAS. This also can be any special Application Flow that not use ViVOtech2 “Set Configurable AID” such as SmartTap. 2 Special Transaction Flow Flags This byte defines the nature of the special flow and indicates whether the Application Flow defined in the previous byte occurs during pre-PPSE or post-PPSE processing. It also indicates whether a standard ISO Transaction will be performed in between pre-PPSE and post-PPSE processing or skipped.  The flags within this byte are given below. B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 Flag Description 0 0 0 0 0    Unused. Set to 0           1    Perform  Post-PPSE Transaction             1  Perform  Pre-PPSE Transaction               1 Perform ISO Payment Transaction (PPSE+AID)  3 Special Transaction Type Flags for Pre-PPSE Processing This byte indicates the type of special (non-payment) transaction that will be performed in the Pre-PPSE transaction processing (if any).  The flags within this byte are given below.  Bit7 Bit6 Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 Bit0 Flag Description 0 0 0 0 0 0   Unused. Set to 0       1  Write Transaction        1 Read Transaction  4 Special Transaction Type Flags for Post-PPSE Processing This byte indicates the type of special (non-payment) transaction that will be performed in the Post-PPSE transaction processing (if any).  The flags within this byte are given below.  Bit7 Bit6 Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 Bit0 Flag Description 0 0 0 0 0 0   Unused. Set to 0       1  Write Transaction        1 Read Transaction   Special Flow for Discover D-PAS For Discover D-PAS, Application Flow Code is 14 (0Dh). For Discover D-PAS 2nd Presentment of Issuer Update Process, the value in the Special Flow TLV will be: Pre-PPSE Write D-PAS On-Line Script Processing DF50 04 0D 02 02 00  The 0xFFEE01 TLV format for Discover D-PAS when input Issuer Script for Issuer Update Processing:   FFEE01 <len> DF50 04 0D020200 DF51 <len> <Issuer Script>   <Issuer Script> is defined by D-PAS spec.  Steps to do Issuer Update Processing for Discover D-PAS: Step1: Set TTQ Byte3 Bit8 “Issuer Update Processing supported” to be 1 Step2: Use “Activate Transaction Command (02-01)” to do normal Discover D-PAS transaction and reader will response transaction result and data. Step3: After host receives Online Request from reader, host can send “Activate Transaction Command (02-01)” to reader with Issuer Scripts(DF51 TLV) in FFEE01 TLV. Then reader will run Issuer Update Processing and response TVR and TSI  Special Flow for UICS
NEO Interface Developers Guide           192 For UICS, the special flow code ,Issuer Script format and usage is the same as D-PAS.   Special TLV for PayPass Application This design connects the M/Chip signal handling to the existing GR user interface module (“Process  D”)  to support MSG and OUT signals in ViVOpay readers with displays.  Reference files [1]  EMV Contactless Book C-2, Kernel 2 Specification, v2.3 [2]  PayPass Test Cases for PayPass v3.0 Level 2 Reader Testing, Aug 2011 [3]  EMV  Contactless  Specifications  for  Payment  Systems,  Book  A,  Architecture  and  General Requirements, v2.3 [4]  PayPass M/Chip Reader Card Application Interface Specification v3.0.2 [5]  Engineering Specification, MChip 3.0 on GR, v1.6  (1)  MSG Signals  MSG Signals are used by other processes to send the User Interface Request Data to Process D. Process D manages the User Interface Requests as defined in reference [3] and displays a  message and/or a status. The User Interface  Request  Data  is  defined in  reference [1]  as tag  DF8116 and holds twenty-two bytes of data as shown in the table below:  Data Field Length Message Identifier 1 Status  1 Hold Time  3 Language Preference 8 Value Qualifier 1 Value  6 Currency Code  2   (2) OUT Signals OUT Signals are used by the kernel (Process K) to indicate the outcome of a transaction.  According to reference [1] the OUT signal may comprise the following objects.  Data Field Tag Length Outcome Parameter Set  DF8129 8 Data Record (if any) FF8105 var. Discretionary Data FF8106 var. User Interface Request Data (if any) DF8116 22  According to reference [1], all objects listed below are to be added to the output buffer if they are present.  The Data Record (FF8105) may contain the following objects for an EMV transaction, with a maximum length of 256 bytes (74 TL, 182 V).  Data Field Tag Length Amount, Authorized (Numeric) 9F02 6 Amount, Other (Numeric) 9F03 6 Application Cryptogram 9F26 8 Application Expiration Date 5F24 3 Application Interchange Profile 82 2 Application Label      50 16 Application PAN 5A 16 Application PAN Sequence Number 5F34 1 Application Preferred Name     9F12 16 Application Transaction Counter 9F36 2
NEO Interface Developers Guide           193 Application Version Number (Reader) 9F08 2 Cryptogram Information Data 9F27 1 CVM Results 9F34 3 DF Name    84 16 Interface Device Serial Number 9F1E 8 Issuer Application Data 9F10 32 Issuer Code Table Index 9F11 1 Terminal Capabilities 9F33 3 Terminal Country Code 9F1A 2 Terminal Type 9F35 1 Terminal Verification Results 95 5 Track 2 Equivalent Data 57 19 Transaction Category Code 9F53 1 Transaction Currency Code 5F2A 2 Transaction Date 9A 3 Transaction Type 9F21 3 Unpredictable Number 9F37 4  The Data Record may contain the following objects for  a Mag-Stripe  transaction,  with  a possible maximum length of 182 bytes (20 TL, 162 V).  Data Field Tag Length Application Label      50 16 Application PAN 5A 16 Application Preferred Name     9F12 16 Mag-stripe Application Version Number 9F6D 2 DF Name    84 16 Issuer Code Table Index 9F11 1 Track 1 Data  56 76 Track 2 Data 9F6B 19   Discretionary  Data  is  always  included  in  an  OUT  signal.  Discretionary  Data  for  an  EMV  transaction  may include the following objects, with a possible maximum length of 1009 bytes (61 TL, 948 V), ignoring the Data Storage elements. Without the Torn Record maximum size would only be 80 bytes.   FF8106 var Discretionary Data     9F42 2 Application Currency Code   DF8105 6 Bal Read After Gen AC   DF8104 6 Bal Read Before Gen AC     DS Summary 3     DS Summary Status    DF8115 6 Error Indication    DF810E 1 Post-Gen AC Put Data Status   DF8105 1 Pre-Gen AC Put Data Status   9F6E 32 Third Party Data    FF8101 894 Torn Record  A Torn Record (FF8101) contains the following objects and may have a maximum length of 894 bytes (66 TL, 828 V);  Data Field Tag Length Amount, Authorized (Numeric) 9F02 6 Amount, Other (Numeric) 9F03 6 Application PAN 5A 16 Application PAN Sequence Number 5F34 1 Balance Read Before Gen AC DF8104 6 CDOL1 Related Data DF8107 252 CVM Results 9F34 3
NEO Interface Developers Guide           194 DRDOL Related Data  DF8113 252 IDS Status  DF8128 1 Interface Device Serial Number 9F1E 8 PDOL Related Data  DF8111 252 Reference Control Number  DF8114 1 Terminal Capabilities 9F33 3 Terminal Country Code 9F1A 2 Terminal Type 9F35 1 Terminal Verification Results 95 5 Transaction Category Code 9F53 1 Transaction Currency Code 5F2A 2 Transaction Date 9A 3 Transaction Type 9F21 3 Unpredictable Number 9F37 4   Discretionary Data for a Mag-Stripe transaction may include the following objects, with a possible maximum length of 117 bytes (15 TL, 102 V):  FF8106 var Discretionary Data     DF812A 56 DD Card (Track 1)   DF812B 8 DD Card (Track 2)   DF8115 6 Error Indication    9F6E 32 Third Party Data   The  most  typical  Intermediate  OUT  Signal  (for cases  such  as  Error  – Other  Card  and  Try  Again)  are  only required  to  include  the  Outcome  Parameter  Set and  the  Error Indication  and  the  L2  tests  usually focus on verifying data within these objects.  Tag Len Data Object DF8129 8 Outcome Parameter Set  FF8106 10 Discretionary Data   DF8115 6 Error Indication  (3) Signal Data TLV – FFEE04  A new proprietary TLV is defined to hold the intermediate signal data during a transaction. It will be populated with one or more signal objects as the UI_MSG_Signal function in UserInterface.c receives MSG Signals and the UI_OUT_Signal function in UserInterface.c receives OUT Signals.  This  tag  must  be  included  in  the  ACT  command  to  enable  the  signal  data  capture  feature  during  the transaction. If it is received in the ACT command this feature is enabled and the Signal Data Handler will add signal data to the buffer.  If  it is not received, the Signal Data  Handler will do nothing  and the length of  this TLV will remain 0 and nothing will be returned.  A second new proprietary tag is defined (FFEE05) which is used to separate and identify each individual signal entry added to the buffer, whether it is a MSG signal or an OUT signal. A new tag (DF8914) which includes Activate Response TLVs (Table 29) may be included in FFEE05.  When the transaction is complete, if tag FFEE04 was received in the ACT command and the Signal Data tag is  not  empty,  it  will  be  added  to  the  ACT  response.  The  signal  data  buffer  (the  “contents”  of  FFEE04)  is cleared when an ACT command is received.   Activate Transaction Response Frame Data Format For additional information on how data portions are encrypted, please see “80000502-001, ID Tech Encrypted Data Output Formats” for details.  Mode/Transaction Output Format Matrix—NSRED Device Contactless card
NEO Interface Developers Guide           195 Note: When MSR/MSD or EMV Encryption is enabled and Data encryption Key exists, Burst Mode is disabled (always OFF)  When encryption is enabled and Data encryption Key exists, Encrypt Mode is ON. Otherwise (encryption is disabled or Data encryption Key is absent), Encrypt Mode is OFF.  Poll Mode Encrypt Mode Burst Mode Command Output Format Poll On Demond OFF NA 02-01 02-01 plaintext NA 02-40 02-40 plaintext ON  NA 02-01 Not Allow 02-40  02-40 encrypted Auto Poll OFF ON No Cmd  Burst Format 02-01  Burst Format 02-40  Burst Format AutoExit No Cmd  Burst Format 02-01 02-01 plaintext 02-40 02-40 plaintext OFF 03-00 02-01 plaintext 02-01 02-01 plaintext 03-40  02-40 plaintext 02-40  02-40 plaintext ON  OFF 03-00  Not Allow 02-01  Not Allow 03-40  02-40 encrypted 02-40 02-40 encrypted   Mode/Transaction Output Format Matrix—SRED Device Contactless card Note: For SRED device, encryption is always enabled and Burst Mode is disabled (always OFF)  Poll Mode  Encrypt Mode  Burst Mode  Command  Output Format Poll On Demond  ON  OFF  02-01  Not Allow 02-40  02-40 encrypted Auto Poll  ON  ON 03-00  Not Allow 02-01  Not Allow 03-40 02-40 encrypted 02-40 02-40 encrypted
NEO Interface Developers Guide           196 Table 40: Success Transaction--Plaintext data field format (02-01) Data Item  Length (bytes)  Description Track 1 Length 1 If Track 1 is available, then this field gives the length of the Track 1 data that follows. If Track 1 is not available, then a Length of 00h is returned. Format: Binary For MasterCard transactions, this field is always 0.  If track data is present, it is contained in the MasterCard TLVs. Track 1 Data  (MagStripe Card) Variable Track 1 Data (if available).  Format: ASCII (no null terminator) Track 2 Length 1 If Track 2 is available, then this field gives the length of the Track 2 data that follows. If Track 2 is not available, then a Length of 00h is returned.  Format: Binary For MasterCard transactions, this field is always 0.  If track data is present, it is contained in the MasterCard TLVs. Track 2 Data (MagStripe Card) Variable Track 2 Data (if available).  Format: ASCII (no null terminator) DE055 (Clearing Record) Present.) 1 If a Clearing Record (DE 055) field is available, then this field is 01h. If there is no Clearing Record (DE 055) field, then this field is 00h. For MasterCard transactions, this field is always 0.   TLV DE 055 (Clearing Record) Variable up to 128 DE 055 data (if available) as a TLV data object encoded with Tag ‘E1’. The DE 055 data is the same data as is included in the Clearing Record. Refer to the Activate Transaction Clearing Record table. Tag: E1         Format: b1...126 variables. TLV Data Variable See Activate Response TLVs   Not all of the tags will be present.   Table 41: Successful Transaction -- Plaintext and Encrypted data field format for Contactless card (02-40)
NEO Interface Developers Guide           197 Data Item  Length (bytes)  Description Attribution  1  Bit 4/3/0: Captured Data Type 0 0 0 = Contact Card 0 0 1 = Contactless Card / EMV 1 0 1 = Contactless Card / MSD 0 1 x = MSR Card Bit 2/1: Encryption Mode 0 0 = TDES 0 1 = AES 1 x = Reserved Bit 5: Reserved for Attribution Byte Extension. Bit 6/7: Encryption Status 0 0 = MSR/MSD off, EMV off 0 1 = MSR/MSD off, EMV on 1 0 = MSR/MSD on, EMV off 1 1 = MSR/MSD on, EMV on  TLV KSN (FFEE12) Variable KSN of DUKPT Account Key Tag: FFEE12           Format: Binary  If encrypt disable or MSR data, this tag is not present.  TLV Track 1 Data  (MagStripe Card) Variable TDES/AES Encrypted Track 1 Data (if available) with Padding (0x00). If Track 1 is not available, this field is not present. Tag: FFEE13        Format: ASCII (no null terminator)     TLV Track 2 Data (MagStripe Card) Variable TDES/AES Encrypted Track 2 Data (if available) with Padding (0x00). If Track 2 is not available, this field is not present Tag: FFEE14        Format: ASCII (no null terminator)     TLV DE 055  (Clearing Record)  Variable up to 128  DE 055 data (if available) as a TLV data object encoded with Tag ‘E1’. The DE 055 data is the same data as is included in the Clearing Record. Refer to the Activate Transaction Clearing Record table. Sensitive TLV will be TDES/AES encrypted with Padding (0x00) Please see “80000404-001 ID-Tech Encrypt Data Format In Command Response Specification” for details Tag: E1         Format: b1…126 variables. TLV Data  Variable See Activate Response TLVs   Sensitive TLV will be TDES/AES encrypted with Padding (0x00) Please see “80000404-001 ID-Tech Encrypt Data Format In Command Response Specification” for details Not all of the tags will be present.  For MasterCard transactions, this field is not present.  If track data is present, it is contained in the MasterCard TLVs. For MasterCard transactions, this field is not present.  If track data is present, it is contained in the MasterCard TLVs.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           198 Table 42: Success Transaction -- Plaintext and Encrypted data field format for MSR card (02-40) Data Item  Length (bytes)  Description Attribution 1 Bit  4/3/0: Captured Data Type 0 0 0 = Contact Card 0 0 1 = Contactless Card / EMV 1 0 1 = Contactless Card / MSD 0 1 x = MSR Card Bit  2/1: Encryption Mode 0 0 = TDES 0 1 = AES Bit  6/5: Reserved Bit  7: Encryption Status       0 = Encryption OFF      1 = Encryption ON MSR TLV Variable MSR TLV  Data length compose of data length indicator (1 byte) and actual data length byte. MSR FIELD DATA length  Data length Indicator byte Data length byte Data <128 bytes  01~7F  X  1 128 bytes <= Data <=255 bytes  80~FF  81  1 Data > 255 bytes  FF~  82  2   Data is follow Enhanced Encrypted MSR FIELD DATA. Refer to Appendix A.11: Enhanced Encrypted MSR Data Output Format  Tag: DFEE23           Format: Binary TLV Data Variable See Activate Response TLVs     Table 43: Failed Transaction--Plaintext data field format (02-01) Data Item  Length (bytes)  Description Error Code 1 Error Code giving the reason for the failure. See sub-section on Error Codes SW1 1 Value of SW1 returned by the Card (SW1SW2 is 0000 if SW1 SW2 not available) SW2 1 Value of SW2 returned by the Card (SW1SW2 is 0000 if SW1 SW2 not available) RF State Code 1 RF State Code indicating exactly where the error occurred in the Reader-Card transaction flow. See RF State Codes.  TLV data Varies Refer to the Activate Response TLVs.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           199 Table 44: Failed Transaction-- Plaintext and Encrypted data field format (02-40) Data Item  Length (bytes)  Description Attribution  1  Bit 4/3/0: Captured Data Type 0 0 0 = Contact Card 0 0 1 = Contactless Card / EMV 1 0 1 = Contactless Card / MSD 0 1 x = MSR Card Bit 2/1: Encryption Mode 0 0 = TDES 0 1 = AES 1 x = Reserved Bit 5: Reserved for Attribution Byte Extension. Bit 6/7: Encryption Status 0 0 = MSR/MSD off, EMV off 0 1 = MSR/MSD off, EMV on 1 0 = MSR/MSD on, EMV off 1 1 = MSR/MSD on, EMV on  TLV KSN (FFEE12) Variable KSN of DUKPT Account Key Tag: FFEE12           Format: Binary If encrypt disable or MSR data, this tag is not present.  TLV Contactless Error Code Table (FFEE1F) Variable Byte 1: Error Code. (Error Code giving the reason for the failure.) Byte 2: SW1       (Value of SW1 returned by the Card (SW1SW2 is 0000 if SW1 SW2 not available)) Byte 3: SW2       (Value of SW2 returned by the Card (SW1SW2 is 0000 if SW1 SW2 not available)) Byte 4: RF State Code       (RF State Code indicating exactly where the error occurred in the Reader-Card transaction flow.) TLV Data  Variable Refer to the Activate Response TLVs. Sensitive TLV will be TDES/AES encrypted with Padding (0x00) Please see “80000404-001 ID-Tech Encrypt Data Format In Command Response Specification” for details
NEO Interface Developers Guide           200 Data Item  Length (bytes)  Description Attribution  1  Bit 4/3/0: Captured Data Type 0 0 0 = Contact Card 0 0 1 = Contactless Card / EMV 1 0 1 = Contactless Card / MSD 0 1 x = MSR Card Bit 2/1: Encryption Mode 0 0 = TDES 0 1 = AES 1 x = Reserved Bit 5: Reserved for Attribution Byte Extension. Bit 6/7: Encryption Status 0 0 = MSR/MSD off, EMV off 0 1 = MSR/MSD off, EMV on 1 0 = MSR/MSD on, EMV off 1 1 = MSR/MSD on, EMV on  TLV KSN (FFEE12) Variable KSN of DUKPT Account Key Tag: FFEE12           Format: Binary If encrypt disable or MSR data, this tag is not present.  TLV Contactless Error Code Table (FFEE1F) Variable Byte 1: Error Code. (Error Code giving the reason for the failure.) Byte 2: SW1       (Value of SW1 returned by the Card (SW1SW2 is 0000 if SW1 SW2 not available)) Byte 3: SW2       (Value of SW2 returned by the Card (SW1SW2 is 0000 if SW1 SW2 not available)) Byte 4: RF State Code       (RF State Code indicating exactly where the error occurred in the Reader-Card transaction flow.) TLV Data  Variable Refer to the Activate Response TLVs. Sensitive TLV will be TDES/AES encrypted with Padding (0x00) Please see “80000404-001 ID-Tech Encrypt Data Format In Command Response Specification” for details  Continue Transaction for Cardholder Verification (02-07) Use this command to send the result of Online PIN Request and to continue a contactless UICS transaction. If the prior response Status Code is 31h(Request Online PIN), this is the next command to send. This command is now used for CUP brand only.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           201 Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 ...Byte 14+n-1 Byte 14+n  Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB)  Data  CRC (LSB)  CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0  02h  07h  00h  00h See Data Table     The format and contents of the data field are as below:  Data Item  Length (bytes)  Description Result 1 Mandatory 00h: Request Online PIN Other: Cancelled PIN Request Encrypted PIN Block 16 Mandatory if Result is 00h for Online PIN  Note: After Online Response, if the (02-07) command is not received for 60s, get Online PIN will timeout.  Response Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC (MSB) CRC  (LSB) ViVOtech2\0 02h See Status Code Table
NEO Interface Developers Guide           202 Get Transaction Result (03-00 and 03-40) NOTE: 03-00 is a legacy command, applicable to non-encrypted transactions only.When EMV encryption ON or MSR/MSD encryption ON, if Data encryption Key is loaded, 03-00 will be disabled. 03-40 is a unified command for both non-encrypted and encrypted transaction. Use this command when the ViVOpay reader is functioning in “Auto Poll” mode. In this mode the reader does not wait for an Activate Transaction command to start polling for a card. It is always in Auto Poll Mode. When it detects a card, it carries out a transaction with the card. If the card is a supported contactless MagStripe card, the reader does not need any parameters from the terminal. If the card is a supported contactless EMV Card, then the reader uses the default terminal parameters (Group 0 TLVs) in the reader. If some terminal parameters had been set by using the Set Configuration command, then the reader uses the new values for these parameters. If the transaction is successful, the reader keeps the transaction data (Track or Clearing Record) in its memory. When it receives the Get Transaction Result command, it returns this data to the terminal immediately and reset its data buffer. If the reader has not detected any card since power up or since the last Get Transaction Result command, and this command is received, the reader responds back immediately indicating that it has no data for the terminal. In Auto Poll Mode the reader can carry out only contactless MagStripe and contactless EMV transactions. It cannot carry out any ticketing or ePurse transactions since these transactions require interaction with the Terminal during the transaction itself.  Note: For Non-SRED version device, response format for Activate Transaction Command is according to “Set Data Encryption Enable Flag (C7-36)” setting and Data encryption Key. When Data Encryption is disabled, device responds with plaintext data format. When Data Encryption is enabled: (1) When Data encryption Key exists and is valid, device responds with  encrypted data format. (2) When Data encryption Key does not exist, device responds with plaintext data format (3) When Data encryption Key exhausts, device responds status code 0x91 and no data. For SRED version device, response format for Activate Transaction Command is according to Data encryption Key. When Data encryption Key exists and is valid, device responds with  encrypted data format. When Data encryption Key exhausts or does not exist, device responds status code 0x91/0x90 and no data.  Command Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC (LSB)  CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 03h 00h 00h 00h    On receiving this command, the ViVOpay reader returns one of the following.   A response containing Track Data (Contactless MagStripe Transaction)
NEO Interface Developers Guide           203  A response containing a Clearing Record (Contactless EMV Transaction)  A response containing no Data (No transaction) If the transaction cannot be completed successfully, the response indicates an OK status and indicates “No Data”. Note: ViVOcomm and DesFire cards return raw track data only. If there was an error in the Command Frame received then the response contains an appropriate status code.  Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1  Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC (MSB) CRC  (LSB) ViVOtech2\0 03h See Status Code Table     See Data Tables     If Status Code is OK, then the format and contents of the data field in the Response Frame are given in the following table. Some data objects may not be present depending on the card involved in the transaction and the presence or absence of a Clearing Record object (DE 055). All TLV lengths include the Tag and Length bytes.  Table 45: Get Transaction Result Format and Content: Plaintext data field format (03-00) Data Item  Length (bytes)  Description Track 1 Length 1 If Track 1 is available, then this field gives the length of the Track 1 data that follows. If Track 1 is not available, then a Length of 00h is returned. Format: Binary Track 1 Data (MagStripe card) Variable Track 1 Data (if available).  Format: ASCII (no null terminator) Track 2 Length 1 If Track 2 is available, then this field gives the length of the Track 2 data that follows. If Track 2 is not available, then a Length of 00h is returned.  Format: Binary Track 2 Data (MagStripe card) Variable Track 2 Data (if available).  Format: ASCII (no null terminator) DE055 (Clearing Record) Present  1 If a Clearing Record (DE 055) field is available, then this field is 01h. If there is no Clearing Record (DE 055) field, then this field is 00h. TLV DE 055 (Clearing Record) (see Clearing Record Format) Variable up to 128  DE 055 data (if available) as a TLV data object encoded with Tag ‘E1’. The DE 055 data is the same data as is included in the Activate Transaction Clearing Record. Refer to the Activate Transaction Clearing Record table. Tag: E1     Format: b1...126 variable.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           204 Data Item  Length (bytes)  Description TLV Data Variable Refer to Activate Response TLVs.  If the Status Code is OK the response is different depending on the card application: Card Application  Return Data PayPass MagStripe  Track1/Track2 PayPass M/Chip Chip data plus other tags JCB QuicPay TLV Auth code and Track2 Equivalent data VSDC online application Track1/Trakc2 and VLP Issuer Auth code VSDC offline and qVSDC Chip data E1 and some other tags A Status Code 23 (request online authorization) can be returned for some cards (qVSDC & M/Chip) with a fully populated data field. This command never returns a status code of “Failed”. If any status code other than OK or status code ‘23’ (request online authorization) is returned, the data field is empty.  The above description is plaintext response. The encrypted data format is as follows: (Please see “80000404-001 ID-Tech Encrypt Data Format In Command Response Specification” for details) Table 46: Get Transaction Result format for contactless card: Plaintext and Encrypted data field format (03-40) Data Item  Length (bytes)  Description Attribution  1  Bit 4/3/0: Captured Data Type 0 0 0 = Contact Card 0 0 1 = Contactless Card / EMV 1 0 1 = Contactless Card / MSD 0 1 x = MSR Card Bit 2/1: Encryption Mode 0 0 = TDES 0 1 = AES 1 x = Reserved Bit 5: Reserved for Attribution Byte Extension. Bit 6/7: Encryption Status 0 0 = MSR/MSD off, EMV off 0 1 = MSR/MSD off, EMV on 1 0 = MSR/MSD on, EMV off 1 1 = MSR/MSD on, EMV on  TLV KSN  10  If encrypt disable, this tag is not present. KSN of DUKPT Account Key Tag: FFEE12           Format: Binary
NEO Interface Developers Guide           205 Data Item  Length (bytes)  Description TLV Track 1 Data (MagStripe card) Variable  TDES/AES Encrypted Track 1 Data (if available) with Padding (0x00). If Track 1 is not available, this field is not present. Tag: FFEE13        Format: ASCII (no null terminator)     TLV Track 2 Data (MagStripe card) Variable  TDES/AES Encrypted Track 2 Data (if available) with Padding (0x00). If Track 2 is not available, this field is not present Tag: FFEE14        Format: ASCII (no null terminator)     TLV DE 055 (Clearing Record) (see Clearing Record Format) Variable up to 128  DE 055 data (if available) as a TLV data object encoded with Tag ‘E1’. The DE 055 data is the same data as is included in the Clearing Record. Refer to the Activate Transaction Clearing Record table. Sensitive TLV will be TDES/AES encrypted with Padding (0x00) Please see “80000404-001 ID-Tech Encrypt Data Format In Command Response Specification” for details Tag: E1         Format: b1…126 variables.… TLV Data  Variable  See Activate Response TLVs   Sensitive TLV will be TDES/AES encrypted with Padding (0x00) Please see “80000404-001 ID-Tech Encrypt Data Format In Command Response Specification” for details Not all of the tags will be present.  Table 47: Get Transaction Result format for MSR card: Encrypted Data Item  Length (bytes)  Description Attribution 1  Bit 4/3/0: Captured Data Type 0 0 0 = Contact Card 0 0 1 = Contactless Card / EMV 1 0 1 = Contactless Card / MSD 0 1 x = MSR Card Bit 2/1: Encryption Mode 0 0 = TDES 0 1 = AES 1 x = Reserved Bit 5: Reserved for Attribution Byte Extension. Bit 6/7: Encryption Status 0 0 = MSR/MSD off, EMV off 0 1 = MSR/MSD off, EMV on 1 0 = MSR/MSD on, EMV off 1 1 = MSR/MSD on, EMV on  For MasterCard transactions, this field is not present.  If track data is present, it is contained in the MasterCard TLVs. For MasterCard transactions, this field is not present.  If track data is present, it is contained in the MasterCard TLVs.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           206 Data Item  Length (bytes)  Description TLV (DFEE25) Variable Response Code TLV  Tag: DFEE25           Format: Binary Response: 00h 11h TLV MSR Data (DFEE23) Variable Refer to  “Enhanced Encrypted MSR Data Output Format” section of document 80000502-001, Encrypted Data Output Formats. This tag will wrap an entire MSR data block.  Enhanced encrypted MSR FIELD DATA length  Data length Indicator byte Data length byte Data <128 bytes  01~7F  X  1 128 bytes <= Data <=255 bytes  80~FF  81  1 Data > 255 bytes  FF~  82  2  TLV Data  Variable TLV data list TLV POS Entry Mode (9F39) Variable  90h = Magnetic Stripe Reader Swipe 91h = Contactless MSD 05h = Contact EMV 07h = Contactless EMV 80h = Contact Fallback to Magnetic Stripe TLV (DF30) (ViVOpay proprietary) Variable Track Data Source. This tag is embedded in the ViVOpay Group tag. It specifies whether the track data came from a swipe or RFID transaction.  0Ch for swiped MagStripe 00h for a contactless card. 01h for a contact card.  This tag include in  ViVOpay proprietary (FFEE01) Ex: FFEE0104DF30010C TLV Encrypt Information (DFEE26) Variable Encrypt Information. Length: 1 byte Values: Same as “Attribution” byte definition  Bit 4/3/0: Captured Data Type 0 0 0 = Contact Card 0 0 1 = Contactless Card / EMV 1 0 1 = Contactless Card / MSD 0 1 x = MSR Card Bit 2/1: Encryption Mode 0 0 = TDES 0 1 = AES 1 x = Reserved Bit 5: Reserved for Attribution Byte Extension. Bit 6/7: Encryption Status 0 0 = MSR/MSD off, EMV off 0 1 = MSR/MSD off, EMV on 1 0 = MSR/MSD on, EMV off 1 1 = MSR/MSD on, EMV on
NEO Interface Developers Guide           207 Update Balance Command (03-03) Use this command when the ViVOpay reader has been put in “Poll on Demand” mode and after the reader sends an online request to the issuer. This command is the authorization response sent by the issuer to the terminal including the Authorization Status (OK or NOT OK).  This command is also being used in some implementations (i.e. EMEA) to communicate the results of Issuer Authentication to the reader in order to display the correct LCD messages. With this command, the POS passes the authorization result (OK/NOT OK), and possibly the Authorization Code (Auth_Code)/Date/Time to the terminal.  For a Visa transaction when the card supports Available Offline Spending Amount, the LCD displays the available amount. Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1 Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC (LSB) CRC    (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 03h 03h   See Data Table    The format and contents of the data field in the Command Frame are given in the following table. All TLV lengths include the Tag and Length bytes. Table 48: Update Balance Format and Contents Data Item Length (bytes) Description Status Code 1 00: OK   01: NOT OK TLV Auth_Code 9 Authorization Code as a TLV object. Tag: E300     Format: b8 TLV Transaction Date 5 EMV data element “Transaction Date” as a TLV data object. Local date that the transaction was authorized. If this TLV is not provided, the transaction uses the reader’s current date. Tag: 9A         Format: n6  (YYMMDD) Note: The reader does not perform range checking on this value. The POS application should perform range checking on this value to ensure it is within acceptable limits. TLV Transaction Time 6 EMV data element “Transaction Time” as a TLV data object. Local time that the transaction was authorized. If this TLV is not provided, the transaction uses the reader’s current time. Tag: 9F21         Format: n6  (HHMMSS) Note: The reader does not perform range checking on this value. The POS application should perform range checking on this value to ensure it is within acceptable limits.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           208 Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1 Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0 03h See Status Code Table     See Data Tables     If the Status Code is OK then the format and contents of the data field in the Response Frame are given in the following table. All TLV lengths include the Tag and Length bytes. Table 49: Update Balance Format and Contents When Status OK Data Item  Length (Bytes)  Description TLV Track 2 Equivalent Data 21  Track 2 Equivalent Data as a TLV object. Tag: 57     Format: b19 TLV Auth_Code 9  Authorization Code as a TLV object Tag: E300 Format: b8  If the Status Code being returned in the Response Frame is “Failed”, then the contents of the Data field contains further information on the cause of the failure and does not contain the Authorization Code etc. In this case the Data field in the Response Frame has the following format. Table 50: Update Balance Format and Contents When Status Not OK Data Field  Length (bytes)  Description Error Code 1  Error Code giving the reason for the failure. See sub-section on Error Codes SW1 1 Value of SW1 returned by the Card (SW1SW2 is 0000 if SW1 SW2 not available) SW2 1 Value of SW2 returned by the Card (SW1SW2 is 0000 if SW1 SW2 not available) RF State Code 1 RF State Code indicating exactly where the error occurred in the Reader-Card transaction flow. See sub-section on RF State Codes.   For any other Status Code the data field is empty. Cancel Transaction Command (05-01) Use this command to stop reader/card communication after the Activate Transaction command or Update Balance command has been sent to the reader.  After the terminal has issued the Cancel Transaction command, the terminal should not send any commands until it receives a response from the reader. If the reader receives the Cancel
NEO Interface Developers Guide           209 Transaction command before it sends the response to an Activate command, it only sends the Cancel Transaction response. The reader then enters an “idle” state and waits for the next command from the terminal. Command Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC (LSB)  CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 05h 01h 00h 00h    Response Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC (MSB)  CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  05h See Status Code Table 00h  00h       MasterCard M/Chip 3.0 Transaction Commands This section describes commands that are specific to MasterCard M/Chip 3.0 transaction behavior.   Stop Transaction (05-02) The Stop Transaction command is similar to the Cancel command.  However, the transaction will exit at whatever phase it was currently in.  Depending on timing, the transaction could exit with an Activate Response.  In that case, the Stop command was received too late to stop the transaction.  Receipt of any response other than the Stop response is proof that the Stop command did not execute. The Stop command is currently only used by the MasterCard M/Chip 3.0 application. Command Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC (LSB)  CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 05h 02h 00h 00h
NEO Interface Developers Guide           210 Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12  Byte 13 Byte 14 … Byte 14+n-1 Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  05h See Status Code Table 00h  30h  See below     The following information is returned in the data field of a successful Stop command:  Data item Tag Tag Len Notes Outcome Parameter Set TLV DF8129h 12   Discretionary Data TLV FF8106h 10 Encapsulates the Error TLV Error Indication TLV DF8115 6    Reset Torn Transaction Log (84-0E) The Reset Torn Transaction Log effectively erases the content of the torn transaction log and sets it back to an “empty” state.  Normally, this function will only be used in certification scenarios where the torn transaction log must be put into a known state before performing a test.    Command Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC     (LSB) CRC    (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 84h 0Eh 00h 00h Varies Varies   Response Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC     (LSB) CRC    (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 84h Refer to standard status values 00h  00h  Varies  Varies  This command, when sent, will restore the Torn Transaction Log back to its original pristine state, as if a power up had just occurred.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           211 Clean Torn Transaction Log (84-0F) Command This command is used to remove Torn Transaction Log entries that have exceeded the allowed lifetime defined in tag DF811C (Maximum Lifetime of Torn Transaction Log Record).  Command Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC     (LSB) CRC    (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 84h 0Fh 00h 00h Varies Varies   Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14-N Byte N + 1 Byte N + 2 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 84h Refer to standard status values XX  XX List of Torn  TLV’s Varies Varies  The response may contain expiring torn entries. These are returned inside a Discretionary Data tag, as shown below:   Byte 0-2 Byte 3 Bytes 4-6 Byte 7 Byte 8-N Discretionary Data Tag Length Torn Transaction Tag Length TLV’s for Torn Record FF8106h Varies FF8101h Varies Varies   NOTE: The terminal should execute the CLEAN command repeatedly, until no more torn records are sent back to it. In other words, in the final response, the value length of tag FF8106 shall be 0.  Refer to the M/Chip PayPass specification for the contents of the Torn Transaction Log Record. Torn Transaction Log Timer The reader keeps track of how much time has elapsed for each torn transaction record. However, it does not take any action when this time has expired. Since the interface between the terminal/POS and the Reader is a command/response interface, cleaning the torn transaction log must be initiated by the terminal/POS.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           212 Periodically, the POS should initiate a cleaning cycle and repeatedly issue the “Clean” command (84-0F) at that point until the reader reports that the Torn Log has been successfully purged.  How the POS accomplishes this is beyond the scope of the interface and this document. Visa VCPS Transaction Commands Set Cash Transaction Reader Risk Parameters (04-0C) This command creates or modifies the TTQ and reader risk parameters associated with VCPS 2.1.1 cash transactions. Visa defines a “cash” transaction as a transaction that results in cash only being returned, like a bank machine withdrawal. If the transaction is a cash transaction and the Cash Transaction RR enable is set in the default FFF4 Visa Reader Risk Flags tag, then the reader risk parameters provided are used instead of the default TTQ and reader risk parameters. Once the transaction has been completed the TTQ and reader risk parameters are returned to their default settings.  Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1  Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0  04h  0Ch  00h  00h TLV Data Objects (see Cash Transaction TLVs)     Important: All the TLVs listed in the table below are mandatory. If any are omitted, the command returns an error. Table 51: Cash Transaction TLVs Tag  Data Object Name and Description  Format  Length (Bytes) 9F1B Terminal Floor Limit Indicates the floor limit in the terminal in for a Visa Cash or Cashback Transaction (hex).   b  4 9F66 Visa Terminal Transaction Qualifier (TTQ) Determines the characteristics of the transaction for a Cash transaction. b  4 FFF1[1] Terminal Contactless Transaction Limit Indicates the floor limit in the terminal for a Visa Cash transaction. n12  6
NEO Interface Developers Guide           213 Tag  Data Object Name and Description  Format  Length (Bytes) FFF4[1] Visa Reader Risk Flags Byte 1 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning (0 = disable, 1 = enable) - - - - - - - X Status Check  X X X X X X X - RFU  Byte 2:  b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning (0 = disable, 1 = enable) - - - - - - - X Transaction Limit Check - - - - - - X - CVM Required Limit Test - - - - - X - - Terminal Floor Limit Check - - - - X - - - Cash Transaction Reader Risk (RR) - - - X - - - - Cashback Reader Risk (RR) - - X - - - - - DRL (Dynamic Reader Limits) RR X X - - - - - - RFU  Byte 3 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning   - - - - - - - X Zero Amount Test 0 = If amount is zero, transaction disallowed 1 = If amount is zero, online cryptogram required in the TTQ (9F66)             X   Zero Amount Test. If 0, bit 1 is ignored. X X X X X X   - RFU  b  3 FFF5[1] CVM Required Limit Indicates the CVM required floor limit for a Visa Cash transaction. n12  6  Response Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC (MSB)  CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  04h See Status Code Table         Get Cash Transaction Reader Risk Parameters (03-0C) This command returns the TTQ and reader risk parameters that will be used for cash transactions, if enabled.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           214 Command Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC (LSB)  CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 03h 0Ch 00h 00h   Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1 Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC   (MSB) CRC   (LSB) ViVOtech2\0 03h  See Status Code Table    TLV Data Objects (see Cash Transaction TLVs)     The only Data Objects that should be returned are the Cash Transaction TLVs sent in the Set Cash Transactions Reader Risk Parameters command (9F66, FFF1, FFF5, and 9F1B).  Set Cashback Transaction Reader Risk Parameters (04-0D) This command creates or modifies the TTQ and reader risk parameters associated with a VCPS 2.1.1 cashback transaction. Visa defines a “cashback” transaction as a transaction that results in the purchase of merchandise with cash being returned. If the transaction is a cashback transaction and the Cashback Transaction Reader Risk enable is set in the default FFF4 Visa Reader Risk Flags tag, then the reader risk parameters provided are used instead of the default TTQ and reader risk parameters. Once the transaction has been completed the TTQ and reader risk parameters are returned to their default settings. Command Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Data Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 04h  0Dh  00h  00h TLV Data Objects (see Cash Transaction TLVs)     Important: All the TLVs listed in the Cash Transactions TLVs table are mandatory. If any are omitted, the command returns an error. On ViVOpay Readers there are three ways to initiate a Cashback Transaction:
NEO Interface Developers Guide           215 1. If you define an Authorized Amount (9F02) that is greater than the Other Amount (9F03), and the Other Amount is greater than zero, then the transaction will be treated as a Cashback transaction. These parameters may be configured through configuration commands or by including them in the Activate (02-01) command.  2. If you configure the Transaction Type (9C) using serial commands, or if you provide the Transaction Type (9C) in the Activate Transaction command and set its value to 0x09, then the transaction will be treated as a Cashback transaction.  3. If you provide an Other Amount (9F03) with a valid length of 6 bytes in the Activate Transaction Command, the transaction will be treated as a Cashback transaction.    While the concept of cashback transactions may be applied to other card applications, the command to set Reader Risk Parameters (04-0D) only applies to Visa.  It allows the creation or modification of the TTQ (Terminal Transaction Qualifiers). Response Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Status Code  Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB)  CRC (MSB) CRC   (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  04h See Status Code Table 00  00     Get Cashback Transaction Reader Risk Parameters (03-0D) This command returns the TTQ and reader risk parameters for all cashback transactions.  Command Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC (LSB)  CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 03h 0Dh 00h 00h    Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1 Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC   (MSB) CRC   (LSB) ViVOtech2\0 03h  See Status Code Table    TLV Data Objects (see Cash Transaction TLVs)
NEO Interface Developers Guide           216 The only Data Objects that should be returned are the Cash Transaction TLVs sent in the Set Cash Transactions Reader Risk Parameters command (9F66, FFF1, FFF5, and 9F1B).  Set DRL Reader Risk Parameters (04-0E) This command creates or modifies the Application Program ID and reader risk parameters for four Dynamic Reader Limit sets. If a Visa card provides an Application Program ID that matches one of the four programmed in the reader DRL sets and the DRL RR enable is set in the default FFF4 Visa Reader Risk Flags tag, the Reader risk parameters for that DRL are used during the transaction. Once the transaction has been completed the Reader risk parameters are returned to their default settings.  Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1 Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0  04h  0Eh  00h  01h DRL Index and TLVs      Important: All the TLVs listed in the table below are mandatory. If any are omitted, the command returns an error. Table 52: DRL TLVs Tag  Data Object Name and Description  Format  Length (Bytes) None DRL Index This index refers to which DRL set (1 – 4) this data belongs.  b  1 9F1B Terminal Floor Limit Changes the Floor Limit for the DRL (hex).  b  4 9F5A Application Program ID  Determine the characteristics of the transaction for the DRL.  b  16 FFF1[1] Terminal Contactless Transaction Limit Indicates the floor limit in the terminal for the DRL. n12  6
NEO Interface Developers Guide           217 Tag  Data Object Name and Description  Format  Length (Bytes) FFF4[1] Visa Reader Risk Flags Byte 1 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning (0 = disable, 1 = enable) - - - - - - - X Status Check  X X X X X X X - RFU  Byte 2:  b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning (0 = disable, 1 = enable) - - - - - - - X Transaction Limit Check - - - - - - X - CVM Required Limit Test - - - - - X - - Terminal Floor Limit Check - - - - X - - - Cash Transaction Reader Risk (RR) - - - X - - - - Cashback Reader Risk (RR) - - X - - - - - DRL (Dynamic Reader Limits) RR X X - - - - - - RFU  Byte 3 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning   - - - - - - - X Zero Amount Test 0 = If amount is zero, transaction disallowed 1 = If amount is zero, online cryptogram required in the TTQ (9F66)             X   Zero Amount Test. If 0, bit 1 is ignored. X X X X X X   - RFU  b  3 FFF5[1] CVM Required Limit Indicates the CVM required floor limit for the DRL. n12  6  Response Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC (MSB)  CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  04h See Status Code Table        Get DRL Reader Risk Parameters (03-0E) This command returns the Index, Application Program ID, and reader risk parameters for the DRL settings.  Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1 Byte 14+n Byte 15+n
NEO Interface Developers Guide           218 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0  03h  0Eh  00h  01h DRL Index (01-04)     Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1 Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC   (MSB) CRC   (LSB) ViVOtech2\0 03h  See Status Code Table    TLV Data Objects (see DRL TLVs)     The response TLV Data Objects are formatted as shown in the table DRL Transaction TLVs (Index, 9F5A, FFF1, FFF4, FFF5, and 9F1B).   Key Management Commands Warning: DO NOT mix Protocol 1 and Protocol 2 Key Management commands.  The preferred method is to use the Protocol 2 commands. The Key Management Protocol 2 commands are the preferred method. The Key Management Protocol 2 commands MUST be used when doing secure communication. The following status codes may be generated in response to the CA Public Key commands.   The following status codes are specific to the Key Manager module.  Their values may have different meanings when used with other commands.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           219 Table 53: EMV Key Manager Status Codes – Protocol 2 Status Code Status 00h Operation was successful 20h SAM Transceiver error – problem communicating with the SAM (see note below) 21h Length error in data returned from the SAM 41h Unknown Error from SAM 42h Invalid data detected by SAM 43h Incomplete data detected by SAM 44h Reserved 45h Invalid key hash algorithm 46h Invalid key encryption algorithm 47h Invalid modulus length 48h Invalid exponent 49h Key already exists 4Ah No space for new RID 4Bh Key not found 4Ch Crypto not responding 4Dh Crypto communication error 4Fh All key slots are full (maximum number of keys has been installed)  Get CA Public Key (D0-01)  This command retrieves all of the information related to a specific key.  It includes the key hash, the algorithms, and so forth.  See the data definition below: Command Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 – 18 Byte 19 Byte 20 Byte 21 Header Tag & Protocol Version Cmd  Sub Cmd Length (MSB) Length (LSB)  RID  Key Index CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 D0h 01h 00h 06h varies varies Varies Varies  Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10 Byte 11  Byte 12  Byte 13 Byte 19 – n Byte n+1 Byte n+2 Header Tag & Protocol Version Cmd  Status Length (MSB) Length (LSB)  Data CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0  D0h See Key Manager status codes 00h  varies  varies  Varies  Varies  When the status is successful (00h), the data field contains: Key Hash Algorithm (1 Byte)  - 01h = SHA-1
NEO Interface Developers Guide           220 Key Encryption Algorithm (1 Byte) – 01h = RSA Checksum – This Checksum is calculated with a concatenation of: RID & KeyIndex & Modulus & Exponent where the exponent is either one byte or 3 bytes Modulus Length (2 bytes) Modulus (varies in length)  Get CA Public Key Hash (D0-02)  This command returns only the “Checksum” portion of the key. Command Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 – 18 Byte 19 Byte 20 Byte 21 Header Tag & Protocol Version Cmd  Sub Cmd Length (MSB) Length (LSB)  RID  Key Index CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 D0h 02h 00h 06h varies varies Varies Varies  Response Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 19 – n Byte n+1 Byte n+2 Header Tag & Protocol Version Cmd  status Length (MSB) Length (LSB) Data  CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0  D0h See Key Manager status codes 00h  varies  varies  Varies  Varies  Status = 00 if successful. When the status is successful, the data contains: Key Hash Algorithm (1 byte) Key Algorithm (1 byte) Checksum (20 bytes) – calculated over the key information as previously described
NEO Interface Developers Guide           221 Set CA Public Key (D0-03) This command adds a new key in the reader. Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 – 18 Byte 19 Bytes 19-n Byte n+1 Byte n+2 Header Tag & Protocol Version Cmd Sub Cmd Length (MSB) Length (LSB) RID (5 bytes) Key Index (1 byte) Key Data CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0  D0h  03h  varies varies varies  varies See below Varies Varies  Key Data is as follows: (all binary) Byte Name Length (bytes) Description 0 Hash Algorithm 1 The only algorithm supported is SHA-1.  The value is set to 01h 1 Public Key Algorithm 1 The encryption algorithm in which this key is used.  Currently support only one type:  RSA.  The value is set to 01h 3-22 Checksum/Hash 20 Checksum which is calculated using SHA-1 over the following fields:   RID & KeyIndex & Modulus & Exponent where the exponent is either one byte or 3 bytes (although we store it in a 4 byte field) 23-26 Public Key Exponent 4 Actually, the real length of the exponent is either one byte or 3 bytes. It can have two values:  3, or 65537. 27-28 Modulus Length 2 Indicates the length of the next field. 29-n Modulus Variable This is the modulus field of the public key.  Its length is specified in the field above.  Response Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version  Cmd  status Length (MSB) Length (LSB) CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0  D0h See Key Manager status codes 00h  00h  Calculated  Calculated  Delete CA Public Key (D0-04) This command allows the POS to delete a specific key. Command Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 – 18 Byte 19 Byte 20 Byte 21 Header Tag & Cmd Sub Length Length RID Key Index CRC CRC
NEO Interface Developers Guide           222 Protocol Version Cmd (MSB) (LSB) (5 bytes) (1 byte) (LSB) (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 D0h 04h 00h 06h varies varies Varies Varies  The RID and Key Index for the key being deleted must be specified in the frame. Response Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version  Cmd  status Length (MSB) Length (LSB) CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0  D0h See Key Manager status codes 00h  00h  Calculated  Calculated  Delete All CA Public Keys (D0-05)  This command deletes all of the CA public keys. Command Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Cmd Sub Cmd Length (MSB) Length (LSB) CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 D0h 05h 00h 00h Calculated Calculated  Response Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Cmd  status Length (MSB) Length (LSB) CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0  D0h See Key Manager status codes 00h  00h  Calculated  Calculated   Get All CA Public RIDs (D0-06)  The Get All CA Public RIDs command tells the reader to retrieve a list of all the RIDs. Command Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version  Cmd Sub Cmd Length (MSB) Length (LSB) CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 D0h 06h 00h 00h Calculated Calculated
NEO Interface Developers Guide           223   Response Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 13-n Byte n+1 Byte n+2 Header Tag & Protocol Version Cmd  status Length (MSB) Length (LSB)  RID(s) CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0  D0h See Key Manager status codes 00h  varies  Each RID is 5 bytes.    Calculated Calculated  Status 00h – RIDs returned with the number of RIDs = Length/5; Note: If the length returned is 0, then the communication was good, but no RIDs are stored.   List CA Public Key IDs or RID (D0-07) The following command retrieves a list of key indices that are installed for this RID. Command Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 – 18 Byte 19 Byte 20 Header Tag & Protocol Version Cmd Sub Cmd Length (MSB) Length (LSB) RID (5 bytes) CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 D0h 07h 00h 05h varies Varies Varies   Response Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14-18 Byte 19 – n Byte n+1 Byte n+2 Header Tag & Protocol Version Cmd  status Length (MSB) Length (LSB) RID (5 bytes) List of Indices CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0  D0h See Key Manager status codes 00h  varies  varies  varies  Varies  Varies  Status – 00h = successful index retrieval Module Versioning The module versioning feature provides information about the firmware versions, and the specification versions for specific modules, interfaces, and hardware in the reader. The information is returned to the POS or the POS Simulator via the serial interface. Versioning of card applications may also facilitate the tracking of changes for certification purposes.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           224 The implementation of this feature has been simplified for the following reasons:    To align more closely with the behavior of the Advanced Reader firmware.   To make the version strings more accessible for human readers.   To facilitate maintenance of version strings.  The following subcommands are available for the Module Version command: Sub-command  Description 01h[1]  Get Product Type 02h  Get Processor Type 03h[1]  Get Main Firmware Version 14h  Get Hardware Information 20h  Get Module Version Information3  [1] Those sub-commands only work on Vendi.  Note:  All other sub-commands for the Module version command have been deprecated.  However, a 0x00 in the sub-command field will return the same result as a 20h sub-command.  All other commands will return an “unknown sub-command” error.  The table below shows the information that is available and the subcommand that is used to extract that information.  The term “module” is used very loosely in the context of the firmware.  Module Type Sub-Command Description  Format FW 20h  The firmware version that is resident in the reader For KioskIII, this verion number shows the firmware version for Lab Verification, it won’t change unless new Lab Verification is done for the certain module. ASCII text CL AppSel  20h  Refers to the special application selection module and version. ASCII text CL AID 20h  Contactless L2 Application specification/version (since L2 applications are identified by the “application ID”, this type refers to an AID) ASCII text CL AppSpe 20h  Contactless L2 Special Application specification/version that not identified by the “application ID” (Example: SmartTap and ApplePay VAS) ASCII text CL L1  20h  L1 Interface specification/version  ASCII text UI  20h  User Interface specification/version  ASCII text                                          3 Previously a subcommand “0x00” was supported.  It is being deprecated.  However, because some of the ViVOpay internal utilities used that command to determine if the reader was alive, a subcommand of 0x00 will behave exactly the same as a subcommand 0x20 and will not give an error.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           225 Module Type Sub-Command Description  Format SAM  14h  Secure Access Module version string  ASCII text HW  14h  Hardware platform identifier  ASCII text EEPROM  14h  The EEPROM version  ASCII text N/A  02h  Returns the processor type in TLV format  TLV  The module types described above appear in the response packet for the respective sub-command.  Refer to the examples in the response packet section.  Get Product Type (09-01) This command returns a product type TLV.  Command Frame   Response Frame  The Get Product Type sub-command returns a TLV string as follows: Tag:  0xDF60 Length: 0x03 Value:  3-byte field representing the product type.    The following example shows the command and response.   Command:  Get Product Type 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 09 01 00 00 A0 A0 Response: 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 09 00 00 06 DF 60 03 43 36 00 DC 60  Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12  Byte 13  Byte 14  Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol  Command Sub- Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 09h  01  00h  00h     Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte12  Byte 13  Byte 14 …    Byte 13+n Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol  Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0 09h  See Status Code Table     See below
NEO Interface Developers Guide           226 Product Type (hex values)  Description 42 37 00  ViVOpay 5000 43 33 00  ViVOpay 4500 43 35 00  ViVOpay Vend 43 36 00  Vendi (NEO) 43 37 00  ViVOpay Kiosk1 (ATM1) 43 38 00  Kiosk2 43 39 00  Kiosk3 (NEO) 55 31 00  UniPay 1.5 (NEO) 55 33 00  UniPay III (NEO)  55 33 31  VP4880, VP4880 OEM (NEO) (iBase/Cake same code) 55 33 32  VP4880E(NEO) 55 33 33  VP4880C (NEO) 44 30 00  QX120 44 31 00  Mx8Series 44 32 00  NETs 44 33 00  Magtek 44 35 00  ICP  Get Processor Type (09-02) This command returns a processor type TLV.  Command Frame   Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12  Byte 13  Byte 14  Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol  Command Sub- Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 09h  02  00h  00h     Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte12  Byte 13  Byte 14 …    Byte 13+n Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol  Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0 09h  See Status Code Table     See below
NEO Interface Developers Guide           227   The Get Processor Type sub-command returns a TLV string as follows: Tag:  0xDF61 Length: 0x02 Value:  a 1-byte field representing the processor type.    The following types of processors may be identified in the Value field: Processor Type (hex values)  Description 45 00  ARM7/ LPC21xx 4D 00  ARM Cortex-M4/ K21 Family Processor Type (hex values)  Description 45 00  ARM7/ LPC21xx 4D 00  ARM Cortex-M4/ K21 Family  The following example shows the command and response.   Command:  Get Processor Type 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 09 02 00 00 F0 F9 Response: 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 09 00 00 05 DF 61 02 4D 00 AC 4D  Get Main Firmware Version (09-03) This command returns main firmware version TLV.  Command Frame   Response Frame   The Get Main Firmware Version sub-command returns a TLV string as follows: Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12  Byte 13  Byte 14  Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol  Command Sub- Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 09h  03  00h  00h     Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte12  Byte 13  Byte 14 …    Byte 13+n Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol  Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0 09h  See Status Code Table     See below
NEO Interface Developers Guide           228 Tag:  0xDF62 Length: Varies Value:  Varies field representing the main firmware version.    The following example shows the command and response.   Command:  Get Main Firmware Version 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 09 03 00 00 C0 CE Response: 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 09 00 00 14 DF 62 11 43 72 61 6E 65 56 65 6E 64 69 5F 31 2E 30 2E 30 00 E1 5D  Get Hardware Information (09-14) Command Frame   Response Frame   The format for hardware module version information returned is “human readable”, consisting of fields that are separated by commas, and lines separated by carriage return and line feed characters:  <module type>,<module name><CRLF> <chip version>  The following example shows the hardware version information subcommand and the information being returned (in ASCII format).  Command: Get Hardware Version Information 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 09 14 00 00 33 08  Response:   56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 09 00 00 15 48 57 2C 56 50 56 65 6E 64 69 0D 0A 4B 32 31 46 20 52 65 76 39 Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12  Byte 13  Byte 14  Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol  Command Sub- Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 09h  14h  00h  00h     Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte12  Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 13+n Byte 14+n  Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol  Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0 09h  See Status Code Table     See below
NEO Interface Developers Guide           229  ASCII translation of the data field: HW,VPVendi<CR><LF> K21F Rev9  ASCII  Description HW,VPVendi<CR><LF> K21F Rev9  Vendi HW,VPUnipayIII<CR><LF> K21F Rev9  Unipay III HW,VPUnipay1.5<CR><LF> K21F Rev2  Unipay 1.5  Get Module Version Information (09-20) For KioskIII, this verion number shows the modules version for Lab Verification, it won’t change unless new Lab Verification is done for the certain module. So it may not be consistent with the result of “Get ViVOpay Firmware Version (29-00)” and “Get Main Firmware Version (09-03)”  Command Frame  Response Frame   If there is an error, the appropriate Status Code will be returned with an empty Data field (Data Length = 0000h).   The format for module version information returned is “human readable”, consisting of fields that are separated by commas, and lines separated by carriage return and line feed characters:  <module type>,<module name and spec. version>,[<implementation version>],<CRLF>   Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12  Byte 13  Byte 14  Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol  Command Sub- Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 09h  20h  00h  00h     Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte12  Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 13+n Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol  Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0 09h  See Status Code Table     See below
NEO Interface Developers Guide           230 The following example shows the module version information subcommand and the information being returned (in ASCII format).  Command: Get Module Version Information 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 09 20 00 00 56 11  Response:   56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 09 00 01 2A 46 57 2C 56 65 6E 64 69 20 56 31 2E 30 30 2C 2C 0D 0A 20 46 53 26 44 42 20 56 31 2E 30 30 2C 2C 0D 0A 20 43 4C 20 41 70 70 53 65 6C 2C 50 50 53 45 20 4D 6F 64 75 6C 65 2C 20 76 31 2E 30 30 2C 2C 0D 0A 20 43 4C 20 41 49 44 2C 4D 61 73 74 65 72 43 61 72 64 20 50 61 79 50 61 73 73 20 4D 2F 43 68 69 70 20 76 33 2E 30 2E 32 2C 20 56 65 6E 64 69 20 76 31 2E 30 2E 30 2C 2C 0D 0A 20 43 4C 20 41 49 44 2C 56 69 73 61 20 56 43 50 53 20 32 2E 31 2E 33 2C 20 76 30 2E 39 39 2C 2C 0D 0A 20 43 4C 20 41 49 44 2C 41 6D 65 78 20 45 78 70 72 65 73 73 50 61 79 20 33 2E 30 2C 20 76 31 2E 30 30 2C 2C 0D 0A 20 43 4C 20 41 49 44 2C 44 69 73 63 6F 76 65 72 20 44 50 41 53 20 31 2E 30 20 5A 69 70 20 33 2E 31 2E 32 2C 20 76 31 2E 30 30 2C 2C 0D 0A 20 43 4C 20 41 49 44 2C 49 6E 74 65 72 61 63 20 31 2E 35 2C 20 76 31 2E 30 30 2C 2C 0D 0A 20 43 4C 20 4C 31 2C 45 4D 56 20 34 2E 33 20 4C 31 2C 20 76 31 2E 30 30 00 8C 33  ASCII translation of the data field: FW,Vendi V1.00,,<CR><LF>  FS&DB V1.00,,<CR><LF>  CL AppSel,PPSE Module, v1.00,,<CR><LF>  CL AID,MasterCard PayPass M/Chip v3.0.2, Vendi v1.0.0,,<CR><LF>  CL AID,Visa VCPS 2.1.3, v0.99,,<CR><LF>  CL AID,Amex ExpressPay 3.0, v1.00,,<CR><LF>  CL AID,Discover DPAS 1.0 Zip 3.1.2, v1.00,,<CR><LF>  CL AID,Interac 1.5, v1.00,,<CR><LF>  CL L1,EMV 4.3 L1, v1.00<NUL>  International Language Support The goal of this feature is to offer support for foreign languages including those based on graphical fonts (i.e. Chinese, Thai, Arabic…). Four core language options built into it. Some of these are font-based; the others are ideogram-based.  The ideogram language options are stored in flash as bitmaps. The other languages use fonts that have been stored in flash.  For example, an English message is composed of multiple small bitmaps that represent different characters (i.e., a “Thank You” message is 8 bitmaps displayed together). The ideogram messages are (usually) a single bitmap (i.e., the Chinese “Thank You” message is a single bitmap displayed on the screen).  See Appendix A.7 Preparing Bitmaps for Use by ILM for instruction on working with bitmaps. Each reader keeps four “core” languages in its firmware. This ensures that the reader can be used in virtually any geographical area “as is”. A core language may NOT be modified or deleted by customer/third party actions. They always exist and are always available for use. At present, there are four (4) Core Languages available:  English (U.S., fonts)
NEO Interface Developers Guide           231  French (fonts)  Chinese (ideograms)  English + Chinese (fonts & ideograms) See Set Configuration (04-00) for information on how to set a language preference. Other Language In addition to the Core Languages, a fifth language called “Other Language” is available. This is a ‘slot’ in flash memory that can contain all the message bitmaps for a language. Since this Other Language is stored in the ideogram bitmap format, it eliminates the need for fonts, etc., for this language. The Other Language only needs a unique record for each distinct message it must display. At present there are twenty-two (22) predefined message types that can be displayed. Note: Each time you configure the reader for ILM, you must download messages for all 22 indices in consecutive order. You cannot change individual messages. Bitmap Conversion Completed by POS The reader expects to load a simplified version of the monochrome bitmap. While data is the same as in a standard bitmap, it must be converted to a format that the LCD hardware can use. The standard 40-byte DIB bitmap header is discarded. It is replaced by a simplified ViVOpay header, described in ILM Header Format. The bitmap data produces an LCD image that is:  Reversed in color (black is white, and vice versa).  Upside down. White space reduction Large parts of the bitmap are empty background. The LCD does not need to save this white space, since it corresponds to off-pixel values (which are already turned off). This limited form of image compression makes the image much smaller. ILM Header Format Each bitmap loaded onto a reader is expected to contain a proprietary header instead of the standard DIB header. This header format is shown in the following table, prefixed to the actual bitmap data: Bytes 0-1 Bytes 2-3 Bytes 4-5 Bytes 6-7 Bytes 8-9 Bytes 10-11 Bytes 12…n
NEO Interface Developers Guide           232 Bitmap Length Row Number Column Number  Height  Width  Type (truncate, etc.)  Bitmap data All variables in the header are 2 bytes long. Byte  Description Bitmap Length This data field contains the total number of bytes in the Bitmap Data Field. Row Number This data field contains the row offset that this image should start at. Value is in PIXELS. Column Number This data field contains the column offset that this image should start at. Value is in BYTES. Height This data field contains the number of rows (in pixels) that this image contains. Width This data field contains the number of columns (in bytes) that this image contains. Type Reserved – must be set to 00h. Bitmap Data This is the actual image data.  Language Version Information This block contains data used for version control of the ILM. It contains variables that identify the particular language module that is currently stored in the system. The language module specifies both the language name and the Country Code. This is done because there are a number of languages (English, French, Spanish, etc.) that are shared by multiple nations but the reader is intended to be operate in a particular country (such as Canada). Table 54: Language Version Information Language Version Information Variable  Length (bytes) Description/Example Language Name 25 ASCII String, Null Terminated – “Spanish\0” Abbreviation  4 ASCII String, Null Terminated – “ES\0” ( ASCII-2 character Country Code)  or “ESP\0” (ASCII-3 character Country Code) or  “724\0” (3 digit decimal number Country Code) Format 1 Unsigned 8-bit Integer Author 10 ASCII String, Null Terminated – “NCR\0” Version 6 ASCII String, Null Terminated – “1.3\0” ID  4  Unsigned 32-bit Integer  Language Name is the name of the ILM language, using ASCII characters. Abbreviation is the Country Code listed in ISO 3166. The format is either ASCII-2 character, ASCII-3 character or a 3 digit decimal number. Regardless of method, it is stored in ASCII alphanumeric characters. The Format data field specifies the format of the Abbreviation field noted above. All follow the specification from ISO DOC 3166.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           233 Format Data Field Value  Description/Example 01 02 03 Alpha2 (2 character) – “ES\0” Alpha3 (3 character) – “ESP\0” Decimal (3 digit) – “724\0”  Author is an ASCII string noting the customer that developed this language module. Version is an ASCII string, also customer defined. It identifies this language module by version number. ID is a value that is reserved for future use. It is currently NOT used. All fields are the length indicated. If (as is usually the case) the ASCII string does not occupy the entire data field, the remaining bytes MUST be padded with zeroes. The Language Version Information area is provided to the customer as a way to track which language is currently loaded into the reader. It can be accessed and values are returned to the POS. The intent is to facilitate automated updating through the POS. The POS can examine the existing language module currently stored, and then make appropriate decisions as to its use (i.e., updating the module). How the Language Version Information is used by the customer cannot be defined or enforced. It is only provided for identification and could be unused. However, value of 00h in this area is interpreted as indicating that the ILM area of flash memory is empty. Therefore, if the customer does edit the ILM area, they MUST update this Version Information area as well, if only to write arbitrary non-zero values to it. EMV Certificate Revocation List Commands The Certificate Revocation List (CRL) contains entries that include the RID, Key Index and Certificate Serial Numbers for cards that should be rejected. The kernel checks the CRL for entries matching the index and serial number of the Issuer Public Key Certificate provided by the card. If it is found the card is rejected.  The CRL is maintained in non-volatile memory but a copy is kept in RAM to provide faster access during transactions.  A tag (DF26h) is defined to enable or disable the entire Revocation feature in the reader.   The M/Chip 3.0 application is the only application capable of using the Certificate Revocation List feature. The firmware supports a maximum of 30 entries in the certificate revocation list.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           234 Get EMV Revocation Log Status (84-03) This command returns information about the EMV revocation log.  The information returned can be used by the terminal/POS to determine how to read the log.  Command Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC     (LSB) CRC    (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 84h 03h 00 00    Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 13+n Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC     (LSB) CRC    (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 84h See Status Code Table    TLV Data Objects      If the command is successful, the following data is returned.  All fields are encoded with MSB first.  Offset Length (bytes)  Data Description 00h 4 Version number 04h 4 Number of records 08h 4 Size of records  Add Entry to EMV Revocation List (84-04) This command adds a new entry to the revocation list.  The new entry is added at the end of the revocation list.  Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 … Byte13+n  Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC     (LSB) CRC    (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 84h 04h 00 09     The data field contains the revocation list entry:  Offset Length (bytes)  Data Description Example
NEO Interface Developers Guide           235 00h 5 RID (packed hex format) A0 00 00 00 04 04h 1 Key Index (packed hex format) F8 08h 3 Certificate serial number (packed hex format) 00 10 00  Response Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC     (LSB) CRC    (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 84h See Status Code Table 00  00      Delete All Entries for Single Index in EMV Revocation List (84-05) This command deletes all entries that match a key index and RID from the EMV revocation list.    Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 … Byte13+n  Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC     (LSB) CRC    (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 84h 05h 00 06     The data field contains RID and key index for the records to be deleted.  Offset Length (bytes) Data Description Example 00h 5 RID (packed hex format) A0 00 00 00 04 05h 1 Key Index (packed hex format) F8 Response Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC     (LSB) CRC    (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 84h See Status Code Table 00  00      Delete All Entries from EMV Revocation List (84-06) This command deletes all entries from the EMV revocation list.  Command Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15
NEO Interface Developers Guide           236 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC     (LSB) CRC    (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 84h 06h 00 00     Response Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC     (LSB) CRC    (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 84h See Status Code Table 00  00      Get EMV Revocation List (84-07) This command retrieves a sequence of consecutive records from the EMV revocation list.  The list may be retrieved in several command exchanges, depending on the size specified in the command and the number of entries in the list.    Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 … Byte13+n  Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC     (LSB) CRC    (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 84h 07h 00 00     The data field specifies the following information:  Offset Length (bytes)  Data Description 00h 2 Size - maximum number of bytes to be retrieved (MSB first) 02h 2 Starting record4 (MSB first) Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 … Byte13+n  Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC     (LSB) CRC    (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 84h 07h 00 00     The data field will contain the maximum number of records that can fit in the size provided in the command.  No partial records are returned.  The maximum                                          4 For GR, this number must be less than 30.  The first record is 0.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           237 size of data bytes that can be returned is 282 bytes (12 + 9 * size of a list record).  The data field is formatted as follows:    Offset Length (bytes) Data Description 00h 4 Number of records returned 04h 4 Number of records remaining in the file 08h 4 Record size 0Ch varies Revocation list records  Each record is formatted as follows:  Offset Length (bytes) Data Description Example 00h 5 RID (packed hex format) A0 00 00 00 03 05h 1 Key Index (packed hex format) FE 08h  3 Certificate Serial Number (packed hex format) 00 10 00 Delete an Entry from EMV Revocation List (84-0D) This command deletes a specific entry from the EMV revocation list.  Unlike the commands described previously, this command deletes the specific entry that matches the RID, the key index, and the certificate serial number.  Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 … Byte13+n  Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC     (LSB) CRC    (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 84h 0Dh 00 09     The data field contains the information to select the EMV revocation list record:  Offset Length (bytes)  Data Description Example 00h 5 RID (packed hex format) A0 00 00 00 04 05h 1 Key Index (packed hex format) F8 06h 3 Certificate Serial Number (packed hex format) 00 10 01  Response Frame
NEO Interface Developers Guide           238 Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC     (LSB) CRC    (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 84h See Status Code Table 00  00        EMV Exception Log List Commands  Get EMV Exception Log Status (84-08) This command returns information about the EMV exception log. The version number, record size, and number of records contained in the file are returned.  Command Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag &Protocol Version Command  Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB)  CRC (LSB)  CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 84h 08 00h 00h    Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12  Byte 13 Byte 14-13+n Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag &Protocol Version Command  Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC (LSB)  CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 84h See Status Code Table 00h  0Ch        The data returned in a successful command contains the following information: Offset Length (bytes) Description 00h 4 Version number 04h 4 Number of records 08h 4 Size of records   Add Entry to EMV Exception List (84-09) This command adds an entry to the EMV exception list.  Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12  Byte 13 Byte 14-25 Byte 26  Byte 27 Header Tag &Protocol Version Command  Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 84h  09  00h  0Ch See Below     The exception list data is as follows:
NEO Interface Developers Guide           239 Offset  Length (bytes) Description Example 00h 1 PAN logical length in bytes (packed hex format). Must be <= 0Ah 08h 01h 10 PAN (packed hex format, padded with 'F' if required) 5413339000001596FFFFh 0Bh 1 Sequence number (packed hex format) 00h  Example Exception List File Data (in a non-null terminated ASCII text file):  084761739001010010FFFF01085762739101010010FFFF0008112233445566778FFFFF050A1122334455667788990F00  The above file has four entries:  08 4761739001010010FFFF 01 where PAN = 4761739001010010  08 5762739101010010FFFF 00 where PAN = 5762739101010010  08 112233445566778FFFFF 05 where PAN = 112233445566778  0A 1122334455667788990F 00 where PAN = 1122334455667788990   Response Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag &Protocol Version Command  Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB)  CRC (LSB)  CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 84h See Status Codes Table 00h  00h       Delete Entry from EMV Exception List (84-0A) This command deletes an entry from the EMV exception list. Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12  Byte 13 Byte 14-25  Byte 26  Byte 27 Header Tag &Protocol Version Command  Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 84h  0A  00h  0Ch See Below     The exception list data is as follows: Offset  Length (bytes) Description Example 00h 1 PAN logical length in bytes (packed hex format). Must be <= 0Ah 08h 01h 10 PAN (packed hex format, padded with 'F' if required) 5413339000001596FFFFh 0Bh 1 Sequence number (packed hex format) 00h  Example Exception List File Data (in a non-null terminated ASCII text file):  084761739001010010FFFF01085762739101010010FFFF0008112233445566778FFFFF050A1122334455667788990F00  The above file has four entries:  08 4761739001010010FFFF 01 where PAN = 4761739001010010  08 5762739101010010FFFF 00 where PAN = 5762739101010010  08 112233445566778FFFFF 05 where PAN = 112233445566778  0A 1122334455667788990F 00 where PAN = 1122334455667788990   Response Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag Command Status Code Data Length Data Length CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB)
NEO Interface Developers Guide           240 &Protocol Version (MSB) (LSB) ViVOtech2\0 84h See Status Codes Table 00h  00h       Delete All Entries from EMV Exception List (84-0B) This command deletes all entries from the EMV exception list. Command Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag &Protocol Version Command  Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB)  CRC (LSB)  CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 84h 0B 00h 00h    Response Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag &Protocol Version Command  Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB)  CRC (LSB)  CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 84h See Status Code Table  00h  00h      Get EMV Exception List (84-0C)  This command retrieves consecutive records from the EMV exception list. Command Frame   Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12  Byte 13 Bytes 14-15 Bytes 16-17 Byte 18  Byte 19 Header Tag &Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Max number of bytes Starting Record CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 84h 0C 00h 04h N 0-65535    The maximum number of byte is a 16-bit binary number, MSB first. The starting record is the first record to be retrieved; expressed as a 16-bit binary number MSB first, value from 0-65535.  Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Bytes 14-13+n  Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag &Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 84h See Status Code Table            The data returned is the maximum number of transaction records that satisfy the command constrains. The nmber of bytes returned always is an integer multiple of the transaction record size(i.e., no partial records are returned) plus 12 decimal bytes. The maximum number of data bytes that can be returned in a single operation is limited to 4080 bytes. Offset Size in Bytes MSB First Description 0 4 Number of records returned 4 4 Number of records remaining in file
NEO Interface Developers Guide           241 8 4 Record size C n-C Exception list records  The format of an exception list record (as returned in the Response Data) is as follows: Table 55: Exception List Record Format Offset Field Length (bytes) 0 PAN Length (Logical) 1 1 PAN (right-padded with F if required) 10 11 PAN Sequence Number 1  An example of an exception list records returned by this serial command is given below (only the data section of the response is given), along with an explanation. Data Section of the Response Frame5  Explanation 08   47 61 73 90 01 01 00 10 FF FF   01 08   57 62 73 91 01 01 00 10 FF FF   00 08   11 22 33 44 55 66 77 8F FF FF   05 0A   11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 0F   00   Rec 1: PAN = 4761739001010010 Rec 2: PAN = 5762739101010010 Rec 3: PAN = 112233445566778 Rec 4: PAN = 1122334455667788990    Generic Pass-through Commands The commands in this section provide the most basic capability to communicate directly with a PICC.  They provide control of the polling process, and exchange of application protocol data units (APDU).  These commands may be used to “extend” the capabilities of the ViVOpay reader to accept cards using application protocols that are not currently supported in the reader firmware.  If the reader is not in Pass-Through mode, a “Pass-Through Mode Start” command must first be issued.  Otherwise, the commands in this section will result in an error. Pass-Through Mode Start/Stop (2C-01) The Pass-Through Mode Start/Stop command is used to enter and exit Pass-Through Mode.  The ViVOpay reader can only accept Pass-Through commands when it is in Pass-Through Mode. Command Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Byte 16 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0 2Ch 01h 00h 01h Mode                                            5 Spaces have been added in this example to increase readability; the space does not exist in the actual data. The data exists as hex bytes.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           242  Mode 0 = Stop Pass-Through 1 = Start Pass-Through Response Frame  Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC (MSB)  CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  2Ch See Status Code Table 00h  00h      The Pass-Through Mode Start command must be used to enter Pass-Through Mode. The Pass-Through Mode Stop command can only be used in Pass-Through Mode.  If the reader is not in Pass-Through mode when the Pass-Through Mode Stop command is issued, the reader will respond with an error. Get PCD and PICC Parameters (2C-05) This command allows the terminal to retrieve PCD and PICC related parameters from the ViVOpay reader. Command Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC (MSB)  CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0 2Ch 05h 00h 00h    Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1  Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0 2Ch  See Status Code Table 00h 00h  or  0Fh See Table below     If a valid Command Frame is received from the terminal, the ViVOpay reader retrieves the parameters from the PCD and PICC. If the parameters are retrieved successfully, the reader
NEO Interface Developers Guide           243 returns a Response Frame with OK Status and Data containing the parameters given below. For details on the parameters, refer to ISO 14443. If the Command Frame contains any errors, or an error occurred while retrieving the parameters, then the reader sends a Response Frame with an appropriate Status. No data is returned in this case.  Data Fields for the Response Frame (if Status = OK) Table 56: Get PCD and PICC Parameters Data Field Data Byte  Name  Length (bytes)  Format  Notes 0-1  Reader Buffer Size  2   Binary Reader RF Buffer Size stored as a big-endian number. 2-3  Max PICC Frame Size  2  Binary Maximum PICC Frame Size stored as a big-endian number. 4 CID 1 Binary CID 5 Block 1 Binary Block Number. 6 CID Supported 1 Binary CID Supported 7-10  FWT  4  Binary Frame Waiting Time in ETUs. It is stored as a big-endian number. 11-14  D-FWT  4  Binary Delta FWT in ETUs. It is stored as a big-endian number. If you need to use these parameters, you should issue this command immediately after issuing a “Poll for Token” command.  This command simply reads the last parameters out of the control block used to set parameters in the RF chip.   Poll for Token (2C-02) Once Pass-Through Mode is started, ViVOpay will not poll for any cards until the “Poll for Token” command is received. This command tells ViVOpay to start polling for a Type A or Type B PICC until a PICC is detected or a timeout occurs.  This command automatically turns the RF Antenna on. If a PICC is detected within the specified time limit, ViVOpay activates it and responds back to the terminal with card related data such as the Serial Number.  If no PICC is detected within the specified time limit, ViVOpay stops polling and responds back indicating that no card was found. No card related data is returned in this case. Command Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14,15 Byte 16 Byte 17 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0 2Ch 02h 00h 02h See Below
NEO Interface Developers Guide           244 Data Fields for the Command Frame Table 57: Poll for Token Data Field for Command Frame Data Field  Length (bytes)  Description Timeout1 1 Time in Seconds Timeout1 cannot be zero seconds if Timeout2 is Zero. Timeout2 1 Multiplier for Time in multiples of 10 milliseconds.  Timeout2 Time in ms 0 0 1 10 2 20 : : 255 2550   Together Timeout1 and Timeout2 are used by the ViVOpay reader to calculate the Timeout i.e. the time to wait for a PICC. For example: Table 58: Poll for Token Timeout Timeout1  Timeout2  Timeout 0 0 Not Allowed 0 20 0 Seconds, 200 ms 0 50 0 Seconds, 500 ms 0 100 1 Second 1 0 1 Second 1 20 1 Second, 200 ms  Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …   Byte 14+n-1 Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC   (MSB) CRC  (LSB) ViVOtech2\0 2Ch See Status Code Table 00h  Variable below      The Data field contains data only if the Status Code is OK.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           245 Table 59: Poll for Token Data Field for Response Frame (Status Code is OK) Data Field  Length (bytes) Description Card 1 Type of Card Found (or No Card Found).       00h    None   (Card Not Detected or Could not Activate)       01h    ISO 14443 Type A  (Supports ISO 14443-4 Protocol)       02h    ISO 14443 Type B  (Supports ISO 14443-4 Protocol)       03h    Mifare Type A (Standard)       04h    Mifare Type A (Ultralight)       05h    ISO 14443 Type A  (Does not support ISO 14443-4 Protocol)       06h    ISO 14443 Type B  (Does not support ISO 14443-4 Protocol)       07h    ISO 14443 Type A and Mifare (NFC phone)       08h    Felica       09h   RCTIF Type B Prim Serial Number 0 or  Variable Serial Number (or the UID) of the PICC. Length depends on the Card Detected. If no card was detected, then a Serial Number is not returned.  Note: Most cards use a 4-byte UID, so the data field of the response is five (5) bytes long. However, some cards with 7-byte UID’s have entered the market (for example, ViVOcard3) and it is expected that cards with 10-byte UID’s will soon become available. All of these card types are handled by this command. Enhanced Poll for Token (2C-0C) Once Pass-Through Mode is started, ViVOpay waits until the Poll for Token command is received. This command tells ViVOpay to start polling for a Type A or Type B PICC until a PICC is detected or a timeout occurs. This command automatically turns the RF Antenna on. Note: (For Kiosk III only) This command and Poll for Token command(2c-02) can be canceled by command (05-01).for example:     1. Cancel Poll for Token command,          [TX] - 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 2C 02 00 02 05 20 85 B8          [TX] - 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 05 01 00 00 92 EF          [RX] - 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 05 00 00 08 DF EF 36 04 00 07 00 00 77 FA     2. Cancel Enhanced Poll for Token command          [TX] - 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 2C 0C 00 04 05 00 00 01 54 AB          [TX] - 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 05 01 00 00 92 EF          [RX] - 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 05 00 00 08 DF EF 36 04 00 07 00 00 77 FA   If a PICC is detected within the speified time limit, ViVOpay activates it and responds back to the terminal with card related data, such as the Card Type and Serial Number (UID). If no PICC is detected within the specified time limit, ViVOpay stops polling and responds back indicating that no card was found. No card related data is returned in this case.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           246 Dual Application Cards Some cards have more than one type of application stored on them. These are known as Dual Application cards. At present, all these cards have an ISO-APDU compliant application as well as a Mifare application. To date, the only such supported dual application card is Card Type ‘07’, supporting ISO 14443 Type A, Mifare. For normal ViVOpay transactions (i.e., not Pass-Through Mode), these cards are automatically handled as ISO 14443 applications. In Pass-Through Mode, the POS controls the polling mechanism. The POS can use a standard Poll for Token (2C-02), where Card Type ‘07’ establishes a Mifare session.   Alternatively, the POS can issue an Enhanced Poll for Token (02-0C), where Card Type ‘07’ can establish an ISO 14443 session. Command Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14,15 Byte 16 Byte 17 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC     (MSB) CRC    (LSB) ViVOtech2\0 2Ch  0Ch  00h  04h See Table Below      Table 60: Enhanced Poll for Token Data Field for Command Frame Data Field  Length (bytes)  Description Timeout1 1 Time in Seconds Timeout1 cannot be zero seconds if Timeout2 is Zero. Timeout2 1 Multiplier for Time in multiples of 10 milliseconds.  Timeout2 Time in ms 0 0 1 10 2 20 : : 255 2550  Transaction Type  2 Initiate a transaction based upon the following masks (more than 1 can be active):  Mask  (hex) Action 00 01 Expect Card Type ‘07’ Force polling ISO 14443 00 02 PUPI Read deprecated by EMV 2.0 00 03 Force ISO 14443 Polling Set Single PUPI Read 00 04 … 80 00 RFU – Reserved for Future Use
NEO Interface Developers Guide           247  Together Timeout1 & Timeout2 are used by the ViVOpay reader to calculate the Timeout, i.e., the time to wait for a PICC. For example: Table 61: Enhanced Poll for Token Timeout Timeout1  Timeout2  Transaction Type Timeout 0  0  00 01 Not Allowed Timeout error 0  20  00 01 0 Seconds, 200 ms Force ISO 14443 polling 0 50 00 02 PUPI Read deprecated by EMV 2.0 0 100 00 00 1 Second 1  0  00 04 Not Allowed Transaction Type Error 1  0  00 03 1 second  Force ISO 14443 Polling Set Single PUPI Read 1  20  00 01 1 second  Force ISO 14443 Polling  Multiple Transaction Types in an Enhanced Poll for Token command are supported. That is, it is possible to enable both Single PUPI Read and forced ISO 14443 polling simultaneously.   Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …   Byte 14+n-1  Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC   (MSB) CRC  (LSB) ViVOtech2\0 2Ch 00 - OK ?? – Fail 00h  Variable See Table Below     The data field contains data only if the Status Code is OK (i.e., = 00h). For more information on the status, please check the Status Code Table. Table 62: Enhanced Poll for Token Data Field for Response Frame Data Field  Length (bytes) Description Card 1 Type of Card Found (or No Card Found).       00h    None   (Card not detected or could not activate)       01h    ISO 14443 Type A  (Supports ISO 14443-4 protocol)       02h    ISO 14443 Type B  (Supports ISO 14443-4 protocol)       03h    Mifare Type A (Standard)       04h    Mifare Type A (Ultralight)       05h    ISO 14443 Type A  (Does not support ISO 14443-4 protocol)       06h    ISO 14443 Type B  (Does not support ISO 14443-4 protocol)       07h    ISO 14443 Type A and Mifare (NFC phone)
NEO Interface Developers Guide           248 Serial Number 0 or Variable Serial number (or the UID) of the PICC. Length depends on the card detected. If no card was detected, then a serial number is not returned.  Note: Most cards use a 4-byte UID, so the data field of the response is five (5) bytes long. However, some cards with 7-byte UID’s have entered the market (for example, ViVOcard3) and it is expected that cards with 10-byte UID’s soon becomes available. All of these card types are handled by this command. Enhanced Poll for Token Usage This command can be substituted for the standard Poll for Token in any transaction taking place in Pass-Through Mode. Its differences in operation are noted as above; its other arguments should be identical to those of the standard Poll for Token that it replaces. Note: If you use an Enhanced Poll for Token command but have set all values in the Transaction Type field to zero, then the command performs a standard Poll for Token instead. Get ATR (2C-12) This pass-through command can be used to get the ATR received by the reader from the SAM when a Level 1 session was established. This command applies to the SAM interfaces (SAM1/SAM2).  Before this pass-through command can be used, a Level 1 session must have been established on the contact interface to be used through the Enhanced Pass-through command (Poll for Token single shot command). Note: SAM interface is only supported in SRED devices. It is not supported in non-SRED versions. Command Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Byte 16 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC (LSB) CRC  (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 2Ch 12h 00h 01h Interface    Command Data Data Item  Length (bytes)  Description/Example Interface  1 Allowed interfaces for which to get the ATR.       00h = retrieve last ATR received from PICC         21h = SAM1 (SRED version only)       22h = SAM2 (SRED version only) If a 21h or 22h is specified in the Data Field for any ViVOpay reader other than the VP5500, the result will be the same as if a 00h was specified. That is, any GetATR command only returns the last ATR received from the PICC.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           249 Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …   Byte 14+n-1 Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0 2Ch See Status Code Table 00h  variable ATR     Terminate ISO Session (2C-16) Traditionally, pass-through sessions have been terminated by dropping the RF field.  However, the RCTIF test specification requires a graceful termination of a session, using either a DISC (Bprime) or a DESELECT (A and B).   The TerminateISOSession command send the appropriate command to disconnect the session.  It will wait for the requisite timeout period, reset the field and then return a status.  Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0 2Ch 16h 00h 00h    The response frame is a simple confirmation that the session has been terminated.  The field is left in the desired state.  Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0 2Ch varies 00h 00h    The status returned indicates: 0 = any existing session was terminated.  1 = no session was active (however the field will always be reset)
NEO Interface Developers Guide           250 Antenna Control (28-01) This command turns the RF Antenna ON or OFF. Command Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Byte 16 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC     (MSB) CRC    (LSB) ViVOtech2\0 28h 01h 00h 01h Mode    Mode: 0 = Disable RF Antenna 1 = Enable RF Antenna  Response Frame  Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC (MSB)  CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  28h See Status Code Table 00h  00h      Warnings on use of Antenna Off command: Turning off the antenna deactivates the RF field and returns the card to a Power Off state, terminating any existing connection.  A new “Poll for Token” command would need to be issued to establish a new conversation with a card. Turning the antenna off and then turning it back on is a useful way to reset the card to its Idle State where it will respond to polling commands. When exiting Pass-Through Mode, if the ViVOpay reader is returning to Auto Poll mode, it is advised to issue an “Antenna Control Enable RF Antenna” command before exiting to ensure the antenna is in the right state.  Pass-through UI Control  LED Control (0A-02) This command switches the specified ViVOpay LEDs off or on only when ViVOpay is in Pass-Through Mode.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           251 Command Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14,15 Byte 16 Byte 17 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0 0Ah 02h 00h 02h below   Table 63: LED Control Data Field Data Field  Length (bytes) Description LED# 1 00h: LED 0  (Power LED) 01h: LED 1 02h: LED 2 03h: LED 3 FFh: All 4 LEDs Where the LEDs are numbered 0, 1, 2, 3 counting from the left. Note: If you are using pass-through mode to control the Power LED (LED 0), it is your responsibility to make sure that it behaves correctly. LED Status 1 00h: LED Off 01h: LED On  Response Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC (MSB)  CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  0Ah See Status Code Table 00h  00h      Buzzer Control (0B-xx) This command can be used to sound the ViVOpay Buzzer. Command Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Byte 16 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0 0Bh  See Below 00h  01h Buzzer Parameter      Sub-Command  = 01h  N Short Beeps     = 02h  Single Long Beep of Specified Duration
NEO Interface Developers Guide           252 Table 64: Buzzer Control Data Field Data Field  Length (bytes)  Description Buzzer Parameter 1 If Sub-Command is Short Beeps  … Num Beeps    =     01h  One Short Beep            =     02h  Two Short Beeps            =     03h  Three Short Beeps           =     04h  Four Short Beeps If Sub-Command is Long Beep … Duration          =     00h  200 ms              =     01h  400 ms              =     02h  600 ms              =     03h  800 ms  Response Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC (MSB)  CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  0Bh See Status Code Table 00h  00h     Pass-through Data Exchange Exchange Contactless Data (2C-03) This command allows the terminal to send, via ViVOpay, application-level APDUs to a PICC that supports ISO 14443-4 Protocol. The PICC response is sent back by ViVOpay to the Terminal.  Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1  Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0 2Ch 03h Variable Variable APDU Out    APDU Out is the complete APDU that is to be sent to the PICC. The contents of the APDU depend on the application residing on the PICC and are out of the scope of this document.  If a valid Command Frame is received from the terminal, ViVOpay sends the APDU data to the PICC and receives its response. ViVOpay treats the PICC response as unknown data and does not try to interpret it.  If the operation was successful, ViVOpay returns a Response Frame with an OK status and the response received from the PICC (APDU response).  If the Command Frame contains any errors, or an error occurred during communication with the PICC, then ViVOpay sends a Response Frame with an appropriate Status. No Data is returned in this case.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           253 Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1 Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC (MSB) CRC  (LSB) ViVOtech2\0 2Ch  See Status Code Table Variable Variable APDU response Or  None      The Data field contains data only if the Status Code is OK. In this case, the data consists of “APDU Response” i.e. the response data that was received from the PICC. The contents of the response depend on the application residing on the PICC and are out of the scope of this document.  For SRED device, the APDU data being received from the card/device by the reader will be checked for sensitive data elements using rule in “Secure Pass-Through Function”.  If found, and it has not been established that this transaction belongs to an AID or BIN on the White List, the Command will return a Parameter Not Supported error (0x06).  PCD Single Command Exchange (2C-04) Protocol 2 This command allows the terminal to send, via the ViVOpay reader, raw data to an ISO 14443 PICC that does not support ISO 14443-4 Protocol (such as Mifare Standard or Mifare Ultralight). The PICC response is sent back by the reader to the terminal.   Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1  Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0 2Ch  04h  Variable Variable See Table below      Table 65: PCD Single Command Exchange Data Field Protocol 2 Data Field  Length (bytes) Description PCD Command 1 This is the command that is sent to the PCD Reader IC on the ViVOpay board. It tells the PCD what to do with the data sent with the command. The PCD commands supported and their values are given in the “PCD Cmd” Table below PCD Timeout 4 This is the RF communication timeout in ETUs stored as a 4-byte big-endian number, where 1 ETU is 9.44 microseconds. The RF communication timeout guards the communication between the PCD reader IC and the PICC Card. The timeout is measured between the last bit sent to the PICC and the first bit received from the PICC.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           254 Data Field  Length (bytes) Description PCD Command Flags 1 These flags allow greater control over the way ViVOpay processes the command via the PCD Reader IC. Format of the PCD Command Flags byte is given in the “PCD Command Flags” Table below. Channel Redundancy Register 1 This value tells the PCD what data integrity checks to perform during communication with the PICC Card. The checks to perform at each stage are defined by the protocol (14443 Type A or B). The format of the PCD Command Flags byte is given in the “Channel Redundancy Register” Table below. Raw Data Out Variable Raw data that is sent to the PICC or to the PCD.  The Command Frame contains some PCD parameters and raw data. The PCD Command Parameter is used by ViVOpay to determine what PCD function is to be carried out. The raw data is sent to the PICC for the Transceive command, or is used for LoadKey/Authentication. The contents of the data depend on the PICC and PCD and are out of the scope of this document.  Table 66: PCD Commands Protocol 2 PCD Command  Value  Description PCD LOADKEY 19h Used for Loading Mifare Key into PCD for Authentication PCD AUTHENTICATE1  0Ch Used for PCD-based Mifare Authentication. This command results in both Level 1 and Level 2 authentication being performed automatically. PCD TRANSCEIVE 1Eh Used to Send/Receive raw Data to/from the PICC  Note: The PCD LOADKEY and PCD AUTHENTICATE1 functions may also be performed by the terminal directly by using the PCD Transceive Command. PCD Command Flags Table Bit#  Flag  Value  Meaning 0 Disable DF (DF=Disturbance Filter) 1 When response from PICC Card has been received, end of response is signaled regardless of errors. 0 When response from PICC Card has been received, if there are errors then the data received is flushed and we continue to receive.  If there are no errors then end of response is signaled. 1  Flush FIFO 1 PCD FIFO is flushed before starting this PCD command. 0 PCD FIFO is not flushed before starting this command. 2-4 TxLastBits  000 ~111 Used for transmission of bit oriented frames: TxLastBits defines the number of bits of the last byte that shall be transmitted.  A 000 indicates that all bits of the last byte shall be transmitted. After transmission, TxLastBits is cleared automatically. 5  DISABLE  1  Disable
NEO Interface Developers Guide           255 RXMULTIPLE FILTER  0  Enable(Default) 6-7  RFU 00  Reserved for future use. Note: The definition of bit 5 is only to keep compatible with Kiosk II, it doesn't work, but this bit is occupied, and is not allowed for other usage.  Table 67: PCD Channel Redundancy Register Protocol 2 Bit# Flag  Value  Meaning 0  Parity Enable  1 Parity bit inserted in transmitted data and expected in received data. 0 No parity bit inserted or expected. 1  Parity Odd 1 Odd parity. 0 Even parity. 2  Tx CRC Enable 1 CRC Bytes appended to transmitted data. 0 CRC Bytes not appended to transmitted data. 3  Rx CRC Enable  1 Last bytes of received data are interpreted as CRC bytes.  Note: The CRC is not sent back to the terminal by ViVOpay. 0 No CRC expected. 4  CRC-8 1 8-Bit CRC calculated. 0 16-Bit CRC calculated. 5  CRC 3309 1 CRC-Calculation is done according to ISO /IEC3309 (ISO 14443B). 0 CRC-Calculation is done according to ISO 14443A. 6 RFU 0 Must always be zero. 7 RFU 0 Must always be zero.  If a valid Command Frame is received from the terminal, ViVOpay sends the data to the PICC (or carries out the appropriate action) and receives the PICC response. The ViVOpay reader treats the response as unknown data and does not try to interpret it. If there is no error, the reader returns a Response Frame with OK Status and the Data received from the PICC (if any). The Response Frame also contains the result of the PCD Command (PCD Status). The PCD Status may indicate success or an Error Code.  If the Command Frame contains any errors, or an error occurred during communication with the PICC (such as PICC removed from the field), then the reader sends a Response Frame with an appropriate Status. No Data is returned in this case.  Response Frame  Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1 Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC   (MSB) CRC  (LSB) ViVOtech2\0 2Ch  See Status Code Table Variable Variable See Table below OR None
NEO Interface Developers Guide           256 Table 68: PCD Single Command Exchange Data Field for Response Data Field  Length (bytes)  Description PCD Status 1 This field contains the result of the PCD Command. Possible values are given in the following table.  PCD Status Description 0 OK -1 No Tag Error (Card not present) -2 CRC Error -3 Empty -4 Authentication Error -5 Parity Error -6 Code Error -7 Card Type Error -8 Serial Number Error -9 Key Error -10 Authentication not carried out for this Sector -11 Bit Count Error -12 Byte Count Error -13 Idle -15 Write Error -18 Read Error -19 FIFO Overflow Error -21 Framing Error -22 Access Error -23 Unknown Command -24 Collision Error -25 Reset Error -27 Access Timeout -31 Coding Error -54 Baud rate not supported by PCD -112 Receive Buffer Overflow  RcvdBits 4 Number of bits received  (stored as a big-endian number) Raw Data In 0 or  Variable The response data that is received from the PICC. The contents of the response depend on the application residing on the PICC and are out of the scope of this document.   For SRED device, the Raw Data being received from the card/device by the reader will be checked for sensitive data elements using rule in “Secure Pass-Through Function”.  If found, and it has not been established that this transaction belongs to an AID or BIN on the White List, the Command will return a Parameter Not Supported error (0x06). Example:  Sending a HALTA Command to a Type A PICC Assuming that ViVOpay has been put into Pass-Through Mode, a Type A PICC has been detected using the Poll for Token command, and the terminal application has completed the transaction with the card, an ISO 14443 HALTA command can be sent to the PICC using the PCD Single Command Exchange command. Given below is a log of the command and data that the terminal would send to ViVOpay and also the responses that may be received from ViVOpay.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           257 The following serial data may be exchanged between a terminal/PC and a ViVOpay reader: Table 69: Halt a Command Exchange Between Terminal/PC and Reader Terminal ViVOpay Command Frame (“PCD Single Command Exchange”, PcdTransceive,  106 ETUs, [FlushFiFO=0, DisableDF=0], ChanRedReg=07)   “ViVOtech2\0”  2Ch  04h  00h  09h 1Eh  00h 00h 00h 6Ah  00h  07h 50h 00h <CRC><CRC>      Response Frame (OK,  NoTagError, RcvdBits=0) “ViVOtech2\0”  2Ch  00h 00h 05h FFh 00h 00h 00h 00h <CRC><CRC>  High Level Halt Command (2C-09) This command instructs the ViVOpay reader to send a HALT command to the card and can be used for any Type A or Type B card. This command can only be used once the reader has been put in Pass-Through mode and the “Poll for Token” command has indicated that a Card is present.  Command Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Byte 16 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0 2Ch 09h 00h 01h Card Type   Card Type: 0x01 = Type A 0x02 = Type B Response Frame  Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  2Ch See Status Code Table 00h  00h      Enhanced Pass-Through Command (2C-0B) This command instructs the reader to carry out several tasks while in Pass-Through Mode. This command is ONLY enabled in Pass-Through Mode. If the reader is not in Pass-Through Mode, the reader ignores this command.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           258 Note: SAM interface is only supported in SRED devices. It is not supported in non-SRED version. This command is used in three basic situations: 1. To initiate a pass-through transaction 2. To terminate a “successful” transaction 3. To terminate a “failed” transaction This command is based in large part on the standard Set Message Led/Buzz command. It differs primarily in that:  Activation/Deactivation of interface  Turn On/Off Antenna (PICC)  Single-shot command processing  Poll for Token (PICC/ICC/SAM)  Sound the buzzer in various ways  Turn on or off any of the LED’s  Write text and amount messages to the display If this command is only used to set the Buzzer/LED then it works on the all readers. There are three cases depending on the LCD Message index number: Index 00h to 07h messages are directly display by the reader. Normally these messages are not set through this command. Index 08h to 0Bh messages can be set by the terminal. Index FFh indicates the terminal is setting LED/Buzzer only. Command Frame  Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1 Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 2Ch  0Bh 07 + N  OR  7 + X + Y See Data Table     The format and contents of the data field in the Command Frame are given in the following table.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           259 Table 70: Enhanced Pass-Through Data Field Data Item Length (bytes)  Description Single-Shot Commands 1 This bitmask contains the following commands. If a bit is set (1), the command is issued by the reader in the proper order. If the command mask is cleared (0), the command is NOT executed. 0000 0001 : Activate Interface (mutually exclusive) 0000 0010 : Deactivate Interface (mutually exclusive) 0000 0100 : Issue Poll For Token 0000 1000 : Use Independent LED instead (mutually exclusive) 0001 0000 : Use Independent Buzzer instead (mutually exclusive ) 0010 0000 : Use Specified Interface 0100 0000 : Reserved 1000 0000 : Reserved For more information see Single-Shot Commands below. LCD Message Index (for readers with a display only) 1 00-07 is controlled by the reader and normally not set by this command 00: Idle Message (Welcome) 01: Present card (Please Present Card) 02: Time Out or Transaction Cancel (No Card) 03: Transaction between reader and card is in the middle (Processing…) 04: Transaction Pass (Thank You) 05: Transaction Fail (Fail) 06: Amount (Amount  $ 0.00 Tap Card) 07: Balance or Offline Available funds (Balance $ 0.00) 08-0B is controlled by the terminal through this command 08: Insert or Swipe card (Use Chip & PIN) 09: Try Again(Tap Again) 0A: Indicate the custom to present only one card (Present 1 card only) 0B: Indicate the custom to wait for authentication/authorization (Wait)  80 MASK – indicates the User has included a String1 character string to be displayed with the standard message. If 0x80 is present, then the message index (in the lower portion of the byte) is displayed and LCD String1 and LCD String2 are only used for the Amount and Balance messages.  FF indicates not to set the LCD message which allows terminal to set LED/Buzzer only.  EXAMPLE 1: Index = 00h, reader displays standard “Welcome” EXAMPLE 2: Index = 86h, reader displays standard 06h “Amount” message but also displays String1 (in this case String1 = “$3.95”) Beep Indicator  1 00h:   No beep 01h:   Single beep 02h:   Double beep 03h:   Three short beeps 04h:   Four short beeps 05h    One long beep of 200 ms 06h    One long beep of 400 ms 07h    One long beep of 600 ms  08h    One long beep of 800 ms LED Number  1 00h:     LED 0 (Power LED) 01h:     LED 1  02h:     LED 2 03h:     LED 3 FFh:     All LEDs
NEO Interface Developers Guide           260 Data Item Length (bytes)  Description Where the LEDs are numbered 0, 1, 2, 3 counting from the left.  Note: If you are using past-through mode to control the Power LED (LED 0), it is your responsibility to make sure that it behaves correctly. LED Status  1 00h:    LED Off 01h:    LED On Timeout1 1 Time in Seconds. Timeout1 cannot be zero seconds if Timeout2 is Zero. Timeout2 1 Multiplier for Time in multiples of 10 milliseconds.  Timeout2 Time in ms 0 0 1 10 2 20 : : 255 2550  LCD String1 Message  X This field is included when LCD Message Index AND 80h = True. The field is X bytes long and consists of a simple character string. It contains NO formatting information, ONLY text characters. If LCD String1 Message and LCD String2 Message are included, then the reserved field must be included, with LCD String1 Message appearing immediately after it. Note: The string must be null terminated (00) to indicate the end of the string. LCD String2 Message  Y The field is Y bytes long and consists of a simple character string. It contains NO formatting information, ONLY text characters. Note: The string must be null terminated (00) to indicate the end of the string. Selected Interface  Z This field is present when the Single-Shot Commands Byte, Specified Interface bit = 1:  It is 1 byte long. Allowed Interface Values are:       00h = Contactless       20h = RFU        21h = SAM1 (SRED version only)       22h = SAM2 (SRED version only) Note: If this field is not present, the firmware will default to standard PICC behavior OR generate an error, depending upon which actions are indicated.  Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …   Byte 14+n-1  Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC   (MSB) CRC  (LSB) ViVOtech2\0 2Ch See Status Code Table 00h  Variable below     Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …   Byte 14+n-1 Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC   (MSB)  CRC  (LSB)
NEO Interface Developers Guide           261 ViVOtech2\0 2Ch See Status Code Table 00h  Variable below     The message has been set to the requested message only if the Response Frame contains an OK Status Code.  If the interface is SAM, the response is ATR. If the interface is Contactless Card, the response is as follows: If Poll for Token bit is disabled, no data is returned in the response. It is the same for the beep indicator. If Poll for Token bit is enabled, the response is the same as Poll for Token (2C-02) command.. Single Shot Commands  The first data byte of the command lists several ‘single-shot’ commands. If the associated bit of this field is set, the indicated discrete operation is carried out. If the bit is cleared, the associated command is NOT carried out. If the Poll for Token bit is enabled, the reader checks the value of the Use Specified Interface bit. If Use Specified Interface bit = 0, reader polls for a PICC card. If Use Specified Interface bit = 1, reader attempts a Poll for Token operation on the interface specified in the Selected Interface byte Activate Interface This bit turns on the RF antenna for the contactless interface by default. If the “Use Specified Interface” bit in the Single-Shot Command byte is set, the specified interface will be activated:  Contactless turns on the RF antenna  SAM1, SAM2 activates the appropriate SAM Deactivate Interface This turns off the RF antenna for the contactless interface by default. If the Use Specified Interface bit in the Single-Shot Command byte is set, this bit turns off the indicated interface:  Contactless turns off the RF antenna  SAM1, SAM2 deactivates the appropriate SAM  Note: The interface to be deactivated MUST be the one that is currently active. Poll for Token This bit executes a Poll for Token on the Contactless interface by default.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           262 If the Use Specified Interface bit in the Single-Shot Command byte is set, this bit performs a Poll for Token on the indicated interface:  Contactless performs a Poll for Token  SAM1, SAM2 performs a Poll for Token on appropriate SAM slot Use Independent Buzzer If the Use Independent Buzzer bit is set, the reader checks the Beep Indicator byte and calls the standard Buzzer Command (0B 01). If the bit is cleared, the reader checks the Buzzer byte and follows the Set Message Buzzer command (01 02). Use Independent LED If the Use Independent LED bit is set, the reader reads the included LED Number and Status bytes and then call the standard LED Command (0A 02). If the bit is cleared, the reader reads the included LED bytes and then calls the Set Message LED command (01 02). Mutual Exclusions This command has several elements that are mutually exclusive; the command fails if both are enabled.  Antenna You cannot enable both the Switch On and Switch Off options. Independent LED Enabled Reader uses the LED Bytes and calls the standard 0A 02 LED command Independent LED Disabled Reader uses the LED Bytes and follows the SetMsg 01 02 LED command Independent Buzzer Enabled Reader uses the Buzzer Byte and calls the standard 0B 01 Buzzer command Independent Buzzer Disabled Reader uses the Buzzer Byte and follows the SetMsg 01 02 Buzzer command  LED, Buzzer and Message operations all occur simultaneously. The order in which processes are executed depends upon the situation: If SWITCH ANTENNA ON is enabled:  Switch Antenna On  Perform any Message, LED, and Buzzer operations  Poll for Token If SWITCH ANTENNA OFF is enabled:  Perform any Message, LED, and Buzzer operations
NEO Interface Developers Guide           263  Switch Antenna Off Example Using Enhanced Pass-Through Commands Currently, a typical command order used during a transaction flow: o Switch Antenna On o Set Message LED Buzz o Poll for Token o Exchange APDU (Select) o Exchange APDU (PPSE) o Exchange APDU (Get Processing Option) o Exchange APDU (Read Record 1.1) o Exchange APDU (Read Record 2.1) o Exchange APDU (Read Record 3.1) o Exchange APDU (Read Record 3.2) o Exchange APDU (Cryptogram) o LED On o Buzzer o Switch Antenna Off The Enhanced Pass-Through command order for the same transaction flow becomes: o Enhanced Pass-Through Control o Exchange APDU (Select) o Exchange APDU (PPSE) o Exchange APDU (Get Processing Option) o Exchange APDU (Read Record 1.1) o Exchange APDU (Read Record 2.1) o Exchange APDU (Read Record 3.1) o Exchange APDU (Read Record 3.2) o Exchange APDU (Cryptogram)
NEO Interface Developers Guide           264 o Enhanced Pass-Through Control  The first command would be formatted as follows: Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …     Byte 14+n-1 Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC     (LSB) CRC    (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 2Ch 0Bh 00h 07h See Below    Byte 0 Single Shot  Byte 1 LCD Index Byte 2 Beep Byte 3 LED # Byte 4 LED Status Byte 5 Timeout1 Byte 6 Timeout2 05 01 00 00 01 01 01  In this first call of the Enhanced Pass-Through command: Byte 0 instructs the reader to single-shot the Turn Antenna On and Poll for Token commands Byte 1 instructs the reader to display message #1 on the display Byte 2 says that no buzzer is expected Byte 3 & 4 set the left-most LED on Byte 5 & 6 set the timeouts (see Timeout1 and Timeout2)  The second command would be formatted as follows: Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1  Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC     (LSB) CRC    (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 2Ch 0Bh 00h 07h See Below    Byte 0 Single Shot  Byte 1 LCD Index Byte 2 Beep Byte 3 LED # Byte 4 LED Status Byte 5 Timeout1 Byte 6 Timeout2 02 04 01 FF 02 01 01  In this call of the Enhanced Pass-Through command: Byte 0 instructs the reader to single-shot the Turn Antenna Off command Byte 1 instructs the reader to display message #4 (Thank You) on the display
NEO Interface Developers Guide           265 Byte 2 says that give one short beep with the buzzer Bytes 3 & 4 set all 4 LEDs to blink on then off Bytes 5 & 6 set the timeouts (see Timeout1 and Timeout2) Exchange APDU Data (2C-13) Note: SAM interface is only supported in SRED devices. It is not supported in non-SRED version. This command allows exchange of application level APDU’s with the following: o PICC (contactless card) that is ISO 14443-4 compliant o SAMs An application level Command APDU meant for a card or SAM is sent to the reader in the Command Frame, along with the interface. The reader sends the APDU to the card/SAM. The response APDU received from the card/SAM is sent back by the reader in the Response Frame.  Before this pass-through command can be used, a Level 1 session must have been established with a card on the interface to be used i.e., contactless (PICC) or contact (SAM1/SAM2) through the Enhanced Pass-through command (Poll for Token single shot command). Command Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Byte 16 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC (LSB) CRC  (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 2Ch  13h  Variable See Command Data Table    Command Data Data Item  Length (bytes)  Description/Example Interface  1 Allowed interfaces for which to get the ATR.        00h = Contactless        20h = RFU                                                                      21h = SAM 1 (SRED version only) 22h = SAM 2 (SRED version only) Command APDU  Variable Command APDU data that will be sent to the card via the specified interface. For SAMs, any command/response pair can be passed.   Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …   Byte 14+n-1 Byte 14+n Byte 15+n
NEO Interface Developers Guide           266 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0 2Ch See Status Code Table 00h  variable Response APDU     For SRED device, if the interface is Contactless, the APDU data being received from the card/device by the reader will be checked for sensitive data elements using rule in “Secure Pass-Through Function”.  If found, and it has not been established that this transaction belongs to an AID or BIN on the White List, the Command will return a Parameter Not Supported error (0x06).  Contact Card Power Off (2C-18) This command can close contact card power. When transaction is success, the card needs power off before remove card.  Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1 Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC     (LSB) CRC    (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 2Ch  18h      Command Data      Command Data  Data Item  Length (bytes)  Description/Example Interface  1  20h = ICC (VP4880C not supported) 21h = SAM 1  22h = SAM 2   Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1  Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC   (MSB) CRC   (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  2Ch See Status Code Table 00h  00h
NEO Interface Developers Guide           267 High Level Pass-Through Commands for Mifare Cards This section contains serial commands that implement higher level functionality for the Mifare Cards. These commands can only be used once the reader has been put in Pass-Through mode and the “Poll for Token” command has indicated that a Mifare Card is present. These commands do not work for non-Mifare cards.  Mifare Authenticate Block (2C-06) This command allows the terminal to instruct the ViVOpay reader to authenticate the Mifare Card sector containing the specified block of data. The Key to be used is also specified by the terminal. This command is applicable only for Mifare Standard/Classic Cards.  This command is not applicable for Mifare Ultralight Cards. Command Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14–Byte 21 Byte 22 Byte 23 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0 2Ch 06h 00h 08h See Table below   Table 71: Mifare Authentication Block Data Field Data Field  Length (bytes)  Description Block 1 Block Number in the Mifare Card for which the relevant sector must be authenticated.  Key Type 1 Specifies which type of key to use for authentication. It can have the following values.   01h:  Key A        02h:  Key B Key 6 Value of the Key  For details on these fields, refer to the relevant Mifare Specifications This command does not actually perform the authentication.  It sets the key to be used for the subsequent authentication.  The actual authentication will be performed before the next read or write operation.  If a sector boundary is crossed, the reader will attempt to authenticate using the key that was established with this command. After receiving the Command Frame, the ViVOpay reader verifies the data and if the data is valid, it interacts with the Mifare card to authenticate the sector containing the specified block. If this operation is successful, the ViVOpay reader sends a Response Frame with an OK Status. If the operation fails or the data was invalid, then the reader returns a Response Frame with an appropriate Status.  Response Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15
NEO Interface Developers Guide           268 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC (MSB)  CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  2Ch See Status Code Table 00h  00h     If the card in the field is not a Mifare card, a 0Ch (Sub-command not allowed) will be returned in the status code. Mifare Read Blocks (2C-07) Use this command to read data from one or more blocks on the Mifare Card. The terminal can instruct the reader to read up to 15 blocks using this command. If more than one block is defined, then the reader automatically reads the starting block and the blocks that follow. For multi-block reads, the sector trailer will be skipped.  Sector trailer’s may be read (except that the keys will not be visible) using a single block read.  If the card specified is a Mifare Standard card, then the terminal must have successfully sent at least one Mifare Authenticate Block command to the reader for the first block to read.  This does not authenticate the block; it stores a key for use by the reader as it performs reads and writes. If the card specified is a Mifare Standard card and the read command specifies a single block read, then the reader tries to read the data regardless of whether the block is a sector trailer block. If the card specified is a Mifare Standard card, and the read is a multi-block read, then the reader skips reading the sector trailer blocks that contain the Keys (since the Keys cannot be read). Skipped blocks are not included in the block count. While reading blocks in a Mifare Standard Card, if the read requires access to the next sector, then the ViVOpay reader carries out authentication for this block/sector automatically by using the Key Type and Key Value that were set in the Mifare Authenticate Block command to authenticate the sector for the Starting Block via the Mifare Authenticate Block command.   Block reads and writes that span multiple sectors assume that the keys to authenticate those sectors are the same as the one that was set using the Mifare Authenticate Block command. Command Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14,15 Byte 16 Byte 17 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0 2Ch 07h 00h 02h See Table below
NEO Interface Developers Guide           269 Table 72: Mifare Read Block Data Field Data Field  Length (bytes) Description Card & Block Count 1 Card Type:  [Bit 7..4]      This can only indicate the following cards   Mifare Type A (Standard)   Mifare Type A (Ultralight)       The values for these card types are defined in the “Poll for Token”        command (consider only the lower 4 bits). Block Count: [Bit 3..0]       This is the number of 16-byte blocks that are read.        The Block Count cannot be greater than 15.       This count does not include the skipped blocks if the card is a Mifare        Standard card. Start Block 1 This is the card block number from which the reader starts reading. After receiving the Command Frame the ViVOpay reader verifies the parameters. If the parameters are valid, then it reads the data from the card. If this operation is successful, the ViVOpay reader sends a Response Frame containing a Status of OK and the data that was read. If the operation fails or one or more parameters were invalid, then the reader sends a Response Frame containing an appropriate Status, but no data. Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1 Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0 2Ch  See Status Code Table Variable Variable Data Read from Card OR  None     If the Status is OK, then the Data Length depends on the number of blocks read and the card type.  DataLen = Blocks Read * (Bytes per Block for Card).   If there was an error or no data was read, then the Data Length is zero.  For SRED device, the data being received from the card/device by the reader will be checked for sensitive data elements using rule in “Secure Pass-Through Function”.  If found, and it has not been established that this transaction belongs to an AID or BIN on the White List, the Command will return a Parameter Not Supported error (0x06). Reading Mifare Ultralight Cards Mifare Ultralight cards differ from Mifare Cards.  For Mifare Standard Cards the block size is 16 bytes. However, for Mifare Ultralight Cards the block (page) size is 4 bytes.  When reading
NEO Interface Developers Guide           270 Mifare Ultralight cards, Block Count is taken to mean the number of 16 byte blocks (each consisting of four 4-byte pages).  However, for Mifare Ultralight cards, the Start Block represents a 4-byte page. For example, if the card is a Mifare Ultralight card, and a read is requested starting at Block 3 and Block Count is 1 then 16 bytes of data are returned consisting of Page # 3, 4, 5 & 6. And if a read is requested starting at Block 3 and Block Count is 2 then 16*2=32 bytes of data are returned consisting of Page # 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. Typically, Mifare Ultralight Cards are read by the ViVOpay reader, but are not written.  This is because they are typically used for disposable applications such as ticketing.  Mifare Write Blocks (2C-08) Use this command to instruct the ViVOpay reader to write data to one or more blocks on the Mifare Card. The terminal can instruct ViVOpay to write up to 15 blocks of data using this command. If more than one block is defined, then the reader automatically writes to the starting block and the blocks that follow.  The block size depends on the type of Mifare card being accessed. For Mifare Standard Cards the block size is 16 bytes. For Mifare Ultralight Cards the block size is 4 bytes. If the card specified is a Mifare Standard card, then the terminal must have successfully sent at least one Mifare Authenticate Block command to the reader for the first block to write.  This does not authenticate the block; it stores a key for use by the reader as it performs reads and writes. If the card specified is a Mifare Standard card and the write command is a single block write, the reader tries to write the data regardless of whether the block is a sector trailer block or not. If the card specified is a Mifare Standard card, and the write is a multi-block write, then the reader skips writing to the sector trailer blocks that contain the Keys. Skipped blocks are not included in the block count. While writing blocks to a Mifare Standard Card, if the write requires access to the next sector, then the ViVOpay reader carries out authentication for this block/sector automatically by using the Key Type and Key Value that were used by the terminal to authenticate the sector for the Starting Block via the Mifare Authenticate Block command. Block reads and writes that span multiple sectors assume that the keys to authenticate those sectors are the same as the one that was set using the Mifare Authenticate Block command. Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1 Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC     (MSB)  CRC    (LSB) ViVOtech2\0 2Ch 08h Variable Variable See Table below
NEO Interface Developers Guide           271 Table 73: Mifare Write Block Data Field Data Field  Length (bytes) Description Card & Block Count 1 Card Type:  [Bit 7..4] This can only indicate the following cards    Mifare Type A (Standard)    Mifare Type A (Ultralight) The values for these card types are defined in the “Poll for Token” command (consider only the lower 4 bits). Block Count: [Bit 3..0] This is the number of blocks that are written. The Block Count cannot be greater than 15. This count does not include the skipped blocks if the card is a Mifare Standard card. Start Block 1 This is the card block number from which the reader starts writing. Data to Write Variable (multiple of block size) Data to write to the Card. The length of the data to be written to the card depends on the number of blocks to be written and the card type.     After receiving the Command Frame the ViVOpay reader verifies the parameters. If the parameters are valid, it writes the data to the card. If this operation is successful, the ViVOpay reader sends a Response Frame with a Status of OK.  If the Command Frame is invalid or the write operation fails then the reader sends a Response Frame with an appropriate Status. Response Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  2Ch See Status Code Table 00h  00h      Mifare ePurse Command (2C-0A) Use this command to instruct the ViVOpay reader to carry out Debit, Credit and Backup operations on value blocks in a Mifare card. These functions require that the related data blocks be formatted as a value block and that operations and keys used match the defined Access Conditions for that sector.  The following illustration shows the format of a value block:
NEO Interface Developers Guide           272 Table 74: ePurse Value Block Format  A Debit function subtracts a given amount from a Mifare value block and stores the result in the same block. A Credit function adds a given amount to a Mifare value block and stores the result in the same block. A Backup function reads a value block and stores a copy of it in another value block in the same authenticated sector.  This command is flexible in that it allows any number of Debit, Credit or Backup function blocks to be embedded within one Command Frame in any order, with or without keys specified, as long as the total number of bytes is within the size capability of one Pass-Through command. Operations are performed in the order they are specified. For instance, a Purse Command could simply contain one Debit function to debit a value block by a specified amount. If a key and key type is included they are used to authenticate the block and the debit function is performed. If no key information is included the key and key type used in the previous Mifare Authentication command is used.  In another case, the Purse Command could contain a Credit function to credit a value block by a specific amount and a Backup function to backup the resulting balance to another value block somewhere on the card. Each command could include a specific key for the block being addressed, or omit the key information and let the reader use the last known key. Note: The default key and key type are overwritten each time a key is encountered while processing a Purse Command. The initial default values are those set when the Mifare Authenticate Block command is received. That key type and key are used until another key is encountered, at which point the new key becomes the default key for subsequent transactions. If purse commands are used without key information then the terminal must have successfully sent at least one Mifare Authenticate Block command to the reader for the first block.  Warning:  Multiple ePurse command blocks can be included in one command; each command contains a count of the number of command blocks included in the command. If the count of command blocks specified is not equal to the actual number of command blocks included in the command, an error may or may not be returned to the user. If the count of command blocks is greater than the actual number of command blocks specified, all command blocks available are acted upon and an error is returned. If the count of command blocks is less than the actual number of command blocks in the command, only the number of commands specified in the count is acted upon but no error is returned.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           273 Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1 Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0 2Ch 0Ah Variable Variable See Table below   Table 75: Mifare ePurse Command Data Field Data Field  Length (bytes) Description Mode, Card Type & Operation Count 1 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 = Inc 0 = Dec  Card Type  Operation Count   Increment / Decrement Flag: [Bit 7]  Set to 1 instructs reader to Add to (Credit) amount.  Set to 0 instructs reader to Subtract from (Debit) amount.  Card Type:  [Bit 6..4] This can only indicate Mifare Type A (Standard) card (3, as defined in the “Poll for Token” command).  Operation Count: [Bit 3..0] This is the number of operation command blocks contained within the rest of the Purse Function data area.  Purse Function Blocks Variable [1] Series of any combination of supported Purse Function blocks (Debit/Credit, Backup).  Refer to the description of each individual Command Frame below.   Debit / Credit Function Block (with Key specified) Byte  0 Byte  1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 4 Byte 5 Byte  6 Byte  7 Byte 8 Byte 9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Value Block Number Command Length  Amount  Key Type Key   0Bh  See Table below  See Table See Table  Debit / Credit Function Block (using default Key) Byte 0 Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 4 Byte 5 Value Block Number Command Length Amount  04h See Table Table 76: Mifare ePurse Data Field for Debit/Credit Function Block Data Field  Length (bytes) Description Amount 4 Amount to be added (Debit) or subtracted (Credit) in Little-Endian format. Mode of operation (+ or - ) is specified by most significant bit
NEO Interface Developers Guide           274 of first  data byte in Purse Command (Mode, Card Type and Operation Count) Key Type 1 Specifies which type of key to use for authentication. It can have the following values.   01h:  Key A        02h:  Key B Key 6 Value of the Key  For details on these fields, refer to the relevant Mifare Specifications. Backup Function Block (with Key specified) Byte  0 Byte  1 Byte  2 Byte  3 Byte  4 Byte 5 Byte 6 Byte 7 Byte 8 Byte 9 Backup Block Number Command Length Primary  Block  Number Key Type Key See Table below  08h  See Table below  See Table below  See Table below  Backup Function Block (using default Key) Byte 0 Byte 1 Byte 2 Backup Block Number Command Length Primary Block  Number See Table below 01h See Table below   Mifare ePurse backup commands are distinguished from Debit/Credit operations by the value in the Command Length field. Table 77: Mifare ePurse Data Field for Backup Function Block Data Field  Length (bytes) Description Backup Block Number  1 Number of destination value block to be used for backup. Command Length 1 Set to 01h or 08h, depending on whether a key type and key are supplied. Primary Block Number  1 Number of source value block to be copied. Key Type 1 Present only if Command Length = 08h Specifies which type of key to use for authentication. It can have the following values.   01h:  Key A        02h:  Key B Key 6 Present only if Command Length = 08h Value of the Key For details on these fields, refer to the relevant Mifare Specifications. After receiving the Command Frame the ViVOpay reader verifies the parameters. If the parameters are valid, it performs the operations specified in the order in which they appear within the Purse Command Data Frame.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           275 Note: Although it is possible to include multiple value operations (Debit or Credit) in one command, because there is only a single one-bit flag to specify the Debit or Credit mode all value commands within one Purse Command must be either Debit or Credit functions.  (However, backup operations may be included because they are distinguished by the command length field). If all operations are successful, the ViVOpay reader sends a Response Frame with a Status of OK. If the Command Frame is invalid or any of the operations fail then the reader sends a Response Frame with an appropriate Status. Response Frame  Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC (MSB)  CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  2Ch See Status Code Table 00h  00h      Examples Application: Perform a Debit operation. Subtract 2000 from value block number 20H using last key specified. Blue shaded area shows the Debit function block within the Purse Command Frame. Command Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Byte 16 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Mode, Card Type, Operation Count Value Block Debit Cmd Length ViVOtech2\0 2Ch  0Ah  00h  07h  31h  20h  04h Byte 17 Byte 18 Byte 19 Byte 20 Byte 21 Byte 22 Debit Amount  CRC MSB  CRC LSB D0h  07h  00h  00h     Application: Perform a Credit operation. Add 100 to value block number 20H specifying Key A. Blue shaded area shows the Credit function block within the Purse Command Frame. Command Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Byte 16 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Mode, Card Type, Operation Count Value Block Credit Cmd Length ViVOtech2\0 2Ch  0Ah  00h  0Eh  B1h  20h  0Bh Byte 17 Byte 18 Byte 19 Byte 20 Byte 21 Byte 22 Byte 23 Byte 24
NEO Interface Developers Guide           276 Credit Amount  Key Type Key 64  00  00  00  01  Ka  Kb  Kc Byte 25 Byte 26 Byte 27 Byte 28 Byte 29 Key  CRC MSB  CRC LSB Kd  Ke  Kf     Application: Perform a Debit operation with Backup. Subtract 300 from value block number 20H specifying Key A and backup the result to value block number 21H using the same key. Blue shaded area shows the Debit function block and yellow shaded area shows the Backup function block within the Purse Command Frame. Command Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Byte 16 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Mode, Card Type, Operation Count Value Block Debit Cmd Length ViVOtech2\0 2Ch  0Ah  00h  11h  32h  20h  0Bh Byte 17 Byte 18 Byte 19 Byte 20 Byte 21 Byte 22 Byte 23 Byte 24 Debit Amount  Key Type Key 2Ch  01  00  00  01  Ka  Kb  Kc Byte 25 Byte 26 Byte 27 Byte 28 Byte 29 Byte 30 Byte 31 Byte 32 Key  Backup Block Backup Cmd Length Primary Block  CRC MSB  CRC LSB Kd  Ke  Kf  21h  01h  20h      Application: Perform a Backup (value copy) operation only. Copy the value amount from block 1CH to block 1DH specifying Key B. Yellow shaded area shows the Backup function block within the Purse Command Frame. Command Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Byte 16 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Mode, Card Type, Operation Count Backup Block Backup Cmd Length ViVOtech2\0 2Ch  0Ah  00h  0Bh  31h  1Dh  08h Byte 17 Byte 18 Byte 19 Byte 20 Byte 21 Byte 22 Byte 23 Byte 24 Primary Block  Key Type Key
NEO Interface Developers Guide           277 1Ch  02h  Ka  Kb  Kc  Kd  Ke  Kf Byte 25 Byte 26 CRC MSB  CRC LSB    High Level Pass-Through Commands for NFC Cards This section contains serial commands that implement higher level functionality for the NFC Cards. These commands do not work for non-NFC cards. NFC Commands (2C-40) This command uses Data[0] in command data field to implement different functions. This command should be used in Pass-Through mode and command with “Poll for a NFC Tag” data should be used first. Command with other data can only be used once the “Poll for a NFC Tag” command has indicated that a NFC tag is present.   NFC Commands Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12  Byte 13 Byte 14 ...Byte 13+n Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub- Command Data length (MSB) Data length (LSB) Data  CRC(MSB) CRC(LSB) ViVOtech2\0 2Ch  40  00  00 See Below      Individial commands in NFC command set are distingushed as to parameters in Data field.  Table 78: NFC Command Set List Command  Data length  Command Data Field Description Poll for a NFC Tag  2 Data[0]: FFh Data[1]: Timeout (in second) Tag1 Static Get All Data  1  Data[0]: 11h Tag1 Static Read a Byte  2 Data[0]: 12h Data[1]: Address of the data  Tag1 Static Write a Byte  3 Data[0]: 13h Data[1]: Address of the data
NEO Interface Developers Guide           278 Data[2]: Data to be written Tag1 Static Write a Byte NE 3 Data[0]: 14h Data[1]: Address of the data Data[2]: Data to be written Tag1 Dynamic Read a Segment  2 Data[0]: 15h Data[1]: Address of the segment Tag1 Dynamic Read 8 Bytes  2 Data[0]: 16h Data[1]: Address of the data Tag1 Dynamic Write 8 Bytes 10 Data[0]: 17h Data[1]: Address of the data Data[2]~Data[9]: Data to be written Tag1 Dynamic Write 8 Bytes NE  10 Data[0]: 18h Data[1]: Address of the data Data[2]~Data[9]: Data to be written Tag2 Read Data (16 bytes)  2 Data[0]: 21h Data[1]: Address of the data Tag2 Write Data (4 bytes)  6 Data[0]: 22h Data[1]: Address of the data Data[2]~Data[5]: Data to be written Tag2 Select Sect  2 Data[0]: 23h Data[1]: Sect number Tag3 Read Data  variable Data[0]: 41h Data[1]: Number of services, value n. Data[2]~Data[2n+1]: Service code list Data[2n+2]: Number of blocks, value m. Data[2n+3....]: Block list, length is 2m~3m Tag3 Write Data  variable Data[0]: 42h Data[1]: Number of services, value n.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           279 Data[2]~Data[2n+1]: Service code list Data[2n+2]: Number of blocks, value m. Data[2n+3....]: Block list, length is 2m~3m Data[...]: Block data, length is 16m Tag4 Command  variable Data[0]: 0x81 Data[1]~Data[n]: data  NFC Response Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12  Byte 13 Byte 14 ...Byte 13+n Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Data length (MSB) Data length (LSB) Data  CRC(MSB) CRC(LSB) ViVOtech2\0 2Ch See Status Code Table 00  00 See Below       Table 79: NFC Command Set Response Data List Command Response  Data length  Command Response Data Field Description Poll for a NFC Tag  variable  Data[0]: Card type      00h   None (Card Not Detected or Could not Active)       01h    ISO 14443 Type A  (Supports ISO 14443-4 Protocol)       02h    ISO 14443 Type B  (Supports ISO 14443-4 Protocol)       03h    Mifare Type A (Standard)       04h    Mifare Type A (Ultralight)       05h    ISO 14443 Type A  (Does not support ISO 14443-4 Protocol)       06h    ISO 14443 Type B  (Does not support ISO 14443-4 Protocol)       07h    ISO 14443 Type A and Mifare (NFC phone)        0Ah    NFC Tag 1       0Bh    NFC Tag 2       0Ch    NFC Tag 3       0Dh    NFC Tag 4 Data[1...]: Serial Number (or the UID) of the PICC. Length depends on the card detected. If no card was detected, then a Serial Number is not returned. Others  variable  Returned data from card
NEO Interface Developers Guide           280  For details on these data field, refer to the relevant NFC Specifications. For SRED device, if the command isn’t  “Poll for a NFC Tag”, the data being received from the card/device by the reader will be checked for sensitive data elements using rule in “Secure Pass-Through Function”.  If found, and it has not been established that this transaction belongs to an AID or BIN on the White List, the Command will return a Parameter Not Supported error (0x06).   Secure Pass-Through Function Note: In SRED device, Pass-Through mode is called Secure Pass-Through Mode. (1) General Introduction In Secure Pass-Thru mode the reader will not allow the exposure of sensitive financial data from the reader unless the data from the card provides an Application Identifier (AID) or a Bank Identification Number (BIN) that is listed in the White List. An AID or BIN added to the White List is a guarantee that the AID or BIN is not used for a financial transaction.     In Secure Pass-Thru mode, if the AID or BIN is not in the White List, then all data returned from the card is parsed and analyzed to detect sensitive financial data before that data is provided in the transaction response. If any sensitive financial data is found only an error is returned and no data from the card is provided for the entire transaction. Note: In Secure Pass-Through Function, use the entire PAN as input BIN to compare with the BIN in White List  (2) Secure Pass-Thru White List     The White List is loaded with MAC verification. The White List is a list of AID’s and BIN’s that will be used to determine if data that appears to be financial data will be allowed and shown in clear text.       If an AID selected is on the Secure Pass-Thru White List, all data for that transaction will be shown in clear text regardless of whether it is sensitive financial data or not. The Selected AID is not dependent on the occurrence of PPSE or List of AID’s selection methods. If the AID selected is not on the Secure Pass-Thru White List, all data received from PICC will be parsed searching for sensitive financial data. Any TLV or structure on the SRED list of protected financial data will cause the Pass-Thru command response to return a Parameter Not Supported error status (0x06) with no data.     If a BIN is found in a track data TLV or track data structure, that is also in the White List, all data for that transaction will be shown in clear text regardless of whether it is sensitive financial data or not. If the BIN is not on the White List the Pass-Thru command response will return a Parameter Not Supported error status (0x06) with no data. Since the BIN is embedded in track data, the fact that there was a BIN indicates sensitive data was found.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           281 Note: In either the matching AID or matching BIN scenarios, if sensitive data is retrieved in a command prior to the command where the AID or BIN that matches the White List is found, the transaction response will return a Parameter Not Supported status (0x06) error with no data.    WARNING – No Card Association AID’s may be added to the white list. For example the AID’s for Mastercard, Visa, Amex, etc. may NOT be added to the White List.     (1) Handling Sensitive Financial Data     Any TLV or structure on the SRED list of protected financial data will cause the Pass-Thru command response to return a Parameter Not Supported status (0x06) with no data returned.  SRED List of Protected Financial Data TLV Name Find Method 56 Track 1 Equivalent Data Match EMV TLV 57 Track 2 Equivalent Data Match EMV TLV 5A Application PAN Match EMV TLV 5F20 Cardholder Name Match EMV TLV 5F24 Application Expiration Date Match EMV TLV 5F30 Service Code Match EMV TLV 9F27 Cryptogram Information Data Match EMV TLV 9F60 CVC3Track1 Match EMV TLV 9F61 CVC3Track2 Match EMV TLV 9F6B Track 2 Data Match EMV TLV    none Track 1 Matches ISO/IEC 7813 format for Track 1. See details in Track 1 Format Test below. none Track 2 Matches ISO/IEC 7813 format for Track 2. See details in Track 2 Format Test below. none Track 3 Matches ISO/IEC 4909:2006 format for Track 3. See details in Track 3 Format Test below.    (2) Accessing SAMs in Pass- Thru Mode     In Secure Pass-Thru SAM access is always clear data. The SAM will never contain sensitive financial data.  (3) Pass-Thru Command Need to be parsed for sensitive financial data   Cmd-Sub Name 2C-03 Exchange APDU 2C-04 PCD Single Command Exchange 2C-07 Read Mifare Block 2C-13 Exchange APDU 2C-40 NFC Commands  (4) Secure Pass-Thru White List WARNING – No Card Association AID’s may be added to the white list. For example the AID’s for Mastercard, Visa, Amex, etc. may NOT be added to the White List.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           282 White List related commands can only be used when Pass-Through mode is started.  Set White List (2C-50)  This command allows saving the new “White List” in the reader. The list is authenticated by appending a keyed-hash message authentication code (HMAC-SHA256, RCF-2104) to the message. The key is called MAC DUKPT Key.  This key is loaded into device using ViVOpay Key Management Architecture with key slot 3. Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13  Byte 14,15  Byte 16 Byte 17 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 2Ch  50h  var  var  See Tables Below     Set White List Data Field Data Field  Length (bytes) Description White List Var up to 512 The actual white list. See format of White List below.  Tag: FFEE0C      Format: Constructed  HMAC  36  32 bytes HMAC-SHA256 of the white list (RFC-2104) using MAC DUKPT Key. The white list to do MAC verification is the value of FFEE0C TLV.  Tag: DFEF23      Format: binary  KSN  14  10 bytes current MAC DUKPT Key Sequence Number. Device uses current MAC DUKPT Key to do MAC verification. Tag: DFEE12     Format: binary   The White List is composed of the following proprietary TLV’s, some of which may be embedded with wildcard symbols.   White List Format Data Field  Length (bytes)  Description BIN Var up to 19 A single BIN with possible wildcards.  Tag: DFEF21      Format: ASCII ‘0-9’,’*’,’?’ AID  Var up to 32 A single AID with possible wildcards.    Tag: DFEF22      Format: ASCII ‘A-Z’,‘0-9’,’*’,’?’ BIN Range  var  Contains two BIN’s (DFEF21). Any BIN including and between the first BIN and second BIN is considered to be nonfinancial regardless of content. No wildcards allowed.   Tag: FFEE0A     Format: TLVs
NEO Interface Developers Guide           283 Data Field  Length (bytes)  Description AID Range var Contains two AID’s (DFEF22). Any AID including and between the first AID and second AID is considered to be nonfinancial regardless of content. No wild cards allowed.    Tag: FFEE0B     Format: TLVs   Possible Wild Cards Wildcard Symbol Description of wildcard * The asterisk in a wildcard matches any character zero or more times. For example, "1234*" matches anything beginning with "1234" which means "1234", "12345", and "123456789" are all matched. ? A question mark matches a single character once. For example, "1?34" matches "1234" and "1934". The question mark can also be used more than once. For example, "1??4" would match both of the above examples as well as "1984".   Note: (1) Wildcards cannot be used in the AID’s or BIN’s used in the Range TLV’s (FFEE0A and FFEE0B). (2) The white list may contain several  single BIN TLVs or several  single AID TLVs or several  BIN range TLVs or several AID Range TLVs.  (3) For all BIN Range and AID Range, the fist and second BIN or AID must have the same length, the first BIN or AID must be less than the second BIN or AID. Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12  Byte 13  Byte 14 …   Byte 13+n Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  2Ch See Status Codes 00h  00h  None      If the White List is authenticated by the HMAC, the White List will be saved and used for transaction processing. If the White List is not authenticated the status response will be 0x0A Failed.  If the input White List format is error, the status response will be 0x0A Failed.    Get White List (2C-51)  This command retrieves the White List. Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13  Byte 14,15  Byte 16 Byte 17 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB)
NEO Interface Developers Guide           284 Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13  Byte 14,15  Byte 16 Byte 17 ViVOtech2\0 2Ch See Status Codes var  var  Response Data       Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12  Byte 13  Byte 14 …   Byte 13+n Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  2Ch  Status Variable  Variable Response Data      Response Data - See tables for Set White List above for the White List format and options. Data Field  Length (bytes) Description White List  Var  The actual white list. See format of White List in Set White List section above.  Tag: FFEE0C      Format: Constructed   Clear White List (2C-52)  This command instructs the reader to clear the white list. Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13  Byte 14,15  Byte 16 Byte 17 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 2Ch 52h 00h 00h None    Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12  Byte 13  Byte 14 …   Byte 13+n Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  2Ch  Status 00h  00h  None      If the White List is removed successfully status response will be ok.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           285   (5) Parsing and Analysis of Data provided by Card  This section provides detailed instructions which are the primary methods used to determine if a card contains sensitive financial data. Whether the data received by the reader from the card is raw data, an APDU or Mifare data, all data will be parsed for recognizable sensitive financial data as defined in “SRED List of Protected Financial Data”.  Note: Use the entire PAN as input BIN to compare with the BIN in White List Input BIN compare with BIN in White List examples: (AID comparison uses the same rule) If input BIN is “123456789012”, BIN in white list is “123”, so BIN is not in the white list. if input BIN is “123456789012”, BIN in white list is “123*”, so BIN is in the white list if input BIN is “123456789012”, BIN in white list is “12345678901234”, so BIN is not in the white list  The following steps will be used to parse the data:  Step1 - BER-TLV parsing First the data is parsed to determine if they follow the standard BER-TLV structure. If the data does follow the BER-TLV structure then each TLV will be evaluated to determine if any match the sensitive financial TLV’s listed in“SRED List of Protected Financial Data”.     BER-TLV Rules  0x84 TLV detected that is not “2PAY.SYS.DDF01” (PPSE directory) should be compared to the AID’s in the white list.  Any TLV in “SRED List of Protected Financial Data” that contains the PAN should be used to compare to the BIN’s in the white list (0x5A, 0x56, 0x57, 0x9F6B)  If BIN and/or AID not on any white list, look for any TLV’s from the Appendix A list.   Step2 - Data Structures parsing  If the data does not follow the standard BER-TLV format then the data is evaluated to determine if an image similar to Track data can be found.  Track Data Structure Rules  Track 1 ASCII:  Start Sentinel (STX= “%”)   End Sentinel (ETX = “?”)   Format Code (FC = “B”)  Separator after the PAN (FS = “^”)  Max PAN 19 digits. Minimum Card Brand PAN size is 12.   Max record length 79 characters  1. If the Start Sentinel is found, followed by the Format Code, with the Separator within 12 to 19 characters after the Format Code, then sensitive data has been found. 2. If no Start Sentinel is found, but the Format Code followed by the Separator within 12 to 19 characters after the Format Code is found, then sensitive data has been found. 3. If no Start Sentinel and no Format code found, but the Separator is found within 12 to 19 characters from the start of data, then sensitive data has been found.    If sensitive data has been found, pull out the BIN and compare to white list, if not in white list then block this data.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           286 Examples: Found with Test #1 – PAN length >11 < 20  %B6279257749132343^TEST CARD/VIVOPAY^10128130072?  Found with Test #2 – PAN length >11 < 20 B6279257749132343^TEST CARD/VIVOPAY^10128130072   Found with Test #3 – PAN length >11 < 20 6279257749132343^TEST CARD/VIVOPAY^10128130072  Track 2 ASCII:  Start Sentinel (STX= “;”)   End Sentinel (ETX = “?”)  Separator after the PAN (FS = “=”)  Max PAN 19 digits. Minimum Card Brand PAN size is 12.   Max record length 40 characters  1. If the Start Sentinel is found, followed by the Separator within 12 to 19 characters after the Start Sentinel, then sensitive data has been found. 2. If no Start Sentinel, but the Separator is found within 12 to 19 characters from the start of data , then sensitive data has been found.    If sensitive data has been found, pull out the BIN and compare to white list, if not in white list then block this data.  Examples: Found with Test #1 – PAN length >11 < 20  ;6279257749132340=10128130072104350000?  Found with Test #2 – PAN length >11 < 20 6279257749132340=10128130072104350000  Track 3 ASCII:  Start Sentinel (STX= “;”)   End Sentinel (ETX = “?”)  Format Code (FC = “0x00 – 0x99”)  Separator after the PAN (FS “=”)  Max PAN 19 digits. Minimum Card Brand PAN size is 12.  Max record length 107 characters  1. If the Start Sentinel is found, and the Format Code is found, followed by the Separator within 12 to 19 characters from the Format Code, then sensitive data has been found. 2. If no Start Sentinel, but the Format Code is found and the Separator is found within 12 to 19 characters from the Format Code, then sensitive data has been found.   3. If no Start Sentinel, and no Format Code is found, but the Separator is found within 12 to 19 characters from the start, then sensitive data has been found.    If sensitive data has been found, pull out the BIN and compare to white list, if not in white list then block this data.  Examples: Found in Test #1 – PAN length >11 < 20 ;011234567890123445=724724100000000030300XXXX040400099010=******==1=00?  Found In Test #2 – PAN length >11 < 20
NEO Interface Developers Guide           287 011234567890123445=724724100000000030300XXXX040400099010=******==1=00  Found In Test #3 – PAN length >11 < 20 1234567890123445=724724100000000030300XXXX040400099010=******==1=00
NEO Interface Developers Guide           288 10.0 Secure Communication Special Considerations for Secure Communications Take time to familiarize yourself with certain key differences in device usage that come into play when secure communications are required (as described below).  Burst mode Burst mode is not allowed when MSR/MSD or EMV encryption is enabled and Data encryption Key exists. When MSR/MSD or EMV encryption is enabled and Data encryption Key exists, burst mode is always OFF. In this condition, reader will turn the burst mode to be OFF automatically. If user wants to make burst mode to be ON/AUTO EXIT through “Set Configuration (04-00)” command, reader will keep burst mode to be OFF. Note: Burst mode is disabled for SRED devices. Data Output When secure communications are enabled, all magstripe data output (MSR) will be encoded according to the rules described in ID TECH P/N #80000403-001, Enhanced Encrypted MSR Data Output Format. All other encrypted output will conform to ID TECH P/N 80000404-001, ID Tech Encrypt Data Format in Command/Response Specification for IC Communication. The former (encrypted MSR) is a fixed-layout data encoding scheme with ID TECH proprietary semantics for flag values, field meanings, etc. The latter (encrypted EMV/ICC) is a TLV-based format using industry standard TLV (tag/length/value) encoding conventions, with a mix of industry-standard EMV tags and ID TECH proprietary tags.  For further information (including actual data in the two output styles), see the appendix called TDES Data Encryption Examples, and/or consult the appendix on Enhanced Encrypted MSR Data Output Format.  Encryption Algorithms The reader uses TDES encryption by default. During the authentication phase, the reader will use TDES in ECB mode. Once the reader and terminal are authenticated, the data field in the command/response frames is encrypted with Cipher Block Chaining (TDES-CBC). Only the data fields of the ViVOpay command/response frames are encrypted. The 14-byte preamble consisting of the command header, command, sub-command, and status fields, will not be encrypted.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           289 Secure Data Exchange Data is encrypted using TDES-CBC. Once a session is established, the initial vector will never be reset to its initial value until a new session is established. Thus, the chaining extends across packets and ensures the order of packets. The result is that a session is encrypted in a unique/per-instance non-repeatable way, to make replay attacks all but impossible. Padding of Data Fields Padding is usually required for the CBC algorithm, because TDES will require that data blocks be a multiple of 8 bytes long, for example (whereas AES will require data blocks to be a multiple of 16 bytes). Since the length field in the ViVOpay frame indicates the length of the encrypted data field, there must be a way to recognize the actual data (in order to recover the data as it existed before padding). The order of operations for sending frames: 1. Insert pads so that data length is a multiple of 8. 2. Encrypt using CBC. 3. Do DLE insertion. The order of operations for receiving frames: 1. Do DLE deletion. 2. Do decryption using CBC.  3. Remove pads. If the data is a multiple of 8, then there will be eight pads of 0x08. If the data was one less than a multiple of 8, then there is one pad of 0x01. For all other cases, there are n pads of 0x0n, where n is between 1 and 8. The following examples illustrate padding: Actual Data Falls on an 8-Byte Boundary Byte 0-9 Byte 10  Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 + x  Byte 23 Byte 24 Header Tag & Protocol Version Cmd Sub Cmd Length (MSB) Length (LSB) Encrypted Data (n bytes) Pad: 08h, 08h, 08h, 08h, 08h, 08h, 08h, 08h CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0      00h  Varies Varies (always multiple of 8 bytes) + 8 bytes 08h pad Varies Varies Actual Data is One Less than 8-Byte Boundary Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 –n + 1 Byte 23 Byte 24 Header Tag & Protocol Version Cmd  Sub Cmd Length (MSB) Length (LSB) Encrypted Data:  Pad: 01h CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0     00h  Varies Varies (always multiple of 8 bytes) Last byte = 01h Varies  Varies
NEO Interface Developers Guide           290 Actual Data is less than 8-Byte Boundary Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 -n Byte 23 Byte 24 Header Tag & Protocol Version Cmd  Sub Cmd Length (MSB) Length (LSB) Encrypted Data, Pad: n pads of 0x0n, where n is between 1 and 8 CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0      00h  Varies Varies (always multiple of 8 bytes) Pad example, 03h, 03h, 03h. Varies  Varies   Set Data Encryption Key Variant Type (C7-2F) This command exists to specify the key variant type of Data encryption Key, and MUST be used before the initial loading of the Data encryption Key into the device. The key variant type CANNOT be changed once the Data encryption Key is present. It must remain either Data Variant or PIN Variant.  Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12  Byte 13 Byte 14  Byte 15 Byte16 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Sub- Command Data length (MSB) Data length (LSB) Data  CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  C7h  2Fh  00  01 Key Variant Type      Encryption Type Description 0 Data Variant 1 Pin Variant  Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13  Byte 14  Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Status Data length (MSB) Data length (LSB)  CRC(MSB)  CRC(LSB) ViVOtech2\0  C7h See Status Code Table 00  00       Get Data Encryption Key Variant Type (C7-30) Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12  Byte 13  Byte 14  Byte15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Sub- Command Data length (MSB) Data length (LSB) CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  C7h  30h  00  00      Response Frame
NEO Interface Developers Guide           291 Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12  Byte 13 Byte14  Byte 15 Byte16 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Status Data length (MSB) Data length (LSB) Data1  CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  C7h See Status Code Table  00  01 Key Variant Type      Encryption Type Description 0 Data Variant 1 Pin Variant   Set DUKPT Key Encryption Type (C7-32) This command exists to specify the encryption type of Data encryption Key, and MUST be used before the initial loading of the Data encryption Key into the device. The encryption type CANNOT be changed once the Data encryption Key is present. It must remain either TDES or AES. Note: This command is only supported in NSRED device. In SRED device, only TDES algorithm is used to encrypt transaction output sensitive data.  Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12  Byte 13 Byte 14  Byte 15 Byte16 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Sub- Command Data length (MSB) Data length (LSB) Data  CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  C7h  32h  00  01 Encryption Type     Encryption Type Description 0 TDES 1 AES  Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13  Byte 14  Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Status Data length (MSB) Data length (LSB)  CRC(MSB)  CRC(LSB) ViVOtech2\0  C7h See Status Code Table  00  00      Get DUKPT Key Encryption Type (C7-33) Note: This command is only supported in NSRED device. In SRED device, only TDES algorithm is used to encrypt transaction output sensitive data.  Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12  Byte 13  Byte 14  Byte15 Header Tag & Command Sub- Data length Data CRC CRC
NEO Interface Developers Guide           292 Protocol Version Command (MSB) length (LSB) (MSB) (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  C7h  33h  00  00      Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12  Byte 13 Byte14  Byte 15 Byte16 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Status Data length (MSB) Data length (LSB) Data1  CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  C7h See Status Code Table  00  01 Encryption Type      Encryption Type Description 0 TDES 1 AES  Example data (top line: command; bottom line: response) TDES: 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 C7 33 00 00 1A 9B  56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 C7 00 00 01 00 AC 7F AES: 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 C7 33 00 00 1A 9B  56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 C7 00 00 01 01 BC 5E  Set Data Encryption Enable Flag (C7-36) This command is meant to be used once (only), to turn encryption ON permanently. It elevates the security status of the device. This is meant to be an irreversible event.  Note: This command is supported only in non-SRED devices. In SRED devices, the reader is always encryption-enabled and this command is unsupported.  Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12  Byte 13 Byte 14  Byte 15 Byte16 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Sub- Command Data length (MSB) Data length (LSB) Data  CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  C7h  36h  00  01 Encryption Enable Flag      Encryption Type Description Bit 0  0 -> CT/CL EMV Data Encryption Disable (default) 1 -> CT/CL EMV Data Encryption Enable Bit 1  0 -> MSR/MSD Data Encryption Disable (default)
NEO Interface Developers Guide           293 1 -> MSR/MSD Data Encryption Enable          Bit 2~7    Reserve  Note: MSR/MSD Encryption Disable and EMV Encryption Enable isn’t allowed. When MSR/MSD or EMV Encryption is enabled and Data encryption Key exists, Burst Mode is disabled (always OFF)  Note: KIOSKIII NSRED default value is MSR/MSD Data Encryption Enable and EMV Data Encryption Disable.  Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13  Byte 14  Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Status Data length (MSB) Data length (LSB)  CRC(MSB)  CRC(LSB) ViVOtech2\0  C7h See Status Code Table  00  00      When Data Encryption is disabled, device will always respond plaintext data When Data Encryption is enabled, device will output data as follows: (1) When Data encryption Key does not exist, the commands below will respond plaintext data for NSRED device, respond status code 0x90 and no data for SRED device. (2) When Data encryption Key exists and is valid, the commands below will respond encrypted data. (3) When Data encryption Key exists and exhausted, the commands below will respond status code 0x91 and no data.  Commands: (1) Activate Transaction Command (02-01/02-40) (2) Get Transaction Result Command (03-00/03-40)  Device Current Status/Command Setting/Device Operation/Output Matrix (Data encryption Key exists and valid) Current  Encryption Status  Command Encryption Setting Device Operation Output after Setting MSR/MSD_OFF, EMV_OFF 0x00 MSR/MSD_OFF, EMV_OFF (0x00) Keep  MSR/MSD plaintext,  EMV plaintext MSR/MSD _OFF, EMV _ON (0x01) Refuse   MSR/MSD plaintext,  EMV plaintext MSR/MSD ON, EMV_OFF (0x02)  Update  MSR/MSD encryption,  EMV plaintext MSR/MSD _ON, EMV_ON (0x03)  Update  MSR/MSD encryption,  EMV encryption   MSR/MSD_ON, EMV_OFF 0x02 MSR/MSD_OFF, EMV_OFF (0x00) Refuse   MSR/MSD encryption,  EMV plaintext MSR/MSD _OFF, EMV _ON (0x01) Refuse   MSR/MSD encryption,  EMV plaintext MSR/MSD ON, EMV_OFF (0x02)  Keep   MSR/MSD encryption,  EMV plaintext MSR/MSD _ON, EMV_ON (0x03)  Update   MSR/MSD encryption,  EMV encryption   MSR/MSD_ON, EMV_ON MSR/MSD_OFF, EMV_OFF (0x00) Refuse   MSR/MSD encryption,  EMV encryption MSR/MSD _OFF, EMV _ON (0x01) Refuse   MSR/MSD encryption,  EMV encryption
NEO Interface Developers Guide           294 0x03 MSR/MSD ON, EMV_OFF (0x02)  Refuse  MSR/MSD encryption,  EMV encryption MSR/MSD _ON, EMV_ON (0x03)  Keep  MSR/MSD encryption,  EMV encryption    Get Data Encryption Enable Flag (C7-37) Note: This command is only supported in Non-SRED version devices, not supported in SRED version devices.  Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12  Byte 13  Byte 14  Byte15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Sub- Command Data length (MSB) Data length (LSB) CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  C7h  37h  00  00      Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12  Byte 13 Byte14  Byte 15 Byte16 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Status Data length (MSB) Data length (LSB) Data1  CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  C7h See Status Code Table  00  01 Encryption Enable Flag     Encryption Type Description Bit 0  0 -> CT/CL EMV Data Encryption Disable (default) 1 -> CT/CL EMV Data Encryption Enable Bit 1  0 -> MSR/MSD Data Encryption Disable (default) 1 -> MSR/MSD Data Encryption Enable          Bit 2~7    Reserve  Set MSR Secure Parameters (C7-38) This command allows setting parameters that determine encrypted output from MSR sessions. Use it to force encryption data output to include various kinds of data per Enhanced Encrypted MSR Data Output When Encryption is Turned On with C7-38 Command. Consult the table in that Appendix (A.13) to see the types of output that can occur. Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1 Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB)
NEO Interface Developers Guide           295 ViVOtech2\0  C7h  38h  00h  05h MSR Secure Parameters TVL     MSR Secure Parameters TVL objects Tag Data Object Name Description Format Length DFDE04 MSR Encryption Option Encryption Option (Forced encryption or not) Bit 0: T1 force encrypt Bit 1: T2 force encrypt Bit 2: T3 force encrypt Bit 3: T3 force encrypt when card type is 80 Default value is 0x08. b 1  Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1 Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC   (MSB) CRC   (LSB) ViVOtech2\0 C7h See Status Code Table          ViVOtech2\0  C7h  38h 00h  05h MSR Secure Parameters TVL     Get MSR Secure Parameters (C7-39) This command can get parameters from flash setting.  Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1 Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0  C7h  39h  00h  03h MSR Secure Parameters TVL     MSR Secure Parameters TVL objects Tag Data Object Name Description Format Length DFDE04 MSR Encryption Option Encryption Option (Forced encryption or not) Bit 0: T1 force encrypt Bit 1: T2 force encrypt Bit 2: T3 force encrypt Bit 3: T3 force encrypt when card type is 80 Default value is 0x08. b 1  Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1 Byte 14+n Byte 15+n
NEO Interface Developers Guide           296 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC   (MSB) CRC   (LSB) ViVOtech2\0 C7h See Status Code Table 00h  05h  TLV      Key Injection and Related Commands Set Remote Key Injection Timeout (C7-2D)  Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12  Byte 13 Byte14  Byte 15  Byte 16 Byte17 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub- Command Data length (MSB) Data length (LSB) Data1  Data2  CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0 C7h  2Dh  00  02 Timeout (MSB) Timeout (LSB)     Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13  Byte 14  Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Status Data length (MSB) Data length (LSB)  CRC(MSB)  CRC(LSB) ViVOtech2\0  C7h See Status Code Table  00  00      Timeout is in second, value scope is [120, 3600]. If timeout, remote key injection is canceled.  Get Remote Key Injection Timeout (C7-2E)  Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12  Byte 13  Byte 14  Byte15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Sub- Command Data length (MSB) Data length (LSB) CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  C7h  2Eh  00  00       Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte14  Byte 15  Byte 16 Byte17 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Data length (MSB) Data length (LSB) Data1  Data2  CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0 C7h See Status Code Table 00  00 Timeout (MSB) Timeout (LSB)      Timeout is in second, value scope is [120, 3600]. If timeout, remote key injection is canceled.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           297 Check DUKPT Keys (81-02) This command checks and returns the state of the DUKPT key associated with each slot.  Slot 2: RKI-KEK (NSRED and SRED device support, use in Remote Key Injection) Slot 3: MAC DUKPT Key (SRED device support, for future use) Slot 5: Data encryption Key (NSRED and SRED device support, use to encrypt transaction output sensitive data)  Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 ~  Byte 14+n-1  Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 81h  02h  00h  00h  None      Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 ~ 13+n  Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB)  Data CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  81h  See Status Code Table  00h  00h or 0Ch Nothing  or Key States      If successful, the returned Status Code is 00h and the response data will contain the key states for 12 slots. Most of these slots are reserved for future use. Only the supported slot indexes will contain key states. The format of the data returned on success is given below. Response Data (When Status is OK) Data Item  Length (bytes)  Description Key States  12 (0Ch)  This data item contains the Key States for 12 DUKPT Key slots. Each byte represents the Key State for a single slot.  Possible values for each Key State are:      00h: Unused          (Slot is supported but no key injected)      01h: Valid              (A valid key is available in this slot)      02h: End of Life     (The key on this slot has reached end of life)      FFh: Not Available (This slot is not supported)  If the command is not successful, then the Status Code will not be 00h and no data is returned.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           298 Check DUKPT Key (81-04) This command checks whether a valid DUKPT key is stored at the specified slot and if a valid key is found then some basic information related to the type of key is returned. The actual Key data is never returned.  This command can be used to check whether a key is already present before injecting a key in a slot to prevent overwriting an existing DUKPT key. Slot 2: RKI-KEK (NSRED and SRED device support, use in Remote Key Injection) Slot 3: MAC DUKPT Key (SRED device support, for future use) Slot 5: Data encryption Key (NSRED and SRED device support, use to encrypt transaction output sensitive data)  Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1  Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 81h  04h  00h  01h  Key Slot      Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14-13+n  Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB)  Data CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  81h  See Status Code Table  00h  variable Nothing  or Key States      If the Command Frame is valid, then the Status Code will be OK and the response data will contain the key state and other key related data as shown in the following table. If the Command Frame is not valid, then the Status Code will not be OK and no data will be returned. Response Data (When Status is OK) Byte  Field Name  Description  Encoding 0  Key State  Key State for the DUKPT key associated with the specified slot. Possible values for the Key State are:      00h: Unused          (Slot is supported but no key injected)      01h: Valid              (A valid key is available in this slot)      02h: End of Life     (The key on this slot has reached end of life)      FFh: Not Available (This slot is not supported) Mandatory Field. Binary
NEO Interface Developers Guide           299 Byte  Field Name  Description  Encoding 1-2  Key Usage  ‘K0’ – Use to encrypt or wrap other keys ‘D0’ – Use to encrypt Data ‘M0’ – Use to do MAC Verification (only SRED device support) Present only if key state indicates a valid key. 2AN 3  Algorithm  ‘A’, hex 0x41, AES ‘T’, hex 0x54. Triple DES ‘D’, hex 0x44. Single DES Present only if key state indicates a valid key. 1AN 4  Mode of Use 'N' No special restrictions ‘B’ Both Encryption and Decryption 'E' Encryption only  'D' Decryption only Present only if key state indicates a valid key. 1AN 5-6  Key Version Number ‘00’, hex 0x3030.  If set to ‘00’ key version number is not used. Key version is not supported in this version of the specifications Present only if key state indicates a valid key. 2AN  Get DUKPT Key Serial Number (KSN) (81-0A) Host can use this command to retrieve the KSN of the selected DUKPT key. Slot 2: RKI-KEK (NSRED and SRED device support, use in Remote Key Injection) Slot 3: MAC DUKPT Key (SRED device support, for future use) Slot 5: Data encryption Key (NSRED and SRED device support, use to encrypt transaction output sensitive data)  Command Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Byte 16 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Key Index  CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 81h 0Ah 00h 01h Key slot    Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12  Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1 Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB)  Data  CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0 81h Status Code 00h variable KSN    If the Command Frame is valid, the slot was supported and the DUKPT Key is valid, the Status Code will be OK and the data portion will have the content described below. If the Command Frame is not valid or the slot is unsupported or DUKPT Key is not valid, then the Status Code will not be OK and no data will be returned.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           300  Get KSN Response Data Data Item  Length (bytes)  Description KSN  20 KSN of selected DUKPT key Format: ASCII (no null terminator)
NEO Interface Developers Guide           301 11.0 Improved Collision Detection Issues with Standard Collision Detection This firmware supports the EMV Contactless Communication Protocol Specification. While the EMV specification defines collision detection, there are often physical constraints which prevent collision detection resolving within the timing limits outlined in the specification.  For instance, multiple cards in the field cannot always be detected reliably. If a particular card responds more quickly to RF polling, or if a card has a stronger antenna, then the signal will lock to that card. (This problem is not limited to ID TECH equipment.) Card geometry can also be a major factor in collision detection.  The following bullets explain some of the difficulties associated with multiple card presentation:  When a single type A and single type B card are presented side-by-side the reader will detect collisions without much difficulty:    When two cards are stacked on top of one another, the faster card or the card that is closer to the PCD will be activated. This is because the slower card or the card that is further from the PCD suffers insufficient power, interference from the other card, or timing that falls outside the boundaries defined in the EMV specification.    Presenting two cards of the same type side by side (e.g. A || A) will suffer from the same problems described in the previous bullet, because the RF power draw from one card can negatively impact the communication and/or power of the other card.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           302    The six possible multiple card presentation scenarios are listed in the table below. Scenario Card Type Orientation 1 A / B Stacked 2 A / B Fanned 3 A / A Stacked 4 A / A Fanned 5 B / B Stacked 6 B / B Fanned  Note: Card Type B / B (scenarios 5 & 6) are inherently difficult to detect. When multiple type B cards are presented they should detune one another. If there is minimal detuning then no collision would be detected.  Collision Detection Modes The firmware features two mutually-exclusive collision detection modes, Standard Collision Detection and Improved Collision Detection, which are described in the subsections below. Standard Collision Detection Standard Collision Detection, also known as EMEA Anti-Collision Detection, is enabled by default, as it maximizes the chances of completing a transaction. In this mode, if a collision event is detected, the reader will back off and resume polling.  Media removal events are handled as per the EMEA requirements for collision. When detecting a collision a media removal UI event is triggered (all LEDs off, 2 tone alert, and appropriate message for LCD equipped units), a small delay is then introduced before returning to polling.  Note:  It is important to understand that the procedure outlined above will repeat if the collision is not resolved. Also, the media removal event only operates when the EMEA UI is enabled (tag 'FF F8' = '03'). Finally, this procedure occurs automatically without interaction from the integrated system and will operate for the duration of the Timeout period, as set by Activate Transaction.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           303 The reader will then continue to retry the transaction; until either, the collision issue has been resolved (and a transaction takes place), or until the transaction timeout expires. In the latter case, the timeout will contain the timeout status (0x08) and timeout cause in the data field (0x21, collision error). Note: In this mode, if a collision is detected, the reader will interpret further ‘Communication Error’ or ‘Card Not Present’ events as being caused by collision. Improved Collision Detection Enabling this mode disables Standard Collision Detection mode and changes reader behavior:   1. While polling, the reader will attempt to find the PICC using the standard polling method.  2. If a collision is detected, the reader will abort the transaction and notify the POS.  3. It will report this with an error in the data field of its response (0x21, collision error).  Tag DF7F enables/disables Improved Collision Detection. When this tag is set to zero (default value), Improved Collision mode is disabled. When this tag is set to another value (1-255), Improved Collision mode is enabled.   When Improved Collision mode is enabled, the DF7F tag value defines the number of successful sequential polling attempts required for signal lock. For example, if tag DF7F = 3, then the reader must detect a card successfully three times in a row before the firmware decides this is a successful polling attempt. Given the same conditions, the reader must fail to detect a card three times in a row before the firmware decides this is a 'card not present' polling attempt.  To reiterate, Improved Collision Detection requires a specified number of polling attempts to complete without an EMV collision event before the RF signal is locked to a specific card. If an EMV collision event is reported, the transaction will end and return a collision status code.   The following table summarizes the tag-related information provided above.  Feature  Tag  Length Value  Notes Improved Collision Detection DF7F  1 byte 0 = default Improved Collision Detection Disabled. (i.e. one successful polling attempt is sufficient for signal lock)  1 – 255 Improved Collision Detection Enabled. Number of successful sequential polling attempts required for signal lock.    In this new mode, the collision scenarios have been improved in the following manner: 4. Increased sensitivity to improve collision detection generally. Previously, silent card and garbled receive were not identified in the same manner as a standard collision. 5. If the transaction times out due to any of the collision methods described previously, the serial response will reflect this in its error state, with Status Code 0x08 (Time Out) and Error Code 0x21 (Collision Error).
NEO Interface Developers Guide           304 Example Assume a reader has enabled Improved Collision Detection with tag DF7F = 3. When two cards are placed within view of the reader, the following polling results are obtained. Polling Attempt 1 2 3 Polling Result OK OK  L1C These results show that the first and second polling attempts are successful; but, the third polling attempt reports an EMV L1 collision (e.g. a slower or weaker signal). This collision detection would result in immediate termination of the transaction and the reader returning a collision status code. In contrast, if Standard Collision Detection mode was enabled instead, then the reader would accept the first attempt and the transaction would proceed with the first card detected.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           305 12.0 Kiosk III Boot Loader This section only applies to the Kiosk III reader, describes the designation of Kiosk III boot loader version from 'KIOSKIII-BL-V3.00.010' on.  The Boot Loader controls initial operation after reset and also provides the means to program the Flash memory,   Kiosk III has two types of products: Non-SREd and SRED. This boot loader can be used in both types of Kiosk III device. Description KIOSK III Boot Loader controls initial operation after reset and also provides the means to program the flash memory which operate over both RS232 and USB interface.   KIOSK III uses a freescale K21 chip with 1M bytes embedded flash. The flash is divided into three zones: boot-loader, configuration and application. As for boot-loader zone, it is divided into three zones: BIM(boot image manager), boot-loader 1 and boot-loader 2. BIM cannot be updated, application can be updated by boot-loader, boot-loader1 can be updated by boot-loader2, and boot-loader2 can be updated by boot-loader1.   Boot loader code is executed every time the reader is powered on or reset.  If a valid user program is not found, the firmware downloader is invoked. If a valid user program is found, then the execution control is transferred to it after 3 seconds waiting, during this waiting time, user can invoke firmware downloader by sending boot load commands.  The firmware data to be updated to device is protected by firmware RSA key, which is RSA key under RSA-2048. Firmware data is encrypted by firmware RSA private key, and must be authenticated by firmware RSA public key when the data are all loaded into device. The updated firmware data won't be valid before authentication succeed. The firmware RSA public key is injected into device during manufacturing. Boot Procedure After any reset or power up the Kiosk III boot loader is the first code executed. Boot loader then check whether the main application exists. If the application exists, boot loader waits 3 seconds for user to send boot load commands. If user send boot load commands inside the waiting time, the firmware downloader is invoked and a firmware image is to be downloaded. If user does not send boot loader commands inside the waiting time, then boot loader passes control to the main application. If the main application does not exist then boot loader invoke the firmware downloader and waits for a firmware image to be downloaded.  After power up or reboot, boot-loader gets the control of the chip, and then does the following tasks in order. a)  BIM reads and compares boot-loader1 and boot-loader2 flag, selects the newer and passes the control to it. b)  The selected boot-loader check the reason of reboot. If the reboot reason is that the application did the reboot in favor of entering boot-loader mode, then go to step f). c)  Check whether an application exists in application zone or not. If not, go to step f). d)  Wait boot loader commands from host for 3 seconds, if received boot load command, invoke firmware downloader; if boot load command not received, go to e).
NEO Interface Developers Guide           306 e)  Transfer the control of the chip to application. f)   wait for boot-loader commands from host. Communication Protocol All Firmware downloader commands are following Protocol 2. . Firmware Downloader File Name Format  Firmware download file name is formatted as: '[firmware version]_[clear/encrypted]_[port].txt'   [firmware version]:  If the file is to update application, then [firmware version] is application main version. For example: 'NEO v1.00.012'. If the file is to update boot loader, then [firmware version] is boot loader version. for example: 'KIOSKIII-BL-V3.00.010'. If the file is to update both, then [firmware version] is showed as application main version and boot loader version linked with '&'. For example: ' NEO v1.00.012 & KIOSKIII-BL-V3.00.010'   [clear/encrypted]:  'ENC' means this download file is encrypted 'CLR' means this download file is not encrypted  If file name not marked with 'ENC' or 'CLR', that is encrypted file. If firmware key is valuable in device, please use encrypted download file. If firmware key is not valuable in device, please use clear download file.  Note: Encrypted download files are generally used in firmware updating. Clear download files are only prepared for device recovery in special accidents.   [port]: If the file is for RS232 port, then [port] is 'RS232'. If the file is for USBHID port, then [port] is 'USBHID'.  ' NEO v1.00.016_CLR_RS232.txt' ' NEO v1.00.016_CLR_USBHID.txt' ' NEO v1.00.016_ENC_RS232.txt ' 'NEO v1.00.016_ENC_ USBHID.txt'  ' KIOSKIII-BL-V3.00.014_CLR_RS232.txt' ' KIOSKIII-BL-V3.00.014_CLR_USBHID.txt' ' KIOSKIII-BL-V3.00.014_ENC_RS232.txt' 'KIOSKIII-BL-V3.00.014_ENC_ USBHID.txt'  ' NEO v1.00.016 & KIOSKIII-BL-V3.00.014_CLR_RS232.txt' ' NEO v1.00.016 & KIOSKIII-BL-V3.00.014_CLR_USBHID.txt' ' NEO v1.00.016 & KIOSKIII-BL-V3.00.014_ENC_RS232.txt' ' NEO v1.00.016 & KIOSKIII-BL-V3.00.014_ENC_USBHID.txt'
NEO Interface Developers Guide           307 Firmware Downloader Data Format Firmware download file is coded in ASCII text. Firmware download commands and expected responses are embed in text file one command per line. Host can retrieve each command in order and convert the command from ASCII code to hex data then send them to Kiosk III device, then compare the response from Kiosk III device with expected response next to the command in text file.  Firmware download file data format is as: '[prefix][data]'  Prefix Data Example Description '#' 'XXXXX...' Data follow '#' is comments only. '<START:' None No data needed, just specify the starting of download. 'TIMEOUT:' '1000' Recommended timeout between command and response, unit is ms. 'SLEEP:' '2000' Host sleep, unit is ms. 'SEND:' ' 5669564F746563683200C7110000F23D' Data is the command to be sent to device. Note: Data format is different between RS232 port and USBHID port. 'WAIT:' ' 5669564F746563683200C7000000866E' Data is the response expected to the command above line. Note: Data format is different between RS232 port and USBHID port. 'END>' None No data needed, just specify the ending of download.  Examples:  NEO v1.00.012_RS232.txt     #RS232 version <START: TIMEOUT:1000 SEND:5669564F746563683200C7410000ACF3 SLEEP:2000 SEND:5669564F746563683200C7110000F23D WAIT:5669564F746563683200C7000000866E SEND:5669564F746563683200C7120001014A91   WAIT:5669564F746563683200C7000000866E   SEND: 5669564F746563683200C71301008A8D92719D9D.......   WAIT:5669564F746563683200C7000000866E   ......   ......   ...... WAIT:5669564F746563683200C7000000866E SEND:5669564F746563683200C71500083230313530393234BE8B WAIT:5669564F746563683200C7000000866E SEND:5669564F746563683200C716000077AD WAIT:5669564F746563683200C7000000866E     END>       NEO v1.00.012_USBHID.txt #USBHID version <START:
NEO Interface Developers Guide           308 TIMEOUT:1000     SEND:015669564F746563683200C7410000ACF300000000000...... SLEEP:2000     SEND:015669564F746563683200C7110000F23D00000000000......     WAIT:015669564F746563683200C7000000866E00000000000......   ......   ......   ......   SEND: 015669564F746563683200C71500083230313530393234BE8B000000000......   WAIT:015669564F746563683200C7000000866E000000000000......   SEND:015669564F746563683200C716000077AD000000000000......   WAIT:015669564F746563683200C7000000866E000000000000......   END>  Download Firmware Steps When host wants to update firmware to Kiosk III device, please do as following steps: step 1:  Power on Kiosk III device. step 2:  Configure the communication ports and establish connection between host and Kiosk III   device. step 3:  Host selects the right firmware download file, parses data, then finishes the whole   commands. step 4:  End   Firmware Downloader Commands Enter Boot Loader Process from Main Application (C7-41) Host must use this command to let reader reboot into boot loader mode if reader is running in main application. No response for this command and just reset reader immediately.  If reader is running in boot loader, this command is not needed.  Command Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 C7h 41h 00h 00h    Get Boot Loader Version (C7-10) This command is used to retrieve the boot loader version.  Command Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15
NEO Interface Developers Guide           309 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 C7h 10h 00h 00h    Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12  Byte 13 Byte 14 ...Byte 13+n Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  C7h See Status Code Table 00h  00h See Below    Response data is the version of the boot loader.  For example: ' KIOSKIII-BL-V1.00.001'  Start Update Process (C7-11) This is the first command sent by host to open a firmware update process.  Command Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 C7h 11h 00h 00h    Response Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0  C7h See Status Code Table 00h  00h      Erase Boot/Application Space(C7-12) This command is used to erase corresponding zones in the flash.  Command Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 C7h 12h 00h 01h See Below   Data:  0x01  Erase application space           0x02  Erase boot loader space           0x03  Erase application and boot loader space When this command is received, reader will store a dirty flag in flash.  Response Frame
NEO Interface Developers Guide           310 Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0  C7h See Status Code Table 00h  00h      Send Encrypted Firmware Check Value(C7-13) This command is used to send firmware check-value to the device.  Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 - Byte 269  Byte 270 Byte 271 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 C7h 13h 01h 00h See Below   In this command, data length must be 256 bytes. the 256 bytes data are encrypted firmware check value. It is a SHA256 digest of the plaint firmware encrypted by firmware RSA public key.  Response Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0  C7h See Status Code Table 00h  00h      Send Plaint Firmware Check Value(C7-23)This command is used to send firmware check-value to the device. This command is supported later than KIOSKIII-BL-V3.00.007.  Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 - Byte 269  Byte 270 Byte 271 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 C7h 23h 00h 20h See Below   In this command, data length must be 32 bytes. the 32 bytes data are plaint firmware check value. It is a SHA256 digest of the plaint firmware.  Response Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0  C7h See Status Code Table 00h  00h
NEO Interface Developers Guide           311 Send Firmware Data (C7-14) This command is sent by host to program specified address in application zone or boot loader zone. One command can send 2048 bytes data block which is 2048 bytes plaint firmware data XOR with the 32 bytes firmware check value.  Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 - Byte 2065  Byte 2066 Byte 2067 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 C7h 14h 01h 00h See Below   In this command, data length must be 2052 bytes: The first 4 bytes are the address where the firmware data in this command should be put in reader flash. The other 2048 bytes are firmware plaint data XOR with the 32 bytes firmware check value and will be XOR with 32 bytes firmware check value by reader, then reader update the plaint firmware data into the right address got from the first 4 bytes.  Item Start Address End Address Main Application 0x00020000 0x000B7FFF Boot Loader 1 0x00008000 0x00013FFF Boot Loader 2 0x00014000 0x0001FFFF   Response Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0  C7h See Status Code Table 00h  00h      End Update Process (C7-15) This is the last command sent by host to close a firmware update process. Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12  Byte 13 Byte 14 - Byte 21 Byte 22  Byte 23 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 C7h 15h 00h 08h See Below   In this command, data length must be 8 bytes: 'YYYYMMDD', exp: '20150605'. When this command is received, reader will do the following: 1. Clear the dirty flag. 2. If updated firmware is main application, reader then encrypts the firmware check value by the 32 bytes inherent key using AES256 algorithm(Inherent key is a 32-byte random number that protected by K21 tamper). The 32 bytes encrypted check value is stored in flash. If updated firmware is boot loader, the check value is ignored, will not be store in flash. 3. If updated firmware is boot loader, reader stores boot loader sequence number and time stamp in flash.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           312   Response Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0  C7h See Status Code Table 00h  00h      Start Application (C7-16) Host can use this command to make boot loader reboot reader, and then enter main application. No response for this command and just reset reader immediately.  Command Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 C7h 16h 00h 00h    Firmware Downloader Command Processing Flow Firmware downloader commands must be sent to device in sequence as below.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           313 Send Encrypted Firmware Check Value(C7-13)Send Plaint Firmware Check Value(C7-23)NNYYEnter Boot Loader Process(C7-41)Start Update Process(C7-11)Erase Boot/Application Space(C7-12)Firmware Key Valiable?Send Firmware Data(C7-14)Firmware Data Finished?End Update Process(C7-15)Start Application(C7-16)
NEO Interface Developers Guide           314 13.0 UniPay 1.5 & UniPay III Commands Set PMC Status (F0-00) This command is used to set Power Management status. When Power Management is On, reader will go to LLS for power saving in Idle Time, and go to Power Off Mode when staying in LLS over Sleep Time. Reader does not go to LLS when Idle Time is set to 0, but stays on Run Mode. Also, the NFC controller does not go to Power-Down Mode when Idle Time is set to 0. Note: VP4880, VP4880E, and VP4880C do not support this command. Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1 Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC     (LSB) CRC    (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 F0h  00h      Command Data      Command Data Data Field  Length (bytes)  Description/Example Idle Time  1  Idle Time (default: 05h) 00h = Power Management turn off 01h ~ FFh= on, reader would go to sleep in 01h ~ FFh second Sleep Time   1   Sleep Time (default: 14h) 00h = do not stay in Low Power Mode, go to Power Off Mode directly 01h ~ FFh = stay in Low Power Mode and go to Power Off Mode in 01h ~ FFh second   Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1  Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC   (MSB) CRC   (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  F0h See Status Code Table 00h  00h
NEO Interface Developers Guide           315  Get PMC Status (F0-01) This command is used to Get Power Management status. Note: VP4880, VP4880E, and VP4880C do not support this command. Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1 Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC     (LSB) CRC    (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 F0h  01h  00h  00h         Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1  Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC   (MSB) CRC   (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  F0h See Status Code Table     Response Data     Command Data Data Field  Length (bytes)  Description/Example Idle Time  1  Idle Time (default: 05h) 00h = Power Management turn off 01h ~ FFh= on, reader would go to sleep in 01h ~ FFh second Sleep Time   1   Sleep Time (default: 14h) 00h = do not stay in Low Power Mode, go to Power Off Mode directly 01h ~ FFh = stay in Low Power Mode and go to Power Off Mode in 01h ~ FFh second     Get Battery Level (F0-02) This command is used to battery level.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           316 Note: VP4880, VP4880E, and VP4880C do not support this command.  Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12  Byte 13  Byte 14  Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Sub-Command Data Length  (MSB) Data Length  (LSB) CRC      (LSB) CRC     (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 F0h  02h  00h  00h      Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14  Byte 15  Byte 16 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC   (MSB) CRC   (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  F0h  See Status Code Table 00h  01h  Level      Level content   >= 0xD2 Battery power full   <= 0xC0 Battery power low    Shut Off the Power (F0-0F) This command is used to shut off the power. Note: VP4880, VP4880E, and VP4880C do not support this command.  Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1 Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC     (LSB) CRC    (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 F0h  0Fh  00h  00h        Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1  Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC   (MSB) CRC   (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  F0h  See Status Code Table 00h  00h
NEO Interface Developers Guide           317
NEO Interface Developers Guide           318 14.0 ViVOpay Vendi reader Commands Configure Buttons (F0-F4) This command configures the buttons on the ViVOpay Vendi reader. Both the SWIPE and DONE buttons can be independently disabled with this command. This command also sets the TAP disable time for when the SWIPE button is pressed. When the SWIPE button is enabled, the contactless reader is turned off for the programmed delay time so that a false read does not occur when the user wishes to swipe a dual contactless/MagStripe card.  Command Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 to 16 Byte 17 Byte 18 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 F0h F4h 00h 03h Done Swipe  Delay    If Done (Byte 14) is set to 01h, the Done switch is enabled. If Done (Byte 14) is set to 00h, the DONE switch is disabled. When the DONE button is pressed, the byte string: “02 02 5B 2F” is sent to the serial port (5B 2F are the 2 CRC bytes). Pressing the DONE button also displays “DONE” on the LCD display. If Swipe (Byte 15) is set to 01h, the Swipe Card switch is enabled. If Swipe (Byte 15) is set to 00h the Swipe Card switch is disabled.  The Swipe Card button sends the 4 bytes “02 03 4B 0E” to the serial port (4B 0E are the 2 CRC bytes). The Vendi can be configured to disable the contactless reader for a specified number of seconds. The only visual indication is that the LCD flashes when it writes “Please swipe card” on the LCD and then immediately rewrites the default message. The Delay is an unsigned delay value in seconds. This should probably not be set to values larger than 30 seconds (Byte 16). Response Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC (MSB)  CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  F0h See Status Code Table 00h  00h      The reader switches configuration only if the Response Frame contains an OK Status Code. No data is returned in the response. Get Button Configuration (F0-F5) This command reads the button configuration from the ViVOpay Vendi reader.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           319 Command Frame  Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC (LSB) CRC    (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 F0h F5h 00h 00h    Response Frame  Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 to 16 Byte 17 Byte 18 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC   (MSB) CRC   (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  F0h See Status Code Table 00h  03h Done Swipe  Delay Swipe  Delay  Done is a Boolean value; if it is set to 0 the DONE switch is disabled. Swipe is a Boolean value; if it is set to 0 the SWIPE CARD switch is disabled. Delay is an unsigned 8 bit delay value in seconds. Disable Blue LED Sequence (F0-F6) This command stops the blue LEDs on the ViVOpay Vendi reader from flashing in left to right sequence and turns the LEDs off, and contactless function is disable at the same time.  Command Frame  Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB)  CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 F0h F6h 00h 00h    Response Frame  Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Status Code  Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB)  CRC   (MSB) CRC   (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  F0h See Status Code Table 00h  00h
NEO Interface Developers Guide           320 Enable Blue LED Sequence (F0-F7) Use this command to control the blue LED behavior on the Vendi reader. If you send this command with a Data Length 00h, the reader begins a continuous LED sequence and contactless function is enable. To customize the LED behavior, you can define a sequence of up to eight LED behaviors, but contactless function would keep disable if F0-F6 CMD has been issue. Custom LED behavior can also be set for a continuous cycle. To exit a continuous LED sequence, send a Disable Blue LED Sequence Command to the reader. Command Frame  Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14-n Byte n+1 Byte n+2 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Sequence Data  CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 F0h  F7h  00h 00h=continuous sequence 04h to 19h=custom 4 to 25 bytes, if present      Sequence Data Byte 0 Byte 1 Byte 2-3 Byte 4 Byte 5-6 Byte 7 – 24 Cycles  LEDs  Duration  LED  Duration  Additional LED/Durations 0 = Cycle once 1 = Repeat LED State Bitmap Given in multiples of 10 millisecond LED State Bitmap Given in multiples of 10 millisecond You can define up to 8 LED and duration pairs.  LED State Bitmap Bit  Description 8 Left blue LED, 0 = off, 1 = on 7 Center Blue LED, 0 = off, 1 = on 6 Right Blue LED0 = off, 1 = on 5 Yellow LED, 0 = off, 1 = on 4 Reserved for future use 3 Reserved for future use 2 Reserved for future use 1 Reserved for future use  Response Frame  Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15
NEO Interface Developers Guide           321 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Status Code  Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  F0h See Status Code Table 00h  00h      LCD Display Clear (F0-F9) This command clears the LCD display.  Command Frame  Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC (LSB)  CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 F0h F9h 00h 00h    Response Frame  Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Status Code  Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC (MSB)  CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  F0h See Status Code Table 00h  00h     Note: Issuing this command disables LCD management by the reader. To resume LCD management by the reader, send a Set Configuration (‘04 00’) with a UI Scheme (tag ‘FF F8’) with value chosen at integration. However, firmware control of the LCD does not initiate until after a transaction event. Therefore any UI messaging linked to the initiation of a transaction (i.e. prompt for presentation or amount display) must be written to the LCD before issuing an Activate Transaction. At the same time, to read LCD source and get “Internal “ after issuing LCD Display Clear(F0-F9), this feature implemented on the Vendi follows. Turn Off Yellow LED (F0-FA) This command turns off the ViVOpay Vendi reader yellow LED. This LED is located below the three blue LEDs.  Command Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC (LSB)  CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 F0h FAh 00h 00h
NEO Interface Developers Guide           322  Response Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  F0h See Status Code Table 00h  00h      Turn On Yellow LED (F0-FB) This command turns on the ViVOpay Vendi reader yellow LED. This LED is located below the three blue LEDs.  Command Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC (LSB)  CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 F0h FBh 00h 00h    Response Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  F0h See Status Code  Table 00h  00h      Buzzer On/Off (F0-FE) This command causes the buzzer to beep once.  Command Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC (LSB)  CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 F0h FEh 00h 00h
NEO Interface Developers Guide           323 Response Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC (MSB)  CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  F0h See Status Code Table 00h  00h      LCD Display Line 1 Message (F0-FC) Use this command to display text on the LCD display. On the Vendi reader the LCD is a 2-line character display. Valid messages for the first line of text are between 1 and 16 printable characters long. If the text message is greater than 16 bytes but not more than 32 bytes, byte 17 and onward are displayed as a second row of text. Messages with more than 32 bytes are rejected with an unknown subcommand status code. All messages are left justified on the LCD display. Note: Issuing this command disables LCD management by the reader. To resume UI management by the reader, send a Set Configuration (‘04 00’) with a UI Scheme (tag ‘FF F8’) with value chosen at integration. However, firmware control of the LCD does not initiate until after a transaction event. Therefore any LCD messaging linked to the initiation of a transaction (i.e. prompt for presentation or amount display) must be written to the LCD before issuing an Activate Transaction. At the same time, to read LCD source and get “Internal “ after issuing LCD DisplayLine 1 Message (F0-FC), this feature implemented on the Vend, and Vendi follows. Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14  - (Byte 14+n-1_ Byte (14+n) Byte (14+n +1) Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 F0h FCh 00h Msg len LCD message    Response Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  F0h See Status Code Table 00h  00h      LCD Display Line 2 Message (F0-FD) This command displays the command’s message on line 2 of the LCD display. On the Vendi reader the LCD is a 2-line character display. Valid messages are between 1 and 16 printable
NEO Interface Developers Guide           324 characters long. Any message that is longer than 16 bytes is rejected with an unknown subcommand status code. All messages are left justified on the LCD display. Note: Issuing this command disables LCD management by the reader. To resume LCD management by the reader, send a Set Configuration (‘04 00’) with a UI Scheme (tag ‘FF F8’) with value chosen at integration. However, firmware control of the LCD does not initiate until after a transaction event. Therefore any UI messaging linked to the initiation of a transaction (i.e. prompt for presentation or amount display) must be written to the LCD before issuing an Activate Transaction. At the same time, to read LCD source and get “Internal “ after issuing LCD Display Line 2 Message (F0-FD), this feature implemented on the Vend, and Vendi follows. Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 +n Byte 14+n+1 Byte 15+n=2 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 F0h FDh 00h Msg len LCD message    Response Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Status Code  Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0  F0h See Status Code Table 00h  00h
NEO Interface Developers Guide           325 15.0 ApplePay VAS, SmartTap2.1 and Other Special Functions ApplePay VAS Functionality NEO firmware has built-in support for Apple Value Added Services Protocol (hereinafter called Apple VAS). For detailed information on how Apple VAS works, consult Apple's developer site at The following discussion assumes that you are familiar with the basic concepts behind ApplePay VAS.  Overview  In order to process an ApplePay VAS transaction, the terminal’s merchant records must first be set. This should be done using TLVs sent in the Set Merchant Record (04-11) command (discussed further below).   A Merchant ID (of the form "") is generally associated with a hash value and (optionally) a URL. The hash is just a SHA-256 hash of the Merchant ID string itself. For example, the Merchant ID “,” in hex, is represented as 70 61 73 73 2e 63 6f 6d 2e 61 70 70 6c 65 2e 77 61 6c 6c 65 74 2e 76 61 73 2e 70 72 6f 64 74 65 73 74. (Spaces are inserted for clarity.) When a byte array containing those values is hashed, the resulting SHA-256 value is 3C C7 0E D8 9A 9D 43 54 BE 98 30 AB 58 D8 9C 6F E7 E6 2B AC A9 39 D2 A6 85 1D FC 60 2E A7 98 F7.   Limitations  Note that a NEO device can store at most 6 Merchant Records for Apple VAS. This means the device can natively support up to 6 loyalty programs (per transaction) at a time.  Note to Developers  If you are sending commands via the “Send NEO Command” in the Universal Demo, or using device_sendDataCommand() in the SDK, only the command, subcommand, and data fields need to be sent. The header, data length, and CRC will be dynamically calculated and inserted into the command string, automatically, by the SDK.   ACT Parameters for ApplePay VAS  The Activate Transaction (ACT) parameters required for the ApplePay VAS functionality are communicated via the ApplePay VAS Container TLV (tag FFEE06). The FFEE06 TLV must be provided in the ACT command (02-01 or 02-40) if an ApplePay VAS transaction is desired.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           326      Tag 9F26 ApplePay Terminal Capabilities Information    Byte 1: Format b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Description x x x x x x x x RFU, Bits b8-b1 shall be set to 0   Byte 2: Terminal Type b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Description 0 - - - - - - - VAS Supported 1 - - - - - - - VAS Not Supported - 0 - - - - - - Touch ID Required - 1 - - - - - - Touch ID not Required - - - - 0 0 0 0 Payment Terminal - - - - 0 0 0 1 Transit Terminal - - - - 0 0 1 0 Access Terminal - - - - 0 0 1 1 Wireless handoff Terminal - - - - 0 1 0 0 App Handoff Terminal - - - - 1 1 1 1 Other Terminal - - - - - - - - All other values are RFU TLV Name Presence Description 9F26 ApplePay Terminal Capabilities Information (see table below for more information) Rqrd Determines how the reader handles the VAS and/or Payment flow.  This data comprises 4 Bytes.  Byte 1: RFU  Byte 2: Terminal Type  Byte 3: RFU  Byte 4: Terminal Mode  See table further below.  9F22 ApplePay Terminal Application Version Number Rqrd Hard-defined as 01.00 for now. 9F2B ApplePay VAS Filter Opt If not provided filtering will not be performed by the mobile. DF01 ApplePay VAS Protocol  87654321 -------0 URL VAS Protocol -------1 FULL VAS Protocol ------0- No VAS Beeps ------1- VAS Beeps -----0-- EMEA Comm Error -----1-- Silent Comm Error  Opt If not provided the following settings are used by default:  Full VAS protocol  No beeps for VAS  EMEA Communications Error Handling  If provided the bits define the settings.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           327   Byte 3: RFU b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Description x x x x x x x x RFU, Bits b8-b1 shall be set to 0   Byte 4: Terminal Mode b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Description x x x x x x x x Terninal in VAS App OR Payment Mode         Terminal in VAS App AND Payment Mode         Terminal in VAS App Only Mode         Terminal in Payment Mode Only         Bits b8-b3 shall be set to 0         All other values are RFU             Byte 4: Terminal Mode polling Loop ApplePay Terminal Capabilities Information Card Filter Settings 00 PICC_POLL_TYPE_APPLE_VAS_OR_PAY, PICC_POLL_TYPE_A and PICC_POLL_TYPE_B 01 PICC_POLL_TYPE_APPLE_VAS_AND_PAY, PICC_POLL_TYPE_A and PICC_POLL_TYPE_B 10 PICC_POLL_TYPE_APPLE_VAS_ONLY, PICC_POLL_TYPE_A and PICC_POLL_TYPE_B 11 PICC_POLL_TYPE_APPLE_PAY_ONLY, PICC_POLL_TYPE_A and PICC_POLL_TYPE_B  EXAMPLES (Activate Transaction Command Examples for ApplePay VAS)  Command sent using the SDK (VAS-only transaction):  dtVendi.ctls_startTransaction(10,0,0,60,Common.getByteArray("FFEE06189F220201009F2604000000039F2B050100000000DF010101"));  Using firmware commands:  Note: Some firmware examples use command 02-01, but 02-40 (encryption-enabled Activate Transaction) may also be used.  VAS Only Activate Transaction (02-40) 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 02 40 00 29 30 9F 02 06 00 00 00 00 00 01 9C 01 00 FF EE 06 18 9F 22 02 01 00 9F 26 04 00 00 00 02 9F 2B 05 01 00 00 00 00 DF 01 01 01 33 FE  Command Sent Breakdown:  56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 – ViVOTech2 header  02 40 – Start transaction command  00 29 – Data Length  30 – Time out  9F 02 06 00 00 00 00 00 01 – Transaction amount
NEO Interface Developers Guide           328  9C 01 00 – Transaction Type  FF EE 06 – ApplePay VAS Collective  18 - length of ApplePay VAS collective  9F 22 02 01 00 - ApplePay Terminal AVN  9F 26 04 00 00 00 02 - ApplePay terminal Capabilities - 02 = VAS only  9F 2B 05 01 00 00 00 00 - AppplePay VAS Filter (optional)  DF 01 01 01 –  33 FE – CRC-16  Vendi Response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endi Response Breakdown:  56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 – ViVOTech2 header  02 – Act Command returned  57 – Status. 57 = no payment occurred  00 FF – Data length  D1 – Attribution byte   FF EE 12 0A 62 99 49 01 2C 00 04 60 01 12 - KSN tag (FFEE12), length 0x0A, KSN bytes. Transaction is encrypted.  FF EE 06 - Apple Pay Vas container  00 82 - Data length  D9 9A 03 14 08 15 9F 21 03 17 32 53 9F 25 20 3C C7 0E D8 9A 9D 43 54 BE 98 30 AB 58 D8 9C 6F E7 E6 2B AC A9 39 D2 A6 85 1D FC 60 2E A7 98 F7 9F 2A 00 9F 27 3E 93 1C 1A 60 4A 46 09 9E 21 EC 88 6D EF CC 8C B8 8B CA 03 CC 4B C6 62 0C C1 8F 8C 10 5A 7A F1 4F 9B 3C D9 E3 36 4E 9C 8C BF E0 90 34 10 B1 58 3C 3D 63 AC 9F CC 48 9C A8 76 AE 8C B3 E5 62 9F 25 20 3C C7 0E D8 9A 9D 43 54 BE 98 30 AB 58 D8 9C 6F E7 E6 2B AC A9 39 D2 A6 85 1D FC 60 2E A7 98 F7 9F 2A 00 9F 27 3E 93 1C 1A 60 4A 46 09 9E 21 EC 88 6D EF CC 8C B8 8B CA 03 CC 4B C6 62 0C C1 8F 8C 10 5A 7A F1 4F 9B 3C D9 E3 36 4E 9C 8C BF E0 90 34 10 B1 58 3C 3D 63 AC 9F CC 48 9C A8 76 AE 8C B3 E5 62 9F 39 01 07 FF EE 01 04 DF 30 01 00 DF EE 26 01 D1 –  ED CA – CRC
NEO Interface Developers Guide           329 VAS Or Pay Activate Transaction (02-01) 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 02 01 00 29 30 9F 02 06 00 00 00 00 00 01 9C 01 00 FF EE 06 18 9F 22 02 01 00 9F 26 04 00 00 00 00 9F 2B 05 01 00 00 00 00 DF 01 01 01 09 CA  VAS And Pay Activate Transaction (02-01) 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 02 01 00 29 30 9F 02 06 00 00 00 00 00 01 9C 01 00 FF EE 06 18 9F 22 02 01 00 9F 26 04 00 00 00 01 9F 2B 05 01 00 00 00 00 DF 01 01 01 6A 8F VAS Only Activate Transaction (02-01) 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 02 01 00 29 30 9F 02 06 00 00 00 00 00 01 9C 01 00 FF EE 06 18 9F 22 02 01 00 9F 26 04 00 00 00 02 9F 2B 05 01 00 00 00 00 DF 01 01 01 CF 40 Pay Only Activate Transaction (02-01) 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 02 01 00 29 30 9F 02 06 00 00 00 00 00 01 9C 01 00 FF EE 06 18 9F 22 02 01 00 9F 26 04 00 00 00 03 9F 2B 05 01 00 00 00 00 DF 01 01 01 AC 05   Transaction Responses  Both the ApplePay VAS response and the normal payment transaction response will be provided in a single returned data record. Whether returned in response to a blocking ACT or a non-blocking ACT, it will be the same. As described above, there are ApplePay VAS scenarios where either the VAS transaction or the payment transaction may not be performed. In those scenarios you will only see the results of the transaction that was actually performed. Only when both VAS and payment transactions are performed will you see both transaction responses in the same returned data record.  The Payment transaction response will not change. The VAS transaction response will be embedded in the proprietary ApplePay VAS Container TLV (0xFFEE06). Each Merchant ID and its associated data will be shown in sequence.  Transaction Response for Combined Payment and VAS 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 – Serial Command header 02 – Command 23 – Status – for the payment transaction only. In this example it indicates a Request for Online Authorization nn nn – length of entire response (VAS and Pay) xx - Start of payment response. Payment response format has not changed.  xx – End of payment response. FFEE06 nn - ApplePay VAS Container    9A nn – Date   9F21 nn - Time   9F25 nn – Merchant ID a   9F2A nn – Mobile Token   9F27 nn – VAS Data   9F25 nn – Merchant ID b   9F2A nn – Mobile Token   9F27 nn – VAS Data      .  .  .   9F25 nn – Merchant ID n   9F2A nn – Mobile Token   9F27 nn – VAS Data xx xx – CRC for entire response
NEO Interface Developers Guide           330 Transaction Response for VAS Only (No Payment) 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 – Serial Command header 02 – Command 57 – Status for the payment transaction. 0x57 indicates there was no payment transaction.  nn nn – length of entire response (VAS) FFEE06 nn - ApplePay VAS ContainerViVOpay   9A nn – Date   9F21 nn - Time   9F25 nn – Merchant ID a   9F2A nn – Mobile Token   9F27 nn – VAS Data   9F25 nn – Merchant ID b   9F2A nn – Mobile Token   9F27 nn – VAS Data      .  .  .   9F25 nn – Merchant ID n   9F2A nn – Mobile Token   9F27 nn – VAS Data xx xx – CRC for entire response  Transaction Response for VAS VAS Failure in Select 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 – Serial Command header 02 – Command 57 – Status for the payment transaction. 0x57 indicates there was no payment transaction.  nn nn – length of entire response (VAS) FFEE06 nn - ApplePay VAS ContainerViVOpay   9A nn – Date   9F21 nn - Time   DF02 nn – ApplePay VAS Failure Report xx xx – CRC for entire response   ApplePay VAS Failure Report DF0204206A8002 DF02 - ApplePay VAS Failure Report Tag 04 – Length of ApplePay VAS Failure Report 20 = Error Code, See IDG for Error Code Encoding 6A80 – SW1-SW2 Status from last APDU received 02 – RF State failure occurred in. 02 = Select  Transaction Response for VAS Failure in Get Data 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 – Serial Command header 02 – Command 57 – Status for the payment transaction. 0x57 indicates there was no payment transaction.  nn nn – length of entire response (VAS) FFEE06 nn - ApplePay VAS ContainerViVOpay   9A nn – Date   9F21 nn - Time   9F25 nn – Merchant ID a DF02 nn – ApplePay VAS Failure Report for Merchant ID a   9F25 nn – Merchant ID b   9F2A nn – Mobile Token   9F27 nn – VAS Data      .  .  .   9F25 nn – Merchant ID n   9F2A nn – Mobile Token
NEO Interface Developers Guide           331   9F27 nn – VAS Data xx xx – CRC for entire response  Set Merchant Record (04-11) Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12  Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1  Byte 14+n Byte15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub- Command Data length (MSB) Data length (LSB) Data  CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0 04  11h  63h See Data Format below     Data Field for Command Frame Data Field  Length (bytes) Description Merchant Record Index 1 The valid value is 1--6. ID Present 1 1: The Merchant ID is valid, 0: The Merchant ID is not valid. Merchant ID 32 The tag is 9F25. Length of Merchant URL 1 Can be zero, if no URL is used. Merchant URL (optional) 64 The tag is 9F29.  Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12  Byte 13  Byte 14  Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Status  Data length (MSB) Data length (LSB)  CRC(MSB) CRC(LSB) ViVOtech2\0  04h See Status Code Table 00  00      EXAMPLE  Set Merchant Record command using the SDK:  idtVendi.device_sendDataCommand("041101013CC70ED89A9D4354BE9830AB58D89C6FE7E62BACA939D2A6851DFC602EA798F70000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", false,resDataStruct);  Set Merchant Record command via raw firmware commands:  56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 04 11 00 63 01 01 3C C7 0E D8 9A 9D 43 54 BE 98 30 AB 58 D8 9C 6F E7 E6 2B AC A9 39 D2 A6 85 1D FC 60 2E A7 98 F7 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 25 B1  Breakdown of command sent:  56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 – ViVOtech2\0 header
NEO Interface Developers Guide           332  04 – Set Merchant Command  11 – Set Merchant Sub-Command  00 63 – Data Length  01 - Merchant Index number  01 - Merchant ID is enabled  3C C7 0E D8 9A 9D 43 54 BE 98 30 AB 58 D8 9C 6F E7 E6 2B AC A9 39 D2 A6 85 1D FC 60 2E A7 98 F7 - Merchant ID (this is the SHA-256 hash of the IDTech Pass having the name "")  00 - Length of VAS URL. In this example, none was provided.  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 – URL if provided  25 B1 – CRC-16  Vendi Response: 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 04 00 00 00 AE 16  Breakdown of Vendi Response: 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 – ViVOtech2\0 Header 04 – Command 00 – Status (see table “Status Codes For Protocol 2“) 00 00 – data AE 16 - CRC  Get Merchant Record (03-11) Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12  Byte 13 Byte 14  Byte 15 Byte16 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub- Command Data length (MSB) Data length (LSB) Data  CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0 03  11h  01 Merchant Record Index(1-6)      Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12  Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1  Byte 14+n Byte15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Data length (MSB) Data length (LSB) Data  CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0 03 See Status Code Table 63h  See Data Format below         Data Field for Response Frame
NEO Interface Developers Guide           333 Data Field  Length (bytes) Description Merchant Record Index 1 The valid value is 1--6. ID Present 1 1: The Merchant ID is valid, 0: The Merchant ID is not valid. Merchant ID 32 The tag is 9F25. Length of Merchant URL 1  Merchant URL 64 The tag is 9F29.    Peer To Peer Functionality The Peer To Peer functionality can only be used in Pass-Through mode. It allows the sending and receiving of NDEF messages to/from a mobile device. See for more information about NDEF payload composition. Peer To Peer Send A Message (C7-9A)  Command Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12  Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1  Byte 14+n Byte15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub- Command Data length (MSB) Data length (LSB) Data  CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0 C7h  9Ah  Variable See Data Format below     Peer To Peer Send A Message Data Field for Command Frame Data Field  Length (bytes)  Description Timeout 1 Time in Seconds.  Message Variable NDEF message to be sent to the phone   Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12  Byte 13  Byte 14  Byte 15 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command  Status  Data length (MSB) Data length (LSB)  CRC(MSB) CRC(LSB) ViVOtech2\0  C7h See Status Code Table 00  00       Peer To Peer Receive A Message (C7-9B) Command Frame
NEO Interface Developers Guide           334 Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14  Byte 15  Byte16 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub- Command Data length (MSB) Data length (LSB) Data  CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0 C7  9Bh  00h  01h Timeout (1 byte, time in seconds)      Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12  Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1 Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Data length (MSB) Data length (LSB) Data  CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) ViVOtech2\0 C7h  See Status Code Table Variable See Data description below    If Status code is OK, Data Field for Response Frame is a message received from the phone. Otherwise, Data Length is zero and no data for Response Frame. Messages conform to NDEF (  Asynchronous Media Tracking (Only for Kiosk III)  This feature is to generate notifiation events to indicate that a card has arrived in or departed form the RF field. Reader has the ability to send out Asynchronous Packet of card arrival or card removal to the POS in real-time.  The Asynchronous Packet for Meida Tracking is :  07 50 [Payload] [CRC]    07 - Async MTAS Packet    50 - Status OK    [Payload] - Tag DFEF36 (3 byte Tag ID, 1 byte length, 4 data bytes)    [CRC] - 2 byte CRC  This feature can be enabled by setting the bits appropriately in the first byte of MTAS. It is done via the Set Configuration Command (04-00), This is the only way to set this tag.  If CL media arrival reporting is enabled, reader will send out a Asynchronous Packet to the POS to tell card arriving. This feature is supported in both Native mode and Pass Through mode. For example: 07 50 DF EF 36 04 03 0B 00 00 CC 8F  If CL media removal reporting is enabled, reader will send out a Asynchronous Packet to the POS to tell card removal. This feature is only supported in Native mode. For example: 07 50 DF EF 36 04 03 11 00 00 48 2D  Send Media Status Tracking Asynchronously in Pass Through Mode  Card removal reporting  is not supported in Pass Through mode,  If CL media arrival reporting bit is set, reader will send out a Asynchronous Packet when reader detects a card during Poll for Token command (standard or enhanced).
NEO Interface Developers Guide           335 Send Media Status Tracking Asynchronously in Native Mode  If any the control bits for this TLV are set, then this TLV will be sent back to the POS asynchronously during a transaction.  If more than one control bit were set, then its probable that the TLV will be returned multiple times during a single transaction. For exmaple, the reader might return the TLV when a contactless card is detected, and then later return the TLV again when the remval of the contactless card takes place.  Send Media Status Tracking Asynchronously in Auto Switch  If Auto Switch is enabled and reader goes into Auto Switch mode, reader will only report card arrival, and when Auto Switch happen, reader gets into Pass Through mode, so card removal won't be reproted.  Determine Card Presence (Only for Kiosk III) This feature is only supported in Native Mode.   This feature is not designed to collect any card data at all, and won't detect card is in the field between transactions. It is simply detect the status of the RF.  This feature is implemented by Detect Card Presence Command  Detect Card Presence Command (02-05) Command Frame Byte 0-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Byte 16 Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Sub-Command Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC     (LSB) CRC    (MSB) ViVOtech2\0 02h 05h 00 01 Timeout    Data Item  Length (bytes)  Description Timeout 1 Time in seconds that the reader waits for a card to be presented before timing out and returning an Error response.  The reader will continue to poll for this amount of time if no card is found. Format: Binary
NEO Interface Developers Guide           336 Response Frame Byte 0-9  Byte 10  Byte 11  Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 …    Byte 14+n-1  Byte 14+n Byte 15+n Header Tag & Protocol Version Command Status Code Data Length (MSB) Data Length (LSB) Data  CRC   (MSB) CRC   (LSB) ViVOtech2\0 02h See Status Code Table           If a card presence is detected by this command, the "Data" field will be the MTAS data(Tag DFEF36 (3 byte Tag ID, 1 byte length, 4 data bytes))  If no card presence is detect by this command, then reader will response timeout.  MSR Equivalent Data Function Proprietary tags DFEF4B, DFEF4C, and DFEF4D provide a way for track data (and optionally, PAN data) to be supplied in conjunction with an EMV transaction, with or without sentinels, in a form similar to the form track data would take in a conventional MSR transaction.  DFEF4C and DFEF4D TLV will only appear in the response of 02-40/03-40 commands for successful transaction. Tag DFEF4B Tag DFEF4B is a configuration tag. Use it to tell your reader which tracks you want to receive in tag DFEF4D, whether or not to use sentinels, and whether or not to include the PAN as a separate string.   Byte 1: 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 NOTES - - - - - - - X 0 – Disable Track 3 Sentinels 1 – Enable Track 3 Sentinels - - - - - - X - 0 – Disable Track 2 Sentinels 1 – Enable Track 2 Sentinels - - - - - X - - 0 – Disable Track 1 Sentinels 1 – Enable Track 1 Sentinels - - - - X - - - 0 – Disable Track 3 1 – Enable Track 3 - - - X - - - - 0 – Disable Track 2 1 – Enable Track 2 - - X - - - - - 0 – Disable Track 1 1 – Enable Track 1
NEO Interface Developers Guide           337 - X - - - - - - 0 – Disable PAN 1 – Enable PAN X - - - - - - - 0 – All Data Elements Found 1 – Only First Element Found Byte 2: RFU Byte 3: RFU   You can use the top bit of the first byte of DFEF4B to control search behavior: If the bit is ON, all data elements requested will be provided (if they exist). If the bit is OFF, only the first element found will be retrieved and placed in DFEF4D.  If you request multiple data items, they will be concatenated. To know the original lengths of the items, you must retrieve and inspect Tag DFEF4C (see below). To use tag DFEF4B, add it (as a TLV) to your terminal configuration settings.Use Set Configuration (04-00) command to send the settings to your device as you normally would.   NOTE: If this tag does not exist in Terminal Settings, tags DFEF4C and DFEF4D will not be generated.   The default value of this tag is 0x12 (Track 2 enabled, with Sentinels).  Data Search Order When "Only First Element Found" (bit 8 = 1) is set in DFEF4B, Tag DFEF4D will be populated with a single data element according to the following search order  Track 2, Tag 57 (converted to alpha numeric format) Track 2, Tag 9F6B Track 2, Tag 5F22 Track 1, Tag 56 Track 1, Tag 5F21 PAN, Tag 5A (converted to alpha numeric format) Track 3, Tag 58 Track 3, Tag 5F23   Regardless of the original format, the data will be placed in the DFEF4D tag in alpha numeric format, such that after decryption (and with padding removed) the data will look similar to:  3b343736313733393030313031303031303d31353132323031313134333837383038393f  Which means that after rendering it as ASCII, it would look like:  ;4761739001010010=15122011143878089?  When "All Data Elements Found" (BIT 8), is specified in DFEF4B, Tag DFEF4D will be populated with a single instance of each requested data element, according to the following order:  Track 1 requested (bit 6 = 1). Includes first instance of: Tag 56 = Track 1 Equivalent  Tag 5F21 = Track 1, identical to the data coded  Track 2 requested (bit 5 = 1). Includes first instance of:
NEO Interface Developers Guide           338 Tag 57 = Track 2 Equivalent (converted to alpha numeric format) Tag 9F6B = Track 2 Data Tag 5F22 = Track 2, identical to the data coded  Track 3 requested (bit 4 = 1). Includes first instance of: Tag 58 = Track 3 Equivalent Tag 5F23 = Track 3, identical to the data coded  PAN requested (bit 7 = 1). Includes: Tag 5A = PAN (converted to alpha numeric format)  Sentinels For any found data element of Track1, Track2 or Track3, sentinels will be included or not included according to the preferences set in bits 1, 2 and 3.  Compressed Numeric Elements For any data element captured as compressed numeric, the following rules shall apply:  Padding (0xf) shall not be included Center separators: 0xd shall be converted to 0x3d ("=") Data shall be encoded as ASCII representation of binary data  example 0x123f = 0x313233 = "123" (ignore padding) example 0x1234 = 0x31323334 = "1234"  example 0x123d456f = 0x3132333d343536 = "123=456"   Tag DFEF4C If tag DFEF4B is set, tags DFEF4C will appear in transaction output. This tag's 6-byte value provides the native lengths of tracks 1, 2, and 3, and the PAN (if applicable). Two bytes are reserved for future use.  <Track 1 Length><Track 2 Length><Track 3 length><PAN length><RFU><RFU>  A length of 0 indicates track disabled in DFEF4B or data not available. This tag also serves as an indicator of which data element was found first, when "Only First Element Found" is enabled in DFEF4B.  Tag DFEF4D If tag DFEF4B is set, tags DFEF4D will appear in transaction output. This variable-length tag contains track and/or PAN data, encrypted. The exact contents will vary depending on values supplied previously in DFEF4B (see above).   The track data will present track data if it is a MSD transaction, present track Equivalent data if it is a EMV transaction.  When TDES or AES encryption have been used in conjunction with traditional DUKPT, decrypt the data normally, using the 10-byte KSN found in tag DFEE12.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           339  SmartTap2.1 Function ACT parameters for Smart Tap2.1 The ACT parameters required for the Smart Tap2.1 function are embedded in the Smart Tap2.1 Container (FFEE08). The FFEE08 TLV is optional, but must be provided in the ACT if a Smart Tap2.1 transaction is desired.   Terminal Mode: b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Description 0 0 0 0     RFU     x x x x 0000: Get VAS OR Payment Mode 0001: Get VAS AND Payment Mode 0010: Get VAS Only Mode 0011: Payment Mode Only 0101: Push VAS AND Payment Mode 0110: Push VAS Only Mode 1000: Secure Get VAS OR Payment Mode 1001: Secure Get VAS AND Payment Mode 1010: Secure Get VAS Only Mode   Activate Command Examples for Smart Tap2.1: a) Get VAS or Pay Activate Transaction 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 02 01 00 13 30 9F 02 06 00 00 00 00 00 01 9C 01 00 FF EE 08 02 00 00 FD A3 Where: 00 is the Terminal Mode, and 00 is the service request type. b) Get VAS AND Pay Activate Transaction 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 02 01 00 13 30 9F 02 06 00 00 00 00 00 01 9C 01 00 FF EE 08 02 01 00 CE 92 Where: 01 is the Terminal Mode, and 00 is the service request type. c) Get VAS Only Activate Transaction: 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 02 01 00 13 30 9F 02 06 00 00 00 00 00 01 9C 01 00 FF EE 08 02 02 00 9B C1 Where: 02 is the Terminal Mode, and 00 is the service request type. d) Pay Only Activate Transaction: 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 02 01 00 12 30 9F 02 06 00 00 00 00 00 01 9C 01 00 FF EE 08 01 03 74 FA Offset Name Presence Description 0 Terminal Mode M Determines how the reader handles the VAS and/or Payment flow. See below table for Terminal Mode. 1…. Data O
NEO Interface Developers Guide           340 Where: 03 is the Terminal Mode. e) Push VAS AND Pay Activate Transaction 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 02 01 00 xx 30 9F 02 06 00 00 00 00 00 01 9C 01 00 FF EE 08 xx 05 xx xx xx xx xx xx Where: 05 is the Terminal Mode, and xx xx xx xx is the new_service_record and service_status. f) Push VAS Only Activate Transaction: 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 02 01 00 xx 30 9F 02 06 00 00 00 00 00 01 9C 01 00 FF EE 08 xx 06 xx xx xx xx xx xx Where: 06 is the Terminal Mode, and xx xx xx xx is the new_service_record and service_status g) Secure Get VAS or Pay Activate Transaction 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 02 01 00 13 30 9F 02 06 00 00 00 00 00 01 9C 01 00 FF EE 08 02 08 00 74 0A Where: 08 is the Terminal Mode, and 00 is the service request type. h) Secure Get VAS AND Pay Activate Transaction 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 02 01 00 13 30 9F 02 06 00 00 00 00 00 01 9C 01 00 FF EE 08 02 09 00 47 3B Where: 09 is the Terminal Mode, and 00 is the service request type. i) Secure Get VAS Only Activate Transaction: 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 02 01 00 13 30 9F 02 06 00 00 00 00 00 01 9C 01 00 FF EE 08 02 0A 00 12 68 Where: 0A is the Terminal Mode, and 00 is the service request type.  Transaction Responses Both the Smart Tap2.1 VAS response and the normal payment transaction response will be provided in a single returned data record. The VAS transaction response will be embedded in the proprietary Smart Tap2.1 VAS Container TLV (0xFFEE08).  Transaction Response for Combined Payment and VAS 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 02 Status length-of-entire-response (VAS and Pay) Payment-response Smart-Tap2.1-VAS response (Use container FFEE08) CRC  VAS container FFEE08:    xx xx: SW1, SW2    Data: Optional, NDEF record.  Transaction Response for VAS Only (No Payment) 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 02 57 00 6A FF EE 08 82 00 64 90 00 94 03 2F 61 73 76 94 01 06 69 04 02 71 79 79 71 54 03 1F 63 75 73 94 03 06 63 69 64 04 12 34 56 78 90 19 01 03 03 54 63 70 6C 00 65 6E 54 03 02 63 75 74 04 7B 54 03 27 61 73 76 94 01 05 69 05 01 F7 97 98 54 02 19 6C 79 94 03 09 6F 69 64 04 72 51 FF AD 80 8D 91 BA 54 01 06 6E 9F 3D 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 – Serial Command header 02 – Command 57 – Status for the payment transaction. 0x57 indicates there was no payment transaction.  00 6A – length of entire response (VAS) FFEE08 - VAS Container   00 64 – Length of VAS data   90 00 – SW1, SW2   94 ….6E – NDEF record
NEO Interface Developers Guide           341 9F 3D – CRC for entire response   SmartTap configuration   There are several configurations for device. Below is the list together with the corresponding tags. a) Merchant ID: 9F16 b) Store location ID: DFEF66 c) Terminal ID: 9F1C d) Merchant Name: 9F4E e) Merchant Category: 9F15 f) POS Capabilities Bitmaps: DFEF67 This value defines the capabilities of the terminal g) Retry Times: DFEF68 This value defines the retry times if errors occurred. h) Select OSE support: DFEF69 0x01 means support Select OSE APDU, while 0x00 means NOT. i) Skip Second Select support: DFEF6A 0x01 means skip second select, while 0x00 means NOT. j) Stop Payment if smart tap2.1 failed support: DFEF6B k) Pre-Signed support: DFEF6C  Command: Use command 04-03 to set SmartTap2.1 configuration. The command should include the group number (DF EE 2D) as the first TLV data, and Smart Tap2.1 AID (9F06) as the second TLV. Below is an example to set Smart Tap configuration to group 2: 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 04 03 00 23 DF EE 2D 01 02 9F 06 07 A0 00 00 04 76 D0 00 9F 16 04 00 BC 61 4E DF EF 66 00 9F 1C 00 9F 4E 00 9F 15 00 xx xx   Long term private key update To maintain SmartTap2.1 function, a long term private key should be stored in the device. Kelso use method 2 to update long term private key: [SmartTap2.1-Part1-NFCProtocol-v0.975.pdf, page 47] The terminal vendor encrypts the private key using a key encryption key. The encrypted private key is provided to the merchant. The merchant configures the VAS command with the encrypted private key as a parameter. The terminal uses the corresponding key decryption key already in the terminal to decrypt the encrypted private key. The input long term key (37 bytes) format: Version: 4 bytes Compressed Key: 33 bytes (A zero followed by long term private key) Command: Use command C7-62 to set long term key The key parameter (Version + Compressed Key) is encrypted using ID TECH’s private RSA-2048-Key. To set the long term private key: 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 C7 62 01 20 encrypted-data (256 bytes) plain-data-hash (32 bytes) xx xx  Note: According to Google, a new command is added to update plaintext long term private key.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           342 The input long term key (36 bytes) format: Version: 4 bytes Long term private key: 32 bytes Command: Use command C7-65 to set plaintext long term private key To set the plaintext long term private key: 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 C7 65 00 24 Version (4 bytes) plain-data-LTPK (32 bytes) xx xx  Flowcharts for SmartTap2.1 There are 3 Smart Tap 2.1 flowcharts. Get VAS DATA a) Start up the RF field. b) Wait for phone to touch. c) Send Select OSE command to select OSE payment. d) Send Select SmartTap 2 command to select Smart Tap 2.1 payment. e) Send Get SmartTap Data Command to get Smart Tap 2.1 data. f) Send Get Additional SmartTap Data to get additional Smart Tap 2.1 data. g) Close down the RF connection.  This flowchart does not need any sign and encryption/decryption.  Secure Get VAS DATA a) Start up the RF field. b) Wait for phone to touch. c) Send Select OSE command to select OSE payment. d) Send Select SmartTap 2 command to select Smart Tap 2.1 payment. e) Send Negotiate SmartTap Secure Session to establish Smart Tap Secure Session. f) Send Get SmartTap Data Command to get secured Smart Tap 2.1 data. g) Send Get Additional SmartTap Data to get additional secured Smart Tap 2.1 data. h) Close down the RF connection.   This flowchart uses signing and decryption: i. Before step c) uses ECC algorithm to generate ephemeral ECC key pair. ii. In step e) uses ECDSA to sign Terminal data and Mobile data. iii. After step g) uses ECDH to obtain shared secret, HKDF to obtain shared key, AES to decrypt SmartTap data.  PUSH VAS DATA a) Start up the RF field. b) Wait for phone to touch. c) Send Select OSE command to select OSE payment. d) Send Select SmartTap 2 command to select Smart Tap 2.1 payment. e) Send Negotiate SmartTap Secure Session to establish Smart Tap Secure Session. f) Send Push SmartTap Data Command to push Smart Tap 2.1 data. g) Send more Push SmartTap Data Command to push additional Smart Tap 2.1 data. h) Close down the RF connection. This flowchart uses signing only: i. Before step c) uses ECC algorithm to generate ephemeral ECC key pair.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           343 ii. In step e) uses ECDSA to sign Terminal data and Mobile data.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           344 16.0 Sample Scenarios and Frame Flow Contactless MagStripe Transactions in Auto Poll Mode For a contactless MagStripe transaction, the reader does not require any setup data from the terminal. 1. Command: Set Poll Mode (Auto Poll) Header  Cmd Sub-Cmd DLen (MSB) DLen (LSB)  Data  CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 01h 01h 00h 01h 00 F6h 24h ViVOtech2\0      DLen = 1 decimal Auto Poll Mode      Response: OK Header  Cmd Status Code DLen (MSB) DLen (LSB) Data CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 01h 00 00h 00h  12h 53h ViVOtech2\0  OK DLen = 0 decimal None   Reader starts polling for cards. The Terminal should keep checking for data from the reader. If a card has been read, data is available, otherwise there is no data. The Get Transaction Result command is for retrieving the data. This command is not required for the reader to poll for cards or to carry out a transaction.  2. Command: Get Transaction Result Header  Cmd Sub-Cmd DLen (MSB) DLen (LSB) Data CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00  03h  00h  00h  00h    3Bh FFh ViVOtech2\0     DLen = 0 decimal None      Response: OK, No Track Data, No Clearing Record i.e. No Transaction Header  Cmd Status Code DLen (MSB) DLen (LSB) Data CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 03h  00h  00h  03h  00 00 00  8Dh  D0h ViVOtech2\0    OK  DLen = 3 decimal T1 Len = 0, T2 Len = 0, Clearing Record Not Present    Reader continues to poll for cards. No Card has been presented so far.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           345 3. Command: Get Transaction Result Header  Cmd Sub-Cmd DLen (MSB) DLen (LSB) Data CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 03h  00h  00h  00h    3Bh FFh ViVOtech2\0     DLen = 0 decimal  None      Response: OK, No Track Data, No Clearing Record i.e. No Transaction Header  Cmd Status Code DLen (MSB) DLen (LSB) Data CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 03h  00h  00h  03h  00 00 00  8Dh  D0h ViVOtech2\0    OK  DLen = 3 decimal T1 Len = 0, T2 Len = 0, Clearing Record Not Present     Reader continues to poll for cards. No Card has been presented so far. Reader continues to poll for cards. Card presented and accepted by the reader. 4. Command: Get Transaction Result Header  Cmd Sub-Cmd DLen (MSB) DLen (LSB) Data CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 03h 00h 00h 00h  3Bh FFh ViVOtech2\0   DLen = 0 decimal None    Response: OK, Track1, Track2 Data available Header  Cmd Status Code DLen (MSB) DLen (LSB) Data 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 03h 00  00h  64h  3Ch 42 35 34 31 33 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 ViVOtech2\0    OK  DLen = 100 dec T1Len= 60 (dec) Track 1 Data “B54131234567”  Data 38 34 38 30 38 5E 53 4D 49 54 48 2F 4A 4F 48 4E 5E 30 35 30 38 31 30 31 33 33 35 33 37 33 33 33 36 30 37 32 32 32 Track 1 Data  “84808^SMITH/JOHN^050810133537333607222”
NEO Interface Developers Guide           346 Data 32 32 37 32 34 31 31 31 31 33  25h 35 34 31 33 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 34 38 30 38 3D 30 35 30 38 31 30 31 Track1 Data 2272411113 T2Len= 37 (dec) Track 2 Data “5413123456784808=0508101”  Data CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) 39 36 30 37 39 39 37 32 34 32 31 38 33 00h F1h FBh Track 2 Data 9607997242183 Clearing Record Not Present      Contactless MagStripe card was presented and accepted by the reader before the Get Transaction Result command. Track 1 and Track 2 data returned in response. Contactless MagStripe Transactions in Poll on Demand Mode For a contactless MagStripe transaction, the reader does not require any setup data from the terminal.  1. Command: Set Poll Mode (Poll on Demand) Header  Cmd Sub-Cmd DLen (MSB) DLen (LSB) Data CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00  01h 01h  00h  01h  01h  D7h 34h ViVOtech2\0     DLen = 1 decimal Poll on Demand Mode      Response: OK Header  Cmd Status Code DLen (MSB) DLen (LSB) Data CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 01h 00h  00h  00h    12h  53h ViVOtech2\0    OK DLen = 0 decimal  None     Reader stops polling for cards. Terminal has to issue an Activate command to allow the reader to poll for a card and carry out a transaction.  2. Command: Activate (MagStripe/EMV) Header  Cmd Sub-Cmd DLen (MSB) DLen (LSB) Data CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00  02h 01h  00h  01h  0Ah  6Eh 6Bh ViVOtech2\0   DLen = 1 Timeout = 10 Seconds
NEO Interface Developers Guide           347 decimal (decimal) Reader starts polling for cards. No card is presented. Reader stops polling after 10 seconds and sends back a response indicating timeout. Response: Error (Timeout) i.e. No Card Detected. Header  Cmd Status Code DLen (MSB) DLen (LSB) Data CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 02h 08h  00h  00h    20h  2Eh ViVOtech2\0   Time Out DLen = 0 decimal  None     Reader is not polling for cards. 3. Command: Activate (MagStripe/EMV) Header  Cmd Sub-Cmd DLen (MSB) DLen (LSB) Data CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 02h 01h  00h  01h  0Ah  6Eh 6Bh ViVOtech2\0     DLen = 1 decimal Timeout = 10 Seconds (decimal)     Reader starts polling for cards. A contactless MagStripe card is presented within 10 seconds. Reader completes transaction, even if more than ten seconds pass since Activate command was received. After completing transaction the reader does not restart polling and just sends back the response containing the Track1 and Track2 data. Response: OK, Track1, Track2 Data available Header  Cmd Status Code DLen (MSB) DLen (LSB) Data 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00  02h 00  00h  64h  3Ch 42 35 34 31 33 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 ViVOtech2\0    OK  DLen = 100 dec T1Len= 60 (dec) Track 1 Data “B54131234567”  Data 38 34 38 30 38 5E 53 4D 49 54 48 2F 4A 4F 48 4E 5E 30 35 30 38 31 30 31 33 33 35 33 37 33 33 33 36 30 37 32 32 32 Track 1 Data  84808^SMITH/JOHN^050810133537333607222  Data 32 32 37 32 34 31 31 31 31 33 25h 35 34 31 33 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 34 38 30 38 3D 30 35 30 38 31 30 31 Track1 Data 2272411113 T2Len= 37 (dec) Track 2 Data “5413123456784808=0508101”
NEO Interface Developers Guide           348 Data CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) 39 36 30 37 39 39 37 32 34 32 31 38 33 00h F6h 7Fh Track 2 Data “607997242183 Clearing Record Not Present      EMV (M/Chip) Transaction in Poll on Demand Mode The correct CA Public Keys required by the Cards that is read have already been set up using the Key Management Commands (refer to Key Management). This operation needs to be done only once for each key. Keys are retained over power cycles by the reader. 1. Command: Set Poll Mode (Poll on Demand) Header  Cmd Sub-Cmd DLen (MSB) DLen (LSB) Data CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 01h 01h  00h  01h  01h  D7h 34h ViVOtech2\0     DLen = 1 decimal  Poll on Demand Mode      Response: OK Header  Cmd Status Code DLen (MSB) DLen (LSB) Data CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00  01h 00  00h  00h    12h  53h ViVOtech2\0    OK DLen = 0 decimal None      Reader stops polling for cards. Terminal has to issue an Activate command to allow the reader to poll for a card and carry out a transaction.  2. Command: Set Configuration (Terminal Country Code, Transaction Currency Code) Header  Cmd Sub-Cmd DLen (MSB) DLen (LSB) Data CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00  04h 00h  00h  0Ah 9F 1A 02 00 56  5F 2A 02 09 78  69h 03h ViVOtech2\0      DLen = 10  decimal TLV Terminal Country Code TLV Trans Currency  Code    Assuming the current terminal values is used for all other parameters (unless specified otherwise in Activate command).
NEO Interface Developers Guide           349 Response: OK Header  Cmd Status Code DLen (MSB) DLen (LSB) Data CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00  04h 00  00h  00h    AEh  16h ViVOtech2\0    OK DLen = 0 decimal None     Reader is still not polling for cards. Note: These parameter values may not apply to all cards. The terminal has to make sure that correct values have been defined for the parameters based on card requirements otherwise a transaction fails. 3. Command: Activate (MagStripe/EMV) Header  Cmd Sub-Cmd DLen (MSB) DLen (LSB) Data  CRC (LSB) CRC (MSB) 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00  02h 01h  00h  06h  0Ah 9A 03 05 08 18  77h 1Dh ViVOtech2\0      DLen = 1 decimal Timeout = 10 Seconds (decimal) TLV Transaction Date    Reader starts polling for cards. A contactless EMV (M/Chip) card is presented within 10 seconds. Reader completes transaction, even if more than ten seconds pass since Activate command was received. After completing transaction the reader does not restart polling and just sends back the response containing the Clearing Record data. Response: OK, Clearing Record and additional Data available Header  Cmd Status Code DLen (MSB) DLen (LSB) Data 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00  02h 00  00h  ABh  00h  00h  01h ViVOtech2\0    OK  DLen = 171 dec T1Len = 0 (dec) T2Len = 0 (dec) Clearing Record Present  Data E1 56 9F 1A 02 01 58 9F 02 06 00 00 00 00 00 01 5F 2A 02 09 01 9A 03 05 08 02 9C 01 00 95 05 00 00 00 00 00 9F 37 Clearing Record (DE 055)  Data 04 84 77 98 32 82 02 58 80 9F 26 08 02 BB 21 5D D9 06 94 01 9F 27 01 40 9F 10 12 02 10 90 08 01 22 30 00 00 00 00 Clearing Record (DE 055)  Data 00 00 00 00 15 00 FF 9F 36 02 00 D0 5A 08 54 12 34 00 00 00 00 5F 34 01 00 5F 24 03 10 07
NEO Interface Developers Guide           350 19 31 Clearing Record (DE 055)  TLV App PAN TLV PAN Seq Num TLV App Expiration Date  Data 50 0A 4D 61 73 74 65 72 43  61 72 64 9F 34 03 00 1F 03 9F 45 02 DA C0 9F 4C 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 TLV Application Label  CVM Results Data Auth Code ICC Dynamic Number  Data 57 13 54 12 34 00 00 00 00 19 D1 00 72 01 14 43 14 31 00 00 0F  56 00  9B 02 C8 00 TLV Track 2 Equivalent Data TLV Track 1 Equivalent Data Transaction Status Information  Data CRC (MSB) CRC (LSB) 5F 20 1A 53 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20   27h 60h Cardholder Name
NEO Interface Developers Guide           351 Appendix A.1: User Experience Illustration  Following are list of messages and the message flow for one user experience.   Table 80: Summary of LCD Messages User Interface States  ViVOtech User Experience Idle 00: Idle Message (Welcome) Polling 01: Present card (Please Present Card) Time out or Transaction Cancel  02: Time Out or Transaction cancel (No Card) Transaction In Progress 03: Transaction between reader and card is in the middle (Processing…) Transaction Succeed 04: Transaction Pass (Thank You) Transaction Fail 05: Transaction Fail (Fail) Configurable messages 06: Amount (Amount  $ 0.00 Tap Card) 07: Balance or Offline Available funds (Balance $ 0.00) 08: Insert or Swipe card (Use Chip & PIN) 09: Try Again(Tap Again) 0A: Indicate the custom to present only one card (Present 1 card only) 0B: Indicate the custom to wait for authentication/authorization (Wait) The flow diagram below illustrates how an external UI may be controlled, using asynchronous UI events.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           352
NEO Interface Developers Guide           353 Appendix A.2: Audible User Interface Some readers do not have an LCD display.  In that case, audible tones and lights indicate the status and when an action must be taken. The following table describes the audible user interface tones Table 4: Definition of Audible Tones Tone Name  Sound Alert  Two short beeps Card Read Complete  One long beep Check Phone  Three short beeps  The Alert tone is an indication to the card user that something unusual has occurred and some action must be taken (for example, insert a card, swipe a card, check your mobile phone, use one card at a time, etc.). The following table describes the audible tones emitted by the reader for each of the interfaces under various conditions:  Table 5 : Meaning of Audible Tones by Interface Card/ Interface Type  Tone   Reason for Tone Contactless Check Phone  Consumer interaction required (user needs to do something on the phone, such as enter a PIN) Alert  Card Read Error  Collision Detected  Unsupported Card   Application Error  No Response after Restart (only for VCPS2.1.1 and ExpressPay 3.0) Card Read Complete + Alert  Card Read Complete and Card Error  Card Read Complete & switch to another interface Card Read Complete  Transaction Approved, Offline   Transaction Declined Offline (see status and error codes)  Transaction Approved Online   Transaction Declined Online Contact Alert  Card Removed  Transaction terminated with Error  Switch from Contact to MagStripe Interface Card Read Complete  Transaction Approved, Offline  Transaction Declined, Offline  Transaction Approved, Online  Transaction Declined, Online MagStripe Alert  Card Swipe Error Card Read Complete  Card Swiped Successfully
NEO Interface Developers Guide           354 Appendix A.3: Configurable AID Use Examples This is the communications between a Configurable AID capable reader and an attached PC simulating a POS.  Disable System AID From POS → 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 04 04 00 0A 9F 06 07 A0 00 00 00 04 10 10 25 59 From Reader ←  56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 04 00 00 00 AE 16  Uses the DCA Command (Delete Configurable AID - Cmd 4, Sub Cmd 4)  9F06 07 A0 00 00 00 04 10 10 – Selects the AID Number   Enable System AID From POS → 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 04 02 00 0E FF E4 01 00 9F 06 07 A0 00 00 00 04 10 10 D2 A8 From Reader ←  56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 04 07 00 00 2B 86  Uses the SCA Command (Set Configurable AID - Cmd 4, Sub Cmd 2)  FFE4 01 00 - Selects Group 0 9F06 07 A0 00 00 00 04 10 10 – Selects the AID Number   Add a New Configurable AID From POS → 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 04 02 00 18 FF E4 01 00 9F 06 05 B0 12 34 56 78 FF E2 01 03 FF E1 01 01 FF E5 01 0A 09 AB From Reader ←  56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 04 00 00 00 AE 16  Uses the SCA Command (Set Configurable AID - Cmd 4, Sub Cmd 2)
NEO Interface Developers Guide           355 FFE4 01 00 - Selects Group 0 9F06 05 B0 12 34 56 78 – Selects the AID Number  FFE2 01 03 – Selects Application Flow FFE1 01 01 – Enables Partial Selection FFE5 01 0A – Specify Maximum Partial Selection Length   Delete a Configurable AID  From POS → 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 04 04 00 08 9F 06 05 B0 12 34 56 78 DF 97 From Reader ←  56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 04 00 00 00 AE 16  Uses the DCA Command (Delete Configurable AID - Cmd 4, Sub Cmd 4)  9F06 05 B0 12 34 56 78 – Specifies the AID to delete.  Create a New Group  From POS → 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 04 03 00 0D FF E4 01 01 FF F1 06 00 00 00 01 00 00 64 03 From Reader ←  56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 04 00 00 00 AE 16  Uses the SCG Command (Set Configurable Group - Cmd 4, Sub Cmd 3)  FFE4 01 01 – Specify the NEW group number 1.  FFF1 06 00 00 00 01 00 00 - Terminal Transaction Limit.  Connect Existing AID to a Different Group
NEO Interface Developers Guide           356 From POS → 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 04 02 00 18 FF E4 01 01 9F 06 05 B0 12 34 56 78 FF E2 01 03 FF E1 01 01 FF E5 01 0A FF 7E From Reader ←  56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 04 00 00 00 AE 16  Uses the SCA Command (Set Configurable AID - Cmd 4, Sub Cmd 2)  FFE4 01 01 – Specify the NEW group number 1. 9F06 05 B0 12 34 56 78 - Specifies the AID. FFE2 01 03 – Selects Application Flow FFE1 01 01 – Enables Partial Selection FFE5 01 0A – Specify Maximum Partial Selection Length
NEO Interface Developers Guide           357 Return Existing AID to Group 0  From POS → 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 04 02 00 18 FF E4 01 00 9F 06 05 B0 12 34 56 78 FF E2 01 03 FF E1 01 01 FF E5 01 0A 09 AB From Reader ←  56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 04 00 00 00 AE 16  Uses the SCA Command (Set Configurable AID - Cmd 4, Sub Cmd 2)  FFE4 01 00 – Specify Group number 0. 9F06 05 B0 12 34 56 78 - Specifies the AID. FFE2 01 03 – Selects Application Flow FFE1 01 01 – Enables Partial Selection FFE5 01 0A – Specify Maximum Partial Selection Length  Delete a Group  From POS → 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 04 05 00 04 FF E4 01 01 0C 5D From Reader ←  56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 04 00 00 00 AE 16  Uses the DCG Command (Delete Configurable Group - Cmd 4, Sub Cmd 5) FF E4 01 01  - Specify Group number to delete.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           358 Appendix A.4: Demo Utilities and Sample Code The following PC-based demo utilities and sample code are available from IDTECH on request.  Item Description Visual C++ Project and C files containing the sample code given in Appendix A.1 in this document. ViVOPing.exe Executable File for the sample code given in this Document. RFIDRead.exe Demo Utility that polls ViVOpay for Track Data. Source Code for the RFIDRead Utility (demonstrates use of Ping as well as Get Track Data Commands).
NEO Interface Developers Guide           359  Appendix A.5: Firmware FAQ The following FAQs attempt to answer common issues:  Q1. How do I identify the reader type from my application?  A. You can identify the reader type by checking the firmware:  Q2. Can you tell me which Terminal Types the reader supports?  A. The Vendi reader supports terminal type 24 – unattended, online only.  Q3. How many keys can I load onto the reader?  A. For CA public key, there is no limitation till the flash is full.   The Kiosk III reader allows for storage of up to a maximum of 60 keys which are uniquely identified as a key index in each payment scheme(RID).  Q4. How can I guarantee that all settings are erased in my reader when I load a new release of firmware?  A. Use the Set Configuration Defaults Command (04-09) to re-initialize the setting to default values.  Q5. Why does my MasterCard application ignore the Terminal Contactless Transaction Limit (FFF1) and the CVM Required Limit (FFF5) Tags?  A. The Terminal Contactless Transaction Limit (FFF1) and the CVM Required Limit (FFF5) Tags are used by Visa and not by MasterCard. MasterCard uses the Floor Limit and the CVM List structure described in the MasterCard specifications.  Q6. How do I enable Maestro cards in reader?  A. To enable Maestro cards, apply the following script. ---------CUT--------- AID SET FFE4 01 00                    ; Group 0 9F06 07 A0 00 00 00 04 30 60  ; AID Number
NEO Interface Developers Guide           360 ;FFE6 01 00                   ; AID Disabled OFF END ---------CUT---------  Q7. What applications are supported?  A. The following applications are supported and certified. EMVCo -  CCPS 2.3.1 MasterCard -  M/Chip v3.02 -  M/Stripe v3.3 Visa -  VCPS (qVSDC & MSD)  2.1.3 -  Reader Implementation Notes 1.1 Licensed (IRWIN-compliant) Amex -  ExpressPay 3.0 Discover -  Discover DPAS 1.0 Zip 3.1.2, v1.00 Interac -  Flash 1.5  Q8. Whenever I try to load a key into the device it fails, with the error EMV_KM_EC_NO_FREE_KEY_SLOTS. Why is that?  A. You must first delete a key from a slot before you can load a new one.  Q9. How do I manage the FAIL message on the reader?  A. The way that we expect it to work is when a transaction error occurs; the reader sends error codes back to the host. The host can use the error code to determine the appropriate message to display on the reader using Control User Interface command. You may wish to replace the message FAIL (05) with a more user friendly message or a blank message and manage it yourself.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           361 Q10. Why am I receiving timeouts when I try to load CAP keys into my reader using the key loading API?  A.  A possible reason for the time out is because the ‘Data Length’ in the Command Frame is greater than the actual data length of the data field being sent, therefore the ViVOpay reader waits for more data and times out. Please ensure that the data length matches the actual size of the data field being sent.  Q11. On certain Visa cards the PAN (tag 5A) and Application Expiration Date (tag 5F24) are returned as zero length. Shouldn’t the reader provide both PAN and expiry date because the Visa Contactless Payment Specification, Protocol 2.0.2 says: "Note that the PAN and the Expiration Date are obtained by the reader from the Track 2 Equivalent Data"?  A. The reader will only return those tags if they are present in the card, they will then be provided in the transaction results.  Note: The reader will not provide the tags if the card does not send then in the Response Frame.  Q12. I am using the Configurable AID features and my application is not able to correctly identify all Visa Cards.  A. Visa requires partial selection of the AIDs to be set in all PayWave applications. Please ensure that partial selection is enabled as shown below. ---------CUT--------- AID SET FFE4 01 02                     ; Group 9F06 07 A0 00 00 00 03 10 10   ; Visa FFE5 01 10                     ; include both of these tags Max AID length and FFE1 01 01                    ; allow partial selection END ---------CUT--------- Note: Partial selection is enabled by default for specific System AIDs (including Visa) but when you reprogram the AID you have to specifically enable partial selection.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           362
NEO Interface Developers Guide           363 Appendix A.6: TDES Data Encryption Examples  Examples are given for MSR data as well as ICC data. Note that data for the former will be in a different format than data for the latter. The former uses the Enhanced Encrypted MSR Data Output Format (see later appendix, or see ID TECH document P/N 80000403-001). By contrast, ICC data comes back as TLV data, preceded by a ViVOtech2 header with command and response bytes and two length bytes, and followed by a 16-bit CRC.   Step 1: Data encryption Enable [TX] - 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 C7 36 00 01 01 B7 2E  [RX] - 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 C7 00 00 00 86 6E  Step 2: Do a transaction  Example: Burst Mode OFF and Poll on Demand mode  Burst off [TX] - 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 04 00 00 04 FF F7 01 00 B9 2E  [RX] - 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 04 00 00 00 AE 16  Poll on demand [TX] - 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 01 01 00 01 01 D7 34  [RX] - 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 01 00 00 00 12 53  Activate transaction and then Swipe card or Tap card [TX] - 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 02 01 00 0A 0A 9F 02 06 00 00 00 00 10 00 AB 6C  [RX] - MSR and contactless Card DATA As below  --MSR card data  The data will come back in the Enhanced Encrypted MSR Data Output Format, framed as follows:  <Preamble> <Attribution> < MSR TLV> <CRC>   See Appendix A.11 for format details.   Raw data:     Raw data:     56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00     Protocol Header (ViVOtech2\0)  02              Command   00            Status Code  01 3D            Data Length MSB & LSB
NEO Interface Developers Guide           364  88                                                                  Attribution  DF EE 23                                                        MSR Tag  82                                                                 MSR Data length indicator  01 25                                                             MSR Data length  02 1F 01 80 1F 44 28 00 83 9B 25 2A                Enhanced Encrypted MSR Field Data 36 35 31 30 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A                (see Appendix A.11 for format) 30 30 32 36 5E 43 41 52 44 2F 49 4D  41 47 45 20 30 33 20 20 20 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 5E 2A 2A 2A 2A  2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A  2A 2A 2A 2A 3F 2A 3B 36 35 31 30 2A  2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 30 30 32 36 3D  2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A  2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 3F 2A C7 27  B0 60 AB FC 2B 62 4C 4D 6E 59 96 E2  2D 84 8D 87 D6 E3 82 0D 57 37 4F 6D  3F B3 1F 75 06 1A DC 17 89 FB C3 C7  50 C7 5D 06 65 00 04 08 CA B4 CA 0C  62 47 62 EE 86 0F BD 54 17 E0 FD D5  7E 1D A9 C9 FA 98 FB DF 49 CA CE 1B  DC 33 AA 1A DD A5 D6 52 C6 FC CF C5  DC A9 46 A8 07 1F 1C 13 1B 7F E6 5F  75 06 01 CE C6 1E 8A 64 0E 1C 2B EC  80 D4 51 48 AB 78 7E 8B 8D 05 DC 8A  C9 07 9E FC 98 53 27 0B ED B9 10 02  52 D6 AA D8 46 CB 85 69 24 FE 7C 93  52 0B 36 DA D9 25 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 62 99 49 01 2C 00 04 60  00 01 C1 0B 03  9F 39 01 90                                                    Point of Service (POS) Entry Mode  FF EE 01 04                                                    ViVOPay Group Tag  DF 30 01 0C                                                   Track Data Source  DF EE 26 01 88                                               Encrypt Information  76 EA            CRC (MSB & LSB)
NEO Interface Developers Guide           365 -- MasterCard Contactless (PayPass) card example:  The data will come back in the encrypted ICC format:  <PREAMBLE><Attribution Byte><KSN TLV><Track1 TLV(optional)><Track2 TLV(optional)><Clear Record TLV(optional)><Other TLVs><CRC>  The preamble is 14 bytes, as before (see example immediately above). The Attribution Byte will have a value of 0x81 or 0x83 for contactless TDES or AES, respectively. (The lowest bit is a Contactless flag. The second bit is a TDES/AES flag. The highest bit is a Encryption State flag. See Chapter 9.) The TLV data section consists of tag, length, value triplets. The CRC is a 16-bit cyclic redundancy check of the entire data packet, including the preamble.   Raw data: 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 02 23 01 98 81 FF EE 12 0A 62 99 49 01 2C 00 04 60 00 02 82 02 00 00 95 05 00 00 00 00 00 9A 03 14 08 10 9C 01 00 5F 2A 02 08 40 9F 02 06 00 00 00 00 10 00 9F 03 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 9F 06 07 A0 00 00 00 04 10 10 9F 09 02 00 02 9F 1A 02 08 40 9F 1E 08 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 9F 21 03 12 02 37 9F 33 03 00 00 E8 9F 34 03 00 00 00 9F 35 01 25 9F 36 02 05 AB 9F 37 04 0F 0A 1A E5 9F 39 01 91 9F 53 01 00 DF 81 29 08 30 F0 F0 00 30 F0 FF 00 FF 81 06 44 DF 81 2A C1 20 10 18 E2 2A 40 63 49 89 C9 4B B1 01 3A D7 4A F6 1D 64 CF 42 5F 33 83 0A 9B BB 63 46 20 7A 72 76 DF 81 2B C1 10 16 DA F4 11 79 F9 0B A4 DC D0 64 31 65 31 CA B0 DF 81 15 06 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF 81 05 79 50 0A 4D 61 73 74 65 72 43 61 72 64 84 07 A0 00 00 00 04 10 10 9F 6D 02 00 01 56 C1 40 A5 14 AD F8 E6 42 DA 3B 13 17 F5 D3 E6 65 B8 2B 4B E4 DE 13 C3 9F 98 2D D2 18 48 5E 2B 45 9E 3C B1 23 A5 A3 0B B8 08 2C DF B8 BF 07 8C D3 63 EA 19 00 4A B7 5F A6 61 B6 D2 06 6B 0A AA BC F9 B7 9F 6B C1 18 79 95 EB 5E 9A F6 6A B9 F6 2F 23 74 13 EE 51 75 1A A1 A9 84 75 68 95 D6 FF EE 01 3C DF 30 01 00 DF 31 C1 20 68 0B 25 F6 29 04 FA 8B D6 F8 BB 6C 64 A5 CD C6 10 A0 A7 60 B1 B4 80 AA 67 9B D5 27 CD 39 F5 BA DF 32 C1 10 38 32 34 F5 6A D7 99 CF 9C 4C 46 06 06 BC BC F9 DF EE 26 01 81 F8 99   Parsed data:  Head  : 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 02 23  Data  : 01 98 81   Tag  : FF EE 12  Length  : 0A  Value  : 62 99 49 01 2C 00 04 60 00 02   Tag  : 82  Length  : 02  Value  : 00 00   Tag  : 95  Length  : 05  Value  : 00 00 00 00 00   Tag  : 9A  Length  : 03  Value  : 14 08 10   Tag  : 9C
NEO Interface Developers Guide           366 Length  : 01  Value  : 00   Tag  : 5F 2A  Length  : 02  Value  : 08 40   Tag  : 9F 02  Length  : 06  Value  : 00 00 00 00 10 00   Tag  : 9F 03  Length  : 06  Value  : 00 00 00 00 00 00   Tag  : 9F 06  Length  : 07  Value  : A0 00 00 00 04 10 10   Tag  : 9F 09  Length  : 02  Value  : 00 02   Tag  : 9F 1A  Length  : 02  Value  : 08 40   Tag  : 9F 1E  Length  : 08  Value  : 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30   Tag  : 9F 21  Length  : 03  Value  : 12 02 37   Tag  : 9F 33  Length  : 03  Value  : 00 00 E8   Tag  : 9F 34  Length  : 03  Value  : 00 00 00   Tag  : 9F 35  Length  : 01  Value  : 25   Tag  : 9F 36  Length  : 02  Value  : 05 AB   Tag  : 9F 37  Length  : 04  Value  : 0F 0A 1A E5
NEO Interface Developers Guide           367 Tag  : 9F 39  Length  : 01  Value  : 91   Tag  : 9F 53  Length  : 01  Value  : 00   Tag  : DF 81 29  Length  : 08  Value  : 30 F0 F0 00 30 F0 FF 00   *****Embedded TLV Begin (FF 81 06 )***** Tag  : FF 81 06  Length  : 44   Tag  : DF 81 2A  Length  : C1 20  Value(Encryption Data): 10 18 E2 2A 40 63 49 89 C9 4B B1 01 3A D7 4A F6 1D 64 CF 42 5F 33 83 0A 9B BB 63 46 20 7A 72 76  Value(Decryption Data): DF 81 2A 18 30 30 30 31 30 30 30 30 30 31 30 30 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 32 00 00 00 00   Tag  : DF 81 2B  Length  : C1 10  Value(Encryption Data):   16 DA F4 11 79 F9 0B A4 DC D0 64 31 65 31 CA B0  Value(Decryption Data):   DF 81 2B 07 00 01 00 00 01 00 2F 00 00 00 00 00   Tag  : DF 81 15  Length  : 06  Value  : 00 00 00 00 00 FF   *****Embedded TLV End (FF 81 06 )***** *****Embedded TLV Begin (FF 81 05 )***** Tag  : FF 81 05  Length  : 79   Tag  : 50  Length  : 0A  Value  : 4D 61 73 74 65 72 43 61 72 64   Tag  : 84  Length  : 07  Value  : A0 00 00 00 04 10 10   Tag  : 9F 6D  Length  : 02  Value  : 00 01   Tag  : 56  Length  : C1 40  Value(Encryption Data):
NEO Interface Developers Guide           368 A5 14 AD F8 E6 42 DA 3B 13 17 F5 D3 E6 65 B8 2B 4B E4 DE 13 C3 9F 98 2D D2 18 48 5E 2B 45 9E 3C  B1 23 A5 A3 0B B8 08 2C DF B8 BF 07 8C D3 63 EA 19 00 4A B7 5F A6 61 B6 D2 06 6B 0A AA BC F9 B7  Value(Decryption Data): 56 3E 42 35 32 35 36 38 33 32 30 33 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 5E 53 75 70 70 6C 69 65 64 2F 4E 6F 74  5E 31 32 31 32 35 30 32 38 38 33 31 30 31 34 35 31 31 35 32 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 32   Tag  : 9F 6B  Length  : C1 18  Value(Encryption Data): 79 95 EB 5E 9A F6 6A B9 F6 2F 23 74 13 EE 51 75 1A A1 A9 84 75 68 95 D6  Value(Decryption Data): 9F 6B 13 52 56 83 20 30 00 00 00 D1 21 25 02 32 21 01 45 11 52 2F 00 00   *****Embedded TLV End (FF 81 05 )***** *****Embedded TLV Begin (FF EE 01 )***** Tag  : FF EE 01  Length  : 3C   Tag  : DF 30  Length  : 01  Value  : 00   Tag  : DF 31  Length  : C1 20  Value(Encryption Data): 68 0B 25 F6 29 04 FA 8B D6 F8 BB 6C 64 A5 CD C6 10 A0 A7 60 B1 B4 80 AA 67 9B D5 27 CD 39 F5 BA  Value(Decryption Data): DF 31 18 30 30 30 31 30 30 30 30 30 31 30 30 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 32 00 00 00 00 00   Tag  : DF 32  Length  : C1 10  Value(Encryption Data): 38 32 34 F5 6A D7 99 CF 9C 4C 46 06 06 BC BC F9  Value(Decryption Data): DF 32 0D 30 30 30 31 30 30 30 30 30 31 30 30 32   *****Embedded TLV End (FF EE 01 )***** Tag  : DF EE 26  Length  : 01  Value  : 81    Tail  : F8 99
NEO Interface Developers Guide           369 Burst Mode OFF and Auto Poll Mode  Burst mode OFF [TX] - 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 04 00 00 04 FF F7 01 00 B9 2E  [RX] - 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 04 00 00 00 AE 16  Auto poll [TX] - 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 01 01 00 01 00 F6 24  [RX] - 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 01 00 00 00 12 53  Swipe card or Tap card  Get transaction result [TX] - 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 03 00 00 00 3B FF  [RX] -MSR and contactless Card DATA As below  --MSR card data  56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00     Protocol Header (ViVOtech2\0)  03             Command  00                                                                  Status Code  01 3D            Data Length MSB & LSB  88                                                                  Attribution  DF EE 23                                                        MSR Tag  82                                                                  MSR Data length indicator  01 25                                                             MSR Data length  02 1F 01 80 1F 44 28 00 83 9B 25 2A                 Enhanced Encrypted Field Data 36 35 31 30 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A                (see Appendix A.11 for format) 30 30 32 36 5E 43 41 52 44 2F 49 4D  41 47 45 20 30 33 20 20 20 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 5E 2A 2A 2A 2A  2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A  2A 2A 2A 2A 3F 2A 3B 36 35 31 30 2A  2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 30 30 32 36 3D  2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A  2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 3F 2A C7 27  B0 60 AB FC 2B 62 4C 4D 6E 59 96 E2  2D 84 8D 87 D6 E3 82 0D 57 37 4F 6D  3F B3 1F 75 06 1A DC 17 89 FB C3 C7  50 C7 5D 06 65 00 04 08 CA B4 CA 0C  62 47 62 EE 86 0F BD 54 17 E0 FD D5  7E 1D A9 C9 FA 98 FB DF 49 CA CE 1B  DC 33 AA 1A DD A5 D6 52 C6 FC CF C5  DC A9 46 A8 07 1F 1C 13 1B 7F E6 5F
NEO Interface Developers Guide           370 75 06 01 CE C6 1E 8A 64 0E 1C 2B EC  80 D4 51 48 AB 78 7E 8B 8D 05 DC 8A  C9 07 9E FC 98 53 27 0B ED B9 10 02  52 D6 AA D8 46 CB 85 69 24 FE 7C 93  52 0B 36 DA D9 25 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 62 99 49 01 2C 00 04 60  00 01 C1 0B 03  9F 39 01 90                                                    Point of Service (POS) Entry Mode  FF EE 01 04                                                    ViVOPay Group Tag  DF 30 01 0C                                                   Track Data Source  DF EE 26 01 88                                               Encrypt Information   FD 71            CRC (MSB & LSB)    -- MasterCard Contactless (PayPass) card data  Raw data: 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 03 23 01 98 81 FF EE 12 0A 62 99 49 01 2C 00 04 60 00 04 82 02 00 00 95 05 00 00 00 00 00 9A 03 14 08 10 9C 01 00 5F 2A 02 08 40 9F 02 06 00 00 00 00 00 01 9F 03 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 9F 06 07 A0 00 00 00 04 10 10 9F 09 02 00 02 9F 1A 02 08 40 9F 1E 08 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 9F 21 03 12 02 53 9F 33 03 00 00 E8 9F 34 03 00 00 00 9F 35 01 25 9F 36 02 05 AC 9F 37 04 3E CE 50 B9 9F 39 01 91 9F 53 01 00 DF 81 29 08 30 F0 F0 00 30 F0 FF 00 FF 81 06 44 DF 81 2A C1 20 C6 9A 82 5D 19 7A 9E AE FC CF 50 39 66 88 21 C2 C9 EF 3B A9 B6 30 32 0E 7F 19 C0 4A A0 77 C0 EC DF 81 2B C1 10 92 95 3B 08 DF EA 80 31 E5 7F BB D2 91 55 3A 38 DF 81 15 06 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF 81 05 79 50 0A 4D 61 73 74 65 72 43 61 72 64 84 07 A0 00 00 00 04 10 10 9F 6D 02 00 01 56 C1 40 AA 67 C3 F5 0A 86 04 3B A9 B3 86 09 C8 88 D5 20 69 24 2D 63 AC 2B 8F 05 83 67 F3 66 44 EB 61 D2 70 F9 61 A4 7B 91 60 4C 7C A5 C9 AA 09 9E 2C 53 FA 7E 6E C9 C7 8D EC AF C0 91 D9 37 ED 30 F6 26 9F 6B C1 18 0E 0C 92 E0 FC 96 1A 19 EC EB E1 E8 40 E4 8B D1 37 7F B0 9C DF 6D EB D6 FF EE 01 3C DF 30 01 00 DF 31 C1 20 FC 47 AC 22 D0 C7 AE 1B E9 A4 AD F2 7F 8E 60 B1 4E F0 92 73 5D EF CE 9B BA 3D CA BF B1 48 40 BB DF 32 C1 10 A3 1C EC AE 13 AF 03 7C 3A DE EC 45 7B BC DA 8A DF EE 26 01 81 28 F9  Parsed data:  Head  : 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 03 23  Data  : 01 98 81   Tag  : FF EE 12  Length  : 0A  Value  : 62 99 49 01 2C 00 04 60 00 04   Tag  : 82  Length  : 02  Value  : 00 00
NEO Interface Developers Guide           371 Tag  : 95  Length  : 05  Value  : 00 00 00 00 00   Tag  : 9A  Length  : 03  Value  : 14 08 10   Tag  : 9C  Length  : 01  Value  : 00   Tag  : 5F 2A  Length  : 02  Value  : 08 40   Tag  : 9F 02  Length  : 06  Value  : 00 00 00 00 00 01   Tag  : 9F 03  Length  : 06  Value  : 00 00 00 00 00 00   Tag  : 9F 06  Length  : 07  Value  : A0 00 00 00 04 10 10   Tag  : 9F 09  Length  : 02  Value  : 00 02   Tag  : 9F 1A  Length  : 02  Value  : 08 40   Tag  : 9F 1E  Length  : 08  Value  : 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30   Tag  : 9F 21  Length  : 03  Value  : 12 02 53   Tag  : 9F 33  Length  : 03  Value  : 00 00 E8   Tag  : 9F 34  Length  : 03  Value  : 00 00 00   Tag  : 9F 35  Length  : 01  Value  : 25
NEO Interface Developers Guide           372  Tag  : 9F 36  Length  : 02  Value  : 05 AC   Tag  : 9F 37  Length  : 04  Value  : 3E CE 50 B9  Tag  : 9F 39  Length  : 01  Value  : 91   Tag  : 9F 53  Length  : 01  Value  : 00   Tag  : DF 81 29  Length  : 08  Value  : 30 F0 F0 00 30 F0 FF 00   *****Embedded TLV Begin (FF 81 06 )***** Tag  : FF 81 06  Length  : 44   Tag  : DF 81 2A  Length  : C1 20  Value(Encryption Data): C6 9A 82 5D 19 7A 9E AE FC CF 50 39 66 88 21 C2 C9 EF 3B A9 B6 30 32 0E 7F 19 C0 4A A0 77 C0 EC  Value(Decryption Data): DF 81 2A 18 30 30 30 31 30 30 30 30 30 31 30 30 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 32 00 00 00 00   Tag  : DF 81 2B  Length  : C1 10  Value(Encryption Data): 92 95 3B 08 DF EA 80 31 E5 7F BB D2 91 55 3A 38  Value(Decryption Data): DF 81 2B 07 00 01 00 00 01 00 2F 00 00 00 00 00   Tag  : DF 81 15  Length  : 06  Value  : 00 00 00 00 00 FF   *****Embedded TLV End (FF 81 06 )***** *****Embedded TLV Begin (FF 81 05 )***** Tag  : FF 81 05  Length  : 79   Tag  : 50  Length  : 0A  Value  : 4D 61 73 74 65 72 43 61 72 64   Tag  : 84  Length  : 07
NEO Interface Developers Guide           373 Value  : A0 00 00 00 04 10 10   Tag  : 9F 6D  Length  : 02  Value  : 00 01   Tag  : 56  Length  : C1 40  Value(Encryption Data): AA 67 C3 F5 0A 86 04 3B A9 B3 86 09 C8 88 D5 20 69 24 2D 63 AC 2B 8F 05 83 67 F3 66 44 EB 61 D2  70 F9 61 A4 7B 91 60 4C 7C A5 C9 AA 09 9E 2C 53 FA 7E 6E C9 C7 8D EC AF C0 91 D9 37 ED 30 F6 26  Value(Decryption Data): 56 3E 42 35 32 35 36 38 33 32 30 33 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 5E 53 75 70 70 6C 69 65 64 2F 4E 6F 74  5E 31 32 31 32 35 30 32 30 35 39 31 30 31 34 35 32 31 35 33 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 32   Tag  : 9F 6B  Length  : C1 18  Value(Encryption Data): 0E 0C 92 E0 FC 96 1A 19 EC EB E1 E8 40 E4 8B D1 37 7F B0 9C DF 6D EB D6  Value(Decryption Data): 9F 6B 13 52 56 83 20 30 00 00 00 D1 21 25 02 51 71 01 45 21 53 2F 00 00   *****Embedded TLV End (FF 81 05 )***** *****Embedded TLV Begin (FF EE 01 )***** Tag  : FF EE 01  Length  : 3C   Tag  : DF 30  Length  : 01  Value  : 00   Tag  : DF 31  Length  : C1 20  Value(Encryption Data): FC 47 AC 22 D0 C7 AE 1B E9 A4 AD F2 7F 8E 60 B1 4E F0 92 73 5D EF CE 9B BA 3D CA BF B1 48 40 BB  Value(Decryption Data): DF 31 18 30 30 30 31 30 30 30 30 30 31 30 30 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 32 00 00 00 00 00   Tag  : DF 32  Length  : C1 10  Value(Encryption Data): A3 1C EC AE 13 AF 03 7C 3A DE EC 45 7B BC DA 8A  Value(Decryption Data): DF 32 0D 30 30 30 31 30 30 30 30 30 31 30 30 32   *****Embedded TLV End (FF EE 01 )***** Tag  : DF EE 26  Length  : 01  Value  : 81   Tail  : 28 F9
NEO Interface Developers Guide           374 Appendix A.7: AES Data Encryption Examples  Examples are given for MSR data as well as ICC data. Note that data for the former will be in a different format than data for the latter. The former uses the Enhanced Encrypted MSR Data Output Format (see later appendix, or see ID TECH document P/N 80000403-001). By contrast, ICC data comes back as TLV data, preceded by a ViVOtech2 header with command and response bytes and two length bytes, and followed by a 16-bit CRC.  Step 1 Data encryption Enable [TX] - 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 C7 36 00 01 01 B7 2E  [RX] - 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 C7 00 00 00 86 6E   Step 2 Do a transaction  Burst Mode OFF and Poll on Demand Mode  Burst off [TX] - 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 04 00 00 04 FF F7 01 00 B9 2E  [RX] - 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 04 00 00 00 AE 16  Poll on demand [TX] - 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 01 01 00 01 01 D7 34  [RX] - 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 01 00 00 00 12 53  Activate transaction and then Swipe card or Tap card [TX] - 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 02 01 00 0A 0A 9F 02 06 00 00 00 00 10 00 AB 6C  [RX] - MSR and contactless Card DATA As below  --MSR card data  56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00     Protocol Header (ViVOtech2\0)  02              Command   00            Status Code  01 4D            Data Length MSB & LSB  8A                                                                  Attribution  DF EE 23                                                        MSR Tag  82                                                                 MSR Data length indicator  01 35                                                             MSR Data length  02 2F 01 80 1F 44 28 00 93 9B 25 2A               Enhanced Encrypted MSR Field Data 36 35 31 30 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A              (see Appendix A.11 for format)
NEO Interface Developers Guide           375 30 30 32 36 5E 43 41 52 44 2F 49 4D  41 47 45 20 30 33 20 20 20 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 5E 2A 2A 2A 2A  2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A  2A 2A 2A 2A 3F 2A 3B 36 35 31 30 2A  2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 30 30 32 36 3D  2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A  2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 3F 2A EB AB  97 04 89 00 E7 C6 5D BC FB BC F9 B3  B5 CA FC 1F 2C A0 AF 39 EC D2 C0 84  15 E4 E9 B9 9D 06 A3 BB B0 91 70 E1  76 B2 C2 17 90 88 84 22 A8 3C D7 12  EA B5 DC A4 A7 0B 5D A0 65 9B C1 73  09 31 92 1F 7B 23 2E F6 FA 1D A4 0A  65 19 BB E1 39 4D 80 EC E5 50 73 BB  BD 82 99 65 D2 EF E2 91 26 97 BA 56  C4 62 C8 18 70 F2 DE 1C AC 97 95 6C  0E 48 5E 8C 9F BB 62 EE 55 E7 47 B1  43 94 B2 D7 F4 31 51 48 AB 78 7E 8B  8D 05 DC 8A C9 07 9E FC 98 53 27 0B  ED B9 10 02 52 D6 AA D8 46 CB 85 69  24 FE 7C 93 52 0B 36 DA D9 25 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 62 99 49 01  2C 00 04 60 00 01 59 23 03  9F 39 01 90                                                                Point of Service (POS) Entry Mode  FF EE 01 04                                                                ViVOPay Group Tag  DF 30 01 0C                                                               Track Data Source  DF EE 26 01 8A                                                           Encrypt Information  B4 A2              CRC (MSB & LSB)    -- MasterCard Contactless (PayPass) card data  The data will come back in the encrypted ICC format:  <PREAMBLE><Attribution Byte><KSN TLV><Track1 TLV(optional)><Track2 TLV(optional)><Clear Record TLV(optional)><Other TLVs><CRC>  The preamble is 14 bytes, as before (see example immediately above). The Attribution Byte will have a value of 0x81 or 0x83 for contactless TDES or AES, respectively. (The lowest bit is a Contactless flag. The second bit is a TDES/AES flag. The highest bit is a Encryption State flag. See Chapter 9.) The TLV data section consists of tag, length, value triplets.The CRC is a 16-bit cyclic redundancy check of the entire data packet, including the preamble.  Raw data: 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 02 23 01 A1 83 FF EE 12 0A 62 99 49 01 2C 00 04 60 00 02 82 02 00 00 95 05 00 00 00 00 00 9A 03 14 08 10 9C 01 00 5F 2A 02 08 40 9F 02 06 00 00 00 00 10 00 9F 03 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 9F
NEO Interface Developers Guide           376 06 07 A0 00 00 00 04 10 10 9F 09 02 00 02 9F 1A 02 08 40 9F 1E 08 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 9F 21 03 12 03 12 9F 33 03 00 00 E8 9F 34 03 00 00 00 9F 35 01 25 9F 36 02 05 AD 9F 37 04 12 1A 26 E5 9F 39 01 91 9F 53 01 00 DF 81 29 08 30 F0 F0 00 30 F0 FF 00 FF 81 06 44 DF 81 2A C1 20 41 9C 87 3B C8 E8 0E 5A 20 3D 75 E4 36 55 44 BA 2A EA BE 84 A5 9D F5 CE 68 60 FA 85 B6 A6 C8 81 DF 81 2B C1 10 D2 0A FE 17 44 FC 6D 4E 7D 57 33 94 31 6F 5F A9 DF 81 15 06 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF 81 05 81 81 50 0A 4D 61 73 74 65 72 43 61 72 64 84 07 A0 00 00 00 04 10 10 9F 6D 02 00 01 56 C1 40 32 16 A8 D7 1F 47 35 4B 66 69 F7 33 05 C7 4F 74 0B C3 1C 52 13 C5 D9 53 04 CD BB DF 56 10 D1 AE DE 51 5D 08 D6 CB C6 EA 55 74 89 48 FB 78 25 55 B0 EF 50 66 4B 5A 71 BD 29 C0 0E 25 C2 E1 0B 86 9F 6B C1 20 4F 23 3E 0D CE 3E D4 E2 84 A8 D8 91 29 DE 84 FE D3 C6 67 A4 8F F6 13 97 6B D4 0D 68 C3 DF 62 4A FF EE 01 3C DF 30 01 00 DF 31 C1 20 F5 C5 F0 6A 13 8A 8F 5E B6 51 5B 72 6C 2F 0B 78 8F E4 38 6C A2 1E 05 7F D8 C5 B4 DF 75 E9 CC 1A DF 32 C1 10 5F 6E DE AA 68 C6 DE FD 61 8C 5C 54 51 95 07 6D DF EE 26 01 83 B8 33   Parsed data: Head  : 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 02 23 Data  : 01 A1 83   Tag  : FF EE 12  Length  : 0A  Value  : 62 99 49 01 2C 00 04 60 00 02   Tag  : 82  Length  : 02  Value  : 00 00   Tag  : 95  Length  : 05  Value  : 00 00 00 00 00   Tag  : 9A  Length  : 03  Value  : 14 08 10   Tag  : 9C  Length  : 01  Value  : 00   Tag  : 5F 2A  Length  : 02  Value  : 08 40   Tag  : 9F 02  Length  : 06  Value  : 00 00 00 00 10 00   Tag  : 9F 03  Length  : 06  Value  : 00 00 00 00 00 00   Tag  : 9F 06  Length  : 07
NEO Interface Developers Guide           377 Value  : A0 00 00 00 04 10 10   Tag  : 9F 09  Length  : 02  Value  : 00 02   Tag  : 9F 1A  Length  : 02  Value  : 08 40   Tag  : 9F 1E  Length  : 08  Value  : 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30   Tag  : 9F 21  Length  : 03  Value  : 12 03 12   Tag  : 9F 33  Length  : 03  Value  : 00 00 E8   Tag  : 9F 34  Length  : 03  Value  : 00 00 00   Tag  : 9F 35  Length  : 01  Value  : 25   Tag  : 9F 36  Length  : 02  Value  : 05 AD   Tag  : 9F 37  Length  : 04  Value  : 12 1A 26 E5   Tag  : 9F 39  Length  : 01  Value  : 91   Tag  : 9F 53  Length  : 01  Value  : 00   Tag  : DF 81 29  Length  : 08  Value  : 30 F0 F0 00 30 F0 FF 00   *****Embedded TLV Begin (FF 81 06 )***** Tag  : FF 81 06  Length  : 44   Tag  : DF 81 2A
NEO Interface Developers Guide           378 Length  : C1 20  Value(Encryption Data): 41 9C 87 3B C8 E8 0E 5A 20 3D 75 E4 36 55 44 BA 2A EA BE 84 A5 9D F5 CE 68 60 FA 85 B6 A6 C8 81  Value(Decryption Data): DF 81 2A 18 30 30 30 31 30 30 30 30 30 31 30 30 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 32 00 00 00 00   Tag  : DF 81 2B  Length  : C1 10  Value(Encryption Data): D2 0A FE 17 44 FC 6D 4E 7D 57 33 94 31 6F 5F A9  Value(Decryption Data): DF 81 2B 07 00 01 00 00 01 00 2F 00 00 00 00 00   Tag  : DF 81 15  Length  : 06  Value  : 00 00 00 00 00 FF   *****Embedded TLV End (FF 81 06 )***** *****Embedded TLV Begin (FF 81 05 )***** Tag  : FF 81 05  Length  : 81 81   Tag  : 50  Length  : 0A  Value  : 4D 61 73 74 65 72 43 61 72 64   Tag  : 84  Length  : 07  Value  : A0 00 00 00 04 10 10   Tag  : 9F 6D  Length  : 02  Value  : 00 01   Tag  : 56  Length  : C1 40  Value(Encryption Data):   32 16 A8 D7 1F 47 35 4B 66 69 F7 33 05 C7 4F 74 0B C3 1C 52 13 C5 D9 53 04 CD BB DF 56 10 D1 AE    DE 51 5D 08 D6 CB C6 EA 55 74 89 48 FB 78 25 55 B0 EF 50 66 4B 5A 71 BD 29 C0 0E 25 C2 E1 0B 86  Value(Decryption Data):   56 3E 42 35 32 35 36 38 33 32 30 33 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 5E 53 75 70 70 6C 69 65 64 2F 4E 6F 74    5E 31 32 31 32 35 30 32 35 37 38 31 30 31 34 35 33 31 30 33 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 32   Tag  : 9F 6B  Length  : C1 20  Value(Encryption Data): 4F 23 3E 0D CE 3E D4 E2 84 A8 D8 91 29 DE 84 FE D3 C6 67 A4 8F F6 13 97 6B D4 0D 68 C3 DF 62 4A  Value(Decryption Data): 9F 6B 13 52 56 83 20 30 00 00 00 D1 21 25 02 55 91 01 45 31 03 2F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
NEO Interface Developers Guide           379  *****Embedded TLV End (FF 81 05 )***** *****Embedded TLV Begin (FF EE 01 )***** Tag  : FF EE 01  Length  : 3C   Tag  : DF 30  Length  : 01  Value  : 00   Tag  : DF 31  Length  : C1 20  Value(Encryption Data): F5 C5 F0 6A 13 8A 8F 5E B6 51 5B 72 6C 2F 0B 78 8F E4 38 6C A2 1E 05 7F D8 C5 B4 DF 75 E9 CC 1A  Value(Decryption Data): DF 31 18 30 30 30 31 30 30 30 30 30 31 30 30 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 32 00 00 00 00 00   Tag  : DF 32  Length  : C1 10  Value(Encryption Data): 5F 6E DE AA 68 C6 DE FD 61 8C 5C 54 51 95 07 6D  Value(Decryption Data): DF 32 0D 30 30 30 31 30 30 30 30 30 31 30 30 32   *****Embedded TLV End (FF EE 01 )***** Tag  : DF EE 26  Length  : 01  Value  : 83    Tail  : B8 33
NEO Interface Developers Guide           380  Burst Mode OFF and Auto Poll Mode  Burst mode OFF [TX] - 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 04 00 00 04 FF F7 01 00 B9 2E  [RX] - 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 04 00 00 00 AE 16   Auto poll [TX] - 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 01 01 00 01 00 F6 24  [RX] - 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 01 00 00 00 12 53  Swipe card or Tap card  Get transaction result [TX] - 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 03 00 00 00 3B FF  [RX] MSR and contactless Card DATA As below  --MSR card data  56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00     Protocol Header (ViVOtech2\0)  03              Command   00            Status Code  01 4D             Data Length MSB & LSB  8A                                                                 Attribution  DF EE 23                                                        MSR Tag  82                                                                 MSR Data length indicator  01 35                                                             MSR Data length  02 2F 01 80 1F 44 28 00 93 9B 25 2A                Enhanced Encrypted MSR Field Data 36 35 31 30 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A              (see Appendix A.11 for format) 30 30 32 36 5E 43 41 52 44 2F 49 4D  41 47 45 20 30 33 20 20 20 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 5E 2A 2A 2A 2A  2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A  2A 2A 2A 2A 3F 2A 3B 36 35 31 30 2A  2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 30 30 32 36 3D  2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A  2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 3F 2A EB AB  97 04 89 00 E7 C6 5D BC FB BC F9 B3  B5 CA FC 1F 2C A0 AF 39 EC D2 C0 84  15 E4 E9 B9 9D 06 A3 BB B0 91 70 E1  76 B2 C2 17 90 88 84 22 A8 3C D7 12  EA B5 DC A4 A7 0B 5D A0 65 9B C1 73  09 31 92 1F 7B 23 2E F6 FA 1D A4 0A
NEO Interface Developers Guide           381 65 19 BB E1 39 4D 80 EC E5 50 73 BB  BD 82 99 65 D2 EF E2 91 26 97 BA 56  C4 62 C8 18 70 F2 DE 1C AC 97 95 6C  0E 48 5E 8C 9F BB 62 EE 55 E7 47 B1  43 94 B2 D7 F4 31 51 48 AB 78 7E 8B  8D 05 DC 8A C9 07 9E FC 98 53 27 0B  ED B9 10 02 52 D6 AA D8 46 CB 85 69  24 FE 7C 93 52 0B 36 DA D9 25 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 62 99 49 01  2C 00 04 60 00 01 59 23 03  9F 39 01 90                                                                Point of Service (POS) Entry Mode  FF EE 01 04                                                                ViVOPay Group Tag  DF 30 01 0C                                                               Track Data Source  DF EE 26 01 8A                                                           Encrypt Information   BB 8C              CRC (MSB & LSB)
NEO Interface Developers Guide           382 -- MasterCard Contactless (PayPass) card data  Raw data: 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 03 23 01 91 83 FF EE 12 0A 62 99 49 01 2C 00 04 60 00 03 82 02 00 00 95 05 00 00 00 00 00 9A 03 14 08 10 9C 01 00 5F 2A 02 08 40 9F 02 06 00 00 00 00 00 01 9F 03 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 9F 06 07 A0 00 00 00 04 10 10 9F 09 02 00 02 9F 1A 02 08 40 9F 1E 08 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 9F 21 03 12 09 12 9F 33 03 00 00 E8 9F 34 03 00 00 00 9F 35 01 25 9F 36 02 14 97 9F 37 04 71 33 B7 9A 9F 39 01 91 9F 53 01 00 DF 81 29 08 30 F0 F0 00 30 F0 FF 00 FF 81 06 44 DF 81 2A C1 20 7E 75 B6 C3 C9 56 2F F0 9F 96 0B 3D D7 6D 14 05 88 88 46 66 BB 7C 77 E9 EA 08 BB E7 4B 64 67 3E DF 81 2B C1 10 25 7D 55 0C 4B 98 A3 58 37 BA C9 4D EC 49 4C 32 DF 81 15 06 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF 81 05 81 81 50 0A 4D 61 73 74 65 72 43 61 72 64 84 07 A0 00 00 00 04 10 10 9F 6D 02 00 01 56 C1 40 E0 A0 6E E3 6D B6 D0 DA E7 AE C5 5B 62 6E 1E 6E A7 A0 BD 32 4B B6 F9 56 4A 42 62 D5 B1 BB 27 14 B6 6E 69 EF 72 61 AD 9F 48 52 38 12 23 E9 8B C6 86 8F 7A B8 7B FA A1 04 18 7C 67 D0 13 21 F5 67 9F 6B C1 20 F0 30 4E EB A0 63 0A E1 6E EA D6 F6 2A 0A CC 46 04 D6 17 68 AA 4D 06 5D 62 87 B0 76 EB FE D6 B4 FF EE 01 2C DF 30 01 00 DF 31 C1 10 96 82 E1 B2 47 DC 01 59 98 D0 FF A6 00 C3 37 C3 DF 32 C1 10 00 2C 77 11 34 E8 1D 52 52 84 54 42 27 71 00 27 DF EE 26 01 83 E6 31  Parsed data: Head  : 56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00 03 23 Data  : 01 A1 83   Tag  : FF EE 12  Length  : 0A  Value  : 62 99 49 01 2C 00 04 60 00 03   Tag  : 82  Length  : 02  Value  : 00 00   Tag  : 95  Length  : 05  Value  : 00 00 00 00 00   Tag  : 9A  Length  : 03  Value  : 14 08 10   Tag  : 9C  Length  : 01  Value  : 00   Tag  : 5F 2A  Length  : 02  Value  : 08 40   Tag  : 9F 02  Length  : 06  Value  : 00 00 00 00 00 01
NEO Interface Developers Guide           383 Tag  : 9F 03  Length  : 06  Value  : 00 00 00 00 00 00   Tag  : 9F 06  Length  : 07  Value  : A0 00 00 00 04 10 10   Tag  : 9F 09  Length  : 02  Value  : 00 02   Tag  : 9F 1A  Length  : 02  Value  : 08 40   Tag  : 9F 1E  Length  : 08  Value  : 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30   Tag  : 9F 21  Length  : 03  Value  : 12 03 18   Tag  : 9F 33  Length  : 03  Value  : 00 00 E8   Tag  : 9F 34  Length  : 03  Value  : 00 00 00   Tag  : 9F 35  Length  : 01  Value  : 25   Tag  : 9F 36  Length  : 02  Value  : 05 AE   Tag  : 9F 37  Length  : 04  Value  : F8 BF B4 C4   Tag  : 9F 39  Length  : 01  Value  : 91   Tag  : 9F 53  Length  : 01  Value  : 00   Tag  : DF 81 29
NEO Interface Developers Guide           384 Length  : 08  Value  : 30 F0 F0 00 30 F0 FF 00   *****Embedded TLV Begin (FF 81 06 )***** Tag  : FF 81 06  Length  : 44   Tag  : DF 81 2A  Length  : C1 20  Value(Encryption Data): 8A 25 46 F5 06 C6 62 6A 6E 9F CD E4 9D 3D 87 0F 4B 39 95 83 6C 0E 69 A6 A5 B2 36 CA 2B 6F EB E0  Value(Decryption Data): DF 81 2A 18 30 30 30 31 30 30 30 30 30 31 30 30 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 32 00 00 00 00   Tag  : DF 81 2B  Length  : C1 10  Value(Encryption Data): CB CF 47 87 FE 98 8E CA C7 75 18 61 3E E0 49 D2  Value(Decryption Data): DF 81 2B 07 00 01 00 00 01 00 2F 00 00 00 00 00   Tag  : DF 81 15  Length  : 06  Value  : 00 00 00 00 00 FF   *****Embedded TLV End (FF 81 06 )***** *****Embedded TLV Begin (FF 81 05 )***** Tag  : FF 81 05  Length  : 81 81   Tag  : 50  Length  : 0A  Value  : 4D 61 73 74 65 72 43 61 72 64   Tag  : 84  Length  : 07  Value  : A0 00 00 00 04 10 10   Tag  : 9F 6D  Length  : 02  Value  : 00 01   Tag  : 56  Length  : C1 40  Value(Encryption Data): 6A 85 B3 98 02 AC D6 6A B7 5D AB 39 17 AD F1 DE 35 78 57 46 D8 AA E3 0D 0A 3B 5B E7 67 AD C1 BF  FE CD 7D 9A 53 F1 F1 F3 77 55 35 4E C1 60 0C 0D 3F B8 28 BA 67 8F 73 8C 70 2E 8B 23 54 1F DC F5  Value(Decryption Data):
NEO Interface Developers Guide           385 56 3E 42 35 32 35 36 38 33 32 30 33 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 5E 53 75 70 70 6C 69 65 64 2F 4E 6F 74  5E 31 32 31 32 35 30 32 32 32 32 31 30 31 34 35 34 31 37 33 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 32   Tag  : 9F 6B  Length  : C1 20  Value(Encryption Data): 1F 3D 43 55 15 93 7A A3 F9 4D 67 D5 56 78 DB 44 89 D7 EE A7 D5 2D 67 0D B6 E6 F7 16 83 21 E5 39  Value(Decryption Data): 9F 6B 13 52 56 83 20 30 00 00 00 D1 21 25 02 05 51 01 45 41 73 2F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   *****Embedded TLV End (FF 81 05 )***** *****Embedded TLV Begin (FF EE 01 )***** Tag  : FF EE 01  Length  : 3C   Tag  : DF 30  Length  : 01  Value  : 00   Tag  : DF 31  Length  : C1 20  Value(Encryption Data): D0 11 1B C1 20 27 BA 4A B5 8D 84 BE B0 D1 FF 73 FC 4A 80 94 C8 F0 35 D2 91 F4 FD CF 02 B3 3B 96  Value(Decryption Data): DF 31 18 30 30 30 31 30 30 30 30 30 31 30 30 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 32 00 00 00 00 00   Tag  : DF 32  Length  : C1 10  Value(Encryption Data): 09 57 32 31 63 68 79 8F EF 6C C9 D9 0F 27 AC 82  Value(Decryption Data): DF 32 0D 30 30 30 31 30 30 30 30 30 31 30 30 32   *****Embedded TLV End (FF EE 01 )***** Tag  : DF EE 26  Length  : 01  Value  : 83   Tail  : 91 CC
NEO Interface Developers Guide           386  Appendix A.8: Transaction Results for MSD2.0.2 AC3.0 Cryptogram17 The following provides information on the transaction results returned for MSD2.0.2 AC3.0 Cryptogram17 transaction. [Header]       56 69 56 4F 74 65 63 68 32 00  [Command byte] 02  [Status Code]  23  [Length]       01 66  [T1]  4C  42 34 30 30 35 35 37 38 30 30 30 30 33 38 36 36 33 5E 43 41 52 44 48 4F 4C 44 45 52 2F 56 49 53 41 5E 31 30 31 32 32 30 31 30 31 32 33 34 30 31 32 33 34 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 35 35 36 31 30 31 31 32 33 36 35 30 30 30 30  [T2]  25  34 30 30 35 35 37 38 30 30 30 30 33 38 36 36 33 3D 31 30 31 32 32 30 31 30 31 32 33 34 31 32 33 30 31 36 35 31  [Clearing Record present] 01  [Clearing Record] E1 7C  9F 66 04 80 80 00 00  9F 02 06 00 00 00 00 01 00  9F 37 04 02 45 70 24  5F 2A 02 08 40  9F 26 08 74 13 75 A7 11 47 47 93  9F 10 07 06 01 11 03 A0 00 00  9F 36 02 00 A5  9A 03 01 10 29  9C 01 22  95 05 00 00 00 00 00  82 02 00 80  9F 1A 02 08 40  9F 03 06 00 00 00 00 00 00  9F 6E 04 00 00 00 01  9F 7C 1B 00 06 49 53 53 55 45 52 00 0B 50 52 4F 50 52 49 45 54 41 52 59 00 04 44 41 54 41  [End of clearing record] 9F 6C 00  5A 00  5F 34 01 01  5F 24 00  50 0B 56 49 53 41 20 43 52 45 44 49 54  57 13 40 05 57 80 00 03 86 63 D1 01 22 01 01 23 41 23 01 65 1F  56 00  9B 02 00 00  5F 20 0F 43 41 52 44 48 4F 4C 44 45 52 2F 56 49 53 41  9F 07 00  9F 0D 05 FF FF FF FF FF  9F 0E 05 00 00 00 00 00  9F 0F 05 FF FF FF FF FF  9F 06 07 A0 00 00 00 03 10 10  9F 5D 00  9F 74 00  5F 25 00  [CRC] 4D 0D
NEO Interface Developers Guide           387 AC3.0 Additional Tags Definition:   Customer Exclusive Data 9F7C TLV format Fixed length 32 bytes This field is available for the issuer’s discretionary use. If the issuer wishes to put data in this field and have Visa act on it, they will need to contact Visa to have identifiers provided for that purpose. As is the current practice with other fields, Visa will transfer the issuer-selected data without viewing the information contained in the field. Issuer is responsible for ensuring its use of the field complies with all applicable laws and its own privacy policy. Note: The length of this field may be expanded to 255 in the future. Form Factor Indicator 9F6E TLV format Fixed length  4 bytes This field contains indicators about the attributes of cardholder’s device and the technology used for communication between the cardholder’s device and the acquiring POS device. For a list of valid values, refer to the Visa Contactless Payment Specification, Protocol 2.0.2, Including Additions and Clarification 3.0, Personalization Profile—U.S. Region Implementation.    Appendix A.9: Preparing Bitmaps for Use with ILM  The serial ILM commands for language support require bitmap images to display messages. In place of 22 text string messages, ILM commands use 22 bitmap images to display messages. These bitmaps are downloaded to the reader as described in Download ILM Message Command.  The bit map images used for ILM support must be modified before they can be downloaded to the reader. You need to make the following changes:  Replace the standard bmp header with a ViVOpay header  Invert the image orientation (top to bottom)  Invert the image color (black to white)  Reduce image size by cropping unused pixels All processing of regular monochrome bitmaps must be done before attempting to download the images to the reader. You cannot download color or grayscale images.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           388 ViVOpay BMP Header For each bitmap image, you must replace the standard bitmap header with a simplified ViVOpay header. The ViVOpay bitmap header is 12 bytes of data in the format shown in the following table, prefixed to the actual bitmap data: Bytes 0-1 Bytes 2-3 Bytes 4-5 Bytes 6-7 Bytes 8-9 Bytes 10-11 Bytes 12…n Bitmap Length Row Number Column Number  Height  Width  Reserved  Bitmap data  All variables in the header are 2 bytes long. Bitmap Length This data field contains the total number of bytes in the Bitmap Data Field. Row Number This data field contains the row offset that this image should start at. Value is in PIXELS. Column Number This data field contains the column offset that this image should start at. Value is in BYTES. Height This data field contains the number of rows (in pixels) that this image contains. Width This data field contains the number of columns (in bytes) that this image contains. Reserved This data field is reserved for future image manipulation options. Bitmap Data This is the actual image data.   Inverting the Image  The ViVOpay LCD expects each row of data in the opposite order than is in the bitmap. To invert the image you can employ row swapping. Assuming the bitmap is a 128 x 64 pixel image, each 16 bytes of data constitutes one “row” of 128 pixels (128 pixels / 8 pixels/byte = 16 bytes). Reversing the order of each 16 bytes of data in this case inverts the image.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           389 Inverting the Color Compared to a regular monochrome bitmap, the image used with ILM commands has inverted color. White areas of the bitmap must be black and black areas white. To invert the color, each bit of a bitmap image must be reversed by performing a NOT operation on each byte of image data. For example, suppose that 8 pixels were stored as 0x43 (0100 0011 in binary). This value must be reversed with the logical NOT to become 0xBC (1011 1100 in binary). Thus, 0xBC on an LCD matches 0x43 displayed on a PC monitor. Image Cropping Although message bitmaps can be sent at maximum screen size, cropping the images speeds the download and uses less memory. Cropping MUST be done after all other processing of the bitmap image. Other operations may be done in any order (as long as cropping is done last). Cropping the image requires that you include the row number, column number, height and width parameters in the ViVOpay header. The Column Number/Row Numbers define where the upper-left corner of the bitmap is positioned. The Height and Width parameters determine the area the bitmap takes up on the LCD screen.   For example, here is a 128x64 pixel bitmap:    Here is the same image with unnecessary white space cropped out. It is now 50x10 pixels:   Cropping must be expressed in byte boundaries instead of pixels. For example, suppose you want to crop pixels 0 – 11 of a row of 128 pixels. Byte 0 (containing pixels 0-7) can be cropped
NEO Interface Developers Guide           390 but Byte 1 (containing pixels 8-15) cannot be cropped, since it contains bits of non-cropped data. Thus, in this case, the cropping would begin at the Byte 1 (i.e., Column 1 boundary).
NEO Interface Developers Guide           391 The following diagram shows how the header parameters are derived.     The Row Number refers to the number of rows, each of which is a row of pixels. The Column Number refers to a byte location. So Row varies from 0 to 63, and the Column varies from 0 to 15. Example The following is a simple example of a bitmap which measures 24x4 pixels (24 pixels per row, 4 rows). All bitmap values shown are arbitrary (and in hexadecimal). Note: This example does NOT include image cropping. ACTUAL BMP: [14-byte BMP file header] + [40 byte DIB header] + [Bitmap Data = (11 00 00 00) (22 00 01 00) (33 00 01 00) (44 00 00 00)]  First remove the headers.  [Bitmap Data = (11 00 00 00) (22 00 01 00) (33 00 01 00) (44 00 00 00)]   Then invert the image by swapping the rows. In this example, each row is 32 bits, i.e., 4 bytes long. Row 1 is swapped with the last row (4), Row 2 is swapped with the next-to-last row (3) and so on. 0 1 2 . . . . 62 63  0  1
NEO Interface Developers Guide           392  [Bitmap Data = (44 00 00 00) (33 00 01 00) (22 00 01 00) (11 00 00 00)]  Next reverse the bits.  [Bitmap Data = (BB FF FF FF) (CC FF FE FF) (DD FF FE FF) (EE FF FF FF)]  Analyze the image. If the image needs to be cropped for white space reduction, do it now.  Calculate positioning parameters and generate the ILM header.   [12 byte ILM header] + [Bitmap Data = [BB FF FF FF] [CC FF FE FF] [DD FF FE FF] [EE FF FF FF]]  This modified image data is now ready to be displayed or stored on the ViVOpay LCD.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           393 Appendix A.10: Default Configuration ViVOpay readers are set to operate out of the box for many applications. This appendix describes the default operating mode and default TLV data object values that have not been previously covered. Refer to the Configuration Tag Tables for default TLV values. Communication Speed The default baud rate for most units is 19200. The baud rate itself is a configurable parameter that can be set as described in the Interface Developer's Guide. The ViVOpay readers can communicate on any COM port specified by the integrators application. Handshaking is disabled (8 N 1). Please note, baud rate for the ViVOpay Vendi reader is 9600. Polling Mode The default configuration for the firmware is Auto Poll. While operating in Auto Poll, the reader is constantly polling for contactless cards. When a card is presented to the field, reader completes the data exchange. Transaction data is obtained by the POS via GET TRANSACTION RESULT, READ FULL TRACK DATA, or a Burst Mode configuration. This poll mode is best suited for contactless-magstripe data transactions (i.e. PayPass Mag Stripe & payWave MSD).   Auto Poll mode is not compatible with the EMEA User Interface configuration or M/Chip 3.0 applications.  If you are using the EMEA UI or M/Chip 3.0, then you should configure the polling mode to be “Poll on Demand”.  Refer to the Set Poll Mode (01-01) command. Burst Mode While operating in Burst Mode, any time a valid contactless card is presented to the reader and the transaction completes successfully, the Burst Mode Payload Packet is immediately transmitted to the POS. The payload packet primarily consists of Track 1 and Track 2 data. The default configuration for the firmware is Bust Mode, Auto-Off. When configured in this fashion Burst Mode is fully active until receiving a transaction command (i.e. ACTIVATE TRANSACTION, GET TRANSACTION RESULT, etc.) at which time Burst Mode is disabled until the next power cycle. Burst Mode is only valid for contactless applications returning magstripe Track 1 and Track 2 data, such as PayPass Magstripe & Visa payWave MSD.   To configure burst mode, refer to the Global Configuration Tags table, tag FFF7h. The magstripe reader itself always operates in burst mode, regardless of the burst mode settings defined in the EMV parameters, meaning that any swipe at the magstripe reader will result in a payload packet immediately being sent across the serial interface. Burst mode output from the magstripe reader can be disabled with the Burst mode parameter.  Refer to the Global Configuration Tags table, tag FFF7h. RTC/LCD/Buzzer/LED Source The ViVOpay readers are designed with flexibility in regards to the source of the Real Time Clock (RTC), Liquid Crystal Display (LCD), Buzzer, and Light Emitting Diodes (LED). Each of these components can be set to use a source internal or external to the ViVOpay unit. These
NEO Interface Developers Guide           394 components can also be disabled by setting the source to "none". As a default the source of each of these components is set as follows: RTC:    Internal for units with an RTC.  External for units without an RTC LCD:    Internal  Buzzer:   Internal  LED:    Internal  To configure the RTC/LCD/Buzzer/LED source, refer to the Set/Get Source for RTC/LCD/Buzzer/LED (01-05) command.
NEO Interface Developers Guide            395 Default Message Index The LCD message set applied by the ViVOpay unit depends on the User Interface (UI), tag 'FF F8'.  As previously defined, the default UI is ViVOpay, and when setting a new UI (Visa Wave or EMEA) the associated message index must be loaded.    The various UI message indexes are structured as follows. Message Index Dot Matrix LCD Display Message Indication  ViVOtech UI Scheme = '00' VisaWave  UI Scheme = '02' EMEA UI Scheme = '03' Language  Line 0x00   WELCOME  WELCOME  WELCOME ENG L1: L2: "    Welcome     " "                " "    Welcome     " "                " "    Welcome     " "                " FRA L1: L2: "   Bienvenue    " "                " "   Bienvenue    " "                " "   Bienvenue    " "                " ENG&FRA L1: L2: "    Welcome     " "   Bienvenue    " "    Welcome     " "   Bienvenue    " "    Welcome     " "   Bienvenue    " 0x01  TAP_OR_SWIPE_CARD THANK_YOU TAP_OR_SWIPE_CARD ENG L1: L2: "  Please Tap Or " "   Swipe Card   " "   Thank You    " "                " "  Please Tap Or " "   Swipe Card   " FRA L1: L2: "   Présentez    " "   carte SVP    " "     Merci      " "                " "   Présentez    " "   carte SVP    " ENG&FRA L1: L2: "  Tap Or Swipe" " Presentez Carte" "   Thank You    " "     Merci      " "Tap Or Swipe " " Presentez Carte" 0x02  NO_CARD THANK_YOU NO_CARD ENG L1: L2: "    No Card     " "                " "   Thank You    " "                " "    No Card     " "                " FRA L1: L2: "  Aucune carte  " "                " "     Merci      " "                " "  Aucune carte  " "                " ENG&FRA L1: L2: "    No Card     " "  Aucune carte  " "   Thank You    " "     Merci      " "    No Card     " "  Aucune carte  " 0x03  PROCESSING TRANSACTION_COMPLETED NOT_CONNECTED ENG L1: L2: "   Processing   " "                " "   Transaction    " "   Completed    " "      Not       " "   Connected    " FRA L1: "    En cours    " "   Transaction    " "      Pas       "
NEO Interface Developers Guide            396 L2: "                " "    Terminée     " "   connecté     " ENG&FRA L1: L2: "   Processing   " " En Traitement  " "Transaction Done" "Transaction Comp" " Not Connected  " "  Pas connecté  " 0x04  THANK_YOU USE_OTHER_VISA_CARD CARD_READ_OK ENG L1: L2: "   Thank You    " "                " "   Please Use   " "Other VISA Card " "  Card Read OK  " "  Remove Card   " FRA L1: L2: "     Merci      " "                " "  Utilisez une  " "autre carte VISA" " Lecture Carte OK  " "Retirez la carte" ENG&FRA L1: L2: "   Thank You    " "     Merci      " "Use Other Card  " "Autre carte VISA " " Remove the card" "Retirez la carte" 0x05  CARD_FAIL SWIPE_CARD CARD_FAIL ENG L1: L2: "      Fail      " "                " "Use Alternative " " Payment Method " "      Fail      " "                " FRA L1: L2: "      Échec     " "                " "   Insérez ou   " " Passez la carte " "      Échec     " "                " ENG&FRA L1: L2: "  Card Failure  " "  Échec Carte   " "   Swipe Card   " "Passez la carte" "  Card Failure  " "  Échec Carte   " 0x06  AMOUNT 1_CARD AMOUNT ENG L1: L2: "    Amount:     " "                " "  Present One   " "   Card Only    " " Present Card:  " "                " FRA L1: L2: "    Montant:    " "                " " Présentez une  " "  seule carte   " "Présentez carte:" "                " ENG&FRA L1: L2: "Amount/Montant: " "                " " Present 1 Card " "Présentez 1 Cart" "Purchase/Achat: " "                " 0x07  BALANCE INTERNATIONAL_CARD BALANCE ENG L1: L2: "    Balance:    " "                " " International  " "   Card Only    " "   Available:   " "                " FRA L1: L2: "     Solde:     " "                " " Internationale " " Carte Seulement" "   Disponible:  " "                " ENG&FRA L1: L2: " Balance/Solde: " "                " " Card/Carte " "International(e) " "   Available:   " "   Disponible:  " 0x08  USE_CHIP_N_PIN TRY_AGAIN SWIPE_CARD ENG L1: L2: "    Use Chip    " "     & PIN      " "     Please     " "    Try Again   " "Use Alternative " " Payment Method " FRA L1: L2: "    Utilisez    " "     la puce     " "   Ré-essayez    " "                " "   Insérez ou   " "Passez la carte" ENG&FRA L1: L2: " Use Chip & PIN " "Utilizer la puce" "Please Try Again" "   Ré-essayez    " "    Swipe Card  " "Passez la carte" 0x09  TRY_AGAIN INTERNATIONAL_CARD TRY_AGAIN ENG L1: "     Please     " " International  " "    Try Again   "
NEO Interface Developers Guide            397 L2: "    Try Again   " "   Card Only    " "                " FRA L1: L2: "   Ré-essayez    " "                " " Internationale " " Carte Seulement" "   Ré-essayez    " "                " ENG&FRA L1: L2: "Please Try Again" "   Ré-essayez    " " Card/Carte " "International(e) " "    Try Again   " "   Ré-essayez    " 0x0A  1_CARD SIGN_RECEIPT 1_CARD ENG L1: L2: "  Present One   " "   Card Only    " "     Please     " "  Sign Receipt  " "  Present One   " "   Card Only    " FRA L1: L2: " Présentez une  " "  seule carte   " " Signez le recu " "                " " Présentez une  " "  seule carte   " ENG&FRA L1: L2: " Present 1 Card " "Présentez 1 Cart" "  Sign Receipt " " Signez le recu " "Present 1 Card  " "Présentez 1 Cart" 0x0B  WAIT SIGN_RECEIPT WAIT ENG L1: L2: "  Please Wait   " "                " "     Please     " "  Sign Receipt  " "  Please Wait   " "                " FRA L1: L2: "    Attendez    " "                " "" Signez le recu " "                " "    Attendez    " "                " ENG&FRA L1: L2: "  Please Wait   " "    Attendez    " "  Sign Receipt " " Signez le recu " "  Please Wait   " "    Attendez    " 0x0C  REMOVE_CARD ENTER_PIN REMOVE_CARD ENG L1: L2: "     Please     " "  Remove Card   " "     Please     " "   Enter PIN    " "     Please     " "  Remove Card   " FRA L1: L2: "    Enlevez     " "   carte SVP    " "Entrez votre " "      code      " "    Enlevez     " "   carte SVP    " ENG&FRA L1: L2: "   Remove Card  " " Retirez  la Carte" "PIN EntryRequire" "Code exige" "   Remove Card  " " Retirez la Carte" 0x0D  APPROVED AVAIL_OFFLINE_AMOUNT APPROVED ENG L1: L2: "    Approved    " "                " " Offline Amount " "                " "    Approved    " "                " FRA L1: L2: "    Approuvé    " "                " "    Montant     " "   hors ligne   " "    Approuvé    " "                " ENG&FRA L1: L2: "    Approved    " "    Approuvé    " " Offline Amount " "  Mt hors ligne " "    Approved    " "    Approuvé    " 0x0E  NOT_AUTHORIZED ENTER_PIN DECLINED ENG L1: L2: "      Not       " "   Authorized   " "     Please     " "    Enter PIN   " "    Declined    " "                " FRA L1: L2: "       Non      " "    autorisé    " "Entrez votre " "      code      " "     Refusé     " "                " ENG&FRA L1: L2: " Not Authorized " "  Non autorisé  " "PIN EntryRequire" "Code exige" "    Declined    " "     Refusé     "
NEO Interface Developers Guide            398 0x0F  DECLINED SIGNATURE_REQUIRED Reserved MSG16 ENG L1: L2: "    Declined    " "                " "   Signature    " "    Required    " "                " "                " FRA L1: L2: "     Refusé     " "                " "   Signature    " "     Requise   " "                " "                " ENG&FRA L1: L2: "    Declined    " "     Refusé     " "SignatureRequire" "Signature Requise"6 "                " "                " 0x10  TERMINATED Reserved MSG17 Reserved MSG17 ENG L1: L2: "   Terminated   " "                " "                " "                " "                " "                " FRA L1: L2: "    Terminé     " "                " "                " "                " "                " "                " ENG&FRA L1: L2: " Cannot Process " " Ne Peut Procés " "                " "                " "                " "                " 0x11  TRY_OTHER_INTERFACE TAP_OR_SWIPE_CARD TRY_OTHER_INTERFACE ENG L1: L2: "    Try Other   " "    Interface   " "  Present Card  " "                " "    Try Other   " "    Interface   " FRA L1: L2: "Autre Interface " "                " " Présentez" "votre carte" "Autre Interface " "                " ENG&FRA L1: L2: "AnotherInterface" "Autre Interface " " Purchase/Achat  " "                " "AnotherInterface" "Autre Interface " 0x12  USE_OTHER_CARD REMOVE_CARD USE_OTHER_CARD ENG L1: L2: " Use Other Card " "                " "     Please     " "  Remove Card   " " Use Other Card " "                " FRA L1: L2: " Use Other Card " "                " "     Enlevez    " "votre carte SVP " " Use Other Card " "                " ENG&FRA L1: L2: " Use Other Card " "                " "  Remove Card   " "Retirez la Carte" " Use Other Card " "                " 0x13  TIMEOUT PROCESSING TIMEOUT ENG L1: L2: "    Time Out    " "                " "   Processing   " "                " "    Time Out    " "                " FRA L1: L2: "    Time Out    " "                " "    En cours    " "                " "    Time Out    " "                " ENG&FRA L1: L2: "    Time Out    " "                " "   Processing   " " En Traitement  " "    Time Out    " "                " 0x14  CANCEL DECLINED CANCEL ENG L1: "     Cancel     " "    Declined    " "     Cancel     "                                          6 String length over 16 characters, LCD displays first 16 characters only.
NEO Interface Developers Guide            399 L2: "                " "                " "                " FRA L1: L2: "     Annuler    " "                " "     Refusé     " "                " "     Annuler    " "                " ENG&FRA L1: L2: "     Cancel     " "     Annuler    " "    Declined    " "     Refusé     " "     Cancel     " "     Annuler    " 0x15  ONLINE TERMINATED ONLINE ENG L1: L2: "  Authorizing   " "                " "   Terminated   " "                " "   Authorizing  " "                " FRA L1: L2: " En Traitement  " "                " "    Terminé     " "                " "  En Traitement " "                " ENG&FRA L1: L2: "   Processing   " "  En Traitement " " Cannot Process " " Ne Peut Procés " "   Processing   " "  En Traitement " 0x16  SEE_PHONE SEE_PHONE SEE_PHONE ENG L1: L2: "    See Phone   " "                " "    See Phone   " "                " "    See Phone   " "                " FRA L1: L2: "Entrée d'un code" "                " "Entrée d'un code" "                " "Entrée d'un code" "                " ENG&FRA L1: L2: " PassCode Entry " "Entrée d'un code" " PassCode Entry " "Entrée d'un code" " PassCode Entry " "Entrée d'un code" 0x17  NOT_ACCEPTED NOT_ACCEPTED NOT_ACCEPTED ENG L1: L2: "  Not Accepted  " "                " "  Not Accepted  " "                " "  Not Accepted  " "                " FRA L1: L2: "   Pas accepté  " "                " "   Pas accepté  " "                " "   Pas accepté  " "                " ENG&FRA L1: L2: "  Not Accepted  " "   Pas accepté  " "  Not Accepted  " "   Pas accepté  " "  Not Accepted  " "   Pas accepté  " 0x18  INSERT_CARD INSERT_CARD INSERT_CARD ENG L1: L2: "  Insert Card   " "                " "  Insert Card   " "                " "  Insert Card   " "                " FRA L1: L2: "Insérez la carte" "                " "Insérez la carte" "                " "Insérez la carte" "                " ENG&FRA L1: L2: "  Insert Card   " "Insérez la carte" "  Insert Card   " "Insérez la carte" "  Insert Card   " "Insérez la carte" 0x19  REFUND REFUND REFUND ENG L1: L2: "     Refund     " "                " "     Refund     " "                " "     Refund     " "                " FRA L1: L2: " Remboursement " "                " " Remboursement " "                " " Remboursement " "                " ENG&FRA L1: L2: "Refund" "Remboursement " "Refund" " Remboursement " "Refund" "Remboursement"
NEO Interface Developers Guide            400 0x1A  STOP STOP STOP ENG L1: L2: "      STOP      " "                " "      STOP      " "                " "      STOP      " "                " FRA L1: L2: "    Arrêtez     " "                " "    Arrêtez     " "                " "    Arrêtez     " "                " ENG&FRA L1: L2: "      STOP      " "    Arrêtez     " "      STOP      " "    Arrêtez     " "      STOP      " "    Arrêtez     "
NEO Interface Developers Guide           401  Appendix A.11: Enhanced Encrypted MSR Data Output Format  Definitive information on this format can be found in ID TECH document #80000403-001, Enhanced Encrypted MSR Data Output Format. Request a copy from your ID TECH representative.  Note that data conforming to this standard will (as with EMV data) be framed within a ViVOtech2 standard header or "preamble" (consisting of 14 bytes: ViVOtech2\0, command byte, response byte, two-byte length), at the beginning, plus a two-byte CRC at the end:  <PREAMBLE><Attribution Byte><MSR TLV>< Point of Service (POS) Entry Mode TLV>< ViVOPay Group TLV>< Encrypt Information TLV><CRC>  The 24 data fields can be parsed as shown below. Note that the first field is STX (0x02) and the last field is ETX (0x03). It's essential to inspect the flag bits in fields 8 and 9 to determine which of several optional fields are present, and also to determine whether encrypted fields are present (in which case, padding must be taken into account; see detailed description hereunder).  The CRC is calculated using ALL upstream bytes of the data output (that is, using the preamble as well as the 24 fields of data).   MSR DATA OUTPUT FORMAT Field # Length in Bytes Optional  Field Name 1 1  STX 2 2  Data Length 3 1  Card Encode Type 4 1  Track Status 5 1  Track1 data length 6 1  Track2 data length 7 1  Track3 data length 8 1  Clear/mask data sent status 9 1  Encrypted/Hash data sent status 10 Variable Y Track1 clear/mask data  11 Variable Y Track2 clear/mask data  12 Variable Y Track3 clear/mask data  13 Variable Y Track1 encrypted data  14 Variable Y Track2 encrypted data  15 Variable Y Track3 encrypted data  16 8 Y Session ID (Security level 4 only) 17 20 Y Track1 hashed (if encrypted) 18 20 Y Track2 hashed (if encrypted) 19 20 Y Track3 hashed (if encrypted) 20 10 Y Reader Serial Number 21 10 Y KSN 22 1  LRC (XOR of all bytes from Field 3 to 21 inclusive) 23 1  CheckSum (sum of all bytes from Field 3 to 21 inclusive; take the low 8 bits of sum, only) 24 1  ETX  The presence/absence of Optional fields can be determined by inspecting flag bits in fields 8 and 9.   Field 1: STX
NEO Interface Developers Guide           402 Start of Text. 0x02.   Field 2: Data Length Data Length low byte comes first if it is output format 1, then Data Length high byte. Data Length high byte comes first if it is output format 2,then Data Length low byte. (Output format 2 applies only to insert readers, not contactless.)  Field 3: Card Encode Type: Value   Encode Type Description 80  ISO 7813/ISO 4909/ABA format 81  AAMVA format   83  Other  84  Raw; un-decoded format. All tracks are encrypted and no mask data is sent. No track indicator ‘01’, ‘02’ or ‘03’ in front of each track. 85  JIS II    Only supported in some products 86     JIS I    Only supported in some products 87  JIS II    SecureKey and Secure MIR  Field 4: Track Status MSR sampling and decode status MSB                   LSB 0 0 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 B0  1: Track 1 decode success (0: Track 1 decode fail)   B1  1: Track 2 decode success (0: Track 2 decode fail) B2  1: Track 3 decode success (0: Track 3 decode fail) B3  1: Track 1 sampling data exists (0: Track 1 sampling data does not exist) B4  1: Track 2 sampling data exists (0: Track 2 sampling data does not exist) B5  1: Track 3 sampling data exists (0: Track 3 sampling data does not exist)   B6  0—reserved for future   B7  0—reserved for future  Field 5: Track1 data length Field 6: Track2 data length Field 7: Track3 data length These one-byte values are the length of the actual Track data. It indicates the number of bytes in the Track masked data field. It should be used to separate Track 1, Track 2 and Track 3 data after decrypting Track encrypted data field.  For ISO 7813 and ISO 4909 compliant Financial Transaction Cards: Track 1 maximum length is 79 alphanumeric characters. Track 2 maximum length is 40 numeric digits. Track 3 maximum length is 107 numeric digits.  Field 8: Clear/mask data sent status byte and bit 0 is the least significant bit.   Bit 0: 1--- if Track1 clear/mask data present    Bit 1: 1--- if Track2 clear/mask data present   Bit 2: 1--- if Track3 clear/mask data present   Bit 3: 1— if fixed key; 0 DUKPT Key Management       Fixed key is only supported in some products   Bit 4:  0- TDES; 1 - AES     Bit 5:  0- No requirement to use IC (1st digit in Service Code is different from 2 or 6; 1- Use IC where feasible (1st digit in Service Code is 2 or 6) Bit 6: 1--  Pin Encryption Key; 0 – Data Encryption Key       Refer ANSI X9.24 2009 Page 56 for details.   Bit7: 1 – Serial # present; 0- not present
NEO Interface Developers Guide           403  Field 9: Encrypted data sent status   Bit 0: if 1—track1 encrypted data present    Bit 1: if 1—track2 encrypted data present   Bit 2: if 1—track3 encrypted data present   Bit 3: if 1—track1 hash data present   Bit 4: if 1—track2 hash data present   Bit 5: if 1—track3 hash data present   Bit 6: if 1—session ID present    Bit 7: if 1—KSN present  Fields 13, 14, & 15: These fields are the encrypted Track data, using either TDES-CBC or AES-CBC with initial vector of 0. If the original data is not a multiple of 8 bytes for TDES or a multiple of 16 bytes for AES, the reader pads the original data with trailing zeros. Hence, the length of the encrypted data could be greater than the length of the original (unencrypted) data.  The key management scheme is DUKPT. For DUKPT, the key used for encrypting data is called the Data Key. Data Key is generated by first taking the DUKPT Derived Key XOR’d with 0000000000FF00000000000000FF0000 to get the resulting intermediate variant key. The left side of the intermediate variant key is then TDES encrypted with the entire 16-byte variant as the key.  After the same steps are preformed for the right side of the key, combine the two key parts to create the Data Key.  Note that Tracks 1, 2 and 3 of card data are encrypted separately. In order to get the number of bytes for each track’s encrypted data field, the field length is always a multiple of 8 bytes for TDES or multiple of 16 bytes for AES. (This value will be zero if there was no data on a track.) Once the encrypted data has been decrypted, all padding bytes need to be removed. The number of bytes of decoded track 1, 2, or 3 data is indicated by the track 1, 2, or 3 unencrypted length field (Fields 5, 6 and 7, respectively).  Field 16: Session ID (Security level 4 only; not applicable to Kiosk II/III nor Vendi) Field 17: Track1 hashed (if encrypted and hash track1 allowed) Field 18: Track2 hashed (if encrypted and hash track2 allowed) Field 19: Track3 hashed (if encrypted and hash track3 allowed) SHA-1 is used for non-SRED products and 20 zeroes are used for SRED products. Refer to applicable product manual for details. SHA-1 is used to generate hashed data for track 1 to track 3 unencrypted data. It is 20 bytes long for each track. This is provided with two purposes in mind: One is for the host to ensure data integrity by comparing this field with a SHA-1 hash of the decrypted Track data, as a safeguard against unexpected noise in data transmission. The other purpose is to enable the host to store a token of card data for future use without keeping the sensitive card-holder data itself. This token may be used for comparison with the stored hash data to determine if they are from the same card.  Field 20: Reader Serial Number (optional); always 10 bytes (pad with leading 0x30 if <10 digits)  Field 21: KSN (DUKPT only)  Field 22: CheckLRC XOR of all data from Card Encode Type to end of KSN for Output Format 1 (contactless); XOR of all data before CheckLRC for Output Format 2 (insert readers).  Field 23: CheckSum   Field Omitted if Output Format 2 (insert readers). Sum   Bottom 8 bits of SUM of all bytes values from Card Encode Type to end of KSN.   Field 24: ETX
NEO Interface Developers Guide           404 End of Text (0x03).
NEO Interface Developers Guide           405  Appendix A.12: Encrypted Data Format, TLV-Based  The information below is based, in part, on ID TECH P/N 80000502-001, ID Tech Encrypted Data Output Formats. Consult the latest version of that document for more information.  For data passed in Tag/Length/Value (TLV) format, the Length value will be used to signal encryption and/or masking of the Value being received. If the bottom 5 bits are ON (that is, if Byte & 0x1F == 0x1F), then the next byte is also part of the tag. Likewise, if the most significant bit is ON (that is, if Byte & 0x80 == 0x80), then the next byte is also part of the tag.  Examples:   8F 02 03 04:  Tag = 8F   9F 02 03 04:  Tag = 9F02   BF A2 92 82:  Tag = BFA292  Length   If the most significant bit (b7) of length is OFF, then that byte is, itself, the data length of the data to follow.   If the most significant bit (b7) is ON, then the lower nibble specifies the number of following bytes that contain the length of the data to follow.  Standard TLV Examples   6F 12 13 14 15 . . .:  Tag is 6F, Length is 12, Data starts at 13   9F 20 81 82 83 84 . . .:  Tag is 9F20, Length is the 1 byte after 81, which is 0x82, data starts at 83   DF 81 01 82 01 02 03 . . .:  Tag is DF8101, Length is the 2 bytes after 82, which is 0x0102, data starts at 03  Using Length Byte to Flag Mask and Encryption (IDTech Enhanced TLV) The Length bit shall be used when data is masked or encrypted: Bit 7 will be set to 1 Bit 6 will be set to 1 if there is encryption Bit 5 will be set to 1 if there is a mask Bits 0-4 signify the amount of bytes that follow specifying the data length  IDTech Enhanced TLV Examples   6F 12 13 14 15 . . .:  Tag is 6F, Length is 12, Data starts at 13, no mask/enc.   9F 20 C1 82 83 84 . . .:  Tag is 9F20, Length is the 1 byte after C1, which is 0x82, data is encrypted, data starts at 83   DF 81 01 A2 01 02 03 . . .:  Tag is DF8101, Length is the 2 bytes after A2, which is 0x0102, data is masked, data starts at 03  Using Length Byte to Flag Mask and Encryption (IDTech Enhanced TLV): The Length bit shall be used when data is masked or encrypted: Bit 7 will be set to 1 Bit 6 will be set to 1 if there is encryption Bit 5 will be set to 1 if there is a mask Bits 0-4 signify the amount of bytes that follow specifying the data length   IDTech Enhanced TLV Examples:   6F 12 13 14 15 . . .:  Tag is 6F, Length is 12, Data starts at 13, no mask/enc.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           406   9F 20 C1 82 83 84 . . .:  Tag is 9F20, Length is the 1 byte after C1, which is 0x82, data is encrypted, data starts at 83   DF 81 01 A2 01 02 03 . . .:  Tag is DF8101, Length is the 2 bytes after A2, which is 0x0102, data is masked, data starts at 03  Encrypted/Masked TAG Note The following table shows the tags that will be encrypted and/or masked:  Tag  Data Object Note  Plaintext Mask and format Encryption and format 5A  Application PAN    None  Mask 5A A1 Len <value>   This Value must be Masked according to PreCtlNum and PostCtlNum, then output. Encryption 5A C1 Len <value> 9F1F  Track 1 Discretionary Data    None  None  Encryption 9F 1F Cx Len <value> 9F20  Track 2 Discretionary Data    None  None  Encryption 9F 20 Cx Len <value> 57  Track 2 Equivalent Data    None  None  Encryption 57 Cx Len <value> 56  Track 1 Data 1. MasterCard-Paypass (MagStripe) defines it 2. DiscoverZip defines it. 3. Visa MSD – Do not Define. 4. Amex – Do not Define. 5. PBOC– Do not Define. None  None  Encryption 56 Cx Len <value> 5F20  Cardholder Name    Full Plaintext None  None 5F24  Expire Date     Full Plaintext None  None 5F30  Service Code    Full Plaintext None  None 9F6B  Track 2 Data 1. MasterCard-Paypass (MagStripe) defines it 2. DiscoverZip – Do not Define. None  None  Encryption 9F 6B Cx Len <value>
NEO Interface Developers Guide           407 3. Visa MSD –Define it for ‘Card CVM Limit’. Now Do Not Encrypt it in Visa MSD. 4. Amex – Do not Define. 5. PBOC–Define it for ‘Card CVM Limit’. Now Do Not Encrypt it in PBOC.   If it is used for Track2 Data. The value need be encrypted, then Output.   FFEE13 Track 1 Data 1. DiscoverZip Need Use it. 2. Visa MSD Need Use it. 3. Amex Need Use it. 4. PBOC Need Use it. None  None  Encryption FF EE 13 Cx Len <value> FFEE14 Track 2 Data 1. DiscoverZip Need Use it. 2. Visa MSD Need Use it. 3. Amex Need Use it. 4. PBOC Need Use it. None  None  Encryption FF EE 13 Cx Len <value>    Tag  Data Object  Note  Plaintext  Mask and format  Encryption and format DF812A  DD Card Track 1     None  None  Encryption DF 81 2A Cx Len <value> DF812B  DD Card Track 2     None  None  Encryption DF 81 2B Cx Len <value> DF31  DD Card Track 1     None  None  Encryption DF 31 Cx Len <value> DF32  DD Card Track 2     None  None  Encryption DF 32 Cx Len <value> Note: 1. DiscoverZip has 56 Tag (Track 1 Data) and Formal Track1 & 2 Data (No Tags). So DiscoverZip will have 56, FF EE 13, FF EE 14 (3 Tags) later. 2. Visa MSD, Amex, PBOC will have FF EE 13, FF EE 14 (2 Tags for Formal Track 1 & 2 Data) later.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           408 Track 1 (Tag 56) & 2 (Tag 9F6B) Mask Configuration Note Masked Area The data format of each masked track is ASCII or Hex. The clear data includes start and end sentinels, separators, first N, last M digits of the PAN, card holder name, expiry date and service code. The rest of the characters should be masked using mask character.   1. Set PrePANClrData (N) 1 byte parameter, range is 0~6, default value 4  2. Set PostPANClrData (M) 1 byte parameter, range is 0~4, default value 4  3. Set DisplayExpirationDataID 1 byte parameter, value is 0x30 (Mask) / 0x31 (Not Mask), default value 0x31  4. Set MaskCharID (Mask Character) for Ascii Code Track Data 1 byte parameter, range is 0x20~0x7E, default value 0x2A (*)  5. Set MaskCharID (Mask Character) for Hex Code Track Data 1 nibble parameter sent as byte value, range is 0x0A~0x0F, default value 0x0C  6. Set ExpireDateOutputOpt 1 byte parameter, value is 0x30 (Output Masked for Tag 57 and Only Output EncryptedValue for Tag 5F24) / 0x31 (Output Plaintext), default value 0x31  Example:   ASCII Pan clear data:  “012345678912”   Pre-PAN clear data characters:  5   Post-PAN clear data characters:  3   Mask Character = “*”   Masked Value = “01234****912”  Hex value clear data:  0x012345678912   Pre-PAN clear data characters:  5   Post-PAN clear data characters:  3   Mask Character = 0x0C   Masked Value = 0x01234CCCC912  Other Tag Value Mask Configuration Note 1. Set PrePANClrData (N) 1 byte parameter, range is 0~6, default value 4  2. Set PostPANClrData (M) 1 byte parameter, range is 0~4, default value 4  3. Set MaskCharID (Mask Character) for Ascii Code Value 1 byte parameter, range is 0x20~0x7E, default value 0x2A (*)  4. Set MaskCharID (Mask Character) for Hex Code Value 1 byte parameter, range is 0x0A~0x0F, default value 0x0C
NEO Interface Developers Guide           409  5. In 57 Tag Value, the data before 0xDx is PAN data, it need be Masked as Tag 5A Value.  5. In 57 Tag Value, in the data 0xDy ym ms xz, yy mm is expiry date, and sxz is service code, they Need Not be Masked.  6. In 57 Tag Value, the data after 0xDy ym ms xz are Other data, they need be Masked.   Detailed – TLV Encrypted Response Format Example of Encrypting a TLV Example 1 1. Plaintext 5A TLV data (5A 08 47 61 73 90 01 01 00 10)  2. Encrypt this TLV data (5A 08 47 61 73 90 01 01 00 10) to be 16 bytes Encrypted Data (XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX):   For TDES mode: The Length should be multiple of 8. If it was not multiple of 8, unit should zero padded y bytes data follow automatically (the length +y should be multiple of 8).   For AES mode: The Length should be multiple of 16. If it was not multiple of 16, unit should zero padded y bytes data follow automatically (the length +y should be multiple of 16).  3. Re-Create New TLV data for Mask:   TAG is 5A   Length is A1 08:   A1 – Bit 7 is  1  note followed data length bytes. Bit 5 is  1 note data is Masked. Bit 0~4 (1)  data note followed n bytes (1 byte) data length.    08 – followed 8 bytes data   Data is 47 61 CC CC CC CC 00 10 (0x0C is Mask Data)  4. Re-Create New TLV data for Encryption:   TAG is 5A   Length is C1 10:   C1 – Bit 7 is 1 note followed data length bytes. Bit 6 is 1 note data is Encrypted. Bit 0~4 (1) data note followed n bytes (1 byte) data length.    10 – followed 16 bytes data   Data is XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX  Example 2 1. Plaintext 57 TLV data (57 11 47 61 73 90 01 01 00 10 D1 51 22 01 17 58 98 93 89)  2. Encrypt this TLV data (57 11 47 61 73 90 01 01 00 10 D1 51 22 01 17 58 98 93 89) to be 24 (TDES mode) or 32 bytes (AES mode) Encrypted Data:   For TDES mode: The Length should be multiple of 8. If it was not multiple of 8, unit should zero padded y bytes data follow automatically (the length +y should be multiple of 8).   For AES mode: The Length should be multiple of 16. If it was not multiple of 16, unit should zero padded y bytes data follow automatically (the length +y should be multiple of 16).
NEO Interface Developers Guide           410  3. Re-Create New TLV data for Mask:   TAG is 57   Length is A1 11:   A1 – Bit 7 is  1  note followed data length bytes. Bit 5 is  1 note data is Masked. Bit 0~4 (1)  data note followed n bytes (1 byte) data length.    11 – followed 17 bytes data   If  ExpireDataOutputOpt  was  set  “Output  Plaintext”,  expiry  date  and  service  code  all  Need  Not  be Masked. Data is 47 61 CC CC CC CC 00 10 D1 51 22 01 CC CC CC CC CC (0x0C is Mask Data):  47 61 73 90 01 01 00 10 is PAN, it Need be Masked same as 5A Tag Value   In D1 51 22 01, 1 51 2 is expiry date (2015year, December), 2 01 is service code, they all Need Not be Masked.   Followed them all Need be Masked.   If  ExpireDataOutputOpt  was  set  “Output  Plaintext”,  expiry  date  and  service  code  all  Need  Not  be Masked. Data is 47 61 CC CC CC CC 00 10 DC CC C2 01 CC CC CC CC CC (0x0C is Mask Data):  47 61 73 90 01 01 00 10 is PAN, it Need be Masked same as 5A Tag Value   In D1 51 22 01, 1 51 2 is expiry date (2015year, December) and Need be Masked, 2 01 is service code and it Need Not be Masked.   Followed them all Need be Masked.  4. Re-Create New TLV data for Encryption (TDES mode):   TAG is 57   Length is C1 18:   C1 – Bit 7 is 1 note followed data length bytes. Bit 6 is 1 note data is Encrypted. Bit 0~4 (1) data note followed n bytes (1 byte) data length.    18 – followed 24 bytes data   Data is XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX  Example 3 1. Plaintext 9F 20 TLV data (9F 20 05 01 94 60 02 7F)  2. Encrypt this TLV data (9F 20 05 01 94 60 02 7F) to be 8 (TDES mode) or 16 bytes (AES mode) Encrypted Data:   For TDES mode: The Length should be multiple of 8. If it was not multiple of 8, unit should zero padded y bytes data follow automatically (the length +y should be multiple of 8).   For AES mode: The Length should be multiple of 16. If it was not multiple of 16, unit should zero padded y bytes data follow automatically (the length +y should be multiple of 16).  3. Need Not Mask:  4. Re-Create New TLV data for Encryption (TDES mode):   TAG is 9F 20   Length is C1 08:   C1 – Bit 7 is 1 note followed data length bytes. Bit 6 is 1 note data is Encrypted. Bit 0~4 (1) data note followed n bytes (1 byte) data length.    08 – followed 8 bytes data   Data is XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX Example 4   If all TLVs are same level.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           411 Raw data: 57 11 47 61 73 90 01 01 00 10 D1 51 22 01 17 58 98 93 89 5A 08 47 61 73 90 01 01 00 10 84 07 A0 00 00 00 03 10 10 9F 20 05 01 94 60 02 7F New data: 57 A1 11 47 61 CC CC CC CC 00 10 D1 51 22 01 CC CC CC CC CC 57 C1 18 XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX 5A A1 08 47 61 CC CC CC CC 00 10 5A C1 10 XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX 84 07 A0 00 00 00 03 10 10 9F 20 C1 08 XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX    If all TLVs are not same level (PayPass application list Record). Raw Data:  <FF 81 06 (Tag00)> <82 01 70 (Len00)> <TLV10> <TLV11>  <FF 81 01 (Tag12)> <7F (Len12)> <TLV20> <TLV21> 57 11 47 61 73 90 01 01 00 10 D1 51 22 01 17 58 98 93 89 5A 08 47 61 73 90 01 01 00 10 84 07 A0 00 00 00 03 10 10 9F 20 05 01 94 60 02 7F < TLV23 > … <TLV2n>  <FF 81 01 (Tag13)> <7F (Len13)> <TLV20> <TLV21> 57 11 47 61 73 90 01 01 00 10 D1 51 22 01 17 58 98 93 89 5A 08 47 61 73 90 01 01 00 10 84 07 A0 00 00 00 03 10 10 9F 20 05 01 94 60 02 7F < TLV23 > … <TLV2n>  <TLV14> … <TLV1n> <FF 81 05 (Tag01)> <60 (Len01)> <TLV10> <TLV11> 57 11 47 61 73 90 01 01 00 10 D1 51 22 01 17 58 98 93 89 5A 08 47 61 73 90 01 01 00 10 84 07 A0 00 00 00 03 10 10 9F 20 05 01 94 60 02 7F <TLV13> <TLV14> …  New data: <FF 81 06 (Tag00)> <82 01 D5 (Len00)> <TLV10> <TLV11>  <FF 81 01 (Tag12)> <81 B0 (Len12)> <TLV20> <TLV21> 57 A1 11 47 61 CC CC CC CC 00 10 D1 51 22 01 CC CC CC CC CC 57 C1 18 XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX 5A A1 08 47 61 CC CC CC CC 00 10 5A C1 10 XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX 84 07 A0 00 00 00 03 10 10 9F 20 C1 08 XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX < TLV23 > … <TLV2n>  <FF 81 01 (Tag13)> <81 B0 (Len13)> <TLV20> <TLV21> 57 A1 11 47 61 CC CC CC CC 00 10 D1 51 22 01 CC CC CC CC CC 57 C1 18 XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX 5A A1 08 47 61 CC CC CC CC 00 10 5A C1 10 XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX 84 07 A0 00 00 00 03 10 10 9F 20 C1 08 XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX <TLV24> … <TLV2n>  <TLV14> … <TLV1n> <FF 81 05 (Tag01)> <91 (Len01)> <TLV10> <TLV11> 57 A1 11 47 61 CC CC CC CC 00 10 D1 51 22 01 CC CC CC CC CC 57 C1 18 XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX 5A A1 08 47 61 CC CC CC CC 00 10 5A C1 10 XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX 84 07 A0 00 00 00 03 10 10 9F 20 C1 08 XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX <TLV14> <TLV15> …  Command Format L2 commands do not carry sensitive data, hence the command can be plaintext.  Response Formats KSN will be TLV format 1.  3 bytes KSN Tag – DF EE 12 (FFEE12 is reserved for existing contactless products – it will later be replaced with DFEE12.) 2.  1 byte Len – 0A
NEO Interface Developers Guide           412 3.  10 bytes KSN   Contact L2 Response Format 06 + <Transaction Result > <Attribution> [<TLV>]  Where: 1.  Transaction Result: 2 bytes (Approve, Decline, Other) 2.  Attribution: 1 Byte   BIT0 – Card Type: 0 – Contact Card   BIT2,1 – Encryption Mode: 00 – TDES Mode, 01 – AES Mode   BIT3 – Card Type: 0 – Contact/Contactless Card. 1 – MSR. (For ViVOpay IDG)   BIT6~4 – Reserved   BIT7 – Encryption Status: 0 – Encryption OFF. 1 – Encryption ON. (For ViVOpay IDG) 3.  <TLV> is optional only if transaction was Approved or Declined   <TLV> will include KSN as first tag (DFEE12) if new or changed since last KSN value.   Encryption (bit 6) and Masking (bit5) flags will be utilized as appropriate in the Length component of the TLV element   Contactless L2 Response Format 06 + <Status Code > <Error Code >< Attribution > [<TLV>]  Where: 1.  Status Code: 1 Byte. The usage is the same as in KioskII/KioskIII project and are used to specify if transaction was approved or declined. 2.  Error  Code:  1  Byte.  The  usage  is  the  same  as  in  KioskII/KioskIII  project  and  are  used  to specify if transaction was approved or declined. 3.  Attribution: 1 Byte   BIT0 – Card Type: 1 – Contactless Card   BIT2,1 – Encryption Mode: 00 – TDES Mode, 01 – AES Mode   BIT3 – Card Type: 0 – Contact/Contactless Card. 1 – MSR. (For ViVOpay IDG)   BIT6~4 – Reserved   BIT7 – Encryption Status: 0 – Encryption OFF. 1 – Encryption ON. (For ViVOpay IDG) 4.  <TLV> is optional only if transaction was Approved or Declined   <TLV>  will  include  KSN  as  first  tag  (Tag  should  be  DFEE12,  FFEE12  is  reserved  for  existed contactless products – Later  it should be  replaced with DFEE12.) if new or changed since last KSN value.   Encryption (bit 6) and Masking (bit5) flags will be utilized as appropriate in the Length component of the TLV element
NEO Interface Developers Guide           413  Appendix A.13: Enhanced Encrypted MSR Data Output When Encryption is Turned On with C7-38 Command   Enhanced Encrypted MSR Data Output Format for Bank Card When the C7-38 command is used, the parameter you supply (first column) will determine what kind of output occurs (remaining columns). For example, a parameter value of 0x00 results in masked Track 1 and Track 2 data, cleartext data for Track 3, and encrypted and hashed (E+H) data for Tracks 1 & 2.  C7-38 Parameter Value: Clear / Mask Data Encrypted / Hash Data Track 3 Track 2 Track 1 Track 3 Track 2 Track 1 Force Encryption with 0x00(0000) C M M  E+H E+H 0x01(0001) C M   E+H E+H 0x02(0010) C  M  E+H E+H 0x03(0011) C    E+H E+H 0x04(0100)  M M E+H E+H E+H 0x05(0101)  M  E+H E+H E+H 0x06(0110)   M E+H E+H E+H 0x07(0111)    E+H E+H E+H 0x08(1000)  M M E+H E+H E+H 0x09(1001)  M  E+H E+H E+H 0x0A(1010)   M E+H E+H E+H 0x0B(1011)    E+H E+H E+H 0x0C(1100)  M M E+H E+H E+H 0x0D(1101)  M  E+H E+H E+H 0x0E(1110)   M E+H E+H E+H 0x0F(1111)    E+H E+H E+H   C:Clear Data. M:Mask Data. E:Encrypted Data. H:Hash Data  Enhanced Encrypted MSR Data Output Format for non-Financial Card   C7-38 Parameter Value: Clear / Mask Data Encrypted/ Hash Data Track 3 Track 2 Track 1 Track 3 Track 2 Track 1 Force Encryption (non-Bank Card) 0x00(0000) C C C    0x01(0001) C C    E+H 0x02(0010) C  C  E+H  0x03(0011) C    E+H E+H 0x04(0100)  C C  E+H    0x05(0101)  C   E+H   E+H 0x06(0110)     C  E+H E+H   0x07(0111)       E+H E+H  E+H 0x08(1000) C C C       0x09(1001) C C       E+H
NEO Interface Developers Guide           414 0x0A(1010) C   C    E+H   0x0B(1011) C       E+H  E+H 0x0C(1100)  C C  E+H    0x0D(1101)  C   E+H   E+H 0x0E(1110)     C  E+H E+H   0x0F(1111)       E+H E+H  E+H                                 C:Clear Data. M:Mask Data. E:Encrypted Data. H:Hash Data.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           415 Appendix A.14: Glossary  The following terms are relevant to this document: Term  Definition AAC Application Authentication Cryptogram AEF Application Elementary File (EMV) AELx Evaluation Assurance Level (1 ..7) AFL Application File Locator AID Application Identifier AIP Application Interchange Profile API Application Programming Interface or  Application Priority Indicator (tag 87) APDU Application Protocol Data Unit ARQC Authorization Request Cryptogram ASK Amplitude Shift Key ATC Application Transaction Counter ATR Answer To Reset AUC Application Usage Control BER Basic Encoding Rules (ASN.1) CAT Cardholder Activated Terminals CCC Compute Cryptographic Checksum CDA Combined Dynamic Data Authentication/Application Cryptogram Generation (EMV) CID  Cryptogram Information Data CVC Card Verification Code CVM Cardholder Verification Method, EMV Book 3, C3 CVV Card Verification Value (That’s the 3 digit number on the back of cards) DCVV Dynamic CVV DDA Dynamic Data Authentication (EMV) DF Dedicated File  (7816-4) DOL Data Object List EF  Elementary File  (7816-4) EMV Europay MasterCard Visa (EMVCo LLC) IIN Issuer Identification Number IPC Inter Process Communications KSI Key set index LRC Longitudinal Redundancy Check MP Master File (7816-4) MSD Magnetic Stripe Data NFC  Near Field Communications PAN Primary Account Number PCD Proximity coupling device PICC Proximity card PN511 FeliCa Chip from Philips POS Point of Sale (terminal) PPSE Proximity Payment Selection (or System) Environment PSE Partial Selection something PTS Protocol Type Selection PUPI Pseudo Unique PICC Identifier qVSDC Quick Visa Smart / Debit Credit RID Registered Application Provider Identifier RN Random Number SAK Select Acknowledge SAM Security Access Module, communicated via 7816-3 in T=0. SDA Static Data Authentication (EMV) SFGI Startup Frame Guard Interval (or time Integer) SFI Short File Identifier (EMV)
NEO Interface Developers Guide           416 Term  Definition SID SAM ID inside of reader T=0 Protocol Type, T=0 is the asynchronous half duplex character transmission protocol. T=1 Protocol Type, T=1 is the asynchronous half duplex block transmission protocol. TAK Terminal Authentication Key TC Transaction Certificate TID Terminal ID TLV Tag Length Value TSI Transaction Status Information, EMV Book 3, C7 TTQ Terminal Transaction Qualifier TVR Terminal Verification Results, EMV Book 3, C5 UN Unknown Number XOR Exclusive OR
NEO Interface Developers Guide           417  Appendix A.15: Revision History  Version Date  Change NEO 1.0.0 Rev. 50 2/28/15  Added EMV Exception Log List Commands (9.10)  Added NFC Commands (9.15)  Added Key Management Parameter Commands (10.2)  Added Status Codes 0x90 (Account DUKPT Key not exist) and 0x91 (Account DUKPT Key KSN exhausted).  Added Masked Output Data Parameter (tag FFEE1D).
NEO Interface Developers Guide           418 Version Date  Change NEO v1.00 Rev. 51 3/27/2015  Part number changed to NEO 1.0.0  Add note in 10.1, ' Note: This section is not available for Kiosk III/ Vendi.'  Title of 10.2 changed to ' DUKPT Key Management Parameter Commands' Marked Output Data Parameter(FFEE1D) format changed  Command D0-01 response frame removed RID/ Key Index.  Command 02-01 added project name "Vendi" in note "Kiosk III don't support ViVOcomm and DesFire cards".  Command 2C-13 removed note "This command only applies to the VP5500 product.  It is not supported on other readers".  Commands 02-03/ 02-04 were removed.  Commands 07-xx series were removed.  Commands 13-xx series were removed.  Commands 15-01/ 16-01 were removed.  Commands 50-01/ 50-03 were removed.  Commands 01-03/ 01-04 were removed.  Command 14-01 removed VP5000 example, replaced by Vendi.  Command 2C-0B removed 01-03/ 01-04 or VP5500 related description.  Command 01-02 removed 01-03/ 01-04 related description.  Tag FFFB added new values 05.  Section 4.1 added project name "Vendi" in note "Protocol 1 is not supported by Kiosk III".  Section 9.7 added 01/ 03 sub-command; 9.7.1/ 9.7.3 sections.  Section 5.1/ 9.2 removed "thirteen" wording for system AID description.  Section 10.2 removed note "Key Management Parameter commands in this section are only used by Kiosk III/ Vendi.".  Section 3.0/ 9.1.9/ 10.4 removed "Kiosk II" wording.  Section 3.0 added "USB" in description "All of the readers have an RS232 Serial Interface".  Section 10.4 (USB Flash Boot Loader) was removed.  All sections removed Vend/DTc wording, replaced by "Vendi".  All sections removed GR x.x.x or Global Reader related wording.  All sections removed SAM related description.  All sections removed VP5000 wording, replaced by "graphic reader".  All sections removed EEPROM wording, replaced by "flash memory".  Appendix A.6 removed Q&A that related to ViVOpay 5000, 07-xx series, 01-03 and 01-04 cmd; corrected some answers to meet current design.  Appendix A.8 corrected some description to meet current design.  Table 1 (Hardware Cross Reference) removed other readers except Kiosk III; added new reader "Vendi".   Table 2 (Commands Sorted by Command Name) removed note "f  Requires Firmware Version 1.2.0 or higher".  Table 3 (Commands Sorted by Command Number) added 84-0E/ 84-0F commands; 29-00_P2 command removed note "Kiosk II only"; removed note "f  Requires Firmware Version 1.2.0 or higher"..  Table 12 (System AIDs) added 1
NEO Interface Developers Guide           419 Version Date  Change    Table 15 (PayPass Default Group Configuration TLVs) some tags added new note: Tag 9F35 added new note "Vendi default value is 24". Tag 9F40 added new note "Vendi default values are 60 00 00 00 01". Tag 9F53 added new note "Vendi default value is 00". Tag 9F7C added new note "Vendi default values are 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01". Tag FFF8 added new note "Vendi default value is 03". Tag FFFC added new note "Vendi default value is 04".  Table 19 (System AID Default Configuration TLVs) added 1 new AID; some AIDs added new note: New AID: A0 00 00 01 52 30 10 (Discover Application) MasterCard: "Vendi default value, FFE3 = 40, FFE9 = 02 00 01" J/Speedy: d"Vendi default value, FFE2 = FF" MXI: "Vendi default value, FFE2 = FF" Interac: "Vendi default value, FFE2 = 15"  Table 46 (Enhanced Poll for Token Data Field for Command Frame) transaction type added value 00 03. Table 56 (Enhanced Pass-Through Data Field) corrected LED 2 as value 02h. NEO v1.00 Rev. 52 4/1/2015 Appendix A.5, add description for Kiosk III design. ' The Kiosk III reader allows for storage of up to a maximum of 60 keys which are uniquely identified as a key index in each payment scheme(RID).'  Add new tag FFEE1E in Table 13. NEO v1.00 Rev. 53 4/27/2015 Add Kiosk III Boot Loader (10.5) NEO v1.00 Rev. 54 4/27/2015 Updated Format NEO v1.00 Rev. 55 6/19/2015 1. Update Table 2&3:   > Delete command Load DUKPT Key Type (C7-30)  > Add check DUKPT Key type (81-02)  > Add Load Initial DUKPT Key request 2. Update Table 13:  > Tag FFF3 byte 1, add SmartTap support flag 3. Update Table 14:  > Tag FFF4, add D-PAS reader risk flags definition 4. Update Table 19:  > Add default D-PAS AID settings 5. Add 02-01 command response format for D-PAS and SmartTap transaction. 6. Add notes for commands Set Serial Number and Get serial Number (9.1.11 and 9.1.12) 7. Modified 10.2 DUKPT Key Management Parameter Commands 8. Modified 10.4 Kiosk III Boot Loader
NEO Interface Developers Guide           420 Version Date  Change NEO v1.00 Rev. 56 6/29/2015 Table 2 (Commands Sorted by Command Name): added 1 cmd 09-00. Table 3 (Commands Sorted by Command Number): added 1 cmd 09-00. Table 13 (Global Configuration TLVs): corrected some notes for Vendi. Table 14 (Group Configuration TLVs): corrected some notes for Vendi; created 1 tag 9F41 Table 15 (PayPass Default Group Configuration TLVs): corrected some notes for Vendi. Table 18 (New): added configuration TLVs of Group 2. Table 20 (System AID Default Configuration TLVs): corrected some notes for Vendi. ---------- CMD 04-09: added 6 data objects that did not be modified, DF891B/ FE02/ FE03/ DF891A/ FE05/ FEFE CMD 09-01: added 1 table to describe the value for Vendi.  CMD 09-02: corrected the length of tag DF61, the value for K21 and the example. CMD F0-F6: added descriptions. CMD F0-F7: added descriptions. CMD F0-F9: added descriptions in note. CMD F0-FC: added descriptions in note. CMD F0-FD: added descriptions in note. ---------- Appendix A.8: corrected default message index (ENG/ FRA/ ENG&FRA). NEO v1.00 Rev.57 7/15/2015 1. Update 5.1.5 User-defined TLV Groups > Add note for American Express and Discover 2. Update 9.3.1 Activate Transaction Command (02-01)    > Update special description for Discover D-PAS and SmartTap application 3. Modify 10.2 DUKPT Key Management Parameter Commands > Add 10.2.6 Set Data Encryption Enable Flag (C7-36) > Add 10.2.7 Get Data Encryption Enable Flag (C7-37) 4. Add Encrypted response format in below commands > Activate Transaction Command (02-01) > Get Transaction Result Command (03-00) > Pass Through- Exchange Contactless Data (2C-03) > Pass Through-PCD Single Command Exchange (2C-04) > Pass Through-Get PCD and PICC Parameters(2C-05) > Pass Through-Mifare Read Blocks (2C-07) > Auto-Poll Burst Mode  NEO v1.00 Rev.58 8/4/2015 # Added support for the following SRED items 1.  Add Encrypted response format in below commands > Pass Through-Exchange APDU Data (2C-13) > Pass Through-NFC Command (2C-40) 2. Modify Pass Through commands encryption response format: 2C-03, 2C-04, 2C-05, 2C-07, 2C-13,2C-40 Raw data of Encrypted data field is <2 bytes plaintext Data Field Length><whole plaintext Data Field><Padding (0x00)> 3. Add SRED note for response format in commands:  > C7-36, C7-37,  > 02-01, 03-00, 2C-03, 2C-04, 2C-05, 2C-07, 2C-13,2C-40 > Auto-Poll Burst Mode response 4. Add SAM interface in commands: 2C-0B, 2C-12, 2C-13.  SAM interface is only supported by SRED version device  # Other changes: 5. Replace SmartTap with AndroidPay SmartTap 6. Modify response format of Enhanced Pass-Through Command (2C-0B) 7. Add special TLV for Paypass application in Activate Command response (02-01) NEO v1.00 Rev.59 9/25/2015 1. Modify response format of 2C-0B command (add SAM interface description). 2. Update 10.4 Kiosk III Boot Loader
NEO Interface Developers Guide           421 Version Date  Change NEO v1.00 Rev.60 10/10/2015 Correct 2C-12 command description   NEO v1.00 Rev.61 10/23/2015 Add peer to peer function commands: 1. Peer To Peer Send A Message (C7-9A) 2. Peer To Peer Receive A Message (C7-9B) NEO v1.00 Rev. 62 10/21/2015 (KT) 1.1.1 “MasterCard Contactless (PayPass) Capability” added to explain the continued use of the name “PayPass” despite MasterCard’s deprecation of that name 1.1.2 Disclaimer added to remind users that Protocol 1 is now deprecated  Corrected Protocol 1 to Protocol 2 in a reference to table of Protocol 2 commands. Fixed table numbering. Appendix A.6 “TDES Data Encryption Examples” added. Appendix A.7 “AES Data Encryption Examples” added. Subsequent appendices renumbered. Appendix A.10 modified to remove redundant discussion of Secure Communications. Appendix A.11 added (MSR Data Output Format). Discussion of 80-series commands removed. Private commands relevant to key injection removed. Various Notes involving SRED readers clarified.  NEO v1.00 Rev. 63 10/27/2015  1.LCD Display Table, update string “ Echec” to “ Échec” 2.Update Vendi response of 09-20,  ASCII format “CL AID,MasterCard PayPass M/Chip v3.0.2, v1.00,,<CR><LF> “ To CL AID, MasterCard PayPass M/Chip v3.0.2, Vendi v1.0.0,,<CR><LF> and Hex Format  3.  Add C7-38 and C7-39 for MSR configuration.  10/29/2015 (KT)  Fix “Wingding text” issues, fix stray symbols. Rev. 64 11/9/2015 Added more Notes for MSR parsing table of Appendix A.11, to explain all the fields in detail. Added Appendix for “Encrypted Data Format, TLV-Based”  Rev. 65 11/12/2015 1. Add status code 70h(Antenna Error) and note for protocol 2. 2. Add note for '3.0 Serial Communication Interface' to suggest customer not to plug in/out serial communication interfaces during the device power on. NEO v1.00 Rev. 66 12/01/2015 1. Fix description error in “Get Admin DUKPT Key Status” (C7-2F) command 2. Add Kiosk III Amex 9F33 and 9F6E configuration description in “User-defined TLV Groups” 3. Add Status code 0x80 (Use another card) and 0x81 (Insert or swipe card)
NEO Interface Developers Guide           422 Version Date  Change Rev. 67 12/4/2015 (KT)  Add clarifications to Section 10: Enabling encryption is a one-time-only event (it cannot be disabled), but non-encrypted data will necessarily occur if a DUKPT key is not present. Clarification to Sec. 10 on data output formats and parsing of same. Add enhanced descriptions in Appendix A.6, A.7, A.11 of sample data and parsings. Rev.68 12/8/2015 Add Appendix A.13 :Enhanced Encrypted MSR Data Output Format for Force Encryption Fixed typo in C7-33 (length byte should be 0x01, not zero). Rev.69 1/5/2016 1. Add command “Check DUKPT Keys (81-02)” 2. Add command “Check DUKPT Key (81-04)” 3. Add command “Get DUKPT Key Serial Number(KSN) (81-0A)” 4. Add command “Set Temporary Baud Rate (30-02)” 5. Modify “Set Data Encryption Enable Flag (C7-36)” description 6. Add “When encryption is enabled, burst mode is disabled” related description 7. Delete encrypted data format in Burst Mode 8. Modify encryption description in “Activate Transaction(02-01)” and “Get Transaction Result (03-00)” commands 9. Add DFEE26 TLV description in “Activate Response TLVs” table 10. Correct encrypted data format to be  <PREAMBLE><Attribution Byte><KSN TLV><Track1 TLV or 00h><Track2 TLV or 00h><Clear Record Flag Byte><Clear Record TLV(optional)><Other TLVs><CRC> In Appendix A.5 and A.6 11. Update Encrypted Contactless data example in Appendix A.6 and A.7 Rev.70 1/14/2016 1. Add ApplePay VAS Function 2. Modify encryption output data format to be <Attribution byte><TLV data>
NEO Interface Developers Guide           423 Version Date  Change Rev.71 1/18/2016 1. Correcet Set Temporary Baud Rate(30-02) Command Frame Sub-Command value. 2.Correct Table34 Tag DFEE26 Description, Format and Length. 3. Modify Table for Success Transaction--Encrypted data field format for Contactless card. 4. Add Table for Success Transaction--Encrypted data field format for MSR card. 5. Correct Table "Get Transaction Result Encrypted data field format for contactless card". 6. Add Table "Get Transaction Result Encrypted data field format for MSR card. 7. Modify Appendix A.5: Firmware FAQ Q13 Encrypted EMV and Enhanced Encrypted MSR layout. 8. Update Appendix A.6:TDES Data Encrypted Exmaple  9. Update Appendix A.7:AES Data Encrypted Exmaple 10. Modify Appendix A.11: Enhanced Encrypted MSR Data Output Format Rev.72 1/19/2016 1. Correct description of “NFC Tag Command (2C-40)” 2. Correct description of ApplePay VAS commands Set Merchant Record (04-11) Get Merchant Record (03-11) Rev. 73 1/19/2016 (KT)  Regenerate TOC and fix format issues. Remove Q13 of FAQ. Rev. 74 1/2/2016 (Yidong)  1.  Add Key Slot Note in 81-02,81-04,81-0A commands 2.  Correct description error in “Set Temporary Baud Rate (30-02)” 3. Add description in “Activate Transaction Command (02-01)” Failed Transaction-Encrypted Data Field Format:“KSN of DUKPT Account Key. If only TLV Error code is present and no other TLV data, this field is not present.” 4. Add note in Peer To Peer Function part: “Peer To Peer function can only be used in Pass-Through mode” 5. Correct descryption error in Appendix A.6, A.7 Contactless examples 6. Correct descryption error in “Set DUKPT Key Encryption Type (C7-32)”: “The encryption type CANNOT be changed once the Account DUKPT Key is present” 7. Delete encryption response format tables in Pass-Through related commands (2C-03,2C-04,2C-05,2C-07,2C-13,2C-40)
NEO Interface Developers Guide           424 Version Date  Change Rev. 75 2/2/2016 (Erin)  1. Modified Kiosk III Boot Loader descriptions for download file name format. 2. Add Kiosk III boot loader commands and firmware downloader command processing flow. 3. Add 2 boot loader command status codes to protocol 2 status code table. Rev. 76 2/2/2016 (Richard)  1. Modified product type of Vendi, and add product type of Unipay III and Unipay 1.5, response of CMD 09-01 2. Modified HW Information of Venid, and add product type of Unipay III and Unipay 1.5, response of CMD 09-14 Rev. 77 2/25/2016 (Yidong)  1. Add processing steps for Discover D-PAS Issuer Update and AndroidPay SmartTap in “Activate Transaction Command (02-01)” description 2. Add FFEE01 TLV into “Activate Transaction Command (02-01)” Activate Command TLVs table (Table-32) Rev. 78 3/3/2016 (Yidong)  1. Add module type “AppSpe” for 09-20 command. 2. Add description for 09-20 command Rev. 79 3/14/2016 (Ching-Wei)  1. Add Command 04-0A Rev. 80 4/5/2016 (Yidong)  1. Add Secure Pass-Through Function 2. Add MAC DUKPT Key description in 81-02, 81-04, 81-0A 3. Add description of response in Secure Pass-Through Mode for 2C-03, 2C-04, 2C-07, 2C-13, 2C-40 Rev. 81 4/26/2016 (Yidong)  Add Error Codes 80h-85h that now used in ApplePay VAS. Rev. 82 5/10/2016 (Ching-Wei)  1.Add Tag DF891C. (Interac Retry Limit) 2.Update Tag FFEE1D 4 bytes change to 5 bytes Rev. 83 5/10/2016 (Yidong) 1. Remove white list function in Secure Pass-Through Function 2. Activate Transaction Response Frame Encrypted Data Format refer to “80000404-001 ID-Tech Encrypt Data Format In Command Response Specification v.63F” Rev. 84 5/16/2016 (StevenChen) Correct Tag FFE1 Description Rev. 85 5/18/2016 (Yidong) 1.Return FFE1 Description to Rev.83 2.Remove C7-2F command (use Vivopay Key Loading to load Admin DUKPT Key) 3.Add Slot 2 (Admin DUKPT Key) into 81-02, 81-04, 81-0A 4. Transaction output data encryption refer to “80000404-001 ID-Tech Encrypt Data Format In Command Response Specification v.63F” 5. Add “Activate Command Examples for ApplePay VAS” 6. Add Note in C7-32, C7-33 command “This command is only supported in NSRED device. In SRED device, only TDES algorithm is used to encrypt transaction output sensitive data.” 7. Add “Note: KioskIII operates in AutoPoll mode by default” in Set Poll Mode (01-01)
NEO Interface Developers Guide           425 Version Date  Change Rev. 86 5/23/2016 (StevenChen) Add Tag DFEF2C Description Rev. 87 5/27/2016 (Yidong) 1. Add White List in Secure Pass-Through function 2. Add Kiosk III American Express Gonfiguration Group rule  3. Add FFEE1C TLV description in Table 20-Global Configuration TLVs 4. Add Key Usage ‘A’ (AES), Mode of use ‘B’ (both encryption and decryption) in 81-04 command Rev. 88 6/1/2016 (Yidong) 1. Add AndroidPay SmartTap Activate Command examples 2. Add AndroidPay SmartTap Special TLV Rev. 89 6/12/2016 (Yidong) 1. Modify KioskIII default value in “American Express Default Group 2 Configuration TLVs” 2. Modify DFEE26 TLV and Attribution description (add bit for Contactless EMV/MSD indication) Rev. 90 6/27/2016 (Yidong) 1.Modify AndroidPay SmartTap description in “Table25: AID Configuration TLVs” 2.Modify  Special  Flow  Code  description  in  “Special  TLV  for  Discover  D-PAS  and AndroidPay SmartTap” 3.Correct mistakes in “EMV Exception Log List Commands” Rev. 91 7/16/2016 (Erin) 1. Add description of tag DFEF36 (MTAS) 2. Add description of Poll for Token command, it can be canceled by command (05-01). 3. Add new feature " Asynchronous Media Tracking" 4. Add new feature " Determine Card Presence" Rev. 92 8/1/2016 (Ching-Wei)  1.Update Tag 9F26 for ApplePay Terminal Capabilities Information Rev. 93 8/30/2016 (Yidong)  1. change “Account DUKPT Key” to “Data encryption Key” change “Admin DUKPT Key” to “RKI-KEK” Rev. 94 9/2/2016 (Erin)  Change  "  PCD  Single  Command  Exchange  (2C-04)  Protocol  2", "  PCD  Command Flags Table" bit 5 definition Rev. 95 9/5/2016 (Richard)  Remove version number “1.00” in file name Remove “NEO v1.00” in cover Rev. 96 9/20/2016 (Yidong) Add “Set Data Encryption Key Variant Type(C7-2F)” Add “Get Data Encryption Key Variant Type(C7-30)” Rev. 97 10/6/2016 (Kas Thomas) Add updated tables for 03-00. Add documentation of 02-40 command. Add commands 29-06, -07, -08, -09, -17; 2C-18; 30-03. Add F0-00, F0-01, F0-02, F0-0F commands. Add 60-series commands. Add 61-series commands. Rev. 98 10/11/2016 (Charles Lin) Modify 02-01, 02-40, 03-00 command description.  Add command 03-40 description Add Mode/Transaction Output Format Matrix—NSRED Device Contactless card Add Mode/Transaction Output Format Matrix—SRED Device Contactless card  Modify C7-36, C7-37 command description.  Add Device Current Status/Command Setting/Device Operation/Output Matrix.  Add MSR Equivalent Function (DFEF4B, DFEF4C, DFEF4D) Rev. 99 11/07/2016 (Charles Lin) Add AndroidPay SmartTap AID in System AID list Rev. 100 11/18/2016 (Erin Liang) Add Set/Get Cable Type commands
NEO Interface Developers Guide           426 Version Date  Change Rev. 101 11/28/2016 (Charles Lin) Add Note about Power LED in Set/Get Source for RTC/LCD/Buzzer/LED(01-05) command Rev. 102 01/19/2017 (Kas Thomas) ApplePay VAS discussion expanded/amplified, with additional examples (SDK methods in addition to firmware commands).  Rev. 103 02/07/2017 (Erin Liang) Modify the descritpion of Clean Torn Transaction Log (84-0F) command final response format. Rev. 104 2/10/2017 (Ginger Wu) Removed the following text from page 192.   “Reference files: [1] Android Pay SmartTap NFC Reader Technical Specification Version 1.3 [2] SmartTap Tester User Guide Version 0.1” Rev. 105 2/13/2017 (Kas Thomas) Added clarifications to 9F39 tag (code 07 always means contactless).  Added C7-38 command info for non-financial cards in Appendix A.13 Rev. 106 02/21/2017 (Erin Liang) 1. Correct tag 57 data format in Table 35. 2. Add comments for tag DFEF4D.    " The track data will present track data if it is a MSD transaction, present track Equivalent data if it is a EMV transaction." Rev. 107 02/24/2017 (Lyndon Lin)  Change KSN description in Set White List (2C-50) command: “10 bytes current MAC DUKPT Key Sequence Number. Device uses current MAC DUKPT Key to do MAC verification.”  Rev. 108 4/11/2017 (Kas Thomas) Correct the C7-9A and 9B peer-to-peer command description and add clarification about NDEF. Rev. 109 5/15/2017 (Erin)  1. Add CUP AIDs in System AID for Kiosk III. 2. Modify global configuration tag FFF3 from '07 FF' to '0F FF', and modify tag FFF3 definition, add CUP config. Rev. 110 6/5/2017 (ChingWei)  1.Update Tag 9F4E for contact max length 30 -> 64 2.Add Status code for protocol 2 (60, 61, 62,63) 3.Add Command 03-40 in Table 2 Rev. 111 6/13/2017 (ChingWei)  Add determine ApplePay transactions tag (DFEF7A) in Active Transaction Command. Rev. 112 8/3/2017 (Erin) 1. Add Status Code 31h (Request Online PIN) for CUP. 2. Add (02-07) command for CUP 3. Add CUP TTQ default value for configurable groups 4. Add description of tag DFEF2F, DFEF73, DFEE3F, 99, 9F5B. Rev. 113 8/15/2017 Add 04-0A, F0-F4, 03-40, D0-01, and D0-02 to command tables Table 2 & 3). Rev. 114 8/25/2017 (Erin) 1. Add card type for Felica and B Prim(2c-02) 2. Add Terminate ISO Session command (2C-16) for B Prim Rev. 115 4/09/2017 (Richard) 1. Update description of tag DFEF7A that support android pay 2. add value of tag DFEF7B -> 2: android pay or android vas Rev. 116 8/09/2017 (Jiliang Ge) 1. Delete AndroidPay SmartTap1.3 support. 2. Add SmartTap2.1 support.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           427  CE cation  RF Exposure This equipment complies with CE radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment.This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 0cm between the radiator&your body.   Specification This radio equipment operates with the following frequency bands and maximum radio-frequency power. BLE : 0dBm  EU DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY  Hereby, ID TECH declares that the radio equipment type [IDMR-PBTX3133TEB, X=8:VP3600; X=9:VP3500] is in compliance with Directive 2014/53/EU. The full text of the EU declaration of conformity is available at the following Internet address:
NEO Interface Developers Guide           428  FCC Worning  Please note that changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: —Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.  —Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. —Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.  —Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.  This equipment complies with radio frequency exposure limits set forth by the FCC for an uncontrolled environment.   This device must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.  The USB cabel: Easily connect the mPOS device with Bluetooth or USB cable to different types of iOS and Android smartphones and tablets. This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           429  Canada Regulations:  This device complies with Industry Canada’s licence-exempt RSSs. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:  (1) This device may not cause interference; and  (2) This device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.   Le présentappareilestconforme aux CNR d’Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L’exploitationestautorisée aux deux conditions suivantes :  (1) l’appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage;  (2) l’utilisateur de l’appareildoit accepter tout brouillageradioélectriquesubi, mêmesi le brouillageest susceptible d’encompromettre le fonctionnement.
NEO Interface Developers Guide           430

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