IDT Technology PE912 ANYWEAR Slim Pedometer User Manual PE912 UM R4 indd

IDT Technology Limited ANYWEAR Slim Pedometer PE912 UM R4 indd

Users Manual

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Document ID1483776
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Document DescriptionUsers Manual
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Document TypeUser Manual
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Date Submitted2011-06-15 00:00:00
Date Available2011-06-15 00:00:00
Creation Date2011-04-27 11:42:38
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Document Lastmod2011-05-26 16:23:48
Document TitlePE912_UM_R4.indd
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Slim Pedometer
Mode PE912
Thank you tor selectlng the Oregon Sclentlfic h ANYWEAR
sllm Pedometer (P5912) The P5912 ls a sensor type
Pedometer that can detect steps ln any dlmenslon lt ls
carrled lt ls egulpped wlth clock, alarm, geday memory, step
counter, dlstance counter and calorle counter lunctlcns
IMPORTANT Do not lmmerse the pedometer ln water
1 5ET: Enter Settlng Mode, confirm and move to next
settlng optlon
2 BIS Dlleay calorles purned and dlstance walked,
lncrease values
3 MEM 5nter Memory Mode; decrease values
1 Q Calonesournedtsdlsplayed
2 1 Beeptonelsort
3 t] taatterypowerlslow
4 Dlsplays mode hanners, numperor steps, calorle readlng
or dlstance walked
5 Q Alarm ls oh
6 ¢ Exerclse tlnlcr ls dlsplayed
7 gm lndlcates how many days hetore (1791 the dlsplayed
data was recorded
a fir; 12hourclock
9 Dlsplays tlme or Semrlg Mode values
1a In Dlstance walked to dlsplayed
11 mt Memoryt/lodelsdlsplayed
12 nsxr lndlcates there lsalollcwlng page
19 key press prompt lndlcates whlch button to press
14 Step counter ls On
15 easy »mdlcates there ls a prevlous page
16 KEAL Caloneuhlt
17 mtklll Dlstance unttMles/hllometresl
19 (mln User‘s strlde length unltlt:entlmetres l lnches)
19 lbkg Welghtunlt (Pounds/ Kllograms)
Press and hold any key untll the screen ls actlvated
The P5912 can he canled on the walst, around the neck or
ln pockets and handbags by uslng the adlustaole strap or
detachaole cllp provlded
To etTectlvely use the pedometer 1or calculatlng calorles
burned toased on step count and user body welghtl and
dlstance walked (based on step count and length or user's
strlde), you are advlscd to set the tlme and your user data tn
the Seltlng Mode Reler to Selllrlg Mode ln thls manual
IMPORTANT Remember to set the tlme and your user
data alter every trattery replacement
The pedometer uses a CR2032 av trattery, whlch has
already been lnstalled
a lndlcates hattery power ls low
To replace ballery:
1 use a small Pnllllps screwdrlver to remove cattery
compartment lld ence opened, please keep the screws
ln a sale place to avold loslnd them
2 Remove the old trattery and msenthe newone, matchlng
the polarltles
9 Replace the lld by screwlng lt hack lntc place uslng a
Phllllps screwdrlver.
No’rE When the battery compartment ls opened or battery
ls replaced, all data ln the pedometerWlll oe reset
The P5912 has 3 modes ot operatlon The Malrl Mode ls the
delault dlsplay mode whlch dlsplays the cunent step count
and tlme. To enter other modes, press the buttons as shown
ssrrlno MODE
tn the Maln Mode, you can
- vlew the llme and current step count (detault), calorle
ourned, dlstance walked and exerclse tlme
- turn On or 011 the step counter
To vlew the current calorie burned and dlxtence
Press DISP The dlsplay seouence ls calorle purned (9
and dlstance walked Hill The exerclse tlme wlth lcon a s
dlsplayed on the lower pan ol the screen
To turn the step counter on or oft
ln sltuatlcns where you do not need to record step count, you
can turn 011 the step counter
Press and hold SET and MEM at the same tlrnc 1or 2
seconds untll the lollowmg screen ls dlsplayed To turn an
the step counter, repeat the same aalon ' lndlcates step
counter ls On
- ltthe step counter ls 011, there Wlll oe no steal calorle and
dlstance calculatlcn nor recordlng lnto memory
~ The current step count, calorle purned, dlstance walked,
and exemlse tlmer wlll be reset automatlcally to zero at
tn the Settlng Mode, you can set the slnde length, user‘s
welgnt, tlme, alarm Oman and alarm tlme, and deep tone
1 Press and hold SET to enter the Seltlng Mode
2 Walt tor the settlng optlon to flash, then press DISP or
MEM to set values you can press and hold these huttons
to rapldly set the values
3 To confirm and move to next settlng optlon, leave unlt ldle
and wall 1or dlsplay to chance
The settlng seguence ls strlde length unlt, strlde length value,
welght unlt. welght value 12124 tlme lcrmat, tlme thour and
rrllnule), alarm enroll, alarm tlme lhour and rmnute) llt alarm
On ls selected) and peep tone an/otr
NOTE you can press sET to sklp through settlngs
REMARK Press any butturt to sllence an actlvated alarm
W not deactlvalad, the alarm M" be acllvaled at lhe same
tlme the rollowmg nay
tn the Memory Mode, you can vlew the records or your steps
and caloncs hurncd tor the past 9 days
To toggle through days
1 Press MEM to enter the Memory Mode
2 Press MEM or DlsP to select whlch day to vlew
« When tocellno belweerl days, the record dlsplayed Wlll
he ot the same category (eltner step count or calorle
To toggle petween type at data displayed 1calorles
burmd or "W count) leave unlt ldle and walt lor dlsplay
REMARK Toggle through all 9—day records In return to
the Maln Mode
To reset records:
you cannot reset the records manually The pedometer ls
deslgned to automatlcally reset the records
To help users keep track ct thelr results the measurements
recorded by P5912 can he easlly uploaded onto console for
vrewlng and analysls
Apart lrorn the pertodtc transmlsslon when there ls a lot
ot memory and when rt deteas use communlcatlons hup
nearoyr user can choose to manually send data
To manually send data:
« Press and hold DlsP
To stop data trencrni lion:
~ Press and hold DlSP
'DONE“ lndlcates successlul data transmlsslon
‘Encr‘ lndlcates unsuccessrul data transmtsslon
IMPORTANT smce there ls a May llmlt 1or memory, to
Dreyenl recard$ belng erased belure belflg unloaded [0 (he
console users are remlnded to send data every few days
Each unlt has a unlgue 1D whlch can he found on the
12 l 24 tormatwlth hourl
Real tlme clock
step measurement range 0 a 99,999 steps
Dlstance measurement of 999 9g km, mugs
Useradlustaole strlde
mgm 257152 cm (11750 lnchesl
Calone measurement
was 049,999 kcal
taody welght range
Exerclse tlmer dlsplay
Power 1 X CR2032 av cattery
cperatmg temperature 40°C to 40°C (14'F to 10”)
storage temperature 720 c to at) c (4 F to 140'Fl
To ensure you use your product correctly and solely, read
these warnlngs and the entlre user manual oetore uslng the
~ use a sott, sllgnlly morslened cloth Do not use aprasrva
or corrpslve cleanlng agents, as these may cause
29 715A kg (54 e m pounds)
99 hr59 mln
damage use luke warm water and mlld soap to clean
the deylce thoroughly after each tralnlng sesslon Never
use the produas ln hctwatercr store lt when wet
~ Do not suhlsct the product to ekccsslve lcrce, shock.
dust, temperature changes, or nurrlrdlty Never expose
the product to dlrect sunllght 1or extended perlcds Such
treatment may result ln maltunctlon.
~ Dc ncttamperwlththelnternal components Dcmgsowlll
termlnate the product warranty and may cause damage.
The mam unlt contarns no userssen/lceable pans
~ Do not scratch hard Dblects agalnst the LCD dlsplay as
thls may cause damage
~ Take precautlons when handllng all cattery types
~ Remnve the ballerles whenever you are plannlng to
store the product tor a long perlod or tlme
~ When replaclng oattenes use new oattenes as speclhed
tn thls user manual.
~ The product ls a preclslcn lnstrument Never attempt to
take thls devlce apart Contact the retallerorourcustomer
servlce department rt the product redo-res servlcrng
~ Do not touch the expused electronlc clrcultry, as there ls
a danger ot electrlc shock
~ Check all mayor functlcns lt the deulce has not been
used tor a long tlme Malntam regular lnternal testmg and
cleanlng at your devlce Have your watch servlced by on
approved servlce center annually
- When dlsposlng or thls product, ensure lt ls collected
separately 1or speclal treatment and not as normal
household waste
~ Due to prmtrng llrnltatlons, the dlsplays shown ln thls
manual may dltter tronl the actual dlsplay
~ The contents or thls manual may not be reproduced
wlthout the permlsslon ot the manutacturer
- should there he any dlscrepancy between the Engllsh
and other language yerslons, the Enollsh verslon shall
apply and prevall
NOTE The technlcal speclhcatlcns 1or thls product and the
contents or the user manual are suolect to change Wlthout
er Features and accessorles wlll not be avallaole ln all
ccuntrles For more lnlcrmatlon, please contact your local
vlslt our wepslte mm) to learn more
aoout Oregon Sclentlnc products
11 you re ln the us and would llke to contact our Customer
Care department dlrectly please vlslt
For lntcrnatlonat lflflulllcsl plcasc vlslt
nttp /lus oregonsclentlhc com/apouulnternatlonal asp
Hereby Oregon eclentlhc, declares that thls ANYWEAR
sllm Pedometer 1Mcdel. P5912l ls ln compllance wlth 5Mc
dlrectlve zone/10313: A new 0! the styled and 03‘90
Declaratlcn or Contcnnlty ls avallaple on request yla our
orecon selentlrlc Customer servlce
Thls devlce complres wlth Part 15 or the FCC Rules
cperatlon ls suplect to the tollowlng twp condltlcns (1) Thls
devlce may not cause hannlul lnter1erence. and (2) Thls
devlce must accept any lnter1erence recelved, lncludlng
lnter1erence that may cause undeslred operatlcn
WARNING Changes or modlhcatlons not expressly
aflpmyed by the party Tesponstble lcr DDMDllanUe muld val!
the user‘s authorlty to operate the equlpmeht
No’rE Thls egulpment has been tested and tcund to
comply wlth the llmlts tor a class B dlgltal devlce, pursuant
to Part 15 or the FCC Rules These llmlts are deslgned to
proulde reasonable protectlon agamst hannlul lnter1erence
ln a rcsldentlal lnstallatlon
Thls egulpment generates, uses and can radlate radlc
rreduency energy and, ll not lnstalled and used ln accordance
wlth the mstructlons, may cause harmtul lnter1erence to
radlc communlcatlons however. there ls no guarantee
that lnter1erence wlll not occur ln a partlcular lnstallatlon 11
thls egulpment does cause harmful lnter1erence to radlc or
televlslon receptlon, whlch can he determlned pyturnlnd the
egulpment on and on, the user ls encouraged to try to correct
the lnter1erence by one or more c1 the rollcwmg measures.
~ Reurlerll or relocate the recelvlng antenna
~ lncrease the separatlon hetween the egulpment and
- Connect the egulpment mto art outlet on a clrcult
dttrerent lront that to whlch the resolver ts connected
~ consult the dealer or an experlencefl radlc l TV
technlclan 1or help
The tollowlng mlcnnatlcn ls not to he used as contact
1or support or sales, Please vlslt our weoslte at M
oregonsclentlhc com 1or all enoulrles
Name Oregon Sclentlnc lnc
Address 19361 sw 95r
Ave ,Tualatln,
Orcgon 97062 usA
Telephone No 1eauueasaeasaa
declare that the product
Product No PESlQ
Product Name. ANYWEAR sllm Pedometer
Manutacturer lDT Technology lelted
Address Block c, 9/5, Kaiser Estalel
Phase l,A’l than yue St,
Hung Hum kowlocn,
Hong Kong
ls ln ccnlornnty wlth Part 15 or the FCC Rules cperatlon ls
suorect to the tollowrng two condltlons 1) Thls devlce may
not cause harmlul lnterrerence, and 21 Thls devlce must
accept any lnter1erence recelved, lncludlng lnter1erence that
may cause undeslred cperatlon

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