IDT Technology RP107R Bicycle Computer (Receiver) User Manual 1e 13 6

IDT Technology Limited Bicycle Computer (Receiver) 1e 13 6


1EOregon Scientific™ OUTBREAKERSports Watch (RX107 series)User ManualTABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction ......................................................................2Key features .....................................................................3OUTBREAKER watch ...................................................3Chest belt (RS107 / RP107 only) ..................................3Bicycle equipment (RP107 only) ...................................3PC Kit  (RP107 only) .....................................................4LCD display symbols .....................................................4How the OUTBREAKER works .......................................6How the altimeter, thermometer and barometer work ...6A multi-system facility ....................................................6TOUR Mode ..................................................................6PC Software Kit (RP107 only) .......................................6Getting started .................................................................7Turn on the watch (first-time use only) ..........................7Batteries ........................................................................7Switch between Modes ..................................................8Switch between Mode options .......................................8Change setting values ...................................................8Use the HI-GLO backlight ..............................................8Key lock .........................................................................8Handling the product .....................................................8CLOCK Mode ....................................................................9Set clock and measurement units .................................9Set the alarm .................................................................9Stopwatch .........................................................................9Timer .................................................................................10Temperature display ........................................................10ALTI-BARO Mode .............................................................10Access altimeter options ................................................11Set current altitude and resolution .................................11Set sea-level pressure ...................................................12View sea-level pressure ................................................12Set altitude alert .............................................................12Recall altitude data ........................................................13Switch between view options .........................................13Weather forecast ...........................................................13TOUR Mode ......................................................................14TOUR memory ..............................................................14Activate TOUR Mode .....................................................15Record markers in TOUR Mode .................................... 15Pause TOUR Mode .......................................................15Deactivate TOUR Mode ................................................15Clear all TOUR memories .............................................16CARDIO (Heart Rate) Mode (RS107, RP107 only) .........16Wearing the chest belt ...................................................17Training Zones ...............................................................17Set upper and lower heart rate limits forTraining Zone 5 .............................................................18Activate the Training Zone alarm ...................................19Track heart rate during training .....................................19
E2BIKE Mode (RP107 only) .................................................20Set up for BIKE Mode ....................................................20Step 1: Attach the equipment to the bicycle ..................20Step2:  Enter wheel circumference ................................ 21Access the BIKE Mode options .....................................22View speed and cadence information ............................ 22PC Kit (RP107 only) .........................................................22PC Mode ............................................................................ 23Set up for PC Mode .......................................................23Use the software ............................................................ 23PC Mode options ...........................................................23Download data ...............................................................24Effective use and range................................................... 24Aquatic and outdoor activities ........................................24Safety and care ................................................................25Safety precautions .........................................................25Care instructions ............................................................ 25Troubleshooting guide ....................................................26Specifications ................................................................... 27Warnings........................................................................... 29Additional Resources ......................................................29Note on compliance .........................................................30INTRODUCTIONThank you for selecting the Oregon Scientific OUTBREAKERSports Watch as your fitness product of choice. Your newsports watch is designed to give you many years of reliableservice and includes the following features:• Clock, calendar, stopwatch and timer functions• Barometer with local and sea pressure readings• Weather forecast and temperature readings• Altimeter readings up to 30,000 feet (9,000 meters)• Heart rate monitor that gives pulse rate readings duringexercise (RS107/RP107 only)• Bicycle accessory kit to take readings during cycling (RP107only)• PC docking station and software to download readings ontoyour computer (RP107 only)The OUTBREAKER RX107 sports watch series comprises themost advanced and patented Baro-compensation technology,distinguishing between barometric and altitude pressurechanges, and giving you more reliable readings (weatherforecasts, etc.). It is a precision device designed to augmentyour daily or weekly exercise program as well as provide youwith accurate and easy to use watch functions.This manual contains important safety and care information,and provides step-by-step instructions for using this product.Read the manual thoroughly, and keep it in a safe place in caseyou need to later refer to it.
3EOUTBREAKER WATCHII ITEM NAME DESCRIPTION1 SELECT/+/> Press to increase value, change Mode display, orrecord a marker during TOUR Mode.2 MODE Press to switch between Modes.3 ST/SP/- Press to start/pause/stop the Stopwatch/Timer ordecrease value.4 LIGHT/KEY Press to activate HIGLO- backlight, or press and holdto activate key lock.5 FUNC/SET Press to enter a sub-mode or press and hold to changea value..CHEST BELTI ITEM NAME1 CHEST BELT2 STRAPBICYCLE EQUIPMENT (RP107 ONLY)IITEM NAME1 SPEED SENSOR2 CADENCE SENSOR3 BIKE MOUNT4 MAGNETS/ SCREWS/ NUTS/PADS5 FIXING STRAPS6 RUBBER GRIPS (RS107 only)22145 63KEY FEATURES
E4LCD DISPLAY SYMBOLSSYMBOL DESCRIPTIONThe current time.YR Year setting.MTH Month setting.DAY Day setting.MON Current day of the week.(MON..SUN)TRIP TOUR Mode is running time/date cannot be setHR Hour setting.MIN Minute setting.DM/MD Order for date to be displayed.TIME Time zone setting screen.SET Displayed when in a setting mode.UNIT Set Celsius/Fahrenheit for temperature and h/p/Hg,inHg barometric pressure. Set m/ft for altitude.PC KIT (RP107 ONLY)ITEM NAME1 DOCKING STATION2 WATCH CONNECTION POINTS3 MOUNTING CLIPS4 BUILT-IN RS-232C COMPUTER CONNECTION CABLE5 SOFTWARE CD-ROM
5EZone The current time set in your second time zone.AL Shows alarm time, or event alarms(max/min altitude/heart rate etc)Shows max/min altitude alarm is deactivated.Shows if alarm is on or off.Weather forecast for the next 12-24 hours.(Sunny/Slightly Cloudy/Cloudy/Rainy)STW Stopwatch can be started/stopped/reset.TMR Timer (countdown) can be started/stopped/resetTEMP Temperature is displayed (in lower second row).ALTI Altitude is displayed (in lower second row).HR Heart rate is displayed in lower matrix font.MEM Memory record (current trip only).max Shows maximum recordmin Shows minimum recordAVG Shows average recordTTL Show total recordRES Change resolution of readings on altimeterICON Choose current weather icon.LOC Local barometric pressure.SEA Sea pressure (barometric).SPD Shows vertical speed (historical or current).Graphical display of your bicycle speed.Rxxx Receiver (Bike Mount) low battery.Sxxx Speed sensor low battery.Cxxx Cadence sensor low battery.ttl Shows total time of activity.Shows altitude graphically.Heart rate (per minute) monitor activated.Heart rate alert in effect.Key lock activated.Z1 (1-5) Shows which training shown is currently selected.Shows heart beat graphically.M1 (1..99) Shows which record you are making, or storing(see TOUR Mode).WØ (wheel icon) Wheel circumference setting mode.CAD Pedal speed  (revolutions/min).T1 (1…99) Shows sequence of memories in TOUR Mode.88% % of memory used in TOUR Mode.END TOUR is finished.CLR Ready to clear all tour memories.donE All tour memories have been cleared.hpa Pressure shown in Hecto-Pascal’s.inHg Pressure shown in inches of mercury.Low battery level (replace batteries)
E6 HOW THE OUTBREAKER  WORKSThe OUTBREAKER sports watch comes equipped with abarometer (measuring altitude, barometric pressure, andweather conditions), a weather forecast display, a thermometer,a heart rate monitor (RS107/RP107 only), and a bicycle computerto display information when cycling (RP107 only).HOW THE ALTIMETER, THERMOMETER, ANDBAROMETER WORKThe patented baro-compensation technology used in this watchallows it to distinguish between barometric pressure changeand altitude pressure change. This means it can detectbarometric pressure (localized weather conditions) as distinctfrom changes in altitude pressure, and gives more accuratereadings than most average devices (which frequently rely onmanual deactivation before initiating a new forecast).A MULTI-SYSTEM FACILITYThe product is designed for use during many kinds of activity.It can display and store a range of information of interest to thecasual and more serious sports or exercise enthusiast. Thewatch includes the following Modes: CLOCK, ALTIMETER,CARDIO (Heart Rate) (RS107/RP107 only), BIKE (RP107only), and PC (docking station and CDROM are optional for theRA107 and RS107, and are not supplied).  It is equipped witha multi-system facility that allows you to combine informationaccording to your preference, such as altitude and time, altitudeand heart rate, or bike speed and altitude, etc. You may alsouse the stopwatch or timer (countdown) facility in combinationwith other functions, and both will continue to run in thebackground while you use other features of the watch.The heart-rate monitor and altimeter features of theOUTBREAKER watch include customized settings. Maximumand minimum heart rate limits can be set for use duringexercise, and the altimeter can be set to register ascending anddescending limits. In both cases a short beep signifies eitherlimit has been exceeded. The watch also has a clock, calendar,and pressure reading apparatus, all of which need to be setaccording to the current date and location.TOUR MODEThe watch features a TOUR Mode  in which you can record alldata from a single trip, or workout, and then download thisinformation onto your PC for storage and viewing. The watchcan recall 99 different single tours, trips or workouts.The docking station and CD-ROM are required (optionalfor the RA107 and RS107, but not supplied) to downloadinformation from TOUR Mode.PC SOFTWARE KIT (RP107 ONLY)A docking station is provided with the watch for connecting toa computer, along with a CD-ROM for installing the necessarysoftware onto your computer.  You can also use the software tochange some of the watch settings.The RZ910 PC Kit can be purchased separately for theRA107 and RS107.NOTENOTE
7ETo load new batteries in the chest belt (RS107 and RP107only) and bike mount:The chest belt will stop sending signals if its battery islow.  Bad transmission from the chest belt may also be the resultof poor contact with the skin, surrounding interference, orplacing the receiver watch too far away.To load new batteries in the bicycle sensors (RP107 0nly):The sensors will stop sending signals to the watch iftheir batteries are low.Replace the batteries whenever the HIGLO backlightdims or stops working, or when you see the low battery icon.NOTEGETTING STARTEDTURN ON THE WATCH (FIRST-TIME USE ONLY)Press mode key for 2 seconds or more to activate the LCDDisplayBATTERIESAll batteries are included and already installed. Refer to theSpecifications page for battery types (➔ 27).To avoid the possibility of permanently damaging thewatch, we strongly recommend that you take your watch to alocal retailer or jeweler to have the watch battery replaced.To load new batteries in the watch:Diagram Instructions1. Remove the watchband and screw pin.2. Remove the back cover with a small Phillips screw-driver.3. Install the battery by matching the correct polarity.Always use the correct battery type.Warning:  Reversing the polarity may damage theproduct.4. Replace the cover, screws, screw pin, and watchband.(Be sure to replace the O ring properly).5. Check the replacement batteries are fitted properlyby confirming there is a key tone (beep).CR2032Diagram Instructions1. Insert a coin into the grove. Turn counter-clock-wise.2. Insert the battery. Match the correct polarity.3. Replace the battery compartment. Tighten intoplace.Diagram Instructions1. Insert a coin into the grove. Turn counter-clock-wise.2. Remove the battery and insert a new one.3. Replace the compartment. Tighten into place.NOTENOTENOTE
E8The watch will show Cxxx, Rxxx or Sxxx whenever either thebike mount, cadence or speed sensor batteries are low.Replace all the batteries at the same time – it isdangerous to mix old and new batteries.Used batteries can be harmful to the environment, andshould not be thrown out with household rubbish. Contact yourlocal waste disposal authority for instructions on how to disposeof used batteries. Protect the environment by taking exhaustedbatteries to authorized disposal stations.SWITCH BETWEEN MODESPress the MODE button to switch between the Modes: CLOCK,ALTI-BARO, CARDIO (RS107/RP107 only), BIKE (RP107only), and PC.  A bar shows next to the appropriate Mode (onthe outer ring of the LCD display) when it is selected.SWITCH BETWEEN MODE OPTIONSPress SELECT/+ to switch between the options within a Mode.CHANGE SETTING VALUESPress and hold FUNC/SET for 2 seconds to enter setting mode.Then, press ST/SP/- or SELECT/+ to change the value.  PressFUNC/SET to switch between options, and to confirm thechanges when you are done.USE THE HI-GLO BACKLIGHTPress light/key to turn on the HI-GLO backlight on for fiveseconds. Once the light is on, press any key to keep it on for afurther five seconds.In order to save power the light will not work when the batteryis low. If this happens, change the battery as soon as possible.KEY LOCKThe watch also has a key lock function to stop the buttons frombeing accidentally pressed during an activity. To activate itsimply press and hold light/key until a small key icon appearsin the right hand corner of the screen. The function keys are nowuseless. To reactivate them, press and hold light/key againuntil the key icon disappears.The alarm will still go off while the Key Lock is activated.Pressing any key while in Key lock will stop the alarm.HANDLING THE PRODUCTThe watch is designed to withstand a wide range of sportsactivities, and comes complete with a strong wristband. Whenriding (RP107 only), make sure the watch is firmly connected tothe bike mount, and connect all bicycle equipment carefully andsecurely.  See the BIKE Mode section (➔ 20) for instructions.NOTENOTENOTE
9ECLOCK MODEThe time, date (including the day of the week) and time alarmcan be set while the watch is in CLOCK Mode. Follow theinstructions below to set or activate the time, date, zone time,metric or imperial standards, alarm time, stopwatch and timer.SET CLOCK AND MEASUREMENT UNITS:You cannot change these settings while in TOURMode.  If you attempt to do so, TRIP will show on the display.Refer to the TOUR Mode section (➔ 14).Diagram Instructions1.Press MODE to display the CLOCK mode.2.Press and hold FUNC/SET for 2 seconds. “24h” will flashon the display.3.Press ST/SP/- to change from 24 hour to 12 hour timedisplay.4.Press FUNC/SET again. The hour will flash. Press SE-LECT/+ to move the value up, or ST/SP/- to move thevalue down.Tip:  Continuously press and hold a button to fast-changethe value.5.Repeat Steps 3 – 4 to change the rest of the settings, inthis order:  minutes, year, month/date or date/monthdisplay, month, day, time zone (+/- 23 hours), tempera-ture display (°C / °F), measurement units (feet / meters),and barometric pressure units (inHg or hPa).NOTESET THE ALARMSTOPWATCHThe Stopwatch works in CLOCK, ALTI-BARO,CARDIO, and BIKE modes.  From any ofthese modes, press SELECT/+ to display thestopwatch. Then,•Press ST/SP/- to start, pause, and stop thestopwatch.•With the stopwatch stopped, press andhold FUNC/SET to reset.You can switch to other modes while running thestopwatch in the background.NOTEDiagram Instructions1. Press MODE to display the CLOCK mode.2. Press SELECT/+ 3 times to move it into the alarmsetting screen.3. Press ST/SP/- to activate or deactivate the alarm.A small bell icon will appear on the left side of thealarm time when it is activated.4. Press and hold FUNC/SET for 2 seconds, to set thealarm hour and minutes. Use the SELECT/+ or ST/SP/- buttons to change the value. (The alarm willbe automatically activated once the alarm time isset).
E10TIMERThe Timer works in CLOCK, ALTI-BARO,CARDIO, and BIKE modes. From any ofthese Modes, press SELECT/+ to displaythe stopwatch.  Press FUNC/SET to resetthe Stopwatch, then:• Press and hold FUNC/SET for 2 seconds.The display will change to TMR.• Press ST/SP/- or SELECT/+ to change a value.• Press  FUNC/SET to switch between values and acceptchanges.• Press ST/SP/- to start or stop the timer.• With the timer stopped, press and hold FUNC/SET to reset.You can switch to other Modes while running the timerin the background.To return to STW Mode, you must reset all the timervalues to 0. The timer automatically switches to STW Modewhen it reaches 0.NOTENOTENOTETEMPERATURE DISPLAYThe Temperature can be displayed in CLOCK,ALTI-BARO, CARDIO, and BIKE Modes. Fromany of these Modes, press SELECT/+ to displaythe Temperature.  The Temperature shows ineither Celsius or Fahrenheit, depending on themeasurement unit you select when setting theCLOCK (see CLOCK Mode).Your wrist temperature may affect the reading,particularly during exercise. Take off the watch and leave it for15 minutes to get the most accurate reading.ALTI-BARO MODEThe OUTBREAKER sports watch includes abarometer that distinguishes between pressurecaused by altitude changes and pressurecaused by weather conditions. This technologyreduces discrepancies in readings and makesthe altimeter more accurate than most averagedevices.The watch can store and recall the following values:• Current altitude (updated every 2 seconds)• Maximum / minimum altitudes attained during your a trip• Total accumulated maximum / minimum altitudes attainedduring your trip
11ESET CURRENT ALTITUDE AND RESOLUTIONWhen you first use the watch, it is important to set the currentaltitude and local sea-level pressure so your ascending anddescending altitude can be accurately measured.  You canfind the current altitude by comparing your position to atopographical map, and then entering the value in the watch.It is necessary to reset the altitude after being in apressurized chamber (such as an airplane).For instructions on setting the sea-level pressure, refer to thenext section.Tip:  You can also set the current altitude and alarm limits withthe help of the PC software (see PC section). (RP107 only)The sea level pressure reading will change if the altitudeis adjusted.• Maximum / minimum altitude alert (sounds an alarm whenexceeded)• Maximum / ascending, maximum descending speeds• Current vertical speed• Rate of altitude changeThe altitude is shown it two ways, as a numeric value indicatingyour current altitude, and as a bar chart indicating changes inaltitude.   Both values will change as you move about.In ALTI-BARO Mode, the current altitude is alwaysdisplayed in larger font, in every screen except the sea pressure-setting screen.ACCESSING THE ALTIMETER OPTIONSPress  MODE to access the ALTI-BARO mode, then pressSELECT/+ to loop through the options.NOTENOTENOTEDiagram Instructions1. Press and hold FUNC/SET for 2 seconds while inALT mode.2. Use SELECT/+ or ST/SP/- to change the value.The value will change in unit increments based onthe resolution you set (next step) and the measure-ment unit you selected when setting the CLOCK (➔9).3. Press FUNC/SET to switch to the Resolution set-ting screen, then press ST/SP/- to change thevalue.  The resolution is the increment at which thealtitude will display:  3 / 10 ft, or 1 / 3 meters.4. Press FUNC/SET to exit the setting mode.
E12SET THE SEA-LEVEL PRESSURESea level pressure can change relative to location. To achieveaccurate altitude readings, set the sea-level pressure valuebefore every trip.  Check the newspaper, local news station,trail marker, or weather forecast for local readings, and alwaysselect the reading nearest to your present location.The altitude reading will change according to the sealevel pressure adjustment.VIEW THE SEA-LEVEL PRESSURETo view a graphical image of the current sealevel pressure reading, press FUNC/SET withthe SEA screen shown in ALTI-BARO Mode.Press again to return to normal display.SET ALTITUDE ALERTThe watch can be set to remember an altitude limit (either up ordown, but not both simultaneously).  If the alarm is activated, aseries of beeps (at 5 second intervals) will sound, and the modebar will blink, when you breach the limit. To end the alert, pressany button.To set the alert limits and activate or deactivate the alert:NOTEDiagram Instructions1. While in ALTI-BARO Mode, press SELECT/+ untilthe SEA (sea pressure) screen is shown.2. Press and hold FUNC/SET for two seconds, thenuse SELECT/+ or ST/SP/- to change the value.The value will change in increments of 1 hPa or.03 inHg, depending on the measurement unit youselected in CLOCK Mode (see CLOCK mode).3. Press FUNC/SET again when finished.Diagram Instructions1. Press SELECT/+ until you reach the Alarm screen.(Display reads 'AL' or 'NoAL' at the bottom)2. Press and hold FUNC/SET for two seconds.3. You may set the arrow at the bottom of the screen toa ascending, or descending limit (but not both). Tochange direction, press SELECT/+ or ST/SP/-.4. Press FUNC/SET again, then press SELECT/+ orST/SP/- to change the altitude limit. (The alarm willbe automatically activated once the limits are set).5. Alternatively press ST/SP/- if you simply want toaccept a preset altitude alert setting. (Activated[AL] or deactivated [NoAL]).
13ERECALLING ALTITUDE DATAThe OUTBREAKER allows you to track the following informationas you exercise.• Max / min altitude attained -- shows the highest or lowestpoint you have reached so far in relation to your watch’spermanent altitude setting.• Max / min altitude accumulated – represents the total distanceyou have ascended or descended; that is, every incline isadded together or ‘accumulated’, and likewise every declineis added and ‘accumulated’, to give a total.• Vertical speed -- how fast you are currently climbing• Max ascending speed – fastest speed you have climbed• Max descending speed – fastest speed you have descendedThe following illustration shows these points:These display screens areshown in a loop, and theinformation in each screen isdisplayed for 30 seconds(excluding the ALT/SPD verticalspeed screen, which is not on atimeout) at which point the watchreturns to ALT Mode.Clearing the memoryallows you to start over again ona new trip, though all theinformation from your current tripwill be lost.SWITCH BETWEEN VIEW OPTIONSWhile in ALT/TIME Mode, pressFUNC/SET to switch between theview options: max / min altitude, totalascending / descending altitude, andspeed.   In the speed display, you canview current speed (ascending ordescending), maximum ascendingspeed, and maximum descendingspeed.Press SELECT/+ or ST/SP/- to loop through the values for eachoption.To clear a value from the memory, press and hold FUNC/SETfor 2 seconds.WEATHER FORECASTThe built-in barometer helps to forecast the weather for the next12-24 hours. This reading is based on barometric pressurechanges and has an effective range of 30 to 50 kilometers(18 – 31 miles). The patented baro-compensation technologyin the OUTBREAKER watch allows it to differentiate betweenpressure changes due to altitude, and those due to weatherchanges. To avoid inaccurate forecasts, the watch will favoraltitude readings when you are actually ascending ordescending. This means the weather icon will disappear aftersignificant vertical movements. To display an accurate forecast,simply remain at any fixed altitude for roughly 5 minutes.You may wish to set the icon manually for these reasons:• The speed in the change of icon forecast depends on theFUNC./SETFUNC./SETFUNC./SETST/SP/-SEC/+ST/SP/-SEC/+ST/SP/-SEC/+ST/SP/-SEC/+NOTE
E14speed of barometric change and in some cases may takelonger (up to 24hrs) than desired.• Setting the icon can speed up the adjustment for the weatherforecast.• It is necessary to set the icon after exposure to artificialenvironments, such as an airplane cabin, which may causeincorrect readings.The forecast will be displayed at the top of the watch as one ofthese four icons:The current barometric pressure reading (in hPa or inHg,depending on the measurement unit you set in CLOCK Mode)shows at the bottom of the display.To set the weather icon manually, follow these instructions:When functioning normally the watch automaticallyupdates the forecast every 15 minutes.Diagram Instructions1. While in the ALTI-BARO Mode, press SELECT/+until LOC shows at the bottom of the display.2. Press and hold FUNC/SET for two seconds.3. Press SELECT/+ or ST/SP/- to change the icon.4. Press FUNC/SET to save your changes.NOTETOUR MODEThere are two ways of using the memory on the OUTBREAKER.First, the watch computer will record information as you train,for display only. This means you can check the informationduring or after your exercise, but there will be no record onceyou clear the memory in preparation for your next trainingevent.To record and store this information (for up to 99 different trips,depending on the size of each record – see below) you mustactivate the TOUR Mode and view the records through the PCsoftware.The information from a TOUR can only be viewedthrough the PC software.TOUR MEMORYTour mode allows you to record and store data displayed on thewatch, which can then be downloaded onto your PC. Up to 99TOURs can be recorded and stored to the PC software.Depending on the model you purchase, the information youchoose to record (see below), and the time used by TOURs youhave already stored on the watch, the available memory lengthmay vary.  The average memory storage capacities in real-time, (taking a data sample every 5 seconds), assuming defaultsettings (see Specifications: Tour Mode) and no TOURs havebeen saved for each model are as follows:NOTEModel Total recording time availableRA107 598 min (10 hours)RS107 508 min (8.5 hours)RP107 659 min (11 hours)
15EThe watch can record and store up to 99 different trips,providing there is enough remaining memory.Default sampling time for readings in TOUR Mode is every 5seconds.  To increase the gap between samplings, and thusincrease the memory capacity, you can adjust this settingthrough the PC software.ACTIVATE TOUR MODE:For best results, perform thesesteps immediately before you beginyour trip.1. Simultaneously press FUNC/SET and MODE. The TOUREND screen will display.2. Press and hold FUNC/SET fortwo seconds. The TOUR number (T1, T2, etc.) will show atthe bottom of the display.  You are now recording information.The percentage (%) at the top indicates the total usedmemory.3. To stop the TOUR, press and hold FUNC/SET for 2 seconds.END will show at the bottom of the display. The Tour data willbe stopped.4. To begin another TOUR, press and hold FUNC/SET for 2seconds. The new TOUR number (T3, etc.) will show at thebottom of the display. You are recording information again.5. Press MODE to return to the CLOCK display.Used watch memory is given as a percentage. It isrecommended that you download information to your PC andclear all TOUR memories when this figure approaches 100%.When the used memory hits 100% it will no longer record, andany future readings will not be recorded.RECORD MARKERS IN TOUR MODEThe marker function is used to mark a particular position duringa TOUR. To place a marker, press and hold SELECT/+ whenthe TOUR Mode is in use.The marker will only be shown in the PC data, once ithas been downloaded from the watch.PAUSE TOUR MODE:1. If you are not already in TOURMode, simultaneously pressFUNC/SET and MODE.  TheTOUR number will display. Thepercentage (%) at the top indi-cates the total used memory.2. Press FUNC/SET.  REST showsat the bottom of the display.3. Press ST/SP/- to turn the rest on (paused) or off (recording).DEACTIVATE TOUR MODE:For best results, performthese steps immediatelyafter you end your trip.1. Simultaneously pressFUNC/SET and MODE.The TOUR number willdisplay. The percentage(%) at the top indicates the total used memory.NOTENOTE2 sec
E162. Press and hold FUNC/SET for two seconds.  This ENDS theTOUR recording session.3. Press MODE to return to the CLOCK display.CLEAR ALL TOUR MEMORIESFor best results, perform these steps after you download TOURinformation to the PC software.Either:1. Download the information to you PC (the TOUR will beautomatically cleared.Or:1. Deactivate the TOURMode. With the ENDscreen shown, press theFUNC/SET button.  CLRshows at the bottom ofthe display.2. Press and hold FUNC/SET until donE shows at the bottom of the display.3. Press FUNC/SET again to display 0% and confirm all datahas been cleared.4. Press MODE to return to the CLOCK display.The maximum and minimum values for the various sub-modes (i.e., max heart rate, or max altitude, etc) will remainafter all data has been cleared.NOTECARDIO (HEART RATE) MODE(RS107/RP107 ONLY)The OUTBREAKER watch isequipped with a CARDIO Modeand heart rate chest belt, whichtogether allow you to measureyour heart rate (from 25-240 beatsper minute) while exercising. Youcan track your heart rate while inthe ALTI-BARO, CARDIO, orBIKE Modes, and with the following features: Stopwatch,Timer, Temperature, and Altimeter display.There are five screens in the CARDIO Mode including theHEART RATE/CLOCK/HR chart (starting) screen. They are:• HEART RATE/CLOCK/HRchart (starting) screen,• HEART RATE/HR alarm on/off/screen,• HEART RATE/STW (stop-watch) screen,• HEART RATE/TEMP (tem-perature) screen,• HEART RATE/ALTI (altimeter)screen.To move between them, simplypress SELECT/+.
17EWEARING THE CHEST BELTYou must wear the chest belt to measure your heart rate.This OUTBREAKER watch is specially designed towork with the chest belt with which it was sold. It is notrecommended you use any other chest belt with this watch, asthe transmission may not work.Tips:  The transmission from the belt is dependent on goodcontact with the skin and proximity to the receiver watch. Makesure the transmitting section of the belt is against the skin, notblocked by chest hair, and close enough to the receiver watch(approximately 30 inches) to send a clear signal. Sweat or gelcan help to improve the signal, and remember it is notinstantaneous. If no signal is received immediately, wait for afew seconds for the signal to get through.An old battery may weaken the transmission andreception power. Replace the battery if the performance isprogressively worse.Once you have good contact with the chest belt,   will beginto flash. This means the signal is being sent and your heart ratewill soon appear in place of the large 0. Your heart rate will bedisplayed as the larger font in every screen of this Mode, andcan also be displayed in a smaller font, below the line, while inBIKE Mode. If you remove the chest belt, or the watch is movedtoo far away from it, the signal will be broken.The CARDIO Mode will stop functioning after no signalis received for 5 or more minutes.When you are measuring your heart rate, keep thewatch away from signal generating sources, such as TVs, PCs,and car engines, as these may impair the reading.TRAINING ZONESThe OUTBREAKER watch isequipped with a special Training Zonefeature that allows you to pre-selectthe optimal heart rate range (50-240beats per minute) for your activity.For example, the amount of exertionrequired for a stroll in the park isdifferent from the amount of exertion required for weight liftingto build muscle mass.  With the Training Zone feature, you canset and then monitor the upper and lower heart rate limits(Training Zone) that best support your training activity andgoals.Diagram Instructions1. Wet the conductive pads on the undersideof the chest belt with few drops of water or aconductive gel to ensure a better, solid con-tact.2. Put on the belt, wrapping it around the upperchest so the heart rate monitor is in themiddle of the chest, tucked snugly under thepectoral muscles.3. Adjust the belt for comfort and best contactwith the skin.NOTENOTENOTENOTE
E18The calculation for determining your upper and lower heart ratelimits is as follows.Once you know your maximum heart range, you can set the 5Training Zones (described below) with the PC software (referto the online help).  With the OUTBREAKER watch, you candirectly set your upper and lower limits for Training Zone 5, andcan set an alarm to sound whenever you exceed the limits forthe selected Training Zone.Warning:  The heart rate limits for Training Zones 1 – 4 arebased on the profile for a 20-year-old young man.  If you do notmeet this profile, we HIGHLY RECOMMEND that you either setthe limits for Training Zones 1 – 4 using the PC software, orfollow the steps below to set the limits for Training Zone 5.The recommended Training Zones are as follows:High-altitude activities may elevate your maximum heartrate.You can override the zone preference by adjusting thevalue through the PC (all zones), or by manually adjustingZone 5.SET UPPER AND LOWER HEART RATE LIMITSFOR TRAINING ZONE 51. Press MODE to access the CARDIO(heart rate) Mode.2. Press SELECT/+ to switch to the AL(Alarm) setting.3. Press and hold FUNC/SET for twoseconds. The zone number will flashat the bottom of the screen. The upper limit is shown abovethe line in larger font, and the lower limit is below. (You mayadjust the value for upper and lower rate limits in Zones 1-4 by using the PC software. Otherwise pressing ST/SP/- willsimply activate or deactivate the preset alarm).4. Press SELECT/+ or ST/SP/- to switch to Zone 5.5. Press FUNC/SET again to display the SET screenNOTESex Maximum Heart Lower limit Upper limitRange (MHR)Men 220 – age = MHRWomen 230 – age = MHRZone MHR range Description(min – max %)1 50 – 60% Moderate Activity – This low-intensity zone is good for warm-ups, cool downs, and activities such as brisk walking. It is alsogood for beginners and those who want to strengthen theircardiovascular systems.2 60 – 70% Weight Management – Up to 85% of calories burned in thiszone are from fat cells.  Moderate exercises such as lightjogging or swimming are good for this zone.3 70 – 80% Aerobic Zone – Increases strength and endurance. It workswithin the body’s oxygen intake capability, burns more calories,and can be maintained for a long period of time.4 80 – 90% Anaerobic Zone – Generates speed and power. It works ator above the body’s oxygen intake capability, builds muscle,and cannot be maintained for a long period of time.5 90 – 100% Red Line Zone – This high-intensity zone can only bemaintained in short bursts or intervals, as it pushes yourmuscles and cardiovascular system beyond their capacity.NOTEMHR x (lower training zone %)   MHR x (upper training zone %)
19E6. Press SELECT/+ or ST/SP/- to change the upper heart ratelimit.7. Repeat Steps 5 – 6 to set the lower heart rate limit.8. Press FUNC/SET when finished.Heart rate range is between (upper 26-240 bpm) and(lower 25-239 bpm).ACTIVATE THE TRAINING ZONE ALARMOnce activated, the Training Zone Alarm will sound wheneveryou exceed the upper or lower heart rate limits for the selectedTraining Zone.1. From the CARDIO Mode, press SELECT/+ to switch to theAL (Alarm) screen.2. Press and hold FUNC/SET for two seconds.3. Press SELECT/+ or ST/SP/- to select the desired TrainingZone.4. Press FUNC/SET.5. Press ST/SP/- to turn the alarm off or on.TRACK HEART RATE DURING TRAININGTo set up the OUTBREAKER watch sothat it can track your heart rate activityduring training, first do the following:1. Put on the chest belt (refer to the“Wearing the Chest belt” section).2. Press MODE to access the CARDIOMode and check to make sure the watch is receiving yourheart rate signals.3. Select the Training Zone that is most appropriate for youractivity (refer to previous section).4. Activate the Stopwatch or Timer in CARDIO Mode (refer tothe Stopwatch / Timer section).5. Set up the TOUR Mode if you want to store a long-termrecord of your heart rate history that spans several trainingsessions or activities (refer to the TOUR Mode section).Once you complete these steps, you are ready to beginexercising.  After you finish, reset the Stopwatch or Timer tozero, then press FUNC/SET to have the following metricsdisplayed in 5-second intervals:• Time and date in M1 or M2….M99 (all current data will bestored under M1, while previous data is stored under M2 andso on until M99).• Average heart rate during exercise and Total exercise time• Upper Training Zone limit and time spent above limit• Lower Training Zone limit and time spent below limit• Total time spent exercising within the heart rate limitsIf you have more than one set (M1-M99) of trainingrecords, press SELECT/+ or ST/SP/- to loop through therecords.NOTENOTE
E20STEP 1:  ATTACH THE EQUIPMENT TO THE BICYCLEBIKE MODE (RP107 ONLY)The OUTBREAKER sports watch comes complete with abicycle computer (and accessories), which records and displaysthe following information:• Speed:  0 – 255 km/hour or 0 – 158 mile/hour, depending onthe measurement unit you select (refer to the Clock Modesection)• Average speed (Max:255km/hr or 158 mile/hr)• Maximum speed (Max:255km/hr or 158 mile/hr)• Cadence:  0 – 255 rpm (pedal revolutions per minute)• Distance traveled (Max:999.9 km or 620 miles)• Total distance travelled (Max:99,999.9 km or 620,000 miles)• Total time spent cyclingThe BIKE Mode comprises pioneering technology that usestwo wireless sensors instead of one. The high frequency ofeach sensor (915.2 MHz) eliminates possible interferencebetween the cadence and signal sensors, ensuring you accurateperformance measurements.SET UP FOR BIKE MODETo set up the BIKE Mode you must first do two things:1. Attach the measuring equipment to your bicycle:speedsensor (front wheel), cadence sensor (pedal), two magnets(front wheel and pedal), and bike mount (handle bar).  Referto the next section for instructions.2. Specify your wheel circumference.  See below for instructions.Max  5 mmMax 100 cm
21ETo attach the equipment:1. Attach the bike mount to the right or left handlebar usingrubber grip, nut and bolt provided.  Tighten until the bikemount is fixed into place, using the rubber grip for a firmercontact.2. Attach the cadence sensor to a stationary point just behindthe pedal, using the rubber grip for a firmer contact.  Thereshould be maximum 39 inches (100cm) between the sensorand the bike mount, and less than 30 degrees vertical angle.3. Attach the cadence magnet to a pedal so that it is directlyaligned with the sensor with less than 0.2 inches (5mm)between.4. Attach the speed sensor to either leg of the front forks, usingthe rubber grip for a firmer contact.  There should bemaximum 39 inches (100mm) between the sensor and the39 inches bike mount, and less than 30 degrees verticalangle.5. Attach the speed magnet on a spoke of the front wheel sothat it less than 0.2 inches (5mm) from the sensor.6. Check and adjust as necessary, then snip the ends off theclips so that no excess remains.7. Fit the watch into the bike mount.8. Press MODE on the watch to switch to BIKE Mode.9. Press ST/SP/- to activate signal reception. The displayshows “- -“, then changes to 0 once a successful signal isreceived.10.Ride the bike a short distance to make sure signals are beingsent to the watch successfully.11.You are now ready to begin your trip.The watch can work with one or both sensors.When the display shows a low battery icon   (see‘Battery’ section) replace the battery for the corresponding unit.STEP 2:  ENTER  WHEEL CIRCUMFERENCEYou must set the bike’s wheelcircumference on the watch so it canaccurately calculate your speed anddistance. If you do not know the bike’swheel circumference, you can check themanufacturer’s specifications or measureit by marking the wheel where it touchesthe ground, and then rotating the wheel once fully along theground.  Measure the difference between the two marks.Most wheels have their specifications written on them.To specify this information on the watch:1. Press MODE to switch to the BIKE Mode.2. Press and hold FUNC/SET for 2 seconds.3. Press SELECT/+ or ST/SP/- to change the circumference(cm or inches, depending on the measurement unit youselected in CLOCK Mode).4. Press FUNC/SET to save your changes.You can also use the PC software for this operation (seePC section).NOTENOTENOTENOTE
E22PC KIT (RP107 ONLY)The RP107 Oregon Scientific OUTBREAKER sports watch isequipped with a PC Kit that includes a PC Docking Station andCD-ROM for downloading information to a personal computer.Full instructions for using the software are provided in the onlinehelp and can be viewed once you have installed the CD-ROM.The PC Kit for the RA107/RS107 series OUTBREAKERwatch is sold separately.  Contact the retailer or our website( for more information about theRZ910 PC Kit.The PC Kit enables you to store and recall most of theinformation that is collected by the OUTBREAKER watch.  Thisallows you to free up the watch memory for recording moreinformation, while preserving the training records that are mostimportant to you.  For example, with the PC Kit you can specifywhich information you want to record in TOUR Mode:  Bylimiting what is recorded, you can keep longer records.  Thiscan be useful if you wish to monitor your performance during anextended period such as a two-day hike, where only heart rateand altitude are of concern, or a day of cycling, where onlyspeed and distance are important to you.  Full details of thewatch’s memory capacity are given in the TOUR MEMORYsection.You can also use the PC Hook-up Kit to set values on the watchthrough the PC.  A full list of options is given at the end of thissection.The hardware/software requirements for the PC Kit arelisted at the back of this manual.NOTENOTEACCESSING THE MODE OPTIONSPress MODE to access the BIKEMode, then press SELECT/+ to loopthrough the options:  Speed, Stop-watch/Timer, Temperature, Altitude,and Heart Rate.For instructions on how to use theStopwatch or Timer in BIKE Mode,refer to pp. 9 – 10.VIEWING SPEED AND CADENCE INFORMATIONPress MODE to switch to the BIKE Mode.  In the Speed display,you can view current speed (default view) and the followingmetrics from memory: total time spent cycling, total distancetraveled, total TOUR distance traveled (TOUR Mode only, seeTOUR section), average speed, maximum speed, and cadence(pedal revolutions per minute).  Press FUNC/SET to loopthrough the values for each option.To clear a value from a specific memory, press and holdFUNC/SET for 2 seconds.
23EPC MODESET UP FOR PC MODETo use the features of the PC Mode, you will need the PC Kit(includes PC docking station, connector cable, and theinstallation software CD-ROM), and a PC or laptop computer.All three models (RA/RP/RS 107) support the PC Mode.However, the PC Kit for the RA107 and the RS107 is soldseparately.USING THE SOFTWAREDouble-click on the Oregon Scientific icon.  Once the softwareopens, click on Help for information about the function yourequire.PC MODE OPTIONSYou can perform the following tasks by using the CD-ROMsoftware supplied.Diagram Instructions1. Connect the PC Docking Station to your computer.  Forbest results, turn the computer off before you connect.2. Install the software using the CD-ROM (first-time useonly).  The process is automatic, and requires you torespond to self-explanatory prompts.Once the software is installed, an Oregon Scientific iconwill be placed on your desktop.3. Mount the watch on the docking station, making sure thecontact points on the station and the watch are aligned.The watch should automatically switch to PC Mode.The cadence, speed and heart rate functionswill be temporarily disabled when you use the watch inPC Mode.NOTEAccess/recall information/ on  the PC• All information recorded in TOURMode, including temperature,altitude, heart rate, wheel speed,cadence, trip distance, etc,[Provided this data has beenselected in “Data should be stored”in the “Configuration menu”  (seesoftware help menu)].• Back up/import and export data• Define user data• Display graphical chart and printtable• Give data overview with a specifieddurationChange watch settings on the PC• Date and time (set to PC time, or amanual setting)• Time, and event alarm (3 eventalarms, 1 daily alarm, and select alarmduration)• Current sea-level pressure• Altitude limits• Weather icon• Upper and lower heart rate limits forTraining Zones 1 – 5.• Wheel circumference/diameter• TOUR Mode data recording anddownload options• Choose a serial port (Com 1 to Com 4)• Sampling rate (1 second and up)• Unit settings (Metric or Imperial)NOTE
E24To send all selected settings and preferences to thewatch select “Transfer configuration” in the “communication”sub-menu (PC software).DOWNLOAD DATAFollow these procedures to download data1. After installing the CD-ROM click the OUTBREAKER icon onyour PC.2. In the man menu, select “Communication”.3. Connect the docking station to your PC.4. Press “Mode” until you reach PC Mode.5. Fit the OUTBREAKER watch in the docking station, makingsure the pins are matched and secured.6. Close the cover gently and select “Connect” in the “Commu-nication” sub-menu.7. You will see an arrow mark on the watch, and “download inprogress” on your PC.8. Select “Read Trip Data” in the “Communication” sub-menu,then follow the on screen instructions.9. Select “Format” to process the data arrangement.10.Download is now complete. Select desired graphical report.NOTE EFFECTIVE USE AND RANGEThe watch and heart rate chest belt have a maximum transmis-sion range of about 30 inches (76 centimeters). If the signal isweak take the following steps:• Shorten the distance between the heart rate chest belt andwatch• Re-adjust the position of the heart rate chest belt• Check the batteries. If they are low or exhausted, change thebattery immediatelyYou can wear the receiver watch on your wrist or strap it to abike or exercise machine as shown below:AQUATIC AND OUTDOOR ACTIVITIESThe watch is water-resistant up to 50 meters. The chest belt andother accessories (bike mount/speed and cadence sensors)are splash-proof up to 10 meters, but should not be worn forunderwater activities, as the heart rate transmission cannotwork properly under water.  Refer to the table below forguidelines.
25ERAINSPLASHES, ETCOKOKOKSHOWERING(WARM / COOLWATER ONLY)OKOKOKLIGHT SWIMMING/ SHALLOW WATERNOOKOKSHALLOW DIVING /SURFING /WATER SPORTNONOOKSNORKELING /DEEP WATERDIVINGNONONO30m / 100ft50m / 165ft100m / 325ftWhen using the watch for outdoor sports activities, observe thefollowing guidelines:• Do not press the buttons underwater or with wet fingers.• Rinse with water and mild soap after use.• Do not use the watch in hot water.Tips for keeping your watch fit:  Keep your watch waterresistant!  Avoid chemicals (gasoline, chlorine, perfumes,alcohol, hair sprays, etc.). Rinse after use.  Reduce exposureto heat. Have your watch serviced by an approved servicecenter once yearly.SAFETY AND CARE INSTRUCTIONSSAFETY PRECAUTIONSPlease observe these safety precautions when using thisproduct.• Do not consult the watch while moving or engaging in activesports. Doing so may result in a collision that causespersonal injury.• Do not subject the product to excessive force, shock, dust ortemperatures.• Do not tamper with the product’s internal components.• Do not mix fresh and old batteries, or batteries of differentspecifications.• Do not use this watch as a substitute for professionalmeasuring devices used in skydiving, hang gliding,paragliding, gyrocopter piloting and flying small aircraft.• Do not use this watch as a substitute for industrial precisioninstruments.• Follow the water-resistance guidelines carefully before usein water (see Effective Use and Range section).• Keep the product away from heat sources such as radiators,stoves, heaters, and other heat-generating products.CARE INSTRUCTIONSTo ensure you receive the maximum benefit from using thisproduct, please observe the following guidelines.
E26• Cleaning – Clean with a damp cloth. Do not use liquidcleaning agents, benzene, thinner, or aerosols.• Repair – Do not attempt to repair the product or modify thecircuitry by yourself. Contact the retailer or a qualifiedrepairman if the product requires servicing. Only usereplacement parts that are recommended by themanufacturer.• Do not scratch hard objects against the LCD display as thismay cause damage.TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDEThis section includes a list of frequently asked questions forproblems you may encounter with the OUTBREAKER sportswatch. If your watch is not operating as you think it should,check here before arranging for servicing.SymptomPower will not turnon.Keys do not respondDate display iswrongCheck thisBatteries areexhausted.Batteries are insertedincorrectly.Key lock inoperation.(Key icon shown)Date not setProblemNo powerDate / timeis wrongRemedyReplace with newbatteries.Insert the batteriescorrectly (➔7).Press key/lock for 2seconds (Key icon willdisappear).Set date correctly (➔9)Cannot be changed whenTOUR Mode is operating.Altitudereading isstrangeNo altitudealarmTemperaturereading isstrangeNo weatherreadingWrong unitreading(imperial/metric)No alarmPressurereading isstrangeTime display iswrongReading is less than0 (-20, etc.)Different heightreading at samepoint after tripAlarm does notsoundToo highWeather icondisappearsIncorrect unit settingExpected alarmdoes not soundToo high or lowTime zone setincorrectlyCurrent altitude isbelow ground, (watchsea levelsetting)BarometricchangesLevels not setWatch is too close tobodyHeight displacement(Vertical movement)Unit settingsLevels not setAlarm not activatedIs change due towind, pressurizedchamber, orpressurizedenvironmentReset time zoneCannot be changed whenTOUR Mode is operating.Reset watch, or acceptreadingMinor pressure changesmay produce minimaldeviations in altitudereadingsSet levels (➔ 12)Take off watch, wait 15minutes, then try againRemain at fixed altitudefor 5 minutesSet units (➔ 9)Set levels (➔ see relevantMODE Section)Activate alarm (➔ seerelevant MODE section)Reset after you havechanged locationsSymptom Check thisProblem Remedy
27ESPECIFICATIONSCalendar ClockHour format 12/24 hrDate format DD:MM:YY or MM:DD:YYAuto calendar 2000-2099Alarms 1 daily (hr:min)3 event (hr:min  DD.MM.YY)Chronometer/Timer 99:59:59 (hr:min:sec)Heart Rate MonitorHeart rate range 25…240 beats per minute (bpm)Resolution 1 bpmAccuracy +/- 1 bpmTraining zones 5HR alert range 26…240 bpm (upper)25…239 bpm (lower)Alert memory 3 heart rate alarmsTOUR memory 99 max (RS107/RP107 only)ThermometerRange 14.0º F….140.0º F(-10.0º C….60.0º C )Resolution 0.2º F (0.1 º C)Accuracy +/- 2º F (+/- 1º C)AltimeterRange -1,312….30,000 feet(-400…9,000 meters )Resolution 3 or 10 ft (1 or 3 m)Accuracy +/- 30 ft (+/- 10 m)Vertical speed 0…415 ft/sec (0…125 m/sec)(ascending or descending)Symptom Check thisProblem RemedyHeart iconnot workingNo heart ratealertNo heart ratememoryNo bikereading/StrangereadingNo sensorpowerNo memoryBlank displayExpected alarmdoes not soundNo heart rate dataNo dataRx/Cx/Sx shownNo displayNo TOUR datastoredStrange readingStrange reading(continued)Rx/Sx/Cx displayedin BIKE modeEmpty memory, orused memory %unchanged100% of memoryused(airplane)?Time out due to 5minutes of inactivityChest belt is too farfrom watch or poorskin contactTraining Zone/Alertlimits not setChest belt is too farfrom watch or poorskin contactSensor not readyNo batteryWatch not activatedDisabled featurethrough PCWrong wheel size setSensors fittedincorrectlyMagnet not alignedInterferenceBattery low or emptyTour mode not setMemory fullPress MODE to return toCARDIO ModeMove chest belt closer oradjust contact with skinSet limits (➔ 18)Move chest belt closer oradjust contact with skinCheck distance betweensensor and magnetReplace batteries (➔7)Press ST/SP/-Display shows “- -“ then“0”Re-select check box in PCsoftwareMeasure and set wheeldiameter againCheck sensor fittingsRealign magnetFind source and move orswitch offReplace batterySet tour modeClear all memoriesmanually, or download tothe PCNOTE Data manually erased cannot be recalled or recovered.
E28Vertical speed resolution 3 ft/sec (1 m/sec)Max altitude change 3 ft/sec (1 m/sec)Total altitude change +/- 180,000 ft (+/- 60,000 m)Alerts 1 alarmBarometerLocal pressure range 300…1100 hPa(8.86…32.46 inHg)Sea level pressure range 900…1100 hPa(26.58…32.46 inHg)Resolution 1 hPa (0.03 inHg)Accuracy +/- hPa (+/- 0.1 inHg)Bar graph x-resolution 1 hourBar graph y-resolution 1 hPa (0.02953 inHg)TOUR ModeOUTBREAKER RA107Record time: 598 min5 second samplings:Altitude / Barometer / TemperatureOUTBREAKER RS107Record time: 508 min5 second samplings: Heart Rate / Altitude / Barometer/ TemperatureOUTBREAKER RP107Record time: 659 min5 second samplings: Distance / Cadence / Speed /Heart Rate/ Altitude / Barometer /TemperatureBIKE ComputerWheel speed range 158 mile/hr (255 km/hr)Wheel speed resolution 1 mile/hr (1 km/hr)Cadence range 0…255 revolutions per minute(rpm)Cadence resolution 1 rpmMax trip distance 620 miles (999.9 km)Max total trip distance 62,000 miles (99,999.9 km)Wheel circumference 39 in…118 in(1,000….3,000 mm)Circumference resolution 0.04 in (1mm)Bike sensor RF 915.2 MHzEnvironmentOperation 14º F…140º F (-10º C…60º C)Storage -4º F…158º F (-20º C…70º C)Relative Humidity 10%…95%Water ResistanceWatch not actuating keys to 165 ft (50 m)Other accessories splash proofPowerWatch 1 x CR2032 3V lithium batteryChest belt 1 x CR2032 3V lithium batteryBike mount 2 x CR2032 3V lithium batteryCadence sensor 2 x LR44 1.5 V alkaline batterySpeed sensor 2 x LR44 1.5 V alkaline battery
29E• Do not subject the product to impact or shock.• Check all major functions when the device is unused for along period of time. This is to ensure its full operation.Maintain a regular internal testing and cleaning of yourdevice.• When disposing of this product, do so in accordance withyour local waste disposal regulations.ADDITIONAL RESOURCESVisit our website ( to learn moreabout your OUTBREAKER sports watch and other OregonScientific™ products such as digital cameras, hand-held or-ganizers, alarm clocks, and weather stations. The website alsoincludes contact information for our customer service depart-ment, in case you need to reach us.© 2004 Oregon Scientific. All rights reserved.WARNINGSTo ensure you use your product correctly and safely, read theseWarnings and the entire user manual before using the product.The warnings given here provide important safety informationand should be observed at all times.• Do not attempt to repair the product yourself. Contact theretailer or our customer service department if it requiresservicing.• Take precautions when handling all battery types. They cancause injuries, burns, or property damage as a result ofcontact with conducting materials, heat, corrosive materialsor explosives. Remove the batteries before storing theproduct for long periods of time.• The product is a precision instrument. Never attempt to takethis device apart. There is a serious danger of powerfulelectric shocks.• Do not, under any circumstances, touch the exposed elec-tronic circuitry of the device as there is a danger of electricshock should it become exposed.• Take special care when handling a damaged LCD display,as the liquid crystals can be harmful to your health.• Do not use or store the device, including the remote sensor,in locations that may adversely affect the product such as,snow, desert, and magnetic fields.• Do not use this device in aircrafts or hospitals. The use ofradio frequency products can cause malfunctions in thecontrol devices of other equipment.
E30NOTE ON COMPLIANCEThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operationis subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device maynot cause harmful interference, and (2) This device mustaccept any interference received, including interference thatmay cause undesired operation.Warning:  Changes or modifications to this unit not expresslyapproved by the party responsible for compliance could voidthe user’s authority to operate the equipment.FCC  :NOTE:  This equipment has been tested and found to complywith the limits for a Class  B digital device, pursuant to Part 15of the FCC Rules.  These limits are designed to providereasonable protection against harmful interference in aresidential installation. This equipment generates, uses andcan radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed andused in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmfulinterference to radio communications.However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occurin a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmfulinterference to radio or television reception, which can bedetermined by turning the equipment off and on, the user isencouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more ofthe following measures:Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.Increase the separation between the equipment andreceiver.Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit differentfrom that to which the receiver is connected.Consult the dealer of an experienced radio/TV technicianfor help.Company Name : Oregon Scientific, Inc.Address : 19861 SW 95th Place, Tualatin, Oregon 97062,USATelephone Number : 503-639-8883Website address : www.oregonscientific.comCompany Name : IDT Technology LimitedAddress : Block C, 9/F., Kaiser Estate, Phase 1,41 Man Yue Street, Hunghom, Kowloon, Hong Kong.Telephone Number : (852) 27647873Website address : www.idthk.comName and model number of the product : Oregon Scientific™OUTBREAKER Sports Watch (RP107 series)CAUTION— The content of this manual is subject to changewithout further notice.— Due to printing limitation, the displays shown in thismanual may differ from the actual display.— The contents of this manual may not be reproducedwithout the permission of the manufacturer.

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