IONX T6XSMIPM 2.4 GHz Transceiver User Manual Working T4 Install

IONX LLC 2.4 GHz Transceiver Working T4 Install

User Manual

IONX Support Center 1-800-621-8442, _____________________________________________________________________________________ 301614 – T6X Installation Manual    Confidential Revision Date: November 19, 2013    Revision:  A Process Owner:  Engineering    Page 1 of 21        IONX Technical Data         Installation Manual Edge T-Series Model T6X Communications Management Unit (CMU)    IONX LLC 515 S. Franklin St. West Chester, PA 19382 484.653.2600
IONX Support Center 1-800-621-8442, _____________________________________________________________________________________ 301614 – T6X Installation Manual    Confidential Revision Date: November 19, 2013    Revision:  A Process Owner:  Engineering    Page 2 of 21 1 Warning These instructions are not designed to imply or replace any operating or safety rules.  It is the responsibility of the installer to understand and follow all company safety practices.  WARNING  In  order  to  comply  with  hazardous  classification,  only  those  items specifically listed can be used and must be used only as shown. WARNING Installation shall be carried out in accordance with the applicable code of practice by suitably-trained personnel. WARNING  Repair  of  this  equipment  shall  be  carried  out  in  accordance  with  the applicable code of practice. WARNING  Any  machining,  drilling,  and/or  sanding  related  to  the  installation  of  this system should be pre-approved by the authorized department before work is started.     WARNING If the equipment is likely to come into contact with aggressive substances, then it is the responsibility of the user to take suitable precautions that prevent it from being adversely affected, thus ensuring that the type of protection is not compromised. WARNING RF Device: Unit cannot be painted or coated with any material. Coating can adverseIy  affect  the  performance  of  the  device.  Unit  shall  be  masked  appropriately  if  post installation coating is required.     WARNING  Products  contain  Lithium  Ion  batteries.  Proper  disposal  procedures  are required  upon  end  of  life  conditions.  If  there  is  not  corporate  policy  for  hazardous  waste disposal, the units should be shipped back to IONX for proper disposal.
IONX Support Center 1-800-621-8442, _____________________________________________________________________________________ 301614 – T6X Installation Manual    Confidential Revision Date: November 19, 2013    Revision:  A Process Owner:  Engineering    Page 3 of 21  2 Unpacking the CMU 2.1    Inspect shipping box/s to make sure there is no damage.   2.2    Carefully unpack the shipping box making sure to open the top of the box. There will be instruction guide/s for modules associated with the system order.  2.3    Open shipping box/s and verify that the internal contents match the shipping receipt. 2.4 The installation instructions ensure at all times that the minimum separation distance from the human body is always greater than 20 cm during installation. 2.5    Contact IONX in the event of any above problems toll-free at 800-621-8442.  WARNING  If using a knife to cut the tape, do not let the blade extend more than ½ inch inside of the cardboard box.                  [This space left blank intentionally]
IONX Support Center 1-800-621-8442, _____________________________________________________________________________________ 301614 – T6X Installation Manual    Confidential Revision Date: November 19, 2013    Revision:  A Process Owner:  Engineering    Page 4 of 21
IONX Support Center 1-800-621-8442, _____________________________________________________________________________________ 301614 – T6X Installation Manual    Confidential Revision Date: November 19, 2013    Revision:  A Process Owner:  Engineering    Page 5 of 21 3 Activating the CMU 3.1 Before starting 3.1.1 Confirm your email address is set-up in the IONX TARA system by emailing with “help” in the subject line.   3.1.2 If there is no reply, contact the IONX Support Center at toll-free at 1-800-621-8442 to get your email address set-up to use TARA and  3.2 Setup Monitor Command   3.2.1  Start a new email message   To: type  Subject: type  o ‘WSM’  o period ‘.’  o The serial number of the CMU   Example: WSM.GA0000123A  3.2.2 Send the message and wait for the following response:                       Wireless Sensor Monitor initiated for GA0001099A.  Please remove the Red Label covering the T-Series device, and look on the bottom for a green blinking light. This will cause the device to wake-up, and send a message within the next 5 minutes.  Please wait for further instructions...   **This is an automated report email, responding to this message will re-issue the same command.
IONX Support Center 1-800-621-8442, _____________________________________________________________________________________ 301614 – T6X Installation Manual    Confidential Revision Date: November 19, 2013    Revision:  A Process Owner:  Engineering    Page 6 of 21 3.3 Remove the red label and magnet from the top of the CMU. (figure 1)     Figure 1: CMU T6X with red installation sticker intact     3.4 Flip over the CMU to see if the two white half circles in the recess are blinking green (Figure 2).  These two white half circles are the Status LED. The Status LED will blink green for 30-seconds after removing the Red Label (which includes a small bar magnet) from the top of the CMU.  If the Status LED is not blinking or blinking any other pattern than green contact the IONX Customer Support Center by phone at 1-800-621-8442 or email   Figure 2: Status LED on the bottom of the T Series CMU
IONX Support Center 1-800-621-8442, _____________________________________________________________________________________ 301614 – T6X Installation Manual    Confidential Revision Date: November 19, 2013    Revision:  A Process Owner:  Engineering    Page 7 of 21  3.5 You will get an email message from TARA when the CMU sends its power up message.  See example email in below:    If WSN Sensors are included, use the following  instructions.   3.6 Remove the red labels from all the WSN’s  3.7 You will get a email message from TARA when the WSN’s send a Node Live message. See example email in below:                  From: "Ionx, Tara" <> Date: May 21, 2012 5:39:33 PM CDT To: "> Subject: WSM: GA0000123A - Terminal now awake The Terminal is now awake. Remove the red label from all of the wireless sensors now.  Wireless sensors associated with this terminal: WS0000123A,WS0000124A,WS0000125A,WS0000126A  Please wait for further instructions...    **This is an automated monitoring email, replying to this email will cancel the monitor.   Sample Installation Response The following wireless sensors are now awake.      WS0000252A,WS0000223A  Please wait for further instructions...    **This is an automated monitoring email, replying to this email will cancel the monitor.
IONX Support Center 1-800-621-8442, _____________________________________________________________________________________ 301614 – T6X Installation Manual    Confidential Revision Date: November 19, 2013    Revision:  A Process Owner:  Engineering    Page 8 of 21 3.8 When the last WSN has sent a Node Live message, then you will get an email from TARA that all WSN’s have joined and it is OK to install the equipment on the car.        From: "Ionx, Tara" <> Date: May 21, 2012 5:39:33 PM CDT To: "> Subject: WSM: GA0000123A - Ready for Installation All wireless sensors are now awake:      WS0000232A,WS0000233A  The system is ready for installation. Sample Installation Response
IONX Support Center 1-800-621-8442, _____________________________________________________________________________________ 301614 – T6X Installation Manual    Confidential Revision Date: November 19, 2013    Revision:  A Process Owner:  Engineering    Page 9 of 21 4 Installing the CMU The CMU can be installed with or without the optional mounting bracket.
IONX Support Center 1-800-621-8442, _____________________________________________________________________________________ 301614 – T6X Installation Manual    Confidential Revision Date: November 19, 2013    Revision:  A Process Owner:  Engineering    Page 10 of 21 4.1 Installing the CMU without the bracket
IONX Support Center 1-800-621-8442, _____________________________________________________________________________________ 301614 – T6X Installation Manual    Confidential Revision Date: November 19, 2013    Revision:  A Process Owner:  Engineering    Page 11 of 21 4.2 Installing the CMU with the mounting bracket (Optional)
IONX Support Center 1-800-621-8442, _____________________________________________________________________________________ 301614 – T6X Installation Manual    Confidential Revision Date: November 19, 2013    Revision:  A Process Owner:  Engineering    Page 12 of 21  5 Installing Wireless Sensor Nodes (WSN’s) 5.1 Follow the Installation Manual supplied with the WSN.  6  Associating the CMU The IONX Totally Autonomous Reporting Agent (TARA) is used to associate the car number with the CMU.  This is completed by email using an email-enabled smart phone or any computer with email access. 6.1 Before starting 6.1.1 Confirm your email address is set-up in the IONX TARA system by emailing with “help” in the subject line.   6.1.2 If there is no reply, contact the IONX Support Center at toll-free at 1-800-621-8442 to get your email address set-up to use TARA and 6.2 Associating the Car Number to the CMU.  NOTE: If this is a replacement install see Appendix B  6.2.1  Start a new email message   To: type  Subject: type  o ‘I’ or ‘i’  o period ‘.’  o The serial number of the CMU  o Period ‘.’ o The Car initials o Period ‘.’ o The Car number which the CMU is installed on o Period ‘.’ o Company Name  Example: I.SerialNumber.CarInitial.CarNumber.CompanyName Example: I.FA0000123A.ABCX.1234.ABCRailroad 6.2.2 Send the message  6.2.3 A response message confirming the installation will be sent from TARA.  See example email in below:
IONX Support Center 1-800-621-8442, _____________________________________________________________________________________ 301614 – T6X Installation Manual    Confidential Revision Date: November 19, 2013    Revision:  A Process Owner:  Engineering    Page 13 of 21         6.2.4  The CMU is associated with the car number.  The installation is complete.  The car now can be released into service.   7 Miscellaneous  Translations available upon request                [This space left blank intentionally]      Success!  Unit FA0000123A now installed on ABCX 1234 associated to ABC. If this is not correct - Contact IONX – 800-621-8442. **This is an automated report email, please do not reply directly to this message as it will be discarded.   Sample Installation Response
IONX Support Center 1-800-621-8442, _____________________________________________________________________________________ 301614 – T6X Installation Manual    Confidential Revision Date: November 19, 2013    Revision:  A Process Owner:  Engineering    Page 14 of 21 Appendix A: Validating the Installation Validating the installation is an optional step that will allow new installers to confirm the installation was completed correctly.  Validation is done with the IONX Totally Autonomous Reporting Agent (TARA) or with .  A.1.  Before starting: Contact the IONX Support Center at toll-free at 1-800-621-8442 to make sure your email address is registered to use TARA and   A.2  Install Validation using 2.1   Navigate to and login if a username & password has been supplied. 2.2   Using the tracking navigator tree view on the left(See Figure 9): 2.2.1 Find the unit being validated and click on the name.   2.2.2 If you have not associated the CMU with the car name the unit will appear as the serial number on the website.  2.2.3 If you have associated the car with the CMU the unit will appear as the car name on the website.  2.2.4 If you cannot find the unit serial number or the car name in the tracking navigator please contact the IONX Customer Support Center by phone at 1-800-621-8442 or email   Figure 9: Selection of a car with the tracking navigator
IONX Support Center 1-800-621-8442, _____________________________________________________________________________________ 301614 – T6X Installation Manual    Confidential Revision Date: November 19, 2013    Revision:  A Process Owner:  Engineering    Page 15 of 21 2.3 Select serial number of the CMU or the car name. The message pane in the lower right will update with the latest messages (Figure 10)   Figure 10: displaying the latest asset information 2.4 If the installation was completed successfully, there should be a power up message at the time the installation magnet was removed.  If the message does not show up on the website please contact the IONX Customer Support Center by phone at 1-800-621-8442 or email  2.5 If WSNs are part of the installation, there will be a Node Live message for each WSN and for theCMU.  For example, if the system has three WSNs that go with it, then on the website there will be four Node Live messages.  If the correct Node Live messages are on the website, the installation was successful.  If all the message do not show up on the website please contact the IONX Customer Support Center by phone at 1-800-621-8442 or email A.3  Install validation using TARA Note:  TARA is case insensitive. Upper case or lower case letters may be used in the subject line or address.  3.1 Find the device serial number of the CMU being installed. See Figure 11.
IONX Support Center 1-800-621-8442, _____________________________________________________________________________________ 301614 – T6X Installation Manual    Confidential Revision Date: November 19, 2013    Revision:  A Process Owner:  Engineering    Page 16 of 21 Figure 11: IONX CMU Serial Number Label  3.2 Start a new email message  To: type  Subject: type ‘MI’ or ‘mi’ followed by a period ‘.’ And the CMU serial number (See Figure 12)  Example: MI.SerialNumber Example: MI.DE0000123A  3.3 Send the email message  3.4 A response email will be sent from TARA confirming: 3.4.1 The subscription to TARA for the CMU 3.4.2 Example Below-Figure 13  Figure 12: Sample Email Request to TARA Figure 13: Sample Email Response from TARA
IONX Support Center 1-800-621-8442, _____________________________________________________________________________________ 301614 – T6X Installation Manual    Confidential Revision Date: November 19, 2013    Revision:  A Process Owner:  Engineering    Page 17 of 21   3.5 A second email will be sent from TARA, which is the most recent location report sent from the CMU. 3.5.1 The message may show a location message from a different location to where you are currently doing the installation. Disregard this message 3.5.2 See Figure 14  3.6  TARA now is configured to monitor the CMU.  Repeat the process for all the CMUs being installed today.  3.7 The installation was successful if you find TARA emails for triggering each sensor in position on the car.      Figure 14: Sample TARA Message
IONX Support Center 1-800-621-8442, _____________________________________________________________________________________ 301614 – T6X Installation Manual    Confidential Revision Date: November 19, 2013    Revision:  A Process Owner:  Engineering    Page 18 of 21 Appendix B: Replace command The IONX Totally Autonomous Reporting Agent (TARA) is used to associate the car number with the CMU.  If an IONX GPS device has already been installed on the car and associated, the replace command will be used.  This is completed by email using an email-enabled smart phone or any computer with email access. B.1 Before starting B.1.1  Confirm your email address is set-up in the IONX TARA system by emailing with “help” in the subject line.   B.1.2  If there is no reply, contact the IONX Support Center at toll-free at 1-800-621-8442 to get your email address set-up to use TARA and B.2 Associating the Car Number to the CMU.    B.2.1  Start a new email message   To: type  Subject: type  o ‘R’ or ‘r’  o period ‘.’  o The serial number of the old replaced CMU  o Period ‘.’ o The serial number of the new CMU being installed o Period ‘.’ o The Car initials o Period ‘.’ o The Car number which the CMU is installed on  Example: R.OldSerialNumber.NewSerialNumber.CarInitial.CarNumber Example: R.1234A.FA0000123A.ABCX.1234 B.2.2   Send the message  B.2.3  A response message confirming the installation will be sent from TARA.  See example email in below:        Success!  Unit 1234A has been replaced by FA0000123A for ABCX.1234. If this has been done in error - Contact Tanisha Rankin at IONX - 484-653-2600.  **This is an automated report email, responding to this message will re-issue the same command.
IONX Support Center 1-800-621-8442, _____________________________________________________________________________________ 301614 – T6X Installation Manual    Confidential Revision Date: November 19, 2013    Revision:  A Process Owner:  Engineering    Page 19 of 21   B.2.4  The CMU is associated with the car number.  The installation is complete.  The car now can be released into service.    Sample Installation Response
IONX Support Center 1-800-621-8442, _____________________________________________________________________________________ 301614 – T6X Installation Manual    Confidential Revision Date: November 19, 2013    Revision:  A Process Owner:  Engineering    Page 20 of 21 Appendix C: General Information C.1  IONX Customer Support Center Contact the IONX Customer Support Center by phone at 1-800-621-8442 or email  C.2  Status LED Green Flashing:  The CMU will flash green when the installation magnet is removed. Proceed to mount the CMU.  Red Flashing:   Contact IONX customer service.  Green and Red Flashing:  Contact the IONX Customer Support Center so the CMU can be commanded to calculate the “home” position again.   C.3  Forcing the CMU to call If there is a problem verifying messages on the website or through TARA, the CMU can be forced to call for 24 hours after removing the installation magnet. Place the installation magnet onto the indentation, where it was located at the time of shipping, for 30-seconds then remove. The CMU should send a report within 15-minutes.  If TARA is active for the CMU and no reports are received by email or on the website, contact the IONX Customer Support Center by phone at 1-800-621-8442 or email  C.4  Overview of CMU physical features      Intrinsic Safety Certification  IONX Contact Information Reed Switch Status LED Serial Number
IONX Support Center 1-800-621-8442, _____________________________________________________________________________________ 301614 – T6X Installation Manual    Confidential Revision Date: November 19, 2013    Revision:  A Process Owner:  Engineering    Page 21 of 21 Appendix D: Trouble Shooting D.1 Missed Wake-up Message If the power up message does not show up through TARA within 30-minutes of the magnet being removed, another message can be forced to be transmitted within 24 hours of the installation magnet being removed. See Appendix B –General Information on “Forcing the CMU to Call.”  D.2 Unit does not appear on 3.1 If the asset does not appear on it could be a limitation of the user’s login id.  Contact the IONX Customer Support Center by phone at 1-800-621-8442 or email so a Customer Service Representative can check the permission level and adjust accordingly.   3.2 Initially the asset will be shown on as the CMU serial number.  When the CMU is associated to an asset, the CMU serial number will be replaced by the car name.    D.3 Power up message missing on If the CMU misses a power up message but has a recent message showing the current location, then the CMU is OK to install.  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                 IONX LLC 515 S. Franklin St. West Chester, PA 19382 484.653.2600

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