Infinet Malta XM5X High Performance Broadband Wireless System User Manual CLI commands
Infinet Malta Limited High Performance Broadband Wireless System CLI commands
- 1. User Manual - CLI commands
- 2. User Manual
User Manual - CLI commands
InfiLINK XG – CLI commands Technical User Manual Software Version: Last updated: 6/26/2015 About This Manual About This Manual This manual provides technical information on the configuration of InfiLINK XG series devices using the CLI-interface (guidelines for the use of all the commands and options). The manual provides also step-by-step guidelines for the routine tasks and basic scenarios like setting up a radio link, switch configuration, settings of GPS/GLONASS receiver, as well as recommendations for radio link parameters optimization, etc. This manual is designed for individuals who prefer using a CLI-interface for configuring and managing InfiLINK XG series devices. It is intended for the following audiences: Customers with technical knowledge of and experience with IP networks Network administrators, who install, configure and manage InfiLINK XG series devices. InfiLINK XG – CLI commands Technical User Manual Contents, Figures and Tables Table of Contents 1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................1 1.1. Document structure ......................................................................................................1 1.2. Document marks...........................................................................................................1 2. InfiLINK XG general description ...........................................................................................2 3. Switch configuration .............................................................................................................3 3.1. Default settings .............................................................................................................3 3.2. Command description ...................................................................................................3 3.2.1. 3.3. 4. Configuration examples ................................................................................................7 GPS/GLONASS-receiver configuration .............................................................................. 10 4.1. Command description ................................................................................................. 10 4.1.1. 5. PORT command ....................................................................................................3 GPS command .................................................................................................... 10 Modem configuration ......................................................................................................... 13 5.1. Command description ................................................................................................. 13 5.1.1. IFC RADIO command .......................................................................................... 13 5.1.2. XG command....................................................................................................... 13 5.2. Initial configuration, installation and monitoring guidelines .......................................... 19 Table of Figures Figure 1 – InfiLINK XG block diagram .........................................................................................2 List of Tables Table 1 - Acceptable error rates for different applications ......................................................... 21 InfiLINK XG – CLI commands Technical User Manual INTRODUCTION 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Document structure This manual contains the following chapters: Introduction – this chapter provides information about purposes and structure of the document InfiLINK XG general description – this chapter contains general description of InfiLINK XG and functions of its ports Switch configuration – this chapter provides description of the commands that are used for switch configuration, as well as configuration examples. Descriptions include: selection of operation mode, VLAN, STP, QoS settings, switch statistics collection. GPS/GLONASS-receiver configuration – this chapter contain descriptions of the commands for the management by built-in GPS/GLONASS-receiver, which provide selection of trace level, GPS/GLONASS-receiver statistics and status. Modem configuration – this chapter contains descriptions of the commands for enabling/disabling of radio interface and radio link parameters configuration: selection of node type (Master/Slave), setting of link distance and channel width, downlink/uplink ratio configuration, settings of central frequencies and air frame period; selection of strategies for traffic prioritization and modulation scheme selection; getting statistics and device configuration review In addition, this chapter provides step-by-step guidelines for configuration of the devices, their installation and monitoring. 1.2. initial Document marks CAUTION All caution warnings are marked with a special warning sign. One should pay attention to the content of the Caution section. HINT All hints are marked with a special hint sign. Hints usually contain useful comments to the described section of the document. InfiLINK XG – CLI commands Technical User Manual InfiLINK XG general description 2. InfiLINK XG general description MGMT Application processor (OS WANFleX) Control path Data path Wireless modem Air interface SFP 5 port managed Ethernet switch RADIO GE1 External ports GE0 Internal ports InfiLINK XG Unit Figure 1 – InfiLINK XG block diagram InfiLINK XG operates as a managed Ethernet switch with five ports: GE0 and GE1 – external copper Gigabit Ethernet ports 1000BASE-T (IEEE 802.1ab) SFP – an external optical Gigabit port for plugging of the optical SFP transceiver module RADIO – an internal port of the switch connected with the external radio interface of the device MGMT – an internal interface for the device management InfiLINK XG – CLI commands Technical User Manual Switch configuration 3. Switch configuration 3.1. Default settings The access to the device is performed through any external port IP-address of the unit: By default the switch operates in isolate mode, i.e. all the ports are isolated from each other, even if they are located in the same VLAN All the ports operate in trunk mode with native VLAN 1 for untagged traffic Radio interface is up and operates within the switch as a regular port DHCP-client is enabled on the management interface MGMT 3.2. Command description 3.2.1. PORT command Use this command for the built-in switch management. Syntax: #1> port [arguments] port [-scheme=SCHEME] [-mgmt=PORT_SET] [-radio=PORT_SET] port -d1q[=[disabled|enabled]] port -vlan={RANGELIST} [{-priority=PRIO|-nopriority}] port -vlan={RANGELIST} [-stp] [-nostp] [{-spriority=STPPRIO|nospriority}] [-sforward[=enable|disable]] port -vlan={RANGELIST} -remove={RANGELIST} port [PORT_SET] [-access=TAG] [-native=TAG] [-mode={access|trunk}] port [PORT_SET] [-allow={RANGELIST}] [-disallow={RANGELIST}] port [PORT_SET] [-limit={RATE_LIMIT}] [-nolimit] [qosmode={wrr|st3|st23|strict}] port [PORT_SET] stat|clear|vtt|stt [VID]|fdb-show|dump RANGELIST: RANGE[,RANGE...] RANGE: {TAG[-TAG]|all} PRIO: {0..7} - DOT1P frame priority RATE_LIMIT: {0..1000} - port egress rate limit in Mbit/sec STPPRIO: {0..15} | {0,4096,8192...61440} Port set: enumeration of {[ge]0..[ge]1,s[fp],m,r}|*, for example 0,ge1,m Adjacency scheme : {isolate, transparent} Command arguments: The switch can operate in one of the following modes: isolate or transparent. In isolate mode, packet switching is based on the port isolation rules. External ports are isolated from each other and traffic from each of them is redirected to the InfiLINK XG – CLI commands Technical User Manual Switch configuration internal ports according to the port isolation rules, so that any direct traffic between the external ports is impossible. This is the basic mode, used by default, including situations when there are no any VLAN settings or 802.1Q-support is disabled in transparent mode. In transparent mode, direct traffic transmission between external ports (without involving the internal ones) is possible; packet switching is performed according to the VLAN-tags and internal “port - VLAN-tag” correspondence table, if it exists. The following command allows you to select one of the switch modes - isolate or transparent: port [-scheme=SCHEME] If you need to configure the port isolation rules for traffic redirection from external physical interfaces GE0, GE1 and/or SFP to the interfaces RADIO or MGMT, use the following command: port [-mgmt=PORT_SET] [-radio=PORT_SET] If you need to disable the switching rules based on 802.1Q-tags, even if the transparent mode is selected (and to enable switching based on the port isolation rules), use the command: port -d1q=disabled In order to add to the system the VLANs with the numbers from 1 to 4094, use the command: port -vlan={RANGELIST} Example: port -vlan=50,52,60-64 adds VLANs 50,52,60,61,62,63,64. If you want to remove any previously created VLANs from the system, use the command: port -remove={RANGELIST} If you need to set for the selected VLANs the priority according to 802.1p ranging from 0 to 7, use the command: port -vlan={RANGELIST} {-priority=PRIO} Example: port -vlan=50 -priority 7 sets the priority 7 (Network control) to the VLAN 50. InfiLINK XG – CLI commands Technical User Manual Switch configuration In order to remove the priority of the selected VLANs, perform the command: port -vlan={RANGELIST} {-nopriority} You can enable on the switch the support of PVST+ (Per-VLAN Spanning Tree Plus) protocol – the special version of STP, which allows creating a separate spanning tree for each VLAN. In order to enable STP support for the selected VLANs, use the command: port -vlan={RANGELIST} [-stp] In order to disable STP support for the selected VLANs, use the command: port -vlan={RANGELIST} [-nostp] In order to set the bridge priority for STP in the selected VLAN ranging from 0 to 61440 in increments of 4096 (or from 0 to 16 in increments of 1), use the command: port -vlan={RANGELIST} {-spriority=STPPRIO} Example: port -vlan=50 -spriority=4096 sets the bridge priority 4096 for VLAN 50. In order to remove the bridge priority for STP in the selected VLAN, use the command: port -vlan={RANGELIST} {-nospriority} If you need to enable/disable the forwarding of STP packets in the selected VLAN, use the corresponding command: port -vlan={RANGELIST} [-sforward[=enable|disable]] Ports of the switch can operate in one of the two operation modes: access mode (allows untagged traffic only) and trunk mode (allows tagged traffic only). If you need to allow both tagged and untagged traffic through the port, you can configure the native VLAN option that defines the only VLAN for receiving of all incoming untagged traffic in trunk mode (VLAN 1 is configured as a Native VLAN for all the ports of the switch by default). In order to select access or trunk mode for the port, use the command: port [PORT_SET] [-mode={access|trunk}] If you want to define VLANs for the port operation in access mode, use the command: InfiLINK XG – CLI commands Technical User Manual Switch configuration port [PORT_SET] [-access=TAG] Example: port 0 -access=50 -mode=access sets the access mode for the port GE0 and defines VLAN 50 for operation of this port. If you want to define VLANs for the port operation in trunk mode, use the command: port [PORT_SET] [-allow={RANGELIST}] Example: port 1 -allow=50-55 -mode=trunk sets the trunk mode for the port GE1 and allows operations with VLAN 50,51,52,53,54,55. If you need to set VLAN for operation as a Native VLAN for the port in trunk mode, use the command: port [PORT_SET] [-native=TAG] In order to remove the selected VLANs from the port, use the command: port [PORT_SET] [-disallow={RANGELIST}] If you need to set on the selected port the limit for outgoing traffic (traffic shaper) in Mbps, ranging from 1 to 100 in increments of 1 or from 100 to 1000 in increments of 10, use the command: port [PORT_SET] [-limit={RATE_LIMIT}] Example: port 0,1 -limit=120 sets the limit of 120 Mbps on the ports GE0 and GE1. In order to remove the limits of throughput on the port, use the command: port [PORT_SET] [-nolimit] In order to select the QoS policy for the port (WRR is used by default), use the following command: port [PORT_SET] [-qosmode={wrr|st3|st23|strict}] Use these commands to get statistics data and information about current parameters of the device operation: InfiLINK XG – CLI commands Technical User Manual Switch configuration port [PORT_SET] stat|clear|vtt|stt [VID]|fdb-show|dump In order to display statistics for the port, use the command: port [PORT_SET] stat In order to clear statistics for the port, use the command: port [PORT_SET] clear If you want to view the VLAN-based switching matrix, STP status and VLAN priorities, use the command: port vtt If you want to view the information about operation of STP in the selected VLAN and on each of the associated ports, use the command: port stt [VID] Example: #1> port stt 30 STP state of VID 30: ID: 100000043507A2A5 Priority: 4096 ID ext: -1 ROOT: 100000043507A2A5 Priority: 4096 ID ext: 0 Ports: Name Prio Cost PVer Role State ====== ==== ========== ==== ========== ========== ge1 128 55 RSTP DISABLED DISCARDING sfp 128 55 RSTP DISABLED DISCARDING If you want to view MAC-addresses in the switching matrix (FDB) of the selected port, use the command: port [PORT_SET] fdb-show In order to view general information about the port operation: traffic shaper limits, QoS policy, port status, and data transfer rate, use the command: port [PORT_SET] dump Example: #console>port dump Port R-limit QOS Mode ==== ======= ======== 0 ------- wrr 1 ------- wrr s ------- wrr 140 wrr m ------- wrr 3.3. Link Speed ==== ========= UP 100 Mbps down down UP 26 Mbps ---- --------- Configuration examples Configure the switch for operation in isolate mode. It is the default mode. If you need to switch from transparent mode, use the command: port -scheme= isolate InfiLINK XG – CLI commands Technical User Manual Switch configuration Configure the port isolation rules for traffic redirection from external physical interfaces GE0, GE1 and/or SFP to the interfaces RADIO or MGMT: Assign access to the management interface through the GE0 port: port -mgmt=0 Assign the port GE1 for data transfer to the port RADIO: port -radio=1 Configure the switch for operation in transparent mode. See VLAN-based switching matrix with default settings below: port vtt VID 0 1 2 r m STP Prio ==== = = = = = === ==== 1 N N N N N - ---- In order to switch to transparent mode, execute the command: port -scheme=transparent Configuring of the switch starts with adding VLANs, which are necessary for data transfer and device management: port -vlan=30,100 port vtt VID 0 1 2 ==== = = = 1 N N N 30 t t t 100 t t t m STP Prio = === ==== N - ---t - ---t - ---- Set the parameters of processing of tagged or/and untagged traffic for each port. Set access of untagged packets to VLAN 30 on the management interface MGMT: port m -access=30 -mode=access port vtt VID 0 1 2 r m STP Prio ==== = = = = = === ==== 1 N N N N - - ---30 t t t t A - ---100 t t t t - - ---- Set access of untagged packets only to VLAN 30 on the port GE0: port 0 -access=30 -mode=access port vtt VID 0 1 s r m STP Prio ==== = = = = = === ==== 1 - N N N - - ---30 A t t t A - ---100 - t t t - - ---- InfiLINK XG – CLI commands Technical User Manual Switch configuration Set the GE1 port for processing of tagged packets of the VLAN 30 only (trunk mode): port 1 -allow=30 port vtt VID 0 1 ==== = = 1 - 30 A t 100 - - -mode=trunk m STP Prio = === ==== - - ---A - ---- - ---- Set the port SFP for processing of tagged packets of the VLAN 100 only (trunk mode): port s -allow=100 -mode=trunk port vtt VID 0 1 s r m STP Prio ==== = = = = = === ==== 1 - - - N - - ---30 A t - t A - ---100 - - t t - - ---- Set the port RADIO for processing of tagged packets of the VLANs 30 and 100 (trunk mode): port r -allow=30,100 port vtt VID 0 1 s r ==== = = = = 30 A t - t 100 - - t t InfiLINK XG – CLI commands -mode=trunk m STP Prio = === ==== A - ---- - ---- Technical User Manual GPS/GLONASS-receiver configuration 4. GPS/GLONASS-receiver configuration 4.1. Command description 4.1.1. GPS command Use this command to handle the GPS/GLONASS-receiver. Syntax: #1> gps [options] [command] Options: -t= - turn trace level (1, 2 or 0 - turn trace off) -a[=(0:1)] - turn the power on the antenna amplifier -r[=(0:1)] - set reset signal -p= - set TCP port for service (2323 by default) -s= - set baud rate for GPS NMEA port (0 - set 115200) Command: start - start GPS service stop - stop GPS service coordinates - show GPS coordinates console - map GPS NMEA port to stdin/stdout tcp - map GPS NMEA port to TCP service stat - show GPS statistics clear - clear GPS statistics Options: If you need to configure event logging, you can choose the required trace level, using the following option: -t= The following trace levels are available (from maximum to minimum details): Level 2 – to log all the NMEA-messages from the GPS/GLONASSreceiver. Level 1 – to log only the messages about discovering / loss of the GPS/GLONASS-receiver, about the changing of the quantity of detected satellites or about substantial changes of coordinates, etc. Level 0 – event logging is off. If you need to enable / disable the power supply to the antenna amplifier (if one is available), you can set the corresponding value, using the following option: -a[= ] =1 – to enable the power supply (is used by default, if the value is not specified) =0 – to disable the power supply InfiLINK XG – CLI commands Technical User Manual 10 GPS/GLONASS-receiver configuration CAUTION Please note, that tcp and console commands and -r, -p and -s options are used for diagnostics and debugging on emergency by specialists only. Commands: To start the operation of GPS service, use the following command: start To stop the operation of GPS service, use the following command: stop If you need to view statistics of GPS/GLONASS-receiver operation (without the status information), use the following command: stat In order to clear the statistics, use the following command: clear If you need to view the information about the status of GPS/GLONASS-receiver and its operation statistics, you can use the following command: [coordinates] Example of status information and statistics outputs: console> gps coordinates Satellites: 8 LAT/LONG: 56.811911/60.547041 Altitude: 275.89 HDOP: 0.92 FIX: 3D, GLONASS Total GPS time: 17:43:19 Total nonvalid time: 00:00:01(0%) Number of losses: 0 Now coordinates are valid last 17:43:18 Satellites histogram: 2.0 + 3.0 + 4.0 + 5.0 + | <1% 6.0 + | 1% 7.0 + |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 99% SATmin= 5 SATmax= 10 Satellites — quantity of currently visible satellites; InfiLINK XG – CLI commands Technical User Manual 11 GPS/GLONASS-receiver configuration LAT/LONG — geographical coordinates of the receiver in degrees LAT (latitude) — latitude from -90.0000000° to +90.0000000° LONG (longitude) — longitude from -180.0000000° to +180.00000°; Altitude — altitude in meters; HDOP — horizontal dilution of precision; CAUTION It is recommended to use values of “HDOP” parameter up to 1.5 for reliable global timing synchronization) FIX — NO FIX|2D|3D, |GPS|GLONASS|GPS+GLONASS – the current position-fix status in the following view: , . The following values of are available: NO FIX - coordinates are not fixed, 2D – only latitude and longitude are fixed, 3D – latitude, longitude and altitude are fixed; The following values of (currently used GNSS) are available: GPS, GLONASS, GPS+GLONASS; The next block of information is the statistics (to obtain these data without information about status of GPS/GLONASS-receiver you can use gps stat command instead). Total GPS time — total time of GPS utility operation since it was started by gps start command Total nonvalid time – total time during which the information about coordinates was unavailable Number of losses — quantity of cases when the information about coordinates had become unavailable Now coordinates are valid last … - time of GPS utility operation since last coordinates discovering. Satellites histogram - the histogram of visible satellites quantity. SATmin и SATmax — minimum and maximum of visible satellites respectively (since the last time you cleared the statistics). InfiLINK XG – CLI commands Technical User Manual 12 Modem configuration 5. Modem configuration 5.1. Command description 5.1.1. IFC RADIO command Use this command to enable or disable radio interface of the system. Syntax: #1> ifc radio {up | down} 5.1.2. XG command Use this command to review and update air link parameters. Syntax: #1> xg [arguments] #1> xg usage: xg -type {master | slave} Radio frame params related xg -tdd-sync-src {freerun | gnss} xg -dlquota {1..99/1} xg -sframelen {1 | 2 | 5 | 10} xg -max-distance {0..120000/1} xg -cell-id {0..15/1} Radio front end related xg -freq-dl {channel-width==10:4905..5995/10 width==20:4910..5990/10 | channel-width==40:4920..5980/20} xg -freq-ul {channel-width==10:4905..5995/10 width==20:4910..5990/10 | channel-width==40:4920..5980/20} xg -txpwr {0..27/1} xg -channel-width {10 | 20 | 40} channel- channel- Modulation related xg -amc-strategy {normal | conservative | aggressive} xg -max-mcs {1..10/1} DFS/RSSI scan/Radar detection Ethernet datapath related xg -qos-strategy {normal | conservative | aggressive | off} Supplementary alias: xg -freq => xg -freq-dl -freq-ul xg -appendconf-v2-start xg -appendconf-v2 xg -appendconf-v2-end InfiLINK XG – CLI commands Technical User Manual 13 Modem configuration xg [-grids-carrier-ix= ] [-grids-band= ] grids { [- [/ ]],...} xg [-grids-carrier-ix= ] [-grids-band= ] grids= xg stat [-phy] [-1] xg stat -clear xg capabilities xg xg xg xg config config -self config -peer-exported config -defaults Command arguments: Point-to-point link can be set between a Master and a Slave unit only. In order to choose InfiLINK XG device type, use the command: xg -type {master | slave} Example: xg -type master In order to setup TDD synchronization parameters, use the command: xg -tdd-sync-src {freerun | gnss} freerun - unsynchronized frame start. gnss - synchronization from built-in GPS/GLONASS receiver. CAUTION GNSS option is effective for Master unit only. CAUTION Before enabling gnss option make sure that built-in GNSS-receiver is configured properly. Use gps command to configure or check the status (use values of HDOP up to 1.5) Possibility of the frequency re-use depends on the antenna types, placement, direction, link distances, etc. CAUTION Please note that the following settings must be equal for the co-located units: All co-located units must be Masters Downlink/uplink ratio Air frame period Maximal distance Channel width InfiLINK XG – CLI commands Technical User Manual 14 Modem configuration If you need to set a downlink/uplink ratio, use the following command, specifying as a value the size of downlink subframe relative to the whole frame (e.g. “xg dlquota 70” should be specified for downlink/uplink ratio of 70/30): xg -dlquota {1..99} Actual downlink/uplink ratio might be different due to internal system limitations. The system chooses closest available ratio automatically. The current value of this ratio can be checked in the output of xg capabilities command. Example: xg -dlquota 70 In order to set air frame period in milliseconds, use the command: xg -sframelen {1, 2, 5, 10} Example: xg –sframelen 10 The shorter air frame period, the lower latency, but also the higher overheads. Using longer frame periods cuts down overheads, but increases latency. In order to specify maximum link distance in meters, use the command: xg -max-distance {0..55800/1} Example: xg -max-distance 5000 The specified value must be no lower actual link distance, and it is recommended keep it as close as possible to the actual distance to avoid unnecessary overheads. The recommended sequence of configuration is to set this parameter well above the actual distance and after the units have been deployed fine-tune it based on the measured distance value, taken from xg stat output. In order to avoid connection of the unit to a wrong node (if several co-located units are using the same center frequency), it is recommended to specify different ID values for different link. Both ends of the same link must have the same ID. In order to specify ID value, use the command: xg -cell-id {0..15/1} Example: xg -cell-id 15 InfiLINK XG – CLI commands Technical User Manual 15 Modem configuration If you need to configure downlink center frequency (applicable to the models supporting split-frequency/H-FDD operation), use the command: xg -freq-dl {channel-width==10:4905..5995/10 width==20:4910..5990/10 | channel-width==40:4920..5980/20} channel- The range of available values and increment size for each of the channel widths is specified in braces. Example: xg -freq-dl 5200 In order to configure uplink center frequency (applicable to the models supporting split-frequency/H-FDD operation), use the command: xg -freq-ul {channel-width==10:4905..5995/10 width==20:4910..5990/10 | channel-width==40:4920..5980/20} channel- The range of available values and increment size for each of the channel widths is specified in braces. Example: xg -freq-ul 5400 If you need to configure downlink/uplink center frequency (sets the same frequency channel to both uplink and downlink), use the command: xg -freq Example: xg -freq 5200 If you need to set the limits on the available operation frequencies (for example, if there are some legal or other restrictions for usage of some part of hardware supported frequencies), you can configure a custom frequency grid. In order to set a custom frequency grid (within physical/license limits of a specific model), define the grid individually for each band of each carrier as a list of subbands, using the command: xg [-grids-carrier-ix= ] [-grids-band= ] -grids { [- [/ ]],...} or as a sequence of frequencies: xg [-grids-carrier-ix= ] grids= InfiLINK XG – CLI commands [-grids-band= ] Technical User Manual 16 Modem configuration In order to set a channel width in MHz, use the command: xg -channel-width {10, 20, 40} In order to set a transmit power level in dBm, use the command: xg -txpwr {0..27/1} There are three possible variants of AMC strategy: conservative assumes using higher CINR thresholds in order to minimize error rates; aggressive strategy of using lower CINR thresholds in order to use higher modulation levels for increasing the throughput; normal represents the balance between the two above-mentioned. In order to select AMC strategy, use the command: xg -amc-strategy {normal | conservative | aggressive} In order to set the highest modulation level for AMC algorithm, use the command: xg -max-mcs {1..10} – one of the ten supported MCSs (from QPSK to QAM1024) There are four possible variants of traffic prioritization strategy: aggressive - maximal throughput with a minor priority packet loss allowed; conservative - no priority packet loss with small decline in the peak throughput; normal - the balance between the two above-mentioned; off - no prioritization. In order to select traffic prioritization strategy, use the command: xg -qos-strategy {normal | conservative | aggressive | off} If you want to view link statistics, use the command: xg stat [-phy] [-1] -phy - the system displays in-depth physical layer link statistics; -1 - the system displays a single snapshot of statistics data. InfiLINK XG – CLI commands Technical User Manual 17 Modem configuration Sample command output: #console>xg stat Wireless Interface Statistics Interface Status: UP +--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ Receive Statistics Transmit Statistics +--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ |Air Frames Received 137926 |Air Frames Transmitted 70356 |Packets Received |Packets Transmitted +--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ Wireless Link Statistics +----------------------+--------------+ |Wireless Link status |Up |Measured Distance |16 meters |Channel Width |40 MHz |DL/UL Ratio |50:50 +----------------------+--------------+ +---+-----------+--------------+---------------+---------------+--------------+ | Device Type | Master (local) Slave (remote) +---+-----------+--------------+---------------+---------------+--------------+ |Tx Capacity 156549 kbps 143503 kbps +---+-----------+--------------+---------------+---------------+--------------+ Carrier 0 (carrier status Up) +---+-----------+--------------+---------------+---------------+--------------+ |Tx Frequency 5600 MHz 5600 MHz |AMC Mode Auto Auto +---+-----------+--------------+---------------+---------------+--------------+ Stream 0 Stream 1 Stream 0 Stream 1 +---+-----------+--------------+---------------+---------------+--------------+ |TX |Tx Power |9.87 dBm |9.89 dBm |10.18 dBm |10.16 dBm +---+-----------+--------------+---------------+---------------+--------------+ |RX |Rx MCS |QAM256 6/8 (7)|QAM64 5/6 (6) |QAM256 6/8 (7) |QAM64 5/6 (6) | |CINR |30 dB |28 dB |31 dB |30 dB |RSSI |-36 dBm |-36 dBm |-37 dBm |-37 dBm |Acc TBER |0.0e0 (0.0%) |0.0e0 (0.0%) |0.0e0 (0.0%) |0.0e0 (0.0%) |# Acc TBER - accumulated transmission block error rate In order to clear statistics, use the command: xg stat -clear If you need to get information about radio subsystem capabilities, use the command: xg capabilities Command outputs example: #console>xg capabilities Radio capabilities General properties Radio module name: RMU-55-05:41049 Antenna methods supported: MIMO Duplex types supported: TDD Frame periods supported: 1, 2, 5, 10 ms Channel widths available: 10, 20, 40 MHz Number of carriers: 1 Carrier 0 frequency range: 4900..6000 MHz Carrier 0 Tx power range: 0..27/1 dBm Carrier 0 configuration (Channel width 40 MHz, allocated DL/UL ratio 50:50 (28:28 air blocks), frame period 1 ms, ttg/rtg (3:3 air blocks), qos strategy: normal): +---------------+-------------------------------+-------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | MCS | Modulation | DL/UL capacity, kbps |Total rate, kbps +---------------+-------------------------------+-------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | 1 | QPSK 1/2 | 26091/26091 |57344 InfiLINK XG – CLI commands Technical User Manual 18 Modem configuration | 2 | QPSK 3/4 | 39137/39137 |86016 | 3 | QAM16 1/2 | 52183/52183 |114688 | 4 | QAM16 3/4 | 78274/78274 |172032 | 5 | QAM64 4/6 | 104366/104366 |229376 | 6 | QAM64 5/6 | 130457/130457 |286720 | 7 | QAM256 6/8 | 156549/156549 |344064 | 8 | QAM256 7/8 | 182640/182640 |401408 | 9 | QAM256 30/32 | 195686/195686 |430080 | 10 | QAM1024 8/10 | 208732/208732 |458752 +---------------+-------------------------------+-------------------------------+-------------------------------+ Lower..upper central frequencies: 4910..5990 Frequency grid (default): 4920-5980/20 MHz Frequency list (54 channels): 4920, 4940, 4960, 4980, 5000, 5020, 5040, 5240, 5260, 5280, 5300, 5320, 5340, 5360, 5560, 5580, 5600, 5620, 5640, 5660, 5680, 5880, 5900, 5920, 5940, 5960, 5980 MHz MHz 5060, 5080, 5100, 5120, 5140, 5160, 5180, 5200, 5220, 5380, 5400, 5420, 5440, 5460, 5480, 5500, 5520, 5540, 5700, 5720, 5740, 5760, 5780, 5800, 5820, 5840, 5860, In order to view the configuration of the local unit, use the command: xg config –self In order to view the configuration of the remote unit, use the command: xg config -peer-exported The outputs of the command can be used for synchronization of the settings on the unit (see 1.4.2. Initial configuration, installation and monitoring guidelines for details). The outputs have the following view: xg -appendconf-v2-start xg -appendconf-v2 xg -appendconf-v2-end In order to view the default configuration, use the command: xg config –defaults 5.2. Initial configuration, installation and monitoring guidelines Step 1 Perform site survey Determine line of sight conditions and obstacles along the path Perform spectrum analysis in order to estimate its occupation and interference situation and to determine available channels Use available link planning tools to estimate link performance and required configurations for antennas, to choose channel width, Tx power, etc. Step 2 Pre-configure the units in the lab InfiLINK XG – CLI commands Technical User Manual 19 Modem configuration Configure one unit as a Master node and another as a Slave node Set channel width, center frequencies and downlink/uplink ratio of frequency channels, air frame period, maximum distance (well above estimated link distance), Tx power, etc. CAUTION Please note that the following settings must be equal on the both sides of the link: Link ID Downlink/uplink frequency channels Channel width Downlink/uplink ratio Air frame period Otherwise, the units will not link up. HINT In order to synchronize the settings of the units, copy from one unit and paste to another one the Peer exported config lines shown in the xg command outputs. See the configuration example below. Configuration example: #Peer exported config: xg -appendconf-start xg -appendconf IC1kbHF1b3RhIDcwIC1zZnJhbWVsZW4gMTAgLW1heC1kaXN0YW5jZSAyNzU xg -appendconf wIC1ydGctbWFudWFsLWVuYWJsZSAwIC1jZWxsLWlkIDAgLWZyZXEtZGwgNj xg -appendconf M4MCAtZnJlcS11bCA2MzgwIC10eHB3ciAxNSAtdHhnYWluIC0zMiAtY2hhb xg -appendconf m5lbC13aWR0aCAxMCAtYW1jLW1vZGUgYXV0byAtYW1jLXN0cmF0ZWd5IGFn xg -appendconf Z3Jlc3NpdmUgLXRlc3QtYW1jLW9mZnNldCAtMyAtdGVzdC1hbWMtb2Zmc2V xg -appendconf 0LWVuYWJsZSAxIC1tYXgtbWNzIDkgLXFvcy1zdHJhdGVneSBub3JtYWwgLX xg -appendconf JsbS12ZXJib3NpdHktbGV2ZWwgMg==.36caaf5c9d9ebc2433482ac4565b xg -appendconf 241e xg -appendconf-end Save the configuration, reboot both units, and check if they link up after reboot. Step 3 Perform initial alignment Install both units on the masts and direct them roughly at each other Switch them on and check that the wireless link is established, using RF link led indicators Perform rough alignment, using built-in led indicators of signal strength Perform fine alignment, using xg stat outputs. Try to maximize CINR and Absolute RSSI values. InfiLINK XG – CLI commands Technical User Manual 20 Modem configuration HINT If Absolute RSSI value goes above -40 dBm, decrease Tx power of the remote unit in order to keep it within -40..-50 dBm for performance maximization. Step 4 Optimize link performance Adjust Maximal link distance parameter based on the measured distance. HINT Check measured link distance, using xg stat outputs and adjust xg –max-distance settings by adding 200-300 m to the measured value. Check the air block error rate Acc TBER in xg stat outputs and adjust AMC strategy if necessary. It is recommended to use Normal strategy initially and then adjust it based on target and actual Acc TBER values. HINT Acceptable error rate Acc TBER depends on the application. See examples in Table 1 below. Application Acceptable error rate TCP-based applications (web, FTP, etc.) 10-4 Voice-over-IP 10-5 UDP video (CCTV, IPTV, etc) 10-6 10-7..10-9 TDM-over-IP Table 1 - Acceptable error rates for different applications Select the most appropriate air frame period HINT The system supports frame period values ranging from 1 to 10 ms. Frame with period of 1 ms gives the lowest latency (from 500 us one-way). Frame with period of 10 ms has lowest overheads. As a result, it has approximately 12% better maximal throughput for the same MCS than one with period of 1 ms. Also, 10 ms frame provides more stable performance - it has significantly lower distance penalty compared to 1 ms: at 100 km the maximal throughput decreases by 7% at 10 ms and by 75% at 1 ms. InfiLINK XG – CLI commands Technical User Manual 21
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.5 Linearized : No Page Count : 24 Language : ru-RU Tagged PDF : Yes Title : InfiLINK XG – CLI commands Author : Акулова Subject : Technical User Manual Creator : Microsoft® Word 2013 Create Date : 2015:06:26 10:05:23+05:00 Modify Date : 2015:06:26 10:05:23+05:00 Producer : Microsoft® Word 2013EXIF Metadata provided by