Inseego NVWGSM2398 Asset locating and diagnostic data reporting device User Manual GSM2398UG001 MT 306 User Guide

Novatel Wireless Inc Asset locating and diagnostic data reporting device GSM2398UG001 MT 306 User Guide

User Manual

MT3060UG001MT 3060User GuideVersion: Draft 30 September, 2013
- i -GeneralTERMS OF USE OF NEW MATERIALS - PLEASE READ CAREFULLYFrom time to time, Novatel Wireless, in its sole discretion, may make available for downloadon its website (, or may transmit via mail or email, updates orupgrades to, or new releases of, the firmware, software or documentation for its products(collectively, 'New Materials'). Use of such New Materials is subject to the terms andconditions set forth below, and may be subject to additional terms and conditions as set forthin Novatel Wireless's Technical Support Policy (posted on its website) and/or any writtenagreement between the user and Novatel Wireless.All New Materials are provided AS IS. Novatel Wireless makes no warranty or representationwith respect to the merchantability, suitability, functionality, accuracy or completeness of anysuch New Materials. The user of such New Materials assumes all risk (known or unknown) ofsuch use. Novatel Wireless reserves all rights in such New Materials. The user shall have only arevocable and limited license to use such New Materials in connection with the products forwhich they are intended. Distribution or modification of any New Materials without NovatelWireless's consent is strictly prohibited.IN NO EVENT WILL NOVATELWIRELESS BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL,INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL OR SPECIAL DAMAGES AS A RESULT OF THE USE OF ANYNEW MATERIALS. NOVATELWIRELESS 'S MAXIMUM LIABILITY FOR ANY CLAIM BASEDON THE NEW MATERIALS SHALL NOT EXCEED FIFTY U.S. DOLLARS ($50).Version VerificationPlease ensure you have the latest version of this document by downloading it
- ii -Copyright© 2013 Novatel Wireless. All rights reserved. Complying with all applicable copyright laws isthe responsibility of the user. Without limiting the rights under copyright, no part of thisdocument may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmittedin any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise),or for any purpose, without the express written permission of Novatel Wireless.Novatel Wireless and the Novatel Wireless logo are either registered trademarks ortrademarks of Novatel Wireless, Inc. in the United States.251 Renner PkwyRichardson, TX 75080 USAPhone: (972) 633-4400Fax: (972) 633-4444Email:
- iii -Warranty Information[Revised: 11/11/2010]This warranty applies to (a) products sold directly by Novatel Wireless M2M, unless a differentwarranty is specified in a written agreement between Novatel Wireless M2M and thepurchaser; and (b) products sold to end users through a distributor authorized by NovatelWireless M2M, but only where the authorized distributor does not provide a separatewarranty on such products, and Novatel Wireless M2M has agreed to provide this warranty tosuch end users. If you purchased the product from an authorized distributor, please checkwhether this warranty from Novatel Wireless M2M, or a separate warranty from thedistributor, applies to your purchase. This warranty does not apply to any (i) accessories orbatteries for the products; or (ii) demonstration samples or prototypes of the products. Unlessotherwise provided in a written agreement between Novatel Wireless M2M and thepurchaser, all such accessories, batteries, samples or prototypes are provided by NovatelWireless M2M AS IS without any warranty of any kind.Novatel Wireless M2M warrants to the original purchaser of the product from NovatelWireless M2M or its authorized distributor (as applicable) that, for a period of one (1) yearfrom the date of shipment of the product from Novatel Wireless M2M, the product hardwarewill be substantially free from defects in material or workmanship under normal operation, andthe product firmware will perform substantially in accordance with the productdocumentation provided by Novatel Wireless M2M. Novatel Wireless M2M does not warrantthat (a) the product hardware or firmware will meet the purchaser's requirements; (b) theoperation of the product hardware or firmware will be uninterrupted or error-free; or (c) theproduct, when integrated in, or combined with, other products or software not supplied byNovatel Wireless M2M, will continue to perform substantially in accordance with the productdocumentation. This limited warranty is for the benefit of the original purchaser, and is nottransferable.During the warranty period, Novatel Wireless M2M, at its expense and in its sole discretion,will repair the product, or replace the product with a corresponding or equivalent product, ifit is determined to have a covered defect, provided that the purchaser first notifies NovatelWireless M2M (directly or through its authorized distributor from which the product waspurchased) of any such defect, furnishes Novatel Wireless M2M with a proof of purchase (ifrequired), requests and obtains a return merchandize authorization (RMA) number fromNovatel Wireless M2M, and returns the product under that RMA to Novatel Wireless M2M (or,at Novatel Wireless M2M's option, to its authorized distributor), with the shipping chargesbeing prepaid by purchaser. If, upon reasonable examination of the returned product, NovatelWireless M2M does not substantiate the defect claimed by purchaser, or determines that thedefect is not covered under this limited warranty, Novatel Wireless M2M will not be requiredto repair or replace the product, but may instead reship the product to the purchaser (or, at
- iv -Novatel Wireless M2M's option, to its authorized distributor where the product can be madeavailable to purchaser), in which case the purchaser shall be responsible for paying NovatelWireless M2M's cost for reshipping the product to purchaser (or to Novatel Wireless M2M'sauthorized distributor), and Novatel Wireless M2M's usual charges for unpacking, testing, andrepacking the product for reshipment to purchaser (or to Novatel Wireless M2M's authorizeddistributor). Purchaser shall bear the risk of loss or damage in transit to any product returnedby purchaser to Novatel Wireless M2M, or any returned product not found to be defective orcovered under this warranty, and reshipped by Novatel Wireless M2M to purchaser (or toNovatel Wireless M2M's authorized distributor). In the event Novatel Wireless M2M repairs orreplaces a defective product covered by this limited warranty, the repaired or replacementproduct will be covered under this limited warranty for the remainder of the original warrantyperiod on the defective product, or a period of ninety (90) days, whichever is longer. IfNovatel Wireless M2M is unable to repair or replace a defective product covered by thislimited warranty, Novatel Wireless M2M will provide to purchaser a credit or a refund (atNovatel Wireless M2M's option) of the original purchase price (excluding taxes and shippingcharges). Any returned and replaced product, or any product for which Novatel Wireless M2Mhas furnished a credit or a refund, becomes the property of Novatel Wireless M2M.Novatel Wireless M2M shall not have any obligation to provide any firmware bug fixes,upgrades or new releases except as may be necessary to correct any covered defect of whichpurchaser notifies Novatel Wireless M2M in writing during the warranty period. NovatelWireless M2M, from time to time and in its sole discretion, may make available for downloadon its website (, or may provide via email, certain firmware bugfixes, upgrades or new releases for the product. Download and use of any such bug fixes,upgrades or new releases is subject to all of the applicable terms and conditions of NovatelWireless M2M's technical support policy as posted and updated on its website. NovatelWireless M2M shall have no obligation under this limited warranty for (a) normal wear andtear; (b) the cost of procurement of substitute products; or (c) any defect that is (i)discovered by purchaser during the warranty period but for which purchaser does notrequest an RMA number from Novatel Wireless M2M, as required above, until after the end ofthe warranty period, (ii) caused by any accident, misuse, abuse, improper installation,handling or testing, or unauthorized repair or modification of the product, (iii) caused by useof any materials not supplied by Novatel Wireless M2M, or by use of the product other than inaccordance with its documentation, or (iv) the result of electrostatic discharge, electricalsurge, fire, flood or similar causes. The purchaser (or its customers, as applicable) shall besolely responsible for the proper configuration, testing and verification of the NovatelWireless M2M product prior to deployment in the field, and for ensuring that any end userproduct or system into which the Novatel Wireless M2M product is integrated or incorporatedoperates as intended and meets the requirements of purchaser (or its customers). NovatelWireless M2M shall have no responsibility whatsoever for the integration, configuration,testing, verification, installation, upgrade, support or maintenance of any such end userproduct or system, or for any liabilities, damages, costs or expenses associated therewith.
- v -NOVATELWIRELESS'S SOLE RESPONSIBILITY AND PURCHASER'S SOLE REMEDY UNDERTHIS LIMITED WARRANTY SHALL BE FOR NOVATELWIRELESS TO REPAIR OR REPLACETHE PRODUCT (OR IF REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT IS NOT POSSIBLE, PROVIDE A CREDITOR REFUND OF THE PURCHASE PRICE) AS PROVIDED ABOVE. NOVATELWIRELESSEXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL OTHER WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT,MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY PERFORMANCE AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULARPURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL NOVATELWIRELESS BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT,SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDINGWITHOUT LIMITATION LOSS OR INTERRUPTION OF USE, DATA, REVENUES OR PROFITS)RESULTING FROM A BREACH OF THIS WARRANTY OR BASED ON ANY OTHER LEGALTHEORY, EVEN IF NOVATELWIRELESS HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY ORLIKELIHOOD OF SUCH DAMAGES.Some jurisdictions may require a longer warranty period than specified above and,accordingly, for products sold in those jurisdictions the applicable warranty period shall beextended as required under the laws of those jurisdictions. Furthermore, some jurisdictionsmay not allow the disclaimer of implied warranties or the exclusion or limitation of incidentalor consequential damages, so the above disclaimer, limitation or exclusion may not apply toproducts sold in those jurisdictions. This limited warranty gives the purchaser specific legalrights and the purchaser may have other legal rights that vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.This limited warranty shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas, United States ofAmerica, without regard to conflict of laws principles. This limited warranty shall not begoverned in any respect by the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the InternationalSale of Goods.
- vi -Regulatory ComplianceFCCThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following twoconditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device mustaccept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits pursuant to Part 15Subpart B, Part 22, and Part 24 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to providereasonable protection against harmful interference in an appropriate installation. Thisequipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not used inaccordance with instructions, can cause harmful radiation to radio communication. However,there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.RF EXPOSUREYour device is a radio transmitter and receiver. It is designed and manufactured not to exceedthe emissions limits for exposure to radio frequency (RF) energy set by the FederalCommunications Commission (FCC) of the U.S. Government. These limits are part ofcomprehensive guidelines and establish permitted levels of RF energy for the generalpopulation. These guidelines are based on the safety standards previously set by the U.S. andinternational standards bodies. The standards include a substantial safety margin designed toassure the safety of all persons, regardless of age and health.The exposure standard for wireless RF devices, such as the device, employs a unit ofmeasurement known as the Specific Absorption Rate, or SAR. The SAR limit set by the FCC is1.6W/kg. SAR values at or below that limit are considered safe for the general public.The device conforms with the RF exposure requirements for portable devices in accordancewith FCC Part 2.1093.The transmitter is configured with a 10% transmission duty factor, for GPRS Multislot class 8operation, and is excluded from routine RF exposure evaluation in accordance with FCCMobile and Portable Device RF Exposure Procedures and Equipment Authorization Policies,KDB447498 D01, V04.The CDMA transmitter is configured with a 1.6% transmission duty factor and is excluded fromroutine RF exposure evaluation in accordance with FCC Mobile and Portable Device RFExposure Procedures and Equipment Authorization Policies, KDB447498 D01 v05.At least 10mm (1/2 in) of separation between the MT 3060 and the user’s body must bemaintained at all time to ensure FCC RF Exposure compliance.
- vii -R&TTEEffective with HW revision 10 (GSM2398- 00), the device is in conformity with therequirements of the R&TTE directive 1999/5/EC. It has been fully tested and complies with allthe requirements of EN 62311, EN300440- 2, EN301489- 1, EN301489- 3, EN301489- 7 andEN60950-1. Compliance to EN301511 has been demonstrated by testing on both the deviceand the integrated module. RF exposure levels are below the recommended levels atdistances of 6.7 cm between the antenna and user.Novatel Wireless M2M hereby declares that the GSM2398 is in compliance with the essentialrequirements and other provisions of the Directive 1999/5/EC.A full copy of the declaration of conformity can be found at http://documentation.nvtl.comIndustry CanadaThis device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation issubject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) thisdevice must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesiredoperation of the device.The MT 3060 transmitter is configured with a 10% transmission duty factor, for GPRS Multislotclass 2 operation, and is excluded from routine RF exposure evaluation in accordance with therequirements of RSS-102 section 2.5.Cet appareil est conforme aux normes d’Industrie Canada exempts de license(s) RSS. Sonfonctionnement est soumis aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) cet appareil ne doit pasprovoquer d’interférences, et (2) cet appareil doit accepter toute interférence, y compris lesinterférences pouvant provoquer un fonctionnement indésirable de l’appareil.L’émetteur MT 3060 est configuré avec un facteur de service de transmission de 10%, pourl’opération en GPRS multislot class 2, et est exclu de l’évaluation de routine d’exposition RFen conformité avec les exigences du CNR-102 section 2.5.ROHS COMPLIANCEThe device complies with the European Union Restriction of the Use of Certain HazardousSubstances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment ([RoHS) Directive (2002/95/EC), effectivesince July 1, 2006, and amendments, and 2011/65/EU (commonly called "RoHS Recast").
- viii -DISCLAIMERThe information and instructions contained within this publication comply with all FCC, GCF,PTCRB, R&TTE, IMEI and other applicable codes that are in effect at the time of publication.Novatel Wireless M2M disclaims all responsibility for any act or omissions, or for breach of law,code or regulation, including local or state codes, performed by a third party. NovatelWireless M2M strongly recommends that all installations, hookups, transmissions, etc., beperformed by persons who are experienced in the fields of radio frequency technologies.Novatel Wireless M2M acknowledges that the installation, setup and transmission guidelinescontained within this publication are guidelines, and that each installation may have variablesoutside of the guidelines contained herein. Said variables must be taken into considerationwhen installing or using the product, and Novatel Wireless M2M shall not be responsible forinstallations or transmissions that fall outside of the parameters set forth in this publication.
- ix -Table of Contents1 Introduction 1Description 2Technical Specifications 4General 4Radio Technology 4Packet Data 4Environmental 4Components 5Protocols 5Part Numbers 5Document References 5Additional Features 5On-Board Diagnostics Overview 72 Features And Functions 8GPS 9LEDs 9Power 10Accelerometer 10GSM Radio 11CDMA Radio 11New Event Reporting 11Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) 11Excessive Engine Speed (RPM) 12Vehicle Speed 12Vehicle Battery Voltage (Low Battery Warning) 12Check Engine Light (MIL Alert) 13
- x -Trip Odometer Reporting 13Idle Time Reporting 13Low Fuel Alert 13Driver Behavior Acceleration 14Driver Behavior Deceleration (Harsh Braking) 14Motion Detection 14OBDII Basic Event Data 14Right/Left Turn (Lateral Acceleration) 15Up / Down (Vertical Acceleration) 15AT Commands Over SMS 15Store/Transmit Event Data 15Synchronize RTC Time With GPS Time 16Reporting Frequency 163 Installation 17SIM Access (GSM2398 Only) 18Opening The Device 18Inserting The SIM 20Closing The Device 21Activating The Device 21Verizon Activation: 21Sprint Activation: 22Device Installation 22Accelerometer Calibration 234 Accessories 25Backup Battery 26Metal Lever 26
- 1 -1IntroductionDescriptionTechnical SpecificationsOn-Board Diagnostics Overview
- 2 -DescriptionNovatel Wireless designed the MT 3060 for the Usage-Based Insurance (UBI), telematics, andfleet management markets. The MT 3060 has a rugged plastic housing and includes adisconnect alert feature that uses an in-device backup battery. The MT 3060 is available inGSM/GPRS, 1xRTT, and HSDPA versions. It contains an internal GPS, a cellular antenna, a J1962compliant OBDII connector, and 3 LED indicators.The GSM2398 and UMTxxxx variants also contain an internal SIM card holder.Figure 1-1 Top ViewThe MT 3060 has a printed label on the top side of the device.The figure below shows the information included on the label.
- 3 -Figure 1-2 MT 3060 Label
- 4 -Technical SpecificationsGeneralName: MT 3060Model: RTT2211, GSM2398Approvals: FCC, CE, RoHS2, Industry CanadaHousing: Rugged textured plastic enclosure UL94-Vo fireDimensions: 55 x 49 x 29 mmBattery: Rechargeable lithium-ion battery (230mAh)Recharge Temperature Range 0 to +45ºCOperating Voltage: 9 - 16 V DC operational for 12 V vehicleRadio TechnologyQuad-band EDGE/GPRS/EDGE: 850/900/1800/1900 MHzTri-band DC HSPA+/HSPA+/HSPA/UMTS:850/1900 MHz or 900/1900/2100Dual-band LTE: 800/1900 MHzPacket DataPacket Data: Class B, Multislot 8GSM/GPRS Rel 97SMS Functionality:- GSM/HSDPA SMS: Text, PDU, MO/MT, Cell Broadcast- CDMA SMS: Text, MO/MTEnvironmentalOperating Temperature: -20ºC to +60ºCStorage Temperature: -20ºC to +60ºCHumidity: Up to 85% non-condensingVibration Stability:
-5-ComponentsGPS Protocols: NMEA, BinaryBuffered GPS Message Feature: YesAccelerometer: 3-axis digitalOn-Board Diagnostics (OBDII): J1850 PWM, J1850 VPW, ISO-9141-2, ISO-14230 KWP2000, and ISO-15765CAN protocols supported, VIN, excessive engine speed (RPM), vehiclespeed,vehicle battery voltage (low battery warning), check engine light(MIL alert), odometer (trip distance), idle time reporting, low fuel alert.SIM Access: InternalCellular Antenna: InternalGPS Antenna: InternalLEDs: GPS (blue), Cellular (green), OBD (red)OBDII Connector: J1962 compliantProtocolsOBD Protocols: ISO 9141-2ISO 14230 KWP 2000J1850 PWMJ1850 VPWSome vehicles only support a subset of these protocols, which may limitthe functionality of the MT 3060.Host Protocols: AT commands, UDP API, FOTAInternal Protocols: UDP API, TCP APIAPI Control/Status: AT commands, UDP API, TCP API, AT commands over SMSPart NumbersGSM2398-00 (GSM/GPRS)RTT2211-00 (CDMA 1xRTT)UMT2212-00 (HSDPA + GPRS/Edge)CAB2374-01 (J1962 extension cable)Document ReferencesGSM2398AT001 MT 3060 AT Command Set For GPRSRTT2211AT001 MT 3060 AT Command Set For 1xCDMAGSM0000AN019 GSM Network Configuration WorksheetAdditional FeaturesGSM Registration GPS Status Input Event CounterGPRS Registration Timer GPS OverspeedVelocity MT Power Save Message Log Count
- 6 -Geo-Fence RTC Alarm SMS IndicationIP Status Memory Full Percentage GPS Distance
- 7 -On-Board Diagnostics OverviewThe Novatel Wireless M2M MT 3060 connects to a vehicle's On-Board Diagnostics (OBDII)port and monitors the OBDII system using communication protocols. An On-Board Diagnostics(OBD) system controls engine functions and serves as the diagnostic control network of thevehicle. All cars built and sold in the United States since 1996 require the newer OBDII system.You can configure the MT 3060 to provide notification messages based on events triggeredby:lAccelerometer changelCheck engine light (MIL alert)lEngine RPMlGPS informationlIdle timelLow fuellTrip Odometer (trip distance)lVehicle battery voltage (low battery warning)lVehicle Identification Number (VIN)lVehicle speedlOther events monitored by the OBDII systemSome vehicles are not compatible with the MT 3060. If a vehicle is not compatiblewith the required MT 3060 parameters, then functionality may be limited,problematic, or unavailable.The 1979 Society of Automobile Engineers (SAE) standard defines the method for requestingdiagnostics data and provides a list of standard parameters from the engine control unit.Since the vehicle manufacturer is responsible for complying with the SAE standard, NovatelWireless M2M cannot guarantee that the MT 3060 will perform with every vehicle.
- 8 -2Features And FunctionsGPSLEDsPowerAccelerometerGSM RadioCDMA RadioNew Event ReportingAT Commands Over SMS
- 9 -GPSGPS functions include:lNMEA update with all data pointslNovatel Wireless M2M Binary PacketslBuffered GPS message featurelGeo-fencinglVirtual odometerLEDsThe MT 3060 includes LEDs to indicate OBDII, Network, and GPS status.The following figures show the MT 3060 OBD II connector and LEDs.Figure 2-1 MT 3060 Connectors
- 10 -Figure 2-2 MT 3060 LEDsThe following table describes the LED operation.MT 3060 LEDsOBD(Red)The OBD LED will flash at a fast rate when the unit is first connected to the OBD port for power. Once aprotocol is discovered through the OBD port, the LED will flash at a slow rate.GPS(Yellow/Amber)The GPS LED will flash at a fast rate when the unit is acquiring a satellite fix. Once a fix is acquired, the LED willflash at a slow rate.NETWORK(Green)The NETWORK LED will flash at a fast rate when the unit is finding cellular coverage. Once cellular coverage isfound, the LED will flash at a slow rate.Table 2-1 MT 3060 LEDsPowerThe MT 3060 requires 9-16 VDC minimum 2 amps input power. Pin 16 on the 16-Pin I/Oconnector is the positive power input, and pins 4 and 5 are ground. This device contains abattery. This battery is not to be removed or replaced by the user. Please dispose of thisdevice according to local recycling laws.AccelerometerThe three-axis digital accelerometer provides the following features:
- 11 -lMotion alert (towing alert)lDriver behavior reportinglRapid accelerationlHarsh brakinglConfigurable thresholdslRange settingslMode (Normal, Sleep, Wakeup)lWakeup pause (20 to 2560 msec)lSample Rate (0-25 per second)lFilter Coefficient and Filter BandwidthlDevice Orientation SetupGSM RadioThe MT 3060 (GSM2398) contains a quad-band (850/900/1800/1900 MHz) GSM radio.lClass 4 (2W@850/900 MHz)lClass 1 (1W@1800/1900 MHz)CDMA RadioThe MT 3060 (RTT2221-00) contains a dual-band (800/1900 MHz) CDMA radio.lBC0-800 MHz – US CelllBC1-1900 MHz – US PCSNew Event ReportingThe MT 3060 has additional event reporting not supported by other Novatel Wireless M2Mproducts. For general event reporting information and for detailed information about thesenew events, refer to the MT 3060 AT Command Document (GSM2398AT001).Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)The VIN is used as a unique identifier which is sent at first power-up with heartbeat messagesand with events.Vehicle manufacturers are responsible for defining the list of data returned,therefore not all vehicles support returning the Vehicle Identification Number.
- 12 -Excessive Engine Speed (RPM)Excessive engine speed alerts are triggered when the engine speed (in RPM) exceeds adefined RPM level (in ¼ RPM increments) for a defined period of time in seconds (e.g., 30seconds).The MT 3060 has three definable thresholds.Unnecessary wear and tear on the Powertrain Control Module (PCM) may occur if constant orfrequent excessive engine speed is reported. One of the following situations may causeexcessive engine speed:lObstructions, such as ice or mud, that may cause wheel slippage if the obstruction is notremovedlRevving the RPM while in neutrallSpeeding or reckless driving that causes excessive RPM engine speedThe following AT command example sets the excessive engine speed threshold at 1 to 4000RPM. Then, if exceeded for 3 seconds, it triggers the input event. This event will clear onceengine RPM is below 4000 for 30 seconds.AT$OBDEES=1,4000,3,30Vehicle SpeedA vehicle speed alert is triggered if the device is configured for vehicle speed alerts and thevehicle moves faster than one of the three configurable thresholds (e.g., 70 MPH).The following AT Command example sets the vehicle speed threshold at 1 to 112 KPH(~70MPH). When the threshold is exceeded for 10 seconds, an input event is triggered. Thisevent will clear when the vehicle speed is reduced to 104KPH (~65MPH).AT$OBDSPD=1,112,10,104Vehicle Battery Voltage (Low Battery Warning)The vehicle battery voltage alert is triggered when the vehicle’s battery is reported to bebelow a threshold (e.g., 10.8 V) for a user-defined period of time in seconds (e.g., 300seconds).The following AT Command example sets the low battery threshold to 10.8 volts. When thevoltage remains below this threshold for 300 seconds (5 minutes), it triggers an input event.Restoring voltage above the threshold for 300 seconds (5 minutes) will clear this event.AT$OBDLBL=10800,300,300
- 13 -Check Engine Light (MIL Alert)When the vehicle's “Check Engine” light illuminates, this indicates that a vehicle issuerequires attention for diagnosis and/or repair. This is also known as a Malfunction IndicatorLight (MIL). A user can configure a device to detect a MIL issue via the OBDII protocol, and tosend an alert when the device detects such an issue.Trip Odometer ReportingTrip odometer reporting provides the odometer miles accumulated from ignition-on toignition-off, which is considered a “trip”.Ignition events are not yet detected on hybrid or electric vehicles.Idle Time ReportingAn idle time event is triggered when the vehicle’s engine is running without the vehiclemoving (i.e., velocity less than 3 KPH) for a defined period of time in seconds (e.g., 300seconds).The alert is cleared when the vehicle speed exceeds another speed and time threshold.Both the violation and clearing of the alert are reported if configured.The following AT Command example sets the idle time speed threshold to 3 KPH for 5minutes (300 seconds) with a clearance time of 30 seconds. If the speed remains below thisthreshold for 300 seconds (5 minutes), it triggers the input event. Restoring speed above thisthreshold for 30 seconds will clear this event.AT$OBDIDL=3,300,30Low Fuel AlertThe low fuel alert triggers when the vehicle’s fuel level falls below a defined threshold inpercent (e.g., 12%) for a defined period of time in seconds (e.g., 60 seconds).The following AT Command example sets the low fuel alert threshold to 12% for 1 minute (60seconds) with a clearance time of 30 seconds. If the fuel level remains below this threshold for60 seconds, it triggers the input event. Restoring the fuel level above this threshold for 30seconds will clear this event.AT$OBDLFL=12,60,30
- 14 -Driver Behavior AccelerationRapid acceleration events can be triggered when one of four available thresholds areexceeded as determined by the accelerometer in milli-Gs (e.g., 0.75) for a defined period oftime in seconds (e.g., 30 seconds). The event will clear if the acceleration falls below thethreshold for a defined period of time. The command may also be configured to clear theevent if it persists beyond a maximum duration.The following AT Command example sets the rapid acceleration threshold #1 to .2G. If thisthreshold is exceeded for 1 second, then an input event is triggered. Keeping the accelerationof the vehicle below this threshold for 30 seconds will clear this event. There is no maximumduration set in this example.AT$DVBACL=1,200,1,30,0Driver Behavior Deceleration (Harsh Braking)Rapid deceleration events can be triggered when one of four available decelerationthresholds are exceeded as determined by the accelerometer in milli-Gs (e.g., 1.0) for adefined period of time in seconds (30 seconds). The command may also be configured toclear the event if it persists beyond a maximum duration.The following AT Command example sets the rapid deceleration threshold #1 to .5Gs. If thisthreshold is exceeded for 1 second, then an input event is triggered. Keeping the decelerationbelow this threshold for 30 seconds will clear this event. The event will also clear if thethreshold is exceeded for a duration of 10 seconds.AT$DVBDCL=1,500,1,3,10Motion DetectionMotion alerts for vehicles can be configured to communicate that a vehicle is being towed.Motion detection, based on measuring movement via the accelerometer, occurs when thevehicle ignition is off and the vehicle is stationary.A motion alert is triggered when motion defined in milli-Gs is detected for a defined period oftime.OBDII Basic Event DataFive additional data items can be included with event messages:lVINlFirmware version ($PKG)lOBD Protocol (i.e., J1850 PWM)lCellular signal strength (RSSI)lOBD speed
- 15 -Right/Left Turn (Lateral Acceleration)Harsh turn events can be triggered when one of two available thresholds are exceeded asdetermined by the accelerometer in milli-Gs (e.g., 0.75) for a defined period of time inseconds (e.g., 30 seconds). The command may also be configured to clear the event if itpersists beyond a maximum duration.The following AT command example sets the lateral acceleration accelerometer threshold 1 to.25 Gs. If this threshold is exceeded for 2 seconds, an input event is triggered. This event willclear in 15 seconds when the acceleration is below this threshold. The event will also clear ifthe threshold is exceeded for a duration of 10 seconds.AT$DVBLAL=1,250,2,15,10Up / Down (Vertical Acceleration)Up and down accelerometer events can be triggered when the threshold is exceeded asdetermined by the accelerometer in milli-Gs (e.g., 0.75) for a defined period of time inseconds (e.g., 30 seconds). The command may also be configured to clear the event if itpersists beyond a maximum duration.The following AT command example sets the vertical acceleration accelerometer threshold 1to 1.2Gs. If this threshold is exceeded for 1 second, an input event is triggered. This event willclear in 30 seconds when the acceleration is below this threshold. The event will also clear ifthe threshold is exceeded for a duration of 10 seconds.AT$DVBVAL=1,1200,1,30,10AT Commands Over SMSA user can send AT commands to the MT 3060 via SMS. Please refer to Novatel WirelessM2M Application Note ENF0000AN012 - AT Commands Over SMS for details.Store/Transmit Event DataThe user can configure the MT 3060 to store event-generated data in its internal memory tobe sent over the air to a remote server. This feature can be enabled or disabled using theAT$MSGLOGEN command.“Total Number of Unread Messages” is decremented if an unread message is read via theAT$MSGLOGRD command.
- 16 -Example: Assume there are 50 unread messages in the message queue and the total numberof messages in the message queue is 100. This means that the first 50 messages have beenread while the last 50 messages have not been read. If a user sends AT$GPSLOGRD=0,1,51then the total number of unread messages drops down to 49 after successful transmission ofthat message. However, if a user sends AT$GPSLOGRD=0,1,99 then the total number ofunread messages still remains at 50—that message is transmitted to the remote server.A user can also read a message stored in the memory by inputting the appropriate startingindex number.Synchronize RTC Time With GPS TimeThe Real Time Clock ("RTC") is synchronized with GPS time automatically every time thedevice is powered up and first acquires valid GPS data. Additionally, the RTC time is synchedwith GPS time every time the GPS time rolls over from 23:59:59 to 00:00:01.Reporting FrequencyThe minimum reporting frequency of the device is as follows:lPeriodic reporting is limited to a maximum of 1 per 6 seconds.lThe general reporting interval is 1 message every 2 seconds.
- 17 -3InstallationSIM access (GSM2398 Only)Activating The DeviceDevice InstallationAccelerometer Calibration
- 18 -SIM Access (GSM2398 Only)The GSM2398 versions of the MT 3060 include an on-board SIM carrier. There is no externalaccess to the SIM.The MT 3060 SIM Installation procedure includes:lOpening the devicelInserting the SIMlClosing the deviceThe CDMA version of the MT 3060 does not use a SIM, and therefore the deviceshould not be opened.Opening The DeviceTo prevent damaging the device, we highly recommend that you use the Metal Lever(Novatel Wireless M2M part number KIT2418-01) when opening the MT 3060.To open the MT 3060, follow these steps:1. Insert the tool into the opening and gently push until that corner of the lid unsnaps asshown below.Figure 3-1 Opening the MT 3060 Case2. Repeat step 1 for the other corner
- 19 -3. Carefully slide the cover off the deviceFigure 3-2 MT 3060 With Cover Partially RemovedWhen removing the cover take care not to damage the antennas. The antennasare situated in the top housing and at the rear of the device.Figure 3-3 MT 3060 With Cover RemovedMT 3060 Antennas1 Bluetooth Antenna (Not currently supported)2 GPS Antenna3 Cellular Antenna
- 20 -Inserting The SIMThe SIM card is not provided with the MT 3060 device. The SIM must be obtainedfrom the GSM/GPRS service provider and must be provisioned by the operatorfor data. Always take care to protect the SIM. Without the SIM installed, the MT3060 modem is not able to communicate with the network.Insert the SIM using the following steps:1. After you have removed the device cover locate the SIM holder within the device. TheSIM is inserted through the slot in the Cellular Antenna.2. Insert the SIM into the SIM holder of the MT 3060.3. Replace the cover (as described below).Figure 3-4 Antennas with SIM slot.
- 21 -Closing The DeviceReplace the MT 3060 cover using the following steps:1. Place the MT 3060 cover onto the base of the device as shown in the following figure.2. Apply gentle downward pressure to the back of the cover first, and carefully slide thecover into place.3. Apply gentle down and forward pressure to the front of the cover until it snaps shut.Figure 3-5 MT 3060 Cover ReplacementActivating The DeviceVerizon Activation:To activate with Verizon, the user must contact Verizon and provide the MEID of the device tothe provider. Once Verizon has acknowledged that the device is ready to activate, the userwill then be required to send an activation string to the network.Send the activation string: AT+CDV*22899. This will initiate a call with the network. Asuccessful call will last approximately 40 seconds. If the call is terminated within 10-15seconds, the call was not successful. Multiple attempts might be required. If the call is notsuccessful after a few attempts, please check the MEID of the device and compare it with theMEID provided to the provider.To verify that the activation has successfully completed, attempt a voice call AT+CDVxxxxxx.If the call is successful, then the over-the-air provisioning was successful.As part of the activation process, the network will download a new PRL. The device will resetafter the PRL is successfully reset to allow the new PRL to take effect.
- 22 -Sprint Activation:To activate with Sprint, the user must contact Sprint and provide the MEID of the device.After the MEID is provided to Sprint, the user will need to power on the device wheninstructed by the carrier. The device will automatically activate when it attaches to thenetwork. For the first attempt the user should see a series of unsolicited reports. If the devicegets to +HFA: 6, the device has successfully activated. This process can take up to 60 secondsto complete. AT+HFA? can be used to query the activation state. A response of 1 means thedevice is successfully activated. A response of 0 means that it has not.An unsuccessful activation attempt may take up to 5 minutes, because of the number ofretries specified by the carrier.As part of the activation process, the network will download a new PRL. The device will resetafter the PRL is successfully reset to allow the new PRL to take effect.Device InstallationMake sure the vehicle is parked on level ground prior to installing the MT 3060.Instructions provided in this section describe the hardware installation of the MT 3060device. To install the MT 3060 in a vehicle, follow these steps:1. Locate the OBDII socket. The location will vary between different vehicle manufacturers,models, and production years.2. Carefully insert the MT 3060 into the OBDII socket.3. After the device is installed, the GPS lock and the cellular connection LEDs will validatethat the device is working properly.The MT 3060 is NOT a waterproof or sealed device. Keep the device away fromwater or any other liquids.
- 23 -Figure 3-6 Typical OBDII Socket LocationThe device starts the accelerometer auto-calibration process immediately afterthe device is installed and the vehicle's ignition is turned on.Accelerometer CalibrationThe accelerometer undergoes an automatic calibration sequence on the first drive after any ofthe following events:lDevice installationlSoftware upgradelVehicle battery replacement (or recharge if battery was fully discharged)lDevice auxiliary processor resetFailure to follow the process below could cause an undesired behavior of themotion feature. Failure to drive straight on level ground during the automaticcalibration may reduce the accuracy of the accelerometer and have an adverseimpact on events triggered by accelerometer readings.
- 24 -1. Make sure the vehicle is parked on level ground prior to installing the MT 3060.2. Drive the vehicle in a straight path on level ground during the automatic calibration. Aninclined surface will put part of the gravity vector into the XY plane, which will affect theacceleration thresholds. (A 5.7 degree angle will place 10% of the gravity vector into theXY plane.)When the vehicle passes 32 KPH, the auxiliary processor assumes that the vehicleis moving in a straight line and determines the forward axis.
- 25 -4AccessoriesBackup BatteryMetal lever
- 26 -The following accessories are available for the MT 3060:Part Name Part NumberMetal Lever ASA-3000-0001Backup Battery TBDBackup BatteryThe primary function of the backup battery in the MT 3060 is to allow a user to be notifiedwhen the device is removed from the vehicle.Input Event 63 can be used to trigger an output event that can be configured in the samemanner as the other output events. If the modem is off (to save power), this event will beturned on. If GPS data is configured in the output event and the data is not available, the lastknown position can be configured to be used in the output message.AT$OBDBBT is used to configure the time (in seconds) that the device will stay poweredafter removal from the vehicle. The range is 30-6000 with the default being 600. In addition,to prevent damage to the battery, the device will turn itself off when the battery reaches thelevel determined to be the lowest “safe” value.If the configured output message has not been sent when the timer or battery level dictatesthat the device should shut down (and is configured to do so), it will be saved and sent thenext time the device registers on the network.Metal LeverThe Metal Lever to open the device. For more information on opening the device, see the SIMAccess section in this User Guide.Figure 4-1 Metal LeverAs an alternative a Flat Head Screwdriver can be used to open the device, however additionalcare must be used if using this method.
- 27 -Figure 4-2 Flat Head Screwdriver

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