Intel 17265NG Wireless Network Adapter User Manual Intel Maple Peak

Intel Mobile Communications Wireless Network Adapter Intel Maple Peak

User Manual 1

Intel® Maple Peak
User Guide
July 2014
Revision 2.1
Intel Confidential
Document Number: 537178-2.1
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1 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 6
1.1 Scope ................................................................................................................. 6
1.2 References .......................................................................................................... 6
1.3 Introduction ......................................................................................................... 6
1.3.1 Wireless docking .................................................................................. 6
1.3.2 Wireless peripheral .............................................................................. 7
1.3.3 Multi Gbps Device-to-Device.................................................................. 7
1.4 Key features ........................................................................................................ 7
1.5 SW and HW deliverables ........................................................................................ 7
1.6 Notebook platform preparations for WiDock ............................................................. 7
1.7 Known limitations ................................................................................................. 7
2 Maple Peak Setup ......................................................................................................... 8
2.1 Operational mode ................................................................................................. 8
2.1.1 IF setup description (dock installer only) ................................................. 8
2.1.2 RF setup description ............................................................................. 9
2.2 Test mode (OEM tool setup environment) ................................................................ 9
3 Software Install .......................................................................................................... 11
3.1 NB side installation .............................................................................................. 11
3.2 Dock side installation ........................................................................................... 12
3.2.1 Overview ........................................................................................... 12
3.2.2 Dock host installation over PCIe ............................................................ 12
3.2.3 Burning the flash using DFB tool ........................................................... 15
4 WiGig Application User Manual ................................................................................... 16
4.1 Turn WiGig on ..................................................................................................... 16
4.2 Connect to a new dock ......................................................................................... 17
4.3 Manage the connections settings ........................................................................... 19
4.4 Change dock settings ........................................................................................... 19
4.5 Disconnection ..................................................................................................... 20
4.5.1 Managed undocking ............................................................................ 20
4.5.2 Spontaneous undocking ....................................................................... 21
4.6 Forget this dock .................................................................................................. 21
4.7 Docking .............................................................................................................. 21
4.7.1 Automatic docking .............................................................................. 21
4.7.2 Manual docking .................................................................................. 22
4.8 Dock FW upgrade ................................................................................................ 22
4.9 Troubleshooting .................................................................................................. 23
5 WiGig Recording Tool (WiGRT) ................................................................................... 24
5.1 WiGRT installation ............................................................................................... 24
5.2 How to use WiGRT ............................................................................................... 26
5.2.1 Generate Report menu ........................................................................ 26
5.2.2 Settings menu .................................................................................... 27
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Figure 1-1 Use models ....................................................................................................... 6
Figure 2-1 IF setup ............................................................................................................ 8
Figure 2-2 RF setup ........................................................................................................... 9
Figure 2-3 Maple Peak setup ............................................................................................... 9
Figure 5-1 XML settings ....................................................................................................27
Table 2-1 IF setup description ........................................................................................... 8
Table 2-2 RF setup description ........................................................................................... 9
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User Guide July 2014
4 Intel Confidential Document Number: 537178-2.1
Revision History
Revision Description Date
2.1 Beta 1.5 update June 30, 2014
2.0 Beta update April 9, 2014
1.1 Alpha update November 25, 2013
1.0 Initial release. May 16, 2013
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1 Introduction
This chapter provides an overview of the Maple Peak WiGig solution.
1.1 Scope
This document familiarizes customers with the Maple Peak hardware (HW) and software (SW)
components and provides installation and configuration details.
1.2 References
Reference Document Revision
1 Maple Peak OEM Tool User Guide
2 WiGig Release Notes
3 Maple Peak External Product Specification
4 Maple Peak DFB User Guide
1.3 Introduction
The main use of Maple Peak at product launch is wireless docking in conjunction with the Maple Peak
1.3.1 Wireless docking
Wireless Docking generally occurs when the user is working 2-4 feet from the display(s). The user
experiences the same kind of responsiveness as operating a workstation/desktop.
“Place to Dock, Snap to Go” experience
Wireless docking is designed to minimize user actions. After the initial WPS based pairing, the typical
user is able to “auto-dock,” meaning the device automatically connects to the dock and peripheral
when in range of the dock. In other words, by the time the device is on the desk, it is already docked.
Undocking is as simple, allowing the user to grab the device and walk away.
Wireless Docking (WiDock) and Wireless Display (WiDi)
WiDock differs from other models, such as Miracast* or Intel® Wireless Display, in which the user is
further from the screen (such as on the couch or in a conference room), and is focused on content
consumption (watching a video, sharing a screen with others, gaming) rather than productivity or
content creation.
Figure 1-1 Use models
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1.3.2 Wireless peripheral
The wireless peripheral feature allows a device to interact with high-speed USB peripherals over
WiGig. For example, a directly attached storage device equipped with Maple Peak SNK would allow a
high-speed USB 3.0 connection with a Maple Peak equipped tablet or notebook.
When connecting, many of the wireless docking capabilities would be applicable (excluding of course
the display capabilities), allowing USB 3.0 like throughputs (>1 Gbps) for on-desk distances.
1.3.3 Multi Gbps Device-to-Device
The Device-to-Device feature allows two peer devices (two PCs, two tablets, a PC and a tablet, etc.) to
establish a fat IP pipe (> Gbps) to enable all other D2D capabilities.
1.4 Key features
See the Maple Peak Release Notes.
1.5 SW and HW deliverables
See the EPS document (Reference #3).
1.6 Notebook platform preparations for WiDock
Operating system:
Microsoft* Windows* 7 32/64, Microsoft Windows 8.1U 64
SW Pre-requisites for OEM tools (unnecessary with an operational stack):
VC++ 2010 Redistributable Package
1.7 Known limitations
See the Maple Peak Release Notes.
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Maple Peak Setup
2 Maple Peak Setup
The Maple Peak setup consists of the following components:
One WiGig link that contains Maple Peak on the NB side and Maple Peak SNK on the dock side.
Note: Note that each MpL-M card (the baseband) is connected to MpL-R card (the 60 Ghz radio)
A PC that serves as the NB host
WiGig connectivity can be performed in two modes:
Test modesetup can perform a pre-defined set of traffic according to the accompanying OEM
Tool application.
Operational modereal WiGig pairing, with WDE and WSE PALs.
2.1 Operational mode
2.1.1 IF setup description (dock installer only)
Figure 2-1 IF setup
Table 2-1 IF setup description
Description Table-top IF-to-IF (coaxial based) non-over-the-air reference-design setup for
client side
Maple Peak HW M.2 ES'; RFEM ES'
Capabilities WSE; WDE
Wired / OTA Wired (coaxial cable)*
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Maple Peak Setup
2.1.2 RF setup description
Figure 2-2 RF setup
Table 2-2 RF setup description
Description Table-top over-the-air reference design setup for client side
Maple Peak HW WSE; WDE
Capabilities M.2 ES'; RFEM ES'
Wired / OTA OTA
2.2 Test mode (OEM tool setup environment)
Figure 2-3 Maple Peak setup
Fixed IPFixed IP
Ethernet switch
OEM Tool
Ethernet cable Ethernet cable
Mini PCI Bus
Mini PCI Bus
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Maple Peak Setup
Figure 2 descriptions:
Two PCs (one per WiGig kit) are connected using a hub on the Ethernet NIC and can communicate
over a WiGig link.
The OEM tool application is installed on the left PC, and a small agent is installed the right PC (details
of how to install these can be found in the OEM Tool User Guide).
Note: A Test Mode setup should be installed to work in this configuration (see Section 3).
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Software Install
3 Software Install
3.1 NB side installation
1. Go to G Layout\Win7Plus\ and run Setup.exe.
Setup.exe installs the relevant installer for either a 32-bit platform or a 64-bit platform.
2. Check I have reviewed and agree to the EULA and click Install. This will install the operational
WiGig software for the NB.
3. When the application is successfully installed check the Do you want to launch CU? option.
Select Finish.
You will be able to run the CU application from the desktop shortcut later if you do not check
this option.
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Software Install
Note: During the first installation the device driver is installed and the following “Windows
Security” pop-up may appear:
4. Choose Install this driver software anyway to continue the installation.
Note: To avoid this window, run the certificate file (iCert.spc) from the Certificates layout.
Run setup.exe q from a command line to run the installer in silent mode.
Note: The above installation is only for RF setup. See the following section (Dock Side
Installation) and choose NoteBook to run an IF setup.
3.2 Dock side installation
3.2.1 Overview
The operational dock works without a host (hostless) and boots its FW from an inner flash memory.
When working with the OEM tool a host must be connected. The flash should be burned to the
updated version in one of two ways:
1. Over PCIe A “local” setup, in which the dock is not assembled and is attached to a PCIe cable.
The Dock Flash Burning (DFB) tool is used for flashing.
2. Over The Air (OTA) A “remote” setup, in which the dock is connected to a client that can send
the dock FW upgrade content OTA using the CU application.
Note: Beta 1.0 did not support OTA FW upgrade. When upgrading from this version you must
first burn the flash using the DFB tool using the following steps:
1. Connect a host PC to the dock over PCIe and install the dock driver.
2. Use the DFB tool to burn the FW.
3. Disconnect the PCIe from the dock; work hostless.
When the FW version is higher than Beta 1.0, it can be upgraded OTA (see Section 4.8 for
instructions) and no dock host installation is required.
3.2.2 Dock host installation over PCIe
This installer sets up your Maple Peak in a few simple steps. Navigation between steps is possible
using the Back and Next buttons. Select Cancel to close the installer.
1. Uninstall previous dock drivers.
2. Go to OEM Layout\WiGigInstaller\ and run the WiGigInstaller.exe application.
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Software Install
3. Verify the following files are located in the installer folder:
a. WiGigInstaller_x**.msi
b. WiGigInstaller_DbgStack_x**.msi
The suffix x** means x86 for a 32-bit platform and x64 for a 64-bit platform.
Note: During the first installation the device driver is installed and the following “Windows
Security” pop-up may appear:
4. Choose Install this driver software anyway and continue the installer.
Select Operation Mode
There are two operation modes:
Test mode: no broadcasting takes place. Primarily used for characterization by the OEM
Operational mode: the Maple Peak card is fully active in either one of the types in the next
Note: A hostless dock is always in operational mode, no matter what was selected in the
5. Choose Test Mode.
Select Setup Type
The Maple Peak card can be used for either notebook or dock:
Notebook: the notebook transmits data to the dock.
Dock: the dock receives and displays data from the notebook.
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Software Install
Select Hardware Type
Maple Peak can communicate with another device via:
IF (Intermediate Frequency): a cable is required between the card (XFL connector) and
another device.
RF: the M.2 card is connected to the RFEM.
6. Select the relevant mode.
Choose IF mode if you have no RFEM connected to the M.2. This has no effect on the hostless
setup; it is in RF mode after disconnecting the PCIe.
Select Number of Antennas
7. Select one antenna.
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Software Install
Select Stacks
8. Select stacks to install:
Operational stack Select
Debug stack Select
NDIS driver Don't Select
9. Click Install.
The installer installs and configures the card based on user specifications.
This process takes up to two minutes; a verification popup appears when successfully
Note: If you want to change any selection in the installation, such as hardware type or setup
type, you will need to uninstall the SW package (Windows->Control Panel->Uninstall a
program) and install the application again.
3.2.3 Burning the flash using DFB tool
The DFB tool can be found at C:/Program Files/Intel/WiGig/DFB/WiGigDockFlashBurner.exe.
Run the DFB application on the host to burn the dock Flash with the relevant FW version.
Run the application from the command line with the relevant parameters:
For factory slot:
WiGigDockFlashBurner.exe --factory --package
"C:\Program Files\Intel\WiGig\Drivers\Dock_Image_Production.pack"
For current slot:
WiGigDockFlashBurner.exe --package
"C:\Program Files\Intel\WiGig\Drivers\Dock_Image_Production.pack"
Note: Burn both the factory slot and the current slot.
See DFB document (Reference #4) for detailed instructions on how to use the DFB tool.
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WiGig Application User Manual
4 WiGig Application User Manual
The WiGig Connection Utility (CU) is a dedicated application that runs on the NB, lists available docks,
and creates a WiGig link with a selected dock.
The activity button and LEDs are used for connection/disconnection flows on the dock side.
Double click the WiGig CU icon on the desktop to activate the CU application on the NB side unless you
checked the option to launch CU after installation (see Section 3.1 Step 3).
Note: The CU application keeps running from the system tray even if you click the X (close
window) icon on the application. Double-click the CU icon in the system tray to open the
CU again.
Note: The current WiGig CU is not the final version and will be changed in later releases.
4.1 Turn WiGig on
1. Click the grey OFF button to toggle the WiGig on once the CU application is running.
2. The CU scans for available docks and shows a list of docks with the following four statuses:
a. In range paired: docks that are in range of the NB (for example in the room or cubicle)
and are already paired.
b. In range not paired: docks that are in range of the NB but did not pair with it.
c. Incompatible: docks that are incompatible (incompatible FW version or non-interoperable
dock) and cannot be paired with this NB.
d. Out of range paired: docks that were paired before but are currently not in range.
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WiGig Application User Manual
3. The dock name shown in the list (before pairing) is the out-of-box device name and is derived
from its MAC address.
4. A Connect button appears when a listed dock is selected.
4.2 Connect to a new dock
1. Select a non-paired dock and click Connect.
e. Connecting to a dock for the first time (or to a dock that is set to Always Pair) initiates
pairing with the dock.
2. The CU is now waiting for the user to press the function button on the device.
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WiGig Application User Manual
3. The dock’s LED turns yellow.
4. Press the functional button on the dock to complete pairing. A connecting message shows on
the CU during the pairing process indicating that a connection is in progress.
5. When connected, the status in the CU changes to Connected and the dock’s LED turns green.
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WiGig Application User Manual
Note: The pairing process can take up to seven seconds. Future connections that don’t require
additional pairing take less time.
4.3 Manage the connections settings
Edit the connection settings by clicking the icon when the dock is connected. These are settings
for the specific Dock-NB connection.
The following can be set:
Nickname: a personalized name that represents the specific NB-Dock connection.
The profile name can be modified by the user to a meaningful name such as “Joe office”, “Joe
home” etc. The profile name is shown in the docks list.
Auto-connect: default; when checked the NB connects automatically whenever it is in range of
the dock.
4.4 Change dock settings
The dock settings can be changed over-the-air after connecting a NB to the dock.
From the Connection Settings menu (see previous image) click Change Dock Settings (see following
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WiGig Application User Manual
1. General Info
a. Dock Name: the name that appears in the docks list in the CU application.
b. Check for Firmware Update (Not supported in this release): check if an updated FW
version is available for the dock.
2. Pairing
a. Always prompt devices to pair to this dock: The dock will force pairing each time a device is
b. Manually connect: when checked the client has to manually connect (using the CU) with this
dock each time.
This setting is useful for public docks (for example in airports), to prevent a situation where
a NB that connected to the dock now automatically connects (unintentionally) and prevents
other devices from connecting.
c. Preferred Channel: the preferred channel to work on (Automatic, 1, 2, 3 or 4). The default is
Automatic, the device will choose the relevant channel based on the allowed channels (under
regulation constraints). This information is burnt in the OTP.
3. Password
Prevents non-authorized users from changing dock settings.
4.5 Disconnection
4.5.1 Managed undocking
The user can disconnect from the dock through the following steps:
1. Press the FUN_BUTTON on the dock for more than two seconds (long press).
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2. Click Disconnect in the CU.
The dock’s LED turns off and the docks monitor and devices disconnect.
In auto-connect profiles undesired auto-connection will be blocked after a managed undocking until
one of the following conditions apply:
User exits the docks range
Client resumes from a low-power mode (S3/S4/S5 S0) (not currently supported).
4.5.2 Spontaneous undocking
When the user exits the range of the dock without making a managed disconnection, the link drops
after attempts to recover. The dock’s LED powers off after the link drops.
4.6 Forget this dock
Choose the dock and click Forget this dock to delete a dock profile. This deletes the profile of the dock
and requires a manual connection and pairing for the next connection. (This option is only available
when the relevant dock is not connected).
4.7 Docking
4.7.1 Automatic docking
A connection to the dock begins automatically when the dock is configured to auto-connect and the
user enters the docks range. The NB’s lid can be open or closed.
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WiGig Application User Manual
The dock LED turns green, docking is completed within a few seconds, and the dock monitor
shows the display.
4.7.2 Manual docking
No connection is initiated when the dock is configured to manually connect and the user enters the
dock’s range. The dock’s LED stays off.
Clicking Connect in the CU next to the dock’s name begins the docking process. Once docking is
complete the dock’s LED turns green and the docking monitor shows the display.
4.8 Dock FW upgrade
The dock FW can be upgraded using the CU application. The dock’s FW upgrade does not occur
automatically; it requires the user’s initiation to allow for user control of the process.
Upgrade the FW from the CU Dock Settings screen.
Click the Upgrade button and choose the Dock Image.
To choose the same version installed on the NB side go to C:/ProgramFiles/Intel/WiGig/Drivers and
choose Dock_Image.pack.
A progress indication for the process displays in the CU. If the upgrade fails, the previous version
remains and the user is notified.
When completed, a reset is performed and the device is up with the new version. Close the window.
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WiGig Application User Manual
4.9 Troubleshooting
Follow these steps for a “WiGig driver is disabled” error:
Exit the CU application (right-click in the tray icon)
Disable the WiGig device driver in the Device Manager
Enable the device driver again
Run the CU application
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WiGig Recording Tool (WiGRT)
5 WiGig Recording Tool (WiGRT)
The WiGRT is a tool that enables fast and easy debugging of the WiGig product by continuously
capturing information from the WiGig device and driver.
The WiGRT tool captures information continuously, allowing debug of an issue without (necessarily)
the need to reproduce it. The information is collected in a cyclic manner, saving sufficient data and
consuming a limited amount of memory. The user can “Generate a report” at any time and send the
zip file to Intel engineers for debug.
5.1 WiGRT installation
The WiGRT tool installer is not part of the operational installer. It should be installed and run after
installation of the WiGig operational installer, to start capturing information immediately.
1. From the diagnostics layout, run the Diagnostics.exe self-extracted file. Then run WiGRT.bat
from the root path. It will run the relevant installer for your OS, either for 32-bit or 64-bit.
2. Click Next.
3. Check I accept the terms in the License Agreement.
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WiGig Recording Tool (WiGRT)
4. Choose Complete.
5. Click Finish.
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WiGig Recording Tool (WiGRT)
See the following icon on your desktop:
Note: The application starts running automatically. The icon is in the system tray.
5.2 How to use WiGRT
The WiGRT tool runs in the background from the system tray and requires minimum intervention of
the user.
It starts capturing information immediately.
Right-click the WiGRT icon to show a menu with three options:
Generate Report
Exit (to close the application and stop capturing data)
5.2.1 Generate Report menu
Click Generate Report from the WiGRT menu to document an issue to report to Intel’s engineers.
Enter details about the specific issue in the popup window (example image follows).
Note: Adding your information is highly recommended but is not mandatory.
Selecting Ok (or Ignore if you didn’t enter details) saves a zip file under
The name of the zip file includes the computer name, the date and the time to easily identify the
relevant report (zip format example: COMPUTERNAME323-060314-144436).
This zip file should be sent to Intel’s engineers for further investigation.
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WiGig Recording Tool (WiGRT)
5.2.2 Settings menu
The Settings menu is available to provide additional debugging capabilities and should only be used
when instructed by Intels engineers.
XML settings
When additional or different information is required for a specific scenario, you might have to choose
settings from the list and click Set. This will send the device the info in the XML file with the relevant
The WiGRT tool installer provides a few XML files for pre-defined scenarios. If you are working with an
Intel engineer on a specific issue, you might receive a proprietary XML file; place the XML file under:
Figure 5-1 XML settings
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Navigation menu