NX 6V2 Control Panel Installation Instructions 466 2338 REV B Install


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NX-6V2 Control Panel Installation Instructions







This is the NX-6V2-Control Panel Installation Instructions.







Installations should only be done by trained professionals. Use
this document to install the system with default settings that
comply with UL requirements.
To install the keypad, other peripherals, and sensors, refer to
the documentation for those devices.

Terminal descriptions
Table 2 describes the panel terminals
Table 2: NX-6V2 Terminals

There are four slots for board insertions inside the metal
enclosure, two on the top and two on the bottom. These allow
the PC board to be positioned vertically (Figure 1). When you
slide the board between the grooves of the slots, make sure
the terminal strip is toward the front opening (toward you) to
allow for the wire connections.
Note: Install the metal enclosure with the door opening from
the top to bottom.
Figure 1 Board Installation




House telephone ring (grey).


Telephone ring (red).


Telephone tip (green).


House telephone tip (brown).


Earth ground. Connect to a cold water pipe or a 6 to
10 ft. driven rod.


AC input. Connect to a 16.5 V, 40 or 50 VA Class II
UL approved transformer.

Bell + and

If used as a siren output (default), the speaker rating
should be 15 watt at 8 or 16 ohm, or 30/40 watt at 4,
8, or 16 ohms. If voltage ouput is selected in location
37, this output becomes voltage output, 12 VDC, 1
Amp maximum load. Note: A 3.3 kohm resistor may
be required across the bell terminals when a 12 VDC
siren is used. If no resistor is used, you may
experience voltage leakage into the siren, which will
cause these devices to output a small signal.

Bell -


Connect to the data terminal on the keypads and the
expanders. Maximum number of devices is 16
keypads plus 3 other de vices. See Maximum Wire
Run table.


Connect to the common terminal on the keypads and
the expanders.


Connect to the POS terminal on the keypads and the
expanders. Individually, this terminal is limited to 1
amp. Combined, this terminal and AUX PWR+ are
limited to 2 amps total current.


Common negative wire of powered devices such as
motion detectors and smoke detectors.


Connect positive wire of all powered devices except
smoke detectors and keypads. Individually, this
terminal is limited to 1 amp. Combined, this terminal
and KP POS are limited to 2 amps total current.

NetworX keypad maximum wire run
Table 1 lists wire lengths for one keypad at the end of the wire.
When connecting more than one keypad to the end of the wire,
a higher gauge wire is required
Table 1: Maximum keypad wire run
Length in feet

Wire gauge for NX-6v2

Wire gauge for NX320-E




P/N 466-2338 • REV B • January 2011



Connect to one side of zone 6 loop. Connect the
other side to com terminal. Open or short causes
alarm. Only zone 6 can be used for a two-wire
smoke detector, connected with a 680 ohm EOL
resistor. Refer to the wiring diagram. Program
location 37, segment 6, option 1. Only zone 6 can be
a two-wire zone.




8-zone LED keypad


48-zone LCD keypad


8-zone LED door design keypad


16-zone LED door design keypad

Common (-) terminal for zones 5 and 6.


24-zone LED door design keypad

Connect to one side of zone 5 loop. Connect the
other side to COM terminal. Open or short causes


48-zone fixed language icon keypad

ZONES 1 to 5

Connect as described for zones 5 and 6.


Smoke detector power 12 VDC (for those
jurisdictions which allow the Priority zone to be used
with smoke detectors). Current limited to 250 mA
when output is positive and 250 uA when output is
negative. This output defaults to Smoke Power, but
can be reconfigured. Zone 7 may be used for a 2wire smoke detector using a 680 ohm EOL resistor.



192-zone LCD keypad

Connect negative lead of low current device [relay,
LED (install 1kohm resistor in series with LED), etc.]
Connect positive lead of device to COM. Current is
limited to 50 mA when output is negative, and 250
uA when output is positive.

[1] These products have not been tested and approved by
Underwriters Laboratories, In.
[2] These wireless devices are UL listed only for residential
Note: The NX-6V2 control panel sends a trouble condition once each
hour if it senses that no devices have been enrolled. This report
shows expander trouble--device zero (0).

Control panel programming
Programming the control panel requires you to enter program
mode, select the module to program, program a location, and
then exit the location and program mode.

Module list

Enter program mode

Table 3 shows the modules that are compatible with the NX6V2 system. Additional information and a catalog listing all
system components is available from UTC Fire & Security
Customer Support.

To enter program mode, do the following:

Press 8. The five function LEDs (Stay, Chime, Exit,
Bypass, and Cancel) begin flashing.


Enter the go to program code (default is 9, 7, 1, 3). If the
go to program code entry is valid, the Service LED flashes,
and the five function LEDs illuminate. You are now in
program mode and can select the module to program.

Table 3 Modules that can be added to the NX-6V2



8-zone LED keypad


16-zone LED keypad


24-zone LED keypad


Alphanumeric 48-zone LCD keypad


Alphanumeric 48-zone LCD keypad with built-in 48zone wireless receiver


Zone doubling kit (includes one hundred 3.74k and
one hundred 6.98k resistors)


Smart power supply and bus extender


8-zone wireless expansion module
(UL listed part #60-904)


Program a location

48-zone wireless expansion module
(UL listed part #60-904)


To access any location, enter the desired programming
location, followed by #. If the location is a valid location,
the Armed LED extinguishes, the Ready LED illuminates,
and the binary data for the first segment of the location is
shown by the Zone LEDs.


While entering new data, the Ready LED begins flashing
to indicate a data change in process.


Eight-output module


Two-way listen-in module


Operator telephone interface module


48-zone wireless receiver


Cell interface


Since all modules connected to the NX-6V2 are programmed
through the keypad, the module you are programming should
be the first entry. To select the module to program, enter 0, #.
The 0 is the module number of the control, and # is the entry
key. You can find other module entry numbers in the module

Once you enter the module number, the Armed LED
illuminates, indicating the keypad is waiting for you to enter a
programming location. To program a location, do the following:

16-zone wireless expansion module
(UL listed part #60-904)


Select the module to program

NX-6V2 Control Panel Installation Instructions


Press  to store the newly entered data. The keypad
advances to the next segment and displays its data.
Repeat this procedure until the last segment is reached.


To move to another location after exiting a location (Armed
LED illuminated):


Press the Police key for the next sequential location.


Press the Fire key for the previous location.


Press the Medical key for the same location.


To review the data in a specific location, repeat the above
procedure, pressing  but with no numeric data entry.
Each time you press , the programming data of the next
segment displays.

Exit a location
To exit the current programming location, do the following:

Press the  key. The Ready LED goes off and the Armed
LED goes on. You must press the key to save the data.


To exit before the last segment, press # (Armed LED

to the data terminal into the NX-6V2 memory. This allows the
modules to be supervised by the control panel.
To enroll the modules, do the following:

Enter program mode and program the desired settings for
each module.


When you exit program mode, the NX-6V2 automatically
enrolls the devices. The enrolling process takes about 12
seconds, during which time the Service LED illuminates. If
a speaker is attached to the NX-6V2, it clicks at this time.
If a siren or bell is attached to the NX-6V2, it sounds for
about one second. If the module is not detected, the
Service LED illuminates.

Note: User codes are not accepted during the enrolling

Quick start programming locations
For most routine installations, the quick start locations allow
you to enable a majority of the options available with the NX6V2 (when communicating in Contact ID or SIA formats). The
quick start locations include:

You are now ready to enter another programming location. If
you attempt to program an invalid entry for a particular
segment, the keypad beeps three times indicating an error and
remains in that segment awaiting a valid entry.


Location 0 - Phone 1


Location 1 - Phone 1 account code


Location 2 - Phone 1 communicator format


Location 3 - Phone 1 dial attempts/backup control

Exit program mode

Location 0 - Phone 1

To exit program mode, do the following:

Location 0 has 20 segments of numerical data. Use this
location to program phone 1. The default for each segment is


When you have completed all programming, press Exit to
leave the selected module.


If there is another module to be programmed, select it by
entering its address, followed by #. The procedure for
programming these devices is the same as for the control
panel, except the locations are for the module selected.


If no additional modules are to be programmed, press Exit
again to leave program mode.

Loading factory defaults
To load factory defaults, enter program mode, enter the device
address and number and then enter 9, 1, 0, #. The keypad
beeps three times indicating that loading is in progress. The
process takes about six seconds. You cannot exit the location
until loading is completed.

Enrolling modules and keypads
The NX-6V2 automatically finds and stores all keypads, zone
expanders, wireless receivers, and other modules connected

NX-6V2 Control Panel Installation Instructions


To program a delay of four seconds, enter 13 in the
appropriate segment.


To program tone dialing, enter 15 in the segment where
tone dialing begins.


If the entire number is tone dialing, enter 15 in the first


Enter 11 for a *, and 12 for a #.

Location 2 - Phone 1 communicator format
Location 2 has one segment of numerical data. Use this
location to program the communicator format used to transmit
to the receiver connected to phone 1. Refer to your central
station receiver documentation to determine which format is
compatible. Table 4 describes the formats for this location. If
you need a format other than those listed, review the override
options described in Loc to build the appropriate format.
Program a 15 to create a special format (in addition to the
entries in Location 18). The default is 0. If this location contains


a 0, the built-in communicator is disabled and the NX-6V2
functions as a local-only control.

Location 3 - Phone 1 dial attempts/backup control

Table 4 communicator formats

Segment 1 - Phone 1 dial attempts

Location 3 has two segments of numerical data.






Communicator is disabled


Universal 4+2

Two-digit event code 1800 Hz transmit
2300 Hz handshake double round parity
40 pps [1]


3+1 fast (or 4+1)

One-digit event code 1900 Hz transmit
1400 Hz handshake double round parity
20 pps

Segment 2 - Phone 1 backup control


Program a 0 in segment 2 to cause the NX-6V2 to make
the designated number of attempts to phone 2 before
setting the fail to communicate condition to stop reporting.


Program a 1 in segment 2 to cause the NX-6V2 to stop
trying to communicate after the designated number of
attempts have been made to phone 1.


Program a 2 in segment 2 to cause the NX-6V2 to make
the dial attempts in increments of two. The first two
attempts are made to phone 1, the next two attempts to
phone 2. This repeats until the total number of attempts
designated in segment 1 is completed.






Two-digit event code DTMF


3/1 or 4/1 slow

1800 Hz transmit 2300 Hz handshake
double round parity 20 pps hex


3/1 or 4/1 slow

1800 Hz transmit 1400 Hz handshake
double round parity 20 pps hex

Program the number of dial attempts (1 to 15) the
communicator makes to phone 1 before ending the notification
process. The default is 8, which means that the communicator
makes eight attempts to the first number.

Program the backup control for phone 1. The default is 0.


3/1 or 4/1 fast

1800 Hz transmit 2300 Hz handshake
double round parity 40 pps hex


3/1 or 4/1 fast

1800 Hz transmit 1400 Hz handshake
double round parity 40 pps hex


3/1 or 4/1 fast with

1800 Hz transmit 2300 Hz handshake
single round parity 40 pps hex capability


3/1 or 4/1 fast with

1800 Hz transmit 1400 Hz handshake
single round parity 40 pps hex capability


4+2 express

Two-digit event code DTMF


4+2 fast

Two-digit event code 1900 Hz transmit
1400 Hz handshake double round parity
20 pps


Ademco contact ID




Frequency shift keys


Custom format

See Loc

Segment 1


3/1 or 4/1 slow

Same as 5, but sends the alarm event
code rather than the zone number

1. Alarms and alarm restores.


3/1 or 4/1 slow

Same as 6, but sends the alarm event
code rather than the zone number

2. Opening and closings.


3/1 or 4/1 fast

Same as 7, but sends the alarm event
code rather than the zone number


3/1 or 4/1 fast

Same as 8, but sends the alarm event
code rather than the zone number


3/1 or 4/1 fast with

Same as 9, but sends the alarm event
code rather than the zone number


3/1 or 4/1 fast with

Same as 10, but sends the alarm event
code rather than the zone number



SIA with area modifiers

[1] pulses per second


Location 4 - Phone 1 events reported
Location 4 has two segments of feature selection data. Use
this location to select those events reported to phone 1.

If you do not want dual or split reporting, use Location 4 to
select all events to phone 1.


If you want dual or split reporting and the split is based on
the event type (alarm, open/close, etc.), use Location 4 to
select only those events that are reported to phone 1.


If you don’t want events reported to phone 1, program 0 in
Location 4 (disabling all options).

3. Zone bypass and bypass restores.
4. Zone trouble and trouble restores.
5. Power fail, low battery, power restore, and low battery
6. Bell cut, telephone line cut, bell cut restore, telephone line
7. Test reports.
8. Start and end programming, download complete.

NX-6V2 Control Panel Installation Instructions

Segment 2

Segments 3 and 4 - Reserved

1. Zone and box tamper and tamper restore.
2. Auxiliary power over current, ground fault, and restore for
3. Wireless sensor missing and restore.
4. Wireless sensor low battery and restore.
5. Expander trouble and restore.
6. Fail to communicate.
7. Zone activity monitor.

Location 25 - Zones 1 to 8 zone type
Location 25 has eight segments of numerical data. Use this
location to program the zone type for zones 1 to 8. Use
segment 1 for zone 1, segment 2 for zone 2, etc. The segment
defaults are 3, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6.
Zones are programmed to be one of thirty different types. Use
zone types 17 through 20 for wireless, or for hardwired zones
using European double EOL configuration
Table 5 describes the zone types.

8. Reserved
Table 5. Zones types

Location 18 - Custom communicator format

Zone Type


Location 18 has four segments of feature selection data. Use
this location to program the communicator format used to
transmit to the receiver connected to phone 3. Refer to your
central station receiver documentation to determine which
format is compatible. Select a format from Table 4. If you need
a format other than those listed, review the override options
described in this location to build the appropriate format.

1. Day zones

This zone is instant when the system is armed;
trouble zone when the system is disarmed.

2. 24-hour

This zone creates an instant yelping siren alarm
regardless of the armed state of the control panel.

3. entry/exit

A trip starts entry delay 1. The lack of a trip during
exit delay enables the automatic bypass or instant
mode if programmed.

4. Follower with

This zone is instant when the system is armed and
no entry or exit delays are being timed. It is delayed
1 time during entry and exit. This zone does not
automatically bypass even if enabled in segment 1.

5. Interior
follower with

This zone is instant when the system is armed and
no entry or exit delay is being timed. It is delayed 1
time during entry and exit. This zone automatically
bypasses if enabled in segment 1.

6. Instant

This zone creates an instant alarm whenever it is
tripped and the armed LED is on.

7. 24-hour

This zone creates an instant silent alarm regardless
of the armed state of the control panel. It does not
display on the keypad.

8. Fire

This zone illuminates the fire LED and sounds the
temporal siren each time the zone is shorted. The
fire LED flashes rapidly indicating a problem if the
zone is open.

9. Entry/exit
delay 2

A trip starts entry delay 2. The lack of a trip during
exit delay enables the automatic bypass or instant
mode if programmed.

10. 24-hour

This zone creates an instant silent alarm regardless
of the armed state of the control panel. It displays
on the keypad.

Segment 1
1. On for 1800 Hz transmit; off for 1900 Hz.
2. On for 2300 Hz handshake; off for 1400 Hz.
3. On for cksum parity; off for double round parity.
4. On for two-digit event code; off for one-digit event code.
5. Reserved.
6. Reserved.
7. On for 20 pps; off for 10 or 40 pps.
8. On for 10 pps; off for 20 or 40 pps.
Segment 2
1. On for pager format (no handshake required).
2. On for 1400/2300 handshake.
3. Reserved.
4. Reserved.
5. On for contact ID.

11. Reserved
12. Interior
follower with
cross zone

This zone is instant when the system is armed and
no entry or exit delay is being timed. It is delayed
during entry and exit delay times. If a cross zone is
not being timed, it starts a cross zone timer. If a cross
zone is being timed, it creates an instant alarm. This
zone automatically bypasses when enabled in
segment 1.

13. Instant
entry guard

This zone creates on instant alarm whenever it is
tripped and the stay LED is off. It starts an entry
delay type 2 if it is tripped, the system is armed,
and the stay LED is on.

6. On for SIA.
7. On for contact ID or 4+3.
8. On for DTMF.

NX-6V2 Control Panel Installation Instructions


14. Entry/exit
delay 1 with
group bypass

A trip starts entry delay 1. This zone bypasses
when the group bypass command is entered at the
keypad. The lack of a trip during exit delay enables
the automatic bypass or instant mode if

15. Interior
follower with
group bypass

This zone is instant when the system is armed and
no entry or exit delays are being timed. It is delayed
during entry/exit delay times. This zone bypasses
when the group bypass command is entered at the
keypad. This zone automatically bypasses if
enabled in segment 1.

16. Instant with
group bypass

This zone creates an instant alarm whenever it is
tripped and the armed LED is on. This zone
bypasses when the group bypass command is
entered at the keypad.

17. Entry/exit
delay 1 with

A trip starts entry delay 1. The lack of a trip during
exit delay enables the automatic bypass or instant
mode if programmed. This zone type is used to
enable the tamper on a wireless transmitter.

18. Interior
follower with
tamper and

This zone is instant when the system is armed and
no entry or exit delay is being timed. It is delayed
during entry and exit delay times. This zone
automatically bypasses if enabled in segment 1.
This zone type is used to enable the tamper on a
wireless transmitter.

19 Instant with

This zone creates an instant alarm whenever it is
tripped and the armed LED is on. This zone type is
used to enable the tamper on a wireless

20. Entry/exit
delay 2 with

A trip starts entry delay 2. The lack of a trip during
exit delay enables the automatic bypass or instant
mode if programmed. This zone type is used to
enable the tamper on a wireless transmitter.

21. Gas

This zone creates an instant alarm regardless of
the armed state of the control panel. It displays on
the keypad and activates the keypad sounder.

29. Interior
follower with

This zone is instant when the system is armed and
no entry or exit delay is being timed. It is delayed
during entry and exit delay times. It sends a report
if the zone activity time is reached without a change
of state. This zone automatically bypasses if
enabled in segment 1.

30. Entry/exit
with activity

A trip starts entry delay 1. It sends a report if the
zone activity time is reached without a change of
state. The lack of a trip during exit delay enables
the automatic bypass or instant mode if

Underwriters laboratories information
The NetworX NX-6V2 holds the following listings from
Underwriters Laboratories (US and Canadian)


Police station connected burglar alarms.


Mercantile, police station connect with basic line
security requires NX-003-C enclosure


Household fire

UL1023, ORDC1023-1974

Household burglary


Central station burglar alarm unit


Digital alarm communicator system units


Home health care signaling

When installing an NX-6V2 in compliance with Underwriters
Laboratories, the following instructions must be observed:

Initiating and indicating devices must be rated at 11.5 to
12.4 VDC residential, 12.0 VDC commercial.


Force arming and auto arming must not be enabled.


For residential fire applications, the indicating devices
shall be a Wheelock 34T-12 or equivalent.


The listen in feature shall not be enabled.


The siren/bell test must be enabled. The auxiliary outputs
controlling the audible device require a minimum cutoff
time of 15 minutes for commercial burglary, four minutes
for residential applications, or 30 minutes for commercial
burglary for Canada.


For residential fire installations, the dynamic battery test
time cannot exceed four hours.


Ringback must be enabled on UL commercial burglary

22. Low

This zone creates an instant silent alarm regardless
of the armed state of the control panel. It displays
on the keypad and activates the keypad sounder.

23. High

This zone creates an instant silent alarm regardless
of the armed state of the control panel. It displays
on the keypad and activates the keypad sounder.

24. Manual fire

This zone illuminates the fire LED and sounds the
temporal siren each time the zone is shorted. It
also flashes (rapidly) the fire LED, indicating a
problem if the zone is open.

25. Chime only

This zone creates no alarm regardless of the
armed state of the control panel. It chimes anytime
it is faulted and displays on the keypad. Local only.

26. Interior
follower delay 2

This zone is instant when the system is armed and
no entry or exit delay is being timed. It is delayed 2
times during entry and exit. This zone automatically
bypasses if enabled in segment 1.

27. Interior
follower force

This zone is instant when the system is armed and
no entry or exit delay is being timed. It is delayed 1
time during entry and exit. This zone automatically
bypasses if enabled in segment 1.


On commercial burglary installations, the fire initiating
circuits must not be connected.


The entry guard feature must be disabled.

A trip starts entry delay 2. The lack of a trip during
exit delay enables the automatic bypass or instant
mode if programmed.


Group bypassing must be disabled.


Delay before dial seizure must be set to 0.

28. Entry/exit
force armable
delay 2


NX-6V2 Control Panel Installation Instructions


Total current draw from auxiliary power connections at
terminal positions POS, AUX PWR, and SMOKE PWR
must not exceed 400 mA.


Remote downloading must not be used on UL listed


For residential burglary applications, the maximum entry
and exit delay times are 45 and 60 seconds respectively.
The exit delay time must not exceed 60 seconds for
commercial burglar alarm applications.

Additional UL 609 installation requirements
The alarm housing for a mercantile alarm system without a
remote alarm transmission connection shall be mounted on the
outside of the building, visible from a public street or highway.
It shall be accessible for examination and repair. It shall also
be located not more than four stories above the street level
a) A second alarm sounding device and housing, intended for
outside service is mounted adjacent to the premises or area of
the building in which the alarm system is installed or


The keyswitch option must not be used.


The telephone line monitor must be enabled.


The telephone line cut delay must not exceed 90 seconds.


The 24-hour communicator test transmission is required.


For 24-hours of standby power using a 7.0 Ah battery, limit
auxiliary power load to 140 mA.

In either case, the outside alarm sounding device and housing
may be mounted as high as the seventh floor.


For 24-hours of standby power using a 17.2 Ah battery,
limit auxiliary power load to 400 mA.

Additional UL 365 installation requirements


The silent keypad option must not be enabled.


UL has only verified compatibility with the following listed
DACRs and formats: Sure-Gard SG-MLR2-DG:
2,9,10,12,13,14; Silent Knight 9000 - 2,12; FBI CP220FBI, 13; and Ademco 685: 2,11,12, and 13.


For burglary installations, cross zoned detectors must
overlap 100 percent in the area of coverage, and similar
coverage areas must be used. For example, interior
protection is cross zoned with interior protection, and so


Expander trouble must activate the siren.


For UL 1637, expander trouble must activate the keypad


If the late to close/early to open feature is enabled, the
opening and closing reports must be enabled.


For Canadian installations, the class II transformer secure
tab must not be employed.


The four-wire smoke detector employed must be rated to
operate over the voltage range of 11.5 to 12.4 V.
Compatible listed devices: (special applications):
Bell output (sirens): Wheelock models: NS-1215W,
NS- 121575W, NS4-1215W, NS4-121575W, AS-1215W,
AS- 121575W

Horn/strobe system sensor: S1224MC strobe series;
1224MC Horn/strobe series; H12/24 Horn series

Smoke output (four-wire detectors): ESL: 500N
series; 449CTE series; 521 series; 541 series

b) A second alarm sounding device, intended for inside service
is mounted within the premises.

In a mercantile burglar alarm system, a mercantile alarm
sounding device located within a building, but outside the
protected area, is acceptable, provided it is rated for outside
service and alarm conditions are transmitted to:
a) The dispatch location of the law enforcement agency having
jurisdiction over the protected property or
b) A central station or residential monitoring station complying
with the Standard for Central-Station Alarm Services, UL 827.
In a mercantile burglar alarm system, an alarm sounding
device located within the area of greatest protection, or outside
the area of greatest protection but within an area protected by
an alarm system and that shares a common control unit with
the system installed in the area of greatest protection, is
acceptable provided it is rated for inside service and alarm
conditions are transmitted to:
a) The dispatch location of the law enforcement agency having
jurisdiction over the protected property or
b) A central station or residential monitoring station complying
with the Standard for Central-Station Alarm Services, UL 827.
An inside sounding device shall be mounted at least 10 feet
(3.05 m) above the floor or at the surface of the ceiling. When
there is fixed construction within the area that could provide
access for an intruder, the alarm sounding device shall also be
mounted at least 4 feet (1.2 m), as measured horizontally,
away from the edges of the fixed construction or at least 10
feet (3.05 m) above it so as to minimize access by an intruder.


System sensor models: 2112/24R; 2112/24TR;
2112/24AT; 2112/ATR; 2112/24AITR; 4WTA-B;
Detection systems: F220-B6C; D273 series; Hochiki:
SBC4/12, 4/12W

NX-6V2 Control Panel Installation Instructions


WARNING: Electrical codes will vary, depending on the
country and city where the system is installed. It is the
installers responsibility to ensure that the electrical installation
is safe and conforms to all applicable codes , laws, and
regulations. Only qualified persons should connect this device
to the main supply.

Minimum system configurations for UL installations
The following requirements apply to residential fire, residential
burglary, and commercial burglary installations.

The NetworX NX-6V2 panel is necessary to initiate
residential and commercial installations.


At least one compatible keypad is needed for all

WARNING: If separate power supplies are necessary to
accommodate additional devices, safety standards require that
each power supply be prominently marked with adequate
instructions for removing all power from the unit.

Caution: Observe polarity when installing a new battery.
Installing the battery backwards may cause damage to the
panel. Dispose of used batteries according to the
manufacturer’s instructions and/or local government

Operating power

16.5 VAC 40 or 50 VA transformer

Auxiliary power w/25
VA transformer

12 VDC regulated 500 mA


The AD10-12 bell and UL Approved bell-housing shall be
used for all applications.


Commercial UL applications require the NX-003-C metal
enclosure. Supplied screws to be used.


A minimum of two keypads is required for home health
applications, and each keypad must be set to a unique


The wireless devices are only UL listed for residential

Standard loop

Type T 200 mA 250 VAC


The DACT shall be enabled for all commercial burglary

Built-in siren driver

Two tone (temporal and yelp)

Loop response

Selectable 50 mS or 500 mS

Operating temperature

32 to 120°F (0 to 49°C)

UL requires that an alarm panel work for a minimum amount of
time during a power failure. Table 6 lists the battery capacities
needed to meet time limits based on the current draw of the
panel and all attached devices.

Auxiliary power w/40 ro 12 VDC regulated 1 A
50 VA transformer (M
G Electronics part
number 22-156 for UL
or 22-156-CN for
Canadian installations)
Loop resistance

300 ohms maximum

LED keypad

Current draw


130 mA max.


Zones normal w/o


55 mA




6.4 x 4.0 x 1.1 in. (16.3 x 10.2 x 2.8 cm)


Table 6. Battery capacities
Standby time



Alarm current


Current draw


110 mA max.


1.9 A
1.25 A
600 mA

51 Ah
34 Ah
17 Ah

600 mA


Zones normal w/o


75 mA

900 mA
600 mA
300 mA

51 Ah
34 Ah
17 Ah




6.4 x 5.3 x 1.0 in. (16.3 x 13.5 x 2.5 cm)

Metal enclosure

11.25 x 11.25 x 3.50 in. (28.58 x 28.58 x 8.90

600 mA
400 mA
200 mA

51 Ah
34 Ah
17 Ah


Shipping weight

9 lb. (4.1 kg)



LED keypad


Note: Calculations are based on three 17A batteries.

WARNING: Replace only with a Panasonic LC12V4BP or
Yuasa NP4-12 battery. There is a risk of explosion if the
battery is replaced with an incorrect type.


NX-6V2 Control Panel Installation Instructions

Regulatory information
FCC compliance

Contact information

This device complies with part 15 of the FCC
Rules. Operation is subject to the following two
conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful
interference, and (2) this device must accept any
interference received, including interference that
may cause undesired operation.

For contact information, see www.utcfireandsecurity.com or
For technical support, Toll-free: 888.437.3287 in the US
including Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and Canada. Outside
the tool-free area: Contact your dealer.

Complies with Part 68 FCC Rules.

Copyright © 2011 UTC Fire & Security. All rights reserved.

IC: 1175A-NXV2
2002/96/EC (WEEE directive): Products marked
with this symbol cannot be disposed of as
unsorted municipal waste in the European Union.
For proper recycling, return this product to your
local supplier upon the purchase of equivalent
new equipment, or dispose of it at designated
collection points. For more information see:

ANSI/SIA CP-01 requirements
CP-01 feature descriptions and specifications are listed in Table 7. The following are requirements for compliance with ANSI/SIA
CP-01 standards.
Note: Where a conflict exists, UL requirements take precedence over ANSI/SIA requirements.
Minimum system requirements:

One control panel


Two keypads

Do not enable remote arming in SIA classified installations.
Off premise transmission must be in the SIA format.
Do not exceed 1 minute for the abort window and entry delay.
Note: A call-waiting cancel on a noncall-waiting line prevents successful connection to the central station
Table 7. CP-01 feature descriptions and specifications
CP-01 feature description

Exit time

Progress annunciation /
disable for silent exit <1>

Feature description as
shown in manual




CP-01 required setting

Exit 1 delay




45 to 240 seconds

Exit 2 delay




45 to 240 seconds

Silent keypad option




Allowed (individual keypads may be disabled)

Exit time restart (reexit)

This feature is not programmable in the panel.

Auto stay arm on unvacated

Auto bypass

Exit time and progress
annunciation/disable for
remote arm

This feature is not programmable in the panel. Exit time and
progress are always enabled.

Enabled (disabled for remote arming)

Entry delays <2>

Exit 1 delay

30 to 240 seconds








Exit 2 delay




30 to 240 seconds

Abort window - for
nonfire zones

Dialer delay




Enabled (may be disabled by zone/zone type,
but no cancel reports will be sent)

Abort window time - for
nonfire zones <2>

Dialer delay




15 to 45 seconds

NX-6V2 Control Panel Installation Instructions


Abort annunciation

This feature is not programmable in the panel. Flashing cancel
LED goes off when disarming.


Cancel annunciation





Duress feature





Cross zoning

Two trips on cross zone





Keypad sounds on cross
zone trip




Zone type characteristic




Programmable cross zoning

Cross zone time



5 minutes

Swinger shutdown

Swinger shutdown count



Enabled for 1 For all non fire zones. Shut down at 1 to 2 trips.

Swinger shutdown disable

Swinger shutdown count



Enabled for 1 Allowed

Fire alarm verification

Fire alarm verification time




Required (depends on panel and sensors)

Call waiting cancel

Must be programmed as
part of the phone number




Required (depends on user phone line)

Default changes (from prior

Recent closing





Exit error




Power delay



60 seconds


<1> Refer to your keypad installation manual.
<2> Combined abort window time and entry delay must not exceed one minute.


NX-6V2 Control Panel Installation Instructions


Source Exif Data:
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Author                          : Bob Nelson
Category                        : Install Sheet
Company                         : UTC Fire & Security
Create Date                     : 2012:08:17 12:55:28-05:00
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Part Number                     : 466-2338
Revision Date                   : 10NOV10
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