Intermec Technologies 700C-SMC45-1 Notepad Computer with 3 Radio Lans User Manual 700C QSG

Intermec Technologies Corporation Notepad Computer with 3 Radio Lans 700C QSG

Quick Start Guide

700 Series Color Mobile Computer Quick Start Guide2Thank you for purchasing Inter-mec’s 700 Series Color Mobile Computer.You will find the 700 Color useful in a va-riety of applications. Its integrated pe-ripherals and rugged design ensure reli-able service for years to come.This guide provides information needed toget started using your 700 Color. Formore detailed information consult the 700Color Mobile Computer User’s Manual.For details on application developmentand software configuration of the 700 Col-or, consult the 700 Color Software ToolsCD--ROM.Note that the hardware configuration ofyour 700 Color may differ from the de-scriptions in this guide. Depending on op-tions selected, your unit might not beequipped with a radio or scanner.Note that the software operation descrip-tions are based on factory defaults. Your700 Color might be shipped pre-pro-grammed with application software thatcauses your 700 Color to operate different-ly than described in this document.
700 Series Color Mobile Computer Quick Start Guide3Table of Contents700 Color Mobile ComputerDescription 4...............700 Color Mobile Computer Features 5.........Learning About the KeypadFunctions 6.................Gold Plane Keys 6..........................Alpha (Blue) Plane Keys 6....................Ambient Light Sensor 7......................Scanning/Keypad Shift andNotification (checkmark icon) Light 7.......Battery Status Light 8........................Setting up your 700 Color MobileComputer 9.................About Microsoft Pocket PC 2002 14.The Today Screen 15........................Navigation Bar and Command Bar 16..........Pop-up Menus 17...........................Entering Information into Your 700Color Mobile Computer 17................Synchronizing With Your DesktopComputer 18................Checking Your Scanning Options 19Checking Your Network Options 21.Cleaning Your 700 Color MobileComputer 22................Case and Display 22.........................If Your Mobile Computer Gets Wet 22..........Troubleshooting 23................Cold Booting your 700 Color 24...............Warm Booting your 700 Color 25..............Where to Find More Information 26..End User License Agreement 26....Intermec Technologies CorporationEnd User LicenseAgreement 31...............Product Warranty 32...............Conditions of warranty 32.....................
700 Series Color Mobile Computer Quick Start Guide4700 Color Mobile ComputerDescriptionFront ViewBack ViewBatterycompartmentStylusFront light(Gold + 3)Gold planekeyON/OFFNavigationalkeysScanning/Alpha LED Power statusAmbient lightsensorHandstrapAlpha (Blue)plane keySpeaker
700 Series Color Mobile Computer Quick Start Guide5IrDAScanner triggerRight Side ViewTop ViewBottom ViewScanner lensCharging/DockingconnectorMicrophoneHeadsetjackCompactFlashSecure DigitalSIM cardcompartmentScanner trigger orRecorder buttonleft side of unitLeft Side View700 Color Mobile Computer FeaturesHere are some of the key features thatyou will use a lot throughout your dailyoperation."Action button: Press to open an item(similar to pressing ENTER on thekeypad).
700 Series Color Mobile Computer Quick Start Guide6"Up/Down controls: Press to scrollthrough a list (similar to pressingthe arrow keys on a keyboard)."Power to run your 700 Color is sup-plied by a powerful Li--Ion batterypack designed to give you approxi-mately 6--10 hours of operation (de-pending on application). In addition,your 700 Color contains backup ca-pabilities to prevent loss of datawhen the main battery is dischargedor when switching out batterypacks. For maximum effectiveness itis important to leave the main bat-tery installed in your 700 Color evenif it is discharged. If the main bat-tery is removed, it should be re-placed within 10 minutes to avoidthe possibility of data loss.Learning About the KeypadFunctionsGold Plane KeysThe [Gold] plane keys provide youaccess to display controls, special charac-ters, and Pocket PC options.Press the Gold key for each gold plane keystrokeyouwishtomake.Forexampletoturn on the front light, press and hold theGold key plus the ‘3’ key. To turnthe front light off press the Gold and the‘3’ key again.Alpha (Blue) Plane KeysThe Alpha (Blue) plane keys work abit differently than the Gold plane keys.When you press the Alpha key, the Scan-ning/Alpha LED lights ’red’ to indicateAlpha mode. The keypad stays in the Al-pha mode until you press it again.
700 Series Color Mobile Computer Quick Start Guide7For example, pressing the Alpha keyand the ‘1’ key allows the next letterto be capitalized. Again it stays in thismode until you press the Alpha key again.Another example of how this works, if youwant to type a ‘c’ press the key andthe ‘2’ key three times. If you need aletter that is on the same key as the lastletter entered, wait two seconds after youpressed the last key then you can enterthe correct series of keystrokes to createthe next letter.Ambient Light SensorAmbient light sensor turns on the displaylighting when conditions warrant but au-tomatically turn if off again as surround-ing light increases. This conserves your700 Color’s battery power. This is a fea-ture which can be set by you through the“Settings” options, accessed from the StartMenu (Settings>Backlight>Both Power).Scanning/Keypad Shift andNotification (checkmark icon) LightThe Scanning/Keypad Shift and Noti-fication status light (LED) turnsred, green, or yellow."Green, indicates a ’Good Scan’ andwhile the scanner is initializing."Red, keypad is shifted to the AL-PHA (Blue) plane and the 700 Coloris On."Blinking Red, radio is powered upwhen 700 Color is in suspend mode.
700 Series Color Mobile Computer Quick Start Guide8"Yellow, ’Good Scan’ and keypad isshifted into the ALPHA mode. Alsowhen the Notification signal blinkson periodically to indicate that someevent has occurred and you need totake some action.Battery Status LightThe Battery status light (LED) turnsred, green, or yellow."Green, battery is more than 95%charged."Blinking Red, battery is low. Thespeed of the blinking increases asthe battery’s power gets increasing-ly lower."Red, main battery is low or if charg-ing will remain red until your 700Color reaches 95% charge status."Yellow, no battery pack in your 700Color. Can also mean that your 700Color is out of charging range 32 to122°F(0to50°C). Once your 700Color gets back in range, chargingresumes."Alternating between red andyellow means the battery packneeds replacing.
700 Series Color Mobile Computer Quick Start Guide9Setting up your 700 ColorMobile Computer1. Remove 700 Color from packaging.2. Release hand strap.Slide bottom ofstrap forwardto releaseStrap retainingslot
700 Series Color Mobile Computer Quick Start Guide103. Install battery and reattach handstrap.3aTilt, insert, andplace battery intocompartment.Ensure battery compartmentlatch “clicks” so battery issecure in compartment.Battery compartmentlatchBattery compartmentBattery pack3b4. Install antenna (if applicable).Remove the antennafrom packagingInstall by turning ina clockwise motion4a4b
700 Series Color Mobile Computer Quick Start Guide115. Install acrylic adhesive pull tabs onSD or SIM cards.Split paper adhesive backingPull Tab p/n 806-918-001Peel and stick to cardCard5a5b
700 Series Color Mobile Computer Quick Start Guide126. Insert CF, SD, or SIM cards.Remove the twocover screws andlift cover offSlide card intoappropriate slotReinstall coverSD Card, withadhesive pulltab, insert withcontacts to-ward keypadSIM Card withadhesive pulltab, insertwith contactstoward backof unitCF card withextractor andinsertion orien-tation6a6b6c
700 Series Color Mobile Computer Quick Start Guide137. Connect to AC adapter or 700 SingleDock.7a7b8. Charge battery pack (4 hours) be-fore using.9. Thefirsttimeyouturnonyour700Color you are introduced to the In-termec 700 Color screen. After a fewseconds you proceed to the WelcomePocket PC screen. Tap your stylus toadvance to the next screen.10. You are then prompted through theAlign Screen process. Read the dis-play messages and follow the in-structions.11. The Stylus screen prompts youthrough the two ways to use yourstylus.12. The Pop-up Menu screen walks youthrough an exercise using pop--upmenu screens. Follow the promptsand press Next when done.13. The Location screen allows you toselect your time zone. Enter yourtime zone then press Next and theComplete screen appears.14. Tap the screen to complete your ini-tial set up.
700 Series Color Mobile Computer Quick Start Guide14About Microsoft Pocket PC2002Your 700 Color Mobile Computer comeswith Microsoft Pocket PC 2002 preloaded.For more information regarding:"Programs on your device: TheUser’s Manual and device Help onthe Start Menu. To view Help, tapor press [Gold]+[Win] andthen tap Help."Additional programs that can beinstalled on the device: The PocketPC Companion CD."Connecting to and synchronizingwith a desktop computer: Active-Sync Help on your desktop comput-er. To view Help, click Help andthen Microsoft ActiveSync Help."Last-minute updates and detailedtechnical information: The Readmefiles, located in the Microsoft Active-Sync folder on the desktop computerand on the Pocket PC CompanionCD."Up-to-date information on PocketPC:
700 Series Color Mobile Computer Quick Start Guide15The Today ScreenWhenyouturnonyour700ColorMobileComputer for the first time each dayyou’ll see the Today screen. You can alsodisplay it by tapping or pressing[Gold]+[Win], then tapping Today. Onthe Today screen, you can see at a glancethe information you need for the day.
700 Series Color Mobile Computer Quick Start Guide16Navigation Bar and Command BarThe Navigation Bar is located at the top ofthe screen. It displays the active programand current time, and allows you toswitch to programs and close screens. TheCommand Bar is displayed at the bottomof the screen. Use the menus and buttonsto perform tasks in programs.
700 Series Color Mobile Computer Quick Start Guide17Pop-up MenusWith pop-up menus, you can quicklychoose an action for an item.Entering Information into Your 700Color Mobile ComputerYou can enter information in any programon your 700 Color Mobile Computer bytyping with the soft keyboard, or writingusing Block Recognizer.The Block Recognizer input panel is divid-ed into three writing areas. Letters writ-ten in the left area (labeled ABC) createuppercase letters, and letters written inthemiddlearea(labeledabc) create low-ercase letters. The right area (labeled123) is for writing numbers, symbols, spe-cial characters, and punctuation.For more information on using Block Rec-ognizer and for demos of all characters,tap the question mark next to the writingarea on the Block Recognizer input panel.
700 Series Color Mobile Computer Quick Start Guide18Synchronizing With YourDesktop ComputerUsing Microsoft ActiveSync, you can syn-chronize the information on your desktopcomputer with the information on your700 Color Mobile Computer. Synchroniza-tion compares the data on your mobilecomputer with your desktop computerand updates both units with the most re-cent information.Before you begin synchronization, installActiveSync on your desktop computerfrom the Pocket PC Companion CD. Acti-veSync is already installed on your mobilecomputer. To install ActiveSync:"Insert the Pocket PC CompanionCD into the CD-ROM drive of yourdesktop computer. Follow the direc-tions on your screen.If Setup doesn’t start when you insert theCD, start in manually. Click Start andthen Run.Typed:\setup,where’d’isyour CD-ROM drive.After installation is complete, the SetupWizard tells you to connect your mobilecomputer to your desktop computer. SetupWizard helps you to set up a partnershipbetween devices, and steps you throughyour first synchronization.
700 Series Color Mobile Computer Quick Start Guide19Checking Your ScanningOptions1. Your 700 Color Mobile Computercomes to you with all scanner andbar code drivers loaded into ROM.To check out what bar code optionsyour 700 Mobile Computer reads fol-low these screens.2. To change any default settings referto the 700 Color Software Tools CD-ROMorthe700ColorUser’sManu-al.Tap StartTapSettings
700 Series Color Mobile Computer Quick Start Guide20Select Systemfolder and DataCollectionappletDefaultchangescreen
700 Series Color Mobile Computer Quick Start Guide21Checking Your NetworkOptions1. Your 700 Color Mobile Computercomes to you with the radio driversloaded into ROM. To check what ra-dio your 700 Mobile Computer isequipped with, follow these screens.2. To change any default settings referto the 700 Color Software Tools CD-ROMorthe700ColorUser’sManu-al.Default settingis Built--inEthernetDouble tap the ‘I’icon, this opensthe NetworkingDriver InterfaceSpecification(NDIS) Tray.
700 Series Color Mobile Computer Quick Start Guide22Cleaning Your 700 ColorMobile ComputerPeriodic cleaning helps maintain the ap-pearance and reliability of your 700 Color.When cleaning your 700 Color, inspect thekeyboard, covers, display, connectors, andperipheral products for obvious signs ofdamage or wear.Do not use any abrasive cleaning com-pounds, ketonic solvents (acetone or ke-tone) or aromatic solvents (toluene or xy-lene) to clean any part of your 700 Color.These solutions will cause permanentdamage.Never pour cleaners directly on the dis-play or the case. Instead put the cleanseron a soft cloth and gently wipe the case.Case and DisplayWe recommend cleaning the exterior ofyour mobile computer using a soft clothdampened with MICRO-CLEAN II cleans-er, made by Foresight International, Inc.4887 F Street, Omaha, NE 68127-0205(phone: 1-800-637-1344).If Your Mobile Computer Gets WetRemove the battery pack and dry off thebattery and wipe out the battery compart-ment. Dry off all connectors, keypad, andentire external case before using to avoidcomponent failure and contact problemswith docks, charger, and cables.
700 Series Color Mobile Computer Quick Start Guide23Troubleshooting700 Color does not respond to apply-ing power.Check to ensure that your mobile comput-er is plugged in and that it is making goodcontact.700 Color will not turn on when theI/O key is pressed.The battery may be low and need recharg-ing.The Power Status Light (LED) startsblinking.The Power Status LED informs you of thestatus of your battery pack when it is con-nected to a charging device. The PowerStatus LED reads:"Off when it is in a normal operatingmode or when no external power issupplied."Blinking red when the battery islow."Continuous red when it is charg-ing."Continuous green when it is donecharging."Yellow occurs when there is not abattery pack in your 700 Color or it’sout of charging range 32 to 122°F(0to 50°C).700 Color won’t power up, screen isblank.1. Battery may be critically low.2. Ensure that your computer hasbeen on a charger for at least fiveminutes, then remove from the dockand perform the reset procedure.The display will then be active.
700 Series Color Mobile Computer Quick Start Guide243. Continue to charge your mobilecomputer for 4 hours to ensure thatthe battery is fully charged.700 Color will not turn on whenplaced in a dock.Ensure that the dock is plugged in andyour computer is securely seated in thedock.700 Color shuts down during opera-tion.You may have a very low battery, try re-charging the battery.700 Color does not turn off.1. May not turn off when it is con-nected to a charging device.2. May not turn off when it is process-ing data.If this condition continues for a longperiod of time it will run down thebattery.3. In the rare event that your mobilecomputer locks up, do a Warm Re -boot and if that doesn’t resolve theproblem then do a Cold Reboot.Be-fore doing a Cold Reboot, en-sure that your data is backed upor you will lose it.Contact support personnel at1-800-755-5505 (US and Canada) or1-425-356-1700 elsewhere.Cold Booting Your 700 ColorBCAUTION: Cold booting deletes allprograms and data stored in RAMmemory of the 700 Color. Ensure thatdata is backed up to the Host PC or aStorage Card before cold booting.1. Remove the hand strap.2. Remove the battery pack.
700 Series Color Mobile Computer Quick Start Guide253. Press the Reset button.Resetbutton4. Reinstall the battery pack.5. Press the I/O key and stepthrough the prompted set upscreens. This will be like you com-pleted on your initial first time setup process.Warm Booting Your 700 Color"Press and hold the I/O key forabout 10 seconds.700 Color takes a long time to boot upafter a reset.Normal time is between 30--45 seconds. Ifit takes longer than this, contact supportpersonnel at 1-800-755-5505 (US and Can-ada) or 1-425-356-1700 elsewhere.
700 Series Color Mobile Computer Quick Start Guide26WheretoFindMoreInformation"700 Series Color Software Tools CD-ROM (p/n: 235-099-001) which con-tains the 700 software developer’skit(SDK).TheSDKisusedbyap-plication developer’s to access fea-tures such as radios and scanners.This CD also contains the utilitiesfor your unit. You would use the uti-lities to set up and configure yourmobile computer."Pocket PC Companion CD (p/n:474-004-902) used for setting up Ac-tiveSync and also includes somePocket PC applications."700 Series Color Mobile ComputerUser’s Manual p/n 961-054-031."Intermec web site to download 700mobile computer documents in PDFformat. Go to This sitealso contains the Intermec technicalknowledge ‘Knowledge Central’ andyou can also request technical sup-port.
700 Series Color Mobile Computer Quick Start Guide27End User License AgreementMICROSOFT WINDOWS FORPOCKET PC 2002DATA EXCHANGE COMPONENT: MICRO-SOFT ACTIVESYNC, VERSION 3.5IMPORTANT ---- READ CAREFULLY:Youhaveacquired a device (“DEVICE”) that includes softwarelicensed by Intermec Technologies Corporation(”Manufacturer”) from Microsoft Licensing Inc. or itsaffiliates (“MS”). Those installed software products ofMS origin, as well as associated media, printed mate-rials, and “online” or electronic documentation(“SOFTWARE”) are protected by international intel-lectual property laws and treaties. The SOFTWAREis licensed, not sold. All rights reserved.IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THIS END USER LI-CENSE AGREEMENT (”EULA”), DO NOT USETHE DEVICE OR COPY THE SOFTWARE.INSTEAD, PROMPTLY CONTACT MANUFACTUR-ER FOR INSTRUCTIONS ON RETURN OF THEUNUSED DEVICE(S) FOR A REFUND. ANY USEOF THE SOFTWARE, INCLUDING BUT NOTLIMITED TO USE ON THE DEVICE, WILLCONSTITUTE YOUR AGREEMENT TO THISEULA (OR RATIFICATION OF ANY PREVIOUSCONSENT).GRANT OF SOFTWARE LICENSE. SOFTWAREincludes software already installed on the DEVICE(”DEVICE Software”) and MS software contained onthe CD--ROM disk (”Desktop Software”). This EULAgrants you the following license:•SYSTEM Software. You may use the DEVICESoftware as installed on the DEVICE.•Desktop Software. Desktop Software is in-cluded with your DEVICE, and you may install anduse the MicrosoftActiveSync3.5 component onone (1) or more computers to exchange informationwith one (1) or more computing devices that contain acompatible version of the Microsoft Pocket PC 2002operating system. For other software component(s)contained in the Desktop Software, you may installand use such components only in accordance with theterms of the printed or online end--user license agree-ment(s) provided with such component(s). In the ab-sence of an end--user license agreement for particularcomponent(s) of the Desktop Software, you mayinstall and use only one (1) copy of such component(s)on the DEVICE or a single computer with which youuse the DEVICE.
700 Series Color Mobile Computer Quick Start Guide28•Back--up Copy. If Manufacturer has not includeda back--up copy of the DEVICE Software with theDEVICE, you may make a single back--up copy of theDEVICE Software. You may use the back--up copysolely for archival purposes.•Microsoft Outlook 2002. If Microsoft Outlook2002 is included with your Device, the followingterms apply to your use of Microsoft Outlook 2002: (i)regardless of the information contained in “SoftwareInstallation and Use” section of the online EULA youmay install one (1) copy of the Microsoft Outlook 2002on one (1) computer to use, exchange data, sharedata, access, and interact with the DEVICE, and (ii)the EULA for Microsoft Outlook 2002 is betweenManufacturer (as defined above) and the end user –not between the PC Manufacturer and end user.DESCRIPTION OF OTHER RIGHTS AND LIM-ITATIONS.•Speech/Handwriting Recognition.IftheSOFTWARE includes speech and/or handwriting rec-ognition component(s), you should understand thatspeech and handwriting recognition are inherentlystatistical processes; that recognition errors are in-herent in the processes; that it is your responsibilityto provide for handling such errors and to monitorthe recognition processes and correct any errors. Nei-ther Manufacturer nor its suppliers shall be liable forany damages arising out of errors in the speech andhandwriting recognition processes.•Limitations on Reverse Engineering, Decom-pilation, and Disassembly. You may not reverseengineer, decompile, or disassemble the SOFTWARE,except and only to the extent that such activity isexpressly permitted by applicable law notwithstand-ing this limitation.•Single DEVICE. The DEVICE Software is li-censed with the DEVICE as a single integrated prod-uct. The DEVICE Software installed in read--onlymemory (“ROM”) of the DEVICE may only be used aspart of the DEVICE.•Single EULA. The package for the DEVICE maycontain multiple versions of this EULA, such as mul-tiple translations and/or multiple media versions(e.g., in the user documentation and in the software).Even if you receive multiple versions of the EULA,you are licensed to use only one (1) copy of the DE-VICE Software.•Rental. You may not rent or lease the SOFT-WARE.•Software Transfer. You may permanently trans-fer all of your rights under this EULA only as part of
700 Series Color Mobile Computer Quick Start Guide29a sale or transfer of the DEVICE, provided you retainno copies, you transfer all of the SOFTWARE (includ-ing all component parts, the media and printed mate-rials, any upgrades or backup copies, this EULA and,if applicable, the Certificate(s) of Authenticity), andthe recipient agrees to the terms of this EULA. If theSOFTWARE is an upgrade, any transfer must includeall prior versions of the SOFTWARE.•Termination. Without prejudice to any otherrights, Manufacturer or MS may terminate thisEULA if you fail to comply with the terms and condi-tions of this EULA. In such event, you must destroyall copies of the SOFTWARE and all of its componentparts.UPGRADES AND RECOVERY MEDIA.•DEVICE Software. If the DEVICE Software isprovided by Manufacturer separate from the DE-VICE on media such as a ROM chip, CD--ROM disc(s)or via web download or other means, and is labeled“For Upgrade Purposes Only” or “For Recovery Pur-poses Only”, you may install one copy of such DE-VICE Software onto the DEVICE as a replacementcopy for the existing DEVICE Software and use it inaccordance with Section 1 of this EULA.•Desktop Software. If any Desktop Softwarecomponent(s) is provided by Manufacturer separatefrom the DEVICE on CD--ROM disc(s) or via webdownload or other means, and labeled “For UpgradePurposes Only” or “For Recovery Purposes Only”, youmay (i) install and use one copy of such component(s)on the computer(s) you use to exchange data with theDEVICE as a replacement copy for the existing Desk-top Software component(s).COPYRIGHT. All title and intellectual propertyrights in and to the SOFTWARE (including but notlimited to any images, photographs, animations, vid-eo,audio,music,text,and“applets”,incorporatedinthe SOFTWARE), the accompanying printed materi-als, and any copies of the SOFTWARE, are owned byMS or its suppliers (including Microsoft Corporation).You may not copy the printed materials accompany-ing the SOFTWARE. All title and intellectual proper-ty rights in and to the content which may be accessedthrough use of the SOFTWARE is the property of therespective content owner and may be protected byapplicable copyright or other intellectual propertylaws and treaties. This EULA grants you no rights touse such content. All rights not specifically grantedunder this EULA are reserved by MS and its suppli-ers (including Microsoft Corporation).EXPORT RESTRICTIONS. You agree that you willnot export or re--export the SOFTWARE to any coun-
700 Series Color Mobile Computer Quick Start Guide30try, person, or entity subject to U.S. export restric-tions. You specifically agree not to export or re--exportthe SOFTWARE: (i) to any country to which the U.S.has embargoed or restricted the export of goods orservices, which as of May 1999 include, but are notnecessarily limited to, Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Libya, NorthKorea, Sudan, Syria, and the Federal Republic of Yu-goslavia (including Serbia, but not Montenegro), or toany national of any such country, wherever located,who intends to transmit or transport the productsback to such country; (ii) to any person or entity whoyou know or have reason to know will utilize theSOFTWARE or portion thereof in the design, develop-ment, or production of nuclear, chemical, or biologicalweapons; or (iii) to any person or entity who has beenprohibited from participating in U.S. export transac-tions by any federal agency of the U.S. government.NOTE ON JAVA SUPPORT. The SOFTWARE maycontain support for programs written in Java. Javatechnology is not fault tolerant and is not designed,manufactured, or intended for use or resale on--linecontrol equipment in hazardous environments requir-ing fail--safe performance, such as in the operation ofnuclear facilities, aircraft navigation or communica-tion systems, air traffic control, direct life supportmachines, or weapons systems, in which the failure ofJava technology could lead directly to death, personalinjury, or severe physical or environmental damage.PRODUCT SUPPORT. Product support for theSOFTWARE is not provided by MS, its parent corpo-ration, Microsoft Corporation, or their affiliates orsubsidiaries. For product support, please refer toManufacturer’s support number provided in the docu-mentation for the DEVICE. Should you have anyquestions concerning the EULA, or if you desire tocontact Manufacturer for any other reason, pleaserefer to the address provided in the documentationfor the DEVICE.NO LIABILITY FOR CERTAIN DAMAGES.EX-CEPT AS PROHIBITED BY LAW, MS SHALL HAVENO LIABILITY FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL,CONSEQUENTIAL, OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGESARISING FROM OR IN CONNECTION WITH THEUSE OR PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE.THIS LIMITATION SHALL APPLY EVEN IF ANYREMEDY FAILS OF ITS ESSENTIAL PURPOSE.FOR APPLICABLE LIMITED WARRANTIESAND SPECIAL PROVISIONS PERTAINING TOYOUR PARTICULAR JURISDICTION, PLEASEREFER TO YOUR WARRANTY BOOKLET IN-CLUDED WITH THIS PACKAGE OR PROVIDEDWITH THE SOFTWARE PRINTED MATERIALS.
700 Series Color Mobile Computer Quick Start Guide32Product WarrantyWe warrant that Intermec Technologies Corporationproducts will be free from defects in manufacturingmaterials and workmanship for one (1) year fromdate of shipment to you.Conditions of warranty1. Purchaser must obtain a Return Authori-zation (RA) number from the IntermecService Center (1--800--755--5505) withinthe warranty period.2. Purchaser will provide a written, de-tailed description of the defect.3. The product must be promptly returnedto the designated Intermec Service Cen-ter, freight prepaid by Purchaser.4. Upon examination of the product, Inter-mec must agree that the defect existsand is covered by this warranty. Warran-ty repairs will be completed at the Ser-vice Center and returned to the Purchas-er by prepaid surface freight.The foregoing is a summary of the standardwarranty, which shall be purchaser’s sole reme-dy. Complete warranty details can be found inyour purchase agreement or obtained from yourlocal Intermec sales office.In no event shall Intermec Technologies Corpo-ration nor its suppliers be liable for any special,consequential or incidental damages.700 Series Color Mobile Computer, Quick Start Guide-October, 2002*962054053*962054053 REV

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