Itron IMU519 Gas meter User Manual IMUGasInstall 14feb2011x

Silver Spring Networks Gas meter IMUGasInstall 14feb2011x

User Manual

innovation in utility networking
Gas IMU Installation
and Configuration
February 14, 2011
© 2010 Silver Spring Networks | Company Confidential
Remove existing index and prepare the meter
Attach the tamper magnet holder
Attach the index to the IMU
Attach the IMU assembly to the meter
Prepare IMU for programming
© 2010 Silver Spring Networks | Company Confidential
Safety First!
Always follow applicable standards for safety!
Refer to the meter documentation for further safety information.
Follow your employer’s best practices.
If you smell gas, report it to the utility.
Do not use power tools!
© 2010 Silver Spring Networks | Company Confidential
RF Exposure Notice (509)
The antenna of this transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna
or transmitter.
The device should be installed so that people will not come within 20 cm (8 in.) of the antenna.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. This equipment
generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy, and if not installed and used in accordance with
the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee
that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful
interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and
on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver disconnected.
Consult the dealer or an experienced Radio/TV technician for help.
Modifications to the IMU not
expressly approved by Silver Spring Networks
may void your authority to operate the IMU.
© 2010 Silver Spring Networks | Company Confidential
Components and Tools
Flathead screw driver (capable of torque setting)
Phillips screw driver (capable of torque setting)
Nut driver
Awl, scraper, wire brush
Service magnet
Guide pins Service magnet
Component Qty. Size Part Numbers
SSN IMU (top level,
includes hardware)
1 n/a 221-010001 (Am)
222-010001 (RW)
Index cover 1 n/a 976-000195 (Am)
976-000196 (RW)
Index cover screws 4 ¼-20” x 21/8”
10-24 x 21/4”
901-000067 (Am)
901-000053 (RW)
Index screws 2 8-32 x 3/16”
6-32 x 3/4”
901-000054 (Am)
901-000057 (RW)
Red tamper seals 2 n/a 976-000204
Tamper magnet holder
& magnet
1 n/a 976-000212 (Am)
976-000213 (RW)
© 2010 Silver Spring Networks | Company Confidential
Tamper magnet holder
and magnet for Rockwell
Index cover
Tamper magnet holder
with magnet for American
© 2010 Silver Spring Networks | Company Confidential
Assembly Drawing (American)
Index cover
Tamper seals
Tamper magnet holder
(for American)
Tamper magnet
¼-20” x 2.125”
Torque 10-11 in
8-32 x 3/16”
Torque 8-10 in lb
© 2010 Silver Spring Networks | Company Confidential
Assembly Drawing (Rockwell)
cover Index screws
Index cover screws
Tamper seals
Tamper magnet holder
and magnet (for Rockwell)
10-24 x 2.25”
Torque 6-8 in lb
6-32 x 3/4”
Torque 6-7 in lb
© 2010 Silver Spring Networks | Company Confidential
Remove Existing Cover & Prep Meter
Remove the existing index cover
and index from the meter.
Clean the meter index area
and make sure to remove
any remaining parts
of the old gasket.
© 2010 Silver Spring Networks | Company Confidential
Attach the Tamper Magnet Holder
On an American meter,
attach the magnet so that
the protrusion holding the
magnet points down and to
the left and the gap in the
circle fits around the
notch on the meter.
On a Rockwell meter, attach the
magnet holder so that the
protrusion holding the magnet
points down and to the left and
the inner pin is inserted into
the index screw hole. American
© 2010 Silver Spring Networks | Company Confidential
Inspect IMU
Inspect the IMU, ensuring that
there is no visible damage.
Check the front and rear gaskets.
Make minor placement
corrections as needed.
The front gasket should adhere
to the enclosure and keep the
screw holes clear.
The rear gasket should be
attached to the enclosure on the
left and right, and remain
straight in the middle such that
the gasket will seal between the
enclosure and meter. The
gasket must keep the screw
holes clear.
© 2010 Silver Spring Networks | Company Confidential
Connect Battery Cable Connector
Gently plug in the battery cable
connector to the PCB, if it is not
already connected.
The connectors are keyed. The
top side of the male connector
has a feature that fits into a slot
on the top side of the female
connector on the PCB.
Orient the connectors before
attempting to connect.
Carefully insert the male
connector while holding the
opposite end of the female
connector. Do not push the
male connector without holding
the opposite end of the female
© 2010 Silver Spring Networks | Company Confidential
Attach the Meter Index to the IMU
Align the IMU drive train
with the index wriggler.
IMU Drive Train
Index Wriggler
© 2010 Silver Spring Networks | Company Confidential
Attach Meter Index to IMU
Use the two index screws
to firmly attach the index
to the IMU.
Index screw torque:
Rockwell: 6-7 inch pounds
American: 8-10 inch pounds
Rotate the drive shaft two turns from
the rear, clockwise or counter-
clockwise, and observe that the 2 foot
test hand also moves 2 turns. The test
hand should spin freely. If not, correct
by fixing or replacing the index or IMU.
Two rotations of the IMU drive shaft will
rotate the 2 ft drive hand two
© 2010 Silver Spring Networks | Company Confidential
Attach IMU Assembly to Meter
Temporarily fasten the guide pins
to the meter (3-4 threads into
the meter). You will remove
these in a later step.
Using the guide pins, align the
IMU to the meter and match the
meter wriggler to the IMU drive
by adjusting the index test hand.
On the Rockwell meter, rotate
the magnet to 12 o’clock to
avoid the screw in the index
Watch (from the side or top) the
IMU drive link to the meter
On the American meter, the
pin goes into the slot.
On the Rockwell meter, the
cup fits over the wriggler
(meter gear).
© 2010 Silver Spring Networks | Company Confidential
Attach IMU Assembly to Meter
Hold the enclosure against the meter to
maintain proper alignment to perform
the following checks:
If no gas is flowing through the meter,
verify that the half cubic ft test hand
rotates approximately 180 degrees when
turned gently by hand
If gas is flowing through the meter, you
should see the test hands rotating. You
do not need to manually rotate the test
Verify that:
There are no clicking or snapping
There is no gap between the meter and
The rear gasket seals the meter to the
Half foot test hand Two foot test hand
© 2010 Silver Spring Networks | Company Confidential
Attach IMU Assembly to Meter
If you hear clicking or snapping, or if
there is a gap or a poor gasket seal,
remove the IMU and reinstall.
Repeat the verification checks.
Attach the index cover and 2
screws to the meter and IMU as
shown. On a Rockwell meter, the
curved side of the index cover goes
on top. The red tamper plugs will fit
to the upper left and lower right
Tighten the 2 screws.
Rockwell: 6-8 inch pounds
American: 10-11 inch pounds
© 2010 Silver Spring Networks | Company Confidential
Inspect Gaskets
Verify that the front and rear
gaskets seal the mating surfaces
all the way around the IMU and
index cover.
If the gaskets have not seated
correctly, remove all the cover
screws, adjust the gasket
position, and reinstall the IMU.
© 2010 Silver Spring Networks | Company Confidential
Attach IMU Assembly to Meter
Remove the guide pins
Install the remaining 2 screws
Install the remaining 2 screws
and tighten
Rockwell: 6-8 inch pounds
American: 10-11 inch pounds
© 2010 Silver Spring Networks | Company Confidential
Inspect the gaskets and install the tamper seals
Re-inspect the front and rear
gaskets to ensure that they
form a seal between the
index cover, enclosure, and
Use a nut driver to push the
three tamper seals into the
openings on the IMU (2 in the
index cover and 1 in the
battery door).
© 2010 Silver Spring Networks | Company Confidential
Prepare the IMU for Programming
Slowly pass the service magnet once (for 2 to 5 seconds) over the top of the IMU.
Doing so wakes up the IMU, enabling you to program it.
innovation in utility networking
Rockwell 415
Gas IMU Installation
and Configuration
January 28, 2011
© 2010 Silver Spring Networks | Company Confidential
Rockwell 415 IMU Retrofit
Check the components and tools list.
Remove the index cover and index.
Fasten the adapter plate to the meter.
Fasten the meter index to the IMU.
Fasten the IMU to the meter.
Fasten the index lens cover and the tamper seals.
Prepare the IMU for programming.
© 2010 Silver Spring Networks | Company Confidential
Check the Components and Tools List
Flathead screw driver (capable of torque setting)
Phillips screw driver (capable of torque setting)
Nut driver
Awl, scraper, wire brush
Service magnet
Guide pins Service magnet
Component Qty. Size Part Numbers
Silver Spring Networks
1 n/a 178-000101 rev 06
Adapter system 1 n/a 178-000098 rev 02
Index cover 1 n/a 976-000196 rev 1
Index cover screws 4 10-24 X 2.75” L 901-000061 rev 01
Index screws 3 6-32 X ¾ L 901-000063 rev 01
Red tamper seals 3 n/a 976-000203 rev 1
© 2010 Silver Spring Networks | Company Confidential
Index screws Index cover screws
Tamper seals
Adapter plate
IMU Index cover
© 2010 Silver Spring Networks | Company Confidential
Assembly Drawing (Rockwell 415)
Rockwell 415
Index cover screws
Index screws and
adapter plate screw
6-32 x 3/4”
Torque 6-7 in lb
10-24 x 2.75”
Torque 6-8 in lb
© 2010 Silver Spring Networks | Company Confidential
Remove the Index Cover and Index
Remove the existing index
cover and index from the meter.
Clean the meter index area
and make sure to remove
any remaining parts of the
old gasket.
© 2010 Silver Spring Networks | Company Confidential
Install the Guide Pins
Temporarily fasten the guide
pins to the meter (3-4 threads
into the meter). You will
remove these in a later step.
© 2010 Silver Spring Networks | Company Confidential
Fasten the Adapter Plate to the Meter
Position the adapter plate pin
into the center left hole on the
meter and seat the adapter
plate onto the meter.
Verify proper engagement of
the gears. The gear should
rotate at least 120 degrees.
Position an index screw in the
center right hole and fasten
the adapter using 6-7 in-lbs of
© 2010 Silver Spring Networks | Company Confidential
Fasten the Adapter Plate to the Meter (continued)
If gas is not passing through
the meter, rotate the gear on
the plate clockwise until you
feel it engage with the meter
wriggler. The gear should
rotate at least 120 degrees.
If gas is passing through the
meter, the gear should rotate
in conjunction with the meter.
You should not hear any
clicking or snapping sounds.
© 2010 Silver Spring Networks | Company Confidential
Inspect IMU
Inspect the IMU, ensuring that
there is no visible damage.
Check the front and rear gaskets.
Make minor placement
corrections as needed.
The front gasket should adhere
to the enclosure and keep the
screw holes clear.
The rear gasket should be
attached to the enclosure on the
left and right, and remain
straight in the middle such that
the gasket will seal between the
enclosure and meter. The
gasket must keep the screw
holes clear.
© 2010 Silver Spring Networks | Company Confidential
Connect Battery Cable Connector
Gently plug in the battery cable
connector to the PCB, if it is not
already connected.
The connectors are keyed. The
top side of the male connector
has a feature that fits into a slot
on the top side of the female
connector on the PCB.
Orient the connectors before
attempting to connect.
Carefully insert the male
connector while holding the
opposite end of the female
connector. Do not push the
male connector without holding
the opposite end of the female
© 2010 Silver Spring Networks | Company Confidential
Fasten the Meter Index to the IMU
Attach the meter index to the
IMU with two index screws
using 6-7 in-lbs of torque.
Make sure that the gears are
engaged and not bound up.
The test hands should move
freely, and in conjunction with
the IMU drive.
© 2010 Silver Spring Networks | Company Confidential
Fasten the IMU to the meter
Make sure the gears are
engaged and not bound by
rotating the test hand.
Attach the index cover and 2
screws to the meter and IMU
as shown.
Tighten the 2 screws.
Torque: 6-8 inch pounds
© 2010 Silver Spring Networks | Company Confidential
Attach IMU Assembly to Meter
Hold the enclosure against the meter to
maintain proper alignment to perform
the following checks:
If no gas is flowing through the meter,
verify that the half cubic ft test hand
rotates approximately 120 degrees when
turned gently by hand
If gas is flowing through the meter, you
should see the test hands rotating. You
do not need to manually rotate the test
Verify that:
There are no clicking or snapping
The gaskets are sealed and there is no
gap between the meter, IMU, adapter
plate, and cover.
© 2010 Silver Spring Networks | Company Confidential
Fasten the IMU to the meter
Remove the guide pins
Install the remaining 2
Torque: 6-8 inch pounds
© 2010 Silver Spring Networks | Company Confidential
Inspect the Gaskets
Verify that the front and rear
gaskets are properly seated all
the way around the IMU. If not,
remove and reinstall the IMU.
© 2010 Silver Spring Networks | Company Confidential
Install the tamper seals
Use a nut driver to push the three
tamper seals into the openings on
the IMU.
© 2010 Silver Spring Networks | Company Confidential
Prepare the IMU for Programming
Slowly pass the service magnet once (for 2 to 5 seconds) over the top of the IMU.
This activates the IMU so you can program it. (tamper seals not shown)

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