JET OPTOELECTRONICS J78A620069 SeatTop - Driver Mon A User Manual part 2
JET OPTOELECTRONICS CO.,LTD. SeatTop - Driver Mon A part 2
- 1. User Manual part 1
- 2. User Manual part 2
User Manual part 2
Adjustment Backllghl The Adjustment menu allows the User to The Backlight menu ailows the user in adjust adjust the monitor settings using Die 4 > the monitor becMigttt setting using the 4 > truttune an the remote to select the selhng and bulhms an the remote. the A v hullons to adjust the setting. Color M 0“ Option Deeenptien Dslault Adjust to sutten at 50 Shame“ eherpen the piclure. Adjust Io brighten er darken the picture. 5” Blighlness Adjust to Increase Contrast or decrease picture so contrast. Adjust to increase or decrease the 50 Tint ttghtnessuttha The Color Made menu ettewe the user to pic.“ seiect between a normal. warm. at cool ootnr T In ‘ hultnnson the remote. "“9 ”s "9 e ' Adjust [0 increase Seturenenr nrdausasscolur 5n intensity. MazdalmJlamtaLmun'LdraLVHm Page I 11 Farenlal Tlrls seclloll at tne setup Menu allows tlre use! [Cl select the level Ell movie wnlenl playback lrern KID SAFE to ADULT. The parental control runctlon allows you to llrllll vIsMng to your preterenoe rne rallrlg levels range trern 1 to a and are country dependent. Tne lower the rating number. the strlcler tne playback lrnntetion is. When the Parenlal option Is hlglrlignted. press tne > buuon onee em tnen useltre 4 > [muons on the remote control to select the deslted palenlal control settlng and press ENYER. (A passwurd ts required to change lne Parental settings.) Using tne remote control, enter me password (0000) and press ENTER to eonnnn tne setting and retum to the sub-menu.‘ V\azdal7LwnualJotlghjrafljLlano: Volume Adjustment Whenever a medla playback screen 15 vlslble. plessiltg tne A v trultons on me remote control wttl turn the volume up or down. Max Volume The max volume teeture allows the user to gm" the max volume output “he monitor to 5%. 50%. 75%. and 100 uslng lite AV buttons on the remote, Page | 22 Wt-Fl To change wireless sellings select the WI-Fi' Once "is Wi-FI has been lurnsd on the ioan tram the Settings menu amt the About monllonvilt show "I9 55D Security TYPE- sateen will be shown. and Password mat); Screll lelt using the 4 hulloll on the remote to the lab labeled Wi-Fi. Mimcasl To enable the use at erecnst select the wt-Fl‘ Icon "om the Settings menu and the Abeut screen Will be shown. Small In“ using the 4 button on the remote to the lab labeled eranasl eramt 1 MonitorNarne MaszXXX I Using the A human m the remote move the cursor up to the Orr/Oil Icon and press > on the remote to teggle Wi-Fi en. Using the A [mum on the remote move the culsor upte the Oil/ollleen and press > on the remote to loggle Milacaslm ‘Nole: wt-Ft end Mirecast cannot be an at the same time Mamammmuwghjremmewt Page | 23 Media Streaming The A side monitor teatures the abiltly lo stream medla frum moeiie devices through the use oi the Digital Living Netwotk Alliance (DLNA). Using tne Voxxhuschmann mobiie opp. the user can slream media irom their moblle device k) the A monitor Tn use (his helmet enauio Wl-FI' through Salllngs and connect the desired device to the monilurv On the home page scroii through the Icons using the 4 > buttons an the veniole untii tne DLNA icon is reached. Press sEL on the remote to enter DLNA mode The monitor wiH Na" '0! an ensmai some to connect to it. Use the VH app |o seteet the Mazda J78 monitor to render media tot Miracast Some devices ieoture the sanity to mirror thetr audio and video over a Wireless connection This ieeiure is comparable“: connecting an external scuroo using HDMI t-nthout the need iorcahtes. To ecoess this lealure‘ enaoie Miracast- through Settings and return to the home page. Use tire 4 > bulluns on the remote to seiecl Miracast Using a source with Mrracest capabtiiry, mnnecl lo the monitor to mirror the extemai sunrise to the monitor. The mohtturvhii wait (or an outside source |o oonnecttoit. Use an externat sounse with Mtracast copebriixtes to mirror to the monitor. r»...rrrr:, try try 'Note. WisFl and Miracast cannot be on at the same time. MaIda)?8_mamtal_lmtgh,dianjl moor Page I 24 Usan the IP Remote The Monitor Display app bllaws a motile Lia/ice to act as a Iclhole [or bath nlonllolst Enable Wl-Fi alld (tinned tn the munltort Open me Monlmr Display app and wait ror the app to connect to file monitor, When the app has successiully connected the red light In me upper left corner will |um green. TD select which rmnllor me remote responds to Dress either the A monitor or E manna! tab at the top. To use the remote, mess the Remote icon. To use Multicast, select the view Monitor Icon. The IP remote Includes the same fealules as the physltal IR remote Mamaimflununlpugmmrui mm Muliicast Enable Wi-Fl and Connect ID the monitor. Open the Honitur Display app and wall for the app h) (unnect w the moniton when UIE app has successlully connected the red light in the upper lefl miner Will turn greet To stream the media from the manor to a mobile device, Dies; View Monitor. Page | 25 Symplnm Remufly Mum: does no! power on vs vgmborv mm mmsa m ms on a. ACC naswn Am haHanes Insla‘led n was vemavs cmlmv? Rsmols mnusv aoss nuv lumen Vemy mav ovs bananas In ms vammavmm avs goon Vnnfy mav we remain sensar \i-vvs vi not obsxmcbud Disc Mv nalfiay lnsermvn due wm lahfl mm mm ms vsavovma v-msvs Chunk vv msavsc a usv-suvsny uynn anumsv ms: Chm uvs type am‘vsc Deng pvsyaa. nus mm uNy pvuys uvu (svngvs Duzl Lays!) {Mm/m uva Dual byeh DVDRW/vRW. cu. can, and cnmv. as». the um! and DVD dvscs are coded hylegbvv mus :squm nodes um'xmavcn. ma nvn Dan‘l be pissed Dvsc pvays, hm slaps vnvsmvvvvamvy Vhedvsc vs any and was neanvug Conflensalinn has 1mm have ma Imvl Ramme ms msc and L‘mw mm vs dvy mu Check mums s'gnnl source As novvrvsclm. No mum Chad ma menu some: sulmg Malch your mum mods wan mu swvw ammuy. cmx medbcfovfm a 'KS and dean Mm a soncvalh‘ w n um. mswvsa well"! oeulzrwedges a pm 9 D Cannot nflvance "Waugh a DVD movg Vau ram“?! advance mmgvv vvvs upmvg mums and wavnha mlmmzbon IIval anpeavs sv me begmrvvng nl DVDsbacause mum Is pinglammad |a mum mes: mans. Na sound or uvsmusa mund Make suvs mav ms ammav msma mm vs connect-u pvopeny, and avv caves ave ssmmvymsanua m mu Imprizluacks stvvy max Ins bananas n ma headphones are gem u M are usvna ms wsvsssnsmpnms. maxi suvsyou mm on ma paw avvu sevscv ms :WflmoMMtAu 5}. vs vovuma mmad up on hsaapnonsn vs xnyfimg mam; Ifllpafll human" ma mmw m sense! and headphones? When plating me hudphmas cm gum heaflv mike suvs m ahscvve uv- Lquand Mmammm. m hladphmvss musv De mama mm, (Yawvg Yorwmd) in avaevmsuna ma audo sgnav, Manna! lads warm vvnvun memmnor vi m us. luv 5 long period nHme. masuvvau mv bu mvm vvvvsvsnovmav. Ma,“ um um resound m av mmmands mung playhznk lhrdalmjvanuaLvadmLVlJm Guam-Ions avs mvpsvmmsa byme was Re!" ‘0 In. spasm nslnmlvon: mama wan ms uvu rm mom vvvsvmason. Functional Verification Fuhelion checks: Loakfar: Turn an engine, press power bullon an each monlinn Afler 30 sewnds morli|or sheuld power on and slarl up sueell should appear. Inserl disc lnio manner a. press PLAY hullon on me remola oonlml or lronl panel Dlw should begln playing, Llslen wilh wlleless headphones (sel to channel “A' lo llslen la mcnllom and channel “B' lo lislen lo manilor E Audio should be heard lhmugh wireless headphones. Selecl Monitor source apllon on moniror Conlenl playing an Menimr A should be a mill ll dlsplays monilor A displayed on Manila! 3, Selecl Menrler suuroe upllon on menilor Conlenl playing on Mollilol B should be A unul rl displays monllor l1 dlsplayed on Monlloy A, Press Biecl bullon on the [up panel ol Dlsc should elecl monilor Br MandaJTBJnarlllaLrouthrmJleozx Page l 27 Compliance Information FCC WARNING STATEMENT This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and. if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communication. However. there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: - Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna - Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. - Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which ~ Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. the receiver is connected FCC Eaution: Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate this equipment. This device complies with Part 1 5 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1 i This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operationt IMPORTANT NOTE: FCC Radiation Exposure Statement: This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with a minimum distance of about 20 crnbetween the shell and your body. This transmitter must not be ca-located or operated in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. Mama:mmmmngmdmmvimwr Page I 28 Compliance Information l0 WARNING STATEMENT Canada, Industry Canada ([0) Notices This Class B digila apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003 and RSS-247, Operailon Is subject in the iollowing two condilions: (1) lhis device may noi cause interierence, and (2) lids device must accept any inierierence, Including interierence that may cause undesired operalion oi the device. Radio Frequency (RF) Exposure Information The radiated outpul power oi lhe Wireless Device is below the lnduslry Canada dc) radio ireuuency exposure limits. Tire Wireless Device should he used In such a manner such that the potential ior human contact during normal operation is minimized. This device has also been evaluated and shown compliant with the IC RF Exposure limlis under mohlle exposure condlllons (antennas are greater Inan 20cm hour a person's body). AVERTISSEMENT D’IC Canada. Avis d'lndustrie Canada (is) Get apparell numerique de classe B est conlornre aux normes canadlennes WES-003 ei RSS-247. Son innctionnement est soumls aux deux condilions suivanles :(i) not apparell ue doit pas causer d'lnieriérence et (2) net apparell doil aceepier toute interiérence. nolam ment ies inleriérences qui peuvent enlraiuer son ionclionnement non désiré. Iniormation ooncernaut l'exposltion aux frequences radio (HF) La pulssance do some enrise par I'apnareil sans Ill est iniérieure a la limite d'exposiiion aux ireqnences radio d'industrie Canada (IC). Ulilisez l‘eppareil sans iil do taoon A mlnlmlser ies contacts humains lors du ionciionnernenl normal. Cet apparel] a egalement éie evalué el délnontré coniorme aux ilmlles d‘exposltlon aux RF d'iC dans des condilions d'exposiiion a des appareils mobiles (les antennas so sitnenl a plus de 20 cm du corps d'une persenne). r-mdarmmuaumummvmnoa Page ] 28 ISED Notice: This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003. CetAppareil numérique de la classe B est conforme a la narme NMB-DOS du Canada. This device complies with Industnj Canada license-exempt RSS standard(sj. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device. Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d’lndustrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L’exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de rouiliage, et (2) i’uliiisateur de i’appareii doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, meme si Ie brouillage est susceptible d‘en compromettre le fonctlonnement. Compliance information WEEE Notice Disposal of Old Electrical & Electronic Equipment (Applicable in the European Union and other European countries with separate collection systems) This symbol on the product or on its packaging indicates that device shall not be treated as household waste. Instead it shall be handed over to the applicable collection point for the recycling of electrical and electronic equipment. By ensuring this device is disposed of correctly, you will help prevent potential negative consequences for the environment and human health, which could otherwise be caused by inappropriate waste handling of this device. The recycling of materials will help to conserve natural resources. For more detailed information about recycling of this device, please contact your local city office, your household waste disposal service or the shop where you purchased the device. Applicable accessory: remote control. "a.mmfimaiJngaeuyLuw Page I 29 Macrovision Notice This product incorporates copyright protection technology that is protected by method claims of certaln U.S. patents and other intellectual properly rights owned by Macrovision Corporation and other rights owners. Use of this copyright protection technology must be authorized by Macrovlslon Corporation, and is intended for home and other limited vlewlng uses only unless otherwise authorized by Macrovision Corporation. Reverse engineering or disassembly is prohibited. Mammalianua|_mugn_dmn_vt.7.dou Page i 30
Source Exif Data:
File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.4 Linearized : Yes XMP Toolkit : Adobe XMP Core 5.6-c015 84.159810, 2016/09/10-02:41:30 Create Date : 2017:11:01 14:57:51-04:00 Creator Tool : RICOH Aficio MP C3502 Modify Date : 2017:11:01 14:47:10-07:00 Metadata Date : 2017:11:01 14:47:10-07:00 Producer : RICOH Aficio MP C3502 Document ID : uuid:d1d9edc1-d37b-4504-bc53-4ec61de9c1b5 Instance ID : uuid:789bb591-312c-4267-881b-dfe4c2757e24 Format : application/pdf Page Count : 12 Creator : RICOH Aficio MP C3502EXIF Metadata provided by