JET OPTOELECTRONICS J78A620069 SeatTop - Driver Mon A User Manual part 1
JET OPTOELECTRONICS CO.,LTD. SeatTop - Driver Mon A part 1
- 1. User Manual part 1
- 2. User Manual part 2
User Manual part 1
Mazda J78 SERIES Rear Seat Entertainment System Owner's Manual Mamammnuaqummmvn,7.m Contents Welcome Cantrcl Descrlptlen — Monltor A... Control Description — Munltor B with DVD Player“.......t..... Central Description Remote Central Operatiu General Operating Instruction Playlng a DVD... Playing a USB Device.. Playing 3 SD Card. Playing a Data Disc Screen Sharing Charging 3 USE Device. Settings. Medla Streaming eracast Using the IP Remote. Mulilcast -— Functional Verlfltatlo Compilance information Warrantv.. © 2015 INVISION Amonmlive Systems, Inc. All rights maven. This manual. or any povtion lnereoi, may not be reproduced \viihoui the express \vritlen permission at lNVISlON Autamutive Systems. Inc. Design and specifications subject to change without nulice MamamflenuaLmirgmdmiLszaoa Page I 2 Welcome Thank you lor purchasing lhis Rear Seal Enierlainmenl syslem wrlh huiil-ln DVD player, aerora oparaling lhls syslemr read lliis manual ihoroughly end relain i| ler riilure relerenee. lmponanl anlce ii is unlawlul in mosl |urlsdilz|ioris lore person lo drive a molar vehicle which Is equipped wi|li a lelevision viewer or screen lhal is iomled in lhe molar vehide a1 any pninl lenvard orlhe haok or lhe drivers seal. or dial is visible. direcliy or Indilecflyr lo lha driver while aperaling lhe vehirla in lhe inleresl oi ealely, lhe monilors should never be inslalled where liiey Mil be visible, direclly or indireeliy. by lire cperaler el lhe nielor yehiole ll your vehicle is equipped wiih a iinraless rear seal audio syslem or anyolher wireless inrrared oeviee, make sure il is powered oil when aparaling lhe Rear Seal Enlenainmsnl Syslem. ll holh syslems are powered on el lhe same lime lhe lwo syslenrs may obslrucl each olher. pessihiy craaling undesirable audio inteflerenoe lhiougn lhe wireless headphones. Safely Precaulion For saiely reasons. when changing vldeo discs il is recommended lha| lhe vehicle is rml in mellow and lhai you do riol allow children In unraslen salely bells lo change disoe or make any ediuslmenls lo lhe syslem. Sysleni adjuslmenls can he accomplished using lhe ramole conirol unil. while sarely oeils remain laslened Enjoy yuur enlenainmenl syslem bul remember lhal salely or all passengers remains lhe number one pilofilyr Caulion: Be sure lo run lhe vehida engine while using lhe syslem. Uslng lhis syslem willioul running lhe engine can resull in hallery drains Please rernemoer 1o lurn oll lhe syslem when lhe vehicle I: nol in use lo avoid lhe risk ol lhe ballery draining MazdalellalludLmngludralLVlJeowr Product Features Monitor A - flinch ColorTFT-LCD Panel (1024x600) Wilh1o:9 aspeoi ralie - Inlrared Trensnilller lor IR Wireless Headphones - USB 2 o lnpul wim Charging Capabillly‘ - so Card lnpui - MHL 2,0iuiih HDMI1.4 - 3.5mm Slereo Headphone Oulpul - Remole Sensor on lhe Frolil Panel - 11 Funclioli Renrole Conlroi - 2 Control Bullans on lhe Top Panel. Power and wr-Pl - 05:: (On Screen Display) - up rnmele conlroi capahiiily - Miracasl/Muilicasr wireless display capability - Media sireaming . Monilor screen sharing Monitor B - aineh Color TFr-Lcu Panel (1024x600) willi1e:e aspecl relio - Bulllrln TapeLoading DVD Player - lnlraied Transmiuer lor lRwireless Headphones - use 2.0 Iripul wilh Charging eapaoiiny- - SD Card inpul - MHL 2.0wilh HDMI 174 - 3.5mm Slereo Headphone culpul - Remole Sensor on lhe Fronl Panel - 11 Funoilon Pamela Conlroi - 2 Conlml Bullens an lhe Tap Panel: Power and Eleoi - osu (0n Seeen Display) - IP remele oonlroi cepaaiilly - Monllcr screen sharing . Nole: Depending an lhe use device ll may or may nol charge when eonneoled lo lhe USE pen. Nol all devices are able lo charge when oenneeled le lhe UsB parl, Rerar ie lhe dooumenlallon lhal came wiili your use device ior more Intolmallorir Page | 3 ereless Headphones Eech monitor Includes a bul'II-ln dual ohennel lntrered lrensnrltter tor use wl|h wireless headphones. The Wireless headphones must be used wilhlh a line at slghlllom the transmitter as lnhared ttznsmisslun‘ llke visible light. travels only in a straight line. How to use the Wireless Headphones When placing the headphones on yuur head. make sure to ubserve the Lelt and Right orlentetlon.1he headphones must be onentee eoneetlv ltee'ng Ian-lard) In order to receive the audio signal vass the power bullon on the headphones, then select channel 'A' to listen to muni|ol A, or channel '5‘ listen to monitor 3. Adjust the audio level uslng the volume oontrol on each headphone 'Nato: Some headphone brands that Indude inlihe volume control may not be oompatlbie with the munllurs, ntezdelvunehnal_rough_drert,vl moot Wired Headphones There is a 3.5mm stereo headphone oulpul jack on eeoh monttorwhroh can he used with any standard stereo headphones. Headphones \vlnt lnline volume control can be used to adjust the monitor volume level,‘ ~70“? Page | 4 Control Description — Monitor A Hawamjunuauwg[dramvuaaoc 11 Page I S Control Description — Monitor B with DVD Player Mamm/Lmnnauwghjmkvufioa Control Description i. DlacComparlmantslthonitorB) 2. Intrared Transmitters These transmlt audio lo the timeless headphones. 3. IR Sensor Aitows the remote comm! to operate the muniten 4' TFT LCD Panel arlnch TFT LCD Panei 5. POWER Button Press his button to turn the monitor on or aft 6. Wl-Fl Press this button in toggle Wl-Fl ONO" 7t erect euttun [Monith) Pvess tnis bullon to eject the disc. 3. SD Cavd Input You can play music, Images and Videos stated on most SD cards. e. use Pan Vuu can play music, images and videos stored on most use devices tor MHL 2.0 wilh HDMI input Connect an externai audio/video souioe using e HDMi canneoml [said separately). 11. Headphone Output Jack Connect wiied neadpnnnes using a 3.5mm stereo connector. tiazaanLnennaumximdretLt/tiam Warnings Du not use any narsn seiuents ctr chemicals when cleaning the unilu Do not use any abrasive cleaners tnnt may soraldv the Susan Use only a lightly dampened tint tree cietn to wipe tne screen it i| is dirty. Do nul pul pressure on the screen. Caution children to avoid tnucning or scratching lite screen, as I| may become dirty or damaged. Page | 7 Remote Comrol Operation lnslalllng me Ealleries Before alkampling to operele your remole oonlrol, lnsiall |he nelieries as descrlbed below. 1‘ Turn ins remeie oenirel lees dawn Using a calm lum me uanery mversllgmly mumemockwise 2. lnslall one ‘CR2032‘ ballery as shown. Make sure that proper pelaniy (+ arr) is observedl 3. Place llre oover hack and lum il dualwise unlil Mocks Inlu place, The remote oonirol will only operale inls devloes N Is nol a univeisai lemme eunhul and Mllnolmnlmlolherequlpmem. WaininglCautlon on using ballarles ~ Always ensure mal lire pauery l5 insened wiln [he posilive and nsgalivs ierminels in me conecl direction as shown in me nailery campanmenl. . wnan nailerles iaII lo iunollon. replace inern immedialely. - Keep me balleries oui oi me leach ol onildren. Should ine peiieries be swallmmad, lmmedla‘sly censull a daclon Also, when disposing niuseo belleries, please comply wiIh governmenlel regulauons or environrmnlnl public lnslrlulion rules inel apply in your oounlry/area. ~ Remove lne banalies ii lhe remote oonlrol ls not used lor a monln ar longer. MamJNJianualJouflUralLVlldool Page | 8 Button Function Descriptions MazdaVLmanualegUlafLVleoa 10 11 10 11. POWER Press Inls bullon to him me monllor an. Press lnls bullon agaln lo hllnlhe monllurull A Press lnls buuon to Iransrnll [he lemme cunlml nude; and luncllans lnr monilcrA 13 Press llils bullon (o transmit the remuLe canlrul aides and luncliuns lur mouflar 13. UP Press 1111s bu|loll lo rial/19m up when dlsplaylng a menu or file 1151 SELECT Press lhis bullon 1o make a seleelion m begin playback 0! me medla LEFT Press 1111s mm.» to nevrga1e 1911 when displaylng a menu or file llsl, DOWN Press lliis nullcn to navigale down wnen displaying a menu or Me llsl HOME Press lllls bulmn lovsmm 11: me home screen BACK Press inls bunon In go back In me pvavkms scveen RIGHT Press inrs hullcm 1e navlgals nghl when displaying a menu or iile lls1 MENU Press 016 bullon to go |o the rum menu included on 1112 dlsc Page I 9 General Operating Instructions Turning lhe monitor ON or OFF 1, ll neeessery. pivot iiie eeeen dowliwald unlil a comloriabie Viewing angle is reached. 2. Pless me POWER buiiuri on me icp panel or lhe remule coniml lo lurn the monitor all ur all When powered en. the iop panel bullons will illumlnele. 3. After lne nieniidr lies been iurned on and is displaying a pieiure. adiusi lire Viewing angle by p'ivch'ng the semen in opurnize the plclure quallly. 4. Remember in mm iha moniior oil Mien nei in use. DVD - Basic Ovarvlsw TD eer ihe rnosl use Dui oi each DVD. make sure you read inis seeiipn eeiiipieieiy. Regional Codlng Deni irie DVD playarand discs are coded by region, These regional codes musl match in order ier iris disc lo play. The sysieni is piesel in me legion code designaied lei youraree by ine DVD Copy Gorilla! Assouahun Diner regions may rlci be played in due system Type 0| Discs your rnenirerwill play: DVDsWdeD. DVD wnlflins video DVD +17 R‘ DVD eonieins video. CDVDA‘ CD ooniains audiu. Mama]7B,!IialmaLingdra'LVL7idoot Leadlng and Playing Dlscs Beiere yeu lead e eise. make sure llial ii is wmpailbia wi|h ine player. Neie lnai llie ioiidwing discs CANNOT be used i-riiri [his system Opllcal distr CDJ. CDVROM. and DVDVROM Mini dis» CDG (audio only. nei graphics) (Lisi is rim ail indlusiye) To Load and Play n Disc Press lne POWER buuon on manila! 5 ie iurn irie sysieni on Place iiie disc about hallway inie ine disc wmperlnienl siol. wiiri me disc‘s label lacing the rear oi ine venide De NOT inseri lhe disc at an angle. The disc rnusr be insened sireieni irllo llie player. Seleci DVD on nieniloi a. To miner DVD eonieni see ilie secnan ulleu “Scleen sneririg' Some discs rnay slan ai me reel menu. umere playback niusi be seieeied |o slan a movie. Depending en me dise and piaytiacx lawman on me disc. the Icon may be displayed In lhe uppenlen Dolnei or me screen Indicating that playback is nei possible during eerrain nines Page | 10 Nolas on Discs ~ To keep a disc clean. do nol much its surlece. Handle are dis: ey ils edge. - Keep your discs in lneir cases or sleeves wnen nel in use. N50. do nol sublecl disc to neallnlgn lemperalure. Avoid leamng lnem in a parked vehicle ur on a dashboaidlrear Nay. - Do nol allacn labels. or use discs Mm eiieky Ink/residue. Suen dlsll may slop spinning when used. causing a maliuncdon. or may ruin lne dlsc - DD not use any discs w‘llh lapels or suckers allached. The lollovnng malluncuons may resull lrcrn using such dim: - lnalnlily lo ejecl a :4 so (due lo a label or slicker pesllng olland jamming llre disc mechanism). - Inability to read audio data oerrecuy (i e.. playback skipping. or no playback) due lo near snrinklng or a sucker or label causing a disc lo warp. ~ Before playing. dean lne discs will. a commercially avelleele cleaning dam. Wlpe each disc lrpnr lne senlercul. Du nm use soivenrs sum as benzene, lninner. eommerelelly available deaners. or enlislalic spray inlended ler analog discs. _/ - Use only normal. dlculai discs. ll you ineen irregular. non-laurd. snaped discs lney rneylarn in the DVD player or nol play properly, llezdanLnrenuaIJ-nrmdralLVlndoa Notes on Madla Compatlbllfly Tliis syslem is wmpahhle mm the lollounng medla lovmals: Funnel Extension MP3 .mp3 WMA .wma AVI .avi FLV .llv MPEG4 .nrpg MPEG-2 .mpg MPEG-4 .mp4 JFEG .lpg BMF‘ .prnp PNG .pnfizwl] Due lo ongning lemnoiegieel edyeneemenls. some USB flash drives end SD nerds may be lncompaliule wllh oils syslern. rue |ext inlarmalmn or some audio and video lilee may not he eoneelly dlspleyed. were my be e sllgmdeiay belore playback oiulee using an SD nerd or USB llasli dnve wilh complex lolder nlerancnles. Some audio. video. and image files may be inournpalipie wi|h lrus system due lo file charavlerislics. We ldrrnal. recording sollware used. direciery slruclure. and/or lne lype oleudioneo encoding used Page | 11 Playing a DVD insert a disc into line unit witn leoel lacing |he rear olvehlcle and select DISC mode trom the source menu uslug tne iront panel ooriirols or tne remote eerriroi. osn Menu Pressing ttie SEL on ttre remote will trnrig up ttie On Screen Drepiey tosn) menu, The 050 menu oan be used to access tne teiiuwmg iunetions: Play/Pause. Fast Rewind. Fast Fatward, Previous, NexL step Repeet Once/Repeat Ali. Root Menu. Audio, Subtiue. Root Menu wtreri loading a DVD, the nrenitorvnil bring up ltre root menu (it DVD has root menu) where |he DVD (uncllorts can be Found. Play, Salad Scene, etc. Pressing BACK on the remote iulrite wald’ting a DVD will bring lire user back to ttre root menu trim/i) has root menu) Pressing BACK on the remote at the root menu will bring ltre user hack to the home page. Skipping Tracks Select the NExr icon on the 05:) Menu to eeteot to ttie next hack Select the PREV ioon one time to select ltre tregirining oi the current Hank. Select the PREV teen twice to select ttie previous treat MaIdaDLMriuanghjtaVLVHAoot Repeat Modes Tne deiauit mode tor the tapes! tunouon le retreat entire dlsc. Press the REPEAT ioon on tire remote control to select between me toiiowing optione- twill Repeal Hts current Hack. @1 Repeat the entire disc. Repeat on (no icon Is displayed). As you mess REPEAT iwni ltre repeet oplt'un changes The selected repea| option rsritatris in etleot unlJl you lum it on. Page i 12 Playing a USB Device Insen a USB device min the [an side ur me unil wiUI boHum ui the device lacing Ihe mar oi ma vehicle and seiecl me use icon (tom Ihe home page us1ng|he remote wniroi. Using me 4 , [muons on ure remole, scroll Ihrnugh la sslecl rhrr rile rype desired Movie Files Seieu a movie file by using me A v 4 > huflons on me remoie lo locate [he desired me Press SEL on me rerrrore to play «he video Ne. osu Menu Pressing me SEL on me remote will hrlng up the On Screen nispiay (osn) manu. TN? 050 menu can be used to access me ruiiowirrg [uncllorls Play/Pause. Fas| Rawindr F351 Forward, Previous. Next, Slap, Repeal Once/Repea| Au NamaNSJVianusl_lough_drafL\/L7.dqa Skipping Tracks Suieci ms NEXT icurr on me 050 Menu lo SelEC! |u Me HEX! [rack Selecl the PREV Imn mm lims |o ssieer the beginning 01 me current track. Seieci me PREV Icon mice In seiecr me previous \Iack. Repeat Manes Tha derauii mode ior me repeat (unclion Is repear enflre disc. Press me REPEAT icon on “IE IEmU‘e con|roi 10 Sealed between me Mowing options: [m3] Rspsai me cuuan| «rack. @ Repeal me enlire disc. Repeal on (no lmn Is displayed). As you press REPEM icon, Ihe repeal option arranges The seiecred repeal opxiarr remains in eiieci umrl you lum H o". Page | 13 Audlo Flles Selectan audio file by using the A V4» buttons nu ma remote |o locate the dashed me. Press SEL on (he remcle (a ptay Ihe sumo ma bsn Menulcwfl Plasstng me SEL an me remote w‘tu hung up the On Semen Dismay (osu) menu. The 050 menu can he used to access the mum'ng (unchans’ Play/Pause. Plat/nus Maxi. stup. Repeal Once/Repeat AH. Audit: Mamanuwnuaermnjramvx mm Phnlos Select a phuln by using lhe A V 4» humans on me remote to locate the desired filev Press SEL on the remota (a satsct |ha photo, H [have Is mole than one pholo on the demos, ma unlt \th pray the files In a siideshuw To slop on a cemtn photo. press the 050 button on ma remulE and sated the pause «eon bsn ManuIcws] Ftessing Ihe SEL on one remote witl brlng up me On Screen Dtsplay (OSD)menu The OSD menu can he used to access the tenowtng tunctims: PlaylPsuse. Prevtous‘ Next Rotate Countamlockwsse an: Relate Clockwise an“: Zoom In. zoom out Page I 14 Playing a SD Card ineen it St: eeru into the ieii side oi ine unit win bottom oi ine device iaong ine veai oi iiie veiiieie and selecl me so icon irorn iire irorne page using ins remoie contmL Using itie 4 > bulions on ma mmoie, scioll through to select the iiie type desired. MDVIE Files Seieoi a movie file by using the A v 4» humans on iire remote in iocaie ine desired nie press SEL on me remoie in play the video tiles osn Menu Pressing ine SEL on tire renoio will bring up the On Screen Dispiay (OSD) menu. me use menu can he used in access the ioiiewing iunoiions: Play/Pause, Fasi Rewind, Fest Forwaid. Previous. Nexi, Stop. Repeei OnoelRepeei All MawaJN,mannaLvmthvaLVl.7dw Sklpplng Tracks Seieci ine NEXT roon an the 050 Menu in seieci to iiie nsxi track. Seieot ine PREVicon one iime to selecl are beginning ei ine current [rack Seated iiie PREV Icon twice in select ine previous track, Repeai Modes The default mode ior iiie iepeai [uncliun is repoai oniire disc, Press the REPEAT icon on itie remote conimi In select between the lotiowing opiions Icwsi Repeal ine culrenl (tack. @i Repeei the entire disc. Repeat oii (no ioon is displayed). As you press REPEAT Icon, ine repeei option changes. Tne seieoied repeat option remains in eiieoi uniil you iurn it o". Page | 15 Audlo Flles Seleclan audlo me by using line A v4» buttons all me remole |u lucale lne desired rile. Press SEL on ma remote lo play me audio file losl) Menulcwn Pressing me SEL on me lelm|e will bring up me on Scleen Display (OSD) menu. The osu menu can be used lo mess Ihe lollawlng lullohons. play/pause. Prevlous. Nexl, Stop, Repeal Ones/Repeal All. Audo MazdamflunualJalngrale/mw Pholns Select a plum by using me A v 4 > bullens on [he remdle |o locale (he desired file. Press SEL an lne lemme h) selecl llre pthD ll mere is male man one pholo on me devloe. lire unit will play llre files in a slldeslrow. To slap on a certain plmlo. press lhe osn lumen on lhe remole and selecl lne pause loan. 'psn MsnuInva] Pressing lire SEL on me remole l-n'll bring up lne On Screen Display (osn) menu. The 030 menu can be used in acmss lire lullounng luncllons: Flay/Pause. Previous, Nuxl, Rdlsla Connlamlockl‘nse an: Rolale Clocnwise 90: Zoom ln. Zoom Oul. Page | 15 Playing a Data Disc insen a disc Into lhe unit i-nin iaoei inning Die reai oi veii‘icie and eeieoi the DVD icon iioni me home page using the ienioie coniroi. Using [he 4» bullons on me ienioie. somii lhiough io seieci ine iie type deslred Movle Files Select a movla me by using me A v 4 > bufluns un ine remole to locate uie desired «is. Piess SEL on me remoie to play ine video file. osn Menu Pressing iiie SEL on [he lemme will bring up me On Scieen Dispiay (usui menu. The 059 menu can be used to accessine ioiiowing runciions: May/Pause. Fasi Rewind. Fasl Furwaid, Fievious, Nsxl. Skip. Previous, Repeal Once/RepeatAii, Rooi Menu. Audio. Submie. MaldalmjianvaLvu/ghjraILVAJim Skipping Tiacks Seisci the NEXT Icon on me 059 Menu io seieci to me nexi uaok. Seiect ins PREV ieari one lime to selecl me beginning 01 the tuner“ Hack, SEIec| me PREV icon iwioe to seieci Ihe previous [rack Repeat Mndes ine deiauit niode ior the repesi iiincunn ie repaa| eniire dlsc. Press ine REPEAT icon on tne remote coniroi to sslaci hslwaen ine ioiiewing npuons' Repeai me cuiieri| lrack. @ Repeai ine entire disc. Repeal on (no loan is dismayed). As you press REPEAT icon. iiie iepeai opiion cnengee. iris seiecied tepesi nplluil remains in eiieei uniii you iurn ii on. Page | 17 Audlo Fries seieci an audio me by using the A v 4 > muons an In: remore |o Iucsre rne desired file. Press SEL on me remote in may «he audio we. 1050 Miami Pressing the SEL on the remote \le Dung up me On Screen Display (OSD) menu The OSD menu can be used In access lhe (oilmving runaions. Play/Pause. Previous. Nexl. srop. Repeal Once/Repeal Au, And 0 MazdaWSJMnuaLlaughjraQLV|Jfiou Pllnms Ssieci a more by using Ina A v < > huilons an we remore lo locale the desired me. Press SEL on tha mmole in select the phalo ir mare is more man one pnnio an the device. the unir win play [he tries in a sirdesnow. To siop on a cenain piroro. press me 050 hullan an [he remuie and ssieci me pause icon. psi) Marni Piessing me SEL on [he rermre wiii bring up me On Sueen oispiay (05m menu. The osn menu can he used to access the [enema (Motions. rainy/Pause, Previous, Nexr, Roisie Cnumsrclochv‘ise 90'. Rome Clackwise an? Zoom in. Zoom Out. Page | 18 Screen Sharing To awess screen sharing and View ine contents or a semnd moniier, scmll inrougn lilo icon Mini and select me Monllor icon ii screen snanng IS avaiiahie [he Monlim icon wiil be visible. il ll Is mi ava‘lahie the icon will become grey and not selwabie as il will be skipped oven-lime smiling iineugn me icons. seiecnng the screen sharing icon on mormor A wiil dispiay me comenis ni manila! e and vine vaisa Nate (hm bulb manners cannot be scleen sharing in me same iime. To exil 1mm sueen sharing. seieci me monitor inn: is dispiaying shaved oonieni and press me am human on the remoia Connecting an External AIV Source MHL 2.0 with HDMI Using an HDMI cabia. mnnect an exiemai A/V source by using me MHL 2 a port on me Ieii side olme monitor Seieei ine HDMI icon [mm ”is home page in View ine exismai souroe. MaldzNLmanuaerlghfiraLWJma Charging a USE! Device Plug Ihe USE cable [nol suppiieu) Inin me USE purl cm the Veil side DI the mummy and men connect me omav and h) me usa device. Nola: Depending on me device, ii may or may uol charge when oonnecied lo we use pofl Nu! ali dewees ave able in charge when wnnacledln me use pen Rainy |u ms duwmenlaiion Ihai came wilh yam USB device iur more iniumiaunn Page | 19 Settings Settings Menu Select the Settings icon horn the home screen lnthis menu several pages may he entered to change the system settings. The Syslem Prelereiice page is [of changing language. The WI-Fl' page is tur crealing access points and pairing mobile devices. The Audio page allows the user In enable the FM transmitter anu selecting the Picture icon enters the picture adjustment menu where the user can auiust picture settings System Prelerenee The System prelerence page allows the user to select the tanguage tor the monitor using the A v buttons. The languages available are English. French. Spanish. Traditional Chinese. anu simpiihee Chinese. ‘ane: WI-Fi settings page is available only on monitor A MemmJnenuaLmugh_dialLvttmeor Picture Selecting the Plclure teen displays the picture settings page where the user can seluet tram Adjustment. Becklight, Color Mode. and Reset, The three pidure settings menus allow the user to egiust the monitor picture while the Reset lean puts ell settings back to the enamel teetery presets. Page I 20
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.4 Linearized : Yes XMP Toolkit : Adobe XMP Core 5.6-c015 84.159810, 2016/09/10-02:41:30 Create Date : 2017:11:01 14:55:46-04:00 Creator Tool : RICOH Aficio MP C3502 Modify Date : 2017:11:01 14:46:42-07:00 Metadata Date : 2017:11:01 14:46:42-07:00 Producer : RICOH Aficio MP C3502 Document ID : uuid:d844384d-5cb5-432f-a701-1d0106d31b68 Instance ID : uuid:089239b1-1364-4236-aad5-0e4d42531611 Format : application/pdf Page Count : 20 Creator : RICOH Aficio MP C3502EXIF Metadata provided by