IT YOU NEED FURTHER ASSISTANCE, CONTACT OUR CONSUMER RELATIONS DEPARTMENT: Taluphnrll: I.B71.B75.2557. Monday - rrrdsy, 7 so am - 5 so pm Facrtrc rrme Mall: lAkhs Consumer Relations 21749 Baker Parkway, Industry, CA 91739 Please include your name, address and phone number E—rnall consumersoiakks com — Please include your name, address and phone number rms eourpmenr has been rested and round to camply wlih the llrrllts tor a class a orgrrar oevrce, pursusnr to Part is or the rcc Rules. rhese llmlts are oesroneo to provrde reasonable protectlon agalnst narmtur Interrerence In a resldentlal Installztlnn rmseourpmentgenerates, uses, and can raurait raoro inquencyenergyano, Ir not Installed and used In accordance wrih the InstruLtlons, may reuse harmrur Inrerrerenca to radlo communlcztlnns however, there Is nuguarantee that lnterterence wlll not occur In a partlcular InstaIIatIon. It tnls ednrpmentooes cause narmtur Inlerlerencc lD radlo or lelcvlslol’l leceptlnl’l, whlch can be delerl’nlncd by lllrnlng the enulpnlenl Q” and rrI'I, Inc user Is cnrnllraged lo try In Correct the Interlererlce by one or more or the roIIoump, measures: o Reoneni or relocate the recclylng antenna c Increase the separallurr between the equlpnlenl and receiver 0 Connect the Etlulpnrent Into an outlet on s clrcult dllterent lrorn that to whlch the recelver Is connected or Consult the dealer or an cxperlenced radlo rv rerhmcran tor help smeroed cables must be used wlth thls unlt to ensure cumpllance wlth the Class e rcc llrrllts Thlsdevlbc comorres Wlth Fart I5ol the rec Rures. Operatlon Is siroiect ID the IoIIorvmg lwocondlllbns. Ill tllls devrce may not cause harnrtul Inielterence, and (2) lhls devlce must accept any Interterence recanted, Incllldlng Intertercnce that may cause undeslred nperstlon Changes or nourrrtanons to rms urlll not expressly approved by the party resporlsrble lor comprranre touru yDId the user‘s zuthorlty to operate the eourpment KKS PACIFIC, IN ELECTRONICS T rhhnks roR PURCHASlNu A chEAr RRupuEr FROM JAKKS PACIFIC INC PLEASE IMMEDIATELV REGISTER your? PRuDunr GNLINE Ar WWW ULTIMOTIEIN COM/REGISTER REGISTRATIDN Is Nor REouIREb rcR rhE ErrEcrIvENEss or rhls LIMIrED WARRArtrr lMPoRrArlr NOTICE ro CONSUMER: THIS LIMITED WARRANTY APPLIES TO THE ORIGINAL PRODUCT PURCHASER. PROVIDED THE PRODUCT: I) WAS PURCHASED rnoM AN Aurltonlen JAKKS PAclrlcm DISTRIBUTOR IDEALER rnErAlLEn. ArtD zl ls REruRNEn Ar rDuR EXPENSE, PosrAGE PRE-RAln AND INSURED. ALone wrrtl rttE oRlclNAL DArEo sALEs nEcElrr, PLEASE sAVE A copy or rtmR ORIGINAL SALES RECEIPT, AS THE ORIGINAL RECEIPT WILL NOT BE RETURNED TO YOU. IF THE PRODUCT IS RETURNED TD us wrnlour rllE ORIGINAL DATED sALEs RECEIPT, lr WILL BE EkcLunEp FROM rltls WARRAer coVERAaE. IF THE PRoDUcr ls DErERMluED to BE nEFEcerE, WE WILL (Ar ouR orrlotll REPAIR on REPLACE n, RETURN slllrMENr MAll TAKE LIP TD 6 WEEKS, DEPENDING UPON VDUR LOCATION IF YOUR PRODUCT IS REPAIRED DR REPLACED, IT WILL BE WARRAhrEn FOR TNE LONGER or THE ORIGINAL WARRANTV on ran to DAlIs AFTER WARnAnrr sEercE, W The product Is warranted to be tested and Inspected belore shrpment and to be tree or detects In materral and workmanship ror 90 days rrom date or purchase Ir a covered delect occurs WIIhIn the warranty perrod, then at our sole optron, we wIll reparr or replaceihe product or provrde you wrth another product oi Equal value Wagons warranty Is voId II the product has been modIiIed or repaired by user or others or ir It has been damaged asa result or accrdenl, immersron In water, neglect. douse. misuse, battery leakage, Improper battery Installation, unauthorized servrce, loss or parts, weather, acts or God, any actIon or omrssion whrch constrtutes a devIatIon lrom the operatrng Instructrons, or any other causes not arIsIng out or derects In workmansnrp or materials EX L J§IQN§ FROM LIMITED WARRANTY: Thls Warranty ls Excluswe DI and In Ileu of all other Express or Implled warrantles related to thls product, rncludrng any IrrIplIed warrantres or merchantabrlity or rItness tor a partrcular purpose Specral, Incrdental and consequentrsl damages arIsIng rrom possession, use, or mallunclron or lhIs product are excluded both lor property damage and personal Injury to the extent legally permrlled mmoumALM-Jnrs warranty provrdes specrrrc legal rrghts. you may have other rrghts In your state or country Some states andlor counlrres do not allow excluslorl or limrlatron or al Incidental, specral and conseouentral damages, or bl duralron or an Implred warranly, so the above exclusrons or limrtatroris may not apply lo you dawn]; ll you ekperrence product drrrrcultres or have questlons or comments you may contact our Consumer Relatrons department as rollows Phone 877—875—2557 (toll—tree. North Amerlca only] or 909—594—7771 x 560 lMor’Iday—Frlflay, 7 30AM—A 3OPM Pacltlc I GMT . BI Marl JAKKS Pacrtlc, inc Consumer Relatrons. 217A9 Baker Parkway. Walnut, Calllornla usA 91739 EmaIi consumersoiakks com WHEN WRITINfi TQ U§= Please Include 1) product name, 2] Item number, 3I purchase date, Al GESCIIDIIOI’I OI the problem oerng experlenced, and 5) your name, address and phone number Additronally, Il elrgrble under the warranty and so advrsed by Consumer Relatrons, also Include the delectrve product and the ORIGINAL dated sales receipt evIdencrnE producl purchase Please relarn a copy or your Iecerpt Contents may vary In style color, shape and decoratron rrom Images shown on package or In advertrsrng anestrons or comments7 www Iakks conr, consumersoyokks com. or 1-877-875-2557 In North Amerrca W h to 2005 Super Happy Fun Fun, Inc Austin, TX 75759 usA Developed by Supernappyrunrun ALL RIGHTS RESERVED rho ratings icon is a trademark at tho Entertainment Sohvvore Assoclalibn All other symbols, marks, loans. and dcsrpns Icollacnvcly "Trsdumarks‘l are rradamorks or Add prbprletsrv to then respacnve owners and used under lIcenae by JAKKS Paclllc, Inc ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Super Happy Fun Fun Is , TM & to zoos Super Happy Fun Fun. Inc Austin, TX 78759 uSA Conlorrns to ASTM rsoa MADE IN CHINA °o 90 DAY LIMITED WARRANTV EuEnruliE ull ll ULTIM’C—v 1. Insert fresh batteries into both the Controller and the Game Console. 2. Turn the Game Console on by pressing the bar-shaped Power Button. 3. Turn the Controller on by pressing the A Button CONTROLLER STATUS INDICATOR OFF 7 Controller is OFF/SLEEPING BLINKING SLOWLV — Controller ls ON BLINKING RAPIDLV — Controller is SVNCING wlth Game Console ON SOLID — Error — See Restart/syncing instructions in the Troubleshooting section or on the bottom at the Game Console A BUTTON - CONTROLLER POWER BUTTON B BUTTON If the Controller is not used alter several minutes, Sleep Mode is automatically initiated and the Status Indicator will turn off. DIRECTIONAL PAD (Ill-PAD) MENU BUTTON PIT-55 and Hold for 5 seconds to turn the Controller OFF SYNC BUTTON GAME OONSOLE POWER BUTTON -While replacrng batterres, drsoonnecl the Av cord lrom the TV or turn the power off. cll you experlence dlrrlcultles, reset the Console by turning It on and on agaln. GAME CONSOLE CONTROLLER Wall E INST STANDARD DIELINE ©2008 JAKKS Pacific, Inc. Malibu, CA 90265 Item 01.10.08 ULTIM EEC-ii 5 MOTION CONTROLLED VIDEO GAME A . — . mun"— Ready to play like a pro? With UltiMo nWSwing Zone Sports, you'll ., be able to throw, swing, and hit like a superstar. Each game puts you right in the middle of all the action. TROUBLESHOOTING liEsrAlrr/srtlnlltri lllsnlumlns It the game Is not respondrng to the controller or rr the controller's LED Is on solid, It may have loot sync Follow these steps to reSlec: Step 1 Turn on the game console and turn It back on aparn. Step 2: Press the A button on the controller. Step 3: ii sync has not been le—establlshed after about 30 seconds, press and hold both the a Button and Menu Button on the controller. (Thls should cause the controllers LED to blrnk roprdlyl While stlIl holdIrig the B Button and Menu Bhultcmr press the Sync Button on the Game console lor I second, then release the B Sutton and Menu Button on t a control Er. Wart several seconds lor the contmller to sllempt to sync Wlth the game console. Once the game and cuntmller have synced. the red LED lIght on the controller should be blInkIng slower (once every 2 seconds), it sync has still not been established, press the pin hole Button located on the back slde or the Controller uslng the tip of a pencrl or paper clip. Repeat steps 1-3 and make sure both the contmller and console have rrush battorres Installed l. eunuch-Inc lu- W or m Il‘ you have plugged the Audio/video cable Irl properly, but strll cannot gel the product to work, the rollorring additional steps mrght need to be taken depending on the make and model or your TV and/or VCR: A Common to Satellrte systems may Interfere wlth reception. Again, dependtng on the make and model or your TV arid/or VCR, you may need to dlsconnect or turn OFF the Satellite system. Then you will need to reconnect the UlllMollon" Recerver as Indicated above, B. lr your TV has an oplron ror ”Games" or "Games Systems," you may need to turn thls reature on or the producl may not work. you may need the origrnal remote control ror your N to xccss this reature. c If you have an older TV set that does not have Audio or video inputs, then you erI need to purchase an adapter called an “RF Modulator" These can be purchased lrom most malor eleclronrc stores, lr none or the above suggestlons work, please contact your TV rnanutacturer‘s customer service department Prom-ml all-r pour-g coriri-ctod it you have successfully connected the Ulthollon" Re error to or TV or VCR and have been able to use It, bul suddenly experrence a distortion. such as “ghostlrlg” or Iadln n the Images onscreen, the battcrles may need lo be replaced, When mplactng the batterres, use only NEW baitcrres and dIspose or the old batlonos properly, Please rerer lo the back page or the Instructions lor the type or batterles to use. IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION: ZBWAIIIIIIIE: SEIZURE - A small percentage of lrldlvlduals may expcrlcnce cpllcptlc sellures when exposed to certaln light patterns or llashrng lights, Exposure to ccrtarn patterns or backgrounds on a television screen or thle playing video games, lrlcludlng games played an the Ulthotlon’“ System, may induce an epileptic seizure in these indlvlfluals. Certalrl conditions may induce previously undetected epileptic seizure orsymptoms In these lndlvlduals or In persons who have no hrslory or prror serzures or epilepsy. ll you oranyone in your lsmily has an eprleplrc condrtron, consult your physrcran prIDr to playing. ll you or anyone In your iamlly experlence any or the following symptoms whlle using the UltIMoticn'" System — dlzzirless, altered vlsion, eye or muscle twitches, loss or awareness, dlsorierltdtlorl, any Involuntary movement or convulsrons — lMMEolATELr discontrnue use and consult your physIcIan berore resuming play. To reduce the Ilkellhodd at a seizure while playing With the Ulthotlon" System: 1. Srt or stand as tar erm the screen as possrble. 2. Use the UlthotIon" System in a well—llt room and on the smallest avallable screen. 3. Do not play It you are tired. 4. Take a 10 to 15 minute break every hour, wrlllllllln: llArrElrr um: - Battery acrd leakage can personal In Iury and cause damage to your UItiMotIon‘“ Controller, console and surroundlng properly. Il battery leakage occurs, thoroughly wash any alrected skln, maklngsvre to keep battery acid away then eyes, ears, nose and mouth. lmmedrotely wash any clothrng or other surlaoe that comes into contact wlttl leaked battery acrd. Leaking batteries may make “popping” sounds. TI! Avlllll BATTERY FRDBLEMS, NEllEl't: -Mlx old and new batterles or dllierent brands at batteries -Mlk alkaline, sundard icarbpnqlncl arid rechargeable rnlckel-cadmiuml hatterles -Use rechargeable batterles with this product -Dlspose ol batterles In tire, Batteries may leak and explode. -Dlsassemble or modlty the product as this could veld the user's authority to operate the equipment —Leave batteries in the handheld unlt and console tor long pcrlol‘ls la week or more) at non-use. -Leavethe handheld unlt and console ON alter the batteries have lost thelr charge, -Put batteries in backwards by placing the negative i-) battery pole into the posltive (+) receptor slot, TI] AVIIID BATTERY PROBLEMS. ALWAVS: have an adult Install and change the batteries. —Turn on the console when you llnlsh usrng it. Replace all batteries at the same tlme. -lrlsert batteries accordlrlg to the instructions in your Instructlprls Set—lip. ll FRONT Wall E7 INST STANDARD ARTWORK ©2008 JAKKS Pacific, Inc. Malibu, CA 90265 Item 01.10.08 ULTIMOTION'” CONTROLLER INSERT 2 NEW “WA BATTERIES (not included) lltrn THE UlTIMI‘ITII'III'” anTRDLLER Only adults should install and change the batterles. Using a small screwdriver, loosen the screw and remove the battery compartment cover from the back otthe unit. Install the batteries by matching the polarity icons on the balterles WlttI those in the pattery compartment Once you have replaced the cover and tightened the screw. your ultiMotionM Controller is ready tor play. ULTIMOTION" RECEIVER THE SWING ZONE Before you swing for the fences or send these bowling plns flying, be sure to follow the simple safety steps below. 0 Give yourself a 8—ft. wide space to perform all your sports’ motions. Keeping within a szt. swing zone will help ensure everything stays in one piece. iltsm 4 NEW A M " limmtts iltm THE uttilitotion'"tttctivttt only adults should install and change the batteries. Unscrew the compartment (located underthe console) with a small screwdriver. install the battelles oy matching the polarity icons on the oattery with the polarity icons inside the console. Replace and iesecure the battery cover. CONNECT THE RECEIVER TO A TV I]! VCR l The Audlo/Vldeo caole which plugs into the console has ayellow input and a white input To plugthe Audlo/Video caole ; into Wu! rv oi vcn plug the yellow input into the indeo IN (whlch isa yellow outlined hole on yuurTVor VCR) and plug . the white input into the Audio lN (which is a white outlined hole on your W or vcnl. . UNEF. "IE All CABLES m ciiltltrcrro TU TIIE rv tilt VCR 1 you may need to select the appropriate ”Llne-lrl source." To do this. rirsttuiir on the Recelver. i a. For multiple input televisions i Set your TV to either channel 3 or 4. depending on which channel you use to watch your videos. ln most 1 cases you will need the original TV remote. Turn OFF your Satellite system. or in some cases. dlscorlrlect it i trorri the TV On TVs wlIh multiple inputs. there is usually a outton labeled “Input". "Source". “Aux" i “video". or “Game " selecting one ot these outtons will normally oring the game up on the screen. v may ; need (0 press the button mole than once The game usually plays through your ”Video 1". ”Video 2". Llne 1 “Line 2". or ”Auxiliary" source. If your remote does not have one of these buttons. try keylng in "oil" or “DI" using the numoer pad on wur remote control it after these steps the game falls to appear on the screen. you can choose the down arrow on your remote control or TV and go below Channel t. it your channels are programmed properly. you should see a “blue screen". lollowed try one otthe sources mentioned aoove. Cpnllnue channeling down and the game will appear on screen. it you get a numoer as opposed to one ot the sources previously mentioned. you may need to reprogram your rv channels through your "auto programming" button. which is usually located on your TV; it not. retei to your owner's manual or contact the TV manufacturer. ti. single input televisions on tvs with only 1 input source. there is usually a hutton that says "Llrle' Llrle In" or “Line/ANT“ or “Input" on the remote control It this hutton exists. pressing it should select ine ln“ as the active source and you should see the game on screen. lr your remote does not have one ofthese outtons or something similar, try changingthe channel to “00" or "01" using the numoer pad on your remote control in most cases. you will need the original remote to your TVto access the menu. ltyou do not have the original remote control. then the Owner‘s Manual for yourTV Should prdvlde instructions on how to do thls Wlthout the remote control. it the steps above do not work. consult the owner's manual for your TV to determine how to select the line input for your piano and model. it this still does not resolve the proolem. contact the customer service support Line for your television manutacturei c. vctwvn Connection Set up your television as it you were going to watch a tape trom your vcn/uvo. You may need to press the “TV/VCR" outton so that you are viewlrlg the vcn‘s output on your TV screen Using the vcn/ovo remote control. look tor a button that says "tine" or “Line in" or “Linertnr” or “Input" or “Source " Presslrlgthls outton should select ”Line in" as the source tor the vcnrbvo. You should then see the game on screen. ln most cases. you will need the original remote to your vcn/ovoto access the menu. ll you do not have the original remote control. then the Owners Manual for your vcn/ovo should provide instructions on how to do this Without the remote control tr the steps above do not work. consult the manulacturer‘s guide tor your VCR/DVD to determine how to Select the line Input let your brand and model If this Still does not resolve the problem. contact the Cuslorrler Service Support Line. for your vcn/ovo manutacturer. A'I'I'ACHING ACCESSORY HANDLES TO THE CONTROLLER RELEASE BUTTON ADDITIONAL TIPS I. Depending on your type or iv or VCR/DVD. the ”Vldeo hi" and "Audio lri“ inputs will be located in dirterent places. but usually they are located in the back ot the TV or ch/ovo. z. lI you are connecting your uttiMolion'" Receiver oy plugging it into the AV outlets on your VCR/DVD player. you will need to make sure your VCR/DVD player is on or it will not work a. it you areconnectingyour UlllMpllpn'" Recelverdirectlyta yourW. outtnere isacaole box alsoconnected to yourTV. Insert the Controller into the handle. wrist strap end first. Press the top of the you will need to access the “Setup" menu and change the source or the input lust as you would it you were using a VCR or DVD. in most cases. you will need the original remote to your TV to access the menu lryou do not have the original Controller down into the handle until you hear a on“ ' Be sure the WIISI strap remote control. then the Owner‘s Manual tor yourTV should provide instructions on howtu do this without the remote Ff-properly protrudes from the end of the accessory handle. control ' 4 lmage Burning or “Ghostlng” (for all rvs. out especially lor plasma TVs]: lI you are not actively playingthe game. turn the game ott Never leave the game on your tv set tor an extended period or time. as this may cause the image to “burn" into the screen Consult your tv owner's manual To remove the Controller, simply press the release button and lift. I0 " 3 7 STRAP YOURSELF IN Better warm up that arm, hero! Here's your chance to show off your quarterback skills. You’ll get 5 footballs to throw at the targets. The more targets you hit. the more points you get. MENU: Single Player — > Choose Character Two Player - > Choose Character Optlons - > Reset Ranking or Audlo Orl/Off Rankings - > See High Scores IN-GAME: thst Controller LerRight , Moves Left/Right. (You can also use the D»Pad to move Left/Right.) Menu Button 7 Pauses the game The wrist strap WlII prevent you from losing your grip on the remote. Put it on prior to beginning each game. Once on your wrist. use the strap lock to tighten the controller so it will be more secure when in use. and less likely to be let go durlng any rapid motions that occur during game play. When sharing the remote with multiple players. be sure each player takes the time to properly tighten the strap onto their wrist. THROWING THE BALL: Grip the Controller with your throwing hand. just like you would hold a football. and do a throwing motion to throw the ball. Be sure not to let go of the Controller! TIPS : Aim for the dead center of each target to get extra balls. The furthest targets are worth the most points, so go deep. Great! You're all set. The screen will take you to the Main Menu where you'll see all 5 sports you can play. Step 1: Press the A button to activate the Controller. (The Controller Status Indlcator should blink fast then slowly if working properly. If the Indicator is solid, please refer to the syncing instructions in the troubleshooting section.) Step 2: Move Up/Down on the D-pad to move the cursor and hlghlight your choice Step 3: Press the A button to make your selection Step 4: Choose the characters and number of players Step 5: Attach the right accessory for your sport and get ready to have fun! During game play. press the Menu button to pause the game. Choose Resume Game to resume playing. You also have the option to turn the Audio ON/OFF. BACK — FRONT STANDARD DIELINE STANDARD ARTWORK ©2008 JAKKS Pacific. Inc. Malibu. CA 90265 ©2008 JAKKS Pacific, Inc. Malibu, CA 90265 Item 01.10.08 Item 01.10.08 i i Batter Up! Hey champ, keep your eye on the bail. You'll get 10 pitches to hit as many home runs as you can. The more times you knock it out of the park, the more points you get. MENU: Single Player - > Choose Character Two Player - > Choose Character Options - > Reset Ranking or Audio On/Off Rankings - > See High Scores IN-GAME: A Button —Next Pitch Menu Button 7 Pauses the game SWINGING THE BAT: Grip the Controller with both hands just like you would hold a bat. Swing the Controller as the ball crosses the plate and get ready for the fireworks. Let's see that overhand smash! Just make sure you've got lots of room to swing your Controller and hit those awesome shots over the net! MENU: Single Player 7 > 1, 3, or 5 sets 7> Choose Character Options 7 > Reset Ranking or Audio OnIOff IN-GAME: A Button 7 Toss ball to serve Menu Button 7 Pauses the game THE SERVE: Hold the Controller (racquet) in your swinging hand. Make an upward motion with the Controller and come down in a serving motion. Vou can also press the A button to serve. THE RETURN: When the ball is hit to you, swing the Controller in a level, forward motion. TIPS : Hitting the ball early will make a sharp angle shot. Hitting the ball later makes a straighter shot. With the Controller PARALLEL to the ground, you will perform a normal shot. With the Controller tilted DOWN slightly, you will perform a low, fast shot. With the Controller tilted UP slightly, you will perform a high lob shot. BACK STANDARD DIELINE 02008 JAKKS Pacific, Inc. Malibu. CA 90265 Item 01.10.08 Throw some strikes! You’ll get 10 frames to send those pins crashing and flying. The more pins you knock down, the more points you get. MENU SELECTIONS: Single Player - > Regular Bowling or Bumper Bowling -> Choose Character Two Player - > Regular Bowling or Bumper Bowling -> Choose Character Options - > Reset Ranking or Audio On/Off Rankings - > See High Scores IN-GAME: Left/Right 7 Move bowler position/change throwing angle A Button 7 Hold then release to bowl B Button 7 Go back one screen Menu Button — Pauses the game HOW TO KNOCK ‘EM DOWN: 1. Hold the Controller in your throwing hand. 2. Set your position and aim the ball. Press left or right to move the bowler and/or change the throwing angle. Press the A button to lock in that position. 3. Get rolling! Raise the Controller and keep the A button pressed as you swing your arm backward. Bring your arm forward and release the A button to throw the ball down the lane. TIP: When swinging your arm fonward, twist the Controller left or right to add spin to the ball. Tee It Up! Show them you’re the master of the greens every time you send the ball soaring. Choose your golf club and decide how hard to hit the bail. Just be sure to stay away from the dreaded water and sand traps. MENU: Single Player - > Choose Character Two Player - > Choose Character Options - > Reset Ranking or Audio On/Off Rankings - > See High Scores IN—GAME: Up/Down 7 Switches clubs Left/Right 7 Changes aiming direction SWING THE GOLF CLUB: Hold the Controller With both hands, Just like you would a golf club. Hold the A button to step up to the ballt SWING the Controller to hit the ball (you can let go of the A button once the ball is in flight). GOLF POINTERS: Be sure to use the power meter and mini-map to determine how far the ball will go when you hit it. o~ ms GREEN FRONT Wall E 0131 STANDARD ARTWORK 92000 JAKKS Pacific, Inc. Malibu, GA 90265 Item 01.10.08
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