Jingneng Telecom Technology Co 2420 2.4 GHz 40-Channel Cordless Phone with CID and DAM User Manual
Shenzhen Jingneng Telecom Technology Co Ltd 2.4 GHz 40-Channel Cordless Phone with CID and DAM Users Manual
Users Manual
STOP... DON'T TAKE ME BACK TO THE STORE. LOOK... FOR THE TOLL-FREE IIELP TELEPHONE NUMBER. LISTEN... AS THE EXPERTS TALK YOU THROUGH PROBLEM. For immediate answers to your questions regarding nperauon‘ misslng parts or installation,ca|l SOUTHWESTERN BELL FREEDOM PHONE RETAIL SALES HELP LINE AT: 1-800-366-0937 Monday- Friday 8:30a.m-9:00p.m EST Saturday 8:30arm-12130pm EST http:/lwww.swb freedomphonexom Southwestern Bell Freedom phone 7475N.Glen Harbor Blvd , Glendale, AZ 85307 Southwestern Bell Freedom Phoneo 2.4GHz Cordless Telephone with Call Waiting Caller ID And Digital Answering System GH2420C Owner’s Manual Toll-Free Help Line 1-800-366-0937 http:l/www.swareedomphone.com GHMZOC Printed in China CON NTS TRUC'IIONS When using your telephone equipment, basie safety precautions should always IMPORTANT SAFETY 1NSTRUCTIONS.. ‘I be followed to reduce th nsk offire, electric shook and injury to persons. SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS FOR BATTER” . , 4 including the following: NAME OF CONTROLS AND INDICATIONS .. .. . . .. 5 l. Do not use this product near water, for example, nearabnth tub, wash bowl, FCC WANTS YOU TO KNOW -------- 8 kilchen sink. or laundry tub. in a wet basement, or neara swimming pool zi Avoid using a telephone (other than a enrdless type) during an eleetrical slnrmt W There may be a remote risk ofeleetrie shock from lightning, FEATURES m 3 Do nntuse the telephone to report a gas leak m the vicinity ofthe leak. nox am N _ . A , I, 4. Use only the power eord and batteries indicated in this manual, Do not dispose mgTALLATmN _ . . . . A H otbarreries in a fire. They may explode. Cheek with lucal codes for possible special dtspnsal instructions. OPERATINGINSTRUCTIONS i 5»CAUTI0N Danger orexplnsiun ifballcry is ineorreetly replaced CALLER ”3 SETUP . . . . , , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I“ Replace Dnlywuh the some orcquivalcnt type recommended by the TELEPHONE OPERATION . .. . .. . 2I manufmum yfmggfiga‘gsfflm .. . . . g Dispose ofuscd batteries aECDrdmg to “11: manufacturer's instmclmns. ANSWERING SVSTERM OPERATION 45 MESSAGE PLAVBACK 49 TONE REMOTE OPERATION TROUBLESHOOTING PRODUCTCAR LIMITED WARRANT SERVICE o u WALL MOUNTTEMPLATE .. .. CAUTION ________——— Use only a Southwestern Bell Freedom phoneo approved hatlery pack ttt ttte handset ot your Gil-[2420 Cordless Telephone. To reduce the risk or fire or personal injury. read and follow these instructions 1. Use only n Southwestern Bell Freedom Phone» approved Nickel Metal Hydride battery pack in the handset of your cordless lelephonel For HANDSET UNIT: GP Ni-MH Battery GP60AAAHJBMX 3.6V, 600mAh 2. Do not dispose orthe battery In a fire, as it may explode Check wllh local codes for possible spectal disposal instructions 3. Do not open or mutilate the bettery. Released elcctmlyu: is corrosive nod may cause damage to tile eyes and slort it may be tonic ifswallnwcdl 4. Exercise care in handling batteries in order not H) short the battery with conducting materials such as rings, bracelets and keys. The battery or conduction material may overheat and cause bums 5. Charge the battery provtded with or identified (or use with this product only in accordance with the instructions and limitations specified in this manual. fit Observe proper polarity orientation between the Battery Pack and battery chargeri Earplece PRG (Program) Slls lhe mm m In pmgrlmmfl med. TALK tistrtst etsot tttmtnttstatts KEYPAD Dllllnuhuflhhs i____ und lo mm m. tullul toinelen- mete teitnyu mvlgwm; cillel lD minim-lib“ Antenna NEW CALL LED Flasher in rodent. mug ire eallt that "at, rlnl lei been tsttewed LCD Dliplaylndll‘alol Review Memmy temll toltonet vglum] m p ClD BUTTON mllrctllttlnllnmtntt wllhnnlfllAm/Mbfl Uuu H7 tntnge IM unlillnq rotor-ti when you to. lefleltnm min-tony MIMI":kinhlflvllileilwmnllly ”EVE . c t ‘—‘—‘_fl ‘ FLASH Fo‘ztttflt Eillfnt'." "it, RINGER oil/OFF llllig‘allll‘ilm (ZN/REMOTE MEM REDlALIPAUSE Used to not. in tertll mum in mzmuiy neat-l the last owner at runs a petite LCD DISPLAY INDICATORS ' NANIE OF CONTROLS AND INDICATIONS 1 2 5 6 l i I i Base Unit Can trols and Indicators NEW EH TOTAL 5 5 4A} pm 37 MEM REP v 47‘—i 7 7 “mm -- ii 1'— 1 . _ E10 lllllsilsvlml 1. NEW: indicales the number of new caller ID data ilcms lhm have no! been reviewed. 2. TOTAL: indimles Lhe [out] number ofslorcd Gila ID Alma ilcms 3. MEM: indicates the unit is in memnry aial programming mode of memory dialing mode. 4. REP: indicales how many phone calls have been made frnm me same lelephone number. 5. Arrow icnn: indicates which arrow humans can be used. 6. FROG: indicanes the unit is in programming mode. 7 VIP: indicates lhal pnorily ringer has been sci [or lhe displayed number. PUlSE/Tfllli m Llulack lllllllllllnrsnll-lhrl seislheuml mm: men he lei: Cmnxlill loan in IIIIG SHEET humming mm pm: m me when u INUSEICNARGELED Alli"! um- mn mm h an in. anal. m In nmryli blingzmrg-d or Ilphln my. mum in in ma mx men. nun-min In incoming ml is wow. MESSAGE COUNTER lnuluu mu mum ewnl w mm! mm» mm LCD BACK LIGHT The LCD is back [it under the foLlcwmg conditions: 1. While meiving an incoming call (during nngmgl. . ml 2. For 10 seconds. when the handset is picked up from (he cmdle. r Maul-mm 3. For 10 seconds, when any button is pressed in the pmgramming mode, Caller to review mode nrslorecl number review mode. SWW'ifl-m liphllmlmwhlnmgm-r. 4. For 10 secends, when any hunen IS pressed in any mode 0er lhan lhose lisled vwn-m above. * The LCD back light goes off 10 seconds aller lhe lalk mode is lerrninaled by flflgffififimmw, pressing the TALK button, or immediately afler lllc handscl is placed in Ille base, "i" W" "W“- Federal Communications Commission Requiremenls This equipmenl complies Willi Part on of FCC Rules and ACI‘A rechnicnl requiremenrs. A label on ihe EASE UNIT of ihis equipnienr coniains, ainong oiher information, [he Regisuallon Number and (he Ringei Equivalence Number (REN) [or rliis equipmenr. Ynu musr. upnn requesr, provide rhis lnfonnallon io your ielephone company. The REN is also useful in derernuning rhe quanriry 0! devices rhai you may connecr io your relephone line and srill allow rhese devices in ring when your relephune number is called. in mosr areas. bul nol xll, rhe sum of rhe RENs for all devices connecred ro one line should nni eirceed five (5 in To he cerrain of ihe number of devices rhar you may conneci [0 your line, yuu shauld cnnraci your local relephone company. If your eqmpmenl should cause harm lo rhe telephone nerworlr, ihe relephone company may remporarily disconnecr yuur service li possible, rhey will norrly you in advance rhar rempnrary disconrinuance of service may be ltqmrtdr However. when advanced wrirren norice is nor possible. rhe relephcne company may rernporarily discourinue service wllhcul norice if such mum is necessary under use circumsrances. The telephone company may make changes in irs cammunrcarion fac lies equipmeur. operariuns. or procedures where such eclion is reasonably required In ihe operation of Its busmess and I; nol incensialenl wllh the rules and regulaliofls of (he Federal Communicalions Commission Do not attempi to repair or modlty Ihis eqnlpmenla WARNING: changes or modificuions nor expressly lpwoved by me parry responsmle for its Compliance could vord llle user's aulhoriry I0 operare rhe equipment Some cordless relephdues operare ar frequencies lhar may cause rnrerlerenee lo nenrhy TVs and vcxs. To minimize or prevenr such inrerlerence. rlie BASE UNIT of ihe cordless lelephcne shuuld ricu he plaeed on or near a TV or VCR. If inlerlererrce is experienced, moving ihe cordless relepnnne fanner away lrnni rne TV or VCR Will ofren reduce or eliminare rne inrerference. This equlpmem should nor he used on coin lelephone lines. Conneciion in parly line service is suhjecl lo sr-aie lariffs. ll rrouhle is experienced. drscouirecl llus cqulplnenl from ihe releplione line in deienriine ii ir is (auslng Ill: malluuciron ll rlie equipmeni is dereiniined lo he nirilfuncrioning. us use should he d|v0l|l ued unlil rlie pmblem has been canceled A FCC complmnl relephnrie cord and modular plug is provided wirli rhis equipmenr. Tliis cqulpmenl is designed ro be cunnecred lei rlie relephnne nclwork or premises W|rmg using a ccinparlhle modularlack which is TlA/ElAelSe968 compliaur. See inslallarions for derails. Tlie uses junk rype is RJIIC. NOTE: This equrpnienl has heen lcsled and found in comply wirh ihe limlis for a class B drgrral device, pursuant in pan is of ihe FCC Rules These limlLs are designed in provide reason-ahle prorecrion ngainsr hanniul inlerierence in a residenrial lnsmllahnn This equipmenr generales. uses and can radiare radio frequency energy and, if nol insialled and used in accordance wlm ihe insrruciions. may cause harmful inrerierence ro radin cnrnniunicarious. However, lhere is no guaranree rhai inlerierenee vvill nor occur in n parlicular inslallnriou. ll ihis equipnieni does cause harmful inrerlereiice in radio or relevisrou recepiiou, which can he delernuned lry lumlng lire Equlpmenl off and on. ihe user is encouraged in iry rn correcl ihe inlerlerence hy une nr inure of ihe lullovving measures 1. Reeoneni or relucaie ihe re cerving ANTENNA. 2. increase ihe drsiance helwetn ihe equipment and receiver. 3. Connecl lh: equlpmenl lnlo an nullzl on a clrcull differs!“ from that In which lhe lzcelvtr ls connztlefl, 4, Consllll Ihz dealer or am “Demented radio 1 TV itchniuian for help. HEARING All) WEARERS: This Cordless Telephnne has been rcglslered wilh the FCC as hearing aid comparrhle Repair cenlre address' sirulhwealem Bel] lreeddrn Phone. 747m (ilen Harbor Blvd, Glendale, AZ 35307 INTRODUCTION ABOUT THE GHM20 The GH2420 is a 2mm Cordless Telephone enll waning Caller ID and Digital answenng system. It is desrgneel and engineered in exacting rum-um for reliabiliry, long life. and outstanding performance. FEATURES ‘ - Caller ID (99 cal] data memory locanorls) with call wailing - Ml Channels (autn or manuul selection) - Mulli LCD on the handset wlm threeelanguage seleclion ' 20-Number (Wnelmlch dial memory ~ Direct dullng from caller Lisl - Lung burlery lrre - Digital secumy codlng - Mlnules recardlngrim: - Remaieapemrmn/zmvariun - VOICe prernrn 1h<(7H2420 lealllrew lllcllldc AIIIO Talk“ and Aulu Slandhlmv Alllil Ialk'“ allows you ll) niiswcr u call by lusl relnuvulg lhc Handsel from me “a. w you don'l have lo wasle lllm.‘ pushing hulluns ur flipping swrlchesl Auto Slandhy’“ allows you in hang up h) >|mp|) rclurulllg I||< Handsel lil rhi: Base Th: llllrll ("lenr I’lllx‘“ irne clininnnder Cll'CIIIll’)’Vlrlllflll)’\7|1lllllli'|l¢ baelgnninil nolsc I rm IIIlluLllInc lccllllulng} lug ||\'l “Ill! 40 rlill'erenl cluinneh pmvidexgml \\'II|I llie hen plimlile recepliun during all ill'wur Cullvcrxallilnx TO PROTECT YOU AGAINST MISBILLED CALLS THE GH'J420 HAS RANDOM CODE DIGITAL SECURITY WHICH AUTOMATICALLY SELECIS ONE OF OVER 65,000 DIGITAL SECURITY CODES FOR THE HANDSEI' AND BASE UNIT. ALSO, THE AUTOSECURERW FEATURE ELECTRONICALL‘I LOCKS YOUR PHONE WHEN THE HANDSET IS IN THE BASE, TO GET THE MOST FROM YOUR GH24'10, PLEASE READ THIS OPERATING GUIDE THOROUGIILY Base unir Handset Rechargeable battery Owners manual Menuxy label Long lelephone cnrd‘ Shun telephone can!" AC adaptor Wilh cord Wall mounting bracker Quick insiallanon guide kcguuauun card * US Iypc nindular plug in bolh ends ur S—frxxl corn and s-inen cmd. NOTE Keep me Khlppmg tannn and ihe packagmg. in Case ynu need I!) innepnn your phone ”any orlnere llcms are missing or damaged. please conlncl your place 0! purchase, Never lnslall lelephone Wlnng during a Ilghmmg smrm. Never inslilll lelcphune Jacks In we! localinns, Never lnurh illllneululed lelephune wires or l:rmlnals. 451,4qu Use caullnn when ineialllng nr modifying ielepnone lines. 120 VOLT OUTLET/TELEPHONE JACK 1 This telephone requires a modular phone Jack tltll 1C) and standard 1th volt nullet. 2. Plug phone directly into outlet. 3. Do not plug other appliances into this outlet or halt: the outlet controlled by a wall switch. DESK TOP INSTALLATION 1. To connect me DESK/WALL mount bracket in the desk/mole position. align the bracket with the sluts on the base (as shown in this first illusnallofl)‘ nnlll it IS securely in place. Plug one end nf the long line card into the hack oithe Base Unil. Plug the other end orthc tine cord into the telephone watt jack. Press until locking levercltcks. tubs-450 Connect AC Adaptor into the hack of the unit and plug directly into a standard 120V outlet. uni-om. Place the telephone and power cords when they w not create a mo hazard, or where they could become dialed and create it fire or nllltr electrical hazards. WALL MOUNT INSTALLATION Base unit may I): mounled on a standard wall plate or onln two screws (not included) lhfll you fasten to the wall 1. In case of using the standard wall plate, this slap is not necessary. Place the DESK/WALL bracket on the wall and mark the location of the screws, install the screws, leaving 3/16" extending out from the wall. Use anchors to secure the screws. 2. To connect the DESK/WALL mount htacket in the desk/table position, align the bracket With the slots on the base (as shown in this first illustration), until it is securely in place. 3. Plug the AC adaptor into the hack of the base unit, 4. Plug one end cf the short line cord into the back of the base unit, passing the hne cord through the groove. 5. Plug the other end (1me line cord lnm the lelcphunc wallmounl plale. 6. Mnuttt the has: on the wall plat: studs and gently press unttl the unit locks in place. 7 Plug the AC adaptor directly into the standard tzov outlet. mum HANDSET BATTERY CHARGING The handset battery pack in the handset must be fully charged for about 1014 hours before using the telephone. After connecttng tn AC power, leave the handsfl llntlsmi In the cradle for ten to fourteen hours. Latcr. it wtll take less limt: for the hallcry to recharge. The CHARGE LED on the base will be: lit when the handset is infllccradle. a. When the battery gets law. LOW BATTERY will appear on the I.CD.ant1 the handset will heep every 30 seconds. b. If the battery becomes tow whtte you an on rt call. the TALK led wtll flash and will sound one long beep. Temunate me call quickly and place the handset in the base to recharge the battery. c. The battery will hold us charge for several days out of the cradle. depending on use Th: handsct will nnt ring when the nnger ts tn “OFF' position II the handset ls “I“ of the cradle, the has: unit IN USE LED wlll start flashlng dunng .m incotmng cull DUAL (J-lARGING The 0112420 is Spectally destgned with a dual charge feature, The battery pack will charge whether the handset ls placed on the base facing up or [doing into the base. When the belt cllp ls connected to the handset. the handset can only charge correctly with the keypad facing intn the base §é%%%é% Charging the Handset wtlhnut the belt cllp Chargmg the Handset with the belt clip. s: . t» T0 REPLACE BATI‘ERIFS t. Rentnve the handset battery cover. 2 Remuve the old battery. 3. Plug the battery's enhte inttt the ltandset. The plastic connectors will fit tngether only one way. If ynu have difficulty. tnttlte sure the battery's eonneetnt n utigned properly. 4. Replace the battery cover. smear PACK BAHERY ”first connecton comment com wpszr To mmmlzc yourbanery‘s file. we recommend that you periodically fully discharge the battery. and then recharge ll. To do lhts, unplug your phone hne cntd fmm the wall phone Jntk. Press the TALK button, and allrlw the handset to remain on for 1(\ tn 12 hours. Remnnccl the phone curd tn the wall phone jack. Return the handset to the base and allow it to fully chargc for 12 hours ll this process is completed monthly, tt wtll reduce the memory buttdup that occurs from fmqucnt puma] charging, \ L RIDr LANGUAGE SELECTION “— The unit offan a choice of rhree LCD display languages: English (lhe defaulr value), French or Spanish, Follow rhe instructions given below It) ser your language ehoroe. 1 Hold down the Delete burlon {or more than 2 seconds 0! puss Ihe TALK bullon twice to clear any displayed number and return to standby modc. 4'le 2. Press the FROG (PROGRAM) hunon. Her-lava sf Ir'lF-ut. cl al 3 Press the A bullon once lJl' (h: v button 1 times. Language English 4 Press me 4 or » human lo select Lhe language “W L-ar‘lslu 5. Press lhc FROG (PROGRAM) bulmn again rb slore lhe new language, The display show below wlll appear for 3 sccclrlds A confirmalion lone will sound indieaiing mar me selcclcd language has been slnreel and live programming mode wlll be rennin-area FROG 2. Press (h: PROG (PROGRAM) button. 3. Press she a huuon lwxcc Dr v Lh: bunon twice. (Once y 4 Use lhe number buttons ln enler lhz area code AREA CODE SETTING \_ In ordcr fur the Caller ID redial feature to walk properly. ynu must set ynur area coda 1. Hold down Ich Dclclc button far more than 2 seconds or press rhe TALK hunon rwrce [u clear any displayed number and relum [0 srandhy mode. L, film“, Pf Herrera _ llr prevrously m numher will appear If you do nor wnnr hold down xhe Delele bullnn (or more Ihan lwn s programming mode) _ __ h,7 ‘Hl‘ea E: L 77 FREE grabs _‘ ou emer an area code. the to change lhls area code, econds lo terminal: rhe or Press rhe FROG (PROGRAM) bullnn agarn lo slur: rhe area code, The dlsplay show below Wlll appear for 3 seconds. A eonfinnalion rnne will sound lndicallng lllal (he enrered area code has been shared and lhe programming mode will be lzm-linalcll. woe CONTRAST ADJUST If you find the LCD display difficult to view. you can adjust it to mic or three levels. The default setting is Contrast 2. Adjust the contrast according [D Lhe fiilluwing instructions: 1. Hold down the Delete huttpn for more than 2 seennds or plan the TALK billion twice (a clear any displayed numher and return lo standby mode i—DM— Ix; .Press the FROG (FROG 3. Press the A button 3 times or ' the button once. 5. Press the FROG (PROGRAM) button again to slofe RAM) button ‘ Jen nos Hat l'll'"id tor-E. I FIF‘LI t. d a 1 the new contrast level, The displny shnw hclnw will appear for 3 seconds. A Cunfimiullilli tone will vaid indicating that the new Commit level has been stored will be terminated. ' ”an; and the programming modt SETTING THE RINGER ON/OFF CONTROL Ifyou wish to turn offthe ringer ,set the ringer switch on the side oftlie handset and an the roar of the base to "OFF ”. Thur: are three types nrnngs; - Incoming eell ring: Two-lone nng synchronized wim an incoming call signal ~ Pnority ring NIP): A different ring sound lhnl allows you to distinguish the caller. To set this function. see me Seetinn, "VIP(Prior1'ty Ring)" on page 34. - Paging ring: Single tone mree shon beeps. The euro talk mode will work even when the ringer switch IS set In OFF. The paging ringer will snund even when the nnger switch is set to 0m TONIUPUISE SETTING The GH2420 will operate an "in: or rotary (pulse) systems. 1, if your house is Wired for rotary service. move the TONWPU'LSE switch [on the back of lhc base) to the PULSE position, 1! your house is wired (or lone service, move lhc TONE/PULSE switch to the TONE position 3, If you are unsurc oi‘lhe type nfdiuling semue you have. set the switch ii) TONE. On the handsel. press the TALK button and dial any digit on the keypad. if the dial tone persists, swilch lo PULSE, To disconnect, press the TALK button again. OUT—OF-RANGE ALARM You are out of range and should move closer in the base unil when lhe following happens: - You hear noise or sialio. - Pressing the TALK bunnn generares an error lone. (rluee shori beeps; - Pressing lhe cm button when a number is displayed on ihe LCD gencrates on emit tone. - You cannot receive an incoming call. Selecting a different channel The base unit will automatically Search for the clearest channel in the standby mod: However, should you hear smile or noise dunng rhe course oi z convcmlinn which makes it difficult to hear the calla, Ihc CH (CHANNEL) bullon 4m Ihe handscl allows you to choose hetwczn 41) nrescl channels: The TALK LED flashs and the unit will sound 2 heeps in indium ihe (mum is thnnging ta anoihee channel. The unit will sound an em keep and return inure original channel it it cannot reach n clearer channel. PLACING A CALL Manual E: 1. Pick up the handset and press the TALK button. The unit cnlcrs the talk mode and Lh: TALK button lights. 2. Dial the number you are calling. The call durauon lime display will appear 10 seconds aner dialing. Ell 5.7. 3 When you have finished lhe call, return th: handset in die hase null, or press die TALK button in hang up. Using the REDIAL button Th: unit stores me lasl dialed numet. I" "KNOW- Numbers mar can be redialed mcluill: any number up in 32 digits in lengrh, This includes redialcd numbers, the last number sequence in a chain dlal, numbers dialed l'n umporary tone dial mode, You can aulomallcally redial such numbers by performing the lollowmg slepy l Puss the TALK button. The TALK bullon lights. 2 Press lhz REDIAL butlon, Numbers lhal are longer lhnn 32 digits will clear the redial memory. Direct dialing l, in the standby mode, you have the following tlirccl dtat options: redial the last number called by pressing the REDIAL hutton. retrieve front the lthmwll dial memory or reoteve from the caller list ~ If you press the wrong button when dialtng the number. press the Delete button momentarily [a clear the last entered digit. 2. Press the CID button to start dialing the number on "l: display For infonnntim on the different dialing methods. See Section “USING THE REDIAL BUTTON" on page 21, Section “TWO—TOUCH MEMORY SPEED DIALING" .On page 33 or Section "DIALING FROM CA LLER LIST" on page 40. The following actions will clear the displayed numbers 1. No operatton IS performed for more than 30 seconds after entering the number. 24 The TALK button is pressed. 3. The Delete button ls held down for more than 2 seconds. Setting the receiver volume You can set the handset receiver volume to one or three levels: Normal (the default semngl, Mid at High The volume control can he set only in the TALK mode. 1. tn the talk mode. press the a or y button, Each press or the buttons changes the display as shown below Receiver- |.th1. :HD FLASH BUTTON AND CALL WAITING You can use your GH2420 cordless telephone wtlh special services such as Call Waiting (Special subscription from your local telephone company ls requlred). Simply press tlte FLASH button which puts the first caller on hold and connects you to the mcnmjl’lg colt. Press the FLASH hutton again to return to the original call. SPEAIGERPHONE VOLUME CONTROL whtle in the speakerphone mode, press the VOLUME button on the top of the has: to the desired listening level. You nan set the speakerphone volume to one out ofo steps for speakerphone or TAD playback volume. the volume level numher displays on the message counter. The default level is stepd. Even at the lowest volume level( I ). the speakerphone and TAD will not be completely muted, TEMPORARY TONE FEATURE lfyuu live in a Pulse of Rotary dialing not: and you use customer services. such as hanlong hy telephone, lclephone answering machines or any other service that requires touch tone dtaltng. your 0142420 can provide temporary tone. Follow the instructions below, In the pulse mode, press [he TALK button followed by the number dialed in the pulse setting Then press the 1 * button to change to the tempom—y tone mode whtle you are utaltng. When you complete your call, your (El-{2420 will return to pulse dialing mode. r sfish t fim ANSWERING A CALL When you receive a call. the name and telephtme number n[ lhe caller is shown on the LCD display. When the handset is on the base unit 1, When the GH1420 rings. remove the handset from the base unit. The TALK buttun and the muss LED at the base unit lighL indicating that a conncclt'on has been made. The call tuner will display as soon as the can is answered NEW I mange Thomson 555—1234 2. After you have finished the conversation remm the handscl to the base unu, or press the TALK button. When the handset Is off the hme unit to When the Gli2420 rings, press the TALK button. The TALK button and the IN- USE LED at the base unit Light, tttdtcatirlg that a connection has been made. The call timer will display as soon as the call is answered. 2. After you have finished the conversation, return the hmdset to the base unit, or press the TALK button. When answering a call using speakerphone 1. When the GH24ZU rings. Press "SPEAKER" button to answer lhc ineunting ealt. ttnd then speak through the microphone on the bzse uun without lifting the handset ur presstng “Talk" bulilm on handset, 2, Speakerphone will he displayed on handset as stmn as the call is answered by pressing “SPEAKER” button 3. After you finish the cunvcrsation. press "SPEAKER" button again. Call Mnsfer Dnnng a call. you can transfer the call from the base to the handset or from the handset to the base. From HANDSET to BASE When you speak through the handset, you neetl to press Lhe“SPEAKER"bunort on the base(umt will be in three way conference mode), and then press the”TALK" button to end the call through the handset. The user or the SPEAKER an the hase and outside caller can now speak to each other, meBASE to HANDSET when handset is oifthe hnse When the unt is in the speakerphone mode. you neetl ta press‘TALK" huttun on the hmdsctmnil will be in three way conference mode). and press the"SPEAKER“butmn tn and the call through the base. The user of the handset and uutside caller can new speak to each other. When handset is on the base. When the call is in speaker phone mode, pick up the handset from base cradle, and then the call will be transfende (I) the handset with terminating speakerphnnc mode ofthe base, The user ofhandsel and outside caller can mow speaker to each other, PAGE the PAGE function allows ynu to page the handset. from the base untl by snunding hceps In the handset to help you find the handset if you misplace it. USING THE PAGE/FIND FUNCTION press the PAGE httllon on the base unit the handset will ring turzo seconds repeating sequences otthree short beeps anrl the TALK button wlll flash. "page" will be displayed on the LCD durtng paging. ; u: from ’ The PAGE button cannot be used in the following condilions: (”When the handset is on the base unit. (2)Wherl the handset is in the talk model (1)When the TALK button is pressed. the Page function will he tenninaied and the handset will go into the talle mode. (2)When an incoming call is received during Page mode and the ringer switch is set to ON. the Page mode Will he terminated and the incoming ringer will start. DIGITAL SECURITY SYSTEM The security code prevents your cordless telephone conversation from being accessed hy a phone on a different line Once the handset battery is fully charged, the handset will automatically select the code from a total cl! over 651m combinztlons. The code is changed every time when the handset ls placed in the cradle. 11 you experience difficulty with placing or receiving calls. a lost security code may be the cause of the problem. When this occurs. die handset can no longer communicate Will! the base. Reset by placing the handset on the base for 5- I0 seconds. If that does not work. unplug the AC adaptor [mm the wall outlet. Disconnect the handset battery for 5- to seconds, then reconnect. Place the handset back on the base and then replug the AC adaptnr when you press the Delete key. the cullei will can'l heard your voice. iryou war“ (0 continue speaking to the caller, please press the Mulc key again. USING THE HEADSET JACK Your telephone can utilize a headset (not included) to be connected to youi HEADSET for you In enjoy a hands—fret: communication. When you plug in the headset plug into the HEADSET JACK, it automatically mates the microphone and speaker of the HEADSET. Unplug the headset to retuin theH'EADSETm normal use, The HEADSET JACK is compatible with 2 5mm headset plugs only. NEADSET MICROPHONE SPEAKER nnpssv not , not: l The speed that memory has twenty memory locations that an each store one l6—digit z telephone number and one lo-ettataeter name. in addition to telepnnne numbers that you often use, you can store special access codes required in chain dialing, such as banking transactions. 5. Press the 7 button three times to enter the second character "R". ‘ > has A STORnuGNAnmsANDIILEPHONnnunnmms Ea 4] Staring the telephone number 5551234 ttnth the “amt , h Grandmother in location number s, t 6. Enter the remaining characters in ihe same way while referring tn the character en list shown on the next e. 1. Press the PROG (PROGRAM) button in the slandhy mode. "y m NE- |"‘lCll"“_—I tare Two characters tn sequence that are entered using the same number butmn I r-tfli t. dist 1 must be separated by pressing the r bullml. For example, to enter the "M" and "0" iii GRANDMOTHER, folluw these steps: 2. Enter the phone number. When more than [2 digits are entered. lhe lint digil is a) Press the 6 button in Enter "M" as lhi: 6th digit. shifted to the upper ltne. - lta [71h digit ts entered. the store mode tht he tertntnated wtlh an error tone. T ; mm ~ if you misdial, press the Delete button momentarily to clear the last digit. ERFIHDH ‘ If requiredt pauses can be inserted between digits by usmg the Redial button. 4 When a pause is tnterled, the letter "P" is displayed, _ —' - "w in Press the b bunon The entered character "M" is lit and the flashing digit t... is moved to the 7th digit. $5512.14 . um Ei’HHDNfi 3. Press the FROG (PROGRAMi button (0 enter die "amt cd rig mode, If you do not want to enter a name for the number, press the MEMO button in step 3 and continue from step 8. c) Press the 6 button 3 times to enter the at the 7th digit. uEHHDr—ll 7 7 J The name you enter can he no more than 16 digits When you have entered more than sixteen digits, the last letter will be change. mzsawmwamwmwmw Heston i .- mess, that» stew . V0 7. Press the MEMO (MEMORY) button. 8. Enter 2 digits (01—20)0n the dieting keypad I0 assign dislocation number when: yuu want to store the telephnne number. ' Note that a 0 must be added to the beginning allocation numbcrs I I0 9A - If the dam is stored in 1 location where data has already been storm, the alt] data Will he overwritten by the new data E W [ISRHNEIWJTHEF' g” 5551: 4 9 One second after the upcmtton in step 34 'Save OK‘ will appearon llu: display for 3 seconds. A confirmation tonc will sound, indicating than the new data has been saved and the programming mode Wlll be clued. CHARACTER LlS’l‘ t . mmwcflgffmmwflmmwm Mum. it, DELETING THE DIAL MEMORY 1. Press the FROG (PROGRAM) button in th: stand by mode. Fen 7 mm 2. Press the MEMO (MEMORY) button. Fl”? "m i If 7 l 3. timer the 2 digits (Dl~20) memory location that you want to delete. anc that a u must be added in the beginning or location numhen l lo 9 tn. 5 l— _ _.l 4. One second after the uperanon in step 3, the display as shown Delete appears for 3 seconds, A confirmation (one will be heard indicating that the selected number location was cleared and the programming mode will be terminated. V[EWING AND DIALING FROM THE DIAL MEMORY 1. Press the MEMO (MEMORY) button in the slandhy mode. 2. Enrer the location number or us: Lhe A or v buudn unnl you find me desired name and relephone number. Dale'id Fasten 555—1“ 4 lr yuu press a number button for when no lelephone numbcr has been assigned. an error (one sounds. and me memory dial mode ls canceltd, 3 Press the CID button [0 connect the telephone and final lht number. VIEWING LONG NAMES AND TELEPHONE NUMBERS Names more man 12 characters and telephone numbers more mm [2 diglrs can-rm he Vlewed together. Do as follows lo view such names 1nd numbers. 1. Press lhe MEM (MEMORY) button m Lhe standby mode. MEM- ' 1 __l 2. Enter the lemon number or press the s or r bullon unlil you find live desired name and relephune number 1; f 0 HF! view lhe full relephone number 4. Press 1h: r bulmn once more or the 4 bulwn twice to vrew the full name. You can reluru In Lhe uliginul display by pressing the > bullcm one: mom or (he 4 buzrcn rwrce. , MEM l 0 l NFIRIE FIHTD IN] EL 74 The displayed dial number wlll b: cleared from me display under rhe fellowmg candidons: l. Nn operarlon is performed wlrhin 30 seconds aficr rhe number is displayed, z The TALK bulwn ls pressed. 3 Tim Dclcle bullon ls held down for more than 2 seconds. TWO-TOUCH MEMORY SPEED DIALENG —_—_— I In |ht mlk monk. press (ht: MEM (MEMORY) button. 2 Salem the damned localinn number (Dl~20) lo dial me number. Aflel’ 2 seconds, lhc chm-avers wlll disappear. and Lhe enlered phone number will be dialled. l}— - The locnuon number has to be enrered wluun 30 seconds ol'pressmg the assigned number burmn, mberwlse an error lone sounds and the memory dial mnde is canceled, - lr you press a number buuon for which no relephone number has been assigned. an ermr mm: sounds and the memory dial mnde is canceled. - Any orher numbers you may dlal (includlng odrer numbers from rhe dial memory) are drdled aficr the last digil oflh: two—much dial number VIP (PRIORITY RINGER) This funerion allows you ro reengnrze an incoming caller from rhe ringmg sound by assigning a prioriry nngcl’ lo rhe designared relenhrme nnmher fnrm llre speed durl memory. l.Irr Ihe standby modepress the MEM (MEMORY) bnlmn. ueu v z. Enrer rhe locarion rrrrmher nr press (he a or ' human 10 selecr rhe caller m rhe speeo dral memory ro which you warm ro assign a pnmly ringer. 3. {When you find the desired caller press the PROG(PROGRAM) bunon. The VIP lcon on me LCD display will llghla and the handset will beep indicate operation success Twenry five seconds after pressing (he PROG button lhe display will clear and go hack 10 normal slanduy mode. The above procedure can zlso be used (0 reset the VIP mode. r a rifle I v m Claw; J‘ " Ill‘r This cordless telephone is compauhle with lhc Caller ID and Caller ID Call Wamng services wluoh are mlered by mosr local relephone companies. Fol (arrlrer iufomrarion on rhese services, cuntacl your local telephone company. CALLER ID SERVICE Thrs service shows you re ioenrify rhe caller hernre you answer the phone The nail srores me lnsr 99 callers' names. phone numbers and recelvcd dale and lime in rhe caller her. You can check rhe llsl anyrrme and call back any of rhe numbers. You can also mm a numher in rhe caller lisr to speed dial memory. CALLER 11) CALL WAITING SERVICE Caller 11) Can Walling allows you In see who is calling, even while you are on rhe line (alklng ro someone else. When a new call comes in whlle you are talking. the LCD lighrs and me new taller‘s home and number appenr on rhe LCD display. ‘rrzw ll romSE' ‘ There may be a xliglrl break in (he cpnversnlron lapproxrmarely 2 seconds) after you hear rhz call warm-lg lone Thrs occurs as a resull or some relephon: enmpnnics‘ Call Wnlllng semce USING THE CALLER LIST When a call is received, the name. telephone number. time and dale ofthe all at: smred in the caller list, This list stores data for a tntnl of 99 calls (with n maximum of I6 digits and 16 characters). The New Cull symbul an the LCD display will light, when that is data for calls in the caller list that has not yet been yiewett TO VIEW THE CALLER LIST Perform the following operation in standby mode. 1. Press the cm button to display the caller List. ""‘ t‘E'mfif He Ball Total 2. Press the v button to view the information (or me Ialcsl received tall. - Another press of the V hunon wrll display me mfmmzlion for [he call before the lalest received call and so on. Press (he A button to View the oldest caller data. Note lhal you unnot view aheady reviewed call data unlll all the new call dala has been viewed. When a caller makes repeated calls, lhe REP icon (mslead of rho TOTAL icon) shows the number of calls that he has made A " l" is auromalicslly prefixed lo the phone number or a Call made from oulslde me local area (if you have set your local area code). When you are receivmg a number "123-456-7890' and me area code set to "123” , [he number"456-7H9U" Wlll be slated |||lo Ihe Caller ID mcmorv DELETING CAI LER LIST DATA The unit can stnre up to 00 rail?! data iiemthe oldest entry automatically be deletedwhen rhe 100th item is stored,You cam also dzlcte the caller data items manually either one at a time or all ilcms. DELETING THE SELECTED CALLER DATA ITEM 1. Press the cm button when no telephone numbcr is displayed on the LCD [0 open the caller list. W . New Ca 11 = 1"-' T-jtgrl : 56 2. Salem the dcsu‘ed caller data using Lh: A or V bullon. THCIHSCIH 3, Press the FROG (PROGRAM) bullont w—td—ss—r-w Edit .> rim-U Erie '=*_DELEEo 4 Press the Delete button The display shown below appears and a confirmation [one will be heard lnflicnling that the selected caller dam item has bccn deleted and the pmgmrnnnng mode will hi: terminated. new H WALES mm D- at. d l DELETING ALL CALLER LIST DATA 1 Press the CID hultnn when no telephone numher is displaycd (m the LC!) (0 open [he caller [ISL 2. Press the PROG (PROGRAM) bullont Press the TALK hlmcn if you do not want m dclcm all of m: caller Im dam We Rio-c? El 51 I LPr ‘ 7 DELETE- 3 Prcss and release the Delete human to delete all enller IDS! dala The dnphy shown below appears and a canfirmalian tone will be heald mdicaling lhal all callerdatn has been deleted and the ptegremrrung mode wtll be lerminaled. mod ‘ ._E'flite_'d... ' VIEWING LONG TELEPHONE NUMBERS AND NAMES AND CHECKING THE DATE AND TIIVIE Due to display me Iiuulalium, a telephone number longer man 10 Li|gils or a name mute lhan 12 chmctere [011g cannot be vtewed at one lime. For tlte same reason. the reeetved date and ttme cannol he displayed wtdt the name and number. For example the following information cannot be dmplayed together on one screen. Phone number: 12345573901 7 7 a (new 1701111518 <3, Name: Man's Antoine“: _ ——. _ _ Dale and time- Jun 311, AM 11:46 [ ”HP? 1}:lele IH Tn wow the remaimng infomlalmn: I Press llle > human truce or the 4 butlon lhree limes to display lhe full recelved ntlmbcr. NEW NHFJIE Hrlmml ETTE 1 Press lhe b bullon three ltmes or lhc 1 button once [0 tllsplay lhc recelved dale and Ilm: W WL fi';>7' 4, Tu return lo the miglnal display, press the - button once again orbunon cannoi he used when eiliting telephone numbers, digits ean imly be insencd or deleted siarung from ihe firsl dlgil When editing characters, no such restricuuns apply. You can bum delete and overwrile characlers. EDITING IE] I PHONE NUMBERS Deleting the rust digit in a ielephnne number. 1. Press the cm huttnn when no ielephnne number is displayed on the LCD to open ihe caller list, new 75W_ 2, Seicul the desired caller dam rising lhe n or v button. Wwi 4; W or» U —>DELETE 4 Press lhe v buttnn m slan number cdiling. The firxl digit " l " slms flashing. uEw 51mm 55V A sum Insert "5" at the bcglnmng nf the telephom: number. Perform the following steps after steps 14. 5. Press the ERASE button momentarily. The first dag“ ‘l" thl bedcletod and the second dlgtt will start flashing. WW 6. Press the 5 button, and 5 ts inserted before the fitst dlgllt W7 B mmSE yum 456— 7, Press the PROG (PROGRAMl button again and "Save 0K" wtll appear for 3 szconds A confirmation tone Wlll b: heard, indicating that the new am has been saved. and the ptogmmmlng mode will be gluten EDITIN ALLER N l \.tlll|l t Deletlng the character ”S" in dte caller name lack Thomson. 1. Press the CID button when no telephune number is displayed on the LCD to open dte caller list. New Call = To +.a_1 2. Select the destred caller dam usmg the a Ur v buttmt. Tu g was? THUl‘Lt-UN 3. Press the PROG (PROGRAM) button. mt EtmtEE rum lEdit- ~> flor'U lErflac 9 +DELETE t; . Press the A button once or ' button twice to start character editing, and "J" will start to flash. H {gun . Press the b button 9 times to move the cursor to the character "S”s “NEWER; * JFlCl" THEME" l 127 . Press the ERASE button. and the next Character maves one step to the left . l THul-lal-l _ 45?" . Press the PROG (PROGRAM) button again. and "53V: OK" will appear for 3 scconds. A confu'matlon tone will be heard, indicating that the new data has both saved. and the ptogtammlng mode will be exited Changlng Lhe second "0" tn the caller name JACK THOMSON to ”A”, Perform Lhe following steps after step 4 in the example above, . Press the b button 10 tlmes to move the cursor to the character "0". v Press the PROG (PROGRAM) button agatn, and ”Save OK" wtll appear for 3 seconds. A confirmation tone will be heard, indicating that the new data has been saved, and the programming mode will be exited. §TORING A CALLER LIST T0 TWO TOUCH SPEEDDIALMEMORY Caller names and relephone numhers m rhe caller llsl can he smred in “Va much speed dial memory. Remole Voice Menu Tu ussislyour remote rerrieving messages. Slon'ng caller list item to memory location 8. a Press I to playback messagES. 1. Press the cm hunun when no telephone number is displayed on Ihc LCD m 5 2:5: 32 If féfzfigxfgiir‘ E grcwng W‘" ‘hg “all“ 1‘s" If " l " is pressed (lb playback messages). and rhen W a. Pres 210 EYES: Ulll'l‘cnl messagcs h.l‘| . alnrepesleurrenlmessuge c. Press S m slop message. u. Press 5 in skip mussdgcv t. P as 7 [0 return [0 lllalll menu. 2 Selecr rhe desired callerdars using the s ur v hunun H “2 is “is” {T0 ”as: ”m mssagm unu [hm a l‘rexsZagainmcmsc ull messages II "3" is pr:ssed(To Reeui-n s new grtcllngyand lhen s. Rccard greeiing sue. rhe beep. Press 5 in enel reeuruing Tn “urn Answer ONIOFF 3 Press the MEMO (MEMORY) buuun. If the caller data has lo be edited. edit The “ANS ON/OFF" burren may be used (0 sei lhc unn w Answer on, Answer only, the data according la the lnslmclions ”EDITING OR ERASING CALLER 0, Answer 0“ LIST DATA" on page 41 before you pass the MEMO bullon Press “ANS ON/OFF" bllllnn unee in Answel niuue, rhe nnir will suy "Answer- Off " and Ill: cllrrcnl lime Iflhe limc ls nol esl. lhc llnll will say “ l'lnle ls nnl s’el " Ifyuu plcss llie “ANS ON/OFF" billion agam, llie llllltwlll say “AnnmnceOnly” and "lime Is nol sel" Illnu pressihe "ANS ON/OFF" bllllon nguin. lhe unil will suy "AnsiverOn" and "llmelsnoi sel" 4. Emer (he two dlglt memory location (0110) where you wish [0 slate me caller data. AnnounceOnl Mode ln rhe Announce Only mode, the unit will plny yuur outgoing greering, nnu rlrscnnnecr the line wilhuul recording an inclimlng niessnge. The null will say "Announce Only", and rhe currenl urne. nnd rhe message eounier wlll l|l ress (l) (a play messages; Erase Curran! message (2) Repeal currenr message 14) Srop message playback (5) Skip ln nexz message (6) Return m main menu (7b To sare the messages. hung up are releplrnne ll "3" is prt;scd.(Tn keenrn New Onlgning Greeling) l. You Wlll near "Rubrd gvcflillg afier rlre beep Press 5 lo ena moulding“. 2. Rmurd yaur new aurgmng greenng ( up lo 30 sccomis ). 3. When you rune rnnslrea rerorrnng your uulgolng greenng, press 5. The new oulgvlng greenng Wll] play back lo you, 4 Aflcrlhcunl'l plays lhe new grcellng. ll will announce. "Press 1 replay hack message, press 2 m erase all message. press 3 lo record a new greeling " 5 Hang up lne phone 6, Ifyon do nol press a bullun wilhin 10 secunds, lhe unil wlll announce “Goodbye" and dlscnnnrcl (he call. Call Screening Ynu ma) use rlre lrandser m screen your messages When rne answenng sysrem ls answenng a call, press REMOTE/CH and lrsren m the messages being runrded Caller noes nnr know rhnr your are sereenrng rlrelr calls. You may press lhl: TALK bullun lu speak Wnlr me caller. T0 EXIT THE REMOTE PERATION, PRESS T AGAIN Important Notice HE REMOTE/CH BU'ITDN ___— _ IF THE TELEPHONE RINGS WHILE YOU ARE RETRIEVING MESSAGES WITH THE HANDSET. RETRIEVENG [S TERMINATED AND THE UNIT ANSWERS THE CALL. TROl'BLESHOOTING GUIDE lfyou have following the msuucnons m lhls manual, and have dlfflcully nperaung ydur (mnhwpflrm erl Fmrlnm Phnn: (‘urdlcss Tclephnne. Innate 1h: PROBLEM lnvllc lefl column beldw Check me correspnndmg POSSIBLE CAUSE and CORREC'I lvE ACTION columns m lncale nnd rclllzdy lh: pmblm PROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSE CURRFCTIVE ACTION The umlw||| nchpcmlc. Improper msmllzuan Rechtck all plng Conneclmns Also, check Ihe AC adaplnr for prupflconnecnnnle wall mum nna phone base. 1h: dlgnnl munly curl: has bccn |asldue In apnwtr luss whlI: Ihe mm: was away [mmlhe has: Rnel Ihe dlgllal secumy code by relurnmgthe handsel m m: bass A new Code Is seI The hanery ls nu! charged Charge Ihe bunny far about 1044 hnurs bcfnrn lnillal use or when m: hallzry low pup snunds every [0 "sand: from me hand“! Nodlalmn: Ste m: abnv: mtnllmltd pbsslblt Cansts See me almw mcmloned rurrccnvc aclmns Thehandscl Isbeing used loo m away from his: Move lhe hand“! clam lo Ihe has: lehcnlly ylnclng pmnmngsans, You may have losl ms stcunly was '1 he handsel can no long" communlt‘zw wllhllsbasc Thclnssufflw soda can occur ml" balmy n dramefl and nerds vrchalgmg. Ihz AC adapter w msmnnsmd, n power loss occllncd, orlhcr: Iselcclnral lnmrmnce from nlhcr cordless phones, baby murmurs. mlcrowaves. e|c Even; mumtnldlypowtr mmmpnnn cnuld crust yuur cordlcssplmne' ssccurlly cod= l Rclnm lh= nnndsmoms m: unil m 5»leeccnds m use! code lflhlldocs nolwork 1 Check In make sure the AC adaplur IS connected 3 Unplug AC adapmrfmm pnwcrsuuru, disconncclhlnd» setbanery furs stcnnds. men Iecnnnect Place halldsetbauk nn base, men rzpluglhc AC adapmn TROUBLESHOOTIVG Gl ID!" (C \ l' I I PROBLEM POSSmLECAUSE CORRECTlVE ACTION Can 1101 make onrgrng calls TROL BLESIIOOTING GUIDE 1(‘ONT.) PROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSE CORREL1'I'I\'I:A(HUN Tnne/pnlse swllch ls not Sty-he Tnntll’nlsr ”MC" ‘0 PW?“ Answering syslcm You may hav: had a Pmceed wall: a nnrr reset (page 45) sztcumuly Dos-hon “Wm-Hype MSW“ will nereperale power fallure . Fluhmg POWER Bill: needs mhe lnsmllarcsh9vollhatter . The drgilal seenmy ends Reses she secnnly cndehy rernrnlng BA“. LOW LED mmfid or ”placed V has b=cn hm. me hnndsel lo The base v _ Na answer UnrmrnrheOFF Check lo Vcrlfymcssngc counrer Emery paelr is nol rechargmg The base and handsel hanery comaelare nalin ecnuerwuh each other Malre cemm use banesy conncl she hundacl ind base make comic! when hand“! rests m the has: In Use/(huge LIiD wnl be On Emery pnk needs lo be replaced. chlxc: she nauery puk zl leasl evety one year Noise or rnrerlerenee isbcmg heard durlng ymly canyersanon Currenl channel u nm lhe elearesl ahoree Press lhc clunnel hnnnn lo swl h hom one channel 10 lnolhfle Tins wall allow yon m chnoxc she clearesl M40 emnnels Dun-lg a eonyersanon a round slzuc nolse IS mm The build“! 15 being used (no faraway from rhe blse Move lhe hands" closer lo lhe bis: slalion The hmdul only Works (Inc (0 (he blse The base anrenns I! not fully uprighr Make sure she base inlemu is fnuy npnghl [on the Des emu The mcummg ealls slgnal ls mtcnmllem arrasles The naucry is no! chugcd Ruh 5: me bauuy The handser rs bell-lg used (no lsr away rrnrn lhc but Move lh: hendsel doser In line has: mad: AC adapmrls ditcnnnzcled fmm well nnllel hr back nlnnn. is Iil. Press ANSWER ON/DFF control to mm unil en. Reconnect AC adaprnrrnlo wall nnllel and back nl nnn. rnwer lo eleerrrcal nnllel may be my cheek m see rfelecmcnl cullcl ls ennlmlled lay a lighl swnch and pnwer ls on Wall ouflcl may nor be fimcuemng. try mmwcllng m e dlffercm wall nullel. Telephone llne 15 nm snnneered m walljnck Cnnneerlelephnne Iln: mm wall Jack. Tclephnn: wall Jack may Ill)! be rnnerinnrng; rry eanneenng uml mlu a dlfi'ercnl (zltphone walljack Arm- pawn oullgz.oulgnlng grams and incomlng mess.gssars has! A 9 vol! bunny hes nnr bun lnslalled of Med: m be replaced, Inmll a fresh. aurahne 9m. barrery w mall-lulu your psrmnallud onlgning greering ansllnenrnlng messages lnrhe svtnlofanmher puwer ouuge Ne Ansel-lung messagz; recorded Umllsmlhe "ANSWER OFF " mode Chcnk m verify messlgc counlel’ lmlluloris lnwnn themesslge numberdlsplaysd. lfher. press ANSWER ON/OFF conlrnl la lum Ilml on, Unll ls m lhe “ ANNOUNCE ONLY “ mndc lnhe muss-g: epnnlsrdrsplays " A " muve lhe Answerselecl swllchlo me ANS poslliun AC idipmrls dlscunnetlcd fmm wall puller mhack nfunll. Reennnecl uml mln wall nnllel or back ntunn. Try conneclmgtc a rllrlerenlwall nullel. inerw eleclrrenl nnllel may b: off Check To see lleleclrrealoulleus enmmlled by a llghlswilch and pnwer IS on. Tclcphun: hm: IS no! conneeren m wall ,aelr Cunnccl relephone lrne mm wall Jack Try conneclmg nnn lnlo a dlffzrcnl lelcphone wallyaek TRO BLESHOOTIVG Gl ”H; (L )\T,| “I ROL BLESHOO'I'ING GUIDE {CONTJ PROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSE CORREtiTIVE ACTION PROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSE (‘ORRECHVEACTlON Nanmozc UnuismtheANSWER OFF CheckmvenfymeSs-gemnnm Vaurlelephnn: Thcmlephonzlmusnu! Connecnhelelcphune Imtmm Drumifln mANNOUNCEONl-Ymode isluwflhlhcmessagtnumber rmgsbuuhc FF2|50 connectedproperlymKh: me hackofihc unit check mm d: splnyed. AC ldnpmr ls disconnzcted (mm wnll mule! u! back of unll luau-mach": mm wallmnlcl or back ofnml Try ennnecnng m a mum... mu mnla. pnwmo zltcuicnl uullu mny b: 0“. Check |0 sec Jeltclncal mule! 5 conlmlled by hgm mm. and power my... rne telephone you m ulhng from n nul n standard (ouch-(an: ny (zllmg from . dunelenl memome g nny phone ) Telepnnne |.ne 5 no! connected to wnu lack. Seeumy code no! eluered coneeny. Connm lelephun: nne mm mu jack Try canntclmg mm a dlffelcnl nelepnnne wal| mu 1 mg“ remolesecumycode mus! be amend wllhm lensecondsol’ me beep“ me ena ofyl-uv nmgmng peeling r. ss and hold each dug" ro- z mom, mow-nu nun-mm of: atoms henween mus, Remoxe secumy code being used differs from me code you have set Presslhc ' ' " and " 5 " hnuomonlht Ghzazo handsel no check me cunenl m sec-any cmk. The marnme been! dunng me recordmg nrmy nmgmng grtctmg The uulgoing greelmg you artrccordmg |s (00 lung. Retold a shone: nulgomg grcclmg wenween z and w stconds). daem'l shuw any Caller ID mcords unil ynnrlncal |=lephun= company (u be we Cnner m sen/la: is being provuied on ynnmlepnnne Ime. Also nfyon pmk uplh: phone hcfur: Ihe {us- complclcring ,I||e calla mrunnnunn wm nnnbe complelely renewed You cannol redm a tall rzcord . Your local area cod: 1; nm programmed lune dlsplay docs nul mdlcme 7 dlglls furlncnl Incoming calls. rzprugram lhclecnl ma cnde The nnmberdnplnyed Is Incurred Venfy the number duspluyed dunngrmlul Dllsrzcelved wrrc puambly corrupmd dnnng Ah: unnsnmsmn lhmughlhe |e|ep|mne Imn. Dial me uleplmne numbermanunlly on ymlrielevhone. You run"! yzceiv: n“ waning mnsaxn This sewn: 15 no! available. You lnusl subscnb: w Cannm. ~ Wanmg. .s well-1: cm Wnlmg ("nHtv 11) Sun“ from yony Incal phnnz compuny The vhun: mus! bk offihonk In hut me all wlnmg mm “mm mm, Th: duplay srurn mam. mum. Tht dyspwny cunlrnsl .; m n) hm Iuw orn 1am PrESSLhe " FLASH " and mm m: "A” hullnn In ld‘umlhzwnml Th: mach e n; cumng off cnmmg messages. lncnmmg memgcs are we Inng Mum-n... recording "me to. menmmg messigcs n 611 stcnnds. Callcr may he pausmg rm more Khan 7 seconds. Cxllcv mus! szak Conllnuously wunouuny lung vuuscs when Du mess me " A‘ bunfln In fit! me language urw xtvu‘w Cnnerm unuxds, you hznr n record vum: mmugh me hnndsex You have accxdznlully enmedlhe nnswenng system remol: mode -You must always fim press lhe "# v " bullun m ems! me Caller m Semp urCnIltr In Revlew modes befure pmssmg (he "A‘ “ hunnn. «nu can press me " A‘ " nnnnn xgam m em flu: nnwering Ayflemrtmul: mud: PROD A. Avoid putting cordless phones near healing appliances and devices that generate electrical noise (molars. fluorescent lamps. microwaves, televisions, etc.) 13. Avoid rough treatment of the phnne by placing the ham: genity mlo the has: when hanging up. Avoid dropping the handset. c. Clean your cordless telephone nniy with a snii cloth slightly dampened with water nr mild hnnd snnp. Do not use any type of «aolvenl or abmstve premier. aernre cleaning. always unplug the phone iron. the wall imiiei. 0. Your cordless phone is not designed to be water resistant. Do not nse me handset in the rain, pool, or shower. Do not insinn your hsse nnn outdoors, near a sink. bathtub, or shower. Do not expose in uireei sunlight. E. Retain the nnginal packaging shnnin you need to ship ihe phone at a later time ADDITIONAL INFORMATION A. Connecting lhls telephone [0 a Com operated ielephone or party line is prohibited by lnw. E. ll it is determined that your telephone is malfunctioning, the FCC requires that it be disconnected from the modular outlet until the problem has been mrrected. For immediate answers to all your questions regarding your Southwestern Bell Freedom Phone“, call the Consumer Holltne. toll free al thm-O‘HI Monday- Friday 8 301 rn.-9.00p.in., and Saturday 8.30a.ni.-iz:30p.in.lt=srt httpz/lwww.swbl'reedomphone.ctm| LIMITED “A RRANI‘Y This Southwestern Bell Freedom Phone“ is warranted to the original purchaser to be tree trom detects in matunals and workmanship under nomlal installation. use and service for a period of one (1) year from the date of purchase as shown on the purchaser’s receipt. The obligation of Southwestem Bell Freedom Phone“ Retail Sales under this warranty shall be limited to repair or replacement (at our option) during the warranty period of any pan which proves defective in material or workmanship under normal installation, use and service, provided the product is returned to Southwestem Bell Freedom Phonem Retail Sales TRANSPORTATION CHARGES PREPAID (Califomia residents call 1-800—366-0937 for shipping lnstmctions). If we choose to replace your Southwestern Bell Freedom PhoneAg product, the replacement will be warranted for either (a) 90 days or (b) the remainder of the nriginnl one year warranty perina, whichever is longer. Battery packs are warranted for the same time period. Products returned to us must be accompanied by acopy ofthe purchase receipt. In the absence of such purchase receipt, the warranty period shall be one (1) year from the date of manufacture. To obtain service under this warranty. relum the defective product to the service center nearest you together with your sales slip and $950 for postage and handling (California residents need only provide proof of purchase), This warranty shall be invalid if the product is damaged as a result of deiacement, misuse. abuse. neglect, accident. destruction. or alteration of the serial number, improper electrical voltages or currents, repair altera ten or maintenance by any person or party other than our own service facility or an authorized Service Center, or any violation of instructions furnished by us. Thls warranty is also rendered invalid if this product is removed from the country in which it was purchased. if it is used in a country in which it is not registered for use, or if it is used in a country for which it was not designed Due to Variations in telephone systems and communications laws, this product may be illegal for use in some countries. Southwestern Bell Freedom Phone® Retail Sales assumes no responsibility for damages or penalties incurred resulting from the use of this product in a manner or location other than that from which lt is intended. This one—year limited warranty is in lieu (II all other expressed warranties. obligations, or liabilities. ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES, OBLIGATIONS} DR LIABILITIES. INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE SHALL BE LIMITED IN DURATION TO THE ONE—YEAR DURATION OF THIS WRITTEN LIMITED WARRANTY. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW LIMITATIONS ON HOW LONG AN IMPLIED WARRANTY LASTS, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. IN NO EVENT SHALL WE BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INCDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES FOR BREACH OF THIS OR ANY OTHER WARRANTY. EXPRESSED OR LMPLIED, WHATSOEVER This warranty gives you specific legal rights. and you may also have mhcr rights which vary from slate to stale SOUTHWESTERN BELL FREEDOM PHONE0 7475 NORTH GLEN HARBOR BLVD, GLENDALE, AZ 85307 Accurding (0 FCC regulations, this equipmenr, which her been eenified and rcglslercd with rhe FCC, may only be repaired by aulhuriLclI penoru. ll lcpdin ul adjuallllfilllo ere made by an unauthorized person. the FCC Cenlficalron may he voided. Should you encounter any problems, please call lhe Soulhweslcm Bell Freedom Phone® toll free Cuslomcr Help line for assislance, 14400-36609?” MondayrFrlday 8.30 am 9:00 pm, and Saturday 8:30 a.m~12:30 pm (EST). You can also visii our website a! litrpzllwww.swarecdomphune.com. FOR IN-WARRANTY SERVICE Paekuge your complete uml (including all udapten, line cords, and other accessorics) and ship lIle unit postage prcpald nnrl insured (for your proreclion) m: Snulhwsum Bell Fmdnm I’hmlP.‘I Dept: Warranty Repair 7475 N. Glen Harbor Blvd, Glendale, AZ 35307 Be sure Io include your return address. proof of pumhasc, a daylmw phone number, $9 50 for postage and handllng, nnrt n brief explanation of your diffinullies. Callfomia rendenis need only provide proof or purchase and should call 13003660937 for shipping lnslrucllons. FOR OUT-OF-WARRANTV SERVICE You may all our toll-free Help Line far the price or a replacemcm before ramming your unlL Please follow all inslmclions Inr ln-Wammy servite (above) lo mum your unil, and mark (he package Dept: Our-of-Wm-ranry. if you have milled and known lhc cml of your replacement. please include lhis informallnn With your unit for prompt scrviLt. QUESTIONS? smP DON'T TAKE ME BACK TO THE STORE. LOOKJ-Ok THE TOLLrFREE ”HELP” TELEPHONE NUMBER. LISTEN...AS THE EXPERTS TALK you THROUGH TIIE PROBLEM For immediate answers ro your qucslmns regarding operation. missing pans or lnslallalmn, call me SOUTHWESTERN BELL FREEDOM PHONEw HELP LINE AT. limeseown hrtp;//www.swhfreeoomphoneenm This page serves as a template rnr attachment of screws in me wan when mounting lhls (elephant on [he walln l. Cm our mus page. 1. Us: lhls (emplalc m ducrminc lhc dumnce brunet“ screws when mounung (his phone on the wall The (W0 Cross hair; udenufy where (0 mach the screw\,
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