Jingneng Telecom Technology Co MH9011 900 MHz 40 Channel Analog Cordless Phone User Manual Manual part 2 and FCC info
Shenzhen Jingneng Telecom Technology Co Ltd 900 MHz 40 Channel Analog Cordless Phone Manual part 2 and FCC info
- 1. Manual part 1
- 2. Manual part 2 and FCC info
Manual part 2 and FCC info
Wall Mounting Wall Mounting You may choose lo pul lhe use unrr of your eereless lelephene an e wail. 1. Wlm the bad< OI me BASE UNIT (30an up, connect the SHORT TELEPHONE LINE CORD I0 Ihe TELEPHONE LINE CONNECTION JACK 2. Insertihs Irma and ohhe SHORTTELEPHONE LINE CORD lhmugh the holeoflhe MOUNTING BRACKET. 3. Insert the hooks GI IhS MOUNTING BRACKET mm the matching slots on the back 01 me BASE UNIT (as shown belaw). Then inde the MOUNTING BRACKET unfil it lacks inlo place. Plug Ihs has and of (he SHORT TELEPHONE LINE OOHD Into me MODULAR WALL JACK. a. Align lhe upper keyhole oi lhe MOUNTING BRACKET wlth the upper smd onne well pIate, so that the opening and el rhe MOUNTING BRACKET malches lhe lower stud. men pull lhe BASE uurr euwn unIll ii is seculer sealed. TELEPHONE LINE CONNECTION JACK SHORT TELEPHONE LINE CORD MOUNTING BRACKET WALL PLATE STUD MODULAR WALL JACK WALL PLATE Basic Operation Preparing for Use Before you can use your cordless telephene, you muel charge the HANDSET lor 12 hours. Fellure in do so will require recharging of me BATTERY PACK more cflen. I. Place the HANDSET on ma BASE UNIT In! 12 hours 2. After 12 hours. remove the HANDSET from Ihe BASE UNIT. 3. Raise at repnsltlon (ha BASE UNIT ANTENNA for (he has! receplicmu Belure you can use your cordless felephona, yuu must charge the HANDSET for 12 hours. Failure to do so will require more frequent charging of the BATTERY PACK. See page 19 for more information on the BATI’ERV PACK. NOTE: Depending on lhe Irequency of Jsa, arms the HANDSET is lully charged. it remains luncllonel ier appmx'lmately 4 hours oi cunllnuous use and approximaIer 5 days when Ihe HANDSET Is all me EASE UNIT in STANDBV mode, IMPORTANT The AC ADAPTOR must always be plugged inlo an electrical uullet. Receiving Calls Receiving Calls with the HANDSET on the BASE UNIT 1. When the phone rings. hit the HANDSET. The IN USE LED indicator will hght up. NOTE: The HANDSETHINGEH switch must be in the “ON” position lur ringer to operate. Stan your conversatlurl. . To end our conversatlon. either press the button or place the HANDSET on the BASE UNIT. It you place (he HANDSET on the BASE UNIT charge cladle. you activate the AUTOMATIC STANDBY feature. Receiving Calls with the HANDSET off the EASE UNIT 1. when the phone rings. press the button The IN USE LED indroaior will light up. start your canversavlon, 3. Tu and your conversation, either press the button or place the HANDSET on the BASE UNIT. it you place the HANDSEI' on the use unn' charge cradle. you activate the AUTOMATIC STANDBV Iaature, NOTE: The BASE UNIT ones not have a ringer and does not my when receiving an incoming can. NOTE: ll you are tau far away lrom the BASE UNIT. the HANDSET emits "beep" sounds to warn you lhat the background noise level is too high lor proper communication between the HANDSET and the BASE UNIT. When you hearlhis sound. you should move closer to the BASE UNIT to reduce the noise level. Olhsnnise. the call will automatically cut on. Placing Calls Placing Calls 1. Press the button The N USE LED indicalur will light up. 2. Listen for a dial tone. 3. Dial the phone number. 4. When ou have finished your call, press the (53 men again. The W USE LED indicator will turn aft. Hedlal Feature 1. liyou get a busy lone, press the butlon to hang up. 2. Later. press the button again. 3. Listen tor a dial tone. 4. Press the button. Thrs will automalically regret the last telephone number you called. Using the Headset Feature Your telephone can utilize a headset (not included) to be connected to your HANDSET tor you to enjoy hands-tree cammunlcafionl HEADSET lnsen the Small plug at the end of me headset into the HEADSET JACK at the right side at the HANDSET. Follow the procedures discussed in “Recall/mg Calls" and "Placing Calls“ lo recetve and place a call. NOTE: When you plug the headset plug lntu the HEADSET JACK it airlomallcally mules the MICROPHONE and SPEAKER ol the HANDSET. Unplug the headset to return the HANDSEI'tn normal use. Headsels are-available at most feta" outlets that sell telephone equipment The HEADSET JACK Is compatible wilr 2.5 mm headset plugs only. Storing Numbers . Be sure the BASE UNIT IN USE LED indicatur is oft and the HANDSET is ln STANDBV mode (See Speciai Features Section) . Press the button. Dlat the numbar you want to store. . Press the button agatn, mtsELEPt—DNEKEVPAur. .) button where you want to store that number. You will hear une confirmation “beep," . erle the name 0! the person you will be calling wtth thal number next to lhs corresponding lndax number on the TELEPHONENUMBEHCARD. . Repeat steps 1 through 6 to stars olher telephone numbers. EXAMPLE :TB siore the num button‘. 1 - Press the button. 4 , PlasstheTELEFHONE KEVPAD t : button. 2 A Dial 7034968. 5 - You have shred 703-1958 under TELEPHONEKEYPAD 3 , Press the button again, A total of 1 IMPORTANT: The maxi number is 16 in PULSE or and PULSE in combination access an outside Ilne (such as an 8 or PAUSE. l®®®®©ioh ©®8®©9 5069995») ber 703-1565 under the TELEPHONE KEYPAD 0 telephone numbers can be prngrammed In memory. at can be stored tor any phone r at digits for mixed (rONE a switchboard system to the button to store a mum number at dlgits th TONE mode. The maximum numbe ) dlalrng is is. ll you are usan 9). press Recalling Stored Numbers from Memory 1. Press the button 2. Press the button. 3. Press the TELEPHONE KEVF'AD button for the number you have stored. The stored number wtll be dialed automatically. EXAMPLE: To recall number 703-1953 stared underTELEF—‘HONE KEYFAD @ button: - Press the bulton - Press the buttnrt - Dial 1. Recalling Stored Numbers nuns/Wm IMPORTANT To obtain the best reception, be sure to raise or rcpnsitifln the BASE UNiT ANTENNA. Security System Your cordless telephone uses a digital coding security system to prevent unauthorized use of your telephone line by another nearby cordlees telephone. The system has its own identifying signal created by microcomputers In both the BASE UNIT and HANDSET, Security Code . _ This telephone has an internal securlty code with 55,536 passtble oomblnatlorls. Resetting Security Code and Channel Information _ A Communication between HANDSET and BASE UNIT may not he possrhle in any at the following situations: 1. Alter a power tailure. A 2. After relocating the BASE UNIT by disconnectth the At: ADAPTOR, 3. After replacing the HANDSET BATTERY PACKt Tu reset, place the HANDSET on the BASE UNn' tor 2 to 5 seconds, Mum-Channel Access _ Your cordless telephone lets you select a channel trorn the 40 frequencies avaitctzte to transmit signals between the EASE UNIT and HANDSET. When you notice interterence trom other cordless telephones. change to another channel by pressrng the button on the HANDSE‘L IMPORTANT When you hear inlerterence, press the @ button to change the operating channel Recharging the BATTERY PACK Battery We Use the inllowing type and size at BATI'EHY PACK: Cordless Telephone BATTEFlV PACK 3.6V. 600 mAh @ UlS. Electronics inc. Ni~Cd BATTERY PACK: Model 5650 Nico This BATTERY PACK is available through: U,Sl Electronics Service Center 105 Madison Avenue New York, NV 10016 1 41006286205 Recharging die BATTERY PACK The nickel cadmium (Ni-Cd) BA‘ITEFN PACK in the HANDSET can be recharged many times using the builtrin charger in me BASE UNIT. When the EMT LOW [ED indicator starts to blink rapidly, a “beep" sound will be heard every 12 Seconds. This tnliicates that the BATTERV PACK needs to be recharged Charge the BATTERY PACK at least once every 90 days at hen-use to avold battery iaiiure, When the BATTERY PACK can no longer be charged, replacement oi the BATTERY PACK will be necessary The BATTERY PACK used in your telephone may develop a condition known as “MEMORY." Once subjected to a regular shofl discharging routine, the battery assumes the discharging pattern it was subjected to. This causes rapid discharging thereby shortening the BATTERY PACK charge span. if you believe your BATTERY PACK has developed a "MEMORY‘ condition do not charge the HANDSET until the BA'l'I' LOW LED indicator comes on. When it does come on. charge the HANDSET tully tor 12 hours. lMPORTANT In order to get maximum lrle irorn the HANDSET BATTERY PACKt be sure to charge the HANDSET for (2 hours betore tnttial use. Changing the BATTERY PACK The BATTERY PACK provides power tor the HANDSET at your cordless lelsphone, To Replace the BATTERY PACK: 1 . Remove the runner BATTERY COMPAHTM ENT COVER by sliding it down. 2. Pull out the BA‘i'I'ERY PACK PLUG and remove the EATTEPV PACK. 3. Plug the new BATTERV PACK into the BATI'ERY CONNECTOR. 4. Slide the HANDSET BATTERY COMPARTMENT COVER firmly into place in lIS closed pusihon. 5. Balers use, charge the new EATTERV PACK tor 12 hours. ATTENTION: The product that you have purchased conlains a rechargeable BATTEPY PACK. The BA‘I'I'ERY PACK is recyclable. At the end oi its uselul lilo, under venous state and local laws, it may be illegal to dispose or this BATlEPw PACK into‘ll'le‘ munlclpal waste stream, Check wilh your local solid waste olticlals lor details in your area lor recycling Options or proper disposal. BATTERY CONNECTOR Bm-rgfiy \ COMPAKTMENT \ COVER BATTERY PACK PLUG —— BATTERY PACK Remove me nAanET aArrEPv COMPARTMENT COVER By sliding it dawn Problem Solving Problem Solving Section For your assistance, we have lisled below a law common problems. Phone does not work, check the following: 1. EASE UNIT is plugged into power source. 2. HANDSET is charged, a. TONE/PULSE swilch is In the right posih'cn A. TELEPHONE LlNE CORD is plugged inlolhc TELEPHONE JACK Flange DI phone limited, check the following: 1. ANTENNA on BASE LINlT is raised. 2. BASE unrr is centrally located in your residence. 3. BASE uan is not located near appliances Na dial tone, check the following: 1. TELEPHONE LINE CORD plugs are connected to the TELEPHONE JACK and TELEPHONEUNECDNNECTIONJACK. z. BASE UNIT is plugged into power source. 3. li you had a power iailurc or had unplugged the BASE UNIT, replace the HANDSET on the BASE UNIT tor 2 to 5 seconds to reset the system. Received signal flutters or fades, check the following: 1. BA‘I'I'EHY PACK in HANDSET is lolly charged. 2. HANDSET is not too iailrorn the BASE uNrr. a. ANTENNA on EASE UNIT is raised. Interference an reception, check the tallnwing: 1. Noise may bs picked up tron cleclncal products in the home Or electrical storms. Generally. this noise IS a minor annoyance and should not be interpreted as a detect in your system. (See Technical inlorrnation on page 22). 2. Choose an alternate channel using lhc t scan] button on the HANDSET. Exness static, check the following: 1. Check to sec that the ANTENNA is not touching another metal object. 2. Parse or reposition the ANTENNA. if after pressing the tone, check the lailowmg. 1. EASE IJNIT is plugged into power source. 2. it you had a power iailurs or had unplugged the BASE UNIT, replace the HANDSET on the BASE UNIT tor 2 to 5 seconds to reset the syslcm. button, you receive three "beeps” and no dial NOTE: ll none oi the telephones in the house are walking, disconnect one set at a time to verily that none oi the phones are causing the problem, if you still have a problem after doing this, and your telephone still does not work, please contact your local phone company, Technical Information ‘ " There are This cordless telephone uses radio lrequencles to allow mobility. _ certain dllt'lculties in using radio liequencies with a cordless telephone. While these are normal, the following could allect the operation at your system. Noise . , _ Electrical pulse noise is present in most homes atone time or another. This naise ls most lmense during electrical storms, Certain kinds 0! electrical equipment such as light dimmers. fluorescent bulbs, motors, and lens also generate noise pulses. Because radio trecuencles are susceptible to these noise pulses. you may occasionally hear them in your HANDSET. Generally they are a minor annoyance and should not be interpreted as a delect in your system. Range Because radio trequency is used, the location or the Bass uNlr can affect the operating range. Try several locations In your home or otllce and pick the one that gives you the clearest signal to the HANDSET. Interference Electronic circuits activate a relay to connect the cordless telephone to your telephone line. These electronic circuits operate in the radio lreouency spectrum. While several protection circuits are used to prevent unwanted signals, there may be periods when these unwanted signals enter the BASE UNIT. You may hear clicks or hear the relay activate while you are not using the HANDSET it the interference occurs lrequently, ll can be minlmized or eliminated by lowering the height or your BASE UNIT ANTENNA or by relocating the EASE uNlT. Vatican check for intsrierenoc before selecting the final BASE UNIT location by plugging in the phone. NOTICE: This cordless telephone uses radio communication between the HANPSET and the ease unn and may not ensure privacy oi oommunlcallorl. other devices including other cordless telephones. may interfere with the operation DI this cordless telephone or cause noise during operation. Units not containing coded access may be accessed by other radio communication systems. Cordless telephones must not cause interterence to any licensed radio service FCC Requirements Federal Communlcalians Commission Requirements This equipment complies with Part as oi the FCC Rules. A label on the BASE uttrr or this equipment contains, among other inronnation, the FCC Registration Number and the ninger Equivalence Number (HEN) lot this equipment. Vou must, upon request, provide this iniormaiion to your telephone company. The HEN is also useiul in detenrining the quantity ct devices that you may connect to your telephone line and still allow these devrcss to ring when your telephone number ls called. In most areas, but not all. the sum OI the RENS lnr all devices connected to one line should not Exceed live (5.0). To be certain ol the number or devlces that you may connect to your line. you should contact your local telephone company. it your equipment should cause harm to the telephone network. the telephone company may temporarily disconnect your service. It possible. they will noliiy you in advanced that temporary discontinuance oi service may be required. however, when advanced written notice is not possible, the telephone company may temporarily discontinue SeNlCe without notice if such action is necessary under the circumstances. The telephone company may make changes in its communication tacilities. equipment. operations, or procedures where such action is reasonably required in the operation at its business and is not inconsistent with the rules and regulations oi the Federal Communications Commission. Do not attempt to repair or modify this equipment. WARNING: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible lol its compllanca could void the user's authority to operate the equipment, Some cordless telephones operate at lrequencies that may cause interlerence to nearby TVs and VCRS, To minl 1tlZa or prevent such lrllerlerflrlce, the BASE UNIT ol the cordless telephone should not be placed on or near a TV or van it interference is experienced, moving the cordless telephone iamrer away lrom the TV or VCR will often reduce or eliminate the interterenca. This equipment should not be used on coin telephone lines. Connecfion to party line service Is subject to state tariiis. li trouble is experienced, disconnect this equipment irom the telephone line to determine if it is causing the maliunction. it the equipment is determined to he mallunctioning. its use should be disconnected until the problem has been correcled. IMPORTANT In order to get maximum iris irom the HANDSET BATTERY PACK, he sure to chargs the HANDSET fur tz hours helore initial use. FCC Requirements Federal Communications Commission Requirements (continued) :T is e ui men! has been tested and found to comply with the limits lur B class gel-lilEllal Zevizexwursuant to Part 15 cl the FCC Rules. These limits are destgnedrto provide reasonable protection against harm'ui interlarence In B resldsnllal installation. This equlpment generates, uses and can radiate radio trequency energy and. it not installed and used in accordance with the instructions. may muse harmiul interierenoe to radio communications, However. there is no guarantee that intertorencs will not occur in a particular installallmtl II this equipment does cause harmtui lnteriererloe tD radii! or televlston reception. which can be determined by turning the equipment ant and on. the user is encouraged to try to correct the inlerlerence by one or more of the lotlnwmg measures. 1. Fieonent or relocate the receiving ANTENNA. 2. Increase the distance between the equipment and the receiver. 3. Connect lI'iQ equlpment intu an outlet on a circuit diflersnt from that 10 which the receiver is connected. _ _ 4, Consul! ll’le dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician luv help, e zr'inf'mwfimwfififiwwmnwmkawmmym .W*~“Ww.s$~amwfi Warranty Warranty Information BellSouth Products One—Year Limited Warranty This limited warranty sets lonh all BeIISoulh products responsibilities regarding your product. There are no other expressed or implied warranties from BelISouth Products. Warranty Service Provided Il you purchased the telephone new from a retail vendor, Bellsouth Frodunlfi warrants the telephone against defects In material and workmanship tor a parioo oi one (1) year 1mm the original data ol purchase This warranty rs in lieu oi all other expressed warranties. This warranty begins when you purchase the telephone and continues lot one (i) year unless you sell or rent the telephone, in which case the warranty stops. Bellsouth products disciatrrs any implied warranty, rnoluoing the warranty of merchantability ano the warranty oi fitness (or a panicuiar purpose, as at the date ol so days tram your original purchase at the telephone. EelISnth products assumes no responsibility tor any special, incidental, or consequential damages This wananty gives you spoons legal rights and you may have other rights which vary from state to state. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitations or special, inctdenlal or oonsequentlal damages, or limitations on how long a warranty lasts. so the shore exclusion and limitation may not apply to you. Warranty Service Not Provided This warranty does not cover damage resulting lrom accident. misuse, abuse, improper installallon or operation. task at reasonable care, unauthorized modification. the alfixlng of any aflachment not provided by Bellsoulh Products with the telephone and/or loss of parts. This warranty is valued in the event any unauthorized person opens, alters or repairs the telephone. All BeltSouth equipment being returned for repair must be suitably packaged. Telephone companies use oitrerent types oi equipment and otter various types at servtces to customers. EellSoutlt Products does not warrant that this telephone is compatible with the type at equipment ot any particular telephone company or the services provioeo by it. Warranty What to Do for Warranty Service During the first thirty (30) days, a detective product is ellg'ible iur over-the-oounter exchange at the retailer Irern whom it was purchased, After thirty (30) days. the detective product should be returned to the authorized service centerr Please allow 2-3 weeks tor the return at your telephdne product. The shipping address or the alllholtled service center is: U.S. Electioniis CONSUMER CENTER Clo Southem Bonded Warehouse 1491 Mt. Zion Rd, MDerw. GA 30260 NOTE: A product received which was not made for BellSnuth Products or which is not deieetive as determined by our test procedures wiiI not be repaired and wili be returned c.o.D., ireigni. To Obtain Warranty Service ~ Provide prooi oi the date of purchase within the package. - Prepay all shipping costs to the authorized semoe center, - Include a return shipping address within the package. Please retain your sales receipt, the carton, the packing materials. and the printed matariei. The original carton is the best shipping container for the teiepttone shouid you have to return it. For your reference: Selial number fl;— Date Oi Purchase __,_——_’—— Name at Dealer f— Customer Service Telephone Number: A 1-800-210-8950 ‘ OUTSIDE THE u.s.A. CALL 1-212-242-6978 Were-swam “muwmwamwwiuvwxmv mwmm-yeu IMPORTANT In order tn gel maximum life Irum Ihe HANDSET BATTERY PACK, be sure In charge the HANDSET far 12 hours belore initial use. IMPORTANT Placing yuur BASE UNIT near appliances Such as ielevislons, relrlgcrators, radios, or microwave ovens may cause interterence. This page serves as a templals lcr attachmenl nI screws to lhc well when mounting Ih‘is lelephone on lhe wall. 1. Cut am this pager 2, Use this template in determine the dislance between screws when mounting Ihls phone on the wait The lwo cross hairs identify where to atlach me screws L-fislezbmwmmw‘“ IMPORTANT When yuu hear mterlcrence, press rhc mhmmn to change the operating channeL IMPORTANT The AC ADAPTOR must always be plugged inic an electrical outlet iMPORTANT Tn umaln the besl reception, be sure 10 raise or reposiliun the EASE UNIT ANTENNA. IMPORTANT If you live in an area which receives lrequcnr thunderstorms. we strongly recommend plugging your AC ADAPTOR imu a surge protector.
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