KAPSCH TRAFFICCOM CANADA 801090 FPT 2000 Transponder User Manual Manual
ROADCHECK ““ he ROADCHECK'M 141an sznspcmdex fun:— hon: u missus sham"? com mmcihms deme Corrxrnxupihon between vehwle- moumed kins-pond“: and ma. ssde mmmbed ROADU-IEOU" mam scams stsnn mm FE! sec— and, pexmmng cut. between {12 mdssde md vehicles hivehng it hghwxy speeds ROADCI-ECK'" Flitpwk Tnnspmdexs axe suhHA fox every type of vehmle And ipphcthon when demed umsfes pflztibxhty 1s Tunipmckxi 1m dessgsed m be mpwmed secwely on (in muss sufwe of tl-g vehssle’s Windshield. ydcinh mmmmdlf dasxzed Instalhhon of «he Flatpack Transpondex .s we): ma smple Usnrg salmssseebsskednuseml as «smsponasnsessxymsmledmme unmet ponhmn an the wind— ihleld Makes? an the case guide peeps: mien fmquemy md xxmdnhhnn when foz both go and downhnks It; meetvez ls . mu AM detect“ “his st; umsmmm AS . smge singe m/cfi umt mselegmt ass-guns cmsssemfly demsnsmced excellent pezfclunlme m mung md field Dpexths ROMCK'" sem—whve technology employs . hfl'nlx'n me. «my ss tlrz ttmspmckx's smse nf paws; gvnrg tha kmspondex 1 mmmhfe of 10 ye us mgzdless ? 0mm xmlbexnf my mgmms st mdexgues The mnspcndez “mg 15 truck of assume smpmtezustmt mslded phshc find as wuhble m dmfienent MARK lV ROADCHECK'” c clots lluwmgmymrmmu mmmnarwm a] W my; kind mtmwmmv 1m arming! admalw sf 151 madfirrbr aw, mm‘m m1; mmdahu avwdltbrmad RDA possum Hm rm Tbu (”gum mngmmdn {m h wrdlm mqywvwbxdlmckljmdrmb Amhh’r 5: 43am: anion fir 496m "Ms Wu (es-“pandas use 115th mnbk fox knelhgent Txmspomuon Systems (ITS) lpphcihms sush is elecum boll conecnon, mm: monsoon; 1nd comm“! whale szlfirxu The thpack Tumponckx has “tud/wnbe" “memes and cm state fixed, pm—ptcglmd am .s well as vmlble am ndded m m1 We 15 use vehclg pisses . mas: hazhwty Ptmhonng hemen find, psepeo. msnm at speeds gunned am fields md xepxo- gmmbh fields cm be messed in “me mad: nf a: sham Clcsed toll sysbems opefltots cm wnbe MARK Ill vm‘able point of entry am ante na kmspunch: for subsequent to]! payment calculah'oni Comma-1 veh'cb opexatots can pinyin: vehicle ma mm Hm:- nufiun, vehicle maidemnce md “fag, inspecfim dues am, u: 0th: line sensitive am hoinpxuva hi: opeueoml eficietwy Higny seuue nmmmdmhfle access cmknl cmba anh'eved uing ROADU-ECK'“ szsp mam 1nd Reade“ by enyluying faqmfly upana e puswdi A canio'nlfim of MARK lV kmpmfixtypsmyhquluyedin scan—rum wsmw game frulliple luals lndullegaies as sexvice, “uh mm; ea 1mm poss'bk cast ROADU-IECKS high am ma ms‘ns um Advmud feitlxes can be irrqakmnhd um. mlinhinilg highlavals of syslnmpetfcxmme. FLATPACK TRANSPON DER SPECIFICATIONS Approx. Dimensions: 3.5"wide x 3.0' high x E16" deep (Sfimx 76mmx15n1'n) Vleiglu: 2.5 oz (709) Color: Four colors: Pearl (White), Bue, Orange and Yellow 255 bits (variable partition between fked bits and his prograrnmahle on me Mr) Daa unmily: Daa Innna: M alchesfler keyed carier Error chewing: 16 hi Cyclic Redmdanw Check (CRC) Daa rate: 500 Kbfis 21E|% per second (both uplink and dcmnl‘nk) Daa frequency: 915 MHZ (noninal) Triggu frequency: 915 MHZ (noninal) Meal rallied powa: 1rrW (nominal) Q1 Hating (elmetaure range: -4lJ' to +158“ F 640“ to +7EI' C) Sen/ice life: 10 years (no extemal power required) Power source: Internal lithium battery MnRh IV Inuustnes um, M15 unnsuon sozo Ambler Dru/E, Msslssaugz, Dntzrlc Canada LAW 2P1 Tel [amaze-3025 Fax [30515214572 DISTRIBUTED BY: MARK NIVHS, Inc. 212 Durham Ave Melumen.m Use-no Tel [amuse-7720 Fax [333 ] Asa-8005
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