KINGRAY ELECTRONICS BB100 Bluetooth earphone User Manual BB1470 TrueWireless Manual
KINGRAY ELECTRONICS Co., LTD Bluetooth earphone BB1470 TrueWireless Manual
User manual
billboard Bluetooih earphone for use With Biuetooth“ enabied devices Bluetooth earphone IISER MANUAL Introduction Thank you ior purchasing the Biiibuard" True wireiess Tarouds For nest use oi this dev ce we 'ecommend careiuiiy read rig this user nianuai and keeping it ‘ni your records Package Contents / ii a True w reiess Tarouds i p Micro USE charging capie a \, _ C. iflstiuctiun maflttai ‘ Device Guide RiGHi EARBUD LtH EARBUD A ’\ / i i , , m 1/ \¥ d DUST NFT MULTiFLNCTiON BUTTON MiCROPHON, CHARGiNG POR’ CHARGE CABLE use Tii’ ct tARCiNC TiPS Pairing Due arm 1 tcntz D'csstrin nuitiiunction punch or thcchoscnearouo untii he inc cator iasncs rod 5. biuc 2 Actiyzte ine tziue—cath'y teai_re on your Vans and se— the pho re to sserch 'oi w reiess dcv cos the user Mz'iuaiiaiyauidcyitci 3 Tap aibvdi or yourdeyicedispiayed as BB—BT—EB tii pass code is rcoucstcd cntcr cocci 4 When it isn't paired the earoud wiii tum oiiauioniaiitaiiy afleiS mtiiulex Pairing Two [urhudx 1 song oress ine niuitirt nctiun oution on aoih orihe earouos untii the mo tator igrits riasr red a due 2 Two earouds wii paired atiioniaiicaiiy it the canoe is sticcessrui, inc mastcrorcaroud wiii oiink oiuc and rod, the stave earouui wiitiash uiueeveryAseconds 3 Acivats me aiue-aoinw reature on youi device, and se- the device to discovery rroue to search nir wireiess dey ces (See the User Manuai toryuurdevice1 it ynu've previotisiy paired a singie earotio, the paired set shouid oe paired as a how cevice win tne name oeiow 4 Tap me caraudsoii yourdevice disaiayed as eeeeT T ti pass code is ieauested enter opooi - once the carouds have oeen paired, iney w i atitonaticaiiy paii vnth each other and your device vnicn they arc powered rm and Bitiemulii'” is actvated on your device 5 When lhzyain‘tpaiied tneaaiouds wiii iurnoiiautonnatitaiiyaiiars minutes Playin; Music 1 once tto :aibt_ds are paired picss piay on your device 7 short press the Muititun on outton to pause piayeack, and again to resume Answering can: . ryhen than is a more cart mi ca' iusl reariho mention the iiizs'e' ar tie earaua tie cihai state dicta is siren: . Answer an incaii'riii'ig caii oy short pirW rig the viuii iunstion oi tion on isidr - neiusa aT hconiinp caii av iaiin press t ie viui-niunctian cut-an oh eithei s u - heciai no test ntnaer usec by the our Le ty iauoie cickrc ire riuitrunct on outton on either side during piayoack rower nit Press zhe rvtuiiituiiciioii outton on either side unit the tm iiashes red nevice saiciy - your Truew reiess Eaibuds nave internai rechargeaoie patteries iniproper usage may resuii in the Earpuds becoii'imz not, ignite or ourstand cause intury ii exposed to conoitions oiacuse - Do not disassornoio tnrow away or damage the True Wiroioss taibuds - Slum tho iruo wircioss taibuds in a cry aiaoc, kocoing thoni away irom damp corrosivo matoriais and cnv ronrncnts such as sait air . keep the T'ue wireiess Farbuds away horn direct suniight iire and h gh voitage equipment Do not store the True wireiess Tarotcs inside a car curing not weather Remembeia ciosed car acts as a green house aiiowing the ins dc to each h gh temperatures. - The True wireiess Eaibucs are not a toy Piease keep them out oi the reacn piyoung chiidren - Piease do not discard the True Wireiess Eaibuds Consuit your iocai waste coiieciion agency ior proper disoosai or rec ciii‘g methods you ma aiso Contact “Cai{izhecycie‘ at 877— 7372925 or oniino at 'caii2rocyoic oig‘ iora aattony rooyciing orop ott iocation rioaryou charging The Bamry 1 i=iug tho ohargor caaio into tho aasc oioaoh oaroud ' i’iuggcc in carouds wiii automatioaiiy power down 2 Conncct tho cnargcr to a use power sourco ihc rod indicator tights wiii dispiay during cha'giiig ii charg ng does not start, disconnec- the charger piug it in aga n, and retry charging the batteries iuiiy may take hours 3 When the battery isiuiiy chargec, the red indicator i ght wiii turn oiue Disconnect the charger irom the US? powersource one the [erpuds The iuiiy charged batteries have power for unit: 4 hours or music time or up to 100 hours oistendpy time However, the teik and standby tirres rray vary when used With diiierent dev ces, settings, and env ronments. Battery iniorrnatiori yourearouds are powered bya rechargeapie patteries The iui performance oi new patteries s achieved oniy aitei two To three compieta cnaree and discharge cycies The patteries can pe cnarged and discharged undreos oi tirnos, out it wtii ovorituaiiy wear out . Do my teave a iuiiy chargec ez'auds connected to a cha'gei, oveicha'girig may shorten their iiietime ii ieii unused, iuiiy charged caroud oatteries wit iose thei charge overtime - Never useany cnargerthat is damaged. - teeyirgthe device in hot or coid pieces wiii reduce the capacw and iii Jive oi the paneries Optimai temoerature rihe paneries is between 59'F and 77‘F A device with a hot or coid patteres niay not work temporariiy, even when the patteries are iuiy cnarged - Do not dispose oi paceres iii a iire as the may exeiode Batteries may aiso cxaiodo ii camagcd A ways disaosc oi aattorics according to iocai roguiations Pimsn rocyoio Do not disposo as houscnoid wasto chiinicai Suppun techsupportaesiceiiuiarcorn or caii (212) 58378838 wzo1iuiiiooaru ipiioiuings ttc Aiirzi—srcscrvcu Biiooarcmihe uiiiocard iugo rip we re associatec cira actersi ademarks anc design eie ncnis are owned and icensed or e iioeard i’ hoicincs, ttc Bios-ooh is a rep stereo nationark o' aiue o-h SiG AH tit-c» trademarks are propcny OH’ici' rcspcciivc conpanics /\ it may darn-g- your marina ii you iimn vritii high voiunio iora twig iirne ii i! recommandcd you use trio ism“! voiume po-ioic tor sop-king and iicioning to niucio rcc Ininnnatinn rccin:zAMboBB1oo This device compiics with Part 15 oi the FCC ruics operation is sooec- to the ioiicwing two conditions (17 this device may not cause harmiui inlerie'ei‘ce, and (7) this device must acceptany interierence rece ved, inciuding interierence that may cause undesired Operation. Fedeiai Cmiiruiiicatinris Comm ssion tics) Statement This Equipment has seen tested and round to cpmpiv wih the iirnits for a ciass a Gig tat device, pursuant to Part15 oitne FCC ruies These iiniits are desiEi‘ed to provide reasonapie protection against harmiui interference n a iesidentai instaiiation This edu pmeni generates uses and can radiate radio ireouency energy are, i‘ not instaiieo and used in accordanoo vvith no instructions, may cause harnitui intortorcnoo to radio oonnirunications Huwcyci, more is no guarantoc that interioronco wiii not occur in a particuiar nstaiia-ion i' -.h s couipmcnt oocs oausc harmiui intcricrcricc to radio or tciov sion roccption, which can oe determined oy -urning the equipment oii and on, the user is encouraged to w to correct the inte'ieience oy one or more or the ioiiowing measures - Reoiieni or ieiocatet'ie receiving antenna - increase the separation petween the equipment and receiver - Connect the e uipment into an outieton a circuit diiicrcnt iromt at to whicn tho receiver is connoctod - Consuit tho doaior or an cyporionccd raoio/iy/ toohn oiaii tor hcip Warning changes or modiications to this unit not expressiy approved my the party responsibie ior corrpiiance couid void the userauthoiity to operate the equipment Tested to corrpiy with FCC standard. FOR HOME OR OFFiCE USE Warring: This ecu pmen- ccmaties with FCC RF radiation expnsuie iiniits set iorth ior an ur‘coritmiied enviiunmerit This device and its antennatsi mu not be co—iocated or coriuncton yvith arty otheranenna or transm tter Limited warranty fsi Cases and Accessories worra-zs to inc ‘i'fl consumer pu chaser :hatin s aroduci wnen shipaed in its originai conta her to “ht originai purchaser, wiii ec tire ’iom dr’ctlivr worms-ship and nateriais tor u is year and agrees the: it wiii at its oazion eiti‘E' repair the derect ci repiace tne de‘ec'ive rpduc- or part thereorat inE'szdttrit'cpuit'dsn'icivdtsn'i? ortcr:hciin~npcriocs This warranty cues not aaaiy to fy appearance tens or the product nor to I'm accit onai orciudod tents; sr- tor-h nrinw nor to any product the exteiioi or which has ceen darraged or caused which has seen suoiected is misuse, aonprnai service or nandiing crwhich has occn aitorcc or nocitcd in dcsicn orccnsauctioii i ic iimtedwarran- descrioeci nerein sin add-ion roan aoaiicaoie iaw ILUMPULD Atitahiicoihtmuuihto iitwrtititAy iLSOi MenanhTasitiTy AND FiTNESS FOR USEARE mum: To T , PJHOJMOM ii LDAiLOi OtiGiNALJUHCHASLSLi air it snow same sta. s do not etiow iiniita-ions on now img 34 in tied warraniyiasi, so chcahf‘yc irritation naynoioppi t you htci: or he sates personnei o' the setter nor any other 396W is authorized to make a- warran-ios nlhcr than those doseriocd hrir‘i'r hr in rxirirn zhe du a on or any warrannes beyond irne period descrihed nerein on tne derail ot FSi cases and hccessor as The warranties oescr aeo here h shai tie the sate and sum; vs warranties grantee try FSi Cass; and Accessories and shai ac inc soie arid exciusive remedy avaiiaoie to -he pu chaser corrections or nrirrix, i~ ihrmanncrandio i- on . ottinrdrscriood non-in, Juteruripiae‘uiiiiimen otaiiiiaoi .esand eszifliixibii— teases and Accessories -o the urchaser with respect to :hepoductardshaico . te-uiisaiisac. noiaiiciains whetneraasecancsntrastne iigence, “iicl iiaoiity or otherwise in no cvcnt siiaii LSi cases and ccmsoi s oc iaoic or iii anyway resooiisioie, Tor an node-cit otcunseoueniaieeo- nis oi P'opmy danagc omc states co no: ainwinc cxcius on o— he dent or consecuentiai oanafies, so -.he auove ekciusion may watafiiytn ou THSWARRAN GiVES you SPECiFiCiEGAi RiCi 5 yo MAyuo naonTnEk RiCiHTS WHiCH vaay rrtov STA‘FTO STATF Sond devico With -.ho product to- rsi Cases and Accessories 44 [ast32rid Street. ch iioor New york, New york 10016 . Enciose prooi oi purchase and $1195fui 5h pping ano Hanoiing
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