KONDOR KSDIGGIT DIGGIT Bluetooth outdoor portable speaker User Manual

KONDOR LIMITED DIGGIT Bluetooth outdoor portable speaker

User Manual

Download: KONDOR KSDIGGIT DIGGIT Bluetooth outdoor portable speaker User Manual
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Document ID3833122
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Document DescriptionUser Manual
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Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize348.34kB (4354244 bits)
Date Submitted2018-04-28 00:00:00
Date Available2018-04-28 00:00:00
Creation Date2018-04-10 17:11:19
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Document Lastmod2018-04-10 17:12:12
Document TitleUser Manual
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K5521 u199LMMLASJEGOLM m H g ; 10/94/2015 17 u
Please read this manual carefully before use.
Box contems
. KS Dlgglt Bluelootn Outdoor Speaker
. Slaketube
- Stake
- 3 5 mm Aux cable
- Mlcro USB Charge cable
- User manual
1 Volumer/Nexllreck
2. Volume /Prevlouslrack
a F'owcrbullorl
4 MFB (Mlllll'lul’lcllofl bullonl
5 LEDlndlcalor
s Mlcmmlone
7 AulenpOrl
s MlcroUSBcharglngport
9 Slakelube
x5521splggLManualeanozijrm 273
Drlver & Passlve 7
on Dom sldes
10/04/2015 17m
KS Diggn is IP55 water resrslanl
Tne speaker Is rated was. The first 5 means mal the speaker Is prulecled agamst dust and contacl
L‘m‘led mgress OI dust pevmltled The second 5 means \I protects 'vom water jets hum any dwrecllon,
om rs nul rmpervious ro \arge amounts or water P‘ease do nul dneouy immerse m water
. To ensure that the ks Drggu speaker rs water resrstanu p‘ease remove 21“ came connecnons and ugnuy
dose the AUX/DC \N Cap‘ exposmg the KS Drggn speaker to hqmds wrrnour domg so may resun m
permanent damage to We speaker
. Do not expose rne KS Drggrr to wa‘er whHe chargmg‘ tnrs rs very dangerous as domg so may resuu m
persona‘ wury and permanem damage to the speaker or power source
. H355 raung rs denned as \he speaker can sxand water spray (waterrcanymg oapaouy 12 5 L/mm] «or up
rd 3 mmules.
- We do no: recommend \eavmg me speaker outsrde er mght nrne m we: oondmons orwnen us rammg
Smrc m a dry p‘acc wnnd not m use, ms wm pro‘ong mo spoakors hfc.
x5521sprggLManuaLAsJEmLan[odd 475
Inslructions for use
Charging me banery
Gwe “79 speaker a (LAN onarge oerore us first use.
‘ conned me supphed USE Chargmg came w (he More usa chargmg pon (s) and mug \No power
2. The LED \ndrcmor (5) wm oe sond red wnnsr chargmg wnrcn wm take up to a nours
5 Once My cnarged lhe LED \ndrca‘or (5) wm mm on
Note' AHaw up to 4 nours rorcnenrsr onarge You can charge and may your speaker a( (he same (may
but rt needs extra onargrng nme
Banery prmecnon mode
. \r you haven't used rne speaker for 90 days we speaker wm swucn to battery protecuon rnode amomaucaHy
To cancer We oauery protecuon mode, conned ‘ne Drggrr \o powen see point 1 0! ‘Chargmg the battery‘
- To keep me reenargeaore pauery m good condmon‘ p‘ease drscnarge and reonarge speaker eyery a momhsy
even r you use n or nor
Note' For best sound ouamy when we oanery rs be‘ow son/a u rs best to onarge «ne Drggn
10/04/2015 17:11
LED \ighls mdrcalron
Parrrng mode
flash wme eurekry for new devree paring
flash whrte srpwry (or auto reconnecmn [p ‘351 pared devree
Parree m Brue‘opma mode and
prayrng audrp
Sohd Wh‘te
Parree m B‘ue‘ooth” but
no‘ prayrng audre
Hashrrrg wme
Auer mode
Hash WhNe 2 “mes every 3 secnnds
TWS parrrng
Hash wme s‘ow‘y
Enter TWS mode
Sohd were for save speaker and flasmng wmte eurekry {or
masker speaker
TWS parrea wrm devrec pm
Hm p‘aymg audro
Mas‘cv speaker flashmg afld s‘avc Spoakcr sohd WWI:
TWS parrea wrm devrce and
praymg auprp
BOW speakers sohd wme
Battery perew 30%
flash red every 3 seconds
Chargmg bauery
Sohd red
Chargmg hmsh (around 95%]
Red LED off
x5521sprggLManuausjgaozjmbwe n
Paving the Drggit to your devrce
1 Long press Power punerr (a) m mm Ihe speaker on and n wru amomameauy emer pamng mode
2 Turn your \OS, Andrord, Or Wmdows deCC‘S E‘umoo‘h ON and
Search Vor NCW deCCS
a Se‘ect ‘KS Drggw v asked for a passcode, enter ‘Dooo', and me devrce wru par
4 Once connected an audro tone W‘H sound and (he LED mdrcator (5) WM be a sohd whrte if p‘aymg
audio or srowry Hashmg wme rr not playmg audre
Repairing or paivmg new dewces
r Tum Bluetooth epnrreewrty err on any prevrousry pared devrces
2. Long press me MFB (4} u: re emer parrrng mode
5 mm we ‘Pawng me Drggm :0 your dcvrec‘ rrrsmcnens
Note: I! a prevrous‘y parred dewce rs not presem wnhm the B‘uefiooth Connechvrty range men (he
speaker wru resenter parrrng mode
10/04/2015 17:11
Play”?! "1““ 0" Y9” Speaker Function Bmeloom mode Auxmary mode
B'Ue‘mm Vomme+ Short press Voturhe+ (1) on Drggrt or Shon press Voturne+(u on Drggrt or
When connected we Btuetooth. may rnusrc on your deyrce and the sound wru play through the speaker use your deyrce use your devrce
some ““95 may reqwe W“ ‘0 we” me “1‘” ”up“ Votumce Short press VO‘HWC’ (9) on Drggrt or Short prcss Voturnoe (7) on Drggrt or
use your oevrce use your devrce
Next Track Hotd Voturner (1)bu|mnfor2 seconds N/A
( Ptug the Aux cable rhto the speaker‘s Auxsm pen (7} and your device usrng \he Supphed cepte
2_ The LED Noam (5) Wm flash Wm Preyrous Track Hotd Voturnee (2r bmton for 2 seconds N/A
Once connected to the Drggrt erther wrred or by Btuetooth, ptease (ouow the rnstructrons on next page Way/Pause Track Short press MFB (4) Short press MFE (4)
Answer CaH Short press MFB (4) N/A
Eho CaH Short press MFB (4) N/A
Rerect CaH Long press MFB (4) N/A
Redra‘ Doupte press MFB (4) N/A
Tum art/an Hotd Power (a) button (or 2 seconds Hotd Power (a) buuon (or 2 seconds
Note: CaH handhng Dn‘y works on the master speaker when m TWS mode.
Km”(mumMummy)m 3s gg Io/m/zota 17:11
Using lhe Stake
The speaker can be used at tne beacn, promos, EBOS‘ restrvets, garden parltes‘ Camplng and at home
1 PM tne Stake (10) out ot the State tube (9)
2. Turn tne Stake (10) was degrees and push back me tne Stake tube (9) , see trgure 1
a Puen tne assembted stake m0 tne ground by band rorce onty , see trgure 2
Do not use any Object or the Dtggtt to mt rt mm tne ground
4 Make sure tne tower ruober nng rs above tne ground to aHow easy removat rrorn tne ground.
Do not pusn tne entire stake mto tne ground rt wm make removet drmcutt
5 Carequy ptace tne Drggit on to tne Stake tube (9) , see ngure 3
6 Once rrnrsned usmg me Dtggtt‘ remove the Drggrt rrom tne Stake tuoe (9)
7 Grab tne tower end onne Stake tube (9) and exposed pert ot tne Stake (10] and mm out of tne ground.
Do not wnggte tne stake m the ground as We may damage tne product
5 trtnc Stake tube (9) or Stake (10) has drrt on m clean tncm wrtn a damp ctotn botoro rcturmng tnc
Stake (10) mm tno Stake tube (9) tor sarc kccpmg
Note. Ptease onty pusn tne stake mto sott ground
x5521sptggLMenueusjgaozjwy[nod 1041
t \gd'EJ
10/04/2015 17:11
TWS (True ere‘ess Stereo) for stereo sound‘
1 Wrm pom Drggr( speakers (urneo on one rn parrrng mode (make sure your oeyree rsnw connec(eo (o
er(ncr whHC (ryrng (o pan (or TWS)
2 Dow‘s press Power buflon (3) on bom speakers and the LED rndrcalor (5) wru s(ow(yflasn we on
both speakers
3 Tne mas(er speaker wru au(oma(rcany (no me purer speaker‘ the s(ave er pecome sohd wnile and
me master wru (nen Hash ourck(y
Once connected. rne LED rnoroarer (5) Wm oeeome sohd whne on both speakers
Turn your roe. Anororp, orWrndows oeyrce‘s B(ue(oo(n ON and searcn (or new oeyrces
5e(ect ‘KS Drggrv. (( asked for a passcooe, en(er (0000', ano (ne oeyrce wru parr
Once connemeo, rne LED rnorcetor (5) er be e sohd we (1 p(eyrng eudro or s(ow(yr(asnrng wme
(1 no( p(ayrng euoro
Note: To canom (no TWS on pom ooume press Power ounon (3) on ooxn speakers and (noy wru orsoonnem
(no seoono speaker wrrr rarcmcr parnng mooe whflc (ne rnas(erwru conunue (o be parreo (o your oevrec
‘Second quqrr soro separare y or rn pans
Mease nme
Your oevrce wru nave an rn(erna( amphher and r (t rs p(ayrng drew mes hke MP3s n wru a(so nave an (megraled
DAC (Drgr(a( Auoro Convener) u you lum (no yo(urne up (o (00% your oeyrce wru pe senorng a ors(or(eo
srgna( To avoro Ins and (o gm (ne oes( ouaMy (rom lhc speaker, we recommend man you do no: run
your ocvroc any nrgncr (nan 95% vommo Some aevrces ou(pu( nrgner (nan omers so you may need (o
reduce the vo‘ume (f you expenence orsmnron
Call hand‘ing
Answer caH wnen a Ca“ comes through, the Drggrt wru may a rrng(one
Snor: pross (ne MFE (4) (o answer
End caH durmg a cam. snon press me MFB (4) to end the ca“
Re(ect caH wnen a Ca“ comes rnrougn. doume press MFB (4)10 re(ect
Redm‘ to redwa‘ \he (as! d(a\\ed number‘ doub‘e press me MFB (4)
Nate: Tms (eature (s on‘y avaflab‘e (n E‘uetooth mode
Note: wnen usrng the speaker (or caH hamdhngr p(ease ensure you are racrng [he mrcropnone,
ne (ess than ( meve away (or best resu‘ts
12 13
km”mumsausages”m rm gg woman; 17:((
Care for your Dtggil
Ptease DON'T:
- Submerge tho Drggrt speaker tn water or toave out oyornrght because or ran or oondensatron,
the speaker is onty water reststant horn spray watertor over 3 rntnutes
. Drop the Dtggtt as the WM rnyatroate your warranty
. Open up the Dtggtt as thrs th rnyatroate your warranty There are no user servreeaote oarts instde
. Expose the Dtggtt to extreme temperatures or raprd changes ot hot to eoto orvtce yersa
. Take care when slaktng the tube and sptke tnto the ground. do not use any thtrd party omeot or
the Dtggit to toroe tt into the ground
. Ptace the Dtggtt tn a suttaote tooatton where t rntntrntses the rtsk ot tnps to yoursett and others
. The LED nng tight on the Dtggtt ts. onght, out do not use the as a torch
Ptease DO:
- Ctoan tho Dtggtt wtth a sort ory or sttghtty damp ototh and no octorgonts
- Ctoan the stake and tube wrth a damp sott sponge attor use
K5621SiDtgglLManuaLAsifiEfioziawib[Md 14715
Works wtth Btuelooth“ V4.2
Btuetooth connectwtty dtstance up to 10 m
Btuetooth connecttytty otstance between up to 5 rn
two Dtggtts tn TWS mode
S/N 8t :18 we 2oB
Frequency band
7A0? a 9480 MH7
Transmtsston power
4 dBm toonouoteo)
Frequency response so H17 20 kHz
Drtyers 2 x 40 rnrn
Output RMS 2x5W
Battery rechargeaote LHony 1200 rnAh, 5 v
Ptay [me up to 8 hours
Chargtng ttrne up to 3 hours
tP rattngs tP55
Worhtng temperature 40°C — +40%
Dtmenstons (mm)
H‘BO X W62 / H240 , mctudmg tube and Stake
035 kg
tom/2m trztt
Troubleshooting FCC TD: 2ADFF7KSDIGGTT
This device Complies with Parl 15 OHhe FCC Rifles. Operation is Subjecl to (he fDHowing two conditions
(T) thTs device rnay not cause harrntui Tnterterenee, and (2) thTs eeche must accept any Tnterterence
received, inciuding interfcrcncc that may cause undesired Operation
We hope you‘ve now got ah the TniorrnatTpn you need to get started, but Ti you‘re hayTng prpbierns
WTth anytthg, piease teei tree to contact us at suppert@thseund co uk
WarnTrTg Changes er meeTtTeatTens net expressiy approved by the party responsTbie tor compiTance
couid we the user‘s authonty to operate the eoqurneth.
NOTE This equipment has been tested and iouno to compiy WTth the iTrnTte tor a Ciaes a aTthai oeche,
pursuant to part is otthe FCC Ruies These iTrnTts are designed to eroyToe reasonabie protectTon agaTnst
harmtui Tnterterence Tn a residentTaT TnstaiiatTon. ThTs eoqurnent generates, uses and can raoTate raoTe
treouency energy and.i1notinstaHed and used Tn accordance WTth the instructions may cause harrntui
“‘0 W ‘0’“ 0’ WC PU “WWW” 0’ “WWW ‘5 “WW 3‘ W ’0“°‘”‘”9 Tnterterence to raeTo cornrnunTcatTons. However there Ts no guarantee that Tnterterence wiii not occur Tn
‘meme‘ add’ess' WP ”k°"d°' C” “k’P'°d““"d°°“me"‘5 a partTeuiar TnstaiiatTen. it thTs eouTornent does cause harrntui Tnterierence to rape or teieyTSTon reeeptTon,
thch can be peterrnTneo by turnTng the eoqurnent off and on the user Ts encouraged to try to correet
the Tntorterence by one or more oi the toiioWTng rneasures
, Reenent er reieoate the reoeTVTng antenna
, increase the separation between the eequnTeth and reoeTyer
7 Connect the equipment into an outiet On a Circuit different from that ‘0 which the receiver is connected
, Consuit the beaier or an experienced raeTo/Tv technTcTan Tor heip.
Hereby Kondor Ltd eeciares that the raoTo eqqurnent type
KSDTGGTT Biuetoeth Outooer Speaker, Ts Tn cornpiTanee WTth DTreetTye 2014/53/EU.
16 17
asset”mumMummy)Tm Tm gg tom/20m Tm
IC: 23562 , KSD‘GGIT
Tms dewce eemehes wnh \ndusvy Canada‘s hcencerexempt R555. Operaheh e subjed (e the foHowmg
two eehdmehs (1) The dewce may hex cause \merference‘ and (2) The deuce mus: aeeee: any \meflerence,
mdudmg \mcficrcncc mm may cause uhdeshed operamh of me dcwcc.
Le présenf appalerl est Coflforme aux CNR d‘/ndusme Canada applrcab/es aux appare/Is :adrd exempts
de h‘eenee. L‘exp/ortamn est aumhse'e aux deux edhdmdhs suivantes - u /‘apparefl he dort pas produ/Ie
de brour/lage;2) I'apearey/ don aeeepzer [out brawl/age radroé/ecmque sub], meme 3! le brow/lags es!
suseeehere d'en compromeme le Idheh'dhhemem
Safely warnings
The foHowmg mformaflon shou‘d be read befove product use:
- NO naked flame sources such as hgmcd Cand‘cs, shou‘d DC p‘accd on (he appavams‘
. Auehheh shou‘d be drawn m me ehwehmemaw aspeds of eanery dwsposah
- Banehes (battery pack or battenes ms‘aHed) shau not be exposed to exeesswe heat such as fire or the We
x5521spxggLManueusjgaozjmbMd 1349
The use Md Guevauon enms sneakev s demo 0m eewo Wa'vaflly or me KS [hdgu \S hm .e 'o de'ecls eeusee by 13.1 W eehuvmuye
cv de'ects m ma:eha\s emy No war'an‘y wrmsoevev s g van 0! \mo‘ ed m damage caused by :he usev undev ary eheumstahces
The dads hm yam y:),rs‘a||l|(1ry hghls
mease no em aitcmm :e me me pradue n-eve am he usc' semeeae e pans msme h pamcmar wyouv eveaud has ar' embedded
'mwrep‘aceab e bauery du he: euemm m amass or 'emuve w e eauem es 'sz may cause nersons hwy and w u damage me producl
Makmg ahy enema: m over «he wound or eavry em repa v was ary ard 5‘ wav'a'mes
We ave sov'v Yorafiv hedhuemeneeeeused Dy mmmmconsws'evcxesm :Vesems'mc'xcws mch may eeauveseyesumvmedum
muruven‘sm and aeve epmem
10/04/2015 17:11

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