KONDOR KSHIVEXBK Bluetooth Speaker (KS Hive X ) User Manual BL 268
KONDOR LIMITED Bluetooth Speaker (KS Hive X ) BL 268
User Manual
$0 Msmuhd (0 uk TheEueJolhawrdw‘avkmd Lucia'evuqstewjA'eLev‘axsvawdbylhefiusmwsm n mamsuvsm 5b} Kowdov ,d wmdevnevsu Ohev lmdemavkaanl Hamésd'é now heuveweune 0mm; m mnrmnrks m mk'm: qur‘d n" m mm») m 'hw msmrw mum um: mhflwsr‘ », J m w , w. an m mm» hr'mnrmmknmm'inmmmwka nun nrnmsm'hrwnmrisrr'flv km nu rfisuu w» m“ cega JE mud Mm "C m Q(“Samm:alradfiwarkuYKuvuquv'wleJ LUV Crvulu'vucv L‘urszl Emma UK m e l u: 0 J. w Mum“; h, m. rn,,uNn HIVE X BLUETOOTH® SPEAKER USER MANUAL Ptease read thts manuat carefully before use. Box cements . KS Htvc >< Etuctonth Spcakm . 3 5mm Aux came . Mtoro USE chargc canto . User manuat Functions snepmbsama TWS outton MFE (Mutttsiunchon putton) Votumee/Preytous traok Votume t /Next track Power outton LED tndtoator Battery LED Mtorophone NFC to Auxsm port tt Mtoro use chargtng port t2 usa output tn KS Htve X is IPXG waterproof The speaker is rated IPXS. Thts means tt protects from water tets at any otreottoh, out ts not tmpervtous to targe amounts of water Ptease do not otreetty tmmerse tn water . To ettsure that the KS thex speaker ts waterprootr ptease remove aH oapte oontteottons and ttghtty otose the cap expostng the KS the x speaker to ttoutas wtthout ootng so may resutt tn permanent damage to the speaker . Do not expose the KS the x speaker to water whtte chargmgr thts ts very dangerous as dotng so may resutt tn personat tntury and permanent damage to the speaker or power source - ths waterproot ts defined as the protected agatnst htghspvessure tet spray trom att dtrecttons and temporary floodtng tnstruettons tor use Charging the battery stye the speaker a tutt charge oetore tts first use t Connect the use ohargtng some m the Mtoro usa chargtng port (W and ptug tnto power 2 The Battery LED (7) wttt oo sottd rod whttst ohargtng whtoh wttt take up to 5 hours 3 Once tutty charged the Battery LED (7) wttt turn at Note. AHow up to 8 hours tor the ttrst charge. Vou can charge and ptay your speaker at the same ttme but tt needs extra chargtng ttme Battery protection mode if you haven't used the speaker tor 90 days, the speaker will switch to battery protection mods automatically To keep the rechargeable battery in good condition, please discharge and recharge speaker every 3 months, even it you use it or not Note: For pest sound quality when the battery is below sow/a, it is best to charge the Hive x. LED lights indication Pairing mode Flash blue quickly for new device pairing Flash blue slowly for auto reconnection to last paired device Paired in Eiuetooth“ mode Solid biue Paired but not playing audio Flash blue every 2 seconds Aux-in mode Solid red TWS pairing Flash blue and red Clulckly Enter TWS mode Flash blue and red every 2 seconds TWS paired With device Slow ilasning purple TWS paired With device and Solid purple playing audio Battery below eon/a Flash red every 3 seconds Charging battery Red LED on Charging finish (around 95%l Red LED oil Pairing the Hive X to your device t. Long press Power button (5) to tum the speaker on and it wrii automatically enter pairing mode 2. Turn your iOS. Android, or Windows device‘s Bluetooth ON and search tor new devices a. Select ‘KS Hive ><'. ii asked tor a passcode, enter toooox and the device will pair 4. Once connected the LED indicator to) will be a solid blue it playing audio or slowly ilashing blue ilnot playing audio He-pairing or pairing new devices l. Tum Bluetooth connectivity oil on any previously paired devices OR 2. Long press the MFB (2) to reenter pairing mode a. Foliow the ‘Pairing the Hive x to your device' instructions Note: if a previously paired device is not present within the Eluetcoth connectivity range then the Speaker Will re-emer pairing model Pair with NFC 1. On your devlce make sure both the NFC and Bluetooth lunctlons are swltched on 2 Wrth the Hrve >< powered on and not connected to another dsvlcet place your devlce over the NFC (9) lcon and your devrce wlII automatrcally palr to the speaker 3. A prompt mlght appear sayrng “Fair to KS l-trve x‘ Select ‘Palr' and the Hlve x wlll then be pared to your devlce 5. A double peep wlII sound to confirm palrlng and the LED lndicator16)wlll tlesh every 2 seconds Playing music on your speaker Bluetooth When connected vla Bluetooth, play rnusrc on your devroe and the sound wrll play through the speaker. Some devlces may reoulre you to select the audlo output. Auxiliary 1. Plug the Aux cable unto the speaker's Aux-m port (10) and your devlce 2. The LED tndlcator (6) wtll become a sclld red colour Once connected (0 the Hive X ellher wlred or by Blueloolh, please follow the below instrucllons: Function Bluelooth mode Auxrliary mode V0lume+ snon press VOIume+ w on Hive x snort press or hold Volums+(4) or use your devlce on Hlve x or use your deylce Volume? snort press Volume? ts) on HlveX snort press or hold Volumeeta) or use your devlce on Hlve x or use your oevroe Next Track Hold Volume+ 14> button lor N/A 2 seconds Previous Track Hold Volume— ts) button for MA 2 seconds Play/PauSa Track Shun press MFB (2) Short press MFE (2b Answer Call snort press MFB (2) N/A End Call Short press MFB (2) N/A Reject Call Double press MFB <2) N/A Hedlal Double press MFB (2) N/A TWS for stereo sound t Wrth ooth speakers turned on and rn parrrng mode,shor1 prcss TWS outton (t) on one speaker Master) and the LED rndrcator to) wrtt ourckty flash rod and ptue The Master speaker wrtt automatreatty trno the other speaker Once connected the LED rndreator (o) wrtt stowty ttash purpte on opth speakers Turn your rOS, Andrord, orWrndows devree's atuetooth ON and search tor new deyrees Seteet ‘KS I trye x‘ If asked tor a passcode, enter “Doom and the deyrce wrtt parr Once connected, the LED rrrdrcator (6) wrtt oe a sotrd purote tf ptayrrrg audro or stowty ttashrng ourpte rt rrot ptayrrrg audro pambgnm Note To cancet the TWS on both. tong press TWS btmon (t) and they wrtt dreconnect and reenter pamng mode uss output Vou can charge your deyrce yrathe use output (tz), the output vottage and current re 5 v/ t A. . Ptease do not use the USB output (tz) when the battery ot KS Htve >< rs eetow sows (when the Battery LED (7) rs flashrrrg red every 3 seconds) . tt's not ayartaote to use when powered ott Ptease note: VOur deyrce wrtt have an rnternat amptrtrer and tf rt rs ptayrng drortat trtes trke MP3s rt wrtt atso have an rnteorated DAO (Drgrtat Audto Converter). tt you turn the yotume up to ‘UO%‘ your deyrce wrtt oe sendrng a drstorted srgnat To ayord thrsr and to get the pest duatrty from the speaker we recommend that you do not run your deyree any hrgher than 95% yotume Some deyrces output hrgherthan others, so you may need to reduce the yotume rt you expertence drstortron Care for your Htve X Ptease DON'T - submerge the Htve >< speaker rn water or spray water for over 3 rnrnutes - Drop the Htvo x as thrs wrtt rnvatrdate your warranty . Open up the Hrye >< There are no user seryreeaote parts rnsrde . Expusc the Htvc x to extreme temperatures or raprd changes Df hot to eotd orvree yersa Ptease D0. . ctearr the Htve >
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