Keysight Technologies Malaysia Sdn Bhd U1115A Remote Logging Display User Manual U1115 90103

Keysight Technologies Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. Remote Logging Display U1115 90103

User Manual

1Keysight U1115A Remote Logging DisplayOperating InstructionsThe Keysight U1115A Remote Logging display is designed to be used with the Keysight U1200 Series handheld meters, Keysight U1117A IR-to-Bluetooth®1 Adapter, Keysight U1177A IR-to-Bluetooth Adapter and mobile/software2 applications to provide you a total wireless remote connectivity solution.With the U1115A, you can view readings from up to four handheld meters simultaneously, from an extended distance of up to 100-metres (U1117A) within the line-of-sight.Figure 1 Keysight wireless remote connectivity solutionStandard Shipped Items Checklist         The following items are included with your purchase:• U1115ARemoteLoggingDisplay.• Three1.5VAAbatteries.• USBtomicroUSBcable(forexternalpoweronly).• OperatingInstructions(thisbooklet).• SoftCarryingCase.1 The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered trademark owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc and any  use of such marks by Keysight is under license. Other trademark and trade names are those of their   respective owners.2 The Keysight U1115A only supports Keysight Handheld Meter Logger software for downloading logged data       to PC via Bluetooth connection.Keysight U1200 Series handheld metersU1115A remote logging displayWindowsPCAndroid devicesiOSdevicesU1117A IR-to-Bluetooth adapterU1177A IR-to-Bluetooth adapterKeysightPCApplicationSoftware2     Keysight Handheld Meter     Logger Keysight Mobile Application2    Keysight Mobile Meter    Keysight Mobile Logger
2Product CharacteristicsTemperature Operating condition:–20°Cto55°CStorage condition:–40°Cto70°CRelative Humidity (R.H) Operating condition:Upto80%at40°C(non-condensing)Storage condition: Upto95%at40°C(non-condensing)Dimension (W x L x H) 92.0 mm × 107.9 mm × 33.5 mmWeight 238 g with batteries , 170 g without batteries.Battery Type •CarbonZinc15D(ANSI/NEDA)andR6(IEC)•Alkaline15A(ANSI/NEDA)andLR6(IEC)•Lithium15LF(ANSI/NEDA)andFR6(IEC)Battery Lifespan •Lithium batteries: 30 hours•Alkalinebatteries:20hoursPower Consumption Maximum1VAfor3AAbatteriesMaximum5V+10%,250mAforexternalpowerAutoPowerOffmode,currentconsumption3mAWarranty Oneyear(Doesnotcovernormalwearandtearofmechanical parts and batteries)Bluetooth BluetoothSPPprole,Class1deviceCompatibility Keysight Handheld Meter/Display:•KeysightU1200SeriesHandheldMeters•KeysightU1117AIR-to-Bluetooth Adapter •KeysightU1177AIR-to-Bluetooth AdapterKeysight Application Software:•KeysightHandheldMeterLoggerHardware Device:•WindowsPC(withBluetooth-enabled) Regulatory The U1115A complies with the requirements of thefollowing product standards:•EMCEN301489–1:V1.9.2EN301489–17:V2.2.1EN55022:2010(Group1ClassA)EN55024:2010•RF(Bluetooth)EN300328V1.7.1•RF(Health)EN62311:2008•Safety                 EN60950–1:2006+A11:2009+A1:2010+A12:2011Complieswith  IDAStandards  (DA106994)
3Regulatory •IndiaEquipmentTypeApproval(ETA)CerticateNo:NER-ETA/924“This telecommunication equipment conforms to the NTCtechnicalrequirement”Table 1Connectivitydistance(approximate)withintheline-of-sightU1177A U1117A U1115AU1177A – – 10 mU1117A – – 100 mU1115A 10 m 100 m –Other Class 1 devices 10 m 100 m 100 mOther Class 2 devices 10 m 10 m 10 m
4•CanadaIC:ThedevicecontainstransmitterIC:5123A–BGTWT11IA•TocomplywithFCCandIndustryCanadaRFradiationexposurelimitsfor   general population, the antenna(s) used for this transmitter must be    installed such that a minimum separation distance of 20 cm is maintained    between the radiator (antenna) and all persons at all times and must not be    colocated or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.•“La operación de este equipo está sujeta a las siguientes dos condiciones:    (1) es posible que este equipo o dispositivo no cause interferencia    perjudicial y (2) este equipo o dispositivo debe aceptar cualquier interferencia,incluyendolaquepuedacausarsuoperaciónnodeseada.”•TheradiomodulecertiedbyJapaneseRadioLawisintegratedinside.•NCCWarningStatement:•Article12Withoutpermission,anycompany,rmorusershallnotalterthe      frequency, increase the power, or change the characteristics and functionsoftheoriginaldesignofthecertiedlowerpowerfrequency      electric machinery.•Article14      The application of low power frequency electric machineries shall not       affect the navigation safety nor interfere a legal communication, if an       interference is found, the service will be suspended until improvement is       made and the interference no longer exists.•AccordingtoFCCpart15.21: Changesormodicationsnotexpresslyapprovedbythemanufacturerforcompliance may void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.•AccordingtoFCCpart15.105(b): This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a ClassBdigitaldevice,pursuanttopart15oftheFCCRules.Theselimitsaredesigned to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy, and if not installed and used in accoradance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However,thereisnoguaranteethatinterferencewillnotoccurinaparticularinstallation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or tele-vision reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:•Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.•Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.•Connecttheequipmentintoanoutletonacircuitdifferentfromthattowhich the receiver is connected.•Consultthedealeroranexperiencedradio/TVtechnicianforhelp.•AccordingtoFCC15.19: Thisdevicecomplieswithpart15oftheFCCrules.Operationissubjecttothefollowing two conditions:•This device may not cause harmful interference.•This device must accept any interference received, including interfer-ence that may cause undesired operation.
5Front ViewSampling annunciator                                                                        Time indicatorBatteryindicator                                                                                     F3key         Functionkeys                                                                                           LoggerkeyNavigationkeysMeterkey                                                                                                          Figure 2FrontviewoftheU1115ARemoteLoggingDisplay                                   Side View      Slide power switch                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          StandExternalpowerport(microUSBport)       Figure 3SideviewoftheU1115ARemoteLoggingDisplay(standingposition)HOLD MODE CONNECT SETTINGS01:01MeterLogger
6Back View                                Slide power switch                                              Stand                                              Batterycover                                              with magnetic                                                                                                                     holder                                                           Figure 4BackviewoftheU1115ARemoteLoggingDisplay  Turning On the U1115A To turn on the U1115A , set the slide power switch to On. (as shown in gure 4)•OnceaconnectedIR-to-Bluetooth Adapter is turned off, below   scenarios will occur :    1   The Not Connected annunciator will appear on the display.   2   Subsequently, the    annunciator will appear after 15 s-20 s.Supplying External Power to the U1115A1PlugthemicroUSBheadtothemicroUSBportonthesideoftheU1115A.      (refer to gure 3)2PlugtheUSBconnectortoaUSBpowersourcetosupplyexternalpowertothe     U1115A.•ThemicroUSBportontheU1115Aservesasanexternalpowerport   and not for data transfer or battery charger.• BatteriescanbeleftintheU1115Awhenoperatingfromexternalpower.
7Installing and Replacing the BatteriesMakesureyouturnofftheU1115Abeforeinstallingorreplacingthebatteries.ToavoidtheU1115Abeingdamagedfrombatteryleakage:• Always remove dead batteries immediately.• Always remove the batteries and store them separately if the U1115A is not going to be used for a long period of time.Remove the battery protective sheet beforeusingforthersttime.1 23 4
8Connecting to Devices EnsurethattheLinkLEDatthe                      IR-to-Bluetooth adapter isblinkingbeforeestablishinga   connection.                         Power cycle if necessary.FrontviewoftheU1117AIR-to-Bluetooth adapterPresstoenterConnectionManager. (U1115A)TypicalConnectionManagerdisplay.Press to add devices.Press to scan for devices.TypicalAvailableDevicesdisplay.                        Press to navigate to                          desired device.           F3CONNECTBackA> Add DeviceB> Add DeviceC> Add DeviceD> Add DeviceBluetooth EnterConnection Manager01:01F4Enter57AE5B1Scan SelectU1177A-2718DE2Available123456ScanF37
9Connecting to Devices (continued)Press to select the desired device.  Typical connection menu display.                                  Press  to  navigate  to  desired                                        function.• Select Connect tomakeaconnection.• Select Cancel to cancel a connection.• Select Pairing PIN : 1234 to change PINnumber.EnsurethattheU1115Aand the IR-to-Bluetooth adapter(s) havematchingPINnumber(s).• Select Connect at Startup to set thedevicetoconnectonstartup.Byselecting this option, it will determine the number of views as shown in Table 2 below.8 910 11SelectF4ConnectionManagercanaddupto4devicesatanyonetime.Meter view is automatically selected based on the table below :            Table 2  Meter view selectionConnected devices Connect At Startup Meter view1 1-meter view2 2-meter view3 or 4 4-meter view
10Meter ViewTypical screen display when no meter is connected to the U1115A.Typical screen display when one meter is connected to the U1115A.Typical screen display when two meters are connected to the U1115A.Typical screen display when three or four meters are connected to the U1115A. The U1115A screen display will show ----- when:    1Nometerisconnected.  2   Meter(s) function/mode is not supported by the U1115A.  3   When the user changes the meter’s function. Typical wait time is 5s.          01:01HOLD MODE CONNECT SETTINGS-- -- -A> U1117A-57AE5B Not Connected A> U1273A-MY51430008U1117A-57AE5BA> U1273A-MY51430008B> U1177A-2718DE U1272A-MY52800017U1117A-57AE5BU1273A-MY51430008A> U1272A-MY52800017B> U1177A-2718DEU1252B-MY51040033C> U1117A-2391BA Not ConnectedU1117A-57AE5B1 23 4
11Identifying a Connected Meter The identify meter function allows you to easily identify your connected meter(s).To identify the connected meter, follow the steps below :1   In the meter view, select the desired meter and press CONNECT. 2   Then, navigate to the desired connected device and press Identify.3Themetercorrespondstotheselecteddevicewillbeepandashit’sbacklight.Selecting Measurement Mode   Typical meter view display.Press to navigate to the desired meter.Press to enter mode menu.                            Typical mode menu display. The active window will be highlighted.                            Press to select desired mode. In thisexample,ACVis selected.Press to exit mode menu.       MODEF2U1273A-MY51430008 U1272A-MY52800017B> U1177A-2718DEU1252B-MY51040033C> U1117A-2391BA Not ConnectedA> U1117A-57AE5BMODEHOLD CONNECT SETTINGS1234VacF2U1273A-MY51430008 U1272A-MY52800017B> U1177A-2718DEU1252B-MY51040033C> U1117A-2391BA Not ConnectedA> U1117A-57AE5BVac Vdc Vacdc56Meter
12Performing Data LoggingThe data logging function provides you the convenience of recording test data for future review or analysis. Table 3 DataloggingmaximumcapacityData logging option Maximum storage capacityManual log 500 ptsInterval log 60000pts/100sessions11 For interval log, a maximum of 60 000 points or 100 sessions can be stored, whichever occurs rst.  Session ends when the U1115A powers off, count mode ends, restarts new logging or all connected meter(s)     disconnect  Performing Manual LoggingPress to enter data log mode.11Proceed to Step 2 if the U1115A is already in meter   view.Press for >1 s to store the present value.Typical manual log display.Manual Logged : x1 is displayed at the top left of the display once a value is logged.1 X denotes 1,2,3,4,...which represents the current log count.Press to exit data log mode.LoggerManual Logged : 1A> U1117A-57AE5B124Meter3Logger
13Performing Interval LoggingPress to enter data log menu. Press to start interval log mode.Subsequent readings are automatically recorded into the multimeter’s memory at theintervalspeciedinthesetupmenu.Typical interval log display.LogCounts:x1 is displayed at the top left of the display once a value is logged.1 X denotes 1,2,3,4,...which represents the current log count.Press to exit interval log mode.STARTSTOPLog Counts : 1A> U1117A-57AE5BSTOP1243LoggerF1F1
14Table 4 DataloggerSetupoptionsOption Available settings DescriptionInterval 1 s-10 mins Delaytimebetweensubsequentreadings.Bydefaultitissetat2s.CountMode On/Off(default) Enableordisabletheintervaldatalog process to stop when the logged data have reached count settings.Count 1-60000 Total readings that need to be logged. Changing Datalogger Setup OptionsPress to enter data log mode. PresstoenterDataloggerSetupmenu.TypicalDataloggerSetupmenudisplay.                        Press to navigate to                         desired function.                                Press to edit the                                  selected value.                         Press to toggle the selectedcheckbox.MENU01:01Datalogger SetupInterval 00:02Count ModeCount 60000Back EditAvailable Sessions : 100Available Interval Counts :  60000Available Manual Counts : 5001243LoggerF2EditF4ToggleF4
15Reviewing Previously Recorded DataPress to enter data log mode. Press to enter data menu.Press to view the interval or manual previously stored records. Typical Interval Log data display.Typical Manual Log data display.                        Press to navigate to                         desired logged data.                                Press to view the                          selected data.Freezing the Display (Hold) To freeze the meters’ display(s), press HOLD. Press again to unhold.Interval Manual01:01Interval Log (1/2)25 Jan 2013 00:54:35 AM ( 4 pts)Back Erase AllView25 Jan 2013 00:54:05 AM ( 4 pts)01:01Manual Log (1/2)Back Erase AllView26 Jan 2013 00:54:35 AM26 Jan 2013 00:54:05 AMView124365Logger DATAF3F3F2F2
16Connect the U1115A to PC via BluetoothBeforeyoubegin,makesuretheBluetooth connectiontoyourPCisenabled.1First,followthestepsbelowtosettheU1115Atoslavemode:Press to enter ConnectionManager.Press to enter BluetoothSetup. TypicalBluetoothSetupdisplay.Press to edit Role.                     Press to select Slave.Press to save.2FromyourPC(Windows7),gotostart > Devices and Printers.3ClickAdd a device.4   Select U1115A-XXXXXX1andclickNext.5   Type the default Bluetoothpairingcode“1234”(default)andclick Next.6Oncepairingissuccessful,anoticationwindowwillappear.ClickClose.7   The U1115A-XXXXXXisnowaddedandsuccessfullyconnectedtoyourPC.8Then,youcanconnecttheU1115AtotheKeysightHandheldMeterLoggersoftware     which is available atnd/hhmeterlogger1 XXXXXX denotes the U1115A device name and can be obtained from the U1115A System Info (for more information,   refer to page 19).CONNECTF3BluetoothF301:01Bluetooth SetupRole                     MasterDefault PIN         1234Back EditEditF4OKF412 3456
17Changing the Display SettingsPress to enter settings menu. Press to enter display menu.PresstoselectOutdoordisplay.(TypicalOutdoordisplayasshownhere)Press to select Indoor display.(Typical Indoor display as shown here)Press to increase or decrease the display brightness from lowest [Backlight(1)]tohighest[Backlight(7)].ThedefaultisBacklight(3).SETTINGS DisplayU1273A-MY51430008 U1272A-MY52800017B> U1177A-2718DEU1252B-MY51040033C> U1117A-2391BA Not ConnectedA> U1117A-57AE5BONBacklight(6)Back Outdoor Indoor01:01U1273A-MY51430008 U1272A-MY52800017B> U1177A-2718DEU1252B-MY51040033C> U1117A-2391BA Not ConnectedA> U1117A-57AE5BU1273A-MY51430008 U1272A-MY52800017B> U1177A-2718DEU1252B-MY51040033C> U1117A-2391BA Not ConnectedA> U1117A-57AE5B123 45F4 F3F3 F4F2
18Changing the Power OptionsPress to enter settings menu. Press to enter next page.PresstoenterPowerOptions. TypicalPowerOptionsdisplay.                        Press to navigate to                         desired function.                                             Press to toggle the selectedcheckbox.                        Press to edit the                         selected value.• Enableordisable(default)autodimbytogglingthecheckboxnexttotheAutoDimEnablefunction.• You may change the timeout period by editing the time stated next to the AutoDimTimeout function.Bydefaultit is set at 30 s.• Enableordisable(default)autooffbytogglingthecheckboxnexttotheAutoOffEnablefunction.• You may change the timeout period by editing the time stated next to the AutoOffTimeoutfunction.Bydefaultit is set at 15 mins.MorePower01:01Power OptionsAuto Dim EnableAuto Dim Timeout (s) 00.30Auto Off EnableAuto Off Timeout (m) 15Back Toggle123 45SETTINGSF4 F4F2EditF4ToggleF4
19Changing the Date and TimeTypicalDate/Timedisplay.Press to navigate to desired function.Press to edit the selected values.Resetting the U1115ATypical System Reset display.Press to restore the U1115A to factory stage.Press to cancel.01:01Date/TimeDate 21 June 2013Time 00:29:24Back EditSETTINGSF4MoreF4SystemF3Date/TimeF2EditF4123 4567SETTINGSF4MoreF4SystemF3ResetF301:01System ResetFactory reset will erase all yourdata and settings to restore theU1115A back to factory stage.Do you want to proceed?No YesYesF4NoF112 3 4567
20Viewing the System Info                                                        Typical System Info display. Enabling/Disabling the BeeperTypical Utility display.Togglethecheckboxtoenableordisable the beeper.Sys Info01:01System InfoModel U1115ASerial MY51080009Fw version 01.00Device Name U1115A-6A1F81BackSETTINGSF4MoreF4SystemF3 F401:01UtilityBeeperBack ToggleSETTINGSF4MoreF4UtilityF4ToggleF41234512345
24©Keysight Technologies 2014Printed in MalaysiaNovember2014U1115-90103AssistanceFortechnicalassistance,contactyournearestKeysightSalesOfceorvisitthe Keysight website atnd/assist for further information.Modelo U1115A1851-14-7510“Esteequipamentooperaemcarátersecundário, isto é, não tem direito a proteção contra interferência prejudicial, mesmo de estações do mesmo tipo, e não pode causar interferência a sistemas operando em caráter primário.”(01)07898956006039

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