Kinpo Electronics SP70B SMART-PHONE User Manual Front indd

Kinpo Electronics Inc SMART-PHONE Front indd


  S600 User Manual  2-3Basic Operation2.5  SmartX MenuYour Pocket PC Phone has a smart close (SmartX) function to quickly close running programs. Tap and hold on the top-right corner of the screen to display the SmartX menu.By default, the SmartX menu displays the following items: Close  closes the current program. Minimize  minimizes the current program. Close All  closes all running programs. Close Inactive  closes inactive programs. [program name]  displays the running program(s). option  displays the SmartX settings. By default, the SmartX function is enabled. You can clear the Enable Smart Close function item to disable the SmartX function.  You can customize the displayed items on the SmartX menu. The items for selection include:•  Auto close  •  Close All  •  Close Inactive  •  Running Program  •  Rotate screen left  (disabled by default)•  Rotate screen right  (disabled by default)•  Soft Reset  (disabled by default)•  Option  2.6  Volume AdjustmentYou can tap the volume icon   on the Today screen to adjust the system volume, such as the sound you hear when you tap on program names and menu options, and the phone volume.You can also press the volume keys   on the side of the Pocket PC Phone to easily adjust the volume during a phone call.
2-4  S600 User Manual Basic Operation2.7  Navigation Bar and Command BarThe navigation bar, located at the top of the screen, displays the active programs and current time. Tap  to open the Start menu and select the desired program. Tap OK (if displayed on the upper-right corner of the screen) to save the changes you made and exit the current screen.The navigation bar and Start menu are shown in the figure to the right.Use the command bar at the bottom of the screen to perform tasks in programs.The command bar includes menus, buttons (such as   and   ), and the input panel. To create a new item in the current program, tap New. To see the name of a button, tap and hold the stylus on the button. Drag the stylus off the button so that the command is not carried out. Tap the arrow next to the input panel to select an input method.The command bar is shown in the figure to the right.2.8  Status IconsStatus icons are displayed on the navigation bar and command bar of the Today screen. You can tap a status icon to display the associated control panel or more information related to the item.Icon DescriptionThe speaker is on.The speaker is off.The battery is charging.The battery power is low.The battery power is very low.The battery is fully charged.
  S600 User Manual  2-5Basic OperationIcon DescriptionThe connection is active.The connection is not active.One or more email or text messages were received.There are more icons not displayed due to insufficient display memory. Tap the icon to view all status icons.Tap to rotate the screen at 90 degrees clockwise.Tap to quickly enter Settings → System → Memory → Running Programs to stop the desired program.Tap to lock the keypad.Tap to compose a SMS text message.Tap to view the remaining battery power.Tap to use the Bluetooth function.Tap to adjusts the brightness of the display.2.9  Using ProgramsWhile using the Pocket PC Phone, you do not need to exit a program to open another or to conserve memo-ry. The system manages memory automatically. To switch between programs:  Tap   and select the Start menu.  Tap    → Programs to access additional programs. Tap the program icon to launch a program.  Press the program hot keys on the Pocket PC Phone to quickly open a program.The table below shows the list of the programs and their icons.Icon Program DescriptionActiveSyncSynchronizes information between your Pocket PC Phone and desktop computer.Calendar Schedules and keeps track of your appointments and create meeting requests.Contacts Creates and displays your address book.Messaging Sends and receives email, text and multimedia messages.Internet Explorer Browses web sites and downloads new programs and files from the Internet.Windows Media  Plays digital audio and video files.Notes Creates handwritten or typed notes, drawings and recordings.Tasks Creates and displays your tasks.Pocket Excel Creates new workbooks, or view and edit Excel workbooks created on your desktop computer.
2-6  S600 User Manual Basic OperationIcon Program DescriptionPocket Word Creates new documents, or view and edit Word documents created on your desktop computer.MyAlbum Displays pictures and videos.AMR Recorder Records sound or voice messages.Caller ID Creates new contacts and assigns pictures for the specific contact for easy identification when receiving calls.VideoCam Takes pictures or records videos.MSN Messenger Allows you to chat online.SIM Manager Displays the contact information stored in the SIM card.Calculator Performs basic arithmetic.Pocket MSN Allows you to access the Pocket MSN web page.Find Finds files or items on your Pocket PC Phone quickly.Games Allows you to play games.Phone Starts the phone program for phone calls and settings.Pictures Displays or transfers the pictures on the Pocket PC Phone.File Explorer Browses and manages files and folders on the Pocket PC Phone.Java Installs and manages Java programs.GPRS Auto ConfigurationPerforms  auto  configuration  of  the  GPRS  connection  on  the  Pocket  PC Phone.Media Content Allows you to access the multimedia features quickly.IE Favorites Allows you to use the built-in Web links quickly.SmartX Performs a smart close function to quickly close running programs.2.10  Pop-up MenusWith pop-up menus, you can quickly choose an action for an item. For example, you can use the pop-up menu in the contact list to quickly delete a contact, make a copy of a contact or send an email message to a contact. The actions in the pop-up menus vary from program to program. To access a pop-up menu, tap and hold the stylus on the name of the item that you want to perform the action on. When the menu appears, lift the stylus and tap the action you want to perform. Or tap anywhere outside the menu to close the menu without performing an action.
  S600 User Manual  2-7Basic Operation2.11  NotificationsYour Pocket PC Phone reminds you in a variety of ways when you have something to do. For example, if you have set up an appointment in Calendar, a task with a due date in Tasks or an alarm in Clock, you will be notified in any of the following ways:  A message appears on the screen.  A warning sound that can remind you.  The GSM/notification indicator flashes.You can choose customized reminder types by tapping   → Settings → Personal → Sounds & Notifications.2.12  Entering InformationYour Pocket PC Phone provides several options for entering new information:  Use the Input panel to enter typed texts  Write directly on the screen.  Draw pictures on the screen.  Speak into the microphone to record a message.Using the Input PanelUse the Input panel to enter information in any program on your Pocket PC Phone. You can either type  words by  using the soft keyboard; or   write with your hand. In any case, the characters appear as typed text on the screen.To show or hide the Input panel, tap the Input panel button. Tap the arrow next to the Input panel button to see your choices.When you use the Input panel, your Pocket PC Phone anticipates the word you are typing or writing and displays it above the Input panel. When you tap the displayed word, it is inserted into your text at the insertion point. The more you use your Pocket PC Phone, the more words it learns to anticipate.Block RecognizerWith Block Recognizer, you can use the stylus to input characters using strokes that are similar to the Palm™ Graffiti® method.To type with Block Recognizer:1.  Tap the arrow next to the Input panel button and then tap Block Recognizer.2.  Write a letter in the box.When you write a letter, it is converted to typed text that appears on the screen. For specific instructions on using Block Recognizer, open Block Recognizer and then tap the question mark next to the writing area.Letter RecognizerWith Letter Recognizer, you can write letters using the stylus just as you would use a pen on paper.To type with Letter Recognizer:1.  Tap the arrow next to the Input panel button and then tap Letter Recognizer.2.  Write a letter in the box.
2-8  S600 User Manual Basic OperationWhen you write a letter, it is converted to typed text that appears on the screen. For specific instructions on using Letter Recognizer, open Letter Recognizer and then tap the question mark next to the writing area.TranscriberWith Transcriber you can write anywhere on the screen using the stylus just as you would on paper. Unlike Letter Recognizer and Block Recognizer, you can write a sentence or more of information; then, you pause and let Transcriber change the written characters to typed characters.To type with Transcriber:1.  Tap the arrow next to the Input panel button then tap Transcriber.2.  Write anywhere on the screen.For specific instructions on using Transcriber, open Transcriber and then tap the question mark in the lower-right corner of the screen.Writing on the ScreenIn any program that accepts writing—such as the Notes program and the Notes tab in Calendar, Contacts and Tasks—you can use your stylus to write directly on the screen. Write the way you do on paper. You can edit and format what you have written and convert the information to text later.WritingTo write on the screen, tap the Pen button to switch to writing mode. This action displays lines on the screen to help you write.Editing Your WritingIf you want to edit or format writing, you must first select the writing and then edit it.1.  Tap  and hold  the stylus  next to  the text  you want  to select  until the  insertion point  appears. Without lifting, drag the stylus across the text you want to select.2.  You can also select text by tapping the Pen button to deselect it and then dragging the stylus across the screen.3.  Tap and hold the selected words and then tap an editing command (cut, copy or paste) on the pop-up menu or tap the command on the Edit menu.If you accidentally write on the screen, tap Tools → Undo and try again.Converting Your Writing to Text1.  If you want to convert only certain words, select them before going to the next step.2. To convert writing to text, tap Tools → Recognize or tap and hold the selected words and then tap Recognize on the pop-up menu. Your writing is turned into text. If a word is not recognized, it is left as writing.If the conversion is incorrect, you can select different words from a list of alternates or return to the original writing.1.  Tap and hold the incorrect word (tap one word at a time).2.  On the pop-up menu, tap Alternates. A menu with a list of alternate words appears.3.  Tap the word you want to use or tap the writing at the top of the menu to return to the original writing.Some tips for getting good recognition are listed below:  Write neatly.  Write on the lines and draw descenders below the line. Write the cross of the “t” and apostrophes below the top line so that they are not confused with the word above. Write periods and commas above the line.  For better recognition, use the Tools menu to increase the zoom level to 300%.
  S600 User Manual  2-9Basic Operation  Write the letters of a word close together and leave big gaps between words.  Hyphenated words, foreign words that use special characters, such as accents, some punctuation cannot be converted.  If you add writing to a word to change it (such as changing a “3” to an “8”) after you attempt to recognize the word, the writing you add will not be included if you attempt to recognize the writing again.Drawing on the ScreenYou can draw on the screen in the same way that you write on the screen. The difference between writing and drawing on the screen is how you select items and how they can be edited. For example, selected drawings can be resized, while writing cannot.Creating a Drawing1.  To create a drawing, cross three ruled lines on your first stroke. A drawing box appears.2.  Subsequent strokes in or touching the drawing box become part of the drawing. Drawings that do not cross three ruled lines will be treated as writing.Editing Your DrawingIf you want to edit or format a drawing, you must select it first.1.  Tap and hold the stylus on the drawing until the selection handle appears. To select multiple drawings, deselect the Pen button and then drag to select the drawings you want.2.  Tap and hold the selected drawing and then tap an editing command (cut, copy or paste) on the pop-up menu or tap the command on the Edit menu.3.  To resize a drawing, make sure the Pen button is not selected and then drag a selection handle.•  Not every program supports the drawing mode.•  You may want to change the zoom level so that you can more easily work on or view your draw-ing. Tap View and then choose a zoom level. You can also tap   → Settings → Personal → Input → Options to set the default zoom level.Using My TextWhen using Inbox or MSN Messenger, use My Text to quickly insert preset or frequently used messages into the text entry area. To insert a message, tap My Text and then tap a message.To edit a My Text message, tap Tools → Edit My Text Messages. Select the message you wish to edit and make desired changes.
Chapter 3Using the Phone Feature3.1  Making a Call3.2  Answering a Call3.3  Using the Speakerphone and Muting a Call3.4  Making a Conference Call3.5  Taking Notes During a Call3.6  Creating a Speed Dial Entry3.7  Call History3.8  Changing Phone Settings3.9  SIM Manager3.10  Turning the Phone On and Off
  S600 User Manual  3-2Using the Phone Feature3.1  Making a CallThe phone mode indicator glows in green when you use the phone feature.Using the Phone Keypad (Purchased Separately)There are several ways to make a call. The most direct method is by using the Phone keypad.1.  Tap   → Phone.2.  From the Phone keypad, tap the number you want to call.3.  Tap Talk to dial the number.From ContactsYou can make a call from Contacts without having to look up or manually enter the number.1.  Tap   → Contacts.2.  The screen displays your contact list. From here, you can:2.1  Tap and hold the contact, and then tap Call Work, Call Home, or Call Mobile.2.2  Tap to open the contact, and then tap the number you want to call.
3-3  S600 User Manual Using the Phone FeatureFrom Call HistoryUse Call History to quickly call someone you have recently called or someone who has just called you.1.  Tap   → Phone.2.  From the Phone keypad, tap Call History.3.  Tap the icon (such as   ) next to the desired number.Using Speed DialSpeed dial numbers enable you to quickly place a call without hav-ing to actually enter the number. Before making a call using speed dial, you need to create a speed dial entry first. (See Section 3.6 for information on speed dial.)1.  Tap   → Phone.2.  From the Phone keypad, tap Speed Dial.3.  You can:•  Tap the speed dial location number of the desired contact.•  Tap and hold the speed dial location number assigned to a contact directly from the Phone keypad.3.2  Answering a CallWhen you receive a phone call, a message will appear, giving you an option to either answer or ignore the incoming call.To answer a call, tap Answer or press the Talk key.
  S600 User Manual  3-4Using the Phone FeatureDuring a call, you can do the following:  To end a call, tap End or press the End key.  To hold a call, tap Hold.  To switch between two calls, tap Swap.To ignore a call, tap Ignore or press the End key.3.3  Using the Speakerphone and Muting a CallSpeakerphoneDuring a call, you can use the speakerphone function to send out the other party’s voice through the speaker.To use the speakerphone function, press and hold the Talk key until the speakerphone icon   appears on the navigation bar.MutingDuring a call, you can mute your microphone so that the person with whom you are speaking cannot hear you, but you can still hear him or her. This is useful when, for example, you do not want the other person to hear a conversation or background noise on your side of the call.To mute a call, tap the mute icon   from the Phone keypad. Tap-ping the icon again unmutes a call.3.4  Making a Conference CallYou can create a three-way phone session among yourself and two other parties.1.  Tap   → Phone.2.  From the Phone keypad, tap the first number.3.  Tap Talk to dial the number.4.  When the call connects, tap Hold.5.  From the Phone keypad, tap the second number.
3-5  S600 User Manual Using the Phone Feature6.  When the second call connects, tap Conference to make a three-way phone session.7.  A three-way phone session is shown as the figure to the right.3.5  Taking Notes During a CallYou can take notes on the Pocket PC Phone during a call.1.  During a call, tap the notes icon   on the command bar.2.  Enter your note on the note screen or record a message. When finished, tap OK.3.  The note will appear on your note list.To access a note you created during a call:1.  Tap   → Phone.2.  From the Phone keypad, tap Call History.3.  In the Call History list, tap and hold the name or number for the phone call entry containing the note, and then tap View Note.
  S600 User Manual  3-6Using the Phone Feature3.6  Creating a Speed Dial EntryYou can create speed dials to call frequently-called numbers with a single tap. Before you can create a speed dial entry for a phone number, that number must already exist in Contacts.From Phone1.  Tap   → Phone.2.  From the Phone keypad, tap Speed Dial → New.3.  Tap the desired contact name and number.4.  In the Location field, tap the Up/Down arrows to select an available location to assign as the new speed dial entry, and then tap OK.5.  The new speed dial entry will appear on the speed dial list.•  The first speed dial location is reserved for your voice mail.From Contacts1.  Tap   → Contacts.2.  Tap and hold the contact name, and then tap Add to Speed Dial.3.  In the Location field, tap the Up/Down arrows to select an avail-able location to assign as the new speed dial entry, and then tap OK.•  To delete a speed dial entry, tap   → Phone → Speed Dial, tap and hold the contact name in the box to the right of the assigned speed dial number, and then tap Delete.
3-7  S600 User Manual Using the Phone Feature3.7  Call HistoryCall History provides the time and duration of all incoming, outgoing, and missed calls, and a summary of total calls. Call History also provides easy access to any notes taken during a call (see Section 3.5 for more information).To view Call History:1.  Tap   → Phone.2.  From the Phone keypad, tap Call History.3.  To quickly see the date, time, and duration of a call, tap the white area of the call’s entry. Changing the Call History ViewTo change the Call History view, tap the Call History View list (labeled All Calls by default), and select a different view. For example, you can view only missed or incoming calls, or view calls alphabetically by caller name.Call TimersYou can tap Tools → Call Timers to view the during and number of All Calls and Recent Calls.You can reset the Recent Calls counter by tapping Reset. The All Calls counter cannot be reset.You can delete Call History items older than a week, a month, or a different time period. Tap Tools → Call Timers, and then, under Delete call history items older than, select a time period.
  S600 User Manual  3-8Using the Phone Feature3.8  Changing Phone SettingsYou can customize phone settings, such as the ring type and ring tone to be used for incoming calls, and the keypad tone to be used when entering phone numbers. You can also protect your phone from unauthorized use.Changing the Ring TypeYou can change the way that you are notified of incoming calls. For example, you can choose to be notified by a ring, a vibration, or a combination of both.1.  Tap   → Phone.2.  From the Phone keypad, tap Tools → Options → Phone.3.  Tap the Ring type list, select the desired option, and tap OK.Changing the Ring ToneYou can select a different sound to notify you of incoming calls.1.  Tap   → Phone.2.  From the Phone keypad, tap Tools → Options → Phone.3.  Tap the Ring tone list, select the desired option, and tap OK.•  To select .wav, .mid or .wma files as your ring tone, first use the ActiveSync on the desktop computer to copy the files to the \Windows\Rings folder on the Pocket PC Phone. For information on copying files to the Pocket PC Phone, see the ActiveSync Help on the desktop computer.
3-9  S600 User Manual Using the Phone FeatureChanging the Keypad Tone1.  Tap   → Phone.2.  From the Phone keypad, tap Tools → Options → Phone.3.  Tap the Keypad list, select the desired option, and tap OK.Securing Your PhoneYou can protect your phone from unauthorized use by assigning a type of password called a PIN (Personal Identification Number). Your first PIN will be given to you by your mobile phone service provider.1.  Tap   → Phone.2.  From the Phone keypad, tap Tools → Options → Services.3.  Select Require PIN when phone is used, and tap OK.•  To change the PIN, tap Change PIN. You need to enter the old PIN, enter the new PIN, and then re-enter the new PIN for confirmation.•  Emergency calls can be placed at any time, without requiring a PIN.Changing Phone Service SettingsYou can access and configure settings for the phone services subscribed from your mobile phone service provider. For example, you may want to block certain types of incoming and/or outgoing calls, forward incoming calls to a different phone number based on your situation, be notified of incoming calls when you’re already in a phone session, or let others know your identity when making calls.1.  Tap   → Phone.2.  From the Phone keypad, tap Tools → Options → Services.3.  Tap a service, and then tap Get Settings.•  Call Barring  blocks certain types of incoming and/or outgoing calls.•  Caller ID  lets people to know your identity when calling them by displaying your caller ID.•  Call Forwarding  forwards all incoming calls to a different number.•  Call Waiting  notifies you of incoming calls when you are already in a phone session.•  Voice Mail or Text Message Phone Number  changes the voice mail or text message phone number.
  S600 User Manual  3-10Using the Phone FeatureChanging Phone Network SettingsYou can view available networks and change their settings.1.  Tap   → Phone.2.  From the Phone keypad, tap Tools → Options → Network.3.  The network your device is currently using will be listed at the top of the screen. You can specify whether you want to change networks manually or automatically, and determine the order in which your phone accesses another network if the current one is unavailable.•  Tap More to assign keys to answer incoming calls and auto answer setting.3.9  SIM ManagerOn your Pocket PC Phone, there can be two kinds of independent contact lists. One is stored in the  Pocket PC Phone’s memory by Microsoft Contacts; the other is stored in the SIM card. By default, you can use Contacts to load the contact information stored in the Pocket PC Phone’s memory (see Section 8.2 for information on Contacts), and use SIM Manager to load the contact information stored in the SIM card.Tap   → Programs → SIM Manager. When running SIM Manager for the first time after turning the Pocket PC Phone on, it may take a few minutes to load the contact informaion.After the loading is completed, you can tap Tools → Select All → Tools → Copy to Contacts to copy your contacts to Contacts.•  Some Chinese contact info stored in the SIM card may appear in scrambled code while it is copied to the Pocket PC Phone.

Navigation menu