Kondo Kagaku R122802 FM Receiver User Manual manual
Kondo Kagaku Co., Ltd. FM Receiver manual
J FCC ID: QH9R122802 KOPQOPO KR-301F TOSUPER Hl—SPEED RESPONSE mnecswsn Instruction Manual T”ellk ytu yery lmch for LJChBS no thrs cryer Reed thrs Manuel carelully ~ oraer r cola ~ maxrn—um performance lrcm thrs unrt Notes on Handllng Farr oara suns halrrJIe uvltlr Lara Thrs slan rs tndtcatea A pcssrbllrty or death or serlaualy rnlury may occur. and ahysrcal damage by accldent uccurs wrth hreh ateoaorlrty AWMIIIIEI nThrs unl‘. rs marmlaeturea a'ld sald rcr surloee ladle cmt'fll ~ocels orly at Dal rlc‘. use rer any other ml'tlcse 03a sure [PM the lrcquerey oerro rs avallahle oerare s the or the t'arlsllltter x er neanles ~ooels trsrrlz the same treutercy wll run out otcontral one hot us s unt rr. urruerstorms s were rs oossrorlty at lreh nrng strltrng the arterrr on: not use ‘ne "ansrnnel h the rar or rr a loaatron where water rrllgnt set on r yrn J'rlt may become we‘ and cause loss c‘ ccrrtrel one not YLV‘ "lc mcoel mc'l you experrmee crlleultres l'l mmmra‘lm through ~r Arress alcohol er ~eo eotrorr fit my Wall or rucgrrrmt may result rrr er ace dents 036 sure to keen the transmrtter bettellss and ~ooels sto'ed out or (We reach or cnrloren x lhere s danger at ecrschrrlz ny rtake oy mrstate ourn or an l’lury no not asrrteerata yThere rs a ja'lgsrl orshcrt .ur~ etr, cur Seryee cepartmeht mayo .lne the regrstratrar c‘ rep r OB? sure to LsE gentrrne KC crystal at Blue there rs a nesslblll’y e‘l clumsy shrltrre eeusrrra o dfl‘cat ol ane'allcn are lezdl’gm ser eus (1.1ch r the udect 3T the other cowerry rs useo nlease dc rrrt use r: ny ery meehs out rrrt swltch the receryeron oercre the trarsmr er lhere rs a ja'lizerar a wrotoran: e'li; rre ooera we or lull throttle Be sure I", ‘J'rl oh the st-tteh on rna "ansrnnel n r rollewea ty lnsr v ryer QPlaase turn on the reeeyer swl‘ch ‘lrsl ‘nllcwec by "r? "ansrnlnsrllThls R ”allulaau'nd to be uses rrr ca'll.l'lc.a'l tyth Dll'cl Km 3reouets We eonnctessme my response llly‘m the use that creowerrres nreeuets wrth . s urrt Thrs sren rs tnotcatea a passrhrlrty cl rnlury or the physrcal camaee accroent rs assumed ODE sure use genurre KC Plucucls trorsrrr ller rese yer serye one other enter newts x We eennot assume any resrms blllly lor the use ol alrle' coMnalllcs orootets Wli‘l 775 urrt our. rct lllstall other connector orolc typc ecrrreetar lt may result r mlsopclatlcll 0‘ names trc urrrt o y or rrrstallett rr arr tlcctllc— nowered car mate we that the on s nstalleo correctly lncorrect pcsrtorrng may allecttha urrrts ne'fu'Marlce and may betha case of trouble Please ersure t'rat the wrres ore nos llcrled creslly re 3lease see the flag? lor eorretl rrs1ellolrerr nvllherr rrrs-ollrrrg n o Sasullrle—mllmled ear Please on he: allmv ehnousl gasses ol one rusl t: come rr drcct ca‘ltact wrth the resolver should the urr: come rr contact wtr wa 3’ or (lll move a water or all mMefllatcly Pleas-3 ecrtact our Sen/lee denanme'lt‘cr'enal lltuetotheratureofa 'ajuccntulmudel asaresultufacclde'ltaldregetyt'lecus‘trsr aurccmvarywayheurahleto‘ terescchsrorlrty “From tlrte ulew el uuallty luv radio conunlled mudel we cannot assunte any responslblllty lot the result lay use ol our amounts. please unuerstana ln advance." I Technical Specification OHeceut on systa'l‘ Hl/rl’l’vl system chumoer o' ooennels 3 J'rzlrr'lels lSupply uclleee 35 » a 5 v uAht- he lersth 330 hrhr Iurretrcrr Sober fil—Spccd hesporse Qlerensrons 36 axesx l e a rrm texelunrrrg erorrusronsl OWerehl 3 e e (exoluarne zryslnl) Trrs dcylcc ecn~olres w th part l5 at the FCC Rules coerttlrsrr 5 suoree the rollawrre two eorttrtrorrs (ll Trrs dcylcc way not cause, narnl‘ul rr-terrerence arro (2) thrs oeyrce nrust accept any rnte—erehce reeeruatt rocluorhe nte—erehce that nay cause unoasrreo operatrcn Names Of Parts Antenna wire as ~ct bunzla‘ e allt'. ‘rla w e wrth tther come crystal socket _ _ me Mg m m 0an 0 Notes on lnstallrng the Recall/er sleatrraotrtuarau gal K“ PM we ”W” The rrrstallatrerr oosrtrah Sl‘oula Do as tar Aux shame, 3 as oassrale from the mate» ES: aatterres m other horse sources FET seryo eluo D“: / Antenna Stsaring Channel 'I otnroct 1th steerrneseya -, _ trim Battery Chanflal w re t/ w wrrel or swrtclres car‘ also _, wl , genernte "ulse oos lloll lhE'l' us rur Throttle channel 2 fl“ ”uscllllu— r~ v v awa as ossrole Carver. the [leetrome soe_o \ / mrlllle trr reneryer VL The srlrenrre controller or the th to ”null/a rt tuersurnly r W? x Wemuwm Fuss arrectly Mouhtlng the Recall/er Electrlz— , Jed tar r oyer zhe rece yer W'lcl' lxl'lg the chclvcr rr olace trn the chassls or on the 'rrlccnarllcal each use two arms or 0 \ be not allow the srlrccne w res doable—slced (ape one on op or the ether st, net the reaeyer rs cus‘llzred sclnawha‘ as so e a to 21:55 the etrlte'lml oeot Tre vulse s eonou ~eo Ly trem especlally a earner product lr a reeerye rs not stuck rt [ ‘ 50 "m lite? ilorl 1ng am‘ctlllm 000m“; m re crys a near re oa erres mo or or volse DC ‘Dt Dasltor (he the Album e alssls x a x o reaeryer crl"e uo not route zil l ‘ | r ztllterrla on the 1m) x we was \l_\ _ A S rt. orroe w‘nta' rrea the O . he ne~ J'Web srta www hoorapo co m urrectlon a E 4-17-7,ngashl-Nlppan,Arakawn-ku,Takyo,l16-0014,Japan erl'a'dnw'l Manly. elmdy L1, tall out byt'le snack or a crash myb'nllnn plo r so . The acyance» nyrne arr t’le case wrr alrectron
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.3 Linearized : No Encryption : Standard V1.2 (40-bit) User Access : Print, Fill forms, Extract, Assemble, Print high-res Modify Date : 2002:07:30 16:50:52-05:00 Create Date : 2002:07:23 09:57:43+09:00 Creator : Adobe Illustrator 10.0 Creator Version : 10 Container Version : 9 For : ߓ p, ߓȊw Title : \\Kopropo-server\E\301Manual.ai Bounding Box : 6 19 592 819 Page Count : 1 Creation Date : 2002:07:23 09:57:43+09:00 Mod Date : 2002:07:23 09:57:46+09:00 Producer : Adobe PDF library 5.00 Creator Tool : Adobe Illustrator 10.0.1 Metadata Date : 2002:07:23 09:57:46+09:00 Image Height : 800 Image Width : 586 Image Size : 586x800 Megapixels : 0.469EXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools