Kyosho of America KT231P 2-CHANNEL RADIO User Manual P001 KT 231P 2

Kyosho Corporation of America 2-CHANNEL RADIO P001 KT 231P 2

User Manual

Download: Kyosho of America KT231P 2-CHANNEL RADIO User Manual P001 KT 231P 2
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Document ID2446230
Application IDllySHAQtTk/TzrUYkrT1zw==
Document DescriptionUser Manual
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize312.32kB (3903990 bits)
Date Submitted2014-11-17 00:00:00
Date Available2014-11-17 00:00:00
Creation Date2014-10-31 13:38:52
Producing SoftwareAcrobat Distiller 11.0 (Windows)
Document Lastmod2014-10-31 13:38:52
Document TitleP001_KT-231P_2
Document CreatorAdobe Illustrator CS5

€07.10“; KT-231PEQSHL\J:I1'L\T:7&€. fibb‘t 523L‘fi‘d‘.
E§E+fi5§fi$t€éfcxma Zfimicfgéfifiiciflfigifi< Efiflictx DIIEL/ < fifixmfimmtfi < at 5
.asxsimfimmarcfia mmfime; 5 LCKWCI¥°§LT < riéu.
ur purchase of this new KT-231 P Radio Controi Sysiem. These insiructions are iniended io famihanze you wIIh
saunas cl this modern, state of the an equipment.
carefully so you may obtain maximum success and enjoymeni from IIS operanon.
I a KT—231P is designed for wmfort and precise coniroI uI aII iypes of modeI cars and boats.
-est of success with your radio system Eniay and have fun.
FCC Slaiemenl
Tmsuqmpmam anphes with Pan I5 mm
m; Ruins OpcriimnIssubypcualhcvuiinwmg
mmsa ,vmaynuicauschnrmflfl
micrlumn and
IZITmsd ,9muslamepianwmmierunce
mr'Imlmg mierierencemai maycaw—
undesi _i awanon
C 6 0678
HFEL , 13 uo~19 no
© Copyrigm 2cm KVOSHO CORPORATION/%fi§%§fifi%§§
1'KT723'J Plfl AGHzfiffifiSflEffim Lo SEEMJLwfi‘EEKTMZTbK 75b"¢>$2%i1ifil§llf>§$§fifi€i L1 < E 3 1A.,
2'2 4GHZL3R/CWMOHESICSEfiZhTL‘3% E? V fiLAM Bluelootht ?97H’J* M176 :3 \SM/Y‘J FHEICEFEEHTMéOT
flflififi’t'i37flfiimiflf’ftlgégh‘flfiifififlfi‘9 ittfififi’éfitxféflwfifiiiimb Effll’figffi’éfilmlfifififiéfiL‘U»E}S¥ MK fiém.
3'E’Efiflbififlflfi E] Er’llifififiizi AGHZ7DN®S§K15SMNC if“ fié Me
4'KT7231P7)EEEUEEESWMEL’CWZOOmTEQEtEramifiszDfiEEJViTifi(mi?)€fi¥b#Tf€§47$ltfli1mu179‘r177/ux54w I» Ufii (so * 50> / (7o * 30)
-/\‘ i')*f&li§n? (777m?)
» “He/1&2 46m Schbii/iififi (Kasai)
Unique and lunciional pislnl grip nansminev deslgn
WeII haianced Var precuse conirol
Nun’slip vubbev sieenng wheei
Adjustabie (50/50) / (70/30) Thrame Inggev
High pevIovmance micvc 3 channei veceivev
Charger jack in transmitter
.35: .5mW/MHZ O
.' $3§Z MAUI:
~ Modei:
- Ouipui power:
- Transmiiier Frequency
‘ Power suppiy:
~ Weight:
“Elmsi: 2.4GHz
Iii: 3949 (23mm)
KT7231 P
1.5 mW/MHz
4 AA aikaline dry cells
394g (Including baileries)
-EPA 1|:va
‘UM’iX X?7‘/77/7\D*7Nb
‘LED LOW/\‘W?U77$v91
EPA Thvoiiie
Sewn Rev Steering: Thrallie
Sieenng dual vaie
Law battery indicator LED (Hash when law)
§ 5. ' KR-33'l
.§ ET W324GHZ . 5E: DC4.8~6.0V
.EE 89 .Tj‘i 36(L) x 26.2(W) x I2.8(H)mm
- Model: KR7331
- Receiver Frequency: 2.4GHz
~ Power supply: DC 4.8 ~ 6.0V
~ Weight: 8g
~ Dimensions: 36(L) x 26.2(W)x12.a(H)mm
EfilZEE’éa‘o‘EMMTCTE < ram: / Safety Precautions
Kiwifi‘fiflmifiififi fielifi‘lit fiéi‘bfil §?%>LZ\§VJE%> Ng’éfi b ‘( Mi?»
For your salety as well as that others, please read this manual thoroughly prior to installation
and operation of your digital proporllonal Fl/C system.
fifimfilfiil Explanation of Graphic Symbols
fifii’fi%lifi§§'é%§®fiéfi§ (fiEFfit EEK 31%) iiiL/Tmi1fl'a
Indicates an operation that prompts a warning (including Caution).
fifiiTfilCEE§3EnZ§®EEw§ EEZTTL’CM§§"0
Indicates an operation lhat must nol be performed.
igi1%\f%fi?églfififi Lx’! Miifl
0 Indicates an operation that always must be perlormed
é‘éi / Warning
if: (mm ifim7urfioim’sfx l~
7D/TL $171K (MW) $08 Cfi‘lC—jTtyififiainlifiibiéfl
(Ffififs? X l~ 75$)
312$ (limit) l3§7J¥£DAlCfiaT¥i E; if)“ ENDILC§ETED lflétfiu; 5 l: LA éfifiifll’fiéfi'flb'fl
Ettéfll’fi3é Z tiifiigh $92 LEfifiJl’EbQ‘ffia 71: ‘0‘ gfiméfll’fii?5i§%lk it? (WW3) éfiHM'C‘ < TEESM.
Conduct Tests
Prior to operation always perlorm a range test.
Even one abnormality in the R/C system may cause loss ol control.
[Range Test Procedure]
Have a friend hold the model, or place on a stand where the wheels or prop can not come in contact with any obyecl.
Collapse the transmitter antenna and operate lrom a distance ol‘ about 10 yards. Be sure to check the movement
ol each seNo to make sure they follow the movement ol the steering and throttle stick. It the servos do not lollow the
commands irorn lhe transmitler or any type oi lnterierence lS detected, Do Not operate the model.
fiwEls #Tzfibfbfil. Elfiflififlliifi (mo) straw
”fiififlfifilififiAbfifill’fibtm Eijfzb b1§ib§iu
Do not operate culdocrs on rainy days
Never operate in the rain or run lhrough puddles.
The lransmitter, receiver, balleries and mosl servos, and speed conlrols are not walerproof.
Contact With any type of moisture or immersion in water or snow will cause damage along With possible loss ol control.
Should any type of moisture enter any component ol the system immediately stop using the RIC system and return to
our service center ior inspeclion.
® ETHE3113HL\EI§]T¢§EELQL\T< fig Lu Ex: T: V) bT§Eb§3a
Do not operate when Visibility is limiied.
Should you lose sight ol the model a collision or other dangerous situation may occur.
® AtDEJiCMEPR ¥7E§7K7bo‘mé;5txitfi1‘l3ifiéttxh?7®Rfiéififi¥b3Ve
Ta adjusl Steermg Angle
law may Kiti4yl~791vxi~
Thrume End Point Adiusi 177/WU s \
mm 7L~$1§wa¢ife "‘"ma‘ J 14mm ‘
enen‘eep: as J Normai \
Amusis me amouni cl mavemenl lo ihe
iorwavd and brake swdes
LED4 ‘2 97—7 —
LED lndicatnr
XDVMLJIPXX’fvi xa’ww/vxxwr $fi14yfimwm; $y71}(fi“p§?.
rmome Reverse 5mm. Sieenng Reverse smcn When the ”we, Wm ‘5 my me ramp wm Irgm up
*f—ifiUli—Xzfvf Antenna
Servo Reversing Swiich
X'T7 ‘) >1 XE! v Hmém’pmme
)xfiétiéifiiiilfi Lzfiifi
mine Efiwzfiht Eugen
Reverses me mveencn DHhe sieevmg av
Ihmllle SEND movemeni
Set accuvdmg in \he madei \a use wmh
1717'} 977R’f—Ib
Steering Wheel
Em: Eb‘éafi’fififimii
Tum madei Io lei! ar ngm
2 III ‘7 F IL F 'J 71-
Throttle Trigger
éfifi~ 7L~$0>§E1¢Efim §?.
Conivois lurward movement and brakmg iunchons
Power Switch
Ii ‘7 '7‘ 'J —7Jl‘—
Baflery Cover
"2‘ 5145454 FEWML imimwmifirgetzm
‘NOTE Oxyrioe batteries cannot be useoi
0795mm 9$3fi§5m4$€®®;5l0\n5. 079mm”
Remove the IId. Load 4 AA Alkaline Batteries as Close the lid. II is snapped into place
shown in the following illustration.
LED4997—y—l LED Indicator
w.“ >7u iwaED’f‘ 7779 771*“an we at < izezasimarene amen < r: a it.
When the green LED indicator starts iiashing, repiace the batteries With new ones as soon as possible.
fifilwlmb‘fi < 35 t :l ‘J I~ El-llthEIUZDXSIBETit
Do NOT operate when transmitter and/or receiver batteries are low or else the control of the model will be lost.
‘ e (HEWITTWQlefi? t Emmiw liii W2) 71%?“ urfl.
iexwreaii a 7 /7\%7 mama: < Eaumiewae :1 m c. Elfin/EMA? Latirm'r'rrra v: < r: z \A.
‘The transmitter Ventures nu partitions ta prevent reverse hailery eerrrteetrorr on same baileries the Plus terrrrrrrai may he loo short
ler me eieotrreai current to iiuw Be sure in check battery dimensinns heiore uurehesrrrg
7$xfi¥w£mn 0mm:
Plus terrrrrrrai hetght nl rrrere thant orrrrrr
A El / cautions
O MEEI:?§EV)I%EEC€R§ In flflfi ' fifllfléhl: bum? < r56 Li. figflf’flfibfil t ’e‘ D fiEfiIfi??.
Batteries: never disassemble, insteii wrth wrong poiatity, or use wrong type This may lead to damage and leakage
C EEK flb magma/Jenna L T < E? W, W ~ IEIDEWEEEYIEE lord/‘1‘ < iii: Li.
improper instaiiattorr or transmitter batteries can cause serious damage to your system
filfiw‘i‘EfiKR—El lgBEC n sweeten iii/m Mix 57 H j y l~ Diiilafififi‘cé item
1. at Efl®7y?+3§l;FETX t'i l~‘ 3 y l~ D’5’~ 477,1. 1w 7’— ') 4‘55cmutlmumafiu1 < rieu.
‘ filfififiE—fl—fiEzllecmmilzixbf < ream.
2. 7yi—fleimarw. momma bratb\’('b:71\0t§< l13Tmeb<fiiuxs a a is. iele;—7eaaém ewsmeemlcarfimmtbom; a i: or < fie m.
mfififiem t§§¥3é e 7D7h2tt$®i$figé¥é§§Té r; < r; o :3.
Your KT-231F' Computer RIC system receiver (KR-331) is NOT equipped with EEC circuitry DO NOT use more than 6.0 volts to
power the receiver. Anything higher than 6.0 volts Wl” burnrup or destroy your receiver Only use a 4.8~6.0 volt battery pack or a
speed controller that l5 destgned to lower the voltage to the receiver The lollowmg diagram shows a typical connection for the
servos and receiver
Note that the receiver antenna should be located at least 2" (50mm) away from any servo leads and switches. In electric cars, we
recommend that it be at least 4" (100mm) lrorn the electric motor.
Extend the receiver antenna to the lull length. Failure to do so will cause loss ol control. Do not cut or bend the receiver antenna
Insulate the connectors with tape or use tie wraps to avoid contact with metal car chassis
Please follow the model manulactures recommendations lor the correct installation ol your radio system in your car or boat.
<fi~7fiifififi§€vfi§é (Iy9>fi~‘
71'?~|~) >
< Conneclion dragram when used wrlh Iwo servos (For gas powered cars and heals) >
A El I Cumlon
C KT-231P7D7fit' '7 h auger; f—7—§fi\ A“) 7 U —§fi&v7\4 ‘y fONlli‘éfiflz
Mrmmaxatw< am.
When insIaHing your KT-231P radio system in your moda‘. always make sure Io ser your mum an a stand so [he whee‘s are lraa rmm
any wacnon before mmmg on your radio and or connecting your motor rm the «m lime

—1_1 1—1
$3E H’J‘il
AA Dry Ceu Bauery Holder
XE! «y 1» ”mini
Throme Servo
< Conneclion magram when used w1lh 1 servo and 1 E80 (For elecmc powered cars and boals) >
x?7 ‘) yflfiim
sreenng Servo
FETX Ki F3) 1* H~5i (ESC)
Electromc Speed Conrvouev {Escp
mfifi/“Y?‘) i/\
To Banery
rIHy My)
1 Elm! Button
7 r {IL/c7 7M5 y
Farl Sara 5mm
Eiéifiwméi‘x‘ifiifiiiéfifiéfic fifiéfifiiiteéi$¥1§1 fiuiiigfiti‘vffi’fifi’iiifiifi'wfiia li4>F4 770i£¥i§x§iflwi E
Tii7Z\§&t; V) fie. ISQEuialgtfifiBfiitf‘i‘iclt’fySV‘r >7b‘éhfi\§?b\ iEfiEEELfl: be lif)?4 yfirfiflifién
fagéiitm Eiglt’f V?’{ V7E’Frof < fiémw

USS fifiitfifimwfifiififiimi—Xmizbi‘h
Z)~ fiwx4‘y?EOFFi:l/§§n
awry KTfi’YVEiflWEMEmTbeC§§LCbiia
41x $2014 ~y?EONt: pea". LEDh‘$L\)§fiE§‘u‘®¥§'.
5)i£ fiUJX’f “/ *EONCE La §?.
6)): =$0Jlt4>?r >77fi9yéfl?l tfit’émii‘g
7)”X‘i§i§®LEDrfi\'fifliim 0 fits 7 7:15. “’1’ V774 ‘17i37’167’0’9‘.
l\"f V?4 >7fl‘3hTMtfl/iififi‘0i3t LEDtrW! a < V) t bfzfifiilfi ‘0 i?»
Binding is a procedure to make a link between transmitter and receiver so that they can operate together. The receiver memerizes the ID at the
transmitter after binding. so binding is necessary oniy when a pair of a transmitter and a receiver is used for the iirsttime This product is shipped
prebound at the factory When changing transmitters or the binding has been i051 tor some reason, you‘il need to bind them with the ioilowing procedure
< Binding procedure >
i) Piace a transmitter and a receiver within 1m distance.
2) Make sure they are turned off.
3) Push and hold the bind button at the receiver With a thin stick.
4) Turn on the receiver The LED starts to biink fast.
5) Turn on the transmitter.
6) Fteiease the binding button of the receiver.
7) Binding is done when the LED ot the receiver becomes solid
The LED biihks slowiy if binding has not been done.
KRr331§f§fl§lZl3EU§§l§EP§fiéi§ r7l’rlb‘fl’7J flfigbifléfléhfuiea
GPh—Eifiéfié’gfil;?’ §hE9?‘:7k
< Changing Position of Throttle Trigger > “’9‘"?! ac
DSC 3 $7 7 7
/, osc Connector
t~ ‘J flitfifitflfixf ‘7 7' 7/”
Trigger Position Switch
ifitéfiifiwl’f 'y?E1§§JéfléZ th XE! v Mb is 'J fiimt’fiéiififiéls’n 5 517) ZEfiERTéif,
mist §E?%&XD ‘7 t‘JPV’I‘RQZJ’ l~ 5JHEEEI§§J LI’C bit\§?m?§§%l§ifiub§r?.
The switch on the back ol the transmitter allows the throttle trigger movement range to be set at either 7 3 or 5'5.
Changing this setting also requires the throttle servo neutral position to be readjusted
’ vv7>
7SE$M3$3E§EEMEEFH?5%EFH b §Elm
< Chargmg Jack >
Do not use this lack as thls model can operate wnn AA dry cell batteries omy.

< DSC Conneclov >
Nol supporled on Ihws made‘.
f:'). r»; '7 7i tfibfzt’éiilfimltEfii—F‘iBEEELT>¢£797mEffi7fixifih91mfiké
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