LAMAR (CHAMPION) Elliptical Manual L0601160
C44F C44F LAMAR ELLIPTICAL - Manuals and Guides L0601160 View the owners manual for your LAMAR ELLIPTICAL #C44F. Home:LAMAR:/ Elliptical Machine Parts:LAMAR elliptical machine parts:#C44F LAMAR elliptical machine parts:#C44F LAMAR elliptical manual
User Manual: LAMAR LAMAR (CHAMPION) Elliptical Manual LAMAR (CHAMPION) Elliptical Owner's Manual, LAMAR (CHAMPION) Elliptical installation guides
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( hampion ASSEMBLY IMPORTANT: and ( logo are used raider license fi'om Champion INSTRU IONS Atldeficwear / OI ERS READ ALL ASSEMBLY ENSTRUCTIONS .kND SAFETY PRE(A[THONS BEFORE USLNG THIS PRODUCT. REFERENCE SAFETY GUIDELLNES AND X__Aa_NING LABELS. RETALN PRODUCT LITERAT[_E S._rET'£ : PROPERLY EXER(]SLNG, SERIAL Part No. MANUAL NO. 06055 W._'_i STOP [_._ND STRETCH E_iMEDL_TELY BEFORE EXERCISENG. AND (ONSULT YO[_ IF YOU FEEL FOR FI_RE P.A1N OR DIZZINESS ALL REFERENCE. AT A_N_"TEXIE X_IILE PI_'SIC[_N. PURCHASE DATE: Revision: A Date: 09/05 PAGE 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS C44F Pa e Reference Information Assembly Prep & Intro 2 Parts Listing 3 Hardware Chart 4 Product Exploded Product AssembJ_ C o mp u t e r Op e 5 Vi 6-13 _ 14-18 19 Troubleshooting Preventative Maintenance 20 21 Product 22 Registration __ANT _CAU_ONS WARNING: To reduce the risk of injury, please read the following precautions befol_e assembling or using this product. 1. It is the responsibility of the owner to ensure that all itsers of this equipment are adequately informed of stated pl_ecaution_ 2. Read allinstl_ctions 3. Use equipment on a flat level surface. Use adjustment levelers on the bottom of equipment to help stabilize unit. 4. It's recommended 5. Keep childl_en & pets away fi'om equipment at alltimes. Unplug equipment for added safety while not in use. 6. Inspect product on a fi_quent basi_ Tighten lose assemblies or hardwm_e as needed. Replace wol3a or damaged parts. 7. This equipment is intended forinternal home use only. Do not use in a non-residential envh-anment. Use in non- recommended envh'onments can lead to serious injm$ Tand will void all related warranties & liabilities. 8. Recommended 9. Fl_equently wipe equipment and enclosed literatm-e carefully. Understand the assembly and operation before using the equipment. to place an exercise / product mat beneath the equipment for added protection of floors or eaq0ets. riser weight should not exceed 300 lbs. down with a dampened soft cloth. 10. Observe and adhere to allwal3Mnglabels posted on equipment. 11. Properly wal_n-up and stretch before stm_ing any sta-engthta'aining or cm-dio exercise routine. 12. If you feel pain or dizziness at any time while exel_cising, stop immediately and consult your physician. Safety Wm'uing: Before stmling an exercise program, consult yore- physician. This is especially impol_ant for individuals over th_ age of 35 or persons with pre-existing health problems. It's impolSani to _ead all insta'ucfions earefimy. We assume no responsibil_ ity for personalinjui_7 or consequential damages sustained by or through the use of this equipment. Additional terms & conditions m_ listed in the back of this manual or enclosed owners manual. ASSEMBLY PREP PAGE 2 & INTRO. ASSEMBLY € The product instructions assembly Assembly € carefully. process proeess Perfol_ has been documented in easy to follow stages. Please read all assembly Take time to review the manual and familiarize yore'self with the entire before proceeding. Tip: It is always To ensm'e ease of product assembly € assembly PREPARATION hardware. product helpful to pre-stage assembly, for each assembly step. please take time to verify the size and quantities Use the itemized assembly the items needed parts listing of all required as reference. in a 4ft. x 6ft. fiat area. Note: After assembly is completed, allow a minimal of 2-3ft. of space on each side of unit for user access and dismounting. € The basic tools for assembling € Do not dispose € If you experienee troubleshooting this product of any packa_g problems reference € Fill-out the product € For added € Please contact component materials with operation until assembly with main assembly of the product of the eqm'pment hardware. is completed. after assembly, please revl'ew the page in this manual. regis_ation form and retm_a it to us within 30-days of purchase. life, follow the preventative us if have additional CU are included questions maintenance tips listed in this manual or need service assistance. ii SER_[CE 1-877-861-2181 PAGE 3 PARTS REFERENCE C44F PARTS LISTING i 23110 2 NA 3 12059 4 05183 5 23107 6 Front Stabilizer Base Assembly Lower Stabilizer 8 Extension 07125 13108 1 29 07116 1 30 10027 (omputer 1 1 31 14001 A( Adapter 1 2 32 31001 Bottle Cage 1 31010 Sports BottJe 1 0_reinstaned) QTY, Roller ( over (Right) 2 Data Cable 1 34 01003 1 35 01385 (Left) 1 36 01015 (Right) 1 37 01372 Hex Boft M8 x 125 x 50 Length 4 (Left) 1 38 01003 Button Head .Mien Bolt M8 x 1.25 x 16 Length 10 Boot Assembly Pivot Arm Assembl) Pedal Arm Assembl3 33 Description 1 Shroud Pivot.M'm Assembly Part Mast Assembly Upper 13107 9 Data Cable Handlebar 11025 7 Assembh, Item Button Head .Mien Bolt MSx 1.25 x 16 Length Flat Washer Aconl 8 x 19 x 2t 2 2 Nut M8 4 10 23114 11 23115 Pedal Arm Assembly (Bigh0 1 39 01380 12 23140 Computer Bracket 1 40 01382 13 07124 Upper 1 41 01030 14 07123 1 42 11026 15 07109 Upper (Left) Rear Pivot (over 1 43 01328 Flat _sher 16 07110 Upper (Left) Front Pivot (over 1 44 01051 _ ave Washer 17 07122 Upper (Righ0 Rear Pivot Cover 1 45 01347 Teflon _%sher 2 18 07121 Upper (Right) Front Pivot Cover 1 46 0 t 384 Button Head .Mien Bolt M8 x 1.25 x 75 Length 2 19 12060 Heart Rate Cable Assembly 1 47 01383 Flat X_ asher 8x 16x It 2 20 07111 Lower (Left) Rear Pivot Cover 1 48 01023 Nylon Nut M8 2 21 07112 Lower (Left) Front Pivot Cover 1 49 0 t 386 Button Head .Mien Bolt 3/8 x 128 Length 2 22 07119 Lower (Righ0 Rear Pivot Cover 1 50 01326 23 07120 1 51 0 t 043 24 07113 1 52 01337 Self-threadhlg Tlaiss Screw M3 x 14 Length 18 25 07114 (Bottom / Left) 1 53 0 t336 Self-threadhlg Tlaiss Screw M3 x 25 Length 2 26 07118 (Top / Right) 1 54 0 t323 _L_ x .8 x 12 Length 4 27 07117 1 55 01327 28 07115 Upper Monnlhlg Mast Mast Cover Lower(Right) 0_reinstalled) _reinstalled) Cover (Rear) _ront) Pivot(over Roller Arm Pivot Cover (Top / Left) Roller Arm Pivot (over 0_reinstalled) (l:h'einstalled) Roller Arm Pivot Cover Roller Arm Pivot (over 0_rehistalled) (Bottom Roller Cover (Left) / Right) 2 Spring (Lock) _sher 7 FLatVVasher 10 x 26 x 2t 4 Hex Head Flange Bolt M8 x 1.0 x 20 Length Thread Pivot Shaft 17 x 385 Length 17.5 x 25.3t (Black) 17.5 x 25 3t (Black) Flat Washer Truss Screw Truss Screw 10 x 18 x it M5 x 14 Length N)'lon Nut 2 1 4 2 2 (Black) (Black) 22 2 HARDWARE PAGE 4 CHART C44F HARDWARE REFERENCE D ® @ BoxSpanner(2) @ Allen Key(l) ® @ ® © @ NOTE: Most of the listed assembly hardware has been packaged separately, but some hardware items have been preinstalled in the identified assembly parts. In these instances, simply remove and reinstall the hardware as assembly is required. Please reference the individual assembly steps and make note of all preinstalled hardware. PAGE 5 EXPLODED C44F PARTS C|,_S_TOMER SERVlCE I-S 77-$61-21S1 PARTS VIEW ASSEMBLY PAGE 6 INSTRUCTION ASSEMBLY Attach l Recommended: Assembly Apply thin coat of silicon lubricant Hardware #34 Button #37 Hex Head Assembly Head Stabilizers STAGE to the Main #1 Base to the top Of the base rails Required: Allen Bolt Bolt Qty. 2 #35 Flat Washer Qty. 6 Qty. 4 #36 Acorn Qty. 4 Nut Description: A) Securely _hsten the Front Stabilizer Assembly (# 1) to the Base Assembly (#2) using 2-Button Head Allen Bolts (#34) and 2- Flat Washers (#35). B) Attach the Stabilizer Extension Assemblies (#4) to the rear flame extrusion of the Base A_ssembb"using 4-Hex Head Bolts (#37), 4-Flat Washers (#35), and 4-Acom Nuts (#36) as shown above. Assembly Notes: Use the Adjustable Levelers located on the bottom of the Stabilizer End Caps to level the equipment and prevent the base unit from rocking on an uneven surthce. We also recorrnnend using a silicon lubricant to coat the base rails. This will smooth the travel of the pedal movement, as well as, eliminate any tracking or noise problems that may be caused by the roller material. • A_ssembly Stage #1 complete PAGE 7 ASSEMBLY ASSEMBLY Attach Figure #1 Handlebar STAGE Mast #2 to the Main Base ® I [ Hardware Be Careful During Not to Pinch Cables Assembly Assembly Preinstalled in Frame I ] ] Hardware Required: (*Hardware may be pveinstalled in the Base Assembly) #35 Flat Washer* QD:. 7 #38 Button Head Allen Bolt* Qty. 7 Assembly INSTRUCTION #39 Spring (Lock) Washer* Qty. 7 Description: A) Remove the preinstalled mounting hardware from the Base Assembly (#2). Slide the Shroud Boot (#7) over the Handlebar _MastAssembly (#5). Assembly Note: For easier assembly tape the boot in place in the upper area of the mast. B) Connect the Upper Data Cable (#6) to the Lower Data Cable Assembly (#3) as shown in Figure 1. C) Tuck the cable lengths inside the flame tubes and slide the Handlebar Mast Assemb b"(#5) down onto the Base Assemb b" (#2). Align the mounting holes and secure the mast assembly in place using 7-Button Head Allen Bolts (#38), 7-Spring / Lock Washers (#39), and 7-Flat Washers (#35) as shown. • Assembly Stage #2 completed ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTION PAGE ASSEMBLY Attach Assembly Hardware #40 Flat Washer #41 Hex Head #43 Flat Washer Assembl Flange Upper Pivot STAGE Arms #3 to the Handlebar Mast Required: Bolt Qty. 2 #44 Wave Washer Qty. 2 Qty. 2 #45 Thin Teflon Washer Qty. 2 Qty. 4 v Description: A) Slide the Threaded Pivot Shaft (#42) through the pivot-boss of the Handlebar Mast (#5). Over each end of the shall slide 1-Flat Washer (#43), 1-Wave Washer (#44), and 1-Flat Washer (#43) following the orientation shown. B) Slide the Left Pivot Arm Assemb b" (#8) over the end of the Pivot Shaft (#42). Secure the ann to the shaft using 1-Teflon Washer (#45), 1-Flat Washer (#40), and 1-I-Iex Head Flange Bolt (#41) tbllowing the orientation shown. Note: Loose_ tighten the Flange Bolt until the Right Pivot Ann is in place. C) Repeat the assembly ret_rence tbr attaching the Right Pivot Arm Assembly (#9) to the Pivot Shaft (#42). Secure the arm in place using 1-Teflon Washer (#45), 1-F"latWasher (#40), and 1-I-Iex Head Flange Bolt (#41) tblk_ving the orientation shown. D) Fully tighten the m(mntmghardware tbr each pivot ann. Silnultaneouslytighten the mountinghardware by turning the Hex Head Flange Brits in oplx_sitedirectkms,as referencedby the arrows. • Assembly Stage #3 completed 8 PAGE 9 ASSEMBLY ASSEMBLY Attach STAGE INSTRUCTION #4 Pedal Arms /: Assembly Hardware #40 Flat Washer #46 Button #47 #48 Required: QD_. 2 #49 Button Head Qty. 2 #50 Flat Washer Qty. 2 Flat Washer Qty. 2 #55 Nylon Nut Qty. 2 Nylon Nut QD'. 2 Assembly Head Allen Bolt Allen Bolt Qty. 2 Description: A) Assemble the Right & Left Pedal Arm Assemblies (# 10 & 11) to Roller Arm Assemblies using 1-Button Head Allen Bolt (#49), 1-Flat Washer (#40), 1-Flat Washer (#50), and 1-N31on Nut (#55) per side, fbllowing the orientation ret_renced above. B) Attach the front pivot point of the Pedal Arm Aossemblies (# 10 & 11) to the Hvot Arm Assemblies (#8 & 9) using 1-Button Head Allen Bolt (#46), 1-Hat Washer (#47), and 1-Nylon Nut (#48) per side, tbllt_ving the orientation referenced above. • Atssembly Stage #4 completed ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTION PAGE 10 ASSEMBLY Attach Assembly Hardware #51 Truss Screw _ #52 Self-threading Assembly Required: Plastic Covers (*Some Hardware Preinstalled in the Assembly Pal_s) QD_. 4 Screw STAGE #5 #53 Self-threading Screw Q_,. 2 12 Description: A_ssemblv Notes: Before attaching covers, check all pivot / roller mounting hardware to make sure it has been tightened properly. Most of the lower covers x_fll be already assembled. Use the draxv_ng above as reference for any unassembled covers. Use the proper orientation or all cove_ and assembh _hardware. A) (These covers may be preinstalled) Attach Roller Covers (#2g & 29) to the Roller Arm Assemblies using 2-Truss Screws (#51) andl-Serf-threading Screw (#53) per side, lbllowing the orientation rel_renced above. B) (These covers may be preinstalled) Attach Roller Arm Pivot Covers (#24 / 25) & (#26 / 27) to the Roller Arm Assemblies using 2 -Truss Screws (#51) and 2-Self -threading Screws (#52 ) per side, lbllowing the orientation rel_renced above. C) Attach Lower Pivot Arm Covers (#20 / 21 ) & (#22 / 23 ) to the Pivot Arm Assemblies using 2-Truss Screws (#51 ) and 2-Self-threading Screws (#52) per side, l_bllowingthe orientationrel_renced above. • A_ssembly Stage #5 complete PAGE 11 ASSEMBLY ASSEMBLY Attach Computer & Upper Mast #6 STAGE Covers INSTRUCTION to the Handlebar Mast Figure #2 ] Assembly Hardware #35 Flat Washer* #38 Button Head #51 Truss Screw* Assembly Required: Allen Bolt* (*Hardware Preinsl'_ed in the Assembly QU- 3 #52 Self-Threading Qty. 3 #54 Truss Pa_s) Screw Screw* Qty. 6 Qty. 4 QD _, 4 Description: A) Slide the Rear Pivot Cover (# 13) over the end of the Computer Mounting Bracket (#12). Route the Heart Rate Cable(# 19) and Upper Data Cable (#6) through the mounting bracket. Secure the Mounting Bracket (to the u-bracket on the back of the Handlebar Mast Assemb b"(#5) using 3-Button Head Allen Bolts (#38) and 3-Flat Washers (#35). Assembly Note: The mounting hardware may be preinstalled in the assembly location and not included as part of the packaged assembly hardware. B) As retbrenced above in Figure # 2; connect the Heart Rate Cable Assembly (#19) to the receptacle cable on the back of the computer housing. Plug the Upper Data Cable (#6) into the board mounted connector on the back of the computer. Tuck the excess cable length into the mounting bracket and attach the Computer (#30) to the mounting bracket using 4-Truss Screws (#54). Assembh _Note: The mounting hardware may be preinstalled in the back of the computer housing and not included in the packaged assembly hardware. C) Align the Upper (Front & Rear) Mast Covers (# 13 & # 14) and secure in place using 4-Truss Screws (#51 ) and 6 -Serf-Threading Screws (#52). • Assembly Stage #6 completed ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTION PAGE ASSEMBLY Attach Assembly #51 Hardware Required: Truss Screw _ Assembly Upper Pivot Covers STAGE 12 #7 & Water Bottle Cage (*Hardware Preinstalledin theAssembh_Parts) QD:- 4 #52 Self-threading Screw Qty. 4 Description: Assembly Note: Before attaching the Pivot Cover_ check the Pivot Arm mounting hardware to make sure it has been tightened properh,. A) Mount the Upper Front Pivot Covers (# 16 & # 18) to the front end of the Ph'ot Arms (#8 & #9) using 1-Truss Screw* per cover. B) Attach the Upper Rear Pivot Covers (#15 & #17) using 1-Truss Screw* (#51) and 2-Self-Threading as shown. C) Attach the Bottle Cage (#32) to the Handlebar Mast (#5) using the 2-_eviously has been mounted_ insert the Sports Bottle (#33). • A_ssembly Stage #7 complete Screws (#52) per side installed Truss Screws (#51). Once the cage PAGE 13 ASSEMBLY ASSEMBLY STAGE Supplying Reference the Front <_mul Assembly INSTRUCTION #8 Power of the Base Assembly q_7_ Description: This product requires AC voltage to operate properly. A_ssembly Caution: The Adapter cx_nvertsAC voltage to a low DC output. The Adapter can be shorted it'it is improperly grounded while plugging it into a wall outlet. If the AC adapter becomes hot upon plugging it into the wall or product, stop usage immediately. Shorted adapters will need to be replaced. AC Adapter Operation: A) Plug in the cord end of the AC Adapter (#31 ) into the receptacle located on front of the Base Assembly / shroud. B) Helpful Plug the AC Adapter into an available wall outlet. SafeD TPrecaution: For added comlxment lit_ and satbty around children, unplug the AC Adapter from the wall when product is not in use. This will cut the Ix_wer to the unit, but be aware that the pedals will still be able to move on the base rails. Reminders • Take the time to ret_rence additional intbrmation regarding computer operation, product maintenance, and related warranty intbrmation. • Note the shroud orientation of AC adapter receptacle. The receptacle (shroud) location will vary per product model. Arrange placement of the unit so the AC adapter can easily reach the receptacle and an outlet plug. Congratulations You have successfulh, completed the assembh, CUSTOM n of this product S HVIC ! and you are ready to start exercisinq toward 1-877-861-2181 a healthier lifestyle! COMPUTER PAGE 14 OPERATION COMPUTER BUTTON / INTUT |NSTRU_|ON FUNCTIONS NOTE: THESE ARE THE BASIC OPERATING FI_CTIONS OF EACH B[YFTON. ACTUAL PROGRA_'_LMING MAY REQUIRE A ACTB'ATION SEQI_NCE OF MORE THAN ONE BUTTON (REFERENCEPROG1LL\IDESC_dVfIONSON PAGE 17). [A] ENTER SELECTS & SETS DISPLAY FUNCTIONS. HOLDING THE ENTER BUTTON DOWN WILL ACTIVATE A TOTAL DISPLAY RESET (ZERO-OUT VALUES). NOTE: PRESET TARGET VALUES WILL RESET TO THE CUSTOMIZED SETTINGS. [B] START/STOP ACTIVATES & STOPS COMPUTER FUNCTIONS. [c] SELECTS USER IDENTIFICATION CODES (U0-U4). PERSONAL [D] UP SELECTS PROGRAM MODE & AD,R_ST(INCREASES) DISPLAY SETTINGS. [E] DOWN SELECTS PROGRAM MODE & ADJUST (DECREASES) DISPLAY SETTINGS. [F] MANUAL ACTIVATES MA_NXTAL TRAINING PROGRAM. [G] USER ACTIVATES USER TRAINING PROGRAM. [HI WAIT ACTIVATES WATT CONSTANT TRAINTNG PROGRAM. [I] FI1WE,_7 TEST ACTIVATES FITNESS LEVEL EVALUATION [J] PROGRAM ACTIVATES PREPROGRAMMED PROFILE TRAINING. [K] HEAR TRA TE ACTIVATES HEART RATE TRAINEXTGMODE. [L] RECOVERY THE RECOVERY BUTTON ALLOWS USERS TO EVALUATE THEIR FITNESS LEVEL AFTER COI\&LETING A TRAINING SESSION'. [M] BODYFAT%o DISPLAYS BODY FAT % AND BODY MASS INDEX (BMI) READINGS BASED ON A USER'S BODY COMPOSITION. READING CTANBE OBTAINED AFTER COMPLETION OF A TRAINING PROGRAM. IN] FANON/OFF OPERATES COMPUTER [o] MEDIA INPUT OFFERS AN OPTION OF PLAYING ELECTRONIC DEVICES (CD & MP3 PLASTERS)THROUGH COMPUTER SPEAKERS. (INPUT CABLE IS NOT INCLUDED) FAN. SPECIAL FEAT[_ AUTO SHUT-OFF COMPWFER WILL AUTOMATICALLY SHUT-OFF AFTER 4 MIN_UTES OF NOT RECEIVING A PEDAL SENSOR READING. NOTE: DUREXTG SHUT-OFF MODE ALL PRESET VALUES WqLL BE KEPT. PRESS THE ENTER BUTTON OR START PEDALING TO ACTIVATE THE COMPUTER. PAGE 15 COMPUTER COMPUTER OPERATION INSTRUCTION © 1) ACTIVATION (START UP) MAKE SURE THE AC ADAPTER IS PROPERLY PLUGGED IN'TO A WALL OWIZET. OR START PEDALIN'G TO ACTIVATE DISPLAY. A BEEP WILL SOL_,,T) ANT) THE DISPLAY PRESS ANY FUNCTION WILL ILLUMINATE. BUTTON 2) SET UP STEPS 2.1 ONCE ACTIVATED, THE DISPLAY WILL SHOW A SCREEN WITH STOP BLINKING IN THE LOWER LEFT CORNER AND A USER ID CODE (U0-U4) BLINKING IN THE UPPER LEFT CORNER. AT THIS POINT A USER ID MUST BE SELECTED; USE THE PERSONAL BUTTON TO SCROLL THROUGH THE USER ID OPTION'S AND PRESS THE ENTER BLFFTON TO LOCK IN"THE DESIRED USER ID. U0 QUICKER SETUP PROCESS WITH LIMITED PROGRAivLMINGOPTION'S. U1- U4 = MORE PROGRAMMIN'G OPTION'SINCLUDING CUSTOMIZED DATA ENTRY. 22 IF USER ID CODE U1474 IS CHOSEN. THE USER WILL BE PROMPTED (BLINKING DISPLAY TEXT) TO ENTER PERSONAL DATA (GENDER_AGE, HEIGHT, AND WEIGHT). THIS DATA WILL BE USED TO CALIBRATE THE TRAINING PROGRAMS. IF USER ID U0 IS CHOSEN, THE DISPLAY WILL AUTOMATICALLY SKIP PERSONAL DATA ENTRIES AND MOVE TO THE TRAINING PROGRAM SELECTIONS. QUICK 23 ONCE THE USER ID IS DEFINED AND PERSONAL DATA IS ENTERED, THE USER WILL BE PROMPTED (BL1NKINTG TEXT) TO SELE(T A TRAINING PROGRAM (MANUAL, FITNESS TEST, WATT, PROGRAM, HEART RATE CONTROL., OR USER). ALL PROGRAM HEADINGS WILL BE LISTED ACROSS THE TOP OF THE S(TREEN.THE PROGRAM SELECTION WILL VARY DEPENDING ON THE USER ID SELE(TED. PUSH THE CORRESPONDING BUTTON (ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE COMPUTER) TO CHOOSE A DESIRED PROGRAM. (See page 18) 2A AFTER SELE(TING A TRAINTNGMODE, THE USER griLL HAVE THE OPTION TO PRESET TARGET VALUES FOR THE INDIVIDUAL DISPLAY FL_'(TIONS (TIME, DISTANCE, CALORIE, AND HEART RATE). THESE TARGET VALUES WILL BE IDDFEMALE <20% 21 - 24% 25 - 31% 32% > OVERV_IGHT HIGH RISK MASS INDEX BODY COMPOSITION S[ MMARY FAIR POOR (BMI) [_'DERV_I_IGHT IDEAL _VEIGHT < 20 20 - 24.9 25 - 29.9 .ATHLETE MT AC(YEPTABLE 30 > (SYMBOL) NEEDS L_IPRO_'E_ IENT BODY FAT AND BODY MASS MEASUREMENTS ARE RECOGNIZED AS ESSENTIAL FACTORS IN ACCESSING A PERSONS PHYSICAL CONDITION. HIGHER READINGS ARE FLAGS TO POTENTIAL WEIGHT RELATED HEALTH RISK. THESE RISK INCLUDE, BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO; HEART DISEASE, HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE, DIABETES, AND OSTEOARTHRITIS. ANOTHER IMPORTANT FACTOR IS THAT MUSCLE TISSUE WEIGHS MORE THAN FAT TISSUE. CERTAIN TYPES OF EXERCISE WILL BUILD MUSCLE MASS. MUSCLED TONED INDIVIDUALS MAY HAVE A LOWER BODY FAT PERCENTAGE, BUT REGISTER HIGHER BODY MASS (BMI) READINGS. BASED ON STANDARD WEIGHT CHARTS THESE INDIVIDUALS MAY BE CONSIDERED OVERWEIGHT, BUT BASED ON OVERALL BODY COMPOSITION, WOULD BE LABELED AS FIT INDIVIDUALS. PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AND GOOD NUTRITION ARE KEY FACTORS TO MAINTAINING A HEALTHIER LIFESTYLE. CONSISTENT CARDIOVASCULAR EXERCISE WILL LEAD TO THE GREATEST METABOLISM (BURNING) OF FAT. BY KEEPING BODY FAT LEVELS IN AN ACCEPTABLE RANGE, YOU WILL LOOK AND FEEL BETTER. MAKE SURE TO SET REALISTIC FITNESS GOALS AND DEVELOP A TRAINING REGIMENT THAT WORKS BEST YOU. THE READINGS FROM THIS PRODUCT ARE OFFERED AS A POINT OF REFERENCE IN DEVELOPING TRAINING METHODS WHICH ARE BENEFICIAL TO ACHIEVING FITNESS GOALS. READINGS SHOULD ONLY BE USED AS A TRAINING GAUGE AND NOT BE CONSIDERED AS A REPLACEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL MEDICAL ADVISE. IT IS A IMPORTANT TO NOTE; BODY FAT AND BODY MASS ARE ONLY PART OF A PERSON'S HEALTH PROFILE. WE RECOMMEND TALKING TO YOUR PERSONAL PHYSICIAN ABOUT OTHER MEASURES AND ASSOCIATED HEALTH FACTORS. COMPUTER PAGE 18 OPERATION T !N!NG SELECHNG A TRAINTNG PR MS PROGRAM Once a [Tser ID is set up, the computer will list six available tluinh_g program across the top of the display (Manual, User, Watt, Fitness, Progl_gul3_or Target Heart Rate). The user may select oue of the six pro mmns by pressing the colresponding button ou the fight side of the computer face or sinlply press the START / STOP M_\TAL button to begin training in a 5 IANITAL Mode. Reth'ence the instructious listed below to set up and activate a desired pro m'am. MODE - Standard Program Activation Procedure: 1) Press the :_IANT'AL Pr%manl button. 2) Use the UP / DOV_ ._ buttous to adjust the resistance level and press the ENTER buttou to set the desired level (see reference belox_9. 3) Use the UP / DO\\2N" buttons to preset (adjust) indivi&_al target values (time, distance, calories, etc.) or press the START / STOP buttou to begin trainil_g. :_Ianual Resistance Adjustment: The display will refbrence 1- 16 levels of trainh_g resistance. Level 16 will be highest resistance setting. [Yse the IF / DOV_.%"buttons to select a desired resistance setting. The display graph will change as resistance levels are changed (adjusted). Each row (se_nent) equals one level of resistance. Reference numbm,'s will appear ou left side of the row segments. Once a resistance level is selected, press the ENTER buttou. Note: It'a target value is preset in Manual mode, the resistance will antomatically adjust to match the preset target values. Resistance levels can be adjusted anytime &tring training by pressing the IF USER MODE - Set [Tp a Customized Trahfing / DOV_._ buttous. Grid (Note:This pro_am option cmmotbe used with U0 -User ID Selection) Activation Procedure: 1) Press the [ SER proD'gun button. 2) Set a enstomized training Profile (referenced below). 3) Hold down the ENTER buttou for approxlinatdy 2 seconds to preset target values or press the START / STOP buttou to begin txainil_g. SetNlg a Customized Training ProNe: The lower display will refh'ence 16 il_dividual profile (resistm_ce) columns. Each colimm can be set to an indMdual resistgu_ce level (1-16). The IF & DOV_ .%"buttous will adjust the nttmber resistm_ce bars (semnents) per column. After a colimm has been preset (adjusted), press the ENTER buttou. This cal_ be doue tmtil all 16 colimms have been customized (preset). WATT (_ONSTAN_f- Resistance Trahling Based on Preprogrammed Aclivafion Procedure: 1) Press the WAIT CONSTANT \_all Settings prograln buttou. 2) Select a Watt setting (referenced below). 3) Use the IF / DO\\2N" buttous to preset target values or push the START / STOP button to begin training. Selecting a Wall setting: The upper left window will reference Watt settings (120 - 350). l ?se the IF / DO\\2N" buttons to make a selectiou. Settings will be in inerenaents of 10. Higher Watt settings will eqtkal higher resistance levels. Press the ENTER button to lock in the setting. Note: Resistance levels cannot be adiusted dttring the WATT training mode. Users must maintain a speed output dmt correspouds with the Watt setting. Resistance levels will antomatically adjust based on a user' s speed. If the user speed is lower than needed to m,(mtain a Watt setting, the resistance will increase. If'the user maintains a speed hi_er than the selected Watt setting, the resistance will decrease. FITNESS TEST - Performance Evaluation Program (Nnte:TNspro_am optinncarguotbeusedwithU0 -U_erIDSelection.) Activation Procedure: 1)Press the FITNESS TEST pro_am button. 2) Press the START / STOP buttoutobegin trainhag Program SummaD,: LYserevaluationis based on a preset 12minute tt'_ahag period.The othertarget values will be based on the initialuser data (gender & age). Target values and resistmacelevel ca_motbe adjusted. A Fitness rating(i7l-F5) will appear inthe upper left of the display, at the completion of the Wainmgpro_'gun. An F1 reading is the best possible rating, wMe F5 would be the worst. Note: A Hegu'trate reading is used as part of the evaluation fbmmla. User's nmst maintain _mipcoutact during the training_sessiou to receive an accurate performance assessment. PROGRAX I _JIODE - Preprogrammed Activation Procedure: Trainh_g Grids 1) Press the PROGRA.\ I buttou 2) 1_Jse the IF / DOV_%_ buttous to select one of the preprogrammed trainiug profiles P 1-P9 (ref_'enced below) 3) Press the ENTER buttou to lock in a selected profile. 4) l_Jse the IF / DOV_.%_buttous to preset target values or push the START / STOP button to begin training. Selecting a Training ProNe: The computer has 9 programlned tt'aining (resistance) profiles (referenced P1-P9). Use the UP / DOV_._ buttous to scroll through the training profiles. Once a training profile is selected, press the ENTER button to lock in the profile. TARGET HE.ART R_TE MODE -Training Based on Target Heart Rate Zones (Note:Thispro_am optioncmmotbe usedwithU0-UserII) Selection.) Activation Procedure: 1) Press HEART RATE Pro mmnbuttou 2)l_se the IF / DOVe%"buttous to selecta heart ratetraining zoue (refga'enced below) 3) Press the START / STOP buttou tobegin training or use the IF / DOV_ buttous to preset fimctioutargets. Setting a HR Training Zone: Zone tluining is basal ou exercisingwithin a set percentage of'a users maxmmm heart rote.A users maximtma heart rate isbased on a basic formula; (220 BPM - Users Age Maximum HR). After activatingthe Heart Rate Mode, use the IF / DOV_" buttous to selectoue of the HR training percentage refh'enced inthe upper display area (55%, 75%, 90%,).Press the ENTER buttou to lock in the desired zone setting.Note: Users may also set a customizexlHR target by selectingTAG (target) and using the UP/DOWN buttous to set zoue paranaeters. Note: The resistancewill auto-adjustaccording heart rate presets.If a user's heart rates fallstrader the preset targets,the resistauce auto-adjust up oue level evm'y30-seconds tmtil targetrate is achieved. If'ausers heart rote exceedsthe targetpresets, the computer will auto-adjustdox_nthe resistauce oue level tmtil targetis reached. For training satbty, the computer will stop fimclioningand beep, if a user continues to exceed a targetheart rate fbr more than 30-seconds at the lowest resistance training level. PAGE 19 TROUBLESHOOTING PROBLEM DESCRIPTION SUGGESTED SOLUTION 1. NO DISPLAY 1.1 CHECK AC ADAPTER FOR PROPER VOLTAGE OUTPUT 0-12 VDC). (E-2 ERROR ('ODE) 1.2 INSPECT RECEPTACLE ON THE FRONT OF THE UNIT FOR DAMAGE. 1.3 CHECK CABLE CONNECTIONS: MAKE SURE CONNECTIONS ARE SECURE AND INTHE CORRECT ORIENTATION. 1.4 CHECK CABLE ASSEMBLIES FOR DAMAGE: PINCH POINTS & POSSIBLE SHORTING OF WIRES. 1.5 . CHECK FOR POSSIBLE COMPUTER DAMAGE: CRACKED DISPLAY WINDOW (BLACK SCREEN). If computer stillfails to operate after checking these suggestions, contact us for technical support. 2.1 CHECK COMPUIER CONNECTION: MAKE SURE CONNECTORS ARE SECURE AND IN THE CORRECT ORIENTATION. 2.2 CHECK FOR THE POSSIBILITY OF PINCHED WIRES, WHICH COULD SHORT CABLE CONNECTION. 3. PRODU(_T WILL NOT SIT LEVEL 3.1 USE LEVELERS ON THE BOTIOM OF THE STABILIZERS TO ADJUST EQUIPMENT TO UNEVEN SURFACES. 4. PIVOT ARM / FOOT PEDAL WOBBLE 4.1 CHECK TO MAKE SURE ALL CORRESPONDING PIVOT MOUNTING HARDWARE HAS BEEN SECURELY TIGHTENED. 4.2 REVIEW ASSEMBLY STEPS AND MOUNTING HARDWARE 5. ROLLER NOISE OR TRA(_TG PROBLEM 5.1 LUBRICATE THE TOP OF THE BASE RAILS WITH SILICON LUBRICANT. 6. ERRATIC 6.1 MAKE SURE PALMSOF HAND ARE CENTERED ON GRIP SENSORS. 6.2 CHECK CABLE CONNECTIONS FROM HANDLE BAR ASSEMBLY TO THE COMPUTER. 2. POWER, BUT NO COMPUTER READINGS HEART RATE (E-1 ERROR ('ODE) NOTE: ELLIPTICAL UNITS OPERATE WITH AN AGGRESSIVE USER MOVEMENT. THIS SOMETIMES EFFECTS THE CONSISTENCY IN USER'S HAND PLACEMENTON THE GRIPS. IF HR READINGS ARE RAPIDLY FLUC]X;ATING; SLOW DOWN TRAINING STRIDE AND CONCENTRATE ON CONSISTENT HAND PLACEMENT ON THE GRIP SENSORS. NOTE: A USER'S PHYSICALCONDITION CAN EFFECT THE ACC[JRACY OF A READING, AS WELL AS, UNCONTROLLABLE INTERFERENCES. Make sm'e to reference the assembhi steps & parts information in this manual when performing any ta-oubleshoofmg. If you exvperienceother technical problems th at apenot listedor have additional questions,please contact us : 1.877.861.2181 PREVENTATIVE * Use a dampened soft-cloth to wipe equipment excessive moisture on computer petroleum-based € PAGE 20 MAINTENANCE free of perspiration or electronic components. 'after each use. Avoid getting Do not use abrasive cleaners or solvents to clean equipment. Do not remove drive train shrouds an anthorized sen4ce representative. € Regularly needed. inspect product € 0fapplieable) € Use a product/exercise € 0f applieable) Apply recommended € Keep product assembly € (If applieable) € Do not store or use equipment * Mofing or attempt for lose assembly any technical hardware For added safety, unplug equipment mat underneath manual, Pedodic'_y purchase check batteries and worn components. from the w'_ equipment component sen4ce on equipment for proper and rep "lace as of floors & eaq_ets. at the required receipt, and serfice Tighten consulting socket when it is not being used. for protection lubricants without records time periods. in a safe storage place. voltage ouqmt & rep 'lace as needed. outdoors. equipment: Elliptical models; carefully lift the rear stabilizer location. Do not pull on pivot arms or computer _INING How you start an exercise program Begin your desired training Apply realistic your pel_onal resistance slowly and gradually fitness level within 6-8 weeks of continuous It is also iml_ortant As your fitness level increases, stretchin_ increase exercise, so will your confidence _ERVICE the amount of time you exercise. You should see sufficient but do not be discouraged confident and cool down periods in obtaining gains in if it takes your goals. with any exercise program_ and sense of accomldishment. diet will energize you and offer a sense of well-being. _USTOMER for levels or weight loads. to exercise at your own pace and become to apply wal_-up, inactive you should start slowly. Initially you may only be able of time using minimal program condition. If you have been goals, that have been set by you or your lthysician. longer. It is ve137important and a healthy condition, to the desired FOR SUCCESS depends on your physical awhile or you have In'e-existing health to exercise for a short amount tube and steer the equipment to move equipment. Regular exercise PAGE 21 General LIMITED Terms & Comlitions Exclusive WARRANTY Remedies All LAMAR Heahh, Fimess & Sports, LLC exercise products are warranted to be free fi'om defects in materials and workmanship For any product that fails to conform under warranty, LAMAR Health, Fitness & Sports, under their option, one of the following; 1) repair or replacement of defective parts or; 2) replacement of equipment with a product of equal value; 3) limited credit reimbursement toward another LAMAR the terms of recommended use and warranty coverage. Warranty coverage is valid to the original retail purchaser and is not transferable. Coverage will be calculated from the date of retail purchase. Original proof of purchase and serial number will be required with any associated warranty claim. identification set forth by LAMAR (bverage Health, Fitness & Sports, Fitness & Sports product. Setwiee Procedure Coverage periods & warranty terms may vary per product model. Applied warranties will be based on type of product, components, and recommended application (use environment). Products sold or placed in non-reconnnended user applications will void all warranty coverage Health the terms of applied LLC will provide, at LLC. Periods LAMAR Health, Fimess & Sports, LLC hereby extends the following limited warranties for the application, components, and time periods indicated; Obtain warranty service by contacting LAMAR Health, Fitness & Sports, LLC or the original place of product purchase. (If Applicable) Warranty service will be perfomaed by the original reseller or an authorized service provider. All warranty claims must be validated and meet the reqnirements set forth by LAMAR Health, Fimess & Sports, LLC. Warranty claims will include confirmation of model number, serial nnmber, existence of an alleged and all pertinent information supporting defect. All non-warranty related service will be the sole responsibility the cost of the purchaser. Purchaser is responsible for all transportation of product to and from the reseller. Sela-ice calls & travel fees are not covered under standard User Environment: Residential Structural Frame: Lifetime Mechanical Parts: 2 Years Unauthorized repairs, service performed by someone other than an authorized service provider, and / or use of unapproved replacement Electronic 1 Year parts will void warranty Wear Items*: 6 Months Additional associated Labor**: 6 months and / or purchased. *Wear warranty Parts: items are those on normal **Labor coverage non-warranty Exclusions Applied components wear & tear conditions related excludes unauthorized upholstery, are repairs, service based Warranty coverage non-recommended to LAMAR Health, coverage. service exclusions and limitations may exist based on the distribution agreement under which the product is sold Note to Authorized calls, and Warranty transferred Warranty Service Providers: labor reimbursement or warranty parts rights or reassigned to a third party service provider authorization exclusive of the purchaser. grips, etc.). charges. Sports, LLC. Warranty coverage purchased fi'om LAMAR Health, authorized reseller. damage, improper alteration, that may need replacement (i.e. cables, & Limitations warranties labor and are the responsibility (Limited) Fitness & will not extend to any product not Fimess & Sports, LLC or from an is void and will not extend to; a) use of product in environments; b) invalid claims and / or; c) any failure or loss due to improper assembly installation, maintenance, negligence, misuse, unauthorized repair, accident, normal wear & tear, or an ACT OF GOD. of LAMAR Product Registration Fill the out LAMAR purchase. enclosed Health, Fitness You can also product registration, personal records. Product Health, warranty & Sports, registration keep copies LLC. form & Sports, LLC within register your product of all product and return Purehase information for your Date: :_mber: Except as expressly set forth in the stated warranty terms LAMAR Health, Fitness & Sports, LLC makes no other warranties, expressed or implied including, but not limited to, any implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Any implied warranties that may be imposed by law are limited to the terms stated within LAMAR Health, Fitness & Sports, LLC product warranties. Neither LAMAR Health Fitness & Sports, LLC nor any of its affiliates will be responsible for incidental or consequential damages. Some states Contact Information: Address: FITNESS apply. The stated warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may have other rights that vary state to state. LAMAR Health, Fitness & Sports, LLC neither assumes or authorizes anyone to assume for it any other express warranty. & SPORTS, SOITH do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the preceding exclusions or limitations may not Phone: Email: www.lam to 30 days of product online. Along with Information 31odeh Serial Fitness may not be without the #205 LLC PRODUCT PAGE 22 REGISTRATION Thank you for purchasing a LAMAR Health, Fitness & Sports, LL C product. Our products are designed and manufactured to the highest quality stamhu.ds. We are committed to our customers satisfaction and we will do everything we can umler the comlitions of yourproduct warranty to keep you secure in yourproductpurchase. To help us serve you better, please fill out this" Product Registration form & return it to us within 30-days of product purchase. Send completed registration form to: LAMAR HEALTH, 4699 NAI TILl BO[ LDER, Address Apt. # Please & SPORTS, SOITH COLO1L_.DO B) Your Name FITNESS S COIRT LLC #205 80301. note all factors that influenced your product purchase: 1. Valued priced 5. Strength training 2. Quality / durability 6. Cardiovascular 3. Brand name 7. Weight loss Design / look / feel 8. Home fitness convenience 4. fitness City () State Zip (ode Rate tile overall in-home D Fair ?D Phone Number: assembly of the product: D Average D Excellent ) Ratefllesafisfaefionx_4ththeretailerfi'omwhMlyoupm'chased)nurproOdct: _2 Email Address: PRODUCT INFORMATION Model: Product Type:. (Home Gym. 8 × most important Serial Number: Date of Purchase: Purchased 6. Design/appearance 7. Ease of assembly 8. Warranty& 9. Brand recognition to you? service From: Quality / durability 5._ Comfort Address: fit feel 10. Other: G) How many times a week do you exercise? D 1-2 times D 3-4 times _ 4-5 times 6-7 times SURVEY A) How did you learn about 1. D Reconnnendation of personal 2. D Reconnnendation of retail salesperson 3. D Reconnnendation of friend / relative 4. D Article in magazine H) What is the duration of yore" workout? D 20-30 minutes _ 1-2 hours our products? _ 2 hours or more trainer I) Age Group: D 18-25 / newspaper D 26-35 D 36-45 J) Gender: D 46-55 D 56-65 D Male D 66 & older D Female 5. D Intemet K) Product 6. D TV / radio 7. D other: used by: Personal D Spouse L) Do you belong to a health club, gym, wellness center, etc.? D Yes Thank you ! We appreciate your response. The information provided on this questionnaire LLC and will not be distributed to any other individuals or agencies regardless of purpose. Safety Recommendations: staring a exercise moving parts or call result us for D Family routine. for smooth instruction. in serious inju_'. Consult Inspect movement Equipment a physician your and or product full is not for range designed health proper professional before assembly.._Iake of motion. for the use starting sure If you are unsure of children any D No is used type exclusively of exercise all hardware is tightened of proper of your or minors. use Failure to follow by LAMAR program. Warm appropriately. purchased or apply product, these Health, up and Check contact suggested Fitness stretch cables a local safety & Sports, before and all retailer tips may STAMP LAMAR 4699 HEALTH, FITNESS, NAUTILUS COURT BOULDER, FOLD FOLD & TAPE (LOSED OR _]AIL CO. & SPORTS, SOUTH #205 80301 LINE REGISTRATION www. lamarhfs, IN A SEPARATE com LLC ENVELOPE
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.2 Linearized : No Page Count : 24 Page Layout : SinglePage Page Mode : UseNone Producer : Goby Monitor Application version 3, 2, 1, 4 Create Date : Wed Aug 15 01:45:39 2007 Author : Title : Subject :EXIF Metadata provided by