LENNOX Air Conditioner/heat Pump(outside Unit) Manual L0805497
User Manual: LENNOX LENNOX Air conditioner/heat pump(outside unit) Manual LENNOX Air conditioner/heat pump(outside unit) Owner's Manual, LENNOX Air conditioner/heat pump(outside unit) installation guides
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LENNDX INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ,1,_2000 Lennox Industries Inc. Dallas, Texas, USA HS40 S UNITS lIE_ :.)Technical .LU_ Publications Lithe U.S.A. CONDENSING UNITS 504,186M 11/2002 Supersedes 4/2000 HS40 condensing units use R407C which is an ozone friendly HFC refrigerant. This unit must be installed with a HS40 Condensing Unit ......................... Shipping & Packing List ........................ Unit Dimensions ............................... General Information ............................ Setting the Unit ................................ Electrical ..................................... Plumbing ..................................... Flushing Existing Line Set and Indoor Coil ........ Liquid & Suction Line Service Valves ............. Leak Testing .................................. Evacuation & Dehydration ...................... Start-Up ...................................... Charging ..................................... System Operation ............................. Maintenance .................................. Start-Up & Performance Check List .............. RETAIN THESE INSTRUCTIONS FOR FUTURE REFERENCE matching indoor coil and line set as outlined in the Lennox Engineering Handbook. HS40 condensing units are designed for use in expansion valve systems only. They are not designed to be used in RFC systems. An expansion valve and filter drier approved for use with R407C have been shipped with the unit. These components must be 1 - Assembled HS40 condensing unit 1 - Bag assembly: 1 - Sight glass 1 - 5/16-3/8 inch adapter 1 - 45 ° elbow installed prior to unit operation. A, WARNING 1 1 2 3 3 3 4 4 6 7 7 8 8 10 10 11 1 - Expansion valve (approved for use with R407C) 1 - Drier (approved for use with R407C systems) Check equipment for shipping damage. If you find any damage, immediately contact the last carrier. A, WARNING WARNING 11/02 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIll 504,186M Page 1 IIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHI INLET _AIR (111) OPTIONAL INLET INLET © © AIR UNIT STAND-OFF KIT (4)_ (Field Installed) " COIL DRAIN OUTLETS_""_I AIR (Around perimeter of base) / SUCTION LINE CONNECTION INLET'_AIR (162) CONNECTION LIQUID LINE TOP VIEW BASE SECTION TOP VIEW h._l =_ C ,v OUTDOOR COIL FAN COMPRESSOR ELECTRICAL INLETS SUCTION & LIQUID LINE CONNECTION (70) OPTIONAL (19) UNIT STAND-OFF KIT (4)_ (Field Installed) / SIDE VIEW Model No, SIDE VIEW A B C HS40-018 HS40-024 mm 635 616 616 HS40-036 HS40-048 mm 838 819 616 HS40-065 mm 946 927 718 Page 2 Theseinstructions areintended as a generalguideanddo notsupersede national orlocalcodesinanyway,Authorities havingjurisdiction shouldbeconsulted beforeinstallation, TheHS40unitis "CEmarked"inaccordance withtherequirements d the latest European Directives for Electrical and Machinery Safety and Electromagnetic Compatibility. In addition HS40 units have type Approval Certification with the Gas Appliance Directive. Refer to unit dimensions section for sizing mounting slab, platforms or supports. Refer to figure 2 for installation clearances. Installation Clearances A - Slab Mounting When installing the unit at grade level, install it on a level slab that is high enough above the grade to allow water to drain adequately. The top of slab should be located so runoff water from higher ground will not collect around the unit, B - Roof Mounting Install the unit at a minimum of 101 mm above the roof's surface. Ensure that the weight of the unit is properly distributed over roof joists and rafters. Either redwood or steel supports are recommended. The wiring must conform with current local codes and the current Canadian Electrical Code (CEC). Refer and comply with local electrical codes for field wiring rules and regulations. Refer to the furnace or blower coil installation instructions for additional wiring application diagrams and refer to unit rating plate for minimum circuit ampacity and maximum overcurrent protection size. WARNING Line Voltage (914 mm) To facilitate conduit, a hole is provided in the bottom of the control box. Connect the conduit to the control box with the *NO TE - A service clearance of 30" (762 mm) must be maintained on one of the sides adjacent to the control box. Clearance to one of the other three sides must be 36" (914 mm). Clearance to one of the remaining two sides may be 12" (304 mm) and the final side may be 6" (152 mm). NOTE - A clearance of 24" (610 mm) must be maintained between two units. NOTE- Units are approved for use with copper conductors only, 24V, Class II Circuit 24V, Class II Circuit connections are made up in the low voltage junction box, Refer to figure 3 for the field wiring diagram, NOTE - 48" (1219 mm) clearance required on top of unit. Maximum soffit overhang is 36" (914 mm). Figure proper conduit fitting, 1 NOTE -A complete unit wiring diagram is located inside the unit control box cover, FIGURE 2 HS40 TYPICAL FIELD WIRING DIAGRAM NOTE-SEE UNIT WIRING DIAGRAM FOR POWER SUPPLY CONNECTIONS. CONDENSING ROOM THERMOSTAT 24V CLASS II INSTALLED 24V CLASS It FIELD AT FACTORY INSTALLED UNIT TYPICAL INDOOR UNIT TRANSFORMER ' TO HEATING TO SPEED I TO I Yellow HEATING Black SPEED '=_'= _124vLc_A_S It POWER GROUND PER NATIONAL AND LOCAL SOURCE I 24V CLASS II JUNCTION BOX - 20 VA MINIMUM NOTE-IF INDOOR UNIT IS NOT EQUIPPED WITH BLOWER RELAY, IT MUST BE FIELD PROVIDED AND INSTALLED (P-8-3251 OR EQUIVALENT) K3 INDOOR Page 3 BLOWER RELAY CODES FIGURE 3 If refrigerant lines are routed through a wall, seal and isolate the opening so vibration is not transmitted to the building. If theHS40unitisbeinginstalled witha newindoorcoiland lineset,theplumbingconnections shouldbemadeasoutlinedinthissection.Ifanexistinglinesetand/orindoorcoilis goingtobeusedtocomplete theHS40system,refertothe following sectionwhichincludes flushingprocedures. Fieldrefrigerant pipingconsistsof liquidandsuctionlines fromthecondensing unittotheindoorevaporator coil.Use LennoxL15serieslinesetsasshownintable1orusefieldfabricatedrefrigerantlines.Referto RefrigerantPiping Guide(Corp.9351-L9)forpropersize,type,andapplicationoffield-fabricated lines. TABLE 1 REFRIGERANT LINE KITS HS40 UNIT LIQUID LINE SUCTION LINE L15 LINE SETS HS40-018 5/16 in. 5/8 in. HS40-024 (8 mm) (16 mm) L15-21 15-50 ft. (4.6 m - 15 m) 3/8 in. 3t4 in. HS40-036 (10 mm) (19 mm) L15-41 15-50 ft. (4.6 m - 15 m) HS40-048 318 in. (10 mm) 7/8 in. (22 mm) L15-65 15-50 ft. (4.6 m - 15 m) HS40-065 318 in. (10 mm) 1-1/8 in. (29 mm) NOTE - Line length should be no greater than 15.2 m. Select line set diameters from table 1 to ensure oil return to the compressor. Brazing Connection Procedure 1 - The end of the refrigerant line must be cut square and its internal shape must remain round. The line must be free of nicks or dents and must be deburred (I.D. and O.D.) 2 - Before making line set connections, use dry nitrogen to purge the refrigerant piping. This will help to prevent oxidation and the introduction d moisture into the system. 3 - Use silver alloy brazing rods (5 or 6 percent silver alloy for copper-to-copper brazing or 45 percent silver alloy for copper-to-brass or copper-to-steel brazing) which are rated for use with R407C refrigerant. Wrap a wet cloth around the valve body and the copper tube stub. 4 - Quench the joint with water or a wet cloth to prevent heat damage to the valve core and opening port. IMPORTANT - The tube end must stay bottomed in the fitting during final assembly to ensure proper seating, sealing and rigidity. 5-Install the provided thermal expansion valve (approved for use with R407C refrigerant) in the liquid line at the indoor coil. Field Fabricated 6 - Install the provided filter drier (approved for use with R407C refrigerant) in the liquid line as close as possible to the expansion device. Do not leave the drier uncapped for more than 10 to 15 minutes prior to brazing, evacuation and leak testing. AWARNING 7 - Install the sight glass on the liquid line at the outdoor unit. Wrap the sight glass with a wet rag to protect it during installation. &IMPORTANT &WARNING Plumbing Connections HS40 Matched with New Indoor Coil and Line Set If an existing indoor coil which was equipped with an RFCI metering device is being replaced, the liquid line must also be replaced prior to the installation of the HS40 unit. Page 4 3 - Remove the existing refrigerant flow control orifice or thermal expansion valve before continuing with flush- ,CAUTION ing procedures. The existing devices are not approved for use with R407C refrigerant and may prevent proper flushing. Use a field-provided fitting to reconnect the lines. Required Equipment ,IMPORTANT You will need the following equipment in order to flush the existing line set and indoor coil: two clean R22 recovery bottles, an oilless recovery machine with a pump down feature, and two sets of gauges (one for use with R22 and one for use with the R407C). Flushing Procedure 4 - Remove the pressure tap valve cores from the HS40 unit's service valves. Connect an R22 cylinder with clean refrigerant to the suction service valve. Con- 1 - Remove existing R22 refrigerant using the appropriate procedure below. If the existing outdoor unit is not equipped with nect the R22 gauge set to the liquid line valve and connect a recovery machine with an empty recovery shut-off valves, or if the unit is not operational AND you plan to use the existing R22 refrigerant to tank to the gauge set. flush the system -- Disconnect all power to the exist- 5 - Set the recovery machine for liquid recovery and start ing outdoor unit. Connect the existing unit, a clean recovery cylinder and the recovery machine according the recovery machine. Open the gauge set valves to provided with the recovery ma- allow the recovery machine to pull a vacuum on the existing system line set and indoor coil. chine. Remove all R22 refrigerant from the existing 6 - Invert the cylinder of clean R22 and open its valve to system. Refer to gauges after shutdown to confirm that the entire system is completely void of refrigerant. allow liquid refrigerant to flow into the system through the suction line valve. Allow the refrigerant to pass from the cylinder and through the line set and the in- to the instructions Disconnect the liquid and suction lines from the existing outdoor unit. If the existing outdoor unit is equipped with manual shut-off valves AND you plan to use NEW R22 refrigerant to flush the system -- Start the existing door coil before it enters the recovery machine. 7 - After all of the liquid refrigerant has been recovered, switch the recovery machine to vapor recovery so that all of the R22 vapor is recovered. All the recovery machine to pull a vacuum on the system. R22 system in the cooling mode and close the liquid line valve. Pump all of the existing R22 refrigerant NOTE - A single system flush should remove all of the back into the outdoor unit. (It may be necessary to bypass the low pressure switches to ensure complete re- mineral oil from the existing refrigerant lines and indoor coil. A second flushing may be done (using clean frigerant evacuation.) When the low side system pressures reach 0 psig, close the suction line valve. Dis- refrigerant) if insufficient amounts of mineral oil were removed during the first flush. Each time the system connect all power to the existing outdoor unit. Refer to is flushed, you must allow the recovery machine to pull a vacuum on the system at the end of the gauges after shutdown to confirm that the valves are not allowing refrigerant to flow back into the low side d the system. Disconnect the liquid and vapor lines from procedure. 8- Close the valve on the inverted R22 drum and the the existing outdoor unit. gauge set valves. Pump the remaining refrigerant out 2 - Remove the existing outdoor unit. Set the new R407C unit and follow the brazing connection procedure which begins on the previous page to make line set connections, DO NOT install provided R407C expansion valve at this time. of the recovery machine and turn the machine off. 9 - Use nitrogen to break the vacuum on the refrigerant lines and indoor coil before removing the recovery machine, gauges and R22 refrigerant drum. Reinstall pressure tap valve cores into HS40 service valves. Make low voltage and line voltage connections to the new outdoor unit. DO NOT turn on power to the unit or open the outdoor unit service valves at this time. 10 -Install the provided expansion valve (approved for use Page 5 with R407C refrigerant) in the liquid line at the indoor coil. FLUSHING CONNECTIONS INVERTED R22 CYLINDER (Contains clean R22 to be used for flushing) LOW PRESSURE HS40 UNIT EXISTING EXISTING SUCTION LINE SERVICE HIGH PRESSURE VALVE OP_ENIE: AUGE MAN::I_Oo:: _ EXISTING LIQUID LINE INDOOR COIL SERVICE LIQUID VALVE LINE t CYLINDER i IO TANK RETURN NOTE- The inverted R22 cylinder must contain at least the same amount of refrigerant as was recovered from the existing system. RECOVER_ _INLET RECOVERY MACHINE FIGURE 4 The liquid line and suction line service valves (figures 5 and 6) and gauge ports are accessible from outside the unit. The service ports are used for leak testing, evacuating, charging and checking charge. The valves are equipped with a service port. A Schrader valve is factory-installed. A service port cap is supplied to protect the Schrader valve from contamination and to serve as the primary leak seal. To Access Schrader Port: LIQUID AND SUCTION LINE SERVICE VALVES (VALVE OPEN) INSERT HEX WRENCH SERVICE PORT STEM © X CAP UNIT SIDE 1 - Remove the service port cap with an adjustable wrench. 2 - Connect gauge to the service port. 3 - When testing is completed, replace the service port cap. Tighten finger tight, then an additional 1/6 turn. To Open Liquid or Suction Line Service Valve: SERVICE' PORT CAP FIELD SIDE SCHRADER VALVE (VALVE CLOSED) RETAINING RING SERVICE 2 - Use a service wrench with a hex-head extension to back the stem out counterclockwise until the valve STEM CAP © 1 - Remove the stem cap with an adjustable wrench. stem just touches the retaining ring, INSERT HEX UNIT SIDE ,DANGER SERVICE PORT CAF 3 - Replace the stem cap. Tighten finger tight, then tighten an additional 1/6 turn. FIELD SIDE SCHRADER VALVE OPEP TO LINE SET WHEN VALVE IS CLOSED (FRONT SEATED) (VALVE FRONT SEATED) FIGURE 5 Page 6 To Close Liquid or Suction Line Service Valve: Using an Electronic 1 - Remove stem cap with an adjustable wrench, 2 - Use a service wrench with a hex-head extension to turn the stem clockwise to seat the valve, Tighten firmly, 3 - Replace the stem cap, Tighten finger tight, then tighten an additional 1/6 turn, Five Ton Suction Line (Bali-Type) Service Valve A ball-type full-service valve is used on five-ton HS40-065 units only, These suction line service valves function the same way, the differences are in the valve's construction, Valves are not rebuildable, If a valve has failed, it must be replaced. A ball valve valve is illustrated in figure 6. The ball valve is equipped with a service port, A Schrader valve is factory installed. A service port cap is supplied to protect the Schrader valve from contamination and assure a leak free seal, SUCTION LINE (BALL TYPE) SERVICE VALVE (VALVE OPEN) USE ADJUSTABLE WRENCH ROTATE STEM CLOCKWISE 90 _' TO CLOSE ROTATE STEM COUNTER-CLOCKWISE 90" TO OPEN TO OUTDOOR &IMPORTANT 1 - Connect the high pressure hose of the manifold gauge set to the suction valve service port. (Normally, the high pressure hose is connected to the liquid line port, however, connecting it to the suction port helps to protect the manifold gauge set from damage caused by high pressure.) 2 - With both manifold valves closed, connect the cylinder of R407C refrigerant, Open the valve on the R407C cylinder (vapor only). 3 - Open the high pressure side of the manifold to allow R407C into the line set and indoor unit, Weigh in a trace amount of R407C, [A trace amount is a maximum of 2 ounces (57 g) refrigerant or 3 pounds (31 kPa) pressure]. Close the valve on the R407C cylinder and the valve on the high pressure side of the manifold gauge set. Disconnect R407C cylinder. 4 - Connect a cylinder of nitrogen with a pressure regulating valve to the center port of the manifold gauge set, COIL @ STEM CAP 5 - Adjust nitrogen pressure to 150 psig (1034 kPa), Open the valve on the high side of the manifold gauge set in order to pressurize the line set and the indoor coil, STEM BALL SHOWN OPEN) 6 - After a short period of time, open a refrigerant port to make sure that an adequate amount of refrigerant has TO INDOOR COIL SERVICE PORT CAP Leak Detector been added for detection (refrigerant requirements will vary with line lengths). Check all joints for leaks, Purge nitrogen and R407C mixture, Correct any leaks and recheck, SERVICE SCHRADER VALVE FIGURE 6 After the line set has been connected to the indoor and outdoor units, the line set connections and indoor unit must be checked for leaks. Evacuating the system of non-condensables is critical for proper operation of the unit. Non-condensables are defined as any gas that will not condense under temperatures and pressures present during operation of an air conditioning system. Non-condensables and water vapor combine with refrigerant to produce substances that corrode copper piping and compressor parts. ,WARNING 1 -Connect the manifold gauge set to the service valve ports as follows: low pressure gauge to suction line service valve; high pressure gauge to liquid line service valve. IMPORTANT- Compliant scroll compressors (as with any refrigerant compressor) should never be used to evacuate a refrigeration or air conditioning system. NOTE - A temperature vacuum gauge, mercury vacuum or thermocouple gauge should be used. The usual Bourdon tube gauges are inaccurate in the vacuum range. Page 7 2-The nitrogenholdingchargein the unitmustbe released.Openbothmanifold valvestoreleasethenitrogenfromtheunit.Seepage5forservicevalveoperation. 3 -Connectthevacuumpump(withvacuumgauge)tothe centerportofthemanifoldgaugeset. 4 -Openbothmanifold valvesandstartvacuumpump. 5 -Evacuate thelineset,condensing unit,andindoorunit toanabsolutepressureof23mm(23,000 microns) of mercury.Duringtheearlystagesofevacuation, itisdesirabletoclosethemanifold gaugevalveatleastonce todetermineifthereis a rapidrisein absolutepressure. A rapidrisein pressureindicatesa relatively largeleak.If thisoccurs,the leaktestingprocedure mustberepeated. NOTE - The term absolute pressure means the total actual pressure within a given volume or system, above the absolute zero of pressure. Absolute pressure in a vacuum is equal to atmospheric pressure minus vacuum pressure. 6 -When the absolute pressure reaches 23 mm (23,000 microns) of mercury, close the manifold gauge valves, turn off the vacuum pump and disconnect the manifold gauge center port hose from vacuum pump. Attach the manifold center port hose to a nitrogen cylinder with pressure regulator set to 150 psig (1034 kPa) and purge the hose. Open the manifold gauge valves to break the vacuum in the system. Close the manifold gauge valves. Refer to the unit nameplate for the correct liquid charge. If you can not measure in the total amount, refer to the start-up section and set the final system charge according to the charging instructions. The R407C refrigerant cylinder should be chocolate brown. 1 - Rotate the fan to check for frozen bearings or binding. 2 - Inspect all factory and field-installed connections. wiring for loose 3 - Check voltage supply at the disconnect switch. The voltage must be within range listed on unit nameplate. If not, do not start equipment until the power company has been consulted and the voltage condition corrected. 4 - Set thermostat for a cooling demand, turn on power to blower and close condensing unit disconnect switch to start. 5 - Recheck unit voltage with unit running. Power must be within range shown on unit nameplate. Check amperage draw of unit. Refer to unit nameplate for correct running amps. Charge the unit with the amount of liquid R407C refrigerant that is indicated on the unit namplate. This charge is based on a matching indoor coil and outdoor coil with 4.6 m line set. For varying lengths d line set, refer to table 2 for refrigerant charge adjustment. TABLE 2 &WARNING Liquid Line Set Diameter Grams per 1.5 m adjust from 4.6 m line set* 5/16 in. (8 mm) 57 g per 1.5 m 3/8 in. (10 mm) 85 g per 1.5 m *If line length is greater than 4.6 m, add this amount. If line length is less than 4.6 m, subtract this amount. &IMPORTANT 7 -Shut off the nitrogen cylinder and remove the manifold gauge hose from the cylinder. Open the manifold gauge valves to release the nitrogen from the system. 8-Reconnect the manifold gauge to the vacuum pump, turn the pump on and continue to evacuate the system until the absolute pressure does not rise above .5 mm (500 microns) of mercury within a 20-minute period after shutting off the vacuum pump and closing the manifold gauge valves. The compressor is charged with sufficient polyol ester oil for line set lengths up to 15 m. If line set lengths longer than 15 m will be required, add I ounce (28 gm) of oil for every additional 3 m of line set. Do not add any more than 207 ml of oil. Copeland has approved Mobil EAL '" Arctic 22CC and ICI EMKARATE'" RL32CF for use with 9 -When the absolute pressure requirement from step 9 has been met, disconnect the manifold gauge hose from the vacuum pump. Then, weigh in a LIQUID charge of R407C through the liquid and suction service valves. these compressors when oil must be added in the field. The following procedure is intended as a general guide and is for use on expansion valve systems only. For best results, the indoor temperature must range from 21°C to 26°C. Be sure to monitor system pressures while charging. Page 8 TABLE 3 R407C Saturated Liquid Temperature and Pressure Chart Use this chart for subcooling only, not superheat Liquid Line Pressure Saturated Liquid Temperature °C 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 25 25 26 26 27 27 28 28 29 30 30 31 31 32 32 Liquid Line Pressure Saturated Liquid Temperature °C 33 iii/iiiiii_i_i iiiiiil_iliii! iiiiiiii;iiiii_JJJ;_;_iii_;!_i!_i!_i_!!i!_i_i_i_i!i_ii;ili_!_i !_i_i;i¸i_!_;i_iiiiiiii!!iiiiiiiiiiii_i_!_;;¸i ii/iiiiii_i_ii_i (_ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_ii_iiiiiiiiiiiiiii_ Ji_iJi'i'i'i'i'i'iiiii_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_; ................................. ,i_i i!! !i!!i !!i !!i!! i!! i!!i!i_ _ii __i_ _i_i_iii _i ii_i i_ i_ !i!_ i_ii_ii _iii_ iil;ii _i! _i;_ilil iiIil i!!!i_!i_, :_!_ii!_i _ii_i_i_ill _i_!i _i_i_i _ii!i_ii_ i_ iii_ii!_ !ii!_i_ iiliiiiiilil iiii_ii _ii_i _i i!i_i_ !_i _i_i i_il _il _il _ii _il_ i_! 33 i_ i _ iii_!!i!!!i!iiiiiiiiiiiiii_iiii_i_iii!_!i!i;! _i_iiiiiiiiii_i iiiili!_iiiiiiii _iiiliiii_!ii!!!_illi iii;!!!!!ii_i_iiiiiiiiii_ii_ii_i_i_ _i_i_iiiiii_ 34 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_ii_i_i_ 35 35 36 36 37 37 38 38 39 40 40 41 41 42 53; ( 42 43 43 44 45 45 46 47 47 47 48 48 51 54 _(_ 57 Page 9 '................................................ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!_ii_i_!_!ii_!_i_i_!_i_ii_i_!_!i_!_!i_!_!ii_!_i_!_iii_!_ i_!_i! !ii!ii_i_i_i_i_i_i_i_i_i_i_i_i_i_i_il ii!!!liliiii!iii_ii_@_ _ iiii!iii!!l iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_!i_i1_:_;_ii_@i_ i .... Checking Unit Charge Using Subcooling Outdoor Temperature is >_16°C when Refrigerant 1 - After the pressures have stabilized, attach the manifold gauge hose to the liquid service port, and record the liquid pressure. At the same time, use a digital thermometer to record the liquid line temperature, Sight Glass A refrigerant sight glass is provided (in the bag assembly) with the unit, The sight glass should be field-installed in the liquid line to monitor the system refrigerant, 2 - Use table 3 to determine the saturation temperature that corresponds with the liquid line pressure reading. _WARNING 3 - To determine subcooling, subtract the liquid line temperature from the saturation temperature (table 3): Saturation -Liquid Temperature Line Temperature =Subcooling 4 - If the system is operating at subcooling values higher than 4,4 - 5,5°C, recover refrigerant, 5 - If the system is operating at subcooling values lower than 4,4 - 5,5°C, add refrigerant through the suction valve in the liquid state. Some R407C cylinders are equipped with a dip tube which allows you to draw liquid refrigerant from the bottom of the cylinder without turning the cylinder upside-down. The cylinder will be marked if it is equipped with a dip tube. At the beginning of each cooling season, the system should be checked as follows: 1- Clean and inspect condenser coil, Coil may be flushed with a water hose. Make sure power is off before cleaning, 2 - Visually inspect connecting lines and coils for evidence of oil leaks, 3 - Check wiring for loose connections. 4 - Check for correct voltage at unit (unit operating), 5 - Check condenser fan motor amp-draw. Unit nameplate Actual The condensing unit and the indoor blower cycle on demand from room thermostat. When the thermostat blower switch is switched to the ON position, the indoor blower operates continuously, Timed-Off Evaporator Control Units include a timed-off control which helps equalize system pressures. The timed-off control delays compressor start-up for five minutes on thermostat demand, This allows the compressor to start in an unloaded condition and prevents compressor short-cycling, The control is located in the control box and is wired between thermostat terminal "Y" and the compressor contactor, High Pressure and Low Pressure NOTE _ If owner complains of insufficient cooling, the unit should be gauged and refrigerant charge checked, Refer to section on refrigerant charging in this instruction, Switches Units include a high pressure switch and a low pressure switch. The pressure switches are located on valve cores in the liquid line to allow for easy access, The manually reset high pressure switch protects the system from high pressure conditions which result from a fan failure or a blocked or dirty coil. The low pressure switch (SPST, NO) protects the system compressor from damage due to a loss of charge. The loss of charge switch trips at 25 + 5 psig (172+ 34 kPa) and automatically resets at 55+ 5 psig (379 + 34 kPa). Coil 1 - If necessary, clean coil. 2 - Check connecting lines and coils for evidence of oil leaks, 3 - Check condensate line and clean, if necessary. Indoor Unit 1 - Clean or change filters, 2 - Adjust blower speed for cooling. The pressure drop over the coil should be measured to determine the correct blower CFM, Refer to the unit information service manual for pressure drop tables and procedure, 3 - Belt Drive Blowers -- Check belt for wear and proper tension, 4 - Check all wiring for loose connections 5 - Check for correct voltage at unit (blower operating). 6 - Check amp-draw on blower motor Unit nameplate Actual Page 10 Job Name Job No. Date Job Location City State Installer City State Unit Model No. Nameplate Serial No. Voltage Service technician Amps: Minimum Circuit Ampacity Maximum Overcurrent Protection Electrical Connections Tight? __ Supply Condenser Size I--1 Fan Compressor Indoor Filter Clean? E1 Indoor Blower CFM Supply Voltage COOLING (Unit Off) s.P. Drop Over Evaporator SECTION Refrigerant Lines: Leak Checked? E] Service Valves Fully Opened? Properly I--1 Insulated? [--] Service Valve Caps Tight? [--1 Voltage With Compressor Condenser Entering Air Temperature Discharge Pressure Refrigerant Charge Condenser Fan Checked? _ Set? [_ Operating Level? _--_ Calibrated? Page 11 Suction Checked? THERMOSTAT Properly (Dry) [--_ [_ [--_ Pressure B LENNOX Lennox Industries RO. Box 174, Westgate Interchange, Northampton NN5 5AG Telephone: 01604 591159 Facsimile: 01604 587536 Page 12
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