LENNOX Controls And HVAC Accessories Manual L0806303

User Manual: LENNOX LENNOX Controls and HVAC Accessories Manual LENNOX Controls and HVAC Accessories Owner's Manual, LENNOX Controls and HVAC Accessories installation guides

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,1,_1998 Lennox Industries Inc.Dallas, TexasKITS COMMON TO HEATINGAND COOLING EQUIPMENT502,818M11/98 LOW AMBIENT CONTROL KITSupersedes 3/96INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR LOW AMBIENT CONTROL KIT LB-57113BM (27J00)USED WITH SINGLE-COMPRESSOR HEAT PUMP UNITSPackage 1 of 1 contains:1- Low ambient pressure switch assembly (Sll)1- 36" (914 mm) length of 1/4" (6,35 mm) copper tubewith flare nuts1- Relay1- 20-Foot length of wire4- 20" Lengths of wire1- Bag assembly each containing:8-Wire nuts2-Saddle valves4-#10-16 X 5/8" S,D,S,T. screws1-Schrader depressor tee with seal capThe low ambient pressure switch (Sll) cycles theoutdoor fan while allowing compressor operation in thecooling cycle. This intermittent fan operation results ina high evaporating temperature which allows thesystem to operate without icing the evaporator coil andlosing capacity. This kit is designed for use in ambienttemperatures no lower than 30°F.Lennox recommends a belly-band style crankcase heater(P-8-8852, 240v, 45w) be added to compressors whichdo not have one. A freezestat (LB-62858CA) should alsobe added to any system using a low ambient kit.NOTE -Do not use this low ambient kit on units withcapillary tube metering devices. Install an expansionvalve metering device if using this kit.A-Pressure Switch Assembly1- Disconnect power to unit.2- Remove compressor compartment access panel,3- Install valve depressor tee discharge line gauge port.4- Install pressure switch in compressor compartmentwith screws provided. Switch should be installed in avertical position higher than mid-point of compressor.See figure 1.TYPICAL INSTALLATIONSll LOW AMBIENTPRESSURE SWITCHCOMPRESSORSHOCK HIGHLOOP PRESSURESWITCHDISCHARGELINES24 LOSSOF CHARGESWITCHVALVEDEPRESSORTEE5-FIGURE 1Connect copper line to low ambient pressureswitch and open side of depressor tee (provided).Provide a shock loop in copper tubing to preventbreakage from vibration, Tighten connections,Depressor tee port with valve core is used asservice port, If necessary, valve core can be movedto other leg of tee,Page 1
B-Low Ambient Pressure Switch Setting (S11)One of two types of pressure switches are provided, TheRanco switch has one square and one round adjustmentknob and the AIco switch has two square adjustmentknobs,Ranco ModelThe low ambient pressure switch provided in the kit isfactory set for 285 psig (1965 kPa) cut-in and 140 psig(965 kPa) cut-out,If necessary, adjust low ambient pressure switch asfollows:1-Rotate round knob to set cut-in pressure, Refer to rightset of indicating numbers on face of control, Seefigure 3,2- Rotate square knob to set differential indicator to 145psig (999 kPa), Refer to left set of indicating numbers,Alco ModelIf necessary, adjust low ambient pressure switch asfollows:1-Rotate the square knob located on the left to set cut-inpressure, Refer to left set of indicating numbers onface of control, See figure 2,2- Rotate the square knob located on the right to setdifferential indicator to 145 psig (999 kPa), Refer toright set of indicating numbers,3- Use only terminals 1 and 4 when connecting wiring,NOTE -Disregard "Cut out minus Diff. is Cut In"statement on face of control. This does not apply in thisappfication.C-Low Ambient Relay (K58)1- Install low ambient relay in control box,LOW AMBIENT PRESSURE SWITCH Sll DETAILRANCO MODELSQUARE DIFFERENTIALADJUSTMENT KNOB\ROUND CUT-INADJUSTMENTKNOBDIFFERENTIALPRESSURE READ-OUT ON LEFTCUT-IN PRESSUREREADOUT ONRIGHTPRESSURE SWITCH IS FACTORY-SET AT 285 PSIG CUT-INAND 145 PSlG DIFFERENTIAL (140 PSlG CUT-OUT)ALCO MODELROUND CUT-INADJUSTMENTKNOB\SQUARE DIFFERENTIALADJUSTMENT KNOBCUT-IN PRESSUREREADOUT ON LEFT DIFFERENTIALPRESSURE READ-OUT ON RIGHTFIGURE 2Page 2

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