LG Electronics USA E974 Cellular/PCS GSM/EDGE Phone with Bluetooth, WLAN and RFID User Manual LG E974 UK UG 120919 indd
LG Electronics MobileComm USA, Inc. Cellular/PCS GSM/EDGE Phone with Bluetooth, WLAN and RFID LG E974 UK UG 120919 indd
Users Manual
ENGLISH LG-E974 User Guide This guide helps you to get started using your phone. ⢠Some of the contents of this manual may not apply to your phone, depending on the software and your service provider. ⢠This handset is not suitable for people who have a visual impairment due to the touch screen keyboard. ⢠Copyright Š2012 LG Electronics, Inc. All rights reserved. LG and the LG logo are registered trademarks of LG Group and its related entities. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. ⢠Googleâ˘, Google Mapsâ˘, Gmailâ˘, YouTubeâ˘, Google Talk⢠and Play Store⢠are trademarks of Google, Inc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art 15.19 Statement This device complies with part15 of FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference. (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. $QF[YQTP1RGTCVKQP 7KLVGHYLFHKDVEHHQWHVWHGIRUERG\ZRUQRSHUDWLRQVZLWKWKHGLVWDQFHRIFP LQFKHV EHWZHHQWKHXVHUÄ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ontents Guidelines for safe and efficient use .........4 Getting to know your phone ....................13 Device components.................................19 QuickMemo ............................................21 Installing the Micro-USIM card .................22 Charging your phone ...............................22 Locking and unlocking the screen ............23 Secure your lock screen ..........................24 Your Home screen ...................................25 Touch screen tips....................................25 Home .....................................................25 Customising the Home screen .................25 Returning to recently-used applications ....26 Notification drawer ..................................26 Viewing the status bar .............................26 Onscreen keyboard .................................28 Entering accented letters .........................28 Google account set up .............................29 Connecting to Networks and Devices ......30 Wi-Fi ......................................................30 Connecting to Wi-Fi networks ..................30 Bluetooth................................................30 Sharing your phone's data connection ......31 To rename or secure your portable hotspot...................................................32 Using the Wi-Fi Cast................................33 Enabling Wi-Fi Direct to share through SmartShare ............................................33 Using SmartShare ...................................33 Calls .........................................................36 Making a call ..........................................36 Calling your contacts ...............................36 Answering and rejecting a call .................36 Adjusting call volume ..............................36 Making a second call ..............................36 Viewing your call logs ..............................37 Call settings ...........................................37 Contacts...................................................39 Searching for a contact ...........................39 Adding a new contact..............................39 Favourite contacts...................................39 Moving contacts from your Old Device to your New Device .....................................40 Messaging ...............................................41 Sending a message ................................41 Threaded box ........................................41 Using Smilies ..........................................41 Changing your message settings .............42 E-mail ......................................................43 Managing an email account.....................43 Email account screen ..............................43 Working with account folders ...................43 Composing and sending email .................44 Camera ....................................................45 Getting to know the viewfinder .................45 Taking a quick photo ..............................46 Once you've taken the photo ...................46 Using the advanced settings ....................46 Video camera ...........................................49 Getting to know the viewfinder .................49 Shooting a quick video ............................50 After shooting a video .............................50 Using the advanced settings ....................50 Adjusting the volume when viewing a video .. 51 Video Wiz .................................................52 Multimedia...............................................54 Video Player ...........................................54 Playing a video .......................................54 Gallery ...................................................54 Music Player...........................................55 Transferring music files using USB mass storage devices ......................................55 Playing a song ........................................55 LG Tag+ .................................................56 Media Home ...........................................56 Notebook .................................................57 Making a note ........................................57 Getting to know the Notebook ..................57 LG SmartWorld.........................................59 How to Get to LG SmartWorld from Your Phone ....................................................59 How to use LG SmartWorld ......................59 Adding an event to your calendar .............60 Tasks .....................................................60 Polaris Office ..........................................61 FileShare ................................................61 Backup ..................................................61 Back up your smart phone data ...............62 Scheduling automatic backups ................62 Restoring smart phone data.....................62 The web ...................................................64 Internet ..................................................64 Using the web toolbar .............................64 Using options..........................................64 Settings ...................................................65 WIRELESS & NETWORKS.........................65 DEVICE...................................................66 PERSONAL .............................................68 SYSTEM .................................................69 Phone software update ...........................70 DivX HD..................................................71 DTS .......................................................71 Dolby Mobile ..........................................71 Accessories .............................................72 Troubleshooting .......................................73 Utilities.....................................................60 Setting your alarm...................................60 Using your calculator...............................60 Guidelines for safe and efficient use guidelines is 2.0 W/kg*. Tests for SAR are conducted using standard operating positions with the device transmitting at its highest certified power level in all Exposure to radio frequency tested frequency bands. Although the energy SAR is determined at the highest certified THIS DEVICE MEETS INTERNATIONAL power level, the actual SAR of the device GUIDELINES FOR EXPOSURE TO RADIO while operating can be well below the WAVES maximum value. This is because the Your mobile device is a radio transmitter device is designed to operate at multiple and receiver. It is designed and power levels so as to use only the power manufactured not to exceed the limits required to reach the network. In general, for exposure to radio frequency (RF) the closer you are to a base station, the recommended by international guidelines lower the power output of the device. (ICNIRP). These limits are part of Before a phone model is available for comprehensive guidelines and establish sale to the public, compliance with the permitted levels of RF energy for the European R&TTE directive must be shown. general population. This directive includes as one essential The guidelines were developed by requirement the protection of the health independent scientific organisations and the safety for the user and any other through periodic and thorough evaluation person. of scientific studies. The guidelines include The highest SAR value for this device a substantial safety margin designed when tested for use at the ear is X.XXX to assure the safety of all persons, W/kg. regardless of age or health. The exposure standard for mobile devices employs a unit of measurement known as the Specific Absorption Rate, or SAR. The SAR limit stated in the international Please read these simple guidelines. Not following these guidelines may be dangerous or illegal. Guidelines for safe and efficient use * FCC Notice & Caution Notice! This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Caution! Change or Modifications that are not specifically approved by the manufacturer could void the userâs authority to operate the equipment. Product care and maintenance WARNING Only use batteries, chargers and accessories approved for use with this particular phone model. The use of any other types may invalidate any approval or warranty applying to the phone and may be dangerous. ⢠Do not disassemble this unit. Take it to a qualified service technician when repair work is required. ⢠Repairs under warranty, at LG's discretion, may include replacement parts or boards that are either new or reconditioned, provided that they have functionality equal to that of the parts being replaced. ⢠Keep away from electrical appliances such as TVs, radios and personal computers. ⢠The unit should be kept away from heat sources such as radiators or cookers. ⢠Do not drop. ⢠Do not subject this unit to mechanical vibration or shock. ⢠Switch off the phone in any area where you are required to by special regulations. For example, do not use your phone in hospitals as it may affect sensitive medical equipment. ⢠Do not handle the phone with wet hands while it is being charged. It may cause an electric shock and can seriously damage your phone. ⢠Do not charge a handset near flammable material as the handset can become hot and create a fire hazard. ⢠Use a dry cloth to clean the exterior of the unit (do not use solvents such as benzene, thinner or alcohol). ⢠Do not charge the phone when it is on soft furnishings. ⢠The phone should be charged in a well ventilated area. ⢠Do not subject this unit to excessive smoke or dust. ⢠Do not keep the phone next to credit cards or transport tickets; it can affect the information on the magnetic strips. ⢠Do not tap the screen with a sharp object as it may damage the phone. ⢠Do not expose the phone to liquid or moisture. ⢠Use accessories like earphones cautiously. Do not touch the antenna unnecessarily. ⢠Do not use, touch or attempt to remove or fix broken, chipped or cracked glass. Damage to the glass display due to abuse or misuse is not covered under the warranty. ⢠Your phone is an electronic device that generates heat during normal operation. Extremely prolonged, direct skin contact in the absence of adequate ventilation may result in discomfort or minor burns. Therefore, use care when handling your phone during or immediately after operation. ⢠If your phone gets wet, immediately unplug it to dry off completely. Do not attempt to accelerate the drying process with an external heating source,such as an oven, microwave or hair dryer. ⢠The liquid in your wet phone, changes the color of the product label inside your phone. Damage to your device as a result of exposure to liquid is not covered under your warranty. Efficient phone operation Electronics devices All mobile phones may receive interference, which could affect performance. Guidelines for safe and efficient use ⢠Do not use your mobile phone near medical equipment without requesting permission. Avoid placing the phone over pacemakers, for example, in your breast pocket. ⢠Some hearing aids might be disturbed by mobile phones. ⢠Minor interference may affect TVs, radios, PCs etc. Pacemakers Pacemaker manufacturers recommend that a minimum separation of 15cm be maintained between a mobile phone and a pacemaker to avoid potential interference with the pacemaker. To achieve this use the phone on the opposite ear to your pacemaker and do not carry it in a breast pocket. Hospitals Switch off your wireless device when requested to do so in hospitals, clinics or health care facilities. These requests are designed to prevent possible interference with sensitive medical equipment. Road safety Check the laws and regulations on the use of mobile phones in the area when you drive. ⢠Do not use a hand-held phone while driving. ⢠Give full attention to driving. ⢠Pull off the road and park before making or answering a call if driving conditions so require. ⢠RF energy may affect some electronic systems in your vehicle such as car stereos and safety equipment. ⢠When your vehicle is equipped with an air bag, do not obstruct with installed or portable wireless equipment. It can cause the air bag to fail or cause serious injury due to improper performance. ⢠If you are listening to music whilst out and about, please ensure that the volume is at a reasonable level so that you are aware of your surroundings. This is of particular importance when near roads. Avoid damage to your hearing To prevent possible hearing damage, do not listen at high volume levels for long periods Damage to your hearing can occur if you are exposed to loud sound for long periods of time. We therefore recommend that you do not turn on or off the handset close to your ear. We also recommend that music and call volumes are set to a reasonable level. ⢠When using headphones, turn the volume down if you cannot hear the people speaking near you, or if the person sitting next to you can hear what you are listening to. NOTE: Excessive sound pressure from earphones and headphones can cause hearing loss Glass Parts Some parts of your mobile device are made of glass. This glass could break if your mobile device is dropped on a hard surface or receives a substantial impact. If the glass breaks, do not touch or attempt to remove it. Stop using your mobile device until the glass is replaced by an authorised service provider. Blasting area Do not use the phone where blasting is in progress. Observe restrictions and follow any regulations or rules. Potentially explosive atmospheres ⢠Do not use your phone at a refueling point. ⢠Do not use near fuel or chemicals. ⢠Do not transport or store flammable gas, liquid or explosives in the same compartment of your vehicle as your mobile phone or accessories. In aircraft Wireless devices can cause interference in aircraft. ⢠Turn your mobile phone off before boarding any aircraft. ⢠Do not use it on the ground without permission from the crew. Children Keep the phone in a safe place out of the reach of small children. It includes small parts which may cause a choking hazard if detached. Guidelines for safe and efficient use ⢠Do not leave the battery in hot or cold places, as this may deteriorate battery performance. ⢠There is risk of explosion if the battery is replaced with an incorrect type. ⢠Dispose of used batteries according to the manufacturer's instructions. Please Battery information and care recycle when possible. Do not dispose ⢠You do not need to completely discharge as household waste. the battery before recharging. Unlike ⢠If you need to replace the battery, take it other battery systems, there is no to the nearest authorised LG Electronics memory effect that could compromise service point or dealer for assistance. the battery's performance. ⢠Always unplug the charger from the ⢠Use only LG batteries and chargers. LG wall socket after the phone is fully chargers are designed to maximise the charged to save unnecessary power battery life. consumption of the charger. ⢠Do not disassemble or short-circuit the ⢠Actual battery life will depend on battery. network configuration, product ⢠Replace the battery when it no longer settings, usage patterns, battery and provides acceptable performance. environmental conditions. The battery pack may be recharged ⢠Make sure that no sharp-edged items hundreds of times before it needs such as animalâs teeth or nails, come replacing. into contact with the battery. This could ⢠Recharge the battery if it has not been cause a fire. used for a long time to maximise usability. ⢠Do not expose the battery charger to direct sunlight or use it in high humidity, such as in the bathroom. Emergency calls Emergency calls may not be available on all mobile networks. Therefore you should never depend solely on your phone for emergency calls. Check with your local service provider. 10 DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY Hereby, LG Electronics declares that this LG-E974 product is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/ EC. A copy of the Declaration of Conformity can be found at http:// www.lg.com/global/support/ cedoc/RetrieveProductCeDOC.jsp Notice: Open Source Software To obtain the corresponding source code under GPL, LGPL, MPL and other open source licences, please visit http://opensource.lge.com/ All referred licence terms, disclaimers and notices are available for download with the source code. Regulatory and Safety Go to "System settings > About phone > Regulatory and Safety" to get regulatory and safety information Ambient temperatures Max: +50°C (discharging), +45°C (charging) Min: -10°C 11 Disposal of your old appliance 1 When this crossed-out wheeled bin symbol is attached to a product it means `the product is covered by the European Directive 2002/96/EC. 2 All electrical and electronic products should be disposed of separately from the municipal waste stream via designated collection facilities appointed by the government or the local authorities. 3 The correct disposal of your old appliance will help prevent potential negative consequences for the environment and human health. 4 For more detailed information about disposal of your old appliance, please contact your city office, waste disposal service or the shop where you purchased the product. Disposal of waste batteries/accumulators 1 When this crossed-out wheeled bin symbol is attached to batteries/ accumulators of your product it means they are covered by the European Directive 2006/66/EC. 2 This symbol may be combined with chemical symbols for mercury (Hg), cadmium (Cd) or lead (Pb) if the battery Contains more than 0.0005% of mercury, 0.002% of cadmium or 0.004% of lead. 3 All batteries/accumulators should be disposed separately from the municipal waste stream via designated collection facilities appointed by the government or the local authorities. 4 The correct disposal of your old batteries/accumulators will help to prevent potential negative consequences for the environment, animal and human health. 5 For more detailed information about disposal of your old batteries/ accumulators, please contact your city office, waste disposal service or the shop where you purchased the product. 12 Getting to know your phone Before you start using the phone, please read this! Please check to see whether any problems you encountered with your phone are described in this section before taking the phone for service or calling a service representative. 1. Phone memory When there is less than 10% of space available in your phone memory, your phone cannot receive new messages. You need to check your phone memory and delete some data, such as applications or messages, to make more memory available. To uninstall applications: 1 Touch > Apps tab > Settings > Apps from the DEVICE category. 2 Once all applications appear, scroll to and select the application you want to uninstall. 3 Touch Uninstall. 2. Optimising battery life Extend your battery's life between charges by turning off features that you don't need to having running constantly in the background. You can monitor how applications and system resources consume battery power. Extending your phone's battery life: ⢠Turn off radio communications you are not using. If you are not using Wi-Fi, Bluetooth or GPS, turn them off. ⢠Reduce screen brightness and set a shorter screen timeout. ⢠Turn off automatic syncing for Gmail, Calendar, Contacts and other applications. ⢠Some applications you have downloaded may reduce battery power. To check the battery power level: > Apps tab > Settings > ⢠Touch About phone from the SYSTEM > Battery The battery status (charging or not charging) and battery level (percentage charged) is displayed at the top of the screen. To monitor and control how battery power is being used: > Apps tab > Settings ⢠Touch > Power saver from the DEVICE > Battery use from the BATTERY INFORMATION Battery usage time is displayed at the bottom of the screen. It tells you how long it has been since you last connected your 13 Getting to know your phone phone to a power source or, if currently connected, how long the phone was last running on battery power. The screen shows the applications or services using battery power, listed in order from the greatest to smallest amount used. 3. Using folders You can combine several app icons in a folder. Drop one app icon over another on a home screen, and the two icons will be combined. 4. Before installing an open source application and OS WARNING If you install and use an OS other than the one provided by the manufacturer it may cause your phone to malfunction. In addition, your phone will no longer be covered by the warranty. 14 WARNING To protect your phone and personal data, only download applications from trusted sources, such as Play Storeâ˘. If there are improperly installed applications on your phone, it may not work normally or a serious error may occur. You must uninstall those applications and all associated data and settings from the phone. 5. Using unlock pattern Set unlock pattern to secure your phone. Touch > Apps tab > Settings > Lock screen from DEVICE > Select screen lock > Pattern.This opens a screen that guide you through how to draw a screen unlock pattern. You have to create a Backup PIN as a safety measure if you forgot pattern lock. Caution: Create a Google account before setting an unlock pattern and remember Backup PIN you created while creating Pattern lock. WARNING Precautions to take when using pattern lock. It is very important to remember the unlock pattern you set. You will not be able to access your phone if you use an incorrect pattern 5 times. You have 5 opportunities to enter your unlock pattern, PIN or password. If you have used all 5 opportunities, you can try again after 30 seconds. When you canât recall your unlock Pattern, PIN, or Password: < If you have forgotten pattern > If you logged in to your Google account on the phone but failed to enter the correct pattern 5 times, tab the Forgot Pattern button on the bottom of the screen. You are then required to log in with your Google Account or you have to enter Backup PIN which you entered while creating Pattern Lock. If you have not created a Google account on the phone or you forgot Backup PIN, you have to perform a hard reset. < If you have forgotten PIN or Password > If you forgot your PIN or Password, you need to do hard reset. Caution: If you perform a hard reset, all user applications and user data are deleted. Note: If you have not logged in Google Account and forgot Unlock Pattern, you need to enter Backup PIN. 6. Using the hard reset (Factory reset) If your phone does not restore to the original condition, use a Hard Reset (Factory Reset) to initialise it. 1 Turn the power off. 2 Press and hold the Power/Lock key + Volume Down key. 3 Once LG Logo appears on the screen, release all Keys. 4 After some seconds, allow you to select factory reset function in the Android system recovery utility. 5 Scroll the list by Volume keys and select it by Power/Lock key. 15 Getting to know your phone WARNING If you perform a Hard Reset, all user applications, user data and DRM licenses will be deleted. Please remember to back up any important data before performing a Hard Reset. 7. Opening and switching applications Multitasking is easy with Android because you can keep more than one application running at the same time. There's no need to quit an application before opening another. Use and switch between several open applications. Android manages each application, stopping and starting them as needed to ensure that idle applications don't consume resources unnecessarily. To return to view list recently used applications: Simply press Recent apps key To stop applications: 1 Touch > Apps tab > Settings > Apps > Running 2 Scroll and touch the desired application and touch Stop to stop it. 16 8. Installing PC Software (LG PC Suite) "LG PC Suite" PC Application is a program that helps you connect your device to a PC via a USB cable and Wi-Fi. Once connected, you can use the functions of your device from your PC. With your "LG PC Suite" PC Application, You Can... ⢠Manage and play your media contents (music, movie, pictures) on your PC. ⢠Send multimedia contents to your device. ⢠Synchronises data (schedules, contacts, bookmarks) in your device and PC. ⢠Backup the applications in your device. ⢠Update the softwares in your device. ⢠Backup and restore the device. ⢠Play multimedia contents of your PC from your device. NOTE: You can use the Help menu from the application to find out how to use your "LG PC Suite" PC application. Installing "LG PC Suite" PC Application "LG PC Suite" PC application can be downloaded from the webpage of LG. 1 Go to www.lg.com and select a country of your choice. 2 Go to Support > MOBILE SUPPORT > LG Mobile Phones > Select the Model (LG-E974) or Go to Support > Mobile Phone Support > Select the Model (LG-E974). 3 Click PC Sync from MANUALS & DOWNLOAD, and click DOWNLOAD to download âLG PC Suiteâ PC software or Click PC Sync from Download, and click WINDOW PC Sync Download to download "LG PC Suite" PC software. System Requirements for "LG PC Suite" PC software ⢠OS: Windows XP 32 bit(Service pack 2), Windows Vista 32 bit/64 bit, Windows 7 32 bit/64 bit ⢠CPU: 1 GHz or higher processors ⢠Memory: 512 MB or higher RAMs ⢠Graphic card: 1024 x 768 resolution, 32 bit color or higher ⢠HDD: 100 MB or more free hard disk space (More free hard disk space may be needed depending on the volume of data stored.) ⢠Required software: LG integrated drivers, Windows Media Player 10 or later NOTE: LG Integrated USB Driver LG integrated USB driver is required to connect an LG device and PC and installed automatically when you install "LG PC Suite" PC software. 9. Synchronising your phone to a Computer Data from your device and PC can be synchronised easily with "LG PC Suite" PC application for your convenience. Contacts, schedules, and bookmarks can be synchronised. The procedure is as follows: 1 Connect your device to PC. (Use a USB cable or Wi-Fi connection.) 2 After connection, run the program and select the device section from the category on the left side of the screen. 3 Click [Personal information] to select. 4 Select the checkbox of contents to synchronise and click the Sync button. 17 Getting to know your phone 10. Synchronising your phone to a computer via USB NOTE: To synchronise your phone with your PC using the USB cable, you need to install LG PC Suite onto your PC. Please refer to previous pages to install LG PC Suite. 1 Touch > Apps tab > Settings > Storage from the DEVICE to check out the storage media. 2 Connect the phone to your PC using the USB cable. 3 USB connection type list will appear in your phone screen, and select Media sync (MTP) option. 4 Open the memory folder on your PC. You can view the mass storage content on your PC and transfer the files. 5 Copy the files from your PC to the drive folder. 6 Select Charge only option to disconnect the phone. To disconnect your phone from the computer: Open the notification drawer and touch > Charge only to disconnect your phone from the computer safely. 18 11. Hold your phone upright Hold your mobile phone vertically, as you would a regular phone. The LG-E974 has an internal antenna. Be careful not to scratch or damage the back of the phone, as this may affect performance. While making/receiving calls or sending/ receiving data, avoid holding the lower part of the phone where the antenna is located. Doing so may affect call quality. 12. When the screen freezes If the screen freezes or the phone does not respond when you try to operate it: Press and hold the Power/Lock key for 10 seconds to turn it off. If it still does not work, please contact the service centre. Device components Earpiece Power/Lock key ⢠Switch your phone on/off by pressing and holding this key. ⢠Short press to lock/unlock the screen. Camera lens Proximity sensor Back key Return to the previous screen. Home key Return to the home screen from any screen. Menu key ⢠Check what options are available. ⢠Go to Google Search⢠by pressing and holding this key. NOTE: Proximity sensor When receiving and making calls, the proximity sensor automatically turns the backlight off and locks the touch screen by sensing when the phone is near your ear. This extends battery life and prevents you from unintentionally activating the touch screen during calls. WARNING Placing a heavy object on the phone or sitting on it can damage the LCD and touch screen functions. Do not cover the LCD proximity sensor with protective film. This could cause the sensor to malfunction. 19 Getting to know your phone Volume keys ⢠In the home screen: Control ringer volume. ⢠During a call: Control your earpiece volume. ⢠When playing a track: Control volume continuously. Power/Lock key Earphone Jack Charger/USB port/MHL port Microphone SIM card slot Camera lens Battery cover Battery microSD Card slot Speaker WARNING Encloses the battery compartment. Please do not open the back cover. 20 QuickMemo 1 Enter the QuickMemo⢠screen by pressing QuickMemo⢠Hotkey Use QuickMemo⢠to practically and efficiently create memos during a call, with a saved picture or on the current phone screen. 2 Select the desired menu option from Pen type, Colour, Eraser, and create a memo. 3 Touch to save the memo with the current screen. NOTE: Please use a fingertip while using the QuickMemo⢠function. Do not use your fingernail. Using the QuickMemo⢠options While using the QuickMemo⢠function, you can easily use the QuickMenu options. â Select if you want to use the background screen or not. â Undo or Redo. â Select the pen type and the colour. â Erase the memo that you created. â Send or share the current QuickMemo⢠to others. â Save the memo with the current screen. Viewing the saved QuickMemo⢠Touch Gallery and select the QuickMemo⢠album. 21 Getting to know your phone Installing the Micro-USIM card Before you can start exploring your new phone, you'll need to set it up. To insert the Micro-USIM card: 1 Open the Micro-USIM card slot Cover by Pin. 2 Slide the Micro-USIM card into the Micro-USIM card slot. Make sure the Gold contact area on the card is facing downwards. Charging your phone The charger connector is at the top of the phone. Insert the charger and plug it into an electrical outlet. 22 NOTE: The battery must be fully charged initially to improve battery lifetime. Locking and unlocking the screen If you do not use the phone for a while, the screen is turned off and locked automatically. This helps to prevent accidental touches and saves battery power. to lock your When you are not using the LG-E974, press the Power/Lock key phone. If there are any programs running when you set lock screen, they may be still running in Lock mode. It is recommended that you exit all programs before entering Lock mode to avoid unnecessary charges (e.g. phone calls, web access and data communications). . The lock screen will appear. To wake up your phone, press the Power/Lock key Touch and slide the lock screen in any direction to unlock your home screen. The last screen you viewed will open. 23 Getting to know your phone Secure your lock screen You can lock your screen so that only you can unlock it to access your phone. To set an Unlock Pattern, PIN or Password for the first time: ⢠Touch > Apps tab > Settings > Lock screen > Select screen lock > None, Swipe, Face Unlock, Pattern, PIN or Password. NOTE: Precautions to take when using pattern lock. It is very important to remember the unlock pattern you set. You will not be able to access your phone if you use an incorrect pattern 5 times. You have 5 opportunities to enter your unlock pattern, PIN or password. If you have used all 5 opportunities, you can try again after 30 seconds. When you cannot recall your unlock pattern: If you logged in to your Google account on the phone but failed to enter the correct pattern 5 times, tap the Forgot pattern button. You are then required to log in with your Google account to unlock your phone. If you have not created a Google account on the phone or you forgot it, you have to perform a hard reset. 24 Your Home screen Touch screen tips Here are some tips on how to navigate around your phone. Touch â To choose a menu/option or open an application, touch it. Touch and hold â To open an options menu or grab an object you want to move, touch and hold it. Drag â To scroll through a list or move slowly, drag across the touch screen. Flick â To scroll through a list or move quickly, flick across the touch screen (drag quickly and release). NOTE: ⢠To select an item, touch the centre of the icon. ⢠Do not press too hard; the touch screen is sensitive enough to pick up a light, firm touch. ⢠Use the tip of your finger to touch the option you want. Be careful not to touch any other keys. NOTE: Some screen images may be different depending on your phone provider. On your home screen, you can view menu icons at the bottom of the screen. Menu icons provide easy, one-touch access to the functions you use the most. Touch the Phone icon to bring up the touch screen dialpad to make a call. Touch the Contacts icon to open your contacts. Touch the Notebook icon to open your notebook function. Touch the Messaging icon to access the messaging menu. This is where you can create a new message. Touch the Apps icon at the bottom of the screen. You can then view all your installed applications. To open any application, simply touch the icon in the applications list. Customising the Home screen You can customise your home screen by adding Apps, Downloads, Widgets or Simply swipe your finger to the left or right Wallpapers. For more convenience using to view the panels. You can customise your phone, add your favourite apps and each panel with Apps, Downloads, widgets to the home screen. Widgets and wallpapers. Home 25 Your Home screen To add items on your home screen: 1 Touch and hold the empty part of the home screen. Or touch at the top of the right side. 2 In the Add Mode menu, select items you want to add. You will then see added items on the home screen. 3 Drag it to the location you want and lift your finger. To remove an item from the home screen: ⢠Home screen > touch and hold the icon you want to remove > drag it to TIP! To add an application icon to the home screen from the Apps menu, touch and hold the application you want to add. Returning to recently-used applications 1 Touch the Recent app key. The screen displays a pop-up with icons of applications you used recently. 2 Touch an icon to open the application. Or touch the Back key to return to your previous screen. 26 Notification drawer The notification drawer runs across the top of your screen. Touch and slide the notification drawer down with your finger. to manage the Touch Notifications. Here you can check and manage Sound profile, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, NFC, GPS, Accounts & sync, Airplane mode, Auto-rotate screen, Brightness, Data enabled or Portable Wi-Fi hotspot. Viewing the status bar The status bar uses different icons to display phone information such as signal strength, new messages, battery life, active Bluetooth and data connections. Below is a table explaining the meaning of icons you're likely to see in the status bar. Icon Description Icon Description No Micro-USIM card Ringer is silenced No signal NFC is on Airplane mode Vibrate mode Connected to a Wi-Fi network Battery fully charged Wired headset Battery is charging Call in progress Phone is connected to PC via USB cable Call hold Downloading data Speakerphone Uploading data Phone microphone is muted GPS is acquiring Missed call Bluetooth is on Receiving location data from GPS System warning Data is syncing Alarm is set New Gmail New voicemail New Google Talk message 27 Your Home screen Icon Description New message Song is playing USB tethering is active Portable Wi-Fi hotspot is active Both USB tethering and portable hotspot are active Onscreen keyboard You can enter text using the onscreen keyboard. The onscreen keyboard appears automatically on the screen when you need to enter text. To manually display the keyboard, simply touch a text field where you want to enter text. Using the keypad & entering text Tap once to capitalise the next letter you type. Double-tap for all caps. Tap to switch to the numbers and symbols keyboard. You can also touch and hold this tab to view the Settings menu. Tap to enter a space. Tap to create a new line in the message field. Tap to delete the previous character. Entering accented letters When you select French or Spanish as the text entry language, you can enter special French or Spanish characters (e.g. "ĂĄ"). For example, to input "ĂĄ", touch and hold the "a" key until the zoom-in key grows bigger and displays characters from different languages. Then select the special character you want. 28 Google account set up When you first turn on your phone, you have the opportunity to activate the network, to sign into your Google Account and how you want to use some Google services. To set up your Google account: ⢠Sign into a Google Account from the prompted set up screen. OR ⢠Touch > Apps tab > select a Google application, such as Gmail > select New to create a new account. If you have a Google account, touch Existing, enter your email address and password, then touch Sign in. Once you have set up your Google account on your phone, your phone automatically synchronises with your Google account on the web. Your contacts, Gmail messages, Calendar events and other information from these applications and services on the web are synchronised with your phone. (This depends on your synchronisation settings.) After signing in, you can use Gmail⢠and take advantage of Google services on your phone. 29 Connecting to Networks and Devices Wi-Fi With Wi-Fi, you can use high-speed Internet access within the coverage of the wireless access point WAP. Enjoy wireless Internet using Wi-Fi, without extra charges. Connecting to Wi-Fi networks To use Wi-Fi on your phone, you need to access a wireless access point or "hotspot". Some access points are open and you can simply connect to them. Others are hidden or use security features, you must configure your phone to be able to connect to them. Turn off Wi-Fi when you're not using it to extend the life of your battery. NOTE: If you are out of the Wi-Fi zone or set Wi-Fi to OFF, additional charges may be applied by your mobile operator for mobile data use. Turning Wi-Fi on and connecting to a Wi-Fi network 1 Touch > Apps tab > Settings > Wi-Fi from the WIRELESS & NETWORKS 2 Set Wi-Fi to ON to turn it on and start scanning for available Wi-Fi networks. 30 3 Tap Wi-Fi menu again to see a list of active and in-range Wi-Fi networks. ⢠Secured networks are indicated by a lock icon. 4 Touch a network to connect to it. ⢠If the network is secured, you are prompted to enter a password or other credentials. (Ask your network administrator for details) 5 After connecting to a Wi-Fi network,the status bar displays icon that indicate Wi-Fi status. Bluetooth You can use Bluetooth to send data by running a corresponding application as on most other mobile phones. TIP! With LG-E974, you can enjoy Bluetooth high speed. If the device you want to share files which also supports high speed Bluetooth, the files will automatically be transferred via the high-speed network. To use Bluetooth high speed data transfer, please make sure the Wi-Fi is OFF on your devices before use. The settings for Bluetooth high speed may be different depends on the device. Please check the device's settings with their service provider. Turning on Bluetooth and pairing up your phone with a Bluetooth device You must pair your device with another device before you connect to it. 1 Touch > Apps tab > Settings > Set Bluetooth to ON from the WIRELESS & NETWORKS 2 Tap Bluetooth menu again. Your phone will scan for and display the IDs of all available Bluetooth in-range devices. If the device you want to pair which isnât on the list, make sure the target device is set to be discoverable, then tap Search for devices again. 3 Choose the device you want to pair up with from the list. Once the paring is successful, your device will connect to the device. Sending pictures using Bluetooth 1 Select a Picture > > Bluetooth 2 Check whether Bluetooth is ON, then select Search for devices. 3 Choose the device you want to send data to from the list. Sharing your phone's data connection USB tethering and portable Wi-Fi hotspot are great features when there are no wireless connections available. You can share your phone's mobile data connection with a single computer via a USB cable (USB tethering). You can also share your phone's data connection with more than a single device at a time by turning your phone into a portable Wi-Fi hotspot. When your phone is sharing its data connection, an icon appears in the status bar and as an ongoing notification in the notifications drawer. For the latest information about tethering and portable hotspots, including supported operating systems and other details, visit http://www.android.com/tether. To change Portable Wi-Fi hotspot settings: ⢠Touch > Apps tab > Settings > More from the WIRELESS & NETWORKS > Portable Wi-Fi hotspot > Choose options that you want to adjust 31 Connecting to Networks and Devices TIP! If your computer is running Windows 7 or a recent distribution of some flavours of Linux (such as Ubuntu), you don't usually need to prepare your computer for tethering. But if you're running an earlier version of Windows or another operating system, you may need to prepare your computer to establish a network connection via USB. For the most current information about which operating systems support USB tethering and how to configure them, visit http:// www.android.com/tether. To rename or secure your portable hotspot You can change the name of your phone's Wi-Fi network name (SSID) and secure its Wi-Fi network. 1 On the home screen, touch Apps tab > Settings 2 Touch More from the WIRELESS & NETWORKS and select Portable Wi-Fi hotspot. 3 Ensure Portable Wi-Fi hotspot is ticked. 4 Touch Configure Wi-Fi hotspot. 32 ⢠The Configure Wi-Fi hotspot dialog box will open. ⢠You can change the network SSID (name) that other computers or devices see when scanning for Wi-Fi networks. ⢠You can also touch the Security menu to configure the network with Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 (WPA2) security using a pre-shared key (PSK). ⢠If you touch the WPA2 PSK security option, a password field is added to the Configure Wi-Fi hotspot dialog. If you enter a password, you will need to enter that password when you connect to the phone's hotspot with a computer or other device. You can set Open in the Security menu to remove security from your Wi-Fi network. 5 Touch Save. ATTENTION! If you set the security option as Open, you cannot prevent unauthorised usage of online services by other people and additional charges can be incurred. To avoid unauthorised usage, you are advised to keep the security option active. Using the Wi-Fi Cast You can share your music, picture and video content between users who use Android Phones connected via the same Wi-Fi & Wi-Fi Direct network. Check your Wi-Fi & Wi-Fi Direct network in advance and make sure the users are connected to the same network. 1 Touch > Apps tab > Settings > More from the WIRELESS & NETWORKS > Wi-Fi Direct 2 Touch the Wi-Fi Direct checkbox to turn on. 3 Select a device to connect from the scanned device list. 4 Touch Connect. Enabling Wi-Fi Direct to share through SmartShare Wi-Fi Direct automatically scans nearby Wi-Fi Direct devices and the searched devices are listed as they are found and you can select a specific device to share multimedia data through SmartShare. Wi-Fi Direct cannot be enabled while using other Wi-Fi functions. > Apps tab > Settings 1 Touch > More from the WIRELESS & NETWORKS > Wi-Fi Direct 2 Select a device to connect from the scanned device list. CREATE GROUP â Touch to activate group owner mode, which enables the legacy Wi-Fi devices to connect by scanning your phone. In this case you must enter the password that is set in Password. NOTE: When your phone becomes a group owner, it will consume more battery power than when it is a client. Wi-Fi Direct connection does not provide Internet service. Additional costs may be incurred when connecting and using online services. Check data charges with your network provider. Using SmartShare SmartShare uses DLNA (Digital Living Network Alliance) technology to share digital content through a wireless network. Both devices must be DLNA certified to support this feature. To turn SmartShare on and allow sharing contents > Apps tab > SmartShare 1 Touch > Settings. 2 Touch the Menu key 3 Touch Discoverable to allow your device to be detected by other devices. 33 Connecting to Networks and Devices ⢠Touch Always accept request if you would like to automatically accept sharing requests from other devices. ⢠Touch Receive files if you would like to allow the other devices to upload media files to my phone. 4 Under the My shared contents section, touch to checkmark the types of content you would like to share. Choose from Pictures, Videos, and Music. 5 SmartShare is now activated and ready to share contents. To control your renderer devices Let your renderer device (e.g., TV) play multimedia contents from your remote content library (e.g., PC). NOTE: Make sure that the DLNA functionality of your devices is properly configured (e.g., TV and PC). > Apps tab > SmartShare 1 Touch and select the 2 Touch the To button device from the renderer device list. and select 3 Touch the From button the device of the remote content library. 4 You can browse the content library. 34 5 Touch and hold a content thumbnail and flick them to the top area with your finger or touch the Menu Key > Play. To share contents from your phone to your renderer device (e.g. TV) NOTE: Make sure that your renderer device is properly configured. 1 While watching your pictures or videos using the Gallery application, touch tab on the Title area. : Need to be connected network : Select the device on network : Currently, the content is being shared through SmartShare. 2 Select the device from renderer lists to play the files. NOTICE: Check that your device is connected with your home network using Wi-Fi connection to use this application. Some DLNA enabled devices (e.g. TV) support only the DMP feature of DLNA and will not appear in the renderer device list. Your device might not be able to play some contents. To download contents from the remote content library 1 Touch > Apps tab > SmartShare and select 2 Touch the From button the device of the remote content library. 3 You can browse the content library. 4 Touch and hold a content thumbnail and then touch Download. NOTICE: Some DLNA enabled devices do not support the DMS upload functionality and will not upload files. A few types of contents are not supported. NOTICE: A few types of contents are not supported. To upload contents from the remote content library NOTE: Make sure that the internal storage is correctly mounted and the Receive files option in the Settings menu is checked. > Apps tab > SmartShare 1 Touch and select 2 Touch the From button My phone. 3 You can browse the local content library. 4 Touch and hold a content thumbnail and then touch Upload. 5 Select the device of the remote content library to be uploaded. 35 Calls Making a call 1 Touch to open the keypad. 2 Enter the number using the keypad. To delete a digit, touch the to make a call. 3 Touch 4 To end a call, touch the End icon TIP! To enter "+" to make international calls, touch and hold Calling your contacts to open your contacts. 1 Touch 2 Scroll through the contact list or enter the first few letters of the contact you want to call by touching Search contacts. 3 In the list, touch the contact twice or you want to call. touch TIP! Quick msg You can send a message quickly using this function. This is useful if you need to reject a call with message during a meeting. Adjusting call volume To adjust the in-call volume during a call, use the Volume up and down keys on the left-hand side of the phone. Making a second call 1 During your first call, touch Menu > Add call and dial the number. Also, you can go recent dialled list by touching or can search contacts by touching and select the contact you want to call. 2 Touch to make the call. 3 Both calls are displayed on the call Answering and rejecting a call screen. Your initial call is locked and When you receive a call in Lock state, put on hold. hold and slide the to Answer incoming 4 Touch the displayed number to toggle call. between calls. Or touch Merge to Decline an Hold and slide the call to make a conference call. incoming call. 5 To end active calls, touch End or press Hold and slide the Quick msg icon Home Key and slide the notification from the bottom if you want to send a bar down and select End call icon . message. 36 NOTE: You are charged for each call you make. Viewing your call logs On the home screen, touch and choose the Call logs tab . View a complete list of all dialled, received and missed calls. TIP! Touch any call log entry to view the date, time and duration of the call. TIP! Press the Menu key, then touch Delete all to delete all the recorded items. Call settings You can configure phone call settings such as call forwarding and other special features offered by your carrier. 1 On the home screen, touch 2 Touch menu. 3 Tap Call settings and choose the options that you want to adjust. Fixed dialing numbers â To turn on and compile a list of numbers that can be called from your phone. Youâll need your PIN2, which is available from your operator. Only numbers within the fixed dial list can be called from your phone. Voicemail service â Allows you to select your carrierâs voicemail service. Voicemail settings â If you are using your carrierâs voicemail service, this option allows you to enter the voicemail number to use for listening to and managing your voicemail. Save unknown numbers â Add unknown numbers to contacts after a call. Call reject â Allows you to set the call reject function. Choose from Disabled, Reject calls on list or Reject all calls. Quick messages â When you want to reject a call, you can send a quick message using this function. This is useful if you need to reject a call during a meeting. Call forwarding â Choose whether to divert all calls, when the line is busy, when there is no answer or when you have no signal. Call barring â Select when you would like calls to be barred. Enter the call barring password. Please check with your network operator about this service. Call duration â View the duration of calls including Last call, All calls, Dialled calls and received calls. 37 Calls Call costs â View the charges applied to your calls. (This service is network dependent; some operators do not support this function) Additional settings â This lets you change the following settings: Caller ID: Choose whether to display your number on an outgoing call. Call waiting: If call waiting is activated, the handset will notify you of an incoming call while you are in call (depending on your network provider). 38 Contacts Add contacts to your phone and synchronise them with the contacts in your Google account or other accounts that support contact syncing. Searching for a contact In the home screen 1 Touch to open your contacts. 2 Touch Search contacts and enter the contact name using the keyboard. Adding a new contact 1 Touch , enter the new contact's number, then press the Menu key. Touch Add to Contacts > Create new contact. 2 If you want to add a picture to the new contact, touch the image area. Choose from Take photo or Select from Gallery. 3 Select the contact type by touching 4 Touch a category of contact information and enter the details about your contact. 5 Touch Save. Favourite contacts You can classify frequently called contacts as favourites. Adding a contact to your favourites 1 Touch to open your contacts. 2 Touch a contact to view their details. 3 Touch the star to the right of the contact's name. The star turns yellow color. Removing a contact from your favourites list to open your contacts. 1 Touch tab, and choose a 2 Touch the contact to view its details. 3 Touch the yellow color star to the right of the contact's name. The star turns grey and the contact is removed from your favourites. 39 Contacts Moving contacts from your Old Device to your New Device Export your contacts as a CSV file from your old device to your PC using a PC sync program. 1 Install "LG PC Suite" on the PC first. Run the program and connect your Android mobile phone to the PC using a USB cable. 2 On the top menu, select Device > Import to device > Import contacts. 3 A popup window to select the file type and a file to import will appear. 4 On the popup, click the Select a file and Windows Explorer will appear. 5 Select the contacts file to import in Windows Explorer and click the Open. 6 Click OK. 7 A Field mapping popup to link the contacts in your device and new contacts data will appear. 8 If there is a conflict between the data in your PC contacts and device contacts, make the necessary selections or modifications in LG PC Suite. 9 Click OK. 40 Messaging Your LG-E974 combines SMS and MMS into one intuitive, easy-to-use menu. Sending a message 1 Touch on the home screen, and touch to open a blank message. 2 Enter a contact name or contact number in the To field. As you enter the contact name, matching contacts appear. You can touch a suggested recipient. You can add multiple contacts. NOTE: You will be charged for a text message for every person you send the message to. 3 Touch Enter message field and start to compose your message. to open the Options menu. 4 Press Choose from Add subject, Discard, Insert smiley and All messages. TIP! You can touch icon to attach the file you want to share with your message. WARNING: The 160-character limit may vary from country to country depending on the language and how the SMS is coded. WARNING: If an image, video or audio file is added to an SMS message, it is automatically converted into an MMS message and you are charged accordingly. Threaded box Messages (SMS, MMS) exchanged with another party can be displayed in chronological order so that you can conveniently see an overview of your conversation. Using Smilies Liven up your messages using Smilies. When writing a new message, press the Menu key, then choose Insert smiley. 5 Touch Send to send your message. 6 Responses appear on the screen. As you view and send additional messages, a message thread is created. 41 Messaging Changing your message settings Your LG-E974 message settings are predefined, so you can send messages immediately. You can change the settings based on your preferences. ⢠Touch Messaging icon on the home screen, and touch the Menu key, then tap Settings. 42 E-mail You can use the Email application to read emails from services like Gmail. The Email application supports the following account types: POP3, IMAP and Exchange. Your service provider or system administrator can provide the account settings you need. Managing an email account The first time you open the E-mail application, a setup wizard opens to help you to set up an email account. To add another email account: > Apps tab > E-mail > in ⢠Touch the account screen, touch > Add account After the initial setup, Email displays the contents of your inbox. If you have added more than one account, you can switch among accounts. To change an email account's setting: > Apps tab > E-mail > ⢠Touch in the account screen, touch Settings To delete an email account: > Apps tab > E-mail > ⢠Touch in the account screen, touch Delete account > touch an account you want to delete > Delete > OK Email account screen You can touch an account to view its Inbox. The account from which you send email by default is indicated with a tick. â Touch to open your Combined Inbox, with messages sent to all of your accounts. Messages in the Combined Inbox are colour coded on the left, by account, using the same colours used for your accounts in the Accounts screen. â Touch the folder icon to open the account folders. TIP! If you long-press an account from the list of email accounts, you can select the desired option in the pop-up window. For example, select Add to home screen to create a shortcut icon of the account on the home screen. Working with account folders Each account has an Inbox, Outbox, Sent and Drafts folder. Depending on the features supported by your account's service provider, you may have additional folders. 43 E-mail Composing and sending email To compose and send a message 1 While in the E-mail application, touch the . 2 Enter an address for the message's intended recipient. As you enter text, matching addresses are offered from your Contacts. Separate multiple addresses with semicolon. 3 Touch Cc/Bcc field to add Cc/Bcc and to attach files if required. Touch 4 Enter the text of the message. 5 Touch the . If you aren't connected to a network, for example, if you're working in airplane mode, the messages that you send are stored in your Outbox folder until you're connected to a network again. If it contains any pending messages, the Outbox is displayed on the Accounts screen. TIP! When a new email arrives in the inbox, you will receive a notification by sound or vibration. Tap the email notification to stop notifications. 44 Camera Getting to know the viewfinder Swap camera â Switch between the rearâfacing camera lens and the frontâfacing camera lens. Cheese shutter â Say Cheese when you get ready to take a photo. Time catch shot â Touch this icon to capture the missing moment before pressing the shutter. Shot mode â Choose from Normal, HDR, Panorama or Continuous shot. Settings â Touch this icon to open the Settings menu. Video mode â Touch this icon to switch to video mode. Taking a photo Gallery â Touch to view the last photo you captured. This enables you to access your gallery and view saved photos within camera mode. 45 Camera Taking a quick photo 1 Open the Camera application. 2 Hold the phone, point the lens towards the subject you want to photograph. 3 Touch the screen and a focus box will appear in the viewfinder screen. 4 When the focus box turns green, the camera has focused on your subject. 5 Click on the to capture the photo. Once you've taken the photo Touch to view the last photo you captured. Touch to share your photo via Bluetooth, E-mail, Gmail, Google+, Memo, Messaging, Picasa and Social+. TIP! If you have an SNS account and set it up on your phone, you can share your photo with the SNS community. Touch to delete the photo. to open the options. Touch Set image as â Touch to use the photo as a Contact photo, Home Screen wallpaper or Lockscreen Wallpaper. Move â Touch to move the photo to other place. 46 Rename â Touch to edit the name of the selected picture. Rotate left/right â To rotate left or right. Crop â Crop your photo. Move your finger across the screen to select the area. Edit â View and edit the picture. Select the photo resolution. If you choose the high resolution, the file size will increase, which means you will be able to store fewer photos in the memory. Improves colour qualities in different lighting conditions. Applies artistic effects to the pictures. Applies the additional options for pictures. Slideshow â Automatically shows you the images one after the other. Details â Show the picture information. Using the advanced settings In the viewfinder, touch to open all advanced options. â Touch if you want to change the viewfinder menu. â Switch between the rearâfacing camera lens and the frontâfacing camera lens. â Say Cheese when you get ready to take a photo. â Touch this icon to capture the missing moment before pressing the shutter. â Choose from Normal, HDR, Panorama or Continuous shot. â Allows you to turn on the flash when taking a photo in dark conditions. â Zoom in or out â This defines and controls the amount of sunlight entering the photo. â Focuses on the specific spot. â Select the photo resolution. If you choose the high resolution, the file size will increase, which means you will be able to store fewer photos in the memory. â Finds the color and light settings appropriate for the current environment. Choose from Normal, Portrait, Landscape, Sports or Night. â The ISO rating determines the sensitivity of the camera's light sensor. The higher the ISO, the more sensitive the camera is. This is useful in darker conditions when you cannot use the flash. â Improves colour qualities in different lighting conditions. â Applies artistic effects to the pictures. â Set a delay after the capture button is pressed. This is ideal if you want to be in the photo. â Activate to use your phone's location-based services. Take pictures wherever you are and tag them with the location. If you upload tagged pictures to a blog that supports geotagging, you can see the pictures displayed on a map. NOTE: This function is only available when GPS is active. â Select one of shutter sounds. â It automatically shows you the picture you just took. â Restore all camera default settings. â Touch whenever you want to know how some function operates. This provides you with a quick guide. TIP! When you exit the camera, some settings return to their defaults, such as white balance, colour tone, timer and scene mode. Check these before you take your next photo. 47 Camera TIP! The Settings menu is superimposed over the viewfinder so, when you change elements of the photo colour or quality, you see a preview of the image change behind the Settings menu. 48 Video camera Getting to know the viewfinder Swap camera â Switch between the rearâfacing camera lens and the front-facing camera lens. Zoom â Zoom in or out. Brightness â This defines and controls the amount of sunlight entering the video. Live effect â Live effect provides various visual effects when taking a video. Settings â Touch this icon to open the settings menu. Camera mode â Touch this icon to switch to camera mode. Start recording Gallery â Touch to view the last video you recorded. This enables you to access your gallery and view your saved videos from within video mode. 49 Video camera Shooting a quick video 1 Open the camera application and touch video mode button. 2 The video camera viewfinder appears on the screen. 3 Holding the phone, point the lens towards the subject you want to capture in your video. 4 Press the Record button once to start recording. 5 A red light appears at the top corner of the viewfinder with a timer showing the length of the video. Tip! â Touch to capture image during recording a video. 6 Touch ing. on the screen to stop record- After shooting a video Your captured video will appear on the Gallery. Touch to view the last video you recorded. Touch to play the video. Touch to share the video via Bluetooth, E-mail, Gmail, Google+, Messaging or YouTube. 50 Touch to delete the video you just made. Confirm by touching OK. The viewfinder reappears. to open the options. Touch Move â Touch to move the video to other place. Rename â Tap to edit the name of the selected video. Details â Tap to see a detailed information, such as the name, date, time, size and type. Using the advanced settings Using the viewfinder, touch to open all the advanced options. â Touch if you want to change the viewfinder menu. â Switch between the rearâfacing camera lens and the frontâfacing camera lens. â Zoom in or zoom out. â This defines and controls the amount of sunlight entering the video. â Provides various visual effects when recording a video. â Allows you to turn on the flash when taking a video in dark conditions. â Touch to set the size (in pixels) of the video you are recording. â Improves colour qualities in different lighting conditions. â Choose a colour tone to use for your new view. â Activate to use your phone's location-based services. â Choose Off to record a video without sound. â Auto review automatically shows you the video you just recorded. â Restore all video camera default settings. â Touch if you want to know how this function operates. This provides you with a quick guide. Adjusting the volume when viewing a video To adjust the volume of a video while it is playing, use the volume keys on the righthand side of the phone. 51 Video Wiz You can make your own movie using your images/video and music. 1 From the Home Screen, touch the Apps Key > Video Wiz. 2 Select the desired options to create a movie. Add Media â Touch this icon add images and/or video to your movie. ⢠Touch Images to add images, then touch the image(s) you want to add. ⢠Touch Videos to add video footage, then touch the video(s) you want to add. to exit after all of the media files have been added. ⢠Touch OK Delete Media â Touch this icon to remove the selected image(s) and/or video(s). ⢠Touch an image or video in the added media contents section, touch Delete Media , then touch Delete selected files (or Delete all files). Add Style â Touch this icon to select the desired movie style. ⢠Touch the up or down arrow to scroll through and select the style you want. Add image/video â Displays all of the selected image(s) and/or video(s) for your movie. Save â Touch this icon to save the movie file. Edit â Touch this icon to edit the movie file. 52 ⢠Swipe left and right to select the footage to edit. to insert text. ⢠Touch the Overlay Text icon to insert selected graphic(s). ⢠Touch the Overlay Image icon to trim segments from your video footage. ⢠Touch the Trim Video icon to exit when youâre finished editing. ⢠Touch the OK icon Add Music â Touch this button to set the background music. Preview â Touch this icon to play your movie. Help â Touch this icon to view information on how to use the Video Wiz application. 53 Multimedia You can store multimedia files on a internal memory for easy access to all your multimedia files. Video Player Your LG-E974 has a built-in video player that lets you play all your favourite videos. To access the video player, Touch Apps tab > Video Player. Playing a video 1 In the home screen, touch > Apps tab > Video Player. 2 Select the video you want to play. Touch to pause playback a video. Touch to resume playback a video. Touch to go 10 seconds forward. Touch to go 10 seconds backward. Touch to manage the video volume. 54 Touch to set Dolby audio effect when connected with headset jack. Touch Speed controller icon and drag the progress bar to control playback speed. Touch Preview frame icon and drag the handler of seek bar to explore the content with a preview screen. Touch to lock a video screen. Touch the direct list icon to see the list of videos. To change the volume while watching video, press the up and down volume keys on the righthand side of the phone. Touch and hold any video in the list. It displays Delete and Details as options. Gallery Touch > Apps tab > Gallery. Open a list of catalogue bars that store all your multimedia files. Music Player Your LG-E974 has a built-in music player that lets you play all your favourite tracks. To access the music player, Touch Apps tab > Music Player. Transferring music files using USB mass storage devices 1 Connect the LG-E974 to a PC using a USB cable. 2 If you haven't installed LG Android Platform Driver on your PC, you need to change the settings manually. Choose Settings > Connectivity > USB connection type, then select Media sync (MTP). 3 You can view the mass storage content on your PC and transfer the files. Playing a song 1 In the Home screen, touch > Apps tab > Music Player. 2 Touch Songs. 3 Select the song you want to play. Touch to pause playback. Touch to skip to the next track in the album, playlist. Touch to go back to the beginning of the song. Touch twice to return to the previous song. Touch to manage the music volume. Touch to set repeat mode. Touch to set shuffle mode. Touch to see the current playlist. Touch to see lyrics. This option is on only if the song includes the lyrics. To change the volume while listening to music, press the up and down volume keys on the right-hand side of the phone. Touch and hold any song in the list. It displays Play, Add to playlist, Set as ringtone, Delete, Share, Search and Details. Touch to resume playback. 55 Multimedia NOTE: Music file copyrights may be protected by international treaties and national copyright laws. Therefore, it may be necessary to obtain permission or a licence to reproduce or copy music. In some countries, national laws prohibit private copying of copyrighted material. Before downloading or copying the file, check the national laws of the relevant country concerning the use of such material. LG Tag+ What is LG Tag+ LG Tag+ allows easy saving and loading to NFC tag, which can be customized to suit certain environments. Using Tag+ writing 1 Touch > Apps tab > LG Tag+. 2 Select the desired mode (Car/Office/ Sleep/User mode) and tap Write on NFC tag. 3 Touch the back of your device to a tag, then launching application and changing settings can be set. Using Tag+ reading When touching the set tag, mode will be activated right away. 56 Media Home Using media home 1 Touch > Apps tab > Media Home 2 Select the desired function among of videos, photos, music. Setting media home > Apps tab > Media 1 Touch Home > Settings 2 You can change the settings based on your preferences. Tip! Once you connect your device to a TV or monitor via a MHL cable, media home apps will be launch automatically when Media Home > Settings > Auto-launch and autooff option is enabled. Notebook With Notebook application, you can manage and personalize a wide variety of information. Making a note 1 Touch > Apps tab > Notebook. 2 Touch New note to create a new note. 3 Select the desired mode(Cover, Title, Paper, Paper colour) and OK. Getting to know the Notebook â Select the Read only or edit mode. â Undo or Redo. â Tap this button to write. â Select the Pen type, Thickness, Opacity and Colour. 57 Notebook â Erase the memo that you created. â Touch to attach the files using Picture, Capture picture, Video, Capture video, Audio, Record voice, Location, Sticker and Date and time. â Share the current note to others via Gmail, E-mail, Social+, Bluetooth, Messaging, Picasa, Google+, Memo. â Save the note with the current screen. â Select to lock or unlock the Front key. â Tap this button to enlarge the input area. 58 LG SmartWorld LG SmartWorld offers an assortment of How to use LG SmartWorld exciting content - games, applications, ⢠Participate in monthly LG SmartWorld wallpaper and ringtones - giving LG phone promotions. users the chance to enjoy richer "Mobile â Search Content. Life" experiences. â Find contents by category(e.g. Games, Edudation, Entertainment How to Get to LG SmartWorld etc). from Your Phone â List of downloaded/to-be updated 1 Touch > Apps tab >Tap the contents. icon to access LG SmartWorld. ⢠Try the easy "Menu" buttons to find 2 Tap Sign in and enter ID/PW for LG what youâre looking for fast. SmartWorld. If you have not yet signed Apps for you â Recommended content up, tap Register and get a LG Smartbased on your previous choices. World membership. Settings â Set Profile and Display. 3 Download the content you want. Sign in â Set your ID and Password. NOTE: What if there is no ⢠Try other useful functions as well. icon? (Content Detail screen) 1 Using a mobile Web browser, access LG SmartWorld (www. lgworld.com) and select your country. 2 Download LG SmartWorld App. 3 Execute and install the downloaded file. 4 Access LG SmartWorld by tapping the icon. NOTE: LG SmartWorld may not be available in all carriers or countries. 59 Utilities Setting your alarm 1 Touch > Apps tab > Alarm/Clock > . 2 After you set the alarm, the LG-E974 lets you know how much time is left before the alarm will invoke. 3 Set Repeat, Snooze duration, Vibration, Alarm sound, Puzzle lock and Memo. Touch Save. NOTE: To change alarm settings on alarm list screen, touch the Menu key and select Settings. You can adjust the below options: Alarm in silent mode, Alarm volume, Side button behavior and Puzzle lock option. Using your calculator > Apps tab > Calculator 1 Touch 2 Touch the number keys to enter numbers. 3 For simple calculations, touch the function you want (+, â, x or á) followed by =. 4 For more complex calculations, touch , select the Advanced panel, then choose sin, cos, tan, log and so on. 5 To check history tap the icon . 60 Adding an event to your calendar 1 Touch > Apps tab > Calendar 2 On the screen, you can find the different view types of the Calendar (Day, Week, Month, Agenda). 3 Tap on the date you want to add event on and touch . 4 Touch Event name then enter the event name. 5 Touch Location and enter the location. Check the date and enter the time you want your event to start and finish. 6 If you want to add a note to your event, touch Description and enter the details. 7 If you want to repeat the alarm, set REPEAT, and set REMINDERS, if necessary. 8 Touch Save to save the event in the calendar. Tasks This task can be synchronized with MS Exchange account. You can create task, revise it and delete it in MS outlook or MS Office Outlook Web Access. To Synchronize MS Exchange 1 From the Home Screen, Touch Settings. 2 Touch Accounts & sync > ADD ACCOUNT. 3 Touch Microsoft Exchange to create Email address and Password. 4 Make sure if you checkmark Sync task. Polaris Office Polaris Office is a professional mobile office solution that lets users conveniently view various types of office documents, including Word, Excel and PowerPoint files, anywhere, anytime, using their mobile devices. > Apps tab > Polaris Office. Touch Managing files Polaris Office provides mobile users with convenient file management features, including copying, moving and pasting, and deleting files and folders right on the device. Viewing files Mobile users can now easily view a wide variety of file types, including Microsoft Office documents and Adobe PDF, right on their mobile devices. When viewing documents using Polaris Office, the objects and layout remain the same as in their original documents. FileShare This feature allows you to share files from your phone. 1 Touch > FileShare 2 Choose the types of content you would like to share. Choose from Images, Videos, Music and Document. Backup About backing up and restoring smart phone data It recommends that you regularly create and save a backup file on the Internal Storage, especially before you update any software. Maintaining a current backup file on Storage memory might allow you to recover smart phone data if your smart phone is lost, stolen, or corrupted by an unforeseen issue. This Backup application support between LG smart phones, other S/W version or OS. And so, when you buy the new LG smart phone, you can back up the current LG-E974 smart phone data on your new one. 61 Utilities If you have preloaded application Backup & Restore on your smart phone, you can back up and restore most of your smart phone data, Applications including unprotected applications, their settings, Applications (Downloaded), Applications (Pre-installed), Bookmarks, Calendar, Call log, Contacts, Home screen, Messages, and System settings using this application. ⢠To perform a manual backup of your smart phone data. ⢠To schedule automatic backups of your smart phone data. ⢠To restore your smart phone data. Back up your smart phone data > Apps tab > and then 1 Touch select Backup > Backup > Internal Storage. 2 Touch the Add new to enter a name for your backup file, and then select Continue. 3 Select the check box next to the item you want to back up, and then select Continue to back up. 4 When all selected files backed up, you will see the message âDoneâ and 62 select Continue to finish backing up data. Scheduling automatic backups You can also enable automatic backups of the data on your smart phone according to your schedule setting. To do this, complete the following steps: 1 Touch > Apps tab > and then select Backup > Schedule. 2 On the Scheduled Backup Location screen, touch Internal Storage. 3 From the list, select how often you want to back up your device data and settings, and select Continue. 4 Select the check box next to the data you want to back up, and then select Continue to finish the schedule set. Restoring smart phone data To restore data that is in your on-board device memory, mass storage mode must be turned off. NOTE: All files that are stored on your smart phone are deleted before the backup file is restored. 1 Touch > Apps tab > and then select Backup > Restore > Internal Storage. 2 On the Restore screen, select a backup file that contains the data you want to restore. 3 Select the check box next to the item you want to restore, and then select Continue to restore to phone. NOTE: Please note that your phone data will be overwritten with the contents of your backup. 4 If the backup file is encrypted, type the password that you set to encrypt. 5 When all selected files restored, you will see the message âDoneâ and select Yes to restart the phone. Press the Menu from the Backup screen, and select Settings > Security > Enable encryption and select the check box. To restore synchronised organizer data, you must have an activation password. NOTE: You can also enable automatic delete old backups and only keep the most recent backup. Press from the Backup the Menu screen, and select Settings > Scheduled backup > Auto delete old backups to select the number of scheduled backups to keep. NOTE: ⢠While in Mass storage mode, this Backup Application cannot be functioned. Select Charge only option when the USB cable is connected. ⢠You can set Enable encryption to encrypt your backup files for extra protection. 63 The web Internet Using options Browser gives you a fast, full-colour world of games, music, news, sport, entertainment and much more, right on your mobile phone. Wherever you are and whatever you enjoy. Press to view options. Refresh â Update the current web page. Save to bookmarks â Add the current web page as bookmark. Go to Homepage â Allow you to go to a homepage. Share page â Allows you to share the web page with others via Bluetooth, Email, Gmail, Google+, Messaging, Social+. Find on page â Allows you to find letters or words on the current web page. Request desktop site â Allows you to view the web page as desktop. Save for offline reading â Save current page to read it during offline. Brightness â Modify viewing brightness for comfortable web browsing. Settings â Displays Browser settings. Exit â Exit from the browser. NOTE: Additional charges apply when connecting to these services and downloading content. Check data charges with your network provider. Using the web toolbar Touch to go back a page. Touch to go forward a page, to the page you connected to after the current one. This is the opposite of what happens when you press the Back key, which goes to the previous page. While holding down the icon, tilt the device toward body to zoom in or reverse to zoom out. Touch to add a new window. Touch to access bookmarks. 64 Settings < Call > You can configure phone call settings such as call forwarding and other special WIRELESS & NETWORKS features offered by your carrier. Here, you can manage Wi-Fi and < More > Bluetooth. You can also set up mobile Airplane mode â After switching to networks and switch to airplane mode. airplane mode, all wireless connections < Wi-Fi > are disabled. Wi-Fi â Turns on Wi-Fi to connect to Wi-Fi Direct â Make a connection directly available Wi-Fi networks. with Wi-Fi devices without any Access Point. TIP! How to obtain the MAC address Portable Wi-Fi hotspot â Allows you to To set up a connection in some share mobile network via Wi-Fi and you wireless networks with MAC filters, can configure the portable Wi-Fi hotspot you may need to enter the MAC settings. address of your LG-E974 into the NFC â Your LG-E974 is NFC-enabled router. mobile phone. NFC (Near Field You can find the MAC address in Communication) is a wireless connectivity the following user interface: Touch technology that enables two-way Apps tab > Settings > Wi-Fi > communication between electronic > Advanced > MAC address. devices. It operates over a distance of < Bluetooth > a few centimeters. You can share your Turns on Bluetooth to connect to Bluetooth contents with a NFC tag or another NFC devices. support device via simple touch with your device. If you touch a NFC tag with your < Data usage > device, it will display the tag contents on Displays the data usage and set mobile your device. data usage limit. To switch NFC on or off: From the home screen, touch and slide the In the home screen, touch tab > Settings. > Apps 65 Settings notification drawer down with your DEVICE finger, then select the NFC icon to turn it < Sound > on. Sound profile â You can choose the Sound, Vibrate only or Silent. NOTE: When the Airplane mode is activated, NFC application can Volumes â You can manage the volume be used. of Phone Ringtone, Notification sound, Touch feedback & system, Music, video, Using NFC: To use NFC, make sure your device is switched on and activate games and other media, Alarms. Phone ringtone â Allows you to set your the NFC, if disabled. default incoming call ringtone. Android Beam â You can beam a web Notification sound â Allows you to set page, a video, or other content from your your default notification ringtone. screen to another device by bringing the Ringtone with vibration â Vibration devices together (typically back to back). feedback for calls and notifications. NOTE: Make sure both devices Quiet time â Set times to turn off all are unlocked, support Near Field sounds except alarm and media. Communication (NFC), and have Dial pad touch tones â Allows you to set both NFC and Android Beam⢠the phone to play tones when using the turned on. dialpad to dial numbers. VPN â Displays the list of Virtual Private Touch sounds â Allows you to set your Networks (VPNs) that you've previously phone to play a sound when you touch configured. Allows you to add different buttons, icons and other onscreen items types of VPN. that react to your touch. Mobile networks â Set options for data Screen lock sound â Allows you to set roaming, network mode & operators, your phone to play a sound when locking access point names (APNs) and so on. and unlocking the screen. NOTE: You must set a lock screen Vibrate on touch â Allows you to set PIN or password before you can the vibration feedback for phone screen use credential storage. touch. 66 < Display > Brightness â Adjust the screen brightness. Auto-rotate screen â Set to switch orientation automatically when you rotate the phone. Screen timeout â Set the time for screen timeout. Font type â Change the type of the display font. Font size â Change the size of the display font. Aspect ratio correction â Change the resolution size of downloaded applications to fit the screen size. Front key light â Set the front key light duration. Motion sensor calibration â Allows you to Improve the accuracy of the tilt and speed of the sensor. < Home screen > Set the Theme, Animation, Screen swipe effect or Wallpaper. Select the option to set Scroll wallpaper, Scroll screens circularly and Home backup & restore. < Lock screen > Select screen lock â Set a screen lock type to secure your phone. Opens a set of screens that guide you through drawing a screen unlock pattern. You can set among of None, Swipe, Face Unlock, Pattern, PIN, Password. If you have enabled Pattern lock type then , When you turn on your phone or wake up the screen, you're asked to draw your unlock pattern to unlock the screen. Wallpaper â You can select the wallpaper for lockscreen from Wallpapers or Gallery. Clocks & shortcuts â Customize clocks & shortcuts on lock screen. Owner info â Show owner info on lock screen. Lock timer â Set the lock time after screen timeout. Power button instantly locks â Set the screen lock when press the power button. < Gesture > Move home screen items â Press and hold item and tilt device to move item within home screens or applications. Tilt sensitivity â Test and adjust sensitivity of tilt sensor for home screen and applications. 67 Settings Silence incoming calls â Flip device to mute incoming call. Snooze or stop alarm â Flip device to snooze or stop alarm. Pause video â Flip device to pause playing video. Help â Help for gesture functions. < Storage > INTERNAL STORAGE â View the internal storage usage. < Power saver > Here, you can manage the battery and check the power saving items. Also, you can check the battery use. < Apps > You can view and manage the applications. PERSONAL < Accounts & sync > Permits applications to synchronise data in the background, whether or not you are actively working in them. Deselecting this setting can save battery power and lowers (but does not eliminate) data usage. 68 < Location services > Google's location service â If you select Google's location service, your phone determines your approximate location using Wi-Fi and mobile networks. When you select this option, you're asked whether you consent to allowing Google to use your location when providing these services. GPS satellites â If you select GPS satellites, your phone determines your location to street level accuracy. Location & Google search â If you select google use your location to improve search results and other services. < Security > Set up SIM card lock â Set up MicroUSIM card lock or change the Micro-USIM PIN. Password typing visible â Show last character of the hidden password as you type. Device administrators â View or deactivate device administrators. Unknown sources â Default setting to install non-Market applications. Trusted credentials â Display trusted CA certificates. Install from storage â Choose to install encrypted certificates. Clear credentials â Remove all certificates. < Language & input > Use the Language & input settings to select the language for the text on your phone and for configuring the on-screen keyboard, including words you've added to its dictionary. < Backup & reset > Change the settings for managing your settings and data. Back up my data â Set to back up your settings and application data to the Google server. Backup account â Set to back up your account. Automatic restore â Set to restore your settings and application data when the applications are reinstalled on your device. Factory data reset â Reset your settings to the factory default values and delete all your data. If you reset the phone in this way, you are prompted to reenter the same information as when you first started Android. SYSTEM < Date & time > Use Date & time settings to set how dates are displayed. You can also use these settings to set your own time and time zone rather than obtaining the current time from the mobile network. < Accessibility > Use the Accessibility settings to configure accessibility plug-ins you have installed on your phone. NOTE: Requires additional plug-ins to become selectable. < Connectivity > USB connection type â You can set the desired mode (Charge only, Media sync (MTP), USB tethering, LG software or Camera (PTP). Ask on connection â Ask USB connection mode when connecting to a computer. Help â Help for connectivity. On-Screen Phone â Displaying screen and controlling phone from PC are available through USB, Bluetooth or Wi-Fi connection. PC Suite â Check mark this to use LG PC Suite with Wi-Fi connection. 69 Settings Please note that Wi-Fi network should be connected for LG PC Suite via WiFi connection from the WIRELESS & NETWORKS. < About phone > View legal information and check phone status and software version. Phone software update LG Mobile phone software update from the Internet For more information about using this function, please visit http://update. lgmobile.com or http://www.lg.com/ common/index.jsp select country and language. This feature allows you to update the firmware on your phone to a newer version conveniently from the Internet without needing to visit a service centre. This feature will only be available if and when LG makes a newer firmware version available for your device. As the mobile phone firmware update requires the user's full attention for the duration of the update process, please make sure you check all instructions and notes that appear at each step before proceeding. Please note that removing the 70 USB data cable during the upgrade may seriously damage your mobile phone. NOTE: LG reserves the right to make firmware updates available only for selected models at its own discretion and does not guarantee the availability of the newer version of the firmware for all handset models. LG Mobile Phone software update via Over-the-Air (OTA) This feature allows you to update your phone's software to a newer version conveniently via OTA, without connecting with a USB data cable. This feature will only be available if and when LG makes a newer firmware version available for your device. First, you can check the software version on your mobile phone: Settings > About phone > Software update > Check now for update. You can also delay the update by 1 hour, 4 hours, 8 hours or One day. In this case, the application will notify you to update when the time is up. You can also rearrange an update manually. NOTE: Your personal data from internal phone storageâincluding information about your Google account and any other accounts, your system/application data and settings, any downloaded applications and your DRM licenceâmight be lost in the process of updating your phone's software.Therefore, LG recommends that you back up your personal data before updating your phone's software. LG does not take responsibility for any loss of personal data. NOTE: This feature is dependent on your network service provider, region and country. DivX HD ABOUT DIVX VIDEO: DivXÂŽ is a digital video format created by DivX, LLC, a subsidiary of Rovi Corporation. This is an official DivX CertifiedÂŽ device that plays DivX video. Visit divx.com for more information and software tools to convert your files into DivX videos. ABOUT DIVX VIDEO-ON-DEMAND: This DivX CertifiedÂŽ device must be registered in order to play purchased DivX Video- on-Demand (VOD) movies. To obtain your registration code, locate the DivX VOD section in your device setup menu. Go to vod.divx.com for more information on how to complete your registration. DivX CertifiedÂŽ to play DivXÂŽ video up to HD 720p, including premium content DivXÂŽ, DivX CertifiedÂŽ and associated logos are trademarks of Rovi Corporation or its subsidiaries and are used under license. DTS Manufactured under license under U.S. Patent Nos: 5,956,674; 5,974,380; 6,487,535 & other U.S. and worldwide patents issued & pending. DTS, the Symbol, & DTS and the Symbol together are registered trademarks & DTS 2.0+Digital Out is a trademark of DTS, Inc. Product includes software. Š DTS, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Dolby Mobile Manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories. Dolby and the double-D symbol are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories. 71 Accessories These accessories are available for use with the LG-E974. (Items described below may be optional.) Travel adaptor Stereo headset User Guide Learn more about your LG-E974. Data cable Connect your LGE974 and PC. LG Tag+ Micro-USIM Slot Pin Rubberdium⢠Pen Notice: You can use more convenient if you are use the Rubberdium Pen for homescreen touch. However, the bottom button (back/home/recently apps/ menu button) is not run to Rubberdium Pen. Please use your finger directly. WARNING: Do not touch strongly and rub such as sharp edges NOTE: ⢠Always use genuine LG accessories. ⢠Failure to do this may void your warranty. ⢠Accessories may vary in different regions. 72 Troubleshooting This chapter lists some problems you might encounter while using your phone. Some problems require you to call your service provider, but most are easy to fix yourself. Message Micro-USIM error No network connection/ Losing network Codes do not match Possible causes Possible corrective measures There is no Micro-USIM card in the phone or it is inserted incorrectly. Make sure that the Micro-USIM card is correctly inserted. Signal is weak or you're outside the carrier network. Move towards a window or into an open area. Check the network operator coverage map. Operator applied new services. Check whether the Micro-USIM card is more than 6~12 months old. If so, change your Micro-USIM at your network provider's nearest branch. Contact your service provider. To change a security code, you will need to confirm the new code by reentering it. If you forget the code, contact your service provider. The two codes you have entered do not match. 73 Troubleshooting Message Possible causes Any application cannot be set Not supported by service provider or registration required. Contact your service provider. Dialling error New network not authorised. New Micro-USIM card inserted. Check for new restrictions. Pre-paid charge limit reached. Contact service provider or reset limit with PIN2. On/Off key pressed too briefly. Press the On/Off key down for at least two seconds. Battery is not charged. Charge battery. Check charging indicator on the display. Calls not available Phone cannot be switched on 74 Possible corrective measures Message Possible causes Possible corrective measures Battery is not charged. Charge battery. Outside temperature is too hot or cold. Make sure phone is charging at a normal temperature. Contact problem Check the charger and connection to the phone. No voltage Plug the charger into a different socket. Charger defective Replace charger. Wrong charger Only use original LG accessories. Number not permitted The Fixed dialling number function is on. Check the Settings menu and turn the function off. Impossible to receive / send SMS & picture Memory full Delete some messages from the phone. Files not opening Unsupported file format Check the file formats that can be supported. Charging error 75 Troubleshooting Message 76 Possible causes Possible corrective measures The screen does not turn on when I receive a call. Proximity sensor problem If you use any protection tape or case, check to see if it has covered the area around the proximity sensor. Make sure that the area around the proximity sensor is clean. No sound Vibration mode Check the settings status of the sound menu to make sure you are not in vibrate or silent mode. Hang up or freeze Intermittent software problem Try to perform a software update via the website.
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