LG Electronics USA L01F Cellular/PCS GSM and Cellular WCDMA Phone with WLAN, Bluetooth and RFID User Manual DS1203 UG forCE FCC 130509
LG Electronics MobileComm USA, Inc. Cellular/PCS GSM and Cellular WCDMA Phone with WLAN, Bluetooth and RFID DS1203 UG forCE FCC 130509
Users Manual
L-01F *Before Launching, use the model name DS1203 instead of L-01F INSTRUCTION MANUAL â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art .19 statement 7KLVGHYLFHFRPSOiesZLWKSDUWRI)&&UXOHV.2SHUDWLRQLVVXEMHFWWRWKHIROORZLQJ WZRFRQGLWLRQV 7KLVGHYLFHPD\QRWFDXVHKDUPIXOLQWHUIHUHQFHDQG WKLVGHYLFHPXVWDFFHSWDQ\LQWHUIHUHQFHUHFHLYHGLQFOXGLQJ LQWHUIHUHQFHWKDWPD\FDXVHXQGHVLUHGRSHUDWLRQ $QF[YQTP1RGTCVKQP 7KLVGHYLFHwasWHVWHGIRUtypical ERG\ZRUQRSHUDWLRQVZLWKWKH back of the phone kept FP LQFKHV EHWZHHQWKHXVHUÄVERG\DQGWKHback of the SKRQH 7RFRPSO\ZLWK)&&5)H[SRVXUH UHTXLUHPHQWVDPLQLPXPVHSDUDWLRQGLVWDQFHRIFP LQFKHV PXVWEHPDLQWDLQHG betweenWKHXVHU VERG\ and the back of the phone 7KLUGSDUW\EHOWFOLSVKROVWHUVDQGVLPLODUDFFHVVRULHVFRQWDLQLQJ PHWDOOLFFRPSRQHQWVPD\ QRWEHXVHG%RG\ZRUQDFFHVVRULHVWKDWFDQQRWPDLQWDLQFP LQFKHV VHSDUDWLRQ GLVWDQFHEHWZHHQWKHXVHU VERG\DQGWKHback of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ow to Use this Manual ⢠Any reprint of this manual is prohibited. ⢠This manual is subject to change without prior notice. ⢠"This terminal" indicates "DS1203" in this manual. Please keep this in mind. Explanation of operations The selection operations of those icons and items displayed on the touch screen are described below in this manual. Description Operation description "Application" on the Home screen on the Home screen. Tap ⢠The icons on the Home screen are explained below. : Phone : sp ă˘ăźăăĄăźăŤ (sp-mode mail) : Internet : Application "Settings" on the Home screen at the bottom of Tap the screen, and then tap "Settings" from the displayed Option menu. Description Operation description "Activate" X "Accept" Tap "Activate" displayed on the screen, and then tap "Accept". Touch and hold down Tap and hold the displayed on the screen for 1 to 2 seconds. Note ⢠The operations described in this manual are followed by the default settings of the Home screen where the Home Selector is set to docomo Palette UI . If the contents of the Home screen are changed, the operation description may diďŹer. ⢠Images used in this manual may diďŹer from those on this terminal. Contents / Precautions Contents How to Use this Manual âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 3 Before Using this Terminal âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 7 Safety Precautions (ALWAYS FOLLOW THESE PRECAUTIONS) âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 9 Handling and Care âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 23 ConďŹrmation and Settings before Using âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 31 Part Names and Functions âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 31 miniUIM âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 33 Charging âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 34 Turning ON/OFF the PowerâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 40 Basic Operations âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 42 Initial Settings âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 55 NotiďŹcation LED âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 62 Screen Display/Icons âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 63 Contents / Precautions docomo Palette UI âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 70 Viewing the Home Screen âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 70 Home Screen Management âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 71 Viewing the Application Screen âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 75 Manage Applications âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 82 Group Management âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 83 Searching Applications on this Terminal and Website âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 85 Switching Application Screen Display âŚâŚâŚ 85 Installing Recommends Application âŚâŚâŚâŚ 86 Home Application Information âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 86 Calling âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 88 Making a Call âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 88 Receiving a Call âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 92 Operations during a Call âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 93 Call Log âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 94 Call Settings/Other âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 97 Phonebook âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 99 Mail / Web Browser âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 108 sp ă˘ăźăăĄăźăŤ (sp-mode mail) âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ SMS âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ Email âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ Gmail âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ Early Warning "Area Mail" âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ Browser âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ Google Chrome âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ Google Talk âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 108 108 110 114 115 116 120 120 Settings âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 122 Settings Menu âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ WIRELESS & NETWORKS âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ DEVICE âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ PERSONALâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ SYSTEM âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 122 122 128 136 143 File Management âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 147 File Operation âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ Folder and File Operations âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ Infrared Communication âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ Bluetooth Communication âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ External Device Connection âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 147 149 150 152 157 Application âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 160 dmenu âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ dmarket âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ Play Store âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ Osaifu-Keitai âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ mobacas âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 1Seg âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ Camera âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ Gallery âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ Media Player âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ GPS/Navigation âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ Alarm / Clock âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ Calendar âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ Calculator âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ SmartWorld âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ Polaris OďŹce âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ Backing up Data and Settings âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 7notes with mazec-T âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ Notebook âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 160 160 161 163 167 173 183 189 191 200 205 208 209 210 210 211 216 219 Contents / Precautions Using Overseas âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 220 Overview of International Roaming (WORLD WING)âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ Available Services âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ ConďŹrming before Using âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ How to Make and Receive Calls at your DestinationâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ Settings for Network Connection at Overseas âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 220 221 221 224 227 Appendix / Index âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 229 Introduction of Options and Related Devices âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 229 Samples âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 229 Troubleshooting (FAQs) âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 230 Smartphone Anshin Remote Support âŚâŚâŚ 241 Warranty and After-Sales Service âŚâŚâŚâŚ 241 Updating Software âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 244 Updating LG Software âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 249 Main SpeciďŹcations âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 254 SpeciďŹc Absorption Rate (SAR) of Mobile Phones âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 257 Radio Frequency (RF) Signals âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 259 Recognition and Conformity âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 261 Declaration of Conformity âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 262 Important Safety Information âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 263 Export Administration Regulations âŚâŚâŚâŚ 265 Intellectual Property Right âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 265 Contents / Precautions Unlocking SIM âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 268 Index âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 269 Before Using this Terminal ⢠This terminal supports LTE, W-CDMA, GSM/ GPRS and wireless LAN systems. ⢠Because this terminal operates using radio frequencies, it cannot be used inside a tunnel, underground, in a building or other locations where radio waves do not reach this terminal, in locations with weak radio wave condition, or outside of the Xi or FOMA service areas. The Xi or FOMA services may not be available on high upper ďŹoors of high-rise apartments or buildings, even if you can see no obstructions around you. On occasion, the communication may become disconnected even in areas with strong signal, even if you are not moving, or even if there are 4 wave-level bars on this terminal's display. ⢠Because this terminal operates using radio waves, there are possibilities that a third party intercepts your telephone call. However, LTE, W-CDMA and GSM/GPRS systems support the privacy function to all telephone calls automatically. Therefore, even a third party intercepts your telephone call, the third party can only hear the noise. ⢠Because this terminal conducts wireless communication by transforming sound into digital signal, the received sound may diďŹer from the actual one if the transmitted digital signal cannot properly be restored according to conditions such as moving into a poor signal area. ⢠This terminal can be operated in Xi area, FOMA Plus-Areas and FOMA HIGH-SPEED Areas. ⢠Keep a separate record of any information stored on this terminal and store the copies in a safe location. DOCOMO assumes no responsibility for the loss of any of your data from malfunction or repair of this terminal, changing to new terminal etc. ⢠Depending on the application, this terminal's performance can be unstable or your location information and the registered information to this terminal might be sent outside via the Internet and might be at risk of being used for fraud. To avoid this, make sure to conďŹrm the source and the operating condition of the application to use. ⢠It is recommended to save your important data to microSD card. ⢠This terminal does not support accessing the i-mode site (programs) and i- Îą ppli, etc. Contents / Precautions ⢠This terminal automatically performs communication for some functions, for example, to synchronize data, update the latest software, maintain connection with the server, etc. When you download applications or watch movies etc., a large amount of packet communication is executed. Therefore, it is highly recommended to use packet ďŹatrate service. ⢠This terminal does not support Pubic mode (driving mode). ⢠You cannot mute audio for Area Mail and sounds other than ringtone and notiďŹcation sound (shutter sound, replaying video, playing music, alarm etc.) even this terminal is set to "Vibrate only" or "Silent". ⢠You can conďŹrm your own phone number as follows. X "Settings" X From the Home screen, "About phone" X "Phone identity". ⢠You can conďŹrm the software version of this terminal as follows. X "Settings" X From the Home screen, "About phone" X "Software information". ⢠You can update the software of this terminal. Refer to "Updating Software" (P244) for detailed information. Contents / Precautions ⢠In order to improve the quality of this terminal, sometimes the OS is upgraded through software updates. Therefore, it is required to always use the latest version of OS. Also, applications may not be able to use any longer if the OS is old, or problems may occur. ⢠This terminal uses only miniUIM. Bring your UIM/FOMA card to a docomo Shop to exchange it. ⢠Set screen lock or password for this terminal so that other people cannot use. Refer to "Lock screen" (P131) for detailed information. ⢠In case of loss, please change your password of each service account on PC to prevent others from using Google service such as Google Talk, Gmail, Google Play, etc. ⢠The Google applications and services are subject to change without prior notice. ⢠Please read the terms of service of Google Inc. regarding Google services. Also, read each terms of services for other web services. ⢠This terminal does not support service providers other than sp-mode, mopera U or Business mopera Internet. ⢠This terminal does not support 64K data communication. ⢠Backup your data such as images, videos and music on PC. For details about connection method, refer to "File Management" (P147) and "External Device Connection" (P157). Also, it is recommended to use various on-line data backup services. ⢠Packet communication fee diďŹers when using tethering depending on the plan. Packet ďŹatrate service is highly recommended. ⢠Subscription to sp-mode is required when using tethering. ⢠mobacas is a service using communication. Therefore, packet communication fee is charged when using this service. It is highly recommended to use packet ďŹat-rate service. ⢠By connecting this terminal with HDMI Conversion Cable L01 (optional) or commercially available MHL Cable, you can display the saved photos and videos on TV. Also, you can watch mobacas on TV. However, the receiving sensitivity might be bad (poor TV reception) due to noise when watching mobacas on TV. * 1Seg does not correspond to output motion picture by HDMI connection due to copy right protection. ⢠For detailed information about fees, refer to http://www.nttdocomo.co.jp/english/. Safety Precautions (ALWAYS FOLLOW THESE PRECAUTIONS) â Before using this terminal, read these "Safety Precautions" carefully so that you can use it properly. After reading the safety precautions, keep this manual in a safe place for later reference. â These precautions are intended to protect you and others around you. Read and follow them carefully to avoid injury, damage to the product or damage to property. â The signs below indicate the levels of danger or damage that may occur if the particular precautions are not observed. DANGER This sign indicates that incorrect handling has a high possibility of causing death or serious injury. WARNING This sign indicates that incorrect handling poses a risk of causing death or serious injury. Contents / Precautions CAUTION This sign indicates that incorrect handling poses a risk of causing slight injury or damage to the product or property. â The following symbols indicate special warnings regarding product usage. Denotes things not to do (prohibition). Denotes not to disassemble. Denotes not to use where it could get wet. Denotes not to use with wet hands. Denotes mandatory instructions (matters that must be complied with). 10 Contents / Precautions Denotes that the equipment should be unplugged. â "Safety Precautions" are explained in the following eight sections. General Precautions for Terminal, Adapter, Desktop Holder, miniUIM âŚâŚâŚ P11 Precautions for Terminal âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ P14 Precautions for Adapter, Desktop Holder âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ P17 Precautions for miniUIM âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ P19 Precautions on Using near Electronic Medical Equipment âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ P20 Material ListâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ P21 Precautions for sample (microSDHC card (16GB)) âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ P23 General Precautions for Terminal, Adapter, Desktop Holder, miniUIM DANGER Do not use or leave this terminal and its accessories in places with a high temperature such as besides ďŹre, under direct sunlight or in cars under the blazing sun. Fire, burns, or injury may result. Do not put this terminal and its accessories in heating appliances such as microwaves or high pressure containers. Fire, burns, injury, or electric shock may result. Do not get this terminal and its accessories wet with water, drinking water, pet urine, etc. Fire, burns, injury, or electric shock may result. ⢠For waterproofness, refer to P34 "Waterproofness". Use the battery pack and adapter speciďŹed by NTT DOCOMO for this terminal. Fire, burns, injury, or electric shock may result. WARNING Do not subject this terminal and its accessories to severe shocks, or throw them. Fire, burns, injury, or electric shock may result. Do not disassemble or remodel this terminal and its accessories. Fire, burns, injury, or electric shock may result. Contents / Precautions 11 Keep conductive materials (metal pieces, pencil lead, etc.) away from coming in contact with the microUSB connection terminal or earphone/ microphone terminal. Do not put those materials inside this terminal. Fire, burns, injury, or electric shock may result. Do not cover or wrap this terminal or its accessories with bedding, etc. while using or charging. Fire or burns may result. Make sure to turn oďŹ this terminal or stop charging before going to the places like a gas station where a ďŹammable gas fumes. Catching ďŹre may result. Turn oďŹ the power when using OsaifuKeitai at gas stations (before turning the power oďŹ, release the lock for Osaifu-Keitai if it is set). 12 Contents / Precautions If the equipment starts giving oďŹ a strange smell, overheats, becomes discolored or deformed during use, charging or in storage, immediately perform the following operations. ⢠Remove the power plug from the wall outlet or cigar lighter socket. ⢠Turn oďŹ this terminal. ⢠Remove the battery pack from this terminal. Fire, burns, injury, or electric shock may result. CAUTION Do not place this terminal and its accessories on unstable locations such as wobbly tables or slanted locations. Damage may result from falling down. Do not store this terminal and its accessories in humid, dusty places, or in hot areas. Fire, burns, or electric shock may result. If children use this terminal and its accessories, a guardian should explain the precautions and correct operations. Also make sure that the instructions are followed during use. Injury may result. Be careful especially when using this terminal with the adapter connected continuously for a long time. If you use an application or watch 1Seg programs for a long time while charging, the temperature of this terminal, battery pack and adapter may get high. Directly touching a hot part for a long time may cause redness, itching or rash on your skin, or low-temperature burns depending on your constitution and/or health condition. Keep out of reach of babies and small children. Accidental swallowing or injury may result. Contents / Precautions 13 Precautions for Terminal WARNING Do not aim the Infrared Port toward eyes. Harmful eďŹects on eyes may result. Do not operate the infrared communication aiming at home electric appliances that have infrared device. Accident may result from malfunction of infrared device. Do not lighten the light near eyes. Especially, when you shoot photos of babies or infants, keep this terminal 1 m or more away from babies and infants. Vision problems may result. Accident may result from being shocked and being blind. 14 Contents / Precautions Do not get liquids such as water or foreign objects such as metal pieces or ďŹammable materials into the docomo miniUIM Slot or microSD card slot of this terminal. Fire, burns, injury, or electric shock may result. Do not turn on lights in front of the auto driver directly. Accident may result from the weak vision caused by light. Turn oďŹ this terminal in places where use is prohibited such as airplanes or hospitals. Electronic devices or electronic medical devices may be adversely aďŹected. Follow the instructions when using inside medical facilities. Also, you will get punished according to law if any prohibited action, such as using the phone in airplane, is conducted. However, if use is permitted by setting for disconnecting radio wave, etc., follow airline instructions for proper use. When talking on the phone with speaker on or when this terminal is ringing, keep it away from your ear. And, when connecting the earphone/ microphone etc. to this terminal and playing a game or music, adjust the volume moderately. Too loud volume may cause a hearing loss. And, if you cannot hear the sound around you clearly, it may cause an accident. If you have a weak heart, be careful when setting the Vibrate alert (vibration) or alert volume setting. Harmful eďŹect on heart may result. When you use electronic medical equipment, check with the equipment manufacturer to determine how the device is aďŹected by radio waves before using. Harmful eďŹect on electronic medical equipment etc. may result. Turn oďŹ this terminal in places near high precision electronic devices or devices using weak electronic signals. Electronic devices may be adversely aďŹected by reasons such as malfunction. * Examples of electronic devices to avoid Hearing aids, implanted cardiac pacemakers, implanted deďŹbrillators, other medical electronic devices, ďŹre alarms, automatic doors and other automatically controlled devices. If you are using an implanted cardiac pacemaker, implanted deďŹbrillator or any other electronic medical device, consult the manufacturer or retailer of the device for advice regarding possible eďŹects from radio waves. Contents / Precautions 15 When the display or camera lens is accidentally broken, be careful of broken glass or exposed internal parts of this terminal. Since the reinforced glass is used on the surface of the display and the camera lens, they are structured for the glass not to scatter. However, if you carelessly touch broken or exposed parts, you may get injured. CAUTION Do not swing this terminal by its antenna, strap, etc. It may hit you or someone else and may result in an accident such as an injury. Do not use a broken terminal. Fire, burns, injury, or electric shock may result. 16 Contents / Precautions When using the motion sensor, ensure the safety of you and those around you, hold this terminal ďŹrmly, and avoid extreme movements. Injury may result. If the display part is accidentally broken and liquid crystal leaks out, do not make the material contact with your skin of face or hands. It may cause loss of sight or skin problems. If liquid crystal gets into your eyes or mouth, rinse it with clean water and see a doctor immediately. And, if the material adheres to skin or clothing, use alcohol etc. to wipe it oďŹ, and then wash with soap. If you use this terminal in a car, contact the car manufacturer or dealer to ask about the eďŹect from radio waves. Depending on the type of car, in-car electronic devices could be adversely aďŹected. In this case, stop using this terminal immediately. Itching, rash or eczema may be caused depending on your physical conditions or predisposition. If an abnormality occurs, stop using this terminal immediately, and then seek medical attention. ⢠For the material of each part â P21 "Material List" When watching the display, take a certain distance from the display in a fully bright place. Visual loss may result. Precautions for Adapter, Desktop Holder WARNING Do not use it if the adapter cord gets damaged. Fire, burns, or electric shock may result. Do not use the AC adapter and the desktop holder in a bathroom or other highly humid area. Fire, burns, or electric shock may result. DC adapter is only for minus earth car. Do not use it on plus earth car. Fire, burns, or electric shock may result. When it starts to thunder, do not touch the adapter. Electric shock may result. Contents / Precautions 17 Do not make the charging terminal short out while being connected to the outlet or cigar lighter socket. Do not touch the charging terminal with a part of your body such as your hands or ďŹngers. Fire, burns, or electric shock may result. Do not place heavy objects on the adapter cord. Fire, burns, or electric shock may result. When you insert and remove AC adapter from the power outlet, do not contact a metal strap or other metal objects with this terminal. Fire, burns, or electric shock may result. Do not touch the Adapter cord, Desktop Holder or outlet with wet hands. Fire, burns, or electric shock may result. 18 Contents / Precautions Only use with the speciďŹed power source and voltage. If incorrect voltage is used, this may cause ďŹre, burns or electric shock. ⢠AC adapter: AC 100 V and 240 V (Connect to the AC outlet for internal household use) ⢠DC adapter: DC 12 V/24 V (only for minus earth car) Use the speciďŹed fuse when the fuse of DC adapter blows. Fire, burns, or electric shock may result. Refer to the manual for detailed information of the speciďŹed fuse. Wipe oďŹ any dust that accumulated on the power plug. Fire, burns, or electric shock may result. When you connect the AC adapter to an outlet, do not fail to properly connect to the outlet. Fire, burns, or electric shock may result. When you disconnect the power plug from the outlet or cigar lighter socket, do not pull the adapter cord with excessive force. Instead, hold the adapter to disconnect. Fire, burns, or electric shock may result. Always remove the power plug from the outlet or cigar lighter socket when not using the adapter for an extended period. Fire, burns, or electric shock may result. Precautions for miniUIM CAUTION Be careful not to touch the edge of miniUIM when removing it. Injury may result. Immediately remove the power plug from the outlet or cigar lighter socket if water or other ďŹuids get into the adapter. Fire, burns, or electric shock may result. Always remove the power plug from the outlet or cigar lighter socket when cleaning the equipment. Fire, burns, or electric shock may result. Contents / Precautions 19 Precautions on Using near Electronic Medical Equipment â The description below meets "Guideline on the Use of Radio-communication Equipment such as Cellular Telephones - Safeguards for Electronic Medical Equipment" by the Electromagnetic Compatibility Conference. WARNING Be sure to adhere to the following regulations inside medical facilities. ⢠Keep this terminal out of operating rooms, intensive care units (ICUs) or coronary care units (CCUs). ⢠Turn oďŹ this terminal in hospital wards. ⢠Turn oďŹ this terminal in hospital lobbies and corridors if electronic medical devices could be nearby. ⢠If the medical facility has speciďŹc zones where use or possession of mobile terminals is prohibited, follow those regulations. 20 Contents / Precautions Turn oďŹ this terminal in crowded trains or other public places where implanted cardiac pacemaker or deďŹbrillator wearers could be nearby. Operation of an implanted cardiac pacemaker or implanted deďŹbrillator may be adversely aďŹected by radio waves. If you use electronic medical equipment such as an implanted cardiac pacemaker or implanted deďŹbrillator, use the mobile terminal 22 cm or more away from the implanted cardiac pacemaker or implanted deďŹbrillator. Operations of electronic medical equipment may be adversely aďŹected by radio waves. Patients using electronic medical equipment other than implanted cardiac pacemakers or implanted deďŹbrillators (using outside medical facilities for treatment at home, etc.) should check the inďŹuence of radio waves upon the equipment by consulting the manufacturer. Operations of electronic medical equipment may be adversely aďŹected by radio waves. Material List Part Outer case Display Front case Power key Volume key Part Material Tempered Glass Surface Treatment â PC + GF resin UV coating Back case PC resin UV coating Back cover PC + GF resin UV coating Back cover packing Silicon AL AL â Oxidation treatment Oxidation treatment 1Seg/ mobacas antenna Material Tip PC resin Surface Treatment UV coating NT wire Ni-Ti alloy â Pipe Stainless steel â Hinge Stainless steel â Feeder Zn Alloy Nickel Camera panel Tempered Glass â Flash panel PC resin â IrDA PC resin Camera decoration AL â Oxidation treatment Contents / Precautions 21 Part Surface Treatment Battery compartment Mg Charging terminal connector (Battery compartment) Ti-Cu Loudspeaker grill PET Screws Mild steel ZnB plating Earphone/microphone connection Phosphor Bronze ďź Stainless steel Nickel ďź Gold microUSB charging terminal Copper Alloy ďź Stainless steel Nickel ďź Gold / Nickel ďź Tin microSD card slot 22 Material Guide Stainless steel Fixing plate LCP Metal contacts Phosphor Bronze Contents / Precautions Urethane â Part docomo miniUIM Slot â Nickel â Nickel + Gold Desktop holder Material Surface Treatment Guide Stainless steel Fixing plate LCP Metal contacts Corson Alloy Nickel + Gold Front cover PC UV coating Protecting sheets PC SF coating Bottom cover PC Corrosion Treatment Cradle foot Charging terminal Urethane Stainless steel Nickel â Robber Nickel coating Handling and Care General Usage Guidelines â Do not leave inside of this terminal under water even this terminal has waterproofness, and keep the supplied accessories and optional accessories away from water. Battery pack, adapter, desktop holder and miniUIM are not waterproof. Do not use them in places with high humidity such as a bath or where rain may get it wet. If you carry this terminal close to your body, moisture from sweat may corrode the internal parts causing a malfunction. Note that malfunctions deemed to be caused by water are not covered by the warranty or impossible to repair. Since these malfunctions are not under warranty, even when repair is possible, it will be done at the user's expense. â Clean this terminal with a dry, soft cloth (lens cleaning cloth), etc. ⢠Rubbing it roughly with a dry cloth may scratch the display. ⢠Drops of water or dirt left on the display may cause stains. ⢠If this terminal is wiped with alcohol, paint thinner, benzine or detergent, the printing may disappear or color may fade. â Keep the connector contacts clean with a dry cotton swab. Clean the connector contacts with a dry cotton swab to prevent contacts from getting dirty which can result in intermittent connections. Be careful when cleaning the connector contacts. â Do not place the equipment near air conditioner outlets. Condensation may form due to rapid changes in temperature, and this may corrode internal parts and cause malfunction. â Do not place excessive force on this terminal or battery pack. If this terminal is inserted to a full bag, or placed in a pocket and sat on, the display, its internal PCBs or battery pack may be damaged or malfunction. Also, if an external connection device is connected to a microUSB connection terminal or earphone/microphone connection terminal, damage on connector or malfunction may result. Contents / Precautions 23 â Do not rub or scratch the display with metal. The display may get scratched and it may cause malfunction or damage. â Read the individual manual attached to the Options. Notes about this terminal â Do not place excessive force on pressing the touch panel, or operate by sharp objects such as ďŹngernails, ballpoint pen and pins. Damage of touch panel may result. â Avoid using in extremely high or low temperatures. This terminal should be used within a temperature range from 5â to 35â and a humidity range from 45% to 85%. â This terminal may adversely aďŹect ďŹxed phones, televisions or radios in use nearby. Use as far as possible from such appliances. â Keep a separate record of any information stored on this terminal and store the copies in a safe location. DOCOMO assumes no responsibility for the loss of any of your data. â Do not drop this terminal or subject it to shocks. Damage or malfunction may result. 24 Contents / Precautions â Do not insert a microUSB connection terminal, earphone/microphone terminal crookedly or pull them strongly. Damage or malfunction may result. â It is normal for this terminal to become warm during use. You can continue using without problems. â Do not leave the camera under direct sunlight. Discoloring or burn-in of materials may result. â Do not use this terminal without the back cover. Battery pack may come oďŹ. Malfunction and damage may result. â Do not remove microSD card or turn oďŹ this terminal while using a microSD card. Data loss or malfunction may result. â Do not bring any magnetic cards close to this terminal. The magnetic data in cash cards, credit cards, telephone cards, ďŹoppy disks, etc. may be erased. â Do not bring strong magnetic objects close to this terminal. Strong magnetism may cause malfunction. Notes about the Battery Pack â The battery pack is a consumable accessory. Battery life varies depending on usage conditions, etc., but it is time to change battery packs when the usage time has become extremely short even though the battery pack has been fully recharged. Change to a speciďŹed new battery pack. â Charge the battery pack in an environment with the proper ambient temperature (5° C to 35° C). â Battery life may diďŹer depending on the use environment or degradation level of the battery pack. â Depending on the usage condition, the battery pack may inďŹate slightly when the battery life is almost over. Note that it is not a problem. â Be careful especially about the following points when storing the battery pack. ⢠Keeping under fully charged state (right after the charging ends) ⢠Keeping under non charged state (consumed too much to turn on this terminal) The performance and life of the battery pack may deteriorate. It is recommended that you store the battery pack with around 40% battery level. Notes about the Adapter â Charge the battery pack in an environment with the proper ambient temperature (5â to 35â ). â Do not charge in the following places. ⢠Places that are very humid, dusty or exposed to strong vibrations. ⢠Near ordinary phone or TV/radio. â It is normal that the adapter becomes warm while being charged. You can continue using without problems. â Use the DC adapter only when the car engine is running. The car battery may be exhausted. â When using an outlet with a mechanism preventing unplugging, follow the handling instructions of the outlet. â Do not give a strong impact to the adapter. Also, do not deform the charging terminal or terminal guide. Malfunction may result. Contents / Precautions 25 Notes about the miniUIM â Do not put excessive force on the miniUIM when inserting into or removing from this terminal. â Note that DOCOMO assumes no responsibility for malfunctions occurring as the result of inserting and using a miniUIM with other IC card reader/writer. â Always keep the IC portion of the miniUIM clean. â Clean the miniUIM with a dry, soft cloth (lens cleaning cloth), etc. â Be sure to keep a separate note of the information registered on the miniUIM. DOCOMO assumes no responsibility for the loss of any of your data. â Visit docomo Shop to return the miniUIM for the environmental purpose. â Do not scratch, touch carelessly or short circuit the IC portion. Data loss or malfunction may result. â Do not drop or give force to the miniUIM. Malfunction may result. â Do not bend or put heavy things on the miniUIM. Malfunction may result. 26 Contents / Precautions â Do not insert miniUIM into this terminal with labels or stickers attached on. Malfunction may result. Notes about the Bluetooth Function â To secure the Bluetooth communication security, this terminal supports the security function compliant with Bluetooth standards, but the security may not be suďŹcient depending on the settings. Be aware of the communication using the Bluetooth function. â Note that DOCOMO is not responsible for data or information leakage when making data communications using Bluetooth. â Frequency band Frequency bands used by this terminal Bluetooth function/Wireless LAN function are described on this terminal battery compartment. They are described as follows. 2.4FH1/DS4/OF4 2.4 ďź Indicates radio equipment using 2,400 MHz. FH/DS/OF ďź Indicates that modulation methods are FH-SS, DS-SS or OFDM. ďź Indicates that assumed inducing interference from distances is 10 m or less. ďź Indicates that assumed inducing interference from distances is 40 m or less. ďź The full band between 2,400 MHz and 2,483.5 MHz is used and the band of the mobile identiďŹcation device is avoidable. â Bluetooth Device Cautions The operating frequency band of this terminal is used by industrial, scientiďŹc, consumer and medical equipment including microwave ovens, premises radio stations for identifying mobile units used in the manufacturing lines of plants (radio stations requiring no license) and amateur radio stations (hereinafter referred to as "another station"). 1. Before using this terminal, conďŹrm that "another station" is not being operated nearby. 2. In the event of this terminal causing harmful radio wave interference with "another station", promptly change the location or stop radio wave emission by turning oďŹ the power, etc. 3. If you have further questions, contact "docomo Information Center" provided on the last page of this manual. Available channels vary by the country. For use in an aircraft, contact the airline company beforehand. Contents / Precautions 27 Notes about Wireless LAN (WLAN) Wireless LAN (WLAN) uses radio waves to enable communications between compatible devices, thus allowing connection to a local area network from anywhere within range. However, there is a risk of data interception by malicious third parties unless security is established. Users are advised to assess their responsibilities and accordingly conďŹgure security settings. â Wireless LAN Do not use wireless LAN near magnetic devices such as electrical appliances or AV/ OA devices, or in radio waves. - Magnetism or radio waves may increase noises or disable communications (especially when using a microwave oven). - When using near TV, radio, etc., reception interference may occur, or channels on the TV screen may be disturbed. - If there are multiple wireless LAN access points nearby and the same channel is used, search may not work correctly. 28 Contents / Precautions - For using WLAN overseas, point of use etc. may be restricted depending on country. In that case, conďŹrm conditions such as available frequency or regulations of the country to use it. â 2.4 GHz Device Cautions The operating frequency band of the WLAN device is used by home electrical appliances such as microwave ovens, industrial, scientiďŹc, consumer and medical equipment including premises radio stations for identifying mobile units used in the manufacturing lines of plants stations (radio stations requiring no license) and amateur radio stations (radio stations requiring a license). 1. Before using the device, conďŹrm that premises radio stations for identifying mobile units, speciďŹed low power radio stations and amateur radio stations are not being operated nearby. 2. If the device causes harmful radio interference to premises radio stations for identifying mobile units, immediately change the frequency band or stop use, and contact "docomo Information Center" on the last page of this manual for crosstalk avoidance, etc. (e.g. partition setup). 3. If the device causes radio interference to speciďŹed low power radio stations or amateur radio stations, contact "docomo Information Center" on the last page of this manual. â 5 GHz Bandwidth Cautions The law prohibits the outdoor use of the 5.2GHz (W52) and 5.3GHz (W53) frequency bands. This terminal uses the following channels: W52 (5.2GHz band/36, 40, 44, 48ch) W53 (5.3GHz band/52, 56, 60, 64ch) Handling the FeliCa Reader/ Writer Caution â Do not use a modiďŹed terminal. Using a modiďŹed terminal results in violating the law of Electromagnetic Compatibility. This terminal has been complied with technical standard of wireless equipment stipulated by law of Electromagnetic Compatibility. As a proof, Technical standard compliance mark is indicated in the inscription seal. If this terminal is modiďŹed by turning the screw to the left to disassemble, technical standard compliance becomes invalid. Please do not use this terminal during the time when technical standard compliance is being invalid, since you are in violation of the law of Electromagnetic Compatibility. â The FeliCa reader/writer function for this terminal handles delicate signals that require no radio station license. â The 13.56 MHz frequency band is used. If there is another reader/writer near this terminal, keep enough distance between this terminal and the reader/writer. Also, make sure that there is no radio station using the same frequency band nearby. Contents / Precautions 29 â Be careful when using this terminal while driving. Using the mobile phone in your hand while driving is subject to punishment. However, absolutely necessary cases such as rescue of a sick person or maintaining public safety are exempted. â The FeliCa reader/writer function can only be used in Japan. The FeliCa reader/writer function for this terminal is compliant with the radio standards for Japan. Overseas usage may be subject to punishment. â Do not make unauthorized modiďŹcations to the basic software. Repairs may be refused if the software has been modiďŹed. 30 Contents / Precautions ConďŹrmation and Settings before Using j Infrared port Part Names and Functions k Bluetooth/Wi-Fi antenna area*2 a Front camera l GPS/Xi antenna area*2 b Earpiece (receiver)/ Sub mouthpiece ⢠Use the submicrophone when using the speaker phone. c Proximity sensor* / m Main camera n Flash o Back cover Illuminance sensor r FOMA antenna area*2 d NotiďŹcation LED light e Display (touch screen) Back key Home key mark q Speaker *2 Antenna is built inside this terminal. If the antenna area is covered by your hand, quality may be aďŹected. h Main mouthpiece *1 Menu key This is for preventing malfunction by touching the touch screen with your face after switching touch screen to on. ConďŹrmation and Settings before Using 31 s Earphone microphone terminal t Power key/ Screen lock key u 1Seg/mobacas antenna v Volume key w Strap hole x microUSB connection terminal Note ⢠Do not put any sticker on the sensor area. There are three keys on the front of this terminal. The roles of these keys are shown below. Back key Tap this key to return to the previous screen. It also closes a dialog box, an options menu, the NotiďŹcation panel, or the onscreen keyboard. Home key ⢠If you tap this key, you will return to the Home screen, regardless of the application being used or the screen being displayed. ⢠If you touch and hold down this key, the list of the most recently used applications appear. Tap an thumbnail to open the application. (It may be displayed as horizontal screen.) Drag a thumbnail to right and left to delete from the list. Menu key Tap this key to display the options menu for the current screen or application. 32 ConďŹrmation and Settings before Using miniUIM miniUIM is an IC card that stores information such us phone number, etc. of each customer. ⢠You cannot use some of this terminal functions if the miniUIM is not inserted. Before inserting or removing the miniUIM, you must always turn OFF the power and disconnect the adapter. ⢠This terminal uses only the miniUIM. Bring your UIM/FOMA card to a docomo Shop to exchange it. Inserting the miniUIM Remove the back cover (P35) the battery pack (P46), Remove and insert the miniUIM into the slot with the gold-colored IC side facing down miniUIM security codes The miniUIM can set security code named PIN code. This code is set to "0000" at the time of subscription, but you may subsequently change it. For details about changing this security code, refer to "Security Code and miniUIM Protection" (P138). ConďŹrmation and Settings before Using 33 Removing the miniUIM 34 Remove the back cover (P35) and the battery pack. Gently press the miniUIM with your ďŹngertip and slide it out ConďŹrmation and Settings before Using Charging Battery Charging ⢠For detailed information, refer to manuals for AC Adapter 03(optional), DC Adapter 03(optional) and MicroUSB Cable 01(optional). ⢠For detailed information, refer to manuals for AC adapter and battery charger. ⢠The shape of the AC adapter plug is for AC 100 V (Japanese standard). The conversion plug adapter for overseas is required if you use an adapter for AC 100 V to 240 V. Also do not use a transformer for overseas travel. ⢠Do not force the connector when inserting/ pulling it out. Instead, insert/pull it out slowly. ⢠If you start charging when the battery pack is empty, you may not be able to power ON this terminal for a while. ⢠Make sure to unplug the power plug of AC adapter after ďŹnishing charging. Do not charge for a long time (several days) ⢠If you carry on charging this terminal after it has been fully charged, the battery pack will start supplying power to this terminal. This will reduce the actual usage time and deplete the battery. If this happens, please charge it again correctly. Before recharging, remove this terminal from microUSB cable and reset. Charging Time (estimate) The estimated time for charging an empty battery pack is shown below. Charging under low temperatures requires longer time. AC Adapter 03 (optional) Approx. 240 minutes DC Adapter 03 (optional) Approx. 240 minutes Usage Time (estimate) A list of the charging time (estimate) of a fully charged battery is shown below. The usage time varies depending on the usage conditions and the battery pack condition. For details, refer to "Main SpeciďŹcations" (P254). Continuous standby time Continuous call time LTE Stationary (Automatic): Approx. 320 hours FOMA/ 3G Stationary (Automatic): Approx. 350 hours GSM Stationary (Automatic): Approx. 350 hours FOMA/ 3G Approx. 580 minutes GSM Approx. 480 minutes 1Seg watching time Approx. 350 minutes mobacas watching time Approx. 220 minutes ConďŹrmation and Settings before Using 35 Charging with the Desktop Holder This section describes how to charge the battery using the attached desktop holder L13 and AC adapter 03 (optional)*. * AC adapter 03 consists of AC adapter and microUSB cable. 36 ConďŹrmation and Settings before Using the microUSB connector of Insert microUSB cable into the connection terminal on the back of desktop holder L13 completing the battery charge, After hold the desktop holder L13 and remove this terminal in the direction b as shown in the ďŹgure ⢠Insert the microUSB connector horizontally with the USB mark facing up. the USB connector of the Insert microUSB cable into the USB connection terminal of AC adapter this terminal in the direction Move a while holding the desktop holder L13 to insert the terminal into the connector on the desktop holder L13 the AC adapter plug into the Insert power outlet ⢠Charging begins. The notiďŹcation LED light lights in red during the battery charge. ⢠When charging is completed, the notiďŹcation LED light lights in green, the battery completion sound rings, and and battery completion message are displayed. AC adapter plug from the Remove power outlet the USB connector of Remove microUSB cable from the USB connection terminal of AC adapter the microUSB connector of Remove microUSB cable into the connection terminal on the back of desktop holder L13 ConďŹrmation and Settings before Using 37 Charging with the AC Adapter How to use the optional AC adapter 03* to charge this terminal is described below. * AC adapter 03 consists of AC adapter and microUSB cable. the USB connector of the Insert microUSB cable into the USB connection terminal of AC adapter the AC adapter plug into the Insert power outlet ⢠The notiďŹcation LED light lights in red. ⢠During charging, the battery level icon in the status bar either appears like or changes its appearance in the order of X X X X X X . ⢠When the battery pack is fully charged, the battery level icon on the status bar changes to . ⢠When charging is completed, the notiďŹcation LED lights in green, the battery completion sound rings, and and battery completion message are displayed. charging is completed, remove When AC adapter plug from the power the microUSB connector of Insert microUSB cable into the microUSB connection terminal of this terminal ⢠Insert the microUSB connector horizontally with the USB mark facing up. 38 ConďŹrmation and Settings before Using outlet the microUSB connector of Remove microUSB cable from this terminal the USB connector of Remove microUSB cable from the USB connection terminal of AC adapter â DC adapter 03(optional) The DC adapter supplies power to charge this terminal from a cigar lighter socket (12V/24V) in a vehicle while the battery pack is attached. For details, see the operating manual of the DC adapter 03. Charging with a PC Connect this terminal to a PC with the MicroUSB Cable 01(optional) to charge. the microUSB connector of Insert microUSB cable into the microUSB connection terminal of this terminal ⢠Insert the microUSB connector horizontally with the USB mark facing up. the USB connector of Insert microUSB cable to PC USB port ⢠The "USB connection type" screen is displayed. Select "Charge only" charging is completed, remove When the microUSB connector of microUSB connection cable from this terminal the USB connector of Remove microUSB connection cable from the USB port of PC Note ⢠Depending on the condition of PC, the charging may take time or the charging is not possible. ConďŹrmation and Settings before Using 39 Turning ON/OFF the Power Turning ON the Power and hold the power key for Press over 1 second ⢠The screen lock is displayed. Turning OFF the Power and hold the power key for Press over 1 second "Power oďŹ" "Yes" 40 ConďŹrmation and Settings before Using Turning on Backlight To prevent unintended operation and to save power, the backlight turns oďŹ after a set period. If you then turn on the backlight to release the screen lock, the screen that was displayed before the backlight was turned oďŹ appears again. the power key Press ⢠The Locked screen appears. Note ⢠Pressing the power key while the backlight is on locks the screen. ⢠Set the time duration before the backlight turns oďŹ and the screen is locked. For details, refer to "Display" (P129). Unlock the Screen Lock Tap ⢠In case "Lock screen" is set, unlock with the method you have set beforehand. Note ⢠When the screen lock is set as "Touch", drag or swipe the status bar to down while the screen is locked to open the notiďŹcation panel. ConďŹrmation and Settings before Using 41 Basic Operations The display of this terminal has a touch screen that allows you to perform various operations by touching it. Using Touch Screen Precautions on Using Touch Screen The touch screen has been designed for ďŹnger touching slightly. Do not press it with sharp objects (ďŹngernail, ballpoint pen, pin etc.) or press it hard with your ďŹnger. The following user actions may cause the touch screen not to work properly. They may also cause malfunction. ⢠Touching the screen with gloved hands ⢠Touching the screen with the tip of a ďŹngernail ⢠Placing a foreign object on the screen ⢠Sticking a protective sheet or seal on the screen ⢠Touching the screen when it is wet ⢠Touching the screen with wet ďŹngers ⢠Operating while charging with an adapter other than designated adapter by docomo 42 ConďŹrmation and Settings before Using Touch Screen Operations You can perform the following actions on the touch screen. ⢠Tap : Touch the screen lightly ⢠Double-tap : Touch the screen lightly twice successively ⢠Touch and hold down : Touch a screen for over 1 second ⢠Swipe : Lightly ďŹick the screen ⢠Drag : Touch and hold down to ďŹick the screen, and then release your ďŹnger ⢠Pinch-out : Touch the screen with 2 ďŹngers and then move them apart ⢠Pinch-in : Touch the screen with 2 ďŹngers apart and then move them together, as if pinching Opening Items Tap an item Checking or Unchecking Options Tap an item that has a checkbox ⢠If the checkbox was unmarked, a check mark now appears in it. ⢠If the checkbox was marked, the check mark now disappears from it. Scrolling Screen You can scroll the screen up or down. On some web pages, you can also scroll side to side. Zooming In or Out Depending on the used application, you can enlarge the screen and reduce the enlarged screen. ⢠The movement of your ďŹngers enlarges the screen display by pinching it out. ⢠Drag up or down to scroll. ⢠The movement of your ďŹngers reduces the screen display by pinching it in. ⢠Swipe to scroll quickly. To stop scrolling, touch the screen. ConďŹrmation and Settings before Using 43 Using Motion Gesture Various functions can be operated simply by moving this terminal. X "Settings" ⢠To use motion gestures, tap X "Gestures" from the Home screen, and place a check mark in each item. Muting ringtone an incoming call arrives, ďŹip When this terminal ⢠The ringtone is muted. Stopping alarm this terminal while alarm is Flip ringing ⢠Alarm stops. Moving Home screen items and hold down an icon that Touch you want to move on the Home screen this terminal to the left and right Tilt ⢠You can move items this way. 44 ConďŹrmation and Settings before Using Note X "Settings" ⢠From the Home screen, X "Gestures" X "Tilt sensitivity" and turn oďŹ the "Default sensitivity" checkbox to set the tilt sensitivity. ⢠This setting can be used only when you selected "Home" by tapping "Settings" X "Home screen" X "Select Home" from the Home screen. Changing Screen Orientation This terminal screen automatically rotates to horizontal (landscape) or vertical (portrait) views, depending on the direction in which it is turned. ⢠Screen orientation may not change in some applications. the Home screen, From "Settings" X "Display" a check mark on "Auto-rotate Put screen" ConďŹrmation and Settings before Using 45 ďź Use another function while leaving a memo on the screen. Tapping it again resumes editing of QMemo. Capturing Screen Shot You can capture the display on screen and save it as an image. down the power key and Hold volume key (down) for over 1 second ⢠You can see the captured screen shots in "Screenshots" of "Gallery". QMemo Without having to launch the Memo or Notebook applications, you can simply write a memo just by pressing the QMemo button. You can also input texts or illustrations directly on the captured screens. Press the both volume keys for over 1 second on the screen where you want to make a note a memo Create ⢠The following information is displayed. 46 ConďŹrmation and Settings before Using ďź Change the background. ďź Undo/Redo. ďź Select the type of pen and the color. ďź Use eraser. Tap "Clear all" to delete all the created memos. ďź Send the Memo via Bluetooth, Gmail, or Picasa. ďź Save the created memo. ďź Displays/Does not display the Tool Bar. ďź Edit the screen size. X select where you want to Tap save the note ⢠The Memo is saved in Gallery. Note ⢠You can also launch QMemo by taping "QMemo" on the notiďŹcation panel. To display "QMemo" on the notiďŹcation panel, the quick settings must be customized. Refer to "Customizing quick settings" (P68). ⢠Touch softly by ďŹngers to operate. Using a commercial stylus pen may not operate. Character Entry This terminal has an on-screen keyboard that is displayed in the touch screen for character entry. This keyboard is the similar input method as mobile phone (multi-tap). â On-screen QWERTY keyboard The array is the same as the PC's keyboard. Character Entry Using the Onscreen Keyboard If you tap a text box on the screen, the onscreen keyboard appears in the touch panel. This terminal provides three types of on-screen keyboards: an on-screen 10-key keyboard, an on-screen QWERTY keyboard and mazec-T handwriting converting keyboard. to switch the entry operation such as Tap character mode change. â On-screen 10-key keyboard a Voice Input / Keyboard Type / Reverse Order Key The mode switches to Voice Input mode. ConďŹrmation and Settings before Using 47 Touch and hold down this icon to display the "Keyboard Type" menu. You can hide the voice input key in the "LG Japanese Keyboard Settings". If the voice input icon is hidden, the Keyboard Type key is displayed instead. appears when ⢠If using the 10-keyboard, displays a character is entered. Tapping the previous character (reverse order). b Left cursor key/Arrow key The cursor moves to the left. It can also narrow the conversion range to convert. Touch and hold down this to change arrow key mode. c Symbol key/Alphanumeric and Kana key Displays a list of pictograms, symbols and emoticons. Displays alphanumeric characters and kana when " čąć°ăŤă (Alphanumeric and Kana key)" is displayed. d Switch character mode key/Setting key Switch the character mode. Touch and hold down to display "LG Japanese Keyboard" Menu. e Emoji Quick Quickly enter the symbol/pictogram. When you can view the full width of you tap the the software keyboard a quick emoticon. 48 ConďŹrmation and Settings before Using f DEL key Deletes the character to the left of the cursor. Touch and hold down this to delete the characters continuously. g Right cursor key The highlight moves to the right. Touch and hold down this to move it continuously. It can also widen the conversion range. h Space key/" ĺ¤ć (convert)" key Enter half space. " ĺ¤ć (convert)" is displayed during Hiragana input and a list of conversion candidates is displayed. i ConďŹrmation key/Execution key/Enter key/ Search key ConďŹrms the entered characters or converted characters. If the entered characters or converted characters have already been conďŹrmed, this executes the function (execute, line feed, search) of the text box in which the characters were entered. j Shift key Switch between upper case letter and lower case letter when inputting English. Tap once : Only the ďŹrst letter is capitalized Tap twice : All letters are capitalized Tap three times : Lower case â On-screen 10-key keyboard (arrow key mode selected) f Cut key Cut the selected characters. g Paste key Paste the copied/cut text. h Copy key Copy the selected text. â mazec-T Conversion keyboard a Close Switch to the on-screen keyboard that has been displayed before the arrow key mode was displayed. b Arrow (up, down, right or left) key Move the cursor to up, down, right or left. c DEL key Deletes the character to the left of the cursor. Touch and hold down this to delete the characters continuously. d Select/Deselect key Selects a target. You can change the area with arrow key. With deselect key, you can deselect the selected area. e Space key Enter half space. a Handwriting area When a character is written, "^" is displayed under the character. Tap "^" to display a list of recognition candidate and you can modify the character. b Menu key Selecting types of characters and setting the details of mazec are available. c Keyboard Type Key Change the keyboard type. d Left cursor/Right cursor ConďŹrmation and Settings before Using 49 Move cursor position. e Space key Enter half space. f Delete key Delete character. g CR key Begin a new line etc. Half-width Numeric Full-width Alphabet Voice Input Flick input Note ⢠The key display varies depending on the entry screen or character mode. ⢠For information on switching the type of on-screen keyboard, refer to "Switching keyboard" (P51). ⢠When you no longer need the keyboard, To you can close it by tapping display it again, tap the text box on the screen. There are 8 character input modes. The current mode is indicated by the following icons in the status bar. 50 Half-width Katakana Hiragana-Kanji Half-width Alphabet Full-width Katakana Full-width Numeric ConďŹrmation and Settings before Using Flick input makes it easier to input when using 10-key keyboard. the key where the text to input Tap is allocated ⢠Flick guide is displayed on the upper of the key. it toward the text to input Drag to input dull sound, semi-voiced ⢠Tap sound or lowercase. Switching keyboard and hold down Touch screen keyboard on on- ⢠"LG Japanese Keyboard" menu is displayed. "Keyboard Type" "10-key"/"QWERTY"/"mazec-T Conversion" ⢠When you change the input mode, keyboard is automatically switched. Switch with "10-key"/"QWERTY"/"mazec-T Conversion". Switching the character mode on a character entry Each time you tap screen, the character mode switches in the order of "Hiragana-Kanji" X "Half-width Alphabet" X "Half-width Numeric". Note ⢠In some character entry screens, certain character modes may not be available or selectable. Entering pictograms/symbols/ emoticons/pictogram-D Tap in a character entry screen to switch to pictogram/symbol/emoticon/pictogram-D input mode, and display the available pictograms on the display. Tap "Symbol", "Emoticon", and "Pictogram-D" to display respectively the available symbols, emoticons, and pictogram-D. Tap one of the available symbols or emoticons to enter it. When tap the " ćĺ (character)" , before the software keyboard input symbols or emoticons are displayed. Using Emoji Quick Tap while on-screen keyboard is displayed to display "Emoji Quick" where you can check the history of pictograms recently used. In this "Emoji Quick", Deco-mail pictogramÂŽ, pictograms, symbols that have been entered via "Symbol" key while entering character, and ConďŹrmation and Settings before Using 51 directly entered character from "Emoji Quick" are displayed. ⢠Emoticons are not reďŹected in "Emoji Quick". ⢠The displaying contents in "Emoji Quick" diďŹer depending on applications. ⢠The displaying order and displaying character may be changed by entering pictograms and symbols. ⢠52 ConďŹrmation and Settings before Using Changing character entry settings Touch and hold down on a character entry screen to display "LG Japanese Keyboard" menu. Tap "LG Japanese Keyboard Settings" to change the character entry settings. COMMON KEYBOARD SETTINGS Sound on Key Press Mark this checkbox to play a brief sound on each key press. Vibrate on Key Press Mark this checkbox to make this terminal vibrate on each key press. Key Preview Mark this checkbox to display an enlarged pop-up of the entered key. Auto Capitalization Mark this checkbox to automatically capitalize the ďŹrst letter of the ďŹrst word at the beginning of a sentence. Auto Space Input Mark this checkbox to automatically insert halfwidth space after selecting a character when inputting alphabet. Auto Punctuation Double tap space key to input "." (period). Keyboard Layout This allows you to set the type of keyboard to use on each screen view (horizontal/vertical) or for each input mode. Voice typing Key Set whether to display voice typing key on the keyboard. Fullscreen Mode Set whether to widen the entry ďŹeld to display in horizontal view. Emoji Quick Set whether to display Emoji Quick on the keyboard and set displayed position of Emoji Quick. 10-KEY KEYBOARD Flick Input Mark this checkbox to change the input method on the onscreen 10-key keyboard to ďŹick input. Unmark this checkbox to change it back to toggle input. Flick Sensitivity If you tap this when the "Flick Input" checkbox is marked, the "Flick Sensitivity (Low â High)" menu appears, allowing you to set the ďŹick sensitivity using a slide bar. Toggle Input If you mark this checkbox when the "Flick Input" checkbox is marked, toggle input is enabled as well as ďŹick input. Auto Cursor Movement Specify the speed for auto cursor movement. ConďŹrmation and Settings before Using 53 CONVERSION DICTIONARY Input Word Learning If you mark this checkbox, the phrase conďŹrmed by the conversion process is learned by iWnn IME. Japanese User Dictionary Word Prediction Mark this checkbox to display the predictive conversion candidates. Tap this to display the "Japanese User Dictionary" to register, edit screen. Tap or delete words, or to delete the entire Japanese User Dictionary. Typing Error Correction Mark this checkbox to display the candidates for corrections for input errors. English User Dictionary Wildcard Prediction Mark this checkbox to display conversion candidates based on the number of characters in the word or phrase. Tap this to display the "English User Dictionary" screen. Tap to register, edit or delete words, or to delete the entire English User Dictionary. Clear Learning Dictionary Delete all contents of the learning dictionary. Lines of Candidate Area This allows you to set the number of lines of conversion candidates displayed in vertical (portrait) screen. EXTERNAL APPLICATION Mushroom 54 This allows you to set whether to use the Mushroom application. ConďŹrmation and Settings before Using ABOUT IME LG Japanese Keyboard Detailed information of LG Japanese Keyboard will be displayed. Initial Settings First-time Settings when the Power is Turned On When the power is ďŹrst turned ON, you need to set the language and date for this terminal. Once you set those settings, there is no need to set them the next time the power is turned ON. You can also change these settings later. ⢠Procedures diďŹer depending on the connection with network and settings. Press and hold the power key for over 1 second On the "Welcome to Startup Wizard" screen, tap "Next" ⢠Tap " ćĽćŹčŞ ( ćĽćŹ ) (Japanese (Japan))" to change language. or uncheck "Mobile Network"/ Check "Wi-Fi" on the "Set internet connection" screen X "Next" ⢠Set the each item for Wi-Fi network when you select "Wi-Fi". in"/"Get an account"/"Not now" "Sign on the "Make it Google" screen X set by following screen instructions until the "Thank You!" screen appears X "Done" on the "Software Update" "OK" screen on the "docomo service initial "Next" settings" screen install" on the "Install "Install"/"Not all apps" screen X "Next" set" on the "Use Osaifu"Set"/"Not Keitai" screen X "Next" on the "docomo apps "Set" password settings" screen X input a docomo apps password X "OK" X input new docomo apps password X "OK" X input the new docomo apps password again X "OK" ConďŹrmation and Settings before Using 55 providing ON"/"Location "Location providing OFF"/"Unknown blocking" on the "Location providing setting" screen X "Next" send" on the "Send"/"Not "Preinstalled apps usage sync" screen X "Next" on the "Complete setting" "OK" screen Note ⢠A data connection (LTE/3G/GPRS) is required to set online services. For details on enabling data connection, refer to "WIRELESS & NETWORKS" (P122). 56 ConďŹrmation and Settings before Using ConďŹguring Wi-Fi Settings This terminal connects to the Internet via access points for Wi-Fi networks or public wireless LAN services. To connect, you must conďŹgure the access point connection settings on this terminal. â Reception interference caused by Bluetooth devices ⢠As this terminal's wireless LAN devices and Bluetooth device use the same frequency (2.4 GHz), reception interference may occur or the communications speed may lower. Also, you may hear noise or have a connection problem. In these cases, do the following: - Keep the wireless LAN device over 10 m away from the Bluetooth device. - Within 10 m, turn oďŹ either the wireless LAN device or the Bluetooth device. Note ⢠Packet communication can be connected, even when Wi-Fi function is ON. However, while Wi-Fi is available, Wi-Fi is prioritized. When the Wi-Fi network is disconnected, this terminal automatically connects to the LTE/3G/GPRS network. Note that if you keep connecting via the LTE/3G/ GPRS network, you may incur packet communication charges. ⢠You can reduce battery consumption by turning OFF Wi-Fi when you are not using it. Wi-Fi network status When this terminal is connected to a Wi-Fi appears in the status bar. An open network, network with no security protection is detected when Wi-Fi network notiďŹcation is set to ON, appears in the status bar. always Connecting to a Wi-Fi network the Home screen, From "Settings" X "Wi-Fi" ⢠The "Wi-Fi" screen appears. Turn "Wi-Fi" ON the Wi-Fi network that you want Tap to connect to ⢠If you try to connect to a protected Wi-Fi network, you will be prompted to enter the security key for that Wi-Fi network. Tap the "Password" box, enter the network password and tap "Connect". ⢠Usually, when you enter a password, the last character entered is displayed and as many "ăť" as the number of characters appear instead of previously entered characters. All characters can be displayed when you place a check mark on "Show password". ⢠When connecting to an access point that supported WPS, place a check mark in "Show advanced options" and select a connection method. ConďŹrmation and Settings before Using 57 Note ⢠Open network and protected network are two types networks that are available. The network type is indicated by an represents icon to the network name. represents an open network and a protected network. The icon also indicates the signal strength. Strong signal : Weak signal : ⢠To search Wi-Fi network again, from the X "Settings" X "Wi-Fi" X Home screen, "SEARCH". ⢠Network name does not appear depending on the settings for the access point even if the network is connectable. If this happens, you can still connect to the network. Refer to "Adding a Wi-Fi network" (P59). ⢠When establishing a Wi-Fi network connection, the required information is generally obtained from a DHCP server automatically. However, it is possible to specify these items separately. ⢠To check the Wi-Fi MAC address and IP address, from the Home screen, X "Advanced". "Settings" X "Wi-Fi" X 58 ConďŹrmation and Settings before Using Notifying when Wi-Fi network with no security protection is detected the Home screen, From "Settings" X "Wi-Fi" ⢠The "Wi-Fi" screen appears. Turn "Wi-Fi" ON a check mark on "Network Place notiďŹcation" ⢠You will be automatically notiďŹed when an open network with no security protection is detected. Adding a Wi-Fi network From the Home screen, "Settings" X "Wi-Fi" Changing the Wi-Fi network password ⢠The "Wi-Fi" screen appears. Turn "Wi-Fi" ON NETWORK" "ADD ⢠The "Add network" menu appears. the network SSID in the Enter "Network SSID" box "Security" ⢠"Security" menu appears. Select the appropriate type from "None", "WEP", "WPA/WPA2 PSK", and "802.1x EAP". ⢠The setting method diďŹers depending on the security settings. "Save" ⢠The Wi-Fi network is added. the Home screen, From "Settings" X "Wi-Fi" ⢠The "Wi-Fi" screen appears. and hold down the Wi-Fi Touch network name ⢠A menu appears. network" "Modify ⢠The network settings are displayed. Tap the "Password" box and enter the new password. Disconnecting from a Wi-Fi network the Home screen, From "Settings" X "Wi-Fi" ⢠The "Wi-Fi" screen appears. and hold down the name Touch of Wi-Fi network that you want to disconnect ⢠A menu appears. network" "Forget ⢠The Wi-Fi network is disconnected. ConďŹrmation and Settings before Using 59 Setting Wi-Fi connection while the screen is OFF Disconnect Wi-Fi while the screen is OFF and specify the timing of switching this terminal to data communications. the Home screen, From "Settings" X "Wi-Fi" ⢠The "Wi-Fi" screen is displayed. X "Advanced" Wi-Fi on during sleep" "Keep ⢠"Keep Wi-Fi on during sleep" menu appears. Choose from "Always", "Only when plugged in", and "Never (increases data usage)". Ignoring unavailable radio waves This function enables re-connection with the available access point when the access point is recognized as an unavailable one by Internet due to no reply is received from your desired access point. the Home screen, From "Settings" X "Wi-Fi" ⢠The "Wi-Fi" screen appears. X "Advanced" or remove a check mark on Place "Avoid poor connections" Setting Online Service Accounts You can update your status on Google and other online services once you have set up your online service account on this terminal. You can also conďŹgure this terminal to automatically sync updates from the online service. You can also delete unnecessary accounts. 60 ConďŹrmation and Settings before Using Adding an online service account From the Home screen, "Settings" X "Accounts & sync" ⢠The "Accounts & sync" screen appears. ACCOUNT" "ADD ⢠The "Add account" screen appears. the online service that you want Tap to set an account ⢠Follow the screen instructions and enter your login details. ⢠When you have ďŹnished adding the account, the added online service appears in the "Accounts & sync" screen. Manually synchronizing online service data the Home screen, From "Settings" X "Accounts & sync" ⢠The "Accounts & sync" screen appears. the account that you want to Tap synchronize with ⢠A list of online service's synchronized data appears. a check mark on the data that Place you want to synchronize ⢠The data with a check mark is synchronized. Note ⢠The application automatically synchronizes data if "Accounts & sync" is turned ON. These operations may incur packet communication charges. Marking these checkboxes also runs down the battery. ConďŹrmation and Settings before Using 61 Deleting an online service account the Home screen, From "Settings" X "Accounts & sync" ⢠The "Accounts & sync" screen appears. the account that you want to Tap delete ⢠The "Sync settings" screen appears. "Remove account" X "OK" ⢠TheXselected account is deleted. Note ⢠docomo account cannot be added or deleted. NotiďŹcation LED Various notiďŹcations such as a missed call, SMS, FeliCa, Alarm, calendar notiďŹcation and Email can be performed by blinking the blue LED light. the Home screen, From X "Settings" X "Display" X "NotiďŹcation ďŹash" Place a check mark on "Use LED light for notiďŹcations" the functions for which you Mark want to enable the notiďŹcation LED Note ⢠The Area Mail notiďŹcation setting cannot be changed. 62 ConďŹrmation and Settings before Using Screen Display/Icons Main status icons Signal strength Status Bar The status bar is displayed at the top of the screen. This terminal status and notiďŹcations are displayed in the status bar. NotiďŹcation icons are displayed on the left side, and this terminal status icons are displayed on the right side. Out of service area (White) (Aqua) Bluetooth Function ON Connected to Bluetooth device Roaming available Communicating through roaming GPRS available Communicating by GPRS 3G available Communicating by 3G LTE available Communicating by LTE FOMA high speed available Communicating by FOMA high speed ConďŹrmation and Settings before Using 63 Connected to Wi-Fi Main notiďŹcation icons Communicating through Wi-Fi New Gmail Using Wi-Fi Direct New SMS message Battery level Problem with an SMS message The battery needs to be charged New Google Talk message The battery is empty Making a call or during a call The battery is charging Missed call Airplane mode activated New voicemail message miniUIM locked or miniUIM not inserted New alarm notiďŹcation Silent mode is set (no vibration) Vibrate only is set Alarm is set Synchronizing data Osaifu-Keitai lock activated Upcoming calendar event Music is playing Discovered Open Network (Wi-Fi) USB is connected The battery is full The battery is charging slowly 64 ConďŹrmation and Settings before Using Free space on memory of this terminal is getting low During Omakase Lock Uploading data Note Data Upload completed ⢠Downloading data Data download completed Problem with login Problem with synchronization Update is available. Installing application is complete Viewing 1Seg appears when the terminal is charged without the optional AC adapter (e.g. when charged with a PC). ⢠When is displayed, the battery charge speed is slower than when the AC adapter (optional) is used. is displayed when the internal storage ⢠is out of space. is displayed, you may not able to ⢠When install an application even after downloading it. Make enough free space, and install the application again. More notiďŹcations GPS is positioning (blink) Connected to a VPN USB debug mode is connected Wi-Fi tethering available ConďŹrmation and Settings before Using 65 NotiďŹcation Panel NotiďŹcation icons are displayed in the NotiďŹcation panel. You can open notiďŹcations, such as messages, reminders, or event notiďŹcations, directly from the NotiďŹcation panel. Opening the NotiďŹcation panel or swipe the status bar Drag downwards ⢠The NotiďŹcation panel appears. Icons are displayed at the top of the NotiďŹcation panel. Icons are blue when they are on, and white when they are oďŹ. 66 ConďŹrmation and Settings before Using a Icon Drag to right and left to display the non displayed icon. Switch GPS between on and oďŹ. Touch and hold down to display the "Location services" screen. Switch Airplane mode between on and oďŹ. Touch and hold down to display the "Wireless & networks" screen. Adjust the brightness of screen in 4 levels. Touch and hold down to display the "Display" screen. Switch Sound & Vibrate/Vibrate only/ Silent. Touch and hold down to display the "Sound" screen. Switch accounts and synchronization between on and oďŹ. Touch and hold down to display the "Accounts & sync" screen. Switch data communication between enable and disable. Touch and hold down to display the "Mobile network settings" screen. Switch Eco mode between on and oďŹ. Touch and hold down to display the "Quad core control" screen. Switch Wi-Fi tethering between on and oďŹ. Touch and hold down to display the "Tethering" screen. Switch Miracast between on and oďŹ. Touch and hold down to display the "Miracast" screen. Switch automatic rotation of screen between on and oďŹ. Touch and hold down to display "Display" screen. Launch QMemo. Switch Wi-Fi between on and oďŹ. Touch and hold down to display the "Wi-Fi" screen. Switch Bluetooth between on and oďŹ. Touch and hold down to display the "Bluetooth" screen. Switch Power saver between on and oďŹ. Touch and hold down to display the "Power saver" screen. Display "Edit quick settings" screen. b Date Display date. c NotiďŹcation information Display details of notiďŹcation information. ConďŹrmation and Settings before Using 67 d Network operator/SIM operator Upper is the currently connected network operator's name. Lower is the operator's name read from the SIM card. e Scroll bar Scroll to top to close the notiďŹcation panel. or swipe the bottom of the Drag NotiďŹcation panel upwards Note f Delete notiďŹcation Delete notiďŹcation information and icons. Some notiďŹcation cannot be deleted. ⢠You can also close the NotiďŹcation panel by tapping g Setting button Display the setting button. Editing quick settings Viewing notiďŹcation details the notiďŹcation message on the Tap NotiďŹcation panel ⢠The notiďŹcation details are displayed in the appropriate application. 68 Closing the NotiďŹcation panel ConďŹrmation and Settings before Using "Edit" on the NotiďŹcation panel Tap ⢠The "Edit quick settings" is displayed. Drag of the item to edit Customizing quick settings "Edit" on the NotiďŹcation panel Tap ⢠The "Edit quick settings" is displayed. Tap a check mark on the item to Place display Customizing icons You can change the icon design such as shortcut to use on the Home screen. Note X "Settings" ⢠From the Home screen, X "Home screen" X "Select Home" and select "Home" to use this feature. You cannot customize icon when using the docomo Palette UI. Changing home application icon Touch and hold down shortcut icon ⢠is displayed on the upper right of the icon. shortcut icon again Tap ⢠Icon selection screen is displayed. the pulldown menu at the upper Tap left of the screen, select from Changing to photo icon You can use a photo from camera and gallery as icon on the Home screen. and hold down shortcut icon Touch is displayed at the upper right of the ⢠icon. the shortcut icon again Tap ⢠Selecting icon screen is displayed. photo icon" X select from "Create "Take photo" and "Select from Gallery" ⢠Camera or gallery launches. a photo with camera and save/ Take select an image from gallery X adjust size X "OK" "Optimus", "Biz", "Cozywall", and "Marshmallow" Tap preferred icon ConďŹrmation and Settings before Using 69 docomo Palette UI The docomo Palette UI is a home application that allows you to quickly ďŹnd and operate what you want such as access to the Web and applications. Viewing the Home Screen You can customize the Home screen by adding or moving shortcuts or widgets, and by changing the wallpaper. The Home screen has up to 12 screens for adding shortcuts and widgets. 70 docomo Palette UI Home Screen Management What You can Add to the Home Screen You can customize the Home screen. and hold down the Home Touch screen ⢠The select an action menu appears. Shortcut You can create shortcuts. Widget You can layout Widgets. Folder You can create folders. Kisekae You can select the background and icon design. Wallpaper You can choose the wallpaper for the Home screen. Group You can create a shortcut for group. Home screens Home screens are displayed. You can move or add screen. Wallpaper loop settings Set whether to loop the display of wallpaper. the item you want to add/set Tap ⢠A select list according to each item is displayed. Moving Shortcuts, etc. the Home screen, touch and From hold down a shortcut icon or widget you want to move the icon and release your ďŹnger Drag ⢠Shortcut icons and widgets can be moved. Note ⢠You can also drag the icon to one of the Home screen's extended screens to the left or right. docomo Palette UI 71 Deleting Shortcuts, etc. from the Home Screen the Home screen, touch and From hold down a shortcut icon or widget you want to delete the shortcut icon or widget to Drag displayed on the lower left and release your ďŹnger ⢠The icon is deleted from the Home screen. ⢠Touch and hold down the shortcut icon or the widget to delete X tap Delete displayed in the balloon. Uninstalling Applications and Widgets the Home screen, touch and From hold down the application or widget you want to uninstall X Uninstall ⢠The "Uninstall application" screen appears. 72 docomo Palette UI conďŹrmation screen appears, The then tap "OK" X "OK" ⢠The application is deleted. Note ⢠Applications installed in this terminal when purchasing cannot be uninstalled. Changing Folder Names the Home screen, tap a folder From you want to change name ⢠The folder window opens. Touch and hold down the title bar a new name of the folder and Enter tap OK ⢠The name of the folder is changed. ⢠You can also change by touching and holding down the folder X tap Edit name on pop-up menu. Changing Kisekae Change the wallpaper and icon of the Home screen to change the image. Touch and hold down the Home screen ⢠The select an action menu appears. on the ⢠You can also set by operating Home screen X Kisekae . X select a design X Set ⢠Kisekae It is possible to select and set designs that you like from a website. Changing Wallpaper and hold down the Home Touch screen ⢠select an action menu is displayed. on the ⢠You can also set by operating Home screen X "Wallpaper". Wallpaper wallpapers"/ "Gallery"/"Live "Wallpaper gallery (Home)"/ "Wallpaper gallery (docomo Wallpaper)" ⢠If you have tapped Gallery , select an image that you want to use as wallpaper, and set the trimming area to use by dragging it. And then, tap OK . ⢠Live wallpaper list appears when tapping "Live wallpapers". Tap to select one of the live wallpaper, then tap "Set wallpaper". Depending on the type of wallpaper, you can set the live wallpaper settings by tapping "Settings...". docomo Palette UI 73 Adding Home Screens You can add Home screens. and hold down the Home Touch screen ⢠select an action menu appears. screens" "Home ⢠The Home screens screen appears. one of the thumbnails on the Tap Home screen with a + mark ⢠The + appears for screens that can be added. ⢠You can create up to 12 Home screens. Sorting Home Screens You can sort the scroll order for Home screens. and hold down the Home Touch screen ⢠select an action menu appears. screens" "Home ⢠The Home screens 74 docomo Palette UI screen appears. and hold down the thumbnail Touch on the Home screen, and drag it to the location where you want to move it Deleting Home Screens and hold down the Home Touch screen ⢠select an action menu appears. "Home screens" ⢠The Home screens screen appears. displayed on the upper right Tap of the thumbnail on the Home screen ⢠It is also possible to delete by touching and holding down the thumbnail, and then tap Delete in pop-up menu. Note ⢠You can also operate from the Home X "Home screens" to add, screen, sort, and delete the Home screen. Viewing the Application Screen the Home screen, Application From Groups of applications are displayed as an icon list. Application List Some applications need to be applied separately (paid). DOCOMO Services dmenu This is a shortcut application for dmenu to easily ďŹnd fun and convenient contents for smart phones including contents used in i-mode. (P160) dmarket An application to activate dmarket. Not only can you purchase your favorite music, movies or books here, but also get introductions of applications on Google Play. (P160) ď˝ăăŁă㍠(i-channel) This is the application for using i-channel. docomo Palette UI 75 ď˝ăłăłăˇă§ăŤ (i-concier) This is the application for using i-concier. This service is to support your life as butler or concierge . ăăăšăŁăŚăł ăłăˇă§ăŤ (Shabetteconcier) When you tell this terminal "what you want to know" or "what you want to do", this application replies and displays it by reading intent of your word. Machichara This is the application for displaying characters on this terminal screen. Characters move on the Widget, and notiďŹes information such as incoming calls and email. ăăłă˘ăă㯠ă˘ăă (docomo backup) 76 This is the application for using " ăąăźăżă¤ăăź ăżăé ăăăľăźăăš (Data Security Service)" or " éťčŠą 帳ăăăŻă˘ăă (Phonebook backup)". You can backup and restore data such as for the phonebook. docomo Palette UI ĺşćŹćŠč˝ (Basic Functions) Phone Make or receive a call. (P88) Phonebook Register contacts, make a call or send a message from the registered contacts. (P99) SD card backup This is the application to move data or backup for phonebook, sp-mode mail, bookmark etc. by using external recording media such as a microSD card. (P211) sp ă˘ăźă ăĄăźăŤ (sp-mode mail) This allows you to send and receive emails using a docomo email address (@docomo.ne.jp). It allows you to use pictograms and Deco-mail, and also supports auto receive. (P108) Area Mail This is the application for receiving and conďŹrming early warning Area Mail . (P115) Disaster kit This is the application for registering and conďŹrming messages on the disaster message board. Instruction Manual* Manual of this terminal. Activate the function you want to use from the description. ă¨ăłăżăźăă¤ăĄăłă (Entertainment) NOTTV Media Player You can watch mobacas. Broadcast programs and contents such as "NOTTV" are available. (P167) This is the application for playing music and videos. (P191) G ăŹă¤ă çŞçľčĄ¨ (G guide TV program list) With this application you can view program guides for terrestrial digital, BS, and other broadcast services. You can search for a program by keyword or genre, watch 1 Seg program, or record TV programs by remote control. TV You can watch TV (1Seg). (P173) Gallery A software to view still images (photos) and videos. (P189) Video Wiz You can easily create a music video. docomo Palette UI 77 äžżĺŠăăźăŤ (Tools) 78 Camera A software for shooting still images (photos) or videos. (P183) Memo Available to create and manage memo. It supports i-concier service. Schedule Available to create and manage schedule. It supports i-concier service. Infrared This is the application for exchanging data such as phonebook via infrared. (P150) IC Tag/ Barcode Reader This is the application for reading IC tag and barcode. Calculator Four arithmetic operations are available. (P209) docomo Palette UI Alarm/ Clock You can use the stopwatch, and set the timer, world clock, and alarms. (P205) Notebook You can save preferred images and memos. (P219) 7notes with mazec-T You can input characters by handwriting. (P216) Polaris OďŹce 4.0 Read and edit various document formats. (P210) SmartWorld Enables to enjoy various applications, dramas and variety shows. (P210) ăăľă¤ă / ăˇă§ăăăłă° (Osaifu/Shopping) OsaifuKeitai You can set Osaifu-Keitai. (P163) iD ă˘ă㪠(iD appli) This is the application for setting e-money iD for using. ToruCa Acquire, display, search and update ToruCa. (P166) č¨ĺŽ (Settings) Settings Set various settings. (P122) é éăľăăźă (Remote support) This is the application for using "Remote support . Dedicated operator supports to operate your terminal remotely. (P241) Chrome Browse web page. (P120) Search Search for Phonebook, application, web page, etc. inside this terminal. Downloads ConďŹrm, display or play the downloaded data. Play Store Access applications and games directly via Play Store to download and install them to this terminal. (P161) YouTube Play YouTube videos, and upload the videos you have shot to YouTube. Videos Play back videos stored in the internal storage or SD card. Play Movies & TV You can rent and watch movies via Play Movies, and also you can manage the shot videos personally. Google Email Send or receive emails in the same way as on PCs. (P110) Gmail Send and receive Google account emails. (P114) Messaging Available to send and receive SMS. (P108) Talk It allows you to chat (text chatting) with friends who have Google accounts. (P120) Internet Browse web page. (P116) docomo Palette UI 79 80 Calendar View calendar and manage schedule. (P208) Maps View current location, search places or routes. (P203) Navigation Voice guidance is available to show the route to destination. (P204) Local Search for the nearest restaurant, cafe, Japanese style bar, travel spot, ATM or gas station. (P205) Latitude ConďŹrm your friend's location and share status message. It also enables you to send emails and search for a route to your friend's location. (P204) Google+ This social application is for sharing information with registered users. docomo Palette UI Messenger You can exchange messages within the circle quickly. * For details on downloading the operation manual again, refer to the back side of the front cover. Note ⢠This is a list of the applications that have been installed in this terminal at the time of purchase. Some of the preinstalled applications can be uninstalled. Uninstalled preinstalled applications can be downloaded again from the "Play Store" (P161). ⢠If the software is updated, application content and icon positions may change. ⢠The names of some applications may not be fully displayed below their respective icons. Applications on Recommends tab Beam This application connects the terminal to home electronics. Using this terminal, you can wirelessly play back video, music and image ďŹles on the Internet on a TV or the Media Player. ăăŠăăłăŹăŻ ăˇă§ăł (Photo collection) This application is for using the free storage service for pictures and videos. You can view pictures and automatically group pictures by identifying faces and scenes on the cloud. ĺ°ĺłă˘ă㪠(Map application) Supplies Maps, Shop Search, Navigation, Transfer and Visited places functions to support you when you are outdoors. Installing Recommends applications, refer to Installing Recommends Application P86. Anshin Scan This application is for protecting this terminal from virus. This detects virus from installed applications or microSD cards etc. Book Store MyShelf This is the application for viewing e-books that were purchased through the dmarket BOOK Store. HighlightCam This application makes movies edited automatically through analyzing the movies or photos you took. It uses the template and BGM that best ďŹt the target scene and allows you to easily post on SNS, etc. docomo Palette UI 81 Name card creator eco ă˘ăźă (eco mode) ăăłă˘ 澡ĺ¤ĺŠç¨ (DOCOMO overseas) This is the application for creating original name cards that can be displayed to your My proďŹle box in the Phonebook application. This is the application for setting eco Mode for reducing battery consumption by adjusting various settings such as screen brightness. This is the application for supporting overseas packet communication. You can easily set data roaming and carrier for using overseas Pakehodai. Manage Applications Adding Shortcuts to the Home Screen From the Home screen, Application and hold down the application Touch icon or group for which you want to create a shortcut X Add ⢠The shortcut icon is added to the Home screen. Uninstalling an Application From the Home screen, Application and hold down the application Touch icon you want to uninstall X Uninstall ⢠Uninstall application screen is displayed. conďŹrmation screen appears, The then tap OK X OK ⢠The application is deleted. 82 docomo Palette UI Note ⢠Applications installed in this terminal when purchasing cannot be uninstalled. Moving Applications From the Home screen, Application and hold down the application Touch icon you want to move the application icon and Drag release your ďŹnger ⢠The application is moved. ⢠You can also operate as follows. Touch and hold down the icon to move X tap "Move" on a pop-up menu X select a destination. Group Management Manage groups on the application screen and sort icons. Adding Groups From the Home screen, Application X Add group a group name and tap OK Enter ⢠The group is added on the application screen. Sorting Groups From the Home screen, Application and hold down the group Touch name, and drag it ⢠The group location is moved. docomo Palette UI 83 Editing Group Names From the Home screen, Application and hold down the group Touch name X Edit name a new group name and tap Enter OK ⢠The group name is changed. Note From the Home screen, Application and hold down the group Touch name X Add ⢠The group shortcut icon is added to the Home screen. Deleting Groups ⢠The names of groups "Recently"/"DOCOMO Services"/"Download Application" cannot be changed. From the Home screen, Application and hold down the group Touch name X Delete Editing Group Label ⢠OK The group is deleted. From the Home screen, Application and hold down the group label Touch X Edit label ⢠Tap the label you want to select. 84 Adding Groups to the Home Screen docomo Palette UI Note ⢠The names of groups "Recently"/"DOCOMO Services"/"Download Application" cannot be deleted. Searching Applications on this Terminal and Website From the Home screen, Application Search ⢠TheXSearch widget starts. Enter a keyword or use Voice Input to search. Switching Application Screen Display Select the display for the Application screen as Tile or List. From the Home screen, Application X List format / Tile format docomo Palette UI 85 Installing Recommends Application From the Home screen, Application Recommends an application to install Tap ⢠Follow the guidance on the screen and Home Application Information You can view the operation guide for the docomo Palette UI. the Home screen, X Help From ⢠An explanation for the docomo palette UI operation is displayed. install the application. Note ⢠Recommended applications from DOCOMO is displayed on Recommends tab. ⢠Tap the application icon and move to the downloading screen. ⢠The downloaded application is displayed on Download Application group on Application tab. ⢠Tapping " ăăŁă¨ă˘ăăŞăčŚă (See more applications)" on "Recommends" tab activates the browser and displays the top page of dmenu. Version Information of Home Application From the Home screen, Application Application info ⢠TheXapplication name, provider, and version are displayed. Home Application Settings the Home screen, From Settings X Home screen ⢠86 docomo Palette UI Home screen screen appears. Select Home Switch home applications. Choose "docomo Palette UI" or "Home". Theme* Select the theme on the Home screen. Animation* Select No animations or All animations . Screen swipe eďŹect* Select screen swipe eďŹect. Wallpaper Select from "Gallery", "Live wallpapers", "Wallpaper gallery (Home)", "Wallpaper gallery (docomo Wallpaper)". Portrait view only* Set whether to always display the Home screen in portrait view mode. Scroll screens circularly* Set whether to return to the initial screen when scrolling the Home screen. Home backup & restore* Backup or restore the settings for applications/ widget and theme. * You cannot change on docomo Palette UI. docomo Palette UI 87 Calling Making a Call the Home screen, "Phone" X From "Dial" ⢠The "Dial" tab appears. Enter the phone number X ⢠If you enter a wrong number, tap delete the number. 88 Calling to a Tab "Recent calls" tab (P94) "Favorites" tab (P103) "Dial" tab : Dial screen appears. b Phone number entry box The input phone number is displayed. c Dialpad d Call button e "Add Phonebook" button The input phone number is registered to the Phonebook. f Edit button The input text is deleted. g "Koe-Taku" button For details on the Koe-no-Takuhaibin, refer to the DOCOMO website. h "Phonebook" button The phonebook is displayed. (P99) Entering a pause the Home screen, "Phone" X From "Dial" ⢠The "Dial" tab appears. Enter the phone number and tap X "Add 2-sec pause" ⢠A comma "," is displayed after the phone number. ⢠It is also possible to input ";" after the X "Add phone number by tapping wait". After ";" is entered next to the phone number, go to Step 3. When a call is made after adding wait, a message asking whether to send the number entered after ";" is displayed. the menu number of the Enter service that you are using X To end a call, tap "End" Calling 89 Emergency call Emergency call Phone number Police 110 Fire department or ambulance service 119 Japan Coast Guard 118 Note ⢠This terminal supports "Location notiďŹcation of emergency call". When dialing an emergency number such as 110, 119, and 118, the information of your location (location information) is automatically notiďŹed to the agency that received the emergency call (e.g. the police station). Depending on your location and the reception status of the signal, the agency that received the emergency call may not be able to conďŹrm the exact location. When your location is notiďŹed, the name of agency that received the emergency call is displayed on the display of this terminal. 90 Calling If you are not sending your caller ID by calling with "184" added or other means, your location information and phone number are not notiďŹed. However, if the agency that received the emergency call considers your location information and phone number necessary for important purposes, such as life saving, the agency can retrieve them regardless of your settings. In addition, the area/timing to introduce "Location notiďŹcation of emergency call" depends on the state of preparation in each agency that receives emergency calls. ⢠When you are making an emergency call (110, 119, and 118) from your terminal, be sure to notify that you are calling from a mobile phone and give your mobile phone number and present location clearly, as the police/ďŹre department may call you back for conďŹrmation. During an emergency call, be sure to stay where you are so that your call will not be interrupted. After making an emergency call, do not turn oďŹ your mobile phone immediately. Keep it on for about 10 minutes so that it can receive an incoming call. ⢠Depending on the location from which you make an emergency call, connection may be made to the ďŹre department or the police of another jurisdiction. ⢠In Japan, emergency calls of 110, 119 and 118 are not available to dial from PIN code input screen or from the PIN unblocking key input screen if miniUIM is not inserted. For details on PIN code, refer to "Security Code and miniUIM Protection" (P138). Making an international call (WORLD CALL) WORLD CALL is an international call service that enables you to make a call in Japan via the DOCOMO terminals. Customers who have subscribed to the FOMA service would also have automatically subscribed to "WORLD CALL" at the same time. (However, you can decline to use "WORLD CALL" when subscribing to the FOMA services.) ⢠Contact "General Inquiries" on the back of this manual for detailed information about WORLD CALL. ⢠Using Overseas (P220) Calls to ďŹxed-line telephone the Home screen, "Phone" X From "Dial" ⢠The "Dial" tab appears. X Country code X Area code "010" X Recipient's phone number, and Calls to mobile phone the Home screen, "Phone" X From "Dial" ⢠The "Dial" tab appears. "010" X Country code X Recipient's mobile phone number, and Calling 91 Note ⢠If the mobile phone number of the other party or the area code begins with "0", remove the ďŹrst "0". However, the ďŹrst "0" may be required when calling to some countries and regions such as Italy. ⢠"+" (touch and hold down "0" to input "+") or "009130-010" can also be used instead of "010". 92 Calling Receiving a Call there is an incoming call, When ⢠You can stop the ringtone and vibration by pressing the volume keys (up and down) while receiving a call. X "Quick ⢠Quick Response to a Callďź responses" X Tap a message to send. X "Accept" â˘"Activate" Declining a call : "Activate" X "Reject" To end a call, tap "End" Operations during a Call During a call, you can adjust the volume, turn the speaker ON/OFF, mute the microphone, and put the call on hold, depending on the usage conditions. a Name, phone number, and area b End call c Add call* 1 2 d Hold call* * e Duration of call f Display dialpad* Send DTMF. g Turn oďŹ microphone (Mute)* The receiver cannot hear your voice. h Activate speaker* You can use hands-free function. *1 *2 Subscription is required for "Catch Phone". Tap again to return to the previous state. Adjusting Call Volume During a call, you can adjust the reception volume. a call, Press Volume key (up) During / Volume key (down) ⢠The call volume changes accordingly. Calling 93 Call Log You can display a log for incoming and outgoing calls. the Home screen, tap "Phone" From X "Recent calls" b Continuous incoming/outgoing call log with the same person If continuous incoming and outgoing calls is displayed. with the same person exist, ⢠The number in the parentheses indicates the number of call log. ⢠Tap the contact to check the details of call log. Tap again to go back. c Call status icon ďźKoe-no-Takuhaibin ďźCall icon without caller ID notiďŹcation* ďźCall icon with caller ID notiďŹcation* ďźLog for outgoing international calls ďźLog for incoming international calls d Names and phone numbers Tap to display the action list. ⢠Tap item on the action list to call, send SMS, register phonebook, display proďŹle screen etc. ⢠Touch and hold down to delete history, edit phone number and call etc. e Outgoing call log Display only outgoing call log. a Incoming call log Only display incoming call log. 94 Calling f Call icon Tap to call. g Log icon ďźDialed calls log ďźReceived calls log ďźMissed calls log h Phonebook Tap to display phonebook. * This icon is displayed when adding 186 or 184 before dialing the number, or when Notify/Not notify Caller ID is set by tapping X "Caller ID notiďŹcation" X "Notify"/"Not notify". Calling to Answer a Missed Call When you have missed calls, a missed call notiďŹcation appears in the status bar. If you see in the status bar, drag or swipe the status bar downwards ⢠The missed call notiďŹcation appears in the NotiďŹcation panel. The missed call notiďŹcation displays the caller's phone number or the caller's name that is saved in Phonebook, and the time or date of the missed call. the missed call notiďŹcation Tap ⢠The "Phone(Incoming history)" tab of "Recent calls" appears. ⢠For the missed call log, Tap log is displayed. on the right of the missed call ⢠The call is made. Calling 95 Registering Phone Numbers from the Call Log to the Phonebook You can register unregistered items from the call log to the Phonebook. "Recent calls" tab, tap a phone On number "Add Phonebook" ⢠The "Register/Update phonebook" screen appears. new" "Register ⢠When multiple accounts have been registered, select the account for which you want to create a phonebook. information, and tap "Save" Enter ⢠It is registered as a Phonebook. Note ⢠It is also possible to register to the Phonebook by touching and holding down the phone number that you want to register on the "Recent calls" tab X "Edit number before call" X "Add Phonebook". 96 Calling Deleting the Call Log The call log is automatically added. However, you can delete a call log or all call logs. Deleting a desired call log "Recent calls" tab, touch and On hold down a phone number ⢠A menu appears. from call log" X "OK" "Delete ⢠The call log is deleted. Deleting the entire call log "Recent calls" tab, On all" X "OK" X "Delete X "Delete all" X ⢠"Incoming history" X "OK" The entire Incoming history is deleted. X "Delete all" X ⢠"Outgoing history" X "OK" The entire Outgoing history is deleted. Call Settings/Other Set each setting related to call. Home screen, "Phone" X FromXthe "Call settings" Network service Set the docomo network services. Roaming settings ConďŹgure the international roaming. (P225) Advanced call settings Set details for call. Quick responses Edit text for the Quick responses. Open source licenses Display the "Open source licenses". Setting network services Set the docomo network services. the Home screen, "Phone" X XFrom "Call settings" X "Network service" Koe-noTakuhaibin Use the service, conďŹrm or change the settings. Voice mail service Start or stop the service. Call forwarding service Start or stop the service. Call waiting Start or stop the service. Caller ID notiďŹcation Set whether to notify the caller ID. Nuisance call blocking service Block nuisance calls and crank calls. Caller ID display request service Set to end the call automatically by announcing the anonymous caller to notify the caller ID. Calling 97 98 Second call settings Select connecting method when receiving another call during a call. Call notiďŹcation You will receive a notiďŹcation by SMS in case you missed a call while this terminal is OFF, no service, or the line is busy. English guidance You can change the voice guidance when you call or receive a call into English. You can also change the guidance for setting network services such as "Voice mail service" and "Call forwarding service" into English. Remote operation settings ConďŹgure the remote operation from docomo mobile phone, ďŹxed line telephone or NTT pay phone Calling Public mode (power OFF) settings Public mode (Power OFF) is an auto-reply service for the manner in a highly public space. When Public mode (Power OFF) is set, for an incoming call when the power is turned oďŹ or Airplane mode is set, a guidance message indicating that the receiver is in a place where power should be turned oďŹ (in a hospital, on an airplane, near a priority seat of train, etc.) is heard on the caller's terminal and then the call ends automatically. ⢠This guidance is available also outside the service area, or in no reception area. Using advanced call settings Set details for call. Home screen, "Phone" X FromXthe "Call settings" X "Advanced call settings" Sub address settings Set delimiter to call with sub address. "*" that is included in phone number is the delimiter of sub address. PreďŹx settings Register international phone number or area number to call. Reject unregistered call Reject calls from numbers not registered with the Phonebook. Phonebook In Phonebook, you can enter information about your personal contacts, such as their phone numbers, email addresses and web service accounts. Displaying the Phonebook You can view all the information that is saved in Phonebook. the Home screen, "Phone" X From "Phonebook" ⢠The Phonebook appears. Calling 99 a "Contacts" tab Display the list of contacts. b List of contacts Tap the displayed icon after selecting an image to call, create mail or use services on the Internet etc. c Groups Tap to select a group and display the contacts in groups. d Register Register new contacts. ⢠In case you have multiple accounts, select the account to register and input the required items. e "Communication" tab Incoming/Outgoing calls log, sending/ receiving sp-mode mail history, sending/ receiving SMS history are displayed. You can call or send SMS etc. from the history. f "TimeLine" tab Display the Timeline of SNS and blog set via SNS linked function. Tap to display the detailed screen. You can view other people's comments or how many Likes you got on your comment. 100 Calling g "My proďŹle" tab (P105) Editing Contacts h List of index Tap to display "Index" on the lower right of screen. You can edit a contact that has already been registered. i Index Display the initials of contacts. "Contacts" tab, tap a contact On that you want to edit j Search Enter keyword to search contact. Registering Contacts You can register a new contact. "Contacts" tab, "Register" On ⢠When multiple accounts are registered, select the account for which you want to create a contact. information, and tap "Save" Enter ⢠The entered information is added to Contacts. ⢠The proďŹle screen appears. "Edit" ⢠The edit proďŹle screen containing previously entered information appears. delete or edit the information, Add, and tap "Save" ⢠The Contacts is updated. Searching the Contacts You can search for a contact on the "Contacts" tab by dragging in the tab or by text entry. On "Contacts" tab, "Search" the word(s) that you are Enter looking for ⢠Search candidates and search results in this terminal are displayed. Tap a contact Calling 101 Making Calls/Sending Emails/Chatting via Contacts You can make a call directly from Contacts. If you have added an email address or chat account to the Contacts entry, you can also send an email or launch a chat application. "Contacts" tab, tap a contact On ⢠The proďŹle screen is displayed. , or Tap ⢠You can now make a call, send an email or chat. Make a call. Send an SMS message. Record Koe-no-Takuhaibin. Send an email. 102 Calling Deleting Contacts "Contacts" tab, tap a contact On ⢠The proďŹle screen appears. "Delete" X "OK" ⢠TheXcontact is deleted. Note X"Delete" X ⢠On "Contacts" tab, tap "Select all" or delete a contact by placing a check mark to the contact you want to delete X "Delete" X "OK". Sharing Contacts You can share the Contacts saved in this terminal with other applications. "Contacts" tab, tap a contact On ⢠The proďŹle screen appears. X "Share" ⢠A menu listing the applications that the contact can be shared with appears. an application Tap ⢠The screen of the selected application appears. Follow the instructions on the screen. Note X "Others" X "Send ⢠On "Contacts" tab, data(infrared)" to share contacts. Adding a Contact to Favorites When you add a contact to Favorites, it appears on the "Favorites" tab of "Phone". The "Favorites" tab allows you to quickly display a speciďŹc contact. ⢠You can only add docomo account to Favorites. "Contacts" tab, tap a contact On that you want to add to Favorites ⢠The proďŹle screen appears. â˘Tap (Gray) changes to yellow, and the registered contact is displayed in the list of "Favorites" group and "Favorites" tab in "Phone". Note ⢠If you tap (yellow) , it turns (gray). Calling 103 Changing Account of Phonebook to Display You can set display/non-display the phonebook that is included in speciďŹc account or group of Google account. "Contacts" tab, On "Accounts to display" X "Others" X ⢠Set an account to display. Displaying contacts in group Displaying contacts in group On "Contacts" tab, "Groups" X select a group ⢠Tap "Close" to close the group list. Creating new group "Contacts" tab, "Groups" X "Add" â˘OnWhen multiple accounts are registered, select the account for which you want to create a group. Input the information and "OK" 104 Calling Editing / Deleting group information On "Contacts" tab, "Groups" X touch and hold down a group "Edit group" / "Delete group" X "OK" Registering a contact to group On "Contacts" tab, "Groups" and hold down a contact to Touch register the contact to the group to Drag register and release your ďŹnger Deleting a contact from group On "Contacts" tab, "Groups" X select a group and hold down a contact to Touch delete from group the contact to the registered Drag group and release your ďŹnger Note ⢠Group function is only available for contacts created on docomo/Google account. Displaying Your Own Phone Number You can conďŹrm your phone number, register, edit, delete etc. your proďŹle information. Also, you can display the name card data that has been created by the Name card creator application, and exchange the data via network. the Home screen, "Phone" X From "Phonebook" X "My proďŹle" tab Calling 105 ⢠When the miniUIM is inserted, phone number of miniUIM is displayed automatically. c Name card image ⢠Image of name card created by "Name card creator" application is displayed. ⢠You can save up to 10 name cards in My proďŹle. d Name card exchange button ⢠Tap this button to exchange name cards created by "Name card creator" application with other people via network. e Create/Edit/Delete name card button ⢠Tap this button to create new name card, edit name card, or delete name card. If you have not downloaded the "Name card creator" application, the download screen appears. Follow the instructions shown on the screen to download the "Name card creator" application. a Image and name b ProďŹle information ⢠Registered information such as phone number, email address, address, birthday, nickname etc. are displayed. 106 Calling f Edit Tap to edit proďŹle. Note ⢠How to start/stop using the SNS connecting functions: - Start: Tap "Set" of SNS and Blog on the My proďŹle edit screen to start settings for SNS. - Stop: On "My proďŹle" tab, select "General settings" X "Stop Linking to SNS" X "Stop service". ⢠For other useful functions, tap "Help" on "Contacts" tab. Backup and Restoration of Phonebook To backup or restore the phonebook is available by using "SD card backup" application. For "SD card backup" application, refer to P211. Calling 107 Mail / Web Browser sp ă˘ăźăăĄăźăŤ (sp-mode mail) This allows you to send and receive emails using an i-mode mail address (@docomo.ne.jp). It allows you to use pictograms and Deco-mail, and also supports auto receive. ⢠For details about sp-mode, refer to "Mobile Phone User's Guide (sp-mode)". the Home screen, "sp ă˘ăźă From ăĄăźăŤ (sp-mode mail)" ⢠Follow the instruction on the screen. SMS You can send and receive text messages containing up to 70 double-byte characters (or 160 single-byte alphanumeric characters) to phone number as address. Sending an SMS Message the Home screen, "Application" From X "Messaging" ⢠The "Messaging" screen appears. Tap Tap the "To" box X Enter recipient's phone number ⢠A list of contacts beginning with the entered number or name appears. to display phonebook and select ⢠Tap recipient. Tap the "Enter message" box X Enter a message 108 Mail / Web Browser "Send" ⢠The message is sent. Note X "Insert smiley" while entering a ⢠Tap message to insert a smiley. ⢠To receive notiďŹcation that the SMS X "Settings" message is received, tap X "NotiďŹcation" on the "Settings" screen, and check the "NotiďŹcations" checkbox. ⢠You can also send/receive SMS messages to/from users of overseas network operators. For available countries /compatible overseas network operators, refer to "Mobile Phone User's Guide [International Services]" or the DOCOMO "International Services website". ⢠To send SMS messages to users of overseas network operators, enter "+" X "Country code" X "Recipient's mobile phone number". If the mobile phone number begins with "0", enter the number excluding the ďŹrst "0". You can also send an SMS message by entering "010", "Country code" and "the recipient mobile phone number". (To reply to an SMS message sent from overseas, enter "010".) Receiving/Viewing an SMS Message the Home screen, "Application" From X "Messaging" ⢠The "Messaging" screen appears. a thread Tap ⢠The message appears. Note ⢠When you receive an SMS message, the preview screen is displayed. On the preview screen, you can reply to a message, delete a message, display a thread, or select a quick message. Mail / Web Browser 109 Email Using email is available by setting an account of mopera U or general provider. Setting Mail Account Get the necessary information for settings from your service provider beforehand. the Home screen, "Application" From X "Email" ⢠The "Select email provider" screen is displayed. email provider on the "Select Select email provider" screen email address and the Input password on the email account setting screen ⢠After entering the email address, the string before the at sign (@) is automatically displayed as the "Username". The user name can be changed if needed. 110 Mail / Web Browser or "Next" "Manual" ⢠Follow the instruction on the screen. ⢠Select account type when you tap "Manual". Follow the instructions shown on the screen to make the settings. For information about the settings, contact your service provider. Note ⢠You can change the setting later. For details, refer to "Changing the Setting of Email Account" (P113). ⢠Email may not be available depending on the version of Microsoft Exchange Server and some functions. Opening Email the Home screen, "Application" From X "Email" ⢠The "Inbox" screen is displayed. ⢠New message is automatically checked and received. Note ⢠The "Select email provider" screen is displayed when you open the "Email" application without registering account. ("Setting Mail Account" â P110) ⢠If you have multiple accounts, you can on the change account by tapping inbox screen X "Accounts". Displaying a Received Email an email on the "Inbox" screen Tap ⢠The email is displayed. Note ⢠New messages are not received automatically if you have set "Manual" for retrieve interval. ⢠If "Receive emails automatically" is set on mopera U mail, emails are received automatically regardless of the setting for email application. * In case emails are not received X "Refresh". automatically, tap Mail / Web Browser 111 Creating and Sending an Email on the "Inbox" screen â˘Tap The "Compose" screen is displayed. Input recipient's address in "To" box Input subject in the "Subject" box Input message in "Message" box Note ⢠appears on the right side of the "To" box if an invalid email address is entered. Check the email address and correct it. Adding an Account You can add multiple accounts on "Email" application. the "Inbox" screen, From "Accounts" ⢠The "Email" screen is displayed. "Add account" ⢠TheX"Select email provider" is displayed. email provider on the "Select Select email provider" displayed ⢠The email account setting screen is displayed. email address and the Input password ⢠After entering the email address, the string before the at sign (@) is automatically displayed as the "Username". The user name can be changed if needed. or "Next" "Manual" ⢠Select account type when you tap "Manual". Set by following the screen. Contact the administrator of server for setting information etc. 112 Mail / Web Browser Changing the Setting of Email Account the "Inbox" screen, From "Account settings" Entire settings Set default account, notiďŹcation of receiving new message, NotiďŹcation sound/vibrator when receiving emails etc. Change login settings Set receiving/sending server. ⢠The account setting screen is displayed. Change settings as necessary Account name Set account name. My name Set username. Signature Set with or without signature, and the contents. Retrieve interval Set retrieve interval of inbox. Accounts & sync Synchronize data with other accounts or delete accounts. Maximum mail to show* Set the number of emails to display. Delete from server* Set the timing to delete from server. *1 Displayed only for IMAP4/POP3 account. *2 Displayed only for POP3 account. Mail / Web Browser 113 Gmail Gmail is online email service of Google. You can send and receive emails by using Gmail in this terminal. Opening Gmail the Home screen, "Application" From X "Gmail" ⢠Gmail opens, and the "Inbox" screen appears. Note ⢠If your Google account settings have not been completed, the "Add a Google Account" screen appears. Follow the displayed instructions. If you do not have a Google account, create one here. X "Help" ⢠For details about Gmail, tap on the "Inbox" screen. 114 Mail / Web Browser Creating and Sending a Gmail the "Inbox" screen, From ⢠The "Compose" screen appears. Enter email address in the "To" box Enter a subject in the "Subject" box a message in the "Compose Enter email" box Early Warning "Area Mail" You can receive Earthquake Early Warnings etc. provided by the Japan Meteorological Agency. ⢠Area Mail is a free service that does not require application. ⢠You can save maximum 50 mails. ⢠You cannot receive Area Mail in the following cases. - When the phone is turned OFF - When you are out of the service area - When this terminal is in Airplane mode - During voice calls - While updating software - When you are roaming overseas - When sending/receiving SMS messages - When using a SIM card from another provider ⢠You may not be able to receive Area Mail when using packet communication and tethering functions. ⢠You cannot receive an Area Mail after it has been missed. Receiving Early Warning "Area Mail" When an Area Mail is received, notiďŹcation sound or ringtone sound and the text of the Area Mail is displayed in a pop-up. ⢠When the screen lock is set, the text of the Area Mail is not displayed. It will be displayed when the screen lock is canceled. ⢠You cannot change the ringtone volume. ⢠You hear notiďŹcation sound even if manner mode ("Vibrate only" or "Silent" in Sound proďŹle) is preset. You can also change the setting to turn oďŹ the notiďŹcation sound or ringtone (P116). Viewing Area Mail the Home screen, "Application" From X "Area Mail" ⢠The "Early warning 'Area Mail' Inbox" screen appears. an Area Mail Tap ⢠The text of the Area Mail appears. Mail / Web Browser 115 Setting Early Warning "Area Mail" From the Home screen, "Application" X "Area Mail" ⢠The "Early warning 'Area Mail' Inbox" screen appears. "Settings" ⢠TheX"Settings" menu appears. Change the settings if required 116 Receive setting Check to receive Area Mail. Beep tone ConďŹgure the beep time settings and operations during manner mode ("Vibrate only" or "Silent" in Sound proďŹle) is set. Check screen image and beep tone You can conďŹrm operations for receiving earthquake early warnings, tsunami warnings and disaster/evacuation information. Other settings To receive Area Mail other than earthquake early warnings, tsunami warnings and disaster/evacuation information, you can register Area Mail names and message IDs that you want to receive. Mail / Web Browser Browser Browser allows you to view web pages in the same way that you can from a PC. Opening Browser the Home screen, "Internet" From ⢠The home page appears. ⢠Pinch-out on the web page to zoom in the display, and pinch-in to zoom out. a Search box Tap to display the search box. Enter the text you want to search or URL to display a list of web page candidates and search candidates that match the entered characters. Tap one of the listed candidates or ďŹnish entering the URL, and tap "Go" to display the web page. If the search box is not displayed on the browser screen, drag down the web page. b Switching windows You can switch to the selected window when accessing web pages via multiple windows. You can close the window by tapping c Previous web page* The previous page is displayed. d Next web page* The next page is displayed. e Zoom* Tilt this terminal toward you while touching to zoom in the web page. Tilt it away from you to zoom out. f New window* Open the new window, and display the home page. g Bookmark button* The "Bookmarks" tab appears. Mail / Web Browser 117 * In case the icon is not displayed, drag the lower part of the browser screen up to display. Note ⢠Displaying a web page that has been created for PCs, you can zoom in or out, or scroll the displayed page. For more details, refer to "Touch Screen Operations" (P42). ⢠Web page operations may vary depending on their format and content. ⢠For information on the ďŹle formats that can be viewed and played on this terminal, refer to "File formats" (P256). 118 Mail / Web Browser Searching for a web page by voice entry Tap the search box ⢠"Speak now" appears. speak the search word(s) Clearly into the microphone ⢠Candidates for the search word are displayed. Tap a candidate word and it will be entered. one of the listed web pages Tap ⢠The selected web page opens. Using Bookmark and History Bookmarking a web page allows you to quickly access that web page. You can also view previously visited web pages by displaying your browsing history. Adding a bookmark View the page that you want to add to bookmark X "Save to bookmarks" the name, URL or other items if Edit required, and tap "OK" Changing Browser Settings the Browser screen, From "Settings" Change the settings if required General ConďŹgure the home page and automatic input of web form. Privacy & Security Clear the browser cache, the browsing history, conďŹgure display/non-display a warning screen, Cookie, form data, location information, and password. Accessibility ConďŹgure the text size, magniďŹcation of zoom by double tap, minimum font size, black and white reversal, and contrast. ⢠"Contrast" can be adjusted when "Inverted rendering" is check marked. Advanced Return search engine, website settings, display settings and browser settings to default setting. Bandwidth management Set to pre-load search results and load images. Labs Set whether to use quick control or full screen mode. Viewing a bookmarked web page ⢠The "Bookmarks" tab appears. a displayed bookmark Tap ⢠The selected web page opens. Mail / Web Browser 119 Google Chrome With Google Chrome, you can view Web pages, and synchronize tabs open in Chrome on your PC, bookmarks, address bar data between the PC and terminal. ⢠To use Google Chrome, you must set up your own Google account. For details, refer to "Setting Online Service Accounts" (P60) Start Google Chrome the Home screen, "Application" From X "Chrome" ⢠A Web page is displayed. Note ⢠A conďŹrmation message regarding the terms of use appears when using Google Chrome for the ďŹrst time. ⢠For details of Google Chrome, "Help" on the Google Chrome screen. 120 Mail / Web Browser Google Talk Google Talk is a Google instant messaging service. It allows you to chat (text chatting) with friends who have Google accounts. ⢠To use Google Talk, you must set up your own Google account. For details, refer to "Setting Online Service Accounts" (P60). Launch Google Talk To use Google Talk, it is required to log in and add a new friend. If you already have a Google account, you don't have to sign in to start using Google Talk. the Home screen, "Application" From X "Talk" ⢠The set Google account appears. Note ⢠If your Google account settings have not been completed, the "ADD ACCOUNT" screen appears. Follow the displayed instructions. If you do not have a Google account, create one here. ⢠For details about Google Talk, from the X "Help". Google Talk screen, Starting Chat a friend's account on the "Talk" Tap screen ⢠The Chat screen appears. Tap the "Type message" box X Enter your message and ⢠The text that you entered in the "Type message" box is sent. Mail / Web Browser 121 Settings Settings Menu X "Settings" on the Home screen on Tap this terminal to display the "Settings" screen that allows you to conďŹgure various settings. 122 Settings WIRELESS & NETWORKS Set whether to enable/disable networks and conďŹgure the network connection settings. Wi-Fi Turn the Wi-Fi function ON/OFF. ConďŹgure the settings to use the Wi-Fi function. (P56) Bluetooth Turn the Bluetooth function ON/OFF. ConďŹgure the settings to use the Bluetooth function. (P152) Data usage ConďŹgure whether to use mobile data communication, limit setting of mobile data communication, and display the graph of data usage and breakdown of used services. (P123) Call Settings Set each setting related to call. (P97) More... Note Airplane mode ON/OFF this terminal's emission of radio waves. File networking Set whether to share a folder in this terminal with another device via a wireless connection. Tethering ConďŹgure the Wi-Fi access point settings. (P124) Wi-Fi Direct Directly connect to a device supporting Wi-Fi Direct without going through access points. Miracast Set to share the displayed contents and sound with a Miracast-compatible device using Wi-Fi Direct. VPN Set to communicate with VPN (virtual private network). (P125) Mobile networks Set an access point and conďŹgure the data roaming and network mode settings. ⢠If you tap "Search networks" while using data communication over a LTE network, the message, "Please disable data access and retry later." appears. ⢠If you tap "Search networks" while using data communication over a 3G network, the message, "Cannot search for available networks while data access is enabled. Are you sure you want to disable data access and search for available networks?" appears. Tap "OK" to stop data communication and search for networks. ⢠When using Miracast, the terminal cannot connect any other network than the Wi-Fi network used for Miracast. Data usage You can display mobile communication data amount (rough indication) by term and application. the Home screen, From "Settings" X "Data usage" Settings 123 Note ⢠You can enable internet access via the mobile network by setting "Mobile Data" to ON. ⢠On the graphs, you can limit the mobile communication data usage or set a usage alarm. The data usage amount can be limited only when "Limit mobile data usage" is marked. Restrict background data You can restrict data communication that applications automatically perform. the Data usage screen, From X place a check mark in "Restrict background data" X "OK" Note ⢠This setting can be made only when "Limit mobile data usage" is marked. 124 Settings Wi-Fi Tethering Settings Connect wireless LAN compatible device up to eight devices to the Internet simultaneously using this terminal as a Wi-Fi hotspot. Activating Wi-Fi tethering the Home screen, From "Settings" X "More..." X "Tethering" tethering" "Wi-Fi ⢠ConďŹrm the details of the warning and then tap "OK". Setting timeout the Home screen, From "Settings" X "More..." X "Tethering" "Timeout" one from "Never timeout", "5 Tap minutes", "10 minutes", and "15 minutes" Setting Wi-Fi access point From the Home screen, "Settings" X "More..." X "Tethering" "Wi-Fi tethering" X "OK" "ConďŹgure Wi-Fi hotspot" network SSID in the "Network Enter SSID" box "Security" ⢠The "Security" menu appears. Select appropriate one from "Open", "WPA PSK" and "WPA2 PSK". ⢠The password entry is necessary to set to "WPA PSK" and "WPA2 PSK". "Save" Note ⢠Network SSID is set to "DS1203_xxxx", and security is set to "WPA2 PSK", and the password is optionally default. Set Security as needed. Connecting to VPN (Virtual Private Network) VPN (Virtual Private Network) is a technique to access to the information protected in local network from other networks. VPN is generally equipped in companies, schools or other facilities. Users can access the local network and view information outside the premise. To set VPN access from this terminal, security information from network administrator is required. Adding a VPN the Home screen, From "Settings" X "More..." X "VPN" ⢠A message to change the setting in case the method of unlocking screen has not set to "Pattern", "PIN", or "Password". "Add VPN network" instructions given by the Follow network administrator to set each item X "Save" ⢠PPTP is unavailable when ISP is set to sp-mode. Settings 125 Connecting to a VPN In VPN list, tap a VPN name to connect the necessary authentication Enter information X "Connect" Editing a VPN In VPN list, touch and hold down a VPN name to edit ⢠A menu appears. network" "Edit ⢠The detailed setting screen is displayed with the registered information entered. Add, delete or edit the information, and tap X "Save" ⢠The settings are updated. Deleting a VPN VPN list, touch and hold down a InVPN name to delete ⢠A menu appears. "Delete network" X "OK" 126 Settings Setting the Access Point The access points (sp-mode, mopera U) required for connecting to the Internet are preset. You can not delete or change them. But you may add or edit them if necessary. The sp-mode is set as the default access point. Checking the access point being used the Home screen, From "Settings" X "More..." X "Mobile networks" X "Access Point Names" Setting an additional access point ăNew APNă From the Home screen, "Settings" X "More..." X "Mobile networks" X "Access Point Names" X "New APN" "Name" X Enter the network proďŹle Tap name you want to create X "OK" Tap "APN" X Enter the access point name X "OK" any other items requested by Enter your network operator X "Save" Note ⢠Do not change MCC to anything other than 440, or change MNC to anything other than 10. Doing this will result in not being shown on the screen. ⢠If the MCC and MNC disappear from the screen after changing the settings, you can either restore default settings or manually set the access points again. Initializing an Access Point When you initialize an access point, it returns to its default settings. the Home screen, From "Settings" X "More..." X "Mobile networks" X "Access point Names" X "Reset to default" X "Yes" Note ⢠When no access point has been added, "Reset to default" is not displayed. sp-mode sp-mode is an ISP for NTT DOCOMO smartphones. In addition to Internet connection, this also provides an email service that uses the same email addresses as i-mode (@docomo.ne.jp). The sp-mode is a paid service that requires subscription. For details about sp-mode, refer to the NTT DOCOMO website. Settings 127 mopera U mopera U is an NTT DOCOMO ISP. If you have subscribed to mopera U, you can use the Internet after making the simple settings. mopera U is a paid service that requires subscription. Setting mopera U the Home screen, From "Settings" X "More..." X "Mobile networks" X "Access Point Names" DEVICE Sound This allows you to conďŹgure various sound settings, such as the type and volume of ringtones, Silent mode and Vibrate. Sound proďŹle Select from "Sound & Vibrate", "Vibrate only", or "Silent". Volumes Set the volume of the Phone ringtone, NotiďŹcation sound, Touch feedback & system, Music/ video/games and other media. to select the "mopera U" or Tap "mopera U č¨ĺŽ (mopera U settings)" radio button Note ⢠"mopera U č¨ĺŽ (mopera U settings)" is the access point for setting mopera U. Packet communication fee is free by using the access point for mopera U settings. Keep in mind that you can only connect to the initial setting screen and change settings screen. For details on mopera U settings, refer to the mopera U website. 128 Settings RINGTONE & NOTIFICATIONS Phone ringtone Set the sound used as the ringtone. NotiďŹcation sound Set the sound used for notiďŹcations. Vibrate Set whether to notify incoming calls/messages and notiďŹcations by vibration. Wise ringtone Set whether to automatically play the ringtone at a larger volume when you are in a noisy place. Quiet time Set the time to turn oďŹ all the sound except alarm and media. You can also set whether to use vibration. TOUCH FEEDBACK & SYSTEM Dial pad touch tones Set whether to play a sound when a phone number is entered. Touch sounds Set whether to play a sound when a menu item is selected. Screen lock sound Set whether to play a sound when the screen is locked/ unlocked. Vibrate on touch Set whether to vibrate this terminal during speciďŹc operations, such as Display This allows you to conďŹgure display settings, such as screen brightness and animation. Brightness Set the screen brightness. Auto-rotate screen Set whether to automatically change the screen display when this terminal is rotated. Screen timeout Set how long to keep the backlight on after the last time you use this terminal. Wise screen Set whether to turn OFF the back light while the front camera is identifying a face. Font type Set the font used on the screen. Font size Select from "Small", "Normal", "Large", and "Extra large". Aspect ratio correction Change the resolution size of downloaded applications to ďŹt the screen size. Settings 129 Front key light Switch the backlight of front key to ON/OFF. You can also set the duration of front key light. NotiďŹcation ďŹash Set whether to use the LED light to notify a missed call, SMS, FeliCa, alarm, calendar notiďŹcation and email. Theme Select the theme on the Home screen. Animation Select "No animations" or "All animations". Screen swipe eďŹect Select screen swipe eďŹect. Wallpaper Select from "Gallery", "Live wallpapers", "Wallpaper gallery (Home)" or "Wallpaper gallery (docomo Wallpaper)". Portrait view only Set whether to always display the vertical Home screen. Scroll screens circularly Set whether to return to the initial screen when scrolling the Home screen. Home backup & restore Backup or restore the settings for applications/widget and theme. SENSOR Motion sensor calibration Correct the calibration (inclination angle and speed) of the sensor. Home screen This allows you to conďŹgure Home screen. Select Home, Theme, Animation, Screen swipe eďŹect, Wallpaper, Portrait view only, Scroll screens circularly, and Home backup & restore are conďŹgured. ⢠You cannot change the items other than "Wallpaper" on docomo Palette UI. Select Home 130 Settings Switch home applications. Choose docomo Palette UI or Home. Lock Screen This allows you to conďŹgure whether to use lock screen and the necessary settings. ⢠The display or setting items vary depending on what you select from "None", "Touch", "Face Unlock", "Pattern", "PIN", and "Password" to unlock the screen lock. SCREEN Select screen lock Select screen lock PIN Enter a numeric PIN to unlock screen. Follow the instruction shown on the screen to enter a 4 to 16-digit number. Password Enter a password to unlock screen. Follow the instruction shown on the screen to enter a 4 to 16-digit number. None Disable the security of unlock screen. LOCK TIME Touch Tap to unlock screen. Lock timer Face Unlock Unlock through facial recognition. Set time duration from the screen turns oďŹ till it gets locked. Pattern Draw pattern to unlock screen. You can set the pattern of your favorite. Power button instantly locks Set whether to lock the screen immediately after pressing the power key. FEEDBACK Vibrate on touch Set whether to notice by vibration when unblocking with "Pattern" and "PIN". Make pattern visible Set whether to display Pattern by line. Settings 131 Note ăOn-Screen Unlockă ⢠If you enter incorrect screen-unlock patterns 5 times, a message prompting you for reentry will appear after 30 seconds. If you forget the screen-unlock pattern, tap "Forgot pattern?" on the reentry screen then log in with your Google account that has been set on your terminal. In this way, you can enter a new pattern. ⢠Note that you cannot unlock the screen if you forget the PIN, screen-lock password or backup PIN code and have not set a Google account. 132 Settings Gestures This allows you to enable or disable each motion gesture. Move home screen items You can change item locations by tilting this terminal to the left and right while an item is selected. ⢠Not available on the docomo Palette UI. Tilt sensitivity Run a tilt test for the Home screen and the application screen, and adjust the sensitivity Silence incoming calls When this terminal is ďŹipped while ringing, the ringtone stops. Snooze or stop alarm When this terminal is ďŹipped while ringing, the alarm will stop. Help Display how to use the gesture functions. Storage Power saver Display free space in internal storage and free space of the microSD card, operate mount and format. INTERNAL STORAGE Total space Display the total space in internal storage. Apps, Audio etc. Display the internal storage usage. SD CARD Total space Display the total space on microSD card. Available Display free space on microSD card. Unmount SD card/ Mount SD card ⢠Unmount the microSD card to remove it safely. ⢠Mount the microSD card before using. Erase SD card Erase all data (music, photo, etc.) on microSD card. This allows you to set to reduce the function usage when the battery power gets low. The "Power saver" provides functions diďŹerent from the "eco ă˘ăźă (eco mode)" application that can be downloaded from the "Recommends" tab in the application list. Turn Power saver on Set the timing (percentage of battery power) to turn the power saver on. Power saver Tips Display the explanation about "Power saving items". POWER SAVING ITEMS Auto-sync Do not sync automatically. Wi-Fi Turn OFF the Wi-Fi function while not connected. Bluetooth Turn OFF the Bluetooth function while not connected. Eco mode Enable Eco mode. Vibrate on touch Deactivate the vibration when operating key. Brightness Set the brightness of screen. Settings 133 Screen timeout Set the lighting time of backlight. Font key light Turn ON/OFF the key light on the front panel and set the lighting duration. BATTERY INFORMATION Battery level icon The battery level is displayed in percent ďŹgure. Also display whether it is charging or not. Battery percentage ConďŹgure whether to display the battery level (%) on the status bar. Battery use Display the application that is using battery, battery usage, and battery used hours in graph. Apps ConďŹgure the settings for applications. Downloaded List/delete installed applications. Running List/stop the active services. All List/delete all the applications. Disable application It is available for a part of applications and services which are not able to uninstall. Disabled applications are neither displayed on the application list nor run. However, it is not uninstalled. the Home screen, From "Settings" X "Apps" X "All" tab an application you want to Select disable "Disable" X "OK" 134 Settings Enable again the application When an application is disabled, the linked applications may not run properly. In such case, make it enable again to run properly. To make an application enable again, the Home screen, From "Settings" X "Apps" X "All" tab the application you want to reTap enable "Enable" Quad core control You can optimize the CPU control and set whether to restrict battery consumption. Eco mode It is possible to save battery consumption. Note ⢠The "Eco mode" of the "Power saver" is enabled according to the set battery remaining amount. The "Eco mode" setting of "Quad core control" is given priority over the "Eco mode" setting of "Power saver". Settings 135 PERSONAL docomo service, Accounts & sync, Location services, Security, Language & input, Backup & reset etc. are conďŹgured. docomo service ConďŹgure the docomo services. 136 Application manager ConďŹgure the settings for regular update conďŹrmation, etc. Wi-Fi ConďŹgure the settings for docomo service via Wi-Fi. docomo apps password Set a password for docomo applications. ⢠The initial setting is "0000". AUTO-GPS You can set the AUTO-GPS function and view the location log. docomo location information ConďŹgure the settings for imadoco search/imadoco kantan search/Keitai-Osagashi Service. Settings docomo Wi-Fi Easy Connection ConďŹgure to use docomo WiFi or Wi-Fi at home easy and convenient. Send preinstalled apps usage status ConďŹgure to send the preinstalled apps usage status. Open source licenses Display the open source licenses Accounts & sync This allows you to conďŹgure the settings of accounts and their synchronization. Add or delete an account used in this terminal, such as Google account. Location services ConďŹgure GPS etc. Google's location service ConďŹgure whether to allow application to be speciďŹed your location by using Wi-Fi data and mobile network data etc. GPS satellites ConďŹgure whether to use the GPS function. Location & Google search ConďŹgure whether to allow Google to use the location information for other services to improve the search results accuracy. Security ConďŹgure the settings for password etc. SIM CARD LOCK Set up SIM card lock Set whether to lock the SIM card (miniUIM) and conďŹgure its settings. PASSWORDS Password typing visible Set whether to display the characters entered for the password. DEVICE ADMINISTRATION Phone administrators Activate/Deactivate the device administrators on this terminal. Unknown sources Set whether to allow applications other than Google Play's applications to install. Settings 137 CREDENTIAL STORAGE 138 Trusted credentials Set whether to allow the application to access the secure certiďŹcation and other certiďŹcation information. Install from storage Install encrypted certiďŹcates from the internal storage. Clear credentials Delete all content of credential information storage and reset the password. Settings Security Code and miniUIM Protection For convenient and secure use of this terminal, you can set codes to lock this terminal and network security codes to be used with network services. You can make better use of this terminal by using diďŹerent codes depending on the purposes. Note ⢠Avoid setting security codes using your birthday, part of your phone number, your address or room number, "1111" or "1234", which can be easily guessed by others. Be sure to write down the security codes and store them in a safe location. ⢠Do not reveal your security codes to others. DOCOMO is not responsible for damage caused by misuse of your security codes by others. ⢠If you forget your security codes, you need to bring your identiďŹcation document (driver's license, etc.), this terminal and the miniUIM to a docomo Shop. For details, contact "General Inquiries" provided on the last page of this manual. ⢠Your PIN unblocking key is written in the application form (copy for subscriber) given at the time of contract. If you have subscribed at a place other than a docomo Shop, bring your identiďŹcation document (driver's license, etc.) and the miniUIM to a docomo Shop, or contact "General Inquiries" provided on the last page of this manual. Network security code The network security code is a 4-digit number necessary for using the docomo Network Services or identiďŹcation at reception of your request in docomo Shop or at docomo Information Center. It can be set to any number at the subscription and also changed later by yourself. You can change your network security code to the new one through PC if you have a "docomo ID/Password" on General support site for PC "My docomo". You can change from dmenu as follows. dmenu X " ă厢ć§ăľăăźă㸠(Customer support)" X " ĺ税ăçłčžźăťăćçśă (Applications and procedures)". ⢠For information about "My docomo" and ăĺŽ˘ć§ ăľăăźă (Customer support), refer to P278. PIN code The miniUIM can set security code named PIN code. This code is set to "0000" at the time of subscription, but you can subsequently change it. PIN code is a 4- to 8-digit number that is entered to check the user when the miniUIM is inserted in this terminal or this terminal power is turned on. It is intended to prevent unauthorized use of this terminal by a third party. You can use this terminal by entering PIN code. Note ⢠If you use a miniUIM that has been currently used when you buy a new terminal, use the same PIN code that had been set on the current terminal. The code is "0000" if the default setting has not been changed. ⢠If you enter incorrect PIN code three times in a row, the code will be locked. In that case, unlock with "PIN unblocking key". Settings 139 PIN unblocking key Changing PIN code The PIN unblocking key is an 8-digit number used to unblock the PIN code. You cannot change it by yourself. ⢠If you enter the PIN unblocking key incorrectly ten times in a row, the miniUIM will be locked. If this happens, please contact a docomo Shop. Enabling miniUIM's PIN code Set to PIN code required when the terminal is turned on. the Home screen, From "Settings" X "Security" "Set up SIM card lock" "Lock SIM card" PIN code and tap "OK" Enter ⢠"Lock SIM card" has check mark. 140 Settings the Home screen, From "Settings" X "Security" "Set up SIM card lock" SIM PIN" "Change ⢠You are asked to enter the PIN code. the current PIN code, and tap Enter "OK" ⢠You are asked to enter the PIN code. a new PIN code and tap "OK" Enter ⢠You are asked to enter the PIN code again. Enter the same PIN code that you entered in step 5 and tap "OK" ⢠The PIN code is changed. Enter PIN code This the following operations if you are asked to enter the PIN code when this terminal is powered on. the PIN code of the miniUIM, Enter and tap "OK" Unblocking the PIN locked UIM Follow the procedures below to unlock PIN when you enter PIN code 3 times incorrectly in a row. Language & input This allows you to conďŹgure this terminal's language and keyboard settings. You can also conďŹgure settings for voice input and output. Language Select the language used on this terminal. Personal dictionary Procedures such as registration are required when using the character entry application supplied by Google. You can download the character entry application provided by Google from Google Play. * This is available only for character input application on LatinIME basis by Google. PIN unlocking code on PIN Enter unlocking code screen and tap "OK" Enter a new PIN code and tap "OK" the same PIN code that you Enter entered in step 2 and tap "OK" KEYBOARD & INPUT METHODS Default Select the default keyboard and the input method. Google voice typing Tap to place a check mark to use. ConďŹgure the settings. LG Japanese Keyboard Tap and place a check mark to use. You can set various settings. Settings 141 LG Keyboard Tap and place a check mark to use. You can set various settings. mazec-T Conversion Tap and place a check mark to use. You can set various settings. ShabetteKeyNyuryoku Tap and place a check mark to use. You can set various settings. SPEECH Voice Search ConďŹgure the settings of voice recognizer. Text-tospeech output ConďŹgure the settings for reading out text. ⢠Japanese is not supported as of October 2012. MOUSE/TRACKPAD Pointer speed 142 Settings Set the pointer speed when this terminal is connected with mouse or trackpad. Backup & reset Operate initialization. BACKUP & RESTORE Back up my data ConďŹgure whether to backup on the Google server. Backup account ConďŹgure the account for backup. Automatic restore Restore the settings and data when installing application again. Data transfer mode This is a mode for using iC transfer service. PERSONAL DATA Factory data reset Delete all data from this terminal. Initializing Terminal the Home screen, From "Settings" X "Backup & reset" "Factory data reset" X "Reset phone" X "Erase everything" X "OK" Note ⢠Backup your data such as images, videos and music on PC. For details about connection method, refer to "File Management" (P147) and "External Device Connection" (P157). SYSTEM Date & time, Accessibility, Connectivity, Developer options, About phone are conďŹgured. Date & Time This allows you to conďŹgure the date and time settings. Automatic date and time Set the automatic retrieval of date and time information via the network. Automatic time zone Set the automatic retrieval of time zone information via the network. Set date ConďŹgure the date settings. Set time ConďŹgure the time settings. Select time zone ConďŹgure the time zone settings. Use 24hour format Set whether to display the time in 24-hour or 12-hour format. Select date format Set the date format. Settings 143 Accessibility Set the settings of accessibility application. SERVICES Enable or disable the applications compatible with accessibilities. If you want to set accessibility, download compatible applications from Google Play in advance. SYSTEM 144 Large text Display large text on the screen. Power button ends call ConďŹgure whether to end a call by pressing the Power button. Auto-rotate screen ConďŹgure whether to switch the screen's vertical and horizontal automatically when rotate this terminal. Touch & hold delay Select the touching sensitivity from "Short", "Medium", or "Long". Install web scripts ConďŹgure whether to install the script for easier access to Web contents from applications via Google. Settings Note ⢠"Need a screen reader?" appears when purchased. PC connection ConďŹgure the settings for USB connection mode. USB CONNECTION USB connection type The default USB connection mode for connecting to a PC is set. (P158) Ask on connection The USB connection mode is always checked when connecting to a PC. Help An explanation for USB connection mode is displayed. Activating USB Tethering You can connect this terminal to a PC using the microUSB connection cable (optional) to connect to the Internet using this terminal as a modem. this terminal and a PC Connect using USB connection cable (P157) ⢠The "USB connection type" screen is displayed. tethering" "USB ⢠A warning message is displayed. ConďŹrm the details of the warning and then tap "OK". Note ⢠Hardware requirements of a PC for USB tethering are as follows: - OS*: Windows 7/Windows Vista/ Windows XP (Service Pack 3 or later) * Operations conducted in environment with upgraded OS or in added/changed environment cannot be guaranteed. ⢠You need the USB tethering driver to do USB tethering. For details, refer to the following Website. http://www.lg.com/jp/mobile-phones/ download-page/index.jsp (in Japanese only) Settings 145 Developer options ConďŹgure the settings for developing applications. About phone This allows you to display various informations of this terminal. 146 Software Update You can change the software update setting. LG Software update Update the software of LG Electronics Inc. Network Display the network status of this terminal. Phone identity Display the phone number, model number (model name), etc. of this terminal. Battery ConďŹrm battery condition. Hardware information Display the Wi-Fi MAC address and Bluetooth address. Settings Software information Display the Android version, baseband version, kernel version, build number and software version of this terminal. Legal information Display information about the terms of use. File Management File Operation You can synchronize music with "Windows Media Player" on your PC by connecting this terminal with the PC via the optional microUSB cable (optional), and transfer the data between the PC and this terminal by dragging and dropping. ⢠In order for your PC to recognize this terminal, a dedicated driver and Windows Media Player 11 or later are required. - For details about the method of the download and operation of dedicated driver, refer to the homepage below. http://www.lg.com/jp/mobile-phones/ download-page/index.jsp (in Japanese only) - You can download the latest Windows Media Player on Microsoft website. http://www.microsoft.com/windows/ windowsmedia/download (in Japanese only) ⢠Some functions such as shooting and playing video may not work while connecting this terminal with PC. ⢠Sharing some data may not be permitted due to copyright. Note ⢠Operating environment of a PC for ďŹle operation is as follows: - O S *ďźW i n d o w s 7/ W i n d o w s V i s t a / Windows XP (Service Pack 3 or later) - Windows Media PlayerďźWindows Media Player 11 or later * Operations conducted in environment with upgraded OS or in added/changed environment cannot be guaranteed. ⢠Other than this terminal or PC, the following devices and software are necessary to perform ďŹle operation on a PC. - microUSB cable - Dedicated driver Use MicroUSB Cable 01 (optional). You cannot use the USB cable for PC due to the diďŹerent forms of connector. File Management 147 Folder Structure in this terminal When you connect this terminal with PC, the internal storage in this terminal and the microSD card are recognized with the name "L-04E". Folders corresponding to ďŹles are created automatically in the internal storage in this terminal and the microSD card when saving photos and videos shot on this terminal, downloading data such as images and music on the Internet, etc. ⢠For details about connection method between this terminal and PC, refer to "Connecting this terminal with a PC" (P157). ⢠The drive structure of "DS1203" is as follows: - SD Card - Internal Storage 148 File Management Note ⢠Shot photos and videos are saved in "DCIM" folder in the internal storage in this terminal and the microSD card. Music data synchronized with Windows Media Player on PC are saved on "Music" folder. ⢠Backup your data saved in the internal storage in this terminal and the microSD card to PC. For details about connection method, refer to "File Operation" (P147) or "Connecting this terminal with a PC" (P157). ⢠Data saved from other devices such as a PC to the internal storage in this terminal and the microSD card may not be displayed or played on this terminal. Additionally, data saved from this terminal to a PC may not be displayed or played on other devices. Folder and File Operations Transferring Data with a PC Connect this terminal with a PC via the microUSB cable (optional) (P157) ⢠The "USB connection type" screen is displayed. USB connection mode to "Media Set sync (MTP)" (P158) Open " ăă¤ăłăłăăĽăźăż (My computer)" and select "Internal Storage" of "DS1203" on PC ⢠The route folder of the internal storage in this terminal appears. ⢠" čŞĺĺç (Auto play)" screen may appear depending on the setting. Choose " ăăă¤ăš ăéăăŚăăĄă¤ăŤă襨示ăă (Open the device to display)" when the screen is displayed. Synchronizing Data with Windows Media Player This allows you to synchronize music and videos with Windows Media Player library on PC. In this way, music and videos with copyright protection can be synchronized as well as the copyright information. this terminal with a PC Connect via the microUSB cable (optional) (P157) USB connection mode to "Media Set sync (MTP)" (P158) Windows Media Player on Activate PC and synchronize Note ⢠For details about Windows Media Player, refer to Windows Media Player help. and drop data between this Drag terminal and the PC File Management 149 Disconnecting this terminal from a PC down safely or remove the Shut hardware on PC ⢠Operate "Safety Remove Hardware" on WindowsÂŽ 7, Windows VistaÂŽ or WindowsÂŽ XP. this terminal from a Disconnecting PC Note ⢠Do not power oďŹ this terminal during data writing/reading or do not remove the microUSB connection cable because they may cause data loss. 150 File Management Infrared Communication This allows you to send and receive data with other terminals and mobile phones etc. that have infrared communication function. ⢠The following data are available for infrared communication. Phonebook, My proďŹle, name card, sp ă˘ăźăăĄăźăŤ (spmode mail), schedule & memo, photos, videos, ToruCa ⢠The communication distance of infrared is within approximately 20 cm, and the infrared emission angle is within 15°from the center. Do not move your infrared port from the other side of infrared port until the data communication is done. ⢠Infrared communication may not work properly in a place with direct sunlight, under ďŹuorescent light, or near infrared device. ⢠Depending on terminal of the other side, the data communication may diďŹcult. Sending My proďŹle via Infrared Communication the Home screen, "Phone" X From "Phonebook" X "My proďŹle" X "Send via infrared" Make the recipient to waiting state "OK" X "OK" Sending a Single Data (e.g. sending a contact) the Home screen, "Phone" X From "Phonebook" X select a contact X "Infrared" Make the recipient to waiting state "OK" X "OK" Sending All Data of an Item/Items (e.g. sending all contacts) the Home screen, "Application" From X "Infrared" File Management 151 all" X "Phonebook" X "Start" X "Send enter docomo apps password X "OK" Enter authentication password X "OK" X make the recipient to waiting state X "OK" X "OK" Receiving (e.g. receiving a contact/all contacts) the Home screen, "Application" From X "Infrared" X "OK" X "OK" X "OK" "Receive" ⢠Receiving all: "Receive all" X enter authentication password X "OK" X enter the same password as the sender X "OK" X "OK" X "OK" X "Save" ⢠Select an account when the account selection screen appears. Note ⢠Authentication password is set between recipient and sender. 152 File Management Bluetooth Communication Connect this terminal to Bluetooth devices wirelessly, and enable to exchange data. ⢠For Bluetooth compatible version or proďŹle, refer to "Main SpeciďŹcations" (P254). ⢠For Bluetooth setting and operation procedure, refer to a manual of Bluetooth devices to connect. ⢠This terminal does not connect wirelessly with all types of Bluetooth devices. â Notes on using Bluetooth function ⢠The distance between this terminal and another Bluetooth device keeps within approximately 10 m with no obstructions in sight. The distance that this terminal and a Bluetooth device can make connection may be shorter when there are obstructions between them or depending on the conditions of the surroundings (such as walls or furniture) and the structure of a building. Especially when there is a wall or ďŹoor of reinforced concrete between them, they may be unable to connect with each other. Note the above mentioned distance is not guaranteed. ⢠Make sure to keep this terminal and another Bluetooth device 2 m or more away from home electric appliances, AV devices, OA devices, etc. before connection. The Bluetooth device is liable to be adversely aďŹected by a microwave oven, so keep it 3 m or more away from the microwave oven while using it. Otherwise, normal connection cannot be performed when nearby electric devices are powered on. TVs and radios may receive noise or video interference. ⢠Move the Bluetooth device to a place where connection is available when there is a broadcast station or radio near the Bluetooth device, and this terminal cannot be connected to the device. Strong radio waves may prevent connection between this terminal and the Bluetooth device. ⢠Wireless connection is available with Bluetooth device put in a bag or pocket. However, lowering of communication speed or noise may result when you are in between the Bluetooth device and this terminal. ⢠The radio wave from Bluetooth may aďŹect the operation of medical electronics etc. Bluetooth communication in some cases may result in an accident, so turn oďŹ this terminal and other Bluetooth devices in the following places. - On trains - On airplanes - In hospitals - Near automatic doors or ďŹre alarms - In places such as gas stations where ďŹammable gas is generated â Reception interference caused by wireless LAN devices ⢠As this terminal's Bluetooth device and wireless LAN devices use the same frequency (2.4 GHz), reception interference may occur or the communications speed may lower if you use the Bluetooth device near the wireless LAN devices. Also, you may hear noise or have a connection problem. In these cases, do the following: - Keep the Bluetooth device over 10 m away from a wireless LAN device. - Within 10 m, turn oďŹ either the Bluetooth device or the wireless LAN device. â Pass code (PIN) of Bluetooth function ⢠Pass code (PIN) is an authentication code to enter when accessing Bluetooth devices for the ďŹrst time to recognize and permit the connection each other. Entering the same pass code (PIN) (up to 16 single byte alphanumeric characters) on each sending/receiving device is required. ⢠On this terminal, pass code may be displayed as "PIN". File Management 153 Turning ON Bluetooth Function to Make this terminal Discoverable the Home screen, From "Settings" X "Bluetooth" Turn "Bluetooth" ON phone visible" "Make ⢠This terminal can be detected by another Bluetooth device for approx. 120 seconds. Note ⢠When you do not use Bluetooth function, turn it OFF to save the battery. ⢠The setting of the Bluetooth ON/OFF is not changed even when the power is turned oďŹ. Changing the Name of this Terminal You can change the name of this terminal to display on another device when communicating via Bluetooth. the Home screen, From "Settings" X "Bluetooth" 154 Tap the name of the terminal Input a name X "Save" File Management Pairing/Connecting with Other Bluetooth Device To transfer data by Bluetooth connection, perform pairing (pairing setting) with the device in advance and register it to this terminal. ⢠Depending on Bluetooth device, only pairing is performed or pairing and connecting is performed successively. the Home screen, From "Settings" X "Bluetooth" X "Search for devices" ⢠Detected Bluetooth devices list appears. a device that you want to Tap connect with X "Pair" ⢠If pass code (PIN) is set on Bluetooth devices, enter pass code (PIN) and tap "OK". ⢠For some Bluetooth devices, after completion of pairing, connection may be established successively by tapping a device. Note ⢠Even for device requiring pass code (PIN) when pairing, once pairing is performed, entering pass code (PIN) is not necessary to reconnect after disconnected unless the paring is canceled. ⢠Pairing can be set even if a device is unable to connect such as nonproďŹle compliant. However, it cannot be connected even if you tap the device. on the paired device X "Connection ⢠Tap access" to select automatic connection or conďŹrming at all times. ⢠Devices that are not compatible with SCMS-T cannot play any audio related data such as music. When the other device requests for pairing When a screen asking for pairing for Bluetooth connection appears, tap "Pair" or enter pass code (PIN) if required and tap "OK". Canceling the pairing Tap beside the device that you want to unpair from the "PAIRED DEVICES" list X "Unpair" File Management 155 Sending/Receiving Data via Bluetooth Function ⢠Set the Bluetooth function to ON beforehand to be discoverable. Sending data via Bluetooth You can send data of Phonebook (name card data in vcf format), ďŹles such as photos or videos, etc. to a Bluetooth device (PC etc.). ⢠For sending, perform the operation from the menu such as "Share"/"Send" of each application. â e.g. sending photo from Gallery this terminal with Paring/connecting other Bluetooth device (P154) the Home screen, "Application" From X "Gallery" X select and display photo to send X "Bluetooth" X select Bluetooth device ⢠To send multiple photos at a time, on the X "Select all" or place photo list screen a check mark on photo to send X "Share" X "Bluetooth" X select Bluetooth device 156 File Management the data by following the Receive instruction on the screen of the recipient Receiving data via Bluetooth Set this terminal to discoverable "Accept" when Bluetooth Tap Authorization Request screen appears is displayed in the status bar, and data reception starts. ⢠You can conďŹrm data reception on the NotiďŹcation panel. ⢠Message screen appears at the bottom screen after receiving data. ⢠External Device Connection Connecting this terminal with a PC Connecting this terminal with a PC Make sure that Windows Media Player 11 or later and dedicated driver are installed on PC. If Windows Media Player 11 or later and dedicated driver are not installed, this terminal may not be recognized by PC correctly. For details about operating environment, refer to "File Operation" (P147). the microUSB connector Connect of microUSB Cable (optional) to the microUSB connection terminal of this terminal ⢠Insert the microUSB connector horizontally with the surface with the USB mark facing up. File Management 157 the USB connector of Connect microUSB cable to the USB port of PC ⢠This terminal is recognized automatically by PC. ⢠Request for installation of the device driver may appear on your PC. If it appears, cancel it. is displayed in the status bar. ⢠⢠The "USB connection type" screen appears on this terminal. If the "USB connection type" screen does not appear, drag or swipe the status bar down to open the NotiďŹcation panel, and then tap "USB connection". 158 File Management ⢠The following operations are available from the "USB connection type" screen. Charge only Select this to charge only. (P39) Media sync (MTP) Select this to synchronize PC and media ďŹle. (P149) USB tethering Select this to use USB tethering. (P145) LG software Select this to connect with PC to use LGMobile Support Tool. Camera (PTP) Select this to transfer photo ďŹle by using camera application or various ďŹles that are not supported by MTP from PC. only" / "Media sync (MTP)" / "Charge "USB tethering" / "LG software" / "Camera (PTP)" Note ⢠While connecting to a PC, drag or swipe the status bar down to open the NotiďŹcation panel, and then tap "USB connection" to display the "USB connection type" screen, and then you can change the USB connection type. ⢠To change the default USB connection mode for connecting with a PC, from X "Settings" X "PC the Home screen, connection" X "USB connection type". ⢠When USB connection mode is set to "Camera (PTP)", only the image ďŹles of "DCIM" folder and "Pictures" folder in Internal Storage are displayed. ⢠Do not turn oďŹ this terminal while reading or writing data. ⢠Do not unplug microUSB cable while reading or writing data. It results in loss of data. ⢠For details about Windows Media Player, refer to Windows Media Player help. File Management 159 Application dmenu This allows you to get convenient and fun contents. the Home screen, "dmenu" From The browser launches, and "dmenu" is the Home screen, "dmarket" From ⢠The browser launches, and "dmarket" is displayed. Note ⢠Packet communication (LTE/3G/GPRS) or Wi-Fi Internet to use dmenu. ⢠Packet communication fees are charged to connect to dmenu or download the recommended applications. Also, depending on the downloaded application, the packet communication starts automatically. ⢠There are some paid applications in the recommended application on dmenu. 160 dmarket This allows you to access easily to docomo's recommended sites or convenient applications. Application displayed. ⢠For the ďŹrst usage of dmarket, the dmarket software license agreement is displayed to conďŹrm your agreement. Note ⢠For details of dmarket, refer to the DOCOMO website. Play Store Google Play enables you to access applications and games you like and download them to install into this terminal. ⢠To use Google Play, Google account is required. (P60) Install the application the Home screen, "Play Store" From ⢠When using Google Play for the ďŹrst time, terms of use for Google Play are displayed. Read them carefully and tap "Accept". Search application X Tap the application that you want to download ⢠If the application needs to access data and functions on this terminal, the functions used by the application are displayed. & download" (for free "Accept application)/"Accept & buy" (if the application is not free) ⢠You are taking responsibility when using applications on this terminal starting from downloading and purchasing the applications. Pay special attention to application that is accessing multiple functions or large amount of data. ⢠If download or installation is ďŹnished normally, the notiďŹcation icon will be displayed in the status bar. Display the NotiďŹcation panel and tap the application name. The installed application opens. "Install" (for free application) or Tap Amount ďŹeld (if the application is not free) ⢠The displayed content diďŹers depending on the application. Application 161 Purchasing an Application ⢠Payment for application is only once. After downloading, you do not need to pay every time when you uninstall or download again. ⢠If you have another Android device that is using the same Google account, you can download for free on that device once you purchased the application. ⢠After purchasing application, you can request a refund within a speciďŹed time. The application is deleted, and it will not be charged. Requesting a refund is available only once for the ďŹrst time of purchasing each applications. After requesting a refund to a purchased application, and purchasing the same application again, you cannot request a refund. ⢠For details on paying method to purchase application or requesting a refund, "Help" X "Android Apps" X read "Buy Apps". 162 Application Note ⢠Be sure to check the security of application, and then install it at your own risk. This terminal may be infected with a virus and the data may be damaged. ⢠NTT DOCOMO is not liable for malfunctions, if any, caused by the application you installed. ⢠NTT DOCOMO is not liable for any disadvantage brought to you or any third party due to an application you installed. ⢠Some applications automatically perform packet communications. Packet communication is kept active unless you disconnect or it is timed out. Note that packet communication fee may get high. To disconnect packet communication, on the Home screen X "Settings" tap X "More..." X "Mobile networks" and uncheck the "Data enabled" checkbox. ⢠If you need more information about X "Help" when Google Play, tap Google Play screen is open. Uninstalling an Application From the Google Play screen, X "My Apps" X Tap the application that you want to uninstall "Uninstall" "OK" ⢠When the "Uninstall and refund" screen is not displayed on paid application, the trial period is expired. Osaifu-Keitai Osaifu-Keitai is equipped with an IC card, so holding this terminal over a reader at a shop, it is possible to make payments or use coupons or participate in stamp rallies. By holding this terminal against a reader, it is also possible to access sites and home pages, acquire the latest coupons using communication, and deposit money and conďŹrm usage status for e-money. As a countermeasure for loss, an Osaifu-Keitai lock function is available so that you can use it without worry. ⢠For details about Osaifu-Keitai, refer to "Mobile Phone User's Guide [sp-mode]". ⢠To use Osaifu-Keitai compatible services, it is necessary to make settings through sites or applications. ⢠If this terminal has a problem, data in the IC card (including e-money and points) may be lost or changed (if this terminal needs repair, terminals with data cannot be accepted, so principally the user needs to delete the data). For more information about reissuing and restoring data, and support for saving and transferring data, contact the Osaifu-Keitai service provider. Application 163 Please use Osaifu-Keitai compatible services that provide backup services to save you important data. ⢠We are not responsible for damages such as lost or changed data in the IC card, or other damages related to Osaifu-Keitai compatible services in any cases including terminal malfunction or terminal replacement. ⢠If a terminal is stolen or lost, please immediately contact your Osaifu-Keitai compatible providers for what to do. iC transfer service iC transfer service is a service that allows you to transfer your data stored in your OsaifuKeitai IC card to a new Osaifu-Keitai when you change a new model or when malfunction occurs. Contact your local docomo Shop to get iC transfer service. ⢠For details about iC transfer service, refer to "Mobile Phone User's Guide (sp-mode)". 164 Application Using Osaifu-Keitai To use Osaifu-Keitai compatible services, from the Osaifu-Keitai compatible site, download the application for Osaifu-Keitai and then conďŹgure settings. Some services do not require downloading of an Osaifu-Keitai compatible application. the Home screen, "Application" From X "Osaifu-Keitai" ⢠The initial setting may be required at the ďŹrst startup. Follow the instructions shown on the screen. the service that you want to Tap use service settings ConďŹgure ⢠Make necessary settings from the service site or application. Holding the Terminal over a Reader You can hold the up to a reader to enable an electronic transaction. Locking Osaifu-Keitai Lock the Osaifu-Keitai service from being used. After locking, data cannot be acquired from the reader. the Home screen, "Application" From X "Osaifu-Keitai" "Lock Settings" the "Password" ďŹeld, and enter Tap password ⢠You must enter the password again when locking Osaifu-Keitai for the ďŹrst time. "OK" Note Keep in mind the following when holding the terminal up to a reader. ⢠Do not strike the terminal against the reader. mark parallel to the reader. ⢠Hold the mark against the center of the ⢠Hold the reader as close as possible. ⢠If unreadable by the reader, move the upward, downward, leftward or rightward to adjust its position. ⢠Do not attach anything metal on the side of mark. the terminal with the ⢠The lock is not canceled even if the power is turned oďŹ. ⢠The password used in Osaifu-Keitai lock setting is required when unlocking or changing password. Therefore, take a separate note and keep it for your reference. In case your lost the password, it is not possible to unlock Osaifu-Keitai or set. Application 165 Canceling the lock From the Home screen, "Application" X "Osaifu-Keitai" ⢠The Osaifu-Keitai screen in the locked status appears. Settings" "Lock ⢠The "Osaifu-Keitai lock setting" screen appears. the "Password" ďŹeld and enter Tap the same password entered for locking "OK" 166 Application ToruCa ToruCa is an electronic card that can be loaded to your mobile. It can be acquired from readers and websites as the shop information or coupons. The acquired ToruCa will be saved in "ToruCa" application. Use "ToruCa" application to display, search or update. ⢠For details of ToruCa, refer to "Mobile Phone User's Guide [sp-mode]". the Home screen, "Application" From X "ToruCa" Note ⢠Packet communication fee may incur when acquiring, displaying or updating ToruCa. ⢠You may not be able to acquire, display or update the ToruCa provided for i-mode terminal. ⢠The functions below may not be available depending on the IP (Information Provider) setting. - Acquiring from readers - Update - ToruCa sharing - Transferring and copying to microSD card - Viewing maps ⢠It is not possible to acquire ToruCa from readers while Osaifu-Keitai is locked. ⢠You cannot obtain the same ToruCa when you set "ON" for redundant check. Set "OFF" to obtain the same ToruCa redundantly. ⢠Depending on IP setting, ToruCa that can be displayed on the map from ToruCa (details) may not be able to be displayed on the map from ToruCa list. ⢠When sending ToruCa using email, it is sent with the status before acquiring ToruCa (details). ⢠The received ToruCa by email may not be saved depending on the email application on use. ⢠ToruCa may not be acquired depending on the browser you use. ⢠When moving or copying ToruCa to microSD card, it is moved or copied with the status before acquiring ToruCa (details). ⢠ToruCa may not be acquired from readers when Osaifu-Keitai is not initialized. mobacas mobacas is a broadcast service for smartphones. "Realtime" (realtime broadcasting) allowing you to view programs in real time and "Time-shift" (storage-type broadcasting) allowing you to enjoy comics, novels, music, and games, in addition to movies and dramas provide two styles of viewing enjoyment. Features such as SNS linking from the terminal provide broadcast service as never before. For details on mobacas, refer to the following for the mobacas broadcasting station. NOTTV http://www.nottv.jp/ (in Japanese only) â Using mobacas A separate subscription (paid) to the mobacas broadcasting station (NOTTV) is required. Reception/viewing of broadcasts requires a miniUIM card to be inserted in the terminal. mobacas is a broadcast service provided within Japan. A microSD card is required to use the Timeshift feature. Application 167 â Broadcast signal areas mobacas is a broadcasting service that operates on radio waves (airwaves) diďŹerent from those for FOMA services and 1Seg. Therefore, you cannot receive mobacas service in locations that airwaves cannot reach or during hours when programming is not available, regardless of whether you are outside or inside the FOMA service area. Even in areas where the mobacas service is available, you may have poor or no reception in the following places. ⢠Place far away from a broadcasting tower ⢠Place in a mountain area or behind a buildings where airwaves are blocked by geography or structures ⢠Inside a tunnel, underground, far inside a building, or other place where airwaves are weak or nonexistent â Having better reception ⢠Extend enough the antenna to use. Changing the antenna orientation or changing location may help improve reception. 168 Application Viewing via mobacas Viewing programs/content the Home screen, "Application" From X "NOTTV" ⢠The NOTTV home screen appears. ⢠When launching "NOTTV" for the ďŹrst time, conďŹrm the terms of use and tap " ĺćăă (Accept)" to start initial setting automatically. Make sure to have a good communication environment for this initial setting. " ăăčŚă (Watch now)" program/content you want to Tap view â Adjusting the volume X press volume key (up) / volume key (down) â Setting subtitles and sound X " č¨ĺŽ (Settings)" X " 襨示ăťéłĺŁ° (Display & Audio)" Note Viewing the viewing screen ⢠You cannot use mobacas when mock locations setting is enabled. You can disable the setting by following procedure. X "Settings" From the Home screen, X "Developer options" X conďŹrm the content of the Warning screen and "OK" X remove a check mark in "Arrow mock locations". Application 169 Searching for programs/ content Search for programs/content in a variety of ways from within the application. Searching from a program listing (Realtime) a Image ⢠Swipe it to the right/left to switch program/content. * Displayed content layout depends on the program/content. b Social button ⢠A program/content-related timeline is displayed. the NOTTV home screen, From " çŞçľčĄ¨ (Program Listing)" ⢠A Realtime program listing is displayed. ⢠Tap the currently broadcast program for the viewing screen. to open a menu and ⢠You can also tap display a listing. Searching by criteria the NOTTV home screen, From " ăăšăŚ (All)" item you want to search for in Tap " ăăšăŚăŽçŞçľăťăłăłăăłă (all programs/content)" 170 Application Content Scheduling the NOTTV home screen, From " ăăšăŚ (All)" " ăłăłăăłăäşĺŽčĄ¨ (Content Listing)" / ">" on either side of date "<" ⢠A list of contents that will be broadcast is displayed. the content you want to Tap schedule ⢠An information window for the content is displayed. " ĺ俥äşç´ăă (Schedule Viewing)" Note ⢠During the broadcasting time of contents, the contents may not be received in situations such as, when the device is turned oďŹ, when it has low battery, when it is out of the mobacas broadcasting area, when a microSD card is not inserted or when the microSD card does not have enough space. ⢠The contents saved in microSD card can only be used in the currently using device. ⢠The contents that has expired will be automatically deleted from microSD card. You can set the contents to delete them before they expire. ⢠Content may be automatically scheduled even if you have not scheduled viewing. ⢠You can cancel the function for automatically scheduling by settings. ⢠Signal reception conditions may hinder normal reception of content data. In this instance, completion of data is automatically handled with packet communication. You can cancel the function for completing data automatically with packet communication by settings. Application 171 mobacas settings the NOTTV home screen, From X " č¨ĺŽ (Settings)" Change the settings if required 襨示ăťéłĺŁ° (Display & Audio) ĺĺščĄ¨ç¤ş (Subtitles) Set subtitles. ćĺăšăźăăźčĄ¨ç¤ş (Text Info Display) Set whether to enlarge characters to display. éłĺŁ° (Audio) Set primary audio and secondary audio (bilingual). ćăăčŞżć´ (Brightness) Adjust the brightness of screen. čŞĺĺŚç (Auto Features) 172 čŞĺĺ俥 (Auto Reception) Set automatic reception of content ON/OFF. ăăăă㎠ăŞăťăă (Recommend Viewing Reset) Reset recommendations. Application çŞçľăťăłăłăăłă ć ĺ ąĺĺž (Program & Content Info Retrieve) Set time to obtain program/content listing information via broadcast. čŞĺăłăłăăłă čŁĺŽ (Auto Content Complete) Set data to be automatically completed by packet communication when full reception is not possible, such as due to signal reception environment. ĺŠç¨ăă°é俥 (Usage Log Send) Set sending of usage log on/oďŹ. čŞĺăŠă¤ăťăłăš ĺĺž (Auto License Retrieve) Set to automatically obtain content licenses. ăă˘ăŹăłăżăŤ ăłăłăăăźăŤ (Parental Control) Set a restriction on programs/content geared to certain ages. ăăŠăŚăś (Browser) Cookie Set whether to accept Cookie. Cookie ăĺé¤ (Delete Cookie) Delete Cookie. ćžéç¨äżĺé ĺ ćśĺť (Delete save area for broadcast) Delete save area for broadcast. ăăźăżćžé襨示 (Display data broadcast) Set whether to display data broadcast. ĺąĽć´ (History) Display history. 1Seg 1Seg is a digital terrestrial TV broadcasting service for mobile devices that allows you to receive data programs along with video and audio. It is also possible to acquire detailed program information, participate in quiz shows, and enjoy TV shopping. For details on "1Seg" service, refer to the following homepage. Association for Promotion of Digital Broadcasting http://www.dpa.or.jp/ (in Japanese only) â Before Using 1Seg ⢠1Seg is a service provided by TV broadcast companies (broadcast stations). Receiving video and audio is free. For more information about NHK reception fees, contact NHK. ⢠There are two types of information displayed in the data broadcasting area: "Data broadcasts" and "Data broadcast sites". "Data broadcasts" are displayed by broadcast wave for both video and audio, and "Data broadcast sites" are displayed by connecting to the site provided by the TV broadcasting company (broadcast station) through the data broadcast information. To view "Data broadcast sites", etc. packet communication fees are charged. Information fees may be required to access some sites. Application 173 â Broadcast wave 1Seg is one of broadcast services, and receives radio waves (broadcast waves) that are diďŹerent from FOMA/Xi service. Therefore, it is not possible to receive at locations where broadcast waves do not reach or during time zones where broadcasting is oďŹ regardless of whether you are in an area with FOMA/ Xi service. In addition, in areas with digital terrestrial TV broadcast service, reception may be poor or may not be available in the following locations. ⢠Locations far from the broadcasting tower where the broadcast wave is sent ⢠Locations where waves are blocked by landscape or buildings such as in the mountains and or near buildings ⢠Locations where waves are weak such as tunnels, underground, and building basements In order to have better reception, completely extend the 1Seg antenna. Changing the antenna orientation or changing location may help improve reception. 174 Application â About 1Seg antenna ⢠To view 1Seg, fully extend the 1Seg antenna. If you give too much force when the antenna is not fully extended, it may be damaged. ⢠When changing the orientation of the 1Seg antenna, hold the bottom portion. ⢠When retracting the 1Seg antenna, hold the antenna straight up and push down. If too much force is applied, it may be damaged. ⢠When retracting the top portion of the 1Seg antenna, pay attention to its orientation. Note ⢠1Seg audio cannot be output by Bluetooth devices that are not compatible with SCMS-T. ⢠1Seg is not compatible with the following functions due to copyright protection - Extracting video by connecting HDMI cable - Screenshot - QMemo â About recording This terminal does not support 1Seg recording. Application 175 1Seg Viewing the Home screen, "Application" From X "TV" ⢠The 1Seg viewing screen appears. ⢠When launching for the ďŹrst time, you need to select your viewing area. ⢠The gesture guide is displayed after startup. 176 Application How to use the 1SEG viewing screen d QSlide button Tapping this button displays the QSlide guide. It lets you do another task while watching 1Seg. will take you back to the 1Seg Tapping viewing screen. will adjust the transparency of Sliding the 1Seg viewing screen. will terminate 1Seg. Tapping a TV broadcasting area You can change channels by swiping up/ down in vertical display mode. Tapping this area displays the data broadcast screen. Only in horizontal full screen mode, you can change the volume by swiping left/right and change the screen brightness by swiping up/down at the left edge. e Programs/Channels button Tapping "Programs" displays the program listing for the channel being viewed. Tapping a program will display the program details. You can make a viewing reservation by is displayed for tapping the "Reservation". reserved programs. Tapping "Channels" displays a list of channels. b Update button Tapping this button starts channel scanning. c Channel list Display a list of channels. You can switch channels by tapping each of them. You can delete channels or move their positions by touching and holding down each of them. Application 177 Viewing the data broadcast screen Tapping "TV broadcast area" on the vertical 1Seg viewing screen displays the data broadcast screen. a TV broadcast area Swipe up/down to switch channels. Tap to display the 1Seg viewing screen. b Scroll bar Swipe or drag up to display the data broadcast in full screen mode. c Data broadcast area Tapping directly on the content of the data broadcast may allow you to operate. d Data broadcast operation button You can perform operations such as moving the cursor or selecting a link in the data broadcast area. 178 Application Using Num. input Num. input is available for some of the data broadcast. Tap "Num." to display Num. pop-up menu. ⢠If "Num." is active, it is a Num. input available broadcast. Operations diďŹer depending on the content of broadcast. Using the Program Schedule You can view a TV guide of both terrestrial TV programs and BS digital broadcast programs. You can search programs using key words or by genre, and make reservations for viewing. the 1Seg viewing screen, From X "EPG" ⢠The program guide is displayed. ⢠When launching program guide for the ďŹrst time, you need to accept the terms of use and select the broadcasting area. on a program Tap ⢠Program information is displayed. ⢠" ăŻăłăťă°éŁćş (1Seg Linkage)" X " ăŻăłăť ă°čľˇĺ (Activate 1Seg)" to display the selected TV program. Application 179 Viewing Reservations If you make a reservation for a program, an alarm is notiďŹed before the program begins. the 1Seg viewing screen, XFrom "Reservation list" ⢠The "Reservation list" screen appears. ⢠The "Set reservation" screen appears. You can make the following settings. Channels Set channels. Start time Set the start date/time. Program name Enter the program name. Repeat Set a viewing reservation repeatedly at the same time period on a speciďŹc day of the week. "Save" 180 Application Note ⢠The start of a program cannot be notiďŹed if this terminal power is OFF at the reservation time. ⢠You can also make a viewing reservation X "EPG" X a program X by tapping " ăŻăłăťă°éŁćş (1Seg Linkage)" X " ăŻăłăťă° čŚč´äşç´ (1Seg Viewing Reservations)" X "Save". ConďŹrming or editing reservation contents the "Reservation list" screen, From tap a viewing reservation ⢠You can edit viewing reservations. Deleting reservation contents From the "Reservation list" screen, a viewing reservation that Mark you want to delete in a list of reservations "Delete" X "OK" Using TV Link Some data broadcasts may show link information (TV link) to related sites. By registering a TV link, it is possible to connect to related sites later. ⢠To register a TV link, tap the item that can be registered for the TV link that is displayed in the data broadcast area. the 1Seg viewing screen, From X "TV link" ⢠The "TV link" list screen appears. the TV link Tap ⢠Connect to the registered site. Note ⢠From the "TV link" list screen, touch and hold down the TV link X "Delete" X "Yes" to delete. ⢠From the "TV link" list screen, X mark "Select All" X "Delete" X "OK" to delete all TV links. Application 181 1Seg Settings the 1Seg viewing screen, XFrom "TV Settings" ⢠The "TV Settings" menu appears. Change the settings if required 182 Brightness Adjust the screen brightness. Subtitles Set whether to display subtitles. Audio language Toggle between the main sound and the sub sound when viewing a program containing the sub sound. Reset broadcast memory Delete data registered with the data broadcast and TV links. Application Switching the viewing area the 1Seg viewing screen, From X "Change area" the area Select The viewing area changes. Locking the viewing screen the 1Seg viewing screen, From X "Touch lock" The screen is locked, and no operation can be done by touching the screen or keys on the front panel. Note ⢠Tapping cancels the touch lock. Camera This terminal has a built-in camera that can shoot photos and videos. Please be considerate of the privacy of individuals around you when shooting and sending photos using camera-equipped mobile phones. Before Shooting All photos and videos shot on your terminal are saved to the internal storage or a microSD card. You can change the destination to save from "Storage" of settings (P185, P187). Copyrights and portrait rights Avoid copyright infringements when copying or editing photos and videos that have been shot on this terminal. You should also avoid infringing the portrait rights of other people by using or modifying their portraits without their consent. Note that the shooting or recording of stage performances, shows or exhibitions may be prohibited, even for personal use. You may get ďŹned according to law, regulation (nuisance prevention ordinance, etc.) if other people get disturbed or hurt by any improper behavior when using this terminal. Application 183 Notes for capturing images ⢠The Camera employs high precision technology, but some pixels or lines may seem brighter or darker than others. Also, when you shoot photos in places with insuďŹcient lighting, noises seen as white line increase. This is normal. ⢠Clean the lens with a soft cloth before shooting. If the lens is stained with ďŹngerprints or oil, the shot photo may appear out of focus or blurred. ⢠Do not leave this terminal in a warm place or under a direct sunlight for a long period of time. The quality of shot photos or video may deteriorate. ⢠If you shoot under a ďŹuorescent light, mercury lamp or sodium lamp ďŹickering at high speed, ďŹickering such as stripes may appear. The color tone of photos or videos may vary depending on the shooting timing. ⢠Do not expose the lens to direct sunlight for a long period of time and do not point at the sun or a bright light directly. The image may become discolored or the camera may fail to operate properly. ⢠Do not cover the lens with your ďŹngers or hair when shooting. 184 Application ⢠Shooting a fast moving object may result in an image slightly distorted from the image displayed on the screen at the time of shooting, or the image may be blurred. ⢠When the battery level is low, you may not be able to save shot photos or videos. Check the battery level before using the camera. ⢠Shot photos or videos may diďŹer from the actual subjects in brightness or color tone. ⢠You hear shutter sound even when Sound proďŹle is set to "Vibrate only" or "Silent". Shooting a Photo You can shoot photos with both horizontal and vertical screen. Viewing shooting screen The meanings of marks (icons and others) on the photo shooting screen are as follows: c Time catch shot mode Switch to mode that starts to shoot several photos one second before pressing the shutter button. d Scene mode Set the scene mode (Normal/HDR/ Panorama/Continuous shooting). e Settings (while shooting photos) Set the following items: Edit quick menu/ Flash/Zoom/Brightness/Focus/Image size/ Scene mode/ISO/White balance/Color eďŹect/Timer/Geotagging/Shutter sound/ Auto review/Storage/Reset/Camera help guide. f Possible number of shooting images a Switching cameras Switch between the front and main cameras. b Voice shutter Switch to photo shooting mode when detecting a speciďŹc spoken keyword such as "Cheese". g Auto focus frame This part is displayed in green if the autofocus is successful. If failed, it appears in white. Tap a given position on the screen to focus on that position. h Setting information icon Display icon according to setting contents. i Remaining battery level Display remaining battery level. j Switch button Switch between photo mode and video mode. Application 185 k Shutter l Thumbnail Tap to display the preview screen and conďŹrm the shot photo. Also you can edit the photos. Shooting a photo From the Home screen, "Application" X "Camera" ⢠The photo shooting screen is displayed. ⢠Menus appear on the screen to allow you to conďŹgure various settings to suit the scene and conditions for shooting. Point the camera at the subject ⢠The shutter sound plays and the photo is shot. ⢠The previews of the taken photos appear as thumbnails after shooting. ⢠The shot data is saved in "Gallery". 186 Application Note ⢠Menus are displayed on the preview screen after shooting a photo in case the Auto review is not disabled. The following operations are available. ăLeft part (Top part for vertical screen)ă - "Share": Send via Bluetooth, Email, Gmail, Picasa, etc. - "Set as": You can set a photo as "Home screen wallpaper" or "Photo of phonebook". ăRight part (Bottom part for vertical screen)ă ďźDelete the displayed photo. ďźShoot a new photo. ďźConďŹrm and edit the shot photo. ⢠When Time catch shot mode is turned to display photos ON, you can tap taken during one second before pressing the shutter button. Shooting Videos You can shoot videos by switching modes. Videos are shot horizontally. Viewing shooting screen The meanings of marks (icons and others) on the video shooting screen are as follows: a Switching cameras Switch between the front and main cameras. b Switching image quality Switch the shooting resolution. c Live eďŹect Set visual eďŹects used during shooting. d Switching the emission light Switch between ON and OFF for the emission light. e Settings (when shooting video) Set the following items: Edit quick menu/ Zoom/Brightness/White balance/Color eďŹect/Geotagging/Audio recording/Auto review/Storage/Reset/Video help guide. f Setting information icon Display icon according to setting contents. g Remaining battery level Display remaining battery level. h Switch button Switch between photo mode and video mode. i Recording button j Thumbnail Tap to display the preview screen and conďŹrm the shot videos. Application 187 Shooting videos Tap on the photo shooting screen ⢠The screen switches to the video shooting screen. ⢠Menus appear on the screen to allow you to conďŹgure various settings to suit the scene and conditions for shooting. Point the camera at the subject ⢠The recording start sound plays and Camera starts shooting. ⢠When it starts shooting a video, elapsed time is displayed on the screen. to capture a ⢠While taking a video, tap photo of the displayed scene. ⢠You can zoom in/out by pinching in/out the touch screen during video shooting. ⢠The recording stop sound plays and recording stops. Then, shooting video screen appears. ⢠The shot data is saved in "Gallery". 188 Application Note ⢠Menus are displayed on the preview screen after shooting a video in case the Auto review is not disabled. The following operations are available. ăLeft part (Top part for vertical screen)ă - "Play": Play the shot video. - "Share": You can send videos via Bluetooth, Email or Gmail and upload them to YouTube. ăRight part (Bottom part for vertical screen)ă ďźDelete the displayed video. ďźShoot a new video. ďźConďŹrm and edit the shot video. Gallery You can display photos or play back videos stored in the terminal that have been obtained by shooting with the camera or downloading from the Internet. Viewing Photos and Videos the Home screen, "Application" From X "Gallery" ⢠The Gallery screen appears. ⢠Select "Albums" "Locations" "Timestamp" to change the order of photos and videos. a folder Tap ⢠Both photos and videos are displayed by thumbnail. ⢠To view photos or videos shot by this terminal, tap "Camera". one of the thumbnails Tap ⢠Photo can be zoomed in or out by tapping or pinching out or in on the touch screen. ⢠The video is played if you tap a video thumbnail. Note ⢠The following operations are available on the photos/videos screen. ďźLaunch camera to shoot photos or videos. ďźSend a selected photo via Picasa, Gmail, Bluetooth and so on. A video can be sent via Gmail, Bluetooth, etc. You can also upload a video to YouTube. - ďźDelete the selected photos or videos. ⢠The following operations are available from the photo display screen by tapping - "Set image as": Set a photo as a picture in the Phonebook or the background of the Home screen. - "Move": Select ďŹle and move into another folder. - "Copy": Select a ďŹle and copy it to another folder. - "Rename": Edit the ďŹle name. - "Rotate left": Rotate the photo to the left. - "Rotate right": Rotate the photo to the right. - "Crop": Crop the photo. - "Edit": Edit the brightness etc. of the shot photo. Application 189 - "Slideshow": Display the photos and videos saved in terminal in slide show order. - "Details": ConďŹrm the details of the shot photo. - "Show on map"ďźThe shooting location can be checked on the map if "Geotagging" is turned "ON" during shooting. ⢠For details on video playing operation, refer to "Playing Videos" (P195). Synchronizing Picasa Album You can synchronize Picasa album saved on Google account with Gallery of this terminal. the Home screen, "Application" From X "Gallery" X "Settings" account" X add Google account "Add by following on-screen direction Tap added Google account X tap the added Google account again X place a check mark in "Sync Picasa Web Albums" 190 Application Note ⢠When "Sync Picasa Web Albums" has a check mark, Gallery of this terminal is synchronized on Picasa album of Google account. When "Sync Google Photos" has a check mark, Google+ application is synchronized on Picasa album of Google account. ⢠When "Sync on Wi-Fi only" has a check mark on the "Setting" screen in step 2, only when Wi-Fi is connected, Gallery of this terminal is synchronized on Picasa album of Google account. Media Player The "Media Player" application plays music ďŹles and video ďŹles saved in the internal storage or a microSD card. Media Player supports the following ďŹle formats. â Available ďŹle formats Music ďŹles AAC(LC/LTP), HE-AAC v1, HE-AAC v2, MP3, MIDI, WMA(9/9 Pro/10/10 Pro) Video ďŹles H.263, H.264, MPEG-4, VC-1, VP8, WMV (7/8/9 MP, SP) Note ⢠Some ďŹles may not be played even with the supported ďŹle format. ⢠Some ďŹles are protected by copyright and may not be played. Application 191 Copying Music Files and Videos to this terminal From Media Player, you can play music ďŹles and video ďŹles of your own after copying them to the internal storage or a microSD card. this terminal with a PC via Connect the microUSB Cable (P157) USB connection mode to "Media Set sync (MTP)" (P158) " ăă¤ăłăłăăĽăźăż (My computer)" Open and select "DS1203" on PC ⢠The driver (SD Card and Internal Storage) in this terminal appears. ⢠" čŞĺĺç (Auto play)" screen may appear depending on the setting. Choose " ăăă¤ăš ăéăăŚăăĄă¤ăŤă襨示ăă (Open the device to display)" when the screen is displayed. a folder in the root folder of Create "Internal Storage"/"SD Card" ⢠You can also create a subfolder to manage the ďŹles. Copy ďŹles to the created folder Disconnect this terminal from a PC (P150) 192 Application Opening the Media Player the Home screen, "Application" From X "Media Player" ⢠The "Media Player" screen appears. ⢠Tap the icon at the bottom of the screen to switch between lists for "Songs", "Artists", "Albums", and "Movie". a Quick play bar This is displayed when there is music playing/ paused. Tap this to display the Music screen. b Play/Pause icon This is displayed for the music playing/ paused. c Title d Artist name e Bottom bar You can change the icons that are displayed on the bottom bar. For more details, refer to "Setting the Media Player" (P199). ⢠Songs: Display a list of playable songs saved on the internal storage and the microSD card. Tap a song to display the Music screen. ⢠Artists: Display a list of artists. Tap an artist name to display a list of albums by the artist. Tap an album title to display a list of songs on the album. ⢠Albums: Display a list of albums. Tap an album title to display a list of songs included on the album. ⢠Movie: Display a list of playable videos saved on the internal storage and the microSD card. ⢠MUSIC Store: Access the dmarket Music Store. While a list of videos is displayed, the "VIDEO Store" icon appears. Tap this to access the dmarket Video Store. Note ⢠From the "Media Player" screen, "Sort" to switch the list display between ascending and descending order. ⢠From the "Media Player" screen, "Search" to access dmenu for purchasing songs. ⢠From the "Media Player" screen, while a list of albums/videos is displayed, "Switch display" to switch the list display format between thumbnail display and list display. ⢠From the "Media Player" screen/Music X "Exit" to screen/Video screen, close the Media Player. ⢠For details about MUSIC store, VIDEO store, refer to the DOCOMO website. Application 193 Playing Music song list, tap a song you want Into the play ⢠The Music screen appears and the song is played. c Play progress bar Drag to play a song from a desired point within the song. d Cover ďŹow Tap to switch between display/not display elapsed time, play progress bar, and song length. Swipe to right and left on horizontal view to scroll thumbnail and display the list of replay on album basis. e Contents information Title/Artist name/Album title are displayed. f Return to list Return to the song list. g Backward button Start playing from the beginning of the current song. Double-tap to start playing from the beginning of the previous song. h Play/Pause button i Song length j Repeat/Repeat one song button Switch between Repeat all/1 repeat/Repeat OFF. Tap to return to music list. b Elapsed time 194 Application k ShuďŹe button Turn shuďŹe play ON/OFF. l Forward button m Volume bar Adjust the volume by dragging it. Note ⢠While a song is playing, is displayed in the status bar. X "Settings" ⢠From the Music screen, X "This song : Ringtone settings" to set the displayed song as a ringtone for voice calls, email, or sp ă˘ăźăăĄăźăŤ (spmode mail). Playing Videos From the "Media Player" screen, tap ⢠A list of playable videos saved on the internal storage and the microSD card appears. a video you want to play Tap ⢠The Video screen appears and the video is played. Application 195 a Elapsed time b Play progress bar Drag to play a video from a desired point within the video. c Video information Displays titles/artist names. d Video list button Return to the video list. e Button for going back to previous video Start playing from the beginning of the current video. Double-tap to start playing from the beginning of the previous video. f Play/Pause button g Video length h Rotation lock button When the button changes red, orientation of screen is locked even when the orientation of this terminal changes. i Button for skipping to next video j Volume bar Adjust the volume by dragging it. 196 Application Note ⢠Pinch-in/pinch-out this terminal while playing back a video from the "Videos" application to enlarge/shrink the screen. ⢠Tilt this terminal to the side while displaying the Video screen to switch to horizontal screen display so that videos can be displayed on the whole screen. Tap the screen to switch between button display/ not display. Using Playlists Playlists allow you to play your favorite songs in a desired order. Set to view playlists With the initial setting, the bottom bar of the "Media Player" screen does not display the "Play list" icon. The following operation will allow you to display it. the "Media Player" screen, XFrom "Settings" X "Arrange icons" ⢠The "Arrange icons" screen appears. and drop the "Playlist" icon on Drag the icon to switch bottom bar ⢠You cannot change the icons for "Movie" and "MUSIC store/VIDEO store". "Apply" Displaying playlists the "Media Player" screen, From "Play list" ⢠Current playlists are displayed. ⢠The following quick playlists are available. Recently added songs Display songs that were added in the last two weeks in the order you add them. Recently played songs Display songs that were played in the last two weeks with the most recent date on top. Most played songs Display songs that were played with the most frequently played song on top. a playlist/quick playlist Tap ⢠The songs contained in the playlist are displayed. ⢠Tap a song from the playlist/quick playlist to play. Application 197 Creating a playlist In the Playlists, "Create new" Enter the playlist name X "OK" songs to playlist" "Add ⢠Tap the "All songs", "Artists", and "Albums" tabs to switch the display list. Tap the song you want to add ⢠Tap "Add all songs" to add all songs in the list. "Apply" X "Save" X "OK" Editing playlists the list of Playlists, tap the Inplaylist that you want to edit ⢠The songs contained in the playlist are displayed. "Edit" ⢠Tap "Edit title" to edit the title. ⢠Tap "Add songs to playlist" to add a song to the playlist. ⢠Tap "Delete all songs" to delete all songs. Deleting all songs from a playlist will also delete the playlist itself. on a song to make turn red and ⢠Tap become a deletion target. to change the order of ⢠Drag and drop the song. After you ďŹnish editing, "Save" "OK" 198 Application Deleting/sorting a playlist In the Playlists, "Edit" ⢠Tap "Delete all playlists" to delete all playlists. on a playlist to make turn red and ⢠Tap become a deletion target. to change the order of ⢠Drag and drop the playlist/quick playlist. After you ďŹnish editing, tap "Save" "OK" Setting the Media Player the "Media Player" screen, XFrom "Settings" ⢠The "Settings" menu appears. Change the settings if required Audio eďŹect settings Set eďŹects for when playing music. Ringtone settings Set a song as a ringtone for voice calls, emails, and sp-mode mail. ⢠Some songs cannot be set as ringtones. Movie sort settings Select the order of the video list from "Saved date and time" and "Title". Delete contents Delete all/selected displayed music ďŹles/video ďŹles. Note ⢠"Recently added songs", "Recently played songs", "Most played songs" cannot be deleted. Application 199 Arrange icons 200 Drag and drop to change the icons displayed on the bottom bar of the "Media Player" screen. ⢠If you change the icons to "Play list", "Genre", or "Age", you can display lists according to Playlists/Genre/Age on the "Media Player" screen. ⢠You cannot change the "Movie" and "MUSIC Store/VIDEO Store" icons. Update database Update the Media Player database. Reset settings Return the Media Player to its initial settings. Application GPS/Navigation By using applications that supports GPS function on this terminal, you can conďŹrm the present location or search route to a destination. In Using GPS ⢠NTT DOCOMO is not liable for any damage caused by failure of GPS system etc. ⢠It cannot be used as navigation devices for aircraft, vehicles and people or as a high precision GPS for measurement. Please note that DOCOMO shall not bear responsibility for damages which are pure economic losses which are generated by opportunities missed to conďŹrm positioning results and missed communications due to external factors (including exhausted batteries) such as malfunctions, improper operations and power outages of this terminal if it is used for these purposes or even if it is not used for these purposes. ⢠Since GPS is governed by the United States Department of Defense, the GPS signals might be controlled (degradation of accuracy, signal blackouts, etc.) according to national security reasons of the US. Also even if positioning is done in the same locations and environments, identical results may not be obtained due to the diďŹerences in signal conditions caused by the locations of the satellites. ⢠Wireless communication products (mobile phone or data detector etc.) may intercept satellite signal and signal reception may not be stable. ⢠Depending on the legal system of the country and area, the displayed map based on the received location information (lat/long information) may not be accurate. ⢠Since GPS uses signals from satellites, in the following environments there are locations where signals cannot be received or reception is poor. Thus, the range of error of location information may be over 300 m. - In the midst of or underneath dense tree growth, in areas lined with buildings or dense residential areas - Inside or underneath buildings - Inside of underground tunnels, underground and underwater - Near high-voltage lines - Inside of cars and trains - In poor weather such as heavy rainfall and snow - Inside of bags and boxes - Hindrances (people and things) around this terminal ⢠Please check the websites of the GPS service provider and DOCOMO for news regarding the usage of positioning provisions and current locations notiďŹcations. Also using these functions may incur charges. Application 201 Setting Location Services You need to activate GPS function beforehand to use the services that needs location information. Also, you can set for more accurate location information by using Wi-Fi/ Mobile network or motion sensor. the Home screen, From "Settings" X "Location services" Mark a detection method 202 Google's location services Identify location information using Wi-Fi/ mobile network. GPS satellites Detect location information more accurately. However, the terminal consumes much power of battery. Location & Google search Set whether to allow the use of location data to Google. Application Note ⢠It may take up to ten minutes to determine current locations when the GPS functions are used for the ďŹrst time. ⢠This terminal is equipped with a GPS receiver that uses satellite signals to calculate current locations. Some GPS service functions use the Internet. Data communication fee may happen when transferring data via GPS service functions. ⢠To use a function which requires a GPS receiver for positioning of your current location, check for an unimpeded view of the sky. Move to another location if your current location is not determined after a few minutes. ⢠In order to calculate the current location faster, do not move or cover GPS antenna with other objects. ⢠When you place a check mark on "GPS satellites", anonymous data is collected while using GPS. For this data transfer, you may be charged. ⢠Place a check mark on "Google's location service" allows Google location information service to collect anonymous location date. Collecting data may be done without launching application. Using Map Search for Route on Map You can view a detailed route to your destination. Opening Map You can display present location, search another place, or search route by using Google map. ⢠Activate the GPS function before getting your current location. ⢠To use the Google map, you will need to connect Wi-Fi or LTE / 3G / GPRS network, and ready for data communication. ⢠Google Maps does not work for all nations or regions. ⢠Your current location may not be detected with just a 3G/Wi-Fi connection. the Home screen, "Application" From X "Maps" the Home screen, "Application" From X "Maps" your departure point in "Start Enter point:" box* X Enter your destination in "End point:" box ⢠You can also select your Start point and to the right of End point by tapping their respective boxes to display a menu and then choosing from "My current location", "Contacts", "Point on map" and "My Places" on the menu. * "My Location" is entered in "Start point" box. Select mode of transportation as your , select from "Best route", ⢠If tap "Fewer transfers" and "Less walking". "NAVIGATION"/"GET DIRECTIONS" Application 203 Using Latitude Google Latitude enables you and your friends to check each other's locations on maps and share status messages with each other. It also enables you to send emails, make calls and search for routes to friend's locations. ⢠Location information is not shared automatically. You must ďŹrst join Latitude and then invite friends to provide their locations, or accept invitations from friends to share your location. the Home screen, "Application" From X "Latitude" ⢠For detail of Latitude, on the Latitude X See "Help". screen, Using Navigation Google Maps Navigation (beta) is route guidance software with voice guidance. the Home screen, "Application" From X "Navigation" ⢠Service terms are displayed. Check "Show this message next time", and from the next time onward the same message is displayed. "Accept" ⢠Opens Google Maps navigation and displays menu. one of the items Tap Enter or select your destination to start route guidance. ⢠"Speak destination": Search for destination via voice. ⢠"Type destination": Enter the characters of your destination. ⢠"Go home": Register your home address and it shows you the route. ⢠"Map": Display a map. : Select by car or on foot. ⢠⢠"CONTACTS": Search the address of a registered contact. 204 Application ⢠"STARRED": Search a place with star on Google Map. Note ⢠Any operation during driving should be performed by a passenger. Using Local You can use Local to easily search for near by restaurants, cafes, bars, travel spot, and other places of interest. the Home screen, "Application" From X "Local" one from "Restaurants"/"Cafes"/ Tap "Bars"/"Attractions" ⢠A list of search results appears. Tap a search result to view details. on the ⢠To add the search condition, Local screen X "Add a search" X enter a category to search X . Alarm / Clock the Home screen, "Application" From X "Alarm/Clock" Select either "Dismiss" or "Turn on" when the "Gesture guide" screen appears. Setting Alarm "Alarms" on the Alarm Clock Tap screen ⢠The Alarm list screen appears. ⢠The "Set alarm" screen is displayed, and the following settings are available. Hour/ Minute Change the time setting. Repeat Set the alarm to repeat on certain days of the week at the same time. Snooze duration Set the snooze time. Vibration Check to enable both alarm sound and vibrator. Application 205 Alarm sound Set the alarm sound. Alarm volume Set the alarm volume. Application link From "None", "Calendar" or "Email", select an application that starts up when the alarm stops. Puzzle lock Check to enable or uncheck to disable the puzzle setting. Memo Add memos to alarms that are set. alarm details and tap "Save" Set ⢠The Alarm list screen is displayed. The set alarm is added to the list. Set the alarm ON or OFF by tapping ⢠Tap the list to display the "Set alarm" screen and change the content. Tap "Save" to overwrite the changes, and return to the Alarm list screen. 206 Application Note ⢠The alarm functions at the time set for the alarm. Tap "Stop" to stop the alarm. Tap "Snooze" to make the alarm function again according to the time interval set in the alarm setting for "Snooze duration". ⢠On the "Alarm list" screen, X "Select all" or place a check mark in the alarm to delete X "Delete" X "Yes" to delete alarm. Setting the Timer on the Alarm Clock screen "Timer" ⢠The Timer screen is displayed, and the following settings are available. Hour/ Minute/ Second Set the timer. Vibration Check to enable both alarm sound and vibrator. Alert sound Set the alarm sound. Alert volume Set the alarm volume. "Start" ⢠The timer starts. Note ⢠The alarm functions at the time set for the alarm. Tap "Stop" to stop the alarm. Setting the World Clock You can conďŹrm the date and time for registered cities in a list. clock" on the Alarm Clock "World screen ⢠"New city" screen are displayed. Tap to display the current time and name of the selected city on the list screen. ⢠From the World clock screen, X "Select all" or place a check mark in the city to delete X "Delete" X "Yes" to delete city. Setting the Stopwatch on the Alarm Clock "Stopwatch" screen "Start" ⢠The stopwatch starts. Tap "Lap" to count lap times. ⢠To stop the stopwatch, tap "Stop". ⢠Tap "Resume" to restart the stopwatch, and tap "Reset" to reset it. Application 207 Calendar This terminal has a calendar for managing your schedule. You can synchronize with scheduler constructed by Microsoft Exchange Server or Google calendar if you have Google account. Opening Calendar the Home screen, "Application" From X "Calendar" ⢠The Calendar screen appears. Switching Calendar Display "Day"/ "Week"/ "Agenda" in the Tap change display box ⢠Swipe left or right in Day or Week view to display the previous or next day or week. ⢠Tap "Agenda" to display a list of events. Tap each list to display the content. Creating a Schedule the Calendar screen, tap a From date X X set each item X "Save" Note ⢠As the schedule time approaches, appears in the status bar. Drag or swipe the status bar downwards to open the NotiďŹcation panel then tap the calendar notiďŹcation, the "Calendar notiďŹcations" screen is displayed. Tap "Dismiss all" to delete the notiďŹcation or tap "Snooze all" to repeat the notiďŹcation 5 minutes later. 208 Application Changing/Deleting Schedule Tap "Agenda" of switching display box on the Calendar screen the schedule to change/delete Tap (edit)/ (delete) ⢠On the Calendar screen, tap "Delete" X place a check mark in the schedule to delete X "Delete" X "Yes" to delete schedule. Changing Calendar Settings From the Calendar screen, "Settings" X "General preferences" ⢠The "General preferences" screen appears. the settings if required Change ⢠You can set "CALENDAR VIEW SETTINGS" and "REMINDER SETTINGS". Calculator the Home screen, "Application" From X "Calculator" ⢠Drag or swipe to right and left the part where key is displayed to switch "Advanced panel" and "Basic panel". on You can also switch by tapping the Calculator screen X "Advanced panel" or "Basic panel". ⢠Touch and hold down the formula display ďŹeld with a value or formula to cut/copy the value. Touch and hold down the formula display ďŹeld after cutting/copying a value to past it. to delete input numbers or ⢠Tap operators one by one. Also, touch and to delete all data currently hold down being entered. to hide/display the history ⢠Tap of mathematical formulas. Also, from the X "Clear history" to calculator screen, delete history. Application 209 SmartWorld Polaris OďŹce From the Home screen, "Application" X "SmartWorld" ⢠Tap "Start LG SmartWorld" when you started SmartWorld for the ďŹrst time. ⢠Open the "SmartWorld" screen. ⢠Membership registration is required to use SmartWorld. On the "SmartWorld" X " č¨ĺŽ (Settings)" X screen, tap " äźĺĄçťé˛ (Membership registration)", and register by following the on-screen direction. ⢠3G charging information appears when connecting without using Wi-Fi. ⢠For SmartWorld, the following menu is displayed Item Hot & New 210 Description Hot & New screen is displayed. Apps Apps screen is displayed. ĺçť (Video) Video screen is displayed. ć¤ç´˘ (Search) Search screen is displayed. ăă¤ă˘ă㪠(My application) My application screen is displayed. Application You can use Polaris OďŹce to read or edit Word, Excel, PowerPoint ďŹles saved on this terminal or microSD card (as of October 2012). the Home screen, "Application" From X "Polaris OďŹce 4.0" ⢠The "Polaris OďŹce" screen appears. Type File format Microsoft Word (Word 97 to Word 2010) .doc*, .docx*, .dot, .dotx Microsoft Excel (Excel 97 to Excel 2010) .xls*, .xlsx*, .xlt, .xltx, .csv Microsoft PowerPoint (Power Point 97 to PowerPoint 2010) .ppt*, .pptx*, .pps, .ppsx, .pot, .potx Adobe PDF (Version 1.2 to 1.7) .pdf Text .txt*, .asc, .rtf Hangul (97 to 3.0, 2002 to 2005) .hwp * Available to edit ďŹle. Note ⢠If you have not registered as a user, the user registration screen appears when activating "Polaris OďŹce". ⢠Files with password may not be usable. ⢠Files created on PC may be displayed diďŹerently or may not be displayed. ⢠Only Word, Excel, and PowerPoint ďŹles can be edited in Polaris OďŹce. Backing up Data and Settings Backing up to SD card You can backup or move the Phonebook, sp ă˘ăźăăĄăźăŤ (sp-mode mail), bookmark etc. from your terminal to external recording medium such as a microSD card. Open SD card backup the Home screen, "Application" From X "SD card backup" ⢠For the ďŹrst time to use microSD card backup, the License agreement Translation screen is displayed. Application 211 Backing up "Backup" on the "SD card backup" screen on the "SD card backup" "Restore" screen X "Select" data the data on the "Backup Select settings" screen X "Start backup" "Select data to restore" From screen, tap the data you want to "OK" Enter the docomo apps password X "OK" "Add"/ "Overwrite" on "Restore Tap settings" screen X "Start restore" ⢠Tap "Back to top" to go back to the "SD card backup" screen. ⢠If the phonebook has been backed up, the saved phonebook data on your docomo account is saved to the microSD card. ⢠If the external SD card is not attached, due to the memory conďŹguration of this terminal, the images and videos etc. are saved in the internal memory of this terminal. This applications saves only data such as images and videos etc. that are saved in the internal memory of this terminal. Backup cannot be made for the data that is saved in external SD card. 212 Restoring Application restore X "Select" "OK" Enter the docomo apps password X "OK" ⢠"Restore results" screen is displayed. ⢠Tap "Back to top" to return to "SD card backup". ⢠The imported phonebook is saved on the docomo account. Copying the contacts on Google account to docomo account account copy" on the "Phonebook "SD card backup" screen X "Select" the Google account to copy X "Overwrite"/ "Add" ⢠The saved phonebook data is saved on the docomo account. "OK" Note ⢠Do not remove the battery pack or microSD card during backing up or restoring. The data may get broken. ⢠In case the items of phonebook such as phone number in other terminal are diďŹerent from this terminal, the item name may be changed or deleted. Also, some letters may be deleted at the destination since the letters that can be registered varies from terminals. ⢠When backing up the phonebook to microSD card, unnamed data cannot be copied. ⢠Backing up may not possible when the free space on the microSD card is not enough. In such case, delete unnecessary data to make space. ⢠Backing up or restoring may not possible when the battery level falls. In such case, try again after charging this terminal. ⢠Backup of media ďŹles saved in microSD card such as photos, videos, music, etc. is not available. X "Help" on "SD card backup" ⢠Tap screen to conďŹrm functions and detailed operations descriptions. Application 213 Backing up Phonebook You can share phonebook data in this terminal via Bluetooth, Email and Gmail, and back up to a microSD card. You can also load phonebook data stored in a docomo miniUIM card or microSD card into this terminal. Sharing phonebook the Home screen, "Phone" X From "Phonebook" X "Others" X "Import/Export" ⢠A menu appears. "Share phonebook data" a method to share phonebook Select data the on-screen direction to Follow operate 214 Application Backing up Phonebook to a microSD card the Home screen, From Phonebook Phone X X Others X Import/Export ⢠A menu appears. Export to SD card the selection method for Select Contacts X OK the contacts that you wish to Tap export X OK Select card No / Yes in Attach name on the ConďŹrm export screen ⢠OK The phonebook is exported to a microSD card. Importing a phonebook from a miniUIM or microSD card Backing up SMS Messages to a miniUIM the Home screen, "Phone" X From "Phonebook" You can copy or move up to 20 messages (SMS) to the miniUIM. X "Others" X "Import/Export" ⢠A menu appears. the Home screen, "Application" From X "Messaging" ⢠If you are importing from a miniUIM, tap "Import from SIM card". from SIM card" or "Import "Import from SD card" Tap the account you want to import the contacts that you wish to Tap import ⢠The phonebook is imported. ⢠The "Messaging" screen appears. one of the received messages Tap or threads ⢠The message appears. and hold down the message Touch that you want to backup ⢠The "Message options" menu appears. "Copy to SIM" or "Move to SIM" Tap ⢠The SMS message is copied/moved to the miniUIM. Application 215 7notes with mazec-T You can input characters by handwriting. When you are inputting on the other application, you can input with handwriting by changing the input method to "mazec-T Handwriting convert". Creating/Managing Memo Creating memo the Home screen, "Application" From X "7notes with mazec-T" ⢠The " ăĄă˘ä¸čŚ§ (list of memo)" screen is displayed. ⢠When using for the ďŹrst time, " ăăă ă 7notes with mazec-T 㸠(Welcome to 7notes with mazec-T)" memo screen is displayed, and you can conďŹrm the basic explanation on how to use. Tap "New" or "Done" after reading the explanation. ⢠For details on "7notes with mazec-T" on the memo creating application, screen or the " ăĄă˘ä¸čŚ§ (list of memo)" screen X tap " ăăŤă (Help)" to read "7notes with mazec-T for LG Help". 216 Application "New" ⢠Display the memo creating screen. ⢠You can also display the memo creating on the " ăĄă˘ä¸čŚ§ (list screen by tapping of memo)" screen X " ć°čŚ (New)". on on-screen ⢠Touch and hold down keyboard X "Input Method" X "mazec-T Conversion" to switch to mazec-T Conversion screen. a Save input. Undo or redo the input. Create new memo. Select types of character, set details on mazec. Change input panel. Move cursor position. Insert space. Delete character. Begin a new line. creating memo, "Done" or After ⢠The created memo is saved, and go back to the " ăĄă˘ä¸čŚ§ (list of memo)" screen. Deleting memo the " ăĄă˘ä¸čŚ§ (list of memo)" On X " ĺé¤ (Delete)" screen, a check mark on memo to Place delete X " ĺé¤ (Delete)" Sharing/Backing up Memo You can send the created memo to mail, Twitter, Facebook, or backup by link with Evernote or Storage. memo creating screen, "OnéŁćşthe(Link)" " ăĄăźăŤă§é俥 (Send mail)", Tap "Twitter ăŤéă (Send to Twitter)", "Facebook ăŤéă (Send to Facebook)", "Evernote ă¨éŁćş (Link with Evernote)", or " ăšăăŹăźă¸éŁćş (Link with Storage)" ⢠Operate by following the on-screen direction. Setting Memo Format You can set the font size, margin of memo, line space etc. the memo creating screen, "OnăĄă˘ć¸ĺź (Memo format)" ⢠The " ăĄă˘ć¸ĺź (Memo format)" screen is displayed. Application 217 setting for font size, margin, Change line feed, ruled line, background as necessary ăˇăšăă ăŤč¨ćś (Memorize in "system)" Editing Memo Information Narrowing down memo the " ăĄă˘ä¸čŚ§ (list of memo)" On X " ć¤ç´˘ (Search)" screen, mark to display Tap ⢠Tap "All" to display all memos by Changing title of memo Tap title ďŹeld X input title and "OK" 218 Application Tap any icon in the mark ďŹeld Edit title of memo or place a mark to narrow down the memo by types of mark. Also, you can set alarm on memo to notify on the set date and time. ⢠The " ăĄă˘ć ĺ ąăŽçˇ¨é (Edit memo information)" screen is displayed. the memo creating screen, On " ăĄă˘ć ĺ ą (Memo information)" ⢠The " ăĄă˘ć ĺ ąăŽçˇ¨é (Edit memo information)" screen is displayed. ⢠Save the set for memo format. the memo creating screen, "OnăĄă˘ć ĺ ą (Memo information)" Marking on memo cancelling narrowing down. Setting alarm on memo the memo creating screen, On " ăĄă˘ć ĺ ą (Memo information)" ⢠The " ăĄă˘ć ĺ ąăŽçˇ¨é (Edit memo information)" screen is displayed. the " ă˘ăŠăźă č¨ĺŽ (Alarm setting)" Set ON " ćĽć (Date and time)" and set Tap the date and time X "OK" Notebook You can save preferred image or memo. the Home screen, "Application" From X "Notebook" Note ⢠Select note and create on the "Notebook" screen. ⢠Mark information of memo and alarm information is not saved in memo. Sending memo that has mark or alarm set by mail, or open with 7Notes, the mark or alarm is not attached. Note Setting memo Set address, title etc. to send memo via mail, set account for Twitter, Facebook, and Evernote. memo creating screen, "Onč¨ĺŽthe(Settings)" ⢠The " č¨ĺŽ (Settings)" screen is displayed. X "Select all" or place a check ⢠Tap mark on memo to share X "Share" X select tool to share X select ďŹle format to attach memo to mail. ⢠Tap X place a check mark on memo to delete X "Delete" X "Yes" to delete memo. ⢠Press and hold note on the "Notebook" screen to "Share", "Delete", or "Lock" note. ⢠The data created on this terminal can only be displayed correctly on DS1203. Address, Cc/Bcc, title, Set message, or account for Twitter, Facebook, Evernote as necessary Application 219 Using Overseas Overview of International Roaming (WORLD WING) The international roaming service (WORLD WING) allows you to use your terminal in the service areas of overseas operators aďŹliated with DOCOMO, with the same phone number and email address. Calls and SMS can be used with no settings changes. â Available network This terminal is placed in class 4. You can use it in 3G network and GSM/GPRS network service areas. It can also be used in countries/regions supporting 3G 850MHz/ GSM 850MHz networks. Please check the information on available areas. â Before using this terminal overseas, refer to the following items. ⢠"Mobile Phone User's Guide [International Services]" ⢠DOCOMO "International Services website" 220 Using Overseas â Overseas is outside of the Xi area, so use a 3G network or GSM/GPRS network. Note ⢠For a country code, international call access code, and universal number international preďŹx, available countries, and international network operators refer to "Mobile Phone User's Guide [International Services]" or the DOCOMO "International Services website". Available Services Main communication service 3G 3G850 ConďŹrming before Using GSM (GPRS) Calls â â SMS â â â Email* â â â â â â Browser* â ( âďźAvailable ĂďźNot available) * To use data communication while roaming, set the data roaming to ON. (P228) ⢠Some services are not available depending on the overseas operator or network being used. ConďŹrming before Departure Before using this terminal overseas, check the following in Japan. â Contract Check whether you have applied for WORLD WING. For more details, contact "General Inquiries" on the back of this instruction manual. â Battery Charge Use optional "AC Adapter 03" for using overseas. â Charges ⢠Fees (call fee, packet communication fee) for overseas use are diďŹerent from those in Japan. ⢠Auto communication may start depending on the applications you use, so packet communication fees may be high. Ask the supplier for operating conditions of each application. Using Overseas 221 Pre-conďŹguring â Network service conďŹguration If you have subscribed Network service, voice mail service, call forwarding service, number notiďŹcation service, etc. are available overseas. However, some network services are unavailable. ⢠Starting "Remote operation settings" service is required when using networks service overseas. You also can set "Remote operation settings" after arriving abroad. ⢠Network service may not be available depending on the network operator you are using abroad even if its setting and cancellation is available. ConďŹrming Overseas When you arrive overseas, this terminal automatically connects to an available network operator when it is powered on. â About connections If "Available networks" in "Network operators" is set to "Select automatically", your terminal automatically searches and connects to the optimum network. If you manually connect to a network operator which oďŹers a ďŹat-rate service, the cost for using packet communication in overseas will be a ďŹat-rate per day. You need subscription to use packet ďŹat-rate service in Japan. For detail, refer to the "Mobile Phone User's Guide [International Services]" and in DOCOMO "International service website". â About screen display ⢠The type of network you are using is indicated by an icon in the status bar on the screen. Icon Network Type Roaming available/ communicating ⢠You can check the connected network operator name in the NotiďŹcation panel. 222 Using Overseas â About date & time If the "Automatic date & time" and "Automatic time zone" checkbox in "Date & time" has been marked, the time and time zone of this terminal's clock will be automatically changed when information about the local time and time zone is received from the network of the overseas operator to which you are connected. ⢠The automatic time/time zone setting may not work properly depending on the overseas operator. In that case, change the time zone manually. ⢠The timing of these changes varies depending on the overseas operator. ⢠"Date & Time" â P143 â Inquiries ⢠If your terminal or miniUIM is lost or stolen overseas, contact DOCOMO immediately from your current location and carry out the procedure to suspend usage. For contact information, refer to "General Inquiries" on the back of this manual. Please note that you are liable for any call or communication charges incurred after the loss or theft of this terminal. ⢠You will need the country's "international call access code" or "universal number international preďŹx" if calling from a landline phone from overseas. After Returning to Japan When you return to Japan, this terminal automatically connects to the docomo network. If it is unable to connect, change the following settings. the Home screen, From "Settings" X "More..." X "Mobile networks" "Network Mode" X "LTE/3G/GSM (Auto)" operators" X "Select "Network automatically" Using Overseas 223 How to Make and Receive Calls at your Destination Making Calls to Other Countries (including Japan) You can use the international roaming service to make calls to other countries while overseas. ⢠For information about the countries and operators that you can access, refer to "Mobile Phone User's Guide [International Services]". the Home screen, "Phone" X From Tap the "Dial" tab "+" (touch and hold down "0") Enter X Country code X Area code (city code) X Other party's phone number in order ⢠If the area code begins with "0", remove the ďŹrst "0" when entering the number. However, "0" may be required in some countries and regions such as Italy. When the call is ďŹnished, tap "End" 224 Using Overseas Making Domestic Calls You can make a call to the other party's landline phone or mobile phone in the same way as in Japan. the Home screen, "Phone" X From Tap the "Dial" tab the other party's phone number Enter ⢠To make a call to a land-line phone, enter the area code (city code) and the other party's phone number. When the call is ďŹnished, tap "End" Making Calls to WORLD WING Users When the other party that you are making a call to is a WORLD WING user, make an international call to Japan even if the other party is in the country in which you are staying. ⢠Dial "+" and "81" (country code of Japan) ďŹrst and then dial the phone number omitting the "0" at the beginning as if you are making a call to Japan because the call is routed through Japan regardless of the destination. Settings for making/receiving calls overseas ConďŹgure the international roaming service to make/receive calls while overseas. ⢠These settings may not be available depending on the used overseas carrier. From the Home screen, "Phone" X X "Call settings" X "Roaming settings" Change the settings if required Restricting incoming calls*1 Activate restricting Incoming notiďŹcation while roaming*2 Activate notiďŹcation Roaming guidance*3 Activate service International dial assist Country code International preďŹx Network service *1 *2 Deactivate restricting ConďŹrm settings Deactivate notiďŹcation Automatic conversion function *3 ConďŹgure settings overseas for DOCOMO network services such as Voice Mail Service. To set, it is necessary to enter your network security code. ConďŹgure settings of the SMS message notiďŹcation that will be received for calls that were missed while this terminal was powered oďŹ or outside of the service area. (Free) If enabled, notiďŹcation will be made to the caller that you are overseas. ConďŹrm notiďŹcation settings Deactivate service ConďŹrm settings Using Overseas 225 Receiving Calls You can receive calls in the same way as in Japan. Note ⢠When you receive a call while using the international roaming service, the call is forwarded internationally from Japan, regardless of the country from which the call is made. The caller incurs call charges for the call to Japan, and the receiver incurs incoming call charges. ⢠Even if the other party has made a call with notiďŹcation of the Caller ID set, you may not be notiďŹed of the Caller ID depending on the overseas operator. Also, the number you are notiďŹed of may diďŹer from the other party's Caller ID depending on the network that the other party is using. ⢠"Reject unregistered call" may not be declined during use overseas. (P99) 226 Using Overseas Making a Call from Other Parties â Having the other party call you overseas from Japan Have the other party call you by dialing your phone number in the same way as when you are in Japan. â Having the other party call you overseas from a country outside Japan You need to have the other party dial the international call access code and "81" regardless of the destination because the call is routed through Japan. International call access code of the country in which the caller is staying -81-90 (or 80) -xxxx-xxxx Settings for Network Connection at Overseas When you use this terminal overseas, it is necessary to switch to the network of an operator that can be connected to in the country you are staying. At the time of purchase, this terminal is set to automatically search for and then switch to a network that can be connected to but you can also change the settings manually. Setting Network Mode the Home screen, From "Settings" X "More..." X "Mobile Searching an Available Network and Setting Manually the Home screen, From "Settings" X "More..." X "Mobile networks" X "Network operators" ⢠The "Available networks" screen appears. "Search networks" X tap the network operator to set the content of a caution ConďŹrm message, and "OK" networks" X "Network Mode" Tap a network mode to use ⢠LTE/3G/GSM (Auto): Select LTE/3G network or GSM/GPRS network automatically to use. ⢠LTE/3G: Only use LTE/3G network. ⢠GSM: Only use GSM/GPRS network. Note ⢠If you change the Network mode while using data communication, the data communication will be stopped and the Network service will be disconnected. Using Overseas 227 Note ⢠If you manually set the operator to connect, this terminal will not automatically switch to another operator that can be connected to when you move out of the service area. ⢠If you manually set the operator to connect to, set "Select automatically" after you return to Japan. ⢠If you tap "Search networks" while using data communication over a 3G network, the message, "Cannot search for available networks while data access is enabled. Are you sure you want to disable data access and search for available networks?" appears. Tap "OK" to stop data communication and search for networks. ⢠Tap "Search networks" while using data communication over a GSM/GPRS network to stop data communication and search for networks. 228 Using Overseas Automatically Selecting an Available Network the Home screen, From "Settings" X "More..." X "Mobile networks" X "Network operators" "Select automatically" Activating Data Roaming the Home screen, From "Settings" X "More..." X "Mobile networks" a check mark on "Data Place roaming" the content of a caution ConďŹrm message, and "Yes" Appendix / Index Introduction of Options and Related Devices You can expand the range of this terminal's uses, in both the personal and business realms, by combining it with various optional devices. Some products may not be available in certain areas. For more details, please contact a service counter such as a docomo Shop. For details on optional devices, refer to the related instruction manuals. ⢠Back Cover L33 ⢠Battery Pack L19 ⢠Desktop Holder L13 ⢠Earphone/Microphone L01 ⢠HDMI Conversion Cable L01 ⢠In-Car Hands-Free Kit 01 ⢠Wireless Earphone Set 02/03 ⢠Bone conduction microphone/receiver 02 ⢠Carry Case 02 ⢠Pocket Charger 01*/02 ⢠AC Adapter 03 ⢠AC Adapter Converter Plug TypeC 01 ⢠MicroUSB Cable 01 ⢠DC Adapter 03 ⢠DriveNetCradle 01 * It is possible to charge battery by 30-60%. Samples ⢠Samples are not included in the warranty of free repair. ⢠The speciďŹcation and appearance are subject to change without notice for upgrade. microSDHC card (16GB) â Precautions ⢠Keep a separate record of any information stored on the microSD card and store the copies in a safe location. ⢠When disposing of the microSD card, it is recommended that it be physically destroyed to destroy the data rather than simply deleting the data or formatting. â Disclaimer In cases where the following items apply, DOCOMO is not responsible. Appendix / Index 229 ⢠Damage caused by using or not using this product, lost earnings, and third party claims. ⢠Damage caused as a result of not following the instructions manual when using this product. ⢠Data loss or damage caused while using this product - DOCOMO does not handle data recovery. ⢠Damage caused by errors due to a combination of connected devices and software. â Main speciďŹcations Operating voltage 2.7 V to 3.6 V External dimensions Length : approx. 15 mm Width : approx. 11 mm Thickness : approx. 1.0 mm Weight Approx. 0.5 g â Material list Part 230 Material/Surface Treatment microSDHC card Epoxy resin microSDHC card terminal Copper/Gold coating Appendix / Index Troubleshooting (FAQs) Troubleshooting ⢠First, check whether a software update is required. If required, update the software. (Updating Software â P244). ⢠If a symptom does not improve after checking the check items, contact "Repairs" (in Japanese only) on the back of this instruction manual or a repair counter speciďŹed by DOCOMO. â Power supply Symptom Power does not turn ON Check item ⢠Is the battery pack inserted correctly? â P46 ⢠Is the battery dead? â P34 â Charging Symptom Cannot charge Check item ⢠Is the battery pack inserted correctly? ⢠Is the adapter plug and cigar lighter plug properly inserted into power outlet or cigar lighter socket? ⢠Are the adapter and this terminal set properly? ⢠When the AC adapter (optional) is used, is the microUSB cable ďŹrmly connected to this terminal or the AC adapter? ⢠Any call or data communication while charging, or using other functions for a long time may result in this terminal getting hot and the battery's status icon may not indicate charging. In this case, charge again after this terminal cools down. Symptom Check item "Connect charger" appears on the screen ⢠Charge the battery pack if the battery is low. â P34 â Terminal Operation Symptom Becomes hot during operation or charging Check item ⢠This terminal, battery pack, or adapter may become hot during operations or charging, or when shooting videos or using 1Seg for a long time while charging. This is not a safety hazard, so you can continue using them. Appendix / Index 231 232 Symptom Check item Symptom Check item Battery usage time is short ⢠Has this terminal been out of the network service area for a long time? As this terminal searches for radio waves in order to enable communication when out of the network service area, more battery is consumed than usual. ⢠The operating time of the battery pack varies depending on operating environment and degradation of the battery pack. ⢠The battery pack is a consumable accessory. Every time you repeat the charging of battery pack, usable time will become short gradually. When the usage time has become extremely short even though the battery pack is charged, please purchase a speciďŹed battery pack. Power turns oďŹ or restart automatically ⢠If the battery pack terminal is dirty, the contact may become poor and the power may be turned oďŹ. If dirty, wipe the battery pack terminals with, for example, a dry cotton swab. Keys do not respond ⢠Has the screen been locked? â P131 Screen response to key press is slow ⢠It might occur if a large amount of data is saved in terminal or data with extremely large size are processed between this terminal and microSD card. The miniUIM is not recognized ⢠Is the miniUIM inserted in the right direction? â P33 Appendix / Index Symptom Check item Clock is wrong ⢠Clock may become wrong if the power has been turned on for a long time. Check whether "Automatic date & time" of "Date & time" in "Settings" is checked. Turn it on again at a place with better radio signal. Terminal operation is unstable ⢠An application that was installed to this terminal after purchasing may be causing a problem. If the problem improves by starting in Safe mode, an installed application needs to be uninstalled to ďŹx the problem. * Safe mode is a function for starting up under near-initial conditions. Symptom Terminal operation is unstable Check item ⢠Method for starting in Safe mode 1. While in the power OFF status, press the power key. 2. After the docomo logo appears, keep pressing the volume key (down) until the vibrator vibrates. * When Safe mode starts, "Safe mode" appears on the bottom left of the screen. * To stop Safe mode, turn the power OFF once and restart it. ⢠Before starting Safe mode, backup necessary data. ⢠Widgets that you have created may be gone. ⢠Safe mode is not the normal starting condition, so stop Safe mode before normal usage. Appendix / Index 233 Symptom Application does not work properly (cannot be activated or error occurs) 234 Check item ⢠Is there disabled application? Try again after enabling the disabled application. â P135 Appendix / Index â Calls Symptom Check item Calls cannot be made by tapping ⢠Is this terminal in Airplane mode? â P123 The ringtone does not sound ⢠Is the ringtone volume set to minimum? â P128 ⢠Is this terminal set to public mode or manner mode ("Vibrate only" or "Silent" in Sound proďŹle)? â P98, P128 ⢠Has the unregistered call reject been set? â P99 ⢠Is the ring time for the Voice Mail Service or Call Forwarding Service set to "0 sec."? â P97 Symptom Check item Calls are not connected (The out of service area icon does not disappear when you move, or calls cannot be made or received even when the radio wave is strong enough) ⢠Turn the power oďŹ and on, or remove and reinsert the battery or miniUIM. ⢠Make or receive calls, depending on the type of radio signal, even in the service area or even when strong signal is indicated with 4 wave-level bars Move to another place and call again. ⢠Depending on how congested the radio waves are, it may be diďŹcult to establish a connection in crowded places due to a congestion of calls and emails. In this case, the caller hears a busy tone. Move to another place or call again later. â Screen Symptom The display is dim Check item ⢠Has the screen backlight timeout been set? â P129 ⢠Has the screen brightness been adjusted? â P129 ⢠Is the battery level low? â P34 â Sound Symptom During a voice call, the other party's voice is diďŹcult to hear or is too loud Check item ⢠Has the call volume adjusted with the volume key? â P93 â Mail Symptom Check item Email is not received automatically ⢠Check if "Manual" is set in "Retrieve interval" in the account settings. Be sure to set it to the method other than "Manual". â P113 Appendix / Index 235 â Camera 236 â 1Seg Symptom Check item Photos and videos shot with the camera are blurred ⢠Check whether the lens is cloudy or has dirt on it. Appendix / Index Symptom Check item 1Seg cannot be viewed ⢠Are you at a location that is outside of the digital terrestrial broadcast service area, or where the broadcast wave is weak? ⢠Are the channels conďŹgured? â P182 Can be viewed images, but there is no audio ⢠Audio cannot be heard from devices that are not compatible with SCMS-T. ⢠Screen shot is not available ⢠Using 1 Seg screen as background of QMemo is not available. ⢠1Seg is not compatible with the following functions due to copyright protection. - Extracting video by connecting HDMI cable - Screenshot - QMemo â Osaifu-Keitai Symptom Osaifu-Keitai cannot be used â Overseas use Check item ⢠When the battery pack is removed or Omakase Lock is started, the OsaifuKeitai function is disabled regardless of the OsaifuKeitai Lock setting. ⢠Is Osaifu-Keitai set to lock? â P165 ⢠Did you swipe the mark of this terminal over the reader? â P165 Symptom This terminal is not available to use overseas Check item â Antenna mark appears ⢠Have you applied for WORLD WING? Check whether you have applied for WORLD WING. â Icon which indicates out of service area appears ⢠Are you at a location that is outside of the international roaming service area, or where the signal is weak? Use "Mobile Phone User's Guide [International Services]" or DOCOMO "International Services website" to check whether a service area or network operator is available. ⢠Try to change the settings of network or overseas network operator. - Set "Network Mode" to "LTE/3G/GSM (Auto)" â P227 - Set "Network operators" to "Select automatically" â P228 Appendix / Index 237 238 Symptom Check item Symptom Check item This terminal is not available to use overseas ⢠Turn oďŹ this terminal and then turn it on again. Data communication is not available overseas ⢠Set Data roaming to ON. â P228 This terminal has become unusable suddenly while using overseas ⢠Has the approximate limit of usage fee been exceeded? For "International roaming service (WORLD WING)", the approximate limit of usage fee is set in advance. If the limit is exceeded, all services are stopped. Pay oďŹ the usage fee to resume services. The other party's number is not displayed/A diďŹerent number is displayed/ The registered Phonebook or Caller ID notiďŹcation does not operate properly ⢠Even if the other party has made a call with notiďŹcation of the Caller ID set, you may not be notiďŹed of the Caller ID depending on the network or network operator. Also, the number you are notiďŹed may diďŹer from the other party's Caller ID depending on the network or network operator you use. Appendix / Index â Data management Symptom Check item Data transfer is not working ⢠Are you using a USB HUB? If you use a USB HUB, data transfer may not work properly. The data saved on a microSD card is not displayed ⢠Remove the microSD card and insert it again. (P35) Symptom When trying to view an image, or appears appears in preview Check item ⢠may appear if image data has been destroyed. â Bluetooth function Symptom Check item This terminal cannot ďŹnd/ be connected to a Bluetooth compatible device ⢠Put the Bluetooth compatible device (commercial) on standby and register it on this terminal. If you want to delete a registered device and register it again as a new device, you must delete the registered device from both the Bluetooth compatible device (commercial) and this terminal before you register it again. â P154 Symptom Cannot make calls from this terminal when connected to an external device, such as a car navigation or hands free device Check item ⢠If you attempt to call somebody several times when he or she does not answer or is out of the service area, calls to that number may be disabled. In this case, turn oďŹ this terminal and then turn it back on again. Appendix / Index 239 â Map and GPS Function Symptom AUTO-GPS service information cannot be set. 240 Error Message Check item ⢠Check if the AUTO-GPS function is deactivated due to low battery power. If the AUTO-GPS function is deactivated by the "Lowpower operation settings", the AUTO-GPS service information cannot be set. In that case, change the "Low-power operation settings" to "Not suspend" or charge the battery to set it. â P136 ⢠Check if the AUTO-GPS operation setting is turned OFF. â P136 Appendix / Index Error Message Description ⢠Service disabled ⢠No SIM card The miniUIM is not working properly. If the problem is not resolved by removing and reinserting the miniUIM, contact "Repairs" (in Japanese only) on the back of this manual. No service. You cannot use this terminal because it is out of the service area or is in a place where there is no reception. Move to a location where you can get a reception. PIN1 code blocked Enter PUK Enter your PIN unblocking key correctly. â P140 Storage full There is no free space. Delete unwanted applications to free up memory space. â P163 Smartphone Anshin Remote Support Support on operation settings of this terminal is available by sharing your terminal's screen with DOCOMO. (in Japanese only) ⢠This support is not available when the miniUIM of the docomo is not inserted, when using the international roaming, or in the Airplane mode. ⢠This support is a paid service that requires subscription. ⢠There are unsupported operations and settings. ⢠For details of this support, refer to the DOCOMO website. center for remote support Support Call 0120-783-360 Business hours : 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., (Open all year round) the Home screen, "Application" From X "Remote support" ⢠For the ďŹst time of using this support, you are required to accept the "Software License". the connecting number that is Input announced by DOCOMO Start the remote support after connecting Warranty and AfterSales Service Warranty ⢠Be sure to receive a warranty at the time of purchase of this terminal. Read contents of the warranty and conďŹrm information such as " 貊売ĺşĺăťă財ăä¸ăćĽ (shop name and date of purchase)" and keep it in a safe place. If necessary items are not described, immediately contact the shop of purchase. The warranty for free repair is valid for one year from the date of purchase. ⢠This product and its accessories are subject to modiďŹed, in part or whole, for improvement without prior notice. ⢠Data saved in Phonebook, etc. may be modiďŹed or lost due to the malfunction, repair or other handling of this terminal. You should therefore make a copy of the Phonebook data, etc. as a precautionary measure. *1 Phonebook data can be saved on microSD card in this terminal. *2 You can backup phonebook etc. on the data storing center by using Data Security Service (subscription is required). Appendix / Index 241 After-Sales Service When this terminal breaks down Before requesting repairs, read "Troubleshooting" in this instruction manual. If the problem still persists, contact "Repairs" (in Japanese only) on the back of this manual. Repairs Bring your terminal to a repair counter speciďŹed by DOCOMO. Repairs are accepted during business hours of a repair counter. Also, you must bring the warranty. Note that it may take some days to repair this terminal depending on the malfunction state. â During the warranty period ⢠This terminal is repaired at no charge under the conditions of the warranty. ⢠Make sure to bring the warranty for repair. You will be charged even during the warranty period if the warranty is not presented or the trouble or damage is caused by your inappropriate handling (such as damage to LCD or connector, etc.). ⢠You will be charged even during the warranty period if malfunction is caused by the use of devices and consumables other than those speciďŹed by DOCOMO. 242 Appendix / Index â Repair may not be possible in the following cases ⢠When, as the result of inspection, corrosion is found due to exposure to water, condensation or sweat, or any of the internal boards are damaged or deformed (damage to the microUSB connection terminal (earphone/microphone terminal), LCD, or cracked body could be the case as well). * Since these conditions are outside the scope of the warranty, any repairs, if at all possible, will be charged. â After expiration of the warranty ⢠All repairs that are requested are charged. â Replacement parts ⢠Replacement parts (parts required to maintain functions) will in principle be kept in stock for 4 years after termination of production. However, depending on the malfunctioning part, repair may not be possible due to a lack of replacement parts. Even after the stock period has expired, the repair of some malfunctioning parts may be possible. You should therefore contact "Repairs" (in Japanese only) on the back of this manual. Precautions ⢠Never modify this terminal or accessories. - Doing so may result in ďŹre, injuries or malfunctions. - The modiďŹed terminal may be repaired only if the owner agrees on that all the modiďŹed parts are restored to the original conditions. However, repairs may be refused depending on the modiďŹcations. The following cases may be considered as modiďŹcations. ⢠Put a sticker on portions such as of the liquid crystal screen or keypad. ⢠Glued decorations on this terminal using adhesion bond, etc. ⢠Change the parts such as exterior to other than DOCOMO standard parts. - Malfunction and damage due to modiďŹcations will be repaired at the owner's expense even during the warranty period. ⢠The model plate must not be removed from this terminal. The model plate certiďŹes that this terminal satisďŹes technical standards. It should be noted that if the plate is removed or is replaced with a diďŹerent plate, and the original model plate cannot be veriďŹed, it may disqualify the unit from repairs due to not being able to determine the technical standards of that particular phone. ⢠Note that the settings and other information may be cleared (reset) as a result of malfunction, repair or other handling. In this case, make the settings again. ⢠When the repair is executed, MAC address of Wi-Fi/Bluetooth address in this terminal may be changed regardless of repaired part. ⢠Magnetic components are used in the parts that are described below. Do not allow cash cards or other devices that are vulnerable to magnetism to come into contact with the phone. Used parts : speaker, receiver ⢠This terminal is waterproofness. If this terminal has gotten wet or moist, however, immediately power oďŹ this terminal, remove the battery pack, and bring it to the DOCOMO-speciďŹed repair oďŹce as soon as possible. However, note that it may not be repaired depending on the extent of the damage. Appendix / Index 243 Memory dial (Phonebook function) and downloaded data ⢠When you change the model or repair this terminal, data that has been imported, downloaded or created by you may be changed or lost. DOCOMO shall have no liability for any change or loss of any kind. Under some circumstances, DOCOMO may replace your terminal with its equivalent instead of repairing it. In this case, most data from the old terminal cannot be transferred to the replacement terminal. Updating Software Software Update is a function that connects to the network to check whether software on DS1203 needs to be updated, downloads the software when required, and updates the software. Since it is the function used to update the applications installed in this terminal, both 3G connection and Wi-Fi connection is available. The NTT DOCOMO website provides information about required software updates. There are 3 methods of updating software : Auto Update ďź Automatically download the update ďŹle and install it at a preset time. Immediate ďź Perform an immediate update. Update Scheduled ďź Perform the update automatically Update at the scheduled time. Note ⢠You can update software while still retaining data (such as phonebook, camera images, emails, downloaded data, etc.) on this terminal. However, such data may not be protected depending on the state of your terminal (malfunction, damage, exposure to water, etc.). It is recommended to back up necessary data. Please note that some data, such as download data, cannot be backed up. 244 Appendix / Index Before Updating Software ⢠Do not power oďŹ this terminal while updating software. This may result in a failed update. ⢠Fully charge the battery pack before updating software. Connecting the charging cable is recommended while updating. ⢠Software cannot be updated in the following circumstances. - When you are on a call - When out of the service area is displayed* - When you are using international roaming* - When this terminal is in Airplane mode* - While OS version is being upgraded - When the date or time has not been set correctly - When the battery level is too low for software update - When there is insuďŹcient free space for software update * While you are out of the service area or using overseas roaming, update is not available even Wi-Fi is connected. ⢠Software update (download, installation) may take time. ⢠During a software update, you cannot make or receive calls, or use any functions, including all communication functions (voice calls can be received during downloading). ⢠We recommend that you update software without moving and when you have strong reception. Software update may be interrupted in a place with bad reception. ⢠If the software update is not required, "No update is needed." appears. ⢠While using international roaming or when you are outside the area, "Failed to start update. Due to no network or roaming." appears. When connecting Wi-Fi, the same display appears. ⢠SMS messages sent during a software update are stored at an SMS center. ⢠During a software update, your DS1203 information (model and manufacturing numbers) are automatically sent to a software update server managed by DOCOMO. DOCOMO shall not use this information for any purpose other than software update. ⢠If the software update fails, you cannot turn on this terminal or "Update failed" appears and no further operation may be possible. In this case, please take this terminal to a repair counter speciďŹed by DOCOMO. ⢠If a PIN code has been set, the PIN code entry screen appears during the restart after rewriting and you are required to enter your PIN code. ⢠Do not start any other applications during a software update. Appendix / Index 245 Updating Software Automatically Automatically download the update ďŹle and install it at a preset time. Set the automatic update of software The default setting of Auto Update is "Automatic Update". the Home screen, From "Settings" X "About phone" X "Software Update" X "ConďŹgure the software update" Update" / "Manual "Automatic Update" 246 Appendix / Index When software update is required is displayed on the status bar when update ďŹle is automatically downloaded. is displayed, install ⢠At a preset time while disappears. starts automatically and or swipe the status bar Drag downwards ⢠The NotiďŹcation panel appears. "Software update is available" Tap ⢠The installation time appears. an action Select ⢠"OK" : Return to the Home screen. Start the update at a preset time. ⢠"Set time" : Scheduled update â "Scheduled Update of Software" (P248). ⢠"Start update" : Immediate update â "Updating Software now" (P247). Note ⢠is displayed on the status bar in case the software update was not operated after receiving the update notiďŹcation. ⢠In case installing the software is not operated at a preset time, it starts again at the same time on the following day. ⢠In case the automatic update is set as "Manual Update" or the immediate update is in communication, the automatic update is not available. Updating Software now Start software update now. To start software update, you can start from the notice screen or from menu. the Home screen, From "Settings" X "About phone" X "Software Update" X "Start the software update" X "Yes" ⢠Software update is performed automatically when the download starts. ⢠If you abort the download before it ďŹnishes, the data downloaded to that point is deleted. ⢠Start from the notice screen : Display the notice screen X "Start now" Appendix / Index 247 installing automatically after Start approximately 3 seconds of "Ready for update. Please keep application clear." ⢠Tap "OK" to start the installation immediately. ⢠All key operations are disabled during the update. The update cannot be stopped either. ⢠The Home screen appears after restarting when the software update is complete. Note ⢠If software update is not required, "No update is needed." appears. The display after completion of software update When the software update is complete, it is notiďŹed on the status bar. Open the status bar and tap the notice to display the completion screen. 248 Appendix / Index Scheduled Update of Software If you want to schedule the installation of the update ďŹle for a diďŹerent time, you can set the software update time in advance. Display the notice screen X "Sets Time" Enter the desired time X "OK" When the scheduled time arrives The installation screen is displayed at the starting time, and the installation starts automatically after approximately 3 seconds. Note ⢠All key operations are disabled during the update. The update cannot be stopped either. ⢠In case installing the software is not operated at the preset time, it starts again at the same time on the following day. ⢠In case OS version is being upgraded, the software update does not start even at the preset time. ⢠In case alarm has been set at the same time as the preset time, the software update starts. ⢠In case DS1203 is oďŹ at the preset time, the software updates starts at the same time after turning on. ⢠In case " The software update is interrupted. Check the condition of this terminal, and start again." is displayed on the status bar during the software update, check the condition is not following conditions, and start the update again. - No service - Battery is detached - Interference by other functions - InsuďŹcient memory of this terminal - InsuďŹcient battery - Network error - Write failure Updating LG Software It is used to up grade OS version and only available when network is connected via Wi-Fi. LG Software update is a function that connects to the network to check whether software needs to be updated, downloads LG Software when required, and updates the LG software. ⢠For precautions on LG Software update, refer to "Before Updating Software" (P245). ⢠Refer to LG Electronics Inc. Website for the latest information of LG Software. (in Japanese only) http://www.lg.com/jp/mobile-phones/ download-page/index.jsp Appendix / Index 249 ConďŹrming Update ConďŹrming update manually Check if there is a new software manually. ConďŹrming update automatically Automatically check if there is a new software. "Check automatically" is preset. the Home screen, From "Settings" X "About phone" X "LG Software update" Place a check mark in "Check automatically" Note ⢠When removing the check mark in "Check automatically", a message of "Check automatically setting will be disabled. Cannot receive the software update notiďŹcation through this setting" appears. 250 Appendix / Index the Home screen, From "Settings" X "About phone" X "LG Software update" now for update" "Check ⢠A message of "Checking for available software updates. Please wait..." appears. Note Downloading Software ⢠When a new software is found, a popup menu of "Software update available" appears. Downloading now "Download" in "Software update Tap available" pop-up menu ⢠ConďŹrm download progress on notiďŹcation panel. ⢠A pop-up menu of "Downloading" appears when tapping the notiďŹcation of download progress. "Continue" ⢠When download completes, a pop-up menu of "Software update" appears. Appendix / Index 251 Note Software Installation ⢠If tap "Pause" in "Downloading" pop-up menu, download pauses. Tap "Resume" to restart download. Installing now Downloading later "Later" in "Software update Tap available" pop-up menu "1 hour later"/"2 hour later"/"4 hours later"/"Download now" in "Set reminder" pop-up menu 252 Appendix / Index "Install now" in "Install software Tap update" pop-up menu ⢠LG Software update starts. ⢠This terminal may get restarted during update. a pop-up menu shows software When update completed, tap "OK" ⢠Tap "Update check" when checking additional updates. Note ⢠LG Software update is not available during roaming. Installing later "Install later" in "Install software Tap update" pop-up menu hour later"/"4 hours later"/"8 "1 hours later"/"24 hours later"/"Install now" in "Set reminder" pop-up menu ⢠Postponement of installation can be conducted only once. "Later" in "Software update available" pop-up menu will not be displayed once installation is postponed. Appendix / Index 253 Main SpeciďŹcations Charging time AC Adapter 03 : Approx. 240 minutes DC Adapter 03 : Approx. 240 minutes 1Seg watching time Approx. 350 minutes mobacas watching time Approx. 220 minutes â Terminal Model name DS1203 Dimensions (H Ă W Ă D) Approx. 137 mm Ă 69 mm Ă 9.6 mm (Max. thickness : Approx. 10.3 mm) Weight Approx. 143 g (with battery pack) Memory ROM 16 GB RAM 2 GB Continuous standby time Continuous call time 254 LTE Stationary (Automatic) : Approx. 320 hours FOMA/3G Stationary (Automatic) : Approx. 350 hours GSM Stationary (Automatic) : Approx. 350 hours FOMA/3G Approx. 580 minutes GSM Approx. 480 minutes Appendix / Index Display Image pickup device Type TFT 16,777,216 colors Size Approx. 4.7 inches Pixels 720 dots Ă 1280 dots HD Type CMOS Size Main camera : 1/3.0 inch Front camera : 1/7.8 inch EďŹective pixels Main camera : Approx. 1320 Megapixels Front camera : Approx. 140 Megapixels Recorded pixels (maximum) Main camera : Approx. 1310 Megapixels Front camera : Approx. 120 Megapixels Zoom (Digital) Up to approx. 4.0x (16 levels) Music playback Windows Media Audio (WMA) ďŹle Continuous playback time : Approx. 2,160 minutes (Supports background playback) MP3 ďŹle Continuous playback time : Approx. 1,838 minutes (Supports background playback) Wireless LAN IEEE802.11 a/b/g/ (2.4GHz/5GHz) compliant Bluetooth Compatible Bluetooth version Bluetooth standard Ver.4.0*1 Output Bluetooth standard version Power Class 1 Line-of-sight Within approx. communication 100 meters distance* Compatible Bluetooth proďŹles*3 *1 *2 *3 HFP, HSP, OPP, SPP, HID, A2DP, AVRCP, PBAP, FTP We conďŹrm that all Bluetooth compatible devices including this terminal are compliant with Bluetooth standards designated by Bluetooth SIG and are certiďŹed. However, procedures may vary and data transfer may not be possible, depending on the characteristics and speciďŹcations of the device that you connect to. This varies depending on the obstacles between the communicating devices and the reception quality. These are Bluetooth standards that provide speciďŹcations for communications between Bluetooth compatible device. Appendix / Index 255 ⢠Continuous call time is an estimate of the battery life during a continuous call with normal signal reception. ⢠Continuous standby time is an estimate of the battery life during a continuous standby with normal signal reception. In certain circumstances, the standby time may drop to as low as half the time shown due to the battery charge, function settings, temperature, or radio wave reception in the area (no reception or weak). ⢠A use of the Internet reduces the actual call (communication)/standby time. Even if you do not perform communication or use the Internet, composing emails, activating application, using camera also reduces call (communication)/standby time. ⢠Stationary continuous standby time is the average battery life when you are stationary with normal signal reception. ⢠Moving continuous standby time is the combined average battery life for when "stationary" or "moving" with normal signal reception and when "out of service area". ⢠Charging time is an estimate of the time required to charge a completely empty battery pack while this terminal is turned oďŹ. The charging time is longer if you charge while this terminal is turned on. â Battery pack 256 Appendix / Index Battery type Lithium-ion battery Nominal voltage 3.8 V Nominal capacity 2,210 mAh File formats This terminal supports the display or playback of the following ďŹle formats. Type File formats Audio mp3, m4a, wav, ogg, amr, wma, aac, mka, mid Image bmp, gif, jpeg, png, wbmp, webp Video mp4, 3gp, m4v, mkv, wmv, avi, ďŹv Photos and videos are saved in the following ďŹle formats. Type File formats Photo JPEG Video MP4 Estimate number of photos and video â Number of shooting photos (estimate) Resolution 1536 Ă 864 (W1M) Number of shooting photos saved in microSD card (1GB) Approx. 2,300 â Video recording time (estimate) Resolution 640 Ă 480 (VGA) Video recording time saved in microSD card (1GB) Up to approx. 55 minutes (per video) Up to approx. 55 minutes (total) SpeciďŹc Absorption Rate (SAR) of Mobile Phones This model DS1203 mobile phone complies with Japanese technical regulations and international guidelines regarding exposure to radio waves. This mobile phone was designed in observance of Japanese technical regulations regarding exposure to radio waves*1 and limits to exposure to radio waves recommended by a set of equivalent international guidelines. This set of international guidelines was set out by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP), which is in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO), and the permissible limits include a substantial safety margin designed to assure the safety of all persons, regardless of age and health condition. The technical regulations and international guidelines set out limits for radio waves as the SpeciďŹc Absorption Rate, or SAR, which is the value of absorbed energy in any 10 grams of tissue over a 6-minute period. The SAR limit for mobile phones is 2.0 W/kg. The highest SAR value for this mobile phone when tested for use at the ear is XX W/kg. There may be slight Appendix / Index 257 diďŹerences between the SAR levels for each product, but they all satisfy the limit. The actual SAR of this mobile phone while operating can be well below that indicated above. This is due to automatic changes to the power level of the device to ensure it only uses the minimum required to reach the network. Therefore in general, the closer you are to a base station, the lower the power output of the device. This mobile phone can be used in positions other than against your ear. This mobile phone satisďŹes the international guidelines when used with a carrying case or a wearable accessory approved by NTT DOCOMO, INC.*2 In case you are not using the approved accessory, please use a product that does not contain any metals, and one that positions the mobile phone at least 1.5 cm away from your body. The World Health Organization has stated that "a large number of studies have been performed over the last two decades to assess whether mobile phones pose a potential health risk. To date, no adverse health eďŹects have been established as being caused by mobile phone use." 258 Appendix / Index Please refer to the WHO website if you would like more detailed information. http://www.who.int/docstore/peh-emf/ publications/facts_press/fact_japanese.htm (in Japanese only) Please refer to the websites listed below if you would like more detailed information regarding SAR. Ministry of Internal AďŹairs and Communications Website : http://www.tele.soumu.go.jp/e/sys/ele/index. htm Association of Radio Industries and Businesses Website : http://www.arib-emf.org/index02.html (in Japanese only) NTT DOCOMO, INC. Website : http://www.nttdocomo.co.jp/english/ product/sar/ LG Electronics Inc. Website (Check the SpeciďŹcations page for this terminal.) : http://www.lg.com/jp/mobile-phones/allphones/index.jsp (in Japanese only) (The URL is subject to change without prior notice.) *1 *2 Technical regulations are deďŹned by the Ministerial Ordinance Related to Radio Law (Article 14-2 of Radio Equipment Regulations). Regarding the method of measuring SAR when using mobile phones in positions other than against the ear, international standards (IEC62209-2) were set in March of 2010. On the other hand, technical regulation is currently being deliberated on by national council. (As of November, 2011) Radio Frequency (RF) Signals THIS MODEL PHONE MEETS THE U.S. GOVERNMENT'S REQUIREMENTS FOR EXPOSURE TO RADIO WAVES. Your wireless phone contains a radio transmitter and receiver. Your phone is designed and manufactured not to exceed the emission limits for exposure to radio frequency (RF) energy set by the Federal Communications Commission of the U.S. Government. These limits are part of comprehensive guidelines and establish permitted levels of RF energy for the general population. The guidelines are based on standards that were developed by independent scientiďŹc organizations through periodic and thorough evaluation of scientiďŹc studies. The exposure standard for wireless mobile phones employs a unit of measurement known as the SpeciďŹc Absorption Rate (SAR). The SAR limit set by the FCC is 1.6W/kg.* Tests for SAR are conducted using standard operating positions accepted by the FCC with the phone transmitting at its highest certiďŹed power level in all tested frequency bands. Although the SAR is determined at the highest certiďŹed Appendix / Index 259 power level, the actual SAR level of the phone while operating can be well below the maximum value. This is because the phone is designed to operate at multiple power levels so as to use only the power required to reach the network. In general, the closer you are to a wireless base station antenna, the lower the output. Before a phone model is available for sale to the public, it must be tested and certiďŹed to the FCC that it does not exceed the limit established by the U.S. government-adopted requirement for safe exposure. The tests are performed on position and locations (for example, at the ear and worn on the body) as required by FCC for each model. The highest SAR value for this model phone as reported to the FCC when tested for use at the ear is 0.42 W/kg, and when worn on the body is 0.41W/kg. (Body-worn measurements diďŹer among phone models, depending upon available accessories and FCC requirements). While there may be diďŹerences between the SAR levels of various phones and at various positions, they all meet the U.S. government requirement. 260 Appendix / Index The FCC has granted an Equipment Authorization for this model phone with all reported SAR levels evaluated as in compliance with the FCC RF exposure guidelines. SAR information on this model phone is on ďŹle with the FCC and can be found under the Display Grant section at http://transition.fcc.gov/oet/ ea/fccid/ after search on FCC ID ZNFL01F. For body worn operation, this phone has been tested and meets the FCC RF exposure guidelines. Please use an accessory designated for this product or an accessory which contains no metal and which positions the handset a minimum of 1.5 cm from the body. In the United States, the SAR limit for wireless mobile phones used by the public is 1.6 watts/kg (W/kg) averaged over one gram of tissue. SAR values may vary depending upon national reporting requirements and the network band. Declaration of Conformity The product "DS1203" is declared to conform with the essential requirements of European Union Directive 1999/5/EC Radio and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment Directive 3.1(a), 3.1(b) and 3.2. This mobile phone complies with the EU requirements for exposure to radio waves. Your mobile phone is a radio transceiver, designed and manufactured not to exceed the SAR* limits** for exposure to radio-frequency (RF) energy, which SAR* value, when tested for compliance against the standard was XX W/kg at the ear. While there may be diďŹerences between the SAR* levels of various phones and at various positions, they all meet*** the EU requirements for RF exposure. 262 The exposure standard for mobile phones employs a unit of measurement known as the SpeciďŹc Absorption Rate, or SAR. Appendix / Index ** The SAR limit for mobile phones used by the public is 2.0 watts/kilogram (W/ kg) averaged over ten grams of tissue, recommended by The Council of the European Union. The limit incorporates a substantial margin of safety to give additional protection for the public and to account for any variations in measurements. *** Tests for SAR have been conducted using standard operating positions with the phone transmitting at its highest certiďŹed power level in all tested frequency bands. Although the SAR is determined at the highest certiďŹed power level, the actual SAR level of the phone while operating can be well below the maximum value. This is because the phone is designed to operate at multiple power levels so as to use only the power required to reach the network. In general, the closer you are to a base station antenna, the lower the power output. European Union Directives Conformance Statement Hereby, LG Electronics Inc. declares that this product is in compliance with : ⢠The essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC ⢠All other relevant EU Directives The above gives an example of a typical Product Approval Number. Wi-Fi (WLAN) This device is intended for sale in Japan only. This equipment may be operated in all European countries. The 5150 - 5350 Mhz band is restricted to indoor use only. Important Safety Information AIRCRAFT Switch oďŹ your wireless device when boarding an aircraft or whenever you are instructed to do so by airline staďŹ. If your device oďŹers a 'ďŹight mode' or similar feature consult airline staďŹ as to whether it can be used on board. DRIVING Full attention should be given to driving at all times and local laws and regulations restricting the use of wireless devices while driving must be observed. HOSPITALS Mobile phones should be switched oďŹ wherever you are requested to do so in hospitals, clinics or health care facilities. These requests are designed to prevent possible interference with sensitive medical equipment. Appendix / Index 263 PETROL STATIONS Obey all posted signs with respect to the use of wireless devices or other radio equipment in locations with ďŹammable material and chemicals. Switch oďŹ your wireless device whenever you are instructed to do so by authorized staďŹ. INTERFERENCE Care must be taken when using the phone in close proximity to personal medical devices, such as pacemakers and hearing aids. Pacemakers Pacemaker manufacturers recommend that a minimum separation of 15cm be maintained between a mobile phone and a pacemaker to avoid potential interference with the pacemaker. To achieve this use the phone on the opposite ear to your pacemaker and do not carry it in a breast pocket. 264 Appendix / Index Hearing Aids Some digital wireless phones may interfere with some hearing aids. In the event of such interference, you may want to consult your hearing aid manufacturer to discuss alternatives. NOTE : Excessive sound pressure from earphones and headphones can cause hearing loss. To prevent possible hearing damage, do not listen at high volume levels for long periods. For other Medical Devices : Please consult your physician and the device manufacturer to determine if operation of your phone may interfere with the operation of your medical device. Export Administration Regulations Japan Export Control Regulations ("Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Law" and relevant laws and regulations) may apply to this product and its accessories. U.S. Re-export Regulations (Export Administration Regulations) applies to this product and its accessories. If you export or re-export this product or its accessories, please follow the necessary procedures at your own risk and expense. For details on the procedures, contact the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry or the U.S. Department of Commerce. Intellectual Property Right Copyrights and Portrait Rights You have no right to copy, modify, or distribute contents such as text, images, music, map data, or software downloaded from websites on the Internet, or photos shot by the camera of this product without permission from the copyright holder except when the copy or quote is for personal use that is allowed under Copyright Law. Note that it may be prohibited to shoot or record live performances or exhibitions even for personal use. Refrain from taking portraits of other people and uploading such portraits to websites using this product without their consent, as this violates portrait rights. Appendix / Index 265 Trademarks ⢠"FOMA", " ď˝ -mode", "i- Îą ppli", "sp-mode", "Deco-mail", "WORLD CALL", "WORLD WING", "mopera", "mopera U", "ToruCa" and "iD" are the trademarks or registered trademarks of NTT DOCOMO, INC. ⢠"Catch Phone (Call waiting service)" is a registered trademark of Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation. ⢠The microSDHC Logo is a trademark of SD3C, LLC. ⢠The Bluetooth word mark and logos are owned by the Bluetooth SIG, INC. and any use of such marks by NTT DOCOMO, INC. is under license. Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners. ⢠Wi-Fi CertiďŹedÂŽ and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Wi-Fi Alliance. 266 Appendix / Index ⢠MicrosoftÂŽ, WindowsÂŽ, Windows VistaÂŽ, and Windows MediaÂŽ are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. ⢠Google and Google logo, Android, Play Store and Play Store logo, Play Movie, Google Map, Google Talk, Google Calendar, Google+ and Google+ logo, Gmail and Gmail logo, YouTube and YouTube logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Google, Inc. ⢠HDMI (High-DeďŹnition Multimedia Interface) is trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing LLC. is a registered trademark of FeliCa ⢠Networks, Inc. ⢠"mobacas" is a registered trademark of Japan Mobilecasting, Inc. ⢠"NOTTV" is a registered trademark of mmbi, Inc. ⢠The module developed by Independent JPEG Group is included in a part of this product. ⢠Other company names or product names described in this manual are trademarks or registered trademarks of those companies. Others ⢠Rovi, G-GUIDE, G-GUIDE MOBILE and G-Guide related logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Rovi Corporation and/or its subsidiaries in Japan. ⢠The abbreviations of operating systems (Japanese versions) below are used in this manual. - Windows 7 stands for MicrosoftÂŽ WindowsÂŽ 7 (Starter, Home Basic, Home Premium, Professional, Enterprise and Ultimate). - Windows Vista stands for Windows VistaÂŽ (Home Basic, Home Premium, Business, Enterprise and Ultimate). - Windows XP indicates MicrosoftÂŽ WindowsÂŽ XP Professional operating system or MicrosoftÂŽ WindowsÂŽ XP Home Edition operating system. ⢠This product is licensed complying with the MPEG-4 Patent Portfolio License. If you use it for private purpose without any proďŹts, you are allowed to use them only when : - Recording videos that are compliant with the standard of MPEG-4 Visual (hereinafter referred to as MPEG-4 Video) - Playing MPEG-4 Videos recorded personally by consumers not engaged in proďŹt activities - Playing MPEG-4 Video supplied from the provider licensed from MPEG-LA For details, contact MPEG LA, LLC of the U.S. ⢠FeliCa is a contactless IC card technology developed by Sony Corporation. FeliCa is a registered trademark of Sony Corporation. ⢠iWnn of OMRON SOFTWARE Co., Ltd. is used for conversion methods for Japanese language. iWnn Š OMRON SOFTWARE Co., Ltd. 20082012 All Rights Reserved. Appendix / Index 267 Unlocking SIM Unlocking SIM is available on this terminal. Unlocking SIM enables a SIM card from other makers to be used. ⢠Unlocking SIM is available at a docomo Shop. ⢠A fee is required to unlock the SIM. ⢠When a SIM card from another maker is used, LTE is not available. In addition, its services and functions may get restricted. DOCOMO assumes no responsibility for any operation problems based on SIMs from other makers. ⢠Visit the DOCOMO website for detailed information on unlocking SIM. 268 Appendix / Index Index Number 1Seg âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 186 1Seg antenna âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 42 Program Schedule âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 192 Settings âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 195 Using TV Link âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 194 Viewing âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 189 Viewing Reservations âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 193 7notes with mazec-T âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 229 About phone âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 159 Accessibility âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 157 Access Point âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 139 Checking âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 139 Initializing âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 140 Setting an additional access point âŚâŚâŚ 140 Accounts & sync âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 150 Adapter âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ19, 29, 50 After-Sales Service âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 255 Alarm / Clock âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 218 Setting Alarm âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 218 Setting the Stopwatch âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 220 Setting the Timer âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 220 Setting the World Clock âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 220 Application âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 3 Application List âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 88 Group âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 96 Moving Applications âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 96 Application List âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 88 Apps âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 147 Area Mail âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 128 Backing up Data and Settings âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 224 Backing up to SD card âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 224 Backing up âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 225 Copying the contacts on Google account to docomo account âŚâŚ 226 Open âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 224 Restoring âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 225 Backlight âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 53 Backup & reset âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 155 Battery pack âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 269 Appendix / Index 269 Battery Pack âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ17, 28, 46 Attaching âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 46 Battery Pack LifeâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 47 Removing âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 46 Before Using this Terminal âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 7 Bluetooth âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 30, 165 Connecting âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 167 Notes on using âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 165 ON/OFF âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 167 Pairing âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 167 Pass code (PIN) âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 166 Reception interference caused by wireless LAN devices âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 166 Sending/Receiving Data âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 169 Bookmark âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 132 Browser âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 129 Changing Settings âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 132 Opening âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 130 Searching for a web page by voice entry ⌠131 Using Bookmark and History âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 132 270 Appendix / Index Calculator âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ Calendar âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ Changing/Deleting Schedule âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ Changing Settings âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ Creating a Schedule âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ Opening âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ Switching Calendar Display âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ Calling âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ Call Log âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ Emergency call âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ Entering a pause âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ Making a Call âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ Making an international call âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ Operations during a Call âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ Phonebook âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ Receiving a Call âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ Roaming settings âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ Call Log âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ Call Settings âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ Advanced call settings âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ Setting network services âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 222 221 222 222 221 221 221 101 107 103 102 101 104 106 112 105 238 107 110 112 110 Camera âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 196 Notes for capturing images âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 197 Shooting a Photo âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 199 Shooting videos âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 201 Viewing Photos and Videos âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 202 Viewing shooting screen âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 198, 200 Changing Screen Orientation âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 58 Character Entry âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 60 Character mode âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 64 Charging âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 47 Battery Charging âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 47 Charging Time (estimate) âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 47 Charging with a PCâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 52 Charging with the AC Adapter âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 50 Charging with the Desktop Holder âŚâŚâŚâŚ 48 Usage Time (estimate) âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 48 Checking or Unchecking Options âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 55 Connectivity âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 158 Contacts Adding to Favorites âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 116 Deleting âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 115 Editing âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 114 Making Calls/Sending Emails/Chatting 115 RegisteringâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 114 Searching âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 114 SharingâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 116 Copyrights and Portrait Rights âŚâŚâŚ 196, 277 Data Roaming âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 241 Data usage âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 136 Date & Time âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 156 Declaration of Conformity âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 274 Developer options âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 159 DEVICE âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 141 Display âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 41, 142 dmarket âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 173 dmenu âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 173 docomo miniUIM âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 21, 29, 43, 151 Inserting âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 43 Removing âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 44 docomo Palette UI âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 83 docomo Service âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 149 Electronic Medical Equipment âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 22 Email âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 123 Adding an Account âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 125 Changing the Setting of Email Account 126 Creating and Sending an Email âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 125 Displaying a Received Email âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 124 Opening âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 124 Setting Account âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 123 Emergency call âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 103 Emoticons âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 65 Appendix / Index 271 Error Message âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ European Union Directives Conformance Statement âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ Export Administration Regulations âŚâŚâŚâŚ External Device Connection âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ Connecting with a PC âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ USB connection âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 158, 253 275 277 170 170 171 FAQ âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 243 File formats âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 269 File Management âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 160 File Operation âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 160 Folder and File Operations âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 162 Operating environment âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 160 Transferring Data with a PC âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 162 Windows Media Player âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 160, 162 Necessary device âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 160 First-time Settings âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 68 Folder Structure âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 161 Gallery âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ Gestures âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 56, Gmail âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ Google Chrome âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 272 Appendix / Index 202 145 127 133 Google Talk âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ Launch Google Talk âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ Starting Chat âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ GPS âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 133 133 134 213 Handling and Care âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 26 Home Application Information âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 99 Home screen âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 83, 143 Changing Wallpaper âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 86 Customizing icons âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 82 How to Use this Manual âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 3 Icons âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 76 Important Safety Information âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 275 Infrared Communication âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 163 Receiving âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 165 Sending All Data âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 164 Sending a Single Data âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 164 Sending My proďŹle âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 164 Initializing âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 156 Initial Settings âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 68 Intellectual Property Right âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 277 INTERNAL STORAGEâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 146 International Roaming (WORLD WING) âŚâŚ 233 L Language & input âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ Latitude âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ Local âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ Location services âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 150, Lock Screen âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 53, 154 217 218 215 144 Main SpeciďŹcations âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 266 Making an international call âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 104 Calls to ďŹxed-line telephone âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 104 Calls to mobile phone âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 104 Manage Applications âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 95 Maps âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 216 Get directions âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 216 Opening Map âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 216 Material List âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 23 Media Player âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 204 Available ďŹle formats âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 204 Copying Music Files and Videos âŚâŚâŚâŚ 205 Opening âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 205 Playing Music âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 207 Playing Videos âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 208 Setting âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 212 Using Playlists âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 210 Medical Equipment âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 22 Message âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 121 microSD Card âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 44 Inserting âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 45 Removing âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 45 Missed Call âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 108 mobacas âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 180 mobacas antenna âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 42 Scheduling âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 184 Searching for programs/content âŚâŚâŚâŚ 183 Settings âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 185 Viewing programs/content âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 181 Viewing the viewing screen âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 182 mopera UâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 141 Navigation âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 217 Network Mode âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 240 Network security code âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 152 Notebook âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 232 NotiďŹcation icons âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 77 NotiďŹcation LED âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 75 NotiďŹcation Panel âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 79 Closing âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 81 Customizing quick settings âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 81 Editing quick settings âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 81 Opening âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 79 Viewing details âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 81 Appendix / Index 273 274 Online Service Accounts âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 73 Adding âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 74 Deleting âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 75 Manually synchronizing âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 74 Onscreen Keyboard âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 60 10-key keyboard âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 60 Arrow key mode âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 62 Changing character entry settings âŚâŚâŚâŚ 65 Flick input âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 64 mazec-T Conversion keyboard âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 63 QWERTY keyboard âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 60 Switching keyboard âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 64 Switching the character mode âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 64 Operations during a Call âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 106 Adjusting Call Volume âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 106 Options âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 242 Osaifu-Keitai âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 176 Canceling the lock âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 179 Holding the Terminal over a Reader âŚâŚ 178 iC transfer service âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 177 Locking âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 178 Using âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 177 Part Names âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 41 Pass code (PIN) âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 166 Pause âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 102 PERSONALâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 149 Phonebook âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 112 Backing up âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 227 Changing Account âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 117 Displaying âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 112 Group âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 117 Importing âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 228 My proďŹleâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 118 PictogramsâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 65 Pinching in âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 56 Pinching out âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 56 PIN code âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 152 Changing âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 153 Enabling âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 153 Enter âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 154 PIN locked âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 154 PIN unblocking key âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 153 Play Store âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 174 Install âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 174 Purchasing an Application âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 175 Uninstalling âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 176 Polaris OďŹce âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 223 Power saver âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 146 Appendix / Index Precautions for Terminal âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 14, 27 Public mode (power OFF) settings âŚâŚâŚâŚ 111 QMemo âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 58 Quad core control âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 148 Radio Frequency (RF) Signals âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 272 Receiving a call âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 105 Recent calls âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 107 Calling to Answer a Missed Call âŚâŚâŚâŚ 108 Deleting âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 109 Registering to the Phonebook âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 109 âRecommendsâApplication âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 99 Related Devices âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 242 Remote operation settings âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 111 Safe mode âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 246 Safety Precautions âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 9 Samples âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 25, 33, 242 Screen Display âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 76 Screen Shot âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 58 Scrolling Screen âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 55 Searching Applications on this Terminal and Website âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 98 Security âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 150 Security code âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 151 Settings âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 135 Settings Menu âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 135 Smartphone Anshin Remote Support âŚâŚâŚ 254 SmartWorld âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 223 SMS âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 121 Backing up to a miniUIM âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 228 Receiving/Viewing âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 122 Sending âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 121 Sound âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 141 SpeciďŹc Absorption Rate (SAR) âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 270 sp-mode âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 140 sp-mode mail âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 121 Status Bar âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 76 Status icons âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 76 Storage âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 146 Supplied Accessories âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 1 Switching Application Screen Display âŚâŚâŚ 98 Symbols âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 65 System âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 156 ToruCa âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 179 Appendix / Index 275 Touch Screen âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 54 Operations âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 55 Precautions on Use âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 54 Trademarks âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 278 Troubleshooting âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 243 Turning OFF the Power âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 52 Turning ON the Power âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 52 Unlocking SIM âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 280 Updating LG Software âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 262 ConďŹrming Update âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 263 Downloading Software âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 264 Software Installation âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 265 Updating Software âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 257 Before Updating Software âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 258 Scheduled Update âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 261 Updating Software Automatically âŚâŚâŚ 259 Updating Software now âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 260 USB Tethering âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 158 Using Motion Gesture âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 56 AlarmâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 56 Moving Home screen items âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 57 Muting ringtone âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 57 Using Overseas âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 233 After Returning to Japan âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 236 Automatically Selecting a Network âŚâŚâŚ 241 Available Services âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 234 276 Appendix / Index ConďŹrming before Departure âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ ConďŹrming before Using âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ ConďŹrming Overseas âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ Data Roaming âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ International Roaming (WORLD WING) ⌠Making a Call from Other Parties âŚâŚâŚâŚ Making Calls to Other Countries (including Japan) âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ Making Calls to WORLD WING UsersâŚâŚ Making Domestic Calls âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ Network Mode âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ Pre-conďŹguring âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ Receiving Calls âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ Searching a Network and Setting Manually âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 234 234 235 241 233 239 237 237 237 240 235 239 240 VPN âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ Adding âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ Connecting âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ Deleting âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ Editing âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 138 138 139 139 139 Wallpaper âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 86 Warranty âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 254 Waterproofness âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 34 Back Cover âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 35 Before Using âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 35 Charging âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 40 Draining water âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 38 Precautions âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 36 Widget âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 84  i-Fi âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 69 Adding âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 72 Changing password âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 72 Connecting âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 70 Disconnecting âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 72 Ignoring unavailable radio waves âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 73 Notifying when Wi-Fi network with no security protection is detected âŚâŚâŚâŚ 71 Setting Wi-Fi connection while the screen is OFF âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 73 Status âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 70 Wi-Fi Tethering âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 137 Activating âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 137 Setting timeout âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 137 Setting Wi-Fi access point âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 138 Windows Media Player âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 160 Wireless LAN (WLAN) âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 31, 69 WIRELESS & NETWORKS âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 135 WORLD CALL âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 104 Zooming In or Out âŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚâŚ 56 Appendix / Index 277 You can view/change your contract details, subscribe to services, and request information materials on the Internet. dmenu on sp-mode X " ă厢ć§ăľăăźă㸠(Customer support)" X " ĺ税ăçłčžźăťăćçśă (Applications and procedures)" (Toll free for packet communication fee) My docomo (http://www.mydocomo.com/) X ĺ税ăçłčžźăťăćçśă(Various Applications/Procedures) (in Japanese only) * You need your network password to access from sp-mode. * You may be partly charged to access from sp-mode. * When using pc, You need your docomo ID/password in order to access this page. * If you do not have or you have forgotten your "docomo ID/password", contact "General Inquiries" on the back of this manual. * You may not be able to access the site depending on your subscription. * You may not be able to access the site due to system maintenance, etc. Using mobile phones with your manners! Please be considerate of others around you when using this terminal. Always turn OFF your terminal in the following situations â In a place where the use of mobile phones is prohibited Always turn oďŹ your terminal on an airplane and in a hospital. * Please note that medical electrical equipment is used not only in a hospital ward. Always turn oďŹ your terminal in lobbies and waiting rooms as well. â When you are in a crowded train or other places where implanted cardiac pacemaker or deďŹbrillator wearers could be nearby This terminal may exert a harmful eďŹect on implanted cardiac pacemakers and implanted deďŹbrillators. Set your terminal to Public mode in the following situations â While driving Using the mobile phone in your hand while driving is subject to punishment. * However, this excludes situations when the use of a mobile phone is unavoidable, such as the rescue of the sick and injured or the maintenance of public safety. 278 â When you are in a public place such as a theater, movie theater, or museum Using this terminal in a public place, where you need to be quiet, annoys people around you. Be considerate of where you use your terminal and keep your voice and ringtone down â Keep your voice down when using this terminal in a quiet place such as a restaurant and hotel lobby. â If you are in an outdoor public place, make sure you do not disturb others. Respect privacy Please be considerate of the privacy of individuals around you when shooting and sending photos using camera-equipped mobile phones. Functions for maintaining good manners in public places This terminal is equipped with usual functions that allow you not to answer an incoming call or to mute the sound. â Vibrate only/Silent â P128 Silent mode mutes this terminal's sounds, such as operation sounds and the ringtone. * However, shutter sound is not available to set to mute. â Public mode (Power OFF) â P98 A message plays notifying callers that you are where you have to power off the phone and cannot answer, and the phone automatically hangs up. â Vibrate â P128 NotiďŹes incoming calls by vibration. You can also use optional services such as the Voice Mail Service (P97) and the Call Forwarding Service (P97) . We collect mobile phones and related equipment that you no longer need even if it is not a docomo product. Please bring them to your local docomo shop. * Acceptable Products: Mobile phones, PHS terminals, battery packs, battery chargers, and desktop holders (regardless of the provider) 279 Loss or theft of terminal or payment of cumulative cost overseas ădocomo Information Centeră (available 24 hours a day) From DOCOMO mobile phones International call access code for the country you stay -81-3-6832-6600* (toll free) * You are charged a call fee to Japan when calling from a land-line phone, etc. Failures encountered overseas ăNetwork Support and Operation Centeră (available 24 hours a day) From DOCOMO mobile phones International call access code for the country you stay -81-3-6718-1414* (toll free) * You are charged a call fee to Japan when calling from a land-line phone, etc. * If you use DS1203, you should dial the number +81-3-6832-6600 (to enter '+', touch and hold the '0' key for at least one second). * If you use DS1203, you should dial the number +81-3-6718-1414 (to enter '+', touch and hold the '0' key for at least one second). From land-line phonesăUniversal numberă From land-line phonesăUniversal numberă Universal number international preďŹx Universal number international preďŹx -8000120-0151* * You might be charged a domestic call fee according to the call rate for the country you stay. * For international call access codes for major countries and universal number international preďŹx, refer to DOCOMO International Services website. -8005931-8600* * You might be charged a domestic call fee according to the call rate for the country you stay. * For international call access codes for major countries and universal number international preďŹx, refer to DOCOMO International Services website. â If you lose your terminal or have it stolen, immediately take the steps necessary for suspending the use of this terminal. â If this terminal you purchased is damaged, bring your terminal to a repair counter speciďŹed by DOCOMO after returning to Japan. General Inquiries Repairs ădocomo Information Centeră â From DOCOMO mobile phones (In Japanese only) 0120-005-250 (toll free) * Service available in: English, Portuguese, Chinese, Spanish, Korean. * Unavailable from part of IP phones. Business hours: 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. (No preďŹx)113 (toll free) * Unavailable from land-line phones, etc. â From DOCOMO mobile phones (In Japanese only) â From land-line phones (In Japanese only) * Unavailable from land-line phones, etc. * Unavailable from part of IP phones. Business hours: 24 hours (open all year round) (No preďŹx)151(toll free) 0120-800-000 (toll free) â From land-line phones (In Japanese only) 0120-800-000 (toll free) * Unavailable from part of IP phones. Business hours: 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. (open all year round) Please conďŹrm the phone number before you dial. For Applications or Repairs and After-Sales Service, please contact the above-mentioned information center or the docomo Shop etc. near you on the NTT DOCOMO website. NTT DOCOMO website http://www.nttdocomo.co.jp/english/ Contact for Samples â LG Mobile Customer Information Center (In Japanese only) 0120-011-167 Business hours: 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (Except Saturdays, Sundays, Holidays, Year End and New Year Holidays) Confirm the number so that you do not dial incorrectly. Regarding samples, confirm using this manual. Sales: NTT DOCOMO, INC. Manufacturer: LG Electronics Inc. Don't forget your mobile phone... or your manners! When using your mobile phone in a public place, don't forget to show common courtesy and consideration to others around you. '13.XX (1st Edition) XXXXXXXXXXX
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