LG Electronics USA LACT10-R Smart/RF Card Authentication System User Manual

LG Electronics USA Smart/RF Card Authentication System


Manual 2

Download: LG Electronics USA LACT10-R Smart/RF Card Authentication System User Manual
Mirror Download [FCC.gov]LG Electronics USA LACT10-R Smart/RF Card Authentication System User Manual
Document ID1208566
Application ID2K6H6jTPVk83jwJO75Z0EA==
Document DescriptionManual 2
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize324.1kB (4051292 bits)
Date Submitted2009-12-03 00:00:00
Date Available2010-01-17 00:00:00
Creation Date2009-11-19 11:19:50
Producing SoftwareAcrobat Distiller 7.0.5 (Windows)
Document Lastmod2009-11-19 11:27:43
Document Title횉짜횁철.PDF

3. Environment settings
3.3.2. Delete User
Press [Em] for ever 2 sec. Press [1] m
to enter rnain menu. register a new user.
.. , .. 7, a E is
i] eeeeee
To select delete user. Input user ID to delete and
press [2] press [Em].
- Alter enlerlng the user lD le delete, press [ENT] yeu will hear Ihree shcn beeps and
all the lnfcrmallcrl about the user IS deleled However, (he lnfcrmatlcn Is still slcred
In the server. To completely delete this mlermatren, the data In the server shall also
have to be deleted.
- it a non—registered user ID is entered, °w2.Delele°: appears together with an error (one
- Caution is required when deleting a user or an administrator. The user lust registered
in lhe unil (not in the server) is ncl recoverable, so special care is required.
3. Environment settings
3.3.3. Modify User
Press [Ent] for over 2 sec. Press [1] to
to enter main menu. register a new user.
Tu select deiete user, Enter the user‘s ID to Modify, Seiect changing menu. Change value.
press [3] and press [Ent].
- When changing an ID. there is no dm‘erence
between a user and an administrator
If a non-registered user (or administrator) is entered.
you win hear an error tone and
the “1.Add' menu appears
3. Environment settings "1.RF" user
Press [Ent] for ever 2 sec. Press [1] to To select delete user,
to enter rnain menu. register a new user. press [3]
fl , EA E] . t .. 1 Change amt .. , ..  W
- E] (E pp'g pp'g Pince VourCurd ‘
Enter the user's ID to Modify, Press [1] human to To cancel. Piace the card.
and press [Em]. change the card. press the [Dei] button. ‘ i' a USE'FiflCeS the card dose to
~ When changing an in, there is no difterenoe - To change the card. press [1]. __ the unit, three short peeps
belween a user and an adminislraior To cancei. press the [Dei] button (Modification is suceessiul) Wiil be heard and
ii a non-registered user (or administrator) is entered, the i-Add menu appears.
you wili hear an error tone arid
the “i Add“ menu appears.
3. Environment settings "2.ID&PW" user
Press [Ent] for over 2 sec. Press [1] to To select delete user,
to enter main menu. register a new user. press [3]
fl . D E] . 4 .. t ModiYyPW .. y ..  . 4 , (Confirm PW>
_ E E PP'Q pplg PW: 77777777 pplg PW: 77777777
Enter the user's ID to Modify, Press the [1] button to Press [Ent] to Input the same password
and press [Ent]. change the passwords. input the password. once more for verification.
~ wnen changing an tD, there is no dtflerence - To change passwords, press [1]. ~ Press [ENT] to contrrm the password.
between a user and an admlntslvalov To cancet it, press [DEL] tftne password change is successtut,
ii a non-registered user (or administrator) is entered, you wtil hear three short beeps W not,
you wtli hear an error tone and you wtil hear an errortone and the
the “1 Add“ menu appears. ”1. Add“ menu appears.
3. Environment settings "3.RFIPW" , "4.RF&PW" , "5.ID&PWIRF&PW" user
Press [Ent] for over 2 sec. Press [1] to To select delete user,
to enter main menu. register a new user. press [3].
Enter the user‘s ID to Modify,
and press [Ent].
- When changing an ID. there is no difference
between a user and an administrator
If e non-registered user (or administrated is entered.
you will hear an error tone and
the "1.Add' menu appears.
To cancel, press the [Del] button.
3. Environment settings
3.3.4. Administrator registration
Press [Em] for over 2 sec. Press [1] to Press [0] to view menus not shown
to enter main menu. register a new user. in the LCD window.
And the foliowing screen appears
For administrator registration, Enter the administrator ID to
press [4]. register and press [Ent].
- Oniy an administrator can change the
Ierminai operation environment and
register/change/deiete user iniorrnation
stored in the unit. so speciai care is required
when registering an administrator.
3. Environment settings
3.3.5. Delete All Users
@ [it
Press [Ent] for ever 2 sec. Press [1] tn
to enter main menu. register a new user.
To deiete ail users, press [5]. To delete all users, press [1].
if not, press [2].
~ Special care is required because an user
accounts inciuding the administrator are
deleted with this operation
When Ihis operation is successtui.
you wiil near three shun beeps and the
“1 Add" menu appears
m. m.
Press [0] to view menus not shown
in the LCD window.
And the foliowing screen appears
3. Environment settings
3.4. Network settings
In the main menu, press [2] to select "2.Network" to see the following screen. When the setting is chosen,
press [Ent] to move to the next setting.
3.4.1. Terminal ID settings
Press [Ent] for over 2 sec. Press [2] to This ID is unique for each terminal and
to enter main menu. network settings. used by an authentication server to
distinguish each terminal.
The default is '00000001‘.
It should be identical to the door ID set
in the server program. and its length should be l~8 characters.
~ Ilthe terminal ID is ‘ioou’ .enter[l][0][0][0] in sequence.
ll lt is 0001‘ .enter only [1]. Press [EMT] to move to the next setting.
3. Environment settings
3.4.2. Connection [NS / SN / NO] mode settings
Press [Ent] for over 2 sec. Press [2] to Press [Ent].
to enter main menu. network settings.
NS mode : '0‘, SN mode: '1‘,
NO mode : ‘2‘
~ This deiines the authentication method between the terminal and network sen/er. and the delault is "1‘ (SN). Each authentication method is described beiow
— NS mode: select [0]. When there is a live connection to the sen/er. authentication is done through the server it not, it is done through the terminal.
— SN mode. select [1]. Even though there is a live connection to the server authentication is done through the terminal and the result is lorwarded to the sewer in
real time However, in the case of 1:1 authentication, it the entered user lo is not registered in the server, authentication is done through the server.
- N0 mode select [2] Even though a user is registered in the lermlnai, authentication is done through the server in any event
~ Depending on the number otterrninals, the number or users, or network conditions, each dillerent mode can be used ilexioly, but it there are more than
to terminals connected to the server lor simultaneous authentication or there are ireciuent network probiems, it is recommended to use SN authentication
(setting ‘1' 1
~ Press [EMT] to move to the next setting.
3. Environment settings
3.4.3. Connection method settings
Press [Ent] for over 2 sec. Press [2] to Press [Ent]. Press [Ent].
to enter main menu. network settings.
Press [0] for Static IP.
Press [1] for DHCP.
~ The deiattlt is '0' (Static P). It a vixed IP is assigned to the uriit in a network, press [0]
ii there is a DHCP server in the network to which the unit is connected, press [1].
~ Press [am to move to the next setting.
xFor Static iP (0), refer to 3 AA. iP address. 3.4.5 stmnet mask and 3.4 6. Gateway. For DHCP, skip those sections.
3. Environment settings
3.4.4. IP address settings
Press [Ent] for over 2 sec. Press [2] to Press [Ent]. Press [Ent].
to enter main menu. network settings.
Press [Em]. Press [Dei] to delete an old IP and enter the new IP.
- If the IP address is ‘‘, enter as below
' [2] l‘] [0] [0] [9] [3] [1] [0] [0] [5] [0]
~ Press [ENTJ to move to the next setting.
3. Environment settings
3.4.5. Subnet mask settings
Press [Ent] for over 2 sec. Press [2] to Press [Ent]. Press [Ent].
to enter main menu. network settings.
Press [Em]. Press [Ent]. Press [Del] to delete an old value and enter the new value.
~ ll the Subnet mask is ‘255255255 0‘, enter as below
' [2] [5] [5] [2] [5] [5] [2] [5] [5] [0]
~ Press [ENfl to move to the next setting.
3. Environment settings
3.4.6. Gateway settings
Press [Ent] for over 2 sec. Press [2] to Press [Ent]. Press [Ent].
to enter main menu. network settings.
Press [Ent]. Press [Ent]. Press [Em]. Press [Dei] to delete an old value and enter the new vaiue.
- If the gateway IP address is ‘' , enter as beiow
' [2] l‘] [0] [0] [9] [3] [1] [0] [0] [1]
~ Press [Em] 10 move 10 me next setting
3. Environment settings
3.4.7. Sewer IP settings
Press [Ent] for over 2 sec. Press [2] to Press [Ent]. Press [Ent].
to enter main menu. network settings.
Press [Ent]. Press [Ent]. Press [Ent]. Press [Ent]. Press [Del] to delete an old value
and enter the new value.
~ If the sever address is
‘210 98100.121‘, emeras below
' [2] [1] [0] [9] [3] [EN'U [1] [0] [0] l‘] [2] [1]
- Press [EN'I] to move to the next setting
3 Environment settings
3.4.8. Sewer port settings
Press [Ent] for over 2 sec. Press [2] to Press [Ent]. Press [Ent].
to enter main menu. network settings.
Press [Ent]. Press [Ent]. Press [Em]. Press [Ent]. Press [Ent]. Press [Del] to deiete an oid vaiue
and enter the new vaiue.
~ As the port number 01 the authentication
server. the delauit is ‘9870‘. Speciai care
is required when changing this number
because the corresponding number in the
server should aiso be changed
0 it the Server penis ‘9870', enter as below
- [2] [2] [0] [1]
- Once the network setting is complete.
press [Ent] to return to the main menu.
3. Environment settings
3.5. Option settings
3.5.1. Application mode settings
t Appiieation
2 Verity Option
3 set Door icck

00:00 , 00:00
~ After lastly setting normai
time. press [Em] to see
the ‘Muiti FHskey' setting
5 time & attenoance modes
(Multi Frisksy>
tsnActri 2:Mual Ctrl
Default screen [Ent] [3] [1]
- The default is ‘OzAccess Ctrl‘
- For access control application, set as 'O‘. For time & attendance, set as ‘1'. [0] Access Control
, No more detaiied settings tt moves to the upper menu. [1] Time Attendance control
, By setting up those detauit times regarding Start/Leaue/Out/Back, the terminal dispiay mode after authentication
can be automattcally changed to programmed time a attendance mode in addition, by using multi—Fn key,
over 40 sub modes oi time at attendance can be detined.
- tittme setting is not necessary, set as '0 00-00: 0'
, To change the start time trom ‘oo:ou~oo 00‘ to mob-09:59. press [Del] to deiete the existing setting time.
and enter [a] [s] [n] [a] [0] [e] [5] [a] in sequence.
— As long as no other tunction button is pressed during the setting time. it operates in start time mode. Even if the authentication
for outside work (Out) happens by pressing [F3] tunction key, the terminai dispiay made after the authentication oi
outside work is automatioaity changes to start time mode, which is very convenient tor users in time at attendance mode.
- After setting  and 
- Press [EN] to see
 menu semng
attei setting all the menu time
 time is set trom 07 00 to 09.00, an authentication data is recorded as .
, After setting  time, continue to set . , (Supper) and  With same mannei
it some menu is not necessary, set as ‘uo:uo-oo oo‘.
- Each menu time shaii not be overiapped. User can authenticate only one time during same menu time.
, it user has to authenticate more than onetime, he/she haste authenticate fingerprint after  button is pressed.
, 'Terminai Locked‘ message wiil be dispiayed during an intervai time between each  setting tirne.
Nobody can authenticate until the terminai is iocked except enteiing a menu mode.
3. Environment settings
3.5.2. Option settings for authentication
lApplication Defaultscreen [Ent] [3] [2]
2 Verify Optic" — To set the basic option lor authentication. press [2]
3 SetDooriocK Settings for ID display when authentication is successful
, Default setting . to'
<5"°W U’f"D> — it it is set to the cetault setting to; only the ‘Sttccess' message is
("ZMZ‘W displayed if it is set to ‘i ', user D is displayed in the LCD
window when authentication is successlul as shown below:
- Press [Ent] to move to (Ex.)OKl<0001>
the next setting Auto enter key setting
dmoEmerKep Defaultscreen [Ent] [3] [2] [Ent]
(N:oN:1);u , Default setting . -a'
, Ii it is set to the aetault setting ‘o‘, a user should input iD and push [Fi]~[F4].
[Em] or go through tingerprint verilication
it it is set to [i], tor a example, a user who uses password inputs lo, which
goes tor authentication process Without pushing any lunction key.
The authentication mode is the currently setting moole
- Press [Em] to move to
the next setting Settings for card only authentication
Defaultscreen [Ent] [3] [2] [Ent]
(N:ON:|):D ' Default selling : 'U'
- Even for a user who is registered to be authenticated with a card & PW / card afingerprint,
he/she only needs to use a card it this option is set to '|‘
This option is usually used when there are may terminals installed at the building entrance door
where user entry/exit is lreguent and the security level is relatively low.
< only Card >
. Once the setting is complete.
press [ENfl to move to the
upper menu.
3. Environment settings
3.5.3. Doorlock
1 . Application Default screeno [Em] C) [3] o [3]
2. Verify Option - Press [3] lot door settings
3. Set Doorlock
4. Sound Control
5. Time Setting
6. Other Setting Door opening time
<0pen Duration> Default screeno [Em] C) [3] O [3]
- Detauit setting : my (unit: sec.)
(00'30):°3 - This is used to set the door opening time after authentication is
. My mg “my A mpmly sueeesstuiiy done. This means the door opening time oniy tor
am mess [Em] to move strike type but is not applicable to dead boll type or auto door
to the next setting - it this is set to W. the door control in access oontrei mode is out
oi control Therefore. ‘00' setting may be possioie only for
time & attendance mode, where there is no need for lock control. Door status monitor
 Default screenO [Em] C) [3] 0 [3] C) [Ent]
- Detauitsetting : to-
- -o* setting is for no monitoring, “1 ' setting is lor dead bolt type
. 0mm semng u campieyeiy or auto door and ‘2' setting is tor strike type.
done. Press {Em} tn mnve - When this is set to ‘i‘ or ‘2', the mar status through eonneeteo
‘° W "5“ ”mm-4 terminai is periodically transmitted to the server.
in] NW—Norrioni ring
[1] NO , Dead bolt type or auto don
(In case that look monitoring pin is low when the mar is iockeoi
[2] NC , Strike type (In easethat lock monitoring pin is high when the door is locked)
3. Environment settings Door open alarm

~ Once the settlrlg rs complelel
oone, press [Enl] to move
to the upper menu.
3.5.4. Volume
1 . Application
2. Verify Option
3. Set Doorlock
4. Sound Control
5. Time Setting Voice

- Press [Em] to move to
the next settlng.
- Press [Enl] to move to
the next setllng.
6. Other Setting

Default screeno [Ent] O[3]O[3]O[Ent10[1] or [2] D [Em]
- Delaultselllng : m'
. For smoothly operatlon olthls setting, the relevant lock should be the lock type to be able to
mentor whetherthe door rs open or closed and lts monrtonng pin should properly be connected
to the termrnal. The prevlously mentloned settlng lor monltorlng door status should be set to ‘l‘
or ‘2' lor this operatron
Default screeno [Ent] O [3]
- Press [4] tor volume settrngs.
Default screeno [Em] C) [3] O [4]
- Delaultselllng"1'
~ To make volce lnlormation about termlnal control avallable. set lt to ‘l ‘. ll not. set it to ‘0' Buzzer volume
Default screeno [Ent] 0 [3] O [4] O [Ent]
- Delault sellrng . '1'
' Thls ls [or the terminal buzzer volume. thls ls set to ‘0'. there ls no buzzer sound.
‘1' setting means low volume and ‘2' means high volume.
3. Environment settings
3.5.5. Current time

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