LG Electronics USA MR3007 Bluetooth remote controller User Manual

LG Electronics USA Bluetooth remote controller

User manual

Pdjlf#Prwlrq#Uhprwh##Xvhu LqirupdwlrqXvhu#LqirupdwlrqPrgho#Qdph=#DQ0PU633:
徯 焮KoreanKorean穢剳檺1.1. ⫠⯜䂌㢌⫠⯜䂌㢌 ᵐ㟈ᵐ㟈 ⵃⵃ㥐㠄㥐㠄(1) (1) ᵐᵐ㟈㟈(2) (2) 㥐㥐㠄㠄㢌㢌㇠䚡㇠䚡2. 2. 㨰㢌㨰㢌㇠䚡㇠䚡3. 3. ḔᵑḔᵑ 㫴㠄㫴㠄4. Attention complaint of nations4. Attention complaint of nations
1.1. ⫠⯜䂌㢌⫠⯜䂌㢌 ᵐ㟈ᵐ㟈 ⵃⵃ㥐㠄㥐㠄(1) (1) ᵐᵐ㟈㟈--. . 㢨㢨 ⫠⯜䂌㡴⫠⯜䂌㡴 ㇠㟝㣄ᴴ㇠㟝㣄ᴴ ␵⇨㜄㉐␵⇨㜄㉐ ⫠⯜䂌㡸⫠⯜䂌㡸 ⱨ㉔ⱨ㉔ ⫼㟤㏘㷌⤰⫼㟤㏘㷌⤰ ㇠㟝䚌㜠㇠㟝䚌㜠TVTV⪰⪰ 㥐㛨䚔㥐㛨䚔 ㍌㍌㢼⏈㢼⏈ 㥐䖼㡰⦐㒜㥐䖼㡰⦐㒜, , ὤ㦨ὤ㦨 㤵㞬㉔㤵㞬㉔ ⫠⯜䂌㢨⫠⯜䂌㢨 㡕㙼ㇵ㜄㡕㙼ㇵ㜄 㠸㾌䚐㠸㾌䚐㥐䖼㡸㥐䖼㡸 㥐㛨䚼⒌㥐㛨䚼⒌ ⵌ⮨㜄ⵌ⮨㜄 ␵⇨␵⇨ 10 m 10 m 㢨⇨㜄㉐㢨⇨㜄㉐ ⵝ䛙㜄ⵝ䛙㜄 ㇵḴ㛺㢨ㇵḴ㛺㢨 㥐㛨䚔㥐㛨䚔 ㍌㍌2.4 GHz2.4 GHz␴␴ RF RF ⫠⯜䂌㢨␘⫠⯜䂌㢨␘.(.(㢀㉥㢬㐑㫴㠄㢀㉥㢬㐑㫴㠄))(2) (2) 㥐㥐㠄㠄Ạ ⺸ ⇨ 㟝⯜⒬⮹ AN-MR3007㨰䑀㍌ ␴㜡 2.400 GHz ~ 2.4835 GHz㵸≄ 79 㵸≄㋕㐔㻐⥙ 10 dBm㍌㐔ᵄ⓸-86dBm㍌㐔ᵄ⓸86 dBm䆠ὤ 䔡 42.7 x ▄‌ 58 x Ὤ㢨 185.8(ḩ㵜· 1 mm) ⱨ᷀ 80 g ·5 g (ᶨ㤸㫴 䔠䚜䚌㫴 㙾㢀)㤸㠄AA 1.5 V,  㚀㾨⢰㢬 ᶨ㤸㫴 2ᵐ㇠㟝,┍㣅 㝜⓸ 0 ୅~ 60 ୅
2. 2. 㨰㢌㨰㢌 ㇠䚡㇠䚡(1) (1) ⵛ⒤⫠⪰ⵛ⒤⫠⪰ Ẅ㷨䚐Ẅ㷨䚐 䟸㜄⏈䟸㜄⏈ ⫠⯜䂌⫠⯜䂌 ㇠㟝ⷉ㜄㇠㟝ⷉ㜄 ♤⢰♤⢰ 䓌㛨⫵䓌㛨⫵ 䟸㜄䟸㜄 ㇠㟝䚐␘㇠㟝䚐␘..(2) (2) ⵛ⒤⫠⪰ⵛ⒤⫠⪰ Ẅ㷨Ẅ㷨 䟸䟸 ┍㣅䚌㫴┍㣅䚌㫴 㙾⏈␘⮨㙾⏈␘⮨, , ⵛ⒤⫠⪰ⵛ⒤⫠⪰ 㥐ᶤ㥐ᶤ 䟸䟸 ㇠㟝ⷉ㜄㇠㟝ⷉ㜄 ♤⢰♤⢰䓌㛨⫵㡸䓌㛨⫵㡸 㣠㐐⓸䚐␘㣠㐐⓸䚐␘..(3) (3) 㣙ὤᴸ㣙ὤᴸ ⫠⯜䂌㡸⫠⯜䂌㡸 ㇠㟝䚌㫴㇠㟝䚌㫴 㙾⏈㙾⏈ ᷱ㟤ᷱ㟤, , ⵛ⒤⫠⪰ⵛ⒤⫠⪰ 㥐ᶤ䚨㥐ᶤ䚨 ▄⏈▄⏈ ᶷ㢨ᶷ㢨 㦿␘㦿␘..(4) (4) ⵛ⒤⫠⪰ⵛ⒤⫠⪰ ⺸䚨䚌ᶤ⇌⺸䚨䚌ᶤ⇌, , 㜨㡸㜨㡸 ᴴ䚨㉐⏈ᴴ䚨㉐⏈ 㙼═␘㙼═␘..(5) (5) ⵛ⒤⫠⪰ⵛ⒤⫠⪰ ⛜㛨⡜⫠ᶤ⇌⛜㛨⡜⫠ᶤ⇌, , 䀴㢨㏘ᴴ䀴㢨㏘ᴴ ㋄ㇵ╔㋄ㇵ╔ 㥉⓸⦐㥉⓸⦐ Ἥ㐠䚐Ἥ㐠䚐 㻝ᷝ㡸㻝ᷝ㡸 㩌㉐⏈㩌㉐⏈㙼═␘㙼═␘..(6) (6) ⵛ⒤⫠⪰ⵛ⒤⫠⪰ Ɒ㜄Ɒ㜄 ≗㛨㉐⏈≗㛨㉐⏈ 㙼═␘㙼═␘..(7) (7) ⵛ⒤⫠⪰ⵛ⒤⫠⪰ ᶤ⃬⦐ᶤ⃬⦐ ㇱ㢹㐐ㇱ㢹㐐 䔡ⵐ㢌䔡ⵐ㢌 㠸䜌㢨㠸䜌㢨 㢼␘㢼␘..(8) (8) 㫴㥉═㫴㥉═ 㣙㋀㜄㣙㋀㜄 ㇠㟝䚐㇠㟝䚐 ᶨ㤸㫴⪰ᶨ㤸㫴⪰ 䔄ὤ䔄ὤ 䚐␘䚐␘..3. 3. ḔᵑḔᵑ 㫴㠄㫴㠄TV TV ⬘⎨㛰㢌⬘⎨㛰㢌 ㉐⽸㏘㉐⽸㏘ 㜤⢱㷌⪰㜤⢱㷌⪰ 㵬㦤䚌㉬㟈㵬㦤䚌㉬㟈.   .   [KCC [KCC 㢬㫑㢬㫑 ⫼䆠⫼䆠 ⵃⵃ 㢬㫑ⶼ䝬㢬㫑ⶼ䝬]]ࢉऎ ؇ࡵ ࢕ࢂ ۘ୎ ෴ ࠁए ࢷ࢕ࢉऎء୎ .&&&56/*($105ࢉऎ ϗ ࡖ ࢊ ࢿ࣏࢕ࢿ࣏˲ɼ ෴ ࠝ۽ࢷ࢕ ˱׵˓ࢠоଞ׷˲ָ̛̛ঢ়ֻљָ ઞࢽ ܕষԯ ה۴̛̛$105ה۴іࢇਫ਼ ੼ݦ ݤݛ੬ࡈۘ୎ָ ෴ ࠁए ࢷ࢕
Table of ContentsEnglishEnglish1.1. Overview and specification of the remote controlOverview and specification of the remote control(1) Overview(1) Overview(2) Specification(2) Specification222. Precautions2. Precautions3. Customer Support3. Customer Support4. Attention complaint of nations4. Attention complaint of nations
1.1. Overview and Specifications for the Remote ControlOverview and Specifications for the Remote Control(1) Overview(1) Overview-- This remote control is a product that can control the TV by using it This remote control is a product that can control the TV by using it as if it were a wireless mouse in user’s residence. While the existing  as if it were a wireless mouse in user’s residence. While the existing  infrared remote controls were used for the products that are within the infrared remote controls were used for the products that are within the sight of the user, this product is a RF remote control with frequency sight of the user, this product is a RF remote control with frequency range of 2.4 GHz that can control appliances located within distance of range of 2.4 GHz that can control appliances located within distance of 10 m regardless of the direction within user’s residence. 10 m regardless of the direction within user’s residence. (Voice recognition support)(Voice recognition support)(2) Specifications(2) SpecificationsCategories DetailsModel No. AN-MR3007Range of frequency 2.400 GHz ~ 2.4835 GHzChannel 79 channelsTransmission output 10 dBmpReception sensitivity -86 dBmDimensions Width 42.7 x Thickness 58 x Length 185.8 (tolerance of ·1 mm) Weight80 g·5g(excludingbattery)Weight80 g ·5 g (excludingbattery)Power source AA 1.5 V,  2 alkaline batteries are usedOperational temperature range 0 ୅~ 60 ୅
2. Precautions2. Precautions(1) After replacement of the battery, use the remote controller following (1) After replacement of the battery, use the remote controller following pairing in accordance with user manual.pairing in accordance with user manual.(2) If the unit does not operate after replacement of battery take the battery(2) If the unit does not operate after replacement of battery take the battery(2) If the unit does not operate after replacement of battery, take the battery (2) If the unit does not operate after replacement of battery, take the battery out and reattempt pairing in accordance with the user manual. out and reattempt pairing in accordance with the user manual. (3) If the remote controller is not being used for prolonged period of time, it (3) If the remote controller is not being used for prolonged period of time, it is recommendable to remove the battery from the unit.is recommendable to remove the battery from the unit.(4) Do not dismantle or exert heat to the battery.(4) Do not dismantle or exert heat to the battery.(5) Do not drop battery or exert extreme impact that may even cause the (5) Do not drop battery or exert extreme impact that may even cause the case to be damaged.case to be damaged.(6) Do not immerse the battery in water.(6) Do not immerse the battery in water.(7) There is danger of explosion if the battery is inserted reversely.(7) There is danger of explosion if the battery is inserted reversely.(8) Discard the used battery into designated location.(8) Discard the used battery into designated location.(8) Discard the used battery into designated location.(8) Discard the used battery into designated location.3. Customer Support3. Customer SupportRefer to the contact number for services provided in the TV Manual.   Refer to the contact number for services provided in the TV Manual.
InhaltGermanGermanDeutschDeutsch1.1. BeschreibungBeschreibung und und technischetechnische SpezifikationSpezifikation derder FernbedienungFernbedienung(1) (1) BeschreibungBeschreibung(2) (2) TechnischeTechnische SpezifikationSpezifikation22hh2. 2. WarnhinweiseWarnhinweise3. 3. KundendienstKundendienst4. Attention complaint of nations4. Attention complaint of nations
1.1. BeschreibungBeschreibung und und technischetechnische SpezifikationSpezifikation derder FernbedienungFernbedienung(1) (1) BeschreibungBeschreibungDie Die FernbedienungFernbedienung kannkann wiewie eineeine schnurloseschnurlose MausMaus verwendetverwendet werdenwerden um um den den HeimfernseherHeimfernseher zuzu bedienenbedienen. . ImIm GegensatzGegensatz zuzu herkherk|PPOLFKHQ|PPOLFKHQ )HUQEHGLHQXQJHQ)HUQEHGLHQXQJHQPLWPLW GHQHQGHQHQ GHUGHU HUQVHKHUHUQVHKHU QXUQXU DXVDXV NXU]HUNXU]HU 'LVWDQ]'LVWDQ] EHGLHQWEHGLHQW ZHUGHQZHUGHQ NDQQNDQQNDQQNDQQ PDQPDQPLWPLW GLHVHUGLHVHU 5)5))HUQEHGLHQXQJ)HUQEHGLHQXQJ PLWPLW LKUHPLKUHP *+]*+])UHTXHQ]EHUHLFK)UHTXHQ]EHUHLFK GHQGHQ)HUQVHKHU)HUQVHKHU YRQYRQLUJHQGHLQHULUJHQGHLQHU EHOLHELJHQEHOLHELJHQ 5LFKWXQJ5LFKWXQJ DXVDXV LQLQ,KUHP,KUHP +DXV+DXV XQGXQGEHLEHL HLQHPHLQHP $EVWDQG$EVWDQG YRQYRQELVELV]X]X PPEHGLHQHQEHGLHQHQVoice Recognition UnterstützungVoice Recognition Unterstützung))(2) (2) TechnischeTechnische SpezifikationSpezifikationKlassifikation InhaltModell AN-MR3007Frequenzbereich 2.400 GHz ~ 2.4835 GHzKanal Kanal 79Sendeleistung10dBmSendeleistung10 dBmEmpflQJHUOHLVWXQJ -86 dBmGr|H Weite 42.7 x Dicke 58 x LlQJH 185.8 (Abweichung·1 mm) Gewicht 80 g ·5 g (ohne Batterien)Leistungsquelle AA 1.5 V,  2 alkalihaltige BatterienArbeitstemperatur 0 ୅~ 60 ୅
2. 2. WarnhinweiseWarnhinweise(1) (1) NachdemNachdem SieSie die die BatterienBatterien ausgetauschtausgetauscht habenhaben, , verwendenverwenden SieSie die die FernbedienungFernbedienung derder BeschreibungBeschreibung folgendfolgend..(2)(2)WennWenndiedieFernbedienungFernbedienungnachnachdemdemBatterienwechselBatterienwechselnichtnichtfunktioniertfunktioniert(2) (2) WennWenndie die FernbedienungFernbedienungnachnachdemdemBatterienwechselBatterienwechselnichtnichtfunktioniertfunktioniert, , nehmennehmen SieSie die die BatterienBatterien nocheinmalnocheinmal herausheraus und und setzensetzen SieSie siesieordnungsgemordnungsgemll HLQHLQ..(3) (3) WennWenn SieSie die die FernbedienungFernbedienung ffUU OlQJHUHOlQJHUH =HLW=HLW QLFKWQLFKW EHQXW]HQEHQXW]HQLVWLVW HVHVEHVVHUEHVVHU GLHGLH%DWWHULHQ%DWWHULHQ KHUDXV]XQHKPHQKHUDXV]XQHKPHQ(4)(4)ZerlegenZerlegenundunderhitzenerhitzenSieSiediedieBatterienBatteriennichtnicht(4) (4) ZerlegenZerlegenund und erhitzenerhitzenSieSiedie die BatterienBatteriennichtnicht..(5) Lassen (5) Lassen SieSie die die BatterienBatterien nichtnicht fallen und fallen und EHQEHQ 6LH6LH NHLQHQNHLQHQ EHUPlLJHQEHUPlLJHQ'UXFN'UXFN DXIGLHDXIGLH)HUQEHGLHQXQJ)HUQEHGLHQXQJ DXVDXV(6) Die (6) Die BatterienBatterien sollensollen keinenkeinen KontaktKontakt mitmit WasserWasser habenhaben..(7) Es (7) Es bestehtbesteht ExplosionsgefahrExplosionsgefahr wennwenn SieSie die die BatterienBatterien verkehrtverkehrt einsetzeneinsetzen..(8) (8) EntsorgenEntsorgen SieSie die die BatterienBatterien an an einemeinem dafdafUU YRUJHVHKHQHQYRUJHVHKHQHQ 2UW2UW3. 3. KundendienstKundendienstDie Die KundendienstKundendienst RufnummerRufnummer findenfinden SieSie in in derder BedienungsanleitungBedienungsanleitung des des FernsehersFernsehersFernsehersFernsehers..
Table des matièresTable des matièresFrenchFrenchFrançaisFrançais1.1. Aperçu et spécifications de la télécommandeAperçu et spécifications de la télécommande(1) (1) AperçuAperçu()()pçpç(2) (2) SpécificationsSpécifications2. 2. PrécautionsPrécautions3. 3. Support clientSupport client4. Attention complaint of nations4. Attention complaint of nations
1.1. Aperçu et spécifications de la télécommandeAperçu et spécifications de la télécommande(1) (1) AperçuAperçu-- Cette télécommande est un produit permettant de contrôler la télévision en Cette télécommande est un produit permettant de contrôler la télévision en l’utilisant comme une souris sans fil à la maison ; si le produit actuel aux l’utilisant comme une souris sans fil à la maison ; si le produit actuel aux rayons ultra rouges contrôle les appareils situés à portée du regard, ce produit rayons ultra rouges contrôle les appareils situés à portée du regard, ce produit est une télécommande RF 2.4 GHz permettant le contrôle dans tous les sens, est une télécommande RF 2.4 GHz permettant le contrôle dans tous les sens, sur une distance de 10 mètres à l’intérieur de la maison.sur une distance de 10 mètres à l’intérieur de la maison.((Le soutien de reconnaissance vocaleLe soutien de reconnaissance vocale))(2) (2) SpécificationsSpécificationsjï jNom de modèle AN-MR3007Zone de fréquences 2.400 GHz ~ 2.4835 GHzChaîne 79 chaînesPuissance pour l’envoi 10 dBmRéceptivité -86 dBmDimensions (mm) 42.7 (L) x 58 (L) x 185.8 (E) (tolérances ·1)Poids (g) 80 ·5 (non incluant les piles)Secteur AA 1.5 V, 2 piles alcalinesTempérature pour le fonctionnement0 ¶C à 60 ¶C
2. Précautions2. Précautions(1) Après avoir changé de batterie, procédez à l’appareillement suivant le (1) Après avoir changé de batterie, procédez à l’appareillement suivant le mode d’emploi de la télécommande avant d’utiliser cette dernière.mode d’emploi de la télécommande avant d’utiliser cette dernière.(2) Si la télécommande ne fonctionne pas même après avoir changé de(2) Si la télécommande ne fonctionne pas même après avoir changé de(2) Si la télécommande ne fonctionne pas même après avoir changé de (2) Si la télécommande ne fonctionne pas même après avoir changé de batterie, enlevez cette dernière, puis essayez de nouveau l’appareillement batterie, enlevez cette dernière, puis essayez de nouveau l’appareillement suivant le mode d’emploi.suivant le mode d’emploi.(3) En cas de non utilisation de la télécommande pendant une longue période, (3) En cas de non utilisation de la télécommande pendant une longue période, il vaut mieux enlever la batterie.il vaut mieux enlever la batterie.(4) Il ne faut pas démonter la batterie ni la réchauffer(4) Il ne faut pas démonter la batterie ni la réchauffer(4) Il ne faut pas démonter la batterie, ni la réchauffer.(4) Il ne faut pas démonter la batterie, ni la réchauffer.(5) Il ne faut pas faire tomber la batterie, ni lui donner un choc extrême qui (5) Il ne faut pas faire tomber la batterie, ni lui donner un choc extrême qui abîmerait l’étui.abîmerait l’étui.(6) Il ne faut pas mettre la batterie dans l’eau.(6) Il ne faut pas mettre la batterie dans l’eau.(7) Si vous introduisez la batterie dans le sens inverse, il y a un risque (7) Si vous introduisez la batterie dans le sens inverse, il y a un risque d’ l id’ l id’explosion.d’explosion.(8) Les piles usées doivent être jetées dans un endroit désigné.(8) Les piles usées doivent être jetées dans un endroit désigné.3. Support client3. Support clientVeuillez consulter les coordonnées du service affichées dans le manuel de laVeuillez consulter les coordonnées du service affichées dans le manuel de laVeuillez consulter les coordonnées du service affichées dans le manuel de la Veuillez consulter les coordonnées du service affichées dans le manuel de la télévision. télévision.
ÍndicePortuguesePortuguesePortuguêsPortuguês1.1. Introdução e especificações do controle remotoIntrodução e especificações do controle remoto(1) (1) IntroduçãoIntrodução(2) (2) EspecificaçõesEspecificações22dddd2. 2. CuidadosCuidados3. 3. Suporte ao ClienteSuporte ao Cliente4. Attention complaint of nations4. Attention complaint of nations
1.1. Introdução e especificações do controle remotoIntrodução e especificações do controle remoto(1) (1) IntroduçãoIntrodução-- Este é um Este é um controlecontrole remotoremoto é um é um produtoproduto similar a um mouse similar a um mouse semsem--fiofio quequepermitepermiteaacontrolarcontrolarTVTVpermitepermitea a controlarcontrolarTV.TV.Diferente dos outros controles, que podem controlar apenas os aparelhos em Diferente dos outros controles, que podem controlar apenas os aparelhos em seu redor, este controle remoto seu redor, este controle remoto de 2.4 GHz RF, por sua vez, pode controláde 2.4 GHz RF, por sua vez, pode controlá--los, sem limitação, dentro do raio de los, sem limitação, dentro do raio de 10 m.(10 m.(Suporte de reconhecimento de voz)Suporte de reconhecimento de voz)(2) (2) EspecificaçõesEspecificaçõesItem ConteúdoNome do Modelo AN-MR3007Banda de Freqüência 2.400 GHz ~ 2.4835 GHzCanais 79 canaisSaída de Transmissão10dBmSaída de Transmissão10 dBmSensibilidade de Recepção -86 dBmTamanho L 42.7 x E 58 x A 185.8 (tolerância ·1 mm) Peso80 g·5g(sembaterias)Peso80 g ·5 g (sembaterias)Alimentação AA 1.5 V,  utiliza-se 2 pilhasalcalinasTemperatura de uso 0 ୅~ 60 ୅
2. 2. CuidadosCuidados(1) (1) ApósApós trocatroca de de bateriasbaterias, , utilizarutilizar--se se depoisdepois de de pareamentopareamento de de acordoacordo com o com o manual do manual do controlecontrole remotoremoto..(2) Se o(2) Se ocontrolecontroleremotoremotonãonãofuncionarfuncionarapósapóstrocatrocadedebateriasbateriasremover asremover as(2) Se o (2) Se o controlecontroleremotoremotonãonãofuncionarfuncionarapósapóstrocatrocade de bateriasbaterias, remover as , remover as bateriasbaterias e e tentartentar novamentenovamente pareamentopareamento de de acordoacordo com o manual do com o manual do controlecontrole..(3) Se (3) Se nãonão for for utilizarutilizar o o controlecontrole remotoremoto porpor muitomuito tempo, é tempo, é recomendadorecomendadoretirarretirar as as bateriasbaterias. . (4)(4)NãoNãoéépermitidopermitidodesassociardesassociarououesquentaresquentarasasbateriasbaterias(4) (4) NãoNãoé é permitidopermitidodesassociardesassociarououesquentaresquentaras as bateriasbaterias. . (5) (5) NãoNão é é permitidopermitido deixardeixar as as bateriasbaterias caíremcaírem ouou dardar impactoimpacto forte.forte.(6) (6) NãoNão é é permitidopermitido molharmolhar as as bateriasbaterias. . (7) O (7) O aparelhoaparelho podepode explodirexplodir se se colocarcolocar as as bateriasbaterias nana posiçãoposição erradaerrada..(8)(8)DescartarDescartarasasbateriasbateriasno localno localdefinidodefinido..(8) (8) DescartarDescartaras as bateriasbateriasno local no local definidodefinido..3. 3. Suporte ao ClienteSuporte ao ClienteVerVer dados dados parapara contatocontato impressoimpresso no Manual de TV. no Manual de TV.
IndiceSpanishSpanishEspañolEspañol1.1. SumarioSumario y y especificacionesespecificaciones del control del control remotoremoto(1)(1) SumarioSumario(2)(2) EspecificacionesEspecificaciones2.2. PrecaucionesPrecauciones3.3. SoporteSoporte al al clientecliente4.4. Attention complaint of nationsAttention complaint of nations
1.1. SumarioSumario y y especificacionesespecificaciones del control del control remotoremoto(1) (1) SumarioSumario-- Este control Este control remotoremoto eses un un productoproducto parapara controlarcontrolar la TV la TV usándolousándolo comocomo un un mouse mouse inalámbricoinalámbrico dentrodentrode la casa del de la casa del usuariousuario queque, a , a diferenciadiferencia de los de los controlescontroles remotosremotos a a rayorayoinfrarrojoinfrarrojo convencionalesconvencionales quequecontrolabancontrolaban los los productosproductos ubicadosubicados dentrodentro del radio de la del radio de la visiónvisión, , eses un un control control remotoremoto RF de 2.4 GHz RF de 2.4 GHz queque puedepuede controlarcontrolar dentrodentro de un radio de 10 m sin de un radio de 10 m sin importarimportar la la direccióndirección. . ((Reconocimiento de voz de apoyoReconocimiento de voz de apoyo))(2) (2) EspecificacionesEspecificacionesItem ContenidoModelo AN-MR3007Banda de frecuencia 2.400 GHz ~ 2.4835 GHzCl79lCanal79 canalesSalida de transmisión 10 dBmGrado de recepción -86 dBmDimensiones Ancho 42.7 x espesor 58 x largo 185.8 (Dif·1)(Dif.·1 mm)Peso 80 g ·5 g (sin las pilas)Energía AA 1.5 V,  2 pilas alcalinasTemperatura de operación0ଇ~ 60 ଇoperación
2.2. PrecaucionesPrecauciones(1)(1) LuegoLuego de de colocarcolocar laslas pilaspilas debedebe usarusar despuésdespués de de emparejaremparejar (pairing) de (pairing) de acuerdoacuerdo a ala forma de la forma de usouso del control del control remotoremoto..(2) Si no(2) Si nofuncionafuncionaluegoluegodedecolocarcolocarlaslaspilaspilasreintentereintenteemparejaremparejardedeacuerdoacuerdoalaala(2) Si no(2) Si nofuncionafuncionaluegoluegodedecolocarcolocarlaslaspilaspilas,,reintentereintenteemparejaremparejardedeacuerdoacuerdoalaalaforma de forma de usouso despuésdespués de de quitarquitar laslas pilaspilas..(3) Si no (3) Si no utilizautiliza el control el control remotoremoto porpor un un tiempotiempo prolongadoprolongado,, eses recomendablerecomendable quitarquitarlaslas pilaspilas..(4) No (4) No desarmedesarme laslas pilaspilas nini apliqueaplique calorcalor..(5) No (5) No dejedeje caercaerlaslas pilaspilas nini golpesgolpes fuertesfuertes hastahasta dañardañarlala cajacaja..(6) No (6) No sumerjasumerja en en aguaagua laslas pilaspilas..(7) No (7) No coloquecoloque laslas pilaspilas al al revésrevés yaya queque hay hay peligropeligro de de explosiónexplosión..(8)(8) DesecheDeseche laslas pilaspilas usadasusadas en los en los lugareslugares establecidosestablecidos..3.3. SoporteSoporte al al clienteclienteVeaVea laslas direccionesdirecciones y los y los teléfonosteléfonos de de servicioservicio en el manual de la TV.   en el manual de la TV.
艘楼Chinese SimplifiedChinese Simplified譄芉譄芉薧薧闬闬1.1. 验验縖缬訝縖缬訝玩玩蠔缝蔱袼襜蕃蠔缝蔱袼襜蕃(1) (1) 玩玩 蠔蠔(2) (2) 蔱袼襜蕃蔱袼襜蕃謗褙萡謗褙萡2. 2. 謗褙萡謗褙萡ꊠꊠ3.3.紻紻汞汞荼荼峈峈4. Attention complaint of nations4. Attention complaint of nations
1.1. 验验縖缬訝縖缬訝玩玩蠔缝蔱袼襜蕃蠔缝蔱袼襜蕃(1) (1) 玩玩 蠔蠔-- 阌验阌验縖缬縖缬塡塡蠯蠯汞汞粯觥粴膻閅菙萦蠯艴粯觥粴膻閅菙萦蠯艴裦裦蓆蓆爮爮苞苞阪阪縖縖罜鏭罜鏭訝訝壎壎跬ஆ跬ஆ蒒菲蒒菲緗緗袼袼裉裉蟯蟯裦验裦验縖缬譙粯縖缬譙粯阪阪縖袑蠸裦虦粯糠聇訝茼縖袑蠸裦虦粯糠聇訝茼愛宬壎愛宬壎跬ஆ跬ஆ阌验阌验縖缬藷粯褩縖缬藷粯褩阪阪縖粴膻縖粴膻10 m10 m褩褩宬宬ஆஆ條條讽讽壵壵襷踇苷蹧聩粯襷踇苷蹧聩粯阪阪縖縖2.4 GHz2.4 GHz茼茼愛宬罜鏭愛宬罜鏭訝訝RFRF验验縖缬ଟ縖缬ଟ((譡譞譡譞阔阔褌褌闭屒闭屒))(2) (2) 蔱袼襜蕃蔱袼襜蕃嵡菅宬蠦躧帞舮萗AN-MR3007ꊸ蕞茼愛2 400GH2 4835GHꊸ蕞茼愛2.400 GHz ~ 2.4835 GHzꊸ聨79 ꊸ聨馺賆縐蕞 10 dBm窜芫聏 -86 dBm耵蔮 旤聏42.7 x 轪聏 58 x 龦聏185.8 (縎诃· 1 mm) 譇胴 80 g ·5 g (莙趽繁糗罜譧)罜袂AA 1.5 V,  萦蠯2塑苘蔒糗罜譧峏覥硐聏0 ୅~ 60 ୅
2. 2. 謗褙萡謗褙萡ꊠꊠ(1) (1) 綟綟涉罜涉罜譧轫ஆ譧轫ஆ阞阞觥缃絆觥缃絆验验縖缬萦蠯苷茽縖缬萦蠯苷茽阪阪茜轫萦蠯ଟ茜轫萦蠯ଟ(2) (2) 綟綟涉罜涉罜譧轫蛰艴茽誀蒇萦蠯ஆ譧轫蛰艴茽誀蒇萦蠯ஆ阞阞觥賓踆觥賓踆罜罜譧轫解评謉軆譧轫解评謉軆阪阪茜ଟ茜ଟ(3) (3) 龦龦缽詭警萦蠯缽詭警萦蠯验验縖缬縖缬瀝瀝ஆ貟軆賓踆ஆ貟軆賓踆罜罜譧ଟ譧ଟ(4) (4) 莙肥菅蹙莙肥菅蹙罜罜譧軫譧軫映罜映罜譧粮譧粮笔笔ଟଟ(5) (5) 莙肥聓肽莙肥聓肽罜罜譧軫藶粮粯翯諠蔔紳覐蕯譧軫藶粮粯翯諠蔔紳覐蕯涆涆誎聏訝誎聏訝塌塌譇鬠譇鬠尢尢ଟଟ(6) (6) 莙肥莙肥昭罜昭罜譧苶覂薂譄ଟ譧苶覂薂譄ଟ罜罜駮熌淹駮熌淹瀝瀝巸巸袔袔(7) (7) 罜罜譧苌譧苌駮熌淹駮熌淹覂覂瀝瀝ஆ袼ஆ袼巸巸蒥跜覫訝袔蒥跜覫訝袔ꂐꂐଟଟ(8) (8) 糗糗罜罜譧蠔譧蠔棆棆鍶聇譟話鍶聇譟話慡慡蔱ଟ蔱ଟ3. 3. 紻紻汞汞荼荼峈峈阞巩阞巩請請TVTV阛阛舰舰墍墍訝荼訝荼峈詻褃挫峈詻褃挫阞巩阞巩請請TVTV阛阛舰舰墍墍訝荼訝荼峈詻褃挫峈詻褃挫ଟଟ
艘 腓譄芉茬豬譄芉茬豬Chinese TraditionalChinese Traditional1.1. 蠖縖缬訝蠖縖缬訝玩玩蠔缝蔱袼襜蕃蠔缝蔱袼襜蕃(1) (1) 玩玩 蠔蠔(2) (2) 蔱袼襜蕃蔱袼襜蕃謗褙萡蹌謗褙萡蹌2. 2. 謗褙萡蹌謗褙萡蹌3. 3. 紻軉荼艭紻軉荼艭4. Attention complaint of nations4. Attention complaint of nations
1.1. 蠖縖缬訝蠖縖缬訝玩玩蠔缝蔱袼襜蕃蠔缝蔱袼襜蕃(1) (1) 玩玩 蠔蠔-- 蹚蠖縖缬蹚蠖縖缬竡竡蠯軉粯觥粴膹閅菙萦蠯艸踥蓆跣苞諝縖詒蘁訝蠯軉粯觥粴膹閅菙萦蠯艸踥蓆跣苞諝縖詒蘁訝罉罉跬ஆ跬ஆ蒒菲躇袼軼蟯障蠖縖缬譙粯諝縖袑蠸裦虦粯糠聇訝茻袕蒒菲躇袼軼蟯障蠖縖缬譙粯諝縖袑蠸裦虦粯糠聇訝茻袕宬罉宬罉跬ஆ跬ஆ蹚蠖縖缬藷粯褩諝縖粴膹蹚蠖縖缬藷粯褩諝縖粴膹10 m10 m褩褩宬宬ஆஆ閳讽諱襷踇苷蹧聩粯諝縖閳讽諱襷踇苷蹧聩粯諝縖2.4 GHz2.4 GHz茻袕茻袕宬宬詒蘁訝詒蘁訝RFRF蠖縖缬ଟ蠖縖缬ଟ((譡譞蛑褌蘒荑譡譞蛑褌蘒荑))(2) (2) 蔱袼襜蕃蔱袼襜蕃纀 菅 宬蠦躧軣舮贑 AN-MR3007萛蕞茻袕2 400GH2 4835GH萛蕞茻袕2.400 GHz ~ 2.4835 GHz萛聨 79 萛聨薜賆縐蕞 10 dBm脵芫聏 -86 dBm耵蔮 縱聏 42.7 x 轪聏 58 x 觡聏 185.8 (縎诃· 1 mm) 譇胴 80 g ·5 g (莙趽繁絒詒譧)詒袂 AA 1.5 V,  萦蠯2紨ꢣ蔒絒詒譧肆覥螻聏 0 ୅~ 60 ୅
2. 2. 謗褙萡蹌謗褙萡蹌(1) (1) 綟輚詒譧轫ஆ豠觥缃絇蠖縖缬萦蠯苷茽諝茜轫萦蠯ଟ綟輚詒譧轫ஆ豠觥缃絇蠖縖缬萦蠯苷茽諝茜轫萦蠯ଟ(2) (2) 綟輚詒譧轫蛰艸茽誀蒇萦蠯ஆ豠觥賓踆詒譧轫解评謉軆諝茜ଟ綟輚詒譧轫蛰艸茽誀蒇萦蠯ஆ豠觥賓踆詒譧轫解评謉軆諝茜ଟ(3) (3) 觡缽詭警萦蠯蠖縖缬藸ஆ貟軆賓踆詒譧ଟ觡缽詭警萦蠯蠖縖缬藸ஆ貟軆賓踆詒譧ଟ(4) (4) 莙肥菅蹙詒譧軫耶詒譧粮蝁ଟ莙肥菅蹙詒譧軫耶詒譧粮蝁ଟ(5) (5) 莙肥聓肽詒譧軫藶粮粯翯諠蔔紶覐蕯蕚誎聏訝蛤譇賍絯ଟ莙肥聓肽詒譧軫藶粮粯翯諠蔔紶覐蕯蕚誎聏訝蛤譇賍絯ଟ(6) (6) 莙肥觅詒譧苶覂薂譄ଟ莙肥觅詒譧苶覂薂譄ଟ淹淹袔蹸袔蹸(7) (7) 詒譧苌縧胡詒譧苌縧胡淹淹覂藸ஆ袼苨蒥跜覫訝袔蹸ଟ覂藸ஆ袼苨蒥跜覫訝袔蹸ଟ(8) (8) 絒詒譧蠔萌罞聇譟話见蔱ଟ絒詒譧蠔萌罞聇譟話见蔱ଟ3. 3. 紻軉荼艭紻軉荼艭豠诨請豠诨請TVTV铓铓舰蒵訝荼艭脕肼舰蒵訝荼艭脕肼對對豠诨請豠诨請TVTV铓铓舰蒵訝荼艭脕肼舰蒵訝荼艭脕肼對對ଟଟ
ǹȖȌȍȘȎȈȕȐȍRussianRussian1.1.               (1) (1)   (2) (2)   222. 2.     3. 3.     4. Attention complaint of nations4. Attention complaint of nations
1.1.               (1) (1)   --                      ,         ,     2.4    2.4    ɟɟ      ,      ,       ,        ,        ɜ ɜ   ɢ ɜ ɞɨɦɟɢ ɜ ɞɨɦɟ     1100 ..((    ))(2) (2)   ǵȈȏȊȈȕȐȍ ǹȖȌȍȘȎȈȕȐȍ  AN-MR3007   2.400 ȽȽɰ ~ 2.4835 ȽȽɰ 79 ɤɚɧɚɥɚ  10 ɞȻɦ  -86 ɞȻɦ  42.7 x  58 x  185.8 (·1 ɦɦ)  80 . ·5  ( )  AA 1.5 V,    2 0୅60୅  0 ୅~ 60 ୅
2. 2.     (1) (1)                     ..(2)(2)                      (2) (2)       ,            ,              ..(3) (3)     ,       ,   ..(4) (4)           (5) (5)       ,        ,    (6) (6)         ..(7) (7)    ,       ,    ..(8)(8)            ..(8) (8)             ..3. 3.                      
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1.1. ႶႮၿႿြႶႮၿႿြ玩玩蠔ံ萣蠔ံ萣珿珿(1)(1)玩玩蠔蠔-- အြႶႮၿႿွଞ絃謇譛ဵଞႻၰႰႸႅႪၲႅြၖန္ါၚၠ萦蠯အြႶႮၿႿွଞ絃謇譛ဵଞႻၰႰႸႅႪၲႅြၖန္ါၚၠ萦蠯ဥဴဥဴTVTVၠ誡蛌ဧၙအံယဵရၙ誯跬ဵဧၠ誡蛌ဧၙအံယဵရၙ誯跬ဵဧ ଟଟ榺熌榺熌ြ訦蟯蓧ႶႮၿႿယ裦虦葽္တၙ誯跬ၠ誡蛌ဥဴဒိ襮苷ဵଞြ訦蟯蓧ႶႮၿႿယ裦虦葽္တၙ誯跬ၠ誡蛌ဥဴဒိ襮苷ဵଞ,,အြ誯跬ွଞႲအြ誯跬ွଞႲ࡯࡯ႂႂ࡯࡯ြ絃謇譛ြ絃謇譛宬宬ြ苷蹧္ြ苷蹧္鿉鿉綺းဝ綺းဝ10m10mြြ経膽経膽宬宬္တၙ罁缬ၠ誡蛌ဵရၙଞ္တၙ罁缬ၠ誡蛌ဵရၙଞ2.4 GHz2.4 GHzြ謍赽ြ謍赽澗澗茻茻愙愙ဵဵRFRFႶႮႶႮ࡯࡯႔ၿႿ႔Ⴙ႔ၿႿ႔Ⴙ࡯࡯ႵႵ࡯࡯ဵဧଟဵဧଟ((褌褌挗挗襨蘒ြႁႩ襨蘒ြႁႩ࡯࡯႔႔))(2)(2)萣萣珿珿ၷ႒ႀႶ࡯蒘蔧Ⴎ႓Ⴗ茪帞AN-MR3007謍赽澗ြ茻愙2.400 GHz ~ 2.4835 GHzႍ Ⴟ႙Ⴗ79ႍ Ⴟ႙ႷႍႯႿ႙Ⴗ79 ႍႯႿ႙Ⴗ蕥蘘賆脇 10 dBm蕯蘘糸聏 -86 dBm貎茽 跘42.7 x轪58 x觡ဣ 185.8 (·Xြ縎诃)(·Xြ縎诃) 譇ဣ 80 g ·5 g (ႜႏ႒Ⴖၠ誳ဝ)ႝႻ࡯ႉ࡯ႅAA 1.5 V,  2ၮႷၷႶ詒譧Y紨萦蠯肆覥硐聏茻愙0୅~60୅肆覥硐聏茻愙0 ୅ 60 ୅
2.2.謗褙萡蹌謗褙萡蹌(1) (1) ႜႏ႒Ⴖႜႏ႒Ⴖ࡯࡯ြ繠輚轰ଞႶႮၿႿြ萦ဒ苷္ြ繠輚轰ଞႶႮၿႿြ萦ဒ苷္樃樃ဦဴଞႦၮႶႿၼ轰္萦蠯ဦဴଞႦၮႶႿၼ轰္萦蠯ဧၙଟဧၙଟ(2)(2)Ⴒ႗ႏ႔ွႜႏ႒ႶႲ႗ႏ႔ွႜႏ႒Ⴖ࡯࡯ြ繠輚轰္肆覥ဥးဒ见踵ွ詒譧ၠ賓ၘ賆ဥြ繠輚轰္肆覥ဥးဒ见踵ွ詒譧ၠ賓ၘ賆ဥ(2) (2) Ⴒ႗ႏ႔ွଞႜႏ႒ႶႲ႗ႏ႔ွଞႜႏ႒Ⴖ࡯࡯ြ繠輚轰္肆覥ဥးဒ见踵ွଞ詒譧ၠ賓ၘ賆ဥଞြ繠輚轰္肆覥ဥးဒ见踵ွଞ詒譧ၠ賓ၘ賆ဥଞႲႲ࡯࡯ႂႪ႗ႱၮႷ္ဥိယေဴႦၮႶႿၼၠ解蘂蹥ဥဴဝီဣဒଟႂႪ႗ႱၮႷ္ဥိယေဴႦၮႶႿၼၠ解蘂蹥ဥဴဝီဣဒଟ(3) (3) ႶႮႶႮ࡯࡯႔ၿႿ႔Ⴙ႔ၿႿ႔Ⴙ࡯࡯Ⴕယ觡缽糩萦蠯ဣၚဴဒးဒ见踵ွଞါၚွႲ႗ႏႵယ觡缽糩萦蠯ဣၚဴဒးဒ见踵ွଞါၚွႲ႗ႏ႔မၗႜႏ႒Ⴖ႔မၗႜႏ႒Ⴖ࡯࡯ၠ賓ၘ蟯ဧအံၠဘၠ賓ၘ蟯ဧအံၠဘ掏掏၏ဥ၌ဧଟ၏ဥ၌ဧଟ(4) (4) ႜႏ႒Ⴖႜႏ႒Ⴖ࡯࡯ၠ菅蹙ဥိၘଞ蝁ၠၠ菅蹙ဥိၘଞ蝁ၠ堵堵ဖးဒଟဖးဒଟယ趁者ယ趁者溪溪(5) (5) ႜႏ႒Ⴖႜႏ႒Ⴖ࡯࡯ၠ肽ံဥိၘଞၽၠ肽ံဥိၘଞၽ࡯࡯ႅယ趁蕚ဧၙ衴襜ံးၙ综者း賍ႅယ趁蕚ဧၙ衴襜ံးၙ综者း賍溪溪ၠ粮ၠ粮ဖးဒဵဝီဣဒଟဖးဒဵဝီဣဒଟ(6) (6) 薂္ႜႏ႒Ⴖ薂္ႜႏ႒Ⴖ࡯࡯ၠ贊ဟးဒဵဝီဣဒଟၠ贊ဟးဒဵဝီဣဒଟ(7) (7) 詒譧ယ蜎詒譧ယ蜎浦浦覂ဣၚဴဒၙံଞ跜覂ဣၚဴဒၙံଞ跜股股ြ袔ြ袔ꂡꂡ蔒ယတၘ၌ဧଟ蔒ယတၘ၌ဧଟ(8)(8)譟話ဣၚိ见蔱္萦蠯譟話ဣၚိ见蔱္萦蠯砯砯၍ြ詒譧ၠ趁罀ဧၙଟ၍ြ詒譧ၠ趁罀ဧၙଟ(8) (8) 譟話ၚိ见蔱萦蠯譟話ၚိ见蔱萦蠯砯砯詒譧ၠ趁罀ဧଟ詒譧ၠ趁罀ဧଟ3. 3. ၷႅႋႪၷႅႋႪ࡯࡯ႁႁ࡯࡯႟ႅ႟ႅ႒Ⴘ႟ြ賓缟႒Ⴘ႟ြ賓缟铓铓舰蒵ဵ誨縍ဣၚၙႁ舰蒵ဵ誨縍ဣၚၙႁ࡯࡯႟ႅြ脘肼蓘ြ茪႟ႅြ脘肼蓘ြ茪帞帞ၠၠ巩巩請ဥဴ請ဥဴဝီဣဒଟဝီဣဒଟ
4. Attention complaint of nations4. Attention complaint of nations(1) (1) KCC Statement(Korea)KCC Statement(Korea)““㥐㣅㣄㥐㣅㣄 ⵃⵃ ㉘㾌㣄⏈㉘㾌㣄⏈ 䚨␭䚨␭ ⱨ㉔㉘⽸ᴴⱨ㉔㉘⽸ᴴ 㤸䑀䝰㐔㤸䑀䝰㐔 ᴴ⏙㉥㢨ᴴ⏙㉥㢨 㢼㡰⳴⦐㢼㡰⳴⦐㢬⮹㙼㤸Ḱ㢬⮹㙼㤸Ḱ Ḵ⥜═Ḵ⥜═ ㉐⽸㏘⏈㉐⽸㏘⏈ 䚔䚔㍌㍌㛺㢀㛺㢀““(2) (2) NCC Statement (Taiwan)NCC Statement (Taiwan)缃絇缃絇NCCNCC觹縐裹詒赽距萳蔒詒罁縸褺趌茽觹縐裹詒赽距萳蔒詒罁縸褺趌茽 绫話绫話1) 1) 説蘽褨諆説蘽褨諆維躧蘉襨譖踵絰識觹縐蕞萳萛詒罁ஆ萋維蹲粯ஆ縎萪ଞ蒁軣軫萦蠯覝绰莙維躧蘉襨譖踵絰識觹縐蕞萳萛詒罁ஆ萋維蹲粯ஆ縎萪ଞ蒁軣軫萦蠯覝绰莙肥谯覞荍綟萛蕞ଞ粮耵縐蕞軫荍綟衴蓿緍識赴蔒缝縐翯肥谯覞荍綟萛蕞ଞ粮耵縐蕞軫荍綟衴蓿緍識赴蔒缝縐翯2)2)説蘽萭諆説蘽萭諆觹縐蕞萳萛詒罁識萦蠯莙肥蝞蹫萌蹉虡訰軫糗蠃踵茽赦蘘க維苨躇袼糗蠃觹縐蕞萳萛詒罁識萦蠯莙肥蝞蹫萌蹉虡訰軫糗蠃踵茽赦蘘க維苨躇袼糗蠃觹縐蕞萳萛詒罁識萦蠯莙肥蝞蹫萌蹉虡訰軫糗蠃踵茽赦蘘維苨躇袼糗蠃觹縐蕞萳萛詒罁識萦蠯莙肥蝞蹫萌蹉虡訰軫糗蠃踵茽赦蘘維苨躇袼糗蠃躇蒙藸ஆ褒臎騚詭蠯ஆ閳紮蓙譱艸糗蠃藸苷肥緌蕔萦蠯躇蒙藸ஆ褒臎騚詭蠯ஆ閳紮蓙譱艸糗蠃藸苷肥緌蕔萦蠯訲蹌踵茽赦蘘ஆ譟褕詒蘘茽绫話覥蛩識艸蓧詒赦蘘ଟ訲蹌踵茽赦蘘ஆ譟褕詒蘘茽绫話覥蛩識艸蓧詒赦蘘ଟ觹縐蕞萳萛詒罁薧襠蕯踵茽赦蘘軫縒蛩ଞ縢踕缝褧腬蠯詒赽莄萳蔒詒罁蓿觹縐蕞萳萛詒罁薧襠蕯踵茽赦蘘軫縒蛩ଞ縢踕缝褧腬蠯詒赽莄萳蔒詒罁蓿菤識糗蠃ଟ菤識糗蠃ଟ(3) (3) ANATEL Statement(Para Brazil) ANATEL Statement(Para Brazil) Este equipamento opera em caráter secundário, isto é, não tem direito à Este equipamento opera em caráter secundário, isto é, não tem direito à proteção contra interferência prejudicial, mesmo de estações do mesmo proteção contra interferência prejudicial, mesmo de estações do mesmo tipo e não pode causar interferência a sistemas operando em caráter tipo e não pode causar interferência a sistemas operando em caráter primário.primário.
(4(4) Federal Communications Commission(FCC) Statement) Federal Communications Commission(FCC) StatementYou are cautioned that changes or modifications not expressly approved by You are cautioned that changes or modifications not expressly approved by the part responsiblethe part responsiblefor compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipmentfor compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipmentfor compliance could void the user s authority to operate the equipment.for compliance could void the user s authority to operate the equipment.This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC rules.Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC rules.These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful it f i id tili tlltiit f i id tili tlltiinterference in a residential installation.interference in a residential installation.This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.cause harmful interference to radio communications.However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installationparticular installationparticular installation.particular installation.If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:interference by one or more of the following measures:--. Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.. Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.--. Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.. Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.--. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to . Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connectedwhich the receiver is connectedwhich the receiver is connectedwhich the receiver is connected--. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.Operation is subject to the following two conditions:Operation is subject to the following two conditions:1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference 2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.that may cause undesired operation of the device.Id lId lIndoor use onlyIndoor use onlyFCC Caution: Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the FCC Caution: Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate this equipment.this equipment.FCC RF Radiation Exposure Statement:FCC RF Radiation Exposure Statement:This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment This equipment should be installed and operateduncontrolled environment This equipment should be installed and operateduncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20 cm between the radiator & your body. with minimum distance 20 cm between the radiator & your body. End users must follow the specific operating instructions for satisfying RF End users must follow the specific operating instructions for satisfying RF exposure compliance. This transmitter must not be coexposure compliance. This transmitter must not be co--located or operating in located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitterconjunction with any other antenna or transmitterconjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an  uncontrolled environment. End users must follow the specific operating instructions for satisfying RF exposure compliance.  This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other  antenna or transmitter.
(5) (5) Industry Canada(IC) StatementIndustry Canada(IC) StatementThis device complies with RSSThis device complies with RSS--210 of the Industry Canada Rules.210 of the Industry Canada Rules.Operation is subject to the following two conditions:Operation is subject to the following two conditions:1) this device may not cause interference and1) this device may not cause interference and2) this device must accept any interference. Including interference that  2) this device must accept any interference. Including interference that  may cause undesired operation of device.may cause undesired operation of device.This class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICESThis class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES--003003Avis Avis d'Industried'Industrie CanadaCanadaCet appareil est conforme à norme CNRCet appareil est conforme à norme CNR--210 des règlements d'Industrie  210 des règlements d'Industrie  Canada. Son fonctionnement est sujet aux deux conditions suivantes:Canada. Son fonctionnement est sujet aux deux conditions suivantes:1) Cet appareil ne doit pas provoquer d'interférences et1) Cet appareil ne doit pas provoquer d'interférences et2) Cet appareil doit accepter toute les interférences. y compris celles 2) Cet appareil doit accepter toute les interférences. y compris celles pouvant entraîner son dyspouvant entraîner son dys--fonctionnement.fonctionnement.Cet appareil numérique de classe B est conforme à la norme NMBCet appareil numérique de classe B est conforme à la norme NMB--003 003 du Canada.du Canada.
IC Radiation Exposure Statement:IC Radiation Exposure Statement:This equipment complies with IC radiation exposure limits set forth for an This equipment complies with IC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment.uncontrolled environment.This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distanceThis equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distanceThis equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distanceThis equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance20 cm between the radiator & your body.20 cm between the radiator & your body.NOTE: THE MANUFACTURERE IS NO T RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY RADIO OR NOTE: THE MANUFACTURERE IS NO T RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY RADIO OR TV INTERFERENCE CAUSED BY UNAUTHORIZED MODIFICATIONS TO THIS TV INTERFERENCE CAUSED BY UNAUTHORIZED MODIFICATIONS TO THIS EQUIPMENT. SUCH MODIFICATIONS COULD VOID THE USER'S AUTHORITY EQUIPMENT. SUCH MODIFICATIONS COULD VOID THE USER'S AUTHORITY QQTO OPERATE THE EQUIPMENT.TO OPERATE THE EQUIPMENT.Avis d'Industrie Canada sur I'exposition aux rayonnementsAvis d'Industrie Canada sur I'exposition aux rayonnementsCet appareil est conforme aux limites d'exposition aux rayonnements Cet appareil est conforme aux limites d'exposition aux rayonnements pp p ypp p yd'Industrie Canaca pour unenvironnement non contrôlé.d'Industrie Canaca pour unenvironnement non contrôlé.II doit être installé de façon à garder une distance minimale de 20 II doit être installé de façon à garder une distance minimale de 20 centimètres entre la source de rayonnements et votre corps.centimètres entre la source de rayonnements et votre corps.REMARQUE: LE FABRICANT N'EST PAS RESPONSIBLE DES INTERFÉRENCES REMARQUE: LE FABRICANT N'EST PAS RESPONSIBLE DES INTERFÉRENCES RADIOÉLECTRIQUES   CAUSÉES PAR DES MODIFICATIONS NON AUTORISÉES RADIOÉLECTRIQUES   CAUSÉES PAR DES MODIFICATIONS NON AUTORISÉES APPORTÉES APPORTÉES À CET APPAREIL. DE TELLES MODIFICATIONS APPORTÉES APPORTÉES À CET APPAREIL. DE TELLES MODIFICATIONS POURRAIT ANNULER L'AUTORISATION ACCORDÉE À L'UTILISATEUR DE FAIRE POURRAIT ANNULER L'AUTORISATION ACCORDÉE À L'UTILISATEUR DE FAIRE FONCTIONNER L'APPAREIL.FONCTIONNER L'APPAREIL.This equipment complies with IC radiation exposure limits set forth for  an uncontrolled environment. End users must follow the specific operating instructions for satisfying RF exposure compliance.  This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with  any other antenna or transmitter.Cet équipement est conforme aux limites d'exposition aux radiations dans  un environnement non contrôlé. Les utilisateurs doivent suivre les instructions de fonctionnement spécifiques pour le respect d'exposition aux RF. Cet émetteur ne doit pas être co-localisés ou fonctionnant en conjonction  avec une autre antenne ou transmetteur.
(6) (6) CE StatementCE Statement1) CE conformity Notice1) CE conformity NoticeLG Electronics hereby declares that this product is in compliance with LG Electronics hereby declares that this product is in compliance with the following Directives.the following Directives.the following Directives. the following Directives. R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC LOW VOLTAGE Directive 2006/95/EC LOW VOLTAGE Directive 2006/95/EC The products described above comply with the essential requirements The products described above comply with the essential requirements of the directives specified. of the directives specified. This device is a 2.4 wideband transmission system, intended for use inThis device is a 2.4 wideband transmission system, intended for use inall EU member states and EFTA countries, except in France. all EU member states and EFTA countries, except in France. ,p,pThis device may not be used for setting up outdoor radio links in France This device may not be used for setting up outdoor radio links in France and in some areas the RF output power may be limited to 10 and in some areas the RF output power may be limited to 10 mWmW EIRPEIRPin the frequency range of 2454 in the frequency range of 2454 –– 2483.5 2483.5 MHz.MHz. For detailed information For detailed information the end user should contact the national spectrum authority in France.the end user should contact the national spectrum authority in France.European representative: European representative: LG Electronics Service Europe B.V. LG Electronics Service Europe B.V. VeluwezoomVeluwezoom 15, 1327 15, 1327 AE AE AlmereAlmere. The Netherlands . The Netherlands (Tel : +31(Tel : +31--(0)36(0)36--547547--8888) 8888)
2) CE Notified Body statement:2) CE Notified Body statement:This is a Class B product. In a domestic environment, this product may This is a Class B product. In a domestic environment, this product may cause radio interference, in which case the user may be required to takecause radio interference, in which case the user may be required to takeadequate measures.adequate measures.adequate measures.adequate measures.Explosive device proximity warning Explosive device proximity warning –– Do not operate a portable Do not operate a portable transmitter (such as a wireless network device) near unshielded blasting transmitter (such as a wireless network device) near unshielded blasting caps or in an explosive environment unless the device has been modifiedcaps or in an explosive environment unless the device has been modifiedto be qualified for such use.to be qualified for such use.qqThis CE marking is valid for EU nonThis CE marking is valid for EU non--harmonized telecommunications harmonized telecommunications products R&TTE Directive (1999/5/EC) issued by the Commission of the products R&TTE Directive (1999/5/EC) issued by the Commission of the European Community.European Community.3) Certification Marking3) Certification Marking
(6(6--1) 1) DEUTSCHDEUTSCHEUEU--Konformitätserklärung: Konformitätserklärung: LG Electronics erklärt hiermit, dass dieses Produkt den folgenden Richtlinien LG Electronics erklärt hiermit, dass dieses Produkt den folgenden Richtlinien entspricht: entspricht: R&TTER&TTE--Richtlinie 1999/5/EC Richtlinie 1999/5/EC NiederspannungsrichtlinieNiederspannungsrichtlinie 2006/95/EC 2006/95/EC Die oben beschriebenen Produkte entsprechen den grundlegenden Die oben beschriebenen Produkte entsprechen den grundlegenden Anforderungen der angegebenen Richtlinien.Anforderungen der angegebenen Richtlinien.Vertreter für Europa: Vertreter für Europa: LG Electronics Service Europe B V Veluwezoom 15 1327LG Electronics Service Europe B V Veluwezoom 15 1327LG Electronics Service Europe B.V. Veluwezoom 15, 1327 LG Electronics Service Europe B.V. Veluwezoom 15, 1327 AE AE AlmereAlmere. The Netherlands . The Netherlands (Tel.: +31(Tel.: +31--(0)36(0)36--547547--8888)8888)
(6(6--2) 2) FRANÇAISFRANÇAISNotice de conformité UE: Notice de conformité UE: LG Electronics atteste que ces produits est en conformité avec les Directives LG Electronics atteste que ces produits est en conformité avec les Directives suivantes. suivantes. Directive 1999/5/CE des R&TTE Directive 1999/5/CE des R&TTE Directive 2006/95/CE des appareils basse tension Directive 2006/95/CE des appareils basse tension Les produits décrits ciLes produits décrits ci--dessus sont en conformité avec les exigences essentiels dessus sont en conformité avec les exigences essentiels des directives spéci-fiées. des directives spéci-fiées. Représentant en Europe : Représentant en Europe : LG Electronics Service Europe B V Veluwezoom 15 1327LG Electronics Service Europe B V Veluwezoom 15 1327LG Electronics Service Europe B.V. Veluwezoom 15, 1327 LG Electronics Service Europe B.V. Veluwezoom 15, 1327 AE Almere. PaysAE Almere. Pays--Bas Bas (Tél : +31(Tél : +31--(0)36(0)36--547547--8888) 8888)
(6(6--33) ) ITALIANOITALIANOAvviso di conformità EU: Avviso di conformità EU: LG dichiara che questo prodotto è conforme alle seguenti direttive. LG dichiara che questo prodotto è conforme alle seguenti direttive. Direttiva R&TTE 1999/5/CE Direttiva R&TTE 1999/5/CE Direttiva BASSA TENSIONE 2006/95/CE Direttiva BASSA TENSIONE 2006/95/CE I prodotti descritti sopra sono conformi ai requisiti essenziali delle direttive I prodotti descritti sopra sono conformi ai requisiti essenziali delle direttive pp qpp qspecificate. specificate. Rappresentante europeo: Rappresentante europeo: LG Electronics Service Europe B.V. Veluwezoom 15, 1327 LG Electronics Service Europe B.V. Veluwezoom 15, 1327 AE AE AlmereAlmere. . PaesiPaesi BassiBassi(Tel: +31(Tel: +31--(0)36(0)36--547547--8888)8888)
(6(6--4) 4) ESPAÑOLESPAÑOLAviso de conformidad con la UE: Aviso de conformidad con la UE: Por la presente, LG Electronics declara que este producto cumple con las Por la presente, LG Electronics declara que este producto cumple con las siguientes directivas. siguientes directivas. Directiva sobre equipos radioeléctricos y equipos terminales de Directiva sobre equipos radioeléctricos y equipos terminales de telecomunicación 1999/5/CE telecomunicación 1999/5/CE Directiva sobre baja tensión 2006/95/CE Directiva sobre baja tensión 2006/95/CE Los productos descritos anteriormente cumplen con los requisitos esenciales Los productos descritos anteriormente cumplen con los requisitos esenciales de las directivas especifi-cadas. de las directivas especifi-cadas. Representante europeo: Representante europeo: ppppLG Electronics Service Europe B.V. Veluwezoom 15, 1327 LG Electronics Service Europe B.V. Veluwezoom 15, 1327 AE Almere. Países Bajos AE Almere. Países Bajos (Tel: +31(Tel: +31--(0)36(0)36--547547--8888) 8888)
(6(6--5) 5) PORTUGUÊSPORTUGUÊSAviso de conformidade da UE: Aviso de conformidade da UE: A LG Electronics declara por este meio que este produto está em A LG Electronics declara por este meio que este produto está em conformidade com as seguintes Directivas. conformidade com as seguintes Directivas. Directiva R&TTE 1999/5/CE Directiva R&TTE 1999/5/CE Directiva para equipamentos de BAIXA TENSÃO 2006/95/CE Directiva para equipamentos de BAIXA TENSÃO 2006/95/CE Os produtos acima descritos estão em conformidade com os requisitos Os produtos acima descritos estão em conformidade com os requisitos essenciais das directivas espe-cificadas. essenciais das directivas espe-cificadas. Representante europeu: Representante europeu: LG Electronics Service Europe B V Veluwezoom 15 1327LG Electronics Service Europe B V Veluwezoom 15 1327LG Electronics Service Europe B.V. Veluwezoom 15, 1327 LG Electronics Service Europe B.V. Veluwezoom 15, 1327 AE Almere. AE Almere. Holanda Holanda (Tel.: +31(Tel.: +31--(0)36(0)36--547547--8888) 8888)
(6(6--6) 6) NEDERLANDSNEDERLANDSConformiteitsverklaring (EU): Conformiteitsverklaring (EU): LG verklaart hierbij dat dit product voldoet aan de volgende richtlijnen. LG verklaart hierbij dat dit product voldoet aan de volgende richtlijnen. R&TTER&TTE--richtlijn 1999/5/EC richtlijn 1999/5/EC LaagspanningsrichtlijnLaagspanningsrichtlijn 2006/95/EC2006/95/ECDe hierboven genoemde producten voldoen aan de essentiële voorwaarden De hierboven genoemde producten voldoen aan de essentiële voorwaarden gpgpvan de gespecificeerde richtlijnen. van de gespecificeerde richtlijnen. Europees hoofdkantoor: Europees hoofdkantoor: LG Electronics Service Europe B.V. Veluwezoom 15 LG Electronics Service Europe B.V. Veluwezoom 15 1327 AE Almere. Nederland 1327 AE Almere. Nederland (Tel: +31(Tel: +31--(0)36(0)36--547547--8888) 8888)
(6(6--7) 7) ƪƯƯƬƱƭƮƟƪƯƯƬƱƭƮƟƩǀNJǔıdž ıǑNjNjǗǏijǔıdžǐ ƪ.ƪ.: ƩǀNJǔıdž ıǑNjNjǗǏijǔıdžǐ ƪ.ƪ.:   LG ElectronicsLG Electronics                   ::: :  1999/5/       1999/5/       ( (RR&&TTETTE) )  2006/95/ 2006/95/EE         / / / /                     .  .  :  : LG Electronics Service Europe BLG Electronics Service Europe B..VV. . VeluwezoomVeluwezoom 15, 1327 15, 1327 AE AE AlmereAlmere.  .  (: +31(: +31--(0)36(0)36--547547--8888) 8888)
(6(6--8) 8) MAGYARMAGYAREU EU megfelelmegfelelĘĘsséégigi nyilatkozatnyilatkozat: : AzAz LG Electronics LG Electronics ezezúúton ton kijelentikijelenti, , hogyhogy a terma terméék k megfelelmegfelel a ka köövetkezvetkez  iriráányelveknyelvek elelíírráásainaksainak: : 1999/5/1999/5/EK REK R&&TTE TTE iriráányelvnyelv2006/95/2006/95/EK KISFESZEK KISFESZÜÜLTSLTSÉÉGG  iriráányelvnyelvA A fentiekbenfentiekben bemutatottbemutatott termterméékekkek teljesteljesíítiktik a a megadottmegadott iriráányelveknyelvek alapvetalapvet  elelíírráásaitsait. . EurópaiEurópai képviseletképviselet: : LG Electronics Service Europe B VLG Electronics Service Europe B VVeluwezoomVeluwezoom15 132715 1327LG Electronics Service Europe B.V. LG Electronics Service Europe B.V. VeluwezoomVeluwezoom15, 1327 15, 1327 AE AE AlmereAlmere. . HollandiaHollandia(Tel: +31(Tel: +31--(0)36(0)36--547547--8888)8888)
(6(6--9) 9) SVENSKASVENSKAMeddelande om EUMeddelande om EU--regelefterlevnad: regelefterlevnad: LG Electronics intygar härmed att den här produkten uppf-yller följande LG Electronics intygar härmed att den här produkten uppf-yller följande gällande direktiv: gällande direktiv: R&TTER&TTE--direktivet 1999/5/EG direktivet 1999/5/EG Lågspänningsdirektivet 2006/95/EG Lågspänningsdirektivet 2006/95/EG Ovan nämnda produkter stämmer överens med de grundläggande kraven som Ovan nämnda produkter stämmer överens med de grundläggande kraven som anges i direktiven. anges i direktiven. Europeisk representant: Europeisk representant: LG Electronics Service Europe B V Veluwezoom 15 1327LG Electronics Service Europe B V Veluwezoom 15 1327LG Electronics Service Europe B.V. Veluwezoom 15, 1327 LG Electronics Service Europe B.V. Veluwezoom 15, 1327 AE Almere. Nederländerna AE Almere. Nederländerna (Tel: +31(Tel: +31--(0)36(0)36--547547--8888) 8888)
(6(6--10) 10) NORSKNORSKSamsvarsmerknad for EU: Samsvarsmerknad for EU: LG Electronics erklærer herved at dette produktet er i henhold til de følgende LG Electronics erklærer herved at dette produktet er i henhold til de følgende direktivene. direktivene. R&TTER&TTE--direktiv 1999/5/EC direktiv 1999/5/EC Lavspenningsdirektiv 2006/95/EC Lavspenningsdirektiv 2006/95/EC Produktene som beskrives ovenfor, overholder kravene i de angitte direktivene. Produktene som beskrives ovenfor, overholder kravene i de angitte direktivene. Europeisk representant: Europeisk representant: LG Electronics Service Europe B.V. Veluwezoom 15, 1327 LG Electronics Service Europe B.V. Veluwezoom 15, 1327 AE Almere. Nederland AE Almere. Nederland (Tlf.: +31(Tlf.: +31--(0)36(0)36--547547--8888) 8888)
(6(6--11) 11) DANSKDANSKEUEU--overensstemmelseserklæring: overensstemmelseserklæring: LG Electronics erklærer hermed, at dette produkt overholder følgende LG Electronics erklærer hermed, at dette produkt overholder følgende direktiver. direktiver. R&TTER&TTE--direktiv 1999/5/EC direktiv 1999/5/EC LOW VOLTAGELOW VOLTAGE--direktivdirektiv 2006/95/EC 2006/95/EC De De produkterprodukter, , derder erer beskrevetbeskrevet ovenforovenfor, , overholderoverholder de de vigtigstevigtigste kravkrav ii de de angivneangivne direktiverdirektiver..Europæisk repræsentant: Europæisk repræsentant: LG Electronics Service Europe B VLG Electronics Service Europe B VVeluwezoomVeluwezoom15 132715 1327LG Electronics Service Europe B.V. LG Electronics Service Europe B.V. VeluwezoomVeluwezoom15, 1327 15, 1327 AE AE AlmereAlmere. Holland . Holland (Tlf.: +31(Tlf.: +31--(0)36(0)36--547547--8888) 8888)
(6(6--1212) ) SUOMISUOMIEUEU--vaatimustenmukaisuusilmoitus: vaatimustenmukaisuusilmoitus: LG Electronics vakuuttaa täten, että tämä tuote on seuraavien direktiivien LG Electronics vakuuttaa täten, että tämä tuote on seuraavien direktiivien mukainen. mukainen. R&TTER&TTE--direktiivi 1999/5/EC direktiivi 1999/5/EC LOW VOLTAGE LOW VOLTAGE --direktiivi 2006/95/EC direktiivi 2006/95/EC Edellä mainitut tuotteet ovat eriteltyjen direktiivien oleellisten vaatimusten Edellä mainitut tuotteet ovat eriteltyjen direktiivien oleellisten vaatimusten mukaisia. mukaisia. Edustaja Euroopassa: Edustaja Euroopassa: LG Electronics Service Europe B V Veluwezoom 15 1327LG Electronics Service Europe B V Veluwezoom 15 1327LG Electronics Service Europe B.V. Veluwezoom 15, 1327 LG Electronics Service Europe B.V. Veluwezoom 15, 1327 AE Almere. Alankomaat AE Almere. Alankomaat (Puh: +31 (0)36 547 8888) (Puh: +31 (0)36 547 8888)
(6(6--13) 13) EESTIEESTIEÜ vastavuskinnitus: EÜ vastavuskinnitus: Käesolevaga kinnitab LG Electronics, et see toode ühildub järg-miste Käesolevaga kinnitab LG Electronics, et see toode ühildub järg-miste direktiividega.. direktiividega.. Raadioseadmete ja telekommunikatsioonivõrgu lõppseadmete direktiiv Raadioseadmete ja telekommunikatsioonivõrgu lõppseadmete direktiiv 1999/5/EÜ 1999/5/EÜ MADALPINGESEADMETE direktiiv 2006/95/EÜ MADALPINGESEADMETE direktiiv 2006/95/EÜ Eelnimetatud tooted vastavad märgitud direktiivide oluliste nõuetele. Eelnimetatud tooted vastavad märgitud direktiivide oluliste nõuetele. Euroopa esindus: Euroopa esindus: LG Electronics Service Europe B V Veluwezoom 15 1327LG Electronics Service Europe B V Veluwezoom 15 1327LG Electronics Service Europe B.V. Veluwezoom 15, 1327 LG Electronics Service Europe B.V. Veluwezoom 15, 1327 AE Almere. Holland AE Almere. Holland (Tel : +31(Tel : +31--(0)36(0)36--547547--8888) 8888)
(6(6--14) 14) LIETUVIŽ KLIETUVIŽ KEB atitikties deklaracija: EB atitikties deklaracija: „LG Electronics“ pareiškia, kad šis produktas atitinka tokias direktyvas.„LG Electronics“ pareiškia, kad šis produktas atitinka tokias direktyvas.R&TTE direktyv 1999/5/EB R&TTE direktyv 1999/5/EB Žemos tampos direktyv 2006/95/EB Žemos tampos direktyv 2006/95/EB AukšiauAukšiauvardintivardintiproduktaiproduktai atitinkaatitinka nurodytnurodytdirektyvdirektyvesminiusesminius reikalavimusreikalavimus. . ppyyyyAtstovasAtstovas EuropojeEuropoje: : LG Electronics Service Europe B.V. LG Electronics Service Europe B.V. VeluwezoomVeluwezoom 15, 1327 15, 1327 AE Almere. Nyderlandai AE Almere. Nyderlandai yy(Tel. +31(Tel. +31--(0)36(0)36--547547--8888) 8888)
(6(6--15) 15) LATVIEŠULATVIEŠUPaziŪojums par atbilstŝbu ES direktŝvŅm: PaziŪojums par atbilstŝbu ES direktŝvŅm: LG Electronics ar šo pazio, ka šis izstrdjums atbilst turpmk mintajm LG Electronics ar šo pazio, ka šis izstrdjums atbilst turpmk mintajm direktvm. direktvm. R&TTE direktva 1999/5/EK R&TTE direktva 1999/5/EK Direktva par zemspriegumu 2006/95/EK Direktva par zemspriegumu 2006/95/EK Iepriekš apraksttie izstrdjumi atbilst nordto direktvu btiskajm prasbm. Iepriekš apraksttie izstrdjumi atbilst nordto direktvu btiskajm prasbm. Prstvniecba Eirop: Prstvniecba Eirop: LG Electronics Service Europe B.V. Veluwezoom 15, 1327 LG Electronics Service Europe B.V. Veluwezoom 15, 1327 AE Almere. Nderlande AE Almere. Nderlande (Tel.: +31(Tel.: +31--(0)36(0)36--547547--8888) 8888)
(6(6--16) 16) SLOVENŠýINASLOVENŠýINAIzjava o skladnosti EU: Izjava o skladnosti EU: LG Electronics izjavlja, da je ta izdelek v skladu z naslednjimi direktivami. LG Electronics izjavlja, da je ta izdelek v skladu z naslednjimi direktivami. Direktiva 1999/5/ES o radijski opremi in telekomunikacijski terminalski opremi Direktiva 1999/5/ES o radijski opremi in telekomunikacijski terminalski opremi ter medsebojnem prizna-vanju skladnosti te opreme ter medsebojnem prizna-vanju skladnosti te opreme Direktiva 2006/95/ES o nizki napetosti Direktiva 2006/95/ES o nizki napetosti Zgoraj opisani izdelki izpolnjujejo bistvene zahteve navedenih direktiv. Zgoraj opisani izdelki izpolnjujejo bistvene zahteve navedenih direktiv. EvropskiEvropski zastopnikzastopnik: : LG Electronics Service Europe B.V. LG Electronics Service Europe B.V. VeluwezoomVeluwezoom 15, 1327 15, 1327 AE AE AlmereAlmere. The Netherlands . The Netherlands (Tel: +31(Tel: +31--(0)36(0)36--547547--8888)8888)
(6(6--17) 17) SRPSKISRPSKINapomenaNapomena o o usklaÿenostiusklaÿenosti sasa standardimastandardima: : LG Electronics LG Electronics ovimovim izjavljujeizjavljuje dada je je ovajovaj proizvodproizvod usklaenusklaen sasa sledeimsledeimdirektivamadirektivama:. :. R&TTE direktiva 1999/5/EC R&TTE direktiva 1999/5/EC NISKONAPONSKA direktiva 2006/95/EC NISKONAPONSKA direktiva 2006/95/EC Prethodno opisani proizvodi usklaeni su s osnovnim zahtevima iz navedenih Prethodno opisani proizvodi usklaeni su s osnovnim zahtevima iz navedenih direktiva. direktiva. Evropski predstavnik: Evropski predstavnik: LG Electronics Service Europe B V Veluwezoom 15 1327LG Electronics Service Europe B V Veluwezoom 15 1327LG Electronics Service Europe B.V. Veluwezoom 15, 1327 LG Electronics Service Europe B.V. Veluwezoom 15, 1327 AE Almere. Holandija AE Almere. Holandija (Tel: +31(Tel: +31--(0)36(0)36--547547--8888) 8888)
(6(6--18) 18) HRVATSKIHRVATSKINapomena o sukladnosti s EU standardima: Napomena o sukladnosti s EU standardima: LG Electronics ovim putem izjavljuje da je ovaj proizvod sukladan sljedeim LG Electronics ovim putem izjavljuje da je ovaj proizvod sukladan sljedeim Direktivama. Direktivama. R&TTE direktiva 1999/5/EC R&TTE direktiva 1999/5/EC Direktiva o niskonaponskim ureajima 2006/95/EC Direktiva o niskonaponskim ureajima 2006/95/EC Gore opisan proizvod sukladan je osnovnim zahtjevima navedenih direktiva. Gore opisan proizvod sukladan je osnovnim zahtjevima navedenih direktiva. Zastupnik za Europu: Zastupnik za Europu: LG Electronics Service Europe B.V. Veluwezoom 15, 1327 LG Electronics Service Europe B.V. Veluwezoom 15, 1327 AE AE AlmereAlmere. The Netherlands . The Netherlands (Tel.: +31(Tel.: +31--(0)36(0)36--547547--8888) 8888)
(6(6--19) 19) TÜRKÇETÜRKÇEAB AB UygunlukUygunluk BildirimiBildirimi: : LG Electronics, LG Electronics, buradaburada bubu ürününürünün aadakiaadaki DirektiflerDirektifler ileile uyumluuyumlu olduunuolduunubeyanbeyan edereder. . R&TTE R&TTE DirektifiDirektifi 1999/5/EC 1999/5/EC DÜÜK VOLTAJ DÜÜK VOLTAJ DirektifiDirektifi 2006/95/EC 2006/95/EC YukardaYukarda anlatlananlatlan ürünlerürünler, , belirtilenbelirtilen direktiflerindirektiflerin gerekliliklerigereklilikleri ileile uyumluduruyumludur..AvrupaAvrupa temsilciliitemsilcilii : : LG Electronics Service Europe B.V. LG Electronics Service Europe B.V. VeluwezoomVeluwezoom 15, 1327 15, 1327 AE AE AlmereAlmere. The Netherlands . The Netherlands (Tel : +31(Tel : +31--(0)36(0)36--547547--8888) 8888)
(6(6--20) 20) SHQIPSHQIPDeklarataDeklarata e e KonformitetitKonformitetit përpër BEBE--nënë: : LG Electronics LG Electronics nëpërmjetnëpërmjet kësajkësaj deklarondeklaron se se kyky produktprodukt ështëështë nënë përputhjepërputhje me me DirektivatDirektivat e e mëposhtmemëposhtme. . DirektivënDirektivën R&TTE 1999/5/KE R&TTE 1999/5/KE DirektivënDirektivën përpër VOLTAZHIN E ULËT 2006/95/KE VOLTAZHIN E ULËT 2006/95/KE Produktet e përshkruara më lart përputhen me kërkesat thelbësore të Produktet e përshkruara më lart përputhen me kërkesat thelbësore të direktivave të specifikuara. direktivave të specifikuara. Përfaqësuesi evropian: Përfaqësuesi evropian: LG Electronics Service Europe B V Veluwezoom 15 1327LG Electronics Service Europe B V Veluwezoom 15 1327LG Electronics Service Europe B.V. Veluwezoom 15, 1327 LG Electronics Service Europe B.V. Veluwezoom 15, 1327 AE AE AlmereAlmere. The Netherlands . The Netherlands (Tel : +31(Tel : +31--(0)36(0)36--547547--8888) 8888)
(6(6--21) 21) BOSANSKIBOSANSKINapomenaNapomena o o usklaÿenostiusklaÿenosti sasa propisimapropisima EU: EU: LG Electronics LG Electronics ovimovim putemputem izjavljujeizjavljuje dada je je ovajovaj proizvodproizvod usklaenusklaen sasa sljedeimsljedeimdirektivamadirektivama: : Direktiva o radijskoj opremi i telekomunikacijskoj terminalnoj opremi Direktiva o radijskoj opremi i telekomunikacijskoj terminalnoj opremi 1999/5/EC 1999/5/EC Direktiva o niskonaponskoj opremi 2006/95/EC Direktiva o niskonaponskoj opremi 2006/95/EC Opisani proizvodi usklaeni su sa kljunim zahtjevima navedenih direktiva. Opisani proizvodi usklaeni su sa kljunim zahtjevima navedenih direktiva. Predstavnik za Europu: Predstavnik za Europu: LG Electronics Service Europe B V Veluwezoom 15 1327LG Electronics Service Europe B V Veluwezoom 15 1327LG Electronics Service Europe B.V. Veluwezoom 15, 1327 LG Electronics Service Europe B.V. Veluwezoom 15, 1327 AE Almere. The Netherlands AE Almere. The Netherlands ((TelTel : +31: +31--(0)36(0)36--547547--8888) 8888)
(6(6--22) 22) MACEDONIANMACEDONIANǰȏȊȍșȚțȊȈȱȍ ȏȈ țșȖȋȓȈșȍȕȖșȚ șȖ ǭǻ: ǰȏȊȍșȚțȊȈȱȍ ȏȈ țșȖȋȓȈșȍȕȖșȚ șȖ ǭǻ: LG ElectronicsLG Electronics                    . .RR&&TTETTE  1999/5/ 1999/5/ECEC    2006/95/    2006/95/ECEC                 .  .  :  : LG Electronics Service Europe BLG Electronics Service Europe BVVVeluwezoomVeluwezoom15 132715 1327LG Electronics Service Europe BLG Electronics Service Europe B..VV. . VeluwezoomVeluwezoom15, 1327 15, 1327 AE AE AlmereAlmere. The Netherlands . The Netherlands (( : +31: +31--(0)36(0)36--547547--8888) 8888)
(6(6--23) 23) ұǨǯǨұȀǨұǨǯǨұȀǨǭǶ ǭǶ șӂȑȒȍșȚȭȒșӂȑȒȍșȚȭȒ ȚțȘȈȓȣȚțȘȈȓȣ ȍșȒȍȘȚțȭȍșȒȍȘȚțȭ: : LG Electronics LG Electronics         . .     1999/5/    1999/5/ECEC      2006/95/   2006/95/ECEC                 .   .  :  : LG Electronics ServiceLG Electronics ServiceBBVVVeluwezoomVeluwezoom15 132715 1327LG Electronics ServiceLG Electronics Service  BB..VV. . VeluwezoomVeluwezoom15, 1327 15, 1327 AE AE AlmereAlmere.  .  ( : +31( : +31--(0)36(0)36--547547--8888) 8888)
(6(6--24) 24) ǸǻǹǹDzǰDZǸǻǹǹDzǰDZǻȊȍȌȖȔȓȍȕȐȍ Ȗ șȖȖȚȊȍȚșȚȊȐȐ ȕȖȘȔȈȔ ǭǹ: ǻȊȍȌȖȔȓȍȕȐȍ Ȗ șȖȖȚȊȍȚșȚȊȐȐ ȕȖȘȔȈȔ ǭǹ:   LG ElectronicsLG Electronics    ,       ,      .   .   RR&&TTETTE 1999/5/1999/5/ECEC  LOW VOLTAGELOW VOLTAGE 2006/95/2006/95/ECEC             .  .   :   : LG Electronics Service Europe BLG Electronics Service Europe BVVVeluwezoomVeluwezoom15 132715 1327LG Electronics Service Europe BLG Electronics Service Europe B..VV. . VeluwezoomVeluwezoom15, 1327 15, 1327 AE AE AlmereAlmere. The Netherlands . The Netherlands ((.: +31.: +31--(0)36(0)36--547547--8888)8888)
(6(6--25) 25) ǻȒȘȈȮȕșȤȒȈǻȒȘȈȮȕșȤȒȈǷȭȌȚȊȍȘȌȎȍȕȕȧǷȭȌȚȊȍȘȌȎȍȕȕȧ ȊȭȌȗȖȊȭȌȕȖșȚȭȊȭȌȗȖȊȭȌȕȖșȚȭ șȚȈȕȌȈȘȚȈȔșȚȈȕȌȈȘȚȈȔ ǝǹ: ǝǹ:   LG Electronics LG Electronics     , ,   . .   RR&&TTETTE, 1999/5/, 1999/5/EC EC   , 2006/95/  , 2006/95/EC EC               ..   :    : LG Electronics Service Europe BLG Electronics Service Europe BVVVeluwezoomVeluwezoom15 132715 1327LG Electronics Service Europe BLG Electronics Service Europe B..VV. . VeluwezoomVeluwezoom15, 1327 15, 1327 AE AE AlmereAlmere.  .  ( .: +31( .: +31--(0)36(0)36--547547--8888)8888)
(7) (7) Malaysia SIRIM StickerMalaysia SIRIM StickerPlace SIRIM Place SIRIM (8) (8) Israel Israel MoCMoC IDIDMoCMoC: 51: 51--2409424094label herelabel hereMoCMoC: 51: 51--24603 24603
(9) (9) UkraineUkraine(10) (10) OmanOman(11) (11) 5KPICRQTG5KPICRQTG[Specification][Specification]1) Model Name: AN1) Model Name: AN--MR3007MR30072) Batch/Serial No.: 2) Batch/Serial No.: --3) Manufacturer: OHSUNG Electronics3) Manufacturer: OHSUNG Electronics4) Brand: LG Electronics4) Brand: LG Electronics5) Product Name: RF Remote Control5) Product Name: RF Remote Control

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