LITE ON TECHNOLOGY WCBN4513R Wi-Fi (11a/b/g/n 2Tx2R)+BT (V4.2LE) USB Combo Module User Manual 05 20160728 Revise
LITE-ON Technology Corp. Wi-Fi (11a/b/g/n 2Tx2R)+BT (V4.2LE) USB Combo Module 05 20160728 Revise
User Manual
PROD DUCT SPECIIFICA ATION Wi-Fi (11a/b/g/n n 2Tx2R)+ +BT (V4.1 1LE) USB B Combo Module WC CBN4513R Usser Ma anu uall Page 1/15 CONTEN NT PR RODUCT FE EATURES ........................................................................................................................ 8 BT T FEATURE .............................................................................................................................................. 8 WI-FI FEATURE .......................................................................................................................................... 8 CO OMMON FEATU URE .................................................................................................................................... 8 PR RODUCT SP PECIFICATIONS ........................................................................................................... 9 MA AIN CHIPSET ........................................................................................................................................... 9 FU UNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS S................................................................................................................... 9 RE ECOMMEND DED OPERA ATION CON NDITIONS .......................................................................... 12 DC C CHARACT TERISTICS ...................... ............................................................................................ 12 RE ESET TIMIN NG SPEC ........................................................................................................................ 12 PIIN ASSIGME ENT................................................................................................................................. 13 US SB CONNEC CTOR SPEC...................... ............................................................................................ 13 MECHANICA AL .................................................................................................................................... 14 BL LOCK DIAG GRAM ............................................................................................................................. 14 EE EPROM INF FORMATION N ............................................................................................................... 15 BT T............................................................................................................................................................ 15 WI-FI ....................................................................................................................................................... 15 EN NVIRONME ENTAL ............................................................................................................................ 15 OPPERATING .............................................................................................................................................. 15 STTORAGE.................................................................................................................................................. 15 Page 2/15 C Statemen nt: eral Commun nication Com mmission Inteerference Staatement equipment has been tessted and founnd to complyy with the lim mits for a Classs B digital de evice, suant to Partt 15 of the FC CC Rules. Theese limits are e designed to o provide reaasonable tection again nst harmful in nterference iin a residential installatio on. This equippment generrates, s and can rad diate radio frrequency eneergy and, if not n installed and a used in aaccordance with instructions, may cause harmful interrference to radio commu unications. H owever, there is guarantee that interferen nce will not ooccur in a parrticular installation. If thiss equipment s cause harm mful interfere ence to radioo or television reception, which can b e determined by ning the equipment off an nd on, the usser is encouraged to try to correct thee rference by one o of the fo ollowing meaasures: orient or relo ocate the recceiving antennna. rease the sep paration between the eqquipment and d receiver. nnect the equipment into o an outlet oon a circuit different from m that to whicch the receivver onnected. nsult the deaaler or an exp perienced ra dio/TV techn nician for help. Caution: Anyy changes orr modificatio ns not expre essly approve ed by the parrty responsib ble compliance could void the user’s authhority to ope erate this equ uipment. device comp plies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to thee following tw wo ditions: (1) This device may not causee harmful interference, and (2) this deevice must ept any interfference rece eived, includi ng interference that mayy cause undeesired operattion. market, onlyy channel 1~ product avaiilable in the USA/Canada ~11 can be opperated. ection of otheer channels is not possiblle. device and its i antenna(ss) must not bbe co•located with any otther transmiitters except in ordance with h FCC multi•ttransmitter pproduct procedures. ORTANT NOTE: ement: Radiation Exxposure State equipment complies witth FCC radiattion exposure limits set fo orth for an uuncontrolled ironment. Th his equipmen nt should be installed and d operated with w minimum m distance 20 0 cm ween the rad diator & yourr body. Page 3/15 ORTANT NOTE: module is in ntended for OEM integra tor. The OEM M integrator is responsiblle for the mpliance to alll the rules th hat apply to tthe product into which th his certified RRF module iss grated. itional testin ng and certification may bbe necessaryy when multiple modules are used. cm minimum distance has to be able tto be maintaained betwee en the antennna and the users the host this module is in ntegrated int o. Under succh configurattion, the FCCC radiation osure limits set s forth for an populatioon/uncontrollled environm ment can be satisfied. changes or modification s not expres sly approved d by the manufacturer coould void the r's authority to operate this equipme nt. D PRODUCT: RS MANUAL OF THE END he users man nual of the en nd product, tthe end userr has to be informed to keeep at least 20 separation with w the antenna while th is end produ uct is installed and operatted. The end r has to be in nformed thatt the FCC raddio•frequenccy exposure guidelines fo r an ontrolled envvironment caan be satisfieed. The end user u has to also be inform med that anyy nges or modifications nott expressly a pproved by the nufacturer co ould void the e user's authoority to operate this equipment. If thee size of the end duct is smalleer than 8x10cm, then addditional FCC part 15.19 sttatement is rrequired to be lable in the users manual: This devicee complies with w Part 15 of o FCC rules. Operation iss ect to the fo ollowing two ditions: (1) th his device maay not causee harmful inte erference and (2) this devvice must acccept rference received, includ ding interfereence that maay cause undesired operaation. ND PRODUCT T: EL OF THE EN final end pro oduct must be b labeled in a visible are ea with the fo ollowing " Coontains TX FC CC ID: Q‐WCBN4513 3R ". If the sizze of the endd product is larger than 8x10cm, thenn the followin ng part 15.19 statement haas to also be available on the label: Th his device com mplies with Part of FCC rules. Operation is subject to thhe following two conditio ons: (1) this ddevice may not se harmful in nterference and a (2) this ice must acceept any interrference receeived, including interfere ence that mayy cause esired operaation. M Integrator Checklist party below will implement the LITE‐‐ON Module in host syste ems in accorddance with the ructions speccified in this document a nd the docum ments refere enced hereinn. Page 4/15 The OEM inttegrator will ensure the M Module is inttegrated in a host system ms using only the approved an ntenna mode el(s) describeed in this doccument. BT:Walsin / RFMTA400 0530IMAB3002 / PIFA type e / Gain: 3.79 9 dBi 0550IMAB3001 / PIFA type e / Gain: 3.79 9 dBi Walsin / RFMTA400 Hong Lin / 290‐10311 / PIFA typpe / Gain: 3.7 79 dBi Hong Lin / 290‐1028 89 / PIFA typpe / Gain: 3.7 79 dBi WIFI 2.4G:Walsin / RFM MTA200700N NNLB002 / PIFA type / Ga ain: 2.49 dBi WIFI 5G:W Walsin / RFMT TA200700NN NLB002 / PIFA A type / Gain n: 3.22 dBi The OEM inttegrator will ensure the aantenna placement inside e the host syystem will maintain thee required sp pacing to endd user for RF Exposure co ompliance, ass specified in n this document. os are integrrated inside tthe host with h the LITE‐ON N Module, thhe OEM If other radio integrator will w contact itss test lab, TCCB or LITE‐ON N to determine if additionnal FCC compliance evaluation iss required to meet FCC co ollocation rules. entation will contain the specified The OEM inttegrator will ensure end uuser docume regulatory wording and ensure the hhost system and a the Module itself aree labeled as specified in this t document. he OEM integrator will en nsure the Moodule is proggrammed in the t factory w with complian nt smit power not exceedin ng the levels specified in this documen nt. ‐ON requestts that the OE EM integratoor acknowled dge its receip pt of this doccument and the ve instructions. You may contact LITEE‐ON with an ny questions concerning tthis documen nt or responsibilities of the OE EM integratoor. Statement: device comp plies with Ind dustry Canadda license•exxempt RSS sttandard(s). O Operation is ect to the fo ollowing two conditions: ((1) this devicce may not ca ause interferrence, and (2 2) device mustt accept any interference , including in nterference that may cauuse undesired ration of thee device. présent appareil est confo orme aux CN R d'Industrie e Canada app plicables auxx appareils radio mpts de licen nce. L'exploittation est auttorisée aux deux conditio ons suivantess : (1) l'appareil doit pas prod duire de brou uillage, et (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepteer tout uillage radioéélectrique su ubi, même si le brouillage e est susceptible d'en com mpromettre le ctionnement. market, onlyy channel 1~ ~11 can be opperated. product avaiilable in the USA/Canada ection of otheer channels is not possiblle. r les produitss disponibless aux États•U Unis / Canadaa du marché, seul le canaal 1 à 11 peuvent e exploités. Séélection d'au utres canaux n'est pas po ossible. Page 5/15 product avaiilable in the USA/Canada market, onlyy channel 1~ ~11 can be opperated. ection of otheer channels is not possiblle. r les produitss disponibless aux États•U Unis / Canadaa du marché, seul le canaal 1 à 11 peuvent e exploités. Séélection d'au utres canaux n'est pas po ossible. device and its i antenna(ss) must not bbe co•located with any otther transmiitters except in ordance with h IC multi•traansmitter prooduct proced dures. ering to the multi•transm mitter policy, multiple•traansmitter(s) and module((s) can be rated ultaneously without reassessment peermissive chaange. appareil et son antenne (s) ne doit paas être co•lo ocalisés ou fo onctionnemeent en ociation avecc une autre antenne ou trransmetteur. device for operation in the band 51550‐5250 MHzz is only for in ndoor use too reduce the ential for harrmful interference to co••channel mobile satellite systems. dispositifs fon nctionnant dans la bandee 5150•5250 0 MHz sont ré éservés uniqquement pou ur utilisation à l’intérieur affin de réduir e les risques de brouillag ge préjudiciabble aux systè èmes atellites mob biles utilisantt les mêmes canaux. maximum antenna gain permitted foor devices in the band 5725•5850 MH Hz shall be su uch t the equipment still complies with thhe e.i.r.p. limits specified for point•to •point and point operatio on as approppriate. •point•to•p ain maximal d’antenne pe ermis (pour les dispositiffs utilisant la bande 5725 •5850 MHz) on point à pooint et non po oint se conformeer à la limite de p.i.r.e. sppécifiée pourr l’exploitatio oint, selon le cas. amic Frequeency Selection (DFS) for d evices operaating in the bands 5250• 5350 MHz, 0•5600 MHzz and 5650•5 5725 MHz. ection dynam mique de fréq quences (DFSS) pour les dispositifs foncctionnant daans les bande es 0•5350 MHzz, 5470•5600 0 MHz et 56550•5725 MH Hz. maximum antenna gain permitted foor devices in the bands 52 250•5350 M MHz and 0•5725 MHzz shall be succh that the eqquipment stiill complies with w the e.i.r..p. limit. ain maximal d’antenne pe ermis pour lees dispositifss utilisant les bandes 52500•5350 MHzz et 0•5725 MHzz doit se confformer à la liimite de p.i.rr.e. Page 6/15 rs should also be advised d that high•ppower radars are allocated as primaryy users (i.e. rity users) off the bands 5250•5350 MHz and 5650•5850 MHzz and that thhese radars could se interferen nce and/or daamage to LE••LAN devicess. plus, les utilissateurs devraaient aussi êttre avisés qu ue les utilisateurs de radaars de haute ssance sont désignés utilisateurs princcipaux (c.•à• •d., qu’ils ontt la priorité) pour les ban ndes 0•5350 MHzz et 5650•58 850 MHz et qque ces radarrs pourraientt causer du bbrouillage et//ou dommages aux a dispositiffs LAN•EL. r une utilisattion en intérieur uniquem ment. ORTANT NOTE: adiation Exposure Statem ment: equipment complies witth IC RSS•10 2 radiation exposure limits set forth ffor an ontrolled ironment. Th his equipmen nt should be installed and d operated with w minimum m distance 20 0 cm ween the rad diator & yourr body. équipement est conform me aux limitess d'exposition aux rayonn nements IC éétablies pourr un ironnement non contrôlé é. Cet équipeement doit êttre installé et utilisé avecc un minimum m de cm de distancce entre la so ource de ray onnement et votre corpss. module is in ntended for OEM integra tor. The OEM M integrator is still responnsible for the e IC mpliance requ uirement of the t end prodduct, which in ntegrates this module. changes or modification s not expres sly approved d by the manufacturer coould void the r's authority to operate this equipme nt. RS MANUAL OF THE END D PRODUCT: he users man nual of the en nd product, tthe end userr has to be informed to keeep at least 20 aration with the antenna while this ennd product iss installed an nd operated. The end use er to be he IC radio•frrequency expposure guide elines for an uncontrolledd environment rmed that th be sfied. The end user has to o also be infoormed that any a changes or modificatiions not ressly approvved by the manufacturer r could void the t user's autthority to opperate this ipment. Opeeration is subject to the foollowing two o conditions: (1) this devicce may not se harmful in nterference and a (2) this ddevice must accept any in nterference rreceived, uding interfeerence that may m cause unndesired operation. EL OF THE EN ND PRODUCT T: final end pro oduct must be b labeled in a visible are ea with the fo ollowing " Coontains TX IC: 1A‐WCBN4513R ". Page 7/15 PRO ODUCT FEATURES BT FEATU URE: Bluuetooth V4.1 LE system Bacckwards com mpatible withh BT version of 1.1, 1.2, 2.0, 2 2.1 and 33.0+HS Bluuetooth Classs 1 transmisssion power Besst-in-class BT T/Wi-Fi coexxistence perfformance Suppport for Sim mple Pairing ((SP) and Enh hanced Inquiiry Responsee (EIR) functtion Suppport for SCA ATTERNET and up to piiconets simulltaneously w with backgrou und inqquiry/page scan Suppport wide-band speech aand hardwaree acceleratedd SBC codec for A2DP streeaming Suppport Wake On O Bluetoothh WI-FI FEA ATURE: Opeerate at ISM frequency B Band (2.4/5G GHz) IEE EE Standards Support, 8022.11a ,802.11b, 802.11g,, and 802.11nn Suppport for bothh 20 MHz annd 40 MHz channel width Entterprise levell security suppporting: WP PS2.0,WAPI,, WPA, WPA A2 Suppport 2 transm mission and 2 receiving, transmission n rate can upp to 300Mbpss (Phhysical Rate) in downstreeam and upsttream QoS S support of WFA WMM M, WMMPS Suppport for WI--Fi Direct Suppport Wake On O WLAN COMMON FEATURE: MT T7632TU is a single chip integrated IE EEE 802.11 a/b/g/n and B Bluetooth 4.1LE witth a single USB interfacee PA,, LNA, and T/R T switch inntegration for Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Besst-in-class acctive and idlee power conssumption performance Fully compliancce with USB B v2.0 specifiication Suppport OS: Lin nux based RoH HS complian nce Low w Halogen co ompliance Page 8/15 PRO ODUCT SPECIFICAT TIONS MAIN CHIP PSET MediaTeek MT7632T TU FUNCTIONA AL SPECIFIC CATIONS BT Fu unction Standard Bluuetooth V4.1LE Bus Interrface US SB2.0 Data Ratte 1M Mbps, 2Mbpss and Up to 3Mbps Modulatiion Scheme GF FSK, π/4-DQ QPSK and 8-D DPSK Frequenccy Range 2.4402~2.480 GH Hz Transmitt Output Po ower +4 ≤ Output Po ower ≤ +10dB Bm; Class 1 D Device Receiver Sensitivity < 00.1% BER att -80dBm Wi-Fii Function Standard IEE EE802.11a; IEEE802.11b b; IEEE 802..11g; IEEE 8022.11n Bus Interrface US SB2.0 Data Ratte 8022.11a: 6, 24, 18, 12, 9, 6 Mbps 54, 48, 36 8022.11b: 11, 5.5, 2,, 1 Mbps 8022.11g: 6, 24, 18, 12, 9, 6 Mbps 54, 48, 36 8022.11n: MCS 0 to 15 for HT20 0MHz MCS 0 to 15 for HT40 0MHz Media Acccess Control CS SMA/CA with h ACK Modulatiion Techniq que Network Architecturre Operatioon Channel 8022.11a: PSK, BPSK 64QAM, 16QAM, QP 8022.11b: CCK, DQ QPSK, DBPSK 8022.11g: 64QAM, 16QAM, QP PSK, BPSK 8022.11n: PSK, BPSK 64QAM, 16QAM, QP Add-hoc mode (Peer-to-Peerr) Infr frastructure mode 2.44GHz – Uniteed States 11: (Ch. 1-11) 13: (Ch. 1-13) – Europ pe 14: (Ch. 1-14) – Japan 5G GHz Page 9/15 Frequenccy Range Receiverr Sensitivity Security Common Function Operatin ng Voltage 21: USA 19: EU 8: Japan 8022.11bgn 2.400 ~ 2.4835 GHz 8022.11a 5.15 ~ 5.85 GHz 8022.11a: @6Mbps -86 dBm@ -70 dBm@ @54Mbps 8022.11b: -88 dBm@ @1Mbps -82 dBm@ @11Mbps 8022.11g: @6Mbps -86 dBm@ -71 dBm@ @54Mbps 8022.11n: 22.4/5G 20MHz -86 dBm@ @MCS0 -70 dBm@ @MCS7 -68 dBm@ @MCS15 40MHz WPS, WP PA, WPA2, WEP W 64bit & 128bit, IEE EE 802.1X, IE EEE 802.11i 5 V ±10% I/O su upply voltage Mode 2 4G Page 10/15 Average 5G 2 4G Peak 5G Antenna Type Dual Metal antennas for WiFi Single U.FL connector for BT Page 11/15 RECOMMEND DED OPER RATION CO ONDITION NS For Module Syymbol VCC Rating 5 Supply Voltage 5V Min Tyyp Max Units 4.5 5.5 Min Typ yp Max Units For MT7632TU U IC Syymbol Rating VD DD33 3.3V Supply Voltage 2.97 3.33 3.63 VD DD12 1.2V Supply Voltage 1.14 1.22 1.26 VD DD15 1.5V Supply Voltage 1.425 1.55 1.57 75 Min Tyyp Max Units DC C CHARAC CTERISTIC CS Syymbol Parameterr VIL Innput Low Vo oltage -0.28 0.6 VIH Innput High Voltage 2.0 3.63 VOL Output Low Voltage -0.28 0.4 VOH Output High Voltage 2.4 3.63 RESET TIMIN NG SPEC Page 12/15 PIN N ASSIGME ENT Pin n. Pin Define Descrription +5VC CC 5V soource USB DUSB__D+ USB D DataUSB D Data+ GND RESE ET# Grounnd System m reset MT7 7632U, low active WoW WLAN# WoBT Wakee up system via v wifi, low active Wakee up system via v BT, low active GND +5VC CC Grounnd 5V soource USB CONNE ECTOR SPE EC P/N:S1315-009RWA-SB B3-KH Page 13/15 Status YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES MECHANICA AL Page 14/15 EE EPROM INFORMAT TION BT Vendoor ID 0x0E88D Produ uct ID 0x76A A1 WI-FI Reg Domain Worldd Wide 2.44G/5G Reead from regiistry; Control by driver Offseet 0x38 for 5G G: 0xFF Offseet 0x39 for 2..4G: 0xFF Vendoor ID 0x0E88D Devicee ID 0x76A A1 ENV VIRONME ENTAL OPERATIN NG Operaating Temperature: 0 to 770 C (32 to 158 F) Relative Humidity y: 5-90% (nnon-condensiing) STORAGE Tempperature: -40 to 80 C (-440 to 176 F) Relative Humidity y: 5-95% (nnon-condensiing) Page 15/15
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