LTB TrakGard TRK Wireless Motion Sensing Security System User Manual

LTB Enterprises, LLC dba TrakGard Wireless Motion Sensing Security System

User Manual

LTB Enterprises, LLCver. 20110223X0.01TRAKGARDTM-PortalAlarmSystemInstruction ManualModelTRKFCC IDW39TRKVersion20110223X0.01LTB Enterprises, LLC dba TrakGardTMPOBox 727Vancouver, WA 98666Website:www.Trakgard.comEmail support:
LTB Enterprises, LLCver. 20110223X0.01Parts supplied:1 babysitter unit1 baby unit2 UL certified 9 V DC power supply modules8 AA 1.5 Vnon-rechargeablebatteriesTrakGardTMis aportablewirelessmotion sensingalarmsystemdesignedto alert a user ofhuman(or animal)activity occurring in front ofits sensing lens.In its simplest form,it consists ofonebabysitter(Portal)deviceandonebaby(Guard)device.In the absence of obstacles,these twodevices communicateover distanceswell in excess of1000feet. Evenin the presence ofobstacles,the wireless waves ricochet around obstacles over long distances.It is therefore notnecessary forthe babysitter and babyto be in line of sight to communicatewith one another.The baby can beplacedinsidesuchplacesasthe interiors of cars and trucks,or aroundfreight orcontainer boxes,hallways, door entrances,insidesmallclosedspacesincludingbackpacks,gymbags,tool boxes, medicine cabinets, safes,or any other area to be monitored for activity.The babysitter-baby combination can also be used in helping alert a caregiver of theambulatoryactivityofaloved one walking about inthe privacy of their own home or apartment, or in anassisted living facility. It can also be shared by neighbors looking after the homes of theirneighbors absentoron vacation from their home, providing a means of alerting a watchfulneighbor of an intrusion in time to call for help, and henceservea role in neighborhoodcrimepreventionprograms.Security alerts(intrusion events sensed by babies)display on thefront panel of thebabysitter asflashing LEDs and are accompanied by an audiblerepeating beep.The front face panel of eachdevice has a total for five LEDs arrayed across the top edge ofthepanel in an arc. The LED in themiddle of the array designated “P” is reserved for the babysitter. The remaining LEDs, two to theleft of theP LED designated I and II and two to the right of the P LED designated III and IIII, arereservedfor assignment to babies.Additional babies can be obtained fromTrakGardTMforlinking up with a babysitter currently in operation by a user.A plug-in receptacle is located on the side of each device forsupplying power in maintainingoperation of the device usingaUL 9V powersupply moduleplugged into a standard walloutlet.1Devices run off of a set of 4 AA batteries.Ifrechargeablebatteries are used in the batteryholder,periodic use of the power moduleconnected to the device through the plug-inreceptaclewill automatically recharge the batteries.1The polarity of the barrel plug (5.5 mm OD x 2.1 mm ID x 9.5 mm length) conveying powerfrom a DC power supply module must be positive on the insideand negative on the outside.Towork properly when connected to an external power source, babies and babysitters require apower source supply between 7V to14V having a 3 Watt (or better) output.
LTB Enterprises, LLCver. 20110223X0.01Whereas the use of batteries provides portability of the babysitter and babies,babysitters, andbabies, whenever practical, should preferably be operated using the 9V power module pluggedinto a wall outlet with its DC barrel adapter inserted into the power receptacle. Babies, andbabysitters,willalso powerup, recharge and operateusing UL certified DC power supplymodules designed for powering up electronic devices in a car or truck.Babysitterswill run off ofa single set ofbatteriesover a period ofseveral hoursunplugged fromthe power supply module.Depending uponhow muchactivity occursin front of babies, theycanoperate on battery powerover a period ofseveral months.OperatingInstructionsGetting Started–What is ababysitter and babyand how do theywork together?Whendevicesareturned offthey appearidentical. Once they are powered up, however,it will beevident that there are two types of devices working together in establishing an operatingsurveillance system. The device reporting security alerts to a user isababysitter.Ababy,underitsmanagement,is the second device placed at a site to be surveyed for activity.The babysitter isnot limited to managing one baby–additional babies can be managed by a babysitter.When powered up and operating, thebabysitteris recognizable by the presence of ablinking green LED in the “P” position on the front panel of the device.The babysitter is used to assign babies identities in reporting security alerts to it, and theplace to look in determining what is going onin front ofbabiesplaced in surveillancepositions a user desires to monitor. Is humanor animalactivity occurring, or has it occurred, infront ofababy carrying out surveillance? If so,the babysitter will emit a repeating audible beep,its “P” LED will flash red. The LED assignedto the babyreportingthesecurityalert willalsoblink in green.Babiessimply report activity as it occurs intheir field of view. Whenever human oranimal movement occurs in proximity to a baby, it instantly senses the activity,awakens and sends asecurity alert to the babysitter,that was used to give it an LEDidentity (position I, II, III, or IIII). In the absence of activity, the baby drops back intoa sleeping state. A baby ordinarily displays no lit LED unless it is awakened, and iseasily recognized by the absence of a lit LED after it is powered up andhasdropped into itssleeping state.The first time a baby is brought into service it must be given an LED assignment with a babysitter(e.g., assigned LED position I, II, III or III).Unless a user intends to change the assigned LED position ofababy, oncea babyhasbeenassigneditsLEDposition, it is not necessary to repeat the assignment each time the deviceisturned off and back on.Powering Up DevicesSlidethe on/off switch on the back of each device to the right “on” position.
LTB Enterprises, LLCver. 20110223X0.01Assigninga Baby (or Babies)toa BabysitterPick upthebabysitter,the deviceafter powering upflashingthe “P” LEDonitsfront display panel, and usingboth thumbs, or two fingers,simultaneously press, thenrelease,bothredbuttons onitsfront displaypanel.LED “P”, and one of the LEDpositions(I)reserved forassignmentto a baby(I, II, III, or IIII), and the “P” LED,will light up in green.Press, and release,eitherone of theredbuttons onitsdisplay panel to advance thelit LED to the LED position you wish to assign to the baby(I, II, III or IIII).Now identify ababy,the deviceshowingno lit LEDs,andsimultaneouslypress,andrelease,bothredbuttons onitsdisplay panel. All five LEDslight up in green.Return to thebabysitterand press, then release,eitherredbutton onitsdisplay panel. This will cause thebabyin the previous step tobrieflyflashits new LED assignment on its display panel. The baby thenextinguishesitsLED display and isnowready for service. The babysitterwillsimultaneouslyadvance the lit LED assignment position one step forwardonitsdisplay panel.Toassignanother babytothesamebabysitter,repeat thesamesequencewith another baby.When finished, simultaneously press, and release, the tworedbuttons on the babysitter.Placing the babysitter and baby (babies) into serviceAtasite to be monitored for human or animal activity, place thebabyon its side,orstanding vertically, withthecover shieldopened upand theinfraredlensaimed at thearea youwish monitored for human or animal activity.Place thebabysitterat a convenient viewing site where it can bemonitoredforincoming alerts on a regular basis.Verify by walking in front of thebabythat it reportsactivity as it is occurring (thebabyshouldflash a red LED in the P position and simultaneously lights up itsassigned LED on its front display panel). Confirm on thebabysitterthat the alert wassent.
LTB Enterprises, LLCver. 20110223X0.01Reading and Clearing Security AlertsReceived bythe BabysitterAlerts occur on the babysitter as a repeating beep, a flashing red LED at “P” and a green flashingLED signifying the baby reporting the alert.Clear alerts by pressing and releasing either one ofthe two buttons on its front display panel.Other Issues to Keep in MindIf for any reason a devicedoes not appear to bereporting or sending an alert, verify that power isgetting to the device. This usually involvessimplychanging or recharging the batteries using thepower supply module, or the device itself can be checked for proper operation by simply pluggingit into the power supply module. Whendevices are plugged into the power supply module, a litgreen light will show through the lower right side of the shell housing indicating power isaccessible to the device. Under these circumstances, when powered up, the device should respondnormally, flashing its LEDs whenever its cover shield is open and human activity is occurring infront of the infrared lens.Devices placed outdoors can be kept waterproof by wrapping the devicesin a water-proofpolyethylene plastic or snap-lock bag. Evenanopaqueplasticbagwill not impair the lens fromdetectingand reporting activity in front of the device.Afteran alert iselicited, thedevicesending the alertpauses momentarilybefore resumingsurveillance.During this phase, the LED will flash an alert onits display panel anytime it senseshuman or animal activity, allowing a user to verify its correct positioning in covering the area tobe surveyed for activity.Themotiondetectionrangefor babies,and the babysitter,isslightlyelliptical, projectingoutwardfrom the plane of the device in an arc of approximate 10 ft radius,and at the nearest point to thedeviceat20° from the plane of the lens.Certain dense objects lying between the babysitter and baby can block receipt of a security alert.This can usually be resolved by relocating the position of the baby relative to that of thebabysitter. The wireless system is very efficient in bouncing waves around walls and otherobjects. Itis not necessary to be in a direct line of sight between a babysitter and baby to receivesecurity alerts sent by the baby to the babysitter.This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interferencereceived, including interference that may cause undesired operation.Any changes or modification to thisdevice not explicitly approved bythemanufacturer could void your authority to operate this equipment.This devicecomplies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to thefollowing two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept anyinterference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.

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