Laird Connectivity 2510100 2.4Ghz Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum transceiver User Manual LT2510 Users Manual

AeroComm Corporation 2.4Ghz Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum transceiver LT2510 Users Manual

User Manual

LT2510 User Manualversion 1.0.8
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Document InformationCopyright © 2008 Laid Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.The information contained in this manual and the accompanying software programs are copyrighted and all rights are reserved byLaird Technologies, Inc. Laird Technologies, Inc. reserves the right to make periodic modifications of this product withoutobligation to notify any person or entity of such revision. Copying, duplicating, selling, or otherwise distributing any part of thisproduct or accompanying documentation/software without the prior consent of an authorized representative of Laird Technologies,Inc. is strictly prohibited.All brands and product names in this publication are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders.This material is preliminaryInformation furnished by Laird Technologies in this specification is believed to be accurate. Devices sold by Laird Technologiesare covered by the warranty and patent indemnification provisions appearing in its Terms of Sale only. Laird Technologies makesno warranty, express, statutory, and implied or by description, regarding the information set forth herein. Laird Technologiesreserves the right to change specifications at any time and without notice.Laird Technologies’ products are intended for use in normal commercial and industrial applications. Applications requiringunusual environmental requirements such as military, medical life-support or life-sustaining equipment are specifically notrecommended without additional testing for such application.Limited Warranty, Disclaimer, Limitation of LiabilityFor a period of one (1) year from the date of purchase by the OEM customer, Laird Technologies warrants the OEM transceiveragainst defects in materials and workmanship. Laird Technologies will not honor this warranty (and this warranty will beautomatically void) if there has been any (1) tampering, signs of tampering; 2) repair or attempt to repair by anyone other than anLaird Technologies authorized technician.This warranty does not cover and Laird Technologies will not be liable for, any damage or failure caused by misuse, abuse, acts ofGod, accidents, electrical irregularity, or other causes beyond Laird Technologies’ control, or claim by other than the originalpurchaser.In no event shall Laird Technologies be responsible or liable for any damages arising: From the use of product; From the loss ofuse, revenue or profit of the product; or As a result of any event, circumstance, action, or abuse beyond the control of LairdTechnologies, whether such damages be direct, indirect, consequential, special or otherwise and whether such damages areincurred by the person to whom this warranty extends or third party.If, after inspection, Laird Technologies’ determines that there is a defect, Laird Technologies will repair or replace the OEMtransceiver at their discretion. If the product is replaced, it may be a new or refurbished product.
Revision HistoryRevision DescriptionVersion 1.0 7/21/08 - Initial Release VersionVersion 1.0.1 8/25/08- Updated name to LT2510Version 1.0.2 10/8/08- Changed Modulation and RF Data RateVersion 1.0.3 11/17/08-  Added TX API and Adjustable RF Data RateVersion 1.0.4 12/4/08- Engineering UpdatesVersion 1.0.5 1/27/09- Updated FCC/IC IDs and Antenna informationVersion 1.0.6 2/11/09- Updated Read ADC, Write PWM and FCC Warnings, AddedBin Analyzer and Change Server/Client Mode CommandsVersion 1.0.7 2/23/2009- Updated Antenna requirements for FCC approvalVersion 1.0.8 3/10/09- Portable and Mobile qualifications for FCC approval
ContentsLT2510 Transceiver Module 1LT2510 Key Features 1Overview 1Specifications 2Detailed Specifications 2Pin Definitions 4Block Diagram 6Hardware Interface 7Pin Descriptions 7Theory of Operation 9Server/client architecture 9Adjustable rf data rate 9Modes of operation 10Serial Interface Baud Rate 11Interface Timeout / RF Packet Size 12Flow Control 12Configuring the LT2510 14AT Commands 14Command Quick Reference 15Command Descriptions 16EEPROM Parameters 20API Operation 22API Send Data Complete 22API Receive Packet 22API Transmit Packet 23Dimensions 24Mechanical Drawing 24Ordering Information 25Product Part Numbers 25Compliancy Information 26Agency Identification Numbers 26Approved antenna List 26FCC / IC Requirements for Modular Approval 26OEM Equipment Labeling Require-ments 27Antenna Requirements 27Warnings required in OEM Manuals 27
LAIRD TECHNOLOGIES  www.lairdtech.comLT2510 TRANSCEIVER MODULE1The LT2510 Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum Transceiver Module from Laird Technology is the latest in robust and easy touse radio modules.   Supporting both high data rates and long ranges, the LT2510 is a great fit for any number of machine-to-machine applications.    The LT2510 features an easy to use serial UART with hardware flow control for fast integration into anexisting serial infrastructure.   LT2510 KEY FEATURES• Retries and Acknowledgements• Programmable Network Parameters• Multiple generic I/O• 280 kbps or 500kbps RF data stream• Receive Average current draw of 12mA• Software selectable interface baud rates from 1200 bps to 230.4 kbps• Low cost, low power and small size ideal for high volume, portable and battery powered applications• All modules are qualified for Industrial temperatures (-40°C to 85°C)• Advanced configuration available using AT commands• Easy to use Configuration & Test Utility softwareOVERVIEWThis document contains information about the hardware and software interface between a Laird Technologies LT2510 transceiverand an OEM Host. Information includes the theory of operation, specifications, interface definitions, configuration informationand mechanical drawings. Note: Unless mentioned specifically by name, the LT2510 modules will be referred to as “radio” or “transceiver”. Individualnaming is used to differentiate product specific features. The host (PC/Microcontroller/Any device to which the LT2510 module isconnected) will be referred to as “OEM Host” or “Host.”
LAIRD TECHNOLOGIES  www.lairdtech.comSPECIFICATIONS2DETAILED SPECIFICATIONSTable 1 list the detailed parameters for the operation of the LT2510 transceiver.Table 1: LT2510 Detailed SpecificationsGeneralForm Factor Surface MountAntenna Chip antenna or U.FL connectorSerial Interface Data Rate Baud rates from 1200 bps to 230,400 bps. Non-standard baud rates are also supported.Serial Buffer 768 Byte RX Serial Buffer, 5120 Byte TX Serial BufferChannels 42 or 78 ChannelsSecurity Channelization and System IDTransceiverFrequency Band 2400 - 2483.5 MHzHop Bin Spacing 280kbps RF Data Rate: 900kHz500kbps RF Data Rate: 1500kHzRF Data Rate (Raw) 280 kbps or 500kbpsRF Technology Frequency Hopping Spread SpectrumModulation MSKOutput Power EIRP (conducted) PRM110/111: +2dBm to +18dBmPRM310/311: +5dBm to +21dBmSupply Voltage 3.3 - 3.6V, ±50mV rippleCurrent Draw 100% TX 100% RX Receive Avg Deep SleepPRM110/111: 85mA 40mA 12 mA 50uAPRM310/311: 190mA 40mA 12 mA 50uASensitivity (1% PER) 280kbps RF Data Rate: -99 dBm typical500kbps RF Data Rate: -94 dBm typicalRange, Line of Site (based on 3dBi gain antenna) 280kbps RF Data Rate: 4 miles (6.4klm)500kbps RF Data Rate: 2 miles (3.2km)EnvironmentalTemperature (Operating) -40°C to 85°CTemperature (Storage) -50°C to +85°CPhysicalDimensions 1.13” x 1.75” x 0.165” (28,7 x 44.5 x 4.2 mm)
3LT2510 User’s Manual SPECIFICATIONSLAIRD TECHNOLOGIES www.lairdtech.comPIN DEFINITIONSThe LT2510 has a simple interface that allows OEM Host communications with the transceiver. Table 2  below shows theconnector pin numbers and associated functions.CertificationsFCC Part 15.247 KQL-2510100Industry Canada (IC) 2268C-2510100CE PendingTable 2: Pin Definitions for the LT2510 transceiverSMT Pin Type Signal Name Function1 O  GO_0 Generic Output2 O GO_1 Generic Output3DNC Do not connect.4Reserved for future use5 O PWM_Output PWM Digital to Analog Output6 I RXD Asynchronous serial data input to transceiver7 O TXD Asynchronous serial data output from transceiver8GND GND Signal Ground9PWR VCC 3.3 - 3.6 V ±50mV ripple (must be connected)10 PWR VPA 3.3 - 3.6 V ±50mV ripple (must be connected)11 GND GND Signal Ground12 I Test Test Mode – When pulled logic Low and then applying power or resetting, the trans-ceiver’s serial interface is forced to a 9600, 8-N-1 rate. To exit Test mode, the trans-ceiver must be reset or power-cycled with Test Mode pulled logic High or left floating/disconnected.Note: Because this mode disables some modes of operation, it should not be perma-nently pulled Low during normal operation.13 Reserved Reserved for future use14 I UP_Reset RESET – Controlled by the LT2510 for power-on reset if left unconnected. After a sta-ble power-on reset, a logic Low pulse will reset the transceiver.15 I CMD/Data When logic Low, the transceiver interprets OEM Host data as command data. When logic High, the transceiver interprets OEM Host data as transmit data.Table 1: LT2510 Detailed Specifications
SPECIFICATIONS416 O In Range When logic low, the client is in range and synchronized with a server.   This will always be low on a Server.17 I RTS Request to Send. Floats high if left unconnected, be careful when using enable RTS in the configuration.18 O CTS Clear to Send - Active Low when the transceiver is ready to accept data for transmis-sion.19 Reserved Reserved for future usu. Do not connect.20 Reserved Reserved for future use. Do not connect.21 Reserved Reserved for future use. Do not connect.22 I AD_In Analog to Digital InputENGINEER’S TIPDesign Notes:• All I/O is 3.3V TTL.• All inputs are weakly pulled High via a 20kOhm pull-up resistor and may be left floating during normal operation• Minimum Connections: VCC, VPA, GND, TXD, & RXD• Signal direction is with respect to the transceiver• Unused pins should be left disconnectedTable 2: Pin Definitions for the LT2510 transceiverSMT Pin Type Signal Name Function
5LT2510 User’s Manual SPECIFICATIONSLAIRD TECHNOLOGIES www.lairdtech.comELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONSBLOCK DIAGRAMFigure 1 includes a functional Block Diagram of the transceiver module.Table 3: Input CharacteristicsSignal Name High Min High Max Low Min Low Max UnitRXD 2.31 3.3 0 .99 VTest 2.31 3.3 0 .99 VUP_Reset 0.8 3.3 0 0.6 VCMD/Data 2.31 3.3 0 .99 VRTS 2.31 3.3 0 .99 VAD/_In N/A 3.3 0 N/A VGI_0 2.31 3.3 0 .99 VGI_1 2.31 3.3 0 .99 VTable 4: Output CharacteristicsSignal Name High Min Hiigh Max Low Min Low Max UnitsGO_0 2.5 3.3 0 0.4 VGO_1 2.5 3.3 0 0.4 VPWM_Output N/A 3.3 0 N/A VTXD 2.5 3.3 0 0.4 VIn_Range 2.5 3.3 0 0.4 VCTS 2.5 3.3 0 0.4 V
SPECIFICATIONS6Serial UARTEEPROMInput Buffer768 BytesCPUGPIOTransmitterReceiverAntennaADCTest CMD/DataRXDRTSTXDCTSInRangePAUpResetAC2510Output Buffer 512 BytesLNAPWM
LAIRD TECHNOLOGIES  www.lairdtech.comHARDWARE INTERFACE3PIN DESCRIPTIONS RXD and TXDThe LT2510 accepts 3.3 VDC TTL level asynchronous serial data from the OEM Host via the RXD pin. Data is sent from thetransceiver, at 3.3V levels, to the OEM Host via the TXD pin. TestTest Mode - When pulled logic Low before applying power or resetting, the transceiver's serial interface is forced to 9600, 8-N-1(8 data bits, No parity, 1 stop bit): regardless of actual EEPROM setting. The interface timeout is also set to 3 ms and the RFpacket size is set to the default size for the selected RF Data Rate. To exit, the transceiver must be reset or power-cycled with Testpin logic High or disconnected.Note: Because this pin disables some modes of operation, it should not be permanently pulled Low during normal operation. UP_ResetUP_Reset provides a direct connection to the reset pin on the LT2510 microprocessor and is used to force a hard reset. For a validreset, reset must be asserted Low for an absolute minimum of 250 ns.Command/DataWhen logic High, the transceiver interprets incoming serial data as transmit data to be sent to other transceivers. When logic Low,the transceiver interprets incoming serial data as command data. When logic Low, data packets from the radio will not betransmitted over the RF interface however incoming packets from other radios will still be received. RX Data Received can bedisabled by enabling CMD/Data RX Disable in the EEPROM.In RangeThe In Range pin will be driven low when a client radio is synchronized with a server. In Range will always be driven low on aserver.RTS HandshakingWith RTS mode disabled, the transceiver will send any received data to the OEM Host as soon as it is received. However, someOEM Hosts are not able to accept data from the transceiver all of the time. With RTS enabled, the OEM Host can prevent thetransceiver from sending it data by de-asserting RTS (High). Once RTS is re-asserted (Low), the transceiver will send packets tothe OEM Host as they are received. Note: Leaving RTS de-asserted for too long can cause data loss once the transceiver's receive buffer reaches capacity.CTS HandshakingIf the transceiver buffer fills up and more bytes are sent to it before the buffer can be emptied, data loss will occur. The transceiverprevents this loss by deasserting CTS High as the buffer fills up and asserting CTS Low as the buffer is emptied. CTS should bemonitored by the Host device and data flow to the radio should be stopped when CTS is High.
THEORY OF OPERATION8THEORY OF OPERATION4SERVER/CLIENT ARCHITECTUREThe LT2510 utilizes a server-client network architecture to synchronize the frequency hopping. Each network must have one radioconfigured as a Server and all other radios configured as Clients. When a radio is configured as a Server, it will transmit a beaconat the beginning of each hop.   Radios configured as Clients will default to a receive mode where they are scanning the availablefrequencies listening for a beacon from a Server in their network.   When a Client detects the Server’s beacon, the client willsynchronize to it and transition the InRange pin low. When the Server and the Client are synchronized they can begin transferringdata.Each network consists of one, and only one, Server.   Multiple networks can exist in the same area, provided the networks areconfigured on different Channels.    The LT2510 utilizes an intelligent Frequency Hopping algorithm which ensures minimalinterference between two networks.      There is no need to synchronize the communications between the networks.    The possibleinterference between two networks is given by the equation.Maximum number of interfering bins = #of collocated Servers -1The LT2510 radio can be configured to hop over 43 or 79 bins, so with two Servers present they will interfere with each other onceevery 43 or 79 hops.    With 10 collocated Servers, they will interfere a maximum of 9 out of 43 or 79 hops (presuming they arealso transmitting data during each hop).ADJUSTABLE RF DATA RATEThe LT2510’s RF data rate can be adjusted to provide a trade-off between throughput and range.Deciding which RF Data Rate to choose depends on the individual application. The fast RF Data Rate will deliver much fasterthroughput, but will have much less range. In addition, because the lower data rate solution uses more hops, it is better situated forcollocated networks.   Table 5: RF Data RateProduct Model RF Data Rate Number of hops Receiver Sensitivity Throughput11. Throughput is ideal, one direction, with no retransmissions.   All practical RF applications should include the need to retransmit data due to interference or less than ideal RF conditions100mW, 200mW, 1W 280kbps 79 -99dB 120kbps100mW, 200mW 500kbps 43 -94dB 250kbps
LAIRD TECHNOLOGIES  www.lairdtech.comA rule of thumb for RF systems is every 6dB of gain doubles the effective distance.   The 5dB gain on the Receive Sensitivity forthe lower data rate solution means it will be able to transmit almost twice as far as the higher data rate solution.MODES OF OPERATIONThe LT2510 has three different types of interface modes:• Transparent Mode• API Mode• Command ModeThe first two modes are used to transmit data across the RF, the third mode is used to configure the radio.Transparent ModeWhen operating in Transparent Mode, the LT2510 can act as a direct serial cable replacement in which received RF data isforwarded over the serial interface and vice versa. In transparent mode, the radio needs to be programmed with the MAC Addressof the desired recipient. The destination address can be programmed permanently or on-the-fly.When Transparent Mode is used, data is stored in the TX buffer until one of the following occurs:• The RF packet size is reached (EEPROM address 0x5A)• An Interface Timeout occurs (EEPROM address 0x58)Any parameters can be configured by entering Command Mode using either AT commands or by toggling the Command/Data pinon the transceiver. API ModeAPI Mode is an alternative to the default Transparent operation of the LT2510 and provides dynamic packet routing and packetaccounting abilities to the OEM Host without requiring extensive programming by the OEM Host. API Mode utilizes specificframe-based packet formats; specifying various vital parameters used to control radio settings and packet routing on a packet-by-packet basis. The API features can be used in any combination that suits the OEM’s application specific needs.API Mode provides an alternative method of configuring modules and message routing at the OEM Host level; without requiringthe use of Command Mode. The LT2510 has three API functions:• Transmit API• Receive API• API Send Data CompleteFor additional details and examples, please refer to the API section on page  22.Command ModeCommand Mode is used to configure and poll for status of the transceiver.   Command mode can be entered by issuing the EnterAT Command string or by setting the CMD/Data pin low.   Details of using Command Mode to configure the LT2510 are detailedin Section 5.ENGINEERS TIPA 1000mW version of the LT2510 is planned for North American markets. It will only support a280kbps, 79 hop RF Data Rate due to agency restrictions. The 500kbps RF Data Rate will be limited tolower power modules.    A current LT2510 on the 280kbps will be able to communicate with the futureLT2510-1000.
THEORY OF OPERATION10SERIAL INTERFACE BAUD RATEIn order for the OEM Host and a transceiver to communicate over the serial interface they need to have the same serial data rate.This value determines the baud rate used for communicating over the serial interface to a transceiver.    For a baud rate to be valid,the calculated baud rate must be within ±3% of the OEM Host baud rateFor baud rates other than those shown in Table 6 the following equations can be used:Where:FREQUENCY = 26 MHzBAUD_M = EEPROM Address 0x43BAUD_E = EEPROM Address 0x44Table 6: Baud Rate / Interface TimeoutDesired Baud Rate Baud (0x42) Minimum Interface Timeout1 (0x58)1. Interface timeout = 200us per increment, this is set automatically with the Auto Config option230,400 0x0A 0x02115,20022. Default baud rate0x09 0x0257,600 0x08 0x0238,40033.0x07 0x0228800 0x06 0x0319,200 0x05 0x0514400 0x04 0x079,600 0x03 0x104,800 0x02 0x152,400 0x01 0x2A1,200 0x00 0x53Non-standard 0xE3 Use equations belowMinimumInterfaceTimeout  100000Baud Rate-------------------------=
11LT2510 User’s Manual THEORY OF OPERATIONLAIRD TECHNOLOGIES www.lairdtech.comINTERFACE TIMEOUT / RF PACKET SIZEInterface Timeout – Interface Timeout specifies a maximum byte gap between consecutive bytes. When that byte gap isexceeded, the bytes in the transmit buffer are processed as a complete packet. Interface Timeout (EEPROM address 0x58), inconjunction with the RF Packet Size, determines when a buffer of data will be sent out over the RF as a complete RF packet, basedon whichever condition occurs first. Interface Timeout is adjustable in 200us increments and should be equal to or greater than twofull bytes times. The minimum Interface Timeout is 0x02.RF Packet Size - RF Packet Size is used in conjunction with Interface Timeout to determine when to delineate incoming data asan entire packet based on whichever condition is met first. When the transceiver receives the number of bytes specified by RFPacket Size (EEPROM address 0x5A) without experiencing a byte gap equal to Interface Timeout, that block of data is processedas a complete packet. Every packet the transceiver sends over the RF contains extra header bytes not counted in the RF PacketSize. Therefore, it is much more efficient to send a few large packets than to send many short packets. The maximum RF PacketSize is 239 bytes, or 0xEF, at 500kkbps RF Data Rate and 96 bytes, or 0x60, at 280kbps RF Data Rate.FLOW CONTROLAlthough flow control is not required for transceiver operation, it is recommended to achieve optimum system performance and toavoid overrunning the LT2510’s serial buffers. The LT2510 uses separate buffers for incoming and outgoing data.RXD Data Buffer and CTSAs data is sent from the OEM Host to the radio over the serial interface, it is stored in the LT2510’s buffer until the radio is readyto transmit the data packet. The radio waits to transmit the data until one of the following conditions occur (whichever occursfirst):• The RF packet size is reached (EEPROM address 0x5A)• An Interface Timeout occurs (EEPROM address 0x58)The data continues to be stored in the buffer until the radio receives an RF Acknowledgement (ACK) from the receiving radio(addressed mode), or all transmit retries/broadcast attempts have been utilized. Once an ACK has been received or allretries/attempts have been exhausted, the current data packet is removed from the buffer and the radio will begin processing thenext data packet in the buffer.To prevent the radio’s RXD buffer from being overrun, it is strongly recommended that the OEM Host monitor the radio’s CTSoutput. When the number of bytes in the RXD buffer reaches the value specified by CTS_ON (EEPROM address 0x5C - 0x5D),the radio de-asserts (High) CTS to signal to the OEM Host to stop sending data over the serial interface. CTS is re-asserted afterENGINEER’S TIP•The LT2510 supports a majority of standard as well as non-standard baud rates. To select a standard baud rate, use the value shown for EEPROM address 0x42 in Table 6 above. To enable a non-standard baud rate, program EEPROM address 0x42 (Custom Baud Enable) to 0xE3 and then use the equation above to solve for BAUD_M and BAUD_E.•Adjusting the Serial Interface Baud Rate does not affect the RF data rate.•The Interface Timeout and RF Packet Size will be set automatically based on the Interface Baud Rate if the Auto Config option is enabled.
THEORY OF OPERATION12the number of bytes in the RXD buffer is reduced to the value specified by CTS_OFF (EEPROM addresses 0x5E- 0x5F);signalling to the OEM Host that it may resume sending data to the transceiver.Note: It is recommended that the OEM Host cease all data transmission to the radio while CTS is de-asserted (High); otherwisepotential data loss may occur.TXD Data Buffer and RTSAs data to be forwarded to the OEM Host accumulates, it is stored in the LT2510’s outgoing buffer until the radio is ready to beginsending the data to the OEM Host. Once the data packet has been sent to the Host over the serial interface, it will be removed fromthe buffer and the radio will begin processing the next data packet in the buffer.With RTS Mode disabled, the transceiver will send any data to the OEM Host as soon as it has data to send. However, some OEMHosts are not able to accept data from the transceiver all of the time. With RTS Mode Enabled, the OEM Host can prevent thetransceiver from sending it data by de-asserting RTS (High), causing the transceiver to store the data in its buffer. Upon assertingRTS up to two additional bytes can be received over the serial interface before the flow is stopped. Once RTS is re-asserted (Low),the transceiver will continue sending data to the OEM Host, beginning with any data stored in its buffer.Note: Leaving RTS de-asserted for too long can cause data loss once the radio’s TXD buffer reaches capacity.ENGINEER’S TIPCan I implement a design using just TXD, RXD and Gnd (Three-wire Interface)?Yes. However, it is strongly recommended that your hardware monitor the CTS pin of the radio. CTS istaken High by the radio when its interface buffer is getting full. Your hardware should stop sending at thispoint to avoid a buffer overrun (and subsequent loss of data).You can perform a successful design without monitoring CTS. However, you need to take into accountthe amount of latency the radio adds to the system, any additional latency caused by Transmit Retries,how often you send data, non-delivery network timeouts and interface data rate. Larid Technologies can assist in determining whether CTS is required for your application.
13LT2510 User’s Manual CONFIGURING THE LT2510LAIRD TECHNOLOGIES www.lairdtech.comCONFIGURING THE LT25105The LT2510 can be configured using AT Configuration Commands. These commands can be issued only in Command Mode.Command Mode can be entered by setting pin 15 of a transceiver asserted low or by entering AT Command Mode before issuingthe Enter AT Command.AT COMMANDSThe AT Command mode implemented in the LT2510 creates a virtual version of the Command/Data pin. The “Enter AT CommandMode” Command asserts this virtual pin Low (to signify Command Mode) and the “Exit AT Command Mode” Command assertsthis virtual pin High (to signify Data). Once this pin has been asserted Low, all AT Commands documented in the manual aresupported.There are four types of AT Commands supported by the LT2510.    On-the-Fly commands for dynamic reprogramming of runningmemory, EEPROM commands for configuring the EEPROM, Utility commands for dealing with Command Mode and StatusCommands for polling the radio for information.While in Command mode, the incoming RF interface of the transceiver is active and packets sent from other transceivers will stillbe received; however no outgoing RF packets will be sent. The transceiver uses Interface Timeout/RF Packet Size to determinewhen an AT Command is complete. Therefore, there should be no delay between each character as it is sent from the OEM Host tothe transceiver or the transceiver will not recognize the command.When an invalid command is sent, the radio discards the data and no response is sent to the OEM Host. Table 7 below shows aquick summary of the basic configuration & diagnostic commands available on the LT2510. For detailed command information,please refer to the command descriptions immediately following the Quick Reference TableUtility CommandsUtility Commands are used to enter and exit AT Command Mode and to reset the radio.On-the-Fly Control CommandsThe LT2510 transceiver contains memory that holds many of the parameters that control the transceiver operation. Using the On-the-Fly command set allows many of these parameters to be viewed and changed during system operation. Because the memorythese commands affect is dynamic, when the transceiver is reset, these parameters will revert back to the settings stored in theEEPROM.Status CommandsStatus Commands are used to poll the radio for information. Status commands can be used to poll GPIOs, ADCs or to retrieveinformation about the state of the network.    Status commands do not affect the operation of the transceiver aside from being inCommand Mode.
LAIRD TECHNOLOGIES  www.lairdtech.comEEPROM Configuration CommandsTwo Commands are available to read and write the EEPROM of the radio. These commands are very powerful as they can controlthe entire configuration of the radio. They should be used with caution as overwriting reserved areas of memory can adverselyaffect the operation of the radio.   The radio must be reset for any changes to the EEPROM to take affect.COMMAND QUICK REFERENCETable 4 provides an at-a-glance view of all available AT commands..Table 7: Command Quick ReferenceCommand Name Command (All bytes in Hex) Return (All bytes in Hex)Utility CommandsEnter AT Command Mode <0x41> <0x54> <0x2B> <0x2B> <0x2B> <0x0D> <0xCC> <0x43> <0x4F> <0x4D>Exit AT Command Mode <0xCC> <0x41> <0x54> <0x4F> <0x0D> <0xCC> <0x44> <0x41> <0x54>Enter Deep Sleep <0xCC> <0x86> <0x03> NoneSoft Reset <0xCC> <0xFF> NoneStatus CommandsStatus Request <0xCC> <0x00> <0x00> <0xCC> <Firmware Version> <Status>Read Temperature <0xCC> <0xA4> <0xCC> <Temperature>On-the-Fly CommandsChange Channel <0xCC> <0x02> <Channel> <0xCC> <Channel> Change Server/Client Mode <0xCC> <0x03> <Data> <0xCC> <Firmware Version> <Status>Set Broadcast Mode <0xCC> <0x08> <Data> <0xCC> <Data>Write Destination Address <0xCC> <0x10> <Dest Address last thee bytes> <0xCC> <Dest Addr>Read Destination Address <0xCC> <0x11> <0xCC> <Dest Addr> Auto Destination/Channel <0xCC> <0x15> <Data> <0xCC> <Data>Read API Control <0xCC> <0x16> <0xCC> <API Control>Write API Control <0xCC> <0x17> <API Control> <0xCC> <API Control>Read Digital Input <0xCC> <0x20> <0xCC> <Data>Read ADC <0xCC> <0x21> <Data> <0xCC> <ADC Hi> <ADC Lo>Write PWM Output <0xCC> <0x24> <Data> <0xCC> <0x24>Write Digital Outputs <0xCC> <0x23> <Data> <0xCC> <0x23>Set Power Control <0xCC> <0x25> <Power> <0xCC> <Power>EEPROM CommandsEEPROM Byte Read <0xCC> <0xC0> <Start> <Length> <0xCC> <Start> <Length> <Data [n-0]>EEPROM Byte Write <0xCC> <0xC1> <Start> <Length> <Data> <Start> <Length> <Last byte written>
15LT2510 User’s Manual CONFIGURING THE LT2510LAIRD TECHNOLOGIES www.lairdtech.comCOMMAND DESCRIPTIONSAdvanced Networking CommandsBin Analyzer <0xCC> <0x8F> <Data> <0xCC> <0x8F>Enter AT Command ModePrior to sending this command, the OEM Host must ensure that thetransceiver’s RF transmit buffer is empty.   This can be accomplished bywaiting up to one second between the last packet and the AT command. Ifthe buffer is not empty, the radio will interpret the command as data and itwill be sent over the RF. Command: <0x41> <0x54> <0x2B> <0x2B> <0x2B> <0x0D>Number of Bytes Returned: 4Response: <0xCC> <0x43> <0x4F> <0x4D>Exit AT Command ModeThe OEM Host should send this command to exit AT Command mode andresume normal operation.Command: <0xCC> <0x41> <0x54> <0x4F> <0x0D>Number of Bytes Returned: 4Response: <0xCC> <0x44> <0x41> <0x54>Enter Deep SleepThe OEM Host issues this command to put the module into a Deep Sleepstate to minimize current draw. In this state a Server will not send out abeacon, a Client will not remain In Range and no commands sent over theSerial UART will be processed.   To awake from Deep Sleep the OEM musttoggle the Up_Reset pin.Command: <0xCC> <0x86> <0x03>Number of Bytes Returned: NoneResponse: NoneResetThe OEM Host issues this command to perform a soft reset of thetransceiver. Any transceiver settings modified by CC commands will revertto the values stored in the EEPROM.Command: <0xCC> <0xFF>Number of Bytes Returned: NoneResponse: NoneStatus Version RequestThe OEM Host issues this command to request the firmware and link statusof the transceiver.Command: <0xCC> <0x00> <0x00>Number of bytes returned: 3Response: <0xCC> <Firmware Version> <Status>Parameter Range:<Firmware> = Radio Firmware version<Status> = 0x02: Server 0x03: Clients In Range0x01: Client not In RangeRead TemperatureTable 7: Command Quick ReferenceCommand Name Command (All bytes in Hex) Return (All bytes in Hex)
CONFIGURING THE LT251016The OEM Host issues this command to read the onboard temperature sensor.Note: The temperature sensor is uncalibrated and has a tolerance of +/- 3C.For calibration instructions, contact Laird Technology’s technical support.Command: <0xCC> <0xA4>Number of bytes returned: 2Response: 0xCC <Temp.>Parameter Range:<Temp.> = Temperature (Celsius) in Two’s compliment formatChange ChannelThe OEM Host issues this command to change the channel of thetransceiver.Command: <0xCC> <0x02> <Channel>Number of Bytes Returned: 2Response: <0xCC> <Channel> <ChMask>Parameter Range:<Channel> = 0x00 - 0x4E RF Channel to useChange Server/Client ModeThe OEM Host issues this command to change the transievers mode fromServer to Client or vice-versa.    The OEM can use Bit 1 to force the status of the transiever.  Command: <0xCC> <0x03> <Data>Number of Bytes Returned: 3Response: <0xCC> <Firmware Version> <Status>Parameter Range:<Data> = Bit0::0= Server1= Client Bit1::0= Force InRange1= Force Out of Range<Firmware> = Radio Firmware version<Status> = 0x02: Server 0x03: Clients In Range0x01: Client not In RangeSet Broadcast ModeThe Host issues this command to set the addressing mode in the radio.    Command: <0xCC> <0x08> <Data>Number of Bytes Returned: 2Response: <0xCC> <Data>Parameter Range:<Data> = 0x00 Disable Broadcast Mode0x01 Enable Broadcast ModeWrite Destination AddressThe OEM Host issues this command to the transceiver to change theDestination Address.Command: <0xCC> <0x10> <MAC1> <MAC2> <MAC3>Number of bytes returned: 4Response: <0xCC> <MAC1> <MAC2i> <MAC3>Parameter Range:0x00 - 0xFF corresponding to the 3 LSBs of the destination MAC AddressRead Destination Address
17LT2510 User’s Manual CONFIGURING THE LT2510LAIRD TECHNOLOGIES www.lairdtech.comThe OEM Host issues this command to the transceiver to read theDestination Address.Command: <0xCC> <0x11>Number of bytes returned: 4Response: <0xCC> <MAC1> <MAC2> <MAC3>Parameter Range:0x00 - 0xFF corresponding to the 3 LSBs of the destination MAC AddressAuto Destination/ChannelThe Host issues this command to change the Auto Destination setting. Whenissuing this command, the Auto Destination setting will only be changed ifthe corresponding enable bit is set. Otherwise, the command performs a readof Auto Destination.Command: <0xCC> <0x15> <Data>Number of Bytes Returned: 2Response: <0xCC> <Auto Dest>Parameter Range:<Auto Dest> = bit 7: Ignoredbit 6: Ignoredbit 5: Enable Modification of Auto Channelbit 4: Enable Modification of Auto Destinationbit 3: Ignoredbit 2: Ignoredbit 1: Auto Channelbit 0: Auto DestinationRead API ControlThe OEM Host issues this command to read the API Control byte. Command: <0xCC> <0x16>Number of Bytes Returned: 2Response: <0xCC> <API Control>Parameter Range:<API Control>= bits 7-3: 0bit-2: Send Data Completebit-1: Transmit APIbit-0: Receive APIWrite API ControlThe OEM Host issues this command to write the API Control byte to enableor disable the API features.Command: <0xCC> <0x17> <API Control>Number of Bytes Returned: 2Response: <0xCC> <API Control>Parameter Range:<API Control>= bits 7-3: Ignoredbit-2: Send Data Completebit-1: Transmit APIbit-0: Receive APIRead Digital Outputs
CONFIGURING THE LT251018The OEM Host issues this command to read the state of both digital outputlines.Command: <0xCC> <0x20>Number of Bytes Returned: 2Response: 0xCC <Digital Out>Parameter Range:<Digital Out> = bit-1: GO1bit-0: GO0Read ADCThe OEM host issues this command to read the analog to digital convertersat up to 12-bit resolution.     Higher resolutions can cause slower responsesfrom the command.  The time required for a conversion is Tconv = (decimation rate + 16) * .23uS.  In the most common forms this will be used to measure theinput voltage (todetect reduced battery power) with Vdd/3, the temperature sensor or theAnalog input on Pin 22.  For the most accurate results the 1.25V internalreference should be chosen, though this would limit the OEM to a maximumAD/In of 1.25 v [Vdd/3 and Temperature Sensor should always be below1.25v]The ADC result is represented in a two’s complement form.   The result isthe difference between ground and the selected channel and will be a valuebetween -2048 and 2047 with 2047 representing the maximum value wherethe ADC result equals the reference voltage and -2048 equals the negative ofthe reference voltage.  The ADC cannot measure a voltage higher than thereference voltage.Command: <0xCC> <0x21> <Data>Number of Bytes Returned: 3Response: 0xCC <Hi ADC> <Lo ADC>Parameter Range:<Data bits 6-7>= <Reference Voltage>00: Internal 1.25V reference10: Vdd on AVdd pin<Data bits 4-5>= <Resolution>00: 64 decimation rate (7 bits resolution)01: 128 decimation rate (9 bits resolution)10: 256 decimation rate (10 bits resolution)11: 512 decimation rate (12 bits resolution)<Data bits 0-3>= <Channel>0000: AD/In PIn 221100: GND1101: Positive Voltage Reference1110: Temperature Sensor1111: Vdd/3<Hi ADC> = MSB or requested 12-bit ADC value<Lo ADC> = LSB of reequested 12-bit ADC valueWrite PWM OutputsThe OEM Host issues this command to set the PWM_Output.   The PWMoutput is a repeating 630.1uS period.  The PWM ratio is the ratio of the highpulse time to the low pulse time.   A value of 0x00 will output a continuouslow signal.  A ratio of 0xFF will output a continuous high signal.  A ratio of0x80 will put out a repeating pulse of 315.05uS high and 315.05uS low.Command: <0xCC> <0x24> <PWM Ratio>Number of Bytes Returned: 2Response: 0xCC <0x24>Parameter Range:<PWM Ratio> = 0x00 -0xFF, the ratio of the high pulse versus the lowpulse for a single period.  Write Digital OutputsThe OEM Host issues this command to write both digital output lines toparticular states.Command: <0xCC> <0x23> <Digital Out>Number of Bytes Returned: 2Response: 0xCC <0x23>Parameter Range:<Digital Out> = bit-1: GO1bit-0: GO0Set Max Power
19LT2510 User’s Manual CONFIGURING THE LT2510LAIRD TECHNOLOGIES www.lairdtech.comThe OEM Host issues this command to adjust the maximum output power. Command: <0xCC> <0x25> <Max Pwr>Number of Bytes Returned: 2Response: 0xCC <Max Pwr>Parameter Range:<Max Pwr> = Power0x00: 21 dBm0x01: 15 dBm0x02: 9 dBm0x03: 3 dBmEEPROM Byte ReadUpon receiving this command, a transceiver will respond with the desireddata from the addresses requested by the OEM Host.Command: <0xCC> <0xC0> <Start> <Length>Number of Bytes Returned: 4+Response: <0xCC> <Start> <Length> <Data>Parameter Range:<Start> = EEPROM address to begin reading at<Length> = Length of data to be read<Data> = Requested dataEEPROM Byte WriteUpon receiving this command, a transceiver will write the data byte to thespecified address but will not echo it back to the OEM Host until theEEPROM write cycle is complete.Note: The maximum length of data that can be written in a single writeprocess is 0x50. If writing the entire 256-byte EEPROM, it is convenient toperform 64 byte (0x40) writes.Command: <0xCC> <0xC1> <Start> <Length> <Data>Number of Bytes Returned: 3Response: <Start> <Length> <Last byte>Parameter Range:<Start> = EEPROM address to begin writing at<Length> = Length of data to be written (Max = 0x50)<Data> = Data to be written<Last byte> = Value of last byte writtenBin AnalyzerThe Bin Analyzer is a powerful command for understanding the linkconditions between two radios over the entire frequency hopping spectrum.The Bin Analyzer will cause the local radio to send a special Bin Analyzerpacket to the radio in the Desitnation field.  The remote radio will respondwith RSSI information and this is then streamed to the OEM through theSerial UART.  Due to the random frequency hopping sequence of the radios, it is notpossible to associate a specific bin # with a specific frequency, though theOEM can use the Bin Analyzer response to identify any possible interferersand  to provide a quantitative analysis of the total number of good versusbad bins.The Bin Analyzer command will stream data results back for each hop untilthe command is turned off or the number of runs is met.The Bin Analyzer command must be issued from Command Mode, but itwill continue to stream results back even after the OEM has exitedCommand Mode. The Bin Analyzer packet is sent as part of the RF PacketHeader and does not affect the throughput of data between two radios.Command: <0xCC> <0x8F> <Control> <NumRuns>Number of Bytes Returned: 2Response: <0xCC> <0x8F> Bin Response Stream: <0xCC> <Bin#> <RSSI_1> <RSSI_2>Parameter Range:<Control> = 0x00= Turn Bin Analyzer  Off0x01= Turn Bin Analyzer On<NumRuns> = 0x00= Continous0x01- 0xFF= Number of runs [bins]<Bin#> = Bin#  from 0-79 or 0-53 depending on the RF DataRate<RSSI_1> = RSSI the remote radio heard the local radio’s binrequest<RSSI_2> = RSSI the local radio heard the remote radio’s response
LAIRD TECHNOLOGIES  www.lairdtech.comEEPROM PARAMETERS6The OEM Host can program various parameters that are stored in EEPROM and become active after a power-on reset. The tablebelow gives the locations and descriptions of the parameters that can be read/written by the OEM Host. Factory default values arealso shown. Do not write to any EEPROM addresses other than those listed below. Do not copy one transceiver’s EEPROM toanother transceiver as doing so may cause the transceiver to malfunction.Table 8: EEPROM ParametersParameter EEPROM Address Length (Bytes) Range Default DescriptionProduct ID 0x00 40 Product identifier string. Includes revisioninformation for software and hardware.Range Refresh 0x3D 1 0x01-0xFF 0x18 Specifies the maximum amount of time a transceiverwill report In Range without having heard a Server’sbeacon.   Equal to hop period * value, do not set to0x00.Channel Number 0x40 1 0x00 -0x4F 0x00 RF Channel Number, used to determine the hoppingsequence.Baud Rate 0x42 1 0x00 - 0x0A 0x09 Baud Rate, see serial interface section for details.Default represents 115,200kbps.Transmit Retries 0x4C 1 0x01 - 0xFF 0x03 Maximum number of times a packet is transmittedwhen Addressed packets are selected.Note: Do not set to 0.Broadcast Attempts 0x4D 1 0x01 - 0xFF 0x03 Number of times each packet is transmitted whenBroadcast packets are selected.Note: Do not set to 0.Control 1 0x56 1 0x00 - 0xFF 0x40 Settings are:bit-7: Reservedbit-6: Reservedbit-5: Reserved bit-4: Auto Destination0 = Use destination address1 = Use auto destinationbit-3: Client Auto Channel0 = Disable Auto Channel1 = Enable Auto Channelbit-2: Reservedbit-1: Duplex 0 = Half Duplex 1 = Full Duplexbit-0: ReservedInterface Timeout 0x58 1 0x02 - 0xFF 0x02 Specifies a byte gap timeout, used in conjunctionwith RF Packet Size to determine when a packetcoming over the interface is complete (200us perincrement).
21LT2510 User’s Manual EEPROM PARAMETERSLAIRD TECHNOLOGIES www.lairdtech.comRF Packet Size 0x5A 1 0x01 - 0xEF 0xEF Used in conjunction with Interface Timeout;specifies the maximum size of an RF packet.Note: Must be set to a minimum of 6 in order to sendthe Enter AT command.CTS On 0x5C 2 0x0000 - 0x02C0 0x0280 CTS will be de-asserted (High) when the transmitbuffer contains at least this many characters.CTS Off 0x5E 2 0x0000 - 0x02C0 0x0200 Once CTS has been de-asserted, CTS will bereasserted (Low) when the transmit buffer iscontains this many or less characters.Max Power 0x63 1 0x00 - 0x03 0x00 Used to increase/decrease the output power.0x00 21dBm0x001 10dBm0x02 4dBm0x03 0dBmNote: The transceivers are shipped at maximumallowable power.Destination MAC Address 0x70 6 0x00 - 0xFF 0xFF Specifies destination for RF packetsSystem ID 0x76 1 0x00 - 0xFF 0x01 Similar to network password. Radios must have thesame system ID to communicate with each other.Control 2 0xC1 1 0x01 - 0xFF 0x00 Settings are:bit-7: Broadcast Mode0 = Disable1 = Enablebit-6: Reservedbit-5: Reservedbit-4: Reservedbit-3: Unicast Only0 = Disable1 = Enablebit-2: Send Data Complete API0 = Disable1 = Enablebit-1: Transmit API0 = Disable1 = Enablebit-0: Receive API0 = Disable1 = EnableD.O.B. 0xE0 4Provides factory calibration and test date.Table 8: EEPROM ParametersParameter EEPROM Address Length (Bytes) Range Default Description
LAIRD TECHNOLOGIES  www.lairdtech.comAPI OPERATION7API Operation is a powerful alternative to the default Transparent operation of the LT2510 and provides dynamic packetaccounting abilities to the OEM Host without requiring extensive programming by the OEM Host. API operation utilizes specificpacket formats. The API features can be used in any combination that suits the OEM’s specific needs and can be different betweenradios operating on the same network.API SEND DATA COMPLETEAPI Send Data complete can be used as a software acknowledgement indicator. When a radio sends an addressed packet, it willlook for a received acknowledgement (transparent to the OEM Host). If an acknowledgement is not received, the packet will beretransmitted until one is received or all retries have been exhausted.For applications where data loss is not an option, the OEM Host may wish to monitor the acknowledgement process using the APISend Data Complete. If an acknowledgement is not received (Failure), the OEM Host can send the packet to the transceiver onceagain.API Send Data Complete is enabled when bit-2 of the Control 2 (Address 0xC1) byte is enabled. The transceiver sends the OEMHost the data shown in Figure 1 upon receiving an RF acknowledge or exhausting all attempts.Figure 1: Send Data Complete packet formatAPI RECEIVE PACKETBy default, the source MAC is not included in the received data string sent to the OEM Host. For applications where multipleradios are sending data, it may be necessary to determine the origin of a specific data packet. When API Receive Packet is enabled,all packets received by the transceiver will include the MAC address of the source radio as well as an RSSI indicator which can beused to determine the link quality between the two.API Receive Packet is enabled when bit-0 of the Control 2 (Address 0xC1) byte is enabled. Upon receiving a RF packet, the radiosends its OEM Host the data as shown in Figure 2 below.DataRequest0x82Start DelimiterDataByte 2: Transmit RSSIByte 3: Receive RSSIByte 4: Success0x00: Fail0x01: Success
23LT2510 User’s Manual API OPERATIONLAIRD TECHNOLOGIES www.lairdtech.comFigure 2: Receive API packet formatAPI TRANSMIT PACKETAPI Transmit Packet is a powerful API Mode that allows the OEM Host to send data to a single or multiple (via Broadcast)transceivers on a packet-by-packet basis.   This can be useful for many applications; including polling networks and meshnetworks. API Transmit Packet is enabled when bit-1 of the Control 2 (address 0xC1) byte is enabled.    The OEM should pre-pend eachpacket of data with the following header information.Figure 3: Transmit API packet format11.Setting the Destination Address to 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF will broadcast the packet to all available transceivers in the network.DataRequest0x81Start DelimiterDataBytes 2: Payload Data Length.Byte 3: ReservedByte 4: Received RSSIByte 5-7: 3 LSBs of Sender’s MAC AddressBytes 8-n: Payload DataDataRequest0x81Start DelimiterDataBytes 2: Payload Data Length. (0x01 – 0x50)Byte 3: ReservedByte 4: Transmit Retries/Broadcast AttemptsByte 5-7: 3 LSBs of Destination MAC AddressBytes 8-n: Payload Data
LAIRD TECHNOLOGIES  www.lairdtech.comDIMENSIONS8MECHANICAL DRAWINGFigure 4: Mechanical Drawing
LAIRD TECHNOLOGIES  www.lairdtech.comORDERING INFORMATION9PRODUCT PART NUMBERSTable 9: LT2510 Part NumbersPart Number DescriptionPRM110 100W, Chip AntennaPRM111 100mW, U.FLPRM121 100mW  with U.FL mounted on AC4424 compatible boardTable 10: LT2510 Development Kit Part NumbersPart Number DescriptionDVK-PRM110 Full Development kit with two radios with Chip Antennas and accessoriesEVB-PRM112 One 100mW radio with Chip antenna on USB eval boardEVB-PRM113 One 100mW radio with Chip antenna on RS-232 eval boardDVK-PRM111 Full Development kit with two radios with U.FL connectors and accessoriesEVB-PRM114 One 100mW radio with U.FL connectors on USB eval boardEVB-PRM115 One 100mW radio with U.FL Connectors  on RS-232 eval board
LAIRD TECHNOLOGIES  www.lairdtech.comCOMPLIANCY INFORMATION10AGENCY IDENTIFICATION NUMBERSAPPROVED ANTENNA LISTThe following antennas are approved for operation with the LT2510 as identified. .This device has been designed to operate with the antennas listed below, and having a maximum gain of 6dB when hopping over43 hop bins and 9dB when hopping over 79 hop bins.. Antennas not included in this list or having a gain greater than the maximumallowed are strictly prohibited for use with this device. The required antenna impedance is 50 Ohms.FCC / IC REQUIREMENTS FOR MODULAR APPROVALIn general, there are two agency classifications of wireless applications; portable and mobile.Portable - Portable is a classification of equipment where the user, in general, will be within 20 cm of the transmitting antenna.Portable equipment is further broken down into two classes; within 2.5 cm of human contact and beyond 2.5 cm.  The LT2510 isnot agency approved for portable applications. The OEM is required to have additional testing performed to receive thisclassification. Contact Laird Technology for more details.Mobile - Mobile defines equipment where the user will be 20 cm or greater from the transmitting equipment. The antenna must beTable 11: Agency Identification NumbersPart Number US/FCC CANADA/IC ETSILT2510 KQL-2510100 2268C-2510100 PendingTable 12: LT2510 Approved Antenna List11. The OEM is free to choose another vendor’s antenna of like type and equal or lesser gain as an antenna appearing in the table and still maintain complianceLaird Technology Part Number Manufacturer Part Number Manufacturer Type  Gain (dBi)WIC2450-A Laird Chip 2 IG2450-RS36 Laird Technologies Omni 6ID2450-RS3622. To comply with the power requirements of 15.247(b)(1) and 15.247(b)(4), the module cannot be used with the 9dBi antenna if using the 43 channel hop sequence and full power.    The module must either hop over the full 79 channels or the power setting must be turned down to 0x01 or lower.Laird Technologies Panel 9S151FC-L-(132)PX-2450S Nearson  Dipole 5
27LT2510 User’s Manual COMPLIANCY INFORMATIONLAIRD TECHNOLOGIES www.lairdtech.commounted in such a way that it cannot be moved closer to the user with respect to the equipment, although the equipment may bemoved.This equipment has been approved for mobile applications where the equipment should be used at distances greater than 20cmfrom the human body.  Operation at distances of less than 20cm would require additional RF exposure evaluation, including SARrequirement according to FCC RF exporsure guideline.NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of theFCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with theinstructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will notoccur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can bedetermined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of thefollowing measures:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.OEM EQUIPMENT LABELING REQUIREMENTSWARNING: The OEM must ensure that FCC labeling requirements are met. This includes a clearly visible label on the outside ofthe OEM enclosure specifying the appropriate Laird Technology FCC identifier for this product as well as the FCC notice below.The FCC identifiers are listed above.Label and text information should be in a size of type large enough to be readily legible, consistent with the dimensions of theequipment and the label. However, the type size for the text is not required to be larger than eight point.ANTENNA REQUIREMENTSTo reduce potential radio interference to other users, the antenna type and gain should be chosen so that the equivalentisotropically radiated power (e.i.r.p.) is not more than that permitted for successful communication.WARNING: This device has been tested with a U.FL connector with the above listed antennas. When integrated into the OEM’sproduct, these fixed antennas require professional installation preventing end-users from replacing them with non-approvedantennas. Any antenna not listed in the above table must be tested to comply with FCC Section 15.203 for unique antennaconnectors and Section 15.247 for emissions. Contact Laird Technology for assistance.Caution: Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by Laird Technology could void the user’s authority to operate theequipment.Contains FCC ID: KQL-2510100The enclosed device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not causeharmful interference, and (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
COMPLIANCY INFORMATION28WARNINGS REQUIRED IN OEM MANUALSWARNING: This equipment has been approved for mobile applications where the equipment should be used at distances greaterthan 20cm from the human body. Operation at distances of less than 20cm is strictly prohibited and requires additional SARtesting.

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