Laird Connectivity BL620US USB BLE Dongle - Single Mode User Manual UserMan

Laird Technologies USB BLE Dongle - Single Mode UserMan


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Document DescriptionUserMan
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Document TypeUser Manual
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Date Submitted2014-05-16 00:00:00
Date Available2014-10-18 00:00:00
Creation Date2017-10-22 21:34:16
Producing SoftwareGPL Ghostscript 9.18
Document Lastmod2017-10-22 21:34:16
Document TitleUserMan
Document CreatorAcrobat PDFMaker 11 Word 版
Document Author: Jonathan Kaye

USB BLE Dongle – Single Mode
Central Mode BLE Module Featuring smart BASIC
The BL620-US sing le m o d e USB
BLE d o ng le is d e rive d fro m BL600
/ BL620 a nd ha s the a b ility to a d d
BLE C e ntra l Mo d e c a p a b ilitie s to
a ny o p e ra ting syste m sup p o rting
a USB inte rfa c e a nd virtua l C O M
p o rt. The d o ng le p ro vid e s the a b ility to lo a d sm a rtBASIC a p p lic a tio ns
o ve r the a ir (O TA)to a BL600 p e rip he ra l m o d e m o d ule .
USB BLE Dongle - Single Mode
The BL600 Se rie s m o d ule s fro m La ird ha ve b e e n e nha nc e d w ith the
a d d itio n o f the BL620 p a rt num b e rs. The BL620 use s the sa m e m o d ule
ha rd w a re a s the BL600 b ut ha s a ne w firm w a re lo a d sup p o rting C e ntra l
m o d e c o nne c tivity. The BL620 m a ke s it e a sy to a d d sing le -m o d e
Blue to o th Lo w Ene rg y (BLE), o r Blue to o th Sm a rt™, to sm a ll, p o rta b le ,
p o w e r-c o nsc io us d e vic e s, inc lud ing tho se p o w e re d b y AAA o r c o in c e ll
b a tte rie s. The fully a p p ro ve d , p ro g ra m m a b le m o d ule s fe a ture La ird ’ s
inno va tive , e ve nt-d rive n sm a rt BASIC p ro g ra m m ing la ng ua g e , w hic h
sig nific a ntly sim p lifie s BLE inte g ra tio n.
Ba se d o n the a w a rd w inning No rd ic Se m ic o nd uc to r nRF51822 c hip se t,
BL620 m o d ule s p ro vid e e xc e p tio na lly lo w p o w e r c o nsum p tio n w ith
o utsta nd ing w ire le ss ra ng e , a ll w ithin a c o m p a c t fo o tp rint o f 19 m m x
12.5 m m . The m o d ule s inc o rp o ra te a ll the ha rd w a re a nd firm w a re
re q uire d to sup p o rt d e ve lo p m e nt o f BLE C e ntra l m o d e a p p lic a tio ns,
inc lud ing :
Ra d io ha rd w a re
UART, SPI, I2C , ADC , a nd G PIO inte rfa c e s fo r c o nne c ting
p e rip he ra ls a nd se nso rs
A c o m p le te BLE so ftw a re sta c k
C e ntra l ro le func tio na lity w ith G ATT C lie nt
C usto m Se rvic e s to suit a ny a p p lic a tio n’ s ne e d s
Pa c ka g e d USB Do ng le inc o rp o ra ting BL620
Wha t m a ke s the m o d ule s uniq ue is sm a rtBASIC , a n e ve nt-d rive n
p ro g ra m m ing la ng ua g e tha t e na b le s sta nd a lo ne o p e ra tio n o f the
m o d ule w he re b y se nso rs c a n b e a tta c he d via a ny o f the inte rfa c e s
w itho ut the ne e d fo r a n e xte rna l p ro c e sso r. Ultim a te ly sm a rtBASIC
a c c e le ra te s initia l d e ve lo p m e nt, c re a tio n o f p ro to typ e s, a nd m a ss
p ro d uc tio n b y p ro vid ing yo u w ith yo ur o w n BLE e xp e rt within the m o d ule .
Sup p o rt Po rta l:
The BL620-US USB Do ng le is p a c ke d w ith BL620 to ta ke a d va nta g e o f the
BL620 m o d ule , p ro vid ing the a b ility to a d d BLE C e ntra l Mo d e c a p a b ilitie s
to a ny o p e ra ting syste m sup p o rting a USB inte rfa c e a nd virtua l C O M
p o rt. The c o ntro l a nd c o nfig ura tio n is via a sta nd a rd virtua l C O M p o rt
a nd sm a rtBASIC . The d o ng le p ro vid e s the a b ility to lo a d sm a rtBASIC
a p p lic a tio ns o ve r the a ir (O TA)to a BL600 p e rip he ra l m o d e m o d ule .
USA: +1.800.492.2320
Euro p e : +44.1628.858.940
Asia : +852.2268.6567
In a d d itio n to c a rrying FC C m o d ula r, IC a nd C E a p p ro va ls, BL620 –US USB
d o ng le is fully q ua lifie d a s a Blue to o th End Pro d uc ts, e na b ling d e sig ne rs
to d e ve lo p w ith the BL620 c e ntra l m o d e firm w a re .
w ire le ssinfo @ la ird te c h.c o m
w ww .la ird te c h.c o m / b lue to o th
The d e ta ils d o c um e nts a re sub je c t to c ha ng e . Do w nlo a d the p ro d uc t
sp e c ific a tio n fro m w ww .la ird te c h.c o m / b lue to o th.
USB BLE Dongle – Single Mode
Central Mode BLE Module Featuring smart BASIC
Wire le ss Spe c ific a tio n
Blue to o th®
V4.0 – Sing le -Mo d e – C e ntra l m o d e
Fre q ue nc y
2.402 - 2.480 G Hz
Ma x Tra nsm it Po w e r
4d Bm
Re c e ive Se nsitivity
-91d Bm (typ ic a l)
Whisp e r Mo d e
Do w n to -55d Bm (Tra nsm it)
Link Bud g e t
95 d B (@ 1 Mb p s)
Ra w Da ta Ra te s
1 Mb p s (o ve r the a ir)
To ta l
28 line s – m ulti func tio n
DTR, DSR, DC D, RI c a n b e im p le m e nte d in
sm a rtBASIC
De fa ult 9600, N, ,8, 1
Fro m 1,200 to 115,200b p s
Up to 28 line s
3 line s
2 line s
6 line s (p lus ADC re fe re nc e )
Ho st Inte rfa c e s
Se rvic e s
C lie nt a nd Se rve r C a p a b ility
Any tha t c a n b e im p le me nte d using sm a rtBASIC
C o ntro l Pro to c o ls
Enc ryptio n
128 b it using C C M e nc ryp tio n
Supply Vo lta g e
Sup p ly
Po we r C o nsum ptio n
C urre nt
‘ Syste m Id le ’ – 3.5uA
‘ Tra nsm it’ – 10.5m A @ 0d Bm
Physic a l
Dim e nsio ns
19m m x 12.5m m x 3m m
Enviro nm e nta l
O p e ra ting
Te m p e ra ture
-40° to +40° C
(c o nta c t La ird fo r a ny q ue ry)
Sto ra g e Te m p e ra ture
-40°C to +85°C
Le a d Fre e
Le a d -fre e a nd Ro HS c o m p lia nt
Wa rra nty
1 Ye a r
De ve lo pm e nt To o ls
De ve lo p m e nt Kit
De ve lo p m e nt b o a rd a nd fre e So ftw a re To o ls **
Appro va ls
Blue to o th®
End Pro d uc t Listing (EPL)
FC C / IC / C E
All BL620 Se rie s
Misc e lla ne o us
Ordering Information
BL620- SA- 0x
Sing le Mo d e BLE Mo d ule fe a turing sma rtBASIC (inte rna l a nte nna )
BL620- SC - 0x
Sing le Mo d e BLE Mo d ule fe a turing sma rtBASIC (IPEX MHF4 a nte nna
c o nne c to r)
BL620- ST- 0x
Sing le Mo d e BLE Mo d ule fe a turing sma rtBASIC (tra c e p in)
BL620- US- 0x
Pa c ka g e d BL620 USB Do ng le
DVK- BL600- SA / ST / SC 0x
De ve lo p m e nt Kit fo r e a c h BL600 se rie s m o d ule a b o ve
*** Use sta nd a rd DVK-BL600 a nd up g ra d e the firm wa re
USB BLE Dongle – Single Mode
Central Mode BLE Module Featuring smart BASIC
Q uic k Sta rt G uide
The g o a l o f this d o c um e nt is to e xp la in ho w to insta ll the BL620-US d o ng le fo r use o n yo ur PC / Ma c .
The fo llo w ing e q uip m e nt a nd utilitie s a re re q uire d :
BL620-US Do ng le
Wind o w s PC / Ma c
Uw Te rm ina l (Wind o w s)
The BL620-US d o ng le ha s a Se g g e r J-Link c hip o n b o a rd so w he n yo u c o nne c t the d o ng le to yo ur c o m p ute r it
w ill se a rc h fo r the re le va nt d rive r w hic h c a n b e o b ta ine d fro m http :/ / w w g g e r.c o m / jlink-so ftw a re .htm l.
Connect the dongle to your PC
With the J-Link driver installed, wait until Windows finishes installing device driver software.
Check that the device is listed in the Device Manager. See Figure 1.
Open UwTerminal and type “at” and return to check you can communicate with the dongle.
No te : Whe n using the BL620-US d o ng le , in Uw Te rm ina l the C TS p in w ill a lw a ys b e d e a sse rte d
No te :
Connect the dongle to your Mac
Open Terminal and type “ls /dev/cu.*” to get a list of the serial devices connected. Your dongle will be something similar to
Type “screen /dev/cu.usbmodem####” replacing “####” with what was returned by the previous command. You can now
communicate with the dongle using AT commands.
See Figure 2.
In the sc re e n w ind o w , use c trl + a to se e a he lp sc re e n w ith a list o f a va ila b le c o m m a nd s. Exit Sc re e n
b y p re ssing c trl + a , the n c trl + \
USB BLE Dongle – Single Mode
Central Mode BLE Module Featuring smart BASIC
Fig ure 1: BL620- US as sho wn in De vic e Manag e r
Fig ure 2: Using BL620- US in O S X
Furthe r info rm a tio n re la ting to firm w a re a nd the use o f UWTe rm ina l is a va ila b le fro m the La ird w e b site a t
http :/ / w w w .la ird te c h.c o m / Pro d uc ts/ Em b e d d e d -Wire le ss-So lutio ns/ Blue to o th-Ra d io -Mo d ule s/ BL600-Se rie s
USB BLE Dongle – Single Mode
Central Mode BLE Module Featuring smart BASIC
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15
of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a
residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed
and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However,
there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful
interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is
encouraged to try to correct the interference by one of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that
to which the receiver is connected.
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
FCC Caution: Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could
void the user's authority to operate this equipment.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and
(2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may
cause undesired operation.
FCC Radiation Exposure Statement:
The product comply with the US portable RF exposure limit set forth for an uncontrolled environment and are safe for
intended operation as described in this manual. The further RF exposure reduction can be achieved if the product
can be kept as far as possible from the user body or set the device to lower output power if such function is available.
This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.
USB BLE Dongle – Single Mode
Central Mode BLE Module Featuring smart BASIC
This device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two
(1) this device may not cause interference, and
(2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.
Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence.
L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes :
(1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et
(2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d'en
compromettre le fonctionnement.
Radiation Exposure Statement:
The product comply with the Canada portable RF exposure limit set forth for an uncontrolled environment and are safe for
intended operation as described in this manual. The further RF exposure reduction can be achieved if the product can be
kept as far as possible from the user body or set the device to lower output power if such function is available.
Déclaration d'exposition aux radiations:
Le produit est conforme aux limites d'exposition pour les appareils portables RF pour les Etats-Unis et le Canada établies
pour un environnement non contrôlé. Le produit est sûr pour un fonctionnement tel que décrit dans ce manuel. La
réduction aux expositions RF peut être augmentée si l'appareil peut être conservé aussi loin que possible du corps de
l'utilisateur ou que le dispositif est réglé sur la puissance de sortie la plus faible si une telle fonction est disponible.

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FCC ID Filing: SQG-BL620US

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