5015 B.U. Bowman Drive  Buford, GA 30518 USA Voice: 770-831-8048 Fax: 770-831-8598   FCC Part 15 Subpart C  Transmitter Certification  Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Transmitter  Test Report  FCC ID:  R7PCWE-WALL2  FCC Rule Part: 15.247  ACS Report Number:  06-0327 - 15C   Manufacturer: Cellnet Technology, Inc. Model: Cellnet Water Endpoint 6075 Remote     Installation and Operators Guide
Cellnet Water Endpoint6060 RemoteInstallation Guide
ááProprietary Rights NoticeThis manual is an unpublished work and contains the trade secrets and confidential information of Cellnet, which are not to be divulged to third parties and may not be reproduced or transmitted in whole or part, in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical for any purpose, without the express written permission of Cellnet. All rights to designs or inventions disclosed herein, including the right to manufacture, are reserved to Cellnet.The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. Cellnet reserves the right to change the product specifications at any time without incurring any obligations.Trademarks Used in This ManualRemote Water Endpoint is a trademark of Cellnet Innovations, Inc.Cellnet® is a registered trademark of Cellnet Innovations, Inc.3M Badger Meter Inc.SensusNeptuneProReadScotchlokMicrotexOther brands or product names are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.Cellnet Water Endpoint6060 RemoteInstallation Guidet^JMMVRJd_JMNKMS`ÉääåÉíPMMMM=jáää=`êÉÉâ=^îÉåìÉpìáíÉ=NMM^äéÜ~êÉíí~I=d^=PMMOOqÉäW=ESTUF=ORUJNRMMc~ñW=ESTUF=ORUJNRRM`çéóêáÖÜí«=OMMS`ÉääåÉí^ää=êáÖÜíë=êÉëÉêîÉÇK
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`ÉääåÉí=t~íÉê=båÇéçáåí=fåëí~ää~íáçå=dìáÇÉ NJNCHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTIONThis manual explains how to correctly install Cellnet Water Endpoints (CWE) for remote applications. It covers endpoint installation, encoder register connection, pulse register programming, and troubleshooting.
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fåíêçÇìÅíáçåNJS `ÉääåÉí=t~íÉê=båÇéçáåí=fåëí~ää~íáçå=dìáÇÉSAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTPrerequisite TrainingInstallers should be instructed in the following safety elements as well as any site-specific safety issues:• Hazard Communication (Employee Right to Know)•Lifting•Safe driving• Use of hand tools• Confined spacePreliminary ChecksThe installer should already be able to operate the HandHeld computer. Additionally, you should already have route information and the required number of endpoints.• Verify that you are at the correct site, specified on the handheld computer or work order.• Verify that the site is safe for you and your equipment.• Notify the customer of your presence. Tell the customer that you must have access to the water meter. If necessary, have the customer sign the work order.• When installing meters, follow any guidelines issued by your company in addition to those given in this guide.• Never perform an installation during a lightning storm or under excessively wet conditions.Site RequirementsThe site must comply with the following criteria:• There is no chance that another object will be set over the antenna.• Some instances may require additional cable. • Maximum cable length is always 200 feet.
fåíêçÇìÅíáçå`ÉääåÉí=t~íÉê=båÇéçáåí=fåëí~ää~íáçå=dìáÇÉ NJTFCC & INDUSTRY CANADA INFORMATION TO THE USERFCC Class BThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the Instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:  • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.  • Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. • Consult Cellnet or an experienced radio technician for help.RF Exposure In accordance with FCC requirements of human exposure to radio frequency fields, the radiating element shall be installed such that a minimum separation distance of 20 centimeters will be maintained.  Industry CanadaThis Class B digital apparatus meets all requirements of the Canadian Interference Causing Equipment Regulations. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.  Cet appareillage numérique de la classe B répond à toutes les exigences de l'interférence canadienne causant des règlements d'équipement. L'opération est sujette aux deux conditions suivantes: (1) ce dispositif peut ne pas causer l'interférence nocive, et (2) ce dispositif doit accepter n'importe quelle interférence reçue, y compris l'interférence qui peut causer l'opération peu désirée.Changes or modifications to this device not expressly approved by CellnetTechnology, Inc. could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
fåíêçÇìÅíáçåNJU `ÉääåÉí=t~íÉê=båÇéçáåí=fåëí~ää~íáçå=dìáÇÉFCC ID: R7PCWEWall2This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and(2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.IC: 5294A-CWEWALL2 This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003. Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.
`ÉääåÉí=t~íÉê=båÇéçáåí=fåëí~ää~íáçå=dìáÇÉ OJNCHAPTER 2 INSTALLING THE CELLNET WATER ENDPOINTLOCATING THE CWEThe CWE Remote should be mounted above ground. If there is an existing touchpad or remote, then put the new remote in that location. It is preferred to mount the CWE outdoors, to a wall facing the nearest concentrator. MOUNTING THE CWEMounting techniques vary widely, depending on the physical characteristics of the customer site. The mounting technique used is left to the installer’s best judgement and experience.IDENTIFYING THE REGISTER FOR INSTALLATIONRegister connecting instructions listed by register type:• If the register has screw terminals, proceed to "Connecting a Neptune Auto or Sensus Encoder Register with Screw Terminals" on page 2-3
fåëí~ääáåÖ=íÜÉ=`ÉääåÉí=t~íÉê=båÇéçáåíOJO `ÉääåÉí=t~íÉê=båÇéçáåí=fåëí~ää~íáçå=dìáÇÉ• If the register is a Badger RTR® with the words “Recordall® Transmitter Register” recorded on the face, proceed to"Connecting a Badger RTR® Register with Potted Leads" on page 2-9• If the register is not a Badger RTR® and has potted leads, proceed to "Connecting a Badger, Neptune Auto or Sensus Encoder Register with Potted Leads" on page 2-6•"Pro-Read Encoder Register" on page 2-12
fåëí~ääáåÖ=íÜÉ=`ÉääåÉí=t~íÉê=båÇéçáåí`ÉääåÉí=t~íÉê=båÇéçáåí=fåëí~ää~íáçå=dìáÇÉ OJPConnecting a Neptune Auto or Sensus Encoder Register with Screw TerminalsRemove terminal cover. Use clean, disposable towels or rags to wipe the gel away from the terminals and screws. After the gel is removed, disconnect any wires connected to the terminals. Clean the terminals and screws again using Dow Corning OS-2 Silicone Cleaner or equivalent. Be careful not to lose any screws when disconnecting the wires or cleaning the screw terminals. If the cable to be connected to the screw terminals has been pre-stripped, proceed to step 3 below.1 Using the #10 AWG position (second largest hole) on the 64-1919 wire stripper, remove 1.5 inches of external insulation from the cable.Figure 2.1 64-1919 Wire stripper2 Using the #22 AWG wire-stripping hole of 64-1922 tool, strip .5 inch of insulation from each of the three internal wires.Figure 2.2 64-1922 Wire stripperDo not damage the internal wire insulation when removing theexternal insulation.
OJQ `ÉääåÉí=t~íÉê=båÇéçáåí=fåëí~ää~íáçå=dìáÇÉfåëí~ääáåÖ=íÜÉ=`ÉääåÉí=t~íÉê=båÇéçáåí3 Connect the three-conductor wire to the encoder register's terminals, matching colors carefully: black to black, red to red, green to green.Thread the cable around the strain relief posts of the encoder register. Figure 2.3 Threading the cable around the strain relief posts4 Apply moisture protection compound to terminal screws and exposed wires (Dow Corning Compound #4 or Novagard® G661™)Figure 2.4 Applying moisture compound5 Snap the cover onto the encoder register. 6 Wipe away excess compound.7 Route encoder cable from encoder to the mounted location of the CWE Remote.8 Mount the CWE Remote9 Splice the wires from the CWE Remote to the three wires from the encoder cable.10 Match the colors carefully using the following tablePosition the end of the cable jacket so that the compound will coverit and it will not be visible when the cover is installed, as shown.Be sure that the waterproofing compound completely seals the wires.Apply compound under the cable and individual wires. Cover the top of thecable, wires, and screws.   Use enough compound so it flows fromopenings when the cover is attached.Table 1  Encoder Register  6060 Wire Color/Encoder TerminalNeptune ProRead (ARB VI)Blk/Green Green/R Red/B
fåëí~ääáåÖ=íÜÉ=`ÉääåÉí=t~íÉê=båÇéçáåí`ÉääåÉí=t~íÉê=båÇéçáåí=fåëí~ää~íáçå=dìáÇÉ OJR.11 See Appendix A, Crimping Wires, for instructions on crimping the wires.12 Dress wires and crimps inside the CWE Remote enclosure as shown.13 Proceed to Chapter 3, Testing the Endpoint.Sensus ECR-II, ECR-III (ICE)Blk/Blk Green/G Red/RAll color translations will be done at the CWE Remote. If usingexisting wire, verify that no color translations are present. If colortranslations have occurred, replace the splices if possible. Replacethe cable if necessary to prevent confusion due to doubletranslation.Table 1
fåëí~ääáåÖ=íÜÉ=`ÉääåÉí=t~íÉê=båÇéçáåíOJS `ÉääåÉí=t~íÉê=båÇéçáåí=fåëí~ää~íáçå=dìáÇÉConnecting a Badger, Neptune Auto or Sensus Encoder Register with Potted LeadsUse the following installation procedure for sites equipped with potted encoders. 1 Route the cable from the potted register to the CWE mounting location. Splice in additional cable as necessary. When using additional cable, always match colors: black to black, red to red, green to green. All color translations will be done at the CWE Remote.2 Prepare cable end for crimping:a Using the cutting blade portion of the Wire Cutter and Stripper tool, cut the wire connecting the encoder register to the touchpad (or other device). The wire attached to the encoder register should contain at least three wires. If not, replace the encoder register with a 3-wire version.Figure 2.5 Wire cutter & stripperb Using the #10 AWG position (second largest hole) on the 64-1919 wire stripper, remove 1 inch of the external insulation from the cable coming from the encoder register. Do not strip the insulation from the internal wires.Figure 2.6 64-1919 Wire StripperDo not open a potted encoder for any reason. This will void the manufacturer’swarranty.
fåëí~ääáåÖ=íÜÉ=`ÉääåÉí=t~íÉê=båÇéçáåí`ÉääåÉí=t~íÉê=båÇéçáåí=fåëí~ää~íáçå=dìáÇÉ OJTc Peel back foil, if present; cut excess foil and uninsulated wire..Figure 2.7 3-Wire cableDo not damage the internal wire insulation when removing the externalinsulation.1”
fåëí~ääáåÖ=íÜÉ=`ÉääåÉí=t~íÉê=båÇéçáåíOJU `ÉääåÉí=t~íÉê=båÇéçáåí=fåëí~ää~íáçå=dìáÇÉ3 Splice the wires from the CWE to the encoder wires. Match colors carefully according to the table below:4 See Appendix A, Crimping Wires, for instructions on crimping the wires.5 Proceed to Chapter 3, Testing the Endpoint.Table 2  Encoder Register  6060 Wire Color/Encoder TerminalBadger ADE®Blk/Blk Green/Green Red/RedNeptune ProRead (ARB VI)Blk/Grn Green/Red Red/BlkSensus ECR-II, ECR-III (ICE)Blk/Blk Green/Green Red/Red
fåëí~ääáåÖ=íÜÉ=`ÉääåÉí=t~íÉê=båÇéçáåí`ÉääåÉí=t~íÉê=båÇéçáåí=fåëí~ää~íáçå=dìáÇÉ OJVConnecting a Badger RTR® Register with Potted LeadsBadger manufactures "potted" RTR registers for water meter applications. These registers have a three-conductor cable already attached to the register. The factory seals them with a "potting compound". Use the following installation procedure for sites equipped with potted RTR registers.1 Route the cable from the potted register to the CWE mounting location. Splice in additional cable as necessary. When using additional cable, always match colors: black to black, red to red, green to green. All color translations will be done at the CWE mount.2 Prepare cable ends for crimping:a Using the cutting blade portion of the Wire Cutter and Stripper tool, cut the wire connecting the encoder register to the touchpad (or other device). The wire attached to the encoder register should contain at least three wires. If not, replace the encoder register with a 3-wire version.Figure 2.8 Wire cutter & stripperb Using the #10 AWG position (second largest hole) on the 64-1919 wire stripper, remove 1 inch of the external insulation from the cable coming from the encoder register. Do not strip the insulation from the internal wires.Figure 2.9 64-1919 WirestripperDo not open a potted encoder for any reason. This will void the manufacturer’swarranty.
fåëí~ääáåÖ=íÜÉ=`ÉääåÉí=t~íÉê=båÇéçáåíOJNM `ÉääåÉí=t~íÉê=båÇéçáåí=fåëí~ää~íáçå=dìáÇÉc Peel back foil, if present. Cut excess foil and uninsulated wire.Figure 2.10 3-Wire cable3 Splice wires from CWE to Badger RTR®. Match colors carefully according to the table below.4 See Appendix A, Crimping Wires, for instructions on crimping the wires.Do not damage the internal wire insulation when removing the externalinsulation.Table 3  Encoder Register  6060 Wire Color/Encoder Terminal_~ÇÖÉê=oqo®=PJtáêÉ Blk/Blk Green/Red Red/Green_~ÇÖÉê=oqo®=OJtáêÉ Blk/Blk Green/Red 1”
fåëí~ääáåÖ=íÜÉ=`ÉääåÉí=t~íÉê=båÇéçáåí`ÉääåÉí=t~íÉê=båÇéçáåí=fåëí~ää~íáçå=dìáÇÉ OJNNProgramming CWE Remote endpoint for operation with a Badger RTR® RegisterYou must program the CWE Remote endpoint with the HandHeld computer before it can operate with a Badger RTR® register. Figure 2.11 MicroTex Fastreader connected to CWE Remote1 Connect the Cellnet Remote Water Programming Cable to the CWE Remote as shown above.2 Follow the HandHeld computer prompts to program the endpoint.3 Once the programming is complete, proceed to Chapter 3, Testing the Endpoint.
fåëí~ääáåÖ=íÜÉ=`ÉääåÉí=t~íÉê=båÇéçáåíOJNO `ÉääåÉí=t~íÉê=båÇéçáåí=fåëí~ää~íáçå=dìáÇÉPRO-READ ENCODER REGISTERBefore removing the ProRead receptacle, ensure that the ProRead register is programmed for three-wire mode.• If a two-wire conductor cable is connected to a "potted" ProRead encoder register, replace the register with a three-wire register. Reprogramming a ProRead encoder from 2-wire to 3-wireIt may sometimes be necessary to reprogram a ProRead register encoder from 2-wire to 3-wire mode. Accomplish this with a Neptune ProRead field programmer.A basic overview of the steps is as follows:1 Connect to the remote receptacle with the field programmer.2 Interrogate the encoder register to determine its operating mode (2 or 3-wire).3 Reconfigure the encoder register to make it operate in 3-wire model.4 Verify that the reconfiguration was successful by looking at the Field Programmer screen. The OM field should be 3W (see below).Table 2.1 If the register has screw terminals, proceed to "Connecting a Neptune Auto or Sensus Encoder Register with Screw Terminals" on page 2-3.If the register has potted leads, proceed to "Connecting a Badger, Neptune Auto or Sensus Encoder Register with Potted Leads" on page 2-6.Before Reprogramming (2-wire mode)After Reprogramming (3-wire mode)
`ÉääåÉí=t~íÉê=båÇéçáåí=fåëí~ää~íáçå=dìáÇÉ PJNCHAPTER 3 TESTING THE ENDPOINTAfter you have completed the installation process, test the installation by passing an RF Buster magnet near the endpoint’s sensor. The CWE tests the connection to the register and transmits a pattern to indicate if the installation is good or bad. The RF Buster detects the transmission pattern, beeps and lights the LED.1 Activate the CWE by passing the RF Buster magnet against the side of the CWE housing as shown.Figure 3.1 CWE Activation Using RF Buster 2 Press and hold the button on the RF Buster. Position the RF Buster less than 6 inches away from the front of the CWE. The RF Buster makes audible beeps and the LED flashes to confirm transmission of an RF packet from the endpoint. 3 If the RF Buster detects 6-10 packets within 1 minute, the installation is good and the endpoint has been activated properly. If the RF Buster detects 3 or fewer packets, it indicates a bad connection between the endpoint and the register, a bad register, a bad endpoint, or an incorrect configuration. If the problem persists, refer to Troubleshooting.4 Attach the cover using the four screws included in the hardware kit.5 Clean the area and remove all disposable materials.RF Buster magnetCaution: If you hold the RF Buster magnet near the side of the CWE for more than 2seconds, it will not transmit the installation test pattern. If you do not hear beeps, hold theRF Buster away from the CWE for 15 seconds to allow it to reset to normal operating mode.Do not use a cell phone or any other RF device while conductingthis test.
qÉëíáåÖ=íÜÉ=båÇéçáåíPJO `ÉääåÉí=t~íÉê=båÇéçáåí=fåëí~ää~íáçå=dìáÇÉ
`ÉääåÉí=t~íÉê=båÇéçáåí=fåëí~ää~íáçå=dìáÇÉ QJNCHAPTER 4 ENDPOINT REPLACEMENTUse the HandHeld and Cellnet Remote Water Endpoint Programming Cable to deactivate all CWEs prior to leaving the worksite. The handheld prompts you to deactivate while processing the work order.1 Open the face of the CWE Remote. 2 Write down the color translation. 3 Carefully cut any tie wraps. 4 Cut off Scotchloks near the crimp. 5 Unmount the CWE Remote.Proceed to "Identifying the Register for Installation" on page 2-1.
båÇéçáåí=oÉéä~ÅÉãÉåíQJO `ÉääåÉí=t~íÉê=båÇéçáåí=fåëí~ää~íáçå=dìáÇÉ
`ÉääåÉí=t~íÉê=båÇéçáåí=fåëí~ää~íáçå=dìáÇÉ RJNCHAPTER 5 TROUBLESHOOTINGWhat if the register is not compatible with the CWE?Verify that the register is one of the following:• Badger ADE®• Badger RTR®• Neptune ProRead (ARB VI)• Sensus ECR-II• Sensus ECR-IIIIf the register is not one of the models listed above, replace with a supported register type and/or the appropriate meter. What if the RF Buster does not beep when testing the installation?Does the RF Buster beep and light the LED when the switch is initially pressed? if not, the battery in the RF Buster is dead. Replace the RF Buster battery, or use another RF Buster.Be careful not to hold the RF Buster magnet near the CWE magnet sensor on the right of the enclosure for more than 1 second.After activating the magnetic switch on the CWE, hold the RF Buster switch on continuously. Point the LED end of the RF Buster toward the front of the CWE. Hold the RF Buster between 6” and 12” from the front of the CWE. Wait 10 seconds. If the RF Buster does not beep, replace the CWE.What if the RF Buster does not beep more than 6 times when testing the installation?For Neptune registers, if the register is labeled “Pro”, double-check that it is configured for 3-wire mode as instructed on "Reprogramming a ProRead encoder from 2-wire to 3-wire" on page 2-12. Re-check the manufacturer and model of the register that you are installing. Make sure you have used the correct color code for that register. Check the wire between the CWE and the register for cuts, nicks, or broken wires. Repair or replace the cable if necessary.If you are using a Pro-read encoder, make sure it is programmed for 3-wire mode.If you are using a Badger RTR®, double-check the programming of the CWE.If the CWE still does not transmit more than 6 times, replace it.
qêçìÄäÉëÜççíáåÖRJO `ÉääåÉí=t~íÉê=båÇéçáåí=fåëí~ää~íáçå=dìáÇÉHow can I tell the difference between a Sensus ECR-I and ECR-II encoder register?The easiest way to determine the difference between ECRI and ECRII is physical appearance. ECRI is a “high top” design with odometer wheels behind a a flange. If you still cannot determine which encoder register it is, please contact your local Sensus Meter Representative.CUSTOMER SUPPORTTo reach Customer Support at Cellnet:Email: Telephone: 1-800-791-2567. Hours of operation - 8:00 a.m. ET to 5:00 p.m. ET
`ÉääåÉí=t~íÉê=båÇéçáåí=fåëí~ää~íáçå=dìáÇÉ ^JNAPPENDIX A CRIMPING WIRESUse this process to crimp wires for the Cellnet Water Endpoint.CRIMPING WIRES1 Push the wires to be connected as far as possible into the Scotchlok connector.Figure A.1 Wires pushed into Scotchlok connector2 Place the Scotchlok connector (with wires) into the jaws of the crimping tool.Figure A.2 ScotchLok connector in crimping tool jawsAlways use 3M Parallel Jaw Crimping Tool 3M Model E-9Y or equivalent.
`êáãéáåÖ=táêÉë^JO `ÉääåÉí=t~íÉê=båÇéçáåí=fåëí~ää~íáçå=dìáÇÉ3 Crimp the Scotchlok connector by squeezing the handles until it discharges gel. Continue to apply pressure for three seconds.Figure A.3 Crimped Scotchloks discharge gel4 Place two plastic cable ties on wires and tighten securely for strain relief. Remove excess cable tie with wire cutters.Figure A.4 Placing plastic ties on cables
`êáãéáåÖ=táêÉë`ÉääåÉí=t~íÉê=båÇéçáåí=fåëí~ää~íáçå=dìáÇÉ ^JP5 For splice connections outside the CWE Remote enclosure, insert the entire splice assembly into the silicone-filled splice enclosure. Close the cover with leads exiting alternate sidesFigure A.5 Inserting splice assembly into silicone-filled splice enclosureCellnet strongly recommends a splice enclosure, particularly for Badger RTR®installations. Failure to use a splice enclosure may invalidate the manufacturer’swarranty.The 3M Gel splice connector is NOT reusable. Replace the splice ifnecessary.
`êáãéáåÖ=táêÉë^JQ `ÉääåÉí=t~íÉê=båÇéçáåí=fåëí~ää~íáçå=dìáÇÉ
`ÉääåÉí=t~íÉê=båÇéçáåí=fåëí~ää~íáçå=dìáÇÉ dJNADE Absolute Digital EncoderConcentrator Collects all information provided by the Cellnet endpoints.CWE Cellnet Water EndpointCWE 6010/6020 Pit Cellnet manufactured water endpoint (CWE) - available for pit installationsCWE 6060 Remote Cellnet manufactured water endpoint (CWE) - available for remote, above-ground installationMIU Meter Interface UnitPit Cement/metal box containing water meterPotted terminal Terminal with integrated, water submersible, reusable connectorPowerLAN Unique network address of endpointsRegister Device used for registering water usage. This can be an Encoder or a Pulse-counting deviceRF Radio FrequencyRF Buster Device used to verify RF transmission from endpointRTR Recordall Transmitter RegisterScrew terminal Terminal with stripped and retained leadsGLOSSARY
däçëë~êódJO `ÉääåÉí=t~íÉê=båÇéçáåí=fåëí~ää~íáçå=dìáÇÉNotes:
`ÉääåÉí=t~íÉê=båÇéçáåí=fåëí~ää~íáçå=dìáÇÉ fJNINDEXC`ÉääåÉí=máí=jfr NJNI=NJO`ÉääåÉí=máí=jfr=^ëëÉãÄäó NJOEbèìáéãÉåí NJOPmêçoÉ~Ç=cáÉäÇ=mêçÖê~ããÉê NJRRoc=_ìëíÉê NJQSpÅçíÅÜäçâ∆=`êáãéáåÖ=qççä NJQpÅêÉïÇêáîÉêë NJQpíêáééÉê NJQTqçç ä ë N J QWtáêÉ=`ìííÉê NJQINDEX
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